#genuine faygo
spiritontheinternet · 4 months
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Heaven at dinner… #m
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saintslaughter-a · 1 year
im just a little guy that refuses to work hard on my blog pages
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casreturns · 2 years
“you feel like suicide is the only way you can escape
you gonna see better days, i promise it’s gone be okay”
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mothtowers · 5 months
gamzee from homestuck in a cs:go lobby pretending to be someone pretending to be gamzee: hEy MoThErFuCkEr! ItS mE! gAmZeE! h-
18 year old irony-poisoned transmasc who thinks he's dirk strider: holy shit guys its the real gamzee
gamzee: iLl HaVe ThE sLiMe PiE aNd FaYgO! :o)
30 year old burlesque dancer who used to post aranea nudestuck hiding genuine rage: now now, my little dearies. Please listen to your fandom elder when I tell you that is NOT the real gamzee.
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thewertsearch · 5 months
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The most important character in Homestuck fondly regards the miracle of a new beginning.
The most what? Important what?
Curveball after curveball. So far, Gamzee has done nothing noteworthy. He's a silly stoner who likes to drink Faygo and hang out in the background of the comic. The only thing I can think of that might make him important is - and I can't believe I'm saying this - he's one of the most meta-aware characters in the comic.
Is this something more than a joke, after all? Has Gamzee's sopor abuse actually granted him a more profound awareness of reality?
...oh my god. I just realized something genuinely bone-chilling.
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He's looking directly at Homestuck's Fourth Wall.
Let's move on. I need time to digest the fucking implications of this.
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Oh, shit!
Up until now, Becsprite could be counted on to project Jade from perils such as this - but Becsprite's no longer in the building.
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Doc Scratch? Here?
This is exactly what we don’t need right now.
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"The kingdom of heaven is within you."
What a strange and specific choice for Hussie to make, when deciding what should be visible through Homestuck's Fourth Wall.
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bratzforchris · 6 months
could you do some uncle!nick hcs and how he would be with matt and chris’s kids??
Uncle Nick
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Uncle!Nick headcanons because we just KNOW that man would be the most fun uncle ever<3 No warnings!
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✬ nick is genuinely so supportive of his brothers' decision to have children
✬ whenever matt or chris and their parent need help with the kids, he's always there
✬ because he is the oldest triplet, nick has a lot of experience with kids and being responsible
✬ so protective of his nieces and nephews
✬ "someone's picking on you at school? tell them they have a void for a forehead"
✬ nick is absolutely his nieces and nephew's "yes man". whatever matt and chris say no to, he'll say yes to (within reason of course)
✬ he always makes sure each kid gets quality time with him, because he knows that that can be hard to come by when there's multiple siblings
✬ christmas with uncle nick is absolutely insane. he spoils matt and chris's babies
✬ nick always makes sure that his nieces and nephews know they can always talk to him about anything
✬ he genuinely loves matt and chris's kids like his own
✬ nick is definitely a pet parent and the kids absolutely love playing with them
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @ilovejohnnieg @lovingchrissposts @bitchydragonparadise @dumpling-to-eat @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @not-phone-guy @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @strnluvr @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @mayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @idek3000hi @runasvengence
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my taglist, click here <3
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sodapop-hospice · 9 months
So fun fact about the council: I have about half the special editions. Or have had half (I sold one and my graduation one was used in trade). And you’d think that’d mean I liked them, or at least was trying to collect them.
And you would be incorrect.
Just about all of them were either gifted to me or were acquired by chance. I don’t actually like most of them all that much. So today I’ll be showing you guys the fucked up little guys that are my actual favorites.
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Starting off strong we have Coriander (he/him). Cori’s fur texture is fucking awful. And you’ll notice he doesn’t even have a name necklace rn. If you look closely, you’ll also notice that his faceplate doesn’t sit right. Half of it juts out, causing one of his eyes to look bigger. At the moment he’s my favorite and is sitting next to me as I’m typing this.
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Next we have Faygo (she/they)! I received her as a Christmas gift two years ago and actually hated ladybugs at the time. She very rapidly grew on me and has stayed in my top three since I got them. Fay’s battery compartment door is warped, which means I can’t get her to work unless I hold a very specific part of it shut at a very specific angle. So basically she works in theory but not in practice.
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Last but certainly not least we have giraffe furbies in general. Lotion, Fortune, Pantene, Ginger, Bottle, and Basket are all giraffe furbies that have been in my possession. Pantene is not depicted here and belongs to my friend Jasper. Ginger or “Gin” is no longer with me and will shortly belong to my friend Sean.
Lotion, Fortune, Bottle, and Basket are all still with me. They all use he/him pronouns and are my absolute pride and joy. Idk if it’s just because Lotion was my first council member, but giraffe furbies are my favorite ever and I genuinely love them more than all my dreamies. I don’t know why. But I would sooner part with my racer Furby than a bunch of crusty giraffes that don’t work.
So yeah, I very randomly become way too attached to super fucked up or commonly found furbies. Don’t know why since I literally own most of my dreamies. Like I have a flamingo and kiwi, but no, the giraffes are my favs. What the fuck is wrong with me.
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veggiefritterz · 4 days
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why exactly do you like those 8 drinks?
pepsi max is. amazing. the store has been out of stock for 2 weeks though. i like how it is caffiney without sugarrrr
solo is great for when i eat something DISGUSTING like FROOT LOOPS which i tried today and they gave me a headache.
pineapple faygo is my favourite faygo. it is tropical and almost entirely sugar and a Homestuck reference
water is essential for my body or whatever but i don't drink it nearly as much as i should.
sunrises are a combination of pulp free oj and strawberry topping poured to look like a sunrise, with ice, a strawberry and a cocktail umbrella. i had one at a pub in Mildura and then had them at my 7th and 8th birthdays and i have had them now and then since
pulp free oj is supremely refreshing and i like how it sounds to pour. i fucking hate pulp and pith though
strawberry Nesquik (or as my family calls it, pink milk. my cousin was genuinely shocked to learn thats not what everyone says. i think we got it from charlie and lola) anyways it's only good cold. add just enough hot water to dissolve the powder and then pour lite milk for the rest. amazing. makes me think of Charlie and Lola
mango loco monster was my drink today and it was. so good. could definitely taste the sugar but it got me through a maths test so i'm happy
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lonestatus · 1 month
i love you damien my interviewer i love you oli my cashier i love you little kid buying 2 bottles pf faygo i love you family i held the door open for i love you kid genuinely selling lemonade on the sidewalk
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aesteraceae · 2 years
I fucking hate that Homestuck has so many little gems scattered in it's absolute hurricane of terribleness
Bc like. One second there's Dave Strider a traumatized kid who fronts as being super cool and uncaring and strong to make up for how small and weak his guardian makes him feel on a daily basis, and then when he actually gets the ability to be strong he immediately uses it to take care of his friends because at his core he's just a kid who cares about people and literally time travelled when he lost his first pair of shades that John gave him and does everything can to get them all out of it alive. He also has a sick fucking god tier design I'm sorry the gear timetables??? His whole thing is music and he uses time travel like rewinding a record shut UP THATS SO COOL
There's the class and aspect system that is actually remarkably interesting for analysis of character and what someone values and is willing to fight for. Rose being a light user but eventually succumbing to grimdark as a metaphor for her true purpose being a mediator between the two, Karkat being a knight of blood that tried his best to protect everyone with friendship instead of bloodshed, but this approach literally lead to half of his friends dying violent bloody deaths that he couldn't protect them from.
But then the universe is a fucking frog, and hundreds of people died bc it's genetics were fucked up because a bunch of 13 year olds were put in charge of it. And troll racism. And gamzee. And faygo?? And hate sex and buckets and selfcest and millions of different timelines and gamzee and murder and underutilized characters and just the worst dialogue ever etc etc
Like I could go on for literal hours about classpects and character analysis in this stupid series bc they're genuinely good and interesting but every time I see something actually from the comic my bubble of "this isn't that bad, actually!" Is popped and I and forced to slog through hundreds of pages of ableism and bad writing and stupidity and I'm TIRED😭
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12thperigeeball · 11 months
So I don't intend for this to come off as accusatory of any individuals in any fashion, I genuinely believe this is just oversight on people's parts. Having a "religious takeover" theme where the host is kidnapped and held hostage while current global events are as they are in Palestine feels like something that would be in incredibly bad taste.
Hey Anon, I'm extremely grateful that the community is hypervigilant about Palestinan issues, as the genocide and wanton murder of innocent women and children in a bloodthirsty quest to forcibly colonize their native lands is a horrific display from a heartless sociopathic government who see their lives - and their own people that they kill and label as 'hamas victims' - as trivial. Ignoring or downplaying the death and suffering happening as we speak is something that no one should do.
However, I'm going to be straight up, I don't think children being blown to pieces in front of their family is comparable to a silly little scenario whipped up in like 10 minutes to explain why a character would throw a clown themed ball when he is not a clown or even supportive of clowns for a homestuck event on tumblr.
The theme isn't meant to be religious by itself as there isn't going to be like, idk, faygo baptisms or sacrifices to the mirthful messiahs, it's meant to combine Carnevale themes of italian debauched pre-lent parties and bog standard carnivals with balloon popping booths and ferris wheels. Not to mention, the hostage situation as it is is meant to be silly and light hearted, as the full scenario that I'm envisioning is an elaborate game of telephone that amounts to his matesprit's fuck-old retired fuschia clown war general Step-Ancestor sticking his foot into the door and wanting to get to know his step-descendant's matesprit by taking over the ball. This is one part funsies references to my (Ball Owner Cal's) gigantofuck web of RP shitnanigans i've developed with my wife who is also a veteran of the community, and one part meant to give people an opportunity to have non-clown related opportunities to participate in the ball. I understand that the Sogno Dell'Arlecchino prompt is controversial this year due to the fact that it involves clowns, but this is a multi-user provided prompt (we had two people who suggested carnevale/carnivals and linked clowncore pinterest boards) and the voting for the prompts are still underway. It isn't set it stone at this time. In this regard, I would like to ask the community: What would you like to do with regards to the prompt this year? Should we scrap the user submitted prompts and simply have the mods pick one we feel is appropriate? Or should we return to the winter theme the ball has had for the past 9 years before we began implementing themes? I genuinely would love to hear the community's opinion about this, as this year was meant to follow up on feedback from last year requesting user submitted prompts.
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RaNdOmLy WaLkS iNtO sNoWpOiNt TeMpLe
GrAbS sEvErAl BoTtLeS lAbElEd "Genuine Delicious Faygo" ThAt HaD bEeN tHeRe, UnOpEnEd, FoR tHe PaSt 500 yEaRs (PrObAbLy LeFt By ThE pEaRl ClAn, SoMeHoW)
ImMeDiAtElY bEgInS dRiNkInG oNe AnD pUtS tHe ReSt InTo SoMe KiNd Of ExTrAdImEnSiOnAl PoCkEt
ReFuSeS tO eLaBoRaTe FuRtHeR
( @still-capricious )
Rogue: reading this gave me a headache.
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dogboyboyshorts · 5 months
My Faygo Review: The Christening
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(@dubioushonour and @sudrien, who appeared to be interested in my review)
so. after like three days of it sitting in my fridge i finally trolled up and drunk the damn beverage. we don’t keep ice around the house, so unfortunately i didnt have any available, but i did pour it into a wineglass for decorum’s sake.
Here is the review, coming from my highly defined palette: unfortunately, i really liked it. part of that might just be that artificial grape is my favorite of the modern fruit flavors and i havent had candy like that in a while, but i do think the way the syrup and the fizz of the drink come together make for a really nice beverage. like, its very sweet, and obviously you can taste how unhealthy it is, but it also feels rich and full enough to be genuinely refreshing, in addition to fulfilling my sweet tooth. i can definitely see how trolls get drunk off this stuff.
so, obviously, this is a bit of a problem, because it probably means im going to search out more faygo in the future as a beverage of choice. this is not something you’re supposed to do with a gimmicky meme soda like faygo. if anyone questions me on it, my best bet is probably to pretend ive never heard of insane clown posse, much less a “webcomic” named something like “Homestuck.” if i admitted i ended up finding a soda i really like through a web phenomena as infamous as homestuck, i will be setting myself up for the dunking of a lifetime. enjoying something sincerely is bad enough, enjoying something bad sincerely is even worse. but even after thinking and saying all this, i believe it is still my mission to live as truthfully as possible, as both a homestuck enjoyer and a faygo drinker. we will never know heaven if we are to live in shadow our whole lives, and so, to brave the wilds of mockery is the only choice ahead of us. Anyway, the soda was pretty good, i liked it
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system-reset · 1 year
reviewing the soda pop we bought earlier.
there's like 5 of them
Faygo cherry cola: 4/10. we've had cola before, and this is exactly the same but like. a very tiny amount of cherry flavor. it's tasty but unremarkable.
Faygo firework: 2/10. right off the bat this smells like it'll instakill all my teeth and doesn't taste much better. pretty sure it was supposed to be popsicle flavored because there's a popsicle on the label but it doesn't work. the color is off-putting also, who makes a solid white soda pop??
Calypso original lemonade: 3/10. it does taste how you'd expect (like lemonade) but it's a bit too sweet. would've been 4, but the color is almost the same as the Faygo firework, and I didn't like that one so I docked points.
Calypso ocean blue lemonade: 10/10. tastes like if lemonade were trying to kill me. the color is great. smells kinda gross. altogether awful, but I like the shade of blue that it is so much.
Grizzly Paw orange cream soda: 6/10. relatively local company, so that's pretty cool. makes a few claims on the label that I genuinely don't believe because this was cheap soda. again it smelled like a cavity waiting to happen. the taste is... unidentifiable. idk this one made me question my perception of taste so I had to give it more points. it's in a can so I can't really see the color but I'm guessing it's probably orange.
overall I honestly can't say I recommend any of these, and I'm going to go brush my teeth like right now because this was awful. thank you for coming on this short journey with me.
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thewertsearch · 2 years
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This carnival looks sort of familiar... 
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CA: gam i need to talk to kar wwhere is he he isnt answwerin [...] CA: i havve some serious feelins and problems here and i need some advvice
Eridan’s going to Karkat for advice? 
He seems to have a cordial relationship with Kanaya, but I’m surprised he’d defer to the expertise of a land dweller - particularly one with anonymous blood, and especially when the subject is this personal. 
I think Karkat’s capable of giving genuinely good relationship advice - but I also think he’s one of the only trolls willing to talk quadrants with Eridan. That sounds like it would be exhausting, unless you were really passionate about it, and Karkat has passion in, heh, spades.
TC: HaHa, YeAh i fEeL YoU, hE'S PrEtTy wOrKeD Up tOo [...] TC: BeCaUsE OuR GoOd bRo sOlLuX JuSt kIcKeD ThE WiCkEd mOtHeRfUcKiN ShIt [...] CA: are you sayin hes dead TC: YeAh :o( [...] TC: KaRkAt bLaMeS HiMsElF On iT, pOoR MoThErFuCkEr TC: BuT I ToLd hIm tO Be cHiLl TC: BeCaUsE ThErE Is a mIrAcLe cOmInG, i cAn fEeL It
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Sollux is destined to survive, at least until the F1 Bonk. After all, he still needs to die a second time. 
He just saved Feferi, the Witch of Life - so maybe she’s about to repay that debt, reviving him with her newly awakened Sgrub powers. 
TC: BrO My aDvIcE Is yOu jUsT KiCk bAcK AnD MoThErFuCkIn sNaP InTo sOmE RuDe eLiXiR AnD MaYbE GeT YoUr wIcKeD ZoNe oN [...] CA: are you recommendin a bevverage to me or somethin [...] TC: YeAh mAn SlAm A FaYgO CA: i dont havve a fuckin faygo you stupid fuck wwhy wwould i keep that disgusting shit on hand TC: ArE YoU MoThErFuCkIn sUrE AbOuT ThAt? CA: oh CA: oh god youre right i do
How does Gamzee know all this shit? Is it Title related? Is he awake on his Moon, seeing miracles in the clouds, or hearing monsters whisper them in his ear? 
Is he just really h-
He’s just really high, isn’t he. 
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bratzforchris · 6 months
Can you do dad headcanons for Nick? (Obviously not female reader I was thinking adoption or something)
Or uncle headcanons for any of them!
Dad Life
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Dad!Nick headcanons because this fandom is SEVERELY lacking dad!Nick content :) There are two parts here: one of dad!Nick to younger kids, and one of dad!Nick to older kids because I feel like he would be the type of person to foster/adopt teens. No warnings!
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Dad!Nick with younger kids ♡
☆ when nick decides that he wants to have kids, he genuinely does so much research and makes a well informed decision!
☆ whether through adoption or a surrogate mother (remember, there are different ways people can have kids <3), he is genuinely so excited to meet his baby and falls in love with them immediately
☆ the "newborn scrunch" his baby does on his chest the first time would definitely make nick cry
☆ matt and chris are always willing to help out during the first few months of the baby being home
☆ "oh my god, how did your blowout get through your onesie?"
"welcome to fatherhood, man"
☆ once he gets the hang of it, nick is genuinely the baby whisperer. whenever baby sturniolo wakes up in the middle of the crying, all it takes is some funny faces and an ariana grande lullaby in the rocking chair to get them right back to sleep
☆ nick leans more towards girl dad, but he would be happy and love his child any way <3
☆ even when the terrible toddler phase comes along, he always keeps his cool and makes it a point to never shout/get overly angry, which is a large contrast to his youtube days
☆ genuinely one of those dads who is always doing cute little handprint crafts with his baby
☆ "i'll give you a dollar if you tell your uncle chris he has a big forehead"
☆ nick's kid(s) know how to stand up for themselves. their daddy teaches them to always be kind, but not let people walk all over you. no one is bullying them off the swings
☆ he loves to play pretend with his kids because he usually ends up laughing too. pirates, princesses, you name it
☆ "daddy! i'm a princess locked in a class, save me!"
"weren't you just a ninja, honey?"
☆ running after his kids is 100% a full time job, because they take after their daddy with sassy mouths and chaotic behavior
☆ on a serious note, nick never shies away from hard conversations. he's always honest and explains everything as best as he can to his babies
Dad!Nick with older kids ♡
☆ nick gives off foster/adopt for teens, mostly because he knows teens can feel excluded since a lot of people want babies, and that's just unacceptable
☆ he's actually so accepting of all the kids that come into his home, no matter what
☆ he makes sure they have everything they need to feel confident, because he knows how hard high school can be
☆ always makes sure they get their driver's license if they want, have a working cell phone, and have money to go out with friends
☆ "dad, this guy broke up with me because i 'wear too much makeup'"
"honey, looking like THAT...he should be trying to learn from you"
☆ as much as he tries not to be, he's the parent that cries ar every homecoming, prom, graduation, etc
☆ definitely lets his teens have their style (within reason). he'd definitely be okay with fun hair colors and certain piercings
☆ nick loves to be of homework help where he can. it's an easy in to get his teens talking to him about how they feel
☆ overall, nick is just genuinely the best dad anyone could ever ask for, no matter how old his kids are <3
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tags ♡: @aemrsy @jake-and-johnnies-slut @mattsfavwh3re @suyqa @chrissturnswife @mbsbaby @herxyz @ilovejohnnieg @lovingchrissposts @caffeinatedscorpio @bunny-cotton @emmagirouard @athaliahxoxo @bitchydragonparadise @dumpling-to-eat @ilydeaky @soggyslugg169 @not-phone-guy @books0fever @stingerayyy2 @strnlvr @sunsetsturniolos @mimi-luvzyu @mayhem-72 @faygo-frog @oobleoob @idek3000hi @runasvengence
note ♡: if you'd like to be added to my tag list, click here <3
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