#gettr posts
funnygeets · 1 year
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boreal-sea · 10 months
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Firstly: get dunk'd, transphobe.
Secondly, nice source, dipshit:
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I have to do everything, don't I?
Let's talk about this source before we even read this article, because it shows how poor your rhetorical analysis skills are - or how unwilling you are to practice those skills, or perhaps just how willing you are to ally yourself with racist, nationalist, far-right reactionaries if they also happen to be transphobic.
Wings Over Scotland is a far-right, nationalist, reactionary blog run by Scottish "video game journalist" Stuart Campbell. It is not an unbiased news website - it's some dude's personal blog, and he created it because he hated that mainstream news in Scotland wasn't spreading the far-right rhetoric he wished it would.
And this is what you used as a "source". Fucking laughable.
Now let's get into the actual blog post. I refuse to call it a "news article", because it's not. This one was written by a nobody named "Mar Vickers". At the bottom of the article, Stuart claims Mar has "extensive experience in equality law". I can't seem to find any indication Mar is some sort of lawyer or scholar; all I can find is a link to his twitter - sorry, I mean his "X":
You can tell this is the same Mar based on the content of his tweets. He's also transphobic garbage, surprise surprise. He has a backup account on "gettr", because it seems like his twitter gets suspended frequently - which says a lot. Gettr is a clone of twitter that caters to right wingers who get suspended and banned on Twitter for constantly violating its hate speech policies. So. You know. Though these days, X is the safe-haven for far-right reactionaries, so honestly that's a red flag period.
As a summary: Mar doesn't understand surveys or their limits, he doesn't define what a "sex crime" is, he doesn't know what the Rorschach test is, and he's bad at math. He plays with numbers like he's some sort of population statistician, which he's not. He draws conclusions that are completely nonsense, because he's not asking the relevant questions.
Basically, he states that over the past few years, the ratio of trans women in jail for sex crimes to compared to the general population of trans woman is now higher than the ratio of cis men in jail for sex crimes compared to the general population of cis men. Ok, but why did these numbers change? He doesn't ask why. He just assumes these trends are natural and reflect the behavior of cis men and trans women, rather than the increased transphobia in England and Wales that he and his buddy Stuart have been fueling.
I absolutely don't doubt that trans women are incarcerated for "sex crimes" (which he never defines of course) at a higher rate per population than cis men. It's the same reason people of color are incarcerated more per population: bigotry. "Wow, this population of people who society hates sure gets sent to jail a lot. That's probably a reflection of their true nature, and not a reflection on society at large!"
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charliejaneanders · 1 year
There have been a number of right-wing social media platforms that have popped up in recent years, many of which have received significant funding. One by one, they failed. Parler, Gab, Gettr, Truth Social — even the people who are (or were) on those sites spend their time scrolling and posting on the more mainstream social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). The reason is simple: their political beliefs and their lives, generally, revolve around mocking and tormenting their political opponents. They don’t stand for anything so much as they stand against things they’ve collectively decided to hate. In short, they need to “own the libs” to have fun.
Parker Molloy on right-wing outrage is worth reading in its entirety
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tenaflyviper · 1 year
Elon Musk and his human dingleberries now want to eliminate the block feature on Twitter because they think they're entitled to others' posts, even if that person has cut them off from communication.
I guess when you substitute arguing on the internet for having an actual personality, being blocked from doing so is devastating.
I remember when they all threatened to leave for Gab, GETTR, Parler, and Truth Social because they were promised "free speech". Then they found out they had no one to argue with, so they begged a cucked billionaire to buy them the site where "the mean people made fun of them".
Absolute creeps, including Apartheid Clyde.
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claudiosuenaga · 6 months
Quem matou Jim Morrison?
Holmes: "O que você acha da minha teoria?" Watson: "É tudo suposição." Holmes: "Mas pelo menos cobre todos os fatos." (Arthur Conan Doyle, in As Memórias de Sherlock Holmes)
Aviso: Esta é apenas MAIS UMA versão especulativa e contestatória, entre tantas, sobre a morte de Jim Morrison, e que não precisaria existir, a ponto de ofender certas almas sensíveis, se tudo tivesse sido esclarecido de maneira clara na ocasião. Qualquer semelhança com outras mortes de artistas com 27 anos terá sido mera coincidência. Sobre a versão tardia de Sam Bernett, o gerente da casa noturna parisiense Rock and Roll Circus, onde, conforme alegou em seu livro The End, Morrison foi encontrado desacordado atrás de uma porta fechada do banheiro, também não passa de MAIS UMA, e das mais duvidosas, tanto que biógrafos como Philip Steele não a levaram a sério.
Em 3 de julho de 1971, Jim Morrison morreu na banheira de um apartamento alugado em Paris. Desde então, uma enorme quantidade de mentiras sobre as circunstâncias de sua morte morte se acumularam, mentiras essas contadas por aqueles que foram as únicas testemunhas oculares do que aconteceu. Não é muito difícil perceber que todas as versões são contraditórias, o que significa que nenhuma das situações descritas realmente aconteceu. Se a sua morte foi em decorrência de "causas naturais", como ficou oficialmente estabelecido, não teria sido preciso inventar tantas histórias para encobrir o fato, nem tampouco impedir seus amigos e familiares de ver o corpo e enterrá-lo secretamente sem sequer a realização de uma autópsia. Nesta investigação minuciosa, você ficará sabendo do envolvimento de famílias nobres poderosas no "sacrifício" de Jim Morrison, motivo pelo qual tudo foi feito a fim de protegê-las.
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✅ Adquira “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal”, bem como meus dois primeiros livros, "Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre?" e "50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos?", diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
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Richard Fierro, the Army veteran who tackled and disarmed the shooter inside LGBTQ Club Q in Colorado Springs, is currently receiving a torrent of hate and harassment from far-right extremists.
The far-right has is calling Fierro a “groomer” and a “faggot,” while questioning his sexuality for being at the Club Q drag show. Others even questioned the veracity of his entire story, according to an investigation conducted by VICE News and researchers at Advance Democracy Inc, a nonprofit that tracks online extremism.
Far-right troll Jack Pososbiec was one of the first people to do this. “Are we just not supposed to talk about the US Army Major taking his family down to the local drag club for a night out?” Pososbiec asked followers on multiple platforms Tuesday morning, including on Truth Social where he has 960,000 followers and on Telegram, where he has over a million.
“Heroes don't take their kids to drag shows,” one of Posobiec’s followers wrote on Telegram in response.
Others joined in: “So a married man, His Wife, Daughter and her boyfriend all go to Gay bar together? I’m gonna call bullshit on this,” a user on far-right Christian platform Gab wrote on Tuesday.
“If it’s not bullshit he’s helping to molest children and he’s all for it,” another Gab user wrote in response, adding: “Faggot dad in closet.”
The attacks on Fierro are just one part of a concerted and consistent response from right wing influencers and conservative media outlets to diminish and question the horrific killing of five people inside LGBTQ nightclub Club Q on Saturday night. Figures like Posobiec, Fox News host Tucker Carlson, and anti-trans troll Matt Walsh have been doubling down on attacks against the LGBTQ community for years, increasing these attacks in regularity and toxicity in recent months, with accusations that members of the LGBTQ community are sexualizing or “grooming” children. Trans activists have warned that violent responses would be imminent, to little avail.
Fierro was in Club Q on Saturday night with his wife, daughter, and his daughter’s boyfriend. They were there to see one of his daughter’s friends perform in a drag show at the Colorado Springs venue that has been described as one of few safe spaces for the LGBTQ community in the city.
Fierro was sitting at a table joking with a friend when he saw a flash of gunfire and instinct kicked in.
“I don’t know exactly what I did, I just went into combat mode,” Fierro, a veteran with 15 years of experience and four tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, told the New York Times this week. “I just know I have to kill this guy before he kills us.”
Fierro tackled the gunman, disarmed him and beat him with the shooter’s own gun before pinning him on the ground with help from others until the police arrived. Before Fierro disarmed the shooter, the gunman killed five people at the club, including his daughter’s boyfriend. Without Fierro’s actions, police have said the death toll from the attack would have been much higher.
But for far-right trolls on platforms like Truth Social, Gettr, Parler, Gab, and Telegram, Fierro’s actions should not be met with praise, but with vitriol and anger.
On The Donald, a rabidly pro-Trump message board frequented by violent extremists, every thread about Fierro’s actions included questions about what he was even there in the first place.
On a hugely popular QAnon channel on Telegram, Fierro’s presence at Club Q instantly raised suggestions that the entire incident was a false flag. “Whole thing sounds like a staged event,” one channel member wrote under a post that had been read almost 70,000 times.
On Gettr, there were similar reactions to posts about Fierro’s heroics: “So a gay libtard shot up a bunch of gays and a gay ex Soldier helped take him down, there’s more to this, something smells fishy.”
Another Gettr user wrote in the same thread: “Gay men dressing up like women and mocking women is misogyny. Anyone who supports this is a misogynist. This man is not a hero. He just hates women.”
There were many on these platforms who praised Fierro’s actions, but after years of conditioning from figures like Posobiec, Carlson, and Walsh, as well as Republican lawmakers, most people on these far-right platforms were inclined to attack anyone that had anything to do with a drag show immediately.
Though the motives of the Club Q shooting suspect are unknown, he is facing possible hate crime charges. And for months, members of the LGBTQ community as well as organizations who provide care for the trans community have been targeted with far-right disinformation campaigns which in many cases have turned into real world violence and threats..
Last month, protesters in Eugene, Oregon, threw hand grenades and rocks outside a pub that was hosting a drag queen storytelling event. Other attacks against the LGBTQ and trans community have been on the rise as well: The Boston Children’s hospital was targeted with bomb threats after far-right figures posted about the hospital’s gender affirming care online and wrongly accused healthcare providers of “mutilating” children. In September, a pride center was vandalized in Florida.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 8 months
MEGHANS MOLE HAS BEEN DEMONETIZED ON YOUTUBE! According to MeghansMole recently posted video the Sussexs or Sussex Squaddies have demonetized her Youtube channel.DO NOT send money directly to MeghansMole as she stated YouTube will keep it.Can send donations to various other sources:Please send Directly to PayPal- https://ift.tt/GKRi1hr Make sure you are following me 💥Twitter💥 @MeghansMole 💥 GETTR💥 @MeghansMole 💥 Instagram 💥 @MeghansMole 💥Rumble💥 MeghansMole Drop me a 📧 [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])She also stated outright that Megaliar has never been pregnant not allegedly but right up front never been pregnant.And that Doria was/is? receiving an allowance. Shawn Smith wrote a book sometime ago and stated that Doria was given an allowance. He did not specify from whom the allowance was being paid by. 30:30 on video.Enjoy the videohttps://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J32jvcnUD28EDIT: Corrected Doria's allowance information post link: https://ift.tt/TumPAya author: jamultrader submitted: October 04, 2023 at 02:45AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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antidrumpfs · 10 months
Users on the far-right message board sites have threatened the jurors with violence and sought to reveal their addresses
A Media Matters review found that following the release of the indictment and the grand jurors’ names, users on far-right message boards began targeting them in retaliation.
On a message board that has been the home of “Q,” the central figure of the QAnon conspiracy theory, a user posted the names of the jurors alongside their supposed addresses (Media Matters has blurred the supposed doxxing to protect the jurors, and has chosen to blur and remove other material posted by message board users). And on another message board, where the QAnon conspiracy theory initially emerged, a user seemed to threaten to “follow these people home and photograph their faces.”
Other users on the message boards also issued direct threats against the jurors. One user wrote that the grand jurors’ names was a “hit list” to which another user responded, “Based. Godspeed anons, you have all the long range rifles in the world,” while another wrote that they were “about ready to go Turner Diaries on these treasonous n***** fucks” (referring to a violent white nationalist book). And another user ominously wrote that the jurors were “committing election interference” and so they “should indeed be careful.”
Additionally, message board users tried to dig into the jurors’ online presences and backgrounds, posting images of jurors’ supposed Facebook and LinkedIn pages as evidence that they were biased against Trump and posting a link to their supposed political contributions pages from the Federal Election Commission. (According to The Washington Post, “several of the jurors disabled their profiles on LinkedIn and Facebook.“) Users also tried to determine the ethnic and religious backgrounds of the jurors.
Outside of the message boards, users on right-wing social media platforms like Truth Social and GETTR also tried to dig into the jurors’ backgrounds.
The supposed doxxing and targeting of these grand jurors comes after users of these far-right message boards have repeatedly targeted entities and figures with troll campaigns, harassment, and death threats.
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funnygeets · 1 year
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In today’s episode of Brighteon Broadcast News (see links below), we feature Dr. Paul Cottrell with a detailed technical explanation of why both SARS-CoV-2 (the bioweapon developed by the DoD and handed to China) and the mRNA covid “vaccine” injections are unleashing a wave of cancer across the world.
It turns out that elements from the spike protein suppress the body’s innate anti-cancer immune system mechanisms, effectively raising the “cancer risk curve” for everyone exposed to covid or the vaccine. (This includes those onto whom vaxxed people have been shedding spike protein fragments.)
At the same time, other properties of the virus and the vaccine promote mutagenesis via chromosomal damage, due in part to RNA fragments causing havoc with the body’s normal cellular functions.
We cover this and much more in today’s BBN episode, also featuring a pro-humanity message to the people of Russia and Ukraine. Here’s a summary of what’s in the episode:
– Correction on the imminent pardon of Sgt. Daniel Perry – A pro-humanity message from Americans to the PEOPLE of Russia and Ukraine – Compost food growing challenge accepted – Extended interview with Dr. Paul Cottrell – Why CANCER rates are skyrocketing: SARS-CoV-2 and the jab – How the vaccine suppresses immune function and allows cancer to take over – Depopulation is already under way – Huge economic damage from the cancer epidemic now emerging – The war for the future: Centralization vs. DECENTRALIZATION
Brighteon: Brighteon.com/0f7ff007-e777-4f5e-b7b9-462922bd34bc
Rumble: Rumble.com/v2hl1i8-bbn-apr-11-2023-cancer-nightmare….html
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iTunes podcast: Healthrangerreport.com/brighteon-broadcast-news-apr-11-2023-cancer-nightmare-as-both-covid-and-the-vax-found-to-hyper-accelerate-tumors
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bighermie · 2 years
Paul Sperry published a string of posts today on GETTR pertaining to Peter Strzok and the Electronic Communication (EC) to formally open the investigation into President Trump and Russia — something the entire FBI knew was complete garbage at the time they opened their investigation. According to Sperry, the highly classified document dated in early…
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claudiosuenaga · 8 months
A Teoria dos Zeroides: Seriam alguns dos OVNIs criaturas vivas ou bioformas?
Antes de tudo, faço questão de deixar bem claro que mesmo que esta teoria venha a ser confirmada, ela não explica o Fenômeno OVNI em sua totalidade, mas só uma ínfima parte dele.
Uma teoria muito pouco discutida na ufologia é a de que os OVNIs possam ser Zeroides, termo genérico para bioformas ou criaturas vivas que habitam os recônditos do espaço.
Assistia aqui no canal, o vídeo em que o ufólogo, criptozoologista e físico nuclear Dr. Franklin Ruehl (1950-2015) fala sobre a Teoria dos Zeroides: https://youtu.be/TmOwSq3UnO4
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✅ Adquira "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?" https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
✅ Adquira “Illuminati: A Genealogia do Mal”, bem como meus dois primeiros livros, "Contatados: Emissários das Estrelas, Arautos de uma Nova Era ou a Quinta Coluna da Invasão Extraterrestre?" e "50 Tons de Greys: Casos de Abduções Alienígenas com Relações Sexuais - Experiências Genéticas, Rituais de Fertilidade ou Cultos Satânicos?", diretamente com o editor Bira Câmara pelo e-mail [email protected]
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Conservatives on the SCOTUS leak 3 months ago...
"We must protect our Judges from violent threats against them and their family!!!"
Conservatives after the Mar-a-lago Raid...
"Find out where this Judge's kids live!! Make an example of them!!!"
Far-right extremists on pro-Donald Trump message boards and social networks are making violent, antisemitic threats against the judge who reportedly signed the warrant that allowed the FBI to search the former President's Mar-a-Lago property in Florida.
Multiple members of these toxic online communities are even posting what appears to be Judge Bruce Reinhart’s home address, phone numbers, and names of his family members alongside threats of extreme violence.
“This is the piece of shit judge who approved FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago,” a user wrote on the pro-Trump message board formerly known as TheDonald. “I see a rope around his neck.”
Responding, another user wrote: “Idgaf [I don’t give a fuck] anymore. Name? Address? Put that shit all up on here.” Moments later, a different member replied with what appears to be Reinhart’s current address, phone numbers, previous addresses, and names of possible relatives.
In another post on the same message board, one user commented, “Let's find out if he has children....where they go to school, where they live...EVERYTHING.”
These threats of violence and antisemitic slurs on a range of platforms, including 4chan, Telegram, Gettr, Gab, and Trump’s own platforms called Truth Social, were first uncovered by Advance Democracy, a nonpartisan and nonprofit organization that conducts public-interest investigations.
“The threats against Judge Reinhart in the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid are significant,” Daniel J. Jones, founder of Advance Democracy, told VICE News. “In addition to the antisemitic and violent slurs, we’re seeing his address and other personal information being shared online—with the implied or explicit purpose of ‘real-life’ action.”
A message board where a number of these threats were posted also happens to be the same one where many of those involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot posted threats of violence in the lead-up to Jan. 6.
These threats against the Judge, Jones told VICE News, are “all the more alerting given the events of January 6.”
These threats made against Reinhart and his family didn’t occur in a vacuum: Within hours of the FBI searching Trump’s Palm Beach home, the former President’s supporters reacted furiously, calling for civil war and the dismantling of the FBI. As Trump has scrambled to explain why his home was searched, he has also pushed conspiracy theories about the FBI supposedly planting evidence there.
Right-wing news outlets have also tried to connect the judge to convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Reinhart worked as a federal prosecutor until 2008, and a day after he quit, he became the defense attorney for a number of Epstein’s employees, including his pilots and a scheduler, according to his 2018 Miami Herald report. The link between Reinhart and Epstein has been weaponized by Trump supporters to incorrectly imply Reinhart was Epstein’s own lawyer, and, by extension, was corrupt and possibly a pedophile. (A small note in light of these accusations: Trump had a long personal relationship with Epstein, and once famously told New York Magazine that he was a “terrific guy.”)
On fringe message board 4chan, one user posted an image of Reinhart with the caption: “About that Judge that signed the search Warrant…Bruce Reinhart once quit his job as a U.S. Attorney to work for Jeffrey Epstein." Another 4chan user wrote in response: “That is a kike. And a pedophile … He should be tried for treason and executed.”
“The U.S. Marshals are responsible for the protection of the federal judicial process, and we take that responsibility very seriously,” a spokesperson for the U.S. Marshals told VICE News when asked for comment about the threats. “While we do not discuss our specific security measures, we continuously review the measures in place and take appropriate steps to ensure the integrity of the federal judicial process.”
The FBI deferred comment to the U.S. Marshals, and the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida told VICE News “the Court has no comment.”
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klunsgod · 11 months
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Reupload Gonanza - Part 27, Section 2 (July, 2021)
god, anyone remember Gettr? or is that still active? anyway i just posted my shit under a Blopy account, revealed the password, and i haven't looked back since. that 3D render was a part of something i did once; Daily Blopies... made a special 3D Blopy too for that Baldi mimic. (don't tell me why there are scan lines. i don't know either it was the fault of the render itself)
the two images above were redraws of Wiki-styled art i made in 2019. wow, the improvement, such grace. i was shocked at how big i made Omega. should remember that for next time...
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renee-writer · 1 year
Any of you guys on Gettr. I am but rarely post there. My brother though, yanceyrobin03, does dones and has an amazing amount of followers.
The issue is he was just locked out of his account. Anyone else experiencing this and any ideas to help him get back in. It is his social media home and this is really bad on him.
Thank you
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Brazil's Far Right Plots Its Own January 6 Insurrection
Extreme content is spreading rapidly on the country's social networks, sparking fears of a violent uprising.
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People voting in Brazil’s October 2 elections have been subjected to a deluge of misinformation and disinformation on social media in recent months. Researchers say that Telegram has become the hub of the country’s far right, which is calling for a military coup or violent uprising akin to the US Capitol attack on January 6, 2021, should sitting president Jair Bolsonaro lose.
Dennis Kahn, research lead at social media threat analysis company ActiveFence, says he is most concerned about calls for military intervention in the elections and a violent coup in favor of Bolsonaro, threats that have appeared on Telegram, Gettr, and local platform PatriaBook.
“On the mainstream platforms, [the far right] will perhaps be a bit more careful about the content that they’re posting,” says Kahn. “So instead they will try to direct traffic to the low-moderation platforms. And there they see the more extreme content.”
Such extreme content is not hard to find. “We are not thugs, we are free Brazilians fighting for your freedom!” reads one post in a pro-Bolsonaro Telegram group of more than 1,300 people in September. “Military intervention or communism! Without military intervention nothing will change in this country!” reads another post in the same channel. Another post promoted the popular conspiracy theory that Boslonaro will win with at least 60 percent of the vote, giving him a “blank check” to control the country with military force. Other posts question the validity of the election—a type of content Meta has banned. The most popular groups that researchers tracked have upwards of 10,000 members, while myriad smaller groups can range from a few hundred to a few thousand members. Content is often shared across these groups.
“It is clear that the far right is the group that is pushing those narratives of violence in unprecedented numbers,” says Flora Rebello Arduini, campaign director at the advocacy group SumOfUs. “We’re seeing just dreadful similarities to what happened in the US.”
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