ghostsquidsandspacebees said: HNY to the duo unfailingly responsible for me seeing the same post on my dash twice in a row on the regular! @ Both of you, thoughts on Minlace, platonic or romantic? (If thoughts are any other than "hate it," maybe an interaction you wish they had in canon or a favorite fanwork trope?)
Hahaha we just have takes that make each other go YEAH
It’s funny, I didn’t start out with any strong feelings about Minlace as a ship, though I loved both of their characters and the friction between them.  However, early in season 4, I just sort of went “oh... these two are like binary stars, balanced and defining each other’s orbits.”  And I still feel that way.
I’ve also definitely started to enjoy the awkward tension of Minkowski wanting to be with her husband but also wanting to be with Lovelace at the same time.  Minkowski went to space as a good American, a nice straight-married socially liberal fiscally conservative air force pilot, and came back from space a bisexual polyamorous anticapitalist.  #growth
But the thing I love about Minkowski and Lovelace’s relationship is how balanced they are, in a lot of ways; they’re peers in a way they aren’t really with anyone else.  They’re both commanders of the Hephaestus.  Lovelace isn’t a member of Minkowski’s crew, and doesn’t answer to Minkowski; at the same time, even though Lovelace outranks Minkowski in the Air Force, this is currently Minkowski’s station.  They both understand leadership in this place that’s trying to kill them.  As of the season 2-3 time skip, they both know loss and abject failure and being abandoned in space to die and having to be a leader through it all anyway.  They come to really trust each other.
I would have loved to see more of those months between s2 and s3.  And I love to see fanwork set in that period.  What were they doing, knowing they were being abandoned to die as the station fell apart around them?  What was this like for Lovelace, brought back to the same cyclical nightmare to go through it again, and how does she now from this position of experience see Minkowski dealing with it for the first time?  How does Minkowski deal with the slow, crushing inevitability of eventual failure?  It’s just the two of them, Hera, and Hilbert who they’re mostly not talking to.  Hera clearly blames Lovelace for Eiffel’s death; Minkowski refuses to admit he’s dead.  Neither can be easy on Lovelace!  Both would really, really be an awful feeling for her, Hera’s blame and Minkowski’s denial, because she also tried so desperately to save her crew and failed, the new cocktail of the pain of blame that is more her fault than Hilbert’s this time, and the potential for... pain? anger? frustration? heartbreak?... of watching Minkowski not admit she’s going through the same thing must have been ROUGH.  But at the same time, Minkowski and Lovelace can commiserate.  They both know how it feels.  Neither holds any blame for the other for any of what happened.  Both are really upset with themselves.  And scared, and upset in general, and if they cuddled because they’re the only warm bodies on the station that are not Hilbert, then, well, I think they deserve it :’)
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clonerightsagenda · 1 year
HNY to the duo unfailingly responsible for me seeing the same post on my dash twice in a row on the regular! @ Both of you, thoughts on Minlace, platonic or romantic? (If thoughts are any other than "hate it," maybe an interaction you wish they had in canon or a favorite fanwork trope?)
Sorry for trapping you in an echo chamber of podcast posts. It will happen again.
I have two funny stories about Minlace. The first is that I am responsible for Gill shipping it even though I myself am neutral about it because I rarely have strong feelings about ships unless they’re such a trainwreck I love watching it (Jane and Sophie, wishing you the best, kiddos). Minkowski is the crewmember Lovelace has the least fraught relationship which makes it a perfectly reasonable ship opportunity but means I have fewer cracks to dig my teeth into.
The second funny story is one time I was thinking actually no there is something I want to dig my teeth into there, they must have so much to talk about over [detail] and then remembered that detail was something I made up. Back when I was writing Door Number Three I sat down and came up with a detailed backstory for Lovelace in that fic (I rarely do this unless it comes up, but it came up). I imagined her as having a Black dad whose family had come to New York during the Great Migration and an Afro-Puerto Rican mom who ended up staying on the mainland after her time in the Marines. Lovelace’s dad is a federal judge and presumably was a lawyer before that, so she probably had some level of economic privilege growing up, but that doesn’t change the fact that she would have been one of the few Black women in her West Point class. I also figured her dad doesn’t speak Spanish so she’d be constantly be code switching between multiple languages, cultures, and venues. And this is something she and Minkowski have in common - immigrant* background, not being seen as an ‘American’ American, having to fight harder to be taken as seriously as WASP men in the military... so I was getting really excited about ‘man why didn’t they get into this in canon’ and then went. Ah. Yes. Because I invented it. This is why you have to re-experience source material every once in a while to renew your license.
*Puerto Ricans are American citizens but often aren’t viewed that way.
All that aside if I ever did write a thing focusing on the two of them I would be bringing this half made up backstory to bear. Tragically their blossoming connection is destroyed by the fact that Minkowski speaks French.
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daggersandarrows · 1 year
hey ik i only followed you like a day ago but i'm sorry you're dealing with this, i hope things ease up soon and suck as minimally as possible in the meantime
ah, fuck, that's sweet ;_; thank you so much. truly truly i don't want anyone to worry about me too much, i have been running the gambit of aggressively bettering my mental health since i was 14, and i am infinitely more prepared now that i was then. i have an incredible partner and a meta who's the greatest friend i could ask for, a great surrounding community, a loving cat, and four long distance but incredibly dear friends who for some reason are solidly refusing to give up on me.
for the first time in my life, the awful that is happening to me is, quite literally, all in my head. and that can be fixed. i'm gonna get it fixed.
thank you <3
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santapedra · 1 year
Spoilers for the latest episode but I do appreciate how this podcast operates on a kind of Chekhov's Angst Quotient; it introduced shapshifting aliens in season one, so of course we met the protagonists' dead best friend/boyfriend; this season it teased the idea of a finger getting cut off, and by GOD did it follow through
Posting without substantial comment because I have absolutely no notes, 10/10
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ante--meridiem · 11 months
gern fully (the environment is my heart, with astrid thoughts) and pumpkin patch (i aim to do the same to you)
Apologies for environmental damages, though I will also consider you responsible for encouraging them and contributing your own damage to my environment with your Astrid thoughts.
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vhenadahls · 2 years
From Mihrisel's playlist, and a song that I have Feels About for many reasons:
All that I've been taught And every word I've got Is foreign to me Screaming the name of a foreigner's god The purest expression of grief
Foreigner's God, by Hozier
Thank you!
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sinceyouaskedme · 1 year
@thischarmingand tagged me in a writing meme. Thanks, friend!
Rules: in a new post, share the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
Jane tells him about the man with the knife, about how after Blanc had shot him she had collapsed into Blanc's arms for comfort, even as her skin had crawled from it.
YES, this is typical of what constitutes a "sentence" in my down drafts; NO, I'm not actually going to tag 32 people OTZ
Tagging: @pickledragon @ghostsquidsandspacebees @wiseabsol @scribespirare @thespiritofeon and any other writing pals who'd like to share :)
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suncrayon · 2 years
the lovely @prismatic-et-al tagged me in a fun game! post your top 5 songs in your Spotify repeat playlist:
1. Where Is Your Rider by the Oh Hellos (has me going INSANE rn)
2. Hail Mary by Skating Polly, featuring Louise Post and Nina Gordon
3. Ohio by Cherry Glazerr
4. Pray by The Amazing Devil
5. Give The Beauty Out by Jessica Law
if you want to do it, I'm tagging @thisstableground @danupert @lunarpaddle @raspberryhell @evieebun125 @itsmyreallyweirdblog and @ghostsquidsandspacebees 💕
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swallowtailed · 2 years
If you are still looking for weird three sentence AU ships, Vikady, Antarctic research station AU! (PS I'm about to be away from keyboard for a while, not ignoring any potential reply.)
oooh, love it!
From March to September, Research Station Iris lives in perpetual twilight. Violet races away through the iceberg fields with the crew of the Rumor, and slowly the sky lightens, mile by mile, day by day.
She shuts off the artificial lights and kisses Arkady in the greenhouse as the sun breaks over the horizon.
send me a ship and an au for a three sentence fic!
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jaggedwolf · 2 years
ghostsquidsandspacebees replied to your post:
Favorite read of 2022?
No fiction books have really stood out to me this year yet, so favorite would either be Sacred Games (if you want Mumbai police-gang intrigue) or Empress Of The World (2000s-era gay YA). Non-fiction-wise, the last two books I read are my favorites so far -  Economics Explained and Singapore: A Biography deliver what their titles promise and are very well-structured.
Favorite read of 2021? 
Fiction: A Desolation Called Peace. Great sequel that hits on many notes I love.
Non-fiction: From Disgust To Humanity: Sexual Orientation And Constitutional Law. I don’t know much about law but I like reading about it. This book is deftly argued, and I like its interrogation of disgust and of the boundaries of collectivism vs individual liberty
Of books read in 2022 and 2021 with fandom/shipping potential, favorite ships?
Haha, I don’t really get fannish about books in a lasting way, like I’m very bad at actively looking for fic for even book ships I really like. That said, I adored Mahit/3S even more in Desolation and the way they play off each other, even despite my foolishness of being pleasantly surprised at it happening in the first book. (I am...fairly oblivious, lmao)
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iffeelscouldkill · 2 years
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[ID 1: A screencap of a phone lock screen displaying the time as 12:55am on Wednesday, 26 January with a small notification bar labelled Digital Wellbeing. The artwork is of a small cartoon girl with pink hair whose face seems to be pressed up against the screen as she yells, "Be kind to yourself today OR ELSE!" /End ID]
[ID 2: A screenshot of Spotify displaying the song Swimming Pools (Drank) by Kendrick Lamar. /End ID]
[ID 3: A photograph of a saucepan from above showing four white fish fillets in a sauce of chopped tomato with onions and courgette. /End ID]
OMG, a tag game!! Thank you to @whelvenwings for tagging me in this, I haven't done one for ages so of course I had to do it immediately :D I was tagged to share my lock screen, last song I listened to, and the last picture I saved.
So for my lock screen you have a wallpaper by the inimitable @whatsupbeanie reminding me to be kind to myself OR ELSE! (Apologies for the Digital Wellbeing notification, but it's actually a good thing because it prevents my clock numbers from becoming huuuuuge and obscuring even more of the design. Why Android). For my last song, I've been having a 2012 Throwback Day and listening to Swimming Pools (Drank) on repeat. And finally, I didn't really have any downloaded pictures from the last while so please enjoy a photo of what I cooked for dinner tonight! It's a BBC Good Food recipe, Haddock in Tomato Basil Sauce. I'm not normally a big fish eater but it was delicious!
I'm going to inflict this game in turn on @ghostsquidsandspacebees @lhoandbehold @dragonsthough101 @rain--pitter-patters and @zz9pzza if it pleases you :D No pressure at all!
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tunedtostatic · 3 years
Reply to @iffeelscouldkill on the great Vikady slowdancing post of 2021 because we've reached the point where my reply was going to have to do with neither Vikady nor slowdancing...
Also @ghostsquidsandspacebees please do post your mixes!! I would be especially excited to listen to the Campathi one :D I'm always in awe of people who can do fanmixes because I just don't seem to know enough songs in order to come up with them? But they're really cool!
#TSCOSI#Vikady#fanmixes#I am still singing The Mountaineer to myself so I think I know what's going to be on repeat for the rest of my work day#also YES someone beside me used Campathi as a smooshname#I am also partial to Captain Soup which some people use as a ship name#and hey why limit yourself?#we should have a concept ship name for Vikady too#And Brian x Krejjh#what about... mint trees for Vikady#hahahaha that's terrible#someone come up with a better one#and for Brian and Krejjh#I want to say Renegade Pilot after Brian's line about being a renegade academic#but that just sounds like a descriptor for Krejjh xD#also Renegade Academics could be a name for a Brian and Violet friend ship#anyway I'd better stop before I start trying to do Park and RJ#what am I doooooing in these tags#someone take tags away from me
The fanmixes are those ones I've been pulling together since spring, so rest assured they are slated to be posted! I'm doing one for each crew member (except remaining unknown quantity Park, poor Park, or maybe lucky Park since all the mixes have heaps of angst tracks), and I was planning to post those first, then the three canon ship mixes, then miscellany like noncanon ships and Other Violet.
I haven't quite finished the first, Sana's...it's admittedly already on the longer side for a non-shuffle mix, but it needs a couple more tracks in the middle before I'll be happy with it. I've been listening to tracks I haven't heard by artists I like, and I found another good Sana track this morning...
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But as I said in my tags there's...actually no reason for character mixes to come before the ship mixes? I think that that started as a vague plan when nothing was close to completion, and now it hadn't hit me yet that all three canon ships are ready. The Campathi mix is still on the shorter side, but shorter mixes aren't a bad thing, so I'm calling it done! Ship mix time! (I know, I could always interleave characters and ships, but I like categories. 😄)
I have. Never heard "concept ship name" as a term for that kind of ship name, I love it. I read "mint trees" and my gremlin brain immediately came up with something far worse:
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Free use image
I like the idea of "battle poetry" for Brian/Krejjh...they create battle poetry and he studied an epic poem. Of course, that could create confusion between battle poetry the ship name and battle poetry the thing. I can't think of any serious suggestions for Vikady... I actually think the fatal flaw of both mint trees and tea tree is not that they are silly but that the mint tea was also kind of Arkady's thing, so it would be nice to combine stuff that has to do with each of them. (Anyone?)
I HADN'T SEEN CAPTAIN SOUP. Glorious. I definitely got Campathi from you, IDK if you came up with it or just popularized it ("popularized" = "got at least one other person to start using it"...everything in a small fandom is relative, eh)?
The only ones I've come up with are Tripatel and Tripateliu, when I was trying to come up with a smushname for Arkady/Sana and thought it was cute their surnames nested together that way. Then I realized Violet's does too!! Fate, clearly.
To come full circle, I came up with Tripatel in the process of tagging my first post about fanmixes, since they were the start...
Last week I was listening to a new album and thought “hey this is a good Arkady/Sana track I should make an Arkady/Sana fanmix” which is all well and good but then as I was building the fanmix I kept running into tracks that’d work better for Vikady or Sana/Campbell or Arkady or…..and long story short I now have fanmixes in progress for Arkady/Sana, Arkady/Violet, Campbell/Sana, tscosi in general, Violet, Arkady, Sana, and Krejjh
arkady/violet arkady/sana campbell/sana does arkady/sana have a smushname a quick search reveals nothing that would bar sakady or tripatel from ship name use i think i'm gonna go with tripatel because I simply think it is cute that their names nest together that way
(Technically Arkady/Sana is at the rear of the posting queue because noncanon, but I'm also chicken since "Much of the appeal is that it'd be such a messed up disaster" seems like a great way to alienate anyone who doesn't ship it and anyone who ships it in the sense of thinking they'd be good together. But I'll human up and post their angsty, angsty tracks some day. 😆)
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
Oh my god, what a thing to have happen
@ whoever the fuck is canvassing or selling shit on a Sunday evening, thanks for the nightmares
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santapedra · 2 years
More importantly, I can't believe the cliffhanger from last episode is Jane getting sold to One Direction
HELLO, I'm publishing this ask first because I absolutely CACKLED with delight when I read it, thank you!!!
uh I mean......oh nooooooo poor Jane......abandoned to the ruthless clutches of [checks notes] the single hottest independent planetary ruler in human-occupied space........completely at Valencia's mercy once again................whatever will she do.........
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santapedra · 2 years
In honor of the official Cassandra and Medea playlist !! I just want to say that I don't THINK I've seen any fandom content about the original mythical Cassandra and Medea but I am always Thinking About It - have you come across any? I don't have many thoughts so far beyond the straightforward Cassandra - prophecy - knowing about the Others in Season One thing, but it does make me more optimistic about the ending for Our Heroes that Medea is called Medea and Cassandra is not called Medea.
I sadly have not seen any*, but this is also often lowkey on my mind !!
I admit my sum knowledge of Greek mythology is basically just the first paragraph of various Wikipedia pages, but I don't think of Cassandra as having a particularly optimistic ending. And I know...barely anything about Medea. What about her/them is so much more relatively pessimistic?
*I had a vague memory of maybe having written something about this once, so I just checked through my drafts and it turns out that I wrote 1 entire sentence about it in May 2021. Wild how my brain chose to retain that memory and categorize it under "Having Written".
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clonerightsagenda · 2 years
ghostsquidsandspacebees said:  I thought of you talking about this AU when I read the episode lol. Also “Also very excited that they got into the can of worms that is ‘fake EvelyAU n would be Jane’s version of Evelyn and Sophie would immediately clock it’.” God                           
Bonus points for Sophie going “he never would’ve bought me a ring, he didn’t love me that much, this is all your fantasy of our relationship” but then that was actually true. Something something we can never truly know the person we’re looking at. We only know our version of them.
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