#genlock dri
thesouppond · 1 year
Day 2 of Daily Genlock Sketches, this one before bed cause I was out at uni and with my partner today and I guess we're opening with the Chase siblings.
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Full disclosure I ended up spending an hour and a half on this rather than working on the comic instead cause I really liked where it was going oops. I mean for my first attempt at drawing Dri, I think it came out pretty good :)
Progress under Read more:
Anatomy blocking sketch, Character sketch and linework
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What it actually looked like at the 30 min mark:
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purplecritter · 2 hours
Dragon Age: Vows and Vengeance (Ep. 3)
Official episode transcript here
My notes while I was listening under the cut... Spoilers ahead!
“Another infernal quake” & “The shaking grows stronger” if I had a copper for every time they reference to unrest in the undergrounds in v&v I’d have three bits. Which isn’t much but it’s enough to buy riveting items such as “Cracked Templar Insignia” or “Lace Collar” or “Gallstone” in DA2.
“the elf said to dig here, so we dig here” Solas bestie I hope you know what you’re doing
YUCK the sounds are EW. The description of the Blight from the devs interviews are also disgusting (/positive, I love that it’s gross)
I know, logically, they wouldn’t bring back the Children from DAO:Awakening randomly like this. But I can hope okay. Sooo Spiders? Or fucked up Ghil creatures?
Not too familiar with the inner workings of the Chantry so I checked the wiki: affirmed is a rank of Chantry brother/sister (along with initiate and cleric). Clerics are scholars or knowledgeable in arcane matters; Initiates get essential but probably thankless tasks (meal-prep, cleaning, repairing, etc). Lay brothers/sisters are “affirmed” since they affirm their belief in the Chant of Light, in exchange for a life of contemplation without expectations of taking actual vows.
“Ask forgiveness for our prideful ways!” “Renounce your pride!” yeah Solas did you ask forgiveness to the Maker yet? Maybe if you do your plans would go a little better just saying 
“Really intense eyes, not a hair on his head” lmao
Barkeep sounds nevarran? Or might just be a voice similar to Cassandra I guess
Okay yes give me the food lore. Fruit stews in the Anderfels that smell like shite, Anders fic writers take notes here
“Historically, dried fruit represents–” LET THEM TALK
“If my studies of the Fade have taught me anything,—” oh where have I heard that before… “—it’s that the future always hides in the past.” Hence Solas deciding to destroy the Veil in the near future to go back to the past :)
“Another Blight, but worse” be still my beating heart
Ohh forbidden are in the Deep Roads, always goes well
“Solas? He vanished right before things went bad” uh huh
“You best be yanking my chains” love that
“You stay out of this, little egg, before you get cracked” I know this was said to Drayden but Rook needs a label printer to cover the Lighthouse floor to ceiling with this. For their enrichment and Solas’ annoyance
I love Drayden’s nerd ass
“Wanted for murder, treason, high crimes against the imperium” the basics, really! You’re not really a DA protag if you don’t have “Enemies fear me, Authorities want me” booty shorts
OHHH we’re getting the moment he meets Assan?? 🥺
NOOOO WAIT what if the Darkspawn stole the griffins I swear to ghdfijs. If fucking Genlocks get griffins before the Hero of Ferelden I swear mine is abandoning the search of the cure just to protest
Wardens once again not beating the “I drank the Joining Juice so I will drink literally anything” allegations
“The crumbling face protruding from that cliff. It’s the statue of the Green Guardian” “The way it juts right from the stone, like Grunsmann himself is trying to break free from time’s prison” stop rewind.
HOORAY for random minor character lore reference!! There’s a bow in DAI and this is its description: The Anderfels' "Green Men" warriors began with a hunter of the Merdaine: Grunsmann, who famously saved the people of Hossberg from starvation by crossing darkspawn lines in the First Blight. The order begun in his name leads caravans through the dangerous Wandering Hills to the distant port of Laysh and comprise the best marksmen in Thedas. Fun fact: Laysh is the very last inhabited place that we know of on the western side of Thedas before the Volca sea. It was built specifically to trade with people from across that sea (their ships always had dwarven captains, and no elf was ever with them, and they don’t speak any of the Thedosian languages), they had wares and spices and were interested in lyrium. Until the 4th Age (Black Age, since it’s when the Chantry split in Tevinter), when they stopped coming–none of the ships from Thedas that tried to follow them ever made it back. “Recently” some of these people (Voshai) settled in Laysh because of an unspoken cataclysm that made them flee their homeland. ANYWAYS
“According to the writings of Ferdinand Genitivi,” RETURN OF THE KING 🎉 “not even insects and worms can survive these lands. A body would never decay.” Uh. Blight really did a number on the Anderfels
Nadia not wanting to think too much about the people who aren’t alive feels like foreshadowing. Bestie I don’t think you can evade that for long no matter how good a rogue you are
Davrin is COCKY in battle! Okay!!
I always do a double take whenever people act like “The Dread Wolf” is so unknown, but I guess unless one was Dalish or had experience with ancient elven lore, average people wouldn’t really know about their deities? It’s just that our player characters have always been really “traveled” by Thedas standards and I need to forget about the meta.
Oh Drayden shamelessly thirsting after Davrin was not on my bingo card but. It’s incredibly funny if only for the people who think Drayden is Solas in disguise LMAO
Harig: “I only want what's coming to me.” Davrin: “Men like you will always get what's coming to them.” TELL HIM!!!!
I wonder how different the beginning of DATV would’ve been if our Inquisitor did a major information campaign re: Fen’Harel. Like, absolutely plastering every wall with posters “Bald mage with wolf-jaw necklace approaches you? Beware, the Dread Wolf seeks to destroy the Veil!” Especially if they didn’t disband, the wording in Trespasser made it seem like they’d be more obvious as to why they’re still around (apart from being the “personal guard of the Divine”)
Not the water dripping sound 💀
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“Snailroot” as a makeshift pain-killer, whump writers write that down. It apparently tastes like boiled ass water (quoting)
You can tell that Nadia is the protagonist because she has main character headaches. Let’s take ibuprofen together 
Ohhh Drayden’s fear being “ironically, spiders”
Lord of the Rings references my beloveds
Every time they encounter a creature bigger/nastier than usual I think of Ghilan'nain and I wonder how much influence on the waking world the trapped Evanuris had before being released
UH OH Davrin is TOO COCKY in battle! Bestie did no one tell you “regrets” is the theme?! Don’t risk hubris please!!
Moment of silence for yet another mentor Warden lost early in the mentee Warden’s character arc
Davrin continuing the Inquisitor’s tradition of blocking creatures in the Deep Roads by using flimsy collapsed tunnels 
MOSAIC WITH WOLVES!! EVERYONE STOP WE’RE TAKING RELIEFS OF THESE. “This is no ordinary mosaic. Look at the way the circle is split down the middle. The top half is onyx. It's like a mirror! Look close. You can see your reflection in the darkness” = classic Fade “And this portrait below, the figures are upside down and pointing to the stars” “Ah, see those small wolf totems? Those are just like the ones the Dalish place in their camps in Arlathan. They're for the Dread Wolf” the people of Thedas want action figures too
+ ancient elven dialect “Guide me on the path that splits the land between sun and moon”. Andruil is called “Sister of the Moon” in a codex, while the sun is usually associated with Elgar’nan (or his “father”), but it’s also worth mentioning that the same story that describes Elgar'nan fighting the sun and chucking it into the Fade describes the star as the remnants of the sun’s lifeblood. Given the prominence of the eclypse iconography in DATV, I am so looking forward to learn more of these celestial bodies’ origins or symbology 👀
Don’t think I didn’t miss the fact that Davrin knows an ancient elven dialect enough to read it and translate it on the spot 🧐
Random eluvian activated by pretty mosaics is fun idc
“may Andruil guide you on your path” I’m gnawing at my enclosure’s bars. Pretty sure they didn’t want to talk too much on Davrin’s relationship with his clan during marketing but they did say it’d be different from Bellara
Marvel Cinematic Universe reference 💀
Nadia and Drayden's dynamic is growing on me with every episode. Boy I sure hope nothing bad happens to either of them 🙂
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your-dar-ling · 3 years
Gen:Lock S2 Wrap-Up
Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa YES. What a finale! What. A. Finale! I refuse to get over this what a freaking redemption arc this show had. Thoughts in semi-chronological order because I can't be bothered to structure my excitement.
Yaz! Yaz character development! Yes!!!! She said things! She *did* things!!!
I VERY much like the route they've gone with our heroes. This is such a thoughtful reimagining/interpretation of the G:L technology from season 1.
Oh poor Henry....
I really appreciate how they did not try to play to both sides in this series. They did not "meet in the middle," so to speak. Yes both sides had valuable input to the overall good outcome, but as Dri said: Sinclair gives people a choice to make. That's the third option.
Speaking of, Sinclair knocked it out the park this episode. I appreciate that he doesn't hesitate to do what needs to be done, even if what he did kinda....messed things up. All of the characters' actions this episode felt so...in character.
Marin's death was tragic in that she actually had good reason to keep those Holons alive. She made her choices, and in the end it didn't matter, but she did what she felt was right until the end of it all. I appreciated that. Also her final scene with Holcroft while Sinclair is mercing her command central was hilariously timed and also really well written.
Holcroft suuuuuuucks. I mean we knew that but he suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Dr. Jha??? Queen. Royalty of the highest order. Absolute monarch. The reigning champ. "You don't have the grace to be a martyr." !!!!!! None of you can touch.
Odin looks uggo I'm so sorry. Did he need toes??
Despite the fact that Brother Tate was the world's largest cult leader/technological innovator (kersplat) he was really right about some things (still went kersplat).
Val x Yaz? Are we all getting the vibes? Just me?
I've seen alot of complaints about this show not doing anything to address climate change and instead opting for a digital solution to all their problems but there's two things to remember here:
Season 2 introduces Earth to be already "beyond saving (which I think the show bucks a little bit but I'll get there). The world is not being "threatened" by climate disaster. This is dystopia.
The nano can be injured, and it survives by eating organic matter, so even if everyone is uploaded with Un:Lock, I think the answer to their problems will be a little more complicated than just letting the planet die. But if this season has taught me anything it is that people will, without a doubt, come up with the least favorable interpretations of things they do not like possible. We've all been guilty of it. But I'm so glad I kept warm by this dumpster fire. I never wanted it to be perfect. I just wanted it to be authentic. And personally I think that despite the numerous gaping potholes in the road? These writers? The animators? This team of individuals, they got there.
There truly is something spiritual about the process of becoming the nano. Chase's resurrection is one of this show's most impactful scenes. He is G:L tech. He is Twilight. He is everything. But most importantly, he is real. And he does not "earn" ascension through suffering, like Brother Tate or even Weller believed. He received it through love, and acceptance, and commitment. And I mean, for as much grimdark this show went through, that's a truly hopeful message.
I said it at the start of these reviews and I'll say it again: I'm glad this show exists. It should not exist lol. But I'M GLAD that it does. Thanks for reading.
Final Ranking: 10/10
Final Season Ranking: 6/10
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necronymie · 3 years
genlock is dead but i did spend a lot of these so if anyone wants a mourning playlist here’s my character playlists
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genlock-analysis · 6 years
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She’s alive and she definitely saw him!
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probably-chase · 6 years
Character Ages - Estimates and confirmed ones
This will go by Youngest to Oldest
Cammie - 17 (Confirmed, making them the youngest known character)
Dri - 18-20 (Estimate; we know she’s the younger sister of Chase, and he was 21 when we first saw her)
Kazu Iida - 20-24 (Estimate; based on behavior and attitude that we’ve seen)
Rob Sinclair - 21-25 (Estimate; based on looks, mainly. And the attitude of the impostor; not much is known about the actual Sinclair)
Julian Chase - 25 (Confirmed; he was 21 at the time of the Battle of New York, and it has been 4 years since then.)
Miranda Worth - 25 (Confirmed; same reason as Chase.)
Yasamin Madrani - 24-28 (Estimate; based on the fact she appears to be more experienced than the others, and due to her previous affiliations with the Union [I assume some time in the military with them, before switching over to Polity])
Valentina Romanyszyn - 25-30 (Estimate; based on the fact she has been noted to be a ex-covert agent, implying she’s had enough time in the military to be able to back out of it.
Dr. Rufus Weller - mid 40s-mid 50s (Estimate; clearly appears to be an older man, but still somewhat in his prime and still has affiliations with the military)
Raquel Marin - mid 40s-late 50s (Estimate; clearly appears to be an older lady, but still spry enough to be a soldier and still works with the military)
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frozenbluecookies · 6 years
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irhinoceri · 4 years
There’s aspects of Dragon Age I rarely see or think about because
A) I didn’t make those choices/play those characters in my playthroughs
B) Tumblr fandom doesn’t give a shit either.
For example, I had mostly forgotten that Oghren even exists because everyone hates him (despite him being a compulsory companion and the only one who carries over to Awakening DLC).
But also, the dialogue between Morrigan and Leliana if you you play a Male Warden and Romance then both is WILD. There’s also a lot more of it than for any of the other active romance combinations, which just tells me that the devs assumed most players would be playing Male Wardens and playing the field between Leliana and Morrigan.
Morrigan: "You can't possibly think he would prefer you?" Leliana: "Funnily I was about to say the same thing, to you." Morrigan: "And yet he and I have made love. Did you know this?" Leliana: "I... suspected as much. All the better, as he will soon discover you have nothing else to offer." Morrigan: "The world of flesh is one of many weird, varied delights. What do you think that he will do when he discovers that you offer only frigid incompetence?" Leliana: "If we reach that point...if we do... it will be because we love each other." Morrigan: "And yet love grows rotten on the vine so quickly. A sour fruit that offers only a memory of sweetness. What is it worth, truly?" Leliana: "Everything. Only a dried-up shell of a person would not know that." Morrigan: "We shall see."
Morrigan: The way you look at him so intently, so hungrily... one would think you have never seen a man before. Leliana: Where I look is not your concern. Morrigan: True enough. There is no way I can deny you this... but why would he choose you, when he could have me? Leliana: You're confident for a woman raised in a swamp, far from anything remotely resembling civilization. Morrigan: And maybe that is my appeal? A woman like you, why, he could find in any city in Thedas. You think you are cultured? Worldly? Morrigan: Powdered, perfumed, you ooze elegance, but what man wants a woman who lies limp beneath him, frozen in place by the thought that she might ruin her hair? Leliana: So you're saying you're wild and uninhibited? I suppose he must like your shrieking, you sound like a genlock being murdered—a sweet, sweet sound to a Grey Warden. Leliana: You should try a little harder next time he takes you. I don't think they heard you in the Anderfels. Morrigan: Tsk, tsk, Leliana. Watch your jealousy, or you'll give yourself wrinkles. Leliana: Get away from me, or I shall have to take drastic measures. Morrigan: Resorting to violence. And here I thought you were civilized.
(if the Warden dumped Morrigan for Leliana)
Morrigan: So he has chosen you. You think this is a triumph? Look at him... look at him and know that you will never truly have him. Leliana: Jealousy, Morrigan. Tsk, tsk... it is not becoming-- Morrigan: You mock me, but when he is in your arms, in your bed, telling you he loves you, know that there will be moments when he is thinking of me. Leliana: Andraste forgive me, but you, Morrigan, are a bitch. A cruel, cruel bitch, and you will get your comeuppance. Morrigan: Perhaps. But even so, you know in you heart that I am right.
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october-rosehip · 5 years
Waiting In Orzammar
Alistair stretched, enjoying the feel of it. Several snaps and pops erupted from his joints. The corridor was deserted, probably because of the time of night. He wished he knew where the dwarf warriors practiced, and if he might be welcome. He and Ceilidh had been well received except for the being-attacked-by-both-factions part, so he could probably ask someone about that, tomorrow.
He wore his studded leather backup armor so that he wouldn't send the clanking of his plate echoing through the slumbering halls. Need to find excuses to wear it anyway, or I'll be too out of shape to be any help when Ceilidh gets back. If she...
Alistair cleared his mind and flew into a tricky offensive bit that should smash an opponent to bits. An imaginary hurlock alpha took form before him in the empty hall. It dodged, and mocked him with that creepy grunting laughter. He sliced at it, scoring a hit to the chest. It bellowed out an intimidating challenge, which Alistair matched in kind. It bore a two handed sword, scarred with shiny, black patches of taint. It swept out at him, and he dodged, bashing the foe in the head, stunning it for a moment.
That would be an excellent time for a certain assassin to stab it in the kidneys or something, too bad he's too busy watching Ceilidh's ass, in all senses, to be of much use to me most of the time. Wait, this is my imagination. Zev's here if I say he is. The imaginary elf called out a mocking laugh that inevitably failed to rouse the confused, imaginary darkspawn, and stabbed it in the kidneys, three times, with both blades. Even in my brain he's a showoff. Alistair snarled and bowled into the offending alpha, sending it skidding to the floor. It almost knocked Zevran down in the process. An arrow flew across the corridor to pin the enemy to the floor. Alistair figured that for the end of the Alpha, but they never outnumbered the darkspawn.
Genlocks appeared in his mind. Four of them. They swarmed Zevran, angry at the amount of damage he'd done to their leader, even though the killing blow had been Leliana's. Alistair fell upon them with a fury. He swung and smashed with what would look like clumsy guesswork to the untrained eye. Some styles may be less pretty than others, but they got the job done. The small darkspawn fell to the combined assault of arrows, daggers, sword, and shield.
There was always an emissary. Alistair pictured one now, and shook himself out of it. He would not cast Holy Smite in an empty hallway surrounded by imaginary friends for practice, of all things. Did I just think of it as casting? Yes. Casting. And it is. Screw you, Revered mother. Um, not literally.
The whole process had only taken about fifteen minutes, but Alistair performed some slow stretching exercises to cool down with, anyway. He hadn't held back, and he was puffing, a little.
His mind refused to slow. There would not be enough valerian in the world to put him to sleep tonight, at this rate.
Alistair wandered. He didn't try to aim himself for any particular location, but wasn't terribly surprised when he passed the empty merchant stalls, several branching corridors to residential parts of town, the formal gateway leading to the Diamond Quarter, and the end of any attempts to pave and beautify to find himself at the entrance to the deep roads.
The dwarf guards sent him an appraising stare or two, but didn't otherwise react. Alistair supposed they wouldn't, unless he actually tried to go in. Maybe they wouldn't do anything even then, given that he was a Grey Warden.
Staring at the passage won't make anyone come out of it any faster, Alistair thought. Oh well. Gonna do it, anyway. He moved over to a nook to his right where he wouldn't be obvious, and-
-about jumped out of his skin. Looking down, he saw Zevran, sitting on the ground in the very nook he'd been heading for, himself. The elf rested his wrists across his raised knees, his back comfortably wedged up against the stone. As usual when this happened, Alistair could not fathom how he hadn't seen the rogue. This time, he was inches away.
“Don't you ever take a break from being sneaky?” he asked.
Zevran looked a bit sheepish, of all things, as he slid over, making room in the nook. “Apparently not. I did not even know I was doing it until you nearly sat upon me. If I had, I would have alerted you long before. My apologies.”
“No sleep for you, either, huh?” Alistair sat down, leaving a gap between them.
“Not to speak of for this entire week.” The elf kept staring straight ahead, towards the deep roads entrance.
He had lost some of his polish, Alistair thought. His hair looked a little dried out, and his eyes were swollen. Then again, Alistair wasn't sure how great he looked, himself. The lack of sun was getting to him as much as the lack of sex was apparently getting to Zev. As soon as Alistair thought this, however, he discarded the thought as uncharitable.
“How extensive are the Deep Roads, do you know?” asked Zevran, interrupting Alistair's scrutiny.
“A little larger than Ferelden.”
“I agree, whatever that is. They shouldn't have to go everywhere, though. Oghren seemed to think he knew where he was going.” Alistair also stared into the Deep Roads. It seemed easier to talk to people sometimes when you weren't looking at them. As a result, he couldn't say what tipped him off that the long pause after he said this was Zevran not saying something. “What?”
“Nevermind, Alistair. I was about to say something unkind at the man's expense, but it was also untrue. I think that as unhappy as we are, Ceilidh chose well.”
“I hope you're right.”
“I usually am.”
Alistair looked back over to see a shadow of the elf's usual, maddening grin aimed in his direction. He couldn't stop a small chuckle, and punched his companion's shoulder lightly. “You're an ass, Zev.”
Zevran's eyes widened for a fraction of a second and his grin softened a touch. His tone shaded toward his usual joviality as he asked “Oh, you want to hit something, do you?”
“More than I can say,” Alistair replied, vehemently.
“Excellent! Let us go, then!” Zevran always moved in such uncanny ways. His legs simply unbent and he was standing. He reached a hand down to Alistair, who took it as he stood, mystified.
“You don't intend to follow them, do you? We'd never find them in a million years, and we're not prepared...”
Zevran's laugh echoed across the chamber, gathering strange looks from the guards. “No, my friend, even if we did find them, Ceilidh would flay me alive, have Wynne heal me, and do it again, probably while Wynne watched. Nobody needs that.”
“Then where?”
“To hit something, of course.”
“You're hopeless, but I'm in.”
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elizabethemerald · 6 years
Gen:Lock is so damn good
This episode was so amazing! Like most animated shows give you an emotional rollercoaster from episode to episode. Gen:lock gives you one in Each episode! I’m going to watch it again and put down my thoughts bit by bit. There was so much gold here!
Ok First of all the zoom in on Kazu’s butt right off the bat. That’s great. 
Kazu and Valentina being the older siblings for Cammy is the most adorable thing in the world
During the training montage it feels like Valentina is the only one who is actually good with weapons. 
Shout out to Miranda kicking that dude’s ass, then the zoom out to see the Holons start fighting
I feel like Kazu is a big fan of the occasional dirty trick. Punching Chase when he goes to help him up is only the first in this episode. 
There’s a part where Cammy trips and falls then the camera zooms into a box with the numbers 42:03 32088. I wonder if that’s going to be significant
oh god their so tired. Please let them sleep. 
The one mind thing shows they are still killable in their mechs. But I wonder if it is possible to create a backup copy. 
I can see that uptime is going to be a constant threat hanging over their heads. I wonder if anyone is going to go over that limit. especially since the nano cloud used later blocks the signal that would allow them to reupload to their bodies. 
Looks like the auto download starts at five minutes remaining. 
Also overclocking kind of feels like bullet time
Ooh, we got the first hint of genlock phase 2 during the training. I can’t wait to see what they do with that later. 
Also Kazu giving Cammy an egg. so sweet. 
I wonder if Leon is going to try to upload since he was compatible though too old. 
God Miranda is so pretty. I’m so gay for her. 
I’m so glad Chase isn’t super and shitty towards Miranda. And I feel like his explanation makes way more sense. He didn’t reach out because he didn’t want her to mourn him twice. Not just because he was under orders not to do so. 
“All I can do now is keep moving forward”
I think Cammy is the first person other then chase to Mx from her Holon (I don’t know what the actual word they use is). 
1. I fucking love the way Cammy talks. 2. I think she might be one of the most tech savvy of the Gen:lock crew. She has her little robot, her ears, she understands the most about the consequences of genlock from the drs lectures, and she comes over and starts talking tech with one of the supports. 
3D printing armor pieces for the striders and the Holons is awesome. What a cool way repairing things!
I really  love their casual outfits. Them just hanging out in their room 
Fucking Cammy games in her fursona!! I can’t say I’m actually the surprised, I just love that about her. 
Kazu looks some kind of punk rocker. Amazing
I love that Cammy is 100% supportive of her companions no matter how the present. Yas arrives in the Ether in a hijab and though surprised she doesn’t give her any shit about it. 
Also Yas wears a hijab! I feel like it’s so rare for shows to have characters like Yas. 
Valentina looks stunning no matter how they are presenting. And they are canonically gender fluid!!!!! That’s so amazing. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a gender fluid character in a show I’ve watched. And it only took four episodes for a canon queer character! Roosterteeth is improving. It took four seasons for RWBY to have a canon queer character. 
Again Cammy doesn’t think there’s anything weird about Valentina being gender fluid. Kazu needs to be less rude though. I can’t believe he asked them what they were born as. On top of that Cammie making sure not to speak over Valentina. Way to go!!
Also apparently it’s possible to change your gender. And not only possible but accessible if Valentina has changed several times. 
Oh my god. I just hit on a huge Genlock theory but I think it needs its own post. 
Valentina has dysphoria. They describe it has a push, but I think that is what they are talking about. 
Also them dressed as the Fucking RWBY characters. I wonder if the specific characters have anything to do with their characterization. 
I feel like Valentina is not straight. They admired Yas when they saw her for the first time, and watched that girl go by behind them and decided to follow into the club.
Dri is there! She is in the ether!
I wonder if Chase’s tank is brought on to the plane as well. Or if he is mixing into the plane, then uploading from there. 
Cammie being so foul mouthed is so funny to me. 
I feel like their bodies being brought in so close to the fight is going to have problems later in the show. 
Chase and Yas already work so well together. I can’t wait to see what the whole team will do. 
I feel like Kazu tried to do a super hero landing and didn’t quite pull it off. Also that globe rolling from one scene to the next. Then he immediately loses his gun and starts chucking cars about. 
I feel like Cammie has a pea shooter compared to what the others are carrying. Also she really doesn’t want to kill people.  
God the way the enemy thing moves. It’s so uncanny. People have mentioned that it looks in pain before and I think that’s pretty accurate. 
Jesus christ. The fucking scream. Jesus. 
You can see her brain, or something when the enemy holon tears open her armor. 
Also what the fuck that fucking scream. 
Everyone else running in there to save her. 
Yas is absolutely a badass. And Kazu’s first instinct is to start making weapons from every thing around him. 
Oh shit, the thing definitely doesn’t leave until miranda arrives. That’s eery. 
That was the first time mindshare worked. I think that will be their secret to beating future conflicts, being able to share minds like that. 
Ok, that’s all for now. But just wtf that scream. 
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allisondraste · 6 years
Convalescence (1/5)
Chapter 1: Worst Person in the World
Summary: It has been four months since the Blight ended, and four months since Alistair and Lucia have seen each other. Relationships are hard, especially when there is no certainty that one still exists. (Sequel to "Let Me Go") 
Pairings: Alistair x F!Amell, Alistair x F!Non-Warden Cousland, Nathaniel Howe x F!Non-Warden Cousland
The darkspawn had all but vanished from the Fereldan countryside, their retreat harkened by the defeat of the archdemon months earlier.  Only straggler bands remained, cropping up on the roads from time to time, terrifying travelers. Even in smaller groups than the massive horde that had swarmed to the surface during the Blight, they were ruthless and deadly.  That did not even account for the pale eyes, skin that looked as if it were too loose, and the breath that would put a mabari to shame. Alistair observed the latter as he finished off the last of group of genlocks that had been plaguing one of the main roads leading into Denerim.  It laughed maliciously, baring a mouthful of pointed teeth, even as he sank his blade deep into its chest. Disgusting .
It wasn’t the most enjoyable job, but it was something to keep his hands - and more importantly, his mind - busy.  For a time, he had been able to focus on cleaning up the mess that had been Denerim in the aftermath of the battle.  However, the city had more or less returned to normal, and he was left with little to do except think about all the ways in which his life was worse since the Blight had ended.  Sure, he wasn’t out in the fray of things, risking his life on a daily basis, but without the distraction he felt restless and empty. Peace wasn’t as great as everyone made it out to be.
As he returned to Denerim, the comforting bustle of midday surrounded him.  There was a sense of contentment and comfort that he had only noticed in the past few weeks.  It seemed that peace was only disappointing to him, as the people of Denerim thrived in the absence of battle and hardship. Of course they did.  Only crazy people like him longed for conflict. It was all he knew, after all. Alistair laughed bitterly and headed toward the palace district.
Queen Anora had so graciously allowed him to stay in the palace, even after he had made a fool of himself demanding that her father be executed.  Of course, that had not happened, and the former Teyrn was spending his days in the dungeons now. It was a fair compromise, and one that Alistair was grateful had happened after the fact.  Killing Loghain wouldn’t have brought back Duncan or the other wardens, no matter how much he blamed the man for their deaths. Lucia had been right, as she usually was.
Lucia. His chest tightened and ached at the thought of her.  He longed for the day he could think about her without that happening, if it were even possible. If it weren’t, well… then, he would just have to stop thinking about her.  Simple. Right?
Prepared to descend into the dark places where he kept thoughts of their relationship, such as it was, Alistair reached the palace.  As he pushed through the heavy wooden doors, he was torn from his thoughts by a voice, shouting from across the large, open hall. He looked up to see a beautiful woman with long, red-blonde hair, braided loosely over her shoulder waving and walking in his direction.   Elissa Cousland .
“Hey! You’re back,” she remarked cheerfully, her silvery voice echoing in his ears, “How fare the darkspawn?”
“Oh, you know, same old, same old.  They were very upset that you never write them anymore.” He laughed and raised his eyebrows, a playful gesture.
“Well, we didn’t exactly leave things on good terms, did we? What with the Blight and all.”  She crossed her arms and shifted her weight from one hip to the other, not that he was paying attention to her hips, or anything like that.
“That’s what I tried to tell them, but they weren’t having it, so...I had to kill them,” he answered with a shrug, watching her large, brown eyes search his face for something, though he didn’t know what she hoped to find.  It certainly wouldn’t be the sadness he had hidden away behind the jokes. That was an expertise of his, honed over twenty-one years of pretending he wasn’t falling apart on the inside. Still, he mentally wished her luck.
“Seriously, though, did it go smoothly,” she asked, when she was reasonably satisfied that he wasn’t hiding a frown somewhere. “Are you all right?” Her voice was heavy with concern, and she began to scan his body for injuries.  It was more flattering than it was uncomfortable, though he still wished she would stop.
“Pfft, a few darkspawn hurt me?” He tilted his head upward and crossed his arms in feigned offense. “Never.”
“Oh really?” A sharp pain burned in his forearm as she tugged at it. “Then what is this?”  He looked down to see an large gash across his arm. There was only a trickle of blood, however, it seemed that the genlock had used a blade coated with poison, as there were green burns around the wound’s edges.  Fabric clung to the wound, effectively stopping most of the bleeding. Damn, that was going to hurt later. How had he not noticed that one?
“Oh that?  Just a scratch,” he laughed it off, pretending it didn’t bother him that he hadn’t even been able to keep his thoughts straight long enough to look down at his own arm.   Duncan would have scolded him. Lucia would have scolded him.  Part of him hoped that Elissa would scold him too.
“You’ll think ‘just a scratch’ when that poison rots half your arm off,” she lectured, almost as if on cue.  “We need to get you to the nurse.”
“If you insist,” he answered, as she all but dragged him down the hall toward the castle’s infirmary.  She was stronger than he would have guessed.
Elissa, or “Liss” as she insisted he call her, had been staying in the palace for nearly as long as he had.  As the youngest of the Cousland children, she had taken it upon herself to work in Denerim to repair the political damage dealt by Howe and Loghain, while her brother served as Teyrn of Highever.  She was warm, witty, and smarter than him - everything he would have expected a Fereldan noblewoman to be without the sharp edges and annoying formality. She and Alistair had developed a friendship in the few months that she had been in the city.  She listened to him and made him laugh at a time when he strongly considered throwing himself into the nearest lake on a daily basis. Her company was comforting, and at moments she made him forget that his world had fallen apart.
Cringing as pieces of the shirt that had served as an unwanted bandage were cut and peeled away, Alistair hissed a handful of curses that apparently offended the Andrastian nurse, causing her to work more roughly.  Liss stood beside him, her hand resting casually on his shoulder, an attempt to comfort him that would have worked better if she were not also stifling laughter that was undoubtedly in response to the swearing. He didn’t even use the worst one’s he knew.  Those were for special occasions.
“So Liss, you’re from Highever,” he spoke while the nurse continued to work, crushing the ingredients of an antidote into one of those bowls apothecaries used.  The name escaped him at the moment, but he remembered watching Lucia use one. He would ask her questions about the ingredients, and she would explain. She always hated when he said it,  but she would have been a wonderful mentor had she stayed at the Circle. He shook his head, remembering he had started a conversation and that he needed to listen.
“What gave it away: The last name or the fact that my brother is the Teyrn?”
“You know what I mean.” A grunt escaped him when the dark green antidote touched his open wound.
“Yes, I happen to be quite familiar with Highever,” she stated proudly, “What of it?”
“I’ve just been meaning to go for a while now,” Alistair explained, relief washing over him when the nurse began to bandage the wound.  It was almost over. “My friend Duncan was from there. He died in the battle at Ostagar, and I want to make a trip to honor him.
“I remember Duncan.  He visited from time to time looking for recruits,” Liss explained, a wistful sound to her voice, “I begged to leave with him the last time he came by, but Papa wouldn’t have it.”
“Probably for the best.” He offered her an apologetic smile before looking down at his feet.
“Probably so.”
There was a long and heavy pause in the conversation, made only slightly less uncomfortable by the sound of the nurse’s humming.  She tied the bandage so tightly that Alistair’s heartbeat throbbed underneath it.
“There you go, young man,” the nurse announced suddenly, and Alistair jumped slightly, “That should do the trick.  Try not to move it around too much until the antidote dries.”
He nodded and stood, thanking her for her time, to which she replied with a good-natured smile before walking away to tend to a guard who entered with a broken arm.   Liss moved to examine the wrappings as if she did not trust the nurse’s work, but she did not appear to find fault with them.
“You’ll also want to keep it clean,” she asserted, her gaze soft under serious eyebrows, “You wouldn’t want it to get infected.”
“I know how to tend a wound, thank you very much ,” he snapped, uncomfortable with her concern for him.  Although, he figured she would assume he was annoyed.
“I just-,” she began, but threw her hands up in frustration, “Nevermind.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, making sure to smile and meet her gaze to show he was sincere, “ I know you’re just worried about me… I appreciate it. Really.”  He bent over to pick up his glove and leather bracer the nurse had removed as she treated him. He examined the corroded cut in the leather and sighed.  They were his favorite pair, but he would hate to see what his arm would have looked like had he not worn them.
Alistair and Liss exited the infirmary and walked down the hallway in less-than-comfortable silence.  He had learned from experience that sometimes silence was better than trying to force words, especially when those words made him look like and idiot, an arse, or both.  
Liss surprised him by speaking first.  That never happened to him.
“You know, I could got to Highever with you… if you wanted.” She looked down at the ground, a self-conscious gesture he had yet to see from the typically confident woman, “I haven’t seen Fergus in a while.  I’d like to meet that new woman of his and see if she’s up to my exceptionally high standards.”
He froze, flashes of a conversation with Lucia just days after Ostagar.  She barely knew him at the time, but offered to make the trip to Highever with him anyway.  Duncan had been important to her, too. It felt wrong to go without her, let alone to take someone else instead.  Then again, Lucia wasn’t there, was she? She had been gone for almost four months, and she hadn’t even written. Not once.  He didn’t know if she was safe or even alive, at this point. Considering the way she left, he didn’t even know if she still cared about him.   It wasn’t her fault that she had literal demons to deal with, but that didn’t ease the pain. It was a strange mix of heartache and anger that made his chest collapse in on itself.   He loved her more than he ever thought it was possible to love another person, but he wasn’t sure that he could continue to hold out hope that she would come back to him. It would hurt so much less if he could move on.
“You okay, Ali?”  Liss’ soft voice broke though his daze. He blinked his eyes a few times, focusing his vision, and hummed in response.  “You’ve been staring off into the distance and scowling for a while now. Far past the minute I usually allow you when I ask you a question.”
“Very funny,” he quipped and pushed her away playfully in an attempt to recover the shield of humor he liked to hide behind, only to decide that deflection was a lost cause at this point, ”But, uh, yes.  I’m fine. I was just...well, I was -.” He broke off, not sure what to say next.
“What is it?” Her eyebrows pressed together in concern and she touched his shoulders gently.  “Is something wrong?”
“Have I told you about Lucia?”  He laughed nervously and tried to look anywhere but her eyes. “I don’t think I have.”  He knew he hadn’t. Not talking about her was an active decision on his part.
“Lucia, the Hero of Ferelden? That Lucia?” Liss seemed offended that he assumed she did not know who the Hero of Ferelden was, but that wasn’t what he meant.
“Yes, uh, that would be be the one.”  He paused, gathering his thoughts. “She and I, well, we had planned to go to Highever together a long time ago, but obviously she’s not here now.”
“Where is she?”
“ Amaranthine .”
“Ah.” The bitterness must have stuck to his words because Liss’ tone changed. “I don’t have to go if it upsets you.  I just thought I would offer.”
“I- no.  You should come,” he answered, words leaving his lips before he had time to think about them.  Still, he didn’t want to go alone, and he refused to let guilt dictate his decision.
“I don’t want to spoil your trip,” Liss answered in a mix of concern and excitement.
“You?  Spoil something? Never,” he insisted, “Please come.  I could use the company.”
“Are you absolutely sure?”  Her caution was probably warranted considering his erratic behavior.
“Of course,” he assured her, “Want to leave first thing in the morning?”
“Well,” she began, tapping a finger to her chin in thought, “That doesn’t leave me much time for my beauty sleep.”  A mischievous grin spread across her face, her eyes glittering with amusement.
“Well, you don’t need it anyway.”   Sweet maker , what was wrong with him?  He scolded himself for his indiscreet tongue.  Perhaps he would have to cut it out, devote himself to Astyth the Grey.  That would be a first for the Silent Sisters. He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked up at Liss.  Her eyes were wider than usual and she blushed.
“I, uh, guess I will… see you in the morning, then.”  
“Yeah, I guess so.” He smiled politely, and then turned to head to his room, cursing himself with each step.  He looked back over his shoulder to see Liss still standing there, watching him walk away. She was lovely, and he was the worst person in the world.
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sir-adamus · 6 years
interesting thing someone noted on the genlock subreddit: the shot right before the ether shuts down, with dree reaching out to chase, who is quite some distance away from her, is very similar to the shot at the end of episode 1 where miranda and chase are quite distant from each other. seem's like chase's theme this season is how distant he is from almost everyone.
possible, yeah - even in episode 1 we get an establishment that he rarely sees his family
which might be playing into things given the heavy hints we’ve had that his mother and Dri are with the Union
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your-dar-ling · 3 years
G:L Season 2 Episode 2 Re(Cap/View)
Better than the premiere. Not gonna waste time:
Dri and Roberta
I loved their plot but the slap was a bit much. Dri is great in this episode, and she's pointing out the obvious flaws in her mother's philosophy. Lines like "He's fighting them" just hold so much weight to me. I'm not exactly sure why.
Roberta has a very believable quality to her faith, they all do. She embodies a very common (and annoying) parenting sentiment: The "I'm the parent so my beliefs are ultimately most important" Clause, and its corollary "Fine. You don't have to believe me but here's a ridiculous ultimatum that will either force you under my heel or irreparably alienate us to one another." I think alot of religions play into such a binary system, and I think the Union is most fun when it is finding the commonalities between how religions present higher powers.
Brother Tate
OMG thank God he actually believes in what he's saying. I don't think I could take it if "The Flow" had no merit to it at all. I'm sick of stories that present the "religious option" as just crazy people. Now is it a death cult? Yea, kinda. But there's no self-serving motives. Unlike the Polity, who is legit just making things up, the Union actually thinks they are humanity's salvation. The truth in that is....well it's unclear. And I appreciate that the show doesn't jump directly to the villainization of the Omnifaith.
Thematically Chase being the cornerstone of the Union is SO good. Julius Caesar, Jesus, I mean Brother Tate's speech at the end perfectly summed it up. Chase's idea of heroism is filtered through his suffering, and the horrifying revelation is that without death, there is always more of himself to lose. The truest of horrors of war stories.
However Chase lacked the emotional depth he needed in this episode. MBJ does a phenomenal job voice acting him for the most part, he shows a remarkable amount of emotion. But the way the show implements it feels uncanny somehow. I can't exactly describe it but the editing is off.
I find it very gripping how the Union converts her through breaking her. It's honestly kinda sucky that the nature of the Union -- and many (especially Abrahamic) religions, too -- presents itself as the one and only option. It's such a morbid and cynical servitude. No one is actually concerned about convincing her, they just keep guilting her until submission. And when she finally gives up? The flow keeps her alive? I don't quite know. But yea this recontextualizes alot of her behavior in Season 1 in a positive way (narratively speaking of course. I don't feel good about it).
I don't think the show is in a place to explore this, but I appreciate the irony in the "you have no proof of the afterlife" line from a person of (presumably) Muslim faith. It may have been an oversight, but it's one I feel is thematically appropriate.
(I think it would have been more interesting if she did believe in the Omnifaith itself, but not as literally as the suicide pact demanded by it's organized religion. But I digress.)
Nice save on Marin, there guys lol. It's too late, I already think she's a bad guy.
I think one thing that makes this show so viscerally unsettling sometimes is its sheer willingness to connect itself to modern day Earth. When I heard that the Polity was a rebranded (and equally useless) UN I legitimately buffered for a moment. How horrifying. How likely. It's almost as if G:L the show itself is prophetic of what is to come. Speculative fiction at this point is just a reality that hasn't happened yet. And from that standpoint, I'm with Chase. I'm scared.
TLDR: The Union is some AMAZING world building. This G:L crew is truly making the best of this mess of a production that they can, and I appreciate that.
Final Score: 7/10
P.S.: IM PUTTING WARNER IN THE DEATH NOTE for messing with reaction videos. RT (the company) is also pretty damn close to filling the blank space. Like are you serious???
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necronymie · 3 years
S1:E1 When The Leaves Begin To Turn Notes
big time skip
they changed nemeses to nemesii in chases opening monologue that’s hilarious. did they hear me complaining?
damn they were not kidding abt the photosensitive thing this intro is heavy on the glitching.
also NO BELGRADE :( feel like shit just want the battle tapes back
its controversial but i actually love how they changed the intro just enough to engage the audience w it again. it feels like the ep6 twist in s1
speaking of twists i’m. a little afraid genlock is going to go the cheap route of shock value over emotional value with this season
ngl that door in chases head looks like a cheap spirit halloween prop but i can’t criticize it bc that’s genuinely how my brain hallucinates “scary object”
i LOVE that they show the episode title in the recruits languages that’s 🥺
miranda ❤️
aaaand chase stopped mindsharing again. a point of contention. everyone else seems comfortable with it by now
the mark on chases holons head is in the exact position as nemmys scar. this is going to come up again.
yaz rlly holding this family together
“it’s good to see you in one peice” [kazu walks by without an arm]
ok on one hand the quoted dialogue seems clunky but also. that’s autistic behavior!!!
yaz and miranda once again being the only valid bitches in the chat
oh god holcroft is the fucking president now? what the fuck
nvm he’s elon musk actually
“our spy” that’s also going to be important later
listen i just want dri back
she’s girlbossing gatekeeping gaslighting
ok so it’s looks like the anvil is gonna be our full season goal
ok yeah the character movements are weird. i’m writing it off as autism once again
ok the mars city is fake. cool.
they’re really going cold war with the spying shit. again with the spies
a koala. i didn’t expect that.
brother tate feeds the koala with the power of fairy dust
the fairy nanotechy stuff is called “”the flow””?
the union is remaking the twilight trilogy
migas and his cereal is the shining star of this episode
“to be alive in a digital sea is to be awake in a dream” [cuts to team awake in thier dream homes]
yaz has nightmares :(
oh god cammie is the emotionally mature one now
chase is TERRIBLE at passive aggression
val has kazu’s guitar in thier mindscape 🥺 and cammies bunnies 🥺🥺
cammie just wants her family back
yaz wants some goddamn rest. no bunnies.
kazu losing himself in cartoons and superhero plots to ignore the world. mood tho.
also more autistic behavior.
chase why the fuck does your mindscape look like that
he copied his family that’s. super fucked up man.
chase why.
leon died. f.
jha is gone
oh wow the union army really is entirely made up of nemesii now.
oh that’s a TERRIFYING shot of miranda facing up against nemmy
chase is stuck in the telltale heart
side note i love how genlock references so much literature and other media. makes me feel smart.
new york wasn’t when the war went hot???
oh i’m not suprised the polity started this. we saw that coming.
did yaz know about this?
there’s a new character listed in the credits i don’t recognize. who is sandburg? our spy?
i’m not going to comment on the new trailer because. holy shit. HOLY SHIT?
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jedimasteramell · 7 years
Alternate Endings
By game canon, all thr origins happen, just the one you pick is the one where Duncan steps in to save you, otherwise the rest die.
As I am a huge fan of that not happening and love building extended worlds for my canon, Ive been thinking about what happens with the other potentials when Sheridan is the Warden.
Ellana Cousland is with her parents when the gates fall, the horrible wrenching sound that signals the end to everything she’s ever known. She can hear screaming, from whom she doesn’t know and the sounds of clashing swords and angry barks. The nearby battle stills and she draws the family sword, ready to run through any who enter the pantry. Instead of Howe’s soldiers, it is her Mabari, half leading, half dragging, a pale and bloodied Ser Gilmore. It takes all of Bryce and Eleanor’s pleas to convince the knight to help their daughter to safety, to find Fergus, and inform the King. Ellana has to be pried away from her parents to escape out the secret exit, and out into the shadows of Highever Castle burning. Together she and Rory are on the run for weeks, tracked relentlessly by Howe’s soldiers as they travel deeper and deeper into the Bannorn. It is by a chance encounter that while battling off darkspawn, that Sheridan and company found them and welcomed the two warriors and their pup into her party.
Chanda Aeducan takes a long hard look at the endless abyss of the Deep Roads and decides to survive. She well remembers the maps of the Deep Roads she’d poured over again and again, if she could trust the Stone she knows she can find an outpost of the Legion of the Dead. She wasn’t made Commander for nothing. Old axe in hand, and desperately wishing for her old armor and Gorim at her side, Chanda sets off through the dark caverns, letting the comforting hum of the Stone guide her feet. It’s surreal being alone in the grand darkness, nothing but the vaguely lit pockets of lava and indecipherable sounds of the earth for company. She’s passing through a centuries-lost outpost when she spots…
Lyrie Brosca had been in the Deep Roads exactly never. And why should she? Casteless arent even good enough to wander the ancient abandoned darkspawn-blighted halls of their forefathers, let alone leave Dust Town. But she’d opened her big stupid mouth again and instead of just accepting what would have been a quick death to satisfy Jarvia and the stone-sodding Deshyr’s, she’d proclaimed joining the Legion of the Dead. If Leske hadn’t slipped away before she’d been spotted he’d half laughed himself stupid. This is what you get when Casteless read. So there she was, in the pitch black with a dagger and a handful of dried deep mushroom, not sure how long it’d been down here, and hoping whatever came along would at least kill her before eating her. But instead of being a genlock, she came face to face with another dwarf who looked strangely like… Ancestors! What was Princess Aeducan doing down here?!? Together the pair opted to team up and they both eventually made it to the Legion and a propper meal. Both survived long enough to march with Kardol on the surface against the 5th Blight.
Kellas Mahariel is not from Clan Sabrae in this canon, at least not initially. Born of the clan, but traded during the last Arlathvhen to Zathrian’s Clan. There he’s a determined hunter and one of the first to discover the werewolves. It is during that period when he meets the Warden and her entourage, a cluster of humans he bares little trust for. He is, however, curious of the blond, accented elf that journeys with them. Intrigued by meeting one of his own people so wildly different than all those he knew. With Lanaya’s permission, he joins the Warden’s group with the intent to learn and observe, but rather finds himself falling for Zevran’s wily charms. He becomes more of an envoy to the Dalish clans after the Battle of Denerim, content to explore and to spend time with his new partner on the run from the Crows.
Nadia Tabris had long been a thief and a killer before she cut the heart out of Vaughn Kendall in retribution. For years she’d been sneaking out of the Alienage, terrorizing and wreaking havoc on the humans that hurt her people. She was an assassin, a mercenary, a vandal, or a theif as she pleased. Escaping from the Denerim prison after faking her own death, Nadia returned to the Alienage ready to destroy anyone who dared try anything against the elves of Denerim. It was during Loghain and Howe’s upheval that she was brought to the attention of both the Friends of Red Jenny and Master Ignacio and his Ferelden-based Crows. Taking jobs from both, but joining neither, Nadia was working outside the city whrn she got wind of the events at the Alienage. Though she hardly trusted the Warden, being a human as she was, Nadia approved of the harsh way she handled the Tevinter slavers, as well as the kindness by which Sheridan helped the other elves. Eventually, Nadia signed on properly with the Friends of Red Jenny, and though incorrectly, many believe her to have been the Dark Wolf.
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Blood on the Trail
Shielded in Flame Part 01: Tainted Hero Chapter 7: Blood on the Trail
“Oh, now that is just unnecessary.” Alistair gazed at a large fallen tree. The suspended tree acted as a natural bridge between two large rocky hills. Fallen soldiers swung down from the trunk and branches. The trail the company had been following passed underneath. Alistair shook his head. “Poor sods.”
“We should cut them down,” Ser Jory suggested.
“Aye.” Brina felt uneasy. “We should be quick. This is the first real sign of nightgangers we've encountered all day.”
"Nightgangers?" Alistair raised an eyebrow.
Brina sighed. "Darkspawn."
“Ah, True. There are some darkspawn close by.” Alistair led the way around the back of one hill, searching for a more accessible path. He stopped suddenly, looked back at the group and put a finger to his lips.
The others nodded, and they all quietly drew their weapons. They picked their way carefully to the top.
Alistair held up a hand, and they stopped. “Where are they?” He said to himself. “Cover me.” He pulled out a dagger and carefully made his way across the tree trunk. He sat, straddling the tree, and began cutting through the ropes. Brina, Daveth, and Jory glanced around them watching for signs of movement.
After the last body dropped, Alistair slowly made his way back. He stood quietly with his hand up, listening. He scanned the ground before glancing up at them, mouthing, “Get ready.”
For a moment, wind through the trees was the only sound Brina could hear. What is that sound? A strange . . . Rumbling?
Behind them, three darkspawn broke free from the ground. They were the size of dwarves. Two carried dual daggers, and the third had a bow.
"Genlocks! Watch your backs!" Alistair spun to keep his back to his companions.
All three Genlocks disappeared as quickly as they had appeared.
Where'd they go? Wait . . . What is that? She caught a glimpse of something shimmering near Ser Jory. There you are.
She threw a light shard. It flew inches from Ser Jory's chest. He jumped back in surprise. The shard pierced the darkspawn square between the eyes, and the darkspawn dropped to the ground.
Jory whipped his head back and forth between Brina and the dead darkspawn. “How did you see that?”
“They aren't completely invisible.”
“Look out!” Daveth threw a dagger, hitting another behind Alistair.
Alistair nodded in thanks. “The third Genlock is still around with a bow.”
“Watch this and cover me.” Brina circled her staff above her head. Within seconds, clouds full of snow appeared. The snowflakes blew around, sticking to everything in the vicinity.
“Wait, look, the snow is sticking to something there,” Jory said, pointing.
With some effort, Brina closed her other hand into a fist. Ice formed, encasing the Genlock. She wasn't fast enough. The Genlock released an arrow before being completely frozen. The bolt struck Brina's shoulder.
She cried out, dropping her staff.
“Brina! Are you all right?” Alistair sheathed his sword and dropped his shield.
Jory went to Brina, examining the entry and exit of the arrow. “It's deep.”
Brina gasped. “Did it go all the way through? I can't tell.”
“Not quite . . .” Daveth made a face.
“I can feel the tip of the point, right here.” Jory helped shift some of Brina’s outer layers.
“Then we'll have to push it through.” Alistair knelt down in front of her, his eyes locked reassuringly with hers. “Are you ready?”
Brina took a deep breath and nodded.
Alistair gripped the arrow. “Hold her steady.”
Daveth held her uninjured arm and shoulder. Jory took her other arm and braced her back.
“Ready? One-” Alistair pushed the arrow a few inches.
Brina yelled out and grunted. “Bronto's ass . . .”
Alistair smirked. “You know it's easier that way.”
“Still . . . shit.”
“All right, let's break the head off, and we can pull it back through.”
Brina leaned forward. Jory supported her weight and held the arrow at the base where it protruded from her shoulder. She took a sharp breath when Alistair broke the head off. “Son of a nug.”
“Okay . . . Jory, Daveth, brace her again.” In one swift pull, the shaft was out. Brina let out a long groan. Sweat beaded on her forehead. Alistair put a hand on her other shoulder. “Can you move your arm, Brina?”
She wiggled and bent her fingers, turned her wrist and forearm. Her elbow took more effort to bend. “I can't move my shoulder . . . but I can move my elbow.”
“Should we go back?” Jory's face held concern. “We just have to get the blood from the darkspawn. Can't we come back for the treaties another day?”
“No. Just give me the tonic from my pack. And one of those bandages. No, not that. Aye, that.”
Jory handed her a small glass bottle. With her uninjured arm, she held the bottle and opened the stopper with her teeth. Brina downed its contents and shuddered. I need to work on the taste.
She waved Jory back over. “Bandage. Hold that side. Cross it over. Aye.” They tied it tight around her shoulder under her armpit. “There's some extra for padding. Get as much in there as possible in the front and the back.”
With difficulty, she moved her injured arm and secured her elbow and tucked her forearm into her wide belt. “There's a larger cloth in there. Aye, that one. Help me tie it around.” Daveth and Jory worked to secure her arm. With her arm bandaged to her torso, she used her staff to stand back up. “My thanks. Don't worry; I still have my other arm and my staff. I can cast magic.”
Alistair eyed her for a moment before nodding his head. “All right. Now that we have dead darkspawn, we need to get blood. Do you all have your vials? Good. Well, go on!”
Daveth covered his mouth and nose. “Eugh! Smells awful! Like . . . rotting meat.”
Alistair put his hands on his hips. “Well, what did you expect? Flowers?”
“I dunno . . . I've just never been this close to one. Hideous things . . .”
Jory managed to get his vial half full before dropping it and running a few feet away. He fell to his knees and retched.
Brina felt sick as well. It's so much worse this close. Once her vial was full, she backed away quickly, relieved. Jory and Daveth took a little longer but managed to fill theirs as well.
“Next, we need to find the treaties. They are located at on old Grey Warden base about three miles south of Wildling Lake. The lake is about half a mile off that way. We just follow this trail, and we'll get there in no time.” Alistair led the way down the hill and back to the trail.
“What about our fallen comrades?” Jory pointed.
They all glanced back at the bodies on the ground.
“We'll send someone back for them when we get back. It's a hazard of the job, and it's too dangerous for us to stick around.” Alistair turned on his heel and marched down the trail. Reluctantly, the others followed.
The journey to the lake was quiet until Jory spoke up. “Alistair, what can you tell us about the Joining?” He sallied up next to Alistair.
“I can't tell you anything.”
“Can't? Or won't?” Brina cocked an eyebrow.
“Can't. Can. Not. It was a secret to me as well.”
Jory tossed up his hands. “Why is it a secret?”
“Let's just say that all will be made clear later tonight as long as we can get the treaties and get back to the compound. Oh, look, the lake. We're here. Be on the lookout for a marked tree.”
“This is a lake?” Brina scoffed. Wildling Lake was little more than a mud puddle that took up less space than the infirmary did at Ostagar. “I'm surprised the sun hasn't dried it up. It hasn't rained or snowed in days.”
“You've been up in the mountains. It doesn't rain or snow down here very much. A little further west and you'll see six different rivers, all mountain run-off. This just happens to be a flooded area.”
“Flooded . . . if you can call it that.”
“Oh! There's the tree.” Daveth gestured toward a scraggly tree. Purple paint was smeared across the trunk.
“Great. Three miles south. You'll know it when you see it.” Alistair began down a path that broke off from the main trail. It was thinner and somewhat overgrown.
Brina happened to glance down and noticed a patch of white flowers with red centers. Sigfrost's Eye! She bent to pick a few.
“What are you doing, Brina?” Jory stopped to watch her.
“The kennel master, Jove, wanted these.”
“Andraste's Grace?”
“Aye, that's what he called it. I know it as Sigfrost's Eye.”
“I heard the Mabari were sick, and he was looking for that as a cure,” Daveth piped in. “Maybe grab some extra. He told me he'd pay for it.”
Brina shrugged. “If it helps, it helps.”
“Come, let's get those treaties.” Alistair helped Brina up.
They walked in silence. The trees pressed around them. The branches became thick and twisted, and the air grew colder as they went deeper into the forest.
Brina looked around uneasily. “The forest is sick here.”
“Yes. We're entering the heart of the Korcari Wilds. We must tread lightly. There are darkspawn afoot.” Alistair drew his sword and led them deeper into the darkness. Brina glanced at Jory, whose brow was deeply furrowed, and shrugged before following Alistair. Jory sighed deeply as he and Daveth stayed close behind her.
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