#giant porg
reyreybutt · 2 years
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skquill · 11 days
Jenny Nicholson's costumes in the star wars hotel video kept getting better and better with each change.
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techwrecker · 2 months
The Bad Batch & The Carnival HCs
Tech: Has the absolute time of his life on the rollercoasters because logically, he knows they are safe. Besides, "that's what rollercoaster engineers are for." He's always down for a calculated thrill— and his great driving reflects that! He definitely whispers trajectories to Echo and Wrecker so they can optimize their winnings at the game booths.
Omega: Has to build her way up to the bigger rollercoasters and will only go if at least one of her brothers goes with her but ends up loving the teacup rides. Once she's been on one ride/rollercoaster, she wants to go multiple times in a row. She speeds around begging Hunter for tickets to play the various games that everybody knows are scams, but they want her to have fun. The guys all cheer her on at whatever game she attempts to win.
Hunter: Absolutely hates the rollercoasters. All that wind and whipping around really deprives him of his heightened senses and it really freaks him out. He doesn't mind the drop ones as much. He's the one out of the group to watch the bags/equipment while the rest have fun on the rides like the dad he is. He can be coerced into just about any ride if Omega gives him her baby porg puppy-dog eyes, though. He's really good at the house of mirrors and will ask Tech to time him, each time getting faster. His fastest record was 84 seconds.
Wrecker: He likes a thrill ride but is mostly at there for the food. Has to be warned multiple times to slow down so he doesn't puke it all up after. He's great at the milk bottle knock down game & chooses more food tickets as his prize. He and Omega share everything from cotton candy to corndogs. His favorite food booth was the meat-on-a-stick vendor that sold meats from all over the galaxy. He up winning a Wampa stuffie bigger than he is. Of course, gifts it to Omega who names it Rekkie. Dominates at the arm wrestling game.
Crosshair: Is an ace at the shooting/ring toss games and gives the vendor a run for their money. He also bonds with Omega on the shooting games. He gives her tips on how to steady her hand and aim well. He will go on rollercoasters but he rarely screams or puts his hands up but only because he feels awkward doing so, not because he is having a bad time. Him and Echo will sometimes bet on who can straight face it the best. Crosshair usually ends up winning.
Echo: Unlike Hunter, rollercoasters are his favorite thing at the carnival. He enjoys the sensory overload because it gives him a break from thinking for a short time. He and Tech tag team the guessing games and win a giant container of Mantell Mix. After awhile though, he will keep Hunter company on the ground. They will plan which coaster/game/attraction to see next using the cartoon map they picked up at the entrance.
Bonus lil drabble: Once they're back on the Marauder, and Wrecker finally managed to shove the gigantic stuffie into the hull, Omega and Batcher curl up and fall asleep together on Rekkie after her long day of exhausting fun. Tech begins to flip on the ships controls to get ready to take off for Pabu. Echo handles the music, but keeps it at a low, soothing volume. The two reminisce about all the funny moments of the day. Hunter heads back to the shower to clean up, dropping his headband gently onto Omega's chest. She sighs contentedly in her sleep and grasps the strip of red fabric to pull up by her face, inhaling deeply because Hunter smells like safety. Crosshair sits in the back of the hull by the navicomp and tips his head back, helmet resting over his eyes to get a little rest before the shower frees up. For the first time, in a long time, he drifts off with a smile. And Wrecker munches the last of the Mantell Mix, but leaves a handful left for Omega. After all the missions and grueling adventures, it was nice for The Bad Batch to have a relaxing day under the suns.
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silverwings22 · 1 month
Song of the Sea: Chapter 44: Strike Gently
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Series Warning: explicit smut, alien anatomy (it's a monsterfucker fic, guys), major character injury, grief, canon typical violence, autistic meltdowns, and my terrible attempts at Mando'a Chapter Warnings: PTSD/trauma, trauma bonding, suicidal ideation, disability, biological weaponry, grief
Previous chapter:
Next chapter:
“You want to go on a picnic?” Shiani looked suspiciously at Crosshair. He’d just gotten off his shift helping fishermen load their boats at the dock, and he and Wrecker had come and picked her and Omega up from the ship. They’d insisted she and the girl get their bathing suits, so now the siren was riding her minispeeder down the stairs between the two brothers in her yellow suit and a sarong Shep had given her. Omega had hopped on the back, holding the towels. 
“You miss the beach. Don’t act like you don’t.” Crosshair smirked.
“I can’t swim anymore. I already told you.” She sighed, glad she’d at least left her new vambrace on in the shuffle to get out of the ship. She could work on calibrating the venom darts with her pocket toolkit that fit on the back of her brace…
“We’ll see about that.” Wrecker grinned, and pointed as they reached the sand. Hunter was already there, with a big blanket and an umbrella. He waved, sitting cross legged on and waiting for them. 
Omega grinned, running ahead with Batcher to get to Hunter. “Family beach day!”
Shiani looked up at Wrecker and Crosshair. “We’re doing family activities now?”
Wrecker nodded as they got to the blanket, helping her off the speeder and onto it. “Omega mentioned you were crying the other day when you were supposed to be meditating, and then Cross said you mentioned not being able to swim. So we’re gonna help. Lunch first.” 
Shiani was slightly overwhelmed at the idea they’d all put in this effort to cheer her up, sitting quietly as the clones divvied up fruit and snacks for their picnic. Omega was sneaking Batcher scraps, and Hunter pretended he didn’t notice. All the clones were in in civvie clothes, Crosshair mildly threatening a few moon-yos that got close enough they might be considering stealing his lunch. Wrecker just kept handing Shiani things to eat, having gotten to pick stuff out for Hunter to buy at the market for this. “Here, try this one. It’s gotta be better than irling.”
Crosshair raised an eyebrow. “Irling?”
“Giant insectoid thing we ran into on Ord Mantell. She tried to eat it.” Hunter chuckled.
“She tried to eat a gundark too.” Omega laughed.
“I did eat an aggrocrab.” Shiani finally smiled a little. “I wanted to try porg, but Omega said it was too cute. I do not understand why cute means not edible.” 
Crosshair snorted. “Have you tried to eat everything?”
“Not everything.” Shiani laughed. “Never ate clones.” She couldn’t say the same thing about longnecks, but she thought it might horrify Omega to know that. The longnecks used to bury their dead at sea, and anything in the ocean was fair game for a starving siren in exile. Clones were cremated, and she didn’t think she could have ever looked Tech in the eye if she’d eaten someone who shared his genetics. 
When she’d wanted to know what Tech tasted like, there had been more pleasant ways to indulge them both. 
Crosshair just squinted at her as everyone ate. Once they’d finished, Wrecker grinned and ducked his shirt and boots. “Take your brace off.”
Shian frowned at him. “I can’t walk without it, Wrecker.”
“I know, but you won’t need to walk.” He grinned. “Just trust me.”
She sighed and unstrapped and buckled herself, pulling her leg loose slowly. She squeaked when Wrecker slipped one hand under her knees and another behind her back, picking her up like a ragdoll. Her arms and tentacles wrapped around him immediately, eyes wide, and he walked straight to the water. Omega giggled as he got in up to his chest and let Shiani sink to her shoulders. 
She blinked, slowly reaching her hand out to feel the water before she loosened her grip on the gentle giant. Bit by bit he let her go, until she was floating beside him with her eyes wide and amazed. “See? You can swim again, ya just need a little help!” He grinned. 
She couldn’t kick, but she was happy to keep herself near the surface with her arms. The cool water ran through her gills, like it could cure the uncomfortable heat a heart burned to ash left behind in the chasm it left behind within her chest. She could feel the ghost of the woman she’d been before Eriadu, and sank completely under to stretch out in the embrace of the sea. 
When she surfaced, she looked up and waved at Hunter and Crosshair on the blanket. Hunter waved back, sitting back with a bottle of juice and watching Omega play with Batcher in the sand. Crosshair had laid down under the umbrella and immediately fallen asleep with his arms behind his head. He could nap anywhere, Shiani had noticed. Wrecker sometimes tried stacking things on him whenever he conked out somewhere obvious, like the bridge. 
Wrecker was floating and splashing, so she wiggled the best she could and dove deep enough to go check on the reef. It was harder to swim than it used to be, but she was more agile in the water than on land. She let herself bask in the array of color under the surface, hands out for small reef fish to explore her as much as the coral. 
She’d been under a while when she surfaced. Crosshair was standing at the water's edge, clearly looking for her. She swam in as far as she could, almost to his feet. “Where’d everybody go?”
He offered her a hand up, flipping her into his arms like she didn’t weigh much. “Omega ran into someone in the caves. I just checked her through Tech’s records, and it’s exactly who I thought it was.” 
She nodded, frowning. “Bad person?”
“Yeah. I’m going back, get your leg back on and come around the back. We’re going to try to deal with this, but we might need backup. This woman’s a war criminal.” 
Shiani nodded, pulling on her vambrace. “Guess we’re testing this today.” She muttered as he ran back towards the caves. She quickly pulled her brace back on and strapped herself in, getting to her feet and taking a careful approach on foot instead of with her speeder. She came around wide, finding a woman with ghostly pale skin absolutely beating the hell out of the three clones. Crosshair was curled on the ground, trying to right himself, while Wrecker was lifted off the ground and clawing at his throat. She had a glowing yellow weapon held to Hunter’s neck, one Shiani had read about. A lightsaber. 
Either the woman was a Jedi or their evil counterpart, but either way she was a threat to Shiani’s family. When Omega ran up with a white blossom from the weeping maya tree, she was just in time to see Shiani pop up from the lower rocks and hold her fist out. With a flick of her thumb, a hypodermic shot out of her vambrace attachment and slammed into the side of the stranger’s neck. 
The female zebrak turned her head, looking at Shiani for a second before she dropped to her knees. Her lightsaber extinguished, and the three clones who had been on the ground all breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Shiani!” Omega gasped. “She was helping me!”
“And now she is napping.” Shiani said calmly, limping over to give Hunter and Crosshair a hand up. “Crosshair says she’s a war criminal.”
“She’s testing me to see if I have a high M-count.” Omega protested as Wrecker dragged the woman to a rock and sat her up, cuffing her. 
“Do we even know what an M-count is now?” The siren didn’t look very moved by the girl’s pleading, crossing her arms. 
“She says it’s in the blood. A high count can be trained to be a Jedi.” Omega explained. 
“What did you shoot her with?” Hunter pulled the needle out of the woman’s neck and examined it. 
“Siren venom. Don’t touch that.” Shiani cautioned. “Even Jedi aren’t immune. You guys go back to the ship, and I’ll interrogate her and come back.” 
“What if you don’t get anything out of her?” Wrecker frowned.
The look on Shiani’s face said he didn’t want the answer, and the three men very hurriedly escorting their little sister away from the threat and potentially violent solution to it. Shiani sat down on a rock across from the woman, fiddling with the cuff key Wrecker had slipped her. 
It didn’t take long for the woman to wake up, her constitution impressive for someone so skinny. She squinted at the siren, in a yellow bathing suit and wet sarong, leg brace cocked up at an angle. “Who are you?” She muttered in a tense, raspy voice as she scratched at the injection point on her neck with bound hands. 
“I’m the sister of those clones.” She responded. “Shiani Illumai. Who are you?”
“I’m Fennec’s contact.”
“I don’t trust Fennec either. Name?”
The woman sighed. “Asajj Ventress.” 
“My brothers say you’re a war criminal.” Shiani said quietly. “But Omega says you’re helping her. Explain please?”
“I don’t owe you an explanation.”
“No, you don’t. But you had a Jedi weapon pointed at my brother’s throat. I don’t owe you your life.” Shiani picked up the lightsaber and examined it. “I know you don’t know me, so I’ll be very honest. I have nothing in this galaxy to lose but those four clones. I can’t go back to my people in a meaningful way, everything hurts, and I’ve lost my mate. My entire purpose, for the rest of my life, is to keep them safe. If you’re a part of that, then we’ll get along just fine. But if you’re going to hurt them, I will make sure you’re never found.” The siren looked up at her. “Now, explain please. I’m listening.”
Ventress sighed. “Fennec said a group of clones were asking about M-counts. That’s dangerous, so I came to check out the kid and see if she did have a high count.”
“What is M-count?”
“Midichlorians. It’s in the blood, and the higher counts are able to use the Force.”
“Jedi. And… Sith.” Shiani ran her thumb over the lightsaber hilt in her hand. “You’re not a Jedi.”
“No. I used to be a Sith. I’m on my own side now.” Ventress nodded. 
“So you want to test Omega. What happens if she’s got a high count?”
“She’d need to be trained. I could take her.”
“Or not.” Shiani frowned. “She needs her family. And we need her.”
Ventress stared at the siren for a moment before nodding. “I thought you might say that. That’s what the fight was about, with the clones.”
“They start it?” Shiani mused. 
“Of course they did. I told them they’d regret it. I’m not the enemy here. We were all pawns of the same war, and we all lost.”
“Everyone lost.” Shiani nodded and got up, limping over to uncuff the former Sith. She handed Ventress back her lightsaber and offered her a hand up. “You can test Omega tomorrow. How will you do it?”
“I’ll rent a boat and take her out on it. Many Force-sensitives can connect with wildlife.” Ventress shrugged.
Shiani nodded thoughtfully. “You test her, and tell us what you find. But after, you can’t take her. If she needs training, we all will go. If she doesn’t we’ll stay here and keep her safe.”
Ventress nodded. “You’re an odd little creature.”
“I’ve been told.” Shiani smiled, but it didn’t quite touch her eyes. “Thank you for talking to me.” 
Ventress eyed her. “You’re Force-sensitive yourself, aren’t you?”
“All sirens are.” Shiani nodded. “Can’t do what Jedi and Sith can do, though. I don’t need to. Light and Dark side don’t mean the same thing to us.” 
“But which side are you on?” Ventress raised an eyebrow. 
Shiani laughed. “Same side you are, Asajj Ventress. My own side. See you tomorrow.” She limped out of the cave, leaving a very puzzled woman behind. 
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The rest of the family was sitting on the ship when Shiani limped her way up to them, the sky past dark now. 
“She leave?” Crosshair murmured as the siren settled into a seat for the expected family meeting. 
“No. She wants to finish testing Omega in the morning. I told her it would be alright.” 
“Why?” Hunter frowned, looking at her. She adjusted her brace casually. 
“Omega needs to know if she has a high M-count, and I can’t tell her. Neither can you.” She looked up, meeting his eyes.
“She’s a fucking war criminal. We can’t trust her around Omega. Do you have any idea how many clones she’s killed?” Crosshair growled. 
“I don’t know much about the war, but if she wanted to hurt us wouldn’t she have killed you three when she had a chance?” Omega pointed out, arms crossed. She looked so serious in the dim ship lights. It dawned on Shiani all of a sudden how far they had all come, from the moment this little family had formed to now. Omega was speaking up, expecting to be heard by her brothers as equals instead of the nervous little girl who’d first joined them. She knew and considered danger, unlike the child who had strayed past the fence into a nexu’s sights in ignorance on Salucemi. Hunter was listening, regarding her intently and seriously instead of trying to conceal the greatest danger to protect her. Wrecker too was focusing on Omega instead of trying to comfort her, giving her choice and agency in the group decision. Crosshair, toothpick in his mouth, was reunited with his brothers and had the same goal of keeping Omega safe. Omega was their equal, like Shiani had once told her she would become.
If only Tech could see this… he might have liked this kind of change.
“We were just getting warmed up.” Wrecker protested. 
“You all got folded like lawn chairs.” Shiani sniffed.
Omega tried not to let it make her laugh. “I think she’s trying to help. People can change.”
Crosshair frowned, looking at her quietly and pointing at her with his toothpick. “You’re being naive.” 
“I never gave up on you, did I?” Omega said firmly.
Crosshair froze, eyes widening before dropping from Omega’s face to Shiani’s. The siren nodded, squaring her shoulders. “Neither did Tech.” 
He sighed. “You really think this is worth the risk?”
“It’s our only chance for answers. If Omega can use the Force like Jedi, we have to find her a teacher. If she can’t, we find a new lead.” She held an arm out and Omega came over, tucking herself close to the siren. “You go meet her in the morning. She’ll take you on a boat. I’ll follow underwater, and keep an eye out from below.” She looked at Wrecker. “If you don’t mind putting me in the water again.”
“Not at all.” Wrecker smiled. 
Shiani got up. “Dibs on first shower.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes, but smiled a little. “Don’t use all the hot water, squidlett.”
She chuckled and limped to get her clean clothes, and Omega smiled. “You three have to promise not to interfere.”
Hunter groaned. “Omega….”
“Please, Hunter. I need to do this on my own.”
The sergeant sighed deeply. ‘Alright. I promise, we’ll stay out of it.” 
He blinked when she threw herself into his arms for a hug. “Thank you for believing in me.” 
“Of course I believe in you, Omega. It’s Ventress I don’t trust.” 
Once Shiani got out of her shower, she settled herself in a bridge chair while the guys settled down for their own showers and bedtime routines. She turned to the console, and started typing. 
Alright Tech, tell me who this Ventress really is.
She pulled up Tech’s old logs, going through everything her mate’s brilliant catalog of a brain had ever found her associated with. Former padawan, who lost her master. An attack on Kamino that led to the father-like clone 99’s death. Republic troops killed when she broke Nute Gunray out of custody. Frequent run-ins with Kenobi and Skywalker. Count Dooku’s apprentice, left for dead, witches of Dathomir, Savage Opress…
The more she read, the more Shiani kind of felt sorry for Ventress. She’d done terrible things, but she’d also been a victim of so many types of loss herself. Shiani guessed if she’d been hurt this many times and hadn’t had the Batch to love her… maybe it would have pissed her off too. It wasn’t hard to see her own reflection is someone else’s suffering, and what made her any better than Ventress in the right situation? 
She slumped back in her chair and rubbed her hip quietly. At least she’d get to go swimming again tomorrow.
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Wrecker had taken Shiani into the water at first light, so the siren floated serenely under the pier and waited. She could hear Omega and Ventress talking about what the former Sith had done during the war. Omega was so unflappably unafraid, though Ventress said all her smiling was unsettling. That only confirmed Shiani’s idea that Ventress was much like Crosshair, unused to any kindness and with twice the power as the traumatized sniper to lash out and take the surrounding area out in their wake. 
She swam under the boat when Ventress and Omega got into it, keeping pace with the engine with a little effort. She remembered when she was fast enough to swim circles around a dianoga… back then she could have lapped this boat three or four times as they went along to deep water beyond the reef. It was cooler here, and Shiai stayed out of sight just under the surface and kept watch. 
Far below her was the world she had left behind, the cool darkness of the sea. Kashae and Irri were hard at work, building New Acopit for the sirens while they adjusted to a semi-aquatic life among the people of Pabu. Some had partnered with fishermen and tradesmen here, making friends as their skills were showcased for all their value. Kashae came to land often now, meeting with Shep as co-leaders with Shiani serving as a liaison when she could. It was heartwarming to see, and she’d never missed life beneath the waves when Tech was here. But now, sometimes she wanted to visit Kashe in return. Swim with little Shion, sing with Irri and hunt with the other sirens… just to feel like there was some part of her that had existed before she’d fallen in love that hadn’t died on Eriadu next to the love of her life.
She hugged her arms around herself when she felt a sudden calling, deep inside her gills and hearts, like an encouraging bid to the surface. It felt like the craving she’d had to seek out the light when she was young, the call that dragged her from Acopit to her first sight of the surface of Kamino. She remembered the sting of raindrops on her cheeks the first time, and the clouds and moonlight on the water as she took her first breath of air that tasted of sea salt and freedom. 
Luminescent manta rays came up from below, fluttering past her like a swarm of birds as they headed for the boat above her and started circling. They were beautiful, and she watched in amazement before something pulled once again inside her hearts. She opened her mouth and it poured out, a song she hadn’t felt since the day she’d lost Tech. If she’d been on land she would have had tears on her cheeks as the notes kept coming and coming, sweeping her away as some of the mantas dropped lower to circle her. She threw her head back, eyes closed, and sang her hearts out.
She’d thought she had forgotten joy felt like.
Something brushed her side, and she turned to see a massive vrathean surfacing fast, tentacles reaching up towards the boat. She paled, shooting upwards to the side of the boat. “Omega!”
The girl turned around, startled, just before the vrathean capsized the boat and grabbed her in its tentacle. It dragged Omega under and Shiani went after it at the same time Ventress did. The former sith had her lightsaber out, cutting herself free when the creature grabbed her. Shiani had sunk her teeth into the vrathean’s tentacle that held Omega. It let go of the clone girl, and Shiani swept past her and Ventress to grab their hands and drag them to the surface. The grabbed onto the boat, coughing. 
“You okay?” Shiani frowned. 
Omega nodded, paling when the vrathean fully surfaced. “For now. Did you summon that too?”
“Not intentionally.” Ventress groaned.
Shiani glanced up at the Marauder now heading for them. “Tell them not to shoot. They’ll make this worse.” She muttered, diving under as the leviathan grabbed Ventress and hoisted her into the air. Omega watched her hold out her hand and try to connect to the vrathean’s mind, and felt something deep in her bones coming from below the surface. 
Shiani had wrapped her limbs around one of the larger tentacles and was singing again, soothing it of its anger and hurt, until it went still and relaxed some. The siren climbed up beside its eye and gently petted it as it brought Ventress to its face and her hand pressed to its beak. After a long moment where its massive eyes dilated and it returned Ventress to the overturned boat. It sank back into the depths and Shiani swam over to the other two. 
Ventress raised an eyebrow, pushing her wet hair out of her face. Omega smiled. “You actually did it!”
“Don’t sound so surprised.” Ventress huffed. 
The Marauder hovered low for them, Crosshair practically running down the stairs to get to Omega. Then he politely offered Ventress a hand up into the ship too. “Hunter, get lower. I can’t reach Shiani.”
“You got the other two?” Hunter yelled back.
“Yeah, they can stand on the boat. Squidlett can’t. Get lower!” Crosshair dropped to his knees on the last step and stretched his arm down, grabbing the siren’s arm. “Gotcha.”
She laughed as he hauled her out of the water and set her on the ramp so he could carry her back inside. “Proud of you..”
“For what, pulling you up? You’re my sister.” He grumbled, still thinking of what she’d said last night about Tech having never given up on him just like Omega hadn’t. 
“No, I mean thank you for being nice to Ventress.” Shiani smiled, patting his arm as he set her on a crate in the hold. “She’s just like us.” 
He paused, looking down the ship to where Ventress as listening to Omega describing what she’d done to Hunter. “... I had a feeling you were going to say something like that.”
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The family of clone and siren stood in front of Ventress’ ship as they said their goodbyes, Omega curiously bouncing on her heels. “So… what’s the verdict? Do I have a high M-count?” She looked up, eyes wide.
“From what I’ve seen, no.” Ventress shook her head. 
Omega deflated a little, and Shiani put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay.”
“But we still don’t know why the Empire is after me.” Omega’s brow furrowed.
“The truth is rarely comforting.” Ventress shook her head. “But with the Empire hunting high m-count targets, you’re better off this way.”
“Well… thank you anyway.” Omega said kindly, taking Wrecker by the hand and calling Batcher as they headed down the beach. 
Once they were out of earshot, Crosshair fixed Ventress with a hard look. “You’re lying.” 
“About which part?” There was the barest hint of a smirk on her face as she looked at them. 
“You tell us.” Hunter was in no mood to play games with Omega’s safety at stake, and his tone was demanding. 
“If she had a high count, she’d need to be trained. Which means leaving you all.”
“Not going to happen.” Hunter snapped.
“That’s what she said.” Ventress nodded to Shiani. “High M-count or not, the Empire is still after her. It’s worse out there than you know, and you’re not as safe here as you think.”
Shiani furrowed her brow. “You have a high count. The Empire will be hunting you too. What will you do?”
“I’ve still got a few lives left.” Ventress chuckled, turning to walk back to her ship with an exaggerated sway of her hips. 
Crosshair snorted. “I still can’t figure out whose side you’re on.” 
Ventress paused and looked over her shoulder. “It’s like your little friend said. My own.” 
Shiani watched her go as the two brothers looked at her, fingers tight on the handle of her cane as she tried to wrap her brain around everything. The ship pulled out of the cavern and ascended rapidly, disappearing out of the atmosphere and into the cold, beautiful reaches of space. Her hearts ached as a slow realization dawned on her. It wasn’t safe here, and the longer they stayed the greater the chances became that the Empire would find them. Even though she’d brought the sirens here, and made friends, and was starting to feel like life might have some meaning after Tech… “Guys…”
Hunter and Crosshair both turned to look at her. “What’s wrong?” The sergeant frowned, seeing her shoulders tremble. 
“We’re going to have to leave Pabu…” 
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des8pudels8kern · 1 year
Look, it’s another snippet of fake Sith!Obi-Wan!
“You couldn’t just get a tooka?”
“She’s not a pet, Commander.”
“It’s not contraband, is it? How do you finance your exploits, since you insist you are not a Separatist contractor?”
“Gambling. I’m very good at sabacc, and even better at cheating at it. And she’s not contraband. She’s... a friend.”
Cody looked up at the kriffing 15-meter-long lizard parkouring across the hangar. A friend. Obviously.
“And why is your friend climbing over my hangar ceiling right now?”
“Because your men shorted the loading ramp of my ship, presumably to investigate suspicious noises once she woke up. By the way, this does not speak well of their risk assessment capabilities or common sense. I am a known terrorist.”
Cody was aware. He was also aware that most of his men now considered the Sith to be at least morally grey, even though they, unlike Cody, didn't know he wasn't as much of a Sith as he pretended to be.
“That ship is way too small to keep her in, Commander, Sir Sith,” said Ringer, who had gotten his life saved by the Sith once and clearly lost all reservations and common sense since. “Keeping her locked in there is animal cruelty.”
“Oh, I don’t usually keep her locked in. In fact, I’ve spent the last two weeks trying to get her out, but she’s faster than me, and smart enough to only ever go far enough to be back by the ship before me.”
The Sith slowly walked towards the ramp of his ship, looking up at the giant lizard that was creeping towards them. Walking upside-down on the ceiling. Its suction cup-toes were leaving a faint trail on the surface that would be very difficult to explain to any visiting Jedi, natborn, or sane clone. The lizard’s face was turned towards the Sith, neck bending to keep its eyes locked on him like a clawbird prowling towards a potential meal.
That beak would be able to crack a human skull like a porg egg.
Then the lizard dropped from the ceiling.
Cody pulled his blaster and had it aimed at the animal before it landed on the ramp, between the Sith and his ship.
“Is stun going to be enough to stop it?” The vode around him had raised their own weapons now. Suddenly so close, the lizard had apparently gotten reclassified from a poor, abused animal to a veritable threat. “Shh! If we startle it, it’ll bite him in half before we’ve got a chance to find out.”
Cody agreed.
“Get back here,” he hissed at the Sith, who didn’t move even though the line of his shoulders was too relaxed for him to be frozen in fear.
We won't harm it, he thought at the Sith.
They’d figure out the correct stun setting while everybody was safely out of beak reach, then properly drug the beast, and drop it at the next habitable planet they passed by. Cody pictured the process carefully and tried to project it at the ginger head in front of him because Force knew the Sith had gotten weird about killing once he’d discovered his conscience and he had already proven he veered towards suicidal more than survival.
Then, with a force that had the Sith stumble two steps back and punched the breath out of Cody and several of the men around him, the lizard bumped the flat of his head into the Sith’s chest.
“She’s a varactyl, and her name is Boga,” the Sith said softly as Cody tried to calm his heart that was trying to escape his ribs. He buried his hands in the smaller feathers at the line of the lizard’s crest, ruffling and pruning. The lizards rumbled, forehead rubbing up and down the Sith’s front with enough strength to almost lift him up his feet. “She’s decided that I must be lonely, with no flock of my own, and has taken upon herself to keep me company.”
Someone make a choked-off sound somewhere to Cody’s right, and he lowered his blaster. The varactyl was too big to be considered harmless, but she posed no immediate threat. Still, she couldn’t stay. Cody had gotten lax with one stray, but the Sith at least was a known variable at this point.
“Can you get her back into the ship?”
“Yes,” the Sith scratched her ruff, and one of her hind-legs went pat-pat-pat against the floor. “She’s stretched her legs. Once she’s got sufficient grooming, she’ll get back inside for a nap.”
The present clones were beginning to spread out. No one tried to approach the varactyl, at least, but some slunk off towards the sides. Cody would bet his gauntlets there’d be holos of the Sith petting a giant lizard like an overgrown tooka all over the intranet soon.
“This might even have been a stroke of luck;” the Sith glanced over his shoulder, a corner of his mouth lifted in amusement, “now she will think you are my flock and let me drop her off back home!”
Then he dropped forward, half-lying on the bony ridge of her forehead, arms buried in feathers.
The varactyl’s rumbling picked up a notch, and Boil, who had no reason to be in the hangar but somehow was anyway, squealed.
Cody looked at the Sith, always so straight-backed and untouchable in his precisely tailored, flawless clothing, every line of the dark blue fabric meticulous and as much an armour as Cody’s own, lavishing affection on an animal that had left its home for him.
Was he lonely?
See here, here, here, here and here for more.
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n1ghttiger · 1 year
Do you have any plushies? :3
may i present to you the PLUSHIE SHELF
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Roughly from left to right: Yakko, Wakko, and Dot, a Nyan Cat my mom's friend made with her sewing machine, a Shy Little Kitten from my mom, an alebrije I think my dad got me, a vampire in a swimsuit (it's pretty hidden, you can only see its head), a demon plushie from a project my dad backed on Kickstarter (Lucy Bellwood’s 100 Demon Dialogues), a little orange tabby cat beanie babie, Marie from Aristocats, the thing wrapped in plastic is a little Nightmare Before Christmas themed mini top hat that was a gift, a Smilodon I got from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, a pink alpaca that was a gift from a friend, Ash Williams Evil Dead, a blue dragon orb that my friend bought me bc it reminded her of Underling Bad End Theater, a bushbaby (hidden behind the blue dragon), two Webkins cat plushies (the tuxedo cat is named Andy and the orange tabby is named Allie), a black cat orb that I bought at the mall when I was out with friends, a sock monkey superhero from my dad and stepmom for my birthday, a leopard print scalemate that my friend @/hiddency handmade for me years ago, two different cheetah plushies under the scalemate (the more squished one on the left is named Piston, my dad came up with it when i was really little, and the one on the right more in the front is named Cheese and he's my emotional support boy), a leopard print Baphomet plush whom I lovingly call Baphy (Dark Lord plush in the color Rockabilly from Killstar, limited line), a black cat that you can BARELY see (I've had her for so long that I KNOW she has a name but I cannot remember it for the life of me), a calico cat orb, another black cat you can barely see (I stole that one from work), SkippyJon Jones, he's wearing a Disney Cheshire Cat mouse ear hat and one of those ears has a pin of the exact same hat pierced in the ear, ANOTHER cheetah plushie that was a gift from a friend, Spyro the Dragon, a sea lion plushie that you can barely see behind Spyro's horns, and a shiba inu.
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Stuff that doesn't fit on the shelf includes: a life sized cheetah (who my mom named Mr. Cheetah), with a giant python on his back (I wanted to adjust it so you could see the entire thing but I saw a spider in that corner the other day so I didn't wanna touch it too much), and on my bed is a cat plushie that was a gift from a friend, it sleeps on my bed every night :)
and that's just the stuff in my bedroom.
These little guys are on my desk
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Left to right: a yellow cat plushie that's made to be decapitated (its head is velcroed onto its body), a tiny chocolate milk carton stuffy, a little porg that my mom found on top of a trash can at Disneyland and took it home and washed it and gave it to me, and a purple borb (bird orb) that someone I don't talk to anymore made for me.
Hope that was comprehensive enough ;3
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I'm watching inhuman
why? *shrug noises*
My Grievances so far:
WHY is your ENTIRE FIRST EPISODE from the POV of the villian?? I know nothing about these characters, nothing about the setting, nothing about their relationships - and you start me with your comically evil Clearly Wanna-be Loki?? Fucking jokes on you he's the only one I know so I am actively rooting for him to win against the "good" guys CAUSE I ONLY KNOW HIS SIDE. I AM NOT ATTACHED TO YOUR PROTAGONISTS AND IT'S YOUR FUCKING FAULT.
So Black Bolt doesn't speak due to powers (spoiler i guess for the first ep??) and you have him using a signed language. Not Sign Language, a signed language. I'm assuming he's been using it sense the his transgenesis or whatever (another highly confusing scene) and he's a Grown Ass Man - but his family is WAITING FOR MEDUSA TO INTERPRET? THEY DON'T KNOW IT BY NOW?? Are you trying to set up a dysfunctional family? Sadly that's kinda realistic but also??? the fuck?? No one bothered to learn?
The Maximum character assassination is something I won't stand for he had a massive character shift fuck you writers.
What the FUCK is up with Crystal's hair. That is clearly a pokeball symbol and you're gonna get sued.
Also Crystal is annoying. You could have made her not annoying and you didn't.
*Kid goes through magical transformation process* *falls to the ground dramatically after being touched [whump writer in me: noice]* *says "i saw you - snakes attacking you. Pinning you to the wall.* *everyone later: "yeah i dunno can't imagine what his power is."* BITCH. This is a society filled with MAGIC POWER PEOPLE. Take a fucking guess IT'S PROBABLY SEEING THE FUTURE??? At least turn to the guy and be like "huh maybe just watch for snakes?" IT"S NOT THAT HARD???
oh no not the fall of the MOON kingdom that runs on a CASTE system and literally has a genetics counsel??? Noooo save the society it's so good.
What the hell was that room that was supposed to be the rover control center?? Why was it a huge fancy boho warehouse with like 15 desks tucked together in the center of a giant room? Why did you show us this shot? W ha t
Lockjaw is so very clearly audience cute bait and it's not working. Booo get a porg.
Thing I liked:
sees generic looking city scape: "God I am so tired of New York" Screen: Honolulu; Hawaii. Me: OKAY POINTS FOR NOT BEING NEW YORK
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teddybasmanov · 6 months
I'm watching a Jenny Nicholson video in the background, and the video is fine, but every time I actually look at it, there's that giant porg plushy in the background and just thinking of it makes me so sleepy.
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ex-furry · 10 months
why is Thee giant porg $500
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LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Cheats For PlayStation 3 Xbox Wii PC 3DS - GameSpot
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Cheat codes used to be some of the most fun things to play around with in games. These were usually fun little changes that broke the rules of the game for some fun, such as new character skins, adding weird sound effects, changing character proportions, or more practical ones like giving the player infinite health or ammo. However, cheats have mostly fallen out of favor in the modern age of gaming. What used to be unlockable are now withheld as DLC or paid bonuses, or outright ignored completely, with very few games still including them as fun discoveries or bonuses to play within the game itself. Lego games are unique for a lot of reasons, but their old-school feel and design fit right in with games from past generations. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga , the newest and biggest Lego game to date, took a lot longer to come out than initially thought, but all that extra time paid off in terms of the sheer amount of content packed into this single game. In Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga , developers went with the former method and added a nice, clean way of entering codes. To start entering cheat codes, pause the game and scroll right on the menu until you see the Enter Code option. Select this and you will be brought to a digital keyboard where you can put in a seven-digit cheat code. Once entered, whatever your code unlocked will automatically be available to use in Free Play. Note that cheat codes are different from regular cheats, which are in the Extras menu. We will also list those below, along with their unlock requirements since they are arguably more fun than what codes unlock. Cheat codes will unlock one of two things for each code in The Skywalker Saga : A new character or at least new skin for a character or a ship. Once a cheat code is accepted, that unlock is permanently available to you, so no need to enter it each time you boot up the game like the old days. The purchasable cheat codes are more akin to the fun, wacky codes we loved back in the day, including the infamous big head mode! This can be combined with other stud multipliers for even bigger bonuses. Studs x2 Studs collected are worth twice as much. Super GNK is invincible, moves very quickly… and has a mustache. Devastating AND delicious! Be aware, while the Galaxy Rave is active there is a chance that characters in game will be too busy grooving to your actions in game! Comedy Weapons Blaster and other ranged weapons are replaced with silly items. Note that certain characters are immune to this effect. Give that trusty protocol droid a well-earned break! Should your kids have an Apple Watch? This is what to do www. The best MacBook Pro accessories. Is the Oura Ring finally good enough to replace your Apple Watch? The best monitors for the MacBook Air. Best Samsung Galaxy Watch deals for August Best Samsung Galaxy Tab deals for August Best camera deals for August Studs collected are worth twice as much. Studs collected are worth four times as much. Studs collected are worth six times as much. Studs collected are worth eight times as much. Studs collected are worth 10 times as much. Adds a golden GNK droid to the party. A porg companion will aid you in battle, occasionally sending enemies into a frenzy with a piercing scream. Turns all Lightsabers into freshly baked baguettes. Turns Galaxy Free Play into a fun disco for all to enjoy! Adds an old-timey screen effect to the game. Adds a retro-style screen effect to the game. Replaces all voices with mumbles for the classic Lego Star Wars experience! Blaster and other ranged weapons are replaced with silly items. Gives playable characters giant heads! Projectile sound effects from ranged weapons such as blasters are replaced with mouth-made versions. Allows any playable character to understand any language.
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penny-nichols · 2 years
You know how Jenny Nicholson has a giant porg Like GIANT porg I need that but the blue badger Or the Steel Samurai
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kick-girl · 5 years
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He's sitting at the kitchen table cuz he's a big boy and HE HUNGRY!
Many thanks to my friend Brett for gifting him to me!! I LUV HIM SO MUCH! 💖
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peaceroxi · 7 years
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GUESS WHO WON A GIANT PORG FROM TARGET His name is Sloopy The little one's named Winston Porgington I'm so happy you guys
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streetsolo · 7 years
So for my birthday my husband and his friends got me a giant Porg and I love it...he’s over 5 feet tall but he makes the weirdest noises!! The first few are cute but then at 0:13 he makes a squeal that sounds like a warning cry...I hope that doesn’t mean that they get hurt in The Last Jedi!! 
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swan2swan · 5 years
DO YOU EVER THINK ABOUT HOW CHEWBACCA WATCHED KYLO REN MURDER HAN AND WAS THEN JUST LIKE “Yeah sure I’ll deliver Rey to Kylo Ren unprotected that is a Good Plan that I will not complain about” BECAUSE SOMETIMES
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happyg0th · 5 years
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The adventures of Poe Dameron, day 325: In which our hero contemplates the ridiculous size of this porg. . . . . #poedameron #porg #adventure #stuffed #creature #giant #ridiculous #starwars #tinypoeadventures #tinypoe https://www.instagram.com/p/Br1jwxvA1YU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t8g1yqqzp5cd
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