#gif pack maker meme
stannyramirez · 4 months
10 & 21 for the gif pack meme!!
gif pack maker question game!
10.) Post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
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21.) Do you usually gif a whole pack at once, or split up packs across various days (or weeks, or months... or years...) this depends entirely on the project and how much the fc is in it. lately, i've been doing things in one go, but i tend to get bored and will do like 3 projects at once and just bounce between them until i have x number of gifs of each thing.
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snoopdoggs · 4 months
5, 6, 7, 10, 21 ( gif pack maker ask meme! )
5. who is your favorite gif pack maker? If that's too hard, top 3!
ohhh there are so many AMAZING gif makers out there !! honestly i can't even narrow it down to three 😭 some of my favorite gif-makers have to be @keetika, @ttenvely, @hcnsohee, @wooshikie, & @axolotlgifs
6. which gif pack do you think is underrated (should have gotten more attention)?
i don't feel like any gif pack of mine is particularly underrated, just because i do tend to gif less known fcs so i dont ever expect my packs to get tons of attention! soo instead ill say i think this pack of chae jonghyeop by @zudufeu deserves so much more attention !!! soo many gifs and they're sooo gorgeous <3
7. which gif pack are you close to deleting?
tbh any of my older packs, especially ones where i'm not satisfied with the coloring. my mint ranchrawee gifs and my eunwoo true beauty gifs come to mind.
10. post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
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( in order: na inwoo: marry my husband; ahn hyo-seop: business proposal; lee junho: king the land [remake]; charles melton: riverdale ) these are from my current ongoing early-access packs <3
21. do you usually gif a whole pack at once, or split up packs across various days (or weeks, or months… or years…)
honestly it depends how im feeling! if my muse is very strong for a project and i dont have to wait on any footage then i might just get it all done as quick as i can. otherwise i'll usually have multiple projects at once that i either update or post as early access packs
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ttenvely · 4 months
5, 6, 7, 10, 21 ( gif pack maker ask meme! )
Who is your favorite gif pack maker? If that's too hard, top 3!
How to narrow it down flkajkgsher off the top of my head: jasmine (@snoopdoggs), love (@wooshikie), bru (@hcnsohee), raquel (@matafeos), rae (@zvlda), and serre (@keetika) — anytime I come across any of their gif packs, I am in awe! Everyone should check them out!
Which gif pack do you think is underrated (should have gotten more attention)?
Honestly, any and all of them! If a faceclaim isn't super popular, they seem to rarely get attention. Plus, the difference in likes vs reblogs is still going strong.
Which gif pack are you close to deleting?
I've deleted a few for various reasons (turns out they're disgusting, they don't want to be used in rp, etc.) but otherwise, I don't think I'm deleting any. I might be unhappy with a lot of them but they are there as a reminder to see where I started!
Post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
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Kylie Bunbury. There's nothing special about the gif. I just absolutely love those colors on her??
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Park Heesoon. Also nothing special about this particular gif but the scene was entertaining, given that he's just casually munching on some chips while there's an autopsy taking place.
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Rahul Kohli. He just looks really good. That's all.
Do you usually gif a whole pack at once, or split up packs across various days (or weeks, or months… or years…)
Once I start a pack, I try to finish it as soon as I can. And I typically post it as soon as I finish it. The longer I have a project sitting there, the faster my muse diminishes. 😭
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fakehelper · 4 months
For your gif pack maker meme 1 and 19! Love ya 💕
gif pack maker question game! 💕
I'm kissing you right on the forehead
1. What is your favorite gif pack to date?
Okay this is hard lol, I immediately thought of Camila in Do Revenge bc her fits are SO CUTE but some scenes were such a bitch to color. I think runner up would be Jeff Satur in KinnPorsche just bc I love him and want more people to play him. (...against me.)
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19. Do you have any current projects you want to talk about?
Why thank you for asking!! I think I'm wrapping up most of my current projects and making room for some new ones, but I think I'm most excited about recoloring Santiago Segura in Scream? I just think I can rectify some of my old tomato-washing and give people who still play him (bc there are some DEDICATED players out there) some better resources than what I had before.
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lewistan · 4 months
10 & 12 for the gif pack maker meme!!
gif pack maker meme
10. Post your favorite gif of one of your current projects. I'm currently working on a few projects (I tend to jump between things) - Taylor Zakhar Perez in 1Up, Don Lee in Badland Hunters, and Nick Sagar in NCIS: Sydney.
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12. Which scenes are your favorite to color? I'm tempted to say the easy ones, where the lighting is perfect, but really it's the difficult scenes that make me feel like magic.
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baileybasses · 4 months
10, 11, 15 for the gif maker meme!
10. Post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
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she’s honestly such a fun person to gif because the range be rangingggggg and i love it!
11. What scenes are the worst to color?
i struggle a lot with dark scenes, but also scenes that have terrible filters.. and then dark scenes with terrible filters 😔
15. Would you ever remake a gif pack? If so, which one(s)?
i honestly think if I had to re-do one, it would be my emeraude ones! not that i hate them for anything, but for the sake of making them work all the same sharpening. i completely forgot why the sharpening changed but it bothers me so much now
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luvisland · 4 months
9, 10, & 23 for the gif maker meme :-)
9. how did you get started making gif packs?
i honestly don't remember i think i was making gifsets first and then really wanted gifs of someone who didn't have many?
10. post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
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mio imada (suits, commision)
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jacob gibson (one piece, personal pack)
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gowon (youtube videos, personal pack)
23. what fc do you wish had more footage for you to gif?
probably madison bailey or evan mock i cant think of anyone right now ngl my brain just went blank
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mkayoung · 4 months
10, 13, & 15 for the gif maker meme :-)
10. Post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
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↑ three layers of colouring, zero effort, i love how this show is made (bonus point for serenay being stunning in every shot)
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↑ i just like the quality here, and it's always nice to see hyungsik on my screen
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↑ these are from two different projects but mky and her soft smile will always be my favourite
13. What was the worst show you’ve had to color?
hmmm i don't remember anything dramatic but you are my glory (chinese) and oh! my tsundere! koi wa bessatsu (japanese) were pretty bad cos the footage was whitewashed
15. Would you ever remake a gif pack? If so, which one(s)?
i don't think so tbh. if i start such project, it'll never be finished cos i get bored too fast. but i'd appreciate it if someone else remakes gif packs i don't like
gif pack maker question game
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gifsbycherry · 4 months
6, 10, & 19 for the gif maker meme :-)
6. which gif pack do you think is underrated (should have gotten more attention)?
i'm happy with any attention for my gifs, but maybe my sarah michelle gellar pack?
10. post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
so not all of these are on my pinned post, but here's what i've been working on!
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this whole scene was a delight to gif because she is so beautiful.
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pls she's so adorable and i love her with all my heart ur honor.
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had to put two in here because her fixing her hair nervously is the cutest thing in the world.
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who said she could be this cute?
19. do you have any current projects you want to talk about?
okay all i'm gonna say is ; i have such little muse for zhao lusi in hidden love rn it physically pains me because i want to finish this pack SO. BADLY. but i'm severely lacking muse to do it. so if you're wondering why its been on my pinned post for MONTHS, that's why.
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swearwolf-does-stuff · 4 months
10 & 19 for the gif pack meme!
gif pack maker question game! 💕
ill be honest i didnt expect anyone to ask anything so tysm ^^
10. Post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
okie so i have like only the one project that im actually in the middle of and most of it is so dark it makes me wanna cry
Jacob Ifan in season 3 of A Discovery of Witches - his character is literally the absolute worst in this show and he looks good doing it (you get two bcs it is midnight and I can't pick)
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19. Do you have any current projects you want to talk about?
I have two other projects that I have found sources for and split up but not actually started yet: Celia Rose-Gooding in Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (s01e08) and Jessica Williams in Shrinking (s01e08)
I honestly can't wait to start them - Celia's basically an evil queen in an fantasy story on a spaceship I love that episode so much and I don't actually watch Shrinking but Jessica is so funny that episode
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gracgifs · 4 months
2 & 6 for the gif maker meme!! 💖(ps i'm glad you liked it!!)
firstly I just want to say, I never thought I'd get the opportunity to talk about gif making so I really love having this opportunity! :')
2. Which FC have you made the most gifs of?
This gal, right here! ~ Emily Browning ~ Most of them are from a commission I did a while ago, but my current project, Class of 07 is of my own desire 🫶 (here are some previews for the next episode!)
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6. Which gif pack do you think is underrated (should have gotten more attention)?
Oh wow, great question... I guess I'd have to say my gif pack for Plearnpichaya Komalarajun 🤗 I mean she's so cute!!!! I loved giffing her <3
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stannyramirez · 4 months
Gif pack meme thingy!! 1, 6, 10
gif pack maker question game!
1.) What is your favorite gif pack to date? like that i've made? i'm pretty proud of all the ones of nicky galitzine that i've made, but i put in SOOO much work for the ones of cody in american horror story: apocalypse, so i'm really proud of those!
6.) Which gif pack do you think is underrated (should have gotten more attention)? of mine? sherry cola in joy ride could have done better especially for winning on a poll on my blog
10.) Post your favorite gif of one of your current projects (or one from each!)
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imamxdel · 11 months
[ morning ] - sender prepares a cup of coffee/tea for receiver (for Chanel, love languages meme)
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Chanel hadn't realized how late it was. She'd been so focused on catching up her missed work that she'd almost forgotten about Kat's drawings that she was supposed to have looked over that afternoon, and refused to leave the office until she'd pondered over every last one of them. She hadn't meant to keep him there with her.
"I really don't want you to feel pressured in to staying," she said, flipping through the various pages he'd made for her as potential tracings she could use on the models. Chanel loved the concept of having the girls with tattoos for the works of a makeup brand that had hired the agency, though considering none of them had actual tattoos, fake print outs would have to do for a temporary look.
Chanel's glasses were finally taken off after looking over the pages for the better part of twenty minutes. All of them were beautiful, and she admired the way Kat was able to mix the artistry with a certain mix of elegance that a lot of other artists would have looked over.
"I really like this one," she said, pointing to the third page of the potential works. She didn't consider herself artistically skilled other than setting up a stage, and never really understood how people could stand in panting museums for hours and seemingly unfold a story out of a something so small. The even smaller picture seemed to engross her thoughts, the almost wave like strokes around sharper edges and a touch of drops (was it meant to be something like blood or water?) truly making her reconsider her opinions on those museums.
Whether or not it fir the theme the director of the makeup shoot was looking for, Chanel knew it was something one of the girls needed to have.
"It's...is it supposed to give the impression of a bleeding heart?" Chanel asked, head cocked off to the side and laying the drawing down on the table in front of the couch they sat on for Kat to see his own work. The binder full of the others were gently closed and moved to the side for her to focus on her favorite.
She wished she was more talented to have a taste at understanding the work. Chanel became more interested the longer he spoke, not even realizing how late it had gotten and how they'd started to speak less and less about the work, and seemed to be delving more in to an appropriate conversation between colleagues than someone she'd hired.
Somehow that late night went even further. No one else remained in the office, all the managers gone, the photographers packed, and even the late designers had made their way home. Chanel's office light was the only one on in the whole building.
Her shoes were kicked off, legs pulled up on the couch and resting her head on her arm, still conversing with Kat. She tracked him with her eyes when she watched him stand and make his way over to her little coffee maker she never used since quitting caffeine was the cause of her sleeping problems, though when he handed her a freshly brewed up, Chanel's hands gently cradled the mug she hadn't touched in months and held it in her lap.
"Tell me more about your work," she said, breathing in the dark roast of the coffee and letting it fill her with the bit of energy she'd lost from working so long. "Would it...can you show me some of your own tattoos?" // @grievousomen
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ttenvely · 4 months
13, 15, & 23 for the gif maker meme :-)
What was the worst show you've had to color?
Time to Hunt and Mask Girl!! The color filters were so strong with both of those, there were very few gifs that came out looking half way normal. Sweet Home, Alice in Borderland, and Stranger Things are runner ups.
Would you ever remake a gif pack? If so, which one(s)?
All of them falkhkslejr no uhhh, I'm pretty much unsatisfied with the majority of my packs but instead of redoing them I'd rather focus on new projects for the same faces!
What FC do you wish had more footage for you to gif?
Simona Brown and Mamoudou Athie — I need both of them to be in all the things, they're so underrated. Otherwise, Ten! I know he's not an actor, which makes giffing him difficult, but I love him too much lol. (Shameless plug of some of his solo work here and here — his solo album comes out the 13th! :3)
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darthmaulification · 3 years
boba fett NSFW alphabet
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A/N: boba fett is just... *chef’s kiss* 😍😍 i want to hug and smooch him on the lips and have him absolutely rail me 🥴🥴
this is for post-sarlacc/mandalorian boba fett as well, and does primarily assume fem/afab!reader.
nsfw under the cut!!😘
A = aftercare (what are they like after sex?)
Boba’s positively soft after sex. He takes care of you so so well, especially after particularly rough rounds, and will make sure you’re safe, warm, and comfortable. This usually means he cleans you up, either by running you a bath or wiping you down with a damp cloth, and massaging away any aches you may have obtained. Boba is also uncharacteristically talkative while he tends to your needs, and it’s all praise like “You did so well, cyare” and “Such a good girl” alongside clarifying questions like “Do you feel sore anywhere?” and “Would you like me to run a bath?”. Boba makes sure you are completely taken care of.
B = body part (what’s their favorite body part of their partner? what about themselves?)
Boba doesn’t have a favorite part of your body, because he’s easily able to mark it all up and he’s never been one to pick favorites, but I suppose he’s like any other man and does enjoy your... feminine curves, so to speak. He particularly likes your hips, ass, and thighs, if not only that he’s able to spank them, nibble on them, grab onto them while he’s fucking you silly... it’s also because he loves watching them sway as you walk. There’s a certain perfect sashay mixed with a slight jerk in your gait that Boba loves to watch, how your thighs ripple slightly with each step, how your ass does the same, and how those perfect hips of your rock side to side... Yeah... there’s something perfect there.
If Boba had to chose a favorite part of his body and not say “The whole damn thing!”, he’d pick his arms and hands. They’re what he does everything with, how he handles his blasters and jet pack, how he handles fighting, how he handles you, etc etc. Boba’s hands and arms are where every skill of his is practiced and carried out, the limbs that can do anything. He finds a slight pride in that. Also, Boba knows you also enjoy his arms, so he finds it very amusing to flex for you every once in a while to get you blushing.
C = cum (basically anything to do with cum)
Boba Fett cums a lot, and he makes sure all of it ends up inside you. He finds it incredibly satisfying to dominate you in such a way, being able to paint your insides white, to claim you and your pussy as his. Boba also has a slight breeding kink, so he makes sure none of his cum goes to waste, sometimes pushing it back into you when it leaks out. 
D = dirty secret (what’s their dirty secret?)
Boba will probably never tell you this explicitly, most likely you will pick up on it with every breadcrumb he leaves, but Boba loves you so fucking much. He has so so much love for you it makes his heart bleed with the intensity. He’s never loved someone with all his being before, never cared this hard in his life. Boba may not even be able admit it to himself, love is a word that has brought him so much pain. But he loves you, he loves you, he loves you... Cyare, mesh’la, ni kar'tayl gar darasuum...
E = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Very experienced. Boba has had many many sexual partners over his lifetime, so he knows exactly what he’s doing and his way around your body. Having the “tall, dark, and handsome” allure as a bounty hunter really helped him with this.
F = favorite position (what’s their favorite position?)
Boba has a couple positions he usually defaults to, all of which he enjoys. They are:
Leap frog. This is a close one for being his favorite position. Boba likes to keep you beneath him, for control, and when your flat on your chest, arms either trapped under your body or above your head, hips hitched up just enough to allow him access... well, that gives him all the control he could dream of. When you’re like this, Boba fucks the life out of you, draping over you to kiss your back and neck all while one hand is nestled around the front to toy with your clit. He also loves how desperate for more friction you get with this one.
Doggy style. He likes the control this position gives him, how he’s able to command you into it, set the pace, decide when you are allowed to come undone. Boba also likes being able to grab your hips and knead your ass as he rails you, leaving fingerprint bruises on your skin. He also likes spanking you and pulling at your hair. He also keeps a couple firm, large fingers against your clit, rolling that sensitive bud between them.
Missionary. Boba enjoys basic missionary because A) you’re smooshed under him, B) it gives him the ability to kiss you as he pounds into you, and C) he’s able to be versatile. He also likes how personal and intimate missionary is, being able to see your face and watch your facial expressions as you orgasm for him again and again. Boba also gives your breasts a lot of attention when he’s got this perfect access to them, kneading them and pinching and tweaking your nipples.
G = goofy (are they the more serious type, or more humorous?)
Boba is 100% about making sure that you are receiving the pleasure you deserve. He is giving you everything he’s got during sex, so there’s no room for being silly. The most “goofiness” that he partakes in is lots of teasing and dirty talk, which isn’t all that goofy to begin with, just as serious and commanding as he is.
H = hair (how well-groomed are they?)
Boba is a functionalist, so he’s pretty well groomed below the belt. Of course, of what he has left to groom. The Sarlacc pit’s acid wiped out pretty much all his body hair, including his happy trail and about a quarter of his tuft (Boba genuinely thanks the Maker every day his penis remained untouched), so there’s only a little bit to take care of. 
I = intimacy ( how intimate are they during sex?)
Boba is intimate in a very domineering, overpowering way. He gets you so close to the edge so quickly, so torturously that there’s nothing but this overwhelming closeness that occurs, this performance of worship. His hands and mouth on your body, his voice in your ear, it’s like you become one, when he’s steady above you, your bodies interlocked, fingers laced in your hair, tugging gently. It will feel like Boba pushes you to the limit, that the intensity is like a thousands stars burning over you at once. Boba’s presence is like that.
J = jack off (do they masturbate?)
When he was a younger, more spry, more sexually unruly man? Yes. Everyday, probably. Now when he’s older, has more self-control, and you by his side? Not so much. Rarely ever, to be honest. the only times he finds himself with the itch to yank it would be if he’s been gone from you for a while or if it’s a mutual masturbation type of situation.
K = kinks (any kinks?)
Boba is such a fucking sexual deviant and kinky bastard it’s no wonder he decided to be a bounty hunter, because only a bounty hunter would act up the way Boba does. He has quite a few kinks, but here are the main ones:
Daddy kink. Boba is the physical manifestation of the “Your daughter calls me daddy too” meme. He derives such a smug pleasure from you calling him Daddy. He also likes it for the position of authority it is.
Dom/sub dynamic. Boba is a bonifide top/dom and nothing is changing that. He’s the one in charge, who makes the rules and breaks the rules, and he isn’t relinquishing that anytime soon. Boba thrives in that position of power, and loves having you a submissive, moaning mess beneath him. If you are naturally a quieter, maybe introverted person, Boba would go near rabid because that softness is just what he’s looking for. If you’re dominate like him, he sees that as a challenge... Prepare to be dominated.
Praise/degradation kink. He really just loves to hear himself talk, huh? This man is constant, non-stop dirty talk during sex and he’ll be saying downright delicious things to you. He’ll be giving you all the pet names in the book, “cyar’ika”, “pretty girl”, “mesh’la”, etc etc. Every time you react the way he wants to, or you pleasantly surprise him with your response to him, you’ll be rewarded with utmost praise. He’ll coo to you about how well you’re taking his cock, how perfect your body is, how good your wet pussy tastes... everything. Boba also likes balancing the good with the bad, so he may use a bit of degradation, usually in the form of backhanded compliments or ruder nicknames. However, if you don’t like degradation, he will simply avoid it, easy said and done.
Innocence kink/virgin kink. Woo hoo boy... Boba loves if you are or act all shy and bashful with him in the bedroom. It really goes hand in hand with his dominate role, you being a submissive, blushing mess while he’s all big and intimidating (not in a fear way). He likes being the one to corrupt you by marking your body all up with love bites and small bruises, making your tight pussy his as he rails you. If you tell him you’re a virgin the first time y’all have sex, Boba might go feral.
Breeding kink. Before meeting you, Boba didn’t really have this kink. His younger years were spent angry and vengeful and full of sex that was meaningless at the end of the day. But after the Sarlacc, and snagging the Palace from Bib Fortuna, and meeting you, Boba kinda starts getting an inkling of wanting a little something extra... or a little someone extra. He starts genuinely contemplating and liking the idea of having kids, and it partly manifests in his dirty talk where he’ll say stuff like “Gonna let me fill you up?” and “Got to keep your pussy full. Womb too”. Boba likes the idea of you mothering his children.
L = location (favorite place to “do the do”?)
Boba’s favorite place to positively ravish you is anywhere that he has full control over the safety of the room. So this usually applies to the bedroom, where Boba has set up so many security measures that no one is getting in, but also to more public places. When Boba was younger, he was much much more into exhibitionism and would’ve been down to fuck like... in front of a crowd, to be honest. But he’s older now (and wiser too) so he values the concepts of safety and security, much unlike his past self. So while Boba may still fuck you in an alley or in the throne room, he makes sure that literally no one is around. He does this less out of the potential embarrassment, but more so because he knows he has a huge target on his back. 
M = motivation (what gets them turned on?)
If you start being a little tease, or show him a bit of sass and being overall more mouthy, his pants are definitely getting a bit tight around the crotch region. Boba loves it when and if you try to talk back to him or if you get all snarky.
On the opposite hand, Boba also loves it if you’re easily flustered, all pink-faced and bashful at something he says. He really finds a smidgen of shyness to be really, really enticing. It strokes his massive Dom Complex.
N = NO (what’s their turn offs?)
Boba has a few hard turn offs that he would never do, full stop. They’re age play/regression, consensual non-con/rape play, and extreme sadism. While he does have a daddy kink, it’s really only for the name and position of power, not the age factor (so he’s not into DDLG). And despite Boba being a big ol’ bastard, it’s never sat with him well to play the role of “rapist” during sex. Also, Boba likes a bit of punishment and being rough ‘n tough with you, but he has a limit of how far he’d go. He never wants to actually hurt hurt you. Even if you’re a full masochist and you asked him to do it, said it’s okay and everything, Boba would still never harm you and would probably get fully turned off.
O = oral (do they have a preference in giving/receiving?)
He doesn’t really have a preference, because he’ll go down on you and if you give him head, he’s all game, but fuck, does Boba like going down on you. He gets an immense amount of satisfaction from making you cum using only his mouth, having you completely undone and writhing just from his face between your legs. He also really loves your pussy??? Like it’s so perfect to him, the aroma, the taste, the slick, wet feel, the way it clenches and quivers around his tongue, etc etc??? Boba loves it.
P = pace & PDA (are they soft, sensual, rough, or feral? are they open to displaying the relationship?)
Boba fucks hard and rough and slow and with a purpose. He wants to give you (and himself, of course) as much pleasure as possible for as long as possible. He paces himself very well, the master of self-control he is, and he will have you orgasming and edging for ages before he finally dicks you down. Boba finds great pleasure in having you cockdumb by the end of it.
Sometimes though, Boba gives you that same purpose in a slightly different way. he still fucks you good, but he’ll be a bit more sensual, a bit more gentle. Often, it’s because you ask to love make, but occasionally it’s because Boba really really wants you to know just how much you mean to him.
PDA is very very lowkey and subtle with Boba. This is mostly because he and you know that if your relationship, especially with how deep it is, were to become too much of common knowledge, someone is bound to use it against you, specifically to get back at Boba. So, Boba doesn’t often even have a hand on you in public, or show any outward affection. What he does do though, is stand close to you or have you close at his side. He keeps you in his line of sight always, and it’s become a sort of dance you to have. Boba and you orbit each other in a way, never growing too distant nor too close. Though, its perfect for you.
However, if someone starts making moves on you, Boba may physically step in, cutting whoever it is off from you. He’ll make sure they know that your off limits, untouchable. Usually, this also brings the gentlest yet firmest of hands to your lower back.
Q = quickies (what’s their opinion on quickies?)
Yes. Just yes. Boba loves quickies. He might be addicted to them. It’s a mix of he is always Ready To Fuck and he just finds you so damn desirable and beautiful. Though he will always prefer having you for a few hours opposed to a rushed ten minutes. But don’t think he does any less of a good job.
R = risks (are they okay with experimenting? do they take risks?)
In his younger years, this would’ve been a hard, enthusiastic “yes”, but nowadays Boba won’t really actively experiment. If you have something you want to try, odds are he’ll go along with it, but he won’t ever bring up something new. He’s very content with his abilities, that are admittedly very very successful.
S = stamina (how many rounds can they last?)
Boba can last a long while, considering his age. He’s got years of experience and a whole lot of self-control under his belt, so he’s able to work you for at least a couple hours before he starts feeling it. He’ll having you cumming over and over again, working you with his mouth, hands, and cock. Boba also is very good at pacing and has this uncanny ability to restrain himself in a way that the pleasure for him doesn’t build up unless he allows it to. So don’t expect him to cum, even in light of your best efforts.
T = toys (do they own/use any toys?)
Again, used to when he was younger. But now he doesn’t because he knows he’s too damn good with his hands, mouth, and...y’know... to need any toys. Though, if you have any toys or you ask him to try one out, he’ll humor you and oblige. But he’ll tease you about it a ton, saying stuff like “Ah, but don’t you want my mouth instead?” or “I bet you’re missing my cock”. Boba will always make sure that you know he’s better than any toy that you’d introduce.
U = unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
Boba is such a smug shit. He teases so much and is so unfair that it borders on being cruel and he enjoys it, the fucking guy. If you’re into that, he’ll get you begging and in tears before he lets up and gives you what you want (read: need). But if you’re not into it, he has a base, “normal” level of tease, but he’d never take it too far. If he does push it too far, he’ll make it up to you however you want him to, because the last thing he wants is you too upset because of him.
V = volume (how loud or quiet are they during sex?)
Boba spends most his time during sex teasing the life out of you so he is vocal in that respect. He talks the talk, saying stuff like “You take my cock so well, little girl” and “Use your words, mesh’la, tell me what you want”. His constant dirty talk is sometimes broken up by growls from the back of his throat, heavy grunting and groaning, and the occasional low moan— all from the slick, hot heat that is you. 
W = wildcard (what’s a random headcanon?)
Boba struggles with pain sometimes, the aches left behind from the wounds he received from the Sarlacc pit. It usually flares up if he’s stressed or been overworking himself, making his skin feel tight, like there’s a constant pull in all directions. He also gets pain from age and overuse of his joints. Often, it’s only his knees and ankles that act up, but sometimes he gets it in his back and wrists. And though he never says anything about it, and never asks you for anything, he really does appreciate it if you take the time to give him a massage or run him a warm bath, despite how grumpy he gets when you do.
X = x-ray & x-tra (what’s underneath those clothes? any more random headcanons?”)
Boba is built like a fucking tank, an absolute hunk of a man. From a life of training, bounty hunting, fighting, etc etc, Boba has a body type akin to a powerlifter, he never built muscle for show, only functionality. He’s all broad-shoulders, stocky, and thick muscles. Unlike the beauty standard, Boba doesn’t have the ever-desired six pack abs or pinched waist, he has a hefty barrel torso and a slight, squishy tummy. His arms and legs are equally, if not more, strong and muscled like the rest of him, and Boba is very easily able to lift you up whenever.
Now, of course, Boba is very heavily scarred. He has scars of varying sizes, shapes, and ages, some being that shiny white while others are still pinkish, all over his body from bounty hunting and getting into tiffs. The Sarlacc also completed ravaged his bronze skin, leaving this impressive and tight web of scar tissue near everywhere on his body, though it’s most heavily condensed on his left side.
NOW HIS PENIS. Boba has a Nice Cock on him, that’s for damn sure. He’s not exceedingly big, but he is girthy. And weighty. Boba’s penis is 6 inches (15.25 cm) in length and just under 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) in diameter. He is uncut, and a prominent vein runs on the bell end of his cock. His balls are also very impressive and are fairly heavy.
Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. Astronomical. Boba suffers from Horny Derangement Syndrome™. You touch his shoulder as you pass by him? His cock is hard. You give him a kiss out of the blue “just because”? He’s dry humping against you. You give him a cheeky smile and flirt with him? His pants are off. Boba is in a constant state of Wanting To Fuck. But, of course, if your sex drive doesn’t match his or if you’re not in the mood, he literally will not care or hold it against you.
Z = zzzz (how fast do they fall asleep after?)
Boba does not fall asleep until you have. Period. Full stop. It’s a bit of a machismo thing of his (he sees himself as the “protector” in the relationship) but it’s also because he just genuinely likes watching you fall asleep. Boba likes when you get all sleepy and droopy, melting against him, feeling all your muscles relax as your body starts to slow down. It makes him feel strong, comfortable, and most of all, loved. You falling asleep next to him, the Boba Fett, is almost the biggest exercise of trust you can show him, and he loves it.
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imaginarypeteel · 4 years
Trust The Cat: Theo Raeken x reader
Requested by anonymous
Warnings: curse words, angst, fluff, bad plot
Word count: 3k
A/n: First of all, I am soooo sorry that this isn't very good. I will probably make a part 2 for this so maybe that'll be better.
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Unlike most supernaturals in Beacon Hills, you weren't very close with the McCall Pack. Well to be fair you weren't that much of a nonhuman anyway, having 10% of yourself being witch and the other pure human. But still, you knew rituals that had to be done for certain things and plants bloomed longer around you. The rituals would maybe be useful for the pack but your parents strictly forbid you from talking to any supernatural other than your family's black familiar cat Diablerie, your father and your grandmother. Your grandmother being half-witch and father being quarter of a witch...or whatever you'd like to call it for men.
But still, at school, Scott had noticed that the almost dead anthuriums on the window had come back to life when you had sat beside them. So safe to say, right after school you were questioned by Scott and Stiles. Knowing full well who they were, you knew better than to run off. Scott would catch you anyway. So, you decided to stay and talk to them.
That had gotten you into being a secret informant if they were dealing with something. You were an absolute mythical creatures nerd so only by hearing few details about something abnormal happening, you already had a list of creatures who could do it.
So when dread doctors came around and you couldn't figure out at first who it was, Scott constantly checked in with you. That of course got Theo's attention.
And so, him seducing you and giving you all sorts of attention started. Your naive nerd self didn't think twice about it. Stiles warned you, he told you he was suspicious, he told you not to get involved with him, he told you something was very off with him. But his warnings were overrun by Theo's good looks and sweet words.
Little did you know, all he wanted was information from you. You had the bad habit of blabbing out secrets of all kind once you got talking. Could've been anything from something minor you did in kindergarten to pack secrets you were trusted with.
But when you finally saw his true colors, you were wrecked.
Why didn't you listen to Stiles? Why didn't you think everything over before rushing into the relationship like you usually do? Why would someone as good looking as Theo even want to be with you? You were a nerd for fuck's sake! Didn't even really have any friends. Yes, you were part of a nature club but that really wasn't something to stand out with.
Why didn't you listen to Diablerie when she attacked him? Every single person in your family knows to always listen to a familiar's intuition. In this case Diablerie knowing that Theo is not to be trusted.
After finding out about Theo's betrayal - and after his sister had dragged him away - you distanced yourself from the pack, afraid you'd blab out more secrets.
Other than Stiles, none of them could even come into your garden. Your grandmother and father had set all sorts of traps and spells over your living quarters. If anyone who didn't have the blood of your great-grandmother but was a supernatural even dared to put their pinky toe over the invisible border, they'd quite literally fall six feet into the ground.
You had just gotten back from your long trip to Monaco with your family.
With great hesitation, you had sneaked off to Scott's house. Telling your nosy mother that you were going to the library. Wouldn't say you were lying since that was your plan after.
Now you were here, wanting to get this over with before Diablerie would somehow send a signal to your mom that in fact no, you weren't at the library like you told her. The damn cat was very cute and huge help very often but was also too loyal to your parents for your good. Her being able to know everything about everyone in your family didn't help at all.
"Let's get this over with, I don't have much time until Diablerie-" you cut off as your e/c eyes connected with certain blue ones. Mouth still open, eyes growing wide, you slowly turned your body towards Stiles before grabbing him by the ear and dragging him to another room, muttering, "Let's have a word."
You shut the door after letting his ear go. Seething, you turned towards the brunette boy who was rubbing his ear. "What the actual FUCK STILES?!" you hissed like a snake.
"Look, I know I was the one to say he is dangerous and off and all that and he was. I was right, nobody wants to listen to me though," he gave you an accusing look but your angry expression didn't waver, if anything, it got even more furious. "Okay, okay. So, Liam and Hayden might have released Theo because, well, ask them." You blinked. What the hell? What were they thinking?!
"Stiles what the hell were you dealing with here?" You asked. "The Wild Hunt," he simply answered. Your mythology nerd self got switched on by those three words. "The Wild Hunt? Like the English type? Or the Norse like? Or some else type?" your curiosity made you forget your lying bitch of an ex for sometime. Stiles was at loss of an answer, "Uuuuuummm, I dunno, just Wild Hunt?" You rolled your eyes, reason for this conversation coming back to you. "Alright, well why is he still here?" You asked furiously. You were scared actually, scared of Theo because after you had gotten to know everything he could do, everything he had done, anyone in their right mind would be scared.
"Because he has changed?" Stiles replied as if it was an obvious thing. "HOW CAN YOU KNOW THAT?" you yelled. Actually yelled. You didn't need to be a were-something to be able to here that from outside of the bedroom the two of you 'hid' in.
"Listen Y/n, I know it may be hard to believe but he took away Gabe's pain before he passed. And you know a bond needs to be created for that. And he-he sacrificed himself basically and-" Stiles sighed when he saw your wide eyes staring back at him, they were getting glossy. Did he really do all that? Had he changed? Was it a game again? Was it a lie? But if he really took away Gabe's - whoever that is but seems like a good guy - pain then it can't be a lie. Right?
You were skeptical. Your trust had been broken, your heart had been broken, your soul had been broken. All by Theo Raeken. Were you really up for trusting him to be near the others and yourself? To be free?
"I... I should go," you mumbled. Silently, you opened the door and walked out. Every single person in the living room was looking at you, as you rushed through it. Grabbing your backpack. For a moment, your eyes met with Theo's. He looks cute with his new hair. Wait, what the fuck am I thinking? He smiled at you, making you frown. You looked away and walked out of the house, muttering a 'bye' in the process.
At home, you were reading "The Lunar Chronicles: Cinder." If staring at a book with a troubled face, thinking about a certain someone else and not memorizing any words from the pages counts as reading.
Giving up on trying to read, you grabbed your phone from beside you. You went on instagram, curious on why you have a notification there because you had no viral life either. You were horrible at taking selfies, so no basic girl posts from you, not a big meme maker nor artist who posts their stuff. You just followed your friends and some tags.
Turns out the notification was a follow request.
From Theo.
Your thumb stood over the Accept button. Your breath hitching when you realized that his profile picture was of you two making silly faces. You took your finger away and pressed the back button.
Sighing you picked up the book again. "Diablerie, what do I do?" The black feline rose her head. "Meow?" As you were petting the she-cat's head, you let out another sigh.
"You remember Theo right?"
"Well he is back."
"Meow," Diablerie nodded. What, she knew?
"And he apparently is different."
"Mow?" The familiar stood up and cocked her head to the side, as if asking either 'if you believed that?' or 'is that true?'
"I- I don't know. I mean Stiles believes that and you know he was right the last time."
Diablerie was quiet for sometime, staring at your blanket but not really because her gaze was unfocused. She was standing still on the blanket, tail twitching, ears facing different directions and tail tip twitching but not in an aggressive way. You realized that she was thinking.
You gazed at the queen for sometime before she finally returned her gaze back to you. "Meow!" she sounded determined but you had no idea what she just said. "Um..."
Diablerie gave you an unimpressed look when after 5minutes, you still hadn't realized what she told you.
The feline hopped down from your bed and headed towards your closet, tail high. You were confused on what the heck she was doing. With some difficulties, the she-cat climbed to where you kept your shirts. One of Theo's old shirts is there. Your e/c eyes widened as you remembered that. That shirt had been something that you lived your hate and betrayal because of a certain blue-eyed boy out on when he was dragged away by his sister. It was torn, absolutely ragged, had burn marks and looked very ugly with the stains of uncountable different things on it.
Once you realized what Diablerie was looking for, you got off the bed and went to help the familiar.
You pulled the drawer back and stuck your hand down to try and find the ragged piece of clothing. You didn't even know why you kept it, with your own clean shirts nevertheless.
The miniature panther like animal balanced herself on the side of the drawer as you pulled it and hopped down when you were pushing it back in and walking back to the bed.
Placing it on the bed, you gave the cat a face full of unanswered questions. With no difficulty whatsoever, Diablerie hopped back on the bed
She set her paw gently on the shirt. Still not getting it, you stared at your cat cluelessly.
Diablerie had a scowl on her raven black face at your response.
She placed her paw yet again on the ragged piece of fabric and then did a spin.
"Spin Theo?"
The cat shook her head.
Diablerie hopped down from the bed again and walked out of your room. Dumbfoundedly, you just stared after her in confusion.
As you were waiting for Diablerie to come back, your phone buzzed. Looking down, you saw a notification pop up, saying that you had a message.
Unknown: «Hey!»
The message was from an unknown number which freaked you out. Was this a scam? Had you accidentally deleted someone's contact? Was there a proje- no you weren't in school anymore.
As you were debating on if you should answer or not, another text came through.
Unknown: «It's Theo»
You froze. No, no way. No way in hell that he is texting you now.
Unknown: «Just wanted to let you know that this is my new number»
Unknown: «You can message and call me anytime you want»
Unknown: «I'm sorry»
You gulped, staring at the last message as your eyesight blurred, tears fighting to break free. Finally, few trailed down your cheeks. Who were you kidding? You weren't over it.
You wanted to believe that he really was sorry but how could you know that he wasn't using you this time?
Soft fur being rubbed against your arm broke you out of your thoughts. "Meow."
Diablerie placed something on your lap. You rubbed your eyes to see what the familiar brought. It was a picture of her and you. It was of your 12th birthday, when your grandmother had brought Diablerie to your family after the raven Sombra had passed. Diablerie had been only 8 months old then but was already wiser than you.
"You?" It took you few moments before it clicked. "You want to meet him?" Diablerie purred happily as a confirmation to your words.
You gulped, e/c eyes returning to the picture in hand.
The feline was staring at your phone screen that was darkening, about to close, texts from Theo open.
"I-Okay, okay, I'll do it."
Hands shaking, you grabbed your phone and quickly tapped on the screen so it wouldn't turn off.
The nessage you were about to send had to be deleted many times because you just couldn't touch the right keys. Heart hammering, you pressed send.
You: «Meet me tomorrow at 6pm, you know where»
Saving his number, you finally let yourself breath.
Theo: «Okay! Sounds great😁»
"And where are you going?" your little sister asked suspiciously just as you were about to run out the door.
"Out. Didn't know you were blind. Sis, tell mom to get you glasses," you rushed out. Your sister threw a glare your way. "So you of all people are going out looking all fancy just because? As if."
Smiling innocently, you flipped her off before shutting the door.
Diablerie was napping on the gate but rose her head when you neared. "Okay, let's go."
You didn't even know why you had put on the best clothes you could find and put on makeup. You weren't trying to impress Theo, right? You were just checking if he was trustworthy. I hope he is.
It was 5:55pm when you stepped into the small clearing in the forest. You could see Theo there, he had flowers in his hands and was dressed in a pretty casual way. Now you felt embarrassed that you had put in so much effort to look nice. You thought about backing out and going away but a certain someone was already trotting towards the man, whip like tail held high.
Theo heard the feather like steps Diablerie took in the grass and his eyes widened. He straightened his back. His last encounter with the cat hadn't been positive and truth be told, he feared the cat.
You could see the nervousness in your ex's face and were now convinced that he was out for no good and planning something again. But then, then you saw the tiger lilies in his hands and your heart warmed up. They were your favorites and he remembered it.
Now a bit more confident, you walked up to him. Still eyeing the cat with one eye, he gazed at you with the other.
"Y/n! Hi, you look great!" He smiled widely. "Here, these are your favorites, right?" he stepped closer to you and stretched out the hand that was gripping the flowers. "Yeah... Thanks," you accepted the tiger lilies, keeping your eyes on Diablerie. The cat did few circles around Theo, padded a bit closer and then sniffed him. "Uhm..." the blue-eyed man was confused and gave you a questioning look. The only response he got was an awkward smile from you. Deep down, you knew that you hoped that Diablerie would approve of him.
As the cat took more and more time to give her approval, you were beginning to think that Theo hadn't changed and was still untrustworthy and evil. But just as you wanted to turn around and run away, Diablerie let out a pleased purr and rubbed her body against Theo's legs. He was confused and surprised while a genuine smile stretched onto your face. The warm feeling of happiness spread throughout your body. He had changed, for real.
"You really have changed," you mumbled and - surprising both yourself and Theo - threw yourself onto him, arms wrapped around his built torso and face buried into his chest, squeezing the life out of him. Slowly, the man wrapped his arms around you and buried his face into your hair. "I have no idea what just happened but I'm not complaining," he laughed.
You grinned.
"Now, Theo, you better tell me what the hell happened while I was tanning in Monaco?" you demanded curiously as you pulled away to look up at him. The blue-eyed man laughed, "Well..."
"Theo, you are not sleeping in your truck," you told him sternly. "Well I can't go anywhere else, babe," he shrugged. "Surely you have friends here now who you can stay with." Theo tongued his cheek, "But I can't stay with them forever Y/n. I missed school so much that I can't graduate, I can't go to college and literally no one will hire me." You stared at him while chewing on your cheek, "Then... Go back to school?"
"One word, broke."
"Then, we will find a way to get you a job but you will not sleep in your truck for the rest of your life Theo!"
Theo sighed but smiled at you, "Okay." He ran his hand through your hair before it froze on your cheek, he pulled you towards him a bit and kissed your forehead. "But you, you will go to sleep."
You chuckled, "Fine," you giggled, dragging out the i.
As you pulled away, you stared at him with your sparkling e/c eyes for sometime. "Theo, I like your new hair, you better keep it," you said all of a sudden. When you realized that you had said it out loud, you blushed while Theo laughed. "Well I'm glad to hear me not having enough money to get a haircut is up to your liking." He shut up when you kissed his cheeks and ran back towards your house.
He stood there until the door to your house closed behind Diablerie and you. Once again, a sigh left the blue-eyed boy.
He will try to get a job again tomorrow.
He will try to be up to your parents liking because he knew they absolutely despised him right now.
He will try but he can't promise anything.
It was 8 months later when Theo finally got a job. You had moved to New York to study Archaeology.
You had a job there to support yourself as a delivery driver for Domino's. The two of you kept a long distance relationship since neither of you had enough money to fly Theo over to the Big Apple.
A Spanish restaurant decided to give him a chance and you were both ecstatic when you got the news. "I'm so proud of you, baby," you cheered over Skype. "The people there seemed very nice, though I have to admit, I accidentally bumped into the Chef there already. A fiery Latina, so I better keep up my best behavior." The both of you laughed.
"How are the other doing?" You asked with a warm smile. "Well other than Stiles, I have no idea. You know almost everyone left to chase their dreams. Not that the supernaturals care, pretty sure Scott will return soon. Shit will go crazy soon." Your boyfriend's turned chalk white as he realized that he let it slip.
Worry clouded your face, "Theo... What's going on?"
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