#get it and re-read it WAAAAH
possessable · 11 months
here's preemptive proof that I'm NOT just doing an amazing digital circus knockoff for when i inevitably make a "large strange glitchy area that a bunch of people accidentally find themselves in with no memories" series except it's a convenience store instead of a circus
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sharpth1ng · 6 months
Man your Debaser fic is amazing. I mean I've always leaned more into the "darker" stories but I had no idea there was a whole new side to fandom, mind blown and it's so fun and freeing. Just super cool, thanks so much for writing and sharing your work. I'm very excited to read more of the "just like the movies" universe whenever your up to posting until then just gonna keep re-reading and jamming to the Pixies.
Waaaah thank you! Idk if this is even a new side to fandom, I've been reading darker stuff since way before I was old enough but I do think the internet has become more hostile toward darker content. I was legit so scared people would get mad at me for "bad representation" or something before I started posting (and imo problematic gay characters are not inherently bad representation, straight characters are allowed to be fucked up and no one complains about that. Double-standard. but thats a whole different conversation).
Anyways I'm really glad its felt freeing to you! I'm also very excited to start posting again lmao, y'all have no idea how much it sucks to just be writing without feedback. Soon hopefully!
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shortnotsweet · 2 years
Such a brilliantly written, emotional, thought-provoking, edge of my seat fanfic that I am going to re-read it 100 more times like it is truly *chefs kiss* it's so goood!! Superb job!!
Disregarding the implications of a high-impact car crash on the highway (rip, you will be missed. I hope your family has found affordable insurance in this hard times, and that the government will get up and off of its ass to fix its crumbling infrastructure before the New Years ends), I’m so glad that you enjoyed it?? I wrote the story to me somewhat fucked up, but not like…super-duper fucked up, and I hoped that it would be the right balance between messed up and emotionally impactful and there’s probably some meaning behind it if you wade past the jargon and the prose. The Miracle Wife is 80% a fever dream, guilt/religiously/existentially fueled fantasy of Aemond’s because the dude is insane in the membrane mentally unwell, and of course, nothing with Aemond can ever be simple. *Chef kisses you back. With tongue*
Also I think it’s so funny that you found me here, since I don’t have my tumblr linked. You’re so welcome here, but it was like getting up early in the morning and going to the bathroom without turning the lights on and someone already standing in the corner greeting me hello when I flip up the toilet seat. T’was a shock. More accurately, you crashed your car into mine. BUT the collision is such a treat, again, thank you so much for enjoying!!
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The way you write Ingo and Akari's interactions with each other never fails to warm my heart. And after seeing how he is with Rei in oop, I'm so excited to see how Emmet interacts with Akari. And let's not forget how your Cyllene is with Rei, and how she considers him Her Boy. I just love the intergenerational relationships you have going on. Kids deserve to have good adults in their lives, especially ones like Akari and Rei who have had it so rough.
There are... a lot of things I don't like about many interpretations of Emmet in fandom, but one I especially dislike is when he's overly rude or dismissive towards the kids. You avoid that trap neatly, though that's no surprise because the way you write him is one of my all time favorites. That's maybe a bit beside the point though.
In any case, I loved the little prompt snippets you wrote yesterday about Ingo with both Akari and Rei. The one you wrote with Rei was both cool and heartbreaking with how his dedication and care was the only thing keeping him going, all so Rei might have the chance to live. And the one Akari was so sweet and heartwarming, with how gentle his love for her was. She doesn't know it, but Ingo's home isn't a place, like her it's the people he cares about, and she's included in that too now. In this au where he's so close to her, it wouldn't be complete without her there.
WAAAAH THIS IS SUCH A NICE ASK?? THANK YOU?? thank you so much... i'm gonna cry this is so sweet. thank youuuu... i uh rambled a lot about characters and relationships so i'm going to put the rest of that under. a cut i think. contd:
anyway. YEAH re: kids deserving Good Adults. tbh whenever i see a kid on their own in fiction it activates some kind of primal pack bonding instinct in me to protect them, so this is like, vicarious parenting. and i just REALLY like characters who are Good With Kids, it's like one of my fav character traits that makes me instantly love them. and i love all the different ways that can come through, like, like you said, cyllene who isn't so great at saying how she feels but has SO adopted these two. so. yes. this is primarily self indulgent. it all comes back to my love of picking apart character motivations lol
also WHO is making emmet not nice to kids. i'll fight them. i'll duel them in the street right now. why is everyone else so WRONG about my BLORBO. i think- not to Also get sidetracked, lol, but- i think emmet is someone who's extremely straightforward with everything he says, and doesn't back down, but the critical thing is that all that blunt directness and stubbornness is backed by an intense motivation to help and protect others. so that's what i'm trying to channel when he's with rei or anyone else—specifically because he doesn't try to hedge his words or anything, it is so obvious at all times that he Cares and wants to Help. which can be like, intensely validating/reassuring/trust-building. like short and direct and not good at subtlety don't have to be negative asshole-building character traits!! ...but uhh anyway what were we talking about again
ingo ficlets right. YEAHH THANK YOU... i think in comparison to emmet ingo is like. actually good with people, in the sense that he can read peoples' emotions from their words and actions much better, and is very understanding and patient. and obviously he's also driven by that same compassion. trying really hard not to just make this about comparing how i characterize them both ANYWAY. and i am giving him the Parenting Instincts, lol, which, i think he has an immediate reaction of "oh i need to help you" when he sees anyone who's lost/hurt/confused, but it's stronger with kids bc they obviously tend to have less ability to support themselves. so with akari in the adoption fic i keep gesturing towards and Not Finishing, and rei in the ficlet who got separated from his usual crew, he just adopts them very quickly lol. (there's also something to be said there for how i usually write amnesiac-ingo as having a kind of busted self-perception, as we've covered, so he's outsourcing his motivation and desire to continue living to others, which is sort of a Not Great aspect of this, but uhh that's getting sidetracked again)
anyway YEAH!! his home is his loved ones!! yessss exactly!! you have it spot on, i think in that snippet after akari brings it up he does have that thought of, all he has to judge his "home" by is a vague vibe that it was good and he misses it. what if it isn't as perfect as his non-memory thinks it is? what if it can't/won't make space for akari? in which case i think that despite how much he misses it, he would be fully prepared to walk out of it for her. because like you said, his home isn't a place, it's the people!! so if akari can't belong there, then it isn't his home, either. (not that it would ever come to that in reality)
so. yes. as you can probably tell i could go on about this subject forever. just adhd tangent after tangent about kids, and the ways they get treated, and what it says about characters, and character motivations in general, and bitching about how my blorbo gets misinterpreted. but. my point is. this was a very nice ask i am going to print it out and tape it in my diary thank you
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jmbringitonworld · 2 years
The Lost Child: Horrortale Sans
AO3 link for those who prefer to read there
This fic is part of a series, so if you've not read the other chapters, use the link above to find them.
It's been a while since I've posted something for this series, but life's been hectic since the last part, and I'm now juggling three separate fics, which sucks, I'm terrible at remaining motivated enough to update one fic, let alone three, what the hell is wrong with me?! Anyway, this next instalment in my Lost Child series is a bit angsty and feels-heavy, so sorry if you were hoping for fluff and shenanigans, re-reading parts of the Horrortale comic has filled me with too many feels, so you get to suffer with me.
Horrortale belongs to Sour Apple Studios
Elys and Arno belong to @shayromi
Upon exiting their latest portal, the universe-hopping hybrid children found themselves in the familiar surroundings of Snowdin Forest, with its massive coniferous trees and heavy blanket of snow covering everything in sight. But something felt very wrong. The air was unnaturally stale, stagnant, and thick with the stench of death; the atmosphere felt... empty. Lifeless. It took a while to pinpoint the cause, but eventually Glitch Elys came to an alarming realisation.
“There’s no magic in the air,” her voice was barely above a whisper, trembling slightly from her growing dread. “I... I think we’re in a Horrortale ‘verse. While the monsters are still trapped Underground.”
A few of the children piped up with questions of what that meant, exactly, but Elys hesitated, unwilling to explain to her alternate selves and younger siblings the tragedy of this messed-up timeline. Even her parents had only spoken to her of this AU to warn her and her brother to never go to one, at least not while the Barrier was still in place. Error and Core’s grave expressions during their explanation of an Underground gone mad with hunger, monsters so desperate for food that they’d resorted to eating fallen humans , had effectively erased any curiosity she’d had for exploring this universe. And now she and her precious little brother, along with all of their alternate selves, were stuck in one such universe, until she’d recovered enough strength to open up another portal.
Elys instinctively hugged her younger brother close to her, the error glitches on her body becoming more numerous and chaotic, as she warily eyed their surroundings, looking for any signs of this world’s murderous residents. Around her, the other children sensed her mounting fear and grew increasingly uneasy, until eventually, unable to stand the rising tension, nor the feeling of wrongness rattling her bones, baby Calibri began whimpering, tears building in the corners of her eye sockets, before cascading down her skull in rivulets.
“Wanna go, wanna go!” she demanded, her voice a plaintive wail that echoed loudly in the stillness of the forest. Glitch Elys tried desperately to hush her, fearful of attracting unwanted attention, but Calibri was too distressed to care, her sobs rising in volume, and shaking her tiny body with their intensity, the rattling of her bones only adding to the noise. “Th-This a bad place! I’m s-scared! D-Don’t wanna be here, w-wanna go NOW! Waaaah!!”
So distracted were they by the crying of the youngest of their group, that none of the children noticed the quiet crunching of snow beneath the footsteps of the approaching monster.
“what the hell?”
All heads instantly shot towards the low, gruff voice, which came from an almost familiar-looking skeleton monster, whose single, red eyeball stared at them all in shock. Glitch Elys sucked in a sharp breath, before placing herself directly in front of the others, as if to shield them, while the rest of the children shrank back, unnerved at this frightening lookalike of their beloved father, with his blood-stained, ripped clothes, his large, bloodshot eye, the other eye socket a dark, empty void, and, above all, the massive, conspicuous hole in his skull. Glitch Elys gulped, as she tried to find her voice in the face of a monster her parents had repeatedly warned her was deranged and dangerous.
In a halting voice, the young girl forced out a brief explanation of who they were and why they were here, while Horrortale Sans continued to stare unblinkingly at her, his eye occasionally moving over the other children. That red eye fixed on Calibri for a few, tense seconds, the pupil shrinking, then dilating, as Sans gazed at the toddler, the only one of the kids in her monstrous, skeleton form, before returning to the eldest, monochromatic child, who held her breath at his considering look.
“i’ve never heard such a crazy story in my life, but... i believe ya, kid. dunno why, but i guess my soul just... knows ,” Elys released her breath at that, relieved that he wasn’t about to attack them. Sans gave the children a severe look. “so you kids need to get outta this hellhole right now. this underground ain’t no place for babybones, and i’m not sure if i’ll be able to keep all of ya safe, if any of the others find ya,” he told them, worry leaking into his voice. Glitch Elys bit her lip, her brows furrowing in frustration.
“I wish we could. But it takes a lotta energy and magic to open up interdimensional portals, and I’m still just a kid. I need more time!”
Sans grit his teeth. Looking away, he frowned to himself in thought.
“tch. guess i got no choice but to take you kids someplace safe,” he paused, then amended “well, safer than the middle of the woods, anyway. or the town. hmmm... ah! what about... yeah, that should do,” he turned towards the children, and beckoned them with a gesture. “c’mon, kiddos, follow me. and don’t make any noise,” he stared pointedly at Calibri at that last bit, who only pouted back at him, her eye sockets wide, her skull still stained with her tears. Glitch Elys quickly scooped her up into her arms, holding her close and patting her head comfortingly. Sans gazed at their interaction for a brief moment, his expression softening just a little bit, before hardening in determination, as he turned away and marched off through the trees. After some initial hesitation, the children all began following after him, though they kept some distance from his hulking form.
Sans led the group to a narrow area, with a cliff on one side and a high wall on the other. Eyeing the many large holes in the wall with trepidation, the young hybrids walked closer to the only adult amongst them, their fear of whatever may lurk in the darkness, overpowering their wariness of the disfigured monster. Sans cautiously surveyed the area, alert for any potential threats, but nevertheless kept up his pace.
“only gyftrot lives around here,” he quietly informed the children. “kids used to visit him to decorate his antlers, but ever since the core stopped workin’, well...” Sans trailed off, a grim expression on his skull. He refused to tell these innocent babybones about how starvation had claimed the lives of nearly all of the Underground’s children, their innate magic too weak to sustain them without a steady supply of magical food. At the youngsters’ expectant looks, Sans shook off his morbid thoughts. “anyway, don’t worry ‘bout him. that old grump knows better than to challenge me.”
At that, several of the children gave him sharp-toothed smiles.
“Hah! Our dad’s a badass no matter the universe!” one Elys pumped her fist in the air, her red eyes gleaming with pride. Another one immediately flicked her on the forehead, with a grumbled “watch your language around all our Baby Bros!”, her blues eyes glaring at her alternate self in disapproval, pink bandana almost seeming to flare up angrily with its owner.
Sans almost tripped at the words “dad” said in regards to him. His soul warmed at the thought of having children of his very own, tiny babybones to love and cherish, before he squashed that sentiment, knowing that a monster as demented and reprehensible as him didn’t deserve such a blessing. He had no business creating life, not after all the lives he’d taken; death was all he was capable of. Before he could descend any further into self-loathing, the group came upon the entrance to a cave, right by the cliff’s edge. Without a word, Sans led them inside.
The interior of the cave was dark and musty, the glowing flora having long since withered away. The group carefully followed the long and narrow hallway, until it opened up into a small chamber with a tall, wooden door set into the wall at the back. The door bore the Delta Rune, but was otherwise unremarkable. The children walked up to it, examining the door curiously and trying to open it, only to find it locked, before one of the Elyses knocked on it.
“Knock knock”
Sans gave her an amused grin.  
“who’s there?”  
“wise who?”  
“ Wise there a locked door here?”
Sans laughed loudly at her joke, his guffaws shaking his entire body and filling the room. He hadn’t felt such mirth in a long time, and so allowed himself to revel in the sincere joy of a bad pun. The children all joined in, their father’s laughter too infectious to ever resist, no matter the cause and no matter if this was a different version of him. When all laughter finally died down, Sans gave the kids a genuine smile, feeling lighter than he had in years.
“heh, dunno, bud,” he shrugged. “as much as i a- door a good mystery, i was never able to find a  skeleton key to unlock this door, and no one else i asked knows anythin’ about it, either. there used to be a monster livin’ in this cave, but they’ve... moved on. so i guess the door’s closed on this case, heheheh.”
The children chuckled at his truly terrible puns, except little Calibri, who resolutely stepped up to the mysterious door and gazed up at it with quiet focus. Her golden eyelights glowed brightly, magic swirling in her eye sockets, as she brought a tiny, skeletal hand up and placed it on the door’s surface. Her childish face scrunched up in concentration, until suddenly, a click was heard. Everyone turned to her in astonishment, but Calibri ignored them to push the door open just wide enough for her to squeeze through, instantly disappearing inside the secret room. At once, the others scrambled to follow after her, throwing the heavy door wide open and stepping inside without hesitation.
What they found was a small, square room, dark and deserted, with a thin layer of dust coating the entire place, evidence of this room having been left abandoned for several years. To their right, along the wall, was an old, frayed rope, then further back, a jigsaw puzzle lay scattered in pieces, and, at the far end of the room, a desk and broken computer were tucked in the corner. To their left was a pile of dog residue and, at the back, what appeared to be a discarded game case. At the very centre of the room, an old, worn, mouldy piece of fabric, covered in holes, was sprawled on the ground. It was to this fabric that Calibri immediately beelined, crawling underneath it, and sneezing several times from the dust she disturbed.
After looking around, the children deemed the room safe enough to explore, and so dispersed to poke and prod at everything in sight, hoping to uncover all of this room’s hidden mysteries. Sans glanced around cautiously, before making his way over to Calibri, still tucked under the old, musty fabric. Crouching down beside her, he gave her what he hoped was a gentle smile.
“heya, kiddo, how’d you manage to get the door unlocked?”
“Mama,” she stated simply, attempting to burrow deeper beneath the fabric, though she remained plainly visible through all the holes dotting the cloth. Sans raised his brow at her uninformative answer.
“your mama, huh? an’ how’d she do it?”
“The doggy told her,” was her response, as the infant finally crawled out from under the fabric, frowning as she looked around, then pouting as she failed to find what she was searching for. “But doggy’s not here. Doggy’s gone .”
By then, she’d changed into her human form, feeling safe within the confines of this mysterious room, though her displeasure was all the more evident on her fleshy features. Her round, chubby cheeks were puffed up and tinged pink, her frown more pronounced with actual eyebrows, and her lower lip was jutting out harshly in a childish pout. Her formerly golden eyes were now a sad light blue. Sensing he wasn’t going to get any, more helpful, answers out of her while she was in this state, Sans resigned himself to never knowing the truth about either the door or the room, and contented himself with his present company, and this little bit of peace they’d found in their temporary refuge.
Very hesitantly, he reached out a hand towards Calibri, wanting to comfort the sulking infant, but then he paused, his hand hovering above her head. What was he doing? Had he forgotten who he was, what he’d done ? What on earth made him believe, even for a moment, that he was worthy of touching this sweet, innocent babybones with his vile, blood-stained hands? He was nothing but a worthless lunatic, he knew that, beyond a shadow of a doubt; he had absolutely no right touching anything so precious.
Sans began retracting his hand, when another, much smaller and softer one latched onto it. Curling her little fingers around one of Sans’s, Calibri yanked his hand towards her, firmly placing it atop her head of long, white hair. She stared at him with a demanding expression, despite how the skeleton’s large hand easily dwarfed her tiny head, and, unable to deny her, Sans began stroking her hair, his movements as gentle as he could make them. Satisfied, Calibri leaned into the monster’s touch and began to hum a merry tune.
Being careful not to catch any strands of hair in between his phalanges, Sans marvelled at the soft, silky texture, the child’s hair flowing like water through his bony fingers. It was also a glossy white, the same colour as his bones, he noted. Considering the glitchy girl had said that they were all the children of different versions of him and Frisk, who had brown hair, Sans supposed that the kids must have inherited their unusual hair colour from him. And wasn’t that an odd thought? To see parts of yourself reflected in others. Some of the children even bore cyan eyes the exact same hue as his blue magic. He wondered if their eyes could also turn yellow, as well. Looking up to observe the other kids, Sans realised with a start that most also had his smile. It really hit home, just then, that in another world, he could’ve had children just like them. He could’ve had a loving wife, a happy family, freedom, hope .
But in this universe, he would never have any of those.
Filled with despair and bitterness that tore at his soul, he grimaced as he buried his skull in his hands, wanting to block out visions of a happiness he’d never know. However, before he could fully wallow in his misery, he was interrupted by several small hands patting his arms and back. Uncovering his skull, he looked up and was met with the concerned faces of all of the children, gathered around him.
“What’s wrong, Other Dad?” asked many little voices, and all he could do was stare at them. How to explain to these kids, uncorrupted by the darkness of the world, unharmed by its many evils, the true extent of what was wrong ?
“ everythin’ ,” was all he could say, and the kids’ faces fell at the hopelessness in his tone.
Then, one small boy stepped forward, taking something out of his inventory and holding it out to Sans. The skeleton’s eye sockets widened. It was a bag of cookies.
“Daddy gets sad too, sometimes, and Mummy always makes him snacks to make him feel better. I was saving these cookies for later, but you can have ‘em, Other Daddy.”
With that, Arno pushed the bag into Sans’s numb hands, his phalanges automatically tightening around the precious food. Arno offered him a bright smile.
“Mummy made those, so they’re super tasty! I know they’ll make your tummy happy, just like they do for me!”
At a loss for words, Sans looked down at the cookies, the first food he’d seen in years that wasn’t made from dead humans. And this child had just given them to him, as if it was nothing, as if it didn’t mean everything to Sans. And then another kid stepped forward, placing her hand on the boy’s shoulder and giving him a nod of approval, before turning towards Sans. She too offered him something. A bottle of ketchup.
“I didn’t want to say it before, but... our dad... he’s like you,” Elys revealed, and Sans thought his soul might shatter right then and there. “He doesn’t talk much about what it was like Underground, just says that they all had a really bad time, but everyone says that the monsters had no food down there. So our parents always make sure that we all have more than enough to eat, at all times. Dad’s always in the garden, growing the best fruit and veg, and Mum always cooks the best food, even better than Uncle Pap does! And if our dad can get his happy ending, then you can too, Other Dad!”
Sans couldn’t look away from her confident grin, so similar to how his used to be, before his world became a living hell. He struggled to wrap his mind around the fact that there was another version of him out there, not just another Sans, but another him , one who’d lived what he’d lived and suffered as he’d suffered, who’d made the same mistakes as he had, and yet who’d been given another, thoroughly undeserved, chance at a bright future.
“... how ...?” the question came out without him being able to stop it, his voice rough with emotion. Elys shrugged lightly, ruffling the back of her head.
“Not quite sure, but I’m guessing it has something to do with Aliza”
“who?” Sans frowned at the unfamiliar name.
“Aliza!” Arno bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly. “She’s like a big sis, or an auntie, to us! She’s so cool!”
“She’s the one who helped break the Barrier, after she fell into the Underground,” Elys added, more helpfully. “No one really knows how, it’s complicated apparently.”  
So, sometime in the future, another human would fall down, another anomaly most likely (and didn’t that thought open up old wounds), one who might hold the key to the monsters’ freedom. Technically, they all could’ve gotten out ages ago, if they’d bothered to save the souls of the many, many humans they’d killed, but Sans had told them not to, lying that it was the queen’s orders (he pushed away old regrets and shame, he had more important things to focus on right now). He was surprised that this other him had allowed this “Aliza” to free them. What could’ve made him change his mind after all these years?
“i don’t imagine the humans aboveground took too kindly to a bunch of insane, murderous monsters suddenly showin’ up on the surface,” Sans remarked, more to himself than anyone else, but Elys and Arno both shook their heads forcefully.
“That’s not true!” Elys firmly denied. “Seeing how much monsters had suffered, when it was humans who’d trapped them Underground in the first place, brought out humanity’s compassion! The whole world wanted to do something to help you guys, and it brought a lotta humans together for a good cause. Everyone can be a great person if they try, most just need a good reason to, and wanting to help those in need is the best reason of all!”
As Arno nodded in agreement with his sister’s words, Sans stared at them, his expression complicated as several different emotions warred in his soul. Above all, he felt disbelief. How could he believe that, despite everything he’d done and been through, he’d be able to get all the things that he’d long stopped wishing for, and more? How could he believe that someone like him, a monster in every sense of the word, could be granted freedom, love, happiness, forgiveness? After everything ?
But looking at the bright, eager faces of all these children, his children in a way, he felt something filling his soul that he hadn’t felt in a long, long time. Hope. And so, with a sigh, he gave into that fragile, yet powerful emotion, letting himself believe that maybe, just maybe, things could get better. Maybe life wasn’t a waste, maybe they really were worth saving. Maybe he was worth saving.
Sans hadn’t realised he’d begun crying until the children crowded around him, all of them taking out whatever food items they had stashed in their inventories, and pressing them into his hands. More cookies, a bunch of condiments packets, primarily ketchup, lots of monster candy, a few cinnamon bunnies, a couple packets of popato chisps, several human sweets, and even half a bar of chocolate courtesy of Calibri. Sans felt overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity, more grateful than he could express at such selfless kindness. His tears falling harder than ever, he gathered all of the children into his arms as best as he could manage, and hugged them tightly to his ribs, surrendering himself to the fierce warmth that flowed from his soul to every bone in his body.
His was a harsh and cruel world he lived in, but even in the darkest of nights, there was light to be found, and Sans had just found many, little lights. Holding them all close to his soul, he vowed that, no matter what else the future threw at him, he would hang onto the hope they’d inspired in him.
I’ve mentioned this in other fics, but I absolutely love the Horrortale comic, and canon Horror Sans in particular. Seriously, parts 121, 122 and 123 of the comic completely solidified my opinion that this is one of the best AUs in the entire fandom. There’s something incredibly gripping about seeing a beloved character fall so far, in a believable way, while knowing that he’s made mistakes and feeling guilty over them. It makes me want to see him rise back up and make up for his misdeeds, learning to love and forgive himself along the way. I always love a good redemption story.
I originally planned to include the parents’ section, but it wouldn’t have added much more than what’s already here, and would mostly repeat what the kids had already told Horror and what he’d learned from them, so I left it out. Besides, I think this ending is much more powerful.
I don't anticipate any future chapters being this serious and feels-heavy, since Horrortale is such a dark and depressing AU, so hopefully I can go back to more light-hearted chapters in the future (although they probably won't be as goofy as the previous one, Noot's just special).
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queenmuzz · 3 years
Hey Muzz, I'm wondering do you have fic authors recommendation list?
Oh god! I just realized that I missed this ask! I'M SO SORRY! Ahem, here is a list of writers I quite admire. No doubt you'll know most of them, but it's nice to see them all. TehRevving For when you want good quality smut. Mostly Dante, but when she's forced to, she writes excellent Vergil smut too. Please check out her Ignis stuff as well. And now she's become a Heisenhoe, so the RE fandom is about to get hit hard..... Synchron There's a reason her 'Devil's pact' is in the top 5 kudo'd stories in DMC Ao3. That woman could make a eunuch horny. But wait, there's more! Just when you think you are gonna read another steamy story. BAM! She hits you with feels. Lachesissora Speaking of feels.... Do you want fluff? Do you want to cry your eyes out? Do you want to smack both Sparda brothers over the head and tell them to get along? Then look no further than this writer, who can rip my heart out, stomp on it, and I'd thank her. But I get the last laugh! For she has now been corrupted, and writes really good smut... Virberos This writer's imagination is frankly frightening. Go on an epic journey with her OC, Cassandra, and adventure through AU after AU, each story lovingly crafted to perfection.
Astral_Space_Dragon Be careful with this one. You mention an idea or a funny/sad headcanon within earshot of her, and next thing you know, BOOM! She's created a one shot guaranteed to make you go 'aww' or 'waaaah' or 'bahahah' or your money back! She also has her own OC, Rosemary, so check her out!
RubixaSereph Generally, you get a choice when it comes to a writer: Quantity, or Quality. Somehow, this writer does both. And to top it all off, she's an excellent artist! Some people get to swim in the deep end of the talent pool. There's so many more that I could list... I'll work on a second version of the list.
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yandere-daze · 3 years
HIII!! OMG i just want to say that U R SO TALENTED AT WRITING 🤩🤩🤩!!! like i found ur acc when i read the "ritsu comforting s/o because they didn't get his 5*" back then and WHEN I TELL U IT MADE ME <(///UWU///)> then yesterday was leo's bday and i didn't get him at all T _ T it suddenly reminded me of ur work and tried to find u and when i scrolled past the same scenario but with tsukasa ... I JUST TEARED UP AT HOW SWEET TSUKASA IS TOWARDS HIS S/O- I JUST WANT TO SQUISH HIS CHEEKS 👌👌😤❤ that said, it made me wondered if ur requests are open and it is!! hopefully... if not u can ignore this request 🙇‍♀️ but if it is, can i request something similar to that scenario but with leo? TYSM!! 🥺💕
AHHHHH first of all thank you so much for all of the compliments it really made my night and like dnsjkbdfkBD YOU´RE SO SWEET 😭 😭 💕 Like literally this might have been one of the loveliest comments I have ever gotten and it make me so giddy and ahhh absbsb
And of course you may request! I feel at this point there´s going to be a post like this for every enstars character but I don´t mind, they´re fun to write fajlbfal I also did one pull for Leo but didn´t get him either :/
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Leo comforting his s/o that didn´t get his 5 star card
The scene of the crime: The music room
The victim´s condition : critical
Cause of almost-death : a broken heart
You could practically feel your eyes welling up with tears as you sat in the corner with your phone in hand, your heart broken and all of your dias spent.
You played ensemble stars pretty casually to support some of your friends there and pull for their cards. You were having plenty of fun, until this one fateful day.
When you woke up and checked the game to see if there was anything new, you were greeted with the announcement that your boyfriend was going to get his own 5 star gacha card. Of course upon seeing that you made it your own personal mission to bring him home, I mean how could you not want to? You had saved up a pretty big stack of dias because you rarely ever used them so surely that should be enough to bring Leo home, right?
Well evidently it was not enough and you felt crushed. You had done so many pulls but you just couldn't get the card. You heard a quiet sob escape your mouth and you quickly tried to surpress it but it was already too late
Leo had been sitting on the floor right across from you as he was excitedly scribbling music notes and lyrics all over the floor. It seems like he had once again ran out of paper. He had seemed so utterly focused on his own work that it surprised you to see him immediately lift his head when he heard the sob escape your mouth
The excited smile on his face quickly faded when he saw how distraught you looked, he nearly felt his own heart break as well to see you so sad.
Dropping his pen, Leo jumped up from where he was sitting and ran straight towards you with his arms outstretched before laying his head on your lap while tightly wrapping his arms around your waist in a hug
"Waaaah y/n what's wrong, what's wrong?! Are you crying? You can't be! Please don't be sad!! I'm a genius composer but I still need my muse to write my masterpieces!! I can't do it without you wahhh!"
Leo affectionately rubs his cheek against you as he clings onto you even tighter then before, refusing to let go of you as long as he still drew breath. You looked sad so he was just being a good boyfriend, okay? Giving you lots and lots of affection seemed like the ideal way to comfort you in his eyes. If he just showered you in his love you would be fine! He does want to know what's made you so sad tho so he can properly help you. And when you tell him what happened, a bit embarrassed, he quickly clutches your phone in his own hands and starts yelling at it
"You stupid game, how dare you make my soulmate so sad?! My one and only love and inspiration!! The god's from the heavens above will smite you down for interfering with my composing like that, just you watch wahahah!! You will regret the day you messed with y/n! "
You couldn't help but smile a bit from how angry Leo seemed to be at your phone. He most likely realized that your phone had in fact not decided to conspire against you, he was very intelligent in his own way after all. Rather he was purposefully trying to cheer you up with his rant, a task in which he expertly succeeded in
Trying to draw his attention, you gently combed your fingers through his hair which made him shift his attention back to you. A brilliant grin stretched across his face when he saw your little smile directed at him
"Ahh you stopped crying y/n! Don't you worry, your knight will protect you from the clutches of this evil device wahaha! This is just an alien trying to trick you by impersonating me but I would never fall for a trick like that! See, see you have the real deal right in front of you, isn't that great? "
You felt inclined to agree, happy that your boyfriend was trying his best to comfort you even though he had looked so focused on composing before. Thinking about it now, you felt a little guilty about stopping his creative process for something that was admittedly rather silly looking back on it
As if he had read your mind, Leo hesitantly got up to snatch one of the many papers scattered across the floor before hurrying back to lay on your lap once more
"I know just what will cheer you up, look and marvel at my masterpiece! The gods of music have once again blessed me with their vision, this is one of the greatest ones yet! I wrote this one just for you, so listen closely so you don't miss anything!!"
After that, Leo started singing loudly, his voice echoing inside the walls of the music room as he essentially serenaded you. Listening to his words, you found that he had indeed written the song for you. It was all about how much he loved and appreciated you, how you were his sparkling muse that brought him joy to no end. How he wanted to always wake up next to you and give you (many) good-night kisses whenever you went to bed
He was looking directly into your eyes while he was singing and when he finished he pressed a soft kiss onto your lips, savoring the moment. Because no matter how long you two have been together, he still feels a spark within him whenever he looked at you and he would be forever there for you when you needed him
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btssavedmylifeblr · 3 years
Waaaah please don’t apologize for not writing as much when you gave birth to and are taking care of a tiny human!! Babies are *exhausting*, especially when they don’t wanna sleep. My 1.5 year old nephew, who I love with all of my heart, would turn into a screaming demon baby if you even started to bring out his pajamas. My sister is WFH (and has been since March 2020), and her “work days” the first year of his life would be basically 6 am to about 10 pm because she had to stop and start the workload throughout the day - as she was taking care of her baby *while working*.
So please PLEASE give yourself more credit for even getting anything written down. Even if it’s just a sentence here or there! The “weird space erotica Namjoon snuck aboard” sounds goddamn insane in the best way possible, and I have plenty of time to wait for whenever YOU decide to release something new. In the meantime there is plenty of stories and chapters to read (and re-read) in your master list. Anyone who gives you crap about not posting should have to babysit a moody, teething toddler for a full day.
Aww, thank you my dear! Don’t worry! The only person giving me crap about not posting is me! Haha
I totally understand that work from home plus newborn baby life. I definitely nursed a baby on a zoom call or two in my day, haha.
I think I have finally found a writing routine that works for both me and bumblebee, so hopefully that will help, at least for a little while.
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yakocchi · 4 years
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Becoming a Family With Him, Part 3 // Shuichi, Hikaru, Rhion, Luke, Eisuke
so this came out, as further celebration for the anni. VERY GOOD, much more appreciated than the prior story set lol that one was kind of boring but i get it
they made the kids for all the... kid-less ones, and the eisuke one that used to be VIP-exclusive is now here for everyone to buy (rip those ppl who gacha for it)
my rambling behind the cut (spoilers!!)
shuichi // as ud expect, shuichi has a literal hime ass looking girl (kikyo) for a daughter. she’s only 6, but is pretty calm and ladylike. She even calls her parents with –sama so... ok luckily shuichi does not strip down all the way in the presence of her daughter and only takes off his suit coat. thanks dad
anyway since shuichi has a break coming up, he wants to have a family trip how nice. but then the dang girl wants to go over to see eisuke WHAT when soryu exists and lives a block away? unrelatable, im closing the app anyway eisuke is her first love, which wtf he’s like 20 yrs older than u. even worse, mc says she’s been in love since she was like 3.
shuichi is reconsidering the benefits of democracy in his mind but eventually relents. but then they’re still following the fucc-days rule they set years ago. well, as he says in the story, RULES ARE RULES
blah blah i don’t want to go over everything bc then it’ll be boring reading the story when it comes out in engl right? also im tired bc it’s 1 am and i just want to play toontown in bed but nothing really bad happens. they are a v cute family bc shuichi is a pleasant and mature dad. kikyo and mc even do a little surprise for him at the end and it is very sweet. i feel like out of all the families, this is the most ideal
mad hatter // so they have twin sons named Rui and Kai. Rui is the childlike one that resembles Rhion in personality, Kai is the more mature one that resembles Al. man i forget that boy’s name but u get me i know they only can use stock bgs but it’s killing me that these dang kids get to sleep in what looks like separate king sized beds.
even though rhion is now a father of two, he still acts like... 10. i mean he still horni but it makes me feel weird
later it’s revealed that Ota teaches them both as an art tutor bc they both showed an interest in art. this is cute bc ota is bad with kids in this universe LOL
the ending on this one was weird cuz the kids didn’t show up in the entirety of the last ep bc it was about WORK. so uh... interesting
hikaru // so their son is named akari. haha get it because it means light. like how hikaru also means light. can mc name her kids unrelated to their father or is that against the Geneva convention
this kid actually acts like an actual little boy. like what hikaru would’ve probably turned into if not for the whole sad backstory. the story starts with akari just bringing a dog randomly home one day. he actually saved the dog (it is very cute bc he did not want the dog to cry), and then after a talk they decide to keep the dog as long as akari knows the responsibility of taking care of an animal.
so next day, the bidders come over to their house and everyone’s like woaw a dog. lol they come into their house as guests and eisuke and mamo still demand for beverages, they all suck
akari names the dog... “Light” (Raito) and i want out of this nightmare. Naturally bc Light is an abandoned dog it’s still kind of bad with interacting with things. But then Light suddenly be giving the ( ╹ਊ╹) to soryu bc remember, animals love him. everyone clowns on soryu for being an unintentional dog whisperer and then akari is like “soryu san pls make me ur apprentice” and he gives some advice like approaching it slowly, and talking to it from the front instead of back.
blah blah there’s a situation where Light goes YEET after a Doberman gets all angry and then hides bc then another dog is scaring it. hikaru swoops in to the save the day as the Real Dog Whisperer. ok it’s cute when hikaru actually gets to look cool  for once LOL
luke // luke is cute on the bc “pre-story” scene he’s actually pretty open to the idea of having kids; he actually goes “well imo we should think abt it pretty soon, but i wanted to hear ur opinion on it” but then he gets horni. and then he’s like “our kids are going to have your collarbones. awesomeee im looking forward to that” ....ok
ok cut to the actual story and they’re in Japan. Luke’s kid looks... strange versus the others. why are his eyes so big? omg voltage his eyes arent going to be saucers just cuz he half white also the kid’s name is Yuri (Or Urey). They couldn’t think of any other Brit-styled names? Like Harry? Henry? William? Wilfred? hey stan be my princess btw he’s pretty cute, though he gives serious “timid kid that gets bullied in the children’s movie” vibes. He calls Luke “daddy” and mc “mammy/mommy”.
so luke talks about his relationship w/ soryu and eisuke and then yuri is like “i want friends like that” wow cute but also find less ethically-complicated friends
so luke lets yuri meet a young patient of his (haru) so they can be friends. they get along so it’s good. haru gets in critical condition later so luke zooms outta there to do the operation.
LOL but at the end yuri is like, “i want to make more friends. (...) can i go to the bidder’s room from now on?” this boy works fast
And then he’s like “Eisuke-san... please be my friend.” HIS POWER. even eisuke was like :O so then eisuke orders a whole bunch of food and books up to the penthouse. But then yuri’s like “...i like eisuke’s eyes” and everyone’s like oh man that’s gonna be his fetish
Baba: why have u started to have an interest in eyes Yuri: I read it from one of daddy’s medical books Hikaru: wtf u can read that at 4??? (...) Soryu: wat Yuri: um... i want soryu to be my friend too Yuri: bc soryu’s eyes are also powerfully cool...
eisuke // ok this gets an extended ramble bc the more annoying the story the longer i must complain
so you might be thinking, “oh so this is gonna be a flashback in some in media res styled story with your 2 kids, u know in the style of the others” and well, no you just go straight to white screen into the flashback, back when eito was smaller and thus a little more cute. well it’s not really false advertising bc they did say “reminisce” in the description. but i wanted to see eito be a good big brother for a moment! or... less good? man i wanted to see kaito go waaaah like a baby idk i wanted to see him exist
so back to the story they cut to small eito. even as a smaller punk he does fight with his dad a little, just w/ a more narrow vocabulary to work with. tho at this point he’s still pretty sweet so clearly eisuke clowning him day and night was a negative effect on his development. (doesn’t treat his child like a child) (child grows up to a punk that doesn’t respect him) (surprised pikachu) being the son of a billionaire means that this child has to go study at a very young age and listen to MOZART. no child of eisuke ichinomiya will be listening to degenerate bops like lee taemin’s criminal next day they all go to the very fancy school that eito will be attending. eisuke does a speech, but then eito is all like “why is papa over there all the time” in reference to how all the other parents in attendance are having fun with their children, but eisuke is busy talking to other people for business and connections etc. etc. mc kind of has a hard time trying to explain it to eito bc... it’s honestly poor parenting... eiji shows up after arriving late, and he’s like “gramps is gonna be with ya today! instead of papa” which is cute but then she’s like psst thanks for coming and im like oh... so grandpa just didn’t randomly come to the open house for fun he’s just gonna be surrogate dad while real dad is busy... aw... and then at the end eito’s like FUC THIS KINDERGARTEN. eisuke is like “(smh) don’t yell in public. (despite everything) you are still the eldest son of the Ichinomiya family”
and so afterwards it’s clear that eito does not want anything to do with this school. he just sits in the classroom until mc is there to pick him up instead of playing in the courtyard or w/e, wanting nothing to do with the other kids.
so later there’s a hiking trip for the students and both of their parents, and mc asks eisuke if he’ll be available for it. eisuke is like, “i have a business trip that day, so I’ll have to adjust my schedule” and he’s been very busy in the opening of a new business or w/e. mc tells him to not do so much for something like that and that it’s ok if she goes alone with eito on the trip.
it’s the day of the trip, and mc goes alone with eito. she notes that a lot of dads did indeed come along for the trip. she apologizes to eito and says that she did talk to eisuke about the trip before, but he’s simply busy for this day. and im like... but girl, you were the one who told him not to change his schedule for the trip. yes a trip may seem less important than business ventures, but don’t make it sound like you weren’t the one who stopped him. lol. idk why im pressed abt this single line of dialogue bc later she does realize she fucced up there well eito is just like w/e about it and has pretty much accepted that sort of thing
anyway eito goes missing later and one of the kids said that he told eito that his dad (eisuke) didn’t come bc his dad thinks that his work is more important than his son. so eito got mad and ran off somewhere
and then mc finally gets the lightbulb moment that eito... wants to see his dad!! he ran off to go try to see him somehow??? !! wow so sweet
it’s raining like a mf but then in her search for eito eisuke randomly pops out of nowhere. He’s like “ho i did not remember saying that i wasn’t coming” and she’s like “im sorrryyy” and both me and him are like “just find the dang kid”
ok yea they find eito, he starts being a good student, and u start to see where he starts being antagonistic towards his dad LOL etc. etc. lol this story annoyed me so i don’t feel like doing the rest of the play by play orz
anyway thanks for reading my garbage LOL
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inkykeiji · 3 years
For so long I've been thinking of sending this message. So if you get this, I've managed to win my battle with my (irrational) thoughts.
Just wanted to say that from moment you said therapy was going to hit hard, you've been on my mind constantly and I've been worrying about you. Though there isn't much I can do. Especially not across an ocean.
I've been on the same road (more or less) and it was hard. Especially with my little guy walking around as well. It was thanks to him that I did it all. Without me he would have to go to his father. Not that we are bad terms, on the contrary. I just don't like how his girlfriend treats my little one. Anyways I finished therapy 2 years ago next month, after nearly 3 years of therapy.
Anyways I hope things are getting better and if you want to talk you can send me a dm. Just look for 2 flowers in your followers 😉.
In the mean time stay strong and remember I/we love you. And I will continue to read and reread your fics as they have me 'obsessed' with Touya-nii at the moment. -🦒
AH hello my sweet friend <33
tw: mental illness talk below the cut
first off, let me say i am incredibly happy you decided to send this ask!!!!! it's lovely and i appreciate it so, so, SO much <33
waaaah this made me tear up (in a good way!)!!! oh sweetpea, please do not worry about me!!! i'm going to be okay!! i've been in and out of therapy since i was 13 years old, so this definitely isn't my first rodeo hahaha
your compassion and care spans the ocean my precious friend; i can feel your sincerity and it means more than words can tell you, so thank you very much!! <33
wow, that's incredible to hear!!! i'm so proud of you!!! <333 i will most likely need to be in psychotherapy for the rest of my life. i'm not at all upset about this, it's just another thing to add to my treatment plan/coping methods; i'm already on meds and i'm trying to (if possible) keep myself from being put on more by having a very well-rounded treatment plan...we will see how it goes in the near future and adjust accordingly!! it's all still very trial and error but that's okay, i'll get it eventually <3
oh, thank you for that, that's so so nice <33 i shall keep trying to stay strong!!! i love you so much!! i hope you enjoy the re-reads hehehe and i hope you and the lil guy are both doing wonderful <33 sending you both so much health and happiness!
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Why do you think TROS sucked so hard? What was the creative process behind this dreck?
Honestly? It’s hard to tell. Obviously the production was a huge mess, and I don’t know what was going on in JJ Abrams’ head (because the movie is bad even by JJ standards). Well, I understand the themes they were going for, but not only those themes are tone-deaf af, but also, Lucasfilm has proven time and time again they suck at reading their audience, either because they’re incompetent, either because they really don’t care. 
And sure, by all means, tell the story you want to tell, but retconning the previous movie is not it, and TROS makes it very obvious they tried catering to a specific audience while throwing bones at other demographics in the hopes they won’t notice. 
Chris Terrio’s case is pretty simple: he’s an academic, but like quite a few academics I’ve met, he’s the type of guy who is pretentious to the point his ideas become very abstract and... almost inhuman if you put it in an optimistic type of story like SW is (like, this isn’t Requiem for a Dream ffs). They’re so caught up in the abstract they don’t realize their ideas will look godawful in execution. For instance, I get the train of thought and the intentions behind “SAVE MARTHAAAAAAA”. But it’s the kind of idea that sounds good at first but when you say it outloud, it sounds massively stupid all of a sudden, ya know? (Like 95% of what comes out of my mouth because I have anxiety, Martha) 
As for JJ... he can’t even hide himself behind the excuse of “RIAN MADE THINGS SO HARD FOR ME WAAAAH”, for the following reasons: 
He was an executive producer for TLJ and if he hated it that much, he was in a position to put his foot down and say no. He didn’t. 
If it boiled down to him being butthurt that Rian didn’t follow his outline, he was once again in a position to tell Rian to follow it. But knowing how JJ is bad at continuing stories and finishing them, well, his outline probably sucked anyway - especially that he admitted himself he had no fucking clue how or why Luke ended up on Ahch-To and he left that to Rian to figure it out. Classy. REAL classy. 
 Rian wrote the script to TLJ while TFA was being filmed, and it was script-doctored by Carrie (who has a very solid resume behind her, mind you). Again, JJ was in a position to tell Rian “NOPE”. Again, he said nothing. 
And I mean, I guess it’s entirely possible JJ didn’t do it at the time because he thought he was going to be done with SW anyway, but even then... retconning your colleague’s movie, and putting the blame on said colleague, WHEN YOU WERE A PRODUCER FOR THAT FILM, makes you look like a fucking moron. 
Another thing is that pre-production for IX (Colin Trevorrow’s version) had probably started when Trevorrow got fired and they brought JJ back. So my guess is that to avoid extra costs and lost sets/props, JJ and Terrio had to re-use the planets and settings Trevorrow had in his script. Except they’re both unimaginative af and the basic outline is overall pretty similar - the Luke and Leia worship in TROS probably comes from Trevorrow, since a Redditor leaked stuff about Trevorrow’s script that add up to what we know (it’s a fanboy site mentioning the Redditor, I know, you have no clue how long I looked for it lol).
Otherwise, shit is going to leak at some point - I’m sure there are plenty of disgruntled employees out there. It’s just a matter of time.  
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cs-discourse · 4 years
re: @|loser anon. i couldn't give less of a shit what nationality they are and what they have. they are obviously doing it on purpose and i think it's annoying to look at. "boohoo i'm autistic so don't bully me" what is the world turning into. god.
“Boohoo I’m getting mad at someone for something they can’t control because it hurts my widdle baby ableist brain to read their slightly mispelled easily readable posts waaaah” - this anon
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yasuda-yoshiya · 5 years
Sorry I haven’t been around here much lately! The last few weeks (/months, really) have been rough for me, but I’m feeling a bit better at least for now. For now I’ll just drop some overdue thoughts here on some of the things I’ve been watching since I finished Utena:
Princess Tutu
I found Tutu to be a really sweet and charming show with a ton of heart, but I'm also sad to say that I don't think watching it straight after Utena did it any favours for me. Utena portrayed the same kinds of themes around breaking out of predefined narratives in a way that personally hit home for me a lot harder, so Tutu ended up feeling a bit like a watered down version of the same ideas to me... Which is a shame because I do still think it's a really cool show with a lot to like about it! It's visually and aesthetically gorgeous, I adore its whole cosy meta-fairytale atmosphere and the ballet theme and the whole general feel of the show a lot - it just didn't end up leaving that much of a lasting impression on me in the end. I may well come back and revisit it some day, because I feel like I'd probably get more out of it coming in with a clearer idea of what to expect and without Utena's shadow unfairly hanging over it.
For the characters, I loved Ahiru and Fakir! They were both so endearingly earnest and I really liked the respective directions they ended up taking both of their character arcs and their relationship (Fakir passionately rewriting the story to be about Ahiru's bravery and courage at the end made me cry so hard! That's like, the exact kind of individual heartfelt expression of love that hits straight to my heart when it comes to fictional couples, waaaah...)
Mytho and Rue were a bit harder to connect with for me; I felt like I couldn't really get invested in Rue's feelings for Mytho for the most of the show since the backstory around them wasn't revealed until the very end. (I did like Ahiru and Rue's relationship quite a bit, though! That sort of feeling of the narrative artificially pushing them into being enemies when they really could have helped each other as friends was well done.) On Mytho's end I just never clicked at all with the whole raven blood subplot that seemed to dominate his character in the second season, unfortunately. I couldn't make it meaningfully connect for me, even though I had quite liked him as a character in the first half of the series (even in just my generic "hnng cute boys struggling with the idea of having feelings" way). I'd be interested to see on a rewatch whether those two would work better for me having a better idea of where their trajectory was going from the start, since I felt like I didn't really "get" what they were going for with their relationship or how I was supposed to be reading them until the very end (I'm slow okay).
Steven Universe
What an absolutely lovely series! I've been wanting to check this out for a long time, and I'm glad I finally got the chance because it really is excellent. I totally fell in love with the whole Crystal Gem family, and the balance between them all having their own personal issues to deal with while still being able to draw love and support from each other was done really well. I really loved the handling of Steven's PoV in the first couple of the series especially for how they handled his growth around coming to understand that his parental figures are really flawed people who have a lot of baggage to deal with, but also without framing their personal problems or their relationships with each other as being at all within either his power or responsibility to "fix". Instead, his moments of growth are more about more consciously registering the burdens they're under and making those little gestures to ease them wherever he can, like consciously showing appreciation for their parenting efforts with the test, or giving Amethyst more time to vent things out with her friend when she's stressed out instead of asking her to take him home right away. Likewise, on the gems' end, we really get the sense that e.g. Pearl's love for Steven is real and valuable and "saves" her in a very real sense, but also that it's not going to ever fully erase her depression or her grief over losing the life she had with Rose before and that that's okay.
I would say as the show went on, it felt like it lost some of the grounded and occasionally harsh nature that originally drew me to it - the first couple of seasons felt like they had a sort of constant legitimate tension in the background with the gems trying hard to keep things together in a hard situation in a way that still obviously had its cracks in it, and a sort of acknowledgment that "maybe not everything will be okay, but there's still a lot of good in the world and in our relationships that's worth living for", which I appreciated. Whereas I felt like they moved a bit more towards unambiguously positive resolutions as the show went on, with a bit less of that willingness to leave things "unresolved". (Of course the show still has a lot of those moments, like the reveal of Rose's past in particular, but even then I wished that the fallout from the reveal and its lasting impact on the gems was given more time and weight than it was.) That feeling culminated for me in the finale of series 5 and the way the plot with the diamonds was resolved, where it felt like the show pretty much parted ways with reality entirely and fully embraced a kind of ideal fantasy positivity.
But I don't think that's necessarily a totally bad thing, either - it's still a very genuine and heartfelt kind of positivity that can be hard to find in narratives as unapologetically queer as SU is (especially in media targeted at young kids!) and I'm sure a lot of people really need that gap filled in their lives, so I can't really bring myself to resent it overall. The characters remain as endearing and lovable as ever, the show still made me smile from beginning to end, and all in all I have nothing but great appreciation for all the important ground it's willing to tread as a kids' show touching on a lot of extremely relevant contemporary issues in a positive and responsible way. It honestly makes me feel really happy and hopeful to think of kids getting to grow up with a show like this! So while I might personally have ended up resonating more with the show if they'd taken a different direction, I feel like I still have a lot of respect and understanding for the route they did end up taking, too, and I'm glad to have experienced it.
Mob Psycho 100
I thought this was a very cool and interesting show! As "deconstructing shounen tropes" series go, I feel like this one successfully hits a unique sort of sweetspot for me in the way that, rather than brutally tearing apart shounen conventions out from the roots (which is also something I can enjoy a lot when it's done well!), it's instead focusing on taking a lot of the genuinely positive ideas that draw people to shounen - the ability to overcome adversity through personal growth and "the power of bonds/friendship", positivity in the face of despair, and so on - and re-examining them through a more grounded context that asks "Okay, but what does that actually look like in the real world?" Because, you know, it definitely DOESN'T look like people with magical god-given superpowers blasting through everything that challenges them with the sheer force of their specialness and their pre-assigned role as the "main character", right?
So I was really impressed by Mob as a series for not only being so thorough about deconstructing that (to the point that the voice encouraging Mob to use his powers more and be a super special hero is an outright "devil on the hero's shoulder" kind of character!), but also for going that extra step to examining what real positive growth actually DOES look like. I felt like the series did a remarkably insightful job overall (especially in the second series) of sort of gently but firmly differentiating "real growth" from "shounen growth" in that sense. I really loved those little touches like the Emi episode, where the viewer is effectively led to expect a moral about how "people will like you more if you act more genuine and be yourself!" - but then the show very deliberately switches gears to the idea that trying to be more genuine is already worthwhile in and of itself, just because you're living in the world with a more conscious awareness of what's important to you and standing up for the things you care about, and how that authentic way of living can inspire other people and have a positive impact on them too.
And similarly, I absolutely love Mob and Reigen's weird, messy, problematic relationship being the emotional centrepiece of the series, because it's the exact opposite of the kind of friendship you'd expect to be centred in a "POWER OF BONDS!!" themed show, but that's also why it just... really really works! It's such a humble and near-accidental and flawed and limited connection, and I love that Reigen is also allowed to impact Mob in negative ways and have selfish motivations and be unambiguously portrayed as a genuinely pathetic and terrible person and a bad influence on him too, and that the show doesn't remotely shy away from that - and yet somehow it still absolutely shines through that both of them would be worse off without each other, that the "power of their bond" really has changed them both for the better as people. Not through any incredible magic connection, but just through those little moments where they save each other through things like Reigen telling Mob "It's okay to run away", or Mob telling Reigen "You're a good guy".
Because the show is so upfront about the limitations of their "bond", it really does make the emphasis on its positive impact and how fortunate the two of them are to have been influenced by each other really work and have value, I think - because it comes across as that kind of approachable, recognisable "miracle" that really can and does happen in people's daily lives. It doesn’t claim to be a perfect friendship, or to have the capability to fix all their individual problems just by existing, but it does still come across loud and clear that they’ve been a genuinely positive force in each other’s lives. I definitely came away from it with a greater appreciation for those little chance encounters and humble relationships that have helped me and shaped me as a person! On the whole, I'm sure the show isn't for everyone, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone who enjoys shounen as a genre at all, because I feel that it really works as a remarkably critical and self-aware yet loving celebration of the spirit behind those kinds of stories.
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retphienix · 6 years
Hi there! Long time reader of your liveblogs, great stuff! (Apologies if the Submit box isn’t a good way to message you, I’m not a tumblr veteran.) I just re-read your Fallout: New Vegas liveblog, though, and had some thoughts about your intense hatred of Ulysses. Now, I 100% get your frustrations with the character, especially compared to the more colorful, less lecture-y characters elsewhere in the game and DLCs. But there was one element where I thought an alternate viewpoint might help you, if not *like* the character, at least make peace with his existence in the game. You mentioned hating the way he was a sort of embodiment of taking player choice away. The comments on how the Divide was the Courier’s “home”, the insistence that this is all the Courier’s fault, etc. Taken at face value, I agree, that’d be an annoying thing for the writers of The Lonesome Road to do. But I never interpreted it that way. Instead, I always saw Ulysses as a madman. An articulate, high-functioning madman, one who can even make a convincing point here and there, but a madman nonetheless, utterly broken by years of trauma (much of it self-inficted) and a desire to find purpose and meaning in *everything*, meaning that was usually completely and utterly absent. It began when his tribe was wiped out by the Legion. It was an act of utterly pointless brutality, but that was something that Mr. Symbols Are Important couldn’t wrap his mind around. So instead, he convinced himself that his tribe was destroyed because they deserved it, convinced himself to serve the self-absorbed history-fanboy dictator responsible, because otherwise he would have to accept the meaninglessness of it all. His madness went into overdrive when a simple delivery resulted in the nuclear destruction of his *latest* home. His mind had to find a culprit (you) for the destruction, as well as a Greater Purpose for it all. If I recall correctly, there’s even a choice in the dialogue to say “What? I’ve never been here. You’ve got the wrong guy.” or something to that effect, which Ulysses dismisses. Not because he *actually* knows better than the player, but because in his mind, you simply *must* be here for a reason, you *must* be the one who caused all this, if you’re the wrong person then what was all this for? And yes, he keeps lecturing you for the destruction the Courier causes as you pursue him, but again, I saw that not as the narrative saying “LOOK WHAT YOU DID, PLAYER”, but as yet another sign that this man is obsessed with proving to himself that you’re every bit the avatar of destruction that he’s come to view you as. He’s blind to the fact that *he’s* the one who chose to call out to you and taunt you into following him, because it doesn’t fit the grand tale he tells himself to assure himself that everything still makes sense. My memory’s fuzzy here, but I vaguely recall that the only ways to beat Ulysses without fighting or using a Speech check involve shattering Ulysses’s own narrative. (The Speech check is more about playing into his narrative/philosophy, which I suppose is fitting.) Either you point out the fact that ED-E’s recordings, point of origin, and destination suggest that there’s more “America” out there than than Ulysses realized (rendering his “WAAAAH YOU KILLED A NATION SO NOW I’M GONNA DO THAT TOO” rhetoric utterly hollow), or you use his logs to point out that for all his pontification and self-righteousness, his philosophy is just as fruitless and self-destructive as the many broken philosophies he encountered and dismissed in his many journeys (the Think Tank, the Brotherhood, the White Legs, etc.). You even echo his own “Who are you, that do not know your history?” back at him - the same line he used against a batch of insane brain-robots who were *literally* stuck in a feedback loop, unable to to see beyond their own petty obsessions. Sound like anyone you know, Ulysses? I’ve rambled on enough, so I’m going to end on the observation that most amused me while I was re-reading your liveblog. As Ulysses came up again and again, even in segments that barely featured him, it occurred to me that he had more or less become the focal point of your problems with the game. His buggy faction-recognition was emblematic of your complaints on the faction system, his DLC’s lack of glitz and glamour echoed your problems with the setting’s aesthetic, and his dialogue seemed to embody all your least favorite aspects of the game’s writing. In other words, you came to perceive him as a perfect Symbol of what’s wrong with Fallout: New Vegas. You came to hate him, and the Flag he bore.   How… Ulysses-ish of you. :)
I enjoy a good read on fallout so why not :P
Seriously! Like, I’ll tell you right now I don’t expect your argument for Ulysses to change much of my mind- but you’ve already instilled a sense of potential that I never saw. IF YOU WROTE HIM, HE MIGHT HAVE BEEN SO MUCH BETTER IN MY EYES, I love the interpretation of him being an articulate madman. I really appreciate you sharing that.
Ulysses IS my symbol for what’s wrong with New Vegas, and that goes beyond how I articulated in my liveblog. For years before this replay of NV I would complain about the game and call it a terrible pile of trash (an opinion I’ve grown to understand was because I only recalled the worst parts of NV- My opinion is more gray and more based on “It’s good but has problems” now)- I digress. I complained about the game for years and EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. In my head the only thing I could think of was Ulysses. The self insert from one of the worst writers in this game, whom shows up in the narrative constantly as a pointless background character just to steal agency from the player- whom got a dlc all to himself just to preach and talk down to you in a “Writer vs player” sort of way, whom based his morals on a corrupt and crappy faction system that didn’t even align with his morals because the factions are written kinda poorly.
I honest to god, have used him as my symbol for what’s wrong with NV for years BEFORE writing the liveblog. I mean I stand by that- but I’m screaming that you’re 100% right lol.
Darn, I feel so much better having read this. Thank you for sharing, seriously! Because your interpretation is miles better than what I see in the game, and I honestly can’t really credit your interpretation as my new interpretation BUT I can credit it as how I wish he was written. Basically you were able to pull out such an interesting narrative that I think is only really there if you try to pull it out. And I don’t say that negatively, that’s the rule of interpretation- you see what you see.
What I mean is, I desperately wish the writers were more at the speed you seem to be, because my god I feel like you’ve just revealed miles of potential that I don’t think they really tackled effectively. Also I feel like if you’ve got that head on your shoulders, maybe some other flaws would have been a touch better as well. But darn man. Thank you for sharing this- it gave plenty to think about and it really did make me feel like more potential existed than I assumed.
Now, to be honest and mean, that’s kind of a bad thing because it means I now think Ulysses ‘could have been’ better but they screwed it up, and wasted potential is arguably worse than no potential- BUT, in this case I’ll say it’s good thing. Because I really have done like a decade or something like that feeling like he had no potential and existed purely as a negative void of good content- but now I can see a glimmer of light. I like that.
Thank you for sharing, and thank you for that god like semi-roast of calling me out I REALLY dig knowing that. I’ve done it for years and never realized! Thank you :D
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praydastles · 7 years
Title: Brother Bear  Fandom: Monsta X Member: Shownu/Hyunwoo Genre/Warning: FLUFF! MonstaX!withkids Summary/Request: Hyunwoo has a promise to fulfil!  A/N: Inspired by these photo’s of an ultimate cutie x x YES I AM SCREAMING also, I know he’s not dressed as a teddy bear, but he’s my giant teddy bear, my cutie aw! Also, happy late birthday baby, I was meant to get this out on your birthday but I’m a poop :( Word Count: 2746
The weather was relatively warm, but with the bear costume Hyunwoo felt stifled. He stared blankly in the mirror at himself while Hoseok and Kihyun took turns taking pictures of him from all angles, mockingly laughing at their friend. He really wished he never told them, but he needed help buttoning it up… and to stand up again. He just prayed he wouldn’t fall over, God know’s how long he would be stuck.
Hyunwoo’s phone repeatedly went off and he just knew that it was the boys sending the pictures in their group chat for the others to see.
“I’m going.” Hyunwoo simply said slipping on his shoes and grabbing the gift bag he left by the front door.
“Wait!” He blinked slowly in surprise when the flash went off in his face and heard a little oops followed by giggles at the latest picture. “HE IS A REAL LIFE TEDDY BEAR SO FRICKING CUTE!” Hoseok yelled when he saw the results of his picture. A blank faced small eyed Hyunwoo with a circled face peaking through the bear mask pulled over his head. He really was adorable.
Hyunwoo turned and walked out, not saying anything else as he made his way out of the apartment block and down the street. He didn’t care about the stares he got. Why can’t a grown arse man wear a bear costume in public? he thought, fiddling with the bear gloves that didn’t feel right on his fingers.
It was easy to tell where the birthday party was being held. Balloons were attached to the door as well as a big banner reading “HAPPY 8TH BIRTHDAY” hung from the windows on the upper level.
He knocked once, then twice and was about to a third time when the door was opened. A short haired middle aged woman carried a toddler on her hip and distractedly looked behind to yell “Jisung! The dog is not for riding!” And Hyunwoo nearly laughed when he heard a “but maaaaaaaa!” that was silenced by a warning glare.
When the woman finally turned she smiled brightly and cooed as she wrapped her free arm around Hyunwoo’s neck to give him a hug. “Hyunwoo! I can’t believe you actually dressed up for him, you’re such a sweetheart!”
Hyunwoo grinned then, “anything for the little man. Where is he?” The woman rolled her eyes. “Probably trying to pick at the cake. I have his dad on security, but you know how soft he is.” Hyunwoo let out a laugh, entering the busy house. “Can you put this somewhere for me to give him later please?” His mother took it with a bright smile, turning away from Hyunwoo who walked further inside. 
Party streamers littered the floor as well as toys and wrapping paper. There were parents lounging around, some chasing their hyperactive kids and others conversing. He bowed to whoever he made eye contact with as he made his way down a hall away from the living area and toward the kitchen.
Shownu had to side step the many little kids running around and he smiled at their antics, feeling warm as he watched little superheros, cowboys and the like play together.
When he neared, he heard the familiar voice of the old man he knew for so long, a deep sigh leaving him as he said, “Jinki, do you want your mother to kill me?” Hyunwoo saw the little shaking head of the pouting boy who’s only aim was to get to his three tier chocolate birthday cake. “Pleaaaaase pa, I won’t tell.” He begged, making his eyes go big and water. If it was Hyunwoo having to guard that cake, it would be long gone. He was a sucker for Jinki’s puppy eyes.
Hyunwoo put a finger to his lips when he made eye contact with Jinki’s father who nodded with a barely concealed smile. While Jinki was distracted with refusals from his dad, Hyunwoo snuck up behind him and once he was close enough rounded his arms around Jinki’s belly, tickling him as Hyunwoo playfully growled, Jinki howling with laughter, his eyes shining with tears, barely able to breathe as Hyunwoo tickled the breath out of him.
Jinki weakly pushed Hyunwoo’s hands away and turned around to throw his arms around his neck, giggling his name. “I knew you would come!” Hyunwoo patted his back, “of course I would kid! Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Jinki held Hyunwoo for a long time before letting go to enthusiastically grin up at him. “You look awesome!” And Hyunwoo grinned, feeling warmth spread through him.  
“Well now that Hyunwoo is here, we can cut the cake!” Jinki jumped up excitedly, hand’s pulling at Hyunwoo’s arm he excitedly yelled at his father. “let’s go, let’s go,” He said, bouncing on his toes. Hyunwoo laughed, using a gloved hand to ruffle the young boy’s hair. Jinki’s father sighed, but his eyes only held affection as he stared at his happy son.
“C’mon, let go tell your friends while your dad get’s it ready.” Jinki grinned, agreeing quickly as he dragged Hyunwoo out of the kitchen and toward his friends.
His announcement involved climbing onto Hyunwoo’s back, claiming that Hyunwoo should “make a job outta this!” when he had settled comfortably enough that he could yell, quiet literally to his friends, “CAKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” Leaving Hyunwoo wincing, but smiling nonetheless.
From there it was chaos. Swarm of little kids that seem to have appeared from nowhere rushing to one spot in the living room, where a large dining table was set up with various presents unwrapped still.
Hyunwoo placed Jinki down when his mother had instructed him to stand behind the dining table and for his brothers to follow, although the toddler had to sit on a chair, too small to be seen bless his cotton socks. Jinki’s mother stood beside the boys and called to one of Jinki’s uncle’s to start taking pictures and asked an aunt to film.
“Hyunwoo get here quick!” Hyunwoo blinked, staring at Jinki’s mother before opening his mouth about to question her before she gave him the same tone she used on her boys. “Don’t make me tell you again Hyunwoo!” He smiled fondly, slowly walking around to the table and standing with the family, somehow not feeling out of place at all - bear costume and all.
The lights were dimmed and then a glow illuminated on the wall, before Jinki’s father and someone helping to carry the cake rounded the corner. Jinki screamed, his friends joining shortly after seeing how much chocolatey goodness they were about to sink their teeth into. Hyunwoo briefly wondered how their parents were going to manage their already hyperactive kids who were about to have a massive sugar rush.
The cake was placed on the table and a chair was pulled out for Jinki to stand on. There were eight candle’s that bordered the round cake and then a big number eight candle in the middle. People had began to sing happy birthday, but just before they could finish Jinki yelled “wait!” The singing stopped, many of the kids fussing to just hurry up so they could have cake, but Jinki smiled softly, chubby cheeks and all as he turned to look at Hyunwoo. “Hyung sing for me, I like your voice. ”
Hyunwoo’s brows shot up in surprise. Blinking slowly at a waiting Jinki before he cleared his throat and looked around at everyone else waiting. Despite his stoic expression, Hyunwoo couldn’t help the little sick feeling in the pit of his stomach where he nerves began to swim. Nonetheless, he couldn’t deny the birthday boy his request and slowly started to sing, closing his eye’s as he felt the gaze of everyone in the room as he surprised them. The little kid’s had gone quiet, tuning out everything except the man dressed as a bear, who was singing with a honey like voice. “To you~” Hyunwoo sang the last notes soulfully, prolonging the words as they floated gently in the air for everyone’s ears to be blessed. There was a moment of silence and then Hyunwoo opened his eyes, glancing around at everyone before he was shocked by the round of applause he was receiving. He smiled a little, hearing the little kids let out “waaaah!” and saying how cool he was while the parents were equally as impressed.
“OKAY I KNOW MY HYUNG IS AMAZING BUT I ACTUALLY WANT MY CAKE NOW!” Everyone laughed, including Hyunwoo who’s cheeks raised high as he stared at Jinki who was definitely getting impatient. “Make a wish baby.” His mother said, running her fingers through his hair. JInki paused for a moment then closed his eyes and rubbed his hands together almost in prayer and then took a big intake of air, puffing his cheeks before blowing. The little kids cheered when the candles went out in one.
Jinki’s siblings and parents fed him a piece of cake first and then his close relatives and lastly was Hyunwoo. “Wait! I wanna feed you too.” Jinki grabbed a piece of cake, bringing his hand near to Hyunwoo’s mouth.
“Smile for the camera!” Jinki’s mother instructed and the both did, hovering the cake above each others smiling mouths. Just as Hyunwoo began to push the cake into Jinki’s mouth to feed him, he felt a smear over his mouth and blinked when he heard the hysterical laughter coming from Jinki. “LOOK-” Jinki had to take a huge intake of air as his laughs became too much, tears pooling in his eyes as he continued to laugh at cake faced Hyunwoo. Hyunwoo smirked, but it was covered by the thick frosting coating his lips, chin and cheek. He was quick to swipe it from his face to drag over Jinki’s nose. Hyunwoo grinned, cheeks lifting till his eye’s were disappearing into crescents, thick lips stretched into a smile as a deep rumble of a laugh left him. Jinki looked momentarily shocked before joining the laughter of Hyunwoo and everyone else in the room. 
“Right kiddies line up!” Jinki’s mother announced, screams immediately filing the room when the children rushed to be first in line to be served cake. 
Hyunwoo wiped the rest of the chocolate off his face with a napkin, before helping Jinki to clear his face with a smile.He ruffled his hair, a little giggle leaving Jinki’s lips before he ran to sit with his friends to eat his own share of cake. Hyunwoo looked on affectionately and turned to give Jinki’s mother a smile when she rubbed his arm. “You’re too good to him.” Hyunwoo shook his head, feeling a little shy and he said, “I took care of him since he was little, he’s like a brother to me.” “You are brothers.” She told him. “Same soul, just different blood.”
As expected, the children had gotten beyond hyper after cake, which was unfortunate for Hyunwoo who was slowly loosing his energy. He had become the source of their fun. The cowboys and superheroes banding together to defeat the big bad bear. 
“You’ll never defeat me!” Hyunwoo declared, deepening his already low voice as his eye browns drew closer. The children ran and him and squealed in delight when he picked two up under his arms and spun, dumping them gently down onto the sofa before mimicking what he thought was an evil laugh (it really wasn’t.) “MUHAHAHA I’M TOO STRONG FOR YOU WEAKLING’S!” 
There were war cries all around him and they each attacked; little hands tickled into Hyunwoo’s sides, behind his knees, wherever they could and he couldn’t help to throw his head back in hysteric laughter, dropping to his knees to shield himself from their tickling hands; he couldn’t really feel anything through his suit, but he couldn’t disappoint them. Hyunwoo made a little noise as he felt someone climb his back declaring “WE HAVE DEFEATED THE BEAST!” Of course it was Jinki. The children stood  to throw their hands in the air, some jumping as they all yelled in triumph. Hyunwoo had to call to a couple adults to help him stand.
After that various games were played, including hide and seek where quiet a few kids just chose to hide behind his big stature, tag in which Hyunwoo ended up being homie and a few other games that made Hyunwoo laugh but tire just the same. He was getting hot in the suit and it was difficult to move at some points, him having to roll a few times to be able to stand again.
Eventually the children began to tire as did the parents who slowly began to leave with their children. When the last of them had left, Jinki’s mother let out a breathe of relief before groaning and she took in the mess she would have to clean.
“Hyung! can you read us a story?” Jisung asked, a book already in his hand. “Let me just help your mother clean up, okay?” Hyunwoo replied watching as the toddler, Gunhee leant on his brothers lap, sucking on his thumb with droopy eyes. Hyunwoo smiled knowing that he would be asleep soon.
He helped to clear up the paper plates and litter from the floor, taking garbage bags out the front to the bins while Jinki’s mother organised where to out the presents and his father started hoovering and wiping things down. 
It surprisingly didn’t take that long to clear, most of the stuff disposable, but Hyunwoo was left feeling sweaty, wearing the suit for far too long. He plopped down on the sofa, Jinki grabbing the book from Jisung to thrust into his face. “Hyung can you read it NOW?” Hyunwoo took a breath, smiling a little to say, “Hold on-” His face scrunched up as he tried pulling the mask from his head, but struggled. He grunted, “Just need to” he tried pulling again., “get this off.” When Jisung and JInki saw Hyunwoo struggle, they were quick to try and help, Hyunwoo wincing as they roughly pulled at his head, parts of his face being stretched from the force. “We nearly got it ki!” Jisung said happily, fingers roughly pulling the material until finally it slipped over his head. The two boys hi fived each other before looking at Hyunwoo. “Now can you read to us?” Hyunwoo breathed a tired laugh but nodded and the boys settled either side of him, tucked under his arms as he opened the book. 
Gunhee shifted so he could flop back down onto Jinki’s thighs, thumb still in his mouth. They weren’t too far into the story when he drifted to sleep. 
Half way through the story, Jinki’s mother came out and picked up Gunhee. “I’m going to put the little one to bed.” She smiled. “Don’t keep Hyunwoo too long boys.”
“Yes mum.” They said, engrossed in the tale Hyunwoo read to them.
By the end of it Hyunwoo was sleepily blinking his eyes. Yawns stretching his mouth wide and he looked down to realise both boys had fallen asleep. He didn’t want to move, too worried he would disturb their peaceful sleep, so instead he closed the book and plopped it on the sofa and brought his arms around the two, briefly allowing his eyes to close.
He woke up moments later with a poke to his shoulders and found that both boys had gone. He blinked, groggy and still sleepy as he rubbed at this eyes and then stretched with a yawn. He saw the smile of Jinki’s mother who whispered to him. “Sorry I took the boys to bed. You can stay if you want, we probably have spare clothes.” She offered, but Hyunwoo sat up straighter with a smile and decline. “No, but thank you very much..Damn, I forgot to give Jinki his gift.” He frowned, annoyed at himself. “Oh, hold on.” Jinki’s mother went off to the store room where she had put the unopened gifts and found the small bag Hyunwoo had left. 
“Why don’t you leave it by his bed? He will see it first thing!” Hyunwoo smiled, feeling a bit better but disappointed he won’t be able to see his face and so followed Jinkin’s mother quietly into the sleeping boy’s room. He was tucked peacefully under his duvet and Hyunwoo smiled before gently placing the gift on the bedside table. He just hoped he would like the matching bear mask he got for him.
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[Read Recommendation] Akatsuki No Yona
Why should you read Akatsuki no Yona? Because it’s worth the read! Akatsuki no Yona (translation: Yona of the Dawn; synonim: Yona: The Girl Standing in the Blush of Dawn) is my most favorite manga of all time! It even replaced the top 1 in my list which is Ouran High School Host Club (that being second now) This manga is worth investing your time for just a single read a day each month. With 30-50 pages per chapter and mesmerizing arts. Who wouldn’t fall in love with the red haired princess and her companions?
Let’s start with the story, Yona is the sole princess of the kingdom, living the luxurious and carefree life as a princess should. She has it all: the finest clothes and cosmetics, the most divine sweets, a loving emperor as a father, and the hottest cousin crush, Soo-won, anyone could ever hope to have. But her nearly perfect world quickly shatters as the man she loves, Soo-won, murders her father and the path to his ascension to the throne is assured. Son Hak, her annoying bodyguard escapes with Yona, and they lead a life on the run from that point on. Now, she is set for a quest in finding the legendary dragon warriors to accompany her in her life. Would she get back the throne and avenge her father? or would she rather hide in the shadows as her first love rules over the country, Kouka.
The introduction of the plot of the story is kind of boring for a first impression read but as you go along the manga, you wouldn’t even consider it boring. Yona started off as an annoying weak girl that people would think that it is the typical reverse harem girl who seems naive in what she should be and who she should be. Yet Yona made effort in standing out her own name. The supporting characters also ended up as just a supporting characters for the protagonist. Yona made sure that she doesn’t want to rely more on her bodyguard and her companions but she also wanted to protect them. (Salutes for women’s empowerment) 
THE ART Mizuho Kusanagi won’t disappoint you. From the faces of the characters to the details of the background. You can really tell that the manga revolves around somewhere in the past and history. The structures of the buildings and the clothing of the people’s what screams out historic. You can also easily tell whether this guy is rich or not just by how the artist drew him. Mizuho also exerts efforts in her designing by putting small details even though it isn’t relevant enough for the story which I give her a thumbs up for that! If you would start re-reading the manga again (like what I mostly do), you would also notice that the manga started off with a common art like how every other manga would have but as you get along, you could also see some developments in her own art you cannot just tell on what chapter it started to develop
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Yona in the first chapter (photo cropped and edited by me, credits to its rightful owner)
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Yona in the latest chapter (136) (photo cropped and edited by me, credits to its rightful owner)
PLUS! Ikemen (good looking guy). Ikemen. Ikemen everywhere. Thank you so much Mizuho Kusanagi. SPOILER ALERT! (But I just can’t help but post this adorable picture waaaah)
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(source: https://www.google.com.ph/search?q=akatsuki+no+yona+group&newwindow=1&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=589&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiBlNycta_SAhUJbbwKHaR0Bj4Q_AUIBigB#imgrc=cq1ISdTwGof1kM:)
CHARACTERS My favorite part of this manga is of course the characters. Even though there’s a lot of characters in the story, each character is given well-fair of attention and each character has been introduced with a complete background of their personality and character, each character also has shown a lot of development in themselves which made my heart really be attached to them. A lot of things have happened to the team that one person missing seems incomplete in their part also. The best thing also is that they don’t call each other as a travel companions but a family (ahhh my heart!)
ENJOYMENT I really love this manga. They can be serious when it needs to be serious and they can also give a lot of comedy. You can never feel any gap in the story nor any “meh” moment when something happens. What’s more is that every chapter always ends with a cliffhanger which made you stay put in one seat for one time just so you can read the next chapter to satisfy your crave, altough you have to wait for next month’s update right after you finish reading the latest chapter which means = one month of cliffhanging feeling.
OVERALL Need I say more? Overall, 10/10!  Romance, comedy, action and drama in one! Even if this manga is shoujo (manga recommended for girls) and reverse harem (three or more men revoling around one female), that won’t stop even the guys to admire the story. Every male in the story would make you more devoted to the series and even Yona’s smile would make you stay together with her quest.
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