#ghostfacers effect
they said gay love can pierce through the veil of death and save the day. then never talk about it ever again
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queer-benoit-blanc · 7 months
The issues with supernatural meta is that it makes me sooooo, like I want to tell everyone about it. I want to tell random people about it. My friends don't care about the ghostfacers effect but I want to explain it to them in minute detail
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eyelinerdean · 1 year
i have a very important question for you all
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one of the interesting things about the cinematography in s13 is that the camera angles and lighting on Jack are always subtly menacing and villainous, which makes him appear more threatening than he is, he's not evil he's just drawn that way, the Ghostfacers Effect doesn't just frame the swearing, it also frames how we're encouraged to see Chuck's biggest rival in the later seasons
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urne-buriall · 11 months
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well doesn't that take the shine off this joke from young hearts
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end of an era
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SPN Characters as Particles or Waves
One of the (many, many, MANY) things that makes me feel particularly insane with regard to the characters of Supernatural is the extent to which their very existence as characters being watched by an audience (as contrasted with what real-life versions of those people would be) fundamentally changes them. 
Castiel, Sam, and Dean live lives that are so excruciatingly isolated that it hurts to think about. Think about the S8 Sam motels-aren’t-part-of-towns speech. It stands out because it is blisteringly relatable for people who have lived lives on the margins. Who have moved from place to place to place, seeing so much of a world in which every town is the same and none of the residents of any of them see you. And in that same season, the bunker is introduced. Literally sealing the characters away underground. They’re now “safe” from the world, but also finally and totally isolated from it.
And YET, we, as an audience, are privy to their every moment. {Obviously, every fictional character is being “observed” by an audience, and every story that’s told is told to an audience} Somehow, though, with the ghostfacers effect, etc. it feels like it’s worth talking about how there is a “real” version of the characters in addition to what we see, IN-UNIVERSE.
And I would be hard-pressed to think of another story in which the characters are so obsessively observed on a meta level in-universe (Chuck)--AND by the fans of the story. And yet, in “the real world” these are human beings who are so totally isolated from society that they would leave such a lack of a trace on the world.
And the version of the characters that we see are fundamentally different to the “real version,” because they exist in a world in which they ARE seen. There are 300+ hours of a tv show documenting every second of their lives. I don’t know where I’m going with this exactly, but it makes my brain itch and I have so much more to say.
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Dean has BECOME GOD in a metatextual sense but he's not authorgod he's historiangod or chroniclergod. SPN was a story told for profit and ego, TW is a story told for love and legacy. And I am Emotional about that. Because Dean! He never had control of his own story! He never got to speak his truth! Being silent and silenced and trapped behind censored half-truths is a running theme throughout his arc, but now? Now the first and last words we hear in the episode are his voice, promising to tell us the whole truth of a story that matters to him a lot. I'm. FINE. I'M NORMAL ABOUT IT.
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deanwasalwaysbi · 2 years
It's Dean pulling back the Chuck filter we peeped in Ghostfacers
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jensensitive · 1 year
some ghostfacers effect headcanons~
glimpsing Reality here!! what Really Happened™️!!
* = from scripts, etc
1x07 Hook Man - Dean blew the sheriff in hook man to let him and Sam off link
"Backside" is gay porn 
SAM Yeah, but hustling pool? Credit card scams? It's not the most honest [legal] thing in the world, Dean.
1x08 Bugs
DEAN Hunting's our day job. And the pay is crap.
DEAN Well, let's see honest [legal] (He holds out one hand.) Fun and easy. (He holds out the other, and gestures that "fun and easy" outweighs "[legal]".) It's no contest. Besides, we're [I’m] good at it.
1x15 The Benders - Dean hooked up with a guy in the restroom while Sam was getting kidnapped 😔🙏
2x01 In My Time of Dying - John and Azazel kissed when John made his deal
2x20 What is and What Should Never Be - Carmen is maybe a man from a car ad (and this was all Chuck)
3x01 The Magnificent Seven - Dean: Hey, I appreciate you giving me a little quality time with the Doublemint [Wonder] Twins.
3x10 Dream a Little Dream of Me - *Dean confronts John in his nightmare and stands up for himself*
4x01 Lazarus Rising - Dean crawled out of his grave naked
4x05 Monster Movie happened before 4x03 In the Beginning
*DEAN: For a fed, you’re not a total prick.*
4x14 Sex and Violence
dean and Nick kissed
NICK I should be your little brother [yours. *I’m what you need.*] Sam? You can't trust him. Not like you can trust me. In fact, I really feel like you should get him outta the way, so we can be brothers [together]. Forever.
SAM You poisoned him.
NICK No. I gave him what he needed. And it wasn't some bitch in a G-string. It was you [me.] [*Nick strokes Dean’s hair*] A little brother that looked up to him [partner,] [someone] that he could trust. And now? He loves me. He'd do anything for me. And I gotta tell you, Sam, that kind of devotion? I mean, watching someone kill for you? It's the best feeling in the world.
4x13 After School Special - Amanda Heckerling was maybe a boy dean made out with (her name is Amanda and they made out in a closet idk) (although this entire flashback and all flashbacks are up for debate because of not only it being skewed by the perspective of whoever is remembering it, but with the Chuck revelation, Chuck having the ability to change and implant memories entirely)
5x04 The End - ghostfacers plus possible Zachariah and/or Chuck effect, Cas's orgy isn't just women because i mean come on now. And Dean and Cas were very much fucking in that future, all the more reason for dean to think he corrupted him.
*"The only thing we have left, Dean and me, is each other."*
5x22 Swan Song - when Dean drives up at Stull, he’s playing Led Zeppelin, maybe Immigrant Song or Kashmir
5x18 Point of No Return
"last person who looked at me like that? I got laid [fucked]."
6x10 Caged Heat - The porn was hardcore bdsm
7x20 The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo - Dean has a dumb nerdy tattoo on his ass
season 8 - Benny fed off Dean in purgatory to make him stronger in fights while dean’s human body was in a perpetual state of stasis (and/or they fucked)
8x22 Clip Show - cas buys dean lube with his porn and toilet paper
9x04 Slumber Party - Dean and Charlie are high for the entire episode after they watch Game of Thrones.
9x06 Heaven Can’t Wait - anti ghostfacers effect, headcanon that nothing happened after they left Nora’s and Chuck blipped them ahead in time to the morning giving them false memories because he saw what could happen otherwise. I think he did this a lot (see also: 5x03)
9x08 Rock and a Hard Place happened directly after 9x06 Heaven Can’t Wait
9x08 Rock and a Hard Place - the born-again virgin group is an ex-gay support group
9x10 Road Trip - Crowley and dean kissed to make the deal to let crowley out to help Sam.
10x01 Black - dean and Crowley argued about Anne Marie while fucking male triplets
10x02 Reichenbach - Dean said “I ain't your fuckin boyfriend” not “I ain’t your friggin bestie”
11x17 Red Meat -  "choking on a burger [*auto-erotic asphyxiation*] while binge-watching Charles in Charge." "That was peak Baio."
11x18 Hell’s Angel - "there's times I want to get slapped [whipped or choked] during sex by a girl wearing a Zorro mask. That don't make it a good idea."
Nick was never brought back in s12, lucifer had a different vessel
12x19 The Future - *Cas's vision was like in the script, with him shirtless and Dean thanking him* (I don’t know if this was Chuck’s doing or not though)
13x05 Advanced Thanatology - *Dean didn’t go to the strip club or steal anyone’s bra, he just drank a bunch and passed out on the floor drunk*
13x06 Tombstone - *Dean spread Cas's ashes in a garden with a windmill and a brook.*
13x12 Various and Sundry Villains - It’s Max and Alicia who are trying to steal the Grimoire for Rowena, and Max casts a love spell on Dean, but it also goes differently and they aren’t killing people and don’t die xoxo
14x10 Nihilism - Cas looking through Dean's happy memories, he sifted through a bunch of dean fucking
Michael!Dean flirts with cas
15x07 Last Call - Lorna doesn’t actually exist, she’s Chuck (so not ghostfacers effect, more Chuck effect)
15x18 Despair - Dean said “I love you too” when he was all distraught on the floor of the dungeon ignoring Sam’s calls :(
"Busty Asian Beauties" is gay porn (see: "steam baths" "boys night" on the covers)
*Sam and Dean don’t say “Jerk, Bitch” but “Jerk, Prick”
Sam is vegan.
Dean and Cas hang out and have date nights all the time, and they're constantly on the phone.
Sam and Cas both laugh at Dean's jokes sometimes.
Dean still has the handprint
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atlasistired · 2 years
if i understand the ghostfacers effect correctly, it basically means anything i want to be canon, could 100% be canon, right? because there is no evidence to suggest it's not canon, since the show we see is censored and has been changed
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casboobs · 9 months
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dean describing cas to charlie
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behindthescreamz · 6 months
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matthew lillard as stu macher and his stunt double allan robinson behind the scenes of “scream” (1996)
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koujaaku · 2 years
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Diversity win! ✌🏼🏳️‍🌈 Happy pride month! This is based off an actual custom game @kotaboda and I played in Dead By Daylight as we helped her get familiar with the game again. 😂 You can’t enter a game without a killer, so I chose Ghostface (my beloved) to act as her tour guide.
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lunaroceanic · 1 year
I really like the huntlow pinky holding shot because you can see all the little details on their skin that we don’t normally get to see bc of the simplified animation style:
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The visible knuckles and fingernails. The little bruises and scratches that confirm that, yeah, these kids are pretty beat up right now going into the final battle even if it’s not always visible. Idk I just like things like this that peek through the curtain a little
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autisticburnham · 3 months
The Supernatural fandom has this term, the Ghostfacers Effect, named after the episode Ghostfacers, which is presented as though it is an episode of the in universe Ghostfacers webseries where some dweebs do your average real life ghost hunting bullshit. In the episode Sam and Dean are both swearing up a storm using real swear words, not the "frig" they typically otherwise use, and are bleeped out with the Ghostfacers logo covering their mouths the way they do in reality TV. The Ghostfacers Effect then refers to the idea that we the audience do not see the true story of what is happening in universe but instead an unreliable recounting of the true story, which is why we typically hear "frig" despite knowing the characters actually say "fuck."
Which, ignoring the concept of a story "really" happening in a way disconnected from the canon because that's a can of worms I do not want to touch right now, is generally a good explanation for why characters who you would reasonably expect to swear don't. And you can of course apply this to any character and say that even if they don't swear in canon, you know they do really.
You could say Captain Kirk always swears as much as he does in The Voyage Home, we the audience just aren't being told the truth about it usually. But I reject this notion. The point of this post, why I explained the Ghostfacers Effect, is to say I refuse to believe it in relation to Captain Kirk. The Voyage Home is an outlier which should not be counted and 99% of the time the most scathing insult Captain Kirk will level you with genuinely is "go climb a tree."
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riverwithoutbanks · 29 days
I know it’s probably been said to death but Sam going ‘you’re strictly into dick now?’ Makes me feral.
What do you mean strictly
come here I jsust want to talk come closer I won’t bite I swear come put your hand inside my cage juysyggsdbb-
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