#genuinely shocking considering i never get more that 100 tickets
ciphers-fr · 2 years
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would ya look at that
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
UA Idol | Chapter Eight
Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
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Word Count: 2,005
Warnings: Language
A/N: Ahhhh here we are at Chapter Eight! I can’t wait to write right more for this I really love it, I wish I knew just how long this was gonna be but honestly I have no idea at this point. We’ll see, but for now, enjoy!!!
“So, you made it without managing to murder Mina, huh?” Shinsou smirks at you, and you roll your eyes. You’d made it to the airport after him, and you had just gone through security. You and Mina had spotted the rest of the contestants sitting and waiting for the plane to start boarding, and among them was Denki and Shinsou. You plopped down next to your tired friend, rubbing your temples in the process. “I was… genuinely so close, Shin. You… you don’t even understand,” you mumble. His laughter brings a smile to your previously frowning face, and you look over at him. “Well, good thing you didn’t because then I would only have Denki throughout this entire trip and I’m gonna be honest, I don’t know if I could do that.”
“You couldn’t. I was thinking of you, congrats, you saved Mina Ashido’s life.” “Wow, didn’t know I’d grow up to be a hero,” he grins at you and you shake your head with a smile. “That was so cheesy, I’m gonna throw up,” you say, and he shrugs. “I only say cheesy things to the people I like.”
“So… me and Denki?”
“And my mother.”
“Oh wow, I’m in the exclusive club, now aren’t I? Mom, Denki, and kitten?” you ask, giving his arm a light push, using the nickname he oh-so-affectionately calls you all the time. He snorts, glancing over at you and shaking his head. “Yeah. Yeah, I guess you are.”
Before you can respond, one of the flight attendants opens the door to the walkway for your plane. Lucky for all the UA Idol contestants, you all were VIPs. Very Important Passengers. Which means, you all got to board first. You and Shinsou are right next to each other, along with Denki and Mina behind you two. “Okay. How long do you think until they realize they’re madly in love and make a move on each other?” Mina whispers to Denki and he scrunches his nose. “I give it… two months. Who do you think will say it first?”
“Shinsou. For sure. And as much as I’d like that two months thing, I think it’ll take at least three. (Y/n)’s a tough nut to crack,” Mina says, and Denki smirks. “Well if she’s so tough, that means she’ll probably crack under pressure, right? She’ll say it first.”
“Well then, Denki Kaminari. Looks like we have ourselves a bet.”
“Looks like we do, Mina Ashido. Also, did you see that one emo girl who never took her headphones out? She’s so fucking pretty.”
“Oh, I know. Personally, I go for the cuter and softer types… like that girl over there, with the black hair and cute face,” Mina subtly motions to the girl she’s talking about and Denki glances. “I respect it, but I wouldn’t pursue it.”  
“Would you two stop talking about your crushes right in front of us? It’s annoying,” Shinsou cuts in, shooting Denki a glare. “Yeah, I preferred your hushed whispers from earlier over the louder lovey-dovey talk,” you add in and Denki and Mina look fake offended. “Excuse me, but I will have you know-”
“Tickets?” Mina gets cut off by the stewardess asking you and Shinsou for your tickets with a big smile. You two hand them over and walk down the hallway to the plane. “I vote we sit far away from them, that way we don’t have to hear about their love lives for these ten hours,” Shinsou says to you and you grin. “Wouldn’t want it any other way.”
You and Shinsou grab your seats, luckily getting on early enough to honestly have your pick. “Let’s get as close to the side door as possible, better chances at surviving if it… well… you know…” Shinsou says, and you raise an eyebrow at him. “Hitoshi Shinsou, are you afraid of flying?”
“What? No. No of course not. Nope. Not at all. It’s not like we’re on a metal death trap floating through the air. What would give you that idea?” he says, sinking in his seat. You give him a sympathetic grin. “Well, don’t worry, okay? If you need any comfort at all through the flight, I’m right here. I’ll protect you, sweetheart,” you tease, trying to take his mind off of the ‘metal death trap floating through the air.’ You’re too busy putting your carry on in the compartment above you to notice the blush on his entire body, which he silently thanks whatever god that exists for, and he scoffs, hoping that it disappears. “Thank you, honey. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” You laugh, squeezing your way past him to the window seat. He claimed the aisle seat, probably because he didn’t want to look outside and see just how far up the plane is. You glance over at him to see just how nervous he is, and the poor thing is a total wreck. Without thinking, you grab his hand. “Seriously, Shin. I’m not a big fan of airplanes either. But I’m here for you if you need me.”
He glances down at your hand intertwined with his, and he swears his heart skips a beat. For some reason, every time the two of you touch it feels like he’s put at ease while also being zapped with 100 volts. It’s a feeling he could honestly get used to. He looks up at your face, silently noting the light pink dusting your cheeks. “Thanks, (Y/n). I appreciate that.” The two of you sit in silence, never letting go of the others hand, when the stewardess starts her speech. You two both train your attention on her, but your hands are still entwined the whole time.
You pretended to listen to her, but really all you could think about was how perfect Shinsou looked. You could tell he had gotten even less sleep than usual the night before, but he still looked like the most attractive human being on the face of the planet. And the fact that you two were still holding hands? You didn’t know contact with another person could feel so good. What you didn’t realize is that Shinsou was thinking the same exact thing about you the whole time. The stewardess and pilot’s words went right through one ear and out the other for both of you, so hopefully everything on the flight went okay.
You glanced out the window, staring at the runway. A ten-hour flight to Los Angeles sure was going to hit you hard. If you thought you had insomnia before? Wait til you’re thrown into the epicenter of American Entertainment. You see the runway begin to move, and then feel a tight squeeze on your hand. You look over to see Shinsou paler than usual and gripping your hand and his arm rest ridiculously tight. “Take offs and landings are the scariest parts because that’s when things go wrong and crashes happen most often,” he mumbles and you frown, squeezing his hand back. “It’s gonna be okay, Shin,” you assure him, gently rubbing his hand with your thumb. This seems to help him a bit, but he still looks absolutely horrified. The plane begins its ascent, and he closes his eyes tightly. You squeeze his hand in reassurance, which he gladly returns, and before you know it, you’re in the sky. No crash. Not even any turbulence.
“You can open your eyes now, Shin,” you gently say, and he opens one eye, looking over at you. “Ten hours of this. I’m going to die of anxiety if the plane doesn’t nosedive into the ocean itself,” he says, and you snort, shaking your head. “Shinsou, I refuse to let you die. I will distract you this whole flight, and who knows. Maybe you can get some sleep.”
“Wow, my knight in shining armor,” he says, a small smile gracing his worry ridden face. “How about we watch a movie? Take your mind off of what’s happening right now?” you suggest, pulling out your headphones and plugging them into the tv in front of you. Shinsou nods, following your actions. “Hmmm... what do you want to watch?”
“Uh... how about... this. This is actually a tv show, so technically it will be even more distracting. And it will take longer to finish. We might not even finish, actually,” he says, landing on a show called ‘How To Get Away With Murder.’ You grin, nodding your head. “This will do,” you hum, and you two begin at the same time. The show quickly grabs both of your attention, and before you know it you two are deep into the show. You keep muttering theories to each other, sharing shocked looks at the plot twists, and cringing at the romantic scenes.
After about four episodes, you find yourself leaning against Shinsou, paying more attention to his screen than your own. Albeit, your eyes were starting to become way too heavy to even focus on Annalise Keating and the Keating Five. Shinsou notices, and he himself is getting a bit tired, so he pauses the show for both of you. He then wraps his arm around you, solely to get more comfortable. Definitely not because he just... wants to hold you. No. Ew. Gross. Totally not. But his heart does almost jump out of his chest when you snuggle against him. He can’t help the smile from spreading across his face as he rests his head on top of yours. His eyes slowly close, and he drifts off into a deep sleep.
“Holy shit, Mina.”
“Huh? What?”
“Look. They’re sleeping,” Denki whisper screams, frantically pointing at the two of you. “Oh… my god. They are literally perfect for each other,” she practically squeals, and Denki violently nods his head. “This is the cutest shit I’ve ever seen, I need to document this moment,” Denki says, taking a picture of the two of you. “Please send that to me, I need it,” Mina says with a shit eating grin. “Of course, of course,” Denki smiles, immediately sending it to her. “At this rate, maybe they’ll get together sooner than either of us thought?” Denki suggests, and Mina considers it for a moment. “Maybe, but I am telling you, (Y/n) is very… skeptical when it comes to relationships. I know it looks like they’re super flirty and already a couple but if he mentions it too soon then… there’s a good chance she will sprint away from the situation and never talk to him again. Sadly.”
“Ah, I see. Well, I would like for it to happen sooner than later, but Shinsou isn’t the best with emotions. He feels them, and he feels them a lot, but he hates them. So, he pretends he doesn’t feel them and in doing so he ruins every romantic opportunity he ever has,” Denki says and the two of them stare at each other for a moment. Suddenly, they both get smiles on their faces. “Looks like we just need to gently push them together, then, eh?” Mina wiggles her eyebrows and Denki nods. “Oh. One hundred percent.”
“Look at us. Being little matchmakers,” Mina says, winking at Denki. He laughs and shakes his head. “Yeah, well, if you don’t match make me too, I’m gonna be pretty upset about it,” he says, and Mina rolls her eyes. “Oh please, trying to find someone who could deal with your hyperactive ass is too much to ask of me.” “Damn, Mina. Hurtful.” “Don’t hate me because I speak the truth. Let’s just focus on Shinsou and (Y/n), okay? Cause let’s be real, you don’t need me to help match you up with someone. Besides, I caught your ‘cute emo girl who never took out her headphones’ staring at you while we were getting settled into our seats.”
“Yeah? Well, I saw your soft girl with the black hair check you out when you put your bag in the overhead.”
And with that, Denki and Mina fist bump.
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A Ninja Warrior Love Story - Part 1
Welcome back to the world of Lily and Henry! Honestly, I have no idea how I ended up deleting my old account, but I’m genuinely more upset that I had no backups of my original work. That aside, I am beginning the slow process of rewriting my original series, A Ninja Warrior Love Story. I hope you enjoy it! 
Let me know of any other imagines or one-shots you’d like to see! Also, if you’d like to be added to the tag list, just send me a message!
CW: none
Word Count: 2,230
The Story: Lily is a single woman working at a parkour gym when she meets Henry Cavill. Are they meant to fall in love or is it just a one-time thing? 
At 4:30 in the morning, Lily’s alarm went off. She rolled over in her small bed and smacked her alarm to turn it off. Groaning, Lily pushed herself out of bed. With two steps, she cleared the small apartment bedroom and entered the even smaller bathroom. With the efficiency of a well-known routine, Lily got dressed in simple workout clothes. She glanced in the mirror to see a tired face looking back. For the past six months, she had been working hard to earn extra income so she could afford time off and a plane ticket to see her best friend at college. So far, it wasn’t really working out, but she had been able to save some money.
Once dressed, Lily dashed out to her beat-up old truck right outside her apartment. At 4:45 am, no one was out on the roads, so she wasn’t concerned about being late for one of her three jobs. Lily worked at a gym - not just any gym though. This was a Ninja Warrior gym. About four years ago, Lily met the gym owner, Donovan, who offered her a chance to work out at his gym. He remembered her from her track days and wanted someone to open his gym in the mornings since he was, in his words, allergic to any time before nine am. Lily quickly and easily agreed and almost immediately found herself in a world of her wildest dreams. She loved working out and training on the courses there and even considered applying to be on the show one day.
Five minutes to 5 am, Lily pulled up to the Hustler Ninja gym in Taylor, Texas. Taylor was about 45 minutes outside of the DFW area. It was basically the middle of nowhere with one good Walmart, a ghosted - albeit historic - downtown square, and surprisingly a very fancy looking Hilton resort. The keys jangling in the lock, Lily opened the gym and began turning on the lights. Donovan rented the building which was incredible in size. Large enough to house two ninja warrior obstacle courses, a half rock wall in the back, a decent-sized free-weight section, and even an outdoor mini-course. The whole place was huge and everything Lily wanted in a gym. Within two months of working there, she’d been promoted to assistant manager. She was here every Monday through Friday from 5-9, then Monday through Thursday, she went to work at her uncle's barbershop. Finally, on Fridays and Saturdays, she worked at one of the three bars in town to earn as much extra income as possible.
After dropping her gym bag in the locker room, Lily stepped out into the gym and looked around. Donovan and Daniel, or The Dude, did a good job cleaning up last night. It was actually a little surprising considering they rarely did any cleaning. Lily usually spent most of her time cleaning up after everyone. Weird. Regardless, she enjoyed the reprieve and made her way to the free-weights to start a warm-up. After 15 minutes, she was ready to begin her real training. It started with the salmon ladder followed by a few balance obstacles and finally ending with a grip training on the waving board. She was enjoying herself and almost didn’t hear the front door open again. Glancing over, she saw a tall, long-haired figure striding past her towards the locker rooms.
“Morning, Dude,” she called out. The Dude smiled and waved at her and continued on to the locker rooms. A few minutes later, The Dude appeared ready to go in long shorts, a fitted t-shirt and his long hair pulled back in a low ponytail. The Dude was the only guy Lily could think that could pull off the man-tail well. He saddled up to her and watched her jump down from the wave board.
“Morning Luck,” The Dude said to her. Lily groaned and rolled her eyes.
“Can’t anyone forget about that?!” she asked, jumping down off the raised platform and stood next to him. In comparison, Lily looked relatively tiny. Where she was about 5’5” of lean muscle, The Dude was 6’4” of muscle and weight. He got his nickname from his long hair and easy-going attitude. The Dude laughed, throwing his head back a little.
“Nope, it was too adorable,” he replied, making Lily roll her eyes even harder. “So you excited about tomorrow?” he asked when he finally stopped laughing. Lily looked at him confused.
“What’s happening tomorrow?” she asked in response to his question. The Dude looked down at her stunned.
“Tomorrow? The big celebrities are coming by the gym to check it out?” he said as if she should know already. Lily continued to look surprised by his information. “It was in the email that Donovan sent like, two weeks ago.” Lily scoffed.
“You are aware I haven’t actually checked my email since probably about 2016, right?” This time The Dude rolled his eyes at her.
“Aren’t you a manager here or something?” he asked. Lily laughed.
“Or something,” she replied. The Dude laughed with her.
“Girl, get it together,” he said, gently pushing her shoulder. “Tom Cruise and that guy that played Super Man are coming by to check out the gym. They need parkour training and Donovan is going to teach them.” Lily’s eyebrows shot up.
“Are you serious?” she asked. Tom Cruise was major. She remembered watching some of his old movies with her dad. Suddenly a pain gripped her chest and she forced herself back into the present.
“100% serious,” he replied. Lily was shocked. She definitely needed to check her email more often. They stood there talking about their favorite Tom Cruise movies for a few minutes when the opening of the front door caught their attention. Much to Lily’s surprise, her old “friend” Celeste walked in the door. Celeste was a tall beauty with olive skin, long brown hair, and stunning green eyes. She had on a matching navy blue sports bra and leggings which showcased her olive skin perfectly. Her brown hair was pulled back into a tight, clean ponytail and even from the distance she was at, Lily could tell the woman was wearing makeup.
“Well I’ll be damned,” The Dude said under his breath. Lily watched incredulously as Celeste found them and made her way across the room to them.
“Hey guys!” she said awkwardly breathlessly as she stopped just short of the two of them. The Dude and Lily exchanged a look before turning back to Celeste.
“Hey Celeste,” The Dude said cautiously. Celeste gave him a wide, fake smile that made Lily’s intestines turn. “What brings you back to the gym? We figured you didn’t have a membership anymore.” He didn’t have to look at Lily to know what she was thinking. Celeste waved her hand dismissively.
“No, silly,” she started. “I just took a few months off; went back to Cali for a few weeks; saw my brother in New York,” she made a point to look directly at Lily. Lily immediately dropped her gaze and felt her ears grow warm with embarrassment. The Dude cleared his throat.
“Sounds fun,” he said, disdain evident in his voice. Celeste picked up on it and smiled warmly.
“I just wanted to come back and get back into my routines,” she said. A thought occurred to Lily and her eyes shot up.
“You were hoping to see one of those celebrities,” Lily said, more accusation in her tone than she meant. It didn’t matter because she was right. It was evident on Celeste’s face. Celeste shifted in her spot.
“No, of course not, why would I be excited to meet a celebrity? I’ve met dozens of them already,” Celeste replied. Lily smirked realizing she’d made her uncomfortable.
“They’re not here,” Lily said, causing Celeste to look her in the eyes. “They won’t be here until later.” Lily glanced over at The Dude to see if he would correct her. He didn’t.
“Oh, okay,” Celeste said, glancing around the empty gym. “Well, I guess I’ll go get ready to work out then. It’s been great catching up with you two,” and with a small smile and shoulder shrug, Celeste bounced off to the women’s locker rooms. The Dude and Lily watched her leave and once she was safely away in the locker rooms, Lily looked directly at The Dude who shared a similar look.
“Fuck,” she sighed.
At around 8:30, Lily dashed from the gym floor to the locker rooms. She quickly showered and dressed in her usual barbershop attire: dark jeans, a blue or gray t-shirt, and her black and white Converse. Her general wardrobe consisted of these same pieces, with a few variations in the mix. She walked out of the gym to find The Dude helping another regular, Megan, on the rock wall. Though he was tall, The Dude was nimble and able to understand situations that required a certain skill. She walked over to them.
“Watch your heels, Rapunzel,” Lily called out to Megan. Her nickname came from the fact that Megan had insanely long blonde hair. It was beautiful and well-kept, but extremely long. Lily loved it. Megan grunted in response and did her best to heed Lily’s advice, but unfortunately couldn’t quite get it. She stumbled backward and landing on her feet on the mat. Groaning, she turned around to Lily and The Dude.
“I’m never going to get it,” she said with pained certainty. Lily smiled at her.
“You’ll get it,” she said. “You just have to stop pushing it and start feeling it,” she looked over at The Dude who was rolling his eyes at her.
“Haha, very funny,” he said, making Lily and Megan laugh. Lily smiled at The Dude.
“Well, I’m out y’all,” she said waving at both of them. Megan and The Dude waved back and Lily headed out to her truck. It was a very old, very beaten blue Chevy Silverado. It was actually her dad’s, but he had no need for it any more, so Lily got it. One of the few good things her dad did for her. She climbed in, started the loud engine, and puttered off into town.
The barbershop where she worked was in the historic downtown square of Taylor. Her uncle Ray owned the shop and had for several decades. Ray was an older, stout man of 60. He had a decent sized beer belly, a handlebar mustache, and piercing blue eyes. Ray wasn’t actually Lily’s uncle, but he was as close to one as she could get. He took care of her during her senior year of high school and later on when she returned from college to find nothing and no one waiting for her.
Parking her car just outside the shop, Lily got out and darted across the empty street to the diner. Inside, she ordered four cups of coffee to go and a few donuts for everyone. When she got her order, she once again crossed the empty street and walked into Ray’s shop. A few regulars were sitting in their respective stylists' chairs. Lily’s station was towards the front. She pulled a cup of coffee out for herself placing on her station, then went around the room handing the other cups of coffee out. Everyone greeted her with kindness and respect. They knew what she had been through with her parents.
Once everyone had their coffee, Lily settled in at her station and waited for her first customer, Mr. Ortiz. At 9:15, Mr. Ortiz hobbled into the shop and straight to Lily’s station. She jumped up and vacated her chair for him. He sat down and told her he wanted the usual, which for him meant a general trim of his hair and beard. Lily immediately got to work and 45 minutes later she was done and checking Mr. Ortiz out at the register. She sat back in her chair after cleaning up the area and decided to check her email. It was overflowing with spam and other junk, so she specifically searched for the email from Donovan. It was there postmarked two weeks ago. She opened it.
Hello team,
I hope this email finds you well. I want you to be the first to know that I have accepted the chance to teach and train two actors for an upcoming movie. They’ll be filming the majority of it in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico, but we are one of the best-rated ninja warrior/parkour gyms in the country (go figure!). That means they will be here for a while getting the hang of certain moves and choreography.
The two actors in question are Tom Cruise and Henry Cavill. They are going to be here on Wednesday, the 17th at 7 am. We all know Lucky doesn’t read any of these, so someone please tell her. Other than that, you are all amazing!
Donovan Troy
Lily rolled her eyes at the line that she wouldn’t read the email. Though it was true, she hated how easy it was for him to read her. Anyway, she easily recognized Tom Cruise and could think of several movies she had seen him in. But, who the hell was Henry Cavill?
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bel0vedmendes · 6 years
An Angel Among the Angels: Part 2
Shawn Mendes X Reader
*Part one*
Word Count: 3,066
Warnings: Language, mentions of Anxiety and Panic Attacks.
Description: Y/N is working behind the scenes at the VS Fashion Show, and Shawn has his sights set on her. She can’t believe he would even look her way, considering they're literally surrounded by Angels. 
A/N: Helllllllo lovelies. I appreciate all the love I got on part 1, I hope part 2 is everything you hoped. Let me know what you think and if you want a part 3! The first part is posted on my original page ( @bel0vedbanshee). I will be posting from this account going forward. Thanks! xx
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We skipped over all of the awkward post first date stuff. He wasn’t one to let that happen. He was easy to talk to, and I think he felt the same about me. So that’s what we did, we talked.
Shawn was a busy boy, and I was extremely busy myself. That didn’t keep us from communicating regularly. If he wasn’t texting me, he was snapping me. If he wasn’t snapping me, he was face timing me.
“Let me see, I’m sure its not that bad.” I soothe, picking my phone up from its propped position to get a better look. Shawn takes his phone and turns the flash on, flipping the camera screen. He opens his mouth wide showing me his tonsils that he swears are swollen. I bite my bottom lip once I see that he isn’t kidding.
“See, I told you.” He rasps, flipping the camera around to selfie mode. His face being swallowed by his hoodie. I take the phone and walk to bed so that I could really pay attention to the boy through the screen. 
“Im sorry you feel like shit.” I say with a baby voice, giving him a weak smile.
“Its okay, just keep me company.” He turns in bed so that he’s laying on his side. I so desperately wish I was in the bed laying next to him. I take a deep breath and glance away from the bundle of cuteness.
“So, what are you going to do about your shows?” I ask toying with the strings on my hoodie.
“I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to see just how bad it is. Hopefully I don’t have to cancel.” He mumbles, sighing once he’s done. His face is flushed and his hair is a beautiful mess.
“I… I really hate seeing you like this.” I say quietly, mimicking the way he is laying in bed.
He smiles softly, staring at me through the phone.
“I really wish you were here, Y/N.” He whispered, his face dropping the façade he had been holding up.
I just nodded, and we laid like that for almost an hour until he fell asleep. I wasn’t used to seeing him that way. Every time we had talked or face timed before he was a completely different person. He was upbeat, and flirty. Sometimes I couldn’t tell if he was putting on an act for me, or if it was really him. Tonight though, that was 100 percent Shawn. I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that he felt comfortable enough with me to be that vulnerable. It made me wonder if there was more to our relationship than flirty phone calls, and a one night rendezvous. I really hoped it was more.
 The next morning, I headed into work early at the request of my boss. He needed to talk to me about something important. This was the same morning Shawn was going to see the doctor. We texted each other on our way to calm the nerves. I knew he didn’t want to hear that he needed a break, but deep down everyone knew he did. In the few weeks since we had seen each other it was flight after flight, show after show. He would never in a million years say that it was too much, so his body decided to make the decision for him.
Y/N: It’ll be fine, Shawn. If you’re sick and need to take a break the fans will understand okay?
Shawn: Nope, I’m not sick. I’m not even gonna think it.
Y/N: You couldn’t even talk on the phone. But… okay.
Shawn: Don’t sass me.
Y/N: Just saying, don’t stress okay?
Shawn: I wont if you don’t. Deal?
Y/N: I don’t know about that but okay. Ill text you when I’m out.
Shawn: Okay, Ill let you know when I hear something.
Y/N: good luck <3
Shawn: good luck Honey xx
Honey. I couldn’t help but melt when he used pet names. I got out of my car and walked into the building. Passing the receptionist, waving as she greeted me. Finally arriving to my Bosses office and tapping on the door before I stepped inside. He pulled himself away from his computer and hugged me as I walked inside closing the door behind him. I took a deep breath, that meant business. He ushered me to have a seat.
“So, Y/N, I just wanted to talk to you about the Victoria Secret Fashion Show, how did it go?” He asked
“I feel like it went great! I was pretty nervous but everything went incredibly smooth!” I sung. I couldn’t help but sweat. I knew I did my job well, and I really couldn’t think of a reason I would be in trouble.
“I only heard amazing things about you!” He praised, pulling out a manila envelope from his desk.
“Good! I really enjoyed it!” I said, finally able to breathe again.
“We had so many people gushing about how amazing you were! Everyone from staff to models, even some of the performers!” He raves raising his eyebrows. My eyes instantly widen, wondering what Shawn could have said about me.
“That being said, I wanted to ask you if you would be willing to work our next show in Paris?” He asks, taking a plane ticket out of the envelope and sliding it across the table. I pick it up noticing that it’s for tomorrow and I would be gone for a week.
“Oh.. my god. Paris?! Are you serious!” I hold the ticket in shock
“You would leave tomorrow, that wont be a problem will it?” He smiles
“No! No, of course not. Thank you so much, this is incredible!” I take the ticket, and he gives me the entire envelope that includes all of the details I may need about the trip. He talks me through my roll, and what I can expect.
“Y/N, keep up the amazing work, I only expect great things from you.” He praises as he pulls me into a hug. I thank him a million more times before walking to my car in a complete daze. I feel my pocket vibrating and I gasp realizing Shawn had probably finished at the doctor. I sit down in my front seat, pressing the green button on my phone. A curly headed, rosy cheeked boy shows up through my screen. He was visibly upset.
“Hi.” He whispered, laying his head back on the seat.
“Bad news?” I question, picking up on his body language.
“Yep, I have to take a break for a while. She gave me some antibiotics though.”
“Im really sorry, Shawn.” I murmured.
“It’ll be fine, like you said, the fans will understand.” He said, forcing himself to smile. I smiled back and nodded at him.
“So uhm, since  I have some free time, I was wondering if maybe I could come see you?” he asks nervously. My mind went blank. All I wanted was to see him, but I also just told my boss I would fly to Paris for a once in a lifetime opportunity. Fuck. I was apparently quiet for too long, because Shawn instantly started to freak out and explain himself… typical.
“I just thought… you know… if you wanted to.” He stutters, his hand rubbing the back of his neck making me smile.
“I want to see you Shawn.” I smile, laughing quietly as I watch him viably relax.
“But, I'm leaving for Paris tomorrow. My boss loved how I did at the VS show and is sending me to work a show in Paris for a week.” I frowned into the phone.
“Are you kidding?! That’s awesome Y/N!” He smiled a genuine smile, making me melt into my seat.
“You’re not mad?” I ask tugging my lip between my teeth.
“Of course not, how could I be mad at you. I’m a little sad though.” He tilts his head, watching me as I put my keys into the car.
“Honestly, I'm pretty upset about it too,” I sigh, “I would really like to see you.”
Shawn just nods, with a pathetic smile on his face. I hate that I couldn’t make it work.
We finished up our updates and ended our face time. I drove back to my place and immediately started to pack. Incredibly overwhelmed with anxiety, which lead to me over packing by a long shot. I fell asleep after talking to an incredibly bored Shawn for about an hour. Shooting up in bed 4 hours later, realizing I had hit snooze a few too many times. I gathered my bags as fast as I possibly could, knowing I was inevitably forgetting something. I checked for the important stuff and rushed down to my Uber that was taking me to the Airport. Next thing I knew I was sitting in my seat, as the plane took off into the sky. I took my medicine to help me relax, and I slowly drifted to sleep. Thoughts of a curly headed boy entertaining my brain as I did.
After a long day of work, and being incredibly overwhelmed, I finally got back into my hotel room. Tossing my purse onto the ottoman in the corner of the room and collapsing onto the bed. I deep sigh escaping my body, mixed with an annoyed moan. When I was asked to work in Paris, I knew that it would be a challenge. No one does fashion like Paris does. I had confidence in myself though. After today, I was slowly starting to doubt that. My chest instantly started to tighten. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that maybe I wasn’t cut out for this. I sat up in my bed and went to get my phone from my purse. Usually when I felt this way I called my dad for reassurance, he was pretty good at knowing what to say. Yet this time, I didn’t call my dad. I didn’t realize I was face timing Shawn until he his face appeared through  the screen. He picked up and held a finger up, signaling me to hold on. I could hear the sound of a movie and a few people talking in the background. He closes the door to what I assume is his bedroom, and gets comfortable on his bed. He stacks some pillows behind him and leans back against his headboard. Smirking into the phone.
“I was hoping you would call.” He rasps
“Are you okay to talk to me for a little bit?” I smile back, wondering if his throat felt any better.
“Yeah, Im a lot better.” He clears his throat. “Is everything okay, you seem off?” his eyebrows squishing together.
I attempt to smile, but another sigh escapes my mouth.
“What’s up, Honey?” he soothes.
“Nothing… I just. I don’t know. Today was insane. I don’t know if I can do this.” I stutter, as tears start to fill in my eyes. The look on his face becoming more serious. Sure, Shawn and I had many conversations. Up until now the conversations had been light and flirty. Or me talking to him about slowing down, and making sure we was taking care of himself. I was never the one to be vulnerable when we talked though, which is why he knew this was serious. He nodded his head as I ranted about how defeated I was after today. I told him that I was completely out of my element and the people around me were so seasoned.
“Listen Y/n, you’re amazing at your job. You know you are. Just breath and believe that.” He smiled into the phone speaking with conviction. I listened intently, hanging onto ever word he said.  
He talked about when he feels that way and what he does to overcome it. He was the perfect person to talk to about this.
“You’re right. I can do this. Its different and different can be scary, but Ill be fine.” I smiled into the phone. Glancing at the timer, realizing we had been talking for a little over an hour. I yawn into the phone, rubbing my eyes.
“Wow, its late.” I mutter
“Do you want to go to sleep?” He asks turning in bed, so that he was laying on his side. I mimic his actions.
“I mean, I should.” I giggle. “But I would rather talk to you.” I say, not quite ready to give up talking to him.
“Good. I’ve waited to talk to you all day.” He whines adorably. I silently laugh, rolling my eyes at his neediness.
“Wait, do you have people over? Do you need to go?” I asked concerned, last thing I wanted was for his friends or family to be mad at me for stealing their precious Shawn time.
“No, its just a few friends. Believe me their glad you called, I’ve been bugging them all day about whether or not I should call you.” He admits, a rosy tint instantly coating his cheeks.
“You know… you can call me whenever you want. I always wanna talk to you.” I reassure him.
“You’ll regret saying that, Im gonna annoy the shit out of you now.” He teases, with a hint of seriousness lacing his voice. I laugh at him, scoffing, telling him that I could never get annoyed by him. I laugh at him for a few minutes, as he tells me all the ways he’s going to annoy me. Our laughing starts to die down, and he folds his arm, resting his head on his hand.
“I really love hearing you laugh.” He said quietly, but confidently.
“I love that you can make me laugh, thank you for talking me down.”
He nods, “So when do you get some time off to explore?” he asks, as he gets up from his bed and walks out into his hallway.
“The day after tomorrow, I get two days off.” I say watching him move through his condo, the voices from his living room becoming louder.
“I had a really great tour guide when I was there, maybe I could get his information for you?” He asks as his friends start to appear behind him to see the girl on the other side of the screen. He shoo’s them away, and I start to laugh as they start to comment on the conversation. ‘Damnnn Shawn’, ‘I’ll be her tour guide’ , and other boyish comments being made in the background clearly being said to irritate Shawn. He shakes his head at his friends trying not to smirk, I start to laugh. I tell him that I would love to have a tour guide and he promises to send me the information.
“Okay, I’m going to bed, go hang with your boys.” I say pulling my cover up around me, smiling tiredly into the phone. He chuckles at me.
“Goodnight, Honey. You’re going to kill it tomorrow.”
“Night Shawn.” 
The next morning I woke up with an adorable message from Shawn once again reassuring me of my own awesomeness. I couldn’t believe I was getting attention from a boy like this, he was too perfect sometimes. He also asked me for all of my hotel information so that the tour guide could meet up with me. I told him I could figure all the details out if he gave me his number, but he insisted on sorting everything out so that I could focus on work. If I had learned anything from my few months talking to Shawn, I knew that when he insisted on something there was really no point to argue. I just agreed and told him to let me know if I needed to do anything. After that we really hadn’t talked all day, a few text here and there but he was definitely not as annoying as he had planned to be. I got to the event building and did some deep breathing before walking in and starting my task for the day.
Lunch time came around in no time, I called Shawn to tell him how much better my day was going but he didn’t answer. I figured he was probably spending time with his family and I would hopefully get to talk to him later. I finished my work for the day, and my driver came to pick me up and take me back to my hotel. On the way there I attempted to call Shawn again but it went straight to voicemail once again. I tried my hardest not to be upset, but I really only wanted to talk to him. Which got me to think about how I felt about him. Was it appropriate to feel that way about someone you’ve only met one time?  Shawn was so caring, supportive, smart, and funny. I found myself smiling at all the things that I loved about this boy’s personality. I instantly decided that even if I wasn’t sure about my feelings, I was sure that he came into my life for a reason. Whatever that reason may be, I guess we would find out.
I finally arrived back at the hotel, grabbing my purse and walking up to my room. I get inside and start to flip through the hotel’s menu for room service. Ultimately deciding that I would change into some warmer clothes and find something to eat outside the hotel, I was in Paris after all. As I was getting dressed, the hotel room phone started to ring. I walked over to it curiously and picked it up. The woman on the other end with a thick accent telling me that my tour guide was here to meet me. My eyebrows scrunched together, wondering why this tour guide was here on the wrong day. Thinking maybe the details were messed up, I told the woman to send him up. I hung up the phone, if anything maybe this guys could help me find somewhere to eat. I walked over to the door after hearing a light knock, opening it quickly.
My eyes instantly meet a pair of familiar light brown ones. His smile wide and beaming. I felt like I was hallucinating.
“Hi, I’m your tour guide. Is it okay if I’m a little early?” He says with a cheesy French accent, smiling down at me before pulling me into his arms.
A/n: Please let me know what you think! Part 3? Follow my new account :)
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cxrhl-blog · 7 years
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Cheap health insurance?
"Cheap health insurance?
My health insurance at work is too expensive. Where can I find a low cost health insurance plan?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""What would be a good, cheap to insure and reliable car for a 17 year old?""
What would be a good, cheap to insure and reliable car for a 17 year old?""
Cheap auto insurance?? PLEASE? :(?
My friend she needs car insurance or her car will get repossessed. She's 19 and has only had her license for a year and is being financed a vehicle($200 monthly payments-in 2yrs it'll be payed off). She doesn't have a steady job yet but she's starting college at hcc this fall. She's living with her mom right now. The downfall is that she's already gotten a speeding ticket and hasn't had insurance for 6 or 7months. She needs a non-'name-brand' auto insurance. The cheapest offer so far was $406 a month and she can't afford that. By the way..this is in florida. Can you please inform me of a cheap car insurance place? It doesn't have to be any good..just cheap...thankyou..
""Can I register a car in Florida with ny license, insured by someone with fl license?""
I have a ny license, wife has a fl license, we live in ny, can we register the car in Florida? Her name is not on the ownership title, would it help of it was? The car will be insured by her with me as a driver""
A quick question about car insurance?
now that I have your attention I have a serious question I need help with. Right now i'm 24, and I will be 25 in a few months. Like many young people I have been paying high car insurance rates, and have been looking forward to the quarter life insurance break. The only problem is that within the last year I've racked up 3 points on my drivers license due to an accident and a speeding ticket. Does this ruin my chances for getting a break, or will my break be less significant?""
Why are insurance rates going up even if its not your fault?
I work in claims department of a big insurance company. And I found out that even though it is not your fault or if its a comp claim, there is still a possibility that your rates would go up. Why is that so?!?""
I am moving what do I do about my car insurance?
I am moving what do I do about my car insurance?
Ladies has anyone every really saved on car insurance when applied to Sheila's Wheels or Diamond?
Everytime I've got a quote its always more expensive than other insurance companies
Roughly how much will my insurance cost? (New driver)?
I am a 17 year old female, I am thinking of getting a car If I got a 1999 VW Polo and registered myself and my mother (who has held a full license for over 10 years) as named drivers, roughly how much will my insurance cost? I was hoping about 500? Is that unreasonable? Thanks""
Health insurance?????????????????????...
should government help on health insurance? y or y not?
How much should I pay for a1967 Chevy Impala?
Basically, I want this car. How much (ball park figure, estimates, exact prices, whatever) wwould it set me back? Just the car itself, mind. I'll handle the tax and insurance, etc myself. And no, its not because of Supernatural.""
How much would insurance cost?
Im 16, and getting a 49 - 50 cc moped, i wanted to know how much the insurance would cost? it would be kept at a secure garage. Just give me a rough idea please, just an estimate?""
Can i sue my car insurance company.?
I have had an car accident and made a claim through my car insurance, however they have failed to compensate me for the accident and rather than compensating me they have cancelled my policy claiming that i had provided them with incorrect information, which were genuine minor mistakes on my part, however i did not find out about any of these indiscripancies until my accident as my insurance company had not initially provided me with documents showing all the information i had provided to them to make sure everything was correct, they only provided me with the certificate. Since they didn't provide me with these details and a form to sign to say all the information is correct. Are they allowed to cancel my policy as i wouldve corrected this information if i had found out about it. And do i have any grounds to complain to the financial ombudman.""
Should I change Insurance carriers?
Located in Ontario, Canada. Currently with The Personal Insurance Company. My friend got in an at fault accident while she was driving my car. Her husband said he would take of it on his insurance. He never did, they are now divorced and there is no way he is taking responsiblity for it. Result, my insurance went up $80.00 per month. This was five years ago. Recently, I moved to a new location and I have to park on the street, because of this my insurance will go up $30.00 a month. So now I have to pay $230/month. I have been driving and with the same company for over 25 years but they won't give me a break. Should I change companies, any suggestions? Thanks""
How much would it cost for a 17 year old for provisional drivers insurance?
How much around, price brackets?""
Do car insurance rates increase because of family visiting?
Hello there. I was wondering if anybody ever heard about car insurance rates increasing because of extra people in the house. My wife and I will be staying at my in-laws house for a few months and we have our own vehicles with insurance so therefore we will not be driving my in-laws car. HIs brother was told that his rate insurance will increase because of the extra people in the house. Does any of this sound right to you? Thanks. We ilve in florida.
What is grandfathered health insurance coverage?
I am trying to define the Health Care Reform Act of 2009 in plain English, and I keep coming across the phrase above. What does it mean?""
Insurance on a 95 camaro?
Im considering buying a pre-owned 1995 camaro for my first car. How do I find out how much the yearly insurance would be? Its not a convertible, and also its through allstate in new york. Would it be more than a 1998 maxima?""
How much insurance costs for Yamaha YZF-R125?
for 21 old male as a learner in uk ..
Why won't an insurance company insure me since I had a claim in the last 5 years?
I had a fire claim in the last 6 months ($30,000 claim), and I am not happy with my current insurance company. It has taken them 6 months to pay out. I have been trying to get a quote from different insurance companies and they all say that they cannot give me a quote because I had a significant claim the last 5 years. Does anyone know of an insurance company that doesn't have this policy?""
What happens if you lye to you car insurance company?
When I was 18 and I first got my car insurance policy my mom convinced me to set my adress to my uncle's house because it was cheaper. It is but, now that I'm 20 I'm starting to have second thoughts about it. What can possibly go wrong with this?""
Is it easy for a new driver to get car insurance?
I just recently got my license im 21 would it be easy for me to get insurance what are they going to look at.I dont want to use my parents car insurance i want my own for indep reasons.Is it true they look at education
""Hi , i had an accident and wrote my car off, i thought id cancel insurance but insurance company say ?""
that i cant because its a credit agreement , i thought that cant be right im now paying insurance for a car that i don't have , help""
Am I covered under my father's car insurance policy?
I live in center city Chicago and I don't need a car, so I don't have my own car insurance policy. When I visit home and drive my father's car, am I covered under his policy even though I am not a minor?""
Can auto insurance company refuse to cancel my policy?
I have gotten another auto insurance company due to the rudeness and refusal to switch my monthly draft to another bank. I had one bank and to close due to some suspicious activity that indicated signs of fraud. When I called to tell my insurance company about this the lady was very rude to me and made remarks about not wanting to my payments, I have been on time with every payment. She didn't believe me and told me she would wipe all other accounts that I had with that bank. I truly honestly had to close my account and she won't take the new account. I have already got my new insurance ready to go just need cancel my old insurance. Would I be mean if said I am canceling because someone was rude to me and made my ordeal a joke?""
Whats the cheapest Car insurance?
Im 19 about to turn 20. I have a drivers liscence but no car. i need the cheapest insurance that will allow me to legally drive any normal car. I live in long beach, ca.""
Cheap health insurance?
My health insurance at work is too expensive. Where can I find a low cost health insurance plan?
Insurance on a new and used car?
I was wondering what would be cheaper, insurance on a new car, or a used car (nothing too old though, 2004 to 2008)""
Why did my car insurance get higher?
My car insurance is going up over $100 per 6 months *shocked face* I am curious. Is car insurance in general getting much higher? Or would this increase be due to a wreck I had in January? (It was totally not my fault, but the guy who hit me wasn't insured.) p.s. If it makes a difference, I use progressive insurance. I spent over a month calling around - they had the best offer for me last year. But now I guess it's time to see what else is out there.""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
California car insurance - any tips on what online carrier gives the best rates?
Ive been looking for ages for someone in my state to give me a good rate on a policy. Im not a high risk candidate and im in my forties.
""I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
I would like to get my insurance license in the state of CA, and I need to know how to start?""
Car insurance? Who is covered? Who is responsible?
Okay I had a question about car insurance... I am on my grandfather's car insurance plan- I live with my boyfriend. I believe I am the only one insured to drive the car....My boyfriend's mother and step-father don't have a car right now and often times ask to borrow my car- I've been letting them until it was brought to my attention that they may not be covered in that car? Does this mean I would be responsible for anything that happened? Or would they? If another car was at fault for the accident what would happen? Anyone know how this works?
Why are some people's health insurance rates going up?
I've heard a lot of stories about people's insurance rates doubling or tripling. My wife's insurance just went up. What's going on? I thought Obamacare was supposed to make insurance more affordable? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/24/one-man-obamacare-nightmare/
How much is it to insure a replica car ?
Im looking to buy a replica lamborghini Aventador but was wondering if the insurance would be to high to handle. I live in Ontario, Canada Thanks""
""Where can I get insurance, I want to play a sport but I don't have insurance ?
So im thinking about joining sports in school but I don't have insurance and does state farm sell that kind of insurance or any other insurance company
Need advice on good dental insurance plan in California.?
Hello, I am looking for good dental isurance policy for one person. I currently work as a temp, and dont have insurance. I was looking to spend around $30 a month, is this too low? I need something that is rather comprehensive. Thanks""
Sr-22 insurance how much does i t cost?
I got a dui in 2002 and i havent drove snice i have a car paied off and its a 92 cavilier does anyone know how much my payments would be each month and all i want to put on it is just relaible insurance
Where can i get less expensive car insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i can't recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
Does anyone know any affordable health insurance for a college student?
Does anyone know any affordable health insurance for a college student?
Can i get a license without insurance.?
OK. I've got a lot of questions to ask. i'm 16, i live in North Carolina and i'm going to go get my license in about a week and a half. I was wondering do i need liability on myself or what because right now all i want is my license to drive my parents car and stuff, so would i need insurance for that? And also what kind of insurance and what would be the cheapest way to go. And when i check on the DMV website its unclear on what insurance and what they would accept and not accept. PLease help im extremely confused.""
What is the cheapest car insurance in Florida?
I wand to know what is the cheapest car insurance in tampa FL this is my first car insurance and i am 23 what is the avrage for people in my same age pay for thier insuranse and i have a clean record the car will be Acura 2.2 CL 1997 2doors
Will first time speeding ticket in Georgia increase insurance premium?
I got a speeding ticket for driving 15 miles over speed limit (was driving at 60 in 45mph. The other drivers were driving over 55, but I got caught because I overtook another ...show more""
Does a rear view camera affect car insurance rates?
Will installing a rear view camera on my car affect my insurance rates? The reason I ask is because late last year the news media began reporting the fact that the federal government is considering mandating rear view cameras on every new vehicle sold the United States.
Health Insurance: Duplicate Coverage?
I have a job where my health insurance premiums as well as my spouse's are covered without cost to me. However, my wife is insurured through her work as well because she is requiried to be insured under her employers plan even though she is already covered under mine. She chose an HMO because it was the least cost to us because we would want to use my insurance (PPO) as the main provider, that way she can choose her own doctors. She recently went to the doctor using my plan, but now they will not cover the visit because of duplicate coverage. Can someone give me advice as to how I can rectify this situation. We would prefer not to even use the HMO because it is expensive and restrictive, but the PPO will not cover because of the HMO coverage""
Does failure to signal increase insurance rates in Oregon?
Does failure to signal increase insurance rates in Oregon?
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year old?
i need cheaper car insurance because most quotes are coming out at like 4 grand and i dont have that kind of money. the car is a 1.2 55 reg corsa, does any one know a cheap insurance company? cheers""
How much would car insurance be for me?
I am a 16 year old boy and am looking at 95-99 Honda civic coupes manual transmission. I believe the insurance company is AAA and I'm in southern California
Proof of car insurance?
I live in Massachusetts, and I have proof of insurance on my registration. There isn't a separate insurance card - but if for some reason I am pulled over out of state, this should be be enough, right? Does anyone have any experience with this?""
What happens after i complete traffic school for a speeding ticket?
I'm 17. I got a speeding ticket in February, payed it in March, and finished traffic school this month. I went to take my traffic school certificate this week. Does this mean it is cleared? I live in California? I'm wondering because I'm trying to get an insurance rate and it asked if i ever got a ticket.?""
Why do teen girls get cheaper car insurance than men?
I see teen girls driving like. Morons all the time. I've also witnessed many women drivers texting their phone, not once have I seen a male driver texting their phone. It's not ******* fair that I almost get totaled because this teen girl at are school accelerates when I go into her lane forcing me to swerve back into mine to avoid being hit? Just yesterday I was driving my MG down the road and this teenage girl in her big Ford pick up texting while taking up both lanes by driving in the middle to drive down a road making me have to take my car off the road to avoid a collision. So how is it fair that I me, a seasoned male driver of the age of 18 have to pay far more in insurance than teenage drivers who have no since of awareness?""
Auto insurance question Re: teenage driver?
My 17 year old daughter is currently on my automobile insurance policy. She drives my car at times. She'll be 18 next February. Sometime this year, I wanted to get a new car and give her this one. If we have the car registered in her name when I give it to her, does she then need her own seperate insurance policy? Can she still be under my insurance although the car would no longer be registered in my name? I think seperate insurance for her (at her age) would be considerably more expensive. She's still a student and not working yet. Any insights on this would be appreciated.""
Cheap health insurance?
My health insurance at work is too expensive. Where can I find a low cost health insurance plan?
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old now?
hi im sixteen i dont know where to look for the amount every site i go too wants too much information if you can find one for me my zip is 17325 or give me an estimate. thanks!
Are there rental cars that can be covered by personal car insurance?
I was wondering this because I wanted to rent a car but was afraid that I'd have to pay for the extra cost of insurance that the car's under. I have Mercury as an insurance and want it to use as my insurance instead of paying. Thanks... ^_^ v
Where can I find affordable health insurance?
I am 19, a smoker and I am currently not working but I have health issues and I need to find a health care provider that won't drain my bank account... Any ideas?""
Do the affordable care act effect all health insurance?
Or is it just limited to obamacare?
Cheap scooter insurance in UK?
In February of next year I will be buying a 50CC scooter and taking my CBT, What would be the best companies to go to for cheap insurance? I'm planning to pay in a lump-sum :) thanks""
Cheap Insurance for 16 driver??
I am looking for the cheapest insurance company for a 16 year old driver that can't go on any other persons policy. Can only go on individual policy!!!! Thanks for any ideas or companies
Fee to Drop A Vehicle From Insurance Policy?
I just sold a car, and when I called my insurance company to drop it from my policy, I was informed that it would cost $15 to do so. I know it is only $15, but still that seems a little steep. Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience.""
How is medical insurance is applied?
I am an Egyptian seeking the progress of my country. I hope you answer the following questions according to the country you live in especially in United States of America, Canada, Israel, Germany, England and Nordic countries.""
""What is the best car insurance for Reno, NV?""
I am moving to Reno in August and will be switching car insurance companies. Wondering what people thought was the best car insurance company and if anyone know what type of cost I should expect on average. I am from NJ, so definitely hoping it will be cheaper than what I currently pay. Thanks!""
""No car, but required car insurance?""
I drive a company vehicle for my job. Due to recent accidents (I was not involved) with the company vehicle, my job had all drivers sign a paper stating that we have personal insurance, valid drivers license, I do not have a working car atm, so I do not have personal insurance. They have pulled me off my driving job and if I dont figure anything out I will lose 16 hours of work a week, is this legal? And does anybody have any suggestions for me?""
How much is car insurance in nyc?
Im 23 years this is my first car ever a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted to now how much car insurance im looking at.
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
What car insurance do you like?
Do you LIKE your car insurance company and if so, who do you use? I want to leave Farmers.""
""I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
I'm 24, I'm young and healthy. PPO or HMO policy?""
What is the cheapest car and home insurance?
The car insurance would cover for 2 people, me and my mother. The home insurance would be for our apartment. She asked me to look this up for her and I have no idea where to start. A little guidance would be great? Thanks :]""
Health Insurance for Seniors in the U.S.A but I'm Canadian?
I'm 26, A Canadian that is going to buy a U.S small business.(in California) Can anyone suggest a good heath insurance plan. I also would like to know can I get a plan for my parents (both age 60) when they come down and stay with me for more then six months? Thank you like always!!""
""I live in California, How do I obtain a state license to sell auto insurance?
Pls. show a website were I can see what are the requirements to obtain a license and explain well what it is and what to do.... Thanx.
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
Do i need insurance for my drivers test?
Am 18 years old and im about to take my california drivers test in about two weeks i was checking everything to make sure i was in good condition.Then i read that i need to have proof of insurance witch is a problem because i do not have my license yet.So i ask my uncle if i could use his car he said yes and his car is insured, does he need to add me to his policy or am i good to take my test? Thank you""
Problem with Car Insurances? HELP PLEASE - Will rate best answer.?
Well, I am 17, so this is very annoying but I have a big problem now. Last week I was getting Quoted for Car insurance, the quote was around 1.7k for a Corsa, This I could stretch to, but today I try and get a quote and the smallest quote is around 5.5k, What has changed? something has, I have made sure all the details are exactly the same for my old one which was quoting me at 1.7k and my new one which is quoting me at 5.5k for some reason, Please help or give any ideas thanks a lot.""
Do Republicans think low insurance rates means cheap healthcare?
The fact is that under ObamaCare insurance rates are set by the amount the insurance company pays to doctors and hospitals. If they charge more than 125% of what they pay out they ...show more
Car shopping???? and auto insurance?
I am planning to buy a car before school starts again.. I was shopping on craigslist.com and some cars are cheap and sound too good to be true. like this one: http://philadelphia.craigslist.org/car/741877685.html but should i go for it anyway?? should i hire a mechanic to check the car out? if so where can i find one and how much would one cost? will my insurance be expensive?, (im under 18)""
Will Car Insurance Fees Go Up?
So recently i was pulled over for speeding. 50 in a 45. Will my fines go up for just being 5+ the limit? If so how much do you think? Also I'm 16 -Thanks
Can car insurance not pay?
I was recently visiting a friend at his apartment. We heard sirens and looked out---and saw a car on fire next to my motorcycle. The car was totalled as was my motorcyle and another car had damage. The car on fire----his insurance won't pay---they say it was a mechanical failure---and they don't have to pay.
Whats a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
Whats a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
Cheap health insurance?
My health insurance at work is too expensive. Where can I find a low cost health insurance plan?
How much do you think my Motorcycle insurance would be? for a 250CC bike?
I signed up for a motorcycle MSF class to get my license and to get experience riding a bike. I plan on getting a 250cc bike because I think it's what suits my needs and desires of what I want out of a motorcycle. Also, I don't need anything bigger/faster because I'm quite a daredevil and broke my back 3 years ago. Anyways, I'm 25 now and have matured enough to know my limits and to take it easy. Well, one of my main concerns is the cost of insurance. As of now I pay $330 a month for my car insurance. I have somewhat of a bad driving record, and that's why my auto insurance is pretty high. But i haven't done anything too crazy, like no DUI's or license suspensions. Only 1 speeding ticket too out of all these years. Anyways, i've been looking primarily at the Honda CBR250r. What would you guesstimate i will be paying for insurance? A quote for the average coverage and for leisure purposes only too. Thanks.""
In California what is traffic school for? Will my insurance still increase?
I am 19 and got a speeding ticket 85 in a 65 this is my FIRST ticket. I take full responsibility and am ready to accept my consequences. I am not one to drive like that but I was late that day. I know there is no excuse. Soon I am getting my own insurance under my own name. If I take traffic school besides not getting a point on my license will this also prevent insurance increases. If I go to get my insurance will this ticket affect me even though I took traffic school? I live in California and this is my first ticket I am 19 and male.
When buying auto insurance is it better to have your dad own the car and put you as the additional driver to s
When you purchase car insurance is it better to have the car under your parent's name for ownership and add your self as an additional driver for your own policy to save money even when you will be driving most of the time?
Is AmeriPlan a Good insurance company?
it's a health insurance company, and for four people, you only have to pay 60 dollars a month. I was just wondering if it is a rip of, only asking people who have used it or are using it now. What do you think of it. Is it a rip off. Is the 60 dollars a scam, or is that all you have to pay. Thanks so much!""
Insurance rate for 77 year old with 20 year old car? ?
How much do you think insurance would cost monthly for a 77 year old lady and her 20 year old car. At the cheapest to the highest. In Florida. Thank you, for my grandma.""
Will insurance cover a new transmission or total my car?
My dad's 2001 Toyota 4Runner recently broke down and the mechanic said it was b/c water got into the transmission and that we would need a new one. We talked to Geico and they said they would cover the transmission cost plus the cost of some converter thing (both got damaged b/c of weather). But now Geico is saying that if the price goes over $1000 they're just going to total the car. The mechanic said it'll be around $5000 and the adjuster hasn't seen the car yet (he'll try today or on Monday), so do you guys think that Geico will definitely total the car? When we first talked to them they said they would cover everything and I'm guessing they know the cost of a new transmission, so I don't understand why they won't cover it anymore.""
Personal Medical Insurance?
Why is medical insurance is a dream of riches or expensive commodity in U.S.A ? For example, Denmark, Canada, and other countries it is affordable and free to the people who contribute to the development of the country? (In Denmark for example if you can speak Danish, and work, you get free Insurance, like such in another countries). Why can't we make it affordable to everyone? What pro-active thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions you have for in this regard? Thank you.""
Insurance for car accident?
I had a car accident where my mirror and signal were broken as well as my front door got skewed. The insurance company said that they either fix it at their garage or they estimate damage and give me money in return. Which is better?
Is it up to age 26 or through age 26 for insurance coverage on parent's plan?
With health care reform, young adults can now stay on their parent's insurance longer. Is it UP TO the day they turn age 26 or through the age 26 that they are able to have the coverage?""
Motorcycle totaled with no insurance?
Ok long story short I bought a bike few weekends ago on a Saturday morning with a loan on it from a dealer. That same weekend which would be Sunday night I hit some gravel on a curved road and the bike flew from under me and it sounds like its totaled according to the dealer. Problem is I didn't have insurance on it yet because it was the weekend still. And I added insurance that week after it happened but I think they're going to find out I didn't have insurance on it at the time of the accident . Sooo what happens now ? Am I stuck paying for a bike that's totaled ? Does the gap insurance on the loan help me out in anyway ? Please help cause I'm really stressing out about this..
After you sell your car do you get your insurance back?
my car has failed M.O.T and can't be fixed as its to much would i have to pay my car insurance off or get back what ive payed so far
Who need health insurance?
Do a part time job need a health insurance?
I need to get rid of my car because the payments are way to high and insurance sucks?
I bought a 2003 Toyota Avalon a little more than a year ago from a dealer. I put 7000 dollars as a down payment and now am paying 240 a month for 60 months. Its getting kind of hard to pay off the car now with all of the costs going up. The total price of the car was 15000 and I got a bumper to bumper warranty for 5 years/100,000 miles when I bought it at 35,000 miles. The car now has 54.000 miles. How do I trade it in for a car that would cost me less than 200 a month Thanks""
Where can i find cheap moped insurance?
i have just applied for my license and i am going to get a 50cc moped (WK Wasp 50). i was looking around for the price of full comprehensive insurance and the cheapest is around 650... is this cheap? please advise me on any cheap firms thanks!
What cars are listed as sports cars for insurance?
I want a car but it cant be listed as a sports car. And all the cars i like either are or idk. so what cars are sports cars?
Cheapest car insurance in toronto?
Cheapest car insurance in toronto?
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for a first time driver?
I have been driving for about 3 years now. And now I am saving up for my first car. I just want to know whats the best car insurance because I know its gonna be pricey because I am a first time driver and under 25. What do you suggest I should try? I am still doing my research regardless but I want to be prepared to pay for at least 6 months in advance because I am still in college as we speak. I just don't want to worry about that every month when I get the car. Thank you !!
Insurance Question for owners of the 2007 pontiac g5?
Im a 22 yr old male, never had a car before, just got my license; and im about to purchase me a new pontiac g5. Im wondering how much i can expect to pay for insurance every month?Plz help!""
About how much would my auto insurance be? (First-time driver)?
I'm budgeting getting a car and insurance and I don't know how much it would be. It will be my first time driving/having a car or license. So no record of anything, but I'd be a newbie. It'll be in the state of Pennsylvania and it will probably be a pre-owned small car.""
What is a cheep insurance for an 18 year old guy?
Hi i am 18 an live with my parents.I live in Louisiana an have a little white Nissan.I was just wondering about how much would it cost me a mouth for car insurance and what insurance company would be the best to go to.Any information would be helpful thank you very much.
My car is registered in wisconsin how can I get insurance in california?
My mother bought me a car in wisconsin and i live in california, but the car is still registered in her name in WI. how do i get insurance coverage without having to register the car in my name? is it possible?""
Why does Allstate keep increasing my insurance rate?
I am 26 years old, in California. I have had Allstate for almost 2 years now, and every 6 months my rate increases. It went up $200+, and I have not had any tickets/accidents/claims, and I have not moved. When I asked them about this, they just said they are adjusting their rates due to zip code. Seems like bologna to me. Has anyone else had this problem? Which insurer do you recommend?""
""I was misled by auto insurance company, what are my rights here?""
OK i signed out with all-state insurance company. The quote was $380, the agent faxed me only papers to sign since i was happy about the quote. I asked her 2 fax me the Insurance Id card but she did not(i waited a week). After tired of waiting and being turned down by DMV 2 renew my car registration i called the office and asked someone else 2 handle my case. Things went fine without her help , the new guy sent me the Id card immediately. On Friday i received all the papers & the ID cards but i was suprised when i saw $415 ...i called but didn't speak with her, the guy that helped me B4 was like but you signed the papers, i asked him 2 send me the papers i signed again..and guess what? The psycho lady played me cause, she only faxed me papers 2 sign but not the papers that showed $415, all i agreed was based on the quote she gave me which is $380. She never sent me the $415 papers. What can i do with this cause they are not prepared 2 refund me or fix their numbers""
Anyone have good materninty insurance?
HELP... Any advice on good maternity insurance that isn't sooo expensive!!!
Car insurances for a day help?
I just need to drive my car to my new apartment.Right now i don't have car insurances. Is there any way i can get car insurances just for a day. I live in new jersey. I know i can get a car insurances quote but i don't have enough money right now I just need to move it
Cheap health insurance?
My health insurance at work is too expensive. Where can I find a low cost health insurance plan?
0 notes
stagesofabreakup · 7 years
Stages of a Breakup: Week 33
1. Help your grandma’s friend set up a new computer she bought
2. Also try to help her backup her old one
3. She told the people at Dell when she bought the new computer that she “didn’t want” wifi, so they TOOK IT OFF THE COMPUTER, which you didn’t even know they could do
4. You’re working all night by Ethernet cord
5. The backup keeps failing because of a shadow copy timeout
6. You eat the world’s most intense grilled cheese that your Grandma’s friend (Winnie) makes for you
7. Google some stuff and get the backup to start
8. Winnie’s friend Joan comes over with nips of Ciroc and they talk and drink
9. You think being 75 in New York seems like the shit
10. Eat more cheese, now on crackers
11. Talk with Winnie and Joan for a while
12. Joan used to be a Private Investigator and she showed you her license and told you about how she used to look up all her daughter’s boyfriends
13. She mentions she is looking for someone to stay in her spare room on Roosevelt Island
14. You consider it, and let her know you have something until February but maybe after
15. You and Joan exchange numbers and make a tentative plan to have lunch/see the apartment on some weekend in the future
16. You were supposed to meet your friend but the backup has taken like three hours and still isn’t finished and now it’s too late to go to Harlem because also your friend has a real job
17. You just go home instead
18. Have one beer
19. Text your friend Charlie but he’s on a date (ooh la la!)
20. Try to got to sleep
21. Work from 12-6:00pm at the dance studio college job
22. Finish reading The Color Purple
23. It’s so good
24. Write like 15 pages in your journal
25. Count how many pages you’ve written in your journal in the past 3 weeks and it’s like 50
26. Decide to go to a mic after work in Brooklyn
27. Go straight there with your backpack and laptop and food bag
28. Get there after 45 minutes only to find out they switched it to a different night
29. Decide to go to a different one that’s back in Manhattan
30. Call first so you don’t make the same mistake twice
31. They don’t answer because it’s a bar
32. Decide to go anyway because what are the odds that’ll happen twice?
33. It does
34. Decide to go to your friend’s show that’s back in Brooklyn (thank god you have that unlimited Metrocard!) because you can’t just go home
35. She gets the doorguy to wave the 10$ cover
36. Watch all of your friends on the show
37. Laugh about periods
38. Be happy
39. Hang out for a TINY bit after the show but everyone just wants to go home
40. Go home
41. Work again
42. Start and finish one of the books from your favorite series
43. Agonize about going to your friend’s mic at 6:30 that’s intimidating and terrible when you’re already going to a different mic at 9:00pm
44. Go to the library
45. Check out some books and dvds!
46. Find a movie theatre you didn’t know was there!
47. Go home, drop stuff off, eat
48. Realllllyyyyyyy want to stay in and sleep and watch a library dvd
49. Email the hosts of the second mic you’re coming to reserve a spot and so you can’t back out
50. Walk 45 min there (Upper East Side-fancy)
51. Have the bouncer look at you for ONE second before saying, “Comedy’s in the back”
52. Go up
53. Have a great set
54. Hang around watching people
55. Run into your friend Mara
56. Take the train back with her
57. She decides to come to Philly with you this weekend, says she’ll see if she can find more shows, also you guys talk about maybe starting a mic together
58. Go home
59. Feel accomplished and good
60. Watch The Diary of a Teenage Girl
61. Be ENRAGED that they made the main character thin
62. Be less enraged when you look up the original artwork from the novel and realize she was much smaller than you remember
63. Love the movie
64. Text your friend Jade most of the night about a million different things
65. Feel connected and good
66. Try to sleep
67. Go to bed around 6:00am
68. Get up around 2:47pm
69. Spend two hours trying to get uptown while the trains aren’t working
70. Finally end up taking an express to 125th and walking the 15 blocks back down to where you need to be
71. Which is at a sports bar because the Yankees are playing and your friend Gaby cares
72. Get her and her girlfriend a drink, in addition to yours this costs 40 dollars
73. Hang for a while
74. Smoke weed on the walk to the train
75. Ride the train and start reading The Handmaid’s Tale which you got from the library
76. Find out that one of your cousin’s friends drank your good special beer you were saving
77. Feel your blood boil with rage
78. Have to actively calm yourself down
79. Start watching Fifty Shades Darker
80. It’s SO terrible
81. Go to sleep at 6:00am again
82. Spend a lot of the day in bed simmering about the beer
83. Finally emerge and confront him about it
84. He seems not to understand that that was wrong
85. Impress upon him that it is
86. He asks if you want him to replace it
87. You do
88. Leave feeling ok
89. Go over to Winnie’s again (late) to check out what the backup is doing (it’s STILL going)
90. Figure out the password to her new computer she forgot but wouldn’t let you write a hint for because, “it’s the one I always remember”
91. Fix that stuff
92. Scrap the backup because it wasn’t done after two days and Winnie says she doesn’t even want what’s on the computer anyway
93. Realize you’re WAY late to meet your friend Lizzy because everything got pushed back
94. Get to a bar called Ethyl’s like 45 minutes late
95. She’s not mad because as soon as you ger there she gets a phone call from a boy and now you have to wait and that’s karma
96. Ethyl’s seems cool, a waitress comes up to take your drink order twice while Lizzy is on the phone and you have to be like, “still waiting”
97. Write in your journal which is actually needed
98. Feel better
99. Lizzy comes back and actually wants to leave because Ethyl’s is really loud (it is)
100. She wants to get food and suggests Wahlburgers, the hamburger chain restaurant Mark Wahlberg’s family owns
101. Go there
102. Get tater tots
103. Talk about relationships
104. Realize how much you miss your ex-boyfriend’s body
105. Leave Wahlburgers (but not before taking a photo of the word collage on the ceiling of every movie Mark Wahlberg’s ever been in)
106. Go to Lizzy’s house
107. Eat ice cream and paint your nails and talk about rape culture
108. Watch the first episode of American Vandal which you did NOT realize was satire/funny
109. Go home
110. Watch the rest of Fifty Shades Darker and Katy Perry’s A Part of Me
111. Be genuinely sad that she and Russell Brand broke up
112. Try to sleep
113. Wake up at 9:37am for some reason?????
114. Talk to your mom on the phone
115. Address the holiday worries you have been having
116. Tell her you’d rather spend the holidays alone this year now that your parents are divorced and it’s not going to be what it was
117. She understands
118. You talk about how sad you are to miss Mardi Gras this year
119. While you say it you realize how fucking sad you will be to miss Mardi Gras this year
120. Your mom starts looking up tickets just to see
122. You find it again for 170 and BUY IT
124. You are filled with joy
125. But also worry about seeing your ex-boyfriend because you don’t want to but it’s honestly unavoidable and you don’t want to hook up with him but part of you does and you don’t want to get wrapped up in all this again and feel weak
126. You tell like 5 people you’re coming back
127. They are excited but you’re also worried about where you will stay
128. Figure out a few places you can spread it among
129. And a friend who can pick you up from the airport at 8:42am, god bless
130. You also decide to buy your bus ticket for Philly this weekend while you’re getting things done
131. Your friends from college who live in Philly also saw that you’re coming on facebook and texted you so you’re seeing them now too which will be so nice and wonderful
132. On the phone with your mom you guys talked about “Metoo” and she shares that she wants to support but honestly doesn’t feel like she’s ever experienced sexual harassment
133. You are truly shocked that any woman can say that, but also happy that her life has been like that
134. You guys get into a deeper conversation and you share that the fear of rape drives a lot of what you do, even down to the weight you are
135. Your mom confesses that she’s thought that for years but didn’t think it was her place to say
136. You’re shocked but also feel like a weight is lifted having that validated/confirmed by someone who knows you so well
137. Start thinking about how to dismantle that fear
138. Have a really frustrating conversation with your friend Gabe about censorship and comedy
139. Take a shower
140. Get dressed
141. Decide to go to an open mic
142. Walk an hour there because you don’t have a gym membership yet and haven’t left the house today
143. Get there only to find out it’s not a mic anymore but a show
144. Look up another mic and walk there
145. Same thing
146. Do this two more times before giving up
147. Look up a movie theatre (something that can never let us down)
148. Head to it without even seeing what’s playing or any of the showtimes
149. Spend almost 20 dollars in a CVS on Pringles and Australian licorice and Sour patch kids
150. Get the ticket for free because you have an AMC coupon from the time you didn’t get to see Girls Trip after waiting in line for 5+ hours
151. Watch The Foreigner (the Jackie Chan vehicle that’s like Taken but if his daughter got killed in the beginning and it was just for the hell of it) while eating lots of licorice and pringles
152. Take the train home because you’re tired of walking
153. Be aware that more men have leered and catcalled you tonight than they have in a while and this was the first time you actually felt good getting dressed and going out and how strong that correlation between weight and male attention/sexual violence is
154. Kind of decide not to do that anymore and see what happens
155. Also tackle the idea that your ex-boyfriend’s body validates you in a way and try to see what you would feel for him if you didn’t need that anymore
156. Get home
157. Eat a strawberry yogurt
158. Tweet about Dave Chappelle and trans rights some (pro-both!)
159. Decide to read because you have to get up tomorrow to work even though you really want to watch the third XXX movie you have from the library
0 notes