#ghost blood corn snake
omg-snakes · 2 years
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thefreakandthehair · 11 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 27th:  Haunted House | Hunters Moon - Ghost | Funny read on ao3 + masterpost | tumblr masterlist
Haunted houses are supposed to be scary– fog, strobe lights, creepy crawlies and otherworldly creatures. Eddie’s prepared for all of that when he takes the job at the local haunt during his favorite time of year– it’s in the name, after all. 
What he’s not prepared for is Steve Goddamn Harrington to show up with a gaggle of pre-teens nipping at his heels like baby ducks demanding attention. 
“– don’t need your bat, it’s fine! It’s fake, Steve, c’mon.” He hears one particularly loud mop-headed kid arguing from behind his perch. 
Faux blood drips from the gash built up on his forehead down his nose and he smears it across his cheek, both for effect and because as much as he loves the hideous clown role, the viscous corn syrup trickling down his face makes his skin crawl. 
Wait, he thinks, furrowing his eyebrows as best he can beneath the special effects makeup. Did that kid just insinuate Steve Harrington wanted to bring a bat into a haunted house? 
“Yeah Steve, are you scared of spooky clowns now?” Another of his group sneers, this one a bit taller, skinny with darker hair. “Gonna show off and clobber some poor innocent actor like you did that demo–”
Steve hisses loud enough still for Eddie to hear him and grabs the kid by the shoulder. “Say it a little louder, why dontcha, Mike? Jesus Christ.” 
“Well, are you?” A redheaded girl asks as they get closer and closer to the entrance.
“After everything real we’ve seen, you think I’m afraid of what I know is fake?” Eddie can make out the shape of Steve standing with one hand on his hip and his finger pointing around at each of the kisd. “This was you little shits’ idea, remember that.”
Eddie’s grateful he’s toward the beginning of the haunt. He gets to set the tone for the rest of the show, and when someone particularly interesting piques his interest, sometimes he follows them around. Breathes down their neck a little, stands just a little too close without blinking, tilts his head with a ghastly smile when they turn around. 
Before they’ve even entered the house, Eddie’s decided to have a little fun with Steve Harrington. 
The fog machine kicks off, curling up from the floor around their ankles, spiraling like snakes up to the ceiling. Eddie grins and prepares himself for scare number one. 
The jumpscare. 
“Ow, you’re on my foot, asshole!” One of the kid whispers. 
“Then don’t stand so close!” Another responds. 
“We’re literally in a fucking hallway–” 
“Guys, language! And while you’re at it, shut the fuck up and pay attention!” 
When they’re in classes together, Eddie has to choke back the amused grin that plays at his lips when Steve shows off his bite but nothing is real in a haunted house anyways.
He lets himself smile. 
At least, until the sound machine groans to life. He waits for them to look around, to seek control, to figure out what the noise is and how to defend against it. 
“Welcome!” He screams with a cackling laugh, leaping out from his hiding spot and landing in a crouching position. “I hope you like it here, because you’re,” he circles around them with bent legs before leaning closer and shouting, “never leaving!” 
All of the kids scream simultaneously, devolving into nervous laughter. Steve though? Eddie watches Steve seize up and instinctually yank the kids closer to him. 
It’s not what he expects from the King of Hawkins High, dethroned or otherwise. Eddie’s heart clenches as he locks eyes with Steve, flitting back and forth between the rest of the haunt and the door they’d just entered through. His nostrils are flared, his lips tight, his eyebrows knitting together above his nose. 
Eddie’s gonna follow him alright, but not for the reasons he's initially planned. 
“My name is Krusty, and I’m your new friend.”
He circles around Steve like a predator and leans closer, his lips nearly grazing Steve’s ear. “Follow my lead, I’ll get you outta here.” 
Steve turns too quickly and their faces narrowly avoid one another, shoved between the kids itching to keep moving and the wall. Eddie nods and tries to make his smile comforting and reassuring. It must work because Steve’s shoulders drop from his ears and he whispers back. 
Eddie bangs on the wall each time they enter the new room, cackling and yelling things like Fresh meat! and Look, I found us some new friends! The kids seem to be thoroughly enjoying themselves, and even Eddie can’t help but laugh when one of his fellow scare actors snorts in the curly-headed kid’s ear loud enough that he damn near jumps into Steve’s arms. 
“Jesus Christ, Dustin!” Steve topples backwards into Eddie, who braces himself against a prop cotton candy machine. “Remember earlier? It’s fake, Steve, c’mon?” 
From around Steve’s shoulder, Eddie sees Dustin shoot Steve an annoyed look with wide, incredulous eyes. 
“Alright, alright, you good?” Steve rectifies, his voice softer.
Dustin nods and straightens himself out with a pat on the head and ruffle from Steve before walking forward to rejoin the group.
“Last scare, Harrington” Eddie takes the opportunity to whisper in Steve’s ear, dropping out of character entirely. 
Who can blame him? How can he be expected to stay in the headspace of a terrifying, bloody clown when Steve Harrington is in his space, protecting little sheep when he’s afraid himself? And wearing some of the tightest jeans he’s ever seen?
He’s just a man. 
Steve whips around with furrowed brows and a wrinkled nose. “How the fuck do you know my name?” 
“Krusty knows everything.” 
He tries to shift back into gear and grins as he licks the fake blood that’s dripped down his nose to his top lip. It must be the fog machine, because there’s no way he just caught Steve’s eyes flickering down to track the movement. 
Nothing’s real in a haunted house. 
“Your children seem to have disappeared without you, let’s go catch them. Before someone else does.” Eddie claps his hands together with faux glee and skips ahead. 
The last room of the haunt is Eddie’s least favorite, truthfully. No actors, no human presence, just disorienting, kaleidescopic strobe lights, cobwebs hanging from the ceiling tangling themselves in whatever they can reach, and disembodied, whirring noises blaring from the speakers. If anything, it just gives him a headache. 
Steve’s charges handle it well enough; like many others, they complain that it was boring and Eddie overhears some of their constructive criticisms. He agrees with their stance, but can’t spend much time focusing on that. 
Not when he looks back to check on Steve only to find him with one hand over his eyes and the other scaling the side of the wall, cobwebs sticking to the sleeve of his jacket and knotting in his hair. 
Before Eddie can think about what he’s doing, his feet make the decision for him and he approaches Steve, places a hand on his lower back. Steve startles against the touch but doesn’t move his hand. 
“Just keep your eyes closed and I’ll get us out, okay? We all fuckin’ hate this room, trust me.” 
Steve nods and takes a shaky breath, letting Eddie guide him through the room as quickly and discreetly as possible. “It’s just the goddamn lights, man. I get migraines and these are the worst. Those kids give me enough headaches without the extra help.” 
Eddie gives a soft chuckle and shakes his head, looks Steve up and down briefly before they reach the end. Selfishly, Eddie wants to take his time and soak up the false reality of the haunted house and the safety it offers because really, in what other world will he ever be this close to Steve Harrington again? But he can tell the guy he’s suffering and Eddie has his fantasies to fall back on later. 
They’ve gotten him this far. 
“Why’d you bring ‘em then?” He asks, curious. 
Steve shrugs and sighs. “They’re good kids and wanted to come, and I’m the babysitter so, of course, it’s me. Gotta make sure they’re safe.” 
He says the last bit with a heaviness that Eddie doesn’t quite understand but they take their last few steps out into the night. The illusion of the haunted house crumbles, Eddie removes his hand as though he’s been branded, and Steve’s eyes flutter open. 
“Well, you did great. Your monsters are over there.” Eddie gestures with his chin towards the open field where six kids sit in a circle, laughing a bit too loudly. 
“Better go wrangle them up.” Steve pinches the bridge of his nose and comes away with a cobweb. 
“Oh yeah, you’ve got a little–” Eddie starts, reaching up impulsively to pick what he can out of Steve’s hair. 
He’s touching The Hair’s hair, and he doesn’t catch the rumored Harrington right hook for it. Instead, Steves stands silent as Eddie works, staring and blinking a few times. 
“There ya go, de-cobwebed. Free of charge,” Eddie smirks with pursed lips. “Unless you wanna tip, there’s a jar up front.” 
“Thanks,” Steve starts, running both hands through his hair and shaking as though to make sure. Or to torment Eddie. Maybe both. “For this and for uh, that.” He jerks his thumb behind them towards the house. 
“Any time, man. Any time. Spread the word, will ya? We could use the business.” 
Steve smiles at him as he turns to walk away, and Eddie wishes it was really him on the receiving end. But it’s not, because Steve doesn’t recognize him behind all the makeup. He’s just Krusty: bleeding heart, overly kind menacing clown. 
It's true, the motto. Nothing's real in a haunted house.
“Oh and, hey,” Steve calls out when he’s just a few steps away. 
“Yeah?” Eddie responds as Steve turns to look over his shoulder.
“See you in Click’s class on Monday, Munson.” 
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thebisexualdogdad · 1 year
Summer road trip with the batfam (batfam x GN!reader)
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● so Bruce rented an RV for the batfam to go on a three month coast to coast road trip
● no crime fighting, just family time
● with you, Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Barbara, Duke, Cass, Stephanie and of course Haley and Ace it was a bit of a tight squeeze
● Alfred was back at home taking a much needed work free staycation
● Kate was also invited but she refused to be stuck in an RV with ten other people all summer, she and Alfred are happy having breakfast together once a week
● Bruce drives the entire time with Damian as his navigator
● mostly because Damian and Jason would kill each other if they weren't separated
● Jason has purposely instigated fights with Damian by eating his snacks clearly labeled 'Damian' on them
● and sometimes Jason gets accused when it was actually Cass who took Damians snacks
● Barbara has every kind of first aid or bug repellent you can think of
● you stop to go kayaking and she pulls six different kinds of sunscreen out of her bag
● Cass is the one delegated to documenting the trip
● and she takes her job very seriously
● she never not has her camera in her hands either taking pictures or videos
● Stephanie "no Cass we do not need photos of the gas station bathroom"
● and she has photos of everyone sleeping in weird positions on the rv
● and a video of Jason snoring to prove to him that he does in fact snore
● you all take turns on where you guys sleep
● there's one queen sized bed in the back that fits three and the two couches turn into a bed that fits another three and the rest are in sleeping bags on the floor
● Ace and Haley however always sleep cuddling someone in the nice comfy queen bed
● Tim has researched every single place you guys are stopping at
● Bruce thought it would be fun to just wing it and see what happens
● but Tim would not let that happen, he has the entire trip planned out down to what towns you would need to stop in for gas
● places everyone requested to go that Tim denied
● Bruce: the world's biggest ball of yarn because it's a classic road trip must see
● Dick: the corn palace
● Jason: vegas
● Damian: probably like a sword museum in the middle of nowhere that he somehow knows has an authentic ancient sword the museum thinks is a replica
● Barbara: the mothman museum
● Stephanie: Roswell
● Duke: the first taco bell
● Cass: dinosaur world
● you do stop at multiple national parks
● going hiking and swimming in little lakes with their own waterfalls
● Jason tries to sneak a snake he finds back onto the RV
● Duke "Oh no, absolutely not, get that thing out of here"
● Damian "you afraid of a little old snake Thomas?"
● Duke "that thing is not little, it is a deadly creature and I do not want it anywhere near me!"
● the RV breaks down outside a town in Wyoming with no cell service
● you all argue about who has to walk the five miles into town to get help
● Bruce and Dick are the two that end up having to do it
● when they return Damian has Tim in a headlock and Cass is taking video of it
● the random guy with the tow truck they brought back "uhh are they okay"
● Bruce "Oh yeah this is normal for them"
● you and Stephanie ended up breaking the no crime fighting rule when you went into a convenience store for more snacks and walked right into a robbery in action
● you two kicked their asses with ease, tied them up for the cops and bought your snacks like nothing happened
● Barbara back at the RV "Y/N is that blood on your face?"
● "nope don't worry about it!"
● Dick brings lots of board games to play while on the road
● Tim and Damian go way too hard trying to win which you have to play mediator for before they try to throw each other out the moving RV
● Jason still loses even though he cheats
● and Stephanie pretends not to know the rules just to mess with Tim and Damian
● you also stop at a bunch of campgrounds, telling ghost stories and having s'mores around a fire
● Barbara "has anyone seen Jason?"
● Dick "I'm pretty sure he said something about being excited to finally cross off peeing in the woods off his bucket list"
● Duke "he has the weirdest bucket list"
● a lot of you are big readers so there's books packed everywhere
● Duke "ooh we should have a book club"
● Jason "absolutely not you're lucky I even participate in Grayson's lame board games"
● Damian "for once I actually agree with Todd"
● you guys finally make it to the west coast and you all stumble out of the RV
● Tim "thank God this trip is finally over"
● Bruce "Tim we are only half way, we still have another month of driving back to Gotham"
● Stephanie "I should have stayed home with Alfred"
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wormandzeewriting · 5 days
I wrote nothing
I wrote nothing into this,
And I wrote and into this,
I wrote something into this,
I wrote this in nothing and
I wrote this into something.
I'll write skies into this;
Blue and bright,
With the whispy ghosts of clouds,
And a sun of gold,
And a moon of silver.
I wrote skies into this,
I wrote clouds into this,
I wrote a sun into this,
I wrote a moon into this,
I wrote this in nothing and
I wrote this into something.
I'll write colours into this;
Passions of red—
Blood, roses, hearts, and diamonds—
Secrets of orange—
Foxes, theatre, flames, and corn snakes—
Joices of yellow—
Stars, maize, aspen, and honesty—
Balances of green—
Leaf, frogs, permission, and spring—
Chaos of blue—
Sea, sky, marble berry, and azurite—
Nobles of purple—
Kings, queens, tyrants, and scarcity.
I wrote colours into this.
Now what?
I wrote this in nothing and
I wrote this into something.
But, now what?
I know what now,
I'll write something into this,
I'll write nothing into this,
I'll make nothing something
By writing nothing into this,
And this into something.
I wrote nothing into this,
And I wrote and into this,
I wrote something into this,
I wrote this in nothing and
I wrote this into something.
I wrote skies into this—
Skies with clouds, a sun, and a moon—
I wrote colours into this—
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple—
And I wrote and into this,
I wrote this in nothing and
I wrote this into something.
By @honeyzee312
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whisperthatruns · 1 year
After Preparing the Altar, the Ghosts Feast Feverishly
How hard it is to sleep in the middle of a life. — Audre Lorde
We wake in the middle of a life,                    hungry. We smear durian            along our mouths, sing soft death a lullaby. Carcass breath, eros of  licked fingers and the finest perfume. What is love if  not         rot? We wear the fruit’s hull as a spiked crown, grinning in green armor.   Death to the grub, fat in his milky shuffle! Death to the lawlessness       of dirt! Death to mud and its false chocolate!   To the bloated sun we want to slice open and yolk                      all over the village. We want a sun-drenched           slug feast, an omelet loosening its folds like hot Jell-O. We want the marbled fat of steak and all        its swirling pink galaxies. We want the drool, the gnash, the pluck of each corn kernel, raw and summer                   swell. Tears welling up                     oil. Order up! Pickled cucumbers piled like logs for a fire, like fat limbs we pepper and succulent                in. Order up: shrimp chips curling in a porcelain bowl like subway seats. Grapes peeled from bitter bark — almost translucent, like eyes we would rather see. Little girl, what do you leave, leaven              in your sight? Death to the open eyes of  the dying. Here,           there are so many open eyes we can’t close each one.          No, we did not say the steamed eye of a fish. No eyelids fluttering like no butterfly wings. No purple yam lips. We said eyes. Still and resolute as a heartbreaker.         Does this break your heart?                                      Look, we don’t want to be rude, but seconds, please. Want: globes of oranges swallowed whole like a basketball or Mars or whatever planet is the most delicious.                   Slather Saturn! Ferment Mercury! Lap up its film of dust, yuk sung! Seconds, thirds, fourths! Meat wool! A bouquet of chicken feet! A garden of                   melons, monstrous in their bulge!               Prune back nothing. We purr in this garden. We comb through berries and come out so blue. Little girl,                            lasso tofu, the rope slicing its belly clean. Deep fry a cloud so it tastes like bitter gourd or your father leaving — the exhaust of his car, charred. Serenade a snake and slither its tongue into yours and                           bite. Love! What is love if  not knotted in garlic? Child, we move through graves like eels, delicious         with our heads first, our mouths agape. Our teeth:         little needles to stitch a factory of everything made in China.      You ask: Are you hungry? Hunger eats through the air like ozone. You ask: What does it mean to be rootless? Roots are good to use as toothpicks. You: How can you wake in the middle of a life? We shut and open our eyes like the sun shining on tossed pennies in a forgotten well. Bald copper, blood. Yu choy bolts                  into roses down here. While you were sleeping, we woke to the old leaves of  your backyard shed and ate that and one of your lost flip-flops too. In a future life, we saw rats overtake a supermarket with so much milk, we turned opaque. We wake to something boiling. We wake to wash dirt from lettuce, to blossom into your face. Aphids along the lashes. Little girl, don’t forget              to take care of  the chickens, squawking in their mess and stench. Did our mouths buckle                                at the sight of  you devouring slice                after slice of  pizza and the greasy box too? Does this frontier swoon for you? It’s time to wake up. Wake the tapeworm who loves his home. Wake the ants,                  let them do-si-do a spoonful of  peanut butter. Tell us, little girl, are you hungry, awake,                               astonished enough?
Jane Wong, How to Not Be Afraid of Everything (Alice James Books, 2021)
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demonica-31 · 1 year
Hey guys, I need a little bit of help. I’m doing a Halloween themed game on ClanGen, but I’m having trouble figuring out how to name my characters. The only names I’ve been able to come up with are
Anaconda (don’t want none)
Cocktail (that's a whole entire name right there!)
Honeydew (another full name!)
Scare/crow (Another full name!)
Ogre (someBODY-)
Chanterelle (it's type of mushroom)
Amarok (it's a type of wolf)
But here’s the thing. I’m running out of ideas! Can you guys help me come up with more names?
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itsatru · 1 year
✧ tagged by @hostilefemme​ to do 15 questions!! ✧
:・ are you named after anyone?
carly simon queen supreme
:・ what was the last time you cried? 
couple days ago just saaad
:・ do you have kids? 
no not a snowdicknballs chance in hell
:・ do you use sarcasm a lot? 
idk i’m more sincere than i used to be
:・ what sports do you play/have you played? 
basketball/volleyball - sucked; marching band - ehhh; swimming/water polo - ruled
:・ what’s the first thing you notice about someone? 
hair (tits)
:・ what’s your eye color? 
:・ scary movies or happy endings? 
give me horror please - i want ghosts and monsters I want catharsis oh and squirt me with corn syrup blood i want it splattered
:・ any special talents? 
writing is my thang
:・ where were you born? 
southeast texas swamp - i routinely swam in brackish fertilizer with snakes and alligators and probably the local cryptid was skinny dipping (chunky dunking?) at some point
:・ what are your hobbies? 
bonsai - swimming - gaming - reading - lusting - writing - pretending i’m still a radio dj and making sets
:・ do you have pets?
three kitty cats nyaaa
:・ how tall are you? 
5'11" 180cm
:・ favorite subject in school? 
english lit
:・ dream job? 
writing my own books!! i’m working on it ok dont rush me
✧ tagging anyone who wants to do it!! ✧
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harleyglenn · 1 year
It’s as if I’ve entered a bubble at the sight of a
welcome sign . Departing with cars I’ve seen
before . Greeted with picket fences and
plain , more plain and equal amounts of cold
and heat at night That’s really confusing for me ,
that I’m somewhere else . Im a subject going
to the top of hills with dead brush and
monuments that I’ve made up in memory for
fondness of memory . The Hills are only lit
by everything below and iPhone camera(s) .
Snakes talk to boys , they say I’m in a higher
place than a girl who’s been broken so
many times . Boys and girls run in corn fields ,
holding and chanting , making new ceremonies .
All of us do not get to celebrate often anymore
and time
doesn’t stand this still this often . I’m aware of
rushing to my brain and perfume and
pheromone . I’m aware in this moment I’m
everything I want to be but , nothing to a girl
and opportunity to a snake . A serpentine
will always question worth and ask why ? He
will advise you to assert dominance and
manipulate disguised as an offer of control
even if these are things you do not desire .
In the middle of a desert , with no sight
of life in any direction , the good man walks in
the direction meant only for him . He cannot
be accompanied by those he loves or wishes
to be accompanied by . You’ll notice crows
perched on light posts and unfamiliar fog , fog
in desire , lust , moral , friendship , respect, brain.
There are many signs that boys choose to
ignore in hope things go back to ways they were .
A serpent near a church on a hill sees ceremony ,
and he promises change . He promises money
good sex and someone to do drugs with …
a good dancer and potential for backing
where there wasn’t any . Hurt
eyes you can do nothing about even when they
are screaming at you . Prison bars with gold in
that you can only touch with the tips of your
fingers with your ear to the pavement . What’s
true is you’ll get nothing but what you give ,
this overpass , the raven , the bartender , the
passing irrigation systems have their own
agendas . I’ve been told by a snake in the mirror
I deserve better . The boy should own more
things , he suffered in this town , he shouldn’t
have to pay taxes , or for gas and food . Why
should he suffer and not a figurative snake ,
or ghosts of a past that no one will ever know ?
On arrival a table is set and my new favorite
books are scattered , to remind myself to read
them . I’m not a nervous person I should say,
and sit down at this table is what I should do .
Or maybe you take chances in life . Im content
with this story so far , a girl , nor a snake , nor
a raven, nor a caffeine overdose could interrupt
how I feel at this moment . The snake
acknowledges a boy’s existence , the girl
spins in fields far away with the boy only hanging
on by the strength of their fingers . A intrusive
thought always comes knocking for us .
From the outside looking in he’s seeing a
foundation meant to be built on , a
haunted shrine to pray and be observed .
A validation of existence it is to be abused and
tossed out . Confusion for boys only stop when
they are wrong , when aggression neither
proactivity solve problems . It’s a humble
resting place only to be thwarted by language
that doesn’t matter and lack of self worth .
Saying nothing at all is a powerful thing people
in this town know nothing about . They always
want to fill in the gaps how they see fit .
Checking for everything made you anticipate
something , laying in a bed made you inclined
to look up for once . Why is this happening
to you ? Isn’t there anything I could do ? And for
how long til I can be whole again , for things to
feel right again ? It all serves as memorabilia
on a shelf in a dungeon that only paralyzes me
with abundance of decisions .
I would soon be a bird again , without
a cigarette or occasional bump that usually
kills the average bird .
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sarah-dipitous · 2 years
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 69 (Nice!)
Yellow Fever/Evolution of the Daleks
“Yellow Fever”
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: oof, probably not. Omg wait…I honestly have no clue. Like, here’s the thing, anything that would have this kind of effect on Dean would probably take me out
Dean’s enjoying the mortician being mean to Sam just a little too much.
Loving the tension between Dean and the sheriff. Dean’s not taking any of this seriously and that’s all the sheriff CAN do
Omg yes. Whatever is causing this has infected Dean too and I’m ecstatic. I only VAGUELY remember this episode, but it’s good
So the thing is…if I’m expecting to be touching a snake, no problem (not a euphemism). But if it sneaks up on me? Yeah, Dean’s reaction is entirely rational
“Am I haunted?!” Is he tucking possessed?! He used to be Sam’s brother! Next thing you know, he’ll be listening to nothing but Jimmy Buffet
I forgot this was the episode with Eye of the Tiger yesssssssssss
These are the worst-best softball team names ever. Game cocks? Corn jerkers??
I’m so sorry. To read “you’re dying. Again. Loser.” As a hallucination in a book after what Dean has gone through shouldn’t be this funny. This book is BULLYING HIMMMMM
“I dunwanna be a clue,” he’s so pathetic. I adore him
You’re taking your brother, infected with ghost sickness who has under a day to live before he literally DIES OF FRIGHT, into aN ABANDONED LUMBER MILL??? Yeah, this can only go awesome
I’m sorry for putting so many out of context quotes, but I will keep doing it because “I’ll man the flashlight,” is so goddamn cute. Because…a gun can go off (like he’s not usually the one insisting on bringing a gun to whatever fight they’re in).
The blood curdling scream upon seeing a rat followed by “that was scary!!” I cannot. I literally can’t.
I can’t fault him for running out like that. I would have been long gone way before that
Oh, sheriff’s infected too…
I love Dean worrying about the legality of posing as FBI agents…omg…
Omg…the ghost’s story is so sad…
Oh I wanna hug Dean. He’s really goin through it right now. Just absolutely freaking out and not without good reason. But GOD is it so sad to see
Not complaining but I thought he had way less time than this…
You are not helping by not telling Dean the plan. I want you to know that, Sam. There is nothing more panic inducing to someone who worries than hearing “don’t worry about it” ESPECIALLY when their life is on the line
Oh no. Competing hallucinations. And they both only have a little bit of time left…well, now only Dean does
On one hand, of course it worked, but on the other, I can’t believe they actually scared a ghost to death. On a secret third hand, it’s terrible that they had to use this sad man’s horrific death to scare him AGAIN
I’m here for Sam and Bobby roasting Dean afterward
You guys are so bad at being honest with each other…
And the iconic post-episode “by all means should have been just on the dvd extras but I’m SO GLAD IT ISNT” Jensen performing the ever loving shit out of lip-syncing Eye of the Tiger
“Been On My Mind…”: Nope. 9
“Evolution of the Daleks”
Say what you will about the costuming and makeup in this part of the series, they’re trying something at least. They’re putting EFFORT in
Omg are we gonna reset the counter? Is this gonna happen every time we meet the Daleks?? He gets really riled up when they show up. Just sayin
Yeah, your mistake was thinking you could convince the Daleks to exhibit compassion.
Why does Dalek Sec want the Doctor alive??? Omg could you imagine if the combined a Dalek and a Time Lord??
I feel for Martha here. The Doctor hasn’t been as open with her as even Nine was with Rose, and he’s just expecting her to figure it out like they have the rapport Ten and Rose had. It’s not fair to her
Mmmm, Dalek Sec’s gonna get got by the end of this, aren’t they?? (Also, autocorrect, it’s definitely Dalek Sec, not Dalek Sex…that’s…something I don’t want to think about lmaooo) BECAUSE they’re showing too many human traits, not Dalek enough
But of course, Martha figures it out anyway. Good for her
Bye, Dalek Sec…or not??? And the Doctor’s gonna help them? I don’t believe it
I love that this woman thinks aliens have only come to New York City and only now
Mmmm, the other Daleks are getting suspicious
Martha’s so wonderful. She just wants to be appreciated for who SHE is. Sure, she also has a crush on the Doctor, so many people who meet him do, but she just doesn’t want to be CONSTANTLY compared to Rose
Okay, NOW bye, Dalek Sec. “you told us to imagine, and we imagined your irrelevance.” What a line.
Like…honestly though, were all these characters necessary?? Laszlo doesn’t look like he’s gonna make it, though………
Dalek Sec is STILL ALIVE??? They haven’t just killed him?? Unless they need to put them through some kind of trial because they can’t JUST KILL a member of their own heavily dwindled race
There it is. Gave their life to save the Doctor
Episodes Since the Doctor’s Last Attempted Genocide: 2 (there was a genocide but it wasn’t the Doctor’s fault. There’s also only one Dalek left, which wasn’t the Doctor’s intent or fault either)
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domripley · 9 months
movies i watched in 2023
100 out of these are horror movies, that i've had on my to watch list. which is now at 830 movies lol so i'm getting there but
Jeepers Creepers 3
The Poughkeepsie Tapes
Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey
Jack and Jill
Hellraiser: Revelations
Children of the Corn: Runaway
The Human Centipede 3
Jeepers Creepers Reborn
The Farm
The Adventures of Milo and Otis
Leaving Neverland
Monster Party
Knock at the Cabin
See No Evil
The Central Park Five
Jeepers Creepers 2
The Town that Dreaded Sundown
Resident Evil
The Babysitter: Killer Queen
Cocaine Bear
The Menu
Jeepers Creepers
Scream 4
The Super Mario Bros Movie
Ghost Ship
Scream 5
Scream 6
Zoombies 2
Evil Dead Rise
Game of Death
Cabin Fever
American Carnage
Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
The Fallout
Children of the Corn 2020
Don’t Breathe
Fast X
The Little Mermaid 2023
The Wrath of Becky
The Boogeyman
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Trophy Heads
All the Boys Love Mandy Lane
Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
The Blackening
The Flash
Fear Street: 1994
Surviving Joe Exotic
Fear Street: 1978
No Hard Feelings
Insidious: The Red Door
Joy Ride
Hard Candy
The Owners
The House October Built
The Slumber Party Massacre
Chopping Mall
Sound of Freedom
The Long Night
V/H/S 99
Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse
Hostel Part 2
Texas Chainsaw 3D
Slumber Party Massacre 2021
Creepshow 2
Haunted Mansion 2023
Talk to Me
Cannibal Holocaust
The Last Voyage of Demeter
Prom Night
The Real Black Panther
Wolf Creek
The Faculty
The Nun 2
Dawn of the Dead 2004
The Witching Season
Scooby-Doo and the Legend of the Vampire
Halloween: Resurrection
Hellraiser: Judgement
Saw X
The Exorcist: Believer
Dead End
Evil Dead 2013
Thir13en Ghosts
Victor Crowley
It Stains the Sands Red
Hell Fest
God’s Not Dead
Totally Killer
Five Night’s at Freddy’s
Halloween 2018
Scream 2
It Lives Inside
A Good Person
13 Hours
Bodies Bodies Bodies
The Marvels
Children of the Corn 2009
Slasher: Flesh & Blood
The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes
Christopher Robin
It Follows
The Lost Boys
Black Christmas
Jack Frost 1997
V/H/S 2
V/H/S: Viral
The Final Girls
Shark Night 3D
Hell House LLC
The Dark Tower
Midnight Movie
Terror Trap
Blue Beetle
The Dentist
The Cabin in the Woods
0 notes
daimonclub · 11 months
Halloween thoughts and poems
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Halloween witches festival night Halloween thoughts and poems, quotes and aphorisms by the World of English, that is English-culture.com blog and Carl William Brown Halloween for the year 2022 is celebrated/observed on Monday, October 31st. What the dead had no speech for, when living, They can tell you, being dead: the communication Of the dead is tongued with fire beyond the language of the living. T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets For these beings, fall is ever the normal season, the only weather, there be no choice beyond. Where do they come from? The dust. Where do they go? The grave. Does blood stir their veins? No: the night wind. What ticks in their head? The worm. What speaks from their mouth? The toad. What sees from their eye? The snake. What hears with their ear? The abyss between the stars. They sift the human storm for souls, eat flesh of reason, fill tombs with sinners. They frenzy forth... Such are the autumn people. Ray Bradbury But that’s what makes it so fun! Life is scary. So why wouldn’t we enjoy and make fun of that fear? It’s like life is trying to makes us fear it, and on this day we just mock its attempts and say ‘no, not today, today I’m not scared of anything you throw at me'. Patricia Morais The Harvest Moon glows round and bold, In pumpkin shades outlined in gold, Illuminating eerie forms, Unnatural as a candied corn. Beware what dare crawls up your sleeve, For 'tis the night called Hallows Eve.” Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes
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Halloween Magick Pumkins Treats and tricks. Witch broomsticks. Jack-o-lanterns Lick their lips. Crows and cats. Vampire bats. Capes and fangs And pointed hats. Werewolves howl. Phantoms prowl. Halloween’s Upon us now. Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons
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Cute Halloween Vintage Postcard It's Halloween, The night we all play, Trick or treat, We won't go away. Be we ghoul or goblin, ghost, We'll knock on your door, To see who scares you the most. But cringe not in fear, Or cry out in pain, Cause it's only a game, Oh, what a shame. But don't despair, In the cold night air, Because we'll be back, And then you'll be scared! But not just one, Or even two. And so we bid you, A sweet adieu.” Anthony T.Hincks
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Halloween Haunted Night House One need not be a chamber to be haunted; One need not be a house; The brain has corridors surpassing Material place. Emily Dickinson The jack-o-lantern follows me with tapered, glowing eyes. His yellow teeth grin evily. His cackle I despise. But I shall have the final laugh when Halloween is through. This pumpkin king I’ll split in half to make a pie for two.” Richelle E. Goodrich, Slaying Dragons Halloween shadows played upon the walls of the houses. In the sky the Halloween moon raced in and out of the clouds. The Halloween wind was blowing, not a blasting of wind but a right-sized swelling, falling, and gushing of wind. It was a lovely and exciting night, exactly the kind of night Halloween should be.” Eleanor Estes, The Witch Family
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Halloween Special Vintage Witch with her cat 'Tis the night — the night Of the grave's delight, And the warlocks are at their play; Ye think that without The wild winds shout, But no, it is they — it is they. Arthur Cleveland Coxe A gypsy fire is on the hearth, Sign of the carnival of mirth; Through the dun fields and from the glade Flash merry folk in masquerade, For this is Hallowe'en! Unknown Author Download the pdf file about Halloween History If you like Halloween you can also read the following articles: Halloween great and famous quotes Halloween or All Hallows’ Eve Halloween quotes and aphorisms Halloween death poems Read the full article
0 notes
After Preparing the Altar, the Ghosts Feast Feverishly
By Jane Wong
How hard it is to sleep
in the middle of a life.
— Audre Lorde
We wake in the middle of a life,                    hungry.
We smear durian            along our mouths, sing soft
death a lullaby. Carcass breath, eros of  licked fingers
and the finest perfume. What is love if  not         rot?
We wear the fruit’s hull as a spiked crown, grinning
in green armor.   Death to the grub, fat in his milky
shuffle! Death to the lawlessness       of dirt! Death
to mud and its false chocolate!   To the bloated sun
we want to slice open and yolk                      all over
the village. We want a sun-drenched           slug feast,
an omelet loosening its folds like hot Jell-O. We want
the marbled fat of steak and all        its swirling pink
galaxies. We want the drool, the gnash, the pluck of
each corn kernel, raw and summer                   swell.
Tears welling up                     oil. Order up! Pickled
cucumbers piled like logs for a fire, like fat limbs we
pepper and succulent                in. Order up: shrimp
chips curling in a porcelain bowl like subway seats.
Grapes peeled from bitter bark — almost translucent,
like eyes we would rather see. Little girl, what do you
leave, leaven              in your sight? Death to the open
eyes of  the dying. Here,           there are so many open
eyes we can’t close each one.          No, we did not say
the steamed eye of a fish. No eyelids fluttering like
no butterfly wings. No purple yam lips. We said eyes.
Still and resolute as a heartbreaker.         Does this break
your heart?                                      Look, we don’t want
to be rude, but seconds, please. Want: globes of oranges
swallowed whole like a basketball or Mars or whatever
planet is the most delicious.                   Slather Saturn!
Ferment Mercury! Lap up its film of dust, yuk sung!
Seconds, thirds, fourths! Meat wool! A bouquet of
chicken feet! A garden of                   melons, monstrous
in their bulge!               Prune back nothing. We purr
in this garden. We comb through berries and come out
so blue. Little girl,                            lasso tofu, the rope
slicing its belly clean. Deep fry a cloud so it tastes like
bitter gourd or your father leaving — the exhaust of
his car, charred. Serenade a snake and slither its tongue
into yours and                           bite. Love! What is love
if  not knotted in garlic? Child, we move through graves
like eels, delicious         with our heads first, our mouths
agape. Our teeth:         little needles to stitch a factory of
everything made in China.      You ask: Are you hungry?
Hunger eats through the air like ozone. You ask: What
does it mean to be rootless? Roots are good to use as
toothpicks. You: How can you wake in the middle of
a life? We shut and open our eyes like the sun shining
on tossed pennies in a forgotten well. Bald copper,
blood. Yu choy bolts                  into roses down here.
While you were sleeping, we woke to the old leaves
of  your backyard shed and ate that and one of your
lost flip-flops too. In a future life, we saw rats overtake
a supermarket with so much milk, we turned opaque.
We wake to something boiling. We wake to wash dirt
from lettuce, to blossom into your face. Aphids along
the lashes. Little girl, don’t forget              to take care
of  the chickens, squawking in their mess and stench.
Did our mouths buckle                                at the sight
of  you devouring slice                after slice of  pizza and
the greasy box too? Does this frontier swoon for you?
It’s time to wake up. Wake the tapeworm who loves
his home. Wake the ants,                  let them do-si-do
a spoonful of  peanut butter. Tell us, little girl, are you
hungry, awake,                               astonished enough?
Audio available
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omg-snakes · 4 years
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Ghost Bloodred is the spoopiest morph.
Leslie Anne Levine is a super sweet baby.
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corridor-bard-art · 2 years
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Halloween confetti
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what is the point of this. besides that. because d&d didn’t bother with that.
"Sansa's work is as pretty as she is," Septa Mordane told their lady mother once. "She has such fine, delicate hands." When Lady Catelyn had asked about Arya, the septa had sniffed. "Arya has the hands of a blacksmith."
sansa’s guy apparently has fine and delicate hands. got it. who’s sansa’s guy? it’s joffrey right?
"What are you talking about?" Arya asked suddenly. "We were talking about the prince," Sansa said, her voice soft as a kiss.
"Joffrey likes your sister," Jeyne whispered, proud as if she had something to do with it. She was the daughter of Winterfell's steward and Sansa's dearest friend. "He told her she was very beautiful." "He's going to marry her," little Beth said dreamily, hugging herself. (...) "What did you think of Prince Joff, sister? He's very gallant, don't you think?" "Jon says he looks like a girl," Arya said. Sansa sighed as she stitched. "Poor Jon," she said. "He gets jealous because he's a bastard."
"What are you talking about, children?" "Our half brother," Sansa corrected, soft and precise.
what is this switcheroo between a bastard parading as the heir to the iron throne with the heir to the iron throne parading as a bastard. oh dear. surelly nothing.
"Look at the arms on his surcoat," Jon suggested. (...) "The Lannisters are proud. (...) He makes his mother's House equal in honor to the king's.” (...) "Girls get the arms but not the swords. Bastards get the swords but not the arms. I did not make the rules, little sister."
i’ve got news for you jon. in your case, your mother’s house claimed you as their bastard and completely erased the honour to the king’s. this coat-of-arms nonsense between you and the dumb bitch joffrey is all over agot / acok / asos.
"Have no fear, lady. I am almost a man grown, and I don't fight with wood like your brothers. All I need is this." He drew his sword and showed it to her; a longsword adroitly shrunken to suit a boy of twelve, gleaming blue steel, castle-forged and double-edged, with a leather grip and a lion's-head pommel in gold. Sansa exclaimed over it admiringly, and Joffrey looked pleased. "I call it Lion's Tooth," he said. (...) "You're safe with me." Joffrey drew his Lion's Tooth from its sheath.
"Then my uncle Jaime killed old Aerys, and my father was king. What's that sound?" Sansa heard it too, floating through the woods, a kind of wooden clattering, snack snack snack. (...) "I want to see what it is." 
"That was my lady's sister you were hitting, do you know that?"
Then a grey blur flashed past her, and suddenly Nymeria was there, leaping, jaws closing around Joffrey's sword arm. The steel fell from his fingers as the wolf knocked him off his feet, and they rolled in the grass, the wolf snarling and ripping at him, the prince shrieking in pain. "Get it off," he screamed. "Get it off!" (...) The prince lay in the grass, whimpering, cradling his mangled arm. His shirt was soaked in blood.
Arya whirled and heaved the sword into the air, putting her whole body into the throw. The blue steel flashed in the sun as the sword spun out over the river. It hit the water and vanished with a splash.
The queen had her hand on Joffrey's shoulder. Thick silken bandages still covered the boy's arm. (...) The queen was furious. "Joff will carry those scars for the rest of his life."
in summary, joffrey “attempted” to protect sansa / arya (ahah whatever, that’s what he says he’s doing), then got trolled and manged his arm / hand forever. arya did not enjoy being “rescued” and threw his lion sword into the river.
"The king's dead."
I will ask him about my mother, he resolved. I am a man now, it is past time he told me. Even if she was a whore, I don't care, I want to know. (...) He fathered a bastard, a small voice whispered inside him. Where was the honor in that? And your mother, what of her? He will not even speak her name. Ghost stood on his hind legs, scrabbling at the door. Jon was startled to see how tall he'd grown. "Ghost, what is it?" he called softly. (...) "There's someone out there, isn't there?" he whispered. (...) That was when he heard it; the soft scrape of a boot on stone, the sound of a latch turning. The sounds came from above. From the Lord Commander's chambers.
Ghost leapt. Man and wolf went down together with neither scream nor snarl, rolling, smashing into a chair, knocking over a table laden with papers. Mormont's raven was flapping overhead, screaming, "Corn, corn, corn, corn." (...) The severed arm was wriggling out of its torn sleeve, a pale snake with a black five-fingered head. Ghost pounced and got it between his teeth. Finger bones crunched.
He had burned himself more badly than he knew throwing the flaming drapes, and his right hand was swathed in silk halfway to the elbow. (...) "The maester says I'll have scars, but otherwise the hand should be as good as it was before."
Carefully he pulled it from its scabbard and raised it level with his eyes. The pommel was a hunk of pale stone weighted with lead to balance the long blade. It had been carved into the likeness of a snarling wolf's head, with chips of garnet set into the eyes. The grip was virgin leather, soft and black, as yet unstained by sweat or blood. (...) “I put it aside and thought no more of it until we found it in the ashes of my bedchamber.” (...) "I would not be sitting here were it not for you and that beast of yours." (...) "A sword's small payment for a life," Mormont concluded. "Take it."
in summary, jon successfully protected mormont, then got trolled and manged his arm / hand forever. mormont enjoyed being rescued and offered him a wolf sword.
"Sweet one," her father said gently, "listen to me. When you're old enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me." “He is! (...) I'll give him a son with golden hair, and one day he'll be the king of all the realm, the greatest king that ever was, as brave as the wolf and as proud as the lion." Arya made a face. "Not if Joffrey's his father," she said. "He's a liar and a craven and anyhow he's a stag, not a lion." Sansa felt tears in her eyes. "He is not! He's not the least bit like that old drunken king," she screamed at her sister, forgetting herself in her grief. Father looked at her strangely. "Gods," he swore softly, "out of the mouth of babes …"
more coat-of-arms nonsense and ned finding out cersei plagiarised lyanna with her baby dragon. sansa’s delicate hands ARE NOT joffrey’s, he’s no aemon targaryen! then who is? who would find if he hadn’t died????
Every morning they had trained together, since they were big enough to walk; Snow and Stark, spinning and slashing about the wards of Winterfell, shouting and laughing, sometimes crying when there was no one else to see. They were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. "I'm Prince Aemon the Dragonknight," Jon would call out, and Robb would shout back, "Well, I'm Florian the Fool." Or Robb would say, "I'm the Young Dragon," and Jon would reply, "I'm Ser Ryam Redwyne."
oh dear. He already did.
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why must i suffer
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Hello Everyone! 
A day like today 20 years ago the first novel of our beloved series was published in November 2000. This is an incredible anniversary and that’s why we’ll celebrate the whole month with events! 
I hope you can join this special occasion and contribute a little bit by sharing your posts and art here in tumblr.  
This is not the first event run by this blog, if you want to see what we did in previous years you can visit my tags MA Event,  MA Event 2017 and MA Event 2018.
The dynamic of the events is to have some deliver themes and inspiration divided in different sections. This event will run weekly, except for the last week of the month when we’ll have daily content shared to inspire you even more. 
Please save the date around the last weekend of November for our Live Chat! I’ll post more information about the exact date and time along the next weekly posts.
Update: Live Chat Sunday 29 at 1am Buenos Aires timezone GTM-3 You can check online comparing with your time zone here. We’ll meet and chat, share opinions, and play some games or draw together!
20th Anniversary MA Event - First Week Activity Share your MAlove, share your MArt! From November 1 to November 8
This week we’ll draw fanarts, write fanfics or make any other kind of media to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series. We have list of 365 prompts in case you need a little bit of extra inspiration, please check under the cut and try to mix anything you pick with a festive mood to make it really special ;D
Remember to tag your posts with #MAnniversary 2020 and #MA Event
Links to the weekly event’s posts:
First Week (in this post) Second Week  Third Week Fourth Week | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday
01. Introduction
02. Love
03. Light
04. Dark
05. Seeking Solace
06. Break Away
07. Heaven
08. Innocence
09. Drive
10. Breathe Again
11. Memory
12. Insanity
13. Misfortune
14. Smile
15. Silence
16. Questioning
17. Blood
18. Rainbow
19. Gray
20. Fortitude
21. Vacation
22. Mother Nature
23. Cat
24. No Time
25. Trouble Lurking
26. Tears
27. Foreign
28. Sorrow
29. Happiness
30. Under the Rain
31. Flowers
32. Night
33. Expectations
34. Stars
35. Hold my Hand
36. Precious Treasure
37. Eyes
38. Abandoned
39. Dreams
40. Rated
41. Teamwork
42. Standing Still
43. Dying
44. Two Roads
45. Illusion
46. Family
47. Creation
48. Childhood
49. Stripes
50. Breaking the Rules
51. Fanart
52. Deep in Thought
53. Keeping a Secret
54. Tower
55. Waiting
56. Danger Ahead
57. Sacrifice
58. Kick in the Head
59. No Way Out
60. Rejection
61. Fairy Tale
62. Magic
63. Do Not Disturb
64. Multitasking
65. Horror
66. Traps
67. Playing the Melody
68. Hero
69. Annoyance
70. 67%
71. Obsession
72. Mischief Managed
73. I Can’t
74. Are You Challenging Me?
75. Mirror
76. Broken Pieces
77. Test
78. Drink
79. Starvation
80. Words
81. Pen and Paper
82. Can You Hear Me?
83. Heal
84. Out Cold
85. Spiral
86. Seeing Red
87. Food
88. Pain
89. Through the Fire
90. Triangle
91. Drowning
92. All That I Have
93. Give Up
94. Last Hope
95. Advertisement
96. In the Storm
97. Safety First
98. Puzzle
99. Solitude
100. Relaxation
101. Hello World
102. Fear
103. Anger
104. Regret
105. Happiness
106. Love
107. Family
108. Friendship
109. Home
110. Childhood
111. Adulthood
112. Birth
113. Death
114. Me
115. You
116. Thoughts
117. Emotion
118. Sun
119. Rain
120. Thunder
121. Noon
122. Midnight
123. Twilight
124. Rooms
125. Window to the Soul
126. Games
127. Halo
128. Serenity
129. Firefly
130. Phone
131. Movie
132. Television
133. Plants
134. Freedom
135. Forgetfulness
136. Remembrance
137. Memorial
138. War
139. Fight
140. Loss
141. Winning
142. Losing
143. Nature
144. Hurricane
145. Storms are brewing
146. Lightning
147. Colors
148. Bravo
149. Punishment
150. Picture
151. Another Wolfs
153. The Life You Dream Of
154. Dreams
155. Tears
157. Smiling
158. Laughing
159. Crying
160. Looking in the Mirror
161. Steam
162. Candy
163. Cats
164. Dogs
165. Glasses
166. Orbit
167. Satellite
168. Stars
169. Jade
170. Emerald
171. Gems
172. Dreaming Out Loud
173. Insomnia
174. Rabbits
175. Snake
176. Borders
177. The Year
178. This Time
179. Last Time
180. Forever and a Day
181. Sometimes
182. Always
183. Power
184. Weakness
185. Green
186. Purple
187. Blue
188. Sight
189. Blindness
190. Hurtful
191. Stages of grief
192. Arguments
193. Country
194. Frog
195. Forest
196. River
197. Flying
198. Mountains
199. Snow
200. Goodbye
201. Heart of Glass
202. My Life
203. Me In a Nutshell
204. Forever Yours
205. True Colors
206. My best friend’s girl
207. Impossible Love
208. Forgiveness
209. Fibers of Our Lives
210. Challenging Dream
211. Living My Dream
212. Forgetting Myself
213. Saving Grace
214. Lonely
215. Unbalanced
216. See-saw
217. Math
218. Match Making
219. Beyond Good and Evil
220. Second Sight
221. Double Take
223. Upon Review
224. Losing You
225. Baseball
226. Shouting
227. Farmland
228. Heartland
229. Brick Wall
230. Glass Houses
231. Eyes
231. Ring
233. Circle
234. Square
235. Boxes
236. Moving
237. Well Being
238. Insanity
239. Repetition
240. Learning
241. Class
242. Flowers
243. Special
244. Snowflakes
245. The Man They Call Jayne
246. Malicious
247. Pretty on the Outside
248. The Outside
249. Thankful
250. Neglect
251. Remorse
252. Embracement
253. Reflecting on My Life
254. Space
255. Constellation
256. Collection
257. Magic
258. Thrill
259. Attack
260. 20 Seconds to Mars
261. Unable
262. Foolish
263. Science
264. Sign of Life
265. Motto
266. Me
267. Balloon
268. Self Esteem
269. Narcissism
270. Ideology
271. Pageantry
272. Keeping Up With the Jones’s
273. Crack in Your Armor
274. Spilling Your Guts
275. Lean on Me
276. Crippling Emotion
277. Biggest Fear
278. Prejudices
279. Fresh
280. Corn
281. Sugar
282. Ice Cream
283. Accents
284. Speech
285. Writing
286. Doom
287. Shape
288. The Real You
289. My Name Is ____
290. Who are You on the Inside
291. Hidden Hatred
292. Hanging
293. Jacket
294. Jail
295. Stepping Up to the Plate
296. Star Player
297. My Hero
298. Castle
299. Losing Yourself
300. Finding Hope
301. Pirates
302. Fallen Angel
303. Drowning Lessons
304. Ghosts in the snow
305. Rawr.
306. Pidgeons… Birdy
307. Broken Hearts Parade
308. Paranoid
309. Vampires
310. Betrayal
311. Emmi&Rumura
312. The three friends
313. Horror
314. Mirror
315. Candlelight
316. Spider moneky
317. Devil
318. Flowers
319. Teddy Bear
320. Mist
321. Kingdom Hearts
322. Ferret
323. Vanilla
324. Thunder
325. Pinto Pony
326. M&Ms
327. Killer
328. Grass
329. Peace
330. Chibi
331. Mr. Klaw, polite Lion
332. Eternal
333. Star girl
334. Hats
335. Calvin & Hobbes
336. Misery (A cup full of something… unknown )
337. Hot chocolate
338. My Chemical Romance
339. Light in the darkness
340. Laughter
341. Nightmares
342. Necklace
343. Fire
344. Clorotaint and Treegirl
345. Swirls
346. Pokemon
347. Friends
348. Double Trouble
349. Do not cross
350. Unknowing
351. Chocolate
352. Time
353. A phone
354. Little kids on a playground
355. Darkness
356. A purple lady
357. Writer’s block
358. The dark corner in my room that I go to cry at (and a unicorn)
359. Sunglasses
360. The sun relaxing by an air conditioner
361. A girl fleeing from her nightmares
362. A girl staring at a blank canvas
363. A visual representation of poetry
364. Trolls
365. A hat
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