#giggles and kicks my feet while thinking about slightly canon divergeant AUs
originalaccountname · 4 months
if chuuya was raised by dr N, how do you think he would’ve changed?
What an interesting and difficult question
I'm assuming this is from a "what if Chuuya hadn't been taken out of the lab at all"? Where as professor N's project subject, N would have been his "guardian"?
All the Chuuyas we know were pretty similar: the little boy in his village who tried to beat up an older kid because he insulted his parents, the famined kid who had the guts to call out to another kid to know if you could eat the thing he was holding, the relunctant "king" of the Sheep, the Flags' angry little guy, the Port Mafia's top fighter and executive, Dazai's partner. The main points that kept true through all that, even before and after the lab, were that Chuuya fights, Chuuya cares, and Chuuya has an attitude.
I think these are all part of his core personality and will keep true no matter what happens. If he stops displaying these traits, it's because he's hiding them, or he's broken.
If N was smart, he'd give Chuuya a noble goal to latch onto. Getting Chuuya on your side is more efficient than forcing him to cooperate, and in the context that Project Arahabaki's objective was to effectively create a human weapon to be deployed at will, it's a lot more sustainable to have that weapon be proactive.
Chuuya's main driving force has always been defending other people, so something along the lines of saying he could be a hero, a protector, that he could help make people safe with his powers, should be good. Of course, he has to care about the people he's defending for this to be effective, so that first. If N wanted to be his trusted guardian for easier handling, he would need to be the first person Chuuya cares about by being a decent enough "parent" (you bet he'd call himself Chuuya's father for "creating him") who seems to want what's good for Chuuya. If you help Chuuya, he'll bound himself to you forever, no matter what.
With all that, I think that a Chuuya whose nature was exploited for control by N (or whoever N puts him in the hands of) wouldn't be too different from Chuuya the Sheep King or Chuuya the PM executive, just with a lot more propaganda put in his head and maybe worse self-sacrificial tendancies. I don't think the lab would have been a one-and-done thing if he'd stayed under their "care", so I feel the frequent check up, test, etc., while not necessarily evil, paired with him being a glorified weapon, would be damaging in the long run by taking away his ability to say no. At that point, the only thing he has left is his choice to go all out, to be the first in line, and to not care what happens as long as he succeeded in protecting everyone in the end. He's been made to care, and he has nowhere else to go.
Basically, take Chuuya, but instead of "I do what I can to protect everyone", it's "I do what I'm told because I want to protect everyone". Maybe, one day, the Sheep and/or SB history will repeat themselves as Chuuya learns something or meets someone he shouldn't have, or questions his origins. You decide.
I'll leave you with this short one-shot by Musical_Fandom of a young Chuuya, who stayed in the lab, being handed to Fukuchi as a Hunting Dog candidate, because I think that Chuuya meeting Fukuchi at a formative age is a fantastic idea to explore in this context.
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inkformyblood · 4 years
To Love Is To Learn
Jangobi Week 2021 Prompt #6 Fix-It AU (Canon Divergence mid-Kamino)
“Decommissioned?” Jango stopped, his boots ringing on the metal floor. The spindly Kaminoan, Lino Bivui, turned back towards him, twisting a stylus round their pale fingers. Their cheeks were flushed a pale grey, something that resembled excitement sparking in their dark eyes. It sent a cold shiver of unease running down Jango’s spine, and he tucked his thumbs into the hip pockets of his blacks to stop himself from reaching for the blaster on his hip.
Jango fought the urge to roll his eyes, the gesture no longer hidden behind the safety of his helmet. Muscles he didn’t know he had ached from training the new batch of troopers, and exhaustion had been a constant companion for the past two years. But he was still here, roaming the halls with the Kaminoan, rather than curling into his bed for a few hours before the training began again.
“What,” Jango let some of his irritation gather in his voice like an oncoming storm, “exactly do you mean by the decommissioning of the clone troopers?” The words ‘of my sons’ went unspoken, bitten back at the last second, because how could he not love them? It would be as impossible as trying to pluck every star from the sky with his bare hands. He was Mando’a, regardless of what people tried to say to him, and some instincts were harder to shake than others.
Lino Bivui drew themselves up higher, confused and affronted and Jango didn’t care. He wasn’t about to ask twice, letting himself finally wrap his fingers around the handle of his blaster. Their eyes dropped to it the movement, as dark and liquid as the sea on this infernal planet, and they sighed. 
Telling Jango what it meant may not have been the last thing they ever did, but they sealed their fate when they finished with ‘After all, they’re not human.’
Green blood covered the walls, dripping from Jango’s hands as he worked methodically through the floors, enacting his own brand of justice. When the day dawned on Kamino, the facility was empty and Jango Fett, along with his sons and storage vats, was nowhere to be found.
Jango didn’t know exactly what time it was — the instinct had slowly eroded with every year of peace that passed — but he knew it was too damn early. 
An exploratory press of his hand sideways came away tangled in a cold nest of blankets, some softer than he was used even now, revealing Obi-Wan was already awake and up with their sons. The thought still sent a twisted curl of warmth through his chest, Jango’s heart beating slightly faster whenever he remembered that Obi-Wan had chosen him, and let Jango love him in return. 
His train of thought was derailed as the crushing weight firmly settled on top of his chest shifted, one tiny hand pressing into his cheek. “Bui’?”
Jango fought back the reflexive groan, knowing his previous plans last night — of being able to luxuriate in bed with his riduur on one of Obi-Wan’s rare mornings free — were now impossible and half-opened an eye. A blurry face stared back at him, impossibly close and Jango did groan this time, eyes snapping shut again to try and dissuade the eager toddler sitting on him. 
It didn’t work.
“Bui’!” Jango flinched away from the resounding squeal, the noise sending a blaster bolt of pain through his head. He hooked his arm under the wriggling toddler and twisted them both so they were lying on the blankets, side by side, hoping beyond hope that his restless son would settle. 
“Bui’, up!”
Jango resigned himself to wakefulness, navigating by touch — making the child next to him giggle in delight and try to grab at his fingers — to press his forehead to his son’s, breathing in the gentle scent of floral shampoo and the faint tinge of engine oil.
Clearly, the Alpha batch had gotten distracted while watching their younger siblings already.
The group was so similar to Jango already that on previous occasions, he had found Jaster’s admonishments falling from his lips, an echo that made him turn pale with looks of teenage defiance turning to worry in a second. 
“Good morning, ad’ika,” Jango groaned, pressing his shoulder back as far as he could, hearing the bone crack with the motion. He squinted down at the boy, a growing sense of confusion washing through him. Which child was this?
The decision to decant the remaining batches from the storage tanks had been a long argued over one. The battle raged until the early hours of the morning, only to resume at first light, proving to be ultimately pointless when they all discovered that the children would die otherwise. 
Plo Koon and Shaak Ti had deliberately not looked at the other before they crept from the meeting room towards the tanks to begin the process as soon as they heard. Jango suspected they were the key driving forces — except Jango and Obi-Wan himself — in annulling the previous agreement between the Kaminoans and the Senate and granting all of his sons their freedom.
Jango sat up, the child copying his actions clumsily, a wide grin on their face and eyes fixed on him. A quick check of his outfit: the steel blue of the batch marked to be the 501st Legion originally, helped somewhat, but not enough. He couldn’t be Echo or Fives — those two were never far apart from each other — and he lacked the careful braids of Tup. Jango sighed, roughly kicking his legs free of the blanket and standing up, the child already rising to his feet — wobbling slightly on the uneven mattress and raising his arms to be picked up. 
“Kix?” Jango asked as he obliged. The delighted peal of laughter as he settled the boy on his hip let him know he was wrong once again. 
The tiles were warm beneath his feet, and Jango smiled to himself as the memory of Obi-Wan collapsing into the bed beside him — his skin sun-warmed and smelling faintly of honey — rose unbidden as he walked towards the door. For all Jango treasured his memories of Obi-Wan, nothing could compare to the man himself.
Obi-Wan sat crossed-legged in a pool of dappled sunlight, a gently steaming cup of tea next to his knee with one child sat in his lap with a look of such intense concentration on his face Jango couldn’t help but grin. 
“Cody has been such a good help this morning,” Obi-Wan said, his eyes still closed but his face inclined towards Jango regardless. Cody opened one eye — the other slowly opening despite his best efforts — and nodded enthusiastically.
“Have the rest been behaving for your buir?” Jango asked Cody who, even at the age of approximately seven, carried the self-inflicted responsibility of the other children on his shoulders. 
Cody paused, clearly trying to think of a half-truth as he spotted the child held on Jango’s hip.
“Seventeen said they’d only be a few minutes,” he reported finally. “And that Jesse wanted to find Kix so he wouldn’t be any bother, and Kix is still asleep.”
“Cyar’ika, we need better colour-coding for our children.” Jesse was already squirming to be put down as Jango lowered him to the floor, trying to run towards the sleeping Kix — sprawled on the floor next to Obi-Wan — even before his feet made contact. 
“Oh?” Obi-Wan did look at him then, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he smiled, hair shot through with gold in the sunlight.
Cody sighed a far too world-weary sound, and wriggled free of Obi-Wan’s lap, crossing the room to scramble into the playpen with Boba and Rex instead.
Jango laughed, leaning down to kiss Obi-Wan as he had been wanting to do since he first woke up. The other man laughed against his lips — laughter prompted by the disapproving sigh that echoed from the teenager passing by their open door, one child clinging to his back — and reached up to wrap his arms around Jango’s neck, fingers tugging at the curls at the base of his neck. 
“I love you,” Jango whispered, trying to fit years worth of gratitude and love into those three simple words. 
“I know.” Obi-Wan’s voice was soft and so full of love that he could have plucked Jango’s heart from his chest and he wouldn’t have protested. 
A wail made them break apart, Boba noticing that Jango was in the room and reaching for him demandingly as Cody held Rex balanced on his hip, smoothing one hand over his younger brother’s blonde curls. 
Jango kissed Obi-Wan again, quick, gone before the other man could do much more than blink and moved towards Boba. The morning was golden, and his family was safe. It was everything he never imagined he would have on that day when he fled from Kamino, blood on his hands and a sobbing child on his lap while the rest sat silent and scared in the hold. And Jango was so grateful that he had made that choice, as it brought him his family.
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His Little Witch~~6
Part 5
Main Pairing: Tom Riddle x Reader
Background Pairings: Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood x Neville Longbottom, James Potter x Lily Potter, Draco Malfoy x Pansy Parkinson
Tags: Swearing, Canon-Typical Violence, Possessive!Tom Riddle, Protective!Tom Riddle, Soulmates, AU, CANON DIVERGENCE, Minister of Magic Tom Riddle, Out of Character Tom Riddle, nice!Tom Riddle, Dumbledore and Tom get along, sane!Tom Riddle
It was a few weeks later and the first task was a week away. Harry was a little nervous but it was nothing compared to Lily and Ginny. James has told you that Lily was furious and was still considering marching into Hogwarts and dragging Harry out by his ear. Ginny, on the other hand, was a lot quieter than usual, and she was barely eating and had big, dark circles under her eyes. Harry did his best to try and ease her worries but you could tell it wasn’t working that well.
“So are you guys excited for Care of Magical Creatures this afternoon?” You ask at lunch as you clap your hands together. You were extra excited for your favorite class today because Hagrid has finally decided to let the NEWT class (6th and 7th years) work with unicorns. While you had been introduced to them before you had never had the chance to work one on one with them.
“Yeah, I can’t wait to work with the unicorns. They are so beautiful.” Ginny replies perking up and even giving a small smile.
“I’m not. Those bloody unicorns hate guys. Every damn time you get within five feet of them they try and trample you.” Ron mutters, Harry nods in agreement.
“Why can Hagrid get close to them then?” You ask.
“Well, I mean it’s Hagrid. He’s got some freaky affinity for the weird creatures. They bloody love him.” Ron huffs, shaking his head as he picks at his food. Hermione, Ginny, and you all giggle at him, while Harry just pats his back and shoots him a sympathetic glance. 
“Fair enough,” you concede, they had a decent point. 
“So any ideas on what the first task will be?” Ron asks Harry in a hushed voice.
“Hagrid’s been dropping hints and I’m pretty sure it involves dragons somehow.” Harry says, “He kept mentioning Norbert, remember that dragon he hatched our first year?” You all nod in understanding.
“Dragons?” Ginny asks breathlessly.
“Gin, I’ll be fine. I wouldn’t have entered if I didn’t think I was capable.” Harry tried to soothe but you know it’s not really working.
“Too bad Professor Lupin has never had us battle dragons.” You chuckle, Professor Lupin, your Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was your favorite Professor at Hogwarts. Though Hagrid came in a very close second.
“Yeah too bad. I know for a fact that Sirius has suggested it a time or two,” Harry laughs trying to decrease the tension at the table.
“You’ll do great mate. Though I gotta be honest I’m glad it was you and not me, my mom would’ve killed me.” Ron says shuddering at the thought of his mom’s reaction had he been selected.
“We better head down to Hagrid’s, lunch is almost over,” Hermione advises and you all nod. The four of you say a quick goodbye to Ginny before exiting the Great Hall, trailed by James and Sirius of course.
“Alright, class today we will start caring for unicorns. As I’m sure most of ya are aware, unicorns ain’t particularly fond of men. So lads, you best be extra careful, go slow, let them get used ta ya. Ladies be cautious but ya probably won’ need ta be as patient,” Hagrid explains before turning the class loose to care for their unicorns. You and Harry were partnered up, Hagrid thought it would be best if the guys were paired up with the girls.
“Why don’t you go first?” Harry suggests eyeing the unicorn nervously. You nod looking back at Sirius and James, who are both on edge when you agree to approach the unicorn.
“Easy girl,” you whisper as you approach her slowly with your hand out to her. She allows you to pet her and gently nudged your hand when you stop.
“Good job Y/n!” Hagrid exclaims approaching you and the unicorn to inspect your work. Looking around you realize you were the only one who had been permitted to pet their unicorn.
“Harry, you could probably try approachin’,” Hagrid suggests before walking over to help Hermione with her unicorn.
You take a step away from the unicorn, much to her dismay if her huff is any indication. Harry approaches her slowly and starts to pet her when you see Malfoy creeping around before you see him conjure a snake. The unicorn is spooked and rears up before accidentally kicking you in the side and knocking you over.
All you remember after that is screaming and then it all goes black.
“Y/n! Y/n!” You hear voices screaming, sounding terrified. You open your eyes and see Hermione, Hagrid, Ron, Harry, James, and Sirius all clustered around you.
“What the hell?” You grunt confused, why did it hurt to breathe?
“Oh thank Merlin! Yer awake!” Hagrid exclaims as he wipes the tears from his eyes.
“What happened?” You ask as you try to sit up only for everything to spin, forcing you back down.
“Malfoy decided he wanted to freak Harry out by spooking the unicorn you guys were working with. But then the unicorn kicked you in the side and you fell over and hit your head.” Hermione explains calmly though you see the rage in her eyes.
“How long was I out for?” You ask, still trying to get your bearings.
“Nearly ten minutes,” Sirius says as he and James share a worried look.
“Let’s get you to the hospital wing,” James says picking you up and cradling you in his arms as he and Sirius walk you up to the caste.
When you enter the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey is bustling over and fussing over you. James lays you down on a bed and he and Sirius looked at each other slightly terrified.
“What?” You ask them after pushing Madame Pomfrey away. She huffs but then begins her healing spells. You had a concussion and some broken ribs.
“We need to tell the Minister,” James mutters.
“Why?” You ask annoyed, Tom would just rush out of whatever he was doing to check on you. You didn’t want them to interrupt him.
“Because he insisted upon knowing if anything happened to you. I’ll go.” Sirius concedes rushing to the fireplace before disappearing.
“This is all so unnecessary. I’ve had much worse.” You grumble.
“I know Y/n. We’re just doing our jobs. Also maybe don’t let Tom know about the ‘worse’, it’ll just aggravate him more.” James advises and you nod before you hear a pop and look over to see Tom storming towards you. Sirius quickly emerges from the fireplace trailing behind him.
“What the bloody hell happened?!” He roared at James and Sirius after taking in your state.
“Tom I’m fine,” you say. When he shoots you a glare you continue, “Really, I’m fine. It’s not that big of a deal. I don’t even know why they called you.” 
“James, Sirius, you can go. I’m taking Y/n home. Tell Percy to cancel all my appointments for the rest of the day.” Tom growled before scooping you into his arms and disapparating back home.
“Tom,” you huff as you try and struggle out of his arms. He shoots you a harsh glare that makes you cease your movements.
“Let’s get you to bed.” He growled storming up the stairs to your room. He sits you down on the bed before flicking his rest and your school uniform is gone, replaced with another emerald green and black silk nightgown.
“You really didn’t need to leave work you know,” you whisper as he crawls into bed next to you, wrapping his strong, slender arms around you.
“Yes, I did. When are you going to understand, you are the most important thing in the world to me. Nothing matters as much as you. I can’t lose you, it would kill me. When Sirius showed up and told me you had been hurt I died a thousand deaths before I got to you. I love you Y/n.” He replies, tightening his hold on your waist.
“I love you too Tom.” You murmur as your eyes droop.
“Now get some sleep Little Witch. It’s not every day you get kicked by a unicorn.” He tries to laugh it off but there’s an edge to his voice. You know that you haven’t heard the end of this yet.
Part 7
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