#get you some enemies to lovers...and back to enemies again because he'd have to betray cersei
kangaracha · 9 months
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pairing chan x reader
genre ninth member au, enemies to lovers, angst, fluff, coming of age, social media, cancel culture, anxiety, depression, forbidden love,
summary To JYPE, the solution is simple; take the sole trainee that will not debut with your brand new girl group, and use her to replace the missing vocalist in your male group that insisted on starting as nine.
Unfortunately, to the fans and the members themselves, it isn't that simple.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
a/n apparently it has been 28 days since the last chapter, but the good news is i now have 4 chapters written in advance so january at least will have content. for those who haven't seen the random announcements on my blog, i've been sick and honestly probably will be again in january so your patience is appreciated, and i'm sorry, i'm not usually this sporadic with a project like this! to my editing team, who are feeling betrayed seeing this surprise chapter in their notifications, my chrissy new years gift to you is not asking for edits in the holiday season, roast me in the chat if anything is wrong (keeps, that last part doesn't apply to you)
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Even as you knock on the door to the studio, you're nervous.
Maybe you shouldn't be; it's been nearly a month exactly now, and you're fairly sure at this point that none of the boys hate you, though calling some of them friends has been easier said than done. Maybe that's why you're nervous in the first place, because it's been so long and you're still unsure where you stand within the group, especially with the one you're supposed to meet now...
It's not your fault. Well, maybe it is a little bit - you're aware that you're struggling to relax in their company, the way you had with the girls in Midnight or other trainees. But your schedules are so different too, you only see the others in practise, or in passing in the halls. Some days you practise on your own, while they are off on one schedule or another, living the life of idols that have built up their name, other days only half of them are there. Sometimes there is no dance practise scheduled at all, their own individual lessons or other commitments taking precedence.
It won't be like this forever, you just keep telling yourself. Three weeks more, and then you debut with the rest of them, and you're part of the group for real. Three weeks of hard work, and then, maybe, it gets easier.
Maybe. You've thought that before, only for an opportunity to slip away through your fingers. You wouldn't be surprised if it happened again.
The door opens - Chan, leaning over from his chair to tug on the door handle before he returns to his desk. "Come in," he says warmly, an arm gesturing you towards the couch behind him. It's already occupied by Changbin, who makes you smile when he gives you a hello and a wave. "Sit with me," he says, in Korean and then again in broken English, patting the cushions. "I'll be quiet, I promise."
You're reminded suddenly of how loud he can be, during practises or even when everyone is just sitting around, but you hesitate to mention it, sitting quietly beside him instead. "You can tell him to leave if you want," Chan adds, his back turning to his laptop. "He's not actually here for anything important."
"I'm here for emotional support," Changbin claims, only he puts on such a voice as he says it that it makes both of you laugh. "It's an important job."
"Okay, well." Chan's hands spread, like he doesn't have any say in the situation. "If you don't need support, you can tell him to leave."
"He can stay," you answer readily, and you don't really doubt your answer at all. Out of all the members, Changbin has been one of the friendliest; he'd been so warm and accepting on your first day, and gone out of his way in days since to talk to you or pull you into a joke when you were on the outskirts watching. Even if he was only doing it because you looked pathetically out of place among them, you appreciated it. 
"Cool," Chan says, and then he shifts in his chair like he's uncomfortable, his eyes straying towards his laptop momentarily. "So. I wanted to talk to you about the comeback."
"I figured as much," you reply, aware that your hands are fidgeting nervously in your lap.
Chan's mouth opens, like he's going to say something, and then he hesitates, glancing away again. Apprehension rises in your throat, bitter like the taste of bad coffee as you swallow it back down again. It's one thing if you're nervous - but if he is unsure about what he's about to say too, then it could be-
"I've thought about it, and I've decided that you're not going to debut with us on this album."
Your heart stops and then starts again, your chest tightening around your lungs even though you've heard this story before. It shouldn't even surprise you by now, the let-down; thinking you might have now, finally, done the work and reaped the reward, and yet every time you seem to let the hope creep into your chest just so that you can crumble twice as hard. You hadn't even realised you'd become this married to the idea of joining Stray Kids in the last three weeks, and yet the idea of getting dropped again hurts like a pain in your chest.
This was your last chance. No one else will debut you. The world isn't that kind of kind.
"Okay," you say, through a jaw that feels like it won't move enough to form the words. "It's - I understand. I'm sorry that I couldn't do it."
"Hang on," Chan says, a hand hovering between you like he's ready to catch you if you turn to leave. "Just hear me out - it's not that you're not good enough, okay? I just think it will help you if we wait a little bit longer, and the company were happy to agree."
"You've worked hard," Changbin says beside you, his face earnest. "No one thinks you can't do it."
"No," Chan agrees. "I'm just looking at the timeline, and the schedule they've drawn up for you, and I think you'd do much better if we push debut back to our next comeback in September."
September. Three more months away, rather than three weeks; three more months to push through, nose to the grindstone, that deadline looming over your head. Three more months in which someone might realise they've made a grave mistake and pull you right back out again, when you'd been so close to that finish line. Three more months feeling like an imposter in these boys' lives, waiting for life to even out into some kind of normal.
"Is that okay?" Chan asks, and you bite down the spiral of thoughts that pulls your mind down towards a big, black hole and nod, trying to pretend that it's nothing. The frown on his face doesn't look convinced, nor does the sheet of paper that he reaches behind him to fetch, shoving it into your hands.
"I want you to understand," he says as you look down at the paper, forcing your fingers to only hold it gently before you can rip it. A schedule, the next three weeks of your life laid out in a neat little chart that is detailed down to the minute and overflowing with things to do. "This is the choice they've given us; either we push you through this schedule and extra dance practise and debut in three weeks, or we wait sixteen weeks, and you do all of these things with the rest of us in a reasonable timeframe. I've been looking at it all week, and...I think it's too much. Waiting gives us a song prepared for nine members, takes the pressure off of the managers, gives you time to get to know everyone..."
You're forced to swallow the lump in your throat as you read the schedule and realise that Chan is right; the next week is full of photoshoots and content creation, with no room left for the dance practise you know you need to keep up with. It's rushed, and it's daunting, and at first look you're not really sure at all how you would handle everything. It's the life you've been training for for years now, and yet so many of the things on this list you feel like you haven't trained for at all.
"You're right," you admit, around a tongue that sits too heavy in your mouth. "I don't know why they thought this would work in the first place, when I'm so-"
"Someone high up had a great idea, and wanted it seen through as fast as possible," Chan says before you can finish. "Stray Kids haven't had a really...successful year. Maybe they were thinking of dropping us unless something changed, maybe they just really liked you. They've already agreed to push your debut back to September anyway, so it's not something we need to worry about now."
"As long as they still think it's a good idea in September," you say, and you manage to keep your tone light even though it doesn't sound much like a joke to you at all.
Changbin is the one to speak up, his hand slapping the arm of the couch. "They can't mess with us like that," he declares in the kind of voice that says he has complete confidence in what he says. "You want to be in Stray Kids, you're in Stray Kids, and you're not leaving."
"Exactly," Chan says warmly, and you manage to muster up a smile even though that tension still squeezes tight in your chest at the thought of another three months of limbo, not knowing if you'll stay or if you'll go. "Now," he says, turning back to his laptop, "I have better news; I've got a part for you in God's Menu that I want to hear, and I can play the next title track for you..."
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@kokinu09 @rainfallingfromthesky @lixie-phoria @mysweethannie @chlodavids @hanniemylovelyquokka @tfshouldidohere @lauraliisa @puppysmileseungmin @kalopsian-thoughts @puppy-minnie @readerofallthingss @dvbkie099 @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @acker-night @d-chagi @lynlyndoll @borahae-reads @ihrtlix @yienmarkk @minhwa @i2innie @jinnie-ret @conwunder @amesification @starssongs98
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Oh my gosh, Graves knowing Alejandro likes him and using that to his advantage!!! I am!!! So fuckin!!!! On board!!!!!! I generally only write fluff despite loving to read angst and this genuinely makes me consider breaking that rule.
Imagine after the betrayal, Alejandro is slowly coming to terms with the fact that another lover has betrayed him (the trust issues are gonna skyrocket) and Graves keeps up the flirting just to get under his skin? Him mockingly calling Ale by the cute nickname he had for him? Trying to rile him up enough to make him spill secrets?
In a very dark version this could definitely go into the direction of '141 never finds Alejandro and Graves keeps and breaks him through manipulation and just general mind-fuckery'. Do with that what you will :D
Going back to Spanish, in the version where Graves got forced by Shepard to go along with the betrayal bc idk Shepard was threatening the shadows or something, Graves could maybe secretly inform Alejandro about it and stuff (we ignore that translators exist or maybe the situation doesn’t allow it). And Shepard would be none the wiser that Graves spilled everything to the "enemy".
Also no worries! I know life can be a lot, so no pressure to answer anything I send you immediately. Hope you enjoy the bird :)
okay but the _impact_ it's gonna have on him because he was so sure he's not going to make the same mistake again and here he is. 141 being a little shocked because they didn't even know and rudy feeling so bad for him and trying to talk to him and get some weight off of him and i feel like alejandro would just brush everyone off and wallow in this hurt and anger by himself. and he would definitely feel so guilty for compromising them. because, again, he was so sure that this time is going to be different and he was wrong and it's on him. and everything graves does after this would _definitely_ get to him on a personal level even when he tries to keep the professional cool. like we all saw what valeria's words did to him and that was after some time had passed, in these circumstances he'd definitely lose it
but also. i am so gonna think more about the dark version. this made me think of another idea purely for the sake of a little ooc darker more unhinged version of alejandro?? imagine like. alejandro that just goes along with whatever graves says. maybe 141 couldn't get him out in time and he just decides that they gave up on him for the sake of the mission. maybe graves' reasoning got to him and he tries to help and convince others but no one listens because rudy did once and valeria still did what she did and they're not taking that chance again. maybe he's just so done and tired and hurt after this that he goes along willingly. maybe all of the above in that exact order so it has a bigger impact. i like twisting good characters to the darker side okay. the things that would get them to abandon their principles even if it's out of character are fun to explore. and maybe i enjoy the thought of alejandro becoming graves' right hand man guard dog a little too much?
and the last idea is pretty cool actually! like, what if they're monitored really closely to make sure he will comply. he could disguise some hints as some friendly meaningless banter too in hopes that no one would bother to check. like he at least tried to do something so the whole thing wouldn't turn into a total disaster. and the rest is up to alejandro to get it right, keep his emotions in check and not get furious, and discuss it with 141 to form a plan that hopefully involves helping both sides
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walpu · 4 months
nuh uh i will torture them as long as i want
I will be keeping Verian's death, but Sunday is now a fellow spectator! Verian and Sunday have some history together now, shoutout to that anon who suggested former bodyguard! reader with Sunday, Verian used to be friends with Sunday and Robin! They fell out after Sunday's tendencies and need for control got in the way
Im thinking whether in his canon story its him sacrificing himself for his home planet or its a opponent he used to have a shit ton of beef with executing him for being the one with the most kills and murdering so many, Verian killed all of said opponents friends (potential enemies to lovers??)
Its long, but the basic jist of it is that Verian was assigned by Duke Inferno to kill a "certain IPC representative", but wow that blond is fucking handsome and then Verian gets the realization that someone is also trying to murder Aven, so he decides "nuh uh, im going to kill him fuck off" and initially, he has his og killing goal in mind, but eventually he just realized that oh no he's in love... anyways he cooks for Aven even before they got together
when Aven realizes Verian was formerly an assassin, he's heartbroken and betrayed [insert that bodyguard! former assassin! plot down here because muah you got that lore spot on] and then they make up and fall in love yayyy
Now Arman lore!!
Aeonhood affected Arman in many ways, but moreso in the bodily, mental and emotional state
Becoming a aeon... well, you've seen all the other aeons, i think you get the idea lol, he struggles accepting that he's back in his human form, ykyk? He cant comprehend that he's back because he already accepted he'll never be a 'real' human again
mentally wise, he'd be lying if he says he doesn't have a entirely changed perspective, considering he's seen so many people decide whether to go back to life, or to go to the other side, and the fact that after he regains his memory, he keeps remembering Ratio's heartbroken expression when he first died and didn't remember shit
emotionally, he's more emotional than before if he wanst already, he's more receptive to EVERYTHING, touch, taste, emotions, expressions, noises, so now, he occasionally has major sensory overloads that simply make him freeze and stare into blank space until he can calm down (his students understand that very well and they all make sure to be careful with their favorite professor)
He remains close with Arlan even before and after Aeonhood, he loves his precious lil bro a lot, often sends random ass stuff to Arlan every other day, or documents anything he likes, and Arlan, likewise, often writes back to his big bro
Arman tends to joke around and call Arlan his "little protector" and Arlan just calls him big bro, and Arman likes to joke saying "why dont i get a cool nickname :(("
Also damn I feel like being an aeon is like constantly being on drugs but worse, like you can't even talk to a therapist, the closest thing to that is Herta
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comshipbracket · 1 year
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Antis DNI
Remember, vote for which ship you DO want to see ending up on the official bracket amongst the other fandoms, only one Genshin Impact ship will make it through to the main poll bracket. Choose wisely!
Propaganda under the cut!
As always, feel free to reblog with your own propaganda and reasonings as to why one ship should move forward while another shouldn't!
Kaeluc Propaganda (Pseudo-incest)
"I love them. In terms of canon -- they have very friends -> enemies -> lovers energy to me. It's not canon when exactly Diluc's family adopted Kaeya, but I like to headcanon Diluc got his vision BECAUSE of Kaeya in some way. And if you know about Genshin lore you know that's a crystallization of his soul and therefore represents his desires and goals. I like to think Diluc's loved Kaeya before he even really understood what that meant - that's why Diluc was so upset when he thought Kaeya had "betrayed" him during the fight they got into. They're both the sort to blame the fight on themselves and think their love is unrequited because of said fight; Diluc because he seriously hurt Kaeya (in canon even injuring his eye) and Kaeya because he picked a day where Diluc was already raw and upset to reveal he'd been keeping a pretty big secret from him. These two men are so very sad and I think they should kiss about it."
"listen red and blue sad bitches are always peak but these two are PRIME angst and healing material, and the game and its extra content consistently go out of the way to make sure we associate these two with eachother. fire and ice, light and dark, kaeya is currently in the knight position that diluc specifically gave up because of what happened to their father, this shit is SO biteable."
NingLi Propaganda (Age gap, Species difference)
None provided - feel free to Reblog with your own propaganda for this ship's advancement in the bracket!
Lumaether Propaganda (Incest, Twincest)
"These two are such idiots about eachother and it is becoming the entire world's problem. You, playing one of them as The Traveler, are going on this ENTIRE journey to try and find the other twin. ALL OF THIS EFFORT is to be with them again. AND THEN WHEN YOU DO FIND THEM THEY TELL YOU THEY CANT COME HOME YET AND JUST FUCKING LEAVE LIKE BRO???? SIS????? GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE IM /SAD!!!/ anyways there's a lot of slow build to how you actually seem to be at odds with eachother's current goals, as you actually have to stop one of your twins' ridiculous evil/heroic plans.
At one point in the game we find out that the flowers in lumine's hair are the flowers of khaenriah, the nation the abyss twin is trying to revive. if you're playing as lumine, she mentions waking up with them in her hair…. which means abyss!aether had to go out of his way to find her while she was sleeping, put them in her hair, and NOT wake her right away. there's some reason to believe he was building the nation as a home for the both of them before things went south… what a sweet boy."
DottoScara Propaganda (Abusive dynamic, Age gap, Species difference)
None provided - feel free to Reblog with your own propaganda for this ship's advancement in the bracket!
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fieurissons · 2 years
dissect minwonhancheol for me pls
I had stared at this message for a while but I genuinely don't think I have the words to come up with a satisfactory response. but! anyway, you pair them up in this permutation, it is so. so. delicious. though I must admit (warning: biased content) there are some similarities when we put jeongcheol / minwon side to side!
please find below some condensed thoughts on several combinations. this is non-exhaustive because i started writing and realise how MANY possible combi there are.
jeongcheol is the playful, competitive couple everyone loves but is annoyed at. please refer to seungkwan repeatedly asking them why they're together and wanting them to be put in separate teams. the man is tired. that being said, I always go back to jeonghan being absolutely Shocked that seungcheol sided with the citizen during Mafia III. he's betrayed by the one person he never thought would do that to him and my man kept coming back to what happened. I feel for him.
still in Mafia III - seungcheol teamed up with mingyu here. their dynamic's so refreshing and though they tease each other a lot they get along just as well, hence the late-night bike rides. they're both good puppies who think there can only be one good puppy in the room. they take care of people so well, but also need to be taken care of, you know? here, refer to seungcheol watching jeonghan exercise to monitor his condition and basically everything mingyu has ever done for wonwoo. they both kinda have their preference on who gets to do that, who understands them enough to give them what they want.
wonhan.....wonhan makes me dizzy because wonwoo is jeonghan's baby and he knows it. the yogya trip really speaks for itself when jeongcheol decided that as the baby of the group wonwoo can just tag along and not have to do any of the planning. which is fair because I do not think jeon wonwoo is a planner. jeonghan teases him a lot and he is so tactile with wonwoo! hands on thigh, hands on arm, hands in hair. everywhere. god. I mean if I were him I'd also want to baby wonwoo all the time. the time when jeongcheol said wonwoo has aegyo and no one in the maknae line believed them but God I could just imagine him knowing exactly what it takes to melt his hyungs.
gyuhan has been acting up recently. the lives (we got spanking and hair eating and mingyu just barging into jeonghan's room), their kissing booth pictures featuring seokmin, the "you ill-mannered punk" fiasco. I would have to say this is the most enemies-to-lovers combination out of everyone. remember when jeonghan said he and mingyu played the choose this or that game and none of their answers matched? and also out of everyone, even gyucheol, they be playing it rough. mingyu grabbing jeonghan by the neck when he steals something from his room and should I mention the spanking again. >____> I don't think he'd do that without full acknowledgement that jeonghan is okay with it, which. doesn't that just make you Think.
+ to draw from wren's well of wisdom, they said and I quote: the way seungcheol touches jeonghan is the way jeonghan touches wonwoo. you can do whatever you please with that, it certainly had me going o___O
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adecila · 3 years
Oh i want one fic, "one", were ned says yes to cersei and becomes joffrey hand and cerseis lover 😭
Oooh this would make for a fun AU. Unfortunately saying yes to Cersei would be a bit ooc, but a good author with the right set up could make it work 😏
So petitioning the capable nedsei writers for this one 🥺🥺🥺
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
Sutures - Chapter Three: Anosognosia
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): drinking, drunkenness, light smut, sex dream, implications of oral sex, obsessive behavior from an ex, unhealthy relationship dynamic (not on part of Yoongi & OC)
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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Yoongi saw the look in your eyes shift from soft curiosity to sheer panic. He felt the pit of his stomach fill with guilt. He shouldn't have slept with you; sure, the two of you would still have this problem, but no one would've had reason to find your shoes. You wouldn't have had reason to leave them behind. 
He'd felt betrayed, he'd felt lonely, he'd felt unloved by those he wanted to love him most. But, that was no excuse to sleep with the first attractive girl he found. 
"Have you told Bang PD yet?" Namjoon asked, his demeanor calm, but Yoongi could see the slight shock cross over his features, causing his thick lips to pout and his chin to jut out. 
Yoongi shook his head.
"I'll call him," Namjoon said. The leader placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. He blocked Yoongi's view of you. He worried in those few seconds you were blocked from his view that you would collapse into Namjoon's chest and cry the tears meant for him. The tears because of him. 
Namjoon left the room, leaving Yoongi alone with you. He tried his best not to focus on the way your tank top hugged your chest and exposed the hickeys he'd left the night before and that Namjoon probably noticed it too.
"You look tired," Yoongi said. "We can't do anything until tomorrow anyway. Try and get some sleep."
You nodded and Yoongi wasn't sure if you were just trying to reassure him or yourself. He remembered the way you'd fallen asleep long before he did. The way you'd fit against his body; how it felt like two puzzle pieces joining together for the first time. He blinked away the thoughts and tried to focus back down on your eyes. 
"We'll pay them off," Yoongi said. "We'll make sure nothing comes of this."
Jihee (9:00 am): Are you all right?
Jihee (9:05 am): I heard you're in the hospital
Jihee (10:01 am): None of your members are texting me back
Jihee (12:31 pm): Baby, the news is reporting something about your soulmate? What happened last night?
Jihee (2:43 pm): Yoongi! Please respond to me! I'm worried
Jihee (5:12 pm): Yoongi...what I did last night...what happened was all a mistake...
Jihee (5:12 pm): I still love you
Jihee (6:00 pm): The news said you were released hours ago! Respond to me!
Jihee (8:20 pm): Yoongi, I miss you
Jihee (9:30 pm): I know I don't deserve you. But, please just tell me you're okay
Jihee (11:50 pm): Goodnight. Love you.
"Baby," you moaned. Your hands slipping beneath Yoongi's shirt. They were cold, but he still loved the way they moved over his stomach and chest. Your fingertips grazing over his skin, a fingernail occasionally catching and causing him to squirm.
His hands were in your hair, messing it up and causing it to form mountain ranges as his fingers hiked the peaks and valleys. He loved the way it felt between his fingers, soft and light. 
Your lips moved from his and down to his neck where your lipstick stained his skin. He kept his grip on your hair, feeling it tug slightly as you move downward. He helped you slip his shirt off as your lips connected with his chest. 
"You don't have--"
You silenced him by tugging on the waistband of his jeans and rubbing your thumb over the button, teasing him slightly. 
"I want to," you responded, unbuttoning his jeans. 
Yoongi tightened his grip on your hair, trying not to focus on the way your lipstick was smeared above your lips. He could already imagine the way they'd look...
His head lulled back and his fingers loosened. 
Yoongi awoke. He was covered in sweat and ran his hand through his hair. He glanced down at his phone: 6:41 am. He sighed and headed to the bathroom. 
He slapped himself softly, trying to stop the thoughts that continued to cross his mind. He didn't have feelings for you, it was simply lingering from he slept with you. Nothing else. 
He wasn't going to deny he was attracted to you, he wouldn't have gone back to your apartment otherwise, but he felt nothing romantically for you. Yoongi knew the attraction would continue and probably only get worse, but he had to fight it. The last thing he wanted to do was break either of hearts more than they already were. 
Yoongi turned on the shower, the water colder than usual.
You stood in Yoongi's studio where he kept his computer. You'd suppressed your laughter at the ridiculous amount of hoops you'd had to jump through in order to enter. A doorbell, black curtain, and two doors. You respected the fact he took his work seriously though. The wall full of awards and trophies he'd won, a few even separate from BTS.
There was a couch in the corner, but you were too anxious to sit. You just wanted your shoes back and whoever took them to get their money and leave you alone. You were thankful your name hadn't been released and the only other person who knew the full truth was Eunji.
"There's many of us trying," Yoongi said. "Me, Namjoon, our managers, other people at the company. One of us will get them." 
You nodded and watched as the countdown on the auction neared two minutes to the end. There weren't many bids, but the shoes were somehow already over 300,000 won ($276 USD). You'd brought your knitting needles and some yarn and mindlessly knitted.
"What are you making?" Yoongi asked, a small smile breaking out across his lips. It was tiny and barely recognizable. You weren't sure if he pitied you or if simply trying to break the tension. 
"Nothing in particular," you said. "I just need something to keep me busy." 
Normally, when you went in without a plan, it turned out as a scarf. You bit you lip as the timer hit a minute. 
Yoongi saw your gaze shift to his screen and he readied to enter his bid as close to the end as he could. He entered one million won ($920.00 USD) and hovered his finger over the enter button. 
"That's too much!" you said. 
"No one will outbid it."
"I know," you said. "But I feel bad. I shouldn't have forgotten them in the first place." 
The timer hit twenty seconds. Ten seconds. Yoongi waited just a few more seconds wanting to time it just right. 
You heard a scream and a crash and almost simultaneously an error message appeared on Yoongi's computer. Please connect to Wi-Fi.
"Shit," Yoongi said. "Jimin!"
You followed Yoongi to the living room, leaving the partially started scarf behind. You saw Jimin and Jungkook crowded around the router working to connect the cord back into it. 
"Did you trip over it again?" Yoongi asked, his voice breathy and exasperated. 
"Sorry," he said. "I'm not used to it." 
Yoongi sighed and turned back to you. His dark eyes looked down at you apologetically and he sat down on the couch, pulling out his phone. 
"I'll try and see if I can see who won." 
"It looks like they're going to have to come out and fix it," Namjoon said, hanging up the phone. "We won't have internet until then." 
The members groaned. 
Jungkook walked into the kitchen and brought back a case of beer, a smirk plastered on his face. 
"Let's play a game," he said. "To welcome Sumi to the dorm."
"What game?" Namjoon asked. 
"Answer or drink," he said. "On your turn, someone asks you a question and if you don't want to answer it, you have to drink." 
Everyone agreed and sat in a circle. Yoongi sat on one side of you and Hoseok on the other side. Your knee brushed Yoongi's and you felt a small pang in your chest as you pulled away.
"All right, we'll go in order of age. Jin, you're up first." 
You didn't really pay attention to the questions. You'd fall somewhere towards the end. Between Jungkook and Taehyung. 
Jin answered the question. He didn't seem like the type to be embarrassed easily, a quality you admired in the eldest. 
"Yoongi," Jungkook said. "Your turn."
The room stayed silent. No one had a question for the boy and he couldn't help but smirk slightly. However, Taehyung meekly raised his hand. 
"What happened with Jihee?"
Yoongi cussed to himself. He knew she had been texting the other members about him. The other members would always consult him first before telling her anything when it was obvious he wasn't talking to her. 
"She cheated," Yoongi answered simply. 
The other boys' eyes widened and they nodded. However, it wasn't their gazes Yoongi felt boring into him. It was yours. He could feel your eyes staring at his profile. 
Yoongi had been careful the night he met you. He managed not even to tell you his name. He'd only mentioned he'd recently gotten out of a relationship. He figured you didn't need to hear his sob story. Besides, he planned on keeping Jihee's betrayal a secret. Just as she wanted. The only people he could trust with the truth were his members. 
But, you deserved to know the truth. It was unfair to keep you completely at a distance, especially when he'd overheard everything about your ex.
Yoongi noticed you drinking, you'd already cracked open another can by the time it got Namjoon. He felt a twinge in his chest. Yoongi quickly suppressed it, your drinking habits were none of his business. And based on the way Eunji talked the night at the bar, it didn't sound like you drank much. Only when your heart was broken.
"Sumi," Jungkook said. "Your turn." 
Again, the room fell silent. No one knew Sumi well enough to ask her such a personal question. But, then again, everyone was tipsy, or in a few cases, already drunk. 
"How's Yoongi in bed?" 
Everyone except for Yoongi and you laughed. 
"Seriously?" Yoongi asked. 
He knew it was the alcohol that asked the question, but it was still inappropriate. He didn't want you to have to drink. Your eyes were glazed and your cheeks rosy. 
Yoongi reached over and drank for you, crumpling the can when he finished. 
"Move on," he said. "It should be your turn, right, Jungkook?"
"Wait," you said. "I didn't answer." 
Everyone turned to look at you. It was obvious you were too drunk to notice that Yoongi had technically already drank for you. 
"He's good," you answered. "Better than my ex and I hate that cause..." 
You drifted off not noticing the seven stunned faces staring at you.Your words slurred, but they hung in the room. Your eyelids drooped and your head lulled forward into your chest. 
"I think it's time for bed," Namjoon said, standing up and helping you stand. He threw an arm around you and led you down the hall towards your bedroom. 
Despite the fact that the situation was perfectly appropriate, Yoongi still felt a small pang of jealousy. He knew he shouldn't and that it was all the soulmates thing, but that didn't stop his fists from clenching. 
"She probably won't remember this in the morning," Yoongi said. "Don't remind her."
Yoongi swallowed the rest of his drink and left the room on the pretenses of being sleepy--which he was--but he also didn't want anyone to see the blush come to his cheeks. 
You awoke the next morning with the worst headache you'd ever had. You clutched your forehead and glanced at the time: 10:30 am. You sighed. 
You spotted your knitting things from yesterday placed on top of the dresser. You didn't remember fetching them from Yoongi's studio, but then again, you barely remembered anything after Jimin knocked the Wi-fi out. 
"All I drank was beer," you muttered to yourself. 
You weren't known for being a lightweight causing you to wonder just how much you'd drank the night before.
As you squirmed you felt something soft move in the crook of your arm. You looked down and saw Kitty. You smiled at the stuffed cat and her droopy eye. 
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liibrii · 3 years
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Chapter 1 of Stillness || yokai hunter!Suna x fem!kitsune!reader || wc: 3.3k || 🦊
Synopsis: Arrival of an unexpected visitor promises your coming days to be interesting...
Genre: supernatural!au, enemies to lovers, angst & fluff, eventual smut
Warnings: reader is a nuisance, fire, mentions of blood
a/n: I'm no expert on Japanese mythology. I did my research but also took creative liberties so please keep in mind the information on yokai in this fic is lacking. Here are some links with basic info on yokai appearing in this series. 
as always feedback is greatly appreciated and if you want to be tagged let me know!
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A streak of the new highway is planned to cut through your favourite part of the forest, the one you walk through when heading east to the river kappas inhabit. First trees have already fallen. You caress the bark of the mighty maple that once touched the sky and now lays at your feet, cut and bleeding from the wounds humans inflicted. You still remember when it was a sprout pushing roots into earth and hungrily reaching for the sun rays. Half a century later you fell asleep under its shade and hid in his branches from those chasing you. Why is this how you say goodbye?
Forest spirits peek out of their hiding places, their terrified chimes fill the air. They cling to you, your clothes, your tails. Some you have to convince to leave the branches of the fallen trees, the hollows in their barks that have offered them sanctuary for so many long years. They cry in pain.
And pain has a way of turning into anger.
It's searing and all consuming, spreading through your body as bright blue flames shoot from your hands. They burn all standing in their path. Equipment of workers, their machines and their boxes of metal go up in flames. Truck standing by the fence catches on fire. You transform back into your fox form, running away as it explodes with a bang echoing through the night.
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It's a lonely existence, being a kitsune. With years most of your kind have hidden in the forest, many have moved to cities living together with humans, pretending to be them. As if they could ever be. You hold a bit of pity for them but mostly you just don't understand. Why do they go where humans live? Why do they want to live as humans live? Humans are interesting and fun to observe, that much you never denied, but they are also cruel and blind and they drove so many of your kind away. Empty lairs is all they leave behind.
You water the flowers around the temple as you do every morning before heading to bed. From your pocket a forest spirit you've rescued from one of the fallen trees peeks out. Morning sun makes it blink and rattle in confusion. None of your words reassure it so you leave the matter be. It needs time. Time to breathe and time to heal. As you pull out some weeds from between the cobble stones it watches and chimes, sorrowfully.
“I can't say.“ Weeds in your hands catch aflame and whither. You lay them down on the black soil. “We will find you a nicer home. There is a beautiful cherry blossom tree growing by the entrance. Would you like that?“ It gives a soft chime. “We can have a look at it later, alright? Careful!“ you catch it on your outstretched palm. “Stay with me, I'm almost finished with my duties. Do you have a name? Ah I see,“ you nod when it chimes. “How about I call you Koda? Would you like that? Now make sure not to fall off again, alright?“ You help it climb on your shoulder.
Koda turns it's head in all directions taking in the sight. It's probably its first time seeing anything but endless sky and branches. Not that the temple is anything special. It's small, with only two wooden buildings in need of repair and pond you hold particularly dear. No ducks live near it. You brought a pair once in hopes they'd have ducklings to keep you company but sadly before a month passed they became dinner to passing yokai. Ever since the only ducks at the temple are the ones on the edges of the roof.
Surrounding trees grow closely together, casting long shadows over the roofs and the small yard. In their shade a steep staircase leads towards the entrance of the temple. Every morning and every evening you sweep the leaves from the stairs, picking up and keeping the ones you find particularly beautiful. The golden, the deep crimson, and bright green, ones sprouting first when spring arrives, are your favourite. Moss has overgrown most of the steps. Koda chimes for you to put it on it and it sits on the soft green blanket seeming calm for the first time. Its home was taken but what said it couldn't make a new one here, with you? The temple has been your home for as long as you can remember and you doubt you'll ever know any other.
Your new friend still watches in amazement (At least you think it's amazement. Even you find spirits' expressions hard to read) and when you return to check on offerings you consider waking Chochin to help you reassure it. After a short consideration you decide against the idea. The stillness of the early morning is your favourite part of the day after all and you'll hear from your possessed lantern before noon rolls around anyway. Besides Chochin would only scare already rattled Koda. You'd like to spare the spirit further shocks, at least for a while. Luckily most days the temple grounds stand deserted. With each passing year less and less humans come to pay their respect to Inari. Less and less fields are to be found in the area so it's no wonder they forget how much depends on good harvest. They take it for granted and they forget. If centuries have thought you anything is that humans are incredibly good at forgetting.
You're just about to sweep the two fox statues by the entrance when you catch the sound of approaching steps. One person. Must be an early riser. You make your tails disappear and straighten the sleeves of your hoodie before instructing Koda to hide.
A young man steps through the tori gate. He's tall and lanky, a beanpole with dark hair. Most people pant and heave for air when reaching the top. He looks like he just took a pleasant stroll in the park. He takes in his surroundings then walks over to you. “Good morning,“ he greets with a polite smile that doesn't quite reach his slanted eyes.
There's an aura surrounding him. You can tell he's the kind of man people take a second glance at when passing him by. If you asked them why they'd give you a confused look. “I, I have no idea,“ they'd answer, “There was... something.“ If you asked them an hour later they'd be even more confused because they have already forgotten about him. But he is the kind of a man who wants to be forgotten. How else would he hunt yokai in peace?
“Morning,“ you return the pleasantries. Koda in your pockets shivers.
“I'd like to pay my respects. Can I offer alone or-?“ If he's embarrassed by being unsure of how to proceed you can't tell it from his face. You show him to the temple and excuse yourself, aware of how his eyes follow you as you walk across the small courtyard. You don't want him here. But you can't deny him entry.
He doesn't scare you. He's as green as sprouting grass, too young to have any real experience. He probably only recently accepted yokai are real and not just a folktale used to scare children. You might be the first he'd ever meet. At least one that isn't harmless. Still there is something about his calm voice and bored expression that keeps you alerted.
Koda peeks out of your pocket and chimes, worriedly. “We'll see,“ you murmur in response and head over to the pond. It's so empty. Should you get some koi fish? Or would they all too soon become dinner too? Many of those yokai who remain are growing hungrier. Wilder. Hearing approaching footsteps you wonder if that is what brought Mr Witch to your humble abode.
“I've heard there's a kitsune living around here.“
You straighten and turn to face the unwelcome visitor. Was someone else in your shoes they'd act smart and deny their nature. But you can tell he isn't asking. He's just confirming what he already knows. “There is.“
Visibly taken aback he hesitates. “Is it you?“
“I am.“ You don't like his eyes. They are too fox-like.
He bows politely. “I'm Suna Rintarou.“
“Good for you.“
He ignores the poison in your voice. “News of someone destroying the construction site has reached Inarizaki Clan.“ Ah, that explains the lack of fear. If he's here with the backing of a clan naturally he'd feel secure enough to directly challenge you. “I was sent to let the ones responsible know their efforts are meaningless. The road will be built no matter what you- What they do.“
“Ask? Your kind doesn't ask.“
“This might be the one for history books then.“ His face irks you. There's no fear, no nerves showing, no twitch of his mouth or fingers to betray what he's thinking. Humans are as easy to read as open books but the young man in front of you is a blank sheet of paper.
“Leave,“ is all you answer.
To your surprise he bows and obeys. Watching him leave you think he should straighten up.
As the sun rises higher you head to bed, newcomer so heavy on your mind he haunts your dreams. The sole presence of a yokai hunter is something to be worried about. First one comes, then a second, next your kind is being chased away. The only reason you're still here is because the humans can't seem to figure out a way to chase you away for good. Not that they haven't tried. If only they knew worst things live deep in the woods.
When evening falls you sweep the stairs and leave still rattled Koda besides Chochin who disapprovingly rolls it's one eye at you.
The town is only a short run away. It's small, at least you think so since there aren't many you've visited in your relatively short life. You know every nook and cranny, you know which tombstones are nekomata's favourite, you know which of the old street cats will soon join them. They can be a handful but they're the closest thing to friends you have. You pass the old house where teenagers like to gather. Its cellar has been home to keukegen for years now. You catch a glimpse of a few leaving. No doubt the fault of that damn visitor.
The place he's staying at is easy to find. How careless of him. All you have to do is follow the magic of protective charms scattered across the town back to its source. They're sloppy. Almost as if a child made them. But some of them are particularly well made. Work of another clan member perhaps?
You hide in the bushes of the garden surrounding a small house. Mr Witch left the sliding door open. Even in the garden you smell herbs meant to ward away evil spirits. He's sitting on the floor and watching a curious looking thin screen similar to ones you've seen down at the train station. He seems disinterested. When he stands up and leaves the room you silently creep closer to peek inside. The smell of herbs is stronger here. You don't find it unpleasant though many of your yokai friends would disagree.
On the screen you see a map of the town. More maps lay on the low table. Some have scribbles you can't quite read, arrows, and question marks. You hear him returning and scurry back in the safe embrace of darkness and bushes. He sits back down to continue his work, not noticing you were in his home. You lean your head on your paws and watch.
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Following Suna around becomes a daily routine. You sweep the stairs in the morning and water the flowers then run the fastest your legs can carry you to the town. Luckily for you he likes sleeping in. His days are uneventful. Boring to be honest. He eats breakfast. Goes to town. Looks at historical monuments downtown. Sits on the only bench in the park and eats ice cream. Heads to library. From time to time he visits the construction site to inquire if there have been any more incidents. There were a few but none of them were your doing. Mr Witch doesn't actually think you're the only one enraged by the new road, does he? Honestly as much as you detest it you're also a little relieved humans haven't decided to build over the northern part of the forest. That would be a lot more troublesome.
You follow on a safe distance as he inspects the surrounding trees, no doubt to chase away the remaining forest spirits. For a very long time he inspects some footprints. You carefully step closer trying to see what caught his attention. Suddenly he stands up and continues on his way. As you follow you glance at the ground. Ah, of course.
He heads back to town after that, returns home and you return to your spot in the bushes. Sun hasn't set yet,  the day is still warm so he brings a low table out on the porch and pours two glasses of dark bubbly liquid.
“Are you going to keep hiding or will you join me for a drink? I have some tofu I can fry if you want. Kitsune like it, right?“ he asks without looking in your direction.
Crap. Well, no point in trying to be sneaky anymore. You step out, head raised high and your tails gracefully swaying with each step. A silver gem radiating light balances on the middle one. Once you reach porch you shapeshift to a human and hide the gem from Suna's eyes. You don't bother hiding the tails though and you take a sit across from him, carefully eyeing and sniffing the contents of the glass.
“Only three tails?“
“Are you judging my age?“
“Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.“ That's not what his face says. “Thank you for leaving the construction site be,“ he chats on seemingly unbothered by your icy glare. “You must've noticed those footprints too, right? Have any idea where I might find the owner?“
“That sounds like your job Mr Witch.“
“It's Suna actually.“ He keeps talking like you're old acquaintances and it's making your blood boil. “Can I ask for your name? Don't want to call you Miss Kitsune.“
“Why are you here?“
Suna gulps down half of his drink before answering. “To make sure construction continues without any accidents. You seem to think yourself some kind of a yokai protector. Then I'm a protector of humans.“
You bark a laugh. “As if your kind needs protecting.“
“All the people getting sick from those keukegen would disagree.“
“Sounds like it's their fault for not staying away from infested places,“ you retort.
“Then one easy fix would be getting rid of those infested places.“
“An undertaking you have no doubt already started.“
“I'm just doing my job.“
“You can't chase them away for long you know. Your kind has tried before. They always come back.“
You've hoped your words would elicit a response from him. Anything. A trace of frustration, an arrogant grin. Suna pours himself another glass. “Do you want some ice?“
“What I would very much like is for you to leave.“
A grin flashes over his face. “Get used to my presence because I won't go away for a very long time.“
So this is how he wants to play. He isn't the tiniest bit alerted when you abruptly stand up. “We'll see.“
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Your daily routine continues. The only difference is you no longer care to hide. Wherever Suna goes you're not far behind. He wants to stay, play the protector of humans, does he? Pathetic. He doesn't seem to be bothered by you following him around. Just slightly unimpressed. It makes you want to set his pants on fire. Just to get a reaction. Just to see his expression change.
“How long do you plan on following me?“
“Who says I'm following you? World doesn't revolve around you Mr Witch. Maybe I just wanted to buy myself some mochi. Have you considered that?“ You pretend to be interested in melons on the shelf. “Aren't these kind of expensive?“
Suna ignores your question. “I'm grocery shopping. There are no yokai here. And I haven't even harmed anyone.“
“Yet. Such a short word. Yet. Somebody has to keep an eye on your nasty tricks.“ You peek into his shopping cart. “Instant ramen and crab chips? Even I know humans need some you know,“ you wave your hand trying to remember what it's called but the word is buried too deep in your memory, “healthy food!“ you say instead and place the most expensive melon in the cart. “Like fruit for example.“
“Put it back.“
“It's healthy.“
“It's expensive.“
“I got money.“ You pull a bundle of bank notes from your pocket.
He puts the melon back on the shelf and grabs the cart with more force than necessary. You hum contently before putting the money in your pocket where it changes back to leaves you picked up last autumn.
The sheer number of different products on the shelves amazes you. And also makes you a little sad. All the offering humans bring to the temple are just rice and tofu and sometimes curry. Not that you don't like rice and tofu but why can't they bring one of all these colourful sweets? Or the chips Suna just put in the cart. Would he notice if one of the bags disappeared?
Walking past the vegetable stand you grab three cucumber packages and plop them down in his cart. You notice he added a bag of brown rice to it.
“Really? Three packages?“ he asks.
“They're a gift for kappas up the stream,“ you smile, innocently.
“Buy them yourself. You got money, don't you?”
“Why, would you like some? What's the matter Mr Witch, job doesn't pay well? Maybe you should consider a career that doesn't rely on destroying our lives.“
“Maybe you should live a life that doesn't harm others.“
You grin, satisfied. And so facade begins to crumble. A loud cough distracts you from throwing back another insult. An older man gives the two of you a disapproving look before returning to reading labels.
Suna grabs the cart and continues his way to the next item on the crumpled shopping list. You trail behind looking like a lost puppy peeking from behind him to see what the next item on the list is, adding new items to the cart Suna immediately puts back in their place. Even by the register you add one more package of chewing gum to the pile.
“At least take one with a fruity flavour,“ says Suna so you grab two more packages with watermelon on them. You think you see his eye twitch though it might be just your imagination. While he puts the groceries in a bag you snatch a chocolate bar from the nearest shelf, then follow him outside to take the cucumbers from the bag he's holding.
“You've been quite busy yesterday,“ you remark as you walk down the street.
“Since you followed me around the entire time I take it you weren't.“ He outstretches his hand. “Your stuff was 700 yen. Pay up.“
You give him a crumbled wrapper.
“Any particular reason you're interested in the old Nishikawa house?“ you ask, continuing to smile innocently when Suna glares at you and puts the wrapper in his pocket.
“I thought you were the local expert on all things paranormal in this town. I'll let you guess twice.“ He peels the sticker off the bananas and sticks it on your forehead. “See you around Miss Kitsune.“
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Ch. 2: Red beneath the moon
tag list: @blurring-stars
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a-blue-secret · 4 years
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Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV
GENRES: royal au; fantasy au; magic au; friends-to-enemies-to-lovers; king!beomgyu, vizier!taehyun
PAIRING: taegyu
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AN: Nothing that happens here will have a major impact in the long term, but it's important in helping you to get to know Beomgyu a little better.
SUMMARY: Best friends turned enemies, Kang Taehyun has managed to trick Choi Beomgyu into his service, and to rule for a year and a day, until his youngest brother would be old enough to take the throne. Choi Beomgyu has no intention of being obedient however, and tries to thwart Taehyun’s orders at every turn. With a growing amount of distrust and lies within the court, will Taehyun manage to keep the kingdom of Gojongja from falling apart?
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Now. This story has been told from Taehyun's perspective for two whole chapters and a prologue, so let's switch it up a little shall we?
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
Beomgyu glared daggers at his vizier's black coat tails as they whipped out of sight. He shook his head, sighing. Kang Taehyun was annoying, there was no doubt about that. But Beomgyu had to admit that he had a right to act like that. He knew he was being an absolute pain for the younger. But could he help it? No. Taehyun promised him he wouldn't have to come back to court, and yet here he was, ruling the very same court he vowed to never set foot in ever again. He should have known something was up when Taehyun wanted his service for a year and a day. He should have known. Well, Beomgyu presumed he wasn't thinking straight, because his ex-best friend had turned up at his door after three years of no communication. His common sense was bound to be clouded just a little by the sudden appearance of Taehyun.
Beomgyu glowered, shaking off any more thoughts of the younger. Taehyun had said going out to town was risky. Well Beomgyu was determined to prove him wrong.
"Seojung! You and the other guy- prepare me a carriage. I wanna go into town."
Seojung nodded, before hurrying off to find another footman. Beomgyu watched him go, before setting off back to his chambers. Just in case things did get a little violent, Beomgyu wanted to change into something more practical. He was quite fond of this ivory ruffled shirt, and didn't want it to become ruined.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
Beomgyu stared intently out of the carriage door as they rode through the streets. Now he properly thought about it, he hadn't truly been out of the castle in months.
Beomgyu peered at the fields they passed, noticing the diligent farmers working the land. As he poked his head out of the carriage to try and touch the branch of a tree as they passed it by, the carriage went over a pothole in the road, and he was suddenly knocked about, hitting his head on the top of the window frame. He let out a pained grunt, rubbing his head and retreating back into the safety of the carriage, grumbling about annoying coachmen. Though, it was actually his fault since he'd asked them to take the most secluded route, but that was just a small irrelevant detail that didn't need to be discussed.
When he deemed a road quiet enough to step out, he called to the coachman.
“Okay, stop here."
The carriage slowed, and one of the guards stepped off his horse to open the door for him. Beomgyu was slightly annoyed at the entourage of guards that were obligated to follow the carriage. He'd wanted this to be a low-key trip, but as the King, it seemed that he had to have several people follow him at all times.
Beomgyu stepped down into the streets, blinking slightly at the sun. They'd stopped in a quiet alleyway, where there were little people. He looked around him, took a few seconds to get his bearings, before setting off into the streets. Glancing behind him, he gave a slight huff of annoyance when he saw two guards trailing about three metres behind him.
Beomgyu, after Taehyun's words, had been prepared to be mobbed and crowded round as soon as he stepped into the public areas. However, much to his surprise, something else happened. Most people ignored Beomgyu. While it did feel rather strange to not be stared at, this oddly gave him comfort, as it made him feel like he’d returned to his old life again, instead of the extravagant palace life he now led. He looked around, and noticed why he was being ignored. There were lords even more extravagantly dressed than he was. Beomgyu scoffed a little as he saw a lord strut by, covered in shining golden fabric which caught the light as he walked. Beomgyu could immediately tell the fabric was nothing expensive, and smiled to himself.
He wandered around the streets, spotting the odd market stall every few houses or so. He stopped at one, and the lady managing the stall did a double take, before clumsily standing up to bow several times.
“Your Highness!” she stammered. “I- is there anything I can do for you?”
“Oh, nothing much,” Beomgyu said, smiling, gesturing for her to sit down. “But maybe, uh,” -he placed a finger on his lips- “about the Highness stuff? I’m not really meant to be out of the palace right now.”
“Of course,” the lady stuttered. He smiled at her, looking at the rice cakes a little wistfully. The castle had excellent chefs, but nothing beat the taste of homemade tteok. The woman saw him looking, and offered the rice cakes to him. “Would you like some?”
Now, it was Beomgyu’s turn to stammer in surprise. “I- I… would- would that be okay?”
She smiled, picking up one in a napkin. “If you would like, Your Greatness. I have not sold any all day, so they may be a little hard though.”
Beomgyu hesitated, before giving in and accepting the napkin. “Thank you,” he beamed. She bowed.
“It was my pleasure.” When he tried to offer her money, she shook her head. “Oh, I don’t need payment. It is payment enough for you to have come here.”
Beomgyu paused, but seeing the woman was firm, he sighed, putting away his money. “If you insist.” He looked around. “And if anyone asks, no I did not buy tteok from your stall. It’s a secret, okay?” He tapped the side of his nose and winked slightly, before calmly walking away.
He took a bite out of the tteok, and almost melted with happiness. It was a little hard, but it just made it taste even more real. Everything at the palace was too perfect. It all tasted as if it were manufactured to perfection. Beomgyu didn't know how Taehyun coped with it. He finished off the rice cake and dusted off his hands. One guard wordlessly stepped up to Beomgyu to take the napkin from him. Oh. He'd forgotten they were there. Beomgyu mentally shrugged. Oh well. They weren't that intrusive, now he thought about it. Perhaps they were okay.
He waited for the guards to catch up. When they didn’t, Beomgyu looked over his shoulder to find they were still in the same position, a few metres behind him. When he motioned for them to hurry up, they just stared stoically back at him. So this is how it is, huh? he thought, reluctantly turning around. Well.
He walked around the streets, receiving many shocked gasps from citizens who recognised him. For the most part, however, he was ignored, and it was completely fine by him.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
"Ooh." Beomgyu stopped at a stall, spotting a cool ruby brooch.
"Ah, you are interested sir?" the man spoke with a thick European accent. He must be a trader, coming over from other lands. "It is very precious, very precious. Lots of money."
Beomgyu picked up the brooch, running his fingers over the indentations and small ridges in the stone. It was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. "How much?" he asked the man.
"Uh…" The trader pointed to Beomgyu. "What money you have?"
"You. Money. What money?"
"Oh, how much do I have?" When the man nodded, Beomgyu patted his pockets. "More than this is worth, I think."
The man took the brooch from Beomgyu, bringing it up to the light to squint at it. "This brooch, worth lots sir," he said. "Maybe…" He put the brooch down, and counted on his fingers. He frowned, thinking, before showing Beomgyu ten fingers. "Maybe more?"
Beomgyu smiled slightly. He was slightly confused as to what the trader meant, and tried to slowly back away. "It's very nice," he said, "but no thanks."
"Are you sure? Very pretty sir, it is very pretty."
Beomgyu shook his head politely before walking away. The man shrugged, and set the brooch down on his table, adjusting it until it was in just the right position.
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
"What should I do?" Beomgyu wondered aloud, kicking up the sandy road as he walked. He looked behind him at the guards. "Wait, I just realised I don't know your name," he said to the other guy. He walked up to them, glad that they stayed still and didn't decide to step backwards. "You're Seojung, but I don't know who you are. What's your name?"
"Jisung, Your Greatness."
Beomgyu nodded. "That's cool. My mum was going to name me Jisung, you know. But,” he said, spinning around, looking around at the trees, “I suppose I quite like my name. Choi Jisung doesn’t sound as princely, does it?”
The two guards didn’t say anything, but Beomgyu, tired of being silent for so long, carried on talking.
“I can’t really talk so freely in court. Well, I still can’t talk freely out here, but in the palace all I do is just bicker with Taehyun.” He walked up to the tree, pulling down a branch slightly to smell the blossom. “It’s sad, really. We used to be best friends, but now we’re just like enemies. I really want us to be friends again, but…” Beomgyu sighed. “He’s betrayed me too much for me to think we can be close again.” 
Beomgyu looked back at Seojung and Jisung. “Wait. I shouldn’t have told you that.” Beomgyu cursed in his head. They might be stoic and silent now, but he knew that they’d have no trouble gossiping about all they’d heard to the other guards. He thought for a moment. “Okay, there’s nothing else I can do. You guys are now promoted to my personal guards. From today onwards, you have no more contact with the lesser guards, and must discuss things with my other personal guards. I think I have two more? Yep. Bang Chan and Jung Inhyuk. And, since you’re now one of my personal guards, you have to talk to me.”
The two men looked at each other, before looking back at the King. No one had been promoted on such weird terms before. They both bowed. “Thank you, Your Greatness.”
“So! Where should we go?” Beomgyu mused aloud. “Do you know where we are? Come on, you’re allowed to speak. It’s fine.”
“I believe we are near the Hak-gil market, sire.”
“Hm… from here, I think I’ll actually be able to find the way to my house. Come on, let’s go.”
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
“Ta da! Welcome to my humble cottage,” Beomgyu proudly announced to the guards who still stood a little ways away from him. His arms, which had been thrown wide, dropped to his sides. “Oh, come here will you?” None of them moved. Beomgyu sniffed. “Fine. But you’re still coming inside whether you like it or not.” He pushed open the gate, walking along the familiar path towards his front door, before smiling nostalgically at the mat.
Suddenly, he shook his head. Why was he getting sentimental over a mat? It hadn’t even been three months, for crying out loud. He sighed a little playfully to himself, before turning around to see the guards still standing on the other side of the gate. “Seriously?” he called to them. “This is literally like a game of ‘Red Light, Green Light’. Are you going to stay still? Or will I have to send you back to the beginning?” When his little joke received no response from the two men, he frowned. “Okay look, does anyone have the key to my home? I wanna go inside.” Neither of them moved. Beomgyu was growing a little frustrated by their lack of response.
“You know what? I command you to answer me,” Beomgyu said. “Do any of you have the key to my cottage?”
Finally, (finally!) Seojung shook his head. “No, sire.”
Beomgyu sighed sadly. He walked around to the side of the house, peering in through the window. He could see into his living room from here, and could make out the small table and his bookshelf packed tight full of books. When he squinted, he could make out the china tea cup resting on the table. On the day of the Crown Handing, he'd left the house in a rather messy state, because he thought he'd be able to come back to the house soon enough.
The plan had been simple. Go to the Crown Handing, crown Kang Junghoon, leave court to never come back. Only, he thought, things hadn't turned out to be that simple, had they? He smiled a little bitterly, staring intently at the teacup. And then, after he'd been (unwillingly) crowned, he'd been too busy alternatively sulking and preparing for his coronation. By the time he was King, asking to go back home to tidy it up seemed foolish.
Beomgyu straightened, before strolling around to the front door again. He walked up to it's duck egg blue front, spotting where the paint was forlornly beginning to peel off. Leaning down, he pressed his eye against the keyhole, like a child would do. There was nothing much in the front of his house, but it was a fun thing to do. He took his eye away from the keyhole and looked wistfully at the front door, before stepping away and walking back down the path. “Okay. Looks like we’re going back home.”
.・゜-: ✧ :-  
Back at the palace, Beomgyu was walking to his chambers when he spotted Yeonjun. The Lord caught sight of the King, and came up to him and bowed.
"Your Greatness. Do you happen to know where the Grand Vizier Taehyun is?"
"A King, ignored in his own palace in favour of his advisor?" Beomgyu joked. "As of Kang Taehyun's whereabouts, I'm afraid I have no idea where he is. May I ask, why are you looking for him?"
"Oh, just to confirm a few details of the contract," Yeonjun explained. He bowed again. "Good day to you, Your Greatness." He was about to leave, when Beomgyu stopped him.
"Wait. Since one of the rules is for you to get us to trust you, do you want to start with that?"
Yeonjun hesitated. "Um, I suppose it depends what you have in mind?"
"Some archery, friendly fencing match, maybe a horse riding session? You look to me as if you are very athletic." Beomgyu raised his eyebrows, patiently waiting for Yeonjun's answer.
"Wouldn't your vizier disapprove of you not keeping to your schedule?"
"Pfft. My main goal in life is to annoy Taehyun so this works exactly in my favour. No but seriously, it's okay. I have no schedules today so I'm free to do whatever."
"In that case, I will gladly accept your offer, Your Greatness."
Beomgyu and Yeonjun began to walk off in the direction of the sports courtyard.
"Oh yeah, we're gonna have to do something about that if we want to get to know each other better. When there are no servants, you're going to have to just call me Beomgyu, and I'll just call you Yeonjun."
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thequeensofmemes · 7 years
Reign Season 2 Quotes Meme
I've come to offer you something. The destruction of our mutual enemy.
Common lore is that your teeth are filed into points and your eyes are black with rage.
Ruling requires that your hands be drenched in blood.
What else could I be but a witch?
You are my husband and my king.
You crushed the rebellion by yourself.
If we die, it is at her hands. And if we live I will never forgive her for this.
I'm saying that should anything happen to either of us I hope that you'll remember me not as the man who lied or betrayed you, I hope you'll remember me as the man who would have cherished you if he'd had the chance.
And real love never fades, not truly.
Just know whatever happens, this is not the end I dreamed for us.
I refuse to surrender. My reign will not end without a fight.
Whose blood concerns you more, your husband or your lover's?
All that stands between him and the crown is my head.
Is this how it's going to be from now on? Both of us constantly wondering what the other is up to?
Long live his majesty.
Contempt alone is not enough to condemn a man. Even the contempt of a king.
We're all basically fallen women.
Our love will die here.
It was rather a miracle.
Just don't expect a fond farewell from me. Or my trust. Ever again.
Do not test my power and do not tempt my fury.
If I'm as responsible as you say, I will never forgive myself.
I never imagined you'd kill him by breaking his heart.
The truth of your betrayal was the last thing that he heard before he collapsed.
I will spill blood to defend what's mine.
So you're my new keeper.
You are a necessary evil whose orbit I can't seem to escape.
But you have to know, that no matter your choices, you still have a husband who would do anything to make you happy.
I opened my heart to a liar.
And now I am lying for you, lying even to my brother, protecting you as you take comfort in the arms of another.
Build a future controlled by you, not the changeable heart of a woman.
When you were a child, there were dozens of little girls whose families begged me for that position, but I chose you because you played well together, because you didn't hurt or throw mud at her. But now you have done both.
You are on the cusp of losing your country.
You poisoned a king and a queen and I helped you get away with it. We each hold a noose for the other.
What I meant is your official mourning period is over.
You say that as if I just won a prize. You can't be serious.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious and will you please stop doting on my mother!
Thank you for pointing out the obvious and will you please stop doting on my mother!
Because I love you. And one of us should be happy.
There are those who merely believe they have power, and there are those who actually have it.
Oh, is that caring? It sounds to me like a man trying to tighten his grip on a woman.
Such haste! I haven't properly mocked you for saving the life of your mother's worst enemy.
Congratulations, you've used your knowledge of the heart's noblest emotion to manipulate and destroy someone.
I don't feel strong. I feel like I'm sleepwalking and I don't know how to wake up.
I will be your wife in name only.
Look where that love has brought us.
At least my family will cry at my funeral.
She sent you to woo me, didn't she?
The only alliance I'm interested is temporary, delicious and bad.
Do not seek to take before I can give.
here are some lines I will not cross even to save myself.
I wanted to give you the chance to do the right thing and I still believe you will.
It's a very romantic story, actually. Father threatened to kill them both if they didn't marry.
I need to handle this on my own and to do it my way. What I need from you is to be patient and to believe in me.
My dear, never give up a crown to anybody.
Are you seriously, seriously suggesting that you want to watch me bathe in return for getting my dowry back?
You know that as a Queen, you put on an act. You can't always show what's in your heart. The same is true for being a wife.
We're women. We're not allowed to have things of our own.
Do you worry that I can't bear you a child?
Does it bring us closer for you to know that your failure disappoints me beyond words?
In the name of justice and tolerance you will drive your people to civil war.
My ladies brought this to me months ago. I read it in an hour.
Have you ever been in love?
Don't you turn your back on me. I am more than your friend. I am your Queen!
I can't be ruled by desire. It's nothing to build a life on.
Your figure's gonna go to hell anyway so you might as well eat up. You are feeding the future King.
It's been some weeks now but I wanted to be sure and I am sure. I am with child, our child, at last!
You lie to your guests and then you threaten them with weapons? We will not be treated this way!
Asking you to know your place is like asking the sun not to shine.
It's must be hard. Once a Queen, now the Queen Mother. Decorative, like an expensive vase.
There's a new day coming, and you are on the wrong side.
Are all powerful men so insecure?
Innocent men shouldn't die alone.
You think you're untouchable, that your sins will stay buried, but they don't.
Of all the people you could have slept with, did it have to be one of my ladies? One of my closest friends?
I am your Queen. I command you.
One bedroom for husband and wife. Good luck with that!
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thequeensofmemes · 7 years
Reign Quotes
I never saw any ghosts.
But what if they saw you?
She had skinny legs, a missing front tooth, and opinions.
My dear, this was not an act of passion. It was treason.
Love is irrelevant to people like us.
I wonder whose face you're imagining in that target.
I would rather have hope with you than certainty with anyone else.
Win or lose, you will answer for it. That's what kings do.
You do have a way of leaving chaos in your wake.
She's not just an alliance. She's a girl.
I'm not sure words mean anything here.
We'll prove to them that our union is strong.
Treat them as friends until they prove themselves foes.
Contrary to public opinion, I do not relish destroying people's homes.
I don't care what you learn, as long as you don't forget.
We have positioned ourselves for the worst kind of pain.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that.
I take things sometimes. It makes me feel better.
To see you smile is to feel the sun, your grace.
Do you flirt with everyone?
I'd probably say yes.
Killing isn't supposed to be easy. If your hands weren't shaking, you'd be him.
Close to death, apparently.
I'm glad that my unhappiness gives you so much pleasure.
Don't let fear keep you from greatness.
It could cost you your head.
If servants are gossiping about your unmade bed, it is too late to rectify the situation.
Men must find something to kill from time to time.
Accept that I have lost. I have.
I'm in a nunnery of one.
That's the kind of talk that gets bastards--and mistresses--beheaded.
History is written by the survivors. And I am surely that.
Tell me when you want me to stop.
Happiness is the one thing we queens can never have.
Arming yourself against me? Am I really that frightening?
Am I really stupid enough to find out?
My mother, she was behind this as well?
All her crimes against me were because she loved you.
I grow weary of your threats.
I grew weary of you a decade ago.
That half-blind portrait artist didn't realize I was sitting in a chair while my sister was standing, and now half the kingdom thinks I’m a dwarf.
Love is irrelevant to people like us, a privilege that we do not share.
There are two things I can't abide, betrayal and stupidity.
Next time you see a threat large or small, you cut it down like a weed.
I don't want to do this to you.
Too bad you didn't see this one coming.
When the ax falls on your neck, I will be there.
Off with you child. You've killed me enough for one day.
I don't 'attempt' to do anything--I do it.
Nature is not malignant.
Must I do everything? Shall I catch my head in my own hands, too?
So I sent you here to wed a king and find you engaged to a bastard.
Despite what you may think, I never intended to harm your family.
Sooner or later, blood will be spilled. It's just a matter of whose.
So he is mad...and a mad king incites chaos and rebellion.
I don't make love to you because I want a baby. I want a baby because I love you.
Those who look upon it are taken. And those who are taken die.
We are royals. We have the power to do terrible things. Without trust, we're nothing.
You? What do you have to complain about? You're now married to a beautiful woman of noble birth.
I won't pretend I love you, but we should probably start liking each other, at least.
My first duty is not to my mother.
Don't you think a royal crown suits me?
I'm too rich to care what people say.
Look where our hearts have led us. We've brought you shame.
I suppose innocence is all relative.
I always want to be there for you.
Don't beg. It invites pity and disdain.
Do all married couples have these struggles?
I think you've redefined marital discord.
Nothing bothers me more than problems I've already solved coming back to be problems again.
Am I the only one in this bed with something to forget?
I never dreamt that I'd be wed to a bastard with an imaginary title.
Losing bothers me.
Trust is a luxury I can no longer afford.
You shouldn't have to live like this.
What happens when being a good king means being a bad husband?
I don't need to be part of your schemes.
You no longer have the privilege of obeying your heart!
It isn't fair, the privileges we are given...or the prices we must pay for them.
When you are alone and miserable, remember this was the moment you threw your happiness away.
This marriage is no longer something that happened to me...you are what I want.
Don't get sentimental about a father who was never sentimental about you.
His life was there for the taking. So I took it.
Royals are always at war.
An interesting choice. Assuming you let her know she has one.
All I have to offer you...is me.
I've come to offer you something. The destruction of our mutual enemy.
Common lore is that your teeth are filed into points and your eyes are black with rage.
Ruling requires that your hands be drenched in blood.
What else could I be but a witch?
You are my husband and my king.
You crushed the rebellion by yourself.
If we die, it is at her hands. And if we live I will never forgive her for this.
I'm saying that should anything happen to either of us I hope that you'll remember me not as the man who lied or betrayed you, I hope you'll remember me as the man who would have cherished you if he'd had the chance.
And real love never fades, not truly.
Just know whatever happens, this is not the end I dreamed for us.
I refuse to surrender. My reign will not end without a fight.
Whose blood concerns you more, your husband or your lover's?
All that stands between him and the crown is my head.
Is this how it's going to be from now on? Both of us constantly wondering what the other is up to?
Long live his majesty.
Contempt alone is not enough to condemn a man. Even the contempt of a king.
We're all basically fallen women.
Our love will die here.
It was rather a miracle.
Just don't expect a fond farewell from me. Or my trust. Ever again.
Do not test my power and do not tempt my fury.
If I'm as responsible as you say, I will never forgive myself.
I never imagined you'd kill him by breaking his heart.
The truth of your betrayal was the last thing that he heard before he collapsed.
I will spill blood to defend what's mine.
So you're my new keeper.
You are a necessary evil whose orbit I can't seem to escape.
But you have to know, that no matter your choices, you still have a husband who would do anything to make you happy.
I opened my heart to a liar.
And now I am lying for you, lying even to my brother, protecting you as you take comfort in the arms of another.
Build a future controlled by you, not the changeable heart of a woman.
When you were a child, there were dozens of little girls whose families begged me for that position, but I chose you because you played well together, because you didn't hurt or throw mud at her. But now you have done both.
You are on the cusp of losing your country.
You poisoned a king and a queen and I helped you get away with it. We each hold a noose for the other.
What I meant is your official mourning period is over.
You say that as if I just won a prize. You can't be serious.
Thank you for pointing out the obvious and will you please stop doting on my mother!
Thank you for pointing out the obvious and will you please stop doting on my mother!
Because I love you. And one of us should be happy.
There are those who merely believe they have power, and there are those who actually have it.
Oh, is that caring? It sounds to me like a man trying to tighten his grip on a woman.
Such haste! I haven't properly mocked you for saving the life of your mother's worst enemy.
Congratulations, you've used your knowledge of the heart's noblest emotion to manipulate and destroy someone.
I don't feel strong. I feel like I'm sleepwalking and I don't know how to wake up.
I will be your wife in name only.
Look where that love has brought us.
At least my family will cry at my funeral.
She sent you to woo me, didn't she?
The only alliance I'm interested is temporary, delicious and bad.
Do not seek to take before I can give.
here are some lines I will not cross even to save myself.
I wanted to give you the chance to do the right thing and I still believe you will.
It's a very romantic story, actually. Father threatened to kill them both if they didn't marry.
I need to handle this on my own and to do it my way. What I need from you is to be patient and to believe in me.
My dear, never give up a crown to anybody.
Are you seriously, seriously suggesting that you want to watch me bathe in return for getting my dowry back?
You know that as a Queen, you put on an act. You can't always show what's in your heart. The same is true for being a wife.
We're women. We're not allowed to have things of our own.
Do you worry that I can't bear you a child?
Does it bring us closer for you to know that your failure disappoints me beyond words?
In the name of justice and tolerance you will drive your people to civil war.
My ladies brought this to me months ago. I read it in an hour.
Have you ever been in love?
Don't you turn your back on me. I am more than your friend. I am your Queen!
I can't be ruled by desire. It's nothing to build a life on.
Your figure's gonna go to hell anyway so you might as well eat up. You are feeding the future King.
It's been some weeks now but I wanted to be sure and I am sure. I am with child, our child, at last!
You lie to your guests and then you threaten them with weapons? We will not be treated this way!
Asking you to know your place is like asking the sun not to shine.
It's must be hard. Once a Queen, now the Queen Mother. Decorative, like an expensive vase.
There's a new day coming, and you are on the wrong side.
Are all powerful men so insecure?
Innocent men shouldn't die alone.
You think you're untouchable, that your sins will stay buried, but they don't.
Of all the people you could have slept with, did it have to be one of my ladies? One of my closest friends?
I am your Queen. I command you.
One bedroom for husband and wife. Good luck with that!
Am I really planning a life, a future, without you?
I will not live in fear of her.
Are you trying to blame a woman for a man’s choices?
It was your spies who got that information to me wasn’t it.
I hope your wings are strong you vulture! You will be circling for quite some times.
What’s the cost of a king’s life?
I always knew we would be wed. Even when I first returned.
I see such beauty. Such beauty you have brought me.
You must wed again. You must love again.
I will never love anyone, the way I love you.
I can’t let him go.
Let him go, and hold on to me.
We were suppose to dance under the stars.
I may still a Queen.
Is that it? Our courtship is over. Was I wrong in thinking it was going well?
No matter what you might think, I can’t just force men to fall in love with me.
That is not a strategy.
I am a queen, about to marry a broken Prince for power...
I need proof before the wedding happens.
You two have become thick as thieves.
Do you still hold it agents me that I defended her agents a false accusation of murder?!
It's time to accept my fate
I will not be chased out of my country before I’ve even retuned.
I will fight fire, with fire.
The day may come where we may find ourselves on the battle field. What would you do then?
Impressive. Where did you learn to shoot like that?
Those memories are a part of me.
You love power!
You despise me, yet you expect a free ride!
I think I shall never see you again.
We have to stop them.
Give me your sword.
You took my heart! And now I’ve come to repay you.
I have come for my throne.
Queens do not bow to their subjects. It is in-fact, quite the other way around.
And may God, and your Queen. Have mercy of your soul.
Men don’t like taking orders from woman, they can barely stand speaking to them.
He knows I speak the truth.
Who cares about right or wrong, if you're dead!
I don’t have much to live for these days, but I would still die for my children.
She does have her moments doesn't she.
I’m sorry I wasn’t the mother you wanted me to be. I did my best.
Why would my presence startle you? Oh because you married my lover.
You requested a five course meals, I offer you seven!
Your love, it gave him so much joy, and that's what you must remember.
How can I pray to God, when I am certain he doesn’t not hear me.
My election could mean the end of your nation.
If I cannot disprove these charges I will swing from a rope.
What if he dies?!
We were here! We were playing a game of chess- which I won.
From the moment you were born, our relationship has been complicated.
We live in a word that undervalues woman.
I may be guilty of favouring my sons over my daughters.
And when you are wed, and you leave this home, it will break my heart.
You are offering me a kindness, a consideration I have rarely shown to you over the years.
Is it so unthinkable, a crime might take place in this castle that I had nothing to do with.
The butcher still insists on his innocents.
Just remember. Enjoy him, but never trust him.
I won’t be frightened into your arms by a dead rat, or a dead Cardinal!
If you think you are not going to talk, you are mistaken.
I don’t understand why we have to take time to visit the Generals.
A king should always deliver good news in person. Bad news should be sent by a messenger. Or let them find out on their own.
Go take back your country.
Our union is damaged beyond repair.
That’s the most flattering thing you’ve ever said to me.
Please tell me that wasn't you.
I need you here, too see you, even if I can’t touch you.
I am paying the price. I feel like a prisoner.
I am their Queen. Their whispers are treason.
Your highness, you are a vision.
This thing between us. It must end.
I’m ready to accept his proposal.
If is a fact of our time. A man rules his wife. Even if his wife is a Queen.
And it will be the challenge of my life, not to kill her.
Perhaps I forgot what it means to be a queen.
I shall never name an heir unless it is my own child.
To name a successor is to place a target on one's self.
Perhaps it better to outright refuse him. Be brutal and direct.
Don’t misjudge me. I am my father’s son.
All that’s left now, is for me to enjoy my final hours.
Well, I suppose you’ll have to settle with being the Queen of two nations, not three.
You cannot keep me in a cage. Even one built with love.
We were meant to be happy, and we were. But I have another fate.
Show people you are worthy of the post you hold, and no one will remember how you rose to it.
Love is never simple. Not that I'm any expert.
I was willing to give up so much for you. But now I want you out of my life. Forever.
Why must the fate of nations be decided in a shared bed?
I receive a letter from him nearly everyday. And I haven’t read one.
I can’t image what the night must be without the man you truly love.
Please go. While I still have the courage to say goodbye.
Sons of cobblers, doesn’t get to be with princesses.
I need to believe, that who we are, matters more than our station.
You are who you're born into, and nothing more than people say you are. You can pretend otherwise, but the world won’t pretend with you.
If you go on this mission. I’ll stop loving you!
From now on, you're only allowed to dream about me.
I have many children of my own you know. Some of them turn out quite well.
She is actually dead in’t she?
What is power, without love.
Be grateful for the fun you had, you must have know your time would come.
I expect you’ll be wearing that when we play cards tonight.
She handles tragedy with ruthless clarity.
I will not help you with this
Ask anyone. I’m as fickle as they come.
It's hard for all of us. Being part of this family.
I may be young, and inexperienced, but I promise I’ll give you an heir.
What’s this play about?
It’s a comedy about royals.
I hear the princess is worth looking at.
It's funny isn't in. Both of us here, we already know we've had our one true love.
You must rule your own heart, as firmly as you rule your subjects.
We may be the enemy, but I am not without my manners.
Your light as a feather, I swear!
Would you be interested in anything else? My chambers for example…
There’s the smile I was hoping for.
Allow me to charm you so more, and we’ll work on that next part.
Men forget, that woman have ears.
My child will be heir to her throne, to both Nations.
This is a course you cannot step back from. And if you take it, I fear I am looking at a dead woman.
We all die. The question is what we stood for while we lived.
Have you already named our children? Or did you leave that part for me?
I did not expect to like you. But I do.
Earn my respect then, as I earn the respect of my men. In combat!
Duels only lead to dead men, not respect.
Fists then. A boxing match. If you win, I bend the knee. But if I win, you will withdraw your marriage offer to the Queen.
I let you win that race.
How dare you, didn't you notice that I defied the queen of England for you!?
I’m going to be your husband.
I had a husband! and I loved him and he was murdered in cold blood before my eyes.
Before I met you, I loved someone. In that way that should've lasted a lifetime, but it didn't.
Let the danger come.
You will be my husband in name only. And we will never be happy.
It is my duty, my God-given birthright and my crown. And I will defend it from anyone who attempts to take it.
I had hoped that our marriage would be a partnership in every way. but with your drinking, your cheating, your blind ambition...
I know we hardly know each other, and yet here I am, asking you to risk everything for me.
With or without your crown. I would do anything for you.
I made you King. But we will never be equals.
You can’t expect everyone to be glad you are back at Court, some of us know you.
He will hang. And I will enjoy watching him die.
I didn't kill him, but justice needed to be done.
This vile act will not ease your pain!
Revenge is not meant to ease pain. It is meant to balance the scales.
He was an innocent man!
Men will never willingly bow to the weaker sex.
I put my trust in you, my Lord.
Well surely you don’t blame me.
How nice of you to take time out of your grievance to mock me.
What about the shame you've brought to this family? Not to mention this country and to God himself?!
I've learned never trust the beginning of a book.
I know this isn't what you wanted, but for now, this marriage will protect you.
When the time is right, I can make you a widow.
We need to show them you are not a monster, by showing them what you really are. A King.
Perhaps I shall have your throat slit in your sleep. Or have the villagers do it for me when they come for us to root out the beast we have protected.
I should have your entire family burned at the stake.
He was born first! That's all he has to do.
I have always put my children first. I have done terrible things! I have always done it for their good. But are they worth it?
Tell your son to come to court. Or I will have him dragged here. On his knees.
I will not be remembered as the Queen that drew first blood.
And I can't bear to lose you.
Our affair puts you in danger.
I won't ever tire of you.
He is a long-term confidante. A skilled advisor and diplomat, whose journeys, for the Crown, have met with spectacular success.
I represent something glorious, for everyone. And if you want to banish every person who is dazzled by me, we'll be a nation of mainly women.
You are more precious to me than my nation.
Speak! While there is still mercy in my heart!
I will bow to no man
I will face ever threat to my reign with sword in hand. And any who shall stand in my way shall fall.
I cannot have her blood on my hands. And I cannot let her go.
Look how far you’ve come. Trading your heart to rise in station.
Now that I know how things really work around here. I'm interested in getting to know you better.
Why should I be interested in you?
I was starting to think you didn't have it in you.
But let me offer some advice: next time you threaten someone, make sure you have proof. A theory is nothing more than a feather.
I am on no one's side, but my own.
Get out of my Court!
It’s fine. A daughter joining her mother for an evening stroll is hardly a crime.
The tears might be a bit much.
In a year, everything will be different. I'll have an heir.
I won’t fall in love with him. I promise!! Please have faith in me.
I was almost sent to a nunnery for following my heart!
I lost both the man I love and the man I could have loved.
I'm asking you to marry me. but I’m begging you to save your own life.
Tell me this. Do you think we can be happy together?
Your food is regularity tested for poison.
You're so clever.
Your lies come so easily.
You invited me here because you think of me, as often as I think of you.
He does have his father’s history to overcome.
I am an ambitious man. And if this is my one chance at King, I will take it.
If I am King for only as long as you live, then I say long live the Queen.
I don’t want to find love. I want to be loved.
It wasn’t easy, I paid a fortune.
The inevitable War of Two Queen.
May matrimony set you on a more honorable path.
I am married to the most powerful man in the world.
Stop starting at me witch!
You're a beautiful, ambitious, young woman who's learned to pull the strings of men, and yed can't see when her own strings are being pulled.
Being married to a woman who is in love with another, isn’t exactly the ideal union I dreamed of either.
Bastards and cheaters are not welcome on the Throne.
You will have love or an heir, but not both.
Lie to me again, and I will open you up right here, in your own house.
If you have a baby that isn’t yours, you’ll hang, unless you cooperate.
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