#gibby with the stop sign
swampycreatures · 10 months
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When it’s the last day and you haven’t met quota :)
Photo referenced under the cut!
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❤️A Special Thank You to Gibby from ICarly❤️
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almostfini · 1 year
My first thought when I got the board guster
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nico-di-genova · 11 months
Imagine if Charles had been around during the icarly days. He would have signed with an agency and they would have had his ass in an episode One Direction guest star style.
The gang has traveled abroad and accidentally stumble upon Charles at a coffeeshop. Carly falls in love with him, and because he smiled at her for like .002 seconds she’s sure that they are soulmates. She won’t stop talking about his accent. They somehow talk their way into the paddock to film an episode of icarly Live and On Location. Freddy’s mom is anxiously calling him every two seconds to check that he’s wearing the protective gear and earmuffs that she bought him - like he’s the one racing and not just standing around with a camera. Sam is inspecting the cars like she works for the FIA. Gibby is there and shirtless in the background for some reason. Spencer is stealing tools from the mechanics to make a sculpture out of. Charles shows Carly the Ferrari garage, let’s her sit in the car. She’s blushing, giggling, kicking her feet twirling her hair the whole time.
The episode ends with Sam somehow driving Lewis Hamilton’s car directly into the Ferrari garage.
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dontlookforme00 · 1 year
You know that meme from Icarly where Gibby is about to hit Spencer over the head with a stop sign? Can you do that as Harumi hitting Lloyd with a shovel?
No I did not know that meme but there's a first time for everything. Hereee you are!!
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And here's the more fun, though admittedly not very-sense-making one:
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Eh oh well. The poses and line art and colouring was very fun!! Thanks for the ask!! :]
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entomo-maniac · 1 month
you sharing your littles "design fun facts" feels like that meme of gibby with the stop sign
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Si soy
and more will come when I feel like it
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ebdanon · 5 months
every post i see about ttpd hits me over the head like gibby with that stop sign on icarly
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c-c-cherry · 2 years
I love the new chapter so much, the detail and emotion you put into it, I will cry/pos
I don’t know why I’m so stuck on this but I can’t believe Ritsu hit his brother with a stop sign lmfaoo,
Where did he get it from 😭
I hope you have a great day btww!
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(Hi again!! I'm so sorry I took so long to reply to this, I've been lagging on social media in general, but I'm here now!)
I just LOVE this. The iconic Ritsu tears. The bent stop sign. The blueish-purple hazy aura around him. Just lovely💜💙 I’ve been loving seeing artists pick out their favourite scenes to recreate, and I love that the STOP SIGN of all things is what stuck with you. An excellent choice if you ask me. I think it’s shaping up to be a pretty iconic scene haha!!
If you want some backstory behind it, I always knew Mob was gonna have to be taken out or KO'd, and I knew at one point that Ritsu was going to be the one to do it. I was stuck in my loathsome hometown while writing chapters 5-7 during the break and I was so burnt out and missing my own place that I figured I should add something into the fic in the middle of a dramatic part to cheer me up and make me laugh a bit. Thus: Ritsu taking Mob out DIO/icarly Gibby style was born. And based on the comments I've been getting, it seems like it made some other people laugh, too :)
As for where Ritsu got it from, I think there’s a throwaway line in chapter 7 of Mob tearing up a sign as he’s walking over to dig up Reigen. I wonder if anyone can spot it or if I’m just crazy…
Thank you once again for your art, Silver :) I’m glad you’re enjoying the fic!
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heystephen · 8 months
not to sound insane but atw doesnt touch is it over now in terms of scathing. like every time i listen to it i feel like spencer getting thwacked in the head with a stop sign by gibby on icarly -ebd anon
no ur right
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demonfox38 · 2 years
Completed - Hylics 2
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I just realized that I beat both "Hylics" and "Hylics 2" under a waning moon. I am both mad and pleased about this celestial pun.
Before I had played the original "Hylics", I also picked up "Hylics 2." Call it a leap of faith. I'm not sure if I first saw this sequel in a trailer, or if I saw a streamer working through it, but I believed continuing to support these efforts would be worth it. After all, "Hylics" the original seemed pretty sweet. If "Hylics 2" was that, plus another level of polish, wouldn't that be good enough?
For me, it was! But, man. I can definitely see where this game may scare away previous players.
"Hylics 2" follows the events of the previous game, in which Wayne and his crew succeeded in destroying Gibby (but not before he manages to blow up the moon, which dick move.) Followers of Gibby plan his resurrection, so it's up to Wayne (who may not be the same Wayne from the first game; details following) and his crew to stop these attempts. And, of course, clean up the resulting mess failing that.
More coherent NPCs are present in this game. Sages? Naturally. In addition to them, Dedesmuln appears to have either a sibling or a spouse (hard to tell), as well as Wayne having…essentially, an entire species all named Wayne living in a single Wayne house. With little Wayne larvae and an Old Wayne and everything in between. Is your Wayne the same Wayne from the previous game? Well, he seems more put together, but he definitely remembers the first game's party. It's a weird deal. Between them, the coffee shop guy, miners that can teach you to set people on fire, and an island full of TV antenna maintenance staff, the world's gotten bigger and weirder. More like something you want to see protected. Trust me when I say returning to previous randomized text in this game comes off way more horrifying than nostalgic.
How does Wayne et. al work through the world's grievances? The core of the game is mostly the same RPG layout. Get in fights, get wrecked, recover. Combat variability goes pretty wild in this game. There were several turns I had in progression, going from simply hoping to hold out, then slurping coffee, then charging power levels like a "Dragon Ball Z" protagonist, ultimately culminating in being a stalling tactician until the party could drop their preferred nukes of choice. This isn't a game where you can coast on just slapping away. You've gotta be prepared for special effect buffing and debuffing at every turn. One mismanaged encounter is all it takes to get ejected into the afterlife. But, hey. Sometimes, you've gotta pay it a visit anyway. There's still meat to grind, after all.
"Hylics 2" has two additional twists to its game mode. First, it has both 3D and 2D platforming, used respectively for everyday navigation and minigames. The 3D navigation can be overwhelming at first, especially coming hot off of a playthrough of the previous "Hylics" game. It doesn't take too long to adapt to it.
The 2D version, though?
Like, I don't want to bag too much on the 2D platforming sections. Attempts were made. And I'll be honest—I'm bad at platformers. Even with my deficiencies, I can still tell you that the first 2D platformer level in particular is roughly designed. The level roadblocks without clear progression when you follow the industry rules of going to the right, forcing a reset to the beginning to go left and make progress. The horizontal jumping is nigh infinite, but the vertical jump has a cooldown that makes it actively worse until you stand still for a second. That's not helpful when you're trying to navigate as well as obliterate horde spawning enemies and projectiles. At least an hour of my 10 hour playthrough was stuck just here, and it was not a good time. Let's just say it's probably not a good sign when a minigame has a God Mode to get past playing it.
And yes, playing them is kinda mandatory. At least, if you want the best spell in the game and to survive the final boss, it is.
The other twist—the one I liked, but I could see it turning others off—was an underground first-person maze! Like, if you wanted this game to be more "Megami Tensei", here you go! This was far more reasonable and appealing to me, even with hidden walls. Following the golden rule of moving along a single wall/direction for as long as possible worked well here. Additionally, you auto-healed after every fight, which made enduring it all the more manageable.
While the bug-squashing mechanic for Somsnosa from the first game is gone, you do have a slapping option while navigating. This allows you to crush bugs and recover much needed Flesh and Will points. I noticed that if you crush bugs, save your game, and reload it on the exact spot where the bugs previously were, they'll be back. So, you could use this to potentially abuse health recovery, if you wanted. Or, you could just keep hopping back to the underworld bathtub any time you'd like. That's also an option.
Aesthetically, this game is a stunner. 3D models are coated with color and shading filters to keep that cool pastel and black-shadowed style cohesive across characters and environments. The enemy designs are quite varied as well, looking less like manikins with clay lumps and more like actual, unique creatures. I was particularly impressed with the animation for furrier creatures and Fonthintrelpine, a "Space Harrier"-esque clay abomination. It's an older art style meeting an old game rendering trick to make something new, and man, does it look good together.
Also, I don't know what silent-era movie footage was used for the Accelerate gesture, but that's goofballs. I love it.
Chuck Salamone was brought in to compose music for the game, and man, was that a good call. Not that the original "Hylics" game had offensive music, by any means. But, this game? It's got tunes, man. The winning track for me was "Xeno Arcadia", a groovy cool piece that plays over the infuriating 2D sections, helping to make them endurable. A+. Good work. As much as it's fun to have an auteur complete a whole game by themselves, man, is it great to phone in a partner, sometimes.
Five years and a lot of spit-shine went into this game, and for the most part, it shows. Despite having a longer runtime, it has a fairly similar difficulty pace to the first game (which may cause some despondedness; see platforming rant.) I want to emphasize playing the first game before this one, just to see if you can vibe with its presentation. But, if you wanted a second helping of "Hylics" with more glaze and some additional quirky game mechanics, then here you go!
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madamesealsfics · 2 months
Barnes x Noble 1
A purposeful but deniable brush of the hands; a fluttering of the lashes while maintaining an embroiled stare; a closeness so much so that you can feel the other’s breath on yours, battling in the air like your wills. The signs of intimate desire are unmistakable to the men like me– those who have resolved to wear the armor of a well-tailored coat in the sun and cavort in the nightclubs of pink persuasion under the moon.
“Fuck, Gibby,” I moaned, losing my train of thought as a pang ran up my backside. It’s often hard to focus on your philosophical musing when you’re getting railed. I had almost forgotten this was one of those nights where I drag the hottest guy I can find home just to prove a point.
“You live up to your name, Hinds,” he sputtered, struggling to make quips while keeping up the quick pace that love-making often requires. His wordplay left something to be desired, but his thick cock more than made up for this dumb love. The man who it was attached to was one whom I was vaguely familiar with; Gilbert “Gibby” Noble had just graduated from some aristocratic ivy-league school, looking now to start his own business in the big city.
I turned to face him, previously moping face-down on my bed while he did what he wanted to me. His brown eyes showed unshrouded disappointment at having to stop his penile pleasuring right when he was getting into the motion. His frown progressed back to a lustful smile as I slid my ass over his cock, teasing him with a slowness that revealed but withheld the forthcoming pleasure. Running my hands over his abs as I sped up the horizontal movement of my hips, he suddenly grabbed my nimble hands in his, forcing my torso with them down onto my cotton bed with a grunt of dominance.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the feeling of his body on mine, pressing his sweating abs against my cock while his own was still inside me, rearranging my insides more aggressively than before. My eyes tangled with his, trying to find an emotional connection as enticing as the physical one while he sent waves of pleasure through me. However, the physical soon won over the emotional as he thrust deeper and more desperately, sending hot sparks sizzling throughout my body down to my cock and forcing me to close my eyes from the overwhelming pleasure. With his hand still holding mine down, he knew exactly what I was craving if mine were free. His face–breathing heavily and only showing groans of pleasure between his lustful stare–still inches from mine over the bed, he placed his rough, free hand on my cock, stroking it with a vigor in time to his thrusts that made my sparks ignite into a deeper heat centering on my member.
“You feel… ready to bust… little man,” he breathed in my face, only pausing to groan when his tip reached the back of my ass. He was right; I could feel the flame building in my cock hotter than ever before, threatening to erupt with love-making’s sticky goal.
“Fuck” –I shivered–“I’m gonna cum,” I gasped, struggling to get the last word out with my cock spraying hot cum up onto our compounded abs. My vision blurred as each spurt sent a wave of flames through my body, racking me with pleasure that I couldn’t focus through.
“Oh god, I’m gonna bust,” he groaned through gritted teeth. My cum sizzling on his abs must have pushed him over the edge into bliss. With one last desperate pump straight into my core, he released his warmth inside of me. He stared down and chuckled at the sight of our bodies drenched in sweat and fluids, looking back at me with a gasping smile as if he’d been holding his breath for minutes. I smiled back into his chocolate eyes as I too calmed from the storm of bodily pleasures. He finally released my hands from his and collapsed on top of me, our sweat-slicked bodies one as our legs dangled off the side of the bed. He was the best I could remember.
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meme-formats · 3 years
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miwtual · 3 years
the urge to gif loki at every possible second
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bucketsofsaltblog · 4 years
Remember how Yato used to give Sakura flowers because it made her happy?
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Well played, Adachitoka
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ittybitty-enby · 4 years
because i’m stressed for no apparent reason, i’m gonna watch uuhh the full streams of hlvrai because i can
and i wanna
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thesilentpotato · 6 years
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this came to me during dinner
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caruliaa · 2 years
sorry ik im a little late but this was my only thought when mr quinton reviews said this was his favorite lyric in victorious
[video description: a clip from performance of “take a hint” in the show victorious in which tori sings “i guess you still don't get it so lets take it from the top” and jade sings “you asked me what my sign is and i told you it was stop”, with a hard cut edit right after this to the icarly clip of gibby hitting spencer with a stop sign. /End description]
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