#genlock migas
thesouppond · 1 year
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finally getting the hang of this art thing?? Tumblr's gonna compress the shit out of the quality :// Click to view better quality. My favourite details tho:
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Gave Valentina a Genderfluid choker and Yaz hijab pins that look like Huma's wings :DDD (Headcannon that they were a gift from Cammie)
IM SO FUCKING HAPPY WITH HOW YAZ'S HIJAB CAME OUT. There needs to be more references for hijab fashion.
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modkatisbacc · 8 months
Tagged By: @thesouppond (Thank yooou!!)
Last Song: Footloose- Kenny Loggins (was being too angsty today so I decided to put on footloose and think of a slice of life au. For what? Too embarrassed to say. Currently.)
Currently Watching: TECHNICALLY I’m back on the “watch reactors react to WoW cinematics” kick. Or just YouTube in general I don’t watch a lot of shows still,,
Three Ships: Three ships,, alright… Poly:lock (*Migas included, Genlock) Uhh Lava Shipping (Cole and Kai, Ninjago), *head in hands* what else do I WATCH, Very much love Nuts and Dolts (Ruby x Penny)
Favourite Colour: Currently Orange (about the orange of Skylors Gi,) but swaps to Blue/Green sometimes too.
Currently Consuming: I’m ABOUT to finish my jalapeno poppers. That’s about it tho, oh and MoP content (Sorry I’m not over MoP and never will be)
First Ship: Jaya (JayxNya Ninjago) What’s funny is that I think the canon couples are the only ones who don’t have the element ship name that the fandom calls them by all the time. (Jaya and Pixane)
Relationship Status: It’s complicated (A reference to my FB relationship status that freaked out my entire family *it’s about my relationship with writing*)
Last Movie: … movie… that I watch… I’m cheating and considering the WoW cinematics a movie.
Currently Working On: Many things, Primarily PSTD (Original WoW story, that’s a prequel to Come Together, but it’s so disconnected to Real Azeroth you don’t need to know anything about WoW to read it practically)
TSIAD (Genlock, complete rewrite of what is published on my ao3, have made progress)
An Unlikely Team (Ninjago/RWBY, finished fixing up chapter 1, and making progress into 2)
Untitled: WoW MoP, Slightly canon divergent (I kill off all my favorite characters whoops, but it’s okay.) About my High Elf Monk Anniie and how she was raised on Pandaria.
Tagging: Whomever reads this, you have been tagged.
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your-dar-ling · 3 years
Gen:Lock S2 Wrap-Up
Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa YES. What a finale! What. A. Finale! I refuse to get over this what a freaking redemption arc this show had. Thoughts in semi-chronological order because I can't be bothered to structure my excitement.
Yaz! Yaz character development! Yes!!!! She said things! She *did* things!!!
I VERY much like the route they've gone with our heroes. This is such a thoughtful reimagining/interpretation of the G:L technology from season 1.
Oh poor Henry....
I really appreciate how they did not try to play to both sides in this series. They did not "meet in the middle," so to speak. Yes both sides had valuable input to the overall good outcome, but as Dri said: Sinclair gives people a choice to make. That's the third option.
Speaking of, Sinclair knocked it out the park this episode. I appreciate that he doesn't hesitate to do what needs to be done, even if what he did kinda....messed things up. All of the characters' actions this episode felt so...in character.
Marin's death was tragic in that she actually had good reason to keep those Holons alive. She made her choices, and in the end it didn't matter, but she did what she felt was right until the end of it all. I appreciated that. Also her final scene with Holcroft while Sinclair is mercing her command central was hilariously timed and also really well written.
Holcroft suuuuuuucks. I mean we knew that but he suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Dr. Jha??? Queen. Royalty of the highest order. Absolute monarch. The reigning champ. "You don't have the grace to be a martyr." !!!!!! None of you can touch.
Odin looks uggo I'm so sorry. Did he need toes??
Despite the fact that Brother Tate was the world's largest cult leader/technological innovator (kersplat) he was really right about some things (still went kersplat).
Val x Yaz? Are we all getting the vibes? Just me?
I've seen alot of complaints about this show not doing anything to address climate change and instead opting for a digital solution to all their problems but there's two things to remember here:
Season 2 introduces Earth to be already "beyond saving (which I think the show bucks a little bit but I'll get there). The world is not being "threatened" by climate disaster. This is dystopia.
The nano can be injured, and it survives by eating organic matter, so even if everyone is uploaded with Un:Lock, I think the answer to their problems will be a little more complicated than just letting the planet die. But if this season has taught me anything it is that people will, without a doubt, come up with the least favorable interpretations of things they do not like possible. We've all been guilty of it. But I'm so glad I kept warm by this dumpster fire. I never wanted it to be perfect. I just wanted it to be authentic. And personally I think that despite the numerous gaping potholes in the road? These writers? The animators? This team of individuals, they got there.
There truly is something spiritual about the process of becoming the nano. Chase's resurrection is one of this show's most impactful scenes. He is G:L tech. He is Twilight. He is everything. But most importantly, he is real. And he does not "earn" ascension through suffering, like Brother Tate or even Weller believed. He received it through love, and acceptance, and commitment. And I mean, for as much grimdark this show went through, that's a truly hopeful message.
I said it at the start of these reviews and I'll say it again: I'm glad this show exists. It should not exist lol. But I'M GLAD that it does. Thanks for reading.
Final Ranking: 10/10
Final Season Ranking: 6/10
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necronymie · 3 years
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polandspringz · 4 years
Boil for Several Years, Then Steep- a gen:LOCK Fic
I’m back with another gen:LOCK story! This one is somewhat of a sequel to “At Least For Now”, as some events from that story are mentioned here. But, you don’t have to read that one to understand this! 
Colonel Marin is the only thing keeping the Polity from falling apart. She knows this but doesn't like to think about it, not because she doesn't want to feel prideful, but because thoughts like that only lead to stress and she desperately can't lose hope. But, when she sees idiots like Dr. Weller, she sometimes debates letting the Union win.
It would help her sanity at least.
I’ve worked on this fic for over a year, until I forgot about it for a while! I finally finished the other day, so I hope you enjoy! A preview will be below, go to the link in the notes to read the full story on AO3!!
She couldn’t deal with this. She had notifications and screens blowing up left and right as ABLE spammed her with new reports on the Union’s effort to take the Ether, the Vanguard’s struggle to intervene with the forces pushing rather violently against the line that was falling further and further west with each battle, and most concerning-
“Doctor focus! Prepare your team for immediate evacuation!”
“But I just put the kettle on!”
“This isn’t a joke! We have intelligence, the Union is stepping up their efforts to find you!
Raquel had prioritized one report over all the others. It was the reason she had started this call with such franticness in the first place. While the Ether was more important to the people, making sure Dr. Weller was safe was more important to the war. And the number of red dots she saw coming up from the south in the Pacific was extremely alarming.
“Why does this sound familiar? Oh, right! This is exactly what I warned would happen if you militarized my program!” She tried to remain calm even as the Doctor yelled exasperatedly at her. Three archived reports flashed on her screen, sent her way in order to emphasize his point. These weren’t the only three, she knew that. They had done much more than infiltrate or steal data, and she feared what other reports would be on her desk within the next hour if they didn’t move fast.
“We’re not doing this again... They’re already on the hunt, you are in danger!”
She had already sent several hundred of her men his way. Raquel didn’t like it, but she had to risk losing their hold on the line if it meant ensuring the safety of Dr. Weller. All of his scientists could go, by what these reports had shown, most of them weren’t trustworthy anyway. But he had all the notes, all of the understanding of gen:LOCK inside of him. She couldn’t let his brain fall into the Union’s hands. Not now.
“Then we should collect our new recruits! All four of them, as swiftly as possible!”
Recruits. She stared at the children on her screen. The party animal disguised as an intelligence officer, the baby-faced girl who had hacked her way into a job for the Polity, and the cook who couldn’t be trusted to put his anger to good use in a fight. Sure, there was the one competent ranger from her own jurisdiction, but she knew Rufus, and he wouldn’t let her get one without the others.
She thought of the Union pilot she had granted asylum to and sent to the Doctor a few years back. She thought of Chase, locked in a tank inside the lab. The lab which was going to be under fire within the next three hours.
“No way! Pack your things, get ready to move!”
“I’m not going anywhere. Not until you say yes.”
She tried to resist the urge to just tell her men to kill him instead.
When he had first shown her the plans for gen:LOCK, none of it involved looking into battle experience, and he intended to keep this completely medical, all research focused on saving lives and minds that were trapped inside their own bodies, and eventually entering the mainstream. But then they had located Chase as one of the recruits and everything in New York happened and it all had spiralled so fast and she had given them the order to retrieve him and-
“Are you holding yourself hostage?” Her voice screeched as she tightened the grip on her desk, leaning closer into the call as the static increased. He was an idiot, a damn idiot- but he….
“...Maybe? Yes? Yes! I think I am!”
She could see the same thing happening now. The number of jets and ships that carried who knew how many soldiers and drones and mechs were speeding up towards the west coast. She knew telling him all of this would do no good. He would load up all of his equipment and Chase and Madrani on the ship, there was no doubt about that, but she knew she would receive word that he had left himself to the Union’s clutches out of spite. She had known this man for years, and gen:LOCK was not the first thing they had butted heads over.
She loosened her grip, and sat back in her chair, covering her eyes with one hand. ABLE dimmed the lights for her, and got rid of some of the screens, leaving only the call on.
She didn’t want this to be the last.
“...Fine, yes. Just prepare to relocate to the Anvil! I’ll arrange to have your new recruits transferred there.”
“Fabulous put the tea on and we will be there soon!” She heard the call end, but not before there was the tell-tale sign of Rufus scrambling out of his chair, a word cut off as he went to signal to someone about what to do. Madrani, most likely. Raquel knew she didn’t need to worry anymore. The Union didn’t know where the Doctor was, they had moved the base multiple times since the previous incidents, only that he was somewhere over there. She knew the Polity’s Naval forces would be able to hold them off, that they wouldn’t have to fight a two front war so soon. She knew that there wasn’t any real risk but-
He was going to give her a stroke, either way.
Read the full story on AO3 through the link in the notes!
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froggiesswamp · 6 years
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Someone jokingly put this up on the wall of the team room and everyone refuses to let Cammie take it down. Change my mind.
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rookiewritersho · 6 years
Even More Gen:Lock Headcanons because we need some more wholesome content after all that:
Since Holons ara able to send physical feedback to the pilots, they figured out that Chase would be able to feel through his as well. The day it clicked Cammie threw herself to him ignoring the training. The rest of the team joined in. When Migas came to see why there was holon dogpile in the middle of the training grounds, Cammie explained that this way Chase could recieve hugs! Migas didn’t need to be told twice and clung to his foot as best as he could.
Chase was internally sobbing the whole time.
The team would sometimes have a movie night after a long day. While browsing the Old but Good tag, Cammie pointed to a animated movie saying it looked cute. Chase gave a pterodactyl screech and quiclky went to the next page. He put that movie one time to his sister and since then he swore to never let someone watch Watership Down.
Long before meeting Cammie, Val/entina always had a soft spot for bunnies. Probably wanted one as a pet when they were a child.
Cammie has asked both Kazu and Val/entina to teach her swear words in their mother language. The absolute bastards actually did and Yasamin almost killed them both. 
Speaking of Yasamin, according to Migas, she has ‘Big Chancla Throw Energy’.
This proved to be true when Kazu didn’t clean his beard hairs from the sink after shaving. After ignoring the first warning of cleaning it at once, Yaz threw her shoe from one side to the hallway straight to his head when he ran away.
He cleaned the sink.
For Kazu, living with two, sometimes three, girls is difficult. One morning he woke up with a…problem. He refused to get out of bed and was covering himself with his sheets, mortified. Cammie and Yaz kept telling him to get up or he’d miss breakfast. Thankfully, Val/entina convinced them to leave, not before throwing him a pack of tissues and a smirk. 
Kazu avoided looking at anyone in the eyes for the rest of the day.
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antsyserpentine · 6 years
Raise Your Hand If You’ve Ever Felt Personally Victimized By The Union
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A summary of Gen:lock so far
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the-felix-mcscouty · 6 years
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I’m really gay for Migas y’all
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raynavelbasejr · 5 years
gen:lock season 2 might not be a certain thing but at least we'll get the most important thing from the comics: seeing migas again
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yangstbh · 6 years
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                                           “You’re gonna make me wish I can still cry.”
↳ gen:LOCK // Season 1 ;; Episode 5 - Migas upgrading Chase’s holon
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thesouppond · 1 year
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Still practicing with sketches :PP
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mermaidatheartworld · 6 years
Something I want to see happen but will likely never happen: Migas recapping the events of the series in the same manner as Luis from Ant-Man/Ant-Man and the Wasp
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probably-chase · 6 years
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round three of deserve happiness flags
Chibi Migas made by @protectcammiemaccloud
Chibi Val(s) made by @valentina-romanyszyn
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necronymie · 3 years
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the genlock gays really ate this week huh
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the-god-of-nihon · 6 years
[Spoilers] Possible homage to Monty in Gen:Lock?
So I don't want to sound like I'm some crazy guy trying to inject Monty into something unrelated for the sake of it.
But the moment, where Miguel sees Julian for the first time, and his nickname comes up as "Migas." He says it means crumbs, which caught my attention. Because it reminded me of this old DA journal Monty made talking about his family, and the names of him and his siblings.
Apparently his name means "crumbs"
I know, it's probably a coincidence, but I couldn't stop thinking about it.
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