#gg's situation series
butchjess · 2 years
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when you whenen when you think about how lorelai has the ability to understand jess in a way nobody else really can and has moments of extreme compassion and empathy for him that leak through her general lens of viewing jess as a lost cause/troublemaker/devil incarnate which is borne out of her insecurity around her most valued relationships and the way jess both in-universe and from a meta standpoint exists to not only have incredibly important relationships with rory and luke both but also to cause conflict between lorelai and luke/lorelai and rory because of it. but in these moments she has to instead confront the fact that he is just a kid and he’s having a hard time. he can’t talk because its hard for him to talk bc its hard for HER to talk (i don’t know how to tell you things, mom) he knows bc SHE would have known (i don’t know, kid, but this whole thing reeks of emily). and well, she is very petty and would never say this/defend him to his face bc when she tried to oprah him he immediately lashed out and read her so well that she is never letting that grudge go ever until they actually talk about it and theyre never going to unless you held them at gunpoint and even then they both would probably prefer to die than actually talk about their feelings and why they reacted the way they did. also it is just a natural reaction i think to be faced w your younger self and immediately try to strangle them. like lorelai is not doing that treat yourself w the kindness that u would to ur own child thing no she is biting and scratching and killing immediately. she would SAY she’d love to treat her younger self w the kindness she was never given but honestly after Teen Lorelai gives her one single bitchy knowing comment she would be a hater forever and that is real as hell to me..
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greeenchrysanthemums · 8 months
Hello! I'm loving the GG rivals au! Do you have anything on Impulse and Scott? I know they work with Gem but do they have any fun backstory stuff going on and/or any fun tidbits?
Thank you! I honestly do not have much on them, unfortunately, but here is what I do have!
Impulse comes from a family of candy makers who have lived in the Wintertide capital since the kingdom's creation. He grew up with his best friend Skizz, whose mother was a castle knight and his father a town doctor.
He was already an adult by the time the war started. He enlisted early on, but most of his time was actually spent guarding the castle itself, where the fighting never reached. Because of this he has very little combat experience compared to many of the other characters. He is a skilled swordsman, no doubt, but he is definitely on the inexperienced side. 5 years into being a knight he took on a squire; Scott.
Scott was born and raised in The Monopoly, where his family ran a fairly successful dye shop. His mother was actually of Coral Crest descent, while his father was from Wintertide, which is where his citizenship also lies. He became a knight at his father's insistence. He visits his family every summer for a week or two. He brings Impulse and Skizz, and later Gem, along with him. His family loves them.
Scott is friendly with Martyn and the two of them sometimes hang out. Scott is suspicious of him, but he can't exactly put his finger on why. There is just something off about him. He dismisses himself as paranoid whenever he has these feelings.
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cubfan135-facts · 11 months
cubfan135 fact #21:
Hermitcraft season 6 featured an unknown individual known only as The Jingler, who conducted a series of pranks on several hermits. Those who fell victim to the Jingler's pranks were often referred to as being "#Jingled". Some pranks included (but are not limited to) vandalizing Grian's map room to say "You have been J-J-Jingled!!!", and leaving a mysterious book in Hermitville with coordinates that merely led to a sign reading, "GG You've been had! #Jingled".
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The Jingler's identity was never revealed by the time Season 6 had concluded. Fans and hermits alike speculated their true identity for years. Many fans believed them to be Grian, however it was unlikely as Grian already had two prankster alter egos in Season 6, Poultry Man and The Salmon Ghost. GoodTimesWithScar was revealed to be the Jangler, a different entity entirely with no official ties to the Jingler. Rendog was suspected of being the Jingler for asking his viewers to "jingle that [notification] bell" at the end of his videos. Tango was also suspected of being the Jingler, as his returns to the server coincidentally aligned with the Jingler's pranks.
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The most in-depth search for the identity of the jingler on the Hermitcraft server appears to be from Joehills. Upon checking the community mailbox, Joehills discovered a message from the Jingler left in every hermit's mailbox. Deciding that he could not let this devious behavior continue, he set out to follow a trail to reveal their true identity. He initially asks for the help of his viewers to gather intel from other hermit's videos, however this effort would prove fruitless as the Jingler carefully made sure to never reveal themselves on camera. Joe suspects a parrot by the name of Jingles to be behind the pranks, claiming that the parrot works for ConCorp. However, it is possible he was actually thinking of Captain Jack Sparrow, the CEO of ConCorp, and the lead seemed to come to a dead end.
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The Jingler's identity was still unknown by the end of season 6, leaving both fans and hermits to speculate on their identity for years. Many began to believe there was no one true Jingler, but the hermits as a collective conducted a multitude of pranks under one common alias.
The Jingler's identity was finally revealed on April 23, 2022 on the Hermitcraft 10-year anniversary livestream. Cub admitted to being the Jingler, notably only after being asked directly by Jevin. Grian in particular was so distraught by the revelation that he joined the discord call from his mobile phone to comment on the situation.
Hermitcraft season 6 began in July of 2018, meaning that the identity of the Jingler was kept a secret for roughly 4 years. It is possible that this is the longest-kept secret in all of Hermitcraft history. The only known "evidence" of Cub being the Jingler is when he is seen during Impulse's Season 6 episode 32 asking if Grian has completed the infinity room. It is likely Cub was inquiring either to see if he could vandalize the map without Grian noticing, or to see Grian's reaction if the prank had already been carried out. Besides this small piece of circumstantial evidence, there was virtually no proof of Cub being the Jingler prior to April 2022. The most concerning detail in this story is, perhaps, the fact that the identity of the Jingler was only revealed when Cub was directly confronted by Jevin on stream. It is unknown if Cub ever planned to reveal the Jingler's identity on his own, and he very well may have intended to take this secret to the grave.
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laf-outloud · 4 months
Another interview with Kripke saying he wants Jared on. And this is new, like today new (they said they talked to him Thursday - aka today - and that Walker "was canceled earlier this week" and it was only cancelled Tuesday so this is a brand new interview).
I love this little bit with them excited because Jared was on GG!!:
Kripke was speaking with Variety ahead of “The Boys” Season 4 premiere, in an interview alongside “The Boys” actors Colby Minifie (Ashley Barrett) and series newcomers Susan Heyward (Sister Sage) and Valorie Curry (Firecracker) — who were all very on board with the Padalecki casting conversation. “As a childhood fan of ‘Gilmore Girls,’ I would also vote for that,” Minifie said. “That would be great.” Curry added: “Same! Same! Second that.” “OK, all right, the crowd has spoken!” Kripke declared, which hopefully seals the deal for Padalecki.
Boy, Kripke's really not letting the news of Walker's cancellation slow him down. I know it's just another day in Hollywood, but for a lot of cast and crew members, they no longer have jobs. A little tact and time would be nice (not that I expect the showrunner for The Boys to employ that).
I guess he's really trying to push now before Jared gets signed on to another project, likely because he knows Jared is a hot commodity right now, though I'd be curious to know if the interviewers are asking him about Jared or if he's mentioning him unprompted.
I do worry though, that with Kripke being this vocal about getting Jared on The Boys, if Jared turns him down, he's going to look like a jerk that wouldn't let Kripke have his complete set. Kripke's putting Jared in basically a 'can't refuse' situation. Though, if Jared really doesn't want to do it, I trust his ability to side-step the invitations tactfully (as he's done so far).
I will say, I do appreciate that Kripke call's him the "...one big one - very big one..." It makes it seem like Jared's the Holy Grail of SPN alumni (which he is, lol).
And also, lol at the GG fan from the cast!
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antennaed-shidou · 3 months
Sunflower (Kurona)
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❀ Ranze Kurona x f! reader
❀ Warning: not proofread, curse words (?)
❀ Flower Series number 4 The Violet
❀ Extras: Work count 1.0k+ Roses are red Violets are blue and this is a long waited part 4 of the Flower Series. Kinda rushed at the end sorry.
In Which {Y/n} is not so cold toward him
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Sunflowers mostly grow in the summertime, their bright yellow color makes them easy to spot in a crowd of other flowers. They have a mild smell which makes them a great fragrance to some people in their homes. Just like {Y/n}. She loves sunflowers as decoration, most of them in her apartment are fake.  She thinks they look pretty with anything.
If you meet her in person you would think quite the opposite. She wears mostly dark colors, her outfits aren’t plain either. Her style is more dark wear with chains and other accessories. Even her house was mostly dark, the only pop of color was the sunflowers. When people first meet {Y/n} they are afraid of her because of the way she looks, but once people get to know her, she is the opposite of her looks. 
When Kurona first met her, he was a little afraid of her. It looked like she could rip his head off at any moment. He was on a blind date per a friend's suggestion, and he kinda regretted saying he would. The two sat there at the table looking at the menu. They went on a simple dinner date to a nice restaurant, it wasn’t too fancy. 
The two sat there for a while looking around but not looking at each other. The waiter came to the table to get their orders. It seemed the waiter knew {Y/n} as he seemed excited to see her.
“Omg is that who I think it is?” The waiter walked up to the table with a smile on her face while speaking to {Y/n}. 
Kurona listens to their conversation. “Omg it really is you, {Y/n}” She said with a smile on her face.
{Y/n} faced her with a mean look, but her face brightened up when she saw who it was, “GG it’s been so long how have you been? I didn’t know you worked here?”
GG the waiter put a hand on the female shoulder, “I’ve been good. I got this job last month, they have treated me better than my last job.”
“That’s good.” {Y/n} smiles which made Kurona feel a little better inside, she wasn’t mean after all. “I never thought I would see you so soon.”
“Me either.” She took her hand off her shoulders and pulled out a notepad and pen, “Before I get too carried away, what would you guys like to order?”
“I’ll take the…” {Y/n} scanned the menu for a quick second before telling GG what she wanted, “Chicken teriyaki with rice.”
“And for you sir?” GG looked over to Kurona with a small smile.
Kurona looked at the menu again before saying what he wanted, “I’ll have the classic udon, thanks. Thanks.”
“No problem, I’ll ring that up for you guys,” GG takes the menu from the two and walks away going to put in their orders. 
Kurona crooked his head at {Y/n} saying she knew the waiter. {Y/n} understood what he was saying, “Yeah we used to work at the same place and become instant friends and have been in touch and occasionally see each other.” He nodded his head to show her he was listening. 
{Y/n} interlinked her fingers together and put them under her chin, “You think I’m scary. Aren’t I right?”
She got him in the act, he was a little scared of her. From the way she dressed, it was all dark, and the way she stared at people was terrifying like she could beat them up if she looked at them wrong. 
“A little bit, bit,” Kurona confessed, looking down at the table feeling so ashamed of himself. 
{Y/n} chuckled at the situation, “It’s fine, Kurona. I get that a lot. Especially here in Japan, but I like this style and truthfully don’t care. That’s fine if you don’t want to go out with me, it’s fine. You seem like a nice guy and I don’t want to feel bad.”
Kurona shook his head up and down, “No, no. I want to give you a chance.”
{Y/n} smiled at him and drank some of her water. “Thank you.”
GG walked back to the table with their food to see them talking. She delivered their food and told them to have a good meal. Up to the bill they were talking and GG barely got another sentence to {Y/n}. It was good, she knew that the guy wasn’t too scared of her anymore. When the date was over {Y/n} asked if Kurona had a ride home to which he said he took the bus. She didn’t want him to wake the bus so she drove him home… 
“Do you like my home?” {Y/n} asked unlocking the door and opening it for him to walk in. “I know it’s great.” She shut the door behind her and locked it back up out of habit. 
Kurona was scared for a second until she reassured him, “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t kill you, Kurona. This is just a habit, I’ve had a lot of thieves in my house, both in and out.”
The male nodded his head walking around the house. “You have a lot of sunflowers.”
“Glad you noticed, I love sunflowers. They are so bright and yellow, they are a good complement to black. They are also a very fun and happy flower, when people see me they think of the opposite of a sunflower. I guess that is another reason why I like them.”
A few weeks later the two started dating and going almost every other night when they had the chance. It was a very sweet relationship, if you just looked at them you would never have guessed they were dating, from the way they each dressed, how they acted, and how they could treat others.
One thing that did change the female’s appearance was that she would wear sunflowers in her outfits; they were all a gift from Kurona and were all fake. Her obsession became harder to contain when Kurona would bring her more. He would take her to a garden full of sunflowers and they would just lay down in the field and talk for hours-- well {Y/n} would do most of the talking and Kurona would listen to her.
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a/n: I love this little shark.
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mechaknight-98 · 6 months
Gathering CEDH edition: Once Upon Time
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Author's notes: No this is not a repost. I am trying this a third time. I now have a clear understanding of What I want to do with the series. I wanted to Streamline it as an Izone/Izone's daughter group and Dreamcatcher fic. The Main characters are also a bit more refined this time around as I have figured out how they connect. I also have now consolidated a lot of the bloat the previous version had to focus on better storytelling between the characters. So sit back and Enjoy the New Version. Think of it as a Director's cut.
I entered the new Photography collective my friend Dexter asked me to join. The goal was to create a group that could help each other rise in related industries relating to Photography, film, directing, scriptwriting, producing, etc. I was unsure of the efficacy as most of us were amateurs with some experience but not much. Dexter was the most well-versed of us as he was getting cameraman jobs for several TV shows and his roommate and other member of this collective Connor was in the same boat. I was just some rando they found on social media who had an insane appetite and penitence for artistic expression in all forms I could get my hands on. so these two "extroverts" Our first meeting I learned that we were all Nexos and fans of the game Magic the Gathering. This made building a relationship that much easier as our first meeting ended up with us playing a game of Commander. Connor was a Jeskai player, and Dexter was a Temur player. Thankfully I could play anything so our games were always varied. I began to lean into Sultai a lot as it was the colors I felt were most reflective of my player mindset. it also had the highest number of my favorite creature types Ooze. (WotC if you are reading this please give me a legendary Ooze elder dragon in Sultai that becomes copies of things when attacked that would be so cool). One day after the Aespa concert we all went to Connor made a huge reveal.
Connor sat at his computer waiting for another round of historic brawl on MTGA (Magic the Gathering Arena). He was on a roll with your kinda junky “Omnath Locus of all” deck. He stepped away to grab a snack from your fridge across the hall but came clamoring, and running back when you heard the ding of a match found. It was against a person with the name Scorpion’s-love-00. He noticed the name was funny and chuckled at the beginning of the match. You did your tradition of “ggs” before the match. He focused up and eased in. She was playing a bit of a serious deck helmed by Kyodai that relied on flickering and cloning the dragon spirit numerous times so her board became almost impenetrable. The only problem she was playing against someone who thrived in unbeatable situations. For each new indestructible body she put on the field you retaliated with more interaction in the form of bouncing exile until she was tapped out and drawing empty on resources. To finish her off Connor ended with a simple draw Connor the whole deck into Thassa’s oracle. As the scene shifts to the win screen, Connor sighs a sigh of relief. The win was tough but well-earned. Connor relaxed and decided to send a friend request to Scorpion’s-Love-00. you enjoyed playing with them and thought it would be fun to play with them again. He was surprised to have the friend request not only accepted but also a message attached.
“Hey! What’s your discord?” the message read. Seeing this as Harmless He responded
“Infinite #2782” Connor responded. To his continued surprise there was another ding and a new friend request from a “Scorpio Rapper 00” He accepted and was treated to the following messages.
“wow, you kicked my butt. You must know your stuff. How long have you been playing?”
Connor smiled and responded, “I am decent, and you didn’t fare too badly yourself.”
The message that came in response read “ ;] I bet you say that to all the girls you beat.”
Connor responds “Only the nice and cute ones.”
You say the message typing and then this message you, “Aw you're so sweet. I want to take a bite out of you.”
Connor laughed and responded “Lol, Lol” and for the next few hours, he talked with Scorpion flirting and helping her with deck ideas and builds. She was adamant about sending Connor pictures through messages as when he brought up the idea of screen sharing she freaked out.
“What are you some uber famous Mega star?” he asked innocently.
Scorpion replied “Something like that. Or maybe I am disfigured and I don’t want to scare you off.”
Connor smiled at her response. She was easy to talk to and so those hours flew by. Eventually leading to Connor needing to go to sleep. So Connor explained this to Scorpion.
“Aw, but we are barely halfway through my Hinata Dawn Crown deck and I need your expertise and card knowledge.” Connor sighs and respond
“I have work early in the morning I need to go to sleep but when I am free I will shoot you some more cards and ideas," Connor said
So with this, Connor fell into a routine. He would work, go home, go to sleep, work out, and play magic in either a shop or online (Usually with Scorpion). As he does this you get to know Scorpion. She is funny, sweet, caring, and ultimately a gentle soul. She also likes K-pop which is also a plus. One of the groups she is into is Aespa right now whom Connor loves. When she asks who’s your bias and you proudly say Giselle she laughs, but she insists she is laughing at something her roommate said and not him. She still refuses to do anything showing her face but he's seen her hands after she sent a video going through a completed paper high-powered Hinata deck that she adores. Eventually, this culminates with her making a voice call out of the blue
“Hey, you’re in New York City right?” Scorpion’s pleasant voice asks
“Um yeah, why?” Connor respond hesitantly
“Well let’s meet up?” I want to see what my friend who’s helped me get better at mtg looks like.
Connor hesitates. Scorpion waits for his response until she can’t bear it
“you didn’t hang up on me did you?” Scorpion asked anxiously
“Ah no. I just wasn’t expecting you to say that. Sure I am down what day and what time?” You respond quickly
“Good, How about in two weeks? At the Empire State Building?”
“Works for me.” He responds
“Great!! see you then.” Scorpion says a bit too excitedly.
As the weeks pass Connor tries to figure out a plan and an outfit to wear to meet Scorpion. As the day gets closer however your nerves lessen. Connor figures she’s going to bail as she has always not wanted to meet face to face. That is until Connor finds himself standing at the Peer waiting for her.
Connor was stressed but had chosen a killer look and had a dope plan all figured out. It’s a little chilly so he brought a windbreaker and some gloves. To ease his mind you put on some Aespa, you found their music oddly calming and familiar at this time. While you are chilling on the peer looking around when you get a call.
“Hey, it’s scorpion what do you look like? I am having trouble finding you.” Connor gives her a bare-bones description. That is specified only by the jacket you have on. Scorpion responds “Okay I think I see you.” and she hangs up. Well, here it is the moment of truth. You stand still for a few moments until you get a tap on your shoulder. You turn around and an extremely pretty young woman is staring at you expectantly.
“Scorpion?” Connor says hesitantly.
The young lady smiles and responds “ Yes I knew it was you!! but call me Aeri. Since that's my name. What about you” Connor laughs heavily, still starstruck that his mtg partner is a world-famous musician.
"Hello, earth to InFinite." Aeri laughed. Connor came out of his stupor to respond
"Connor Sun-won Kang." Connor stammers
"Wait Are you Korean?" Aeri asks
"half my mom was Welsh American...I think. I was adopted and only know what my "mom" told me about them." Connor explains
“Okay got it, and I am Aeri,” Aeri said
"I know but I am sure that's not what other people call you."
Aeri smiles as she responds. “No, but you’re not most people. Now are you?” she links his arm with hers and she says “Now let’s hurry I don’t have much time.” so begins the impromptu date with Aeri. The duo grab a bite to eat and then go through various rides and attractions on the island. As the date winds down the two find themselves in a taxi Connor looks at her still in shock. The rapper of Aespa and his bias Giselle was sitting across from you. All because he met her playing mtg.
“What?” she said “Do I have some ice cream still on my face?”
He shook his head and responded, “No you're just kinda prettier in person is all.” Aeri blushed.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” she responds
“Aw, I bet you say that to all the boys you meet?”Connor teased.
Aeri laughs and responds. “Only the cute and nice ones. Lucky for you. You're both.” Connor tries to find things to talk about that aren’t magic but it does often get back to that. Aeri is hooked on the game and she picks Connor's brain for a thousand and one ideas.
“oh, I won my first commander night. The week before we flew out.” Aeri said with pride. “Guess which card you suggested cinched the game?”
he thought for a moment then responded “Aurelia’s fury”
Aeri nodded surprised. “I am impressed you do know your stuff, but I’d expect nothing less from the guy who’s been beating me up relentlessly over the past few months.”
You sigh and say “Well I have also been trying to encourage you as well. You are an excellent player and a very quick study, Plus that's how I learned from My roommate.”
Aeri smiled softly. “So when does that mean I can go against your paper deck?”
You wheezed at Aerie’s question, “Um yeah I don’t think you’re ready.” you said trying to catch your breath.” Aeri smiled.
“Why not?” She said innocently “I have some tricks up my sleeve you know.” You blink rapidly as flashes of numerous counter-spell wars and free interaction flash through your head from the games you played against Nathaniel your roommate.
“Uh yeah okay. Sure next time I see you I will bring my deck and we will play together one-on-one.” You respond slightly shell-shocked. smiles and claps
“So after the concert?” Aeri asks. Connor blinks again remembering and now cursing yourself how excited he was to be going to see Aespa. He is trying to figure a way to wiggle himself out of this until Aeri says, “What are you scared I’ll beat you?” Hearing that flips his hesitation and apprehension into bravado and completely earned confidence.
“Yeah definitely,” Connor announces sardonically. Aeri noticed the change in demeanor and smiled at him.
"there he is. My confident and passionate sparring partner." Aeri teases
After this Connor and Aeri part ways for the night. When he gets back home you stress out as you get a text from Aeri.
“Here’s the address to our hotel I look forward to beating you After the concert. ;]” You sighed and got two of your decks ready to face off against Aeri. looks like you wouldn’t be holding back.
Two days later was the concert. Connor had a great time. Aespa did fantastic as always and even though Connor wasn’t close to the stage at all he could have sworn Aeri locked eyes with him a few times but he ignored it and just focused on enjoying the music. He was elated to hear their songs especially "Hold On Tight" since it was his favorite song by the group. ( I like the more metal-sounding girls but hey to each their own) Thankfully the mix was good too.
As the concert winded down he thought for sure that Aeri locked eyes with him and winked, but again it was probably all imagination. After the concert, He made his way to the hotel. When he arrived he stayed in the lobby for a few minutes decks, and play-mat in hand. after a few more minutes there was a tap on his shoulder.
“Infinite?” An unfamiliar voice said. Connor turned to see Minejeong aka Winter.
"Winter?" Connor questioned
"Were you expecting someone else? Well sorry to disappoint. Also, call me Minjeong you are too close to us to use that name." Minjeong said
She smiled when she saw him. Connor followed her to her room. She was dressed plainly in an oversized t-shirt and baggy sweats. She grabbed him and said, “Come on before someone sees you.” Connor puts his hoodie up to obscure his face and when you get to the elevator Minjeong looks at him “Oh I see put the hoodie on and cover your face. I like it.” Connor smiled at his friend
“Don’t want any dating rumors.” Connor replies “You need to keep your image after all.” he adds
Minjeong smiled, “Ah what a gentleman, but that won’t get you mercy.” Connor laughs at Minjeong’s taunt.
"Um if you don't mind me asking where is Aeri?" Connor asks
"Oh, Aeri Unnie still needed to shower and do...What did she say deck edits." Minjeog stammers
"Oh deck edits," Connor Suggests
"Yeah, that," Minjeong confirms
"Fair" Connor nods
When Connor arrived at Aeri and Minjeong's room you were surprised to see the other members all chilling. Ningning was the first to acknowledge you “Oh is this him?” Aeri nodded. Ningning stared at you with confusion, “I thought he would be taller, but you're right h, He's super cute.” she said, in between bursts of laughter. You set your decks down and unfurl your play mat on the nearby table across from Aeri’s deck box which was littered with various stickers. Connor took out yours and Winter sighed.
“Giselle please don’t get mad and scream when he beats you,” Winter said
Aeri smiled and said “Oh I would never besides. He is the one going to lose tonight.” he held his tongue which Karina noticed. She had been watching him the whole time you had entered not saying a word.
“Is there something you want to say?” Karina asked pointedly. Connor steepled and shook his head. he cracked open his deck box and set his commander down.
“Oh, I haven’t seen this card,” Aeri said as she gently grabbed your commander. “Narset Enlightened Exile. she’s cute.” Aeri said. Connor laughed as he spaced out thinking about all of the games he'd played with this deck and the trouble, Aeri was in for.
“What was that about?” Their leader Karina asked, “You spaced out”
”Oh it’s nothing.” He responds
Connor shuffles his library and hands it over to Aeri. She in turn hands him hers and he cuts it. She cuts yours. Connor gets his starting hand and wince. An OG Dual land fast mana, a free counterspell, and early plays. “Um you can go first,” Connor says to Aeri. The other members have circled her. She starts by playing a Shock land and playing Esper Sentinel. “Okay untap upkeep draw,” he says. Connor plays a scalding tarn (He had Tundra in hand) and fetches for a Volcanic island he grabs it, and plays it then taps the volcanic island for a ragavan, nimble pilferer. After that, you play Mana Crypt and Mox Opal. after all of that Aeri looks at you
“Um, what was that?” Aeri said dumbfounded.
Feeling confident you say “What never seen an og dual or a turn one mana crypt before?” Aeri shook her head
“Unnie I think you’re in trouble,” Ningning said. Connor nods. After that Aeri played another land, a sol ring, and a rhystic study.
“You like your tax effects huh?” Connor asked Aeri
Aeri nodded, “I need to keep up somehow how "Mr. I am playing cards I have never heard of before." I just thought it was going to be Ruhan and not all of this.”
Connor smiled and responded, “Well It could be worse.”
Aeri looked at him with apprehension, “How?”
“Well I didn’t open up turn one Narset,” Connor explains.
“how would that be worse,” she asks.
“You’ll see,” Connor says as she passes. He draws his card for a turn and sighs. Connor plays chrome mox pitching whirlwind of thought and a Tundra to play his commander. He swings Ragavan at Aeri. She doesn't block. Ragavan triggers and gets a red elemental blast from Aeri. he uses the treasure and it from Ragavan to destroy Rhystic study.
Aeri sees this and says“Wait what?" in Connor's mind the game is over, but Aeri thinks it’s only begun. that changes two turns later when Connor countered her commander twice and swung at her for another 15 damage. She looks at Connor with awe and silent terror. Winter is laughing hysterically. After conceding Aeri says to him, “Well that was unexpected.”
Connor laughs, "Next time I will play something a bit more your speed." He comforts Aeri in the meantime
Winter laughs jovially before saying “And you doing all that trash talk.” She looks to Connor (the only American in the room) to confirm She used the right phrase. he nods, and Winter smiles. Aeri is still surprised.
“You know your stuff.” She said. You nod at her as she tries to recover.
After that beatdown, Aeri sits next to Connor and converses with the rest of the Aespa members. They learn he is a cameraman for various events and a few indie darlings movies. They Also Learn he is adopted. He shows them some of his work and Karina especially takes interest.
“Oh I love the angles you get they are so dynamic,” Karina says intrigued Connor smile
“Thanks, Karina.” Connor say meekly
She looks at Connor with a smile and says “You’re welcome and don’t be so stressed we’re friends now.” he tries to relax at her words. As Connor shows them more stuff they warm up to him more and more. Eventually, the group looks up and it's 2 in the morning and you Connor is exhausted. He looks at his friends and says, “I gotta go to sleep but we can talk later.” They all nod. As he walks out Aeri follows him to the door. When outside she smiles at Connor
She kisses Connor's cheek and says “Thanks for giving me a great time.” he smiles and walks away.
A few days later at the Photography club Connor, Dexter, and I were a part of he told us what he did over the weekend. I believed every word while Dexter was more suspicious.
"So you want me to believe you just met one of your biggest idol crushes? who also plays MTG," Dexter questioned. I groaned
"Dex that is literally what he just said," I respond
"I know man but that's crazy that you just befriended Aespa like that," Dexter replied still skeptical. I look at him confused and ask
"Would you have rather Scorpion be a serial killer that's zodiac-themed? Or worse a Yandere who would steal our boy, and we have to fight to save,"
"Ugh Hiro you and your imagination need to calm down," Connor replied.
I laughed before saying, Come on dude. We are just having fun,"
Connor and Dexter roll their eyes, as we head to a Karaoke house at the request of Dexter at the end of our meeting. While there Connor gets a face time Call from Giselle.
"Hey Can you come to Korea for a few days," she asks
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solradguy · 1 year
Mr. Badguy I have a question as a guilty gear lore baby. I have been told sol/ky is problematic and I do not know why I fear. Could you please explain
Oh boy. I'm probably not the best person to ask about what ships are and aren't problematic because I honestly... just don't have the energy to care about it that much, it's like infinitely easier to block/blacklist and then move on. I don't know how people have the free time to get as worked up about it as they do.
Anyway. So, Ky's age before Missing Link (the earliest in the timeline of the games' stories) is generally the biggest problem. He was 20 in ML and a teenager through the Crusades. I think he was probably at least 18 near the end of the Crusades right before Sol left but that's pushing it. Anything with Ky and Order Sol's bad weird. I won't argue that at all, Ky was a kid and Sol was very much an adult, on top of the physical and mental power imbalance between them. Not good. Luckily, I really only see HOS/Ky stuff from the really early fandom (<2006) and IIRC their ages were still pretty vague back then so I'm just gonna chalk it up to no one knowing, especially in the EN fandom where it was a lot harder to find/get official information.
Between Missing Link to like late GGX/early GGXX I don't see what the problem with shipping them then is; they were both adults at that point and there wasn't even the power dynamic between them that there was during their Holy Order days. This, I think, really just comes down to personal reasons for not liking it. Which is fair.
After GGXX it gets... complicated.... Ky marries Sol's daughter but it's vague on when exactly Sol pieced it together that he even had a kid and that it was Dizzy, of all people. Ky definitely did not know she was Sol's kid until at least like partway through Xrd, when they both kind of put the pieces together and had a crisis over it. So shipping them after this point, between the timelines of Overture through Strive, you've got the issue of Sol now being Ky's father-in-law.
But the canon never straight up says Dizzy is Sol's kid (it is VERY HEAVILY implied though) and Sol and Ky both end up being dads together for Sin...?? It's like ASW is playing gay chicken with whether or not Sol and Ky are still shippable from an ethical standpoint lol Whatever that saying is about having a cake and eating it too, etc.
I saw the email for this ask this morning and I presented the Sol/Ky situation to my mom as if they were real people (she doesn't know anything about GG) and she was like, "That's a hell of a love triangle but I guess if the guy (Ky) and the daughter (Dizzy) got divorced and the daughter is alright with it, and it's consensual between the men, then it's weird but it's not as bad as some other relationships I've seen."
That's kind of how I feel about it too...? It's messy as fuck lmfao But I guess if there's a way to like write it so that Dizzy doesn't end up needing lifetime therapy then like... go for it....? I guess....???
I don't ship Sol/Ky because I think their dynamic is WAAAYYYY more interesting keeping them as rivals-turned-friends, and I like Dizzy too much; there's too big a chance of her ending up getting completely devastated by it. But as far as "problematic" Guilty Gear ships go, Sol/Ky's in the like... "People are wasting time arguing about this?" tier, imo. It being Thee biggest GG ship throughout the series' entire history is something to be considered, too. It's unavoidable, even the official art contributes sometimes. I often wonder why they decided to make it weird by throwing Dizzy into the mix because I know that, from digging through old forum archives, that change made a lot of people furious hahah
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chaestats · 1 year
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ABOUT ME (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ)
Hey! I'm Kia ;) I'm 18yrs old and will be writing fics, reactions, mtls, hcs etc.
(Not new to writing just new to Tumblr)
You can scroll down to see my rules!
RULES (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
Groups I write for:
More will be added soon!
I will write gxg, bxb, bxg as well as neutral reader!
I do all kinds of content: head cannons, mtl, reactions, drabbles, series, insecurity drabbles!
I also do write yandere n omegaverse, as well as g!p so feel free to request those!
There is pretty much no genre I don't do, as requests can vary from angst, to smut, to fluff!
You can also request multiple members at once even if they are from different groups!
Any weird kinks like scat, piss kink, age regression etc.
I don't write dom!reader or any ships inside the groups!
I don't feel exactly comfortable writing for extremely sensitive topics like sh, sa, ed etc. I do try though, just please be patient as I'm not exactly good with it!
MTL- this basically means most to least, or you send me an ask like "mtl in skz to like bondage" and I will reply with a list of who would be most down to do it to the least!
Headcannons- hcs include how would a particular idol act/be in different situations, for example if you request "alpha!Nayeon hcs" I would write an overview of how she would be and act!
Reactions- that's pretty self explanatory, it's just how would a certain group react to a scenario, for example "how would mafia!ateez react to their s/o being in danger" and I will write a separate scenario with each member!
Drabbles- drabbles are like fics, you give me an idea or a prompt along with a member/members and I write! It can be anything written in my DO'S! For example, "can you write yandere!ryujin finding out her s/o tried to escape" and I will write a drabble based on that!
Insecurity drabbles- an insecurity drabble includes an insecurity of yours and an idol/idols of choice. If your ask is like this "insecurity drabble, having stretch marks with Taeyong" I will write an already established relationship drabble where that idol helps w ur insecurity! It doesn't matter what it is!
Requests are made through DM's, or ask box and will be made into he span of two weeks max unless my inbox is flooded!
In your request you should mention the idols, the prompt, the genre and the gender you want it to be written in!
And that's that! Feel free to request and have a great day!!!!
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One embarrassing situation was the one when Netflix hosted a glamorous party for the HFPA and then Emily in Paris season one received Golden Globes nomination and that was pretty scandalous back then
Yep Golden Globes are accused of many things, especially when some obscure series or performances are nominated and awarded. That's why they were canceled years ago, and they're trying to get back on track. That said, I will always be grateful to GG for awarding Brooklyn Nine when few people were watching the series.
Love B99 🧡
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queeniecamps · 2 years
Wait why don’t we want season 5 anymore what happened or am i missing a joke
to put it VERY short; (here's a link to Kdin's statement which is a great starter, there's a TL;DR in the end)
it turns out a LOT of people in rooster teeth (including the founding members) were being homophobic and transphobic towards Kdin Jenzen, calling her a f*gg*t and coming up with a nickname for ther that allowed them to call her that on camera and such (with people such as MICHEAL JONES (VOICE OF MAX CAMP CAMP) HIMSELF coming up with it (although micheal has apologized privately years ago and apparently was forgiven)
On top of this, RT wasn't paying people for a lot of work, and they were also threatening to replace voice actors (such as Blake Belladonna's VA and Samantha Ireland, the voice of all of the flower scouts)
As well as the fact that apparently, Jordan Cweriz (CO-CREATOR OF CAMP CAMP) was threatening Geordan Whitman (art director and animator for camp camp, as well as Preston Goodplay's original voice actor) with a lot of different things, forcing him to make so many changes to his series, Nomad of Nowhere and basically ruined his own show and it's vision, as well as literally REPLACING his voice for Preston. For years we were lead to believe Geordan left because preston was hard to voice and also creative differences, but it's a LOT worse :( (apparently, Miles Luna (Co-Creator of Camp Camp / voice of David) was one of the few people who actually supported Geordan and his work, and (miles) had left RT on his own a while ago, so I thiiiink he's in the clear, but don't quote me on that
With that and their history of racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other bullshit, I expect RT to shut down by next summer. They are SCREWED and people have had enough of their BS
You can find SO MUCH MORE info on this on twitter, everyday employees (ex employees, animators, voice actors, etc) are coming out with their own statements, some RT ppl are coming out with apologies (like Michael's public apology, Gavin Free's apology, Geoff Ramsey's apology, etc)
This shit is crazy, and I'm so done with RT and their bullshit
I will say, I do still love camp camp, but it's definitely a "separate the art from the company" situation, and I hope Miles boots Jordan off the team and either locks that shit up in a vault away from RT or even sells it to a better company or even reboots it.
I'll still be making content for camp camp, working on my OCs n such the best I can, but my desire for Rooster Teeth to make a new season has died.
I hope that Kdin is doing okay and finds some better work, if RT is smart they'll hopefully pay her back the money she's owed and also give her credit for the work she did
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8bitsupervillain · 2 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 5 Meakashi pt. 19
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Excellent question, and probably not one worth dwelling on. Knowing this series though, probably yes. Another secret twin.
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You know, people keep saying that. "There's no way Rika Furude would do something like this." But it's always people who don't know her at all, having only interacted with the god child a few times, and never really being with her for a significant length of time. Also, Shion, you threatened her with violence earlier in the day, are you really so surprised she reacted negatively to the threats?
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Back at the very end of Watanagashi, when Ooishi is talking to Keiichi about how they found a syringe on Rika I didn't quite picture this level of a fight scene. I suspected it just went Rika ambushed what at the time we were told was Mion with the syringe, and Mion was able to just turn it around on her. Also, not to nitpick, they said they found the syringe on Rika, destroyed in her skirt pocket. I'm willing to write this small inconsistency off, because who would have known back in chapter two that they would use the sundress art and not her school uniform. But the idea that Shion put the syringe back in her pocket after this fight is just a bit too silly to take at face value. My theory for this is that Rika actually brought two syringes of the drug that makes you kill yourself just in case she had to take out both Mion and Shion. The second syringe got completely forgotten about because Shion turned the tables on her and took her down before she got the chance to use it. Or more than likely this was just a small oversight that got missed when writing this chapter, and I'm thinking way too hard about it.
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Even at the lowest setting you have to figure that zapping the small child would put them out of commission for longer than the five seconds it seemed to do here. Unless whatever was in the syringe or natural adrenaline is just making Rika recover super quickly. Also, due to earlier screenshots planting the seeds I can't help but wonder who this Hanyuuu might be. Secret Furude child perhaps? Or is it just some sort of noise she makes similar to her meeps and nipahs?
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Rika said no rematch. She's a one and doner. GG? No, bad G, no re.
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You really gotta hand it to Rika, she doesn't do things halfway. Once again though I have to wonder if it's whatever was in the syringe, or just riding high off the adrenaline of the situation. I stub my toe and I feel like I have to go sit down and just die quietly for a minute, but here Rika slashes her own throat open and then rips it open still with her bare hands. That's dedication. Also, remember, this was the easy way out! Makes you wonder what tortures she envisioned Shion was going to use on her that cutting her own throat and just ripping it to shreds was the better alternative.
This does make me wonder though, why did the anime (I assume the other anime adaptations do it similarly) go with Rika stabbing the knife into her skull instead of the throat? Is it some sort of censorship thing do you think? Like to get it on broadcast they couldn't just have the small child stab herself in the neck, and the head was somehow the better option? Because the manga version of events also has her stab her throat and yank that bad boy open. So I'm just curious why the switch for the anime? Because it definitely isn't less gory than what the visual novel and manga did. Just one of those mysteries I guess. I'm half-tempted to post the manga version of some of these events, but I don't really know if I want to just be posting gore. But here's this:
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lara-cairncross · 2 years
I’ve been seeing a few people mention how much they want some kind of flashback to baby/kid Hunter, and the more I mull it over, the more I think we might actually have a good chance of it happening in a later episode!! 
For one thing, Hunter is the only member of the Hexside Squad whom we haven’t seen a younger version of. Amity and Willow had their own flashback-filled episode in the first season, “Understanding Willow”; Gus got a flashback during “Labyrinth Runners” of when he first met Willow as younger kids; Luz got  those video recordings of her younger self during “Thanks to Them”; and even Vee got flashbacks to her past/younger self in “Yesterday’s Lie”. And yet, Hunter— who arguably has one of the most interesting and allegedly messed up backstories of any character in the series— has had nothing so far beyond his own recollections to Gus.  This isn’t any kind of hard evidence, but I think it would be cool of the crew to show us flashes of every character’s childhoods, at the very least so we can draw comparisons between them. Also, I just think it would be super adorable to have the full collection of baby Hexside kids!! 
Secondly, based on that one interview, season three is supposed to be heavily focused around the themes of both grief and neurodivergence. We’ve already seen a bit of this in “Thanks to Them”, but from what it sounded like in the interview, there should be more to come; and I’m hoping part of it will be focused around Hunter and being autistic. Most of the fandom (myself included, I kin him so hard) already headcanon Hunter as autistic, and it seems like the crew is writing him that way. I think some kind of flashback or memory-dive via the Mindscape would be a great way to show other autistic traits via a young Hunter, before he started masking so much. It could even show the process of Hunter starting to mask, which could be a really important theme in a kid’s show for ND children! Again, not hard evidence, but something I think could be really beneficial! 
Thirdly, I think there might genuinely be some kind of build-up being laid out in “Thanks to Them” for Hunter’s full backstory. Not only did we have small instances of Hunter revealing parts of his time in the castle, such as the bowing to Camilla and the conversation he had with Gus, but we also have more information on the Wittebros’ backstory and what happened between them. These hints, at least to me, make it seem like the crew is planning to revisit the whole picture later on— everything that happened with the Wittebane family finally laid out for us, Hunter included. Additionally, with all the obvious hinting towards Hunter growing up as an abuse victim, I can imagine some kind of storyline in a later episode where Hunter gets to finally confront Belos following their “meeting” in “Thanks to Them”, and exposes some of the truly horrifying things Belos has done as his guardian (the goop spikes are what I’m thinking of, we all know how Hunter got that scar). Naturally I’m hoping he gets retribution, but I also think a situation like this would be a good way for the crew to sneak in flashbacks to his childhood growing up in the castle and show what abuse can look like. It just feels like an important message to put in a kids show, especially one that’s dealt with other topics like losing a parent and LGBTQ+ themes. Long story short though (sorry for the rambling), the direction it seems like they’re taking following the possession storyline seems like it sets up a few possibilities for a Young Hunter cameo. 
Lastly (and let’s be honest this is probably my best “evidence” lmao), we have this image done by one of the crew members, and it’s caption!
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I mean. “See you in our memories”?? Paired with the GG mask and the staff in the dirt?? This just screams to me that we’ll be getting some kind of plotline with Hunter’s mindscape, or at the very least, Hunter’s memories and past. And if that’s the case, I think we have a fucking good chance of seeing baby Hunter!!! 
Anyway this whole post is just me being excited cuz OH MY GOD I WOULD GIVE MY LEFT ARM (sorry eda) TO SEE BABY HUNTER,,, THATS MY BOY MY SON MY ANGEL MY BLORBO MY SKRUNKLY MY LITTLE WET CAT !!! I WANNA SEE KIDDO HUNTER !!! Literally if that’s the only thing I get in the next episode I’ll be happy, RIP my mental stability until January ig. thanks for reading my rambles idk how coherent this was <3
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firespirited · 1 year
i bought another bundle, went against rules as it was over what was in the hobby money but I've decided to toss the rules out the window:
x dolls in x dolls out,
only if hobby money is available,
only so many in a short time span,
customize as many as possible
recuperate the cost before paying for post to send free dolls
nope, over. These rules used to help for motivation and trying new skill sets. They just don't work for the current situation.
NGL it's actually quite hard to let myself change habits and i'm sure there will be regrets at some point but it's also about daring to extend kindness that comes naturally for others, to myself.
Ok onto dolls!
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Your eyes probably went straight to Top Model Summer (Steffie mold on model muse with green streaks) or blob girl create a monster (amazing as always) or maybe even the WITCH dolls (atrocious nylon, lovely anime eyes) but this bundle was bought for a long term grail: Fairytopia Crystal.
My sister knows me well because she's the first one she grabbed out of the box with blob girl: "Glitter jelly shoes... but it's a doll! We would have been obsessed with this as kids"
There's also the spooptacular uncanny fab faces MyScene and some amazing clothes (gorgeous top and crochet/knitted? white and glitter dress and a velvet dark green jacket - no picture yet)
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I'll take photos and clean them tomorrow if i'm well enough, having another flare-up after a series of rough nights and tiger mosquito bites.
I'll be keeping Crystal, some clothes, maybe some of the GG's belly button bodies or Simba Jenny's body for a weird clone I've grown fond of.
Ok finally here's a piece of information that's hard to find on the internet:
W.I.T.C.H dolls by Disney and Giochi Preziosi are 13" or 32cm and have little symbol lights on their torsos: they're not touch sensitive, not light activated, no movement or sound. I managed to find that you need to touch it with the Heart of Candracar/Kandrakar pendant. Ok that's tiny and glowy. Infrared? hmm. Magnets! I managed to get a video, you need a pretty strong magnet, touch it to the symbol then you get a 20 second rainbow light display.
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annamatix · 4 months
okay. so. the blonde identity. let’s talk about it.
(there no spoilers in this review btw)
TLDR; 3.5/5 stars, pretty disappointing, lots of failed character development and forced stereotypes
i have to admit, i went into this book with high expectations. like HIGH expectations. because c’mon, this is ally freaking carter. the woman has never written a book less than 3 stars in her life. but that’s exactly what this book was. like 3.5 stars. im sorry to say i was pretty disappointed.
i’ll spare you the sap-talk about how i discovered her middle school and became obsessed with her books and felt really touched when the TBI dedication page said For the GGs. I’m so proud of you because i am one of those gallagher girls! but. oh there are so many buts.
i feel like ally got so caught up in trying to make this book adult-y (since she’s only ever written YA and MG) that it kind of backfired on her. the first few chapters were great. the right dose of ally carter funny and cute. but after that it was a blur of inner-and-outer-dialogue that felt like balancing on this cliff of childish and adultish. the characters acted like kids sometimes and adults other times. like they couldn’t make up their mind.
speaking of childish, zoe (the fmc) reminded me of evangeline fox so much it was uncanny. and i don’t really mean that as a compliment. it was weird. ally usually writes like super badass fmcs, so i feel like when she tried writing a softie it came out all wrong.
also, can we talk about sawyer (the mmc)'s dad? like, are you serious? are you serious? he was the most un-ally-carter character in this entire book. being all like oh i loved your mother but i didn’t get to do anything properly so you should go get your happily ever after when you have the chance in front of you son and i think i visibly made a cringing face when i read it. i guess it’s fine, really, cause ally probably wanted to try out a new genre and i went in thinking it was her typical spy book but with an adult flare to it, so i was caught off guard.
regarding the romance itself: to me the relationship between zoe and sawyer in the middle to end-ish felt a lot like adam and juliette’s relationship in the shatter me series. huge promises and awkward and messy and wholly unbearable to deal with.
i cannot shake off the childish vibes i got from this book and its characters. like ally, i love you, but it was so-- like-- whiny. like she forced a lot of NA stereotypes and stuff into it.
don’t get me wrong though-- ally shines, like actually shines, in YA. after this i just don’t think NA is right for her (or maybe she just needs practice). nonetheless.
i LOVEDDDD the last line, though. “ ‘Long story short, I’m in an enemies-to-lovers situation.’ Alex took a deep breath. ‘And I think I’m gonna need your help.’ ” that was so good. and alex is the kind of sassy, uber-independent fmcs that ally is so used to writing so… here’s to hoping the sequel with her will be better.
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antennaed-shidou · 4 months
Sunflower Kurona
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❀ Kurona Ranze x f! reader
❀ Warning: not proofread, curse words (?)
❀ Flower Series number 3 The Sunflower
❀ Extras: Work count 1k+ It's now summer when the sunflowers bloom and this is part three of the Flower Series
In Which appearance shouldn't be determined first.
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Sunflowers mostly grow in the summertime, their bright yellow color makes them easy to spot in a crowd of other flowers. They have a mild smell which makes them a great fragrance to some people in their homes. Just like {Y/n}. She loves sunflowers as decoration, most of them in her apartment are fake.  She thinks they look pretty with anything.
If you meet her in person you would think quite the opposite. She wears mostly dark colors, her outfits aren’t plain either. Her style is more dark wear with chains and other accessories. Even her house was mostly dark, the only pop of color was the sunflowers. When people first meet {Y/n} they are afraid of her because of the way she looks, but once people get to know her, she is the opposite of her looks. 
When Kurona first met her, he was a little afraid of her. It looked like she could rip his head off at any moment. He was on a blind date per a friend's suggestion, and he kinda regretted saying he would. The two sat there at the table looking at the menu. They went on a simple dinner date to a nice restaurant, it wasn’t too fancy. 
The two sat there for a while looking around but not looking at each other. The waiter came to the table to get their orders. It seemed the waiter knew {Y/n} as he seemed excited to see her.
“Omg is that who I think it is?” The waiter walked up to the table with a smile on her face while speaking to {Y/n}. 
Kurona listens to their conversation. “Omg it really is you, {Y/n}” She said with a smile on her face.
{Y/n} faced her with a mean look, but her face brightened up when she saw who it was, “GG it’s been so long how have you been? I didn’t know you worked here?”
GG the waiter put a hand on the female shoulder, “I’ve been good. I got this job last month, they have treated me better than my last job.”
“That’s good.” {Y/n} smiles which made Kurona feel a little better inside, she wasn’t mean after all. “I never thought I would see you so soon.”
“Me either.” She took her hand off her shoulders and pulled out a notepad and pen, “Before I get too carried away, what would you guys like to order?”
“I’ll take the…” {Y/n} scanned the menu for a quick second before telling GG what she wanted, “Chicken teriyaki with rice.”
“And for you sir?” GG looked over to Kurona with a small smile.
Kurona looked at the menu again before saying what he wanted, “I’ll have the classic udon, thanks. Thanks.”
“No problem, I’ll ring that up for you guys,” GG takes the menu from the two and walks away going to put in their orders. 
Kurona crooked his head at {Y/n} saying she knew the waiter. {Y/n} understood what he was saying, “Yeah we used to work at the same place and become instant friends and have been in touch and occasionally see each other.” He nodded his head to show her he was listening. 
{Y/n} interlinked her fingers together and put them under her chin, “You think I’m scary. Aren’t I right?”
She got him in the act, he was a little scared of her. From the way she dressed, it was all dark, and the way she stared at people was terrifying like she could beat them up if she looked at them wrong. 
“A little bit, bit,” Kurona confessed, looking down at the table feeling so ashamed of himself. 
{Y/n} chuckled at the situation, “It’s fine, Kurona. I get that a lot. Especially here in Japan, but I like this style and truthfully don’t care. That’s fine if you don’t want to go out with me, it’s fine. You seem like a nice guy and I don’t want to feel bad.”
Kurona shook his head up and down, “No, no. I want to give you a chance.”
{Y/n} smiled at him and drank some of her water. “Thank you.”
GG walked back to the table with their food to see them talking. She delivered their food and told them to have a good meal. Up to the bill they were talking and GG barely got another sentence to {Y/n}. It was good, she knew that the guy wasn’t too scared of her anymore. When the date was over {Y/n} asked if Kurona had a ride home to which he said he took the bus. She didn’t want him to wake the bus so she drove him home… 
“Do you like my home?” {Y/n} asked unlocking the door and opening it for him to walk in. “I know it’s great.” She shut the door behind her and locked it back up out of habit. 
Kurona was scared for a second until she reassured him, “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t kill you, Kurona. This is just a habit, I’ve had a lot of thieves in my house, both in and out.”
The male nodded his head walking around the house. “You have a lot of sunflowers.”
“Glad you noticed, I love sunflowers. They are so bright and yellow, they are a good complement to black. They are also a very fun and happy flower, when people see me they think of the opposite of a sunflower. I guess that is another reason why I like them.”
A few weeks later the two started dating and going almost every other night when they had the chance. It was a very sweet relationship, if you just looked at them you would never have guessed they were dating, from the way they each dressed, how they acted, and how they could treat others.
One thing that did change the female’s appearance was that she would wear sunflowers in her outfits; they were all a gift from Kurona and were all fake. Her obsession became harder to contain when Kurona would bring her more. He would take her to a garden full of sunflowers and they would just lay down in the field and talk for hours-- well {Y/n} would do most of the talking and Kurona would listen to her.
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a/n: I kinda of forgot about this series, but now school is over and I can write more yippie!
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strideofpride · 11 months
random ask for when you’re in the mood: if you had both the opportunity and inclination to readapt the original gossip girl for today’s audience, what elements of the core characters would you alter, and which ones would you make sure to preserve? are there aspects of certain characters you’d want to give more or less emphasis as compared to the way they were presented in the original show?
(for context, this thought experiment came to me because i was thinking about how if anyone ever did reboot the original gossip girl today and weren’t writing dan as gg, they’d have to figure out how to present the non-gossip-girl-dan to an audience that’s primed to be skeptical/distrustful of him based on the choices of the cw series - in a way that the cw series obviously didn’t have to contend with when adapting the novels. this made me think more broadly about how characterization choices in newer adaptions of old material end up being influenced by the way pop culture has come to conceptualize a character - even if that’s contrary to the original intention of the text)
Hmmmmm. Honestly, I don't think you actually need to change much tbh? Like I think there's a reason people are still so obsessed with the OG Gossip Girl and that's cause the character archetypes of everyone really hold up and stand the test of time. I really would just update some cultural references maybe like:
Jenny is on fashion tiktok and always doing OOTDs and that kind of stuff, has a big following already as a freshman
Serena was super instafamous before going dark when she disappeared off to boarding school
Thanks to social media, Blair is an *excellent* anonymous hater/cyberbully lol. Like if GG is on insta like in the reboot, she probably has like five different accounts to comment mean stuff under gg posts lol
Vanessa is on Film Twitter and has a ton of letterboxd followers
Chuck definitely posts revenge porn cause he still sucks :(
Nate also has a large insta following but he mainly just posts blurry selfies and earnest stories congratulating his favorite sports teams lol
Dan probably is super online, maybe he has his own substack where his only followers are his dad and Vanessa, and then when he starts dating Serena, it takes off.
If I was making this version of GG, I would keep the focus mainly on Serena, Blair, and Dan, like they originally started with. Although I would like to see a real attempt made at the Blairernate triangle made as well, cause I know it's such an important aspect of the books. I would keep Chuck a villain, kinda like Georgina, where he just brings chaos. You could still do 107-113 c/hair, just none of the soapy melodrama from the later seasons. Based off the way most of the Euphoria audience reacted to Nate Jacobs, I'm hopeful that people would be less likely to romanticize this version of Chuck. Hell, maybe it's even like the guy from Do Revenge, where he does performative feminism now to try to get girls idk.
And then re: the whole Dan being GG thing...I don't really care what the audience thinks because in my version no one is GG and it will never be revealed lol. I honestly think it's a no win situation too, because the OG writers have straight up admitted they didn't decide on Dan as GG until s6 and there are so many instances in the show where it's literally impossible for Dan to be GG but yet there are still people who take it seriously so...
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