dingbatnix · 9 months
Gosh dang you notice how weird that is to spell? English is so freaking weird you'd think there'd be a 'Y' in friggin 'la-za-nya' but no I guess not xD. Anyway, so I had some lasagna the other day and it was really good, + I had a small drabble floating around of Sapnap being able to survive being baked in an oven, sooooo this appeared!
O yeah taglist: @i-am-beckyu @brick-a-doodle-do @kayla-crazy-stuffs here you go @da3dm a bit late but oop xD
Also I did an art for this : D
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Poor Sap, he is a frighten. Anyway.
Word Count: 2,686
Warnings: Fear of death, fear of being eaten, yeah that's about it. No actual noms this time, but it's very close ; D
The furnace was hot, and the quickly melting cheddar cheese was even hotter. Sapnap tried to wriggle, heart pounding heavily in his chest from the panic and adrenaline that was overwhelming his system, but it was no use. There were layers of pasta, cheese, and sauce weighing down his entire body, and he just could not move. Honestly, he was surprised he could breathe at all, what with the blanket of noodles over his head. He was lucky his earlier wriggling had created a pocket of air, even if it was only a small one.
Sapnap was…currently stuck. He hadn’t meant to fall into the pan of uncooked lasagna during a brief spell when the human had been gone. It was a total accident! He’d just wanted to grab some of the deliciously alluring cheese that was all over the top of the pasta, but he got startled when the human walked back into the room and had fallen in. Luckily, or unluckily, depending on which way Sapnap wanted to look at it, he’d fallen hard enough that he had been embedded deeply into the noodles, and he was fortunate the human hadn’t noticed the indent, but…the bean had proceeded to put more layers of lasagna over the top, trapping Sapnap underneath them.
Sapnap hadn’t been able to struggle free in time, and next he knew, the pasta, and more importantly, he, was put into the blazing hot furnace. The borrower bit his lip with a sharp canine, holding back a long whine of terror. It wasn't the fear of physical injury that was giving him such horrible anxiety, no, not that. Sapnap was born in fire, the heat didn't hurt him. No, it was the fear of discovery that locked his joints and seized his lungs. He didn’t know what was worse: The fact that he might be discovered, or the fact that there was the very real possibility that he might be accidentally eaten by an unaware human.
That, and also maybe the fact that there was a chance he would be impaled by a human's fork.
He wriggled again, sucking in another short breath, and squeezed his eyes shut. What a way to go out. It was a good thing he didn’t have any family left, a good thing there would be nobody to mourn him. He wouldn’t be able to live with…or, well. He couldn’t bear it if he were leaving anybody to fend for themselves, alone, in the world that was way too big for them. He’d feel awful.
It was a long, long forty minutes Sapnap was trapped in the maybe-a-little-too-warm oven. Sure, he was a nether-born, and he could swim in lava if he really wanted to, but that didn’t mean that it’d be good for him to do so. He’d get heat-sick.
The borrower was almost relieved when the pan was pulled out of the oven, but the overwhelming thought that none of this was over just yet crushed that feeling very quickly. He still couldn’t get free, the weight of all of the pasta on top of his body too much for him to move.
A thud jarred his body, and then he heard the human’s voice, too muffled and indistinct to make out, high above his head. Then, he heard a nauseating squelch as the lasagna was cut. Sapnap shivered, but didn’t have much time to dwell on it. To his utter, complete horror, the chunk he was stuck in was lifted free from the pan. He still couldn’t see anything, but he felt when everything was jarred again. Vertigo swirled through his head as everything started moving, and he had to try desperately to control his breathing and not burst out into terrified whimpering. 
Sapnap tried struggling again, but everything was still too closely packed, and the jarring movements of the human had made the pasta shift, all but burying Sapnap’s small pocket of air. He tried not to hyperventilate. He didn’t know if it’d be better or worse if he was found unconscious. Probably worse. There’d be no chance to run away if he were comatose.
He felt more than saw the tines of a metal fork scrape underneath him, spearing through one of the big flat noodles underneath his body. He felt a tine scrape along his spine, sending skin-crawling shivers wracking his body, and it took him only a moment to realize that the strap of his bag had been caught around the metal prong. He tried tugging at it as he was lifted up, but the leather was caught too tightly.
Sapnap looked up, chest heaving wildly, and a huge, gaping red maw filled his vision. His heart nearly exploded from the sheer terror, and his breath froze in his lungs. Those teeth were nearly as big as he was! 
The borrower jerked his limbs, attempting to jump off of the fork, but the strap of his bag and the congealed pasta held him stuck fast. He tried heaving himself up, but it was no use! A quick glance back up at his approaching death made his own mouth go dry. He was fire-retardant, yeah, but he wouldn't be able to survive being chewed to bits! 
Sapnap let loose a scream that could rival a phantom’s, sure he was about to die. Be it by the human’s teeth, or by the human’s hands, he wasn’t sure, but his doom was imminently approaching, and there was nothing he could do about it.
George froze, fork midway to his mouth. The hand fiddling with his communicator stilled, and he glanced down with wide eyes, sure he had just heard someone scream. A flash of movement snatched his gaze to his forkful of pasta, and then all George could do was stare.
There was a tiny creature on his fork, tangled up in thick clumps of cheese and sauce. Its little chest was heaving, and its tiny teeth were bared in a fearful grimace as it met George’s eyes.
The creature tried to lunge off of the utensil, but the partially congealed cheese held it stuck fast. As George watched, he realized that the strap of its tiny bag was caught on one of the tines of his fork. A terrified noise escaped from the creature’s mouth, jolting the brunette out of his startled stupor.
George shrieked and dropped the fork, shoving back from the table and shooting to his feet. His communicator clattered to the table, forgotten in the brunette’s panic.
The creature gave another tiny scream of its own as it fell, wriggling and thrashing against the congealed pasta that held it hostage, but it didn’t seem like it was strong enough to break away.
It hit the table with a small, wet splat, snapping the strap of its bag and knocking it free from the fork, and then it was trying to scramble away, but cheese was still gluing its limbs together, even the tiny, tufted tail that trailed from its spine. George gaped, watching in bewilderment as the creature struggled to pull itself off of the table. It finally managed to free an arm, which spurred George into action.
He snatched up Dream's empty cup and slammed it down over the tiny creature, trapping it underneath the ceramic container. A tiny, muffled sound escaped from the mug as George yanked his hand back, staring down at it in disbelief. What the hell…?
"George? Everything okay?" Dream poked his head around the doorframe, concern creasing the shape of his brow. His eyes took in the mess on the table and George standing a good couple of feet away from it. 
"There's a tiny man under the mug." George mumbled, staring blankly at the overturned mug, and then up at Dream. The blond’s face scrunched up in bewilderment, and he looked at George like he had grown a second head. “What?” 
“There’s a tiny man under the mug,” George reiterated, pointing at the overturned pink mug for emphasis. His face suddenly screwed up in disgust. "It was in my food!" He exclaimed, waving his hands emphatically at the barely-touched plate of lasagna on the table. Dream had to hold back a small laugh.
Interest piqued, the tall blonde moved to the table and looked over the upside down mug curiously. It seemed normal enough…
Carefully, Dream wrapped a hand around the mug and quickly flipped it over, cupping his other hand over the top so whatever the creature was couldn’t escape and gently set the cup back down on the table. Slowly, he removed his hand, peering down inside of the mug to see what George was freaking out so much about.
Something was pressed up against the inside side of the cup, staring at Dream. Dream had to stop when he finally got a good glimpse of it, shock and disbelief coloring his expression. George was right. It–err, more namely, he, was just a tiny guy. He was incredibly small, maybe about two or three inches in stature. He had a long, thin tail like a mouse that faded to a rich brown at the tip, where a plume of dark fluff seemed to sprout. The fluff was still tangled and gunked up with pasta, but the little guy either didn’t notice, or didn’t care. Two pointed ears stuck out from the sides of his head, also dark at the tips. Those tiny ears were laid back against the little guy’s head, and were twitching rather frantically.
Miniature blue eyes stared back up at Dream, and the pure terror he could see radiating out of them was like a punch to the gut. Dream immediately felt bad for the little thing, and was quick to try and reassure him.
“Hey–” Dream started, but was quickly interrupted by George. "Why were you in my food?" The brunette demanded, stepping closer to the table and leaning over the ceramic cup to see the little creature better. He quailed under George’s gaze, his whole, tiny body trembling as his breath hitched up.
“George, you’re scaring him,” Dream cut in, dropping a hand over the shorter man’s shoulder and gently tugging him away from the mug. Seeing George’s petulant expression looming over him couldn’t have been too nice for the little guy.
“I’m scaring him?” George snapped with a scowl. “Well, I’m not the one who was in the freaking lasagna! I nearly had a heart attack!” He glowered at the tiny ravenette, crossing his arms and straightening up his spine.
"I just…I wanted some cheese, man! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to fall in!" The voice, quiet and breathless and shaking, was a surprise to both Dream and George, but it was nice to know that the little guy could speak, nice to know that he could understand them.
"Well...here," If all the little guy wanted was some cheese, Dream wasn’t going to just deny him any. That would be mean. The blond snagged a small plate from the clean dish rack and set it on the table, then scooped up a forkful lasagna and plopped it in the center of the new plate. He then reached towards the mug, intent on letting the little dude out so he could get some of the pasta. Before his hand was even close, the tiny man shrieked, throwing himself down to the bottom of the cup and shielding his head with his arms. Dream froze, shooting a concerned glance at George, who shrugged, uncertainly. Wh…why was the little guy so scared? It wasn’t like Dream was going to hurt him.
Dream stooped down a little bit, trying not to loom over the guy’s head so much, and dropped his voice down to a whisper. “Hey, it’s alright. You’re alright. I’m not gonna hurt you, okay?” The ravenette only whined, body shaking as his tiny, tufted, cheese-infused tail curled around his form. Dream frowned, and tried again, slowly reaching out to wrap his hands around the mug. “Do you…I’m going to let you out of the cup now, okay? Then you can have some of George’s lasagna. We’re not going to hurt you, little guy.” He assured again, trying to reiterate that everything would be alright.
Carefully, Dream lifted the mug and slowly tipped it over next to the plate of pasta, wincing guiltily when the tiny man uncurled from his ball with a yelp and tried to scramble back up the side of the mug. He slid out onto the table with barely a sound, and he stumbled backwards until the backs of his thighs met the rim of the plate. He tipped over, arms pinwheeling, but managed to land in a sit on the edge of the ceramic. He froze then, staring up at George and Dream while sucking in short, panting breaths of air.
“It’s alright, you’re okay,” Dream tried again, a flash of guilt flaring up in his chest. He and George weren’t…really that scary, were they? Dream hoped not. The tiny guy had nothing to fear from them.
While Dream tried to calm the small man down, George turned to one of the cabinets and pulled out a rag. The little ravenette was still caked in pasta, and it had to be annoying. He ran it under the faucet for a good few seconds, then turned back to the dinner table, where he saw that Dream had crouched down to be closer to eye level with the little guy. George set the warm, damp rag next to the tiny ravenette. “Here. So you can get all of that off you.” George offered. The tiny guy flinched away from George’s hand, but then hesitantly took up a corner of the rag and started working through the tangled mess of fluff and pasta at the end of his tail. George winced sympathetically as he sat back down. That looked like it hurt.
“So…do you have a name, dude? Or should we just keep calling you, ‘little guy?” Dream asked, leaning his elbows against the table as he slid into the chair opposite George’s. 
“S…Sapnap. I–my name is, is Sapnap.” The little guy offered, his tiny voice nearly a whisper. The two humans very nearly couldn’t hear it, and had to lean a bit closer to hear him properly.
“Were you…did I—were you in the furnace?!” George suddenly blurted, stomach twisting. He would have noticed if there was a tiny man in the pasta when he’d gotten some, wouldn’t he? Like if there was an indent or something, right? Maybe George had missed it. He hoped he had. There was no way the little guy would have survived being baked in the nearly four-hundred degree furnace.
“O-oh. Er, yeah, I was.” He seemed to notice the horrified expression of George’s face, because then he raised his hands and shook them disarmingly. “I–don’t worry, I’m fine! I was, I was born in the nether, I can take a little heat!”
George didn’t look like he fully believed him, and when he glanced at the other human, Dream, he looked mostly concerned, but Sapnap didn’t really care. It’s not like it mattered, right? It…they weren’t planning to stick him back in the furnace, were they? He tugged viciously at a particularly stubborn tangle and winced, pushing most of his thoughts to the backburner. He was alive, he wasn’t hurt, yet, and the humans seemed content to just watch him, for now. 
He couldn’t run away as he was right this moment. His bag was still tangled around the pasta-covered fork dozens of inches away, and there was still lasagna all over him, making it harder and harder to move as the cheese started to cool down and congeal. He’d…he’d have to escape later.
Sapnap hoped desperately to End that they weren't going to kill him after all of this. Maybe they just wanted to keep him as a pet…? Even though the thought was so distressing that Sapnap nearly whimpered, it’d be better than being outright killed. At least, if they kept him as a pet, at least he’d have a chance to escape. 
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mysterious-gizem · 3 months
𝐇𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬
Warning/s: (???)
Prompt given by: @local-squishmallow
Taglist: @da3dm, @gt-mcyt
"Sapnap wait up!"
Karl heaved as he slammed himself onto the other, "Dang, those humans are more rowdy than you, Sap." He grinned as they both stood there; catching their breath. The raven haired male rolled his eyes, "How much did you eat?" He asked the brunette curiously. Karl sighed as he stared for a moment, "Not much, honestly I'm still a bit hungry."
Sapnap huffed as he bit his lip, "We might have to go out again later, I think those humans are going to 'stream' or something, so they should be in their room's?" He explained, Karl beamed as he continued to walk through the tunnels in the walls; with Sapnap following not too far behind.
The two lived in these walls for years, happy with the fact that only one human was staying there. That was until two other humans came, as rowdy and loud, than they could ever expect. That day, the duo quickly scrambled away to hide.
The days that followed the loud giants stayed and continued to be chaotic and somehow all over the place, which caused them to struggle. And if that wasn't enough, the original human that they enjoyed having their presence with got up and left. To be fair, they heard he would be back, but damn? They were left to deal with these two unknown and wild giants!
Days passed by with the two borrowers struggling to get ahold of food. Occasionally, they'd see a few bits and peices lying around, but it was more or less just left overs, in sum, it's been hectic.
Once they reached their little quarters, they stared at their item's on the ground, having to live in a house with people a hundred times bigger than you made it seem that a task as simple as them walking, feel like an earthquake from their perspective. They quickly picked up the item's that were sprawled across the ground.
They chatted for a few hours, in hopes they could ignore the empty feeling in their stomachs.
It was a rather hard task-
"Sap! One of the humans left a bag of food on the counter!" Karl gleefully announced, the borrower was practically bouncing off the walls as he waited for Sapnap to get ready. The ravenette grinned as he grabbed Karl's hand and dragged him out of their tunnels.
Surprisingly, none of the humans were in the proximity, which made them hastily move towards the counter. The two assisted each other in climbing the furniture. They crept towards the bag and subtly ripping a hole in the back so they could enter.
Karl squealed as he began munching on a discarded fry laying on the bottom of the bag. Sapnap did the same with chicken nuggets, ofcourse neither of them knew the names of the food, but to them, it was delicious and edible.
The two were so ecstatic that they finally ate a decent meal they didn't realize one of the humans standing right outside the paper bag. A looming shadow caught their attention as they stared up.
The two let out a shriek; with the human gasping at the same time. The borrower's quickly scrambled out of the hole they ripped out from the back of the bag and began sprinting towards one of their wall tunnels.
"Hey, wait!" The human said as he tried grabbing the tinies, barely missing their bodies before they entered into the walls. Karl and Sapnap were terrified, bumping into the sides of the wall as they tried heading to their main room.
They both slumped beside the wall; catching their breaths once they knew they were safe. The two shuddered as the moment replayed in their thoughts, Sapnap was the first to speak, "Cmon Karl, let's get to bed..." He said whilst trying to soothe himself and the shaking borrower before him.
"George, I'm telling you I saw these tiny guys eating my food!" The ravenette insisted as he tried convincing the other with the fact. "You're literally seeing things!" Quackity groaned, "Look! They even ripped the back of my bag to get it!" He said, holding up the bag. The brunette rolled his eyes as he let out an exasperated sigh. "That could be rats." He stated before getting up.
"Cmon, we need to go set up for stream!" George said while nudging the other, the ravenette rolled his eyes. During the stream, his thoughts were mixed with focusing on the stream and the miniature human's living in their house.
Meanwhile, Karl and Sapnap were basically just hanging around in their small room until Karl groaned to break the silence, "I'm so boooored-" He whined; he just recently calmed himself down after almost being caught and suddenly being persistent on doing something fun or to Sapnap's opinion, reckless.
"If you really wanna go out, we can go at night." He sighed, turning his head back to do what he was previously doing. The taller brunette sighed as he sat there waiting for nightfall.
Later that evening two were now cautiously roaming around the house, the cat apparently named 'Patches' was no where in sight, which surprisingly upset Karl; the feline was actually warming up to them.
Karl and Sapnap were giggling around as they did stupid stunts around the house. They were sitting on the coffee table in the living room when they both shrieked when a clear plastic container slammed down around them.
"¡Maldición! ¡Todos ustedes son realmente reales!"
Karl and Sapnap were tightly wrapped together as they stared up at the human, "DREAM, GEORGE, COME HERE!" He screamed, calling out his friends. The two came running in. George's eyes were wide when his gaze fell on the two figures on the coffee table, Dream however had a more worried look.
"Dream!" Karl cried out.
The human mumbled a curse but before he could speak, Quackity spoke.
"Dream do you know them!?"
"Kinda yea?" He awkwardly said.
Hii-, sorry if it's short and disappointing. It actually was hectic recently for me😭 Our ceiling kinda collapsed and fell on me while I was sleeping, and my teachers have been giving way to many projects😭
Again, I'm sorry it took so long to write, and if it's bad😅
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 7 months
I'm out of ideas so, I just drew something random :]
TW: Implied Mouthplay
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Almost forgot the taglist lol
@local-squishmallow @brick-a-doodle-do
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skullsnbruises · 1 year
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The chocolate milk threatened me so I cleaned up a sketch Gogy did!! I hope everyone likes it :3
-london [he/him]
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baka-monarch · 2 years
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Cold Nights And Fox Friends
Word Count: 1,432
TW's: Accidental Fearplay, Intentional Fearplay (brief), Mentions Of Death (brief), Referring To Someone As "It" (also brief)
Characters: C!Dream, C!George, C!Sapnap
Summary: Dream gets caught out in a winter storm and needs a place to stay for the night. He finds a place, alright. It's just not as...vacant as he'd hoped.
Cold fic! Everyone stay warm for the holidays! <3
Dream was so cold. So cold that he couldn't even feel the white, icy matter pressed against his skin as he shuffled through the waist-high snow. He gave his numb wings another pitiful flap before allowing them to droop back down behind him. No dice. His eyes scanned the wintry landscape around him. The snow left a fuzzy, white blur over his vision. Of all the times to get kicked out of his place, why'd it have to be on the night of a blizzard?
If he squinted, he could just barely make out what the more cynical part of him was apt to brush off as a mirage. There was no way he could have stumbled across a live fire in the middle of nowhere, was there? He approached with a cautious spark of hope igniting in his chest. It was quite possibly the only thing keeping his legs moving.
He dared to shuffle ever closer. A cave. He wasn't very fond of caves. Too many predators made their homes in there. However, he was far more fond of caves than the whipping, wintry winds slashing away at his skin.
He hardly even hesitated as he stepped up to the mouth of the cave-a decision it didn't take long for him to regret. The instant his foot touched the stone, it was quite clear that the fire hadn't miraculously appeared there by some act of God. Rather, it was made.
Made by two beasts who laid there bathing in the heat given off by the flickering flames. Dream retreated back a step. Maybe he would have better chances of surviving out there in the cold. In the end, the decision was made for him. The wind had shoved him onward and covered up his tracks to ensure he'd only succeed in losing his way if he tried to set out once again.
He swallowed thickly. He carefully approached the burning logs with his head on a swivel. With any luck, the pair of canines would remain lost in their peaceful slumber and he could simply leave either when his wings thawed or the storm subsided. Whichever came first.
Unfortunately, there was one thing Dream forgot. He would consider himself many things. Strong, swift, cunning. What he never considered himself was lucky. And with no random bout of fortune on his side, he soon found himself trapped in an intense, amber gaze.
The fox lifted its head slowly, pointed ears aimed directly at him. It let out a soft snarl. Its snow white companion stirred but never woke. The fox's eyes never left Dream as it growled a little louder. Hardly even a twitch from the other. It almost seemed to roll its eyes before letting out a sharp bark that ricocheted off the cave walls, echoing straight back into Dream's ears. Apparently, he wasn't the only one who heard it.
The white fox's head snapped up. Its blue eyes were narrowed as it glared at its orange counterpart. It wasn't long before both predatory gazes found their way to Dream. He raised his hands up placatingly. Obviously they were intelligent enough to build a fire so maybe they were intelligent enough to hold a conversation?
"Um, h-hi," he greeted them sheepishly. It was a bit hard to fit words around his relentlessly chattering teeth. "Great weather, huh?"
The white beast seemed wholly unamused. It continued to glower at him with the intensity of a thousand suns, daring Dream to continue rambling just so it had a good reason to do away with him. The sparrow sighed.
"Look, I promise I'll be out of your fur as soon as I can. It's just really c-cold out there and I can't even see my hand in front of my face. P-please I would be b-b-beyond grateful if you let me stay."
He offered the pair the most charming smile he could muster. The corners of his lips spasmed with even the slightest movement.
The pair of foxes exchanged a long glance with one another. The conversation was silent, practically telepathic. The only indication of deliberation was in the subtle twitches of their faces. Ultimately, the orange fox's pleading puppy dog eyes seemed to win the argument.
The two nodded in unison. The platinum fox's head dropped back down atop its paws while the other turned to look to Dream. The nod was brief but it was all he needed.
He let out a sigh of relief, practically melting beside the fire.
"Th-thanks," he muttered. He curled up as tightly as possible, hugging his knees close to his chest. The heat was heavenly once he actually began to feel it. The radiation gradually worked its way up to his skin to gradually thaw the parts of him that were frozen solid.
He dared to shut his eyes just to soak in every second of bliss. He was so engulfed in the heat that he failed to notice the click of claws against stone behind him. The fuzzy warmth wrapping around him nearly startled the soul straight out of his body. He sat bolt upright with a gasp, gawking at the orange fur encircling him.
He traced the tail back to its owner, who only laid there drowsily gazing at him, oblivious to the heart attack it had nearly just caused. There was a soft sigh from behind him.
"Don't touch that thing, Sapnap," a drowsy voice chastised. Dream whirled around to find an almost human boy reclining by the fire. If the blue eyes weren't enough of a clue as to who this was, the white, triangular ears atop his head surely did the trick.
A shifter. Just like Dream.
The boy managed to convey just as much irritation in his shifted form as his animal form. Bored eyes squinted down at Dream, his lip curling ever so slightly in disgust.
"Oh, come on."
Dream's hair stood on end at the sound of the second voice far too close for comfort. He dared to pivot on his heel to find yet another shifter towering over him.
"Look at how cute he is!" the second shifter cooed.
"He won't be as cute when he gives you the plague," the platinum-haired shifter was quick to point out.
"Birds don't carry the plague."
"Everything carries the plague, idiot!"
Dream nearly got whiplash from keeping his attention divided between the bickering pair.
"Uh...I don't feel sick," the sparrow interjected. He immediately regretted saying anything at all. The two stared at him. For just a moment, he wondered if they were thinking about tossing him out on his rear just for having the audacity to talk to them.
A hard pressure gently ruffled the mess of golden locks atop his head. He flinched away from the touch but it seemed to follow him.
"See, George, he's the picture of health."
The white-haired shifter-George, Dream presumed-scoffed.
"If I told you I was dead, you'd start mourning," George retorted.
Dream chuckled, cutting his own laugh off abruptly when George's focus sliced back to him. The fox shifter didn't seem quite as cross with him as before, tight expression going slightly slack.
"But I guess he can stay," George grumbled, reluctantly tearing his eyes away from the small shifter. He turned over on his side. In a blink, the human-ish boy was no more. In his stead lay a fox that Dream would almost assume was already fast asleep if he didn't know any better. Sapnap giggled.
He finally removed the blunt of his claw from Dream's head, opting to trace a line up and down Dream's arm with it instead.
"He likes you," Sapnap remarked quietly.
"That was him liking me?" Dream demanded, matching the fox's volume. "I'd hate to see what he does to people he doesn't like."
Sapnap only tittered. He pulled his hand away all at once. Dream nearly toppled over, mortified to realize he'd been leaning into the soft touch to the point that he was using it to keep him upright. Sapnap's head tilted skyward. His mouth opened wide as he showed off each and every sharp canine the size of Dream's head.
Dream gave into the contagious nature of the yawn. When he opened his eyes, the orange fox had returned. Its heavy eyelids fluttered shut. Dream followed suit not long after, bracing his arm beneath his head as he laid down on the cool, cave floor.
An orange tail coiled loosely around him. And maybe this wasn't the safest place for Dream to spend the night but in that moment, he'd never felt warmer.
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quackxolotl · 1 year
Imagine the dreamteam gingerbread house stream, but Dream as a tiny borrower small enough to fit in the gingerbread house
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smiles-for-anon · 1 year
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i-am-beckyu · 1 year
"Where mushrooms glow like stardust" for the fake fic game if you're still doing it, these have been so good and a lot of fun to read!
Ooooo thank you!! I’m glad you’re enjoying them! I’m having a lot of fun coming up with stuff and this title is *chefs kiss* 🥰
Where Mushrooms glow like Stardust
George loved to explore the Forest. Whenever he had the chance, he was out in the forest exploring its wonders and discovering its hidden secrets. He’d found so many wonderful things on his explorations. The odd ruined portal with golden apples or enchanted gear. Sometimes he found caves that led to dungeons filled with mobs and chests filled with jewels or the a rare music disc. His adventures often led to something new and exciting, and made each escapade a thrilling time.
So the very pretty glade filled with wild flowers and delicate mushrooms and tiny flowers had him at a stand still in awe. It was breath taking and shone in the soft glow of the afternoon sun. It was gorgeous and as George sat down leaned up against the old twisted oak tree, it’s no surprise he had fallen asleep in a matter of minutes.
When George awoke, it was to the sound of muffled voices. He blearily opened his eyes to the now moon lite glade, eyes searching for the voices but found no sign of anyone around.
But if he thought the glade look pretty during the day, then at night it was STUNNING! The glade had a soft magic to it and felt alive! But what really caught his eye, were the small mushrooms glowing before him.
Never before had he seen such a specimen of mushroom. The mushrooms shimmered and shined and like billions of tiny stars and were laid out in a small ring before him.
Wanting to get a better look, he moved towards them and was just about to touch the top of the closest one when suddenly a loud yell called out from behind him.
Whipping his head around, he was met face to face with two very small, and very pissed looking sprites. One was bright green and staring with a glare that looked like it could kill him on the spot, and to its right, a bright red and orange sprite that almost appeared to be on fire.
And said sprites were aiming what appeared to be, two very dangerous orbs of light straight at him.
Well that explained the voices.
I hope I did your title justice ❤️❤️❤️
23 notes · View notes
brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
TW for injury, hospitals, major injury, attempted suicide, visions of suicide, mentions of weapons
Staple but from this fic is chicken nuggets
Also gave up on Karl's pronouns halfway through cause i forgot ;-;
- - -
Time’s teachers never understood them. Karl’s legs were the source of its troubles.
But he would ignore spirals troubles.
One day, as time was getting ready to go to class–their gym class, curse his luck–three humans approached the tiny.
Karl ignored its needs for weeks.
“Hey Karl!” Tommy, a fellow tiny, waved, to which Karl waved back. His legs ached. “What are you doing all alone?” He responded, hugging the older.
“Tubbo had to go home, so I was lonely, until I saw you!” The British teen spoke, a smile so wide it practically covered his face. Karl chuckled as he sat down. Gym class was always fun, it was a guessing game. Could time suck up the pain and play, or would spiral only get through the morning exercises before he was forced to the bleachers.
Today was different.
Tommy helped the other stand, and they slowly made their way down the bleachers. The Brit’s hand wrapped itself around their chest, pulling him closer. “Karl, are you okay?” He asked. “‘M fine, keep going.” He responded.
Tommy led the other down, letting him lean against him as he held the other in his spot for role call. “Tommy, get in your spot.” The teacher announced, to which Tommy slowly let go, hoping that the American could stand on its own feet for five minutes.
Karl fell.
- - -
“George!” Tommy shouted, clearly more panicked than normal. George looked down at the tiny, carefully picking him up so he could join the table group. “What’s up?” Dream asked beside him.
“Karl’s been gone all week, I haven’t even gotten any texts from it!” Sapnap chuckled. “Someone’s clingy-” “Oh shut up, I’m just worried about spiral.” Tommy muttered, to which George gently brushed his back.
“He’s just fine, okay?” George whispered. “Here.” The larger Brit carefully handed the smaller a chicken nugget.
Tommy smiled as he ate the chicken nugget.
- - -
Tommy watched as Karl limped into class, walking on two crutches. “Karl! What happened, oh my g**!” He rushed, quickly hugging the other. “Broken legs, apparently it’s not good that I ignored the injury-”
“What the f***, Karl that’s not healthy, how could you even stand that, how long-” “A half a year, I think.” The other tiny returned. “And I didn’t want to be a burden.”
Tommy just glared. “That’s enough, we’re going to have fun, and you are going to stay off your feet.” The younger announced, getting into his bag. “I can’t stay with you but you can play with my Switch.” Tommy smiled, handing it to the other.
He turned on Pokemon, and let the other get distracted.
Throughout the class, the Brit stared up at Karl, just to make sure his injured friend was okay.
- - -
+44(020)-***-****: hello? Is this Karl?
(252)-***-****: ye, whats ur name?
George: George
Karl: oh u must be the 1 tommy talks about
George: yeah he was worried about you
Karl: aww
Karl: hes so clingy
George🥹: he is
George🥹: can i add you to a gc
Karl: ye
- - -
George🥹 added Karl to a chat!
George changed 1 name
George🥹: meet Karl
(936)-***-****: hello
Karl: hi :)
(407)-***-****: hey thats my brand
(936)-***-****: its his now
(936)-***-**** changed 1 name
Karl: no change ig
George🥹: introduce yourself, name, sexuality and pronouns
(936)-***-****: sapnap, poly bi, he/him
Karl changed 1 name
Sappy: karl :)
Karl: :)
(407)-***-****: breaking that up, dream, poly&unlabeled, he/him&they/them
Karl changed 1 name
Stilldre: cant live this down, dhmu
George🥹: george, poly&gay, he/him&it/its
Karl changed 1 name
Gogy: k
Karl: karl, poly pan&ace, trans he/they/it/spiral/time
Sappy: neos are so valid, love you karl
Sappy changed 1 name
Kar: vroom vroom
- - -
“So, Karl, did you like your surprise?” Tommy smiled at the other. “What surprise?” The other playfully shoved the teen.
“I hooked you up with three hot humans, that’s the surprise! You should be thanking me!” The teen laughed. Karl giggled. “Yeah, maybe I should.”
Tommy smiled, and pulled out his switch again. “Here Kar, you’re getting pretty far in the game, hm?” The other smiled. “Keep going at it while I do boring old gym class.”
Karl smiled, and waved Tommy away as the other went through it.
- - -
Kar: im bored
Sappy: arent you in class
Kar: cant do much in gym with my legs :|
Sappy: what
Kar: eh its nothing
Sappy: idk waht are you doing
Kar: playing on tommys swithc its kinda boring compared to the class :/
Sappy: want me to take you to an ice cream shop after school
Stilldre: sap what the f***
Gogy: jealous?
Sappy: simps
Kar: lol
- - -
They left them on read as Tommy came back. “Whoah! Someone caught some good ones, f***ing Gardevoir?” Karl just laughed and looked away. “I could improve them-”
“You have a different save file, I’m going to play it later, come on! They have chicken nuggets for lunch.” Tommy smiled, handing Karl his crutches and helping time down to the floor where they began the slow journey towards the cafeteria.
“So there was this one guy, right? So he approached me during math, was all like ‘oh hey can you help me with my homework?’” Tommy started, lowering his voice to portray a new character. Karl giggled. “So I’m all like ‘wait there was homework?’”
Karl laughed as they eventually made it to their destination. “Tommy!” A voice laced with a British accent spoke out. “It shows his friends more affection than it’s own boyfriends, g**.” Another voice teasingly spoke from behind. Karl gasped as it and Tommy were lifted upwards.
Karl, on instinct, dropped time’s crutches, watching as they were left behind in the middle of the entrance to the lunchroom. S***.
The two were set down on a table top, and were quickly surrounded by three humans. “Ey! George, Sapmap and Dream!” “Oh come on, every time, it’s SapNap.”
Karl laughed into their hands. “Who’s your friend? Is that Karl?” Karl nodded, looking at the three. Tommy was right–for once–they were pretty hot.
“You're pretty cute, hm?” The one who was introduced as Sapnap reached down, carefully picking it up. Karl stood awkwardly on his own two legs, not hiding behind his crutches. They were poked, but time forced spiralself to stand.
“Karl?! Where the f*** are your crutches?!” Tommy shouted.
Karl panicked.
“Wait, crutches…?” Sapnap muttered as he eyed the other. “Oh f*** wait-” The human gently pushed Karl down to rest on the palm of his hand as the four others began the search for the tiny’s crutches.
As Karl looked, he gasped. “They-they’re gone…” Time whispered. Its legs hurt, although the human gently pushed them back down. “It’s okay, we’ll find them.” The larger’s voice rumbled as he was pressed against his massive chest.
Spiral couldn’t even fight it as time’s mind took over and lulled it into a comforting sleep, the most comfortable they’d had in so long.
- - -
Sapnap smiled to himself as he held the now sleeping tiny. The other was so calm, he practically radiated peace. Good for Sapnap, of course, because he had a test the next hour. He tracked down the tinies crutches.
He set Karl in his jacket’s inside pocket, while he let the crutches rest in the outer pocket. At least he could bring Karl to his favourite ice cream shop.
He slowly walked to his class, ignoring the strange glances he gained from his class at the bulge in his jacket.
“Sapnap!” He turned when he heard a voice to his side. “Oh hey Skeppy.” He spoke softly, his hand finding it snuggled nicely overtop the tiny.
“Jeez man, why are you so quiet?” The other asked. “I technically kidnapped someone, they’re asleep right now and I didn’t want to wake them up.” He whispered, holding out his pocket to reveal Karl, snuggled into the cloth.
“Holy s-” “They doesn’t have classes for the rest of the day, the teachers are all gone, and they’ve finished everything already.” Sapnap whispered. “They’s going to be my good luck charm for the tests.” He smiled, watching as the teacher walked in.
It’s safe to assume Sapnap passed his tests with flying colors.
- - -
“You wanted to take Karl here, not us. Where even is it?” Sapnap smiled as Dream asked the question. He gently pulled out the sleeping tiny, carefully prodding time awake. “Good morning, sleeping beauty.” He whispered, letting Karl gather spiralself.
“What-” “you fell asleep, so I brought you along with me. Here” He kissed the tiny before handing him their crutches. “We found these.”
Sapnap gently set the tiny and its crutches down atop a table that the group would sit at moments later. He ordered, slowly approaching the table again, this time placing the ice cream on it.
He and the other two definitely took their turns feeding their ice cream to the tiny, even if Karl was against it at first.
“Are you enjoying the date so far?” Dream asked with a smile, to which Karl laughed. “I guess, yeah, if you count this as one.” The four all shared smiles.
“Karl, we-uh-we wanted to open up our relationship to a fourth, and we wanted that fourth to be you-” “We totally get it if you don’t want to be with us, it’s totally fine-”
“I would love to.” The tiny whispered into time’s hands. Sapnap smiled, gently lifting him up. “Yeah? Well, I guess that means you get giant sized kisses.” The human smiled, gently kissing the smaller.
The three took turns giving Karl kisses. They loved their little one.
- - -
“Karl!” Tommy smiled. “Your brace is off! It’s been months since you could participate, come on!” He smiled softly as he took Tommy’s hand. His friend helped them stand, but Karl’s leg didn’t agree.
It ignored the stinging pain shooting up time’s legs at every movement as Tommy walked down the bleachers with spiral in hand.
He shouldn’t have pain–at least not this bad, they had been freed of its cast and crutches last week.
He left Karl in time’s role call area, and within seconds, he crumpled to the ground. Spiral couldn’t move his legs without the excruciatingly high amounts of pain. No one was helping them, it had hoped they wouldn’t.
Tommy was there. Karl let Tommy move time’s body, wincing audibly when Tommy barely moved spiral’s leg, sending sharp pain throughout his body.
“Karl, Karl, what’s wrong?” The boy panicked, to which Karl realized they had zoned out. “don’t know, hurts…” It whispered, melting into the hug.
“I’ll get someone, okay? The teacher has the nurse on her way. Who do you want to see?” The boy whispered in return. “don’t know, hurts…” Time repeats, tears stinging spiral’s eyes.
Hands grasped his side as they were pulled up, it muffled the screams coming as time’s legs were moved. “It’ll be okay, we’re going to figure out what’s wrong, then the pain will be all over.” A soft, delicate voice whispered into spiral’s ear.
His vision was blurry, but they saw everything.
- - -
Sappy: hey karl want to go on a date with us
Sappy: karl
Sappy: @Kar
Sappy: @Kar
Gogy: relax theyre probably busy
Sappy: fine ill ask later
- - -
Gogmeister: what
Gogmeister: what
Gogmeister: ill get the others and go
Gogmeister: thanks tommy i hope your doing okay
- - -
Gogy: @Sappy @Stilldre
Gogy: karls in the hospital for theyre leg
Sappy: s***
Stilldre: im out of class now ill go now
Sappy: k
Sappy: tell us how they are
- - -
“Hello, I’m here to see a… Karl Jacobs.” Dream spoke to the desk attendant, shockingly calm for the possible gravity of the situation.
“Relation?” They asked, to which Dream thought. “They’re one of my significant others.” He answered softly. The desk attendant looked at them for a moment.
“He’s still in surgery, we don’t know when he’ll get out, but he’s looking to be in there for more than four hours.” Dream hissed. “What’s he in there for?” He asked warily, shifting awkwardly.
“All I have listed here is an amputation above the knee, a myomectomy, and an osteotomy.”
Oh s***.
Oh f***.
This was bad.
“I-Thank you, I’ll go sit in the waiting room.” They smiled, although pathetically as he wandered to a seat to sit down.
Tears flowed down their face as he pulled out their phone and called Sapnap.
- - -
“Excuse me sir, I have something going on with someone close to me,” Sapnap began once he stood at his teacher's desk. “So I-I need to answer some calls and check up on him.” He failed to conceal his tears.
“Hey, that’s alright, it’s a work day anyways. Take a break, and if you need to take a call, please do.” The teacher smiled. “I know how this stuff goes, it’s hard. Lucky for you, all your work is done.”
Sapnap nodded slowly, going back to his seat, where Skeppy awaited him. “What’s up?” The man asked softly. “Karl’s in the hospital, and Dream’s gone to check on him. I haven’t gotten any new information-” His pocket buzzed, and he shot up out of his desk, grabbing his phone.
“Oh f***, I-uh…” He muttered frantically, rushing towards the door. “I have a call.” He watched the teacher nod before he quickly left, answering his friend.
“Dream, f***, how is it?” He asked, leaning against the wall as students began filtering into their classes. “It’s bad, Sap, it’s so bad…” Sapnap could practically hear the tears.
“He’s, they have to amputate something, he’s got a osteotomy, a myomectomy, what the f*** even happened?!” Dream spoke frantically, as tears escaped Sapnap’s eyes. “What-What do we do…?” He asked slowly, letting himself sink to the floor to better ignore the glances he gained from those around him.
“Nothing Sap, they don’t expect him to be out for another four hours…”
Four hours.
“I’ll meet you there Dream, I don’t f***ing care-” “Sap, no, you have class, and you can’t possibly imagine of driving like this-”
“I just said, I. Don’t. F***ing. Care. I’ll get a g**d*** uber. My classes are just work days. I’m going over there.” He shouted in his teary eyed stupor.
He stayed on the phone with Dream as he told his teacher that he had to leave. Thankfully, the teacher was incredibly understanding, checking him out of all his later classes too.
Sapnap then proceeded to walk to the office and check out George.
“What, why am I here, what’s happening?” George asked frantically, practically pouncing on the younger. “Karl’s in surgery for four more hours. We are going to go meet Dream and distract ourselves.” Sapnap spoke. “I’ve already called an uber.”
Sapnap pulled George close, letting the other cry on his shoulder as he led the two towards their uber. He couldn’t ignore the tears gathering in his eyes as he told the driver where they were headed.
Thankfully the driver understood and did their best to distract the two until they arrived, to which Sapnap gave a fairly generous tip once they had arrived.
Upon finding the waiting room, they spotted Dream, who was probably zoned out listening to some hopefully happy songs. He took the opportunity to sneak up and scare the taller.
“What the f*** Sap!” “Wake up, sleepy head, we’re here!” He shouted in return. The other rolled their eyes and promptly wrapped the two in a hug.
“How much longer do you think?” The Brit asked slowly, treading lightly on the already unstable topic. “If we’re lucky, three and a half hours-” “Let’s do something to distract ourselves, even if it’s only for an hour, okay? Beats sitting around in a dreary hospital waiting room, that’s for sure.”
The other two nodded at the Texan’s proposal, deciding to walk outside into the cool air and figure out what to do from there instead of staying another minute in the drowsy room.
The Brit seemed to be the only one who could form a thought out of the three, although Sapnap knew that if its past record was anything to go by, George was even more of a sobbing mess than both Americans combined, even if he didn’t show it.
- - -
George looked up as he watched a man step into the room. As ita eyes met the lab coat, he realized this was going to be serious, so it popped the earbuds out of his ears, letting them dangle from its phone.
As he stood up, it realized the other two were asleep, so he slapped the two with a magazine on the side table.
“Karl Jacobs?” The doctor asked the three. “Yeah, that’s us.” George responded as it pulled Sapnap upward.
“Okay, well, we have a report on his diagnosis. There was a medical inaccuracy, the doctors that previously treated him seemed to only treat him for his broken bones and failed to spot an infection.”
George tried his hardest to keep a straight face, while the other two seemed to fail at such a simple thing, in which Dream was already sobbing and Sapnap had the strangest face–probably a mixture of shock, fear, and sadness.
“And as a result, we’ve had to remove many of his muscles in his right leg, as well as a chunk of bone. His left leg had to be amputated above the knee, the nerve damage caused by the infection. Here are a few packets," The doctor spoke, as gently as he could while still being serious and blunt. George took the pamphlet, which was a guide on how to care for the amputation, as well as a second on how to care for the muscle removal, a third for the bone removal, and a fourth on how to care for a wheelchair, "on how you need to care for him. The nurses have already placed an order for the medication you'll need, it should arrive later today."
George let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. At this point, it was almost ready to throw the other two out of the room until the doctor finished.
"Dream, Sapnap, get out, I need to hear this, and your crying isn't helping." George was trying so hard to hold onto his emotions as he watched the two sadly walk out.
“Sorry, please continue.” George informed, steeling his nerves. “Right, we’ll be keeping him in his room for about seven days, the first day to watch his muscles, amputation, and leg, the second day focusing on the amputation and leg. After the third day, we’ll be focusing soully on his amputation.”
George nodded along, it was good to know this, and thankfully the other two were sobbing their hearts out in the halls outside and not in here.
He needed to hear this information, not their crying.
“Is there anything else?” George asked softly, hoping to not overstep any emotional boundaries.
“Right, uh, visiting hours are 6 to 8. If you have any other questions, you can either find them in the pamphlets or you can talk to me. He’s in the recovery room, that surgery was a lot for him.” George nodded. “Can we visit him?”
“Not yet.” George sighed as the doctor left. He finally let his despair take control as he fell into the seat and cried. Crybabies, all four of them.
- - -
“The desk lady asked me what my relationship was with Karl and I straight up told her I was polyam and in a gay relationship with him…” Dream admitted, to which Sapnap broke out into laughter wet with tears.
“Only you would panic and say that, you simp!” The shorter laughed. George just rolled his eyes. “Says you, pulling yourself and me out of our classes just to see Karl.” He whispered.
Neither of them got any sleep, Dream driving to their shared apartment to grab their necessities: clothes–Dream grabbed whatever he found in the three’s separate dressers and mixed them together, none of them would mind if they shared clothes–shoes, their laptops for school and homework, chargers, medicine, basically the stuff that was easiest to grab.
He had also made a stop at the local store to get the stuff he couldn’t grab–toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc–as well as a gift for Karl, a keychain that he cut up to make a stuffed animal.
“Do you think his family’s worried? I mean, unless Tommy’s said something to them.” Sapnap asked softly. George paused. “Let me go ask.” He spoke, pulling out his phone with the intention to call the tiny Brit.
He pressed call, getting up as he held the phone to his ear.
“Ey, gogmeister, what’s up?” George only rolled his eyes as the energetic teen answered. “Karl’s been out of surgery for a few hours, just wanted to check if his family knows.”
There was silence on the other end, silence that was abnormal for the energetic teen. “George, I-i’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, but Karl was abandoned. We found him quite literally on the side of the road.”
That explained a lot.
“So…” George tried to salvage any sort of conversation they could’ve had. “Visiting hours start tomorrow at 6. Karl’s had-” “Wait, I need to put this on speaker. Okay, you’re good, EVERYONE SHUT UP!”
George sighed, rolling his eyes. “Okay, visiting hours start tomorrow at 6. Keep in mind that Karl may not be fully conscious for a few hours. The anesthesia has probably done a lot.”
He took a breath to calm himself.
“He’s had some of his bone and muscles removed, and had to have a leg amputated. All of this from a medical inaccuracy.” He finally finished, frowning. This had been so much, almost too much for such a short time frame they’ve had for all of this.
“Wow…” Tommy gasped from the other end. “Oh s***, that’s a lot…Techno, you are not making him potatoes.” “Oh f*** you.”
George smiled at the family banter between Tommy’s family. It was a nice refresher from the dreary few hours it had been. “Yeah. Dream, Sap, and I have been here for a while, we’ll update you guys on anything new.” George informed.
“If you get to see Karl tonight, tell him good night for me?” The teen on the other end of the phone asked. He smiled. “Of course Tommy.”
He hung up the phone with one last goodbye before he promptly sat down, his head buried in his hands as he began to let his emotions loose, crying alone in the empty room.
Why had this all happened?
“George!” He looked up, spotting a figure in front of him. Beautiful gray eyes, covered delicately with fluffy brown hair and accented with miniature freckles dancing across a wonderfully round face.
A face that could only be formed in his dreams.
“Come on!” George took the figure’s hand, marveling at how shockingly soft the skin was against his own. He was lifted up and dragged through the landscape, which appeared to be a flower field.
He watched as the new figure pranced about the field, picking an assortment of blue and purple flowers with each graceful movement.
There was something different, something almost familiar about how the figure moved, and how each hair danced up and down with each practiced step.
“Come help me make flower crowns for everyone!” The figure cheered as they sat down carefully among the flowers. George was slower, sitting carefully next to them as they began to make a flower crown out of stunning green leaves and white daffodils.
“Why are you so stressed? Just relax and take a breath, silly.” The other smiled, clearly trying to melt his worries away like they were slime.
Clearly it worked.
“Someone–sorry, a friend of mine–is going through so much right now, but I feel pathetic. I can’t do anything to help him.” The other only smiled before looking up from their mess of flowers. “If your friend is about half as strong as you are, I’m sure he’ll be just fine.”
George smiled as he picked up a few purple flowers, beginning to weave them, copying the movements of the more experienced of the two.
“Yeah, but it still worries me. He’s already so tiny, I’m scared that I won’t be able to help him. What if I hurt him more?” He rambled, twisting a few flowers to slide them in with the rest and tie them in place.
“You worry too much. You and the others won’t hurt him, I know that. You three will help him out, and he will be so incredibly grateful.”
He smiled, before the realization dawned on him.
“How do you know my name? And how do you know about Dream and Sapnap?” The figure never took their eyes off the flower crown, continuing to weave. “Your time is up here George, but I’ll tell you one thing. I’ll be fine.”
The smile. It caught him by surprise when it finally clicked.
And just like that, George awoke with a start, feeling Sapnap against his side as Dream pulled the two closer in his sleep. His eyes spotted something resting in front of them.
A flower crown made from faux lavender and lilac.
Karl was going to be okay, of that he was sure.
- - -
Dream was the first one allowed to enter, to which he got to adore the miniature form of his love. Karl hadn’t woken up yet, but the larger didn’t care.
He wanted a moment to take in the other’s beauty before Karl would inevitably shove him off.
“Oh good, hey, we needed to do something for him, but as you can see…he’s a bit too small for the bed. Do you mind getting under him to lift him up for us?” One of the nurses asked, turning their attention to him.
Dream nodded, slowly pulling himself into the bed, and carefully–with assistance from the nurses–laid Karl atop his chest, where he watched cautiously as Karl was moved along with his breathing. Luckily, this movement didn’t seem to mess anything up.
The nurses began their work, bringing in tiny nurses to properly care for the tiny form resting on him. Once they finished, Dream rested a hand over Karl as a makeshift blanket to warm him up.
George and Sapnap joined him in the room a moment later, bringing in tinies with them.
“Hey Dream, we brought the Watsons-what-” Sapnap started before it clicked in his mind.
Great, they were going to have too much fun with this.
“Okay, look, the nurses couldn’t have him drowning in the sheets, so they had me stay with him. Now hand over my laptop, I have to check my schoolwork.” Dream sighed, holding out his hand. George–ever the responsible one–gave him his laptop as Sapnap laughed at the site.
George was careful in handling the tiny family, taking them from Sapnap and setting them on the table connected to the hospital bed. Dream eyed them.
The oldest one looked like Tommy, having blond hair and blue eyes. He could see where his genes came from. Although the other two had little resemblance, the only similarities being the brunette’s blue eyes.
Who has naturally pink hair?
Apparently this guy.
“Hey, I’m Phil, this is Wilbur and Techno. We’re the Watsons. Tommy’s family, and by extension, Karl’s.” Dream nodded, smiling. “Hey, I’m Dream.” He knew George was probably facepalming at this point, annoyed at just how awkward he was socially.
And only then, as he zoned out, he felt the weight of Karl against him. He barely moved his fingers, brushing the area where the leg was missing. This was terrible, how would Karl react?
The three joined separate Zoom meetings with their teacher as they taught, not wanting to miss their assignments. No one really dared to talk, although Techno–the one with the pink hair–became bold and scaled Dream’s chest to lay next to Karl. The Watsons had to be going through everything right now, it must hurt.
Everything in Dream’s mind was racing as he thought about being in this position. He really didn’t want to imagine his little sister in this position. He was amazed at how composed the family was.
“So, is Tommy coming?” George dared to ask. “No, he’s staying home with Kristin. He needs to focus on his schoolwork.” Dream nodded.
Karl was strong.
“Tommy told us that Karl had been hiding an injury for half a year. I’ll be shocked if he can even walk after this.” Wilbur–the one with the brown hair–spoke next. “A half a year? How could he handle that?” Sapnap asked, adjusting himself in his seat.
“We don’t even know. The school had no clue about it either, we looked at the tapes, he was great at hiding it.”
Karl was an incredible actor.
- - -
Dream shuffled awake, looking around. Everyone else had left, seeing as it was past visiting hours. But he remained, being asked to keep the other from drowning in the sheets.
He assumed he would see a nurse or someone, coming in to do their nightly check-ins, but he instead felt movement, so small, so close, so soft. His attention turned to Karl, watching as the other slightly moved his head. The other’s eyes opened slowly.
Karl let out a questioning hum before Dream rested a hand atop him. That sparked a yelp. “Sorry Karl.” He whispered, brushing his hair. “Did you sleep well?” “where-what happened…?”
He frowned. “You collapsed in class, it turned out you had a serious infection that had been killing your legs from the inside out.” He spoke, trying to stay calm for the other so he wouldn’t panic. “I-oh.”
“Next time something happens, you need to tell someone. Please Karl.”
Dream felt Karl nod. “Do you want to tell me what happened?” The tiny paused. “Yeah…”
Dream waited for the other to respond. “There were these kids–humans–who were mad for some reason, and saw me as I was going to my gym class. They grabbed me and squeezed my legs, but ran when they realized that doing that had broken my legs.”
He knew Karl was trembling, so he carefully reached over and grabbed the keychain plushie and let Karl rest against it. “I didn’t want to be a burden, so I just ignored it. The pain just became worse and worse until I just collapsed.”
“If I could, I would hug you, but you’re hooked into so many different IVs that I would probably break all of them. If you get a major injury, that doesn’t make you a burden. You need to take care of yourself too.”
Dream felt as the other’s heartbeat slowed, the other was asleep again, at least that was an improvement. He felt himself drift off into dreamless sleep as well.
He opened his eyes to laughter, startling him from his sleep. A forest, which had not–which could not have–been in the hospital room awaited his eyes.
And yet in front of him, while not too far but far enough, stood a figure. Their face was blurry but they wore a lavender colored sweater that blew with the wind. Dream stood slowly, eyeing them as he slowly approached.
The figure smiled through the blur, holding out their hands towards him, almost begging for a hug.
Who was he to refuse?
As he approached, the sky turned dark, overtaking the two in its suddenness. He tried to reach forward, to make it to the figure who stood, slowly being dragged away.
“Wait!” Dream called out, reaching out for them.
“Not okay, help me.” The figure whispered before his eyes shot open.
His breathing was heavy, his chest hurt. It was a dream, oh thank f***, it was a dream. He wanted to cry, before he somehow managed to collect himself.
Karl was thankfully still asleep as a nurse stepped inside. What was happening to him?
- - -
It was a long ride from the hospital, Sapnap found out the hard way, as the four of them slowly drove home. George was carefully holding Karl in his hands.
None of them look like they got good sleep, but Sapnap probably looked the same.
“What do we do now?” Sapnap whispered to Dream–the driver–softly, so only he could hear.
“We need to focus on ourselves and Karl. It may or may not be harder for us, because he’s smaller, but we should be okay for a bit.” He nodded, turning on his phone, and letting it connect to the bluetooth.
“Sap, no, you know we banned you from the AUX-” George cut himself off as ‘Careless Whispers’ played through the speakers. “Sapnap, I will strangle you-” “I will kick you out of this car and let you walk home, so help me!”
Sapnap just cackled, smiling as Karl seemed to enjoy this too.
He let his eyes flutter closed for only a moment before he opened them again. Had he fallen asleep long enough for Dream to get them to their apartment?
He wandered through the house, it was strangely dark and misty, giving him that horror feel as he walked through. Something wasn’t right.
At the end of a hall, Sapnap spotted a shadow moving under the door. Worried about a possible intruder, he crept forward, reaching out to open the door. It didn’t swing open when he pushed it, so he slammed it hard with his shoulder.
A rope.
“Help me.”
Sapnap nearly threw himself out of his seat, screaming. The other three panicked as well, Dream slamming the brakes and quickly turning off the road.
“G**, Sap, WHAT THE F***?!” The driver shouted. “Rope, body, f***, f***-” He couldn’t breathe, it felt almost like there was a rope tied around his neck.
George reached from behind, gently rubbing his shoulder. “It was just a dream, okay? It’s not going to affect your life-” “Dream, Dream, they f***ing died, they were hanging-” Dream shoved a hand onto his mouth.
“It’ll be okay, it wasn’t real.” He tried to reason. Sapnap turned his attention to his phone as it buzzed, pulling it out of his pocket and looking at the notification.
‘I had a dream about karl’ the text from George read. ‘simp’ he responded quickly. ‘weve all had strange dreams’ Dream replied to the two.
George tucked Karl into a cupholder in-between the three. “So, Dream, what did you dream?” Sapnap snickered, how funny. “There was someone in a forest, I went to hug them, but then everything was dark and I heard ‘not okay, help me’. Then I was awake.”
“I dreamt I was making flower crowns with Karl, he told me he was fine.” “Shockingly tame, I dreamt about someone hanging themself in our apartment.”
“Weird.” Dream muttered as Sapnap felt the car begin to move again.
The car ride was silent as they continued home.
- - -
George helped Karl in the morning, carefully washing him down and letting the other sit in silence. “I’ve got you a smoothie.” He smiled, holding out a bottle cap filled with the strawberry liquid.
Karl slowly drank, getting his food all over himself and the area surrounding him. “How are you feeling?” He asked, receiving a shrug in response. He sighed.
He began to clean up his friend. It had been so long since they heard him talk, they believed the last time was when Dream spoke to him in the hospital about two months ago.
“I have to go in a bit, have to pick up the mail. I’ll be back, do you want to stay in the kitchen or….” Karl nodded, staying still. George didn’t expect him to move, at least not without his wheelchair.
He waved as he left the apartment.
- - -
It was eerily silent as George entered. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was so terribly wrong.
The choking sounds from the room at the end of the hall were enough for George to sprint into the room.
And there, only there, did everyone’s dreams make sense, as he stared at the limp body of Karl, hanging from a pin stuck into a piece of thread.
He understandably screamed.
Pocket knife in hand, he cut the rope, catching the tiny form as he ran back out the door to his car. This was bad, this was terrible.
He knew he was speeding, probably a good 20 over. But Karl’s life was on the line. He promptly ignored the calls he was getting from his boyfriends.
- - -
Even though Karl was fine physically, that didn’t mean that it didn’t leave the two with lasting scars. George could barely hold his pocket knife without having a panic attack, while Karl had a permanent bruise where the rope had been tightened around his neck. Neither could even glance at rope or thread.
Both Dream and Sapnap were powerless.
Even as the two finished making wheelchair accessible pathways, George refused to leave Karl alone.
There were a lot of things to work on now, things both healthy and unhealthy. But they needed to work it out together. From that point, Dream and Sapnap promised each other that they would help the others, and take it all one step at a time.
“Hey Karl?” Sapnap asked with a smile as he stepped into the room, placing a kiss on the tinies forehead. He carefully set a plate down in front of him, watching as the other stared at it.
“It’s dino nuggets, a friend wanted you to try some.” He smiled, watching as the other carefully took one and bit into it.
“I see why Tommy likes these.” The other spoke, for the first time in a long while. “Yeah, they’re pretty entertaining, hm?”
love the chatfic aspect and just karl being afraid of being a burden is so hghghhghghhgh i can't describe it. this is cutting it close with paperclips,, i think you will win our angst battle :')
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
I finished writing the fic "A" :D Now I'll be able to work on the one that won the last poll, aka -> Water
Hope you enjoy :]
Word Count: 1,7K :]
TW: Safe/soft vore, injury, digestion mention (doesn't happen)
The sun was beginning to go down, letting people know that in a few hours night would fall. Normally the woods in that area were quiet, but that day they heard many shots. They were apparently directed towards a pair of blue jay hybrids that had a peculiar coloration, as neither were blue in color but one was fawn yellow and the other shamrock green.
A couple of hunters chased them trying to hurt them in order to catch them, while a third followed them with the van so they could later put the birds in the cages they had. The hybrids continued to flap their wings as fast as they could, not wanting to be caught. “Foolish… When are they going to stop chasing us? My wings hurt from flying so much... we've been like this all morning and noon..." complained the green one and apparently the younger of the two.
“I don't know Dream… Just hold on a little more… I'm sure they'll give up at night…” replied the other, dodging another shot. "We can't let them escape, if we catch them we can get a lot of money in exchange for them!!" yelled one of the hunters. Foolish looked to his side realizing that Dream was falling behind. He was too tired to continue.
His eyes widened as he watched a hand get too close to his younger brother. "DREAM!" “I managed to catch one of them without having to hurt him with the bullets! Only the other remains." says the hunter victorious, his hand closed around the hybrid, waiting for the van to stop next to him to lock up the green bird, while the other continued to chase the yellow one.
Foolish continued to fly as fast as he could, though he was so preoccupied with Dream that he didn't even get a chance to dodge the hunter's shot. The hybrid hit the ground hard, although he got up quickly, starting to run towards some bushes, trying to lose sight of the hunter. Although turning his gaze to the front, he found something that he did not like at all.
Dream twisted in the hunter's grasp, flapping his wings quickly. “Leave us alone!!” he snapped as he continued to try to escape. The hunter just laughed at the hybrid. “Not in a million years, as soon as we catch the other, you two will be traded for a lot of money.” he replied with a cruel smile. "No, you won’t be able to catch him, so forget about him!” he yelled back, which the hunter didn't like, clenching his fist even tighter, causing the hybrid to let out a pained cry.
Neither of them had noticed the naga that had appeared a few meters away, though the naga hadn't noticed them either as he was a bit drowsy. The hybrid writhed until he finally decided to bite down hard on the hunter's hand, causing the hunter to let him go. "Son of a b-!" Dream only taunted him, flitting forward, still looking at the hunter so he could see him swear as he stared at the hand where Dream had bitten.
However when he looked forward, his eyes widened in terror, trying to stop his flight suddenly. The cause of this was because he was rushing towards the yawning maw of a naga.
Unfortunately he couldn't stop in time and his legs hit the back of the naga's mouth, causing him to swallow. Dream was about to let out a small cry as he was pushed down into the tight throat.
Foolish Let out a small yelp of fear, falling back as he was met by a naga. "My, my... I was looking for something to eat but it seems it came right at me." Said the naga with heterochromatic eyes, his smile widening. Foolish started to crawl back when he heard another shot and snapped his head towards the sound, letting him know that the hunter was getting closer.
The naga glanced ahead before looking at the hybrid again, noting the injured wing, covered in blood. "So...you already have someone after you, huh?" he commented, bringing his hand closer to the hybrid, lifting him up off the floor. “W-Wait! Please!" The naga only pressed a finger gently on the small boy's lips as he rolled his eyes, shutting up the bird instantly.
“Okay, okay… I won't hurt you, but if you want to get away from the one who's chasing you, I'll have to hide you and you probably won't like it, but you'll have to put up with it anyway." Foolish was really confused when the naga said those words to him, until he was brought closer to his mouth, realizing what the naga was referring to. 
The hybrid tried to squirm to no avail as he was introduced into the reptile's jaws. Foolish was desperately trying to hold on to something when the naga finally swallowed him, sending him downward. The bird pushed against the soft walls, trying to coax the naga into letting it out. "Nonono... Please let me out!" The naga only huffed. “You'll be fine-..” ​​“They have my brother! I have to go get him!" he yelled, still pushing against the walls of the storage. 'Hmmm... So that was it, huh?'
“I'll take care of it, get some rest, I bet that you're really tired and the injury is making you even more tired. I promise I won't hurt either of you…” Foolish didn't know if he should really trust a naga who previously wanted to eat him, but his voice was honest, so he decided to do as he was told, closing his eyes, falling asleep in a few seconds.
George looked straight ahead once he felt the hybrid fall asleep. He was getting soft. It wasn't long before a hunter appeared with a gun, though it wasn't made for hunting naga’s. The hunter's eyes widened as they met the naga's heterochromatic ones. "Well, it seems that someone has decided to become my lunch." The hunter shakily pointed the gun at the naga and George just laughed at that.
"You know full well that those weapons are of no use against a naga, right?" he commented with a wide smile. The hunter dropped his gun and ran off, earning another laugh from the naga who began to chase him. “Hey, haven't you come to offer yourself? I will be really glad to accept you in my stomach.” He commented, giving the hunter some advantage so that he could lead him to his partners.
The naga was sleepy at the time, he had just woken up from a rather long nap so he didn't expect something to go into his mouth while he yawned. He choked for a moment before swallowing.
Sapnap let out a little belch, from the air he had swallowed along with something else that didn't know what it was, until he saw some green feathers coming out of his mouth. "Have I swallowed a bird...?" He asked himself before an angry voice was heard.
"Hey! That's my bird! Give it back to me!" The hunter froze for a moment as the naga licked his lips. "I don't think so, I must admit it was quite delicious…" "I don't care! I had a hard time catching it, so give it back to me!" Sapnap only rolled his eyes lightly pressing on his storage.
"Hmm... Should I move it to the stomach and digest it...?" He wondered in a low voice, though the bird inside the storage heard it too, beginning to squirm and push against the soft walls. "N-No! P-Please! D-Don't digest me! B-Brother! H-Help me p-please!" The bird inside cried.
Sapnap frowned. Birds don't talk, unless it was a hybrid. He looked at the hunter again. "You said it was a bird, not a hybrid." He said seriously. "That doesn't matter! It's still a fucking bird!" snapped the hunter angrily when he saw that the naga had no intention of returning the bird. At that, Sapnap's gaze darkened, he slid over to the hunter placing his hands on the man's shoulders. "Listen to me and do it right..." he commented in a threatening tone.
The hunter swallowed, clearly nervous at the naga's sudden change in attitude. “If you imply that a bird hybrid is the same as a simple bird, to me, you would be just another piece of meat on the menu. I could eat you whole right now and your life would end here, believe me, I would do it without hesitation, there is plenty of free space for you to fit inside." he finally grunted, removing his hands from the hunter's shoulders. "Now get out of here before I decide to turn you into naga food.” The hunter nodded quickly, his eyes wide with terror as he turned to run back to the van.
A few seconds later another hunter appeared running towards the van, a brown-haired naga following slowly behind. Sapnap smiled slightly. "Hey George... So you've met a hunter too?" The heterochromatic naga looked at him for a moment before nodding. “I had threatened to eat him and then he ran off. He was acting brave but he's actually a coward." He ended up laughing, Sapnap laughing at that too.
Sapnap thought for a while before asking. "What was he looking for though?" "Apparently he was looking for a bird hybrid, but I found him before he could." he commented to the black-haired man calmly. Sapnap watched him silently for a moment before speaking. "You haven't done anything to them, right?" he asked with a bit of concern in his voice. George sighed at this, rolling his eyes. “No, I haven't done anything to him, he's in my storage. Although being hungry, I don't like this at all."
Sapnap sighed in relief at that. "Then let's go find you something to eat while we let them rest for a while before letting them out." George nodded, both nagas began to slide back into the deep part of the forest. "We should also get some healing leaves, apparently the one that I've found was shot in one of his wings." Sapnap nodded, following his companion. They would keep the two hybrids safe from any danger around them.
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colossal-red · 2 years
Chapter One: Analysis
Tw: technical hurt, pests, that’s about it.
Word Count: 2kish
Dream was rather enjoying this new Human. He had been spending some time getting a good look at this guy in particular to gauge how careful he should be. Needless to say, George didn’t seem like a very competent Human. He was watching silently laughing, while George struggled to find the glasses that Dream had lugged away to the top of the shelf.
Dream though, was not a cruel Borrower. So he had put the glasses just right on the shelf so that when the light streamed through the window, would illuminate the lenses. He quickly backed away as this happened against the wall about to enter the grate. He finally heard George make a sound of triumph as he reached the glasses.
George actually didn’t need glasses, they were mainly for just looking good and helping his colorblindness. So he was still a bit upset when he didn’t find them on his nightstand when he woke up in his new house. He had contemplated calling Sapnap but decided that he’d just find them himself.
Once the light shined onto the shelf just above his nightstand he reached and grasped it. He could almost swear he felt a small gust of warm breath on his finger, it was very small though. He went ahead and put them on, and went downstairs to grab a stool from the garage. But when he got back and double-checked the shelf, it was empty.
It was common knowledge that Tinies existed, George just didn’t think that he’d ever encounter any. Not that he had any proof he did have one infesting his new house, but there wasn’t much else it could be that breathed on his hand like that. His suspicions were only confirmed more when food started mysteriously going missing alongside other objects that he used.
Over the next week…
It took Dream a second before he realized that George was in fact, not blind. (Or at least not in the normal way.) But he didn’t care that much, this Human was relatively foolish, and since Borrowers were common Knowledge to them, he didn’t have to worry about being seen all that much.
Besides, if the Human got close enough to do anything he had a much more technologically advanced hook than most other Borrowers. It was mainly based on some of the things that Humans watched on their TV’s, such as the man with powers like a Spider, or that one ‘anime’ with actual giants. Back when the house was empty, he liked to practice his swinging here, he was already pretty good thanks to The Blade. But practice makes perfect.
Thankfully it seemed as if George wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon, so he could annoy the human more than he normally would. “ooooh Tiny?” George whispered attempting to sound menacing, but after seeing him talk to someone named ‘Sapnap’ through the phone, it really didn’t have the intended effect.
“I seeeee youuu!” Dream laughed at this, “You’re a Liar!” He chuckled out. “oooh, so you’re up there Tiny?” George gestured, heading over to the cabinet just next to where Dream actually was on top of the Fridge. Dream was ready for him, grabbing his hook, he launched it at his glasses and wrapped it around the middle bit in between George’s eyes.
“AHHHHH!” George screeched as his glasses were ripped off of his face and landed with a thud against the fridge with a rope wrapped around it reaching up to the top of the fridge. He was just reaching for them when the hook attached to the end of the rope that his glasses were on disengaged, making his glasses fall all the at to the tiled floor. He reacted quickly bringing his foot up to catch them.
“Noooo!” He groaned as he saw that he had totally crushed them when he caught them. Just above he heard some chuckling. “I’ll get you for that you little Nightmare!” He shouted up to the top of the fridge. There was a vent up there, so the little goblin was probably retreating into it like the rat he is.
“Heheheha!” Dream was enjoying this as he retreated into the vents with a cookie that he had yoinked from the cupboard. Making his way up the vents, he ended up at his centralized home base inside the ceiling above the Living room nearby the front door. Without a word, Dream feasted on his find.
A few minutes later he heard George leave the house, “Don’t touch anything of mine Tiny, or else.” Pffft, Dream thought. Or else what? If this idiot thought he had any shot of catching him, he was sorely mistaken. As soon as he heard the door close, he decided to take a nap, thankfully the house would be quiet for now.
George was on his way home, it had taken a bit (and a decent sum of money) but he had gotten some new glasses. He also called Sapnap as he was supposed to arrive at the same time as him at their new house. Sap was moving in with him, but knowing this idiot, he’s probably eating a pizza in a gas station somewhere on the way.
As he opened the front door, he wondered whether or not he should call the Tiny by another name. He went around trying to think of clever names for the Tiny, but as he hadn’t even seen what they looked like, it was difficult. One day though when he was prowling the kitchen after noticing that even more cookies were gone the Tiny spoke up.
“You know I have a name right?” The Tiny asked one day after George was teasing him. “Oh really, and what would that be?” The Tiny’s answer was quick and straight-to-the-point. “The name’s Dream.” Huh, that was a weird name, but from what he did know about tinies they did have some strange names. Not that he had room to judge, his middle and last name were Not Found.
“Well, Dream.” George enunciated, “I hope that you can Dream your way out of my house.” Dream didn’t crack so much as a smile after that attempt at a pun, “You must realize that I lived here first.” George took a second l. “Well yeah, but you are merely a pest that should be taken out.” Dream grimaced at this, and decided to leave, he didn’t want to entertain this dude any longer.
The next day…
Things went like this for a while. This time, George thought it'd be smart to set a trap. Multiple in fact. It got to the point where Dream had enough saved net that he could sew it together to make a net big enough to catch George. So one day while George went out to eat, (As Dream usually ended up stealing the food if he brought it back.) he set up the trap just above the front door.
"ooooohhh Dreeeeaaamm? I'm back and without any food for you to-" George was stopped by the net that had dropped as soon as he opened the door. "AH!" He thrashed about in the net for a bit, meanwhile, Dream was in hysterics at the sight. "Ohhh, i'll get you for that one!" George shouted at the shelf as Dream disappeared again.
After this, even more prank’s ensued. Flower pots and framed pictures were shattering left and right, both by Dream AND by George as he chased Dream throughout the home. “Not another one!” George shouted after he knocked over a pot trying to get at Dream, “Come back here!” Another day, George found a whole bunch of holes in his favorite shirt with Supreme on it completely torn out.
On another note, Dream had a nice new red and blue blanket, “God damn it Dream!” George roared after this. Dream the. And made a hammock on top of a shelf to get an excuse to do something else. Needless to say, George destroyed it. “I got your bed Dream!” George said to Dream, but Dream was t listening. He was pulling out a needle he had gotten from Technoblade a few years back.
He made a running leap with both his needle and his hook. He used his hook to swing around the bumbling Human and poked at him as well. “DREAM. STOP!” George screeched as he was assaulted with the sewing needle. After a minute, Dream swung himself up to a vent and watched laughing as George fretted over his small cuts.
He even went and messed with the wires inside of George’s PC, he remembered his friend Skeppy doing this several times. Although Skeepy wasn’t as skilled as Dream and usually ended up electrocuted. Dream and him had parted ways for a bit. Skeppy because He was too train and show Dream up. Dream because he preferred to work alone for the most part.
He did miss Skeppy’s company at times, but George’s rage when his PC short-circuited was absolutely hilarious. “Noooo! What the actual hell is wrong with you!” George interrogated the wall. George then went on to call someone name Phil, presumably to help with the PC.
On another occasion, Dream sat back and watched George watch a movie. The movie in question was Star Wars. Dream wasn't super invested until he saw some of the characters tie up a big mech and topple it over. He grinned mischievously underneath his mask as he concocted his plan.
Then a few hours later, he tied a long bit of rope around a book in the closet to lure George over there. Once George was in earshot, he pulled causing a loud thud to sound from the closet. "oooh Dreeaam? You in there?" He headed over to the closet. To which Dream leaped from a nearby picture frame and used his hook to wrap around the idiot's legs.
"Oh what the hell!?" George shouted as he tried to swat at Dream, rather unsuccessfully he might add. "Would you. Stop. Moving. For a second." He grunted out as Dream had tied his arms a bit too. Dream finally landed on his shoulder, "No, I don't think I will Gog's." Then he jumped off with the slightest push. "AHHH- oof." George went as he crashed through the partially open closet door. Knowing that George would be trapped for a decent while, Dream mustered up the strength to close the door for good measure.
"Oh, you are SO dead when I get out of here." He heard George declare angrily. "Sure I'll be, and the day that happens is the day I stop messing with you." Dream replied sarcastically as he retreated into the nearest vent before just bursting with euphoria.
A few hours later...
George had received a call from Sapnap at 12:23 AM, he was extremely pissed off at being woken up, especially after being trapped in the closet for a few hours, but went downstairs to open the door for him. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see something yellow, (or was it green?) poking out just barely visible from behind a Photo on the bookshelf of George with Sapnap, Bad, and Bad’s cat he had gotten recently not too long after the photo was taken.
“George, who’s at the door?” Dream asked knowing he’d been spotted. “Just a friend of mine who’s moving in, not that it’s any of your business.” Dream was almost wheezing as a realization crept upon him. “You mean to say, that you called BACKUP.” He started, “On a little Borrower like me?” He finished laughing. “No! It isn’t like that!” George said turning a tiny bit red, “it’s totally like that! Well, I’m excited to see them.”
George then proceeded to unlock the door and turn the knob, Dream knew that it was probably Sapnap who he had heard George talking to a number of times. “Bring it on Sapitus Napitus.” He muttered as George pulled the door open…
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baka-monarch · 2 years
Imo, we need more giant George content (either that or I just haven't seen that many) bc like, human Dream and giant George fluff would be fun
It would it would
Plus George would be a really fun giant to write- because even though he'd probably be careful with his friends and not want to hurt them, he'd probably also be very careless and not think before he acts as well as act very chaotic
I believe him to be the type of giant to grab before asking and just not learn any better, but in a good way
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qqueenofhades · 9 months
Tumblr media
Someone made Felonies Georg into a graphic. Bless.
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