#get out of my house get oooout
kanene-yaaay · 2 years
Has anyone seen the Mob Pyscho 100 movie? (if I am not mistaken it’s called: the unknown and miraculous supernatural: Arataka Reigen; But I just translated the title from portuguese so probably it’s called differently)
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The way this past few days when i've been home alone i was able to breathe normally, specially the time i spent with Alex, and the moment my father returned i went back to being constantly aware of my own breathing and had trouble not hyperventilating avdjakdfjagdjs
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iricathel · 2 years
Caw, caw!
A few squawks echoed outside Irina’s house, confirming Scarlett's presence, currently in her crow form, for a small birthday celebration. She arrived holding a small bag in her beck, and, after dropping it, she called Irina with a few ‘caws’ before returning to her normal form. Truth be told, she had considered making a loud introduction like her friend did for her, but... if Irina had some of her relatives over it would probably not be the best idea. She wished to be able to spend that day with her, preferably alive.
However, that wasn't going to stop her excitement and eagerness to deliver her gifts.
“Come oooout!” The Ghoul called, now with her actual voice, as she softly knocked on the door. Softly, because she decided not to wear any gloves that day, as it wasn’t part of the outfit she wanted to use: The one that Irina had got her for her birthday, along with the perfume of that same day.
While waiting for the door to open, she took one thing that was poking out of the bag, intending to present it to her as the first thing she’d see. The bag could only carry so much (and so could her), so it just had three little boxes plus some flowers that were poking out of it. At the sight of the birthday girl, a wide smile appeared on her face.
“Haaaaaappy~ birthday~ to~ you~” She sweetly sang to her, as she held a bouquet of Dahlias.
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“Fu~ I wanted to get the prettiest ones and I ended up picking so many… I hope you like them!” She let her have the bouquet, before performing a brief bow, tilting her head to the side hoping her headpiece wouldn’t fall off. “Well~ Party or not, I especially dressed for this occasion, mind you. So, excuse me while I spoil you a little, to the best of my ability.” The Ghoul made her way into the Owl’s house, carrying her bag behind her.
Once alone in the comfort of the blonde’s abode, two small boxes were taken out of the medium-sized bag of gifts. 
"Look at this!"
The first, contained a necklace with a pendant heart. An anatomically accurate heart at that, royal blue in color.
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“Isn’t it great? I think it has such a strong vibe, it’s unbelievably beautiful and… very royal.” She giggled, taking it out and letting it hang from her fingers. “I would be lying if I said it didn’t remind me of you as soon as I saw it.”
Watching the pendant hang back and forth, she couldn't help but feel a little excited by the contents of the second box. In truth, it was the silliest thing. But it was cute. Somewhat useless. But very cute–!
“Now, this…” Putting the necklace aside, she got the next gift out and presented it to her: A little, rather fabulous, cat-shaped holder. Naturally, Scarlett found it adorable and got two at once. Although now she was worrying it was a little childish in comparison to the rest. “… It’s very cute, don't you think? I got one for myself, too!”
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“They can hold things such as jewelry, or anything you put on their little paws! Just look at their poses~!” She chuckled with the two cats in her hands, lost in the cuteness she found in their little shapes. “They are the strongest kitties and they will watch over your rings and earrings!”
The ramble extended a little more and she couldn't help but giggling at the end. However, after breathing out in order to gain some composure back, she looked at her gifts, lost in thought for a moment.
“Well, these gifts may not be as grand... In my defense, though, bringing them like this was a little tedious, my jaw hurts a little from carrying this bag on my way here–” She massaged the side of her face, the tension on her small crow body seemed to have left a little soreness. No longer than a second before, she smiled back. “But, I thought you may like them. Ah!” Her eyes met Irina’s again, lowkey anxious. “I have one more thing... It is for us to enjoy now, maybe– Please don’t be too harsh on me, I have some feelings, okay?”
The last box contained a chocolate dessert in plastic cups.
“I wasn’t going to risk bringing glass or crystal ones, but we can pretend they are, yes?”
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Restless, she had the urge to say something else about them.
“I… must warn you. I may or may not have... made them myself. But! I didn’t burn anything! These didn’t need any oven– …And they are not poisonous, or, at least, uh… I tasted them before, and I’m still okay. Hahaha~. But, in all seriousness, I wanted to try and make something for you myself, after all you’ve done for me. I hope it’s to your liking, otherwise we can go eat something elsewhere…?” A nervous chuckle left Scarlett’s lips before she handed Irina one of the cups. Then, she stared at hers for a moment, before speaking again.
“Ha... Really, I appreciate knowing someone like you, Irina. Your company is something I cherish a lot.” In a small sigh, her cheeks warmed up a little as she offered a fond smile, her eyes now in full of tender appreciation. “I hope we can share moments like these a lot more in the future. Here for more fun and happiness by your side... Happy birthday.”
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The sound of a strong flapping of wings like dry blows in the air, along with a few 'caw' piqued Irina's attention. It was true that it could be any raven, but that intonation was quite peculiar and familiar. Soon, the blonde's suspicions were cleared up as she finally recognized the voice of her ghoul friend. — Ah, of course it would be Scarlett. — She commented with a soft giggle before getting up and going to open the door before any of her relatives did.
— Good afternoon Scarlett, I'm glad to see-- Ah! — The blonde paused to stop to admire the outfit that the redhead was wearing. It was the gift the Owl had given her for her birthday. — My, you look stunning! It looks much better on you than I thought. — Irina praised with a smile as warm as the heat that was growing in her heart when she noticed that detail.
A short serenade of celebration, and eyes as green as the lush forest around them fixed on the bouquet of her favorite flowers, sporting a unique symmetry and quality of color to put the sunset to shame.
— How pretty!! They look freshly cut and very well cared for... ~ I can already imagine how well they will decorate my room. — Grinning, the blonde took the bouquet in her hands and stepped aside to let her friend enter her house. — I hadn't thought about having a celebration, but make yourself comfortable as if it were your home... After all, it feels like you're one of the family. — She joked, as she placed the bouquet in a vase of water on a dresser.
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Looking at the contents of the small gift box that Scarlett opened for her, Irina gently raised her eyebrows in amazement at how detailed and realistic that blue heart looked.
— Let me guess... You thought of me because I like royal blue... because it's royal and with it the blue blood... or because it would be like giving me your own heart ~? — Irina crooned with a frisky smile as she planted her sparkling emeralds on the amethysts.
She averted her gaze back to current normal to appreciate another gift: A cat playfully posing like a diva.
A chuckle escaped her throat as she cupped her gift in her palms, giving it a look filled with tenderness and adoration at how cute it looked.
— Just look at it! It looks very adorable, I must tell the truth... And looking at yours, our colors combine very well, don't you think so? —
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Soon a sweetening smell tickled the blonde's nostrils with a cool touch. Peeking a little her sight in the last gift box, noticing inside it some glasses that would give her palate an enormous chocolate delight, hugging hee sweet tooth like a child visiting the Willy Wonka factory.
— Oh my... so you did this by yourself, you say? — Taking one of the cups in her hand, Irina immediately noticed that it was a material made of plastic. — Well, if you're still alive, I shouldn't worry then. Besides, you have to put a lot of effort into screwing up this type of preparation. — The woman joked with a slight crude humor as she gently waved her free hand while giggling a bit before placing it on Scarlett's shoulder. — Just joking of course! I am sure that if you decided to make this effort it must have turned out very delicious. —
Taking the gift boxes to the side, Irina guided Scarlett to sit comfortably on the sofa in her living room while she placed the chocolate cups on the coffee table.
— I am very grateful that you have taken so much time with me, Scarlett... Even though birthdays are usually not such a big thing for us demons. However, I appreciate your company very much and I hope to be able to enjoy it from today for all eternity from now on. For me you are not only a friend, but something much more special... As an eternal companion of experiences, for all our long life. —
Smiling at her with remarkable sweetness and warmth, Irina sat down next to Scarlett, handing her a silver coffee spoon.
— Here. Join and enjoy this little delicacy with me. —
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inkedmyths · 2 years
S1: E13 "Route 666"
Brought to you by Crepe giving me more FR things.
This episode featuring: A truck, racism, old flames, and Ink losing their mind for a minute there
What an imaginative title. Funny tho
Imagine being chased by this bigass truck out of nowhere thats crazy
[ Kayla: Pennsylvania activities. ]
Uhm. Lewis Mystery Skulls Animated's more asshole older brother?
And it just disappears. ~Spoooooooky~
Dean by old friend is this someone you jilted or stole something from
Sam is harassing Dean about it. As you do.
Dean making faces as Sam yells at him for this
Ohhhh boy oh yikes
Well this is awkward! Whats happening here
Sam: (skeptical)
Dean: (taking it as seriously as he can)
The energy here
Is. Is
Is the truck
[ Kayla is laughing at this point, and says to imagine the Family Feud music playing. ]
LMAO Sam continuing to heckle Dean about Cassie
Oh. Oh fuckin haunted truck
Haunted Racist Truck
Flying Dutchman but racist ghost
Dean opened up got burned and is now being a little bitch about it and Sam is 👀👀👀
This ep really has it all. Racist truck. Dean's ex.
[ At this point I pause because I needed to grab something to drink. Meanwhile, Mel pops in to acknowledge the racist truck. Then Crepe says that she thinks its not the only racist vehicle in Supernatural, which prompted. Well. ]
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Back to Dean's awkward tension with this chick
Oh Dean you are a dumbass
And also not getting the job done
Ah. Yes. Obligatory makeouts and. Yeah. Etc. Mhm.
The music is really making this
Oh hes dead
Dean you're just bad at feelings
I kind of like her tbh. Should I place money on something bad happening to her
Look at that Dean can talk about feelings! Just a little bit though
Dorian family... the former paper owners... white...... hm...
AHA. It angered the racist ghost! Got it
Oh thank god she's not exploded
Cyrus Dorian
Ohhh god thats so sad... god they just wanted to be married
LMAO Sam "My life was so simple"
They are going body dredging
SAM'S FACE LMAO he is enjoying this waaaay too much
Is the body not going to be in the truck to make things harder
EW no there it is!
Blow up the truck?
Yep! Time to burn the truck while Dean has a ghostly car chase
Is the car going to get a little dented for drama and then Dean whines about it bc thats Baby
Oh? Whatcha up to Sam?
Juke the truck!
Is that gate special what happened there
"What if you were wrong!?" "Huh. That honestly didn't occur to me." No braincells pinging around Sam's brain except "Oh church"
Byyyye Cassie I hope this means you live your life free of dying via Winchester bullshit
50/50 hard to say its season 1 ✨
Oh hes taking a nap
Well that was a fucking experience especially right after the last episode. Racist truck...
Shoutout to whoever played Cassie's mom? That was some excellent emotive acting there, really believable. Man.
Dean Winchester really is "I'll keep all my emotions here, and one day, I'll die."
Sam wins a star this ep for sheer little siblimg energy the whole time
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michaelaftonsluv · 3 years
AAAH i have an idea for a part two to the crack baby fanfic lol
maybe michael kinda breaks down n we comfort him n all that blah blah, and he falls asleep on the couch
MAYYYBE and hear me out, william pulls up to the house asking "ohh is my son here i need to talk to him" in a 'calm' voice but we can tell hes ready to bounce off the walls at anytime, so we lie and say "ooohhhh nahhh i haven't seen him since like yesterday" and willy leaves
turns oooout michael was awake and listened to us lie to willy for his safety and hes grateful ig idk
i'm not a writer so i just thought of this yeahhh
Yoo I did this!! Here it is
crack baby (part one) here!
Hope you like part two :) Thank you all for the love on part one.
crack baby part two
bite of ‘83 michael x reader
genre: angst
12:56 A.M.
The clock in your living room showed.
Michael had stopped sniffling by now, and was now fast asleep in your lap, drooling. You took this opportunity to slowly take his shoes off for him and gently place them next to the sofa.
Before this, when you confronted him about the whole blood on his shoes thing, he just completely broke down.
“I’m sorry to incon-inconvenience you.” He sniffled. “I just cannot face my fa-father right now, he’ll actually ki-kill me. He’s capable of so much.” He choked out, his British accent was very clear throughout his stuttering.
Poor Michael looked so scared.
“That’s okay. I can let you live here for a little bit, I just have to find a way to hide you from my parents.” You smiled. He gave a half smile and cuddled up on your couch.
He didn’t end up telling you what the blood was, but you figured he’d tell you soon enough.
The room grew silent, with nothing but Michael’s sniffles and the rain pouring down outside to keep your ears entertained.
“Remember when you used to sneak over here when we were kids and we’d watch movies and have slumber parties?” You whispered. Michael smiled. “And my mom used to always knew when I snuck out somehow and always come to pick me up a few hours later.” He smiled. “I guess this is kinda like that, just, you know.. I’m hiding from my dad.” He laughed. You weren’t sure if you should laugh along with him, so you just smiled.
You lost your train of thought when you heard a knock at your door to which, your dog started barking.
“Shh.. shh!!” You told your dog as you looked over at your clock.
1:00 A.M.
“Hello?” A familiar British voice sounded from behind the door.
Shit, it’s Mr. Afton.
Your dog continued barking.
“Sweetie I’ll answer it, just, hold on!” You panicked. If you were to open the door right now, Mr. Afton was sure to see Michael. You got up, put a blanket loosely over Michael, moved a table in front of the sofa. As you opened the door, you could feel your spine tingle.
It was Mr. Afton.
“Sorry to come at such a late hour, Ms. L/n. I’m just in a panic.” He said, giving you a slight smile. “No, it’s no worries.” You smiled. It was no longer raining, so you had no reason to invite him inside your house.
“I’ll cut to the chase.” He said “Do you know where Michael is?” He asked calmly.
Shit. Was he onto you?
You had to come up with a response on a whim. “Uh, no I haven’t seen him since Friday. Sorry about that. If he comes around, I can take a message for you!” You said. Mr. Afton frowned.
“Where are your parents?” He asked, his eyebrows getting stiff. “Overseas.” You responded. That actually wasn’t a lie, your dad was a real estate agent, and your mom came along with him for trips. Right now, they were in Africa.
“I can take a message for you.” You repeated.
You could see Mr. Afton peering behind you, to the couch. Michael was there, but he was well enough covered to where Mr. Afton couldn’t see him. What was he looking at?
You quickly realized he wasn’t looking at the sofa, but he was looking at the shoes next to the sofa.
As soon as he noticed you noticed he was staring, he choked up a response and pulled at his shirt collar. “Oh, uh, please tell him that his father is lookin for him, and uh,” he paused, looking behind you again. “..that I miss him.” He added. “Will do, goodbye Mr. Afton, it was great talking to you.” You closed the door and locked it.
You turned around to see Michael awake, looking at you. You gasped. “No no, don’t worry. I only just started sitting up right now, he didn’t see me.” He assured you. You exhaled with relief. “I was so scared, he saw your shoes but he didn’t ask to come in. Did I wake you up?” You asked. “No, he did. I could feel his presence from a mile away, I knew he’d come here.” He responded. You looked at the ground. You could feel Michael come up to you and put his hands on your shoulders. “Hey,” he shook you, causing you to look up to him, “he didn’t see me and he probably won’t come back, don’t worry.” He smiled at you.
“Thank you for lying for me. I owe you BIG time.” He emphasized the “big”. “Are you feeling better?” You asked. “No, but you make me feel better, so I’m fine.” He looked in your eyes. You smiled and hugged him, which he wasn’t expecting, so he flinched a bit. Eventually he hugged back.
“Do you want a midnight snack?” You asked.
“Y/n, its,” he looked over at the clock, “1:06 A.M.. That would be more like breakfast.” He laughed.
You and Michael started making eggs and bacon. After that, you guys fell asleep on your couch.
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cadcnce-archived · 4 years
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munday stuff || [ open ]
@ivakir​ sent: 🌈 - Where do you want to travel to?
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Anywhere at this point? Since I telework and all that I’m barely even going out of the house anymore and it’s starting to throw me for a loop. That said, I’m a fan of stomping familiar grounds too, and despite misfortune hitting us during the last visit I’d love to go back to Vegas again and just walk the strip and hit the sights. It’s always a good time, and I’d probably have the money to throw around to eat even better than we did last time since my current job isn’t such a dicksmash.
Other than there- back to Yellowstone (with JUST my wife this time) or Japan, to be a typical weeaboo... I’ve never been far outside the USA, so I’d be open to hitting Europe or something too. I just wanna get OOOOUT. Once all this nonsense is over I may actually put my leave into good use.
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pandoraborn · 5 years
I just wanna see the swap boys hanging oooout! (They're all still friends in the au, right?)
They are!
“Going to another party, Hen?” Chase is lounging against the chair, sipping on vitamin water. “Sure are popular, hmm?”
“Of course,” Henrik says with a cheery grin. He’s throwing on his jacket and heading toward the front door. “I have to keep up my reputation. As a great doctor, you know.”
Chase rolls his eyes. “I was hoping you’d actually stay home. I was going to the theater tonight, and someone needs to babysit Jackie before he sneaks off again.”
“Ah.” Henrik snickers. “Just have Marvin watch him. I cannot miss this dinner, it’s very important for my career.” He puffs out his chest. “You know how much I love to interact with my colleagues. I cannot let them down.
Chase leans forward, changing his Netflix to another musical. “Good luck getting him out of his room. I don’t think he’s come out for a couple days. And yeah, you’re annoying, we know.”
“Ahh.” Henrik lifts a finger. “At least I do not sing and dance constantly. Perhaps you would’ve been better off in another career. One far less annoying.” He winks before opening the front door.
“Yeah, right.” Chase laughs loudly. “I live for the arts. I live and breathe musical theater. What else is there?”
“I do not know,” Henrik says with a shrug. “Do not wait up for me, I’ll be back later tonight. Do not make a mess of the house, please.”
“Have fun with your fans,” Chase retorts with a wave. Henrik waves goodbye as he leaves the house, putting on his sunglasses as he heads for his car.
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ofgodsandllamas · 8 years
prettybabo replied to your post “six random things about meeeee tagged by @twofee I need you all to...”
I demand more info about your move to Korea!!! -biffy :)
(in the politest way possible ofc i was just excited lolol)
Hahaha! Don’t worry, I def read it as excitement! My husband was given a choice in being stationed in Alaska or Korea and there was no way in HELL I was picking Alaska, so Korea it is! We were also given a choice in where we’d be stationed, either Yongsan in Seoul or Humphreys in Pyeongtaek and obviously I picked Seoul because ????? when will I ever get such a chance again. But they’re working on closing down Yongsan and it sounds like EVEN THO he was stationed in Yongsan, the unit he was assigned to is already in Humphreys? (I wouldn’t be so upset about that if they had just told us Humphreys from the get go so I wouldn’t have started making all kinds of plans for Yongsan, you know? Regardless, a couple of my friends are hopefully going to be studying abroad during the summer in Seoul, and have graciously offered to let me stay with them during their time, so we can still hang out together. )
(But ugh I’d been looking at apartments and our housing limit would have gotten us something so COOL in Seoul and being able to go to markets every day tickled me and just getting to get out of the house and go places you know?! I was already aiming for the area of Hannam, too lmao i had this worked oooout!) 
I mean, to be fair, Pyeongtaek is like an hour-ish from Seoul by train, I’ve read (but it still adds up when you consider it’s like 10 bucks round trip, so it’s not a trip I can make OFTEN). 
All the same, I’m very excited (and hoping that somehow we still wind up at Yongsan even if just for a little while???) I figured being able to LIVE in Korea would be one of the best opportunities of my life - one not otherwise very feasible, and since we’ll be there for two years, I don’t have to worry about trying to go everywhere in a one or two month visit you know? I’ll be able to actually progress with learning Korean!!! (Crossing my fingers like a neeeeerd that B1A4 has some kind of summer comeback lmao or at least a fanmeet after May so that I can go, too LMAO!!!! I’ve promised my friend that if GOT7 endorses things I’ll try to get stuff for her lmaoooooo) 
Anyway come early May or so we’ll be over there! We don’t totally know where we’re going lmao (like I said, assigned to one place but told we’ll be in another “but if not here then you’ll be in Yongsan” thanks for the very explicit info) Not excited about the summer (I live in Texas currently so you’d think I’d be used to the heat but NO and also Texas isn’t nearly as humid and I’ve gotten really used to no humid summers lmao) but aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh it’s going to be an incredible two years! 
twofee replied to your post “six random things about meeeee tagged by @twofee I need you all to...”
!!!! ive never had a vampire either! and ive also never died my hair, because i wanted red like my naturally carrot-topped mother and you can't do that with dye (or so my hairdresser told me).
Whoa, really?! You’d think that it would be a very feasible color! I mean I guess it sort of makes sense but also. ;A; how devastating! I’d be upset, too! lmao The only reason I ever dyed my hair was because that mermaid red color just SPOKE to me, so I fully get only wanting to do it for one particular color! 
Man I need to figure out how to let vampires happen in Arcadia cos I WANNA TRY IT ONE DAY!
simper-fi replied to your post “six random things about meeeee tagged by @twofee I need you all to...”
WE ARE HALF THE SAME PERSON I've never had a vampire (or most supernaturals in TS2), I'm 27 and don't have a driver's license, and I also haven't written anything in years but still can't let go of my childhood dream of becoming a published author ;_____;
AKFJLAFKJ!!!! HOW WILD! And funny enough the only supernaturals I HAVE (kind of) played is witches, so we’re pretty on par for the course still lmao (ALSO I never knew we were practically the same age!!!!) Ugh I uncovered old diaries once from like, third grade I think? about wanting to be published and alfjakfj it hurt lmao. One day I’ll try but writer’s block is so cruel :( 
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camdallasfanfics · 8 years
What now? - Chapter 9
Cameron Dallas fanfic - Sequel to I’m not that kind of girl
Word count: 2′183
Previous Chapter
two months later - Christmas
„Mom!“ I shout as I enter the house. It was the 23rd of December and I just got back from New York. Finally. Semester break. „In the kitchen!“ I followed her voice and saw my mom and my sister there. Both cutting things up. „I missed you guys!“ I approached them and both of them hugged me.
„You? Missed? Us?“ My sister mocked me. I simply laughed. „I’m gonna go upstairs and take a shower, alright?“ I look at my mom, grabbing my duffle bag that was laying on the ground before. „Sure. Dinner’s gonna be ready in about an hour.“  She smiled at me and turned back to her business.
I quickly went up to my room. After I took a quick shower I laid on my bed and was just checking out social media. Yet again I was tagged in way to many photos with Cameron. One of them being the night in New York. I lightly huffed. „Still an asshole.“ I mumbled to myself.
„Who’s an asshole?“ I suddenly heard my sister say. I looked up to see her stand in my door way. „Huh?“ I questioned her. „Who is still an asshole?“ She repeated herself and slowly approached me until she sat down in front of me on my bed. „No one…“ I quietly said before I let out a sigh.
It was silent for a few seconds. „You’re a senior now.“ I suddenly said smiling at her. She nodded. „Yeah.“ I lightly nudged her. „You not happy to get out of that stupid high school?“ She laughed a little. „Yeah but I don’t know what I want to study yet.“ Her smile looked so sad. „Come on. It’s gonna be fine. You can come study with me in New York!“ I suggested wiggling my eyebrows. She huffed. „No thank you. You probably have so many one night stands!“ She started to laugh hysterically. „Shut up!“ I shouted before bursting into laughter as well.
The laughter slowly died down. „Can I ask you a question?“ She was pulling on her sweater. Did she have the same nervous tick I have? „Shoot.“ I smiled at her. „Do you miss him?“ Of course I do. „Who are you exactly talking about?“ I know exactly who she is talking about. „Y/N… You know I mean Cameron.“ I took a deep breath and just stared at her.
„Of course I do.“ I half smiled. „I miss the old days. I miss him being a normal kid and hanging out with him.“ I looked down to my fingers that were now also playing with the hem of my shirt. „Have you ever met him since?“ I was debating on whether I should tell her or not. She is my sister, why shouldn’t I? „Yeah.“ I nodded. I looked up to see her face she had a small smile on her face.
„I miss him as well.“ She slowly said. „I wish you wouldn’t be broken up sometimes.“ She kept going. „He made you happy.“ I sighed scooting closer to her. „Come here.“ I said pulling her into a hug. „I am happy with or without him.“ I patted her back. „He’s the asshole, am I right?“ She slowly pulled away.
I chuckled and nodded. „I met him in New York at a screening of his new movie. He took me out for dinner.“ I pulled out my phone and showed her the pictures of us. „You hooked up, didn’t you?“ She chuckled as did I. „Yup.“ I said nodding. „And?“ She nudged me. I giggled. „He invited me to his premiere in LA.“ Her jaw dropped. „That’s why you were here!“ I nodded.
„You hooked up again, didn’t you?“ I nodded again. „You guys are just so stupid. Why are you not back together?!“ She said getting up from my bed. „What now? You guys hooked up and nothing?“ She asked standing by my door. „Some people just aren’t meant to be with one another Lia.“ I simply said with a sad smile. „Everyone knows you two belong together.“ She said before leaving my room.
After dinner I basically barricaded myself in my room. I wasn’t feeling festive at all. I just laid around in bed. I thought about the the premiere. He never called or texted. He never really missed me. I was just an easy target to get what he wanted. I was vulnerable. I was stupid. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door. „Yeah?“ I looked to the door and saw my mom’s head sticking into my room.
„Hun. Sam’s mom invited us over tomorrow for a little get together. Would you like to come?“ A soft smile was plastered on her face. I nodded. „Sure, why not?“ I turned back and than the door shut. I sighed, grabbing my phone and texted Sam.
Y/N: prepare some good liquor for tomorrow! Sam: already on it lol Y/N: Ethan gonna be there as well? Sam: yup.. Y/N: anyone else I should be aware of? Sam: naaaaah. it’s way more fun if it’s a surprise ;) Y/N: if any of the dallas’ are gonna be there. THAN I’M MOTHER FUCKING OOOOUT.
And she didn’t reply to the last text. With that I just gave in the tired feeling upon me and fell asleep.
I was woken up by my mom shouting at me. „Get up! It’s already 1pm!“ I buried my head in the pillows, groaning. „We should be at Sam’s around 4pm.“ She said before leaving my room. I groaned yet again slowly lifting my head. Better get up than. I quickly went to the bathroom to do my business and plugged in my straightener to heat up.
„What to wear.“ I mumbled to myself walking up to my closet. I went through my stuff and found some lingerie. „This seems so familiar.“ I said holding it up.
„If you want a break. Or whatever you wanna call it. I want one last night with you. And I won’t make a move unless you let me.“ I listened carefully. He was talking slow. I just found some lingerie asking myself where I got that from. „Alright. Come over.“ I said and before he could ask anything I hung up. I dropped the lingerie and went to my bed.
Flashback over
I chuckled as I thought back to that night. I decided to wear it because why not? It’s sexy and I would feel good although no one would see it, right? When I put on the lingerie I saw a cute black dress. It would have a tight fit with long sleeves. It seemed ordinary but the tight fit gave it its flair.
After dressing up I straightened my hair and put on some make-up. It wasn’t much though. I put on my heeled boots and made my way downstairs. It was around 3pm already. I just got down when my dad approached me. „You look good hun. Got all dressed up for Sam, huh?“ He nudged me. I simply laughed. „Exactly!“
We were all ready so we simply decided to go earlier. Sam’s family wouldn’t mind anyway. We parked in their driveway and we weren’t the first. There was another car. Probably Ethan’s. We knocked and didn’t really bother to wait for anyone to open the door. We got in and we were greeted by my best friend.
„Sam!“ I shouted as I pulled her in a hug. We laughed at each other embracing each others presence. „I missed you.“ She said, only I could hear. „Same here. Same here.“ I simply answered. „You look gorgeous!“ I said as I pulled away.
We walked into the living room and I came to realize that the other car in the driveway does not belong to Ethan. „Gina!“ My mom said excitedly. „How nice to see you! And Cameron oh my goodness. You are a handsome young man, look at you!“ She said while pulling him into a hug. I just awkwardly stood next to Sam. „I need a drink.“ I mumbled and walked off to the kitchen.
After opening a few cabinets I found some vodka. „Jackpot.“ I said while pouring myself a shot. „Already? You haven’t even had a word with me yet.“ I heard his voice. „Why are you even here?“ I turned to face him. He looked good. As always. „I was invited?“ He chuckled and stepped closer to me. „Okay. Than don’t get anywhere near me.“ I said walking past him.
I walked up to Sam and saw that Ethan and his folks have arrived. „Oh hi Ethan.“ I said giving him a weak smile. „Hi.“ He simply said and brushed his hands on his pants. He was looking around nervously. Was he nervous? „I’ll be right back.“ He said and with that he was gone. „What was that?“ I chuckled. Sam laughed. „Don’t know. Hope he won’t break up with me before the holiday though.“ I nudged her. „Come on. He loves you.“ I smiled at her.
„Yeah. Why would he break up if he loves you?“ Cameron said when he put his arm around my shoulder. „Said the right person.“ I huffed. „And Get your arm off of me!“ I stood next to Sam now getting away from Cameron. „But young lady you look so fine today. I might not resist the temptation.“ He had a smirk plastered on his face. I pretended to puke.
All of a sudden we heard glass clinking. „May I have a word?“ Ethan spoke up. Oh god. Here we go. „I just wanted to say a few words.“ He had a big smile on his face but still he looked horrified. Sam stepped closer to him leaving me alone with Cameron at the side of the room.
„Sam over here. She’s been in my life for a long time now. I’m really glad to be able to call her my girlfriend. I love her with all my life. And I would love to continue to be with her. But I want everyone to know so…“ He paused for a second when he walked up closer to Sam and bend down to his knee.
„Sam, would you make me the honor and marry me?“ He said and took out a little box. Opening it he revealed a shiny diamond ring. My jaw dropped and I immediately covered it with both my hands. I started to tear up. I’m way to girly in this moment. Not good. Sam nodded uncontrollably. „Yes!“ You could hear her squeal. The room was filled with aw’s and applause. „Congratulation.“ Was the expression you could hear through the room.
I felt his hand on my waist pulling me closer to his body. My back leaned against his body. „Wow.“ He mumbled. I simply nodded. His hand was stroking up and down my side. „I-uhm I should go talk to them.“ I stuttered. Why did I stutter? „I should too.“ He simply said not letting go of my side. So we approached them me attached to him.
„Come here!“ I said to Sam as I started to tear up again. „Congrats!“ I mumbled into her shoulder while we were hugging. „I’m so happy for you.“ I was totally gonna cry as was she. Lets be real. We pulled away both of us teary eyed. „Look at them. They have emotions.“ Cameron nudged Ethan. Stupid bitch. I gave him a glare. „Something you’ll never have.“ I walked to the kitchen.
I couldn’t stand him. Why was he here? Why does he do this to me? Why can’t I just- „Again? Really?“ He stood behind me. I sighed. „Pour me one as well. This out there.“ He pointed to the living room. „Makes me want to throw up.“ I chuckled pouring the both of us a shot. „Didn’t know you thought so highly of marriage.“ I teased him. We both took our shot. „Well. If I was with that one girl I love right now. All of that back there wouldn’t make me sick.“ He stepped closer to me.
„Why aren’t you with the girl you love than, huh?“ I questioned him. „I fucked up.“ He whispered pulling me closer to him. „And I would love to tell her that I am sorry for everything I caused her.“ He closed his eyes. „Why don’t you?“ My hand laid on his chest. „She’s not so fond of me at the moment.“ He sighed. „I wonder why.“ I patted his chest and smiled a little. „Lets say I didn’t have the balls to call her.“ He looked down at me with a little pout.
„What do you think? Will she forgive me?“ I looked up to him. „If you explain to her what happened. Than, yeah, maybe she will.“ He smiled a little. „Would you think she’d let me kiss her?“ I giggled and lightly nodded. So he leaned in and our lips met again after starving for one an others touch.
Next Chapter
A/N: Okaaaay. Here we go. Hope you liked this chapter. It’s all over the place with the emotions and pretty much bipolar... Sorry. Tell me what you thought about it always appreciate some feedback! Have a great ass day! Love you :)
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