#ofc he was a bit immature he was 17
bigquestionmark · 7 months
my least favourite most despised tgcf take is that xie lian needed trauma to “humble him”
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katsettee · 2 years
Greetings! I love your art so dang much!! May I ask your headcanons on the LU boy’s ages?
Totally don’t feel pressured, just curious <3
Have a dandy day!
Thank you! I have been thinking really hard about this for a while but I think I have my answer.
This is all purely headcanon and how funny I think it would be for their dynamics and relationships.
The ages themselves are kind of fuzzy, but age order in my mind from oldest to youngest goes:
Time(ofc), Twi, Sky, Warriors, Hyrule, Legend, Four, Wild, and finally Wind.
In my mind, Time and Sky have experienced the most time between their last adventure and the crossover, Time obviously because he is just a whole ass adult married man now and Sky because I would like to think he has gained some responsibility and has started the establishment of Hyrule. I would put Time at mid 30s and Sky mid 20s.
I see Twi as significantly older than the others but with little desire to take charge, seeing as he has no experience in leadership to any capacity, but is the ultimate big brother in late 20s. I also see him as being much older than the others during his adventure.
Wars is also older during his adventure, like dude is a captain in the military, he’s been mature enough for long enough to get to where he is. This is where I get fuzzy with ages, but I would put Wars at 24/23.
This is where my headcanons really get the best of me, but I’m obsessed with the idea of Hyrule being older than Legend. I am all about the “Legend feels guilt for the state of Hyrule’s world” and “Hyrule looks up to The Hero of Legend” ideas but what I really love is complex emotions and Hyrule looking towards Legend, the hero that he can only hope to be, and realizing that its never been more than a broken child forced to think like a survivor. I view Legend as just barely pushing adulthood at 18/19 and Hyrule being 21/22. Their dynamic as two people who could only conjure the ideal image of the other (Legend saving his world for the ideal future and realizing it all falls to ruin anyways + Hyrule trying to do anything in order to live up to the “legendary” previous hero) and being ultimately disappointed by the other is fascinating to me, but I like to think they value each other without the title of hero eventually and are quite close because of that connection.
I’m going to be honest I know the least about Four, seeing as I have yet to really invest much time with his games and character, so I’m just going along with him being a comfy 18 for no particular reason. So sorry to all the Four fans but I would like to hear other people’s ideas.
Again here’s some very biased headcanons, but I like to think Wild quite literally JUST defeated Calamity Ganon and is still at that (1)17 age that we see in the game. I love the LU comic but the Wild I like to include in my works is very much an immature teen, not the angsty sad man. My preference of Wild portrayal is HEAVILY influenced by critbit and it will always be that way tbh. Additionally, Wild and Twi being the most “sibling” siblings in the group just appeals to me and putting them at a similar age gap to myself and my own siblings is just funny to me.
Finally you have the kid brother Wind, who I have such a hard time assigning an age to. His age gap is significant enough that he is much different from Wild, but I would also like to think that some time has passed since his adventure. I would like to put him at the 16 year old range, but if I’m being honest it should probably be more towards the 13-14 range- so I will probably change my portrayal of him a bit to reflect that in any upcoming content.
I am super on the fence about this and since these are fictional and very undefined characters I am mostly fine with sliding the ages up and down for enjoyment, but I suppose this is my personal view on what I think is in line with the content that I personally create. I probably will not even follow this super accurately if I’m being perfectly honest.
Thank you for the ask!
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obxdrewseph · 4 years
Slytherin!Rafe Cameron AU
Slytherin!Rafe Cameron x Gryffindor!reader (non-canon Rafe LOL) 
you and rafe cameron NEVER got along 
you two were always yelling at each other, throwing spells at each other, and even physically punching and shoving sometimes. 
it all started when you got accepted as one of the youngest seekers on the gryffindor team in a long time. you were praised by many and had many admirers 
he was jealous of your success. he was the same age as you but never received the same hype. it was like his household-- he worked so hard without gaining any approval from his father who only loved sarah.
the rivalry officially started when rafe told one of his friends lackeys to spell your broomstick before a game your first year. you were an innocent freshman then and felt confused when you jerked around in the air
after losing that game, rafe walked by you and mumbled “mudblood” under his breath. you weren’t surprised that rafe was prejudice after hearing the rumors about him
but you werent the type to judge someone before knowing them ... 
but now you officially hated mr. hot guy at hogwarts
later that month, you produced a love potion and slipped it into another third year’s drink who you knew had a crush on rafe 
crush is an understatement-- she was obsessed with him. and the love potion only made her passion more intense
she followed him around everywhere,.. and i mean EVERYWHERE until the potion wore off
and rafe had too many classes with the girl to avoid her 
the girl even snuck into his room and chased off other girls who hit on rafe
to be frank, he was pissed . 
the both of you had gone back and forth with mean pranks to each other, but you were seventh years now .. you were almost ready to go into the real world and you didnt have any time for immature pranks
just joking !! 
you both still hated each other. 
it was the nearing final game of the season, meaning it was you and rafe’s last quidditch game at hogwarts 
the tension was much higher between you two than usual 
when he saw you in the hallways, he would literally just shove you to the side while you spell his pants to fall down 
sometimes that worked in his favor which pissed you off
right before the game, rafe drank some liquid luck he needed it 
“god im so ready to crush that mudblood , there’s no way gryffindor will win today” 
“rafe why are you still fighting with her, it’s been years!” 
“hey she fights with me too” 
sarah cameron rolled her eyes at the immature boy but said nothing. she was secretly rooting for the two of you to have an intense love story... but it didnt look like it was happening 
the stadium was going wild as both teams walked out. everyone knew and loved the slytherin vs gryffindor rivalry 
secretly you loved it too. it gave you some sense of competition 
“ok i want a good game students. no playing dirty and all that” 
the professor narrowed her eyes at both you and rafe
you guys definitely wouldnt follow those rules
once the whistle blew, the players shot into the sky
there wasnt much for you to do as a seeker until you saw the snitch and you waited for it to catch your eye. you looked at the other seeker who was a sixth year. she glared back at you. 
“what are you lookin at, mudblood” 
you rolled your eyes at her comment
suddenly, it appeared in your line of vision and you went soaring through the sky. you could faintly hear someone announcing your actions on the speaker, but all you could focus on was that tiny ball with wings 
it was so close to you, you could touch it 
you held out your arm to try and grab the golden snitch-- your hands practically wrapped around damn thing
“y/n watch out!!” 
were the last words you heard before you felt something hit your side, flinging you roughly to the stadium. your back hit wood and you fell to the ground, the sand “breaking” your fall 
you could almost hear the audible gasp through the stadium as you dropped from the sky, but all you could feel was pain. in all of your years as a seeker, you’d never been hit with a bludger. you had always kept your eyes peeled for them
you knew someone deliberately hit you with one this time
a whole bunch of professors ran to you
“y/n darling! oh dear, this looks bad” 
you felt someone prop you up, but everything seemed blurry and faint. you were going in and out of consciousness 
your mouth was dry and probably bleeding, but you could still mumble out a few words
“check my hand” 
then you blanked out
you woke up in the hospital wing alone. and you hated being alone. 
your body felt sore and everything was fuzzy. your lips were dry and chapped and you could barely move your body
“easy there, y/n. you dont want to strain yourself” 
at the sound of that deep voice, you whipped your head to the side and came face to face with ... 
rafe cameron?
your curious look turned evil.
“you bastard, you hit me with your fucking bludger!” you wanted to hit him on the head, but your body wouldn’t allow it
“are you seriously that mad?? you still won the fucking game!” he spat back 
that made you laugh. he tried his best to knock you off your game, but you still pulled through-- as always
you gave him your best smug look 
“youre right. i should be grateful right now that mr. cameron just lost his last game... ever” you emphasized the last words
you expected to same something back, but he stayed silent
you opened your eyes and just saw him staring at you 
“what?” you spat. you didnt know what game he was playing at 
and for the first time in your life, you saw a look of remorse and confusion on his face 
“well if you have something to say, then just say it!” you yelled. patience wasnt your strong suit 
he scratched the back of his neck, something you knew he did when he was nervous 
“look, i just wanted to say im sorry, ok? i- i didnt mean to hit you so hard” 
his confession shocked you. 
you never had been kind to one another. ever. 
“um... alright” 
you and rafe were both bad at emotions 
“alright? i apologize to you and you just give me a mere ‘alright’?” his tone made you angry 
“excuse me?? just because you apologize, it doesnt mean i have to forgive you!” you didnt even know why you were mad-- it’s not like you meant to brush off his apology, you just were confused
he scoffed and slid back in his chair. it was then you noticed he wasnt in his robes, just his pajamas that were sweats and a tank top (you knew this because you had snuck into his dorm one day while he was sleeping and spelled a bunch of snakes to his bed. they were harmless ofc) 
you saw something flicker in his face that you hadnt seen before.. was it embarrassment? something else? 
you were over all the anger that you had towards rafe. you were both 17 and still fighting like kids. all you wanted to know is why 
“rafe, why do you hate me so much?” 
you finally asked 
he paused in his steps, and didnt make eye contact. odd. he was always staring intensely at you. then he scratched the back of his neck
“be honest” 
“fine, i was jealous of you alright? you were the golden first year and i was just another first year on the team. everyone paid attention to you i guess and i dont know .. i just got angry” 
you tried not to show any surprise, but you were shocked. rafe always seemed so cocky and arrogant, to know he envied you at one point didnt make you feel too good
“well maybe people would like you more if you werent such an asshole” you bit out. you dont know why you said that, he was being vulnerable but he started the rivalry by making you lose your first game. it humiliated you. the rumor was you couldnt even fly properly and people doubted your skills as a seeker
he rolled his eyes and turned to walk away 
“wait!” you shouted. he stopped.
you didnt know what you wanted to ask him, but the words toppled out before you could stop them
“why are you here?” 
“to apologize”
you gave him a look. 
somehow, you felt like you knew rafe cameron better than anyone at this school. you knew what made him tick, you knew what made him nervous, embarrassed, etc. you even knew what made him happy so that you could deliberately not do that
and you knew when he was lying. like right now
his jaw tightened. “jj.” 
?? huh ?? 
“what? what about jj?” you knew rafe didnt like the gryffindor, but he wasnt as mean to jj as he was to you 
“jj carried you out of the stadium. he was the first one there.” 
you still didnt know why he was telling you this 
“um, ok? did he like tell you to come here?” 
suddenly, you saw a smile on rafe cameron’s face. 
you had only seen him smile like that when he was reading his potions textbook or practicing offensive spells. he never smiled like that at you. 
then... it hit you 
“wait... were you.. jealous of jj?” you sputtered out 
he gave you a now smug look
“i guess? it was a weird development i admit.” 
you rolled your eyes
“oh, liking me is a ‘weird development’” 
“woooah who said anything about liking?? i just said jealousy. im pretty sure im just jealous youre close to another guy besides you.” he fibbed.
you scoffed. “im close to plenty guys besides you.” 
you were lying. 
guys hated how much you interacted with rafe cameron and were scared of getting on his bad side. they were cowards-- all of them. there was nothing you hated more than a coward. 
“anything else you have to confess to me?” you asked finally, confused of the direction this conversation was going. 
“nope. see you around y/n.” 
he gave you one of his rare soft smiles and closed the door, leaving you more confusion than you had woken up with 
once rafe closed the door, he paused with his back leaning on it. 
“guess that liquid luck came in handy” 
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justforbullshit · 4 years
so akira is gonna live in this one but be put away for life basically and kouji takes the "throne" by force so to speak but most importantly i want him and hajime to know one another before hes beaten to a pulp (EDIT hes fuckin dead im not dealing with him)
everyone is also incubus/succubus or human if u want!!! monster fuck time
non-romantic koujime and hideyuu: kouji befriends hajime through yakuza related events and he's always fiercely protective of him bc at this point kouji sees him as a child since he's not much older than mio by this point in the story.
they kind of become strange friends but hajime develops stronger feelings a little more quickly since kouji has protected him so often. hajime is an eye witness to mio dying (as is koujaku) and he risks his life for her name when he testifies, so kouji allows him to stay with him since he's in charge now.
simultaneously, yuu is trying to get involved with a rival yakuza to be able to have a better chance of saving mio, and hideki is just sort of lost at this point. its in vain ofc bc mio dies and yuu has to back out of it all (sacrificing a finger to be able to have a proper escape, and ends up leaving the city behind, unable to really continue facing hideki because of his failure. at this time: yuu and mio are about 18 (beni is about 2 or 3), hideki is about 16, hajime is about 17, and kouji is in his later 20s (about 27 or 28). at this time richard has been hired as a defense lawyer
VITRI: trip is a pretty prolific gang member himself alongside abe. virus runs his own branch from celia's side of the family and austin is his very normal friend
trip falls into the wrong spot in a fight and is brought to virus but he refuses to help until he's offered some money. he's mostly afraid of returning though because the group he's in is outrageously violent and abe himself is lucky enough to break away and surrender to be by trip again. virus takes a shine to them though and promises them safety so long as they spill the beans abt their group. trips obviously trying to keep something safe tho
ROMANTIC koujime and hideyuu:
KOUJIME: after kouji's punished for selling out his brother and also killing him, he's a mess and becomes pretty reclusive and unable to handle things physically. at this time, akane has taken over as head until he can heal properly. however, he gives hajime a safe place and he insists that hajime "lives however he needs" and gives him the funds to do so. he continues to fiercely protect hajime despite his own medical disposition. 
after a couple of years though, hes been doing a lot better and takes hajime more seriously as someone who has been his companion for the past few years. hajime opens up abt wanting to be a teacher, and for once kouji is able to be properly compassionate and wants hajime to be able to get whatever schooling he needs to and finds himself wanting to do Anything to make hajime happy
YUUDEKI: hideki is horribly lonely. he doesnt have a lot of money, but he’s currently a music teacher and not for a lot of money. he sees hajime quite a bit but he desperately misses yuu despite thinking yuu straight up hates him. it takes a while for hideki to start to visit yuu, but his mother gets sick of it and starts inviting yuu over during times hideki is coming to visit with beni, or on his own.
RENMINK: ren is a literal grunt for some kind of gang. at this point the boys are more like 10? i thought itd be nice to have them a bit older. sei is horribly ill and ren is just desperate to get money anywhere and any way he can. aoba refuses to leave sei's side, but he meets koujaku (koujakus like 14 now. this is after mio dies but no more than a year?) at the hospital and sort of spends time with him a lot while sei is asleep.anyways ren is just desperate for money at all times and does whatever he can to both spend time with his brothers and also pay for sei's health.
hes caught snooping too close to scrap territory purely by accident, which ren is horrified by, and nearly gets the shit kicked out of him before mink himself interferes and, impressed by ren being rather collected in the face of danger, starts to like him enough to bring him onto the group its the last thing ren wants, but he NEEDS Money
aoba and sei grow up in gang stuff and sort of fall to the side of it. they sort of have their own thing as a duo bc sei bullied his way into it. sei wants to disband later though. his disinterested and finds it kind of immature since they’re older, but he does help people. he's making money being a designer and he thinks it's an silly thing to hold onto.
MIZUSEI: mizuki has been flirting with sei since forever. hes always thought sei was pretty and intelligent but aoba is sort of like a guard dog and doesnt think his scrappy friends should go after sei. its not a New or Uncommon thing for aoba’s friends to be wild about sei. mizuki manages to woo sei over by being himself though.
KOUAO: koujaku in this grows up to help kouji a bit more, so he and aoba are rivals at first (they meet a couple times), but koujaku finds it fun and playful and develops a slow crush on aoba but will fo anything for him in the end. he has trouble admitting it and hes afraid of being close to people, but aoba doesnt let him be alone very much. kou works for koujaku though and is sort of his inside man and used to be his assistant, but kou slowly sort of distanced himself for another career.
NOICLE: clear is noiz’s driver/butler/helper for his little crew. noiz sort of saved him and so clear treats him like royalty and is a perfect, typical chauffeur. he loves noiz very much but is rather private about everything. he simply likes being around noiz, and is extremely protective of him. since noiz cant sense moods or use charm, clear does it for him and accompanies him on all missions if he can, and they make it seem like the charm is coming from noiz. clear needs to wear bracelets at all times due to an irregular and very strong heat.
BENITORI: beni primarily works with noiz. shes a good bruiser and helps noiz with numbers and computer things. if clear is unavailable, beni helps with charm amplification. she’s also very good at extracting information, but she does have an incident where something goes awry and when she tries to escape, she is terribly injured and is appointed a personal physical therapist to help her with a leg injury. similar to clear though, beni also has to wear bracers. tori is cute and sweet and beni adores the more gentle attention.
NOBUKOU: nobu is active in the de augustine business and commonly dons different disguises. she meets kou, a dog trainer and friend to the shigures and de augustines at a gathering of the shigure family, scratch, and the de augustines and is totally smitten by the gentle dog-trainer. kou does NOT recognize nobu out of her disguises and even after knowing her a while has trouble recognizing her in disguises if she doesn’t let him know about them beforehand. she visits kou regularly though and goes right after him to date him
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amindamazed · 7 years
top 5/bottom 5
tagged by @margoleon​ and @sanguinarysanguinity​
Rules:  Tag the person who tagged you, always post the rules, answer the questions, and add the date!
What are your five most popular works? (starting with the most kudos)
all for Elementary
In Case of Emergency, Watson & Sherlock, 4700 words They turned left from the hallway into the glare of sunlight from the high windows, and gunfire scattered them. My most popular work by far, in kudos, bookmarks, and hits. Hurt/comfort with Joan injured in the hospital and Sherlock at her bedside; bonus Joan backstory plus Mary Watson and Emily Hankins.
Swayed, Watson & Sherlock, 1200 words When she pushed through the revolving door and stepped out onto the sidewalk, Sherlock was there. Instead of worry buried under scorn, she saw an echo of the haunted man who'd found Irene and blamed himself for what was done to her. Episode tag for 2x22, “Paint It Black”; there was lots of fan interest in what would happen next after that episode aired and lots of disappointment at what we didn’t get in the following episodes, both of which resulted in many of us writing and reading fic to fill the gap.
L’Ombre de ton ombre, Sherlock, 500 words On the first anniversary of the woman’s death, three jurisdictions deem her legally dead, and while that is patently meaningless for someone of her talents and resources, this time he knows what to look for, and there have been no political indications, no financial transactions, no evidence that she is anything but. An insert/alternate scene for @language-escapes La Chanson des vieux amants, and its popularity is 100% due to folks finding it linked as a related work from her amazing story, which you have to read before reading mine.
Outside the Box, Watson/Sherlock, 7500 words Things were different when Sherlock returned from London and different again once Joan moved back to the brownstone, but some changes require a little extra finesse. Friends to something more fic, focused more on the psychological/emotional transition than the physical (sorry). written for 2014 Winter Holmestice during early season 3, so AU for most of what followed after Sherlock returned from London.
[5 & 6 in kudo count are Doubts Don’t Deter Detectives II and III, which are collections of daily prompts for Watson’s Woes July Writing Prompts Challenge in 2014 and 2015, respectively. I still like a lot of what ended up there, but I don’t think they fit the intent of this meme. YMMV!]
For Science, written with @beanarie​, Watson & Sherlock & OFC, 10K words “We are going to have a baby,” she says. “For science.” Cracktastic mpreg babyfic (is that redundant?). A lot of it is silly fluff (and a bit of Joan/Marcus) but there are some serious/introspective installments as well.
What are your five least popular works? (starting with the fewest kudos)
Metamorphosis (switcheroo remix), When Night Is Falling, Camille/Petra, 150 words One fantasy is velvet bedding, fairy lights, and trapeze lovers dancing on air. A short remix of @sanguinarysanguinity‘s vid, Glitter in the Air. I doubt either work makes sense if you haven’t seen the movie, but hey the vid is only 51 seconds and this fic 150 words, so what have you got to lose?
Finding Jack Harkness, Torchwood, Jack Harkness & Original Jack Harkness, 1500 words He'd usurped the man's identity originally because he was dead in another city, and his description was a good match. My first fic! Originally posted in a Torchwood LJ community and added to AO3 years later. It is amusing in retrospect to see that I was drawn in by questions about timelines that had snagged my attention: how many times had Jack passed through WWII, and what did his namesake come to mean to him?
Something About Seeing and Being Seen (Through a Glass Darkly remix), Elementary, Joan/Ms Hudson; Ms Hudson/OFC, 3200 words There are things Joan doesn't want to think about. There are other things Joan doesn't know how to think about. Marthe helps her with both. A remix of @phoenixfalls Your Want Is Bigger Than You; the original character in my fic comes from that story. In addition to the relationships, the fic also explores Joan’s experience at the end of season 2 and during the time Sherlock is in London.
The Little Things, Mary Russell - Laurie R. King, Mary Russell & John Watson, 365 words "Oh, go on and open it Mary, you're as bad as he is sometimes. It's a present, not an exercise in deduction." I wrote one non-Elementary work for the 2015 July Writing Prompts and posted it separately from the rest of Doubts Don’t Deter Detectives III. I read King’s series as chock full of unreliable narrators, and I like to explore that in fic, here reframing Mary’s immature assessment of Watson.
The Story of My Life (The Old Regrets Never Die remix), Elementary, Joan Watson, 800 words It’s possible that Jem would have been killed whether I was there to complicate Le Millieu’s plans or not. (I’ll never know if Aaron Colville would have lived (and the women his mother killed, after) if another doctor had stood up to Fleming.) It still stands that he’s now the last person who died because of me. I don’t even know his full name. A remix of @beanarie‘s Turn the Page. Another post-season-two exploration, using b’s AU in which Kitty was Joan’s student, not Sherlock’s. This is a bitter, brittle Joan who knows she can’t rely on anyone, especially herself, to keep others safe. Good times!
I can’t remember now who’s done this already, sorry! I’ll tag @beanarie, @language-escapes, @nairobiwonders, @quipxotic, @time-converges, @joaneuglassiawatson
17 august 2017
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aesthetic-dani · 7 years
At times like this. Fuck being just 1-2 years younger. Cutest guy alive hmu and ofc he had to be just a bit too old. Yes age is a thing and it does matter. Just wishing people my age weren’t so immature and superficial and that older people weren’t too picky about interacting with me. I understand that you won’t talk to me, yet just imagine adding a year or two to me. Would it matter? Or just 3 years from now, would you even care about the difference?
Just some thoughts @ the universe. Get me some company.
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maybeaprincess6 · 7 years
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*Affectionate finger guns at @margoteve and @iristovevo *
(Several of these are highly inspired by conversations and headcanons from our Discord chat, lol, so shout out XD)
 1. Who is the most affectionate?
They both are very open and liberal with their affection (Much to Praxina’s discomfort) but Mephisto is especially clingy and will often come and drape himself over Iris randomly. They are both fond of unexpected little kisses on the forehead or cheek.
 2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
It switches several times throughout the night, but Mephisto sleeps curled up on his side more often than not, making him a natural little spoon for Iris to just sorta grab onto. They don’t have a strong preference either way; they’re both equally comfy in either position.
 3. Most common argument?
*winks at chat* Food discourse is a biggie. Iris is not a fan of many staple Ephedian foods.
More seriously, they get worried when the other puts themselves in harm’s way. Mephisto is supposed to protect her, but her magic is much stronger than his. This argument arises pretty much every time they go into battle, but they know it’s born of mutual concern, and they trust and believe in each other enough not to let it get in the way of what must be done.
 4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
They do stop to eat and sleep sometimes.
Okay but seriously they like training together, riding the Ephedian equivalent of horses, (whatever Amaru is, I guess?) reading quietly in the same room, (I know Mephisto has said he isn’t a reader but that’s obviously not entirely true, he’s definitely studied a lot of magic books at the very least, plus Iris probably helps him warm up to the hobby in general,) cooking/baking together, even just chilling in the same proximity.
 5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
Mephisto, 100%. He carries her any and every time she’ll allow it. She weighs almost nothing to him. If he can find an excuse to pick her up he will use it. XD
 6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
Physical features? Mephisto loves her hair (both colors he doesn't care) and her smile and her freckles. She loves his hair, too, as well as his jaw and his biceps. They both absolutely adore each other’s eyes.
Non-physically, Iris loves his childlike wonder, his openness, the way he gets excited about everything, even his childish immature side, (though sometimes he can be very irritating XD) He loves her joy, her goodness, her compassion, how she sees the good in everyone and everything, the way she makes him want to be more. Better.
 7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
The very first thing is the way they battle. (If battles are still happening at this point in a given universe.) A lot of magic blasts just barely miss, or are shot just a half-second too late to hit before a shield can be raised.
Any hand-to-hand combat causes the breath to catch in their throats and they pause just a moment too long, looking at each other’s eyes and trying to process exactly how close their lips suddenly are.
The banter takes a flirtier undertone than usual, though they try to be subtle.
 8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
*snorts* Pumpkin, started as an inside joke (referencing the love spell incident) but he ends up using it unironically. They also call each other by their titles a lot, i.e. “Princess,” “my King,” “my Queen.” Because they revere and respect one another and this shows that. (Plus throwing a “my” in there makes both of them a little lightheaded and fluttery bc they feel so lucky.)
 9. Who worries the most?
As addressed above, they both worry a lot. Mephisto is slightly prone to paranoia, though. He's lost too many loved ones. He doesn't think he could take it if he lost her, too.
For Iris’ part, while she doesn't doubt his skill and knowledge, he doesn't have as much raw power backing him up and that scares her.
 10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Iris has a better memory, in general, but Mephisto can surprise her with exactly how much trivial information he retains.So both I guess.
 11. Who tops?
They switch frequently next question
 12. Who initiates kisses?
Both, pretty much 50/50. They're both masters of the distraction kiss, too. Mephisto was definitely more shy at the start, though.
 13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Iris, I think. It catches him off guard a lot at first. (My poor touch-starved son.) But he always welcomes it.
 14. Who kisses the hardest?
Once he's used to it, definitely Mephisto. He tends to take it just a half step too far and she has to calm him down if they're in public. He's just so enthusiastic and she loves it.
 15. Who wakes up first?
Iris is a morning person and Mephisto is a little groggier, so she usually wakes up first and watches him breathe for a while before she smooches him awake.
 16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
Mephisto, most mornings. His sleep schedule under Gramorr wasn't exactly regular or sufficient so he has a little trouble adjusting to an actual, proper sleep pattern. Moreover, he considers being able to sleep in a bit as one of the luxuries of being free.
He doesn't mind so much if Iris kisses him awake, though. Seeing her as soon as he opens his eyes is worth it.
 17. Who says I love you first?
Mephisto probably lets it slip accidentally (and possibly in pun form) without too much forethought. He was embarrassed and nervous until she said it back, then he was completely elated.
 18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
They are both constantly leaving each other cute little love notes and even just simple “I love you”s just because they can.
 19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
Well, pre-reform (and probably in general) they're actively trying to keep it a secret. Their success varies. Praxina and the other Princesses may find out without having to be told. Iris obviously tells her parents, probably while she and Mephisto nervously hold hands behind their backs. (They needn't worry so much, her parents probably love him.)
 20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
Her parents are probably down with it. He's powerful and has obviously changed and they clearly love each other. Talia spends about a year lowkey suspicious and claiming it’s a bad idea but eventually warms up to him. Carissa and Lyna get used to it and end up approving after about a month. Auriana instantly accepts them, lol.
Praxina... has complicated feelings about it. On the one hand, the thought of anybody finding her brother attractive, and specifically the idea of someone being physical with him, is inherently repulsive to her and she often voices her disgust. On the other, she’s scared of losing him. Deep down, though, she’s happy that he’s happy, and is their staunchest supporter when push comes to shove. (Ofc she pulls Iris aside and warns her that she’d better not hurt him.)
 21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
Probably Mephisto but Iris certainly isn’t complaining. They’re that one couple that stays on the dancefloor longer than everybody else and tend to forget they aren’t alone bc all they can see is each other.
 22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
They like cooking and baking together, though Iris is much better at it. It’s not so much lack of skill; Mephisto can follow instructions well enough and he has good taste, but he’s extremely accident prone. He has enough kitchen horror stories to fill a whole evening if you get him going on the topic.
 23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
They’re both guilty of it, but Mephisto. Good lord, Mephisto. Nobody knows where or how he comes up with them all, or how he rattles them off so fast. It’s been speculated that he stays up nights, inventing and memorizing them, but no, too many are obviously born of context. He’s an enigma.
 24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Once over his initial reluctance, (he’s very nervous and awkward about intimacy at first, partly from inexperience and partly bc he’s terrified of hurting her, but she’s more than willing to wait as long as he needs and eventually he warms up to the idea,) Mephisto is extremely guilty of it.
His innocent nature makes it even more shocking than his cheesy pick up line talents. Iris would rather forget how many times he’s made her blush in public before darting off as if nothing had happened. Of course, Iris’ skill in this area isn’t exactly lacking, and she’s gotten plenty of revenge.
(There are certain foreign dignitaries that honestly believe both the Ephedian royals suffer chronic hot flashes, they turn red so often.)
 25. Who needs more assurance?
Both of them can be vulnerable. They both have bad days, weaknesses, fears. But Mephisto is... definitely the more fragile of the two.
He’s seen things, done things, that haunt him. He spent most of his life being used and abused by Gramorr. He clawed his way back into the light, fighting to get away from the dark magic that had been corrupting him for all those years. He’s been broken and mended himself so many times. He’s got trauma. He has nightmares.
Iris is there for him. She’s his rock. She comforts him and holds him and makes him feel safe. For the first time in so long, he feels safe. He trusts her. He lets his guard down with her, shows her his scars, and she takes them all and soothes them. She helps him heal his long-broken heart. Finally, after so many years of hurting, he’s begun recovering.
 26. What would be their theme song?
(I mean I’ve got a whole playlist but) This cover of Ed Sheeran’s Perfect
 27. Who would sing their child back to sleep?
Both, definitely, either taking turns or together. Incidentally, they tend to sing each other back to sleep, too. (Praxina and Mephisto used to do it for one another, sometimes, but now their spouses have willingly picked up the habit.)
 28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
It isn't often that a Queen is made to be apart from her King, or vice versa. Nor a Princess from her Knight. But it happens. When it does, they feel very lonely and uncomfortable and oddly frail. Like part of them, the best and strongest part, is suddenly gone.
They do their best on their own, (ideally with frequent conversations over magical communicators, if possible,) until they are able to reunite.
(Every such reunion involves running over to each other and him picking her up and spinning her around and they kiss as if they've been apart for months. Even if it's only been a few days.)
 29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
...There's three upsetting aus I can think of off the top of my head. Idk if they count as headcanons but if not then the answer for 25 certainly does.
Say they were together but “Crowning Glory part II” still happened and Mephisto “died...”
Or Praxina “died” instead and Mephisto gets the mask, and honestly that might be worse, because he would blame Iris and hate her...
Or say everything's fine but his corruption runs too deep and he can't help but turn on her and stay evil.
 30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
Here's a bunch bc we need a lot of fluff to make up for that lol
Even though the odds are stacked really high against them, they work through it all, together. They support and comfort each other and make it happen.
Mephisto learns light magic and rids himself of any remaining corruption and fights alongside Iris as her partner and protector.
And just like. Imagine the proposal and wedding like ahhhh so cute and pure and good!!!
Also they eventually have twins, themselves, and they do their very best to be the parents they wish they'd had, growing up.
Plus you know they’re the best dang rulers Ephedia’s ever had.
I really love this ship, okay? I have a lot of feels.
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