jordanianroyals · 4 months
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King Abdullah II, Queen Rania and Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan attended the national event marking the Silver Jubilee, held on the 25th Accession to the Throne Day on 9 June 2024.
Upon Their Majesties’ arrival to the event venue surrounded by the Red Motorcade, the national anthem was played and Royal Jordanian Air Force fighter jets conducted a fly-past.
Around 9,000 Jordanians attended the event, including members of the Royal family, senior officials and officers, and diplomats from Arab and foreign countries.
The event highlighted Jordan’s achievements throughout a quarter of a century, through a military parade by the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army and security agencies, showcasing the latest developments in these national institutions, reflecting the high professionalism and commitment of its personnel.
Around 3,200 personnel from all military and security formations and units marched before the stands.
The military parade also showcased various JAF vehicles, including tanks, cannons, and other weapons recently introduced to service, as well as defence machinery manufactured by the Jordan Design and Development Bureau, along with air shows by the Royal Jordanian Air Force, and free falling paratroopers.
The JAF musical band also performed at the event.
During the event, His Majesty and the attendees saluted border guards and anti-terrorism troops, as well as cadres who participated in airdrops to Gaza and worked at the field hospitals in the strip, in recognition of their efforts, and their role in safeguarding Jordan’s stability.
The event also featured cultural and folklore segments representing all governorates performed by over 1000 young men and women, with 12 floats representing each governorate.
A group of young Jordanians performed the Silver Jubilee anthem and another national song composed for the occasion.
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royal-confessions · 10 months
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“Princess Ghida is the only Jordanian Royal putting in REAl work, and not just interviews or photo-ops, to help the average Gazan citizens. She oversaw a transfer of plenty of cancer patients to the center she is a chairwoman of. Hope she will gain more popularity. Love her.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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Queen Rania, Princess Gida Talal and Prince Talal Bin Muhammad attended the Al Hussein Cancer Foundation's Hope Gala || 12 JUNE 2023
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قبل 6ايام الاميرة غيداء طلال تحتفل مع اختها دالية سلام و اخوانها وعائلته بمناسبة عيد ميلاد والدتها السيدة رجاء عرب🌼🤍.
نتمنى له عيد ميلاد سعيد وان تضل بخير وصحة وسعادة.
6 days ago, Princess Ghida Talal celebrates with her sister Dalia Salam, her brothers and his family, on the occasion of her mother's birthday, Mrs. Rajaa Arab 🌼🤍.
We wish him a happy birthday and stay well, healthy and happy.
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1giulia4 · 10 months
This was something really quick I did, inspired by a conversation of mine and @graspingremlinhands 🤍🤍
I used one of my simple styles for this because otherwise it’d take ages skejdk
(We aren’t talking about the fact I forgot Ghida’s wings)
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canidanxe · 4 months
Ofc rip also to Ghida's already decreasing mental health. I'd not want to be them. Nor Goji juggling his duties and dealing with his and Ghida's misery (Ghidorah needs someone to help them channel their emotions in a not destructive way).
And Apex being the torn in their side is the cherry on top. Boy Ghidorah HATES Apex(in my Au specifically for reasons).
ghidorah n goji are goin THROUGH it and I’m gonna make sure they don’t get a moment’s peace.
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fiercynn · 11 months
I could not contain my tears when he told me that no words could describe what Israel was going to do to our bereaved people. He went silent for a moment as if he was holding back tears and trying to project strength. “Rima, I need you to be strong, even if you come to visit Gaza and none of us are left.” It has been one year, one month, and seven days since I left Gaza. I clearly remember the moment I realized that this was the first time I was going to experience a war on Gaza far from the barbarity of missiles and body parts strewed everywhere. I did not know it would be the most ferocious war yet, and I did not know that those missiles were less powerful than the hallucinations that would haunt me through the night. I did not know that remorse and fear for my family would so utterly destroy me. [...] My family lives in the Jabalia refugee camp in the north of Gaza. The enemy’s warnings to leave to the south mattered little to them. My mother said, “How can I leave my house while our relatives are seeking shelter with us? How can I leave it and repeat the mistakes your grandparents made when they fled the 1948 Nakba?” My father told me the same thing, as do my siblings. I told them, “I am ashamed to tell you what to do, I am with you in my heart and in my prayers. Just be okay, please stay with each other even if you decide to leave for the south.” At noon, the sound of an F-16 bomb interrupted a phone call with my mother. I couldn’t remember what she was even telling me. I knew exactly what that sound was from experience. I was cut off from my family for the rest of that day. My neighbor’s house was bombed and collapsed on its residents. “They bombed Alaa’s house without warning,” my sister Nour told me. It is the house adjacent to my family’s, as is the case with all houses in the camp. I asked her to tell me what happened in detail, and she was terrified at the horror of the scene. I remember the number of family members there. “It’s been six hours, and they haven’t been able to recover a single body. They found a leg and a hand that might be Alaa’s wife’s.” I shuddered and found no answers to my questions. What are these missiles they are using that cause such devastation? I kept trying to call my father so he could tell me something. He finally answered me at 9 p.m. and said: “Mohammad’s wife, his four children, his mother, his brother Hamza and his wife, his brother Ra’afat and his wife and child, his sisters Ghida and Haifa and Diyaa, all were martyred. The rescue workers worked really hard, and they’re still unable to recover Ghida’s body.” How will Mohammad and his father — the only two survivors of the entire family — bear this calamity? How? [x]
hearbreaking account by rima saleh, a palestinian student currently studying in lebanon but hearing from family in gaza, published by truthout on october 28, 2023
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I found it weird that people shipped Hussein and Rajaa. It makes me think of the photo taken of her receiving her diploma from Hussein at Kings Academy and some speculated some sort of chemistry between them. Anyway, I hope Rajaa finds love and happiness in the near future.
Yes!! That's the only pic I've seen of them together 😂 Yet people shipped them , said Ghida was calculative ... and so many other rumors! !
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artaincomunitate · 2 years
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Atelier creativ de decorațiuni eco cu Livia Mateiaș
Luna decembrie aduce cu ea pregătiri pentru sărbătorile de iarnă. Foarte multă bucurie dar și foarte multă risipă apare de obicei la sărbători. Vă invităm cu drag la un atelier în care veți avea ocazia vă creați propriile decorațiuni ecologice pentru bradul de Crăciun.
Atelierul se va desfășura în data de 4 decembrie începând cu ora 15 la studioul artouching (Spl. Peneș Curcanul nr. 4-5, et. 1, c.30). Livia Mateiaș va ghida acest atelier, care va fi despre relaxare, stare de bine, creativitate și un trai echilibrat, în armonie cu natura. Ca tehnică vom folosi modelajul în lut precum și pictura sau colajul.
Noi oferim toate materialele necesare și participarea este gratuită. Locurile sunt însă limitate, pentru participare vă rugăm să vă înscrieți prin comletarea formularului următor: https://forms.gle/rMyuy5Aum8YV42pFA   
Livia Mateiaș este un spirit liber care iubește natura, viața și creativitatea. Activează ca artist vizual, este cofondatoarea studioului artouching și a platformei DIGITAL:CANVAS\ şi creează Tricouri de Poveste.
Proiectul Arta în comunitate este organizat de Uniunea Artiștilor Plastici Filiala Timișoara în parteneriat cu studioul artouching.
Proiectul este finanțat prin Fondul pentru un viitor mai bun în comunităţi Timişoara.
Fondul pentru un viitor mai bun în comunităţi este un program coordonat la nivel național de Federaţia Fundaţiile Comunitare din România - FFCR, finanțat de Lidl Romania și implementat la nivel local de Fundaţia Comunitară Timişoara.
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cash4agri · 18 days
Vino cu Proiectul -> Pleacă cu Finanțarea!
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Procesul nostru simplificat de aplicare îți permite să te concentrezi pe ceea ce faci mai bine – agricultura .
Echipa noastră de experți în finanțări agricole te va ghida pas cu pas , oferindu-ți suportul necesar pentru a-ți transforma planurile de irigații în realitate .
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jordanianroyals · 3 months
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Princess Iman bint Abdullah of Jordan at the celebration of her father's Silver Jubilee in Amman, 9 June 2024
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royal-confessions · 4 months
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“I admire Princess Ghida for her work with the cancer research center, I hope she brings her daughter Princess Rajaa more often after Rajaa has graduated college” - Submitted by Anonymous
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world-of-wales · 1 year
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Queen Rania, Princess Gida Talal and Prince Talal Bin Muhammad attended the Al Hussein Cancer Foundation's Hope Gala || 12 JUNE 2023
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agentieseo · 1 month
Agentie SEO organizeaza cursuri SEO
Venim in inampinarea dumneavoastra cu o noua serie de cursuri SEO dedicate tuturor celor care doresc să-și îmbunătățească prezența online.
În cadrul acestor cursuri, veți învăța cum să optimizați site-urile web pentru motoarele de căutare, crescând astfel vizibilitatea și traficul organic.
Experții noștri vă vor ghida prin toate etapele optimizării, de la cercetarea cuvintelor cheie până la crearea de conținut de calitate și implementarea tehnicilor avansate de SEO. Fie că sunteți începători sau aveți deja experiență în domeniu, va stam la dispozitie cu un curs SEO structurat pentru a răspunde nevoilor tuturor participanților. Nu ratați ocazia de a învăța de la profesioniști și de a vă dezvolta abilitățile în marketingul digital. Înscrieți-vă acum și transformați-vă site-ul într-un adevărat magnet pentru clienți!
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1giulia4 · 6 months
Ughhh I want to draw goji and ghida in pretty outfits, if u have any requests PLEASE
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canidanxe · 4 months
To the risk of sounding like someone nosy's aunt/j
Where Goji and Ghida together like officially, mates or it was more like a "let's do it, then we go our separate ways" Kinda of situation.
(Gotta know the drama level)
And what about Godzilla's reaction at the news he and Ghidorah were going to be parents?
(Sweet sweet hcs of mine is that Goji has the dad gene, like my guy is beaming at the idea of be a dad)
Goji n Ghido are mates but they still got heavy issues with each other they needa work out (they most likely won’t), the. the kids weren’t planned, nor really, anticipated.
ig u can say goji was shocked, confused, worried, happy. All of that in a slow order.
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