#genlock cammie
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Cameron "Cammie" McCloud by ADSouto
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syringesyrup · 1 year
art request,,,
do you have a design for sunshine? if so could we get a little doodle of her?
(if not that’s okay!! :) )
going through my inbox and seeing this is going to Ruin me but LETS GET INTO SUNNY DESIGN !!!
so for starters, my sunny is scottish. her voice claim is cammie mccloud from a show called genlock (i’ve never seen it, i just discovered her voice while on youtube one day or smth) and her design is very much based on irish/scottish features.
while i don’t think ive ever made a detailed colored drawing of her, i do have some doodles that might help me explain her design in my head. (old art boooo)
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so when it comes to sunny, she has a whole lot of freckles and her signature messy red hair (that i need to do a colored drawing of already). her horns were originally like swiss’ (because multi ghoul) but then she slowly became more of a hybrid ghoul than a multi ghoul in my head. not really sure where i got the idea for her horn shape, maybe it came to me in a vision.
her name very much reflects her design to me and i should definitely cook up something better with her design but for now, that’s my sunny 😿 miss her so bad
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bloodraven55 · 3 years
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your-dar-ling · 3 years
Gen:Lock 2.5 Re(view/cap)
I think this is the best episode in the season so far. I really enjoyed the characterization in it. Let's get to it.
Okay so it seems obvious that they're pulling a Rogue One situation. If this is meant to be the definitive end to the Gen:Lock story, alot of what happened before now makes alot of sense.
I absolutely LOVED Cammie's story. I don't think it had the time it needed to breathe, but for what it's worth they made it work. Given all that we've learned this season the progression of her character from moment to moment seemed very plausible to me. She summed it up pretty well with the idea that she needs an "us."
Here's my thing with the discourse from this week:
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This person (who I'm anonymizing for obvious reasons) would be right if what the Union was planning on doing was "genociding humanity." Let's break it down.
The Union does not think they are genociding humanity. They think they are giving humanity a new home in the face of climate collapse. We can call it a lie or a fantasy, but so too follows for all religions because the Omnifaith is literally every religion. It's obviously not a 1-to-1 because the real world doesn't have magical glowy nanobots to yeet your body away, but like if we're willing to suspend your disbelief that far to separate these fictional circumstances from the real world ones, I just don't understand how a person could come to a conclusion as if they aren't.
There is already proof that they are not just murdering people. Gen:Lock as a concept is just temporarily killing yourself to pilot a mecha. It's why one can't "exceed uptime," if one does, their brain will literally be unable to revive their consciousness. They never explicitly say this but I think it's pretty clear. They are not just "falling asleep," their entire person is moving from place to place. And if all it took to "die" was uploading their consciousness into a digital framework, disregarding your body, Gen:Lock is a weaponized, repeated and voluntary suicide they've been participating in since Day 1. If anything Gen:Lock exceptuonalizes the concept, making martyrdom of it. I don't think there's too much here to there for Cammie, who helped develop the thing.
But okay fine. Fine. Maybe the Flow is worse because it's not reversible. There's no returning to your body when you ascend like in Gen:Lock. Two things: the flow literally brought Yaz back to life (although I don't know if she's aware of it), and Brother Tate -- who wholeheartedly believes in his message -- was brought to and fro as well. But even beyond that, Chase cannot return to his body. And moreover, he chose to be stuck in his bot brain forever. Does that mean Chase committed suicide? I think it's more complex than that.
And you might be asking "why doesn't the show just show what it is like in the Flow?" Because the Polity is based on science, which is a necessarily evidence based field. But in contrast to that, the Union is based on faith. Evidences of faith are not literal. It wouldn't be an interesting story if we just got to saw whether or not they were right or wrong. Showing all these people that believe in it is the evidence. But in case that wasn't enough there's alot more i.e. them actively developing it to be more sustainable.
I don't think the show is saying Cammie's suicide was a "good" thing. I'm not down for ascribing moral quality of any kind to suicide. But I don't think the show is glorifying, but the show's characters definitely are. I think the show is simply showing that Cammie did what felt right to her. Why she did what she did and the coercive qualities of the Omnifaith are all important in this conversation! And I think ultimately Cammie didn't even think she was committing suicide, or at the very least she wasn't in a place to acknowledge it. But I think this rough discourse is what makes her story work.
Other G:L
Chase please go to therapy.
Val please go to therapy.
The fact that Yaz mindshared Kazu's DEATH is soooooooooo interesting and should've been way more than just a "talk." Girl's been paid dust.
...oh yea Kazu yea I guess we don't care about him anymore lol
Marin's characterization this episode was absolutely flawless. Her little speech gave so much context to her as a character. I can finally get behind watching her now that I know. She's not paranoid or cold. She loves her nation and its people. But she values their lives over their choices, and that leads her down a dark path. She's just got a bad case of "tough love." I feel like I've met the exact type of person her character is hyperbolizing.
Wash rinse repeat.
No Man's Land
The gays keep winning. I don't have much to say about Sinclair, but his conflict is nice. Even they struggle with helping others when it's at expense to themselves. I think what Chris says in response is the theme of the whole episode:
"You give people a choice. That's your third option. And she's made hers."
I'm so ready for this show to end. In both a "I wanna see where this is going" and a "if I have to look at one more discourse I'm gonna explode" kind of way. I'm excited for next week though, which is at least better than the last.
Final Ranking: 8/10
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fkim90 · 4 years
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2nd set is done!!! 
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liskysun · 5 years
So if we all storm area 51 to find the aliens, they can't stop us:Cammie
Have fun fun getting shot, dumbass:Kazu
You guys stop, someone's actually gonna do it: Yasamin, Chase
Actually show up at area 51: Val/entyna, Miguel
One of the aliens: Nemesis Chase
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artisticcatlily · 5 years
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she’s a cutie patootie and an awfully clever girl
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sofonisbasaki · 5 years
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My Genlock Cammie cosplay ^^ I’m pretty much done with the top I just need to work on the ears, pants and catsuit ^^ hopefully I’ll get it done before RTX!!
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grells-art · 6 years
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Another gen:Lock Incorrect Quotes inspired by @juulian-chase ‘s post
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thesouppond · 16 days
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[ Convenience Store Run ]
I've been doing some doodles and smaller pieces while my thesis and uni work keeps me from working on RL. Here's me playing with screen tones and shading :3
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thefangrell · 6 years
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Love my girls!
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herebeminis · 5 years
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Cammie MacCloud by herebewonder
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your-dar-ling · 3 years
Gen:Lock S2 Wrap-Up
Hahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa YES. What a finale! What. A. Finale! I refuse to get over this what a freaking redemption arc this show had. Thoughts in semi-chronological order because I can't be bothered to structure my excitement.
Yaz! Yaz character development! Yes!!!! She said things! She *did* things!!!
I VERY much like the route they've gone with our heroes. This is such a thoughtful reimagining/interpretation of the G:L technology from season 1.
Oh poor Henry....
I really appreciate how they did not try to play to both sides in this series. They did not "meet in the middle," so to speak. Yes both sides had valuable input to the overall good outcome, but as Dri said: Sinclair gives people a choice to make. That's the third option.
Speaking of, Sinclair knocked it out the park this episode. I appreciate that he doesn't hesitate to do what needs to be done, even if what he did kinda....messed things up. All of the characters' actions this episode felt so...in character.
Marin's death was tragic in that she actually had good reason to keep those Holons alive. She made her choices, and in the end it didn't matter, but she did what she felt was right until the end of it all. I appreciated that. Also her final scene with Holcroft while Sinclair is mercing her command central was hilariously timed and also really well written.
Holcroft suuuuuuucks. I mean we knew that but he suuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.
Dr. Jha??? Queen. Royalty of the highest order. Absolute monarch. The reigning champ. "You don't have the grace to be a martyr." !!!!!! None of you can touch.
Odin looks uggo I'm so sorry. Did he need toes??
Despite the fact that Brother Tate was the world's largest cult leader/technological innovator (kersplat) he was really right about some things (still went kersplat).
Val x Yaz? Are we all getting the vibes? Just me?
I've seen alot of complaints about this show not doing anything to address climate change and instead opting for a digital solution to all their problems but there's two things to remember here:
Season 2 introduces Earth to be already "beyond saving (which I think the show bucks a little bit but I'll get there). The world is not being "threatened" by climate disaster. This is dystopia.
The nano can be injured, and it survives by eating organic matter, so even if everyone is uploaded with Un:Lock, I think the answer to their problems will be a little more complicated than just letting the planet die. But if this season has taught me anything it is that people will, without a doubt, come up with the least favorable interpretations of things they do not like possible. We've all been guilty of it. But I'm so glad I kept warm by this dumpster fire. I never wanted it to be perfect. I just wanted it to be authentic. And personally I think that despite the numerous gaping potholes in the road? These writers? The animators? This team of individuals, they got there.
There truly is something spiritual about the process of becoming the nano. Chase's resurrection is one of this show's most impactful scenes. He is G:L tech. He is Twilight. He is everything. But most importantly, he is real. And he does not "earn" ascension through suffering, like Brother Tate or even Weller believed. He received it through love, and acceptance, and commitment. And I mean, for as much grimdark this show went through, that's a truly hopeful message.
I said it at the start of these reviews and I'll say it again: I'm glad this show exists. It should not exist lol. But I'M GLAD that it does. Thanks for reading.
Final Ranking: 10/10
Final Season Ranking: 6/10
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fkim90 · 4 years
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Art Request. Cammie from @roosterteeth GenLock. Never watched the show. Is it good??
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gigawatt-conduit · 3 years
The irony about genlock 2 is that it kinda ultimately loops back around to Gray doing it to himself
If he hadn’t decided to do that shit he did (allegedly and all that), he could’ve had full creative control and a hot series on HBO max. whatever you say about the man it’s clear that he knew what he wanted that show to be, what themes he wanted to pursue, etc
but instead he tried to speedrun through the success that Monty got and now he’s gotta sit back as his baby gets essentially gutted to become a less charming, way grosser copy of itself
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