#ghoulettes appreciation weeks
copiabrainrot · 9 months
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ghoulettes' night out <3 doodle page for the first prompt of @jesusbutbetterrr 's ghoulettes appreciation weeks!! from left to right: cumulus, cirrus, sunshine, aurora, mist :D
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shaykesqueer · 8 months
Aurora and Cumulus for Ghoulette Appreciation Week 4
Trans Ghoulettes with a very soft elemental magic if you squint (not really but kind of, use your imagination 🫣)
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I wanted to render this a little more but my brain said no so sketchy colours 🙌
Thank you @jesusbutbetterrr and crew for this weeks prompt and thanks to @cirrus-ghoulette for the outfit idea 🥰🥰🥰
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duskspring · 8 months
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duckzz · 8 months
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first ritual with the LA ghoulettes! 🫶
uRG i'm late again- anyway- it's for week three of ghoulette appreciation weeks! thank you so much @jesusbutbetterrr and everyone involved with the project!! <333
sooo, the one standing up is the vocalist (quint/water), the one in the middle grand pianist (earth/quint), left cellist (fire/quint), right cellist (water/quint).
i've been meaning to design them for a while, but i never got to it until now kwjdjs anyway, did we ever come up with names for them?? i think i've only seen one for the grand pianist ghoulette.
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jesusbutbetterrr · 9 months
Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks 2024
Well the time has come about my silly phone friends!! New year, new chances to show some love to our wonderful ghoulettes.
Use this not only as a chance to write about past and present ghoulettes, but also any OCs you may have!
There are two prompts for each week, you can choose which one you want, combine them both, even do a separate work for each if you please. Please feel more than free to tag me in each work, I'm beyond excited to see what everyone creates in the upcoming weeks!!!
Jan 1-6: Start of something new & girl's night out/in
Jan 7-13: stealing clothes & period stuff
Jan 14-20: first ritual & lazy sunday
Jan 21-27: trans ghoulettes & elemental practice
Jan 28-February 3: comfort & hobbies
February 4-10: Murder ghoulettes & self care
February 11-17: "Cant you see how much I love you?"/love confessions & makeovers/dressing up
February 18-24: coffee shop au & sick fic
February 25-March 2: pranks & getting a pet
March 3-9: marriage/soul bonding & laughing
March 10-16: caught in the rain & long distance relationships (romantic or platonic)
March 17-23: beach day & playful one upping
March 24-30: last ritual & learning new things
In the process of putting together this list I had some wonderful people pitch in to help. A special thank you goes out to @jimothybarnes @jazz-bazz @littlemoon-beam @mac-and-thefox @cheerycherrycandy-resurrected @ghoultrifle @to-spread-the-ministry <333
If there is anyone I've missed please let me know, I want to give credit where it is due.
And I believe that is all, go crazy y'all :)
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mossbiin · 9 months
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ghirls night in !!
ghoulette appreciation week 1 by @jesusbutbetterrr
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sentientgolfball · 8 months
Ghoulette Appreciation: Week 6
murder ghoul murder ghoul murder ghoul
Read here or on Ao3
Pairing: Mistshine
Word Count: 2565
Tags: depictions of gore/violence, drowning, Mist is at the end of her rope
Summary: Mist gets her revenge on the Siblings that bullied Sunshine
Mist wasn’t social. Mist hardly spent time with other ghouls outside of her duties, let alone the human residence of the Ministry. She truly only knew the Clergy by name. They were designed for hunting, for surviving in the deepest and darkest parts of the Pit’s ocean. 
For once in their years Topside they could use the gifts Lord Leviathan blessed them with. They’ve hunted with the pack on occasion, but it was always too easy with the wretched little humans already being drugged or drunk. This, though, thrilled them. 
They were on land they knew even in pitch black. She was in a place where she wouldn’t have to be confined to a glamour. She had every advantage. She just had to be patient, calculating every move she made lest she get caught and sent back to the Pit. The risk was worth it to her. 
Ifrit had gotten the basic information they needed about the Siblings who bullied Sunshine. She knew their names, their faces, and their daily schedules. That’s all she needed. The hunt began slow. She would occasionally cross their paths, scope them out, find out every one of their mannerisms. She memorized their scent, could conjure it up if she thought hard enough. Once she had that down she started to get more bold. Nothing major, just enough for them to realize she was around here and there. She wanted them to feel comfortable with her presence the same way they lulled Sunshine into a false sense of friendship. 
Mist knew exactly when she would bring the hunt to the climax. The next full moon, when her water ghoul abilities would be enhanced by Her light. Most Siblings celebrated the moon’s cycles. It wouldn’t be difficult to lure them out. She’d rope them in under the guise of needing more hands for a particular ritual. Maybe she’d even use her body to entice them, most of the humans here were always looking for an opportunity to get into bed with the incarnations of Him. Simple little animals.
As the day dragged on, though, she realized she wouldn’t need to do much of anything. She overheard two of them talking. They were planning on traveling down to the beach to swim under the moonlight. Mist could almost laugh with how easy they had made this for her. They were being served on a silver platter for her. She approached then, claiming she overheard their activities for tonight. She offered them a ride down, being one of the few ghouls who knew how to drive. The three hesitated a bit, but Mist quickly threw in that she knew all the hidden spots on the beach. The apprehension evaporated. 
Sunset rolled around and Mist was already waiting at the gates of the Ministry with one of the vehicles ghouls were permitted to borrow. She tried not to sigh at all the junk the three humans were bringing knowing damn well she’d have to pick it all up herself by the end of the night. She flexed her hands on the steering wheel. She had to stay calm, rational until they were all alone. The pull of the full moon wasn’t helping with that. She could feel her water trying to bubble to the surface crying, begging, to be let out. 
Only a little longer was the mantra she repeated to herself during the short drive to the nearby beach. She was silent the whole time, but the three humans were giddy, excitedly chirping about whatever thing they had planned to do. When they pulled up, Mist parked the car as far from the beach as she could manage. 
“So not to disturb the peace” she claimed when she felt protest from the humans. 
She could tell they wanted to argue, but refrained and obeyed the words of a water ghoul in their element. Mist made a show of hauling their heaviest items down to the shore. Captivating. Earning their trust every single step. Once everything was set Mist hung back near the fire they had started. They wanted to watch how these humans operated in the waves before she decided the best way to make them bleed and scream. Mist sucked on her fangs feeling a throb and saliva pool in her mouth. The moon would have a decadent offering tonight. Mist would have her revenge. 
It wasn’t long before the three humans swam back to shore and joined Mist. As they sat around the bonfire sharing food and liquor they became increasingly interested in their ghoulish companion. 
“Is it true water ghouls are linked to the moon?” The blonde woman asked. 
Mist nodded “All ghouls have a connection to the celestial bodies and their events, but water ghouls feel the effects in a deeper way.” 
“I figured it would be the starry ones” the man commented. 
“Quintessence” the short haired woman added. 
“Yea that” he nodded in her direction. 
Ignorant swine. 
“Of course quintessence has the deepest connection to the celestial” Mist kept her tone level “but all ghouls have something that affects them more than the others. For my kind it is the moon.” 
“What are the others?” The blonde asked after taking a sip from her bottle. 
“Earth is affected by the change in seasons. Fire it is the solstices and solar eclipses. Air is major weather events. Quintessnce is any celestial event, eclipses, meteor showers what have you.” 
“What about those mixed up ones?” The man asked. 
“Multi ghouls” Mist corrected as patiently as she could “can be affected by any of the like. It mostly depends on what elements are strongest within them.” 
“So when you say affect,” the short haired one chimed in “what does that mean?” 
It was all falling into place. Mist had her chance now. 
“Would you like a demonstration?” 
The three nodded instantly, eyes lighting up at the prospect of seeing real ghoul magick up close. Mist stands and beckons them to follow her to the water. She dives into the waves, letting her element surround her. She can feel the restraints of her vessel crumble. The light of the moon combined with the hold of the ocean allows her to take a full ghoulish form. She licks over her serrated teeth and flexes the spines on her back before lifting just her head out of the water. 
She knows even through their buzzed minds they can see the physical difference. She can see the way their faces change, the way their scents fill with uncertainty and twinge of fear. She flashes her bioluminescent spots, such a pretty thing can’t be dangerous. 
“Join me” she calls “I will show you what a ghoul in their element can do.” 
They hesitate, but soon the blonde woman shrugs and wades into the water after Mist. This breaks the spell the other two were under as they quickly follow after her. Once all three were treading water near her Mist began her display. 
She started simple, giving them a little show with her bioluminescence. Then she performed simple little tricks any water kit could do, creating splashes, pulling moisture out of the air, making little balls of water. It was too easy to captivate the dull little animals. 
Once they had calmed down enough to swim and play on their own after her performance, Mist gathered all her enhanced strength to create a massive rolling wave. She sank below the surface right before it crashed down onto the humans. Her eyes locked onto the nearest one scrabbling and floundering trying to get back to the surface. Mist created another wave albeit smaller this time. When it flung the human again Mist sprung forward and grabbed her. She pushed the barbs out of her wrist and stuck her right between the shoulder blades before pulling her up to the surface. 
The other two humans had already surfaced. They spun around at the sound of coughing. 
“Are you okay?” The man called out. 
“Yeah” the blonde coughed “yeah I’m fine. Mist got me. I think I hit something though my back hurts.” 
“Let me look” he started to swim over. 
“No need” Mist cut in “she landed on a rock. That is why I dove under to grab her. I was worried she may be unconscious.” 
“Shit you should get out” the short haired one said. 
“Also unnecessary. Allow me to demonstrate.” 
Mist stuck the barb near the original prick, pumping more venom into her body. 
“Whoa…I can’t feel the ache anymore.” 
“Enough water can heal anything” Mist said simply. 
The other two didn’t seem convinced, but their friend didn’t protest so they all kept swimming. Mist waited and watched, counting down the minutes as her venom worked its way through the woman. The moment she noticed her movements started to slow she summoned another wave. This time she let the humans see it coming. 
They quickly swam to the shore, narrowly avoiding getting caught a third time. They shared a moment of relief before realizing one of them was missing. They turned back towards the water just in time to see the blonde’s head go under. The man tried to dive back in but Mist stopped him. 
“I will get her. It is too risky for you with the strength of the sea at this moment.” 
He opened his mouth to object, but the short haired one put a hand on his shoulder and nodded. 
Mist ducked under the waves and swam towards the body that was slowly sinking. She grabbed her, holding her there for a moment before grinning and exposing those long serrated fangs. Mist surged and began swimming deeper, pulling the woman with her. She tried to protest, tried to scream but her body wouldn’t move, couldn’t move. Mist felt it when she took in a gulp of seawater, her lungs desperately trying to find air. Before the light left her eyes Mist leaned forward, using her magick to make her words be heard. 
“You will learn what happens when you curse Lucifer’s own.” 
Mist slammed her head into the ocean floor. She dragged the body to the nearest rock formation, tucking it into an alcove. She would feed later, there were still two more. Stil, she didn’t want a hunt to go to waste. The creatures would enjoy it. 
The other two humans got antsy the longer it took Mist to return. When they saw her spines rapidly approaching the shore with no body in sight, everything in them screamed to run. When her head breached the surface and they say the pitch black eyes reality sunk in. They bolted in two different directions, panic destroying their logic. 
The short haired one started running along the beach's coast, feet hammering in the sand as she desperately looked for a way out. A way to hide until it was all over. As her lungs began to ache her prayers were answered. A cave came into view. She pushed through the pain thrumming through her muscles to reach the mouth. She ducked inside and found a spot where two big stalagmites protruded from the ground. She crouched behind them, taking in a few gulps of air before covering her mouth. She didn’t dare move. She didn’t dare make a sound. She had no idea if Mist followed her, but she wasn’t about to check. 
It was still for a minute longer. 
The light that was spilling in from the moon began to vanish. She gasped and choked back a sob at the dense fog that started to fill the cave. She was plunged into pure darkness with the feeling of water all around her. She rolled onto her hands and knees and slowly began crawling in the direction she thought was the entrance. 
Mist could taste the fear on the air. She could almost laugh at it, but then the human would know how close they are to her. They were from the deep. They didn’t need light to see clearly. They let her get only a few feet away from the escape, waited until Mist could taste a hint of relief under the terror. Then they grabbed her ankle and yanked her so hard backward that the crack of her leg echoed through the cave. 
She began sobbing and begging to be spared. She couldn’t fathom why Mist would suddenly attack, but still, she pleaded. 
“Loud obnoxious thing” Mist spat “it was your voice that sealed your fate.” 
They moved to sink their teeth into her throat, but she threw her arm up on instinct. She screamed as Mist snapped her head back, tearing the meat from her. Exposing bone. Blood drenched the front of her. She desperately tried to scramble back. All that did was allow Mist’s claws to rake down her legs. Mist swallowed down what she could of the flesh before spitting the rest out. They licked across their lips savoring the adrenaline-filled blood. They pounced again, this time locking their jaw tight around her throat. Mist clenched her jaw shut until the screams turned into a gargle before falling silent. 
Mist drank from the gaping hole of a throat, dedicating each drop to the moon and the Morning Star. To Sunshine. When she had her fill she flicked her wrist and the fog instantly disappeared. She took a deep breath, locking onto the lingering scent trail of the last human. 
The man had bolted up the shore, running as fast as he could through the woodland that separated the beach from the rest of the world. The woodland that separated him from the car. He was so close. He could see the tree line. He’d speed back to the Ministry and warn everyone that a ghoul has gone feral. He had to. He had to. He had to. 
He was knocked to the forest floor faster than his brain could process. He tried to suck in air but every breath sent a piercing shock of pain through his side. Mist mounted him before he could even think to get up. He feebly tried to push her off, coughing and gasping with every movement. She snapped his wrist. 
He lays there limp and wheezing for air, eyes frantic trying to solve the puzzle of escape. Mist doesn’t give him the chance to find the solution. 
“You broke her heart.” 
She laces her hands together and postures up before slamming her fists down onto his chest. His ribcage splinters inward, bone fragments puncturing his lungs and heart. Blood begins puddling around them, feeding the earth underneath. She postures up and slams down again sending a spray of blood up into her face. 
They breathe heavily as they stand off his body. They gaze up through the branches to smile at the moon, silently thanking Her for the power Her light gives. 
Mist drags the body back down to the beach, licking the viscera from her claws and face. As she goes, she grabs the body of the short haired woman before crawling into the ocean. She swims out far until she can barely see the shoreline. She lets the bodies go, giving them to the ocean, praying their souls get trapped in Lord Leviathan's domain for eternity. So every moment for the rest of existence they’re reminded of Mist. 
So they’re reminded why their lives ended. 
Because the hunter fell in love.
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Ghoulette Appreciation Week 7
Also, a little Valentine's Day fic! 💕
back on schedule, babyyy
Week 7: “Can’t you see how much I love you”/love confessions & makeovers/dressing up
The annual Valentine's Day costume ball is coming up at the Abbey, and Aurora can't wait to attend in matching costumes with Mist. One small issue: she has to ask her first.
Rating: T Content: Fluff, Mistrora being cute and in love, allusions to sexual themes Words: 2002
This one got out of hand quite quickly! Happy Valentine's Day if you celebrate! 💕
Read below or on AO3!
At the Abbey, the annual Valentine’s Day costume ball was coming up. Because what said “Satan-worshipping-church” like a debauched disco on a Saint’s memorial day? At these parties, the ghouls and humans intermingled freely, and nights often ended in more than just intermingling. For the ghouls, it was also a night of freedom from their masks, all the more appreciated by the newer ghouls with their oppressive helmets.
Aurora couldn’t wait. This was her first Valentine’s costume ball topside, and if it was anything like the other parties she had been to topside, it would be a blast. From the minute it was announced, she had been thinking of what her costume should be. Halloween had been incredible, everyone dressed some kind of spooky or sexy, or both. Aurora had matched costumes with the other touring ghoulettes Cirrus and Cumulus, going as The Plastics from Mean Girls.
Aurora wasn’t sure if she wanted to continue her chick-flick move theme for this party. She wasn’t even sure what she wanted to go as. What she did know, is that she wanted to coordinate with her girlfriend, Mist. Was that even the correct word, Aurora wondered to herself? They weren’t mated yet, but they were… something. The humans had more words than they could possibly need for these situations, Aurora could surely borrow some.
There was one slight issue with this plan, however. Mist famously did not attend costume parties at the Abbey. Aurora figured her best chance at going with Mist was to come up with a costume concept the older ghoulette couldn’t resist.
This was going to be a challenge: Aurora’s aesthetic and media preferences didn’t exactly align with Mist’s. While she would happily go as anything pink, princess-y, or otherwise hyperfeminine with a 2000s movie influence, Mist was quite the opposite. She was more into dark colours, androgenous styles and fantasy novels. Aurora was sure there had to be some crossover to explore though.
Putting aside her initial dream of matching Barbie: The Princess and the Pauper costumes, she tried to think closer to what Mist would choose. Certainly nothing involving a dress or a skirt, she knew the thought of wearing them made Mist’s skin crawl. What about a knight? Heroic, Big Sword, rescue the Princess from a big tower? Aurora wasn’t the sort of Princess that would need rescuing though.
“What about dragons?” she mused aloud to Sunshine one evening, watching the multi ghoulette crouched on the floor sewing sequins onto a pair of intricate butterfly wings.
“I think Swiss and Phantom are doing dragons…” Sunshine hummed, almost cross-eyed with concentration, “something about dragon and dragon rider.”
Aurora rolled her eyes and mimed gagging, as Sunshine looked up from her work to snicker at her reaction.
“Yeah, you might want to steer clear of them all night. Swiss gets a bit carried away on Valentine’s.”
Aurora flopped backwards onto Sunshine’s bed with a huff, “What are you going as? Maybe I can convince Mist to do a ghoulette group costume?”
Sunshine proudly held her wings aloft, “I’m a butterfly, and Mountain’s going as a caterpillar! He’s still got about fifty pom-pom feet to sew to his outfit before the party.”
“They look amazing Sunny!” Aurora looked on with envy. At this rate she was going to end up going as a lonely cat without a date.
“Why don’t you just ask Mist to go to the party with you, Rory? She might have an idea for your costumes.”
“Maybe…” Aurora rolled onto her front to face Sunshine properly, “How should I ask her?”
Sunshine sighed, setting her wings to the side and moving to sit next to Aurora. In times like these she really felt like a big sister to the newest ghoulette.
“The same way you asked her to be your girlfriend, petal. But maybe with less references to movies she hasn’t seen.” Sunshine tossed an arm around Aurora’s shoulders as best she could in their awkward position on the edge of the bed, “Besides, there’s no way she’d say no, Mist is so head over heels for you that Satan Himself could see it from the pit!”
Aurora hoped she was right.
Later that day, Aurora steeled herself to ask Mist to go to the Valentine’s ball together. She found Mist where she often was when she didn’t have duties, sat reading on the stone bench next to a small, secluded pond. Mist looked up when she heard footsteps approaching, and seeing her wide smile as Aurora approached made her heart stutter in her chest.
“Hi Moonflower, I thought I’d find you here.” Aurora sat down next to Mist, the pair instinctually shuffling as close together as possible, pressed to each other like magnets; shoulder to hip to ankle.
“Hello Sweet Thing, come to keep me company?” Mist set her book down to snake an arm around Aurora’s waist and press a kiss to the corner of her lips, seeking permission to deepen the kiss. Aurora giggles against her lips, happily losing herself in Mist’s embrace.
When they eventually broke apart for air, Aurora remembered why she had some come find Mist in the first place.
“So…” she started, trying her best to sound casual, “are you going to the Valentine’s ball?”
“Why do you ask?” smirked Mist, “are you inviting me?”
Aurora forgot what she was going to say, not expecting Mist to see straight through to what she was asking so quickly. She was flustered, stuttering out some sounds that could possibly have been interpreted as a “yes”. No one else could manage that quite like Mist.
“So, what are you going as then?” asked Mist, reaching out to play with a piece of hair behind Aurora’s ear.
“I’m not sure yet, I was hoping you might have an idea actually. I want us to go as something we both like.”
“I’ll be happy in anything, as long as you’re there.” Mist cooed in her ear, “I’d turn up with nothing but my unglamoured fins, if that was what you wanted.” Her cool and delicate fingers traced over Aurora’s neck, where gills would be if she had any, and Aurora gave in to the carnal distraction of Mist’s smooth tongue and fingertips. The costume party didn’t seem so important anymore.
Stuck polishing the wooden pews in the chapel the next day, Aurora thought more on Mist’s comment. Unglamoured fins. Creatures of the Sea. She started formulating a story in her head. She could still be a princess, but how about a mermaid princess, with the alluring voice of a siren. Mist often called her my sweet siren after all. Mist could be a beautiful pirate queen trying to pillage the mermaid’s lands, but ending up beguiled by her song convinced to go adventuring upon the high seas together.
Mist would hopefully like the costume too, a blouse loose enough around her gills, not an overly “girly” costume, but still badass. Rory lost herself in her daydream, fleshing out her perfect Halloween costume idea and backstory, until she realised that she has been polishing the same armrest for ten minutes.
This idea seemed perfect for them; dressing for a story no one but them knew. They’d tried to keep their relationship a secret for so long, even though they later learned that they hadn’t been in the least bit subtle, and their respective packs had seen through them near instantly.
She dropped by Mist’s pack dorm on the way back to her own quarters, to suggest her idea. If she’d been surprised by Mist’s enthusiasm to accompany her to the ball, she was even more astounded by her interest in the costume. Mist had all but begged to make her own, and to keep them a surprise from each other until the night of the party.
For the rest of the week leading up to the party, she spent her spare evenings in Sunshine’s room, joining her on the floor to sew sequins onto her own costume. Sunshine was predictably now making Mountain’s costume for him, attaching fist-sized pom-poms to a green zip-up hoodie. She had asked Cirrus and Cumulus if they wanted to join their crafting sessions, but they had claimed their own costumes, the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch, were already finished.
Little did Aurora know, that Mist had already enlisted the air ghoulettes to help her with her own costume, showing her how to stitch frills and ruffles to the cuffs of a blouse, and embellish the rest of her outfit in a way befitting of a pirate queen.
The evening of the Valentine’s day ball finally arrived, and Aurora was buzzing with anticipation as she waited for Mist to knock on the dormitory door. She had insisted on coming by before the party to collect Aurora. Eventually, there were three sharp raps on the door, and Aurora had to force herself to count to ten before she threw it open.
"Ahoy! I be here t’ collect me Princess!” Mist grinned widely, flourishing a plastic cutlass bedazzled with crystals. Aurora looked at her outfit in wonder; Mist looked ferociously beautiful. The delicate linen fabric of her blouse rippled in the breeze from the hallway, showing off the numerous gold swirls stitched along the frilly cuffs. The cut of her tight leather pants was enough to make Aurora’s mouth water, her long legs emphasized by the tall boots she was wearing, also decorated with rhinestones and gold. But nothing quite compared to the costume jewellery she was practically dripping in; body chains, hooped earrings, hammered metal arm cuffs. She looked every inch the terrifying pirate queen she was meant to be.
“Mist…” Aurora whispered, in awe, “you look incredible!” Mist broke character to blush at the praise, full of compliments of her own for Aurora’s sparkling bodice and mermaid “tail”.
Their tender moment in the doorway was interrupted by the boisterous entrance of a sparsely-clothed dragon and his equally underdressed rider, off to join the other ghouls that were pre-gaming in the kitchen.
“Woah Mist, you look awesome!” hollered Swiss, clearly already in the party spirit. Mist straightened her spine, and glared mock-haughtily at the multi-ghoul,
“'Tis yer Royal ‘ighness Cap'n Mist t' ye, ye rum-soaked scalawag!” she leered at him with a dangerous grin. Swiss looked like he was torn between being terrified and turned on, but was saved from having to justify either reaction by Phantom dragging him away to the kitchen. When the door closed behind them, leaving both ghoulettes alone in the entrance hall of the dorm again, they collapsed into each other’s arms in peals of laughter.
“His face Mist! You’ve given the poor guy a pirate crisis!” Aurora managed to catch her breath just enough to talk between fits of giggles.
“It’s not him I feel sorry for, think about Phantom!” they both promptly dissolved into laughter again. “Poor Bug…” mused Aurora, as she dragged Mist by the hand to her room, before they had to leave for the party proper in the Abbey’s main hall.
“You really do look amazing, Waterlily.” Aurora smiled at her as her bedroom door swung closed behind them.
“So do you, my Songbird, you’re always the most beautiful thing in every room, but tonight you look exquisite.”
Aurora pulled her onto the bed and into a kiss. They had time for a brief distraction while the other ghouls drained their liquor supplies.
“I can’t believe you went to all this effort!” pulling away, Aurora ran her hand down Mist’s arm to admire the little details of her outfit. “I didn’t even think you would want to go at all!”
“Can you still not see it?” asked Mist, raising Aurora’s chin with the tip of one long finger, “This is for you. Everything is always for you. I’d do anything just for one more smile from your beautiful lips.” She brushed across them, soft and gently parted, with her thumb. “Can’t you see how much I love you?”
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coffeeghoulie · 9 months
Ghoulette Appreciation Week 1: Girls' Night In
Aurora is invited to her first Ghoulettes' Night, with a little music and wine and ghoulpiles.
so I wanted to jump in on the Ghoulette Appreciation Weeks put together by @jesusbutbetterrr, thanks for organizing this!
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"Rory, sweetheart, are you busy right now?" Cumulus asks early one evening not long after the tour ends, pianist's fingers wrapped around the doorframe as she leans into Aurora's room. Aurora looks up, startled, pushing her hair from her eyes. She's in comfortable clothes, a cropped band tee stolen from Rain falling off of one shoulder, soft leggings and bare feet.
"Gimme two minutes to finish putting my laundry away?" she asks, tail flicking behind her. "Is it urgent?"
Cumulus chuckles, stepping past the threshold, rolling up the sleeves of her sweatshirt. "No, not at all," she says. "Do you want help with the last of it?"
Aurora trills, smiling brightly at her, a stubborn fitted sheet bundled up in her arms. "If you wouldn't mind?"
With the two of them working on it, Aurora's laundry is done much quicker, folded and put away. As Aurora closes her closet door, she cocks her head at Cumulus, a questioning look in her labradorite eyes. "What did you want before you helped me with those stupid sheets?"
Cumulus laughs, chirping in an affectionate tone. "Sunny, Cirrus and I wanted to invite you to a have a girls' night with us. We haven't had one since you came Topside."
"Because I came Topside?" Aurora asks, tail giving one nervous swish. Cumulus's brow furrows, and she leans forward, grabbing Aurora's upper arms gently.
"Sweetheart," she says, making her make eye contact. "It is not because you came Up Top. It's not your fault, we've just been busy, touring and all."
Aurora visibly relaxes, a low purr in her throat. Cumulus leans in, kissing Aurora's cheek. "Would you like to join us? Have a little wine, have a little ghoulette pile?"
She nods, eyes bright as Cumulus leads her back to the bedroom she shares with Cirrus. Said air ghoulette is already there, musing over their record collection as Sunny shouts suggestions sprawled out in their nest. Both of them are dressed comfortably, Cirrus in a dark tank top and sweats, Sunshine in a hoodie and soft shorts. They both look up as Cumulus and Aurora enter, their expressions brightening.
"Hey, moth!" Sunny greets, scrambling to an upright position, arms outstretched. "Glad you could join us!"
Aurora giggles, letting go of Cumulus's hand and diving into Sunny's arms, tackling the multighoulette into the furs and blankets of the nest. Sunny cackles, immediately moving to roughhouse, digging her fingers into Aurora's sides, making her squeal with laughter.
Cirrus grins, the laughter contagious, and selects a record, putting it on her turntable. Cumulus hums in delight as she recognizes it as one of her favorites, nuzzling into her mate's shoulder. "That's a good one. Did you get the wine?"
"Got the peach one Sunny likes, the red for you and I, and Mountain recommended I get the apple wine for Borealis," Cirrus says, setting the vinyl sleeve down. Cumulus grins, watching over her shoulder as the two multighoulettes scuffle, their laughter bright as Aurora manages to pin Sunny down, blowing a raspberry in the crook of Sunny's neck. "They're on the dresser, if you wanted to pour us some?"
Cumulus purrs, rubbing her cheek against Cirrus's bare arm. Cirrus turns, breathing in the scent of her mate's coconut conditioner, rubbing her spiral onyx horn against Cumulus's opalescent one. "I'll get those poured, little loon," Cumulus says, kissing one of the light freckles on Cirrus's grey skin.
She finds the four glasses and three bottles, uncorking the red with her claws and giving herself and Cirrus a healthy pour. "Rory? You wanna try something? Mounty thinks you'll like it," she calls over to the nest, where Sunny and Aurora have settled, Sunny purring loudly as she presses a kiss to the side of Aurora's neck.
Aurora glances down at where Sunny's warm arms hold her close and whines under her breath, struggling to escape her grasp. She bounds over to Cumulus, tail wrapping around her thigh. "Yeah?"
Cumulus pops the cork on the apple wine, and Aurora squeaks at the loud noise, breaking into giggles. The air ghoulette hands her a glass with just a little of the pale yellow liquid, two swallow's worth. "Try this for me? I'll pour you a little more if you like it."
Aurora sniffs the glass, taking a sip. It's sweet and a little sour, stings a little bit as she swallows. Her brows furrow a little as she takes a second sip, finishing the glass. "You said Mount thought I'd like it?"
Cumulus chuckles as Aurora hands her the glass back. "He has a knack for guessing people's taste. What do you think?"
"I like it," she says, and Cumulus grins, pouring her a full glass this time.
"I've known that ghoul my entire life Up Top, and never once has he recommended something he thought someone would like that they didn't actually like. He gets this stuff from the farmer's market in the summer and fall, speaking of, Sunny, come get your glass!"
Sunny groans, sprawled out in the soft bedding, and sticks a thumb's up in the air. "Jus' a sec, dove," she says, crawling from their bed to accept the glass of bubbling peach wine Cumulus hands her.
"Do not spill that in the roost again, I swear to Satan, dragonfly," Cirrus teases, grinning as she reaches over Aurora's shoulder to grab the glass her mate set aside for her.
"I won't, blossom, promise!" Sunny says, clutching the glass close to her as she settles back down into Cumulus and Cirrus's nest, the taller air ghoul sidling in next to her. She purrs, pressing a kiss to Sunny's copper curls and glancing over to Cumulus and Aurora with warm grey eyes.
"Oh, we're coming, loon, don't get your feathers rustled," Cumulus laughs, setting her hand on the small of Aurora's back and leading her to the nest, coaxing her to settle in the piles of fluffy blankets and plush pillows. Aurora leans against Sunny, and Cumulus takes her place nestled into Cirrus's side.
The record plays softly in the background, and there'll be a round of groans and rock paper scissors to see who has to get up to go flip it. But until then, Aurora sips her wine, purring in delight as the rest of the girls invite her to this most sacred of rituals, of a warm nest and closeness.
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everybodyshusband · 8 months
i'm a bit late to the party but...
girl's night in
ghoulette appreciation weeks ; week one (jan 1-6)
sunshine, cumulus, aurora & cirrus | approx. 750 words | a massive thank you to @jesusbutbetterrr for organising this whole thing !!!
“What do you mean the bar’s closed?” Sunshine complained from her seat in front of the mirror.
“I dunno, but that’s what Google says,” Aurora reasons, spinning her phone around to show the multi ghoulette.
Sunshine wails and thuds her head down onto the table. One of her blush compacts falls to the floor and Cumulus lets out a pained gasp as if the sound of the expensive rouge breaking against the ground has physically hurt her. “But I wanted to go ooouuut!”
“Oh, love.” The faint sound of the hair dryer shuts off and Cirrus pokes her head through the bathroom door. “I’m sure,” she starts again, significantly quieter this time now that there is no longer any wind whooshing against her ears, “that somewhere else will still be open. Can you have a look, Rors?”
“I have,” Aurora admits. “Everywhere else is closed too. Stupid public holiday. Stupid New Year’s Day…”
“Noooo!” Sunshine moans again, beginning to reach for her makeup wipes and erase all her hard work.
“Sunny, wait,” Cumulus suggests from where she’s sitting next to Aurora on the bed. When Sunshine turns to look at the air ghoulette, Cumulus is a vision in a close-fitting dress of light blue fabric. The dress sparkles in the low candlelight when she shifts and as Sunshine gets a perfect view of exactly how well the dress hugs the air ghoulette’s figure, she wants.
Wants to kiss her. Wants to take her out to a romantic dinner and feed her bites of chocolate cake along with sips of her favourite prosecco. Wants to walk hand in hand along that winding river near the Abbey and kiss her under the weeping willow tree. She wants to take her back home and watch shitty romcoms until the early hours of the morning and kiss again, this time with the taste of mint chocolate chip ice cream on each of their tongues. Wants to hear her love’s sharply inhaled breath when Sunshine pushes the fabric of her partner’s dress down to her ribs, dips her chilled mouth a little lower and sucks pretty bruises into Cumulus’ pale breasts. She wants—needs, really—to feel those quiet, breathy sighs against her neck when she caresses the air ghoulette’s thighs and teases her right in the spot that makes her–
“Sunny, are you listening to me?” The voice of the very person Sunshine is daydreaming about startles her back into the present moment. She pointedly tears her gaze away from the cleavage spilling out from the fabric adorning Cumulus’ chest. “I asked if you wanted to stay dressed up anyway? We can raid the kitchen for some drinks. Maybe it won’t be exactly like we planned, but we’ll still have fun!”
“Yeah!” Aurora agrees. “Swiss still has loads of leftover drinks and mixing stuff from his body shots phase, so we’ll have heaps of stuff to make drinks if we want!”
“Oh, Sathanas, what a phase that was…” Cirrus almost moans at the memory as she makes her way out of the bathroom, her low-rise mini skirt doing sinful things to her exposed hip bones.
Sunshine tilts her head back and forth, considering her options. She must admit that even if this wasn’t the original plan, having a fun night in instead of a night out sounds a lot better than moping about all the bars being closed. “Yeah,” she concedes eventually, grinning. “Yeah, that sounds nice!”
“Ooh, does that mean I can take my shoes off now?” Aurora asks, not waiting for an answer before pulling her boots off. They’re pretty pink things that Mist gifted her as a late summoning present after having gotten to know the band’s newest multi ghoulette, all platforms and chunky heels, covered in matching pink ribbons and bells. Aurora adores them, but she’s always one to forgo shoes when given the opportunity, so now their little group has elected to have their "girl’s night out" in, the shoes are the first things to come off. She takes after Sunshine in that way, but at this stage, Aurora has stuck with only disliking shoes. When the older multi ghoulette had been summoned, it had taken months to persuade her towards the importance of wearing clothes around other people.
“Well, then.” Cumulus stands and claps her hands, already reaching for her favourite ‘going out’ leather jacket and slinging it over her shoulders as she opens the door for them all to file out. “Shall we?”
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jazz-bazz · 9 months
@jesusbutbetterrr‘s Ghoulettes Weeks 2024! Week 1: Start of something new & Girls night out/in
imma try to do something each week even if its just random rambling bcs i love this so much... wish me luck please 🥺
This one is a slight angst but im taking both prompts for a run! And it’s a kinda long rambling 😬 Though with the first one it’s kinda not so obvious? But i hope y’all get it 😅
So Aether and Sunshine got a new job at the abbey and has to stay home while the others tour (no im not making it this kind of angsty), and they'd just summoned Aurora and Phantom. Cirrus and Cumulus are still missing Sunny, they video call every night before sleep, they text each other all the time, give her updates about the city they’re currently in, they buy her souvenirs, etc.
There’s a lot of fics about Dew being slightly bitter to Phantom because he’s missing Aether, but most of what i’ve seen about the ghoulettes, is that Aurora is quickly accepted… and here I’m thinking what about the girls? How can they accept her so fast?
i don’t think they’d be bitter towards her, but more like… they’re too caught up in missing Sunny, that they kinda… forget… that Aurora‘s there…
One day off early into the tour, they were ready to go out and explore the city, on a video call with Sunny of course, ready to show her the city through it, and they passed by one of the ghouls, maybe Mountain? And he asked them where’s Aurora?
Thing is, they didn’t know. And they told Mountain that. Mountain was confused, the girls usually all go out together as a group, why isn’t Aurora with them? But the ghoulettes were also confused, like they told her their plans, as an implicit invitation, but she never showed up or followed up on it or whatever.
And then Phantom came, and they asked him, because he seems kinda close with her. And he said he’s on his way to her room because she’s sad and overthinking things and needs some friendly listening ears and shoulder to cry on.
Of course the others were like, why? What’s there to be sad about? Is she homesick? What’s going on? And Phantom just said she’s a bit homesick and lonely. So they decided to all go to her room and paused their going out plan.
Aurora was surprised because she only texted Phantom but there’re also Mountain, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunny on the phone there, and she kinda felt bad. But when they asked what’s wrong, she decided to not skirt around it and said the truth.
She felt lonely because Cirrus and Cumulus are always talking with each other or Sunny, the boys she can’t relate much with, and Phantom also has his own thing to deal with. She‘s afraid, she kinda get that they invited her, but also afraid she misinterpreted and was actually not welcome, all that kinda thing.
Then Cirrus and Cumulus realized their mistake, they were too caught up in missing Sunny that they forgot Aurora‘s just a new summon, barely adjusted to topside life, everything‘s new to her, they forgot that she needed their guidance, their care.
They kicked Mountain and Phantom out and talked with her, Sunny too. They cleared up everything, they apologized to her for unintentionally hurting her, all that mushy sappy teary stuff. And then they tried to cheer her up and it kinda worked, so they resumed their going out plan, Sunny even ended the call before they got out, saying Cirrus and Cumulus need to bond with Aurora.
That day, Aurora truly had fun, the three learned new things about each other, shared some new experiences, made new memories, even after some bumps in the road. Cirrus and Cumulus still miss Sunshine, but the hurt wasn’t as much as before, now when they call each other while cuddling, it’s to introduce Aurora to Sunny and get them to know each other too! Ghoulettes gotta stick together, right? Some days they even added Mist to the video call and catch up with her.
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shaykesqueer · 9 months
Girls’ Night Out
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✨First week of Ghoulette appreciation is herrreeee ✨
Sunny takes a lot of pictures on a night out.
She’s the only one who miraculously never gets a hangover.
We’ve got Lulu and Rory at the top, Sunny bottom left, Cirrus bottom right, and Mist in the middle- Glamoured for the club of course.
Thank you @jesusbutbetterrr and everyone else involved for the prompt. Same time next week?
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oppaihun · 9 months
Prompt from @jesusbutbetterrr and their Ghoulette's Appreciation weeks
Aurora's first girls day in was.. a wild one. She had been summoned less than a week prior, Sunshine had managed to get her clean of all the sulfur and filth that comes with the ritual. She had been too skittish originally, a little flighty at first. The girls and Mist had been happy to give her the space she needed. but Cumulus would only let it go on so far.
It took a lot of gentle coaxing and pretty much an entire day to dedicate to this, but Swiss' wash out and braiding days have given her the patience needed. But after finding out Aurora LOVES bubbles, it got a lot easier. She loved being in a warm bath that smelt good and tons upon tons of bubbles around her. To an extent, it gave her something else to focus on as Lus delicatly works through the matted hair and tangles before she even washes it, Rory's fine hair needed a ton of conditioner to help ease them out. The whole time Lus describes to her what needs to be done and what everything is. Shows her all the products so Aurora can find them later. Explains how to use them, and that yes, you really do need to rinse, lather and repeat to get all the scalp oil out.
She lets her try out the pretty smelling scrubs and lotions. Anything to get her hooked on the idea. The main issue she has with the entire ordeal is Aurora HATES the hair dryer, and does for a long time. How ever she does let Lus French brain her damp hair to keep it from tangling again and being more comfy when she eventually lays down.
Rory’s favorite however was the skin care. Oh, she loved every single second of Cumulus massaging things in and rubbing all over her face, made her feel like a kit being preened and groomed by their mother.
Most importantly, after the everything’s done, Cumulus treats her to the highest of praises. Lets her know how good she was and that she was so brave for trying all these new things in one day, tell her she’s the sweetest little thing ever.
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duckzz · 7 months
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can't you see how much i love you? 🩷☁️
some cirrus/lus for the prompt love confession for ghoulette appreciation weeks, thank you @jesusbutbetterrr and everyone involved with the project!! 🫶
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duskspring · 9 months
Someone New To The Ghoulettes’ Night - Ghoulettes
Ghoulettes Appreciation Weeks - Prompt 1
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Summary: Aurora joins in on her first ghoulette’s night
Content: Alcohol consumption, brief unspecific mention of sex, first kiss, more kisses, wlw, Aurora/Cumulus, Cirrus/Cumulus, Sunshine/Mist, (really it’s practically everyone with everyone but mostly those three ships), laughter
Word count: 1.9k
Aurora had no clue where she was being led to. It’d been just a minute ago that she was in her assigned room with Phantom, when Cirrus suddenly came to ‘retrieve’ her. No details had been given, although Phantom was told not to wait. The young ghoulette wasn’t nervous, merely curious. She happily skipped after Cirrus.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
“Why couldn’t Phantom come?”
“You’ll see.”
“Are we gonna do something fun?”
Cirrus stopped walking momentarily, turning around with a grin, “Oh, absolutely.”
That peaked Aurora’s interest even further. She squealed in excitement, causing Cirrus to quickly turn around with her index finger held over her lips.
“Aurora,” Her voice was quiet, but stern, “We need to be subtle now. We’re almost there.”
The little ghoulette froze before nodding. The last bit of the way she walked on her toes, avoiding eye contact with any passing siblings.
Eventually the two rounded the umpteenth corner. The only warning for Cirrus’ next actions was a quick look over her shoulder. When she was sure it was only her and Aurora in the hall, she opened a seemingly random door and pulled her friend inside by the arm.
Aurora automatically yelped at the movement, covering her mouth as the door closed behind her.
The room wasn’t very big, seeming like it was just someone’s office. There was an empty desk, a loveseat and a coffee table, two armchairs pulled up next to it. The table was covered in a variety of snacks and drinks, some of which were very fancy looking wine.
There were already three others in the room; Sunshine sat on the floor while Cumulus and, someone who Aurora deduced must have been, Mist were on a couch.
“There they are!” Sunshine beamed.
The little ghoulette turned to Cirrus again, silently asking if she was allowed to speak yet.
“Ask away, Honey.”
“What’s happening?” She blurted out, causing some giggles to erupt throughout the room.
“Welcome to ghoulettes’ night.” Cumulus said proudly, opening her arms in invitation.
Aurora skidded forward, making her way onto the air ghoulette’s lap. She needed someone familiar to get through her confusion. She purred as she snuggled further into the warm embrace.
“Listen, we love everyone in the pack, of course we do,” Cirrus explained as she got herself seated in one of the chairs, her legs swung over one of the armrests, “But sometimes it’s nice to be surrounded by people who understand you in just the right way. Thus, ghoulettes’ night was born.”
“We have to be sneaky about it though,” Cumulus added, “The guys would probably just feel excluded if they found out.”
“Babies.” Mist mumbled.
Aurora slowly nodded, trying to take in all the information, “Alright… So what do we do now?”
“We chat, we drink and we kiss a bunch.” Sunshine’s eyebrows wiggled as she reached over to open the bottle of wine.
“Sunny.” Cumulus said with a scolding tone.
“It’s true!” She defended herself, already pouring some wine glasses full, sending a questioning look to Aurora, who happily accepted the offer with a nod.
Everyone was handed one of the drinks, except for Cirrus who never drank alcohol of any kind. This had already been taken into account, a nice fruity soda poured and waiting for her.
“Cheers!” Cirrus smiled, moving around to clink her glass against all the others.
The gals all went around in a circle, with Sunshine widening her eyes to look into those of everyone else. It caught Aurora off guard, automatically backing up a bit.
“Sun, you’re scaring the newbie.” Mist noted.
“I have to! Eye contact, or it’s seven years of bad sex.” She explained.
“I have never looked you in the eyes and our sex is great.” The water ghoulette argued back.
“Bah.” Sunshine made a dismissive noise, downing her glass like it was a shot, “Speaking of, Aurora have you banged topside yet?”
“Cut right to the chase will you?” Cirrus smirked at her friend’s brazenness.
“I haven’t.” The little ghoulette answered truthfully.
“Wait, really?!” Cumulus’ hand froze, her glass halfway raised to her mouth, “I thought you and Swiss…” She trailed off in a whisper.
“I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” Aurora couldn’t contain a smirk of her own, trying to hide it by sipping her wine. The drink had a fruity aftertaste, though it wasn’t too appetizing. But it would get a pass for tonight. The others gasped or cheered, excited at the prospect on her behalf.
“Let me tell you this much, I have never seen that man so willing to fall to his knees for anyone.” Cirrus encouraged the idea further.
“Having him do the work does seem nice. I don’t even know how to even kiss.” Aurora awkwardly laughed.
“But you have kissed before, right?” Sunshine leaned closer, hoping for a negative answer and a chance to do so herself. Mist pulled her back by her shoulder, shooting her an unamused, though not genuinely upset, look. Sunny pouted, before leaning in to kiss her girlfriend softly.
While those two were distracted, Cumulus looked at Aurora, still waiting for the answer. The multi ghoulette shook her head subtly, but it was enough to be noticed.
Cumulus shifted her on her lap, letting her get a little closer, “Would you like to?” She whispered, trying not to pull too much attention to them.
Aurora blushed, shades of red, pink and a little orange dancing over her cheeks like the northern lights. Even knowing she’d eventually get to a point of getting physical with her new pack, she’d always been mesmerized by Cumulus specifically. Her joyful personality, soft hair and puffy lips just begging to be kissed. Aurora nodded again, barely registering that she was doing so in the first place, until Cumulus started leaning closer.
Her lips were even softer than expected. She made sure to take it slow, not wanting to overwhelm Aurora in her first kiss. It was short and sweet, but it was everything they both could have ever wished for.
When they both pulled back, Aurora got a good look at Cumulus’ glad smile. It made her squeal excitedly, burying her face back into her shoulder because she didn’t know what else to do.
The only thing that made her look back up was a chirping for her side. Cirrus, tired of being left out by the rest, had moved to snuggle into Cumulus’ side.
Her fellow air ghoulette happily complied, kissing her as well, though much more passionately.
Aurora looked on in admiration, the two seemingly fit together so well. So could only wish to get to that point herself. A quick whistle made her turn her head, finding Sunshine holding out a hand and the bottle of wine, offering a refill. She gladly handed her glass over, immediately taking a sizable gulp as soon as she got it back.
Once the bottom of that had been reached, not too long after, she held it out to Sunshine again, silently asking for more. She didn’t really feel the effects yet. She had been tipsy once before, but maybe this wine was just really weak?
“But how does one… Uh… How does- you- how-” Aurora tried wording her thoughts, all of a sudden finding herself struggling to grasp the words.
“And that’s quite enough for you.” Cirrus said, taking the glass from Aurora’s hands.
“Noooooo,” She whined, “I’m fine, just… thinking.” She had no clue where that sentence was going, merely wanting her glass back. She’d grown to enjoy the taste a lot more, glad to have more.
“She may just be a bigger lightweight than Rain.” Mist chuckled and leaned into Sunshine’s side, starting feeling the effects of the alcohol herself.
“Am not!” Aurora disagreed as if it was an insult.
“You are.” Sunshine laughed back.
“Truths!” Mist joined in.
Aurora held tighter onto Cumulus as if to hide. The air ghoulette smiled, petting her head comfortingly.
“Aurora.” Mist tried to get her attention. She merely whined again, staying close to Cumulus, “Aurora, you wanna see something fun?”
She wanted to ignore the call further, but her tipsy curiosity got the better of her, “Let me see.” Her voice reflected her not so hidden excitement at what it might be, her tail nearly slapping Cumulus with how quickly it swished back and forth.
The water ghoulette grinned, pulling a little bright pink vial from her pocket. She unscrewed the top, turning her head before bringing a little wet circle up to her lips and blowing.
Aurora’s mouth was wide agape as she watched the blown bubbles slowly float down towards the ground. She leaned in closer, little by little, until one of them was right in front of her face. She yelped when it hit her nose and burst, sending some of the soapy substance into her eyes.
Mist kicked her legs with a cackle as the multi ghoulette brushed her eyes.
“More! More!” Aurora cheered, clumsily falling off of Cumulus’ lap  and onto the couch. She laid on her stomach, head leaning on her hands.
Mist tried her hardest to follow the command, but her lack of breath due to laughing was making it impossible. Every failed attempt only made her go more ballistic, “I tried-” She wanted to speak, but cut herself off with her continued laughter.
“Are you guys ok?” Cirrus asked rhetorically, her face clearly amused by the scene in front of her. Sunshine and Cumulus also had their full attention on the two, the latter already giggling along.
“I tri-” Mist still failed to tell her story, her face red as a cherry with tears freely streaming over her cheeks.
This time Sunshine noticed her attempt, however, immediately knowing what she wanted to share. They both loved this story, “Mist one time tried to blow bubbles herself…” She’d been confident she’d be able to tell the story. But no. It was way easier to laugh at it instead.
“What?!” Aurora was dying to know, although she probably would barely even hear it over all the laughter, including her own.
Cumulus was still giggly, but not nearly as bad as the others, making an attempt herself, “She wanted to see if she could blow bubbles like that herself since, you know, water ghoulette. So she geniusly decided to take a swig of dish soap,” Slowly she too was starting to crack, especially when seeing Aurora’s disgusted expression, “I didn’t work.” She finally broke, joining the rest in laughter.
“It was horrid!” Mist recalled, holding her tongue outside her mouth as if she could still taste it.
“You just… gave up too soon. Would’ve been a great party trick.” Sunshine finally managed to catch her breath again.
“Guess we’ll have to settle for this little guy.” Mist wiped her tears away, holding up her little bubble blower vial and planting a small kiss on it.
“That’s what I think every time I fuck Dew.” Cirrus joked with a monotone voice, quickly backtracking with a smile when everyone laughed at the comment, “That was a joke! That was a joke, he’s great!”
Somehow that only made the group lose it further. Had it not been for the good atmosphere, and the drinks in most of their systems, they would’ve worried about all the noise leading the guys to their location after all. But screw any of that, they had nothing to hide. They were all just having the time of their life and nothing else really mattered in that moment.
[My Main Masterlist | Ghoulettes Appreciation Weeks 2024 Masterlist]
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mossbiin · 9 months
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stealing clothes
ghoulette appreciation week II by @jesusbutbetterrr
call back to wk I with the pjs
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