#gentle tickles for Yusuke
giggly-squiggily · 10 months
I’m just thinking of when they’re all in the hotel and Yusuke is just eepin like a madman.
Kurama kneels by his side to try and wake him up, for Kuwabara was being far too rough towards the exhausted boy.
He brushes a stray hair out of his face, calling his name softly.
Yusuke doesn’t even stir.
Something else, he thinks. He starts to gently rub the boy’s upper back and shoulders.
He was half expectant to be met with no response, but he definitely was not anticipating to hear gentle giggles emitting from the sleeping male.
How precious, he thinks as he uses his fingers to trace patterns on his upper back and neck.
Hiei is watching stone faced, but internally scoffing at the inevitable childish side that the punk has. Kuwabara is watching in shock and awe. Urameshi??? Ticklish????
Genkai watches with an amused grin; she’s known this little fact for months.
In the end, Yusuke still doesn’t wake up, but his companions are all relaxed upon hearing his gentle laughter. 
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I wanna be woken up by Kurama now holy-
The fact our favorite fox is just LIVING for it- keeping his touch super gentle and sweet while Hiei's in the background secretly jealous judging them and Kuwabara is surprise Pikachu-ing it cause "Yusuke's ticklish??? HUH????" and Genkai's grinning all knowingly- silently gesturing Kurama to try this and that and Yusuke giggling in his sleep HELP MY HEART???? Oh god I am so soft right now DUCKY THIS WAS SO GOOD AHHHHH!!! Thank you for sharing this oh my HEART *sobs in happy squiggily noises*
My love for Kurama just grew tenfold I'm so flustered just thinking about him now kjlarkjaejkrjaejr
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 months
This duck is out of her funk and ready to rock and roll
Pls forgive if the events aren’t chronological; I have not been in this arc for literally 50 episodes 😭
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Wake Up Call
Warning! This is a tickle fic!
Ships: None! Kurama and Yusuke
Warnings: Tickles, small amount of foot tks, LIGHT SPOILERS FOR DARK TOURNAMENT ARC! Episodes 26-30 ish.
Prompt: The team gets scarce time to rest, so Yusuke has a bad habit of falling asleep in places he really shouldn’t…
Tags: @giggly-squiggily the queen herself for helping me out of a slump! @mystwrites My fellow YYH fan🛐 @chrimsss bc I tag you in everything :)) (ily)
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Ever since Yusuke woke up, he wished with every step that he could go back to sleep. Sure, he was totally spent and straight-up passed out because of overusing his energy—hell, he STILL didn’t know how to control himself—but nothing beat the sweet dreams that followed him into that wonderful “nap” he was able to have.
Now? Hah, as if.
Every single day, it was “Fight these two teams back-to-back today!” or “Oh, Urameshi, I’ll take the tough one!” (As if he’d let his friend put his life on the line like that when he could do so himself!) or “Foolish humans, of course I know how to play cards.”
As if not sleeping till well into the early morning wasn’t enough, the boy was on a strict morning routine—courtesy of Genkai. He was to wake at five A.M. and go for a run, (which he didn’t much mind; he was “born on a treadmill,” as he claimed.) Then, it was endurance, power, and dodge training. Shortly after, he would have a quick breakfast with his friends, and then the fights began promptly at 8:00 on the dot.
To be honest, Yusuke was absolutely dog-tired, and there was no way he would survive the evening before “bedtime.”
It was a rare night for Team Urameshi to have downtime. Having just defeated Team Mashou, the four were having a wonderfully solemn evening. Kuwabara was very determined to teach Hiei to play Daifugo, Kurama and Botan were telling stories to Keiko and Shizuru, and Yusuke was on the couch spectating “the card game.”
In reality, the only thing that Yusuke was spectating was the inside of his eyelids.
The spirit detective blinked in and out of reality as his teammates’ voices began to warble in his ears. Despite Kuwabara’s incessant yelling, Kurama’s gentle tone was just enough to help drown out the cacophony behind him.
Trying his best to sound fully alert, Yusuke slurred out a sentence. “Yanno, ‘Rama, youshuld stard a pogcazt. You hav a ni’ voice.” (You know, Kurama, you should start a podcast. You have a nice voice.)
The redhead’s attention was beheld at the mention of his name, and he quickly turned towards the couch. “A podcast you say?” Excusing himself, the youkai stepped toward his team members, finding Yusuke curled up on the couch, blinking slowly.
Lifting the boy’s ankles momentarily so to not disturb him, Kurama opted to sit next to Yusuke, placing them atop of his lap. “So, what’s happening with them?”
“Ku-‘bara teachin’ Hiei *yawn* Daif’go.” (Kuwabara is teaching Hiei Daifugo.)
“I see,” Kurama hummed, absentmindedly stroking one of the spirit detective’s ankles with his thumb. “How do you think it’s going?”
There was a silence.
Well, as silent as it could be with Hiei and Kuwabara bickering.
When the youkai turned to his right, he couldn’t help but smile at the sight. The boy was absolutely passed out on the couch, seemingly fallen asleep from the comforting touch. His hair was slightly disheveled, his shirt had ridden up to reveal his stomach a bit as well.
“Yusuke, you shouldn’t fall asleep here; you’ll wake up sore tomorrow,” Kurama hummed, patting the top of the boy’s socked foot. “Wake up, child.”
Another silent response from the teenager elicited a sigh from the redhead. His attention was grabbed by a yelp from Kuwabara, having just been jabbed in the stomach by a disgruntled Hiei.
That’s it! But was Yusuke even-?
Only one way to find out…
With a bout of curiosity, Kurama scooted his hand from the spirit detective’s ankle down to his foot. He used two fingers to lightly swipe downward, eyes never leaving the sleeping figure on the other end of the couch. “Yusuke, wake up.”
Kurama was met with a light jerk backwards and a curl of the boy’s toes. ‘How precious’ he thought as he repeated the action. ‘So he is ticklish…’
“Come on now, it’s time to go to sleep in your bed,” the youkai murmured, using all five fingers to go in with more fervor. “Come on…”
Yusuke sighed out a groan, turning over onto his stomach atop of Kurama’s lap. “S’eepy,” he mumbled. He snuggled into the pillow, slumping downward as he exhaled comfortably.
‘It’s almost as if he wants me to tickle him. He’s just flipped himself completely defenseless.’
“Honestly, Yusuke, you cannot expect me to simply leave you alone now. I swear you’ve much to learn,” the redhead reported as he once again started to spider his fingers on the boy’s feet.
Giggly exhales escaped the spirit detective while both of his legs shot upward in the air out of defense. Kurama chuckled and stood up. “Thank you for setting me free from my prison. Now then, up with you now.”
A small groan answered his request, eliciting an eyeroll from the youkai. The boy put his legs back on the couch and snuggled in deeper. The fox demon sighed deeply, kneeling down toward Yusuke’s head.
“Yusuke…” he hummed in annoyance. Kurama’s hand gently brushed the hairs away from the spirit detective’s forehead. His hand came to rest on the boy’s cheek, his thumb gently stroking it. “Come on now… you don’t really want to sleep on this couch, do you? It doesn’t even have seats with fabric. Do you know just how filthy leather can get?”
Kurama was merely met with a relaxed sigh and a smile of comfort—which he should’ve expected after giving such soothing touches to his face.
“Alright, fine. You wish to do things the hard way, then I shall do them the hard way. I am giving you one last chance to stand up and sleep, then I will resort to drastic measures.”
The youkai relaxed a bit when he saw Yusuke open his eyes. With bleary, heavy eyes, the boy glared at the redhead while he stuck his tongue out. Afterward, he immediately shut his eyes and hid his face in the pillow once more.
“Alright, fine,” Kurama said impatiently, “if you’re going to be so difficult, then I shall too be difficult.” And with that, the fox demon shifted downward and began to trace ticklish shapes into the boy’s back and shoulders. “If you don’t wake up, then I shall make you.”
The gentlest giggling broke Kuwabara and Hiei from their argument, turning their attention toward the couch.
“Come on, Yusuke, surely you can just listen and avoid losing your dignity,” Kurama reported.
“Nohohoho,” Yusuke whined as he squirmed.
“Oh! He speaks; good morning! Are you going to listen to me now?”
Hiei and Kuwabara—for the first time that either can recall—looked menacingly at one another, excited to view the endeavor. They watched their friend frantically shake his head “no.” Whether it was in response to Kurama’s question or his ticklish touch, neither knew the answer for sure.
“Kurahahamahahaha,” Yusuke whined, scrunching up a bit as the tickling fingers were dangerously close to his neck. “Nohohoho. Nohohoho tihihihickles!”
“Oh yes, if I must. I must “tickles” if it means it’ll get you to bed sooner. Maybe I need a new spot, hmm?” With these teasing words, the youkai’s hands shot down to Yusuke’s sides and begun to squeeze.
Feet kick rapidly as a very high-octaved squeak escaped the boy “shihihihit!” He whined. “Kurahahamahaha! Nohohohoho!”
The redhead simply smiled innocently at him. The commotion had gained the attention of Botan, Keiko, and Shizuru, who all had stopped to listen in on the event unfolding.
“Do you concede?”
“Nehehehev-hehehahahaha! Plehehehehease!” the spirit detective whined.
“Hmm. I must get creative it seems…” the youkai mused, quickly shooting his hands up to worm under Yusuke’s arms. He had been hugging the pillow for a while, leaving himself totally vulnerable. “How about here?”
An extremely manly yelp escaped his lips as the spirit detective clamped his arms down. He managed to trap Kurama’s assaulting fingers! Just… much lower… between his underarms and ribs… oh no…
“Dahahahammihihihit! Nohohoho! Kura-ahahaha! Shihihit- agh! Nohohohohoho! Nonononohohohoho!”
Yusuke’s feet rapidly kicked up and down as his laughter grew in volume. As if he didn’t get everyone’s attention before, he was destined to now.
“Well?” Kurama asked, completely unfazed by the boy’s reaction.
“Kurahaha- Kurahahahama! Nohohoho! Lehehet mehehe sleheheheep!”
“I suppose you leave me with no choice now, child. My apologies for exploiting your weaknesses in this way.”
What the hell was that stupid fox talking about? Why wasn’t he going to just let him sleep on the couch? What was so wrong with it anyways? Sure, there’s probably piss and blood and all sorts of fun things on the seats but-
Yusuke’s chain of thought completely halted when he felt forefingers and thumbs pinching at his hipbones. Eyes squeezing shut, the boy squealed into the pillow, shaking his head frantically. “NONONONO PLEHEHEHEHEASE! KURAHAH- FUHUHUHUCK YOHOHOU! NOHOHOHO! SHITSHITSHIT YOHOHOHOU BIHIHIHITCH! PFFFAHAHAHA!”
“Quite the mouth on you, Yusuke. If my morals serve me right, I do believe that a punishment is in order,” the redhead hummed with a close-eyed smile, squeezing with more fervor.
The spirit detective’s voice escaped him, and only squeaky responses came as he squirmed relentlessly. “NOHOHOHO! KURAHAHAHAMAHAHA! IHIHIM- HEHEHEHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHIM SOHOHOHORRY! IHIHILL- *snort* OHOHOHO MY GOHOHOHOD- FUHUHUHUCK OHOHOHOFF!”
“What was that?”
With a small grunt of admiration, the youkai ceased his “torturous” attack, allowing the boy to catch his breath. Finally looking up at the room, he blinked a few times when he noticed the rest of their friends staring at the two of them with dopey grins—minus Hiei—on their faces. “Oh my… it seems you’ve gained quite an audience, Yusuke.”
A high-pitched sound of disapproval left him as the spirit detective yawned. Flipping back over onto his back, Yusuke huffed and sunk into the couch. It wasn’t long before his eyes were fluttered closed once more.
The fox demon sighed when he looked back down at the boy. “Perhaps it’d be best to take the path of least resistance,” he murmured as he carefully slid his arms underneath Yusuke’s neck and knees, quickly placing him into a secure hold. “I shall be taking this one to bed, and hopefully I will be back within a few minutes. In the event I do not return, I shall see you all in the morning.”
After nodding to everyone to bid them adieu, Kurama trudged out of the room, looking down fondly at the teenager in his arms—who had absentmindedly turned toward the fox demon’s body and cuddled up. The redhead sighed with a warm smile, whispering:
“Atop of everything else, must I now be your mother too, Yusuke?”
Kurama helped Yusuke down onto the bed, carefully pulling his socks off and removing his jacket. He placed the two items neatly on the nightstand before kneeling by the boy’s bedside to brush the hair away from his eyes once more. “I suppose I should get back out there… hm?”
Expecting no response, Kurama blinked harshly in shock over a drowsy message. “You don’t have to… go back… you can *yawn* you can stay… in here.”
Another fond smile found its way to the fox demon’s lips. “Alright, move over,” he hummed as he slid his shoes off, taking a book out of his pocket. He sat down on the bed next to Yusuke, and opened up to where he had left off. Every so often, he felt the boy shifting next to him.
“You may rest against me; I don’t mind one bit.”
The sleepy spirit detective smiled as he scooched closer to the youkai, placing his head on Kurama’s lap. The redhead reached down to gently run his fingers against Yusuke’s head and through his hair, grinning tenderly at how differently he acted behind closed doors.
“After all you’ve endured, you’re still just a child… aren’t you…?”
Yusuke could only hum sleepily as the youkai covered him with a blanket.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
How the Phantom Thieves react to you telling them you like being tickled
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And no Morgana cause... no???
Personally I loved it in the anime when Ryuji would call him RenRen so I call him Ren uwu
A silent but deathly ler. My boy doesn't even have to tease verbally, his fingers do all the talking
Definitely loves to sneak up and tickle you, being so smug he probably goes "all-out attack!" while tickling you to pieces
Threatens to tell the others about this new info (they were all eavesdroping and already know LMAO)
Very confident in his tickling skills, he just KNOWS how to get you all JAJDKAJFKSJFKJS
Ryuji Sakamoto:
Gurl you better run, cause he wasn't in the track team for nothing
Absolutely LOVES to chase you around. Making you feel like you're in the clear before WHAM! pouncing on you!
Type of ler to laugh along with you
Can sometimes take it a bit overboard but dw, he'll take you out for snacks afterwards :3
An Takamaki:
"Ohh really? That's interesting... So I can just tickle you whenever?~"
I mean you technically cant say no
She loves keeping you on your toes, getting you when you least expect it
She and Ryuji make an AWFULLY POWERFUL tickle monster duo
Yusuke Kitagawa:
He'd probably be like ???? Why are you telling me this???
And not like in a judgemental way. Like my boy's childhood was ROUGH so he literally doesn't understand or get the appeal until you eventually show him the wonders of tickling and it becomes a regular occurence for you two
Doesn't understand why you get so flustered at the mention of tickles
But like with time he starts to reassure you over it if that makes sense
Makoto Niijima:
She may appear all tough and kewl but no no no if anything she becomes more flustered than you
Very awkward ler its painful
Please help her, she can't tickle someone to save her life/j
Naww but fr with being so uptight all the time she def doesnt have much experience with tickling
But once you let her tickle you, she finds it calming and relaxing.
Very soft and gentle tickles to get you all giggly~
Futaba Sakura:
Cue evil lil gremlin look
Gonna hold that against you for the rest of eternity
First one to blab about it to the other members (knowing that youre fine with it ofc)
She's that dirtbag that will randomly say the word tickle or poke you just to get under your skin
Haru Okumura:
Bro ever since I started playing pjsk I keep calling her Haruka like IM SO SORRY-
Anyways literally the sweetest ler you'll ever meet
Always asks if she can tickle you
If she sees you're upset, she'll ask if she can cheer you up with tickles
Always asks how you're holding up to make sure you're comfortable, which makes it more flustering how caring she is??
Goro Akechi:
Now the whole reason I wanted to write this huahahaha
Listen in my heart, Akechi will ALWAYS be a Phantom Thieve. I'll defend his ass 'till my last breath
He's kinda like Yusuke cause, y'know...
Doesn't quite understand it but still finds it kind of adorable
Although this bitch is not afraid to test out that new knowledge, claiming that its for research as you squeal and wriggle under his tickly fingers
He is either the sweetest ler or the most sadistic mf, there's no in-between
And he's so teasy to a fault its criminal! Its his most lethal weapon
Learns the hard way what a ler mood is so you better watch your back whenever he gets one
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elnierah · 1 year
Sea-Kissed Melody
A canon short story for my fanfiction; You Cure The Light. :)
Disclaimer: This short story has no spoilers for YCTL in it, so it can be enjoyed with or as a standalone piece.
Spoiler-free video by clef heima below. 
                                 Sea-Kissed Melody
Yusuke’s footsteps echoed in a lone corridor, one familiar and often ventured to bask in bonds forged. Treading its various passages, the Servants’ quarter was a place of respite, where residents of the mansion could shed their outer shells and embrace their true selves. In spite of the locale’s name, those who inhabited its many rooms were not perceived as mere housekeepers but instead valued citizens of a shrouded kingdom. All was a pretence, from their uniforms to their rigid words of lordship, and whilst a hierarchy of power was still established, it wasn’t quite alike the visage they perpetuated. Such was one of the kingdom’s many defences against public scrutiny, and while at first Yusuke too had fallen for the mirage, he now knew the truth of this place and the souls which reside within.
With his returned art supplies in hand, he made his way back towards the main floor, having just exchanged warm farewells with Furiaye moments prior. For she had asked to borrow a few of his artistic reserves in order to craft a birthday gift for her twin sister - a charm painted with every fibre of her affection. He was heartened to aid in her wishes, not only because he holds all those here near and dear but also because he cherished when one employed creativity as an expression of love.
As his lips curled at the imagination of Fialy’s endeared smile, he perceived and stilled at the sound of a distant melody, one which resonated akin to the press of piano keys. The tune lasted but a singular moment, as if it were accidental instead of purposed. Confused by such, he thought to concede on its existence, only for it to resume and tickle his ears once more. Wholly intrigued, he began to follow the disjointed sounds, careful to listen for every note. After a few minutes, he found himself lulled towards the entertainment room, a space where any and all could unwind after a hard day’s work.
The fragmented melody now reverberant, he swallowed his slight hesitation and peeked within, only for his eyes to widen in witness. Akira, his beloved partner, stood over a familiar ivory piano, his delicate fingers pressing against its sleek keys at periodic intervals, as if he were appraising them. Tantalised by both his actions and presence, the navy-haired man made his approach - a gentle call on his tongue,
His lover swerved around with such startled haste his hand smacked against the keys and evoked a harsh dissonance. His crimson eyes then stared, unnerved, until a sense of calm glowed within, and a sigh of relief fell from his fair lips.
“Ah, Y-Yusuke… What brings you down here?”
His voice, whilst somewhat abashed, brimmed with adored warmth, an affection which ignited Yusuke’s heart every time.
Ignoring the flutter of his chest, the navy-haired man countered, “I could ask you the very same.” He then tilted his head towards the piano, a huff of amusement escaping him. “Although, I suppose the answer itself lies before me. Since when did you slip away for these private sessions?”
“I-I don’t, nor was this my original purpose…” With his lips now pressed together, the raven-haired man averted his gaze momentarily, towards the candles which illuminated the room, and began to awkwardly rub his nape. “I came down here to deliver and cheer Ann with some sweets, given it’s that time of the month for her, but then I… grew distracted on my way back upstairs.”
“Well, aren’t you quite the gentleman.” A charmed smirk flickered upon Yusuke’s countenance. “My own purpose isn’t of equal nobility, for I merely sought to regain some lent supplies.” Brandishing his collection as evidence, he stepped closer, towards the piano and glided his hand over its frame as he approached. “If I recall correctly, you have a history with this piano, yes?”
“M-Mm…” Akira moaned in answer, his eyes shifting to and fro the musical instrument and his love. “My father utilised it to teach me how to play, but I fear all his efforts were for naught thanks to my own neglect.” He then gave a sheepish chuckle. “I doubt I could even play a beginner’s melody now…”
“Hm… Why don’t you put such to the test?” With yet another step, Yusuke closed the small distance between the two, provoking a slight blush upon his partner's cheeks. “After all, I would love to both see and hear you engage in one of your beloved childhood memories.” 
“...I’m unsure. I may end up a nuisance and disturb those around us.”
“I am unconvinced they’d even be able to hear you through these thick walls, let alone perceive your efforts in such a negative light.” As an attempt of reassurance, the navy-haired man caressed his hand over his beloved’s resting upon the piano. “I have been intrigued by your musical talents ever since you first uttered them, and whilst I do not wish to push you beyond your comforts, I would truly be honoured to witness you play.”
Akira’s gaze diverted to their encircled hands, staring at them until a deeper scarlet took hold of his visage, and a soft huff eluded his lips.
“Alright… I suppose it couldn’t hurt to at least try.”
With such words of assent, he flashed an encouraged smile before he manoeuvred to take up residence upon the piano stool and began to stretch his fingers. He then gently pressed a few keys, seemingly to test and revitalise his memory. As he did so, Yusuke watched him with keen ardour, awaiting and anticipating an awe-inspiring performance.
A brief silence then commenced, one where their eyes met and held until a calming melody swayed and sprung to life. It began a slow, drifting tune, one which soothed the senses akin to a lullaby before it swelled into further bliss. Its gentle harmony evoked imagery of loving tides, of being swept into a tranquil embrace and its promise of untold refuge. Boundless, its tale of loss and love overflowed, echoed with sufferance and prevail, until it coalesced into reborn hope, into undying reassurance of the morrow.
Without realise, Yusuke had shut his eyes, fallen adrift amidst the song's beautiful euphony. Only once it slowed to a rejoiceful close did he reopen his tender gaze, observing Akira withdraw his fingers from the piano’s magnificence.
Too awestruck to speak, he could only gape at his beloved in pure adoration, so much so it fostered Akira’s abashment.
“S-Satisfied…?” The raven-haired man weakly murmured, his cheeks puffed and flushed by the unabating stare.
Realising his intensity, Yusuke endeavoured to recompose and instead erupted with ardent cheer, “Such feeble words couldn’t even begin to describe the emotions welling within me!” He clamoured, his eyes sparkling akin to stars. “That was beyond phenomenal, my love! The melody, the swell of harmonious notes and the vast tale unveiled in each…! Ah, you have truly blessed me! I thought I understood the full potential of music, but you have bestowed me with the realisation there is still much to learn!”
Surprised yet heartened by his profound praise, Akira sheepishly scratched his cheek and chuckled, “I messed up a few of the first notes, but I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it nevertheless.” His lips then curled with utmost reverence. “Such adulation coming from someone as talented as you is truly an honour, so thank you.”
Confounded, the navy-haired man tilted his head. “But… I have no talents in the world of music.”
“I don’t believe that matters. Music or art, you’ve faced the hardships of creativity for far longer than I have, thus your words hold more weight to me.”
“...Strange perspective, but alright.” Huffing in amusement, Yusuke placed his supplies down and inched to attend his lover’s side. “That song you played… May I ask what’s its name and where you learnt of its brilliance?”
“It’s name…? I’ll leave it up to your imagination,” Akira teased, a playful smirk upon his visage. “My father taught me it, but I am actually unaware of its origin. Perhaps it’s from some far away fantastical world, one which gives life to ours.”
“Hmph, now you’re just being needlessly cryptic…”
“As is my apparent wont,” The raven-haired man giggled, unyielding on his jokester ways. He then gestured towards the piano. “Would you be interested in trying your hand at music? I can attempt to teach you if you wish.”
“Weren’t you undeservingly doubting your abilities moments prior…? How do you suddenly have the confidence to teach?”
“What can I say? A minor, or rather considerable praise from you is enough to ignite my heart.”
Unconvinced yet fascinated, Yusuke gave a nod of assent. “Alright then.”
With his smirk remaining, Akira vacated his seat and implored Yusuke to take the reins. The moment the navy-haired man did so, rested down upon the stool, he felt his partner encroach and press against him from behind. His lover’s fingers then slipped under his own and guided them towards the piano keys - each touch far more sensual than the last.
Flustered by such, Yusuke sensed his cheeks warm as his desire for further intimacy began to swell. He attempted to dismiss, to focus on the lesson at hand, but with a single glance upwards he met his lover’s fond gaze. They stared at one another, brimming and unwavering with adoration until an amused huff escaped Akira, and he inclined to brush their lips together, ever so tantalising. Wholly captivated, Yusuke shifted to further their connection, their tongues gently interlacing as soft moans filled in the stead of music.
With warmed breath, they departed momentarily, exchanging affectionate blinks and words,
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself… You’re far too cute…” Akira chuckled, his fingers brushing against a scarlet cheek. “Shall we resume your lesson?”
“I would love to, but…” Yusuke narrowed his eyes, rubbing his nose against Akira’s as his fingers equally stroked his nape. “I believe I would love your continued touch more…”
“If that is your wish, then…”
The two reunited in their connection, cradling one another close and lulling each other with every adoring caress - their love flowing now and forevermore.
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tickly-trashcan · 3 years
Phantom Thieves Headcanons
oughh this started as brainworms over Yusuke and Makoto while I was playing earlier but i decided to just do the whole group because the brainrot is stronggg. I hope everyone enjoyssss
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Akira Kurusu/Joker
okay first off idk what to call him for his real name LMAO so we’re going with Akira
He’s not crazy ticklish, but he can definitely get laughing pretty hard
His tickle spots are probably his sides, ribs, and underarms
He has a really cute laugh, it’s a bit higher than his regular voice but not by much
He wasn’t tickled much before transferring to Shujin, but after making friends with Ryuji he was often met with random tazes or tickles
Ryuji is his primary ler because Akira doesn’t really mind because they’re friends, even getting him back sometimes
Akira is a pretty good ler himself, though he doesn’t tickle people very often unless they intiate it
He had Ryuji nearly in tears one time after a prank though, and Ryuji has (sort of) learned his lesson
He’s also tickled Yusuke a couple of times, though he’s gotten him back plenty
I feel like after a little bit he and Akechi would also get into some tickle fights, Akira probably winning most of them
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it feels so odd adding Morgana to this but i figured i might as well just since he’s part of the group lmao
I feel like he’s not really that ticklish? but he does enjoy it
He loves like tummy tickles or tickles behind his ear, and even though he barely even chuckles (it’s more like purring) he really likes it
He only lets Ann do it though, anyone else is a no-go
Futaba tries constantly because she sees Ann doing it all the time but Morgana always hisses at her
She does get him every now and then, but Morgana isn’t a huge fan because Futaba can be a bit rough
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Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull
Ryuji my baby *sobs*
He’s really ticklish because I said so and he has a really cute laugh because I said so
His laugh is really loud and frantic when he’s being tickled, and he giggles if you wiggle your fingers at him to threaten to tickle him
some of his tickle spots are his hips, knees, and tummy
Akira and Yusuke tickle him a lot, either because he’s being a dork or they just feel like it
When he was still on the sports team he got tickled by his teammates every now and then to help him destress but not anymore
Now if Ryuji’s feeling a bit antsy before a mission, all he needs is a few tickles to ease his nerves and he’s good to go
He loves to tickle Akira and Yusuke omg they probably get into tickle fights every now and then aaa
Ryuji loses ofc because he’s too ticklish for his own good and Yusuke and Akira can easily gang up on him
He tickled Ann once and got punched, so he doesn’t anymore lmao
so basically what I’m saying is he deserves a few tickles hehe
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Ann Takamaki/Panther
okay kinda like Akira she’s not super ticklish but she has a few spots that have her laughing
She has literally such a pretty laugh omggg its like an angels laugh yaaas
she’s ticklish on her hips and under her arms
everywhere else she might giggle, but those spots she’ll definitely laugh, especially if you catch her by surprise
Ryuji’s tried to tickle her before, and that was just an epic fail so the only people that really tickle her now are Makoto and Futaba
Makoto doesn’t tickle her very often just because she’s very shy, but when Futaba comes out of her shell she’s definitely a huge tickle monster with Ann
Ann gets them back too! She’s more of a ler than anything so she’s good at tickling people
She can have Makoto and Futaba wheezing but she never really tickles any of the guys
She does occassionally poke Yusuke or Akira, but after Ryuji snuck up on her it’s a no go with tickles for Ryuji
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Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox
okay so since he’s one of my favorites he’s naturally really ticklish and that’s just how it works
His tickle spots are his ribs, tummy, and under his arms!
He doesn’t really like being tickled by people, but he doesn’t complain if it’s his friends
he has a pretty loud laugh, and it can be a bit squeaky if you get him in a bad spot
After he’s been tickled to bits the first thing he says is something like “That was embarrassing” because he just knows that he looks like a dork when he’s tickled lol
I meant that in a loving way, he’s a cute dork
Ryuji and Akira tickle him the most, and sometimes they even gang up on him which just has this poor boy absolutely reeling
Ann and Futaba also occasionally tickle him, and he can get a bit flustered when they tickle him
He doesn’t tickle others very much, buuut he does tickle Akira and Ryuji and occassionally gets into tickle fights with them!
He also might poke Ann or Futaba back a little if they poke him, but sometimes they full on tickle him if he does that and so he refrains most of the time
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Makoto Niijima/Queen
Makoto my beloved
I feel like Makoto would actually really like being tickled! With both her parents being gone and her sister being busy most of the time she’s a little touch starved like me lol so when met with tickles she doesn’t mind at all
Her tickle spots are her tummy, ribs, and hips! But her neck and shoulders are also ticklish~
She’s never fully admitted to enjoying tickles, but it’s kind of obvious because of how she keeps her squirming to a minimum and only asks to stop when she really needs it
Ann and Futaba tease her about it sometimes and she gets really flustered and denies it, but they know
Haru is a bit nicer and gentle with her tickles, and Makoto is thankful for that but it’s still a bit embarrassing hehe
Haru was one of the people who very bluntly asked if she liked it, and Makoto did eventually admit to it but only to Haru
She’s also really flustered tickling others aaa she only ever pokes or very quickly scribbles up someones side, and even then, it’s only with the girls, Yusuke, and Akira
TLDR; absolute lee and absolutely deserves the tickles she wants
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Futaba Sakura/Oracle
AN ABSOLUTE BABY she’s so sweet i cry
She’s veeery ticklish, but she’s not really used to being tickled
She can get overwhelmed easily with tickling, but the group knows when to stop with her when they tickle her
Akira, Haru, Ann and Yusuke are the ones who tickle her most often, though they do it in small intervals to make sure she’s completely comfortable
Her tickle spots are her tummy, hips, and knees
meanwhile, she’s a totally ruthless ler who loves to “torment” (her own words) her friends
They were hanging out in the cafe one time and Futaba just dug her hands under Ryuji’s arms (a constant victim of tickles from everyone it seems) and he just screeched
And he got yelled at by Sojiro which was probably Futaba’s plan in the first place
Futaba finds tickling as a way of pranking people, and she’s a huge prankster so she just loves to mess with her friends using tickles
so all in all, she’s the phantom thief to avoid when it comes to being tickled, she’ll wreck anyone that comes into her range
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Haru Okumura/Noir
ahhh Haru she’s so cuteeee
I feel like she’s one of the wild cards, where she seems really sweet (and is!) but can be a pretty big ler when she wants
She’s ticklish, but mostly on her tummy, sides and waist
She has the SWEETEST giggles they’re super bubbly and a bit squeaky but so so cute
She loves to tickle the other Phantom Thieves too, especially Makoto!
She’s gentle with Makoto because she knows she likes it (sometimes she uses her nails which makes Makoto squeal) but with everyone else...
She just needs to wiggle her fingers at the other group members and they’re already giggling
She’s like infamous for her tickles, and after she got Ryuji that one time in front of everyone it was like,, they were fearful of her lol
Like not actually scared because they know she would never tickle them beyond their boundaries, she’s just so good that she can get all of them laughing really easily
She doesn’t really tickle anyone without a reason though, she’s nice about that
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Goro Akechi/Crow
ahh i don’t know too much about him yet since I just got to the Palace where he becomes a Phantom Thief but I’ll do my best!
I feel like since he’s new to the group he’s not tickled as often, and because of his previous remarks to the Phantom Thieves there’s a bit of distrust
That said, when the group starts to trust him more he quickly becomes one of the tickle targets
I feel like he’s most ticklish on his ribs, sides, and hips!
Akira was probably the first person to tickle him, claiming it was “initiation”
After that Ryuji, Yusuke and Futaba poked him every now and then
Futaba and Akira ganged up on him once and the poor boy was a flustered, giggling mess by the time they were done with him
Yusuke and Ryuji mostly stick to poking him, but Ryuji’s gotten him pretty good a couple times
Akechi doesn’t really want to tickle the others because he doesn’t want them to be upset with him, but he does tickle Akira every now and then
They have yet to get into a serious tickle fight, but Akira would probably win anyway
Ahhh that’s all I have for right now! But prompts should be opening soon~ (probably after I get back from my trip hehe) so if anyone wants to send in any Persona related thing feel free! :D
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nireey · 3 years
Okay, but consider Yusuke bodypainting Ann one day (with edible, glittery paints) and it turns out to be a very ...sensual experience for her because the gentle pressure of the brush strokes, the slow, tickling touches against her skin done by his determined, skilled hands combined with his own warmth, scent and soft hums are so magically soothing.✨🖌️
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mirroralchemist · 3 years
Untitled FFXIV Writings pt.7
Fandom: FFXIV Pairing: Haurchefant/WoL Word Count: 3684 Notes: So this is the completed version of my little snippet I did last post. Something feels off about it so I haven't uploaded it to AO3 but I wanted to get it out there since it's been on my docs for a while. So enjoy this raw writing.
    The loud warks and chirps sounded through the stables as I placed a hand on his beak. I tried to pet in a soothing manner, which only seemed to distress the creature further. 
“Come on Yusuke…” I muttered, “It’ll only be for a short while. I will not abandon you.” 
    He seemed unconvinced of my words and only flailed more at my attempts to calm him. I let out a small sigh at it all. It was quickly apparent that I would need means of flight to travel around. Which, to my unfortunate realization, my chocobo does not have the ability to. In turn it led to my decision to stable him in Ishgard for the time being. 
Yusuke, being by my side since he was first issued to me in Ul’dah, did not take well to said arrangement. 
His cries only seem to grow louder at my insistence. 
    My pets only seem to make the bird even more anxious. Admitting, my knowledge of Chocobos was lacking; only knowing the basics of how to care and train them. I was almost at a loss on how to soothe him. I really didn’t want to stable him either, if I was perfectly honest but the Black Chocobo given to me by Lord Haurchefant would be better suited for the journey ahead. At least for now. 
“Having some trouble dear friend?”
    I turned towards the sound to the very man himself, Lord Haurchefant. His face seemed relaxed as he made his way towards me. Belatedly, I realized that Yusuke stopped his flailing to stare right at the Elezen. I held on to his reigns a bit tighter, in case he was ready to attack. Lord Haurchefant didn’t look worried as he approached us. I couldn’t help the blush that started to appear on my face, remembering that this is the first time we’ve been alone since that night in Camp Dragonhead.
“Ah, a bit.” I admitted, “My partner is not agreeable to being stabled while I’m away. I wish I could take him with, but he cannot fly.”
    At the mention of the dilemma Yusuke started back his distressed cries. I frowned at the creature, while trying to pet him once more. Lord Haurchefant seemed amused by the scene, if the mirth expression on his face was an indicator. A gloved hand reached out and touched Yusuke where the cheek met the beak. Careful pats slowly reached up to his head. 
“There, there.” he cooed, “It’ll be alright boy.”
    The gentle pets across Yusuke’s yellow plumage with his soothing words quieted him down to gentle warks. Lord Haurchefant’s smile widely at his work. And me too. I stood in awe of the man. He had done something that I tried for minutes to do. 
“There, he should be more amenable now.” 
    The awe never left my face as Yusuke became more like his docile self. Lord Haurchefant turned to look at me, bemused by my open expression. His hand had touched my shoulder. 
“I can understand why he would be so anxious. The unknown feeling if the one you hold dear will return hale and whole? ‘Tis a sobering thought.”
    It’s sometimes easy to forget that he is a leader of an outpost. Maybe it is not new to not welcome those under his care. His hand soon moved from my shoulder to the small of my back, bringing me close to his person. My blush became more pronounced as we were just less than an ilm apart.
“Thank you for the black chocobo.” I spoke, “I am undeserving of your kindness thus far.” 
“Perish the thought. You are more than worthy of it and then some.”
    I looked up at him, only for him to meet my stare as well. Watching him, my heart tightened just a bit. 
“What ails you?” he asked.
    My eyes had widened before looking away. Now remembering in full what happened between us before I left for Ishgard proper, it tightened my chest a bit more. I was not ashamed of what happened. But it made situations awkward when I would see him.
“It is nothing.” I started to say.
I wasn’t sure if he believed it. 
    He was silent as his hand stroked along the shape of my spine, sending small shivers in response to his touches.
“Why?” I began to ask, “Why did you indulge me that night?”
“Because you are a cherished friend, Love.” he answered with no hesitation.
    He seemed so sure of himself as he answered. I was at a loss for words. A feeling settled into my chest. The same feeling as we talked that night. It wasn’t the unease of being around him, but rather unease that I could not identify this feeling. 
“Pray, forgive my forwardness but witnessing your feats to save my brother and then the trial by combat against two members of the Heavensward to clear your companions’ names has caused quite a stirring in my chest. If I may, may I kiss you?”
    For a long moment, I was silent. To let his request sink in. The blush became more pronounced as I soon realized what he had asked of me. Thinking on it, it was not that outlandish of a request. Quite tame considering what we had already done together. Slowly, I nodded. He beamed at my acceptance as he lowered himself to match my height.
And we just stared.
    Just looking at him made my heart stir. That feeling welled up just a bit more. He moved his head towards mines, closing the distance. So close, in fact, that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my skin. In a flash our lips touched. Despite the chill of skin from the winter-like air, it was pleasant. 
It was a brief peck; as if he was testing my reaction. 
I found myself wanting more.
    Lord Haurchefant’s hand rose to touch my cheek, the chill from the leather clad hand causing a slight shiver to course throughout. His thumb idly stroked the length of skin. I leaned into his touch finding comfort in such a simple gesture.
“Haurchefant,” I spoke, “I would like that again.”
    His brows rose in surprise. From me asking for more or so readily dropping his title, I could not confirm. But he seemed satisfied all the same. He leaned in once more taking my lips into his, this time not separating so quickly. The air felt different, more charged. My mind raced as it came to realize what I was doing and I was content. His hand left my cheek to caress the back of my head; ministrations leaving my body in pleasurable tingles. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to just feel for the moment.
I couldn’t tell when it happened, but the kiss became deeper.
    My hands found a way through his hair, grasping at it as my body was pulled closer to his. I still wanted more. Soon wandering hands roamed down the back of my body, deliberately pausing to grope at certain parts. I would usually protest at such blatant actions, but I liked how it felt. A surprise mewl escaped my mouth as I felt myself suddenly lifted by my thighs, matching Haurchefant’s full height. Instinctively, I grabbed on by his neck to brace myself. He chuckled at my reactions.
“I confess, I had been wanting this for a time,” he said. 
    I could only nod. To hear him say such things was a touch embarrassing. I had never been the object of one’s feelings such as this. It was aweing to know it. Suddenly, I felt my back bump against one of the wooden beams. I was preoccupied in my own thoughts, I did not realize he had moved us for better leverage.
“It is hard to restrain myself when your reactions are so genuine Love.” 
    He soon returned to my cheek, peppering light kisses along my jawline. Each one brings a tickling warmth in my stomach. 
“Pray, forgive my lack of restraint.”
    I shook my head. I was in actuality quite content at the situation before me. I knew he would immediately stop if I showed discomfort, I felt safe around him. I wrapped my legs around his waist. Being so close, despite our layer of clothes, I felt the faint outline of his need. That in turn fed into my own needs. I held on to him tighter, slotting myself in the middle. A heavy silence settled as he began to sense my intent. His mouth gaped open in clear shock before I saw the tips of his ears tinged pink.
“Ami are you sure?”
“I am. Besides, you put me into this state.”
    He gave a light chuckle before pressing himself firmer into me. He made it known that the arousal was quite mutual.
A gentle wark brought us out of the moment.
    It had suddenly hit that we were being this intimate in a chocobo stable. My blush reached a new high as I loosened my hold on Haurchefant. He kissed at my temple before letting me down. I gave a wince at the crumpled state of my clothes.
“If you are still willing to continue, mayhap I recommend a place where we are not so easily disturbed?”
    He had asked this of me, still ever considerate. He still let me choose the pace of this course. I nodded. He returned it with a smile before grabbing my hand. There was a comfortable silence as we walked out of the stables and through the less populated streets of Foundation. My heart beat faster in excitement of what was to happen. Now that I could clearly identify my own needs, it didn’t feel as daunting to deal with.
I confess, running around discreetly as if I was a youth was a touch embarrassing. 
    Our steps slowed as we approached a small outpost. He had opened the door, it creaking as it swung away. The layout was fairly simplistic; a table, unlit lantern, and a cot adorned the inside. It looked to be able to house one occupant at any given time. 
“These small outposts are stationed throughout the city for our soldiers to rest through the more rigorous guard duty,” Haurchefant explained, “This particular one is seldom used nowadays so it should be suitable enough for our needs.”
    A part of me had wondered how he knew this information so readily. Regardless, I nodded as he closed the door and drew the lone shutters shut to grant us true privacy. As soon as he was satisfied with the surroundings, his lips descended upon mines once more. My hands found wanting to do something so they reached to his back to attempt to unlatch the metals of his armor. He laughed in the kiss as he took off his gloves; throwing them on the lone table. Bare hands soon went lower, reaching the hem of my top. Going underneath the garment he grasped at my bare skin. Those same bare hands crept upwards to cup at my chest.
I had gone without my support wraps this time, not expecting to be in battle this day. 
    He seemed surprised at my choice as well. Without the bandages, I could more distinctly feel the textures of his hands. They still held a slight chill at the fingertips and a roughness that years of fighting brings. They ghosted over the sensitive skin in a gentleness like he had over my bruises that night. I groaned at how much pleasure it brought me.
At last my hands found the fasteners that kept his armor together.
    We had only separated for him to place the armor away so it would not get damaged or we tripped over it. It was in those moments I got to look at him sans armor. I had truly appreciated his form. Even with the long sleeves of his undershirt, I saw the firmed muscles of his undershirt. Our eyes had met and he had smiled. It was always endearing to see him smile regardless of the situation. 
“Do let me know if I’m too hasty Love.” 
I nodded once more. 
    It was almost as if he had never parted in the first place. Being placed against the wall, I could take in his full presence.
“Come Love, I would take full responsibility for bringing you into such a state.”
    He lowered his head to capture my lips once more. Slowly he made his way down my neck, making sure to lavish what bare skin was there. I took deep breaths to calm my senses, fruitless as it was as it didn’t silence the mewls that escaped my throat. My body relaxed to become more pliant in his hands. His leg is situated in the gap between my legs effectively letting me sit on it. He touched my hips and looked at me, asking for permission in silence. I gave him a nod, punctuating it with a firm seating on his thigh. He hand kneaded at the muscles, a rush of familiarity coursing through me. I moved myself against his thigh, relishing the friction it brought. The familiar coil of heat tightened just like that night. I would glance at him, noticing that he stared at me. I almost slowed down at the movements before I felt a squeeze on my hips.
“No, don’t,” he said, “I am quite delighted to see you like this.” 
“To see me so debauched?” I asked between rocks.
“To see you become yourself.” he corrected.
    I stopped completely at my motions to fully stare at him. I started to say something, but stopped. He looked at me in concern.
“Speak your mind, Love.”
    I shook my head. It was the realization of the truth of his words that caused me to pause. How he had spoken it with such conviction to me. That I had to just be. I reached out to his face to bring him closer to kiss.  There was no doubt that my actions were clumsy at best. If he was disappointed at my experience, he didn’t show it. He seemed eager to return my affections. His hands firmed in their grip as he nudged at me to continue.  I separated from his face enough to give a nod as I pressed myself harder on his thigh. The soft groans that accompanied me with each movement seemed to spurn him on. He had started to help me in my endeavor to get off, angling his leg in a way that it would hit just the right spot. His hands glided along the length of my body eventually finding my bare skin again. The groans came quicker as he did not hold back at groping my chest. While I hadn’t been ashamed of them, my bust had always been a bit on the larger side. Feeling Haurchefant able to touch them directly was a bit embarrassing. Despite that, they sent tingles down my body directing in at my core. I felt myself dampen the more we kept going. 
The craving for more began to manifest.
    Haurchefant must have sensed this too for he stopped in his motions and carried me to the cot.  With a soft bounce I landed on said bedding and Haurchefant hovered over me. We stared at each other for the briefest of moments before he had descended upon my bare neck. His hand slowly moved downwards towards the fastener of my pants. His hand rested there, waiting for my permission. I stilled in the moment. I nodded. He had given me a smile in return before loosening my bottoms. A hand slid into said bottoms, under my small clothes to touch at my mound. It was my turn to blush heavily as that hand felt around. I glanced down only to witness the telltale lump of Haurchefant’s hand exploring.
“Have you ever done this to yourself before?” 
I simply shook my head.
    He had taken his time exploring me. He had watched my expressions carefully, making changes if his actions caused a worrying reaction. It was difficult to discern if the ministrations were good or bad as never having a reference point before now. But I hadn’t disliked what he was doing. There was more of a heated feeling, steadily rising with each passing motion. My body broke out in a light sweat as I squirmed. Just as it nearly felt too much he had stopped. The involuntary whine that escaped me made Haurchefant chuckle as he pressed a quick kiss on my neck. His hands wandered to the tops of my pants and with some shimmying on my end removed them. Not long after I heard the tell-tale clinks and shifting fabrics of his own bottoms being removed. I covered my eyes to give some measure of privacy towards him. 
Even if in response he gave an amused chuckle.
    I felt his presence directly on top of me. Opening my eyes once more, I met with his stare. There was this sort of serene expression on his face as he leaned in closer to me. I felt the heat radiating down below as his member rested on top of me. Even if I wanted to, there was no hiding the intense blush that seemed to appear all over my skin. 
“I’ll be careful Love.” He murmured.
I gave him a small nod as I didn’t trust my voice.
    Small whimpers squeaked out as I felt him rub against the sensitive skin below. As his tip started to prod at my entrance, thoughts began to course through me. I had expected there to be a size difference. Considering I was a Hyur, a midlander at that, the difference was much more daunting against an Elezen. He had attempted to push inwards and my body jumped at the motion. A free hand had massaged my shoulder. It took a few moments but my body had calmed down somewhat. I felt he had attempted to gently push inwards again. My entrance would just not yield to the attempted intrusion. A strained whine left my lips. Slowly I felt him withdraw as he looked towards me. There was that clear concern on his face. I appreciated the gesture as I always had when it came to my dear friend. But frustration started to settle within myself. I had wanted this. I wanted to be with Haurchefant in this manner. And yet my body refused for one reason or another. The corners of my eyes began to prick at tears trying to fall at my failure for such a simple act. 
“Shh, it’s alright.” he cooed.
    He had taken his free hand to run it through my tousled hair before letting it rest on my cheek. His thumb had wiped idly at those minuscule tears that formed. Despite his words, I still felt guilty that somehow I had led him on with no reward.
“I can do this.” I told him, “I just need to relax.”
He shook his head.
“It is quite alright, I am content like this.”
“Ami,” he spoke with a sudden seriousness, “You needn’t have to force yourself on my behalf. I would not have a precious moment to be marred with such pain. Pray, do not misunderstand, ‘tis not an outright rejection. Mayhap in the future we can try once more, if still willing?”
    I only nodded. That serious expression faded into his more usual smile. He pressed another kiss on my forehead. The thought again of why Haurchefant hadn’t been spoken for course through my head. Even knowing the context that his being was seen as lesser in proper Ishgardian society, my friend would still be a great partner to whomever he chooses.
That aside, there was still the very noticeable issue that we were both still too aroused to just stop.
    My hand glided down the side of his body to stop at his hip. I gave the skin a gentle squeeze and a push towards me. I had hoped this gesture would hint at what I wanted since our initial plan didn’t happen. He only let out a soft chuckle as he lowered his hips more flush to my own. Just like within Camp Dragonhead, we started this movement against one another. My arms found their way wrapped around his chest as his hardened length thrust forward against me. Feeling it rub against my body makes me groan out in appreciation. That coiling feeling tightening at my core. I shifted my body upwards to give him some more of that pleasant friction. Occasionally I would feel his tip graze at my opening; never enough to cause my body to shut down. I could scarcely recall how long we were like this. Just an unending flow of pleasure I was partaking with a dear friend. I felt myself let go as the pleasure became too much to contain. A deep moan rumbled from my own chest as I placed a hand through Haurchefant’s hair. He pressed a soft kiss on my forehead as he followed soon after me.
    We laid in mutual silence completely wrapped up within each other. I found comfort that in these private moments with Haurchefant, I can just be myself. I knew that soon I would have to go back to wearing the mantle of being the Warrior of Light. I leaned in closer to my friend, taking in his presence as we embraced into each other’s arms. I lifted my head towards him, only noticing he was looking at me as well. I could easily see the fondness and contentment in his expression. It made my own heart thump at how clearly I picked up on it. 
“Are we due back yet?” I asked.
“We can stay as long as you need to be Love.” 
“You have my thanks, for everything. May I be a little selfish and ask for one request?”
He nodded silently, waiting for my request.
“Once everything has settled down, I want to try this again with you.”
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unrestedjade · 5 years
I’ll be adding this to Cigarettes and Cassette Tapes later, but for now I wanna puke this onto Tumblr before I nitpick to absolute death. @chupacawha this was inspired by something you said when we watched the Genkai Tournament arc but I can’t remember what lol.
The walk back to the train station felt about a hundred times as long as the trip out to the temple. And that wasn't even touching climbing down all eighty million steps leading from the temple grounds just to get back to the damn road in the first place. Botan helped as best she could, but most of Kuwabara's weight was on Yusuke. The taller boy leaned heavily on him as they stumbled along, his arm bearing down on Yusuke’s shoulders. Yusuke’s arm around Kuwabara’s waist trembled with effort, hand fisted in tattered fabric to anchor himself. If either of them stumbled, they were both going down.
Yusuke wanted nothing more than to fall face down in the ditch and stay there. Fuck it, let the weeds reclaim him. There wasn't a square inch of his body that didn't hurt, and he was running on less than fumes. The only thing that kept him putting one foot in front of the other was the fact that Kuwabara was having an even harder time staying upright and was somehow doing it anyway. Stubborn bastard. Stubborn, heavy bastard.
The sky was passing from twilight to true night by the time they reached the station. The girl at the ticket counter shot them a look that was equal parts suspicious and alarmed, which Botan smoothed over with some line about a hiking accident. Blah, blah, worse than it looks, blah, blah, bald-faced lie. None of them were dressed to go hiking, and the state of Yusuke and Kuwabara's clothing ruled out any kind of nature-y mishap short of a bear attack. In any case, they must not have looked sketchy enough to call for security, because soon enough they were joining the evening commuter crowd on the platform.
Not many people headed into the city at this time of night, preferring to live out in the smaller towns and suburbs and commute in for work. Botan helped Yusuke maneuver Kuwabara into a window seat. He was pretty out of it after all that walking, eyes glassy and unfocused. Yusuke didn't feel so hot himself, and dropped into the aisle seat next to him-- too much effort to take even one extra step to sit next to Botan in the seats opposite.
"Well," Botan sighed as the train got underway, "that was certainly an eventful day." Her ponytail, normally high and bushy, was wilting down the back of her neck, strands falling loose into her face. Mud smudged the knees of her jeans. On the seat next to her, her bag bulged with the jar holding the shrunken Randou. Yusuke recalled seeing a logo for some brand of pickles stuck to the glass. He hoped it stunk to high heaven in there. And that Botan had forgotten to punch air holes in the lid.
Yusuke slouched in his seat. "That sucked." The train's climate control chilled the sweat soaking his ruined t-shirt, raising goosebumps on his arms. Not that he'd admit he was cold, but he was kinda envious of Kuwabara's jacket-- what was left of it, anyway. "All that shit, and no Tokyo Dome. Don't know what I fuckin' expected."
"Language," Botan chided, more out of reflex than actual offense. "And if it makes you feel any better, I never had a ticket in the first place. I just didn't know how else to get you out here." She had the gall to smile and shrug.
"Y'know," Yusuke sighed, "you're kind of an asshole sometimes." He didn't know why he was surprised. He was starting to get the feeling that getting his life back just meant he was stuck being the spirit world's bitch for the indefinite future. They could at least throw him a bone now and then.
Botan dropped the ditzy sidekick routine, along with her smile. "Don't forget that this is your job, Yusuke. Koenma was generous enough to-"
"Yeah, yeah, enough. I get it." More lectures. Dead or alive, he could never get away from people who wanted to nag at him. Beside him, Kuwabara snored softly, head resting against the window. It didn't look terribly comfortable, but at this point he probably didn't give a shit.
"You did amazing work today," Botan said, relenting. "Really." She reached out to lay a hand on her bag. “Thanks to you, Randou won’t be able to hurt anyone else.”
Yusuke couldn’t help but glance over at Kuwabara’s right arm, the elbow of which had been bending the wrong direction only a couple hours ago. Botan followed his gaze, a frown creasing her brows. “Don’t be too hard on yourself,” she said, softly. “What happened wasn’t your fault, it was Randou’s. And luckily, Genkai is an incredibly gifted healer.” She smiled. “All’s well that ends well, isn’t that right?”
Just because the bones were mended didn’t mean they hadn’t been broken in the first place. But it hadn’t been Botan’s fault, either, so Yusuke kept his mouth shut.
A rough spot of track made the train car shudder. Kuwabara was dislodged from the windowpane and leaned over in the other direction, head thudding onto Yusuke’s shoulder. Apparently, his skull was thick enough that this didn’t wake him up.
“Super.” Like Yusuke really wanted to prop him up for the entire train ride after propping him up for the entire walk from the temple.
The googly eyes Botan was aiming at him just made things worse. “Oh,” she exclaimed, “isn’t that adorable?”
Yusuke glared. “No,” he sneered. “Are you sick in the head, or something?”
“I think the two of you have gotten a lot closer after the day you shared.” Botan rested her chin on her hands, a syrupy grin plastered on her face. “How heartwarming!”
Giving Yusuke a conspiratorial wink, Botan stood, hefting her bag over her shoulder. "I have to use the bathroom!" she announced to the train car at large. "I will probably be a while!"
Nearby passengers looked up from their magazines and conversations at her. Yusuke only raised an eyebrow. "What a lady."
"And you're such a gentleman," Botan shot back as she stepped into the aisle, aiming a pointed smirk at Kuwabara's head on his shoulder. She walked away too fast to see the one-finger salute Yusuke gave her, but she could probably guess, anyway.
For the next few minutes, Yusuke pondered whether Botan actually did have to take a shit or something. He’d seen her eat before, but he had no idea how any of that stuff worked for a spirit, and he wasn’t about to ask. He figured she probably just wanted a place to leave her physical body while she checked in with Koenma. That was probably for the best-- she always forgot to close her eyes first when she left it. Looked creepy as hell. Well, if she was gonna be gone for a while, Yusuke could catch a nap. The combination of the cool air and Kuwabara's warmth against his side had him sleepy.
As exhausted as he was, no matter how much he tried to relax, he just couldn't let himself fall asleep. It didn't help that other passengers kept stealing glances at them. Yusuke caught a salaryman three rows down glaring disapprovingly over the top of his newspaper. "The hell are you looking at?" Yusuke snapped. The salaryman hid behind his paper. Good. Uppity guys in suits were especially annoying.
Kuwabara stirred, a confused croak in the back of his throat.
"You're awake," Yusuke said, voice low so the busybodies sharing the car wouldn't overhear. "Sit up and get off me." He didn't even elbow Kuwabara that hard, but Kuwabara hissed, curling an arm over his side. Fuck, that's right. His ribs had been busted up pretty bad— probably still hurt like a bitch. "Shit, sorry. You okay?"
"You're a dick, Urameshi." Kuwabara's speech was slurred, like he was buzzed. Botan had been babbling something about accelerated healing and reiki donation on the walk to the station that Yusuke hadn't listened to at all. Maybe she'd meant that Kuwabara was gonna be a little fucked up for a while from whatever Genkai had done to fix his injuries.
He was also still resting his stupid heavy head on Yusuke's shoulder.
"Seriously, sit up. Do I look like a pillow?" Yusuke gave him a shove, gentle this time, because there was nowhere on him that hadn't been horribly injured. Kuwabara barely moved, mostly because Yusuke was still too worn out to do much more than lift his own arm, much less push the larger boy away.
"...You smell real bad."
Great. This was exactly how Yusuke wanted to spend the two-hour ride back into town. "Lean against the window, then!" It wasn't his fault he'd taken a dip in a damn swamp today.
Kuwabara shook his head, the frizzy remains of his pomp tickling Yusuke's cheek. "Nuh-uh. Too hard. Makes my head hurt."
"What are you, a little kid? Man up."
Ordinarily, Kuwabara would bristle, say something about being ten times manlier than Yusuke, and sit up straight to prove that he was just fine and in no way had gotten seven kinds of shit kicked out of him. He didn't budge. His skull was really starting to dig into Yusuke's shoulder. Fuck it. Yusuke shifted his weight, leaning into Kuwabara so that they were propping each other up and Kuwabara's head was resting on muscle instead of bone. His forehead against Yusuke's neck was warm, feverish even. He had to feel even shittier than Yusuke did, weird psychic healing bullshit or not.
"For the biggest punk in school, you're pretty clingy," Yusuke joked, because nothing about this wasn't awkward as hell. He was going for a mocking tone, but it didn't quite come across. "Were you worried about me?" It was hard to sneer effectively when you had to whisper to avoid the attention of a dozen strangers who'd turn around to see you totally not cuddling with your big ugly classmate.
Well, shit. Yusuke didn't know what to say to that. He huffed out a sigh. Winding Kuwabara up was the easiest thing in the world any other time. Just one normal thing tonight, that was all he was asking for…
"Thought you were gonna die again," Kuwabara murmured, because of course he couldn't just shut up.
"Don't be stupid," Yusuke snapped. "You're the one that..." A mouthful of bile stopped him from finishing his thought. He swallowed, throat burning. Just the reminder of what that psycho had done to Kuwabara had his guts churning again, enraged. He hadn't been that angry since the shit that had gone down with Keiko at the warehouse, and it caught him off guard even now. If Randou had been a human and not some stupidly strong demon from Hell, Yusuke would have killed the fucker. But Randou would get his in Spirit World. That would have to be good enough. "How are you feeling?"
Kuwabara squirmed a little, trying to find a position that didn't leave the armrest between them pressing against his abused rib-cage. "Like shit," he said. "You?"
"Like shit," Yusuke repeated back. It was true. He'd never felt so used up. Leaning against Kuwabara was at least a little more comfortable than trying to slouch down against the seat back. If you can’t beat ‘em, or whatever.
"If I ask you something weird, will you laugh?"
That was not a question Yusuke was prepared to hear right now. Then again, sitting in silence while they were both awake would be even more awkward. "Probably. What's up?"
"Was I at the bottom of the swamp with you?" Kuwabara twisted to look up at him. Huh. His eyes were gray. Yusuke had never noticed that, but then he wasn't usually this close to Kuwabara's face when he wasn't busy pulverizing it.
More importantly, he hadn't hallucinated Kuwabara showing up underwater like he’d started to convince himself. "Yeah," he said, glaring down at Kuwabara and trying not to accidentally take a bite of his stupid hair. "Real nice, showing up to shit-talk a dying man one last time. How the hell did you do that, anyway?"
Kuwabara shrugged. "I dunno." He looked forward again, his face turning out of view. The hint of redness across his cheekbones Yusuke caught was probably from the fever he was running. "You were drowning, and I really had to get over there, and I couldn't get my stupid body to move. So I guess I kinda just...left it?" He chuckled once, wincing as his ribs protested. "Felt kinda nice to take a break from just lying there feeling like crap. It was getting pretty hard to breathe."
"You had a collapsed lung." Among many, many other things. Yusuke had the feeling the image of Kuwabara so mangled that his body looked vaguely off and uncanny would be featuring in his nightmares for a while.
"I guess that'd do it," Kuwabara said. He didn't seem too alarmed, which could have been down to him being punch-drunk and tired. "Did you get him?" Botan had talked at length about the justice awaiting Randou during their long walk. Add a concussion to the list of things Kuwabara was healing from. "Yeah."
Kuwabara made a pleased sound. "Good."
"Yeah, fuck that guy," Yusuke said, in the understatement of the century.
Kuwabara was quiet for a couple minutes. Just as Yusuke was wondering if he'd fallen asleep again, he said, "What do you think his deal was? I can't figure it out."
Yusuke shrugged. "From what the old bitch said, he might not have a reason other than fighting and throwing his weight around."
"I don't think that's it," Kuwabara said, his speech getting, if anything, even less distinct. He’d probably doze off for real pretty soon. "You like fighting, but you don't keep beating on people after the fight's over.”
“You’d know better than anyone.”
Kuwabara didn’t rise to the bait, too lost in his own train of thought. “Guys like that, I don't think they care about the fight at all. Just wanna hurt someone."
Yusuke frowned. Kuwabara wasn't wrong. And for whatever reason, he seemed to keep running into the kind of guys who were out to spread hurt around for the sake of it. Kuwabara definitely had a talent for sticking his nose into trouble, like he had today.
Another flash of anger. Yusuke had a feeling it would take a while to really calm down, even if the adrenaline rush of the fight was long over. "I shoulda killed that asshole."
Kuwabara shook his head, jostling Yusuke's jaw. "You're not that kinda guy."
Yusuke wasn't so sure about that, at all. He hadn't spared Randou's life, he just hadn't been strong enough to take him out. He'd have to accept that whatever punishment Koenma came up with for the guy would be enough, but he couldn't shake the feeling that the world would be better off without Randou in it. In the moment, with Randou gloating over all those people he'd killed and Kuwabara lying shattered on the ground, he'd wanted nothing more than to break his own fists turning Ranou's face into an unrecognizable lump of meat until long after the demon stopped moving.
He didn't say any of this out loud. Despite being one of Randou's victims, Kuwabara wouldn't agree with him. His honor code didn’t have a lot of flex in it. Yusuke didn't want to think about Kuwabara being disgusted by him, or scared of him.
Or wrong about him.
"Sorry," Kuwabara said. "I wasn't much help, either. Just got in your way."
Okay, now Yusuke knew for sure that Kuwabara was completely out of it. He never talked down about himself. "No, you didn’t." Shaken from his dark thoughts, Yusuke nudged gently against Kuwabara's side. "You were great," he said, the compliment sticking in his craw out of habit. "I'm glad you were here."
Kuwabara caught himself before he laughed and hurt himself again. "Y’know, not counting the whole...monster serial-killer thing, it was kind of fun."
Parts of the day, Yusuke had to admit, had been fun. The ordeal had been a pain in the ass overall, but in bits and pieces, for a few minutes at a time, Yusuke had forgotten he was working a case. "Well, next time you wanna change of pace I can kick your ass at the arcade instead of in the alley."
"Whatever," Kuwabara said. "Don't forget who schooled you back at the temple."
Yusuke scoffed. "You're psychic, so you had an advantage. With normal machines, I'd murder you."
"We’ll...” Kuwabara was cut off by a yawn. “We’ll see about that.”
Minutes passed, and Kuwabara's breathing gentled as he drifted off. Yusuke looked over the top of his head out the window, watching the nighttime scenery whip by outside, fields and little stands of trees partly obscured by his own reflection staring back at him. It would be at least another hour before they got back into the city, and then they still had to walk all the way to Kuwabara's house. And then Yusuke would have to walk all the way back home. And then he'd have to go all the way back to that stupid fucking temple in the middle of nowhere for six whole months.
Sometimes it felt like staying dead would have been easier.
Warm air gusted across his collarbones as Kuwabara sighed, as if he'd heard Yusuke's thought and was irritated by it.
"Take it easy, big guy," Yusuke murmured. "Not going anywhere." At some point he'd leaned his cheek on top of Kuwabara's head, sweat and grass and pomade mingling in his nose. As much as part of him needed to stay alert, keep watch for threats, be ready to defend himself, he was just too tired. He let himself stay where he was, not thinking of much, listening to Kuwabara breathe and the muffled shift and clatter of the train around them.
Quietly, Botan slipped back into her seat across from Yusuke. When she set down her bag, it was clear that the pickle jar was gone. So, Randou had been delivered to the proper authorities, whoever that was. Botan's eyes were glassy, and she was blinking furiously. She'd forgotten to close her eyes before she left her body again. Heh. It would be sort of cute if it weren’t so damn unsettling. She smiled drowsily at Yusuke, taking in the tableau of him and Kuwabara sitting peacefully together.
“Don’t,” Yusuke said, heading off whatever cutesy crap she was about to say. He was too tired and semi-comfortable to move, but she could shut up about it.
Botan’s eyes twinkled. “I didn’t say anything!”
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kazimakuwabara · 5 years
An exploration of hands 
Calloused hands slid over his face.
Thumbs pressed into his cheeks, feeling along the edges of his cheekbones. They trailed down towards his lips, gently pressing against his lowered one as fingers splayed over his face. He could feel the heat of the fingertips that hovered so gently over his skin. A hand curled, twisted and knuckles brushed against his jawline, tilting his face with careful examination.
Kuwabara was awake, and Yusuke was touching him ever so gently in the dark.
This was unexpected.
If it was anyone else, Kuwabara would be terribly unnerved. If it was anyone else, he would have thrown a punch and demanded to know what they thought they were doing.
But it wasn't someone else, this was Yusuke.
Kuwabara focused on keeping his breaths deep and slow as his friend explored his face. It was... comfortable to be honest. He couldn't recall ever getting a gentle touch like this. No... well, no... that was incorrect. Yukina had held his face gently in his hands, but it was with confidence. A sureness. She knew what she was holding, what she was doing.
Yusuke was touching Kuwabara with an uncertain explorative tenderness. Yusuke was tilting his chin and touching the countors of his face so carefully, so tenderly. He touched Kuwabara like he was a treasure.
No one had ever treated Kuwabara like he was a treasure, not like this.
Kuwabara breathed deep, and Yusuke stilled for a moment. Then his index fingers stroked over his brows, drifting slowly to his eyelids touching his eyelashes.
Maybe this was happening because the Dark Tournament had ended today. They would be going home without Genkai, and everything hurt and pinched. It was over, but things were bitter and maybe wouldn't be fully right ever again. Maybe Yusuke was touching him because when Kuwabara was stabbed by Toguro, Kuwabara thought he saw his friend die a little inside.
Pretending to be dead had been incredibly hard.
Yusuke's breath was on his lips.
Kuwabara sighed and shifted in his sleep, turning away if only so he wouldn't panic and open his eyes.
Yusuke's hand trailed down his throat now. Slow, and firm enough not to tickle or make Kuwabara squirm. The touch did do something to Kuwabara's stomach though. It flopped and flipped nervously, something warm tingling there. His heart had picked up the pace, and an uncertainty fluttered in his chest.
What was Yusuke and those hands doing to him?
The hands were back on his face, creeping up his throat. Warm, and a little more resolute. They had intention now. His face was tilted again and he felt Yusuke turn his face. The warm breath of his longtime rival, and now dearest friend was against his face again. Kuwabara breathed in Yusuke's breath, parted his lips and took it in.
Yusuke leaned, and gently pressed his brow to Kuwabara's, his hands settling on the side of his head. Yusuke leaned causing the bed to sink. How could Yusuke think Kuwabara wouldn't feel this disturbance? Any normal person would have woke up by now, didn't Yusuke know?
Yusuke's eyelashes tickled against Kuwabara's face, and he heard Yusuke sigh, a great heaving shudder of relief.
Kuwabara opened his eyes.
Yusuke's eyes were closed, but even still Kuwabara could see his friend's face was twisted in confusion, sadness, and bitter longing.
Kuwabara knew what to do before the thought entered his head.
Slow but steady he took Yusuke's face, seeing Yusuke's eyes fly open with a start. Kuwabara titled his chin, closed his eyes and pulled. Their lips collided in a hard silent clack of gums and teeth clashing. It made Kuwabara's eyes water, and he felt stupid. Easing up a little, he adjusted and pressed softly against Yusuke. The ache faded, and the warm mouth on his was still. Kuwabara pulled with his lips at the Yusuke's lower lip, noting it was cracked. Gently, uncertainly, he licked Yusuke's lips to give the dry mouth moisture.
Yusuke groaned low in the back of his throat.
Yusuke's arms slid under his shoulders, and he was pressing hard against Kuwabara while pulling him up. Surprised, Kuwabara's arms wrapped around Yusuke so he wouldn't lose balance in those arms that pulled and lifted. Yusuke had him up now, sitting in his bed, one arm around Kuwabara's back, and the other cupping the back of his neck as he pressed them closer.
Kuwabara's injured chest ached, ached like it did when Toguro thrust his hand inside his flesh, but that pain couldn't distract him from the kiss he was currently sharing.
Yusuke's teeth dragged Kuwabara's lower lip out and sucked gently. Kuwabara exhaled a shaky breath, and Yusuke seized his moment. His tongue pressed sharply against Kuwabara's lips and slid along Kuwabara's tongue. Kuwabara trembled, uncertain what to do now that this was happening. Undeterred, Yusuke's tongue rolled into Kuwabara's mouth, curling around Kuwabara's tongue, pulling and sucking. Yusuke wanted to know every part of Kuwabara's mouth, and Kuwabara gave in and let him.
He was hot, too hot. The heat intensified as Yusuke's hand slid up the back of Kuwabara's shirt. His splayed hand burned Kuwabara's flesh and he arched, and moaned into Yusuke's mouth, Yusuke growling with appreciative desire.
These two simultaneous noises were enough to stop him. The spell broke, and they pulled apart eyes wide and breath heaving. Distantly, Kuwabara remembered Kurama and Hiei were also in this hotel room, sleeping just nearby. Kuwabara disentangled himself, just a little so he could sit more at ease and give Yusuke room to settle comfortably across from him. Yusuke's hands slid to Kuwabara's, and he took the large hands in his own, managing to encase those large hands in his small ones.
Kuwabara licked his swollen lips and tasted Yusuke.
He dared to look at Yusuke who was waiting for him.
Yusuke let out a soft breath and blinked a few times before focusing on Kuwabara.
"W-why?" Kuwabara whispered softly, his heart in his throat.
"Why did you?" Yusuke countered.
"You were touching..." Kuwabara whispered, and pulling a hand away, he reached up and pressed a thumb gently under Yusuke's eyes. He could feel a pulse there. It was moving fast. "Why?" Kuwabara asked again.
Yusuke took in a shaky breath, "You... can't... Toguro almost took. Took you away. I. I..." Yusuke's sentences were short, halting, hard. His breath became ragged and he closed his eyes against invisible pain. "I can't. No... Not you. I can't lose you. Kuwabara..."
Kuwabara's head caught up with his heart, caught up with his body, and he leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Yusuke's brow. Slow. Deliberate. Firm.
He pulled back just enough to whisper, "I can't lose you either Urameshi. Don't leave me again. I... I'll fight for you."
"I'll fight for you," Yusuke whispered, "Don't you leave me. Stay."
Kuwabara nodded, his hands slipping into Yusuke's. There was something they weren't saying, weren't ready to say yet. They could deal with it when they were ready. Not tomorrow, but somewhere down the line. It would be a slow exploration, as slow and gentle as Yusuke had been when he had touched Kuwabara's face.
Hands held tight, the two leaned against each other, reassuring themselves that they each had pulled through.
Kuwabara stroked his thumb over Yusuke's knuckle, and Yusuke squeezed Kuwabara's hands tight.
And everything was alright.
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giggly-squiggily · 8 months
"I just want a hug!" (Lie)
Lers Kurama and Yusuke with Lee Hiei
Kurama is in a mood again and he's chosen Hiei as his target. Yusuke decides to help out (help wreck Hiei that is).
(Your choice for romantic/platonic)
AHHH KLREKRKJEJE YESH! I love Lee!Hiei so much- and the chance to write him and Kurama is just ajlerkajerjejrajr I've gotcha covered, anon!
Hug- "I just want a hug!"
“But Hiei, I just want a hug.”
“Go hug Kuwabara if you so desperately need one.” Hiei glared daggers at the fox demon, leaning away with a hint of mistrust. He’d seen how he was looking at him; he knew only mischief were to come if he gave in.
“I have; and I hugged Yusuke. Now I want to hug you.” Kurama gave him a tilted puppy eyed look- one he knew Hiei had trouble resisting. “Please? I don’t smell that bad, do I?”
“Of course you do. You reek of humans.” He scowled, earning a snicker. Across the way, he could see Kuwabara subtly sniffing himself.
“I wouldn’t hug him, Kurama. Hiei’s not used to human affection- he might burst into flames at the sudden contact.” Yusuke grinned from behind, earning a narrow eyed glare from the small demon. “What? It might be true! I can’t blame you for being scared.”
Scared! Oh that does it! “Come get your hug, Kurama.” He grunted, narrowing his eyes at Yusuke as the redhead perked up. “Do it before I change my mind.”
“Aww, I knew you’d see things my way eventually.” Arms came around him, and before long, he was pulled against Kurama’s chest. He smelled like roses and herbs and the  demonic land they grew up in and it was…nice. Really nice.
Huh. Maybe hugs weren’t so bad after-
Ten fingers attacked his ribs without any warning and it was then Hiei decided Kurama was on his shit list indefinitely.
“Gah! Nohohohoho! Yoohohohu jeheheheherk, I kneheehehehw it!” He squirmed in the redhead’s arms, fighting down cursed giggles as the soft spots along his torso were prodded relentlessly. Above him, he could hear Kurama and Yusuke laughing and cooing.
“Aww! Hiei, you must really like my hug! You’re not even trying to get away!”
“He’s so ticklish! Hey, lemme get in on this!”
“Fair enough, but don’t be mad when he gets you back.”
“Ahehahahahah! S-Sohoohohohn of a- Gehehhahahhahhah!” Hiei nearly crumbled as Yusuke dropped low, grabbing his hips and giving them a series of friendly squeezes. Yusuke was muttering some kind of spell- repeatedly singing “tickletickletickle” at him while Kurama focused his efforts on finding every way possible to drive Hiei crazy with tickles. Poking, prodding, pinching- even when he lightly skittered his nails against his clothed skin it tickled! “Ohohohokay! Ohoohhoohkay enohohohough!”
Instantly the tickles came to an end, Yusuke hopping back a few paces with a laugh as he hooted in glee, high fiving Kuwabara on his escape. Kurama released him slower, dragging a hand down Hiei’s arm before connecting their hands. With a gentle squeeze, he released him completely, smiling.
“Thank you for indulging me, Hiei. You’re a kind soul.” He nodded before turning to the others, his mischief not quite over it seemed.
Standing there, Hiei stared at the hand Kurama squeezed, his face suddenly very warm and his heart racing. Even when he left, he could still feel Kurama’s arms around him.
Alongside that the lingering joy that came with it.
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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unlockthelore · 5 years
Hidden in Plain Sight [ TLC ]
Hiei never would have guessed that part of being a father of a young child would be sitting in silence. For the better part of a half hour, he laid on his back and watched his daughter scribble on a piece of paper by the sliding glass door leading to the backyard.
The glare from the sun and his own bleary eyes from falling asleep one too many times obscured the drawing from his sight, and the occasional glances she gave him along with a hushed hiss of, “No peeking” gave him the idea that glimpsing it wasn’t allowed.
Propping up his elbow, he rested his cheek against his palm as he watched her switch from one crayon to the next. Most of them lying around her haphazardly but the quickness to which she found the next one bespoke of an orderly chaos.
Green eyes flicked from one corner of the page to the next and her tongue poked from the corner of her lips, eyebrows furrowed as she worked. If Hiei knew that it wouldn’t have disturbed her, he might have laughed, but the similarity was uncanny. Even in the way that she leant back to admire her handiwork, all he could think of was how similar she was to Kurama.
[ She is his daughter. ]
The disembodied voice of the Dragon whispered close to his ear and Hiei closed his eyes, seeing the image of the ethereal creature in the darkness, staring at where their daughter sat with a soft smile tugging at his lips. In the form of a scaled beast, made of not only the shadows of the Void, but iridescent violet scales glowing with youki far older than the Makai itself — the Dragon was softened by the sight of a child.
[ Our child. ]
Violet eyes flicked in his direction and narrowed challengingly but Hiei didn’t want to fight. The sunlight pouring in from the windows warmed his skin and furious scratching of wax against paper as their daughter continued her work was pleasant to the ear. Right now, he was happy to simply just be.
“Papa?” Her voice called out to him, tiny fingers poking and prodding at his cheek for his attention. “Papa, wake up.”
Hiei slowly opened his eyes, curious green ones studying his face closely with her nose mere inches from his own. The corners of his lips twitched and though he didn’t smile, she did. A soft giggle slipping past her lips as he bumped his nose against hers before settling with his head pillowed on his arms.
“Done already?”
She shook her head, lying flat on her stomach beside him, obscuring his view of the drawings left in the sunlight. Hiei yawned loudly, pulling back one of his arms and resting it around her, dragging her closer to his side and resting his cheek against her head. Despite her laughing protests and insistence that his hair was tickling her, he rubbed his cheek against her head and hugged her close. Eventually, the protests died down and she rested her head on her arms, tucked beneath his chin.
“Hey Papa, what’s your favorite color?”
Hiei arched a brow and hummed, his eyes drifting shut. Over the years, he found himself liking other colors more and more, and allowing himself to admire the world around him rather than view it in contempt.
Opening his eyes, he glanced down at his daughter’s peaceful face and smiled.
She tipped her head to one side, slipping it from beneath his chin and Hiei shifted, laying his head on the arm tucked in front of them to stay beside hers.
“Why green?” She asks, resting her cheek on his fist and he smiles at the sparkle in her eyes. Always wanting to know, always curious. He hoped that she never changed even if it meant all of her questions would be heaped on him.
“Why not green?” He asks playfully, and she wrinkles her nose, mulling the question over.
“You don’t ever wear green, that’s Uncle Yusuke’s color.”
Hiei hummed at the observation and she had a point. Admittedly he wore black more often than not and even now, despite all the colorful clothes in his shared closet with Kurama, black was a prevalent color. Kurama said he didn’t mind, that the color suited him, and Hiei loved him for it.
His mind wandered to Kurama. The redhead with vibrant green eyes and a golden-eyed silver fox, both one and the same, but qualities of Kurama that he loved without question. Accepting and nurturing, gentle and kind, but with the ability to be cold and callous. Those eyes that chose to look upon him with care rather than contempt and saved him time and time again simply by glancing his way.
“Papa,” she whined, and Hiei felt a tug at his shirt along with a poke to his cheek. “Are you dreaming again?”
Looking down at her, he smiled at the slight pout she wore. It was in the little things that reminded him of how much he saw Kurama in her but those eyes — those eyes told it all. Ever since she was born, always smiling, always laughing, looking at him as if he hung the moon and stars. Hiei huffed, burying his face in her hair and pressing a kiss to her temple, his chest feeling warm as he heard her giggles.
He would burn the sun to cinders for her smile and for those eyes to never shed a saddened tear.
“Your eyes,” he says, and her giggles gradually taper off as she focuses on him, eyes wide and adoring. “And your dad’s eyes.”
Hiei rested his hand on her forehead, brushing her hair aside and laying a kiss there while she hummed and patted his hand.
“They’re precious to me. Seeing them, it gives me all the reason I need to like green.”
Pink tinged her cheeks a darker shade and she squirmed beneath his arm, curling closer to him and wrapping her arm around his back. A low rumbling in his chest as he laughed and hugged her closer, letting her stay tucked against him for as long as she wanted before lifting his arm as she wiggled away from him.
Arm dropping to his side, Hiei closed his eyes and prepared to drift off to sleep when he felt his hand being lifted again. Crinkling paper shifted in front of him and the smell of wax hitting his nose as he opened his eyes. Her hands rested on the edge of the paper but the picture itself was clear.
Three figures standing side by side, smiles on their faces as they held hands, each a little difference but the one in the center shared traits from the other two. Hiei smiled amusedly, resting his cheek in hand as his gaze flicked over the page, taking in the shorter dark-haired figure with a purple smudge in the middle of its forehead. The taller red-haired figure with a flower growing from the top of its head, and the one in the center holding their hands, the smallest out of the three.
“Why is a flower growing out of your father’s head?”
“Uncle Yusuke said that if you pour water on dad’s head, a flower will grow.”
Hiei stifled a laugh, covering his mouth and jerking his head away when she looked at him confusedly. Yusuke would die if he did something like that. Kurama was forgiving and he could appreciate a joke but unsuspectedly having water thrown on him just to see a flower grow would be a test to the fox’s infinite patience.
“And there’s more on the back, Papa.”
Glancing down, Hiei watched as she turned over the page and his eyes softened. A similar picture was at the back but instead of the red-haired figure, one with silver hair and two triangular ears atop its head was present, golden-eyed and with a bushy tail, but holding the smallest figure’s hand nonetheless.
“Do you think dad will like it?” She asks, no less excited but with a hint of concern that darkens the sparkle in her eyes.
Hiei feels the swell of pride and hugs her close to his side, brushing his thumb over her hastily written signature.
“He’ll love it, Aiko.”
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takamakisu · 5 years
Phantom Thieves and Love Languages
I'm really into love languages and personality types and just anything related to psychology so if you want to yell more with me about this, hmu!! These are just my headcanons of course, not set in stone.
•Akira: Words of Affirmation. Sometimes he feels down and he needs to be reminded he's loved and appreciated. Being rather sensitive, words hurt Akira a lot more than he lets on so you need to be gentle..tell him he's special and that you're glad he's in your life, works wonders. ♥
•Ryuji: Touch, most definitely. Hand holding, hugging, piggy back rides, little smooches; he loves all that kind of affection- Ryuji is shaped like a friend, please hug this boy. 💛
•Ann: Touch as well. I hc she's rather touch starved from her parents not being around and not having many friends so genuine affection? Healing. She's not as open and clingy as Ryuji is but once she trusts you, Ann's a little cuddlebug. 💞
•Yusuke: Gifts. Buy this boy food? He will love you to the ends of the earth and back again. It doesn't have to be anything special either! Just little things that let him know "I'm thinking about you" really make his day. 💙
•Makoto: Acts of Service- doing things for her like cleaning, cooking, etc; especially ahead of time, are very pleasant surprises. Makoto values order and cleanliness a lot and so when friends or potential romance partners take note of that, that warms her heart. 🖤
•Futaba: Quality Time! Her whole Confidant has her spending 1x1 time with you so I believe bonding time is extremely important for Futaba, whether it be platonic or romantic. Video game marathons really tickle her fancy. 💚
•Haru: Quality Time as well! Actively taking interest in things she enjoys and spending time with her makes Haru very happy and soft; optimal activities include but are not limited to gardening, watching horror movies and gossiping over tea. 💜
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books-and-dragons · 6 years
Request if you feel like it: Ryuji being 1. ecstatic and 2. extra clingy of Ren after Ren gets released from jail in February.
I’m so sorry this took to bloody long! Actually no idea how I managed to take this long, but hey….
Anyway, thank you so much for the request! Damn I’m so here for clingy Ryuji, I also combined this with another aspect I wanted to include if that’s okay? Either way, thank you!!
Part one is here for the nosies
Leblanc was busy with guests, a rarity only known to occurwhen the formerly-known Phantom Thieves of Hearts were visiting. The teensfilled the time-worn seats, lukewarm cups of coffee or flat soda infront ofthem, not so much as a sip taken. The room was silent, their gazes were fixatedon the door, waiting.
How long they’d been waiting, it was hard to say.
After Yusuke arrived, the others seemed to follow in asimilar haste. The excited grins unwavering from their faces as they settledinto seats, at first trying to make conversation so the time would pass overfaster, an effort that they eventually gave up on after frequent glances at thedoor, nervous tapping of fingernails on ceramic, and sudden pauses inconversation, as they eased into silence.
A silenced that was broken by the gentle chiming ofLeblanc’s door carefully being pushed open.
Ryuji felt like he might have gotten whiplash from how fasthis head snapped up, and he found that he had no problem with that as he seteyes on his boyfriend for the first time in months.
Same fluffy head of hair, same wide doe eyes and gentlesmile. Gripping the familiar worn, tan bag that was flung over his shoulder, heheld himself with the same quiet grace he always had, gazing around the room inseeming surprise.
But as Ryuji looked closer, Akira wasn’t quite the same.
His hair was slightly more lifeless, framing dull eyes thatseemed to flicker around the room, pink lips strained into a hesitant smile.His shoulders were slightly more hunched, as if he were trying to make himselfsmaller. Ryuji wondered if anyone had noticed the changes, or if it was justhim.
But all that could wait to think of later.
Akira was back.
Faster than anyone could have predicted, Ryuji rose from hisseat, pushing off from the sofa as he sped to Akira, the other teens but a bluraround them. Without haste, he wrapped one arm around the raven-haired teen’swaist, and pulled him in for a searing kiss, the other hand coming up to wavethrough his messy curl of hair, holding him in place.
Akira didn’t hesitate, arms snaked around the blonde’s neck,pulling him closer with an almost desperate fervour. They couldn’t help thesoft smiles on both their faces as they pulled apart, gazes not wavering fromone another, slate grey on warm chocolate, until their attention was forciblyredirected with an impatient clearing of someone’s throat.
Turning their gaze away from one another, they were met withthe expectant gazes of their friends. From where he had slipped around the duoto stand by the counter, Sojiro was raising one eyebrow, carefully watchingthem. A light pink flourished on both of their faces.
Slowly, Akira began to peel away from Ryuji, withdrawing hisarms to hang by his side as he took a few steps back, or at least he tried to.Ryuji’s grip steeled, pulling Akira tightly to his side by the waist, gaze notstraying from the other teens and barista. Akira’s cheeks burned as he staredat the blonde, surprised.
“Damn Ryuji, save some Akira for the rest of us!” Annlaughed as she rose from her seat, arms wide as she walked towards the pair-gaze flickering to Ryuji expectantly.
Ryuji grumbled under his breath, releasing his hold on Akirajust in time for Ann to pull him in for a hug, arms winding around his torso ashe let one arm run up his back to tousle his hair.
“We missed you.” She mumbled, before reluctantly letting himgo, stepping back to allow room for Haru.
Then Makoto. Then Yusuke. Then Futaba.
Each taking turns to pull Akira into a tight embrace,whispering light reprimands of his recklessness and expressions of relief tofinally have him back. They had waited months for this, tireless planning,intricate detailing and contacts, all worth it to have their leader back withthem. One hug couldn’t possibly be enough, but with the way Ryuji immediatelylatched to Akira’s side and sat down next to him on one of the sofas, they knewthey’d have to be patient. Sharing a knowing smile, the rest of the group allfell into place around them, filling the previously empty seats. Sojiro sneakingout under the excuse of buying groceries, watching after Akira with a contentedsmile before he left with the jingle of the door.
Ryuji beamed, pulling his arm thrown around Akira’sshoulders tighter, letting the boy bump against him. Momentarily his beamflickered to a frown, Akira’s shoulders were way bonier than they used to be.
Around them, the team laughed, oblivious to Ryuji’s plight,as they filled Akira in on what happened while he was gone, cheering hisreturn. Their voices intermingled, one cheerful voice climbing atop another,vying for their leader’s attention.
Akira’s eyes glittered as he listened to how his team workedtogether to free him from juvie, soft yet slightly bitten lips parted into ajoyous grin as they told him about how the team had bickered for hours aboutwho would confront Iwai (and tousled locks rustled as Akira shamefully duckedhis head while Makoto warned him of how she’s be reprimanding him for gettinginvolved in the Mafia. Ryuji thought he had it coming, really- he still wasn’tover the shady Yakuza shit or the dangerous drug trials).
But up close, his cheeks were hollow, dark circles under hiseyes even worse than before he had left for juvie. Even as he leaned againstRyuji, there was a tension in his physique, as if he were ready to fight orflee at any moment.
As the thieves continued to chatter, Ryuji’s grip around hisboyfriend tightened. In turn, Akira relaxed against him ever so slightly.
And then the jingle of the Leblanc door sounded.
The stupidly bright smile on Akira’s grin as Morgana curledon his lap almost made Ryuji feel ready to forgive the cat for leaving them forso long. Almost. The cat still wouldn’t be hearing the end of it for months, ifnot years.
But as Morgana purred, and Akirasmiled, one hand running through the cat’s fur as another held the hand Ryujididn’t have thrown around his boyfriend’s shoulder, Ryuji was willing to forgetabout it all for now.
As the last of the group left, Yusuke throwing a soft smiletowards their leader before closing the door behind him, Akira headed upstairsto the attic.
It was like he’d never left. Same modestly basic structure, ricketywindows held together by slowly-rusting metal, old television resting on aspare table next to the worn and uncomfortable sofa which left you with thefeeling of springs digging into your back for days. Only this time, the finelayer of dust that so commonly coated every notable surface was missing,instead replaced by glossy sheens and visible wears in the wooden framing andbeaming of the attic.
Delicately, Akira ran one hand over the polished table bythe stairs, his hand coming to a halt by the cat who was staring up at him, aknowing glint in his eye.
“I’ll stay with Futaba tonight, give you two some privacy.”Morgana smiled, butting against Akira’s hand gently, before jumping down fromthe table, and speeding over to the windowsill, open window waiting him todisappear into the night. After him, Ryuji closed the squeaking windowpane,expelling the chilling winter breeze from sweeping through the alreadypoorly-insulated attic. He turned on his heels, taking one moment to allow hiseyes to linger on Akira’s frame, before a wide smile split across his face.
Before Akira could so much as blink, he was being held inRyuji’s tight grip, strong arms wound tight around his waist, chin resting onhis shoulder. Without hesitation, Akira wound his own arms around the blonde’storso, a smile lingering as he pressed his face into the curve of hisboyfriend’s neck.
“Shit. I missed you so much.” Ryuji’s voice was barely pasta mumble, tickling Akira’s ear, carrying to easily in the silence of the nowempty café.
Akira’s grip tightened ever so slightly, “I missed you too.”He sighed, taking a moment to nuzzle into Ryuji’s neck before he began to pullaway. “Let’s change, I’ve missed proper pyjamas.” Plus, then they could snugglein bed, much better than standing.
However, Ryuji didn’t share his sentiment.
Muscled arms tightened and pulled him tighter against theother teen, who grumbled moodily in his ear, “A little longer, five moreminutes….”
Akira smiled, shaking his head as he drew his torso away,still attached by Ryuji’s firm grip on his waist, Akira faced the blonde as heallowed one hand to softly cradle his cheek, thumb delicately tracing the skinas he peered into warm chocolate-brown eyes, which couldn’t seem to stray fromhis own. “I’m not going anywhere, okay?” Ryuji’s eyes widened, as Akiraslightly shook his head, “Once we’re changed and in bed, I promise we cancontinue.”
Ryuji stared at him a moment longer, as if in contemplation,before nodding and beginning to unwind his arms reluctantly. Akira smiled, andleaned forward to press one gentle kiss on his cheek before turning to get hisjoggers and top, still lying in the cardboard box he had always kept hisbelongings in. Behind him, he heard Ryuji shuffling through the bag he alwayskept at the café, just for nights like these.
It took the pair a few minutes to change, shuffle of clothesthrown onto the sofa to be dealt with in the morning, lights being flickeredoff, before they were curled up together in the worn bed that could hardly evenbe called a bed. For all of Akira’s efforts spending his every spare yen onimproving its comfort, it remained to be a box of crates, with the most recentaddition of a mattress atop it.
The attic was dark, lit only by the streetlights of Yongenand the slight shine of the moon, and as Ryuji stared at Akira, he couldn’thelp but stare in admiration. Gently, he ran one hand through moonlit-touchedobsidian locks, as Akira leaned into the gesture. The two shared a smile, asthat arm ran down to once again encircle Akira’s waist, pulling him closer asthe other boy’s arm hung loosely around the blonde. Faces inches fromeachother, they shared a soft smile.
“Three months.” Ryuji murmured, frowning to himself, asAkira shook his head ever so slightly.
“Worth it. All worth it, we’re together now.” The teen’ssmile remained to be soft and warm, but there was a tightness to his gaze, arigidness in his shoulders.
Ryuji sighed, “Was it though? Look, I wanted to save this‘till morning but…” A deep breath, Ryuji locked his eyes on Akira’s own deepgrey ones and steeled his resolve, “You said nothing, nothing, shit we were together the night before and you never saida word. You never even thought about doin’ anything different other thanhandin’ yourself over, and I’m sick of it! Those weird drugs trials, the Yakuzashit, the i-interrogation, and even handin’ yourself over to the police. I-it’slike you don’t even care about y-yourself dude, please, just-just,” A deep, shuddering breath, “……why?”
When had he started crying?
Slowly, a few tears rolling down his face onto the pillow,Ryuji didn’t allow his (admittedly slightly watery) gaze to stray from Akira’sown.
The teen in question had froze in his arms, and for a momenthis eyes darted around and avoided Ryuji’s own with a stubborn determination. Theblonde took the moment to raise his other arm and wipe at the tears, beforeAkira’s gaze flickered back to him.
“Look,” The teen sighed, “I know. I should’ve told you,okay? I-I just….we were having such a great night, and if I knew if I broughtit up you’d try persuade me not to and I just….” Another head shake, “It allworked in the end though, didn’t it? I’m fine, alive and well.”
As if to emphasise his point, the smile again became warmand soft as his hand moved from where it had been against Ryuji’s back togently caressing the blonde’s cheek, thumb tracing the slight tear streak leftbehind. Ryuji’s own hand snapped up from where it had been around Akira’s waistto grab at his wrist. Thumb and finger overlapping with ease.
“’And well’, huh?”Ryuji shook his head, releasing the wrist to instead wind back around Akira’swaist, and creep up to brush his ribs, “You were skinny before you left, this-this is inhumane,Akira. The others were right, you’ve lost weight, too much- whatever treatmentyou had in there, it was was nowhere near ‘well’.” Ryuji’s grip on Akiratightened, his eyes became shadowed, “Everyday you were gone I kept thinkin’about that day in November, a-and seein’ you now-“
“Hey,” Akira soothed, thumb continuing to trace the outlineof where tears had once fallen, “That was in the past, okay? We made it out,and that’s all that matters, no more of those thoughts okay?” He leanedforward, lightly pecking at the tip of his nose before pulling back, “Let’s notthink about it anymore, okay?”
Ryuji sighed, but nodded. Akira couldn’t keep repressingeverything he went through, it wasn’t healthy, but they could discuss itanother time- maybe when he had at least Sojiro and Futaba to back him up.Maybe that shady doctor too, she hadmentioned wanting to do a check-up on him once he was released….
“You got it,” Ryuji promised, smile splitting into a grin ashe pulled Akira closer, intertwining their legs, “Instead let’s think about howI finally get you to myself. None of the others getting’ in the way.”
Akira laughed, it was a lighthearted chime, free of thetraumas of the past year. Ryuji wanted to hear it forever. “You dork, they were there for oneafternoon.”
Teasingly, Ryuji lightly brushed his fingers over Akira’s ribs,the resulting giggle the snuck past the other boy’s lips echoed around thesilent room, and Ryuji couldn’t help but close the little distance between them,lightly pressing his lips over Akira’s own for just that moment before pullingaway, stupid grins on both their faces.
“One afternoon too long, if they kept me from doing that.” Ryujigrinned, taking a moment to relax into Akira’s gentle combing of his hair,before leaning forward, “Now I gotta make up for lost time.”
Loud giggles filled the room, sheets rustled, the onlyinterruption being the occasional laughing protest, as one teen attempted tohalf-heartedly bat away the other, who was peppering kisses across his face.
“Ryuji! Stop it!” Akira’s face was flushed, whether from theattention or the giggling was anyone’s guess, as the blonde eventually pulledaway, mischievous grin lighting up his face. Nothing but adoration glittered inhis hazel eyes as one pale hand reached over to cup his face, their breathsslowly regulating from earlier giggling. Slowly, a slightly tanned hand reachedup to cover the pale one.
They spent a few minutes like that, lit under the moonlightpouring in through the attic window, happy in eachothers’ embrace, beforelightly-bitten lips broke open into a soft smile, as the same pale hand movedto grip it’s slightly more tanned other, interlacing fingertips slowly.
“I thought about this moment every day since I left.” Akira’svoice was soft, hushed, but to Ryuji it could have carried across the entiretyof Mementos. Loud as the rallying cries of support for the Phantom Thieves onthat fateful day, only this meant so much more.
Ryuji’s smile mirrored Akira’s own, as he gently squeezedthe hand he was holding, “Me too,” The other teen’s legs shifted slightly, oneleg hanging over his own thigh, pulling him closer, “Seeing you again has beenall I’ve thought about.”
Again, Ryuji found a pair of lips pressed against his own,gentle and swift, but enough, as Akira pulled away, “We’re back now, Ryu, andthat’s all that matters.” The boy’s eyes fluttered slightly, those long lashescasting a shadow under his eyes in the moonlight, before slate grey eyes lockedonto his own, “You look exhausted, let’s sleep for now.”
“I look exhausted?”Ryuji muttered under breath, but nodded in agreement nonetheless. He hadn’tbeen sleeping well at all since Akira’s arrest, especially not last night- theexcitement to have him back kept Ryuji from closing his eyes for so much as afew minutes. But now, hands interlaced and curled up next to one another, Ryujiprepared himself for the best night’s sleep in a long time- so did Akira.Months on the hard, unrelenting ‘mattress’ of Juvie beds had been killer, evenmore so without the comfort of Ryuji beside him and the loneliness of being putinto solitary confinement.
Just being with the all-encompassing warmth that was RyujiSakamoto was enough. He watched on, smile on his face, as Ryuji’s eyesfluttered shut, and before long his breathing evened out.
Meanwhile, Akira’s eyes remained stubbornly open.
Slowly, he peeled his hand out of Ryuji’s now-lax grip,bringing it up to weave through bleached locks. In his sleep, the smile hadn’tfaded from Ryuji’s face, but instead seemed to grow ever so slightly as heleaned into the touch with a slight murmur. Akira muffled a small laugh at thesight, sitting upright as he stared down at his boyfriend.
Even now, in the company of the very person he had longed tosee for his entire isolation, he couldn’t sleep. Pathetic.
It was then that something caught his eye, or more preciselyhis ears. A faint buzzing echoed, hitting off some solid surface. Akira frowned,tearing his eyes away from the figure of the sleeping blonde to scour the room,his search didn’t take long.
Right where he’d left it plugged in, on the worktop, camethe faint glow of his phone.
He’d forgotten about it. In the rush of seeing the thieves,and Sojiro and being back with Ryuji, catching up on his phone has been thelast thing on his mind.
But with everyone else gone, and Ryuji asleep, and himnowhere near able to fall asleep, Akira slowly untwined his legs from wherethey were tangled with Ryuji’s and carefully set his feet on the cold wood ofthe attic floor.
Usually, he would have had to keep the gasp of shock whenencountering that chilling cold quiet, but months in Juvie had conditioned himenough to be used to it by now.
With the stealth of the phantom thievery days, Akira snuckacross the room to his workbench, avoiding all the creaky floorboards, stillremembering their locations from the times he snuck out in the middle of thenight when Morgana was around, the cat would’ve ended him to find him not asleep in bed at 1am.
As he picked up the phone, he had to momentarily tear hisgaze away before lowing the brightness.
His phone was swamped. Notification after notification, itwould take him forever to go throughall of this.
With a sigh, he crept back to bed, careful not to disruptRyuji as he turned away from the sleeping blonde, back to him as he curledaround his phone, ready for a night of clearing and reading and responding.Fun.
Most messages dated back from Christmas day, well wishesturned to panic to anger or sadness or desperation- Akira couldn’t bringhimself to read any of those messages. Instead, he focused on the more recenttexts, ones of warm welcome and demands to meet up again (and probably tell himoff for the juvie thing, as Sojiro had spent basically the whole car drive backdoing it, the thieves had spent a good hour or so reprimanding him, and thenRyuji broached it too). He’d reply in the morning, at a moresocially-acceptable time. Besides, while meeting up with friends and confidantswas important, it wasn’t what drew his attention.
Countless voicemails. Dating back to the 25thDecember, some as frequent as a few times a day, othertimes there could be upto a week in the gap- all from the same person.
Before he could stop himself, Akira was ringing thevoicemail, curled up around the audio-regulated voice of his boyfriend’s.
His stomach clenched.
When Ryuji woke up, it wasn’t to blinding sunlight streamingin through open windows, nor to Akira’s fuzzy bedhead and his bleary eyes,pulling Ryuji into a tight hug for ‘5more minutes’ as Morgana griped at them to get up (either that or the dumbcat was curled up snoozing next to Akira’s head, hypocrite).
Instead, Ryuji woke to the ghostly lighting of the moonshining down on fluffy, dark hair, and a way-too-slim frame turned away fromhim, curled up with some sort of artificial light glowing around them. Therewas some sort of audio too, but Ryuji didn’t give it too much attention as heshifted forward, throwing one arm around Akira’s waist as he leaned forward.
“Whatcha doin’?” His voice was heavy with sleep, but itseemed to get the message across as Akira jumped, head swivelling to face him,eyes wide in shock. He seemed to fiddle with his phone for a sec, before theaudio cut off- not that Ryuji had been giving it much attention.
“Ryuji?! What’re you doing up? Did I wake you?” Akira frowned,shifting to turn and face the sleepy teen, one hand held his phone away fromRyuji’s eyeline.
“Dunno….what’re youdoin’ up, Aki?” Ryuji murmured, trying to rub his eyes in an attempt to be morecoherent with his thoughts.
“I-I..uh…it’s not important, okay? Why don’t we go back tosleep?” Akira’s eyes seemed to shine with something Ryuji had hoped to neversee again, something Akira sported for more than any person should. That samelook that shadowed him when he was at his most vulnerable, and it was the verylook he was giving Ryuji in that moment, as he tried to settle the teen.
“No.” Ryuji shook his head, propping himself up on hiselbows, “Somethin’s up, talk to me.”
For someone who had been dead to the world 5 minutes ago,Ryuji’s stare sure was intense. Akira found himself shifting under it.
“Nothing, I swear, look it’s late and-“
“Akira.” It was the middle of the night, no messing aroundat this time.
The teen sighed, adverting his eyes. In the dark-haired boy’shands, he was fiddling with something- his phone maybe?- as he talked.
“It’s nothing, we should probably-“
“You mean Ishould.” Ryuji frowned, one arm coming up to squeeze Akira’s shoulder, “Youweren’t sleeping, come on dude I saw you.”
Akira shook his head, his eyes focused somewhere far beyondRyuji’s shoulders, “Don’t wanna talk about it, not tonight.”
Sometimes, Akira got like this, getting him to talk was farfrom easy, and that came from Ryuji, who Akira shared the most with.
Understandingly, Ryuji nodded, “It’s okay, not tonight then….whatwere ya listenin’ to before I woke up?”
The immediate shift sparked something in Ryuji. Akira’s eyeslocked to his own, momentarily lost in panic, the same look he got when caughtout in a lie. “Oh, that was… nothing.”
Ryuji grinned, “Nothin’ huh? Then you don’t mind showin’ me?”
He knew the answer before Akira could even say it, and alsoknew that whatever was on that phone Akira was trying to keep a secret fromhim. Without waiting for a response, Ryuji lunged forward, a surge ofadrenaline fighting off all post-sleep fatigue, as he snatched the phone fromAkira’s unsuspecting hands. Oh Ryuji loved when he could finally surprise theother teen, but this wasn’t a moment for celebration.
Akira’s face further contorted into panic, “Ryuji, it’sreally not that important, just don’t-“
There, on the screen, a muted call to the voicemail. Ryujiknew instantly what Akira had been trying to hide.
“-look at the screen.” Akira slumped down into the pillows,a look of shame on his features, “Look Ryuji I-“
“It’s okay.” Ryuji sighed, facing Akira, he handed the phoneback to the suddenly wide-eyed teen, “I knew ya were gonna listen to ‘emeventually….Guess I should have explained first though.” Akira, immediatelysensing the change of mood, shifted to be staring at Ryuji face-to-face, the handnot holding the phone gripping the other’s, “I guess they were just kinda animmediate response at first? Back when I didn’t think it was real…then itstarted helping me cope? Everywhere was so quiet, so empty and dull without youthere- when I called, it was almost like we were talkin’- you know? I-I know it’skinda weird…”
“Ryuji.” The hand moved, to cup his face, “It’s not weird. Iused to imagine you were there with me all the time, it helped, thinking youwere by my side….although I’d rather you not go to juvie.” He chuckled, but itwas weak, “My point is, it means a lot, you leaving me voicemails….I wish Icould’ve heard them before now.”
A small smile twitched at Ryuji’s lips, “So, you don’t mind?”
Akira mirrored him, shaking his head lightly, “Not at all.”There was a pause, as Akira toyed with the phone, thumb tracing over the homebutton, “But I still want to listen to them tonight, I’ll wait till you fallasleep but-“
“Nah,” Ryuji’s legs once again intertwined with Akira’s ashe grabbed the phone, pressing the home button and offering the pin system tobe input, “I don’t mind. Besides, did you reach the Shujin part yet?” Akirashook his head, expression wrought with confusion as he tapped in his passcodeand let Ryuji reopen the voicemail contact, “Well, ya in for a shock. Betterhave me there to comfort you.”
At this, Akira laughed, lightly pushing at his shoulder ashe took the phone back and called the number, “Oh? My big, strong boyfriend ishere to protect me from the nasty shocks at Shujin? My hero~” He purred,giggling lightly as Ryuji’s face light up, a bright pink covering his cheeks,but before he could retort, the automated voice interrupted, directing them tothe new messages tab.
Akira pressed the appropriate keys, following the setinstructions, before setting the phone between them on loudspeaker. His handfound Ryuji’s, and together they lay entangled as Ryuji’s voice filled theattic. Akira’s thumb gently rubbing circles into the back of Ryuji’s hand,their eyes not straying from one another as they listened in silence.
They shared smiles as Ryuji cheered about getting Akira out,about how helpful all of Akira’s confidants were being, Ryuji laughed as Akira’spallor turned pale at the mention of Shujin’s most recent rumours, and hewondered how long it would take for Akira to start considering skipping thelast few months. But through that, things started to strain.
Akira couldn’t meet his eyes as Ryuji worried about thepolice at juvie, his whole body became tense the duration of that message.Whenever Ryuji started to cry or freak out, his grip on Akira’s hand wouldtighten, and Akira would start to gently run his leg up and down Ryuji’s as anact of reassurance.
Those messages seemed to last much longer than the phonecall time reported, but when the final call arrived, with Ryuji’s solid promisein turn, all of that was forgotten. Silly grins replaced any concerned frownsas the call ended. Silently, Akira closed the tab and shut off the phone,placing it on the shelving unit behind him, before turning to stare at Ryuji,and Ryuji at Akira in turn.
A moment passed between them, and just as Ryuji went to openhis mouth and say something, Akira swooped down, his lips pressing against theother’s firmly, one hand coming up to cup the boy’s face. It didn’t take longfor Ryuji to reciprocate, deepening the kiss as he pulled Akira closer. Theyshared the embrace for what may have been seconds, but didn’t quite feel likelong enough as they slowly he pulled away, Akira reaching to squeeze the blonde’shand as he did, interlacing their fingers.
“I love you.” Akira breathed, a gentle smile on his face,despite the determination and concern in his eyes, “But please, don’t ever blame yourself or beat yourself upover something like this ever again. We’re going to talk about it but…nottonight. Another time, when we’re less sleep deprived and it’s not our firstnight together in months.”
Ryuji’s lips twitched, although his shoulders slumped, “Fine,one day. But, we’re talking about juvie too.” All he got in response to thatwas a sigh, but it was sigh he’d take to mean acceptance. “Okay, now we’re gonna sleep, and that includesyou- or I’ll tell Morgana.”
Ryuji had to stifle a laugh as Akira’s eyes went wide, “You wouldn’t.”
Removing his hand from where it was interlaces with Akira’s,he swung that arm around the boy’s waist and pulled him closer. In reciprocation,Akira’s arm hugged around his chest, and his legs pulled the runner closer.
“We both know I would, so looks like ya gonna have to sleep,”Akira sighed, and it was at that point which Ryuji’s expression changed, goofysmile changing to a small frown, “Hey, I’ll be here all night, okay? Just trysleep, all I ask.”
Akira’s smile widened as he nodded, shuffling forward sothat his forehead bumped against Ryuji’s, staring right into his eyes. Nothingbut unadultered, unconditional love reflected between the two.
“I love you, so much.” Akira sighed, and Ryuji laughed, airbrushing lightly on the other teen.
“Dude you said that already.”
Akira grinned, “I like saying it.”
Ryuji shook his head slightly, and Akira couldn’t help thetwitch of mirth on his lips as his forehead rubbed against Ryuji’s, “Sometimesyou can be real effin cute, seriously.” Eyes locked back to Akira’s, hegrinned, “But I love you too.”
Their arms tightened around eachother as they began to closetheir eyes, settling down to sleep. The room was silent except for theirbreathing, limbs intertwined and as good as locked together. Slowly, Akiraopened his eyes.
Slowly, another pair of eyes opened, hazel instantly lockingon slate-grey. Gently, Akira’s hand came up to cradle Ryuji’s face, his voicenot above a whisper.
“I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, okay? No matter what,we’ll always be together.”
Akira smiled, wide and bright, as Ryuji’s arm tightenedaround him.
“Afterall, my place is next to you, right? Then I won’t everlet you go either.”
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Persona 5 Request
Requester: Painter Anon
Prompt: some kissing headcanons for yusuke?             
○ Very spontaneous. Yusuke is a man led by his instinct and inspiration, so he may want to kiss you at random times. So long as you’re ok with that you’ll find his lips on yours pretty suddenly at the most random times
○ That being said, Yusuke is not a fan of PDA. Random kisses are almost always reserved for time spent alone with you. Very occasionally he just can’t help himself but he’d rather keep kisses private
○ Most kisses from Yusuke are very gentle and chaste. He’s very soft and usually keeps his hands on your cheeks. During these kisses the farthest his hands will roam is your waist.
○ Very slow, almost methodical. He likes to soak up the moment. Once he gets the hang of kissing this boy will make you melt.
○ Likes to try different kinds of kisses, or kissing in different places to see what both of you like
○ Yusuke turns out to be a fan of butterfly kisses
○ He especially likes receiving them on his neck. He also likes regular kisses on his neck. Pay attention to this boys neck just trust me
○ Both intentionally and non-intentionally gives a lot of buzzing kisses, especially on your neck and shoulders. Yusuke hums a lot during romantic moments
○ Thinks it’s adorable if his s/o needs to stand on their tip-toes to kiss him and he’ll occasionally tease them by not bending down to meet them. Also sometimes doesn’t realize they want a kiss rip
○ Lip biter. He’s so gentle it almost tickles and he only does it occasionally, but it’s the best thing when he does
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jeez.. these scenarios so far are all so great and detailed? it really inspires me to write scenarios and hcs of my own and i thank you for that!! may i request headcanons on the phantom thieves (including akechi) with how they initiate cuddling with their s/o? where would it be? would it be a struggle to build up to it? is it easy? hard? how are the reactions?
–I am so happy?? Thank you so much for your kind words??? I strongly encourage you to step out there and create and share your own scenarios/hcs! I’d love to read what you have to say! ))
Akira Kurusu:
He’s very casual and smooth about it that it never makes you uncomfortable
But if you look really close, you can see he’s blushing behind his cool exterior
He usually prefers it when you two are alone, like in his room/booth after the cafe closes, but he has no problem with PDA
Akira likes to take you off guard so it may be while you’re studying, reading, or watching something
The build up to the moment is fairly easy for him.
If he thinks you aren’t blushing enough, he’ll snuggle into your neck and let his fluffy hair tickle you, “C’mon don’t let me be the only one going red here…”
Ryuji Sakamoto:
He tries his best to hide how much he wants to cuddle but fails miserably
Puppy eyes will be initiated if you take a little too long to give him the go to cuddle
Build up is a little difficult for him but he pulls it off
He struggles with PDA so cuddles when you’re alone are where it’s at for him
When you’re at his place, he’ll ask if you want to sit next to him and watch him play.
When you give in, he brightens up like the sun and is so happy. “Really?!”
Ann Takamaki:
Is easily embarrassed about cuddling, especially in public
If she’s overwhelmed she might try to push you away one moment but she’ll want you back as soon as she can
Her build up is rushed but it’s better structured than the other girls, if you can believe it
But when she is into the cuddling, she can hardly let go, and she’s super cute about it
Ann will sometimes argue with herself about wanting to cuddle you, and she manages to make herself blush
You just have to wait until she breaks, “UGH! I just want to cuddle with you, why’s it so hard for me to ask?! Can we??”
Yusuke Kitagawa:
He loves a good cuddle after working hard on his art
The build up is normal, he ends his work for the day and offers to make you some tea with some snacks
He brings back things you like and is ready to spend time with you; it becomes all about you
There are times he can become tense while he works so seeing him starting to unwind is even relaxing to you
He likes to be able to show you off to the world so PDA isn’t trouble to him and he is just as affectionate as he is in private
He sets up everything and it’s perfect as always. Once he sees you’re comfortable, he’ll move in closer, “May I?”
Makoto Niijima:
She’s far too easy to read, you know what she wants but you want her to say it
She’ll whine a little to herself, knowing that you’re messing with her but she can’t get mad at you for it
Her thoughts on PDA depend on how bad she wants to cuddle or hold your hand, at least
Her build up is clumsier than you originally thought it would be
Makoto will plead with you to try and get you to give in and just give her what she wants
If you don’t she’ll blush deeply, “Do I really have to say it…? F-fine…I want to cuddle with you…please?”
Futaba Sakura:
She is ALL about cuddles
But no way can she do anything like that in public!
The build up is the most difficult thing for the poor thing, honestly
She’ll blush and fidget and when she tries to talk she becomes a stuttering mess
She really appreciates it sometimes when you ask if she wants to move closer but there are times where she wants to say it herself
When she decides to bet it all, she shuts her eyes and blushes brightly, “L-lemme get closer…! Please…?”
Haru Okumura:
She really enjoys cuddling but you usually take turns to initiate it
She also doesn’t want to attract unwanted attention to you so she prefers to be in private with you
She’s really quiet and cute about asking you but she’s very gentle
Sometimes you’re worried she’s upset with you because she gets a cute determined look on her face
Needless to say, she kind of struggles to build it up
But when she’s ready, “Um, oh my I’m so nervous to ask but…could I cuddle with you?”
Goro Akechi:
He’s a sneaky, cheeky little fella!
He’ll tease you by reaching around you for things and just barely grazing against you
Just like Akira, he has no problem with PDA but he prefers to give you the attention when you’re all his
Akechi has an easier time with build up than Akira, if you can believe it
He only asks for cuddles in a straightforward way when his day was stressful or if he isn’t feeling well
All of the other times, he does the round about way to tease you and when you finally crack, he’ll cuddle you, “My, you’re a needy one aren’t you? It’s quite adorable, really.”
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blue-bower · 3 years
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Made this profile for my OC Seth a while back. He’s a totally revamped character, and I’m proud of how I’ve reworked him. Profile info below the cut!
Name: Seth Evans Age: 24 Height: 5'10" Ethnicity: European; has mostly Finnish, English and Italian roots. Star Sign: Aquarius Sexuality: Bisexual Personality: At a first impression, he seems well put-together; a formal, polite gentleman. But oftentimes he's barely holding it together. He's neurotic and ridden with anxiety and existential dread, with lingering self-doubt from the mental abuse of his overtly religious family. But he still tries to stay hopeful, and his passion for music always uplifts him. Has a kind, compassionate heart, and over time has learned not to be afraid to show his emotional side openly. Can come off as prude and intolerant, when he really just doesn't know how to confess his own desires. Nova is an enigma. They have a kind, gentle nature, but can be a bit detached from human needs and desires, and at times seems robotic in their responses. They're very curious to learn about human customs. Likes: Music (Mostly rock & orchestral), composing music, fine arts, watching movies, learning about the universe & Divine realm Dislikes: Religious zealots, gore & horror, crowded areas, disorganized noise & commotion, narrow-mindedness, manipulative people, having his creativity stifled Abilities: - Can plainly see spirits and otherworldly entities  - Can sense if a person has malevolent energy or intentions   -Nova can unleash a loud percussive wail that comes out of Seth as a death metal scream. - If threatened, Nova can extend their Divine magic to Seth and allow him to teleport or fly away, or channel solid divine light to keep danger at bay. - Seth can channel Divine energy through his music to lift peoples' spirits. He doesn't use this at concerts, since he's uncomfortable with the implications of magically altering a crowds' emotional state, feeling like it's akin to Evangelical church leaders. But he does sometimes privately use this ability for individuals who feel completely hopeless. Other:  Seth is a completely revamped character, with the exception of his love of music and being "possessed" by an angel. He started off as a short, silver-haired emo/punk kid that was an alt rock singer with the voice Chester Bennington. Now he's an emo electric violinist with a musical style & taste akin to Trans-Siberian Orchestra.  I picture Seth with the voice of Yusuke from Persona 5 ( www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZPQWl… ), and Nova with the voice of Dormin from the Shadow of the Colossus remake. ( youtu.be/63mHSgJxrX4?t=19 )  Nova is agender, and refers to themselves in the Royal We. Background: Seth was raised in a highly oppressive, conservative Catholic household. His parents saw his musical talent early on and made him become the pianist and occasional violinist for their church, putting a ton of pressure on him to perform well. When he revealed that he really didn't have interest in piano and wanted to play electric violin in a rock band, they laughed him off and said he'd never be successful. Any time they caught him so much as looking up electric instruments online, they severely scolded him. On top of that, he felt ashamed of himself for realizing he was bisexual. The continuous pressure, stifling of his creativity, gaslighting, verbal and sometimes physical abuse, fear and shame made him start feeling suicidal. But something inside him called out so strongly for help that eventually he was heard by a Throne angel who had already been curious about observing humanity. This angel came to Seth in vivid dreams, telling him to call them Nova, and offering him a deal: Allow them to bond to Seth to learn more about the human world, and in return, Nova would protect Seth from harm and open his third eye make him increase his success as a musician. When Seth agreed, Nova bonded to him and promptly gave his parents strong prophetic dreams scolding them for their attitude towards him, and revealing the tormented thoughts in his heart. They seemed apologetic, admitting they did indeed use his musical talents to heighten their reputation. Seth accepted their apology, but for the sake of his own well-being, moved out to live with roommates as soon as he turned 18. Since then, his friends have helped him overcome biases and internalized homo/biphobia. Nova is a great source of support for him, and has become all too curious about providing him with plenty of cheer-up tickles~ He now owns an electric violin and is a phenomenal player, gaining a following from people who are deeply moved by his music. He's often plagued by visions from the Divine realms and even other realities; They terrified and overwhelmed him at first, but Nova has since made sure to suppress them. Now that they're less intense, Seth finds these dreams fascinating and uses some of them to help himself and his fellow music-loving roommates write songs for their own albums. Likewise, Nova has helped ease Seth's mind regarding the fate of his soul; they encourage Seth to be true to himself, and assure him that the Divines don't judge humanity for things as simple as music taste or sexuality, but for the intentions of their hearts. At Nova's advice, Seth has started going to therapy, and hopes to move the world with his music and help people overcome their own personal turmoil.
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