#get you a man that will deadass take your shift at work while you nap
noorionoodles · 3 months
❁Spring Troupe Boys and their (S/O)'s Snuggles (Headcanons) ❁
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Spoilers for Act 2! TW/: swearing cuz i'm passionate lol
❁ Sakuya Sakuma
- blushy boi = happy boi
- i'd imagine he'd be rehersing alone in the wee hours of the morning onstage, and your sleepy ass would surprise him by coming up from behind and wrapping your arms around him.
- he'd definitely be startled!
- after the initial shock, he'd give you one of those gorgeous smiles you adore and be like, "Oh, (S/O)! Where did you come from?"
- and when you give a muffled reply through the fabric of his hoodie, he'd stay still with a shade of pink slowly reaching his ears, letting the warmth of your embrace sink in.
- he'd REFUSE to focus on his script again until you let him go. Rest assured he'll walk into practice with that memory for the rest of the day. (the rest of the troupe would definitely pick up on their leader's giddy attitude, but none of them find it in them to tease him cuz omg he's so precious— )
- would be too flustered to ask for some himself so you're gonna have to take the reigns here—
❁ Masumi Usui
- he'd deny it. Oh he'd def deny how good it feels to have your arms slink around his waist, your face buried in the crook of his neck as you wake yourself up from your drowsy state.
- he'd be all flustered and shit and would snap if any of the guys even go so far as to mention it.
- but when it comes to you? Ohhh boy
- You created a monster
- it's taking every ounce of his self-control to not pull you back to his dorm and nap with you.
- rehersals be damned! (Just kidding, he'd begrudgingly get up after a while. Hard to sleep in when you have Sakuya as your personal alarm clock)
- after that moment he'd crave your cuddles.
- Every
- Single
- Day
- he'll beg if he has to (in the end it's your choice anyway lmao)
- and as much as you're annoyed at him for dragging you away from work, all is forgiven since he gives really good hugs.
❁ Tsuzuru Minagi
- congratulations, Mankai Company has finally found a way to get their script writer to get to fucking bed on time.
- pulling all nighters? Throw you on his desk.
- refusing to sleep cuz of early shifts? Throw you on his bed. The others will take care of work.
- has pulled all nighters anyway and is now passed out on the ground? THROW YOU ON THE GROUND—jk both of you are hogging the couch
- just like how Citron's terrible japanese, Izumi's concerning obsession with curry and Banri and Juza at each other's throats 24/7 has become a staple in our theatre group; You clinging to Tsuzuru in your sleep while he makes coffee for himself has swiftly made its way up there.
- if Tsuzuru has completed a script or the Company has produced yet another successful play; it's a guarantee they will find you guys hibernating in at least 45 different spots—
- this'll keep repeating till Omi and Takato carry you two back to your dorms.
- rinse and Repeat lmao
❁ Itaru Chigasaki
- listen
- Imagine it's the weekend and Itaru is sitting on his gloriously comfy beanbag playing yet another one of those RPGs (god I sound like a boomer lol) and he feels a weight on his back and he realises you're snuggling against him still half asleep wrapped in your blanket?
- bro's in heaven
- like deadass, man would stop BREATHING if it means you won't wake up
- he just thinks you're so snuggly and cute and smol like this and AHHHH—
- outside he calm and all suave but inside he panik (in a good way) (like the 'this is so cute ima explode' panik)
- would tease the absolute bajesus outta you once you wake up tho
- ngl he'll want more
- too bad for you he's making this a routine, if it ain't you snuggling then it's him.
- Bonus points if his (S/O) is a stoic and unfeely type, ESPECIALLY if they're touch starved
- like the contrast is wiiiild honey—
- 10/10 would hug again
❁ Citron
- He'd get so giddy and shit when he sees you asking for a hug
- man would casually just pick you up lmao idk man
- he's not that strong but he'd just see you leaning against him half asleep
- and just
- picks you up like bridal style
- that obv wakes you up so you look at your bf like 👁 👄 👁
- and he suddenly spins you around and does the zoomies till you SCREAM at him to put you down
- happens only once though lol (unless you want him to do it again in which case u're in luck)
- other than that, he'd definitely let you sleep on his lap, his legs tucked on either sides of you with his chin on your head
- like a protective mama bird lol
- would sing to you if you allow him
❁ Chikage Utsuki
- yeah good luck surprising him lmao
- I'm sorry you won't be able to do it without him figuring it out beforeand.
- man's already touch aversed (esp around girls) so he'd be on high alert
- but he trusts you
- so when you swallow your pride and ask him, he'd act all smug and tease you about it for a bit
- like what you on about mr. highlighter man I need my cuddles—
- but he'd finally give in and allow you to snuggle against him while he relaxes on the couch
- def the most calm one out of all of them
- he'd feel a subtle warmth in his chest
- it's foreign to him, but the sight of you wrapped around his arms, so vulnerable and safe in his embrace? It reminds him alot of Hisoka back in the day
- and with that connection, he'd pull you to his chest and make a silent vow to himself to always protect you with his life.
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Ok I read the Camilo and dulce fic, and it made me think, he is so smitten with her as to go out of his way to make her happy like that. So I said that to ask this, can we have a good boyfriend Camilo taking care of dulce while she's on her period? I imagine she'd be astounded at his knowledge until he reminded her that he lived under the same roof as 6 women.
(Your fics are amazing and I honestly love reading them so much 💗
That's fucking precious, let's do it- you guys thought FÉLIX was a good bf for periods, wait till you see this shit.
"Question Señorita. What desserts look as good as you do right now?"
Dulce rolled her eyes at his opening line. Camilo was ever just the worst flirt, even the second he walked in through her front doors. Luckily for her, there was a bit of a lull in business today, so no one heard his nonsense. She put another cake in the display case, before leaning over the counter to look at him.
"I know you meant it as just the worst pick up line, but honestly, I'd go with the peach and ricotta tarts. Mom's recipe."
"Then I'll take two. Where is your mom anyway?"
She picked both the pastries for him, and handed it to him. He put money on the counter, and as usual, wouldn't let her refuse it.
"She's out having coffee with Osvaldo."
"Doesn't she hate him?"
"She SAID it was because she felt like showing him what REAL coffee tastes like, but genuinely I feel like they have an enemies to lovers situation going on."
Camilo snorted at the thought, before giving her a puzzled look.
"You okay?"
"Huh? Yeah, why?"
She looked up from her spot of dough. They got a huge haul of apples, so apple fritters were a part of the menu today.
"I dunno, you usually knead the dough with a lot more energy. You looked kinda tired."
"Oh I'm just not at a hundred percent. I'm on my period, so I'm a bit slow. I'll manage though, you know fritters aren't complicated."
Camilo polished off his pastry, before making his way behind the counter. Mom would have a fit if she knew she let him back here. He took a hold of her hand, and motioned for her to follow. She did, despite how much work she had to do, and he dragged her to the break room. It was small, only really having a chair and a small table.
"Here, take a breather. Let me make you some tea."
"No no, I'm really fine, I'm just tired and...ugh, you suck."
Camilo just had to go behind the chair, and rub his thumbs into her shoulders. How the hell could she get up and work when he was moving them in small, steady circles like that?
"Uh huh. Be mad all you want. Imma make you some tea in the kitchen, and get you a snack, I know you haven't eaten."
"I got busy."
"Busy this, busy that. You keep not taking care of yourself, I'm not gonna leave you alone. No matter where you go, imma follow you. At the library, at work-"
She turned her head a bit to look up at his eyes, a bit of a smirk at her lips.
"What if I gotta take a shower?"
"Hey, I take my boyfriend position seriously. If I GOTTA watch you there, oh well~"
By the time he finished rubbing her shoulders, she was too comfortable to get up. He stood in front of her, knelt down a bit so he could be at her level.
"Well this pervert is gonna get you something to snack on, is gonna make you a tea to help you feel a little less aching, and he's gonna check on you after your nap. Do you need to change your pad real quick, or do you use tampons? I can get you either. If it's heavy, I should get you the overnight ones my mom uses."
She couldn't help but blink at him. She'd dated her fair share of guys, and each one was nice enough to her on her time of the month, but this was Camilo. Camilo was constantly doing too much for her.
"You...know about pads and tampons?"
Camilo gave her a 'really, bitch?' Look, as if her surprise was stupid.
"I live with seven women, course I do. I literally have a drawer full of the stuff for them to grab in case of emergencies. EVERYONE in that house knows about periods, even Antonio is learning."
It was easy to see Camilo as immature, mischievous, a child even. But he had these moments where he was so kind, so caring, almost protective of her. She remembered her mom saying it was a LOT like Pedro used to be. She gave her head a gentle shake, pushing a bit of hair away from his face.
"That's...sweet. I don't need to change though, thank you. I can stay for a minute, but I really do need to work. What if mom comes back and I'm not working?"
"You will be working though,"
He shape shifted into her, feeling rather proud of himself, clearly.
"I can guarantee it. I've watched you work, I can handle it."
"Ay Camilo, I don't know..."
"Come on, you trust me, right?"
Yes he tended to eat all they had in stock, yes he tended to ask a million questions, and sometimes he was just a general pain. But he looked so sure, so earnest here. She'd feel awful if she just shut him down. She cupped his face (hers, technically?) in her hands, before nodding.
"I do. I trust you, a lot. But please take it as serious as you can, no one but mom is allowed to help in there, she'd never forgive me if something happened."
He held onto her hand, and nodded.
"I'll take care of EVERYTHING. I'll take care of you, the bakery, anything you need. Even though you didn't look too bad back there, I know shit sucks."
"...I feel like I don't give you enough credit sometimes, Cami. Gracias."
He gave her lips a little smooch, before heading right to the kitchen. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she tried to relax. She didn't realize how much her feet hurt, how good it felt to just sit. Then she realized just who was in the kitchen, and she called out to him from her seat.
"Cami, no eating the raw dough please!"
"I'm- I'm not!"
He totally was. But, because she could smell whatever tea he was brewing for her, she decided to let it slide this time. Afterall.
Camilo was kind of a-dough-rable.
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letters-from-eros · 4 years
I know you don't have rules for that already but can I ask for relationship hc's for Chuuya and Dazai with a fem or gender neutral s/o?😳❤
A/N: Am I foaming from the mouth for my first BSD request? Maybe. I hope this is good though. I added in a short part on how they asked you out cause I wanted this to be different and unique from most dating HCs.
Pairing(s): Dazai Osamu, Chuuya Nakahara x GN!Reader
Warnings: Slight mention of suicide in Dazai's, cursing
Form: Headcanon
Also: These ran super duper long I'm so sorry
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You managed to cuff the suicidal maniac, huh?
Well done, my friend, well done
It took him so long to ask you out, and even when he did it wasn't planned. In all honesty, he never planned to tell you about his feelings. The excruciating part for him is that he did fall pretty fast, and realized he was falling even faster.
He didn't deny them, that wouldn't make it go away. He knew that. He sat and let it festered, hoping it would just disappear at some point.
Had the mindset of anything he loved he'd lose, y'know? Sad but so.
The way I'd imagine it happening is that you both are either working late at the ADA (with just the two of you there) or just at his place hanging out into all hours of the night.
Both of you are laughing at some dumb joke Dazai made and as the laughter dies out he feels.. Bittersweet. You make him feel genuinely happy, like there's no need to put on any mask or facade. That was not a feeling he had with anyone else.
Once silence fully overtakes you both it slips out of his mouth, purely on accident.
"I love you"
"More than suicide?"
"Y/n I'm serious!"
From that night forward you had the pleasure of being the partner of Dazai Osamu, with his feelings being released in an extremely cliche coming-of-age-movie way.
Okay, onto actually dating Dazai
Still goofy as all hell. Honestly the only thing that has really changed is the he lets you in a lot less hesitantly on small things. Its easier to put cracks in his walls, per se
Unbothered by PDA and will probably make out with you in public and not see why that isn't a thing that should be done or why you wouldn't like it.
(Just tell him if you don't, he'll get over it eventually)
Will kiss you everywhere, doesn't exactly have a favorite place, but where he does end up kissing you the most is your forehead for convenience. He'll kiss your wrist if he's holding your hand, too.
Clingy as all hell, always wants to be touching you in some way and becomes the biggest dramatic bitch when he can't be around you.
Kunikida will actually punt him if he says he'll die if he's away from you for another second. For the tenth time
No more suicide attempts once you two are dating, and doesn't ask for a double suicide with you because he knows it'll upset you quite a bit
He flirts with you like he's trying to get you to date him lmao he will never ease up, especially if it gets you bashful.
Dazai would NOT be dating you if he did not trust you a whole lot, so thats something that is pretty vital to the relationship.
That being said, please be understanding of the pieces of Dazai he keeps locked away to never see the light of day again and trust him just as much as he trust you. Its important especially if you don't want the relationship to be one-sided
Also with the high amount of trust he places in you, he doesn't get jealous easily. I mean he may get pissy that you're not giving him any attention but jealous is never the right word to use
Mf finally washes his fucking clothes once he starts dating you. Doesn't smell like the bottom of the ocean on a regular basis anymore.
Dates are always chill and rarely super extravagant. Park dates are often but Dazai's truly preferred date is snuggling inside, watching a few movies and slipping in and out of naps.
Belladonna is his go-to petname for you, of course, but he may bounce around with other petnames for kicks.
He will start calling you weird shit if you ignore him for to long.
Never raises his voice at you unless its in some joking manner. On the rare occurrence that you two have an argument he would need to get extremely riled up before he resorts to raising his voice. He tries to have patience and usually succeeds.
Dazai gets SO soft and SO loving sometimes, and it can be out of no where or something minuscule could have sparked it. All I know is that its nice and cute 🥰
He's usually pretty vulnerable himself when he gets like that so match his energy, alright? If you don't he might end up a little sour for some short amount of time and be more hesitant to get like that
10/10 Lover. This is by no means an effortless relationship, its a constant battle of figuring out boundaries, running into walls and respecting them. Dating Dazai isn't toxic if you treat him right and when you do? It definitely pays off.
(This got so long. I've had so much pent-up Dazai love and all around BSD love and I finally had an outlet to completely let it out)
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Okay, sorry. But this man is the love of my life, and he will be yours as well.
Took him a while to really figure out his feelings for you, or to better put it, it took him a while to label the feeling he had towards you "love"
But ONCE HE DID mans was practically whipped before you officially started dating omg.
You could notice the shift in attitude when he figured out his feelings. He got nervous, went stiff and blushy all against his will. Maybe a tad bit more snappy.
He'd try to keep his cool and then just eat shit and become a babbling angry mess.
After every encounter and interaction with you he'd end up overthinking all of it and when he catches himself doing that he gets so upset with himself. It's really when he realized that he won't be able to keep his feelings a secret forever.
Definitely started avoiding you when planning on the 🌈perfect🌈 way to ask you out and blamed work if you asked him why he was avoiding you.
Anyway, the way he asks you out was almost as calculated as a proposal.
He asks you to meet him at the port and dress comfortably towards the end of the day
When you get there, Chuuya has a nice place set up for you both. A blanket and a bottle of expensive wine because we all know he's lowkey an alcoholic along with a very nice view of the ocean/port.
Chuuya made sure it didn't radiate too much romantic energy to give his plans away; also, he wasn't that nervous. Once he gets truly determined to do something, he doesn't let something like anxiety get in the way of it. The idea of being rejected was essentially an afterthough
Made an effort to make sure he didn't drink too much and neither did you. He didn't want to take advantage of the possibility of you being drunk by the time he asks you out and he knows he himself has a low tolerance
Once the sun began to set is when he asks. Stutters a little bit towards the beginning but smooths it out.
"Y/n, I uh.. I brought you to tell you that I love you."
"Have you drank too much already, Chuuya?"
"No! I'm completely sober!"
It was overall super cute and unforgettable, just as he planned.
Honestly, being in a relationship with this boy is just 🥰
Spoils you so much. You'll deadass be dripped out head to toe purely in stuff Chuuya has bought you.
Dw, he has an alright sense of fashion
Don't try to discourage him, that'll only get him to buy more stuff.
Chuuya's short and the concept of a size difference doesn't bother him at all, he'll find a way to kiss you regardless lol
On the topic of kissing, his favorite places are your lips and hands
He takes of his gloves whenever he's with you and let me tell you his hands are the softest things ever. Albeit his knuckles are a little calloused sometimes.
If you're anything like me, you'd want his soft hands on you 24/7 and y'know what? Chu would happily oblige.
He isn't like the biggest fan of PDA but certainly isn't against it. He'd rather keep things behind doors as much as he can. Holding hands and small kisses on the cheek are very fine by him.
He isn't like the biggest jealous type? He doesn't become overly irate or anything but certainly doesn't take any pleasure in watching you talk to other guys.
Chuuya does have some form of self restraint when it comes to that. Him getting a lil jealous is one of the only things that'll have him completely make-out with you in public or smth
Chuuya is very snuggly and touchy behind closed doors. He practically becomes Dazai but a lot less goofy
Oh yeah he definitely rants about how much he fucking hates Dazai now n again
Isn't huge on petnames but definitely calls you them every now and again.
Princess, babe and baby are his top few.
Chuuya definitely has a morning voice where it drops 2 octaves and its just 🥰
Never yells at you, its pretty shocking. The only times he's ever raised his voice with you is when its very obvious that he's not genuinely upset with you. Almost for comedic affect because it is angry short boy Chuuya
One may think arguments are often with Chuuya, but they're sort of not. He may be a pretty stubborn individual but he never argues to argue unless its Dazai-
He always works towards and agreement to end the argument as soon as possible. He keeps his cool and will never raise his voice. You can barely call them arguments because of how much he tries to keep his cool.
When he's stressed or had a bad day he gets extremely quiet because he doesn't even want the opportunity to open his mouth and take it out on you. The only words he'll say to you while he's in that state is that he's stress and you didn't do anything wrong just to make sure you're not worried over it.
All and all? Chuuya is the best and there's no way around it. He has his faults but always tries to improve and be his best self for you :)
(I had even more pent-up love for Chuuya and it got even longer, whoops-)
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angelicichor · 5 years
Hi, I just read your somft bois post. Hypothetically speaking, if one were to test you, how much softer could you go? Theoretically, of course. (In all seriousness I really loved it and I’m deadass gonna read whatever else you have to spare my grubby gremlin hands 💖)
You dare?? Question my somftness skills?? 
Bubba Sawyer:
♥ Bubba’s whole existence is softness personified. This boy is the walking manifestation of warm summer days at the beach with wind blowing in your face, but keeping the sand away, he’s the ice cream, the laughter and the joy of lying face-front in the sun, with the essence of dummy that comes with the realization that you did not put on sunscreen and are now burned. Worth it.
♥ Just the way he waves his hands in excitement when he sees you after a long time (so more than 6 minutes) is enough to make your day so much better than it was before and you ain’t even close to him yet. 
♥ He’s the essence of love, pulling you into a tight bear hug, enveloping you in his soft self, squishing air out of your longs and nuzzling your cheeks with his masked ones, it’s a bit disgusting, really, but he’s so happy to do it that you honestly don’t even care.
♥ Bubba’s a damn gentleman is what he is. He’ll take your coat if you’ve been out, sit you down, undo your shoes, pass you your slippers and proceed to take of that funny looking hat he gave you at some point and that funky scarf you’re wearing that was Nubbin’s gift, you don’t dare to question where either of them got those things, but you adore them never the less, makes you feel like a part of the family and I mean - You are! You’re Bubba’s darling! His angel, his everything! 
♥ He makes sure you know that by showering your freezing face with warm, sloppy kisses and pulling you into another hug, gasping in offence when you weasel your hands under his shirt, stealing his warmth.
♥ This man is a gosh darn walking radiator, fight me on this, I WILL WIN.
♥ Once you’re all dressed for staying home he takes your comparably tiny hands and after being stuck with an awestruck expression for a moment (because how can your skin feel so nice to touch?!) he’ll guide you to the main room and sit you down for a nice, warm meal.
♥ He’s already eaten, so instead he crouches by the table and looks at you lovingly, with those big, adorable eyes. And when you pet his head they close in immediate bliss and he shifts to hug your waist and lie his head on your lap while you’re still eating.
♥ In that way he’s like a cat, you’re stuck now, you cannot move him until you finish your soup. By then he’ll leave by himself to show you proudly a platter of cookies he made with his brother.
♥ They might or might not have razors in them, knowing his bastard brother, so he cracks each one of them open to check if he’s right. Yes, he is. With a lot of huffs he steps out of the room to be angry at Nubbins and you can’t help but laugh a little.
♥ And no, Nubbins doesn’t hate you… he’s just… being Nubbins.
♥ After a few rumbles and crashes your boy is back, dusting off his hands in an almost comedic way and picks you up without a warning to carry you to a couch with a TV in front of it.
♥ He sits you down, pats your head to make you stay and you nod at him with a happy smile, watching him leave and come back just a moment later with the cracked cookies. Scooting you over a bit he sits down, the couch creaking under his weight ever so slightly and he puts the platter on the small coffee table before lying down and pulling you on top of him, gently, carefully and only once he notices that he’s alright with moving you.
♥ The satisfied noise he makes once you’re on his chest and belly force you to hold back a squeak, because it’s just so adorable. 
♥ “You’re taking a nap, Bubba?” You ask gleefully, pinching his masked nose lightly. He nods eagerly and just huff a laughter. “Okay, but an hour and no longer, okay? I got work to do.” He pouts a bit and traps you in his arms. You’re not going anywhere before he gets his rest, he’s worked hard for it!
♥ The TV is turned on and before you know it your boy is snoring underneath you, his expression stuck in a stupid little smile that makes your heart flutter.
♥ I hope you don’t need to pee, because you’re stuck on him for an hour now.
Thomas Hewitt:
♥ Moving in with Thomas (without a real choice, but you CAN’T complain) turned out to make your days way more busy, with Luda Mae and Hoyt keeping you on your feet, tending to the house, it’s surroundings and it’s occupants if they needed anything. Thomas had a similar treatment, but being a country boy he was used to it, your city self couldn’t get accustomed that fast, so you worked slower than him, but a bit were a bit more careful with every task, so Luda was more than happy to have you help. Less dishes being broken that way and all.
♥ So at the end of the day you’d be completely wasted and wanting nothing more to just sit down and rest, but almost always Monty would call you to do one more thing, just to see you frown and pout and mope your way back to him to ask what he wanted.
♥ Except this time you don’t make it to his wheelchair, being lifted in the air and placed on a firm shoulder, your hands hitting a familiar, muscular back and your eyes spotting a very squeezable butt that could only belong to Tommy.
♥ Monty’s about to say something, but the Behemoth is quick to turn to him and squint his eyes, daring him to steal you away from him when it was HIS time to have you to himself.
♥ You weren’t dating, at least not yet (at least you’re pretty sure you ain’t???), but you were dear to him and each time someone made you do something when he was just about to grab you he grew just a bit more agitated and it showed. His walk was stiffer, more determined than usual and you were happy that his frame was so solid, keeping you from bouncing with his every step, huffing something under his breath, but you knew better than to expect any words to actually come out. Though he did speak sometimes, simple words, nothing more.
♥ He brought you upstairs into the room he rarely uses and slammed the door behind him with another huff, letting you slip down from his shoulders, you then giggling at his tired eye roll. You knew Hoyt made him chase after a group of teens today, too lazy to do his own damn work, so this Giant was W A S T E D.
♥ To confirm that, he kicked his boots off and slammed onto his bed, jumping a bit as he hit the mattress face first, groaning into the soft pillows. You couldn’t help but laugh at how over-dramatic he was being. Very few people knew this, but Tommy is a sassy bastard when he’s not around Hoyt.
♥ With another creak you saw Thomas turning, a lazy smile hidden under his mask, nudging his head towards the dresser, where a radio was laying, a few CDs right next to it. “Ya want me to play us somethin’?” You asked and he nodded quickly, sitting up and hunching forward slightly, eyes fixed on you as you looked through the albums. “Metallica will do?” you didn’t look back this time, so he just hummed in agreement and lied back down, letting the soft bass at the start of Enter Sandman hush his mind.
♥ This man looks so damn peaceful when his eyes are closed, his usually furrowed brows relaxing and head bobbing slightly to the rhythm of the music, barely paying any attention to you moving onto the bed and sitting on your legs right next to his chest, only opening one eye to see what you were up to.
♥ Didn’t expect to see you pouting though.
♥ Quietly you poked his covered cheek and he understood, lifting his tired body up and turning so you faced his back. Your heart skipped a beat, realizing how much trust he was putting in you, as your small fingers undid the belt that held the dark leather mask to his face, his hair falling down in cascades as he pulled it off, his breath stuttering slightly. It did every time, because even if he trusted you not to make fun of him or flinch in disgust, his trauma was still there and just like always he moved to press himself into the pillows as quick as possible, grunting, clearly displeased.
♥ Taking the opportunity you climb on his back and lay down, groaning as you felt every muscle on your poor, sore back relax. He laughed under you when your arms went around his neck in a nuzzling hug, turning his face to look at you and blushed ever so slightly when your lazy smile welcomed him.
♥ ”Allo, handsome.” You joked and he huffed in annoyance, lifting himself and throwing you off him in the process, letting you fall to his side with a small ‘oof’. “Rude.”
♥ He knew, but it’s an eye for an eye. At least now he’s actually facing you and you grin at his face, disfigured as it might be, you honestly didn’t care.
♥ ‘Sad But True’ rolled on and he starred at the radio, letting his head rest on his fist. Not a favorite for either of you, but still good. 
♥ You adored those evenings with Thomas, quiet, calm, chill, spent on listening to music and helping each other relax, cuddling, laughing at each other, play wrestling, banging you heads to the rhythm of the music and massaging sore muscle if needed. Tommy was great at the last part, well, he was amazing at all of those things, but his fingers were literal magic, kneading your back just right for you to relax, not even expecting you to do the same, because he knew your fingers hurt when you massaged him, muscle does that and it makes your hands sore after.
♥ But with those darling moments it always made you wonder just WHAT were you. It wasn’t just a friendship, you weren’t dating and there was no sex involved so, what then?
♥ Not bearing the question any longer you shoot up, startling him a bit and pinning him under you, eyes determined, making him chuckle at your sudden courage, ready to pounce back if you wanted to wrestle. “Thomas Hewitt Brown.” You start and he tilts his head in confusion, one brow raised, waiting for your next words - what did he do NOW? “What…” your gaze shifted to the side, not unnoticed by him and now both of you were blushing slightly. “What… am I to you?” finally you break the silence and look back at him, only to find his eyes wide in shock.
♥ It wasn’t your question, but the sudden realization that he has NO IDEA.
♥ Cue the slightly panicked shrug and him sitting up, holding you in place on his lap, making you blush at just how close he was. Usually neither of you would mind, but now with both your thoughts racing and ‘Wherever I May Roam’ surprisingly rolling up, the closeness was suffocating.
♥ He looks away, thumbs drawing circles in you back, furrowing his brows before smiling lightly, a cocky grin and a spark of deviousness in his eye as he pulled you closer to him by gently placing his hand at the back of your head.
♥ ”Tommy?” you asked, your body trembling when his dark eyes met yours in a heated daze, asking for something and when he inched closer, tilting his head slightly to the side and you didn’t shove away he knew he found his answer, kissing your lips softly, his heart clenching with pure joy and warmth when you kissed back, again and again, sweetly and carefully. Once he pulled away you were both blushing like crazy and with a happy giggle he pushed you down to his chest and slammed his back into the bed.
♥ You were huffing and puffing in embarrassment and he just laughed, petting your hair.
♥ “That answers no–” “Mine.” He cut you off and you rose slightly, amazed to hear his voice vibrating through his huge chest, the cocky grin not leaving his lips. With another huff you decided to just lay on him, digging your chin into his chest in a form of revenge, feeling his whole body shake in  warm laughter.
♥ “FINE. But that doesn’t explain a thing!” you groan jabbing at his side with your fingers and the way he catches your hand you know that you just brought a round of rough housing on yourself. “Oh, you’re ON.” you hiss and attack his sides, determined to win against him this time.
♥ Spoilers: You absolutely won… not.
Michael Myers (RZ):
♥ To say that Mikey is a problem child would be a SEVERE understatement.
♥ It’s not even his violent tendencies or his obsessive behavior, but the years he spent in the sanitarium, being feared by every single nurse, orderly, guard and doctor taught him, that he has enough power to just take what he wants whenever he wants it.
♥ Even if it meant holding you hostage in his ridiculously huge and strong arms, pressing his chin against the top of your head and sitting on the floor, because your protests made you fall of the couch and he’s NOT giving you the chance to slip away from him AGAIN.
♥ You’re both sitting there, brows furrowed, because he won’t let you go shopping and you are STARVING and it’s HIS fault because he’s just too damn big for his own good and ate ALL YOUR FOOD.
♥ And he won’t even apologize! No, instead he’s forcing you to give him love and affection! That touch starved bastard!
♥ “You’re such a dick.” you groan , trying to jab him with your elbows, but his hold is just too tight. Noticing your struggles he tenses his muscle to squeeze you inside him, making you squeak at the sudden tightness. “MICHAEL!!” you raise your tone and he groans, standing up with you and before you can even think of breaking free he’s throwing you on the sofa, falling onto you right after, knocking the air out of your lungs. “MICHAAAAEEEEEL!!!” you whine, shoving his arms to no avail. You know damn well that his gosh darn mountain of a man ain’t moving an inch unless he wants to humor you and he’s being a grumpy bastard right now.
♥ A low growl runs through his throat and his gaze shots up to you, making you shut up immediately. “Shut up and pet me.” he complains, nuzzling into your chest angrily like a damned child. 
♥ You open your mouth wide, shocked, appalled, distraught, how DARE HE.
♥ “MICHAEL I’M STARVIIIIIIING!!” you moan, slipping your hands from under him (he let you because how are you supposed to pet him otherwise) and brutally ruffling his mane of dirty blonde hair. He catches your hands and squints at you, huffing a loose strand of hand off his face, unmasked for once. You gulp and push further into the sofa, making yourself smaller as he loomed over you, a wide grin slowly rising on his face as he realized something that would give so much trouble. “Michael… we’re both adults… be rational.” you try to reason with him, but he’s already off you, moving towards the kitchen to look for something. Your face pales as you realize what he’s look for and jump of the sofa in PURE FEAR.
♥ You can hear a faint hum of approval as he found the object and is now turning towards you, his eyes squinted in a sinister smile and soon you can hear the whip of rope being pulled together, a lumbering laughter echoing from his chest. 
♥ “Mikey, no.” you warn.
♥ “Run.” But his warning sounds stronger, and you’re sprinting off with a laughing shriek as he chases after you with a wide, childish grin on his face.
Am I grinning while writing those??? A B S O L U T E L Y. 
Does my face hurt from doing that? Y A 
Hope this is somft enough for u bc I am just…. S HAkinG. So much fluffiness, we a pillow factory in this binch now. Amazing.
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trickstercheebs · 4 years
fuck we have to CHOOSe one? Uuuuh "✿: feeling so out of it, they need constant attention" AGP sick Gordon and the team? and/or "+: being led back to bed with patient whispers" but they dont have bodies yet, just worry
YOU GOT IT! here we go
He had walked back in and half the team knew something was wrong. He looked flushed as hell despite it being 70 degrees outside..Half the time they tried talking to him he had to be called to attention multiple times, clearly something was wrong.
“Gordon..? Gordon are you okay? What’s wrong you never act like this....hello?”
Tommy was the first to try and get Gordon to explain what was going on, he brushed them off weakly saying he just felt a little light headed...But the way he talked sounded like he barely heard Tommy talking.
Coomer tried next, knowing his usual greeting always got a response, his normal smile fell when Gordon didn’t fully respond for several minutes, even Bubby had finally dropped the snark in favor of seeing what the hell was going on with their Gordon.
“Hey, hey what the fuck is actually going on Gordon...You’ve never acted like this before, are you dying on us or something? You fucking better not or else I’m going to fucking come out there...okay? Just...just dont fucking die on us for real Gordon.”
Gordon by now had slumped back into his chair watching the AI’s frantically figure out what’s wrong, the strongest of them now cracking with worry when their usual antics and nonsense got....nothing back.
“Guys....guys I’m not gonna die okay..? I’m...just a lil sick is all, just a lil fever nothing to worry about. “
“Bullshit bro, that...that doesnt look like a normal fever...Gordon you need to get into bed. Shit’s not good to just stay in the chair for...”
Benry had finally shown his own worry after watching Gordon just....sit there unmoving and staring off into space for a half hour, it wasn’t fun to watch him do that knowing he’s delirious and shit.
“Ben...ry? Shit since when did you become a mother hen..? heheh..I must be out of it then if I have you freaking out at me..”
The others were trying to figure out what to do, how to get Gordon to get better or at least fucking sleep..The fact they lacked bodies made this all entirely and unnecessarily harder to do. Tommy and Coomer combed over wikipedia and any health web pages on how to best combat a cold. Bubby kept on trying to berate and convince Gordon to go to sleep and rest with little to no success.
Benry though was wanting to try some other methods. If Gordon was this fucking out of it...maybe he could try the only method he had available left. 
Giving a quick word to the others on what the fuck was about to go down and getting the “Go ahead we have no fucking other ways.” he slipped into Gordons phone and tested the waters of Gordons mind.
Like Tommy and Coomer, Benry sometimes delved into the deep oceans of knowledge that Wikipedia offered, mostly on some stupid meme shit.. But as of late he had delved into the science of the mind and sleep. Mostly to figure out how he could slip into Gordons mind at night..and maybe how the whole subconscious worked.
He found nothing but stupid ass jargon but some of the things he learned were interesting...Like that at certain stages of delirium and sleep deprivation, the mind enters a sleep like state...or as close to it as possible. 
Benry smiled to himself as he felt himself slide into Gordons mind with practiced ease. The others wouldn’t know what was going on on this side of things...But if it worked like he hoped Gordon would be fine and in bed soon.
“Gordon...hey dumbass look at me for a second.. C’mon sleepy head, lil baby needs to be put down for a nap.”
“B....Benry? Issat you?”
“Yeah? C’mon I need you to get up, take the headphones off bro.”
Gordon blinked owlishly up at the guard now standing above him smiling softly...When did he get here? Was he always here...?
“When’d you get out here dude? ...what the shit’s going on?”
“Don’t worry about it bro, c’mon get up outta the chair, bed’s alot better for baby time naps. I’ll join you even if you want Gordon....”
“...that sounds....actually kinda nice..? alright.”
Benry sighed softly in relief as Gordon pushed himself out of the chair at last, hearing the muted cheers from the rest of the science team as he stumbled towards the bed nearby.
Gordon all but collapsed onto the edge of said bed, and with some more prompting by Benry shuffled under the covers to sleep like a decent human being. Benry himself couldnt do much aside from mime sitting on the edge of the bed and talk to him until sleep finally claimed Gordon at long last a hour later.
The rest of the science team went about their day, checking up on Gordon via phone to see if he was still asleep or feeling at all better.. They didn’t entirely understand where Benry went, Coomer had one idea but that was something to discuss in private with Benry himself.
As for Benry, he stayed hidden in Gordon’s hazy fever dreams to keep him company. With the fever affecting him it made things ten times stranger....Not that he minded, he could gently shift things away from nightmarish topics and have a bit of fun with Gordon, who did not seem to know or mind whatever the hell was going on.
Of course he also indulged in some nonsense of his own at Gordon’s expense, he accompanied him on his feverish adventures and played along with whatever logic Gordon’s brain supplied... and of course using the cover of dreams to kiss and cuddle whenever possible with the poor man.
Several hours later, Benry slipped back into the computer to say Gordon had gone into a dreamless deeper sleep..But now all they had to do was wait and hope in the morning things would be better.
Morning came and went, and later into the afternoon Gordon finally managed to pull himself from sleeps loving embrace with a coughing yawn.
“Gordon?? Gordon you’re alive! Good morning!”
“Hello...Tommy? Tommy what time is it...? Where’s my phone at...”
Fumbling about with a slow groan he dug his phone out of the blanket nest he made in his sleep...When the hell did he get here? Christ he barely remembered yesterday even...it was four in the afternoon...Wow he was out cold for almost a full day.
“Holy fuck I must of been deadass...Sorry guys, I felt like utter shit yesterday, didn’t mean to scare you all if I did, I barely remember being conscious at all.”
“That’s all well and fine Gordon, but you must learn to take better care of yourself! You had us worried it was something much more dire.”
“Sorry Dr. Coomer...and you’re right I should take better care of myself from now on..I had some fucking weird dreams though..”
“Like what Gordon?”
He shifted in bed to get more comfortable, he still felt bad but...least he could talk to the others semi normally now. The dreams he had were strange as hell come to think of it, most of them he couldnt remember for shit aside from a handful.
“I could of sworn at some point Benry was yelling at me to get into bed and stop doing stupid shit...”
“Bro that wasn’t a dream I was yelling at you to take a lil baby nap for like...two hours. You’re a stubborn lil man.”
“No I mean...I mean like actually yelling at me, like face to face physically..”
“Wow bro, you dreamin me up out there with you? Shit sounds gay, if I was really there I’d just throw you into bed instead of just yelling.”
“Dude shut up..I guess I was probably hallucinating while you were all telling me to sleep..”
“That sounds about right, you were very very delirious all day Gordon. I’m glad to see you’re doing a bit better now.”
“Me too Dr. Coomer..I guess I should get some cold medicine now huh?”
“If you fucking dont im blowing your entire savings right here and now.”
“Alright alright jesus Bubby...I’m glad I have all of you to worry over me hahah”
Gordon laughed softly as he finally got out of bed to find his cold meds and get started on getting rid of this cold.
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knockoutxo · 7 years
11-4-17 AM
So I just got one whole hour of sleep and now I have to go to work for 8 hours and I am truly going to be so annoyed and dead inside that I don’t know how I’m going to make it. Why is it always when you need sleep the most your mind won’t let you have it? I should be getting ready for work right now but I’m deadass going in with no makeup on cause it’s just too early for anyone’s shit. So I’m listening to music in bed just trying to mentally prepare myself for putting up with peoples shit today. I’m literally gonna get up, brush my teeth, get dressed, put my glasses on and leave. Probably gonna be late since I’m waiting for my laundry to dry also. You would think in my many hours of laying awake mindlessly I would have thought to switch it over earlier but I suppose not. I have a dinner date with this guy later too and I need to go home and nap before that so I’m not a complete bitch and scare him away. The thought of being at work is nauseating me. Just realized that the guy I really like is currently in New York for a wedding. (Yeah not the guy I’m getting dinner with tonight.) He’s in New York and so far I haven’t gotten any texts about him thinking of me because he’s in my city. I’m at this point where I don’t think I’ll ever see this guy again. So there’s really no use in him texting me. A girl can dream though. My advice to anyone who reads this is don’t catch feels when you casually meet the lead singer of one of your favorite bands from middle school and he invites you back to his hotel room and you guys sit and talk for hours and spend the night together and then you drive to LA to see him again a month later for only a few hours. Ya don’t do that. I love emotionally unavailable men. 37 year old divorced former rock star ? I’m in. Sounds just like my type. I make myself available to unavailable men. There’s no chance in the world that this guy who is about to go on tour in Europe and lives in a different state on the other side of the country is going to ever cross your path again. No chance that he gives a single fuck honestly either. I’d put money on him never talking to me again. Which sucks because we talked so much over the past month and he seemed so dope. But he is far more logical than I in pulling away. He even did that sad kiss you on the forehead thing when I said bye in LA. Sometimes you can tell when it’s the last time you’ll see someone and I really think that was another last look in my collection. Which sucks because I can’t stop thinking about it (typical) but I guess how many people can say they had something as dope as this happen to them. I still have his number. If he’s ever back in town I can hit him up and mooch some free tickets at least. And he’s about to make a shit ton of new music with Steve aoki and the chainsmokers so luckily I met him when I did. This man owes me some festival tickets for the way I rocked his world. Hahahahaha but really.
Okay this is not fair I should not be going to work right now it’s not even light out yet. How am I supposed to leave in ten minutes when I can’t even move from my bed. I hate that my anxiety just had me run through everything going on in my life before an 8 hour shift on one hour of sleep. Boy it’s gonna be a long day. And it’s just so fucking slow so I cannot even fathom being at work because of how not worth it it is. I’m gonna sit around while the annoying cook tries to talk to me and he weirds me out. I have 0 patience for that today. If anyone asks me to make a Bloody Mary I will carve an X into my hand and bleed into their drink. Okay I deff won’t do that that was hella dramatic but that’s how I will feel. I hate bloody Mary’s. I hate making them. They smell awful why the fuck would anyone want all that thick ass soup looking shit in their alcohol?! I’m supposed to leave in 5 mins. Looks like that’s not happening. I open by myself so I really don’t care if I’m late. Ain’t nobody gonna say shit. I need to go to the store after work today. But I will probably be so sleep deprived that I will once again forget. This whole blogging thing is actually quite therapeutic. Maybe I should’ve tried writing down all my thoughts earlier. Trying to decide whether to bring my poetry book to work and write? Or my Motley Crue book that I’m reading? I just strongly believe if I bring my Motley Crue book than the cook will try to bond with me about it and I do not want that at all. For all he knows I have terrible taste in music and do not talk about it with anyone. I can’t give him a bridge to talk to me. But I know he is going to. Maybe I’ll go hide in the arcade area. I could mess around and take a nap on the back couches. I would love that. I could sit and write another blog post. Which I may do because I’ll be so fucking bored. Okay I’m gonna get up for work now. Wish me luck on this day while I die at work, go on a date with a guy I kinda like while still not being able to get rockstar guy off my mind, and hopefully eventually get some sleep. I’m all over the place.
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