#genuinely think some people shouldnt share their opinions
bigquestionmark · 7 months
my least favourite most despised tgcf take is that xie lian needed trauma to “humble him”
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hypogryffin · 9 months
Genuine curiosity as well as making sure I can express myself properly in the future. You mentioned dislike for the term "Abrahamic" when referring to Jewish, Christian, and Muslim faiths as a singular classification. And I totally get that a TON of people saying Abrahamic really just mean Christian.
So, what term would you use if you wanted to refer to the shared origins of these religious groups? Like, what would be the good religious term that is similar to linguistic terms like Germanic or Romantic? Or would you say there really isn't or shouldn't be one term that can refer to all of them?
fyi im a uni dropout in buttfuck nowhere manitoba so my opinion is highly uninformed and furthermore as my credentials are "stranger on the internet who draws good" im crazy underqualified to give you a new term to use.
"abrahamic" is probably the most alright term i know of, since its supposed to be the blanket terms for "[monotheistic] religions that have abraham as a "patriarch" ". this is a fine category of religions that is not exclusive to judaism, christianity, and islam, though those are the 3 most prominent. its distinctive, its not crazy niche or crazy unspecific, and it works. my problem with the term is that people Use It Wrong to the point it kinda ruins my "relationship" (for lack of a better term) with the word. its not that the term belies classification i dislike, its that i hear people Use It Wrong so often that i associate it with people or arguments that i disagree with, think are in bad faith, or are entirely too uninformed on the matter.
if we "needed" a new term, i guess the only things i could "reasonably" suggest would be something to the effect of "monotheistic" (but that widens the category, im just not sure How Much as im, again, not informed on many world religions past my own and the ones i experience) or maybe "western religions" (which is a bit of a disingenuous name for a lot of reasons but first and foremost because all of "the big three" and as far as i can remember at least some of the smaller, less known abrahamic religions were formed in "the middle east").
i cant say there shouldnt be one term to describe the group of religions were talking about or what a better one is, first and foremost because whatever the broad category is called, im literally not using it? i think this post and the one where i first talked abt my dislike of the word are the only times ive used that word outside of middle&high school social studies classes. i think abrahamic is a fine descriptor, because i dont need to describe what its defined as in my day to day life. i just *personally* take issue with the way ive heard people use it.
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rayssyscourse · 5 months
in an ask you answered recently, you said you saw reason for some “exclusive spaces” in regards to CDDs. im the original anon from the ‘resources shouldnt have syscourse involved’ ask
i feel like im rlly beating a dead horse lol but i genuinely dont know why spaces for trauma disorders need to have syscourse involved either? part because i dont see the reason to make a space for people with a disorder centered around online discourse and part because im of the opinion that endogenic systems can be disordered/diagnosed with CDDs. also systems that identify with (technically endogenic) labels that just mean “undisclosed origin” exist and have CDDs.
idk i just think. having spaces for trauma survivors whether healing or community centered have such emphasis on syscourse is really dumb. its energy put somewhere that i really dont think matters
hi again, anon! thanks for sharing :)
i agree that resources shouldn't be syscourse focused. if you're going to a community for support with mental illness/struggles, having the entire thing being focused around arguing who gets to be there, who's "real", etc. defeats the whole purpose and is gonna end up creating unhealthy spaces.
but I don't think it's inherently syscourse-y to have an exclusive space. if someone wants to make a traumagenic support space, for example, I don't think it's wrong of them to say they only want traumagenics to interact within it. it only becomes weird when they harass endos, make the space center around how endos aren't real or whatever, etc. we can and should have exclusive spaces--the existence of exclusive spaces is not inherently discourse. it only becomes discourse when it shifts in aim to harassing those outside the group, rather than supporting those inside the group.
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jackiietaylor · 2 years
unpopular stranger things opinions/hot takes 👀
omg thanks for sending this and giving me a reason to share my opinions 👀 this got really long because i have a lot to say apparently
first of all, i genuinely love and enjoy this show and that seems to be an unpopular opinion recently? like i was shocked when i logged on after watching volume 2 and everyone on my dash hated it because i loved it. and i love all the other seasons, too. yeah obviously there’s some parts i don’t like and things i would change but overall i still think it’s really good. but yeah mandatory “i do actually really like the show” before i start complaining about some things
s1 > s4 > s3 > s2
i don’t understand the obsession with character death. not as in i don’t understand why people don’t want characters to die but i don’t understand the constant need to talk about how characters are “definitely” going to die. no main character has been killed off throughout the whole show and yet pre-s4 no one would shut up about characters dying. also after the reaction to eddies death i think the duffers are gonna be too scared to kill anyone off lol
on the other hand, killing el off/not giving her a happy ending would be the single greatest mistake the show could make
el’s side plot in s2 is one of the highlights of the show for me. the lost sister will probably forever be my favorite episode of the show. ive never understood the hate it gets. im really hoping that kali comes back in s5 and helps fight vecna
el is the only Main character. there are obviously many other characters that are leads but she is ultimately the main character. the entire show revolves around her and her plot(s).
nancy has some of the best development in the entire show. ive seen so many people say she has no development outside of the love triangle and i find that so surprising because she’s changed soo much. her entire journey to wanting to be a reporter directly stems from her not being listened to and her desire to do something about barbs death. everything about her current character stems from that specific moment and we’ve seen throughout the seasons how that’s progressed and shaped her into and i think because of that development, she’s pretty much the only character with a defined ending (career as a journalist)
mike has done like one thing wrong in the entire show and im so unbelievably tired of people acting like he’s the villain. he’s a 14 year old who doesn’t know how to perfectly express himself sometimes. people need to leave him alone
steve & robin and el & max have the two best friendships on the entire show and anyone who says otherwise is wrong
hopper should’ve stayed dead. his death was perfectly written in s3 and reviving him brought nothing to the plot. it wasn’t even explained how he survived, he was just there. it wasn’t well thought out or well written, and overall it just wasnt necessary. they ruined what was ultimately a beautiful send off (the speech to end s3) for a cheap plot twist that had no payoff.
(also i don’t like hopper because he gave brenner el’s location in s1, fully intending that he would kidnap her again. it’s unforgivable regardless of what his reasoning was and i hate that it was never brought up ever again)
going off of that, the entire russia plot is the worst written part of the whole show. it could be scrapped entirely from s4 and the season would lose nothing
stranger things is blatantly obvious about what ships are gonna end up together at the end of the show
jancy is just a truly terrible ship all around. jonathan hiding in a bush to take pictures of nancy through a window while she was taking her clothes off is soo unbelievably creepy and unforgivable, and it’s terrible that it was just dropped with no consequences whatsoever for him. he doesn’t even actually apologize! he says he shouldnt have taken the picture, but when she asks him why he took it in the next episode he says it was just a nice picture and then starts lecturing her about how she’s gonna end up miserable like her mom?? they should’ve never got together after all that. and then there’s all the bullshit in s3 when he undermined the misogyny she was facing at work and didn’t believe her at all which just further proves that they shouldn’t be together! and then she forgot he existed for most of s4 anyway
i want nancy to end the show single so bad
robin/vickie sucks lol. stranger things is probably the only show that has me rooting against the lesbian character ending up in a relationship. vickie is sooo boring and has absolutely no personality! even suzie’s random family members got personalities in s4! im tired of being told to accept the bare minimum just because a show is adding a random throwaway gay character. vickie serves no purpose in the plot and id rather not waste the extremely limited time left in the show developing robins relationship with a complete nobody when her friendships with pre-existing characters should be the focus. also every single one of their scenes featured steve in some capacity which was very annoying
steve and nancy actually have such an interesting dynamic as characters but specifically as exes. personally, i do not think they should get back together, but i think what makes them interesting is why they shouldn’t be together. obviously their first breakup is because of their different reactions to barbs death. their relationship was never going to make it past that. barb died because nancy brought her to steves house, she died AT steves house, and died while nancy was alone with steve. there was never any coming from back that, not while nancy hadn’t processed her grief and especially not when steve was trying to convince her to forget about it and go to a party. but they’ve both grown as people since then, and they’re still not going to work. steve wants a big family, nancy is career-oriented to the point that she will do anything to succeed as a journalist. nancy doesn’t want the suburban, nuclear family life. they are fundamentally mismatched when it comes to what they want in life and i think exploring THAT aspect of their dynamic is so much more interesting than just shoving them back together
overall the show is so much more enjoyable when you don’t care about ships <3 please disregard everything i just said about the ships <3 but seriously the main focus of the show is not even remotely centered on the romantic relationships and watching the show without really caring about that aspect of things is way better
this isn’t a hot take about the show but more the fandom: a lot of the dynamics do not exist at all in the show the way some people think they do. most obvious example is el and will, who both are wayyyy closer to at least 3 other characters than they are to each other. this isn’t just limited to stranger things, it happens in most shows, especially ones with a found family element (ex. agents of shield) but people tend to forget what the dynamics actually are and then project their opinions onto the characters
semi-related and not really a hot take but if i had to choose underrated/non-existent dynamics to explore in s5, i would choose: lucas and el (connection to max), nancy and el (both on the show since s1 but have barely spoken, both the only people to know vecna’s full backstory firsthand), and nancy and mike (siblings who both probably think they’re only children at this point because they never interact with each other)
also related to fandom but it’s so clear that so many people either have not watched the show or just don’t anything remember what happens in the show when they post shit. and that’s way there’s sooo much mischaracterization everywhere
this show has way too many characters and it’s resulted in a lot of them having nothing to do for entire seasons. look at the california group from this season. they spent the entirety of episodes 5-8 driving around in a van with nothing to do. even joyce, who was one of the main main characters in earlier seasons, felt like she was just kinda there this season. part of it is the way they divide the plots, especially geographically this season, but the other part is just not having anywhere near enough time or plot spaces for all the characters. it’s unfortunately probably only gonna get worse in s5 because they have to somehow wrap up every characters individual plot in addition to the greater shows plot
and my hottest take is that will is severely overhyped sorry. he’s just not that interesting of a character and i really don’t understand that obsession with him? i mean he’s a fine character and he hasn’t really done anything wrong but there are so many other characters that are actually involved in the plot that i find way more interesting, relevant, and better written. like he was barely in s1, s2 was more about things happening to him than him actually doing anything, and s3 and s4 he didn’t do anything. hopefully s5 will give him something interesting to do but for now i just don’t see it
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bunglegaydogs · 1 year
this might anger you more than entertain you tbh but here it goes haha 😂
what do you think of the whole, "who does Dazai care for more? chuuya or oda" debate?
In all honesty, I think it's stupid and twisted. But I need someone to share this to so please excuse me for the frustration :")
thank you for the ask my love <3
lmao tho fr
thanks for sending such an intriguing question! this will keep me occupied and i cant thank you enough
honestly, i did know that this discussion was a thing, but i also didnt ever really think too deeply on the people actually discussing it. like, i've acknowledged things similar to this in my posts; but never once have i compared the two (PLS IF I HAVE I HAVENT MEANT IT LMAO)
i cant really articulate very well on this AT ALL so for that im so sorry. i really actually, genuinely cannot get my words out of my brain, like, im at a loss for what to say, bc i just cant piece together fucking sentences rn
BUT if i have to give like... an overarching opinion??? it would be to agree with yours; its stupid and twisted. ppl shouldnt compare care/love between two characters; if you replace these three with say atsushi, kyouka and dazai, with atsushi in the position of dazai, like, where would that go??? ik its obviously a different situation, but its the same principle. AH sorry sorry
but yeah, i really dont think people should be... comparing? it is honestly stupid and twisted to actually have people argue over this; yes, fuck i love skk, but dont make their relationship out to be that simple??? skk is one of the most complex relationships in the series, and we've got some fucking wacky ones. so really, think about that.
the fact that people decide to focus on who dazai cares more about out of the two people he trusts the most is hoenstly a bit twisted; he doesn't show it in the right way, but he cares for chuuya. is that not enough? we have seen him show how he cares for him, but it also is not a lie to say that they do hate each other. they really really do lmao.
but yeah, is dazai actively showing he cares for chuuya not enough for people? must everyone twist it around and try and lessen the other side of the argument??? GAH its so fucking goofy its actually bonkers
the whole discussion about it... its off. it just feels off. just leave oda to rest in peace, fr <3 my guy wasnt murdered for this
anyways sorry for the raw frustration lmao, honestly we can both share the anger now
my apologies if this is actually like the worst answer i could have given
have a lovely day/night <3
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trolagygirl2022 · 7 months
i think people are so quick to disagree with a song when it changes too much from the groups usual sound. theres still songs or groups i dont dislike but i dont love ie: gidle wife wasnt to my liking and i have some icks about some of their lyrics or the overall songs itself. however that shouldnt be a reason to trash the shit out of these groups online. why cant people just say they dislike something and move on with their life?
social media is ruining kpop and fan bases imparticular are so toxic nowadays that i just have to admire the groups from afar cause i dont want to be shitted on for having differing opinions or views about things i like or dont like. i also think online people have become so used to overreacting for no real reason esp when its something they do not like nor agree with. ur telling me that idols who do so much personal content for their fans arent going to at least hate it if they get cancelled for uttering something the fans didnt like or agree with?
i often wonder if these groups would have had success if they didnt have to use social media cause i think that hinders so much of the members feelings towards certain aspects of their lives. like the fan calls which can both be good and bad depending on the circumstances. either way im indifferent if kpop is trying different sounds then good for it, its not going to be everyones taste imho. but abain the internet seems to go into a meltdown at about just anything relating to kpop or general celebs.
i also feel that kpop is less about having varied age ranges thus the ypunger the groups the younger the audiences are going to be and therefore the audiences arent really going to be genuinely mature, when young audiences see their faves doing s disservice theyll cancel tnem one day then worship them the next so its like idols cant win. i think its okay to critique comebacks too but from a musical aspect not a ahhh theyre using someone elses culture aspect cause thats shit for the groups who work hard for their success and culture is to be shared and that includes music. its like would they gatekeep kpop bc its too foreign sounding? no theyd overreact.
i also think it has a lot to do with double standards in kpop as a whole, girl groups get shitted on, boy groups get worshipped on for doing next to nothing different than what they usually do. but jeez kpops has got worse due to its ever growing fan bases and the overall high expectations fans place on these groups and idols. every comeback isnt going to wow everyone and thats okay to admit.
i wanted to add as well that people seem to look for anything online to do with kpop and make a scene about it all for no good reason. but idols to encourage unhinged or even delusional behaviour (ahem bangchan) out of their fans soooo its both parties doing really as neither are better than the other side.
sorry for my essay but yeah so many things just been so annoying to witness.
very very VERY true!
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okaymeg · 10 months
respectfully, I think that post about Bin Laden is one of those posts that looks rhetorically convincing but is... bad? it reads very similarly to those right wing "I'm an anti-feminist because so many people told me some benign behaviour was misogynistic and I gave up" posts. people should be able to know and recognise and care about common antisemitic rhetoric *before* "the waters get muddied" by defensiveness from Israeli politicians, you know? I hope that makes sense, and that thus comes across in the spirit it's intended!
hey, i shouldnt be responding to this now because im very feverish and stupid but to be quite honest i dont exactly know what you mean by this. frankly i think! i agree with your point overall from what i understand. and perhaps its really sad to say but i have almost completely given up on people being able to recognize antisemitic rhetoric no matter how explicit it actually is. even in non-crisis periods i think most people dont have the most basic idea of what antisemitism is
i guess i didnt read the original post as saying that you can't interpret any of the discourse around israel-palestine as antisemitic, just that there is some how do you say psy-oppy stuff . like i think!! i get what you're saying but compared to feminism, the tenants of which are pretty well discussed and understood in the west, most people don't have the first fucking idea of what it means to combat antisemitism and there is actually probably some genuine confusion about it. i dont know, maybe im giving too much benefit of the doubt to people from whom more should be expected but thats my take on things and im sorry if i sound genuinely lobotomized
anyway thanks for reaching out, im sorry if i totally misinterpreted what you were trying to say but i appreciate you sharing your opinion
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swagging-back-to · 2 years
Unpopular opinions?
sheesh if i shared even ¼ of them id be cancelled
here's a couple ig
males shouldnt be fashion designers, especially if they produce female "clothes". almost all of them are misogynistic and do it to make a mockery of the models wearing it.
speakjng of males making a mockery of women... drag is racist misogyny. thats all it ever will be and it's all it ever will be. i refuse to accept or tolerate any male who does drag. it's fucking ugly and it's insanely offensive that they try to parade it as "we're acting so womanly teehee"
male children are evil. the youngest ive seen it start presenting itself is 3yo.
okay enough with the misandry. Pineapple pizza is good and anyone who thinks it isnt is just a mindless sheep who follows everything everyone on reddit says.
marijuana is addictive, emotionally. but no, it doesnt make you lazy and unproductive. it all depends on your attitude.
all tobacco products should be illegal at best, criminalized at worst. cigarette smokers are some of the nastiest and most vile people ive ever met. they smoke around children, they smoke in public where there could be people on oxygen or with severe asthma (literally attempted murder imo), they blow it directly in your face when you ask them to stop. ive had cigarette smokers put their butts out on my skin when i was 8 years old. they are genuinely trash and shouldnt exist, whether it be they dont have the chance to exist at all or they rot away in prison.
you dont owe anyone anything. you cant cut someone out of your life for any reason, at any time.
just because someone was legally responsible for you as a child does not mean theyre your parents. just because they were around you as you were growing up doesnt mean theyre your parents. adoptive children dont owe the people who adopted them ANYTHING and expecting them to means youre a piece of shit. adopted children are allowed to hate the people who adopted them without having all of wociety screaming "you should be grateful"
Owning fish as pets, especially shoal and school fish, is very inethical. Treating fish lik throwaway pets is also inethical. i received 5 tetras 7 years ago as a present. they have survived over 7 years. tetras typically live 5 years at most. theyve suffered 7 years in 15 gallons of water, longing to swim the entire ocean. Perhaps it's possible to ethically keep a betta, or aother loner type fish that resides in puddles in the wild, but oceanic fish dont belong in bathtubs.
Argentinian y and ll is not pronounced with a hard sh. it's a soft sh that's actually just a j. the people who go "caSHe" "poSHO" are just wrong and going wayyyy overboard.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. The trial happening right now bothers me because we get to see how Thanatos and Echo reacted to this, but Demeter and Persphone don’t know and I know why they don’t know yet. However you think that would tie some more stuff up together
It was Minthe, Thanatos and Thetis who whistle blew on Persphone. Meaning Thanatos would probably be called to trial and would have to face persphone and I would hope say something to her BUT I kinda doubt that’s gonna happen.
But the other thing to this Minthe is a plant who can’t testify. Are hades and Persphone hide the fact she’s a plant and pretend she’s missing or are they gonna say “yeah I still don’t have control over my powers but I’m queen now” HOWEVER I truly believe RS is just gonna not address these two plot points until way later.
FINALLY Eros and Psyche KNOW the last person Daphne was seen with was Apollo, did they chase after her after he got shot by the arrow? We don’t know. We don’t even know what they’re doing about Psyche. Did Eros and Psyche even see the Daphne tree? Are they going to try and sneak in to tell Persphone?
I know the plots gonna focus more on HxP secret marriage at the court trial rather than the actual consequences and the fact people are turning into greenery left and right. (It’s not Persohones Faullt Daphne is the way she is but RS needs to focus on other plot points I feel)
2. like, age gaps, height differences, and power imbalances dont always have to be bad, the issue to me is that the way rachel does it is hyper-focusing on how young, small, and child-like/unexperienced persephone is compared to the old, giant, and all powerful/mature hades is like ... yeah obvs people are going to find it creepy? how would they not?
3. i honestly cant stand the "theyre immortal gods the age gap doesnt matter!!" agreement because like??? ok??? then she could easily be 300 years old then? she shouldnt be so borderline underage then?? like the immortality aspect actually makes the age gap worse, not better??
4. i realize getting nitpicky over unimportant characters in lo having american names is a bit dumb, but it does speak to just how lazy rachel is and how little care she has for greece and its mythology. there are countless english names that are also greek, yet even that's asking too much of her. percy jackson isnt a perfect series, but even the characters (who are in america) have greek influence and meanings put into their names and characterization, something rachel doesn't even attempt to do.
5. ok but thats a good point, because rachel seems to be taking physical wounds to matter more over the mental ones, when thats not how trauma works. her writing on zeus is reflective of her writing minthe, where she confirmed she has a severe untreated mental illness and that's linked to her evilness, and thus what she should be punished for. meanwhile persephone own mental issues can be bastardized as a "yass queen" thing?? somehow?? its just bad writing all around.
6. i kinda wish lo fans would listen to their own logic and give the same leeway to the other characters. theyll scream from the rooftops that hades and persephone and hera can be awful people all they want because thats ~realistic~, meanwhile minthe and zeus and everyone else are held to such extremes they can never meet and are hated and despised for nothing in compared to hxp or hera. either hold your faves accountable or let off on hating characters who do the same as them.
7. i see a lot of lo fans excuse how everything drags as "thats how a slow burn works" and its like ... no? because most of that slow burn isnt even hxp, its rachel forcing in more plots we dont need, and when its hxp, you look at the timeline and how they act and its actually neck-breakingly fast? like if as much time had past in LO as irl time then yeah, four years is a slow burn, but its only been maybe a month in comic? so its not slow for them at all, but it's a drag for the readers.
8. See, the difference between Lo!Hades and Punderworld!Hades is that PW!Hades has so much personality, he and Persephone are literally bustling with life (even though one of them rules over a realm of dead XD) AND their interactions are so cute with their awkward attempts at flirting and failure at doing so. Persephone is still somewhat sweet and “pure” but she’s also a bit of a spitfire, she’s not easy to surrender, she has wants and dreams and that little differences makes her character likable!
We NEVER get to see anything like that with LO!Hades and Persephone, we don’t see them have these sweet interactions, these heart-fluttering moments, because there’s no base or foundation for those sorts of moments! It’s always these very out-of-character unrealistic scenes expected from a married couple, but they just met! It doesn’t feel natural, it feels forced and rushed and so slow at the same time.
Although Punderworld makes Demeter overbearing, i love her characterization i really do, waAAAY more than LO!Demeter, because we actually understand her reasons for her overprotective behavior and we get to see her in a more sympathetic light/manner in the newer chapters, we see her as more than “mean mom hates bf”
9. Daphne and Thanatos were adorable. Like, Daphne was a sweet, caring girl with genuine interest (and power/agency) and Thanatos was a shy, awkward guy who was just doing his best (and not pressuring her). They weren't perfect, but it was something! Why couldn't LO be about them?
10. What I find funny is that Minthe and Thetis have a more defined friendship than Persphone and other female characters.
Minthe and Thetis ARE TOXIC don’t get me wrong but both characters are aware of each other’s motives. Minthe knows not to trust Thetis fully and is straight with her on her opinion of Thetis. But the readers clearly know their relationship as well as the characters.
Persphone is in gray areas with most her female friends. The beginning of the story we are lead to believe Artemis and P are besties with the dress sharing and the way in P’s mind they’re holding hands with Hermès. But clearly now their relationship is a question mark and they’re both more detached than we thought. Artemis was just being nice to P letting her stay with her because they’re both in the TOGeM but they’re probably more like acquaintes at best.
Daphne and P we know they’re friends but P isn’t straight with her. Like Daphne is P’s only named friend, but did P think of her as the other overbearing nymphs? We don’t know because they’re all pink and some of them are dead. Despite being told they grew up together we don’t even know much about their relationship what do they like about each other? Does Daphne agree with Demeters parenting or P’s need to leave? When did Daphne get to move to Olympus? I feel like the plot just says “these two characters are friends “ but doesn’t elaborate much. Why did P let Daphne in her room at Hades mansion and not the other nymphs? P told Daphne that Apollo is dangerous, but it was a little too late. Also why didn’t P have her phone number when she got to Olympus? Wouldn’t she know to contact her on insta or something? P was like “omg I know no one except Hermès “ but that’s not true! Daphne! I could go more but I think we get the picture that Daphne’s plot point is having the readers be told Persphone has friends but she doesn’t but she does.
Were shown that P and Meg are getting along because P was nice to Meg, despite Meg being silently jealous of P, but what about Meg now? Is she ever gonna tell P that she’s jealous of P that she had a mad crush on Hades, even her journal? Or is that all gone now? Does Meg even matter any more or is she now here just to support HXP?
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shiftingxsparkles · 2 years
what do you think about the whole race changing while shifting debate? do you think it makes sense? im just trying to get some outside opinions away from shiftok.
 hey heyyy!! (i might rant and this might be a long answer hope you dont mind khfdksfh) so im not extremely familiar with that specific debate - what i know and what i can respond to is one of the arguments people make and that is that they usually have an issue when someone wants to change their race in their dr. (if im wrong and you wanted a completely different answer to a completely different question send me another ask i will gladly reply!!!) okay honestly im genuinely not trying to be rude and idk if this is an unpopular opinion but i find this discourse to be honestly a waste of time, words and thought when there are so many other important things to discuss when it comes to shifting let’s first dissect the concept of reality shifting - so reality shifting is mostly based on the multiverse theory which includes and mentions that whatever you can think or imagine already exists in another reality which in turn makes all these realities have an infinite number. okay so...if we can imagine an infinite number of realities then shouldnt it also be true that in many of these realities you are different kinds of people - people you consider bad, people you consider good, different gender, sexuality.....RACE so my first point is if you believe in shifting and you think there are infinte realities then it would make 0 sense to also think that it is bad to shift in a reality where you are a different race - because you literally already are and that version exists. (there are many theories on the fact that we as people are just one consciousness and absolutely every single other person you see - NO MATTER WHO THEY ARE OR WHAT THEY HAVE DONE - are one and the same. but you have probably heard of that already and its too long to get into) my second point is not really a point moreso a question and that is - why is this even considered a ‘‘bad thing’‘ to do? why is it okay for you to change so many things but not that (for example your gender) -  it just makes no sense for it to be inherently a bad thing yk? wouldnt it be actually a good thing since you would first of all gather more experience then understand others better and experience different cultures and points of view? it honestly sounds like an enriching experience and tbh its your dr and as long as you are not harming other living beings i dont think there is a problem? and tbh even if you are harming others people cannot stop you and people in general will not know what you did because it is in a different reality? (unless obvs you share it online) and also tbh that being said im contradicitng myself since a version of you harming others exists so... is it bad to shift there? i honestly dont know maybe it is and maybe it is not. its a very gray are and i dont think there is one specific answer for that it just largely depends on many factors - and i also think that is part of the answer here - it just depends on many different factors. people are just incredibly sensitive to the most ridiculous things and are starting to care and put their attention in places where it shouldn’t be put in - because it is actually distracting you from bigger problems that exist in the world but that is a different discussion for another day lmao  tldr - SO YEAH i think its okay have fun with it but ofc be respectful to people fhkfdss also im sorry if i gave a bad answer im really bad with these kinds of stuff and i have quite murky swampy morals and opinions soo..YEAH  GOODBYE AND HAVE A NICE DAY or night and good luck on your shifting journeyyy
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omg you are SOOOO right abt kai being the protector!! the way he acts protective over nya and then lloyd makes me soft. and i just had this great idea: imagine the scene i was talking abt earlier but its not just jay (like in canon) who protects him, its lloyd and nya. and they also put themselves in great danger, to save him and that frustrates him even further, to see that the exact people he tries to protect now put their lives on the line to protect him. and afterwards they would talk about it, maybe kai would snap at them a little, saying that they should be more careful and that if saving him puts them in so much danger, maybe they shouldnt have done it. (bc i feel like it is canonically hinted that he has some self-esteem issues that would only be furthered by his inability to protect himself) and then nya and lloyd of course say that theyre family, and they would never leave him behind, and that everyone should help and protect each other, that the burden of being a protector shouldnt fall on his shoulders alone. thats it for my kai rambling (which is fueled by the fact that my main oc is very similar to him and this kinda story would apply to both of them perfectly). i absolutely agree with on aspheera's voice acting tho! i really enjoyed it as well, and i also wish she was a bit more developed and sympathetical, to make her less 'pure evil' and more morally grey. for example: maybe king mambo was mistreating his people? maybe he was a corrupt ruler? maybe she planned to take over ninjago because she wanted to unite the serpentine and people, since its mentioned that the peace between them was a very fragile one. i mean if all it took was a kid wandering into their lands to eventually start a war, theres definite room for improvement. (im so sorry i typed so much!! i just think you have good opinions and would like to share my thoughts in their entirety)
aLRIGHTY!!! finally getting around to Actually answering these iuytfrcvghjiuytfrgyh sorry it took so long omg work and tired
"if saving him puts them in so much danger, maybe they shouldnt have done it" - I AM GOING TO CRY THIS SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE SOMETHING HE WOULD SAY 😭😭😭
NO YES ALL OF THIS !!! frick i love kai SO MUCH and they SO underutilized him in the entirety of s11 😭
but no i agree with you--there wasn't like...a really believable aspheera and wu rivalry. they just. they just made aspheera about to be this villain for no reason and wu was just a lil guy who did nothing wr--okay that's not fair, kai did yell at wu which GOOD. but it still looks ridiculous because technically wu didn't Really do anything bad but aspheera just. decided to be evil for no reason and she had a whole different story than wu had and like. the whole "treacherous deceiver" thing would have been SO COOL if it was legit, you know? showing that wu made genuine and stupid mistakes as a child like how harumi's anger towards the ninja is so valid because like trauma and the ninja / lloyd have to deal with the fact that they messed up and didn't really see the damage that they left behind... would've been cool to see that with wu:/
oops that was a lot - sorry! i was upset about aspheera's backstory lol
[omg you think i have good opinions? gonna CRY! thank you ahhhhh! so do you!]
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leafcabbage · 3 years
i am going to elaborate i have decided
so. you may ask. “cabbage you have never seemed like someone who has boundaries you seem like you would give your social security number to someone for laughs.” and i would say “thats not a question”
despite that, i will elaborate. yeah, i do overshare, but im pretty careful about what i say, so none of y’all actually know me. maybe it shouldnt bother me that people assume they know things about me or how i “should” act, but like, i am a real person, and i suppose i dont have to justify those feelings. it genuinely wasnt one thing that one person did or whatever, it’s been some commenters, a few posts ive seen, some askers, several anons- all of it led up to yesterdays choice. also, i shouldn’t be anxious or upset by things on this dumbass blog. its supposed to be fun. ive put too much weight into this. literally all of my reactions are my problem because i let myself put too much of my time and energy into being cabbage leafcabbage. what can i say, recognition feels good at the end of the day. 
now youre like “okay but what the fuck does that actually mean???”
yeah thats fair. it means i do want to focus more on writing on here and i probably(?) will be less active, but i genuinely dont want to stop interacting with you guys other than that all together. i’d like the main focus of this blog to be writing. i’d like the majority of my content on here to be about my fic. but i do like the funny little interactions we have and the asks for the most part. so... things. i guess. that should be kept in mind. questions for yourself, perhaps. “should i send this to a friend instead of a fanfic author?”, “is this something i should say to a 20 year old i dont know on the internet?”, “am i trying to get validation from someone who i see as “cool” (ahaha thanks) in a way that won’t actually help me?” and other stuff like that. 
examples of things besides fic questions i am happy to answer: give insight on things i have experience with (writing, student gov, college, being aroace/trans/autistic/etc), talk about dsmp/mcyt, talk about other media i like, give media recs, give opinions, etc
examples of things i am not going to answer: stuff i just... cant play off of? like if i cant give an answer thats gonna add to things i wont answer. it doesnt mean you did something wrong, im just gonna filter through more. i wont talk about trauma, not gonna answer asks about how your day went, i wont answer asks with any personal info in them... just generally if you wouldn’t talk to an acquaintance youre at a cafe with about it, dont send it to me. 
also, i appreciate that you care about me, but dont tell me to sleep/drink water/ take a break/ etc. im not upset with you if youve done that of course, but im 20. i know how to take care of myself. i know to drink water and sleep and eat. 
one more thing- if you would say it to a dog, don’t say it to me. so weird that i have to say that. 
“cabbage you seem to be thinking about one more big important thing that you hope people will read even if they skipped the rest of this do you want to talk about that?”
oh boy do i!
you guys terrify me. specifically the minors who follow this blog. please, please be careful of who you are sharing things with on the internet. things that seem harmless can give adults who want to hurt you leverage, an in, something they can talk to you about to try to gain your trust. i can tell you “i care about your safety” and you still don’t know if i am telling the truth! im sure you’ve gotten the “be safe on the internet” lecture from adults who dont even know what happens on here nowadays, and yeah that shits hella outdated, but i am someone who grew up on tumblr, so please at least think about what im saying.
 when you tell people on the internet about your mental health/triggers/any personal or identifying information, you are providing them with information they can use against you. i do not at all mean this in a victim blaming way, if something happens that is not your fault, but i am asking you to be careful now.  using my cafe analogy again, if an adult comes and sits at your table, your first reaction shouldn’t be to tell them personal information. adults should not be reaching out to you (there’s a reason i only message y’all if its for permission to print your artwork. it would be hella weird for me to try to strike up a conversation). no adults should be telling you youre different or mature or whatever. please just be careful with who you’re trusting and who you’re talking to. good interactions =\= good intent. a person with a platform =\= a good person.
“are you finally done?”
yeah i am. all that to say im sticking with fanfic related asks rn but if you stick to what ive said i may answer others in the future. thanks for reading this and thank you for being such a wonderful community (cough, for the most part, cough). im probably gonna be more harsh going forward on things that cross boundaries because im shit at setting them. that doesnt mean im upset with you as a person i just need to make things clear. i hope you guys are doing well and thank you again
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lambpaca · 3 years
Can you prove those pictures you shared were actually from an all ages pride event?
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Looks all-ages to me
Before u fuckin come at me
The girl looks like she shaving a great time, and im sure shes not gonna be traumatized (genuinely not being sarcastic, ive literally said a billion times that kink does belong at pride)
My one teeny stipulation is the fact that minors should be the first to be considered when participating in an all-ages pride. I dont think thats a contraversal statement to make.
On top of that, people also think age-inclusive pride shouldnt have any restraint at all. Dont get me wrong, its not like kink has ever gotten even close to being out of hand, we're all mature adults here. Im just saying that theres always gonna be some people who take it too far or need to be considerate of the fact that they are in a public space marching with other people.
Im just getting heated about this cause when i voiced my opinion (which was literally in favor of kink), i got some condescending responses and i was accused of being ignorant of trans struggles and what could potentially lead to more damage to the community. Literally all because i accidentally skipped a space between trans and woman
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quacksel · 4 years
unpopular opinion, but..
tumblr > twitter
why? why do i think it's better than twitter?
1. as an organized person, i think twitter is pretty messy. on tumblr, you can tag your art posts and view ONLY art, or tag your writing posts and view ONLY writings, (<- just examples) while on twitter, you can't do that. all of your posts are stuffed into one. like all of your things in one box. i dunno but personally i think its very very annoying
2. tumblr is quite a chill place. while twitter is an absolute opposite. twitter is very chaotic and dramatic, which sucks - big L bro. on twitter, you can say that you like something others don't like (ex. "uh, so i think cheesy from ii is underrated!") and people would bash you for it. like c'mon let people be!! on tumblr, people would, mostly, respect what you do and like and stuff. theres many more different kinds of dramas aswell its just annoying at this point
3. twitter bans accounts for no clear reason, and DOESN'T TAKE DOWN CERTAIN POSTS/ACCOUNTS!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!! take "maps" for example, or "zoophiles", i dunno, THOSE types of accounts should be fucking banned forever???? but instead twitter bans innocent friendly accounts!!!!! and removes innocent posts!!!!!
4. twitter allows nsfw accounts??? like  p a r d o n ? tumblr would ban you in a milisecond if you posted a simple picture of a (pp) or something while twitter just lets those nsfw accounts vibe as its nothing like jesus christ- (also i know that most nsfw accounts are privated and shit but. you still shouldnt share your nsfw art just freely. and also i know those nsfw accs only let mutuals/close friends but those accs are, probably, mostly minors which is not good. youre a kid hello???). theres so many of them its genuinely scary and theres always some drama that pop up because of them
you can ignore this post if you want i dont really care. i just simply wanted to write out my thoughts and get some shit off my chest. feel free to add if you want, too
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sortagaysortahigh · 3 years
So you dont follow bee anymore? I thought you were friends or do you just send hate to everyone who disagrees with you?
First and foremost Ive never sent genuine anon hate or hate to anyone. Ivr made jokes with my friends and we’ve even acknowledged that they knew it was me on the dash bc odds are we were on ft or texting. Ive stated multiple times that I’m not a bitch who sends anon hate nor do i support sending anyone anon hate regardless of their views and opinions? Why you may ask you dense ass anon, because I’m constantly on the receiving end of anon hate and its never just lol youre a bitch, no its a combination of racial, homophobic, and transphobic slurs alongside people coming at me and questioning my intelligence plus yhe classic off yourself anons that i never post because my blog is a safe space and i will not give anon cunts a platform.
Sending anon hate is for pussies and thats the truth of the matter. If im sending anyone an ask its off anon and odds are ill send that blog a message prior to actually “stirring” shit up on the dash because i actually understand how to communicate my issues with people without insulting them. If a blog thinks im sending them anon hate then theyve got the wrong bitch. I unfollow people whos content i dont enjoy or opinions/views i dont agree with and its that simple. I will always use my blog to speak about things that im passionate about and things that a lot of individuals refuse to speak on because they have the privilege not to address them.
Now onto the bee thing, im assuming you’re referring to @stardustseguin because ive seen a few asks sent to @cognacdelights aka frankie (im only @ing yall bc whenever anyone is blatantly brought up in an anon i @ the person if possible), I know little about the situation but from what ive gathered one of bee’s mutuals is an am34 and b*nn supporter, truthfully speaking in a fandom such as hockeyblr all of your mutuals are not your friends not will some people share the same viewpoints as them. I dont think bee is a bad person nor do i think she supports those cunts based on her mutuals bc literally in hockeyblr half of the blogs you might enjoy specific content from-probabky support a problematic player. It’s a privilege to not speak on issues that these players essentially endorse and that is a privilege very evident in this fandom. You cant change people who dont want to be changed.
Personally like i said i unfollow ppl but not everyone does and based on what ik ab bee i dont think she supports/enables the things that supporters of problematic players do, and i know for a fact bee has reblogged similar posts to mine regarding conversations surrounding racism, homiphobia, etc. If you want to have a conversation about why she ahould or shouldnt follow xyz then do so in a respectful manner rather than sending her hate and dont come to my blog and make a stupid fucking assumption that ive sent her or anyone else hate.
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is6621 · 4 years
It’s Time for Brands to Embrace Activism -By Chad Valpey
2020 has perhaps been the most eventful and political year of our time for many of us. Worldwide protests for justice, devastating environmental events, a widespread virus, and a notorious U.S. election have plagued our lives and our social media feeds so far this year. People around the country have also called for change like never before, marching for BLM, demanding better environmental legislation after deadly CA wildfires, and even electing our new president. During such turbulent times, how can brands safely and effectively navigate their advertising campaigns? Should brands be mentioning these issues at all? As it turns out, avoiding speaking on important events in a climate of increasingly engaged and frustrated consumers may be hurting brands.
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Consumer beliefs and what they care about have changed, especially due to new generations like millennials and Gen-Z. Now, especially with the rise of social media, brands have to be more careful than ever before with what they do and say. In a recent 2019 study, 70% of consumers said it is important for brands to take some kind of stand on important issues, up from 58% in 2017. Majority of these consumers even noted that they felt brands have more power to address and solve major issues than the government. Consumers have strong opinions about brands, and they aren’t afraid to act on them. 64% of worldwide consumers will make a purchasing decision based on a brand’s social or political position, according to the 2018 Edelman Earned Brand study. These statistics show that consumers have politics and social issues at the forefront of their minds, even when shopping or seeing ads, because they recognize how brands are related to such issues.
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With so many consumers caring about what brands do, it is crucial for a brands long-term reputation to say something when it matters. A brand's actions can directly affect its employees, customers, and the environment either in significantly negative and positive ways. In recent decades, consumers have become smarter and are watching brands more closely. Boycotts of even the largest brands have become normal, as consumers realize that certain brands are hurting society in impactful ways. People want brands to speak up because they need to know whether or not a company they are giving money to cares about important issues that affect them. In a country of increasing diversity, awareness, and activism, what might a brand's silence on important race, women's rights, immigrant, and LGBTQ+ issues (and many more) say to its consumers? When it comes to morality and human rights in particular, more and more consumers are accepting the notion that silence is complicity, and complicity is bad.
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The challenge for marketers is figuring out how, when, and through which channels it is appropriate to speak out. First, a brand must determine if it is the right time to speak out, and if their comments will be relevant. I would argue that in today’s political climate, it is almost always relevant to speak out. With so much going on, particularly this year, brands have many opportunities to speak out about important issues, and tie these issues back to their marketing strategies. If a brand claims to stand for and support its black employees and customers, there isn’t a reason to stay silent during the ongoing BLM movement. If a brand cares about the environment, they should be taking actions to help our earth. There are countless examples of brands who have used activism successfully both to their and society's advantage. A prime example is Gucci, who have used political statements to both promote awareness and increase brand value through an increase in sales among millennial consumers. By donating to the March-for-our-lives campaign, and writing ‘My body, my choice” on clothing during a fashion show, Gucci increased their 2018 sales as more millennials began purchasing after noticing their continued activism efforts. Beyond increasing sales, actions like these from a major global company can bring new awareness and real change. 
A company must also speak out in a way that feels authentic and true to their values. If a brand claims to stand for equality and justice, then speaking out against current injustices should feel genuine if done correctly. Finally, a firm must decide through what channel to speak out. Only 47% of consumers said that they want brands to share political values through social media, so a video advertisement on T.V. may be a better approach than a post on Facebook.
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These stances, if done right and through the right channels, can be incredibly positive for a company. When Nike released its infamous ad featuring Colin Kaepernick in 2018, it quickly went viral. Although many conservative-leaning customers boycotted Nike for supporting Colin and his protest against police brutality, Nike still saw a 6 billion dollar boost in brand value and a 31% increase in sales just one year after the ad. The reason? Nike’s target audience and loyal customers resonated with the ads message and appreciated Nike’s stance on an important issue happening within the NFL and beyond. As a result, Nike was able to spread positive awareness internationally for an important issue, and increase their own brand value at the same time.
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As political and social issues continue to increase in the coming years, consumers will continue to watch brands. We have seen more and more people stand up for what is right this year, and speak about issues that only are getting worse as time moves on. I think one sentence from an article I read summed up best what the future could look like for brand activism: “Companies who are afraid to speak because they’re trying to target everyone, alienate everyone by standing for nothing.” Not only is it the right thing to do to speak out, it’s becoming increasingly important as consumers begin to value a brand’s values more and more.
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