#gifts for men/women
fandomsandfeminism · 1 year
As we move towards the summer months, this is a healthy reminder that:
BMI is misapplied at best and pseudoscience at worst.
That genetics have far more affect on body type than any other factor.
That a "healthy weight" varies wildly from person to person.
That your body's actual healthy weight shouldn't require constant dieting to maintain.
That some studies have shown that being slightly "overweight" based on BMI actually makes you more resilient against injury and illness.
That unless your weight is actually directly causing you mobility issues or pain, it isn't a problem.
That movement and food should be a source of joy, not self discipline and stress.
That everyone looks better in clothes that fit properly.
That being hydrated and well fed is far more important to your health than you realize.
That fed is best.
That chiseled abs are only really visible if you are dehydrated.
That feeling the sun on your skin and bird song can heal the parts of you that years of dieting and weight watching and self criticism has injured.
That you have no obligation to be sexy or beautiful.
That you should never say things about your own body that you wouldn't say about a friend's or a partner's.
That it is not a moral imperative to be healthy or mobile or skinny.
That the people who judge you for your weight are fighting their own demons.
That People are absolutely terrible at guessing a person's weight. How you dress and carry yourself has far more impact on perception.
That You don't have to be beautiful to enjoy a beautiful day.
Better happy than skinny.
Feeling good is better than looking good.
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arifesilver · 24 days
I weave a chain with pure silver wires. It will be a bracelet when finished.
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heterorealism · 1 year
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How therapeutic was it for AJ and Paget to shoot those scenes?
This is what they deserve😭😭😭😭
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armoralor · 1 year
cannot believe I’m still seeing the most tired homophobic tropes used against WolfWren 💀 “Sabine and Shin don’t have anything to give each other” boy tell me you’ve never made a woman cum without telling me.
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wonder-worker · 2 months
"[Alice Perrers] was an outsider to the exalted social and political world in which she found herself after becoming Edward III's mistress in the 1360s. Lacking any gentle or noble connections within her family, she had no natural network of political supporters in the royal household and council. She was dangerously dependent on her association with the other members of the court covine who were themselves exposed and disgraced in the Good Parliament. And if the testimonies given against her by other courtiers in 1377 are anything to go by, she had a knack for alienating many of those with whom she came into contact in the royal household. Furthermore, while significant numbers of single and widowed women in her generation were able to pursue independent and successful careers in trade, Alice's strategy of developing an extensive landed estate brought her into contact with members of the nobility, the gentry, and the church who were far less conditioned than their counterparts in the mercantile world to disputing with self-made, independent women. The effusion of misogyny in the Good Parliament, represented by the extraordinary preamble to the ordinance against women's practice of maintenance, speaks powerfully to this deep-seated social and gendered prejudice."
W.Mark Ormrod, "The Trials of Alice Perrers"
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criminal-sen · 1 month
So I misremembered the 'beloved farmer' achievement and thought I had to get *everyone* to max hearts, not just ten ppl or however many? And wound up giving like 6 ppl bouquets before I figured it out (also the achievement had already popped at some point smh). So anyway I'm now dating Sam, Sebastian, Elliott, Abigail, Haley and Penny (I was kinda interested to see Maru but she wasn't to 8 hearts yet, and I've already married Harvey and Sean in other playthroughs). I gave all the bouquets over the course of one or two days and have been gifting like crazy, which means I'm getting allllllll the romantic interactions all at once, sometimes several in a single day lmfao. My character has kissed everyone except for Penny at this point? And I'm pretty sure Sam and I straight up had sex lmfao (I went into his bed and I mean. It's just little pixelated guys but he followed me in there so um) and yah I feel like a massive slut😏 but I'm poly irl so I guess it's appropriate
Anyway my favorite scene so far has been with Elliott, partially cuz it was really cute but mostly cuz he made this face
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random-lil-illing · 3 months
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meeks... the nerd ever...
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chaoticcuriosity · 3 months
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Lots of new accessories, jewelry and tea strainers in my shop! somewearintyme.etsy.com
USA can ship free with code PNWSHIPSFREE
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ablogofcourage · 3 months
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algolagniaa · 5 months
in Washington I had a friend who was a year older than me and who from the first time I saw her I was really struck by how attractive she was. like conventionally attractive and feminine in a way I’m usually not attracted to at all but when it was her I was because it was like enchanting ethereal beauty. and she had a lot of her identity wrapped up in how pretty she was and had a pretty big internet following based solely on thirst traps. and we were really really close friends for most of the time I lived there (she wasn’t a very good friend but that’s another story) and when I moved to California we kept in touch for a while and then shortly after her 30th birthday I tried to visit a different friend in Washington but through a series of whacky hijinx (my other friend was on meth lol) I ended up hanging out with her the whole time instead. and a lot of things happened that totally soured me on her as a person but one of them was she spent an inordinate amount of time sitting in front of her vanity trying to look pretty and she DID look pretty and I kept giving her genuine compliments but somehow everything I said made her feel worse about herself, like “omg your hair looks so pretty like that!” “yeah :( it always looks good until I move and then you can see how thin it is :(“ and then she would take about 10000 selfies and complain about how she looked in all of them and then make me take selfies with her and complain about how I looked but then also paradoxically complain that I looked better than her and then she’d post a selfie to instagram but a few hours later get upset that it only got 100 likes and take it down and cry about how she looks 30 now and men only like women who are under 30. and I remember looking at her sitting at her vanity asking me for reassurance she didn’t look 30 for the hundredth time because she never believed me when I said she didn’t and just having a moment where I saw her with new eyes and went….. oh my god you actually do look old and frail. you look like a sad old lady playing dress up. and since then that’s all that I saw when I looked at her and i can’t see the ethereal enchanting beauty I used to see even when I try and that’s a big part of why I’m such a believer in mindset affecting physical aging
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d0d0-b0i · 2 years
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yknow what? fuck this *posts men*
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picpalace · 1 month
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Check out our new Men's and Women's hottest fashion apparel and accessories taking the world by storm! Get yours today! Don't forget to like and share! Thanks!! https://picpalace.bigcartel.com/product/vibrant-flower-women-s-shirt…
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pgfabs · 9 months
Make Your Own Custom Stickers With Our Easy-to-use Design Tool! Show the world your individuality with our Custom Design Sticker. It's bright and fun, with a punchy design for instant impact. And what's best, it's printed on demand in a renewable energy powered factory. Order today with next day delivery available.
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ilikedetectives · 10 months
(I love Kassandra so fuckin much)
Uh, what's your favorite book? XD
Hello fella Kassandra lover!!! Oh dear I have to think about this question, because I notice I tend to not have that one book to name drop, but instead I 'adopt' characters and/or quotes because they "inscribed in my mind and carved into my bones".
Before morally grey drow woman, this man was/still is my obsession, his name is Sha Qianmo (杀阡陌/Sát Thiên Mạch), from a popular xianxia novel Hua Qiangu (花千骨/Hoa Thiên Cốt), whose canonically described as "both men and women in all the realms envy him for his beauty", including gods and demons (this will be important for the plot later). His line is so romantic because he legit goes, "If [the man you love] mistreats/sacrifices you for the people in this world, I will slaughter them all." (which he did btw, he's the most powerful lord on the 'evil' side after all) to the female lead, who unfortunately treats him like an older sister and refers to him as such.
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I will never forgive the author for giving him a tragic ending. He treasures his beauty the most and yet my man sacrificed it to save his unrequited love, then ended up in an eternal coma, just for the female lead to end up with the male lead who has been treating her like shit. If it wasn't for my bff who brought the series all the way from Vietnam and gifted it to me, I'd probably yeet it out the window (still have them on my bookshelf btw, gorgeous art covers).
So yea I hate how the book ended, but Sha Qianmo is in my custody now, along with his iconic line.
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wittyworm · 3 months
Leviticus chapter 20 shook me to my core i have to pause this shit and go to bed.
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