sprite-periodt · 11 months
Just the fact that I need to finally be wrecked to the point where I am so grateful for the short and lil tiggles I get from my friends
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pacienties · 2 months
I wanna see emo Kai being a pervy loser!!
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— emo kai being your pervy loser bestfriend to boyfriend!
warnings <3: !smut, kai corrupting reader, !dark and toxic kai, !reader is sweet but a bit of a loser as well, takes place in college, !coquette reader, ddlg themes, !plot twist, kai is a bit of a stalker in this, mentions of other txt members, reader is a crybaby, mentions of smut, actual smut, free use!
a/n <3: i have a feeling ill do better writing these type of fics :3
kai was infatuated with you; from the moment his then only friend yeonjun introduced you to him, and he fears it’s only worsen more and more over time. “so kai this is y/n, and y/n this is kai” yeonjun introduced you both to eachother, “maybe now you can stop clinging onto me” yeonjun half joked hitting kai’s shoulder passive aggressively making the younger wince grabbing his now assaulted shoulder before walking away. you’d immediately frown getting closer to kai before lightly reaching out to massaging his shoulder, “he’s such a dick, im sorry kai” you’d place a light kiss on his forming bruise making kai’s eyes widen in shock as he rapidly bow his head down to you to show his gratitude
“so i was thinking for the project i could go over your house? i’d let you come over mine but my parents said no boys allowed” you’d ask kai with a small frown and kai not being able to say no to you, he’d nod his head rapidly making you smile with a excited clap before you paid attention to your assignment again causing kai to shakes his head, but then panic runs through his head thinking about how you would react once you stepped foot in his room
kai was shocked when you started gasping and oohing over his manga collection, “you like chobits too?” you’d ask carefully pulling the manga out of his shelf with a shy smile, kai still hasn’t warmed up to speaking to you much so he nods. “i always thought i was the only one who liked this type of anime at our school” you’d giggle “hey whenever we can should watch the anime together” you’d suggest and kai sighed in relief at how you seemed to like his bedroom
what he liked most about you was your kindness, your ability to see only the good in people and not being judgmental at all; “so yeonjunnie said i need to stop hanging out with you” you’d pout as you leaped into kai’s bed starling him a bit. “what? what do you mean?” he would ask his heart racing at that comment “yeonjun said you’re weird and off putting and a total loser but i think he’s just full of it! don’t worry i defended you and told him that i’d rather be your friend than his” you’d nod your head making the black haired boy smile down at you
“what are you listening to?” you come up from behind scaring the shit of kai, “holy shit y/n don’t scare me like that!” he would roll his eyes making you giggle an apology. “im listening to yeah boy and doll face by pierce the veil” and you laugh at this, “yeonjun was right you really are an emo loser” making kai roll his eyes once again before he begins to tackle you with aggressive tiggles
valentine’s day rolled around and you were sad to say the least since kai was now where to be seen that day. everyone knew you were pretty but not exactly dateable material yet it sucked being reminded that during special days like these, that was until you were surprised with a stuffed bunny in your locker. you frown your eyebrows gently cradling it into your arms tilting your head at the pink love letter attached to its limps. you being curious you open it kinda shocked but you couldn’t deny it made you blush once you’ve read it. the letter containing dirty things like how you were being watched, how in love this mysterious stalker was with you, how you failed to notice your lacy undergarments including your stockings go missing along with your lip gloss and pink ribbon bows. how pretty you looked asleep during your after school naps in nothing but a crop top and a mini skirt. but what made you turn red the most was the explicit details about wanting to take your virginity. you couldn’t lie you were a bit scared now at how this stalker knew about you still being a virgin but still excited that somebody took an interest to you even if it was a total creep.
you couldn’t deny it to yourself anymore, you were beginning to fall for your bestfriend kai. as the love letters only became more perverted and more frequent you’d begin to imagine it was kai behind all of this. you began to sleep with the thought in your head making it appear in your dreams, you became so obsessed with the idea of kai being your stalker it became the reason why you touched yourself, with needy shameful rubs as you struggled to make yourself orgasm since you really didn’t know how to but you still tried nonetheless. but after all of that trying, you still would cry yourself to sleep because of how guilty you felt to be wishing your bestfriend who has been nothing but sweet to you to be the perv sending you those letters what’s wrong with me?
you began to ignore kai making him secretly angry with you but you didn’t notice, you were too distracted with imagining him to be your stalker and then feeling ashamed of it. you thought of that idea so much you didn’t even connect the puzzle that kai really was your stalker when you opened a very angry letter on the same day kai was angry with you, the letter containing a lot of curse words along with the very violent things your stalker wanted to do to you if you didn’t stop ignoring him making you very confused.
it wasn’t until the later that night you realized the stuffed bunny you were gifted had a camera in its left eye making you flush in embarrassment as you gently tucked it under your pink bed sheets in attempt of the person who you had hoped it was kai to be able to see you sleep better
you eventually got tired of ignoring kai and you missed him so you finally answered his hundreds of text messages and phone calls apologizing and making up some excuse for your behavior sighing in worry as kai immediately forgave you also inviting you over his room for a night of anime binging and video gaming to make up for lost time
you’d tremble at kai shifting behind you placing his hands on top of yours while you carefully held onto his extra ps5 controller in attempt of showing you how to play texas chainsaw massacre; “you also have to stay still to avoid being caught by the family y/n i know it’s a lot to remember but the more you play with me the more you’ll get used to it” kai laughs sheepishly at your pout but you nod nonetheless.
later that night, you begin to drift away to sleep failing to notice your bestfriend kai sitting up behind you violently stroking his shaft with your missing lacy panties trying his best to keep quiet but it was kinda hard to when you were this close to him. eventually you woke up but kai failed to notice seeing how he was clearly busy so you decided to take matters into your own hands and gently turn around racing him latching your tiny (he thought it was tiny) fist around his cock before bringing your lips down on it making him gasp as he opens his eyes to look down at you but he’s so far gone in pleasure he doesn’t say anything. you sigh happily drinking him in your mouth as you begin to rub your pussy through your pajama shorts you couldn’t believe your dream of letting kai use your mouth as he pleases was finally coming true
you’d blush pink as you awake in kai’s arms from last night, seeing him peacefully watch you rest before remembering what happened and immediately feeling guilty for just sucking him off like that without saying anything. “kai? im really sorry for just forcing myself on you like that it was very cruel and you’re my best friend and i shouldn’t have done that it was my first time doing something so sexual and i’m really sorry i don’t know what came over me!” you’d ramble letting tears fall down your face as you hug your bestfriend apologizing over and over again. kai’s eyes soften at your apology before he lightly cradles you into his lap holding you as he whispers, “it’s okay y/n, i know you’re just a little girl and can’t help getting all needy and wanting to use your mouth with me” and you freeze, how does he know that you like that pet name?
you and kai never really spoke about what happened that sleepover, but you do use it as a way to get yourself off. the letters from your stalker getting sweet again but you’re starting to get more grumpy with how the stalker refused to reveal himself. you let out a sigh in frustration and lay down in bed reaching down between your legs rubbing your clit for the nth time that week and begin suckling on your fingers, needly whimpering at the memory of kai telling you how pretty you looked with your mouth full of cock. you let out a weak cry and a kick of your feet at how you failed to cum though before a wicked idea pops in your head as you reach over your stuffed bunny dragging it in between your thighs as you relentlessly rub against it surprising kai as he begins to watch you and he could have swore he came untouched when he heard you whine his name
“could i have some of your ice cream?” kai spoke up as you sat behind him rewatching chobits with him and you nod feeding him some. “thanks” he’d smile “you know i love you right?” he adds on nonchalantly as he turns his attention back to the tv making your blood run cold
you guys never spoke of kai’s confession, but still remained close friends frustrating you. why hasn’t he asked me to be my boyfriend already? you’d huff your cheeks out laying down in bed drifting away to sleep then kai takes his cue and steps into your room from your window smiling down at your now sleeping state. the boy held his breathe itching closer to you lifting up your bedsheets turning you gently to your back as your eyes flutter open as you immediately felt your pussy get wet again
“kai?” you spoke up seeing kai quickly undress you both but you didn’t show any sign of denying him “shh you have no idea how long i’ve been wanting to fuck you” kai shushes you as you freeze. “you’ve been wanting to fuck me?” you’d smile a little blushing at the thought of being wanted. with a nod he speaks again, “ever since you sucked me off like that i haven’t been able to control myself i hope you’re not scared”
you’d gasp softly at the sight of your pussy being stretched around kai’s cock gently grabbing his forearm feeling him rut deeper and deeper into your gummy walls making your breath hitch. “be gentle” you’d hiccup “im.. im a virgin..” “i know”
“what? how did you know that?” your doe eyes weakly open again “you’re not really that dumb are you?” kai laughs menacingly at your wide eyes “come on baby really? you do know that i’m the one sending you all those letters right?” “the love letters?” you’d squeak. kai laughs again, moving to an angle to hit a specific spot in your stomach. “you think i write those letters to you out of love?”
you began to tear up feeling your pussy torn apart in two, “kai” you let out a dry sob “it hurts no more” you’d whine feeling overstimulated at how much you cummed that night “just one more baby yeah? just one more” kai hushed you and you whimpered feeling a knot in your stomach
“do you wanna be my girlfriend?” kai murmured half asleep and you nod. “you’re my boyfriend now right?” you’d speak up making kai laugh at you now waking up. “yes of course” he kisses you lightly making you squeal in delight
a/n: sorry if this isn’t the best 💔
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rachi-roo · 9 months
Anyway could I request a ler issac fic cause god him being a mean a sadistic ler and teaser brain go brrrrrr where he chases a reader, their worse spots being their ribs and hips
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Angels Of Death: Tickly Terror
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Uh oooooh! I've been found by a fellow AOD fan 🫣 Greetings, I think I love you! XD Thanks so much for the request and your patience! Zack is such a MONSTER! I luv it 🤩
Summary: Reader is attacked by a certain serial killer who has a soft spot for people in your line of work. He won't kill you now, but he has other plans to make you suffer.
Ler!Issac, Lee!Reader
Tw: Knifes, Swearing, Cruel tiggles
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Well, this was not what you had in mind for a nice Friday out on the town.
Running for your life, that is.
It all happened so fast. You knew taking that shortcut down the backstreets might be a bad idea, but you thought the worst might be some bum asking for a lighter, not a crazed maniac to start chasing after you with a knife.
You glanced over your shoulder, heart pounding in your chest. He was still there. Hot on your heels and gaining. The sound of his boots and insane laughter growing louder and louder. Chills running down the back of your neck.
He's coming! He's right on you!
You feel your stomach drop as you trip, tumbling to the concrete with a thud. You spin your head round, suddenly face to face with your pursuer.
His bandage covered face inches from yours as he smiled an unsettling smile. You can smell blood on his clothes. That coppery scent was dried onto his dirty hoodie.
It felt like an eternity of staring at each other before he finally spoke.
"Not gonna beg for your life?" He asked, standing over your body with a chuckle as he toyed with the knife in his hand, feeling the blade from handle to point. "I'll make this quick if you do." He continued, lowering himself onto your waist and placing a hand over your throat, holding you in place.
Petrified, you just lay there, staring at him. Your chest heaving, heart about to jump from your ribs.
A squeak left your lips as his knife suddenly slashed towards your throat. You clench your eyes shut. Waiting for the impact-!
You anxiously open one eye, looking up at the attacker who now held your ID card from work as it had fallen from your pocket. He narrowed his eyes as the words.
"... Does this say nurse?" He asked, showing you the card.
You gulp, trembling as you speak. "Y-Yes... I'm a c-childrens hospice nurse... I work with orphans."
The attackers face sank as he tossed your ID aside with an aggrivated groan. "Damn it. I can't kill ya' now I know that... Damn, Ray. She made me soft!" He cursed himself as you watched on, wondering who 'Ray' was.
Though, that didn't really matter. What mattered was the fact you weren't going to die! A small sigh of relief passing your jittering lips. The feeling didn't last long though.
"However, I'm still going to have to make you scream. I went through the trouble of chasing you down after all. I've earned it." The boy nodded as he leaned closer, softly tracing the dull side of his knife up and down your side.
The feeling of the dull point dragging across your side, through your thin shirt, sent a tingling sensation across your torso. You bit your lip, biting back a smile as your fingers curled up reflexively. What if a smiling pisses him off?!
But, it tickles! So bad! The cold tone of your attacker reminded you of the situation you're in.
"Your tag said y/n... So tell me, y/n, where should I start? Don't worry, I'll keep the injuries hidden. I don't want to worry the kiddies or-... Are you fucking smiling right now?" He asked with a dumbfounded glare.
"N-No! No, I'm not! I'm really not!" You blubbered, your hands shooting up defensively as you fought down a giggle.
"Yes you are! I saw it! You we're so smiling! You think this is funny? You got some kind of pain kink or something? Youd better tell me cus' I aint here for that noise."
"No! No, I-I swear it's not that! Your knife! It- It just- Eek!" You squeal as he traced the length of your stomach with the dull blade again.
The boy smirked, a sadistic glint in his eyes as he finally put all the pieces together.
"Oooh." He chuckled.
"No! No, it's not what you think!"
"Haha, I think it's exactly what I think." He shifted his weight, trapping your arms by your side, beneath his knees. He knacked his knuckles, grinning a fanged grin as he prepared himself for the fun he was going to have with your helpless body.
He held his limber didgets out, flexing them close to your stomach to start with, revelling in the way you squeaked and tried to suck your belly in to avoid the fingers.
"I'd say sorry, but I'm really not." He chuckled before diving into your soft skin, vibrating and clawing at your tummy.
"Gh-! Haha! N-Noho! H-Hehey! Wait! WAIT! PleheEEEHE-!"
You giggle, legs kicking out behind your attacker as he dug into your tummy, chuckling with you.
"Hmm, I think you can beg better than that." He smirked, his hands shifting to ruthlessly claw at your sides. Even rolling up your shirt to attack the bare skin directly.
"WAH! S-Stahap! Please! Pleheheee-! Aha!" You yelp, twisting and turning, doing anything you can to escape.
This just eggs your attacker on. The hood of his hoodie shrouding his expression in a shadow, but you can feel him grinning at you, enjoying your suffering.
"Haha, poor little thing. Look at you, so helpless. And I'm not even hurting you! You're just too ticklish for your own good, huh?" He sneered, pinching up and down your sides, until he inched juuust too far upwards, finding your lowest ribs.
"FUHUCK! Wait!" You yelp, curling in on yourself to the best of your ability in your trapped state.
"Hm? Ooohohooo. Is that your sweet spot?" He jeered, latching onto your ribs with deadly precision, vibrating his fingertips into the sensitive dips and bumps that made up your ribcage.
A scream ripped from your mouth as he tickled you there. It really was the worst! This whole situation was a nightmare!
"NOHO! ShihiIIIIHIT! AHAAA-!... gasp AHA! Noho! NNNAAAHA!" No amount of kicking and squirming was working. This sadistic stranger had you trapped and completely at his mercy. Something he definitely wasn't going to give you.
"Take that! And that! Haha! Bet you're regretting coming out tonight now, hah? Tickle, tickle, tickle! Weak, ticklish little looser, aren't ya?" He teased, cruelly insulting you in a childish manner. Not letting up from your sensitive ribs yet.
"Pleheheee-!... gasp GAHAHAAAD!"
"I ain't no God, call me Zack." He chuckled.
"Zahack! Plehehease! Stop! Stop! Stop! StahAHAHA!" The more you begged, the more he tickled. He was truly an evil being.
Zack grinned, shifting his hands and drilling his thumbs into your hips as he spoke.
"Ooh, look at that expression. So much suffering under such a bright smile. Haha! So silly looking~ Coochie, coochie, coo~"
"NYAAHAHA! ZAAAHACK!" You arch your back, desperately trying to dislodge his vicious thumbs from your protruding hips. "Fuhuck! NnnOHO-!... *gasp* AHAHA!"
Nothing worked! Nothing was going to work! You were completely at his mercy.
Hearing your pleas, he laughed, mocking your attempts to make him stop. "Oooh, Zaaack! Please! Don't tickle me! Oh nooo! Haha! You sound so pathetic! Tickle, tickle, tickle~! How about here? Or here? Nah, back to the ribs!"
He teased and taunted, his hands dancing between various different areas of your torso before latching back onto your ribs.
As the tears pooled in your eyes, and the laughter became breathy and full of hiccups, you wondered if he would ever stop.
"HEHELP! Help-! Ahaha! H-HeheaaaAAAHA! Help mehehe! Please!"
"Calling for help now? Pff, you really are completely helpless, aren't ya?" His cruel smile sent a shiver down your spine, realising just how right he was.
"NOHO! S-ShihihahaAHA-! AH!" A yelp passed your lips as the crook buried his face into your neck, blowing a raspberry into your skin, making you shrill in ticklish delight.
He loved the sounds you were making. So pained, yet so happy! It's weird, even this killer knows that. "Haha, I wonder how long you can take this. An hour? Several hours? A day maybe?! PfffAHAHA! Let's find our, shall weeee? Yyyyy/nnnn~?"
You weren't sure how long this torture had gone on for, but the awful tickling sensations on your hips suddenly stopped. You blinked the tears from your eyes, realising that Zack was no longer sitting upon your waist.
He stood, yawning and stretching his arms as if he was the one who was tuckered out. "Aaah... Bored now. You can go." He chuckled, nudging your shoe with his.
".... Oooor you can stay on the floor? If that's what you want?" When he realised just how tired you were, he scoffed, standing over your head and grinning down at you.
"Let's put it this way, if you stay there too long, I might get all worked up and start tickling you again."
"I'M UP! I'm going!" You scramble to your feet with a sudden burst of energy. The thought of another round of tickles made you feel ill. You dashed a few feet out of his range before turning back to see... No-one.
The Tickly Terror was still out there somewhere. He's probably looking his next victim...
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Thank you for reading! 😚❤️
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s-i-m-p0 · 2 years
How they wake you up with the overbolts
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Riddle roseheart
♡ bro wakes up at 6 AM sharp everyday
♡he needs help
♡ he let's you sleep for a hour till 7
♡ when he wakes you he lightly grabs you're hand and kisses softly
♡ you wake up if it tiggles and laugh/giggle slightly
♡ if you dont wake up: he pount, leaves the room, returns with a rose (dethorned) and just brushes it against your face
♡ the pollen woke you up
♡ loves to see your sleepy smile
Vil Schoenheit;
☆ again a 6AM person
☆ after he finished his make up and you're still asleep (at 6:30) vil decides to wake up since you show no signs you'll wake up you're self
☆ he's couched next to you brushing a clean make up brush and lightly tickle you're nose
☆ It always works since you rather sneeze or giggle and go to wipe you're nose
☆ if not in a relationship... God that's a different story...
☆ he burst through the door the moment he's dressed and dolled up
☆then he would throw a ice packet at you and scared you awake
☆it's worse when rook wakes you, he stands by the side of you're bed taking pictures and writing notes till you wake up, so terrifying
Jamil viper
▪︎this man wakes up at 6:40 and he dresses in 10 miunets to wake up kamil
▪︎ he wakes you up by opening the curtains and letting the heat of scarbia dorm envioment wake you
▪︎ my god its nice and cold at night but in morning no; perfume,deodorant, spray on works to hide you're sweat smell (even a few miunets after showers)
▪︎sp when you leave scarabia dorms you spray all the deodorant amd perfume you can
~he may be still asleep and even if you're awake he's not moving.
~ you need more the 4 people! To get this dead-weight off of you
~ you're always waking him up.
~ but! When he does wake you up he just pounces of you crushing you're ribcage in the process
~no mercy
~ alright azul is a 7AM person
~ but somehow you always sleep in and bleh
~ when azul wakes you he's reading a book about sea life or stacking coins on youre head with Floyd and jade laughing in the background
~ you had a few red circular mark on your face the first time he woek you up
(I can't do another's:p )
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yellowelectroslime · 7 days
Sleep well, Freminet
[notes: my third fic/drabble I have ever written YAY, the characters may be a bit ooc so sorry about that ദ്ദി ꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ )✧ I hope u enjoy]
Pairing: Ler Arlecchino, Lee Freminet (platonic, family bonds, NOT A SHIP)
Warnings: tiggles, idk how to write fics but i hope this is good :(, mayne ooc, unedited, no beta we die like my 50/50 on arlecchinos banner ( ꒦ິ ཀ ꒦ິ )
Word count: 967 words
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It wasn’t uncommon for Freminet to have trouble sleeping, especially when he was under any sort of stress. To be honest, he hasn’t been having the best sleep for the past couple of days. He had to fix some of the equipment Lynette accidentally broke, Lyney just asked him to build some equipment for their upcoming magic show, and Father just gave him another investigation mission the other day and-
*knock knock*
“Freminet? Are you alright? May I come in?” Father! What is she doing here? In this hour? Was she here to ask him for the investigation reports? But he hasn’t even started yet-
*knock knock* Father’s stern voice booms through from behind his bedroom door. “Freminet?”
Freminet quickly blinks, snapping himself out of his thoughts. “A-ah! Father? Yes! I-I mean… you may…”
The sound of the door’s handle clicking echos through his silent bedroom. Arlecchino steps in, standing tall and dominant, exactly what you would expect from the 4th Fatui harbinger. Freminet looked up from his sitting position on the edge of his bed, meeting eyes with Arlecchino; her face was serious and poker. Many would assume that she held no emotions behind those black eyes, but only the children from the House of Hearth could decipher the concern in her expression.
“May I sit?” A simple question, Freminet know’s Arlecchino’s intentions as well as the other children, but he couldn’t help but flinch at her voice. Arlecchino’s face softens ever so slightly.
“Ye-yes you may…” Arlecchino wastes no time, sitting close to Freminet, she places a gentle hand on his back. This time Freminet doesn’t flinch away, instead he leans into her warm touch, he always liked it when Father played with them when they were younger. They sat in comfortable silence for a while until Arlecchino softly broke it.
“Lyney has reported to me that you haven’t been resting properly, so I decided to see this matter myself.” Arlecchino moved her hand from Freminet’s back to his shoulder, shifting closer to him to pull his body so he was leaning on her. “It’s alright, Freminet. If there is anything bothering you, do not be afraid to reach out, there is nothing wrong with seeking help from comrades.”
Freminet looks down and sighs in defeat. “I guess- I guess I have been having trouble sleeping recently...”
Arlecchino’s eyes light up (as much as it could considering there were black) as an idea came to her mind “I do have a suggestion to help you go to sleep. I remember using this method much on you when you awoke to nightmares as a young child”
Freminet spent a few seconds trying to remember. Method? What method did she use…. oh. Oh no… Before he could react, he was quickly pulled into Father’s embrace, he had almost forgotten her strength despite her slim appearance. He found himself laid across Father’s thighs and immediately blushed a furious red colour. 
“Do you remember this method?” Arlecchino said in a teasing manner, she places her hands on both of his sides, not tickling him just yet. Despite this, Freminet was blushing and giggling uncontrollably, already giddy from anticipation
“F-fatheheheer wahait…” He grabbed Arlecchino’s wrists trying to (not really) pry them away from his sides.
“Hmmm, I see,” Arlecchino mumbled to herself “So you already know what I am about to do. Well, this saves me the time of helping you recall your memories.” Almost immediately, she began to gently squeezed his sides, causing the boy to instantly fall into a puddle of giggles.
“E-Ehehehe! Fa-fatheheher!” Freminet managed to muster out, he couldn’t stop the giggles from pouring out despite his effort. His giggled increased a pitch when Arlecchino started to change methods. Using one hand to spider across his stomach while the other scratch along his ribs. Her sharp nails proving an absolute killer for Freminet, yet he puts no true effort in trying to stop her.
Arlecchino slows her attack on Freminet, her fingers not moving but haven’t left their place“I remember there was a small game Lyney and Lynette would play on you during times like this… do you recall when they used to ‘count your ribs’?” ___
“Let us begin, shall we?” Her fingers moved to his lowest set of ribs, she began to gently scratch along his ribs, going higher after a few moments of tickling the previous set. “One… Two… Three…” 
Freminet tried squirming away from her vicious fingers, put her grip on his was too strong. He eventually gave up trying to escape and focused on trying to clamp his arms down to prevent her from going any higher. 
“Come on Freminet. You’re a very smart boy, surely you can count numbers.”
“Faahah-Fatheheher pleahehEHEHES! I cahaHAhAHAn’t!”
“Oh dear, looks like I have lost count, looks like I have to start all over again”
“W-wahahait! I-I remembeher inhibit was fihihive! Yohou were uhahap to fihihve!” His protests were ignored by Arlecchino and was overridden with another wave of adorable giggles.
Arlecchino’s fingers slowly made their way closer and closer to Freminet’s armpits, making his laugher increase in volume, he immediately raises his arms from his sides to cover his mouth.
“8… 9… 10… My my Freminet, you seem to be holding on longer than expected.”
“AHahahaAHa! OkahahAHAy I gihiHIHive- StahAHAhahp!” Arlecchino immediately stopped her attack on him, quickly retracting her fingers and placing her hands on the top of his head, gently patting down his messy hair. “Are you feeling better now? Are you ready to sleep?” 
Freminet sits up and leans his body onto Arlecchino’s, softly nodding and he slowly drifts to sleep. Arlecchino moved his body slowly back onto the bed, tucking him comfortably under his blankets. 
Arlecchino stood left his room with a gentle smile on her face.
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missamyrisa2 · 9 months
I need miss Amy to do unspeakably ticklish things to my lovely mounds and my two perky buttons… my tits are so needy
What a dangerous request you make ~~ because I just adoooore ~ ticklish sensitive girly mounds with lovely royal girly buttons~ mmmh~ and I doo believe I'll have you gently restrained in a comfy chair with your arms to your sides ~ see, I love the arms up position but there's something sooo teasy teasy about being in this cozy chair with your arms at your sides as if you were relaxing ~ but of course you won't be able to stop what I'm going to do to your cute ticklish body~
"Hiiiii~" I exclaim, bouncing into your lap and immediately going to tickles with my fluttering fingers drawing along your underboob. "Where'd your top go, silly? Are you all tied up in this chair with no place to go and your fun bags out? Awwe, whooo let the fun bags outttt?" I snicker and sass, tracing the outer curves of your lady mounds~ "Whooo? Was it youuu? Mmhmm~ Oh, does that tickle? Does it tiiiggle tiggle? Careful now, don't give yourself a black eye~!" My chuckles match your laughs, my fingers teasing all along the outerboob up to the top where I give you a loving little rub. "Say, what type of bees make milk?" My fingers draw carefully around as I raise my eyebrows at you, testing for all those hot spots before reaching into the pocket of my tiny shorts ~ "Boobees! Aww, didn't like that one~ well this'll give ya a lift~ Did ya see these little sparkly handles? Soo cute and look the plume of my makeup brush is like a heart!" I explain and display while casually fluffing the soft tool along your gorgeous button, flicking the tip ever so rapidly. "Is that ~heart~ to believe?"
I'm leaning up and snickering tauntingly, slipping a hand around you as I join you on the chair, my makeup brush tracing and painting carefully along the edges of your areola, testing for the hottest spots to make you squirm and thrash. "I'm something of a heartist after all~" I move to the other boob while my free hand traces up to your ribs and occasionally squeezes your side for emphasis when I coo and taunt in your ear. "Mmmhmm. Yeahh that's what I thought ~ ticklish button here too~ the question is~" I move up to kneel over you and pull out another brush, smirking brightly. "Which is more ticklish? Which is more sensitive? Which one reallllly brings home the gigglesss?" Each brush flutters tauntingly, descending slowly towards your jiggly curves. "Left, or right? Is it more ticklish on the left, or right?" The test begins with one brush twirling on the left before the right glides in to do the same as the left brushes back and forth chasing that swollen button. "Tell me which one ~ come on, don't playyy heart to get~" I laugh at myself, taking my heart-shaped plumes to each nipple, working outward in swirls before letting them slowly tickle the underboob~ "Phew, when was the last time you had your undercarriage checked girl? You've got sooo many giggle bunnies up in here~ ooh yes, we've gotta dust you all out~ hey hold on now, hold up girl ~ you gotta put your breast foot forward y'know?"
I get you nice and bouncy squirmy before tossing one brush aside and seizing one of your mounds with my hand. "Sayyy~ how many licks does it take to get to the sweetest giggles in your button?" I smile and slowly lean in, flipping my tongue at you like a snake. While the other makeup brush taunts a sideboob with incessant strokes, my soft tongue darts carefully along the underside of your nipple, just taking a little tickly taste. "Mmmhmmmm~ uhhhuhh~" I murmur, my teasy tool starting to swirl lightly, just coming in from each angle to poke and stroke at your button. "Niiice and swollen and bothered ~ you are just fit as a fiddle nipple~" I plant my lips over your boob and brush ever so lightly across from sideboob over the nipple and to the center where I give you a teasing pecking kiss. "Just call me tweetie bird because I'm gonna peck you uppppp my girl~" I start wiggling my fingers on each sideboob while my lips rain tiny light kisses all over each mound, squeezing gently for a moment to give you the softest of tickle nibbles~ before I hold your mounds and capture a nipple between my lips, massaging and loving on it for a moment~
"Apologies my darling ~ sometimes I get into the nipple of nowhere~"
My cheeks are lit up in blush as I hop off and stand beside the chair, hand on my thick belt as I pull out another tool ~ my long stiff white feather~ no teasing words to go with this one ~ this tease is all business and bullying as I grin wickedly and take my tool's light tip and begin caressing your oversensitized button with the itchiest of taunting tickles. I follow your every move, not stopping the feather tickles on your wanting swollen button for moment, never breaking my little power pose over you. I watch you intently, smiling wide and bright. The other nipple is given the same extensive soft torture, with the feather tip starting riiight at the top of the girly royal button before tracing around the circle slowly outward, then inward, and back out again.
"Aww, getting all fuzzzy now? 'tis a tit bit nipply in here huh?" I break my silence and set my feather on your lap, letting you see the bringer of those giggle gasps while I move behind you and nuzzle your neck. "Hiii~" I start my greeting over as my wiggle fingers extend and start rapidly flicking close to your boobs. "I'm not even touuuuching~" I sing, moving my stroking index fingers closer to your nipples, just barely out of reach. "You want it huh? Mmmhm you sayyy pleeeease tickle mama, pleeease tickle my nipplies and my boobies~ Ooh yesss you doooo~" I snicker incessantly and oblige, using my single finger tickles to make you thrash and fight, going up down and around those ticklish mounds. "One finger ticklesss~ One finger tiiickles~!" I taunt, laughing with you~ "coochie cooo darling~ and guess whattttt~? You're gonna be an amazing swimmer. Because we're working on that breast stroke allll night~~"
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
An Eldritch's Endearment (a transcript)
Summary: Kevin has one of the biggest lee moods ever and would practically let anybody tickle him. Luckily, a certain monster has come to his apartment to fulfill his darkest desires
Word count: 6013
Characters: 33636
Tobi talks: Yeah, I did a self insert this time! While the og comic inspired this fic, please note the fic and art are completely separate scenarios. Either way, sorry for this being a little late, was busy with school and shit but glad I could get this out. Enjoy! (also tiggles are kinda intense so look out for that :P)
Kevin has been uncharacteristically happy recently, despite his reputation as the typical grumpy cashier. The happiest he’s been would be on his days off, but today wasn’t one of those days. When his boss would brush past him to get by, he’d practically leap several feet into the air. Along with that, he struggled to keep that stupid grin and his heavy blush at bay when sinking into one of his tickle fantasies. His own manager pointed out his odd tendencies but he always had an excuse for it.
Such a stupid thing to feel but the candyman craved it deeply. Kevin, after locking up the store and making his way down his usual route down the dingy, creepy road, quietly giggled to himself. His thoughts ran wild at the idea of someone just picking him up and going to town on him until he was a cackling, flustered mess. He would prod himself gently just to get the thrill of a devious ler poking him, making him flinch. He even laughed openly in the crisp air. Halloween was nearing its arrival and although he dreaded the inevitable rude customers and two certain annoying boys, that didn’t ruin his mood.
These cycled his mind in an endless loop of anticipation and disappointment. How he wished for someone to just appear before him and give him what he desired, mercilessly tickle him until he was reduced to nothing but a puddle of giggles. The wind blew, sliding crisp air down his exposed neck. If it weren’t for his heightened sensitivity, he wouldn’t have even batted an eye to it.
But he couldn’t help but grasp it and silently chuckled.
It tickled, just a little.
But an even stronger breeze came and he froze as he heard what he thought was his name. It was hushed and quiet, but whoever or whatever it was called his name. He brushed it off and walked up the steps to his apartment complex. Twisting his key in the door and opening it, he slammed the door behind him and slid his back against the door. The butterflies were still going.
He was smiling yet it hurt that this mood of his would dissipate yet again into an eventless night and he would be back to his normal self. The ravenette reached into his pocket and smiled to himself. Looking through his secret account’s dashboard, he saw that his favorite author had written another fanfiction and posted it only a few minutes ago. While nothing could truly satisfy his desire, reading his favorite characters in their own silly predicament always brought a smile to Kevin’s face.
With the gleam of his phone on his face, he wasn’t focusing on his environment. But when he briefly glanced up, he froze.
In the darkness stood a figure.
His heart began to throttle.
Whatever it was, he noticed them, and they spoke up.
“Hello, Kevin.”
His eyes were as wide as saucers, there was someone in his apartment. It took his eyes a while to adjust but when it did, he could see the insanely tall figure of a woman. A golden eye slowly appeared where her head would supposedly be. It was slick and catty-like, scrutinizing the candyman as he sat there, perplexed. Kevin’s arm reached up behind him to scale the wall, touching the area before landing on the light switch and flicking it on.
The woman wore an oversized hat that covered most of her facial features, donning diamond earrings that reflected in the light. Clearly, the “guest” in his home had a taste for fashion, especially when it came to shades of lavender and black, the primary colors of the fabric she wore. She outstretched her arms to her sides, almost welcoming him in a sense.
“Now that’s no way to greet a lady, hm love~?” She had a beautiful British accent, making Kevin’s heart race. He encountered plenty of things in the past but she felt… different.
He would certainly feel afraid if weren’t for her lax nature, she didn’t feel like a threat.
“W-who are you?” Kevin weakly said, pressing up against the door.
The lady chuckled, nice and smooth against his ears as she seemed genuinely amused. It was honestly kind of cute.
“Why don’t we sit down and I’ll properly introduce myself there.” The woman purred before turning around towards the direction of his living room. He heard her boots click as she walked in and the creak his sofa endured as her weight placed pressure on the cushions. The lamp turned on, meaning that whoever it was right around the corner is someone he could completely see now.
Kevin stood up, shaken by all that’s happened but felt compelled to follow her. He entered the living room and there he saw the woman, cross legged on his sofa, holding a glass of what appeared to be wine. Her features were fully visible now, her big hat was dramatic, topped with flowers, feathers, and a ribbon at the back of her hat. Her suit jacket was completely unbuttoned and wore a long, frilly skirt.
“Come now, love. We have much to discuss.” He was broken out of his trance when she spoke up. She stared at him with her thoughtful eye and patted the space next to him.
“Um, okay,” Kevin said, sitting directly opposite to her on his sofa.
Time seemed to freeze as the tall woman next to him continued to take sips of her wine, pausing in between before continuing to sip. The noirette just stared off, thinking about what was gonna do.
Was she harmless? She hadn’t hurt him and even if she wanted to, he was sure she would do so already. It wasn’t until the woman offered her cup to Kevin, not looking at him as she did so.
“Sorry, I don’t drink.” The woman seemed to have to process this as her arm didn’t move when he rejected her request.
“I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Mrs. Mulberry.” An odd name to say the least but Kevin didn’t comment on it.
She placed the nearly empty wine glass on his coffee table and turned to him, her golden eye watching him as she folded her hands together.
“I’ve come to learn something very special about you, Kevin. And I think you know what~”
Kevin was now starting to get a little weirded out, this lady knew about him? He turned to her as well, locking eyes with her. “And what’s that?”
Mrs. Mulberry in an instant had a toothy, golden glowing smile manifest. She chuckled menacingly, a chill going down the candyman’s smile in tandem. “It would be better to show than tell.”
Her gaze got more intense, the single eye widening before relaxing. Kevin’s breath was caught in his throat, his heart racing. But nothing happened. He held his breath for a few more moments before releasing it, half-panicked. It’s either that Mrs. Mulberry was messing with him or she had just done something he hadn’t noticed yet.
“I wouldn’t lower my guard so quickly if I were you, sweetheart.”
This lady had gotten comfortable with him awfully quick, so much so she’s been pulling out more pet names. Kevin was visibly flustered and looked away. But was even more shocked that Mrs. Mulberry had stood up, revealing her true height as the lamp light shined up at her.
Kevin was going to make a run for it. He tried to clench his fist, but nothing happened. He froze for a second then his blood turned to ice, he couldn’t move!
He screamed at his nerves to move something, a leg, a finger, but nothing was working.
“W-what did you do to me?!” Kevin said, panicked. Mrs. Mulberry just smirked at him, “Just a little something that would make my job easier, darling.” she said it in a sweet voice but her behavior suggested otherwise
His breath became ragged as her gloved, slender fingers approached him, wiggling at him sinisterly.
“No, please…” He squeezed his eyes shut. Mrs. Mulberry had begun to zip down his jacket and slid her hand inside where she had full access to his torso. He was terrified and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for whatever pain would be bestowed on him.
Kevin was confused when her touch remained gentle, her fingers just softly grazing and squeezing the surface as if she were looking for something…
He choked when she lightly poked his ribs, up and down she went, sounds building up in his throat as they began to be more and more unbearable.
A squeak escaped Kevin’s lips when he felt something wiggle against his ribs. Kevin was beginning to get an idea of what she was doing and all his fear seemed to disappear except for one part.
He looked up and saw her, she was staring at him smugly, daring to let out any of those sounds. The candyman did all that he could to look away.
“Tickle, tickle, tickle~” Mrs. Mulberry began to quietly tease the poor boy, noticing how close he was cracking. Kevin was already beginning to go a little insane, snickering as her hands explored his midsection, tracing random shapes over his stomach.
She slipped her hands underneath his uniform shirt, feeling the pale skin shudder as the cold hands teased the surface of his flesh, “Oh, how soft~” she pinched his tummy with endearment.
He was already smiling like a fool at this point, his face was starting to burn. But that barrier quickly broke out as laughter poured from when his lips Mrs. Mulberry began to knead to the pudge of his stomach.
“W-waHaHait! MihiHihis!” Kevin’s laughter was muddled with small hiccups as she relentlessly scribbled and skittered along his tummy. His chest shook with breathy cackles, although he remained paralyzed. His laughter doubled when she pushed her hand against his chest to keep him from falling over, exposing more of his tummy. The British woman without hesitation, began to claw at his gut, just enough to drive the candyman to hysteria. He wanted to throw his head back and scream to the heavens, to grab her wrists and beg for mercy but couldn’t even do that much with how loud he was howling.
“My my, what a ticklish little lad you are~” Mrs. Mulberry leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to his belly button before releasing him from her force, allowing him to wrap his arms around his torso.
Kevin panted, still giggling he looked up at her. “W-what was that for?”
Mrs. Mulberry stared at him, turning her head curiously. “Why, that’s because you wanted to be tickled, correct?” He stopped for a second, his eyes shimmering with realization and now nervousness.
Kevin had been in his mood for a while now and couldn’t help but want exactly what she said. He smiled awkwardly, giving her a signal he knew now.
“That’s right. You’ve been in quite the lee mood haven’t you, just begging for someone to come along and take you into their arms. Well, your wish has been fulfilled.”
Kevin huffed, “That’s it?” This was exactly like the stories he’s read. He was loving it.
Now Mrs. Mulberry was smiling. “Of course not, dear. I can tell you’re not satisfied with your initial treatment. I would have come earlier but I had some…business to attend to, such a shame you had to bask in such an insufferable mood, isn’t it?”
The candyman stared up at the now-standing woman. The Brit sat back down next to him.
“Where shall I target next, love?” Kevin exploded into red and immediately looked away, “I-I don’t know.” he said quickly.
His face was cupped and turned to meet her gaze, now mischievous at his lie. “Don’t lie to me, Kevin. You either choose yourself or I’ll choose for you~” Mrs. Mulberry would sound serious if it weren’t for the playful tinge to her voice.
Kevin’s silly smile was squished by her hand as her forehead was pressed against his.
“I swheheear, I dohohon’t know!” Kevin giggled, gripping her arm for mercy.
Her patience had quickly run out, and her gaze darkened.
“That was your final chance.”
The irony hung in the air as Kevin shifted away his body, wanting so badly to laugh but so nervous about where she would strike first.
Mrs. Mulberry noticed this gesture and looked at him, “That’s adorable honey. Unfortunately, it was a poor choice to make it so obvious.” she lunged at him and grabbed his legs to pull onto her lap.
“Now this must be a sweet spot~”
Kevin literally squealed and was pushed onto his back.
“W-wahait please not my feeheeheet!” Kevin cried, going mad with giggles as he curled his toes in anticipation.
“What? These adorable little things?” Mrs. Mulberry began to undo the laces to his shoes, panicking as she did so. No matter how much he pulled his legs and squirmed side to side, his ankles didn’t move from the plush spot placed on her thighs, the invisible force had returned. He couldn’t help but groan yet laugh in dread.
“P-plehehease Mihihihis, behehe gehehentle…” Kevin now covered his eyes with his arm, but that didn’t stop his infamous red blush from creeping up his face. He could now feel the shoes slowly slipping off and falling to the floor. As his anticipation grew, so did his giggling.
Just a few hours ago, he wanted this to happen, so why was he so nervous? Kevin didn’t have any time to answer his own question as he felt fingers scratch against his socked soles.
A flurry of giggles slipped through the noirette’s lips. “Mwehehehehehe, gahahahahad ihihit’s so bahahad!” The noirette uncovered his eyes to look at their tormentor.
Mrs. Mulberry was skittering her fingertips all across his feet, not minding how they jerked and curled, which could be easily dealt with, but for now, she would take her time. “Your laughter is incredibly charming, Kevin~”
He begged to differ, he would die of embarrassment if anybody knew he was giggling like this.
“Nohoho ihihit’s nahHAhahHa~” His laughter spiked, now hitting all sorts of notes. Mrs. Mulberry was dragging her fingers slowly across his arches, a sweet spot for him as he started to snort.
He tried to hold back but the noises kept coming through. Now a snorting, chortling mess, he wrapped his arms around his torso and just laughed, no longer holding back, and what came out shortly after left his stomach swarming with butterflies.
“W-waHahait nahAHAHAT tHaHat!” Kevin snorted, his hair disheveled and cheeks burning red. When he felt his socks being slipped off and exposing what he’d long been hiding, his eyes widened.
“Dohohon’t look-!” But it was already too late. Mrs. Mulberry saw what was underneath and gasped lightly in shock. Her sweet little lee had paws for feet, small pink nails, smooth pads that looked soft to the touch, and silky white fur that covered up to his ankles.
She looked at him fondly, “Oh Kevin, how could you hide such a thing from me?” she poked his heart-shaped pad with her finger, making him flinch. “I’m going to have so much fun with these.”
Kevin screeched internally in terror, the thought of her working his paws made him cover his face in shame. He felt humiliated.
Until a gentle hand wrapped around his wrist and pulled his hand off his face, exposing his embarrassed expression to the Brit. “Kevin, truly, this is nothing to be ashamed of.”
He looked away from her, how could he not, it’s such a weird thing about him he wished he didn’t have. He felt her fingers touch again, but not in the way he expected.
It was affectionate and gentle. Mrs. Mulberry was tracing the heart-shaped pad with her finger, not tickling in the slightest.
“Instead, it’s very cute. You clearly take care of yourself.”
“What do you mean?” He huffed.
“The fur is as soft as clouds and these little paws are an adorable pink color. Almost as adorable as that little blush on your face right now. ”
Kevin’s “little” blush had since spread to his ears, vibrating and pulsing as Mrs. Mulberry continued to compliment and praise him.
“How can you be ashamed, dear? This is an endearing trait.” Mrs. Mulberry, even with her jarring teeth, gave Kevin a genuine smile. “They are lovable and cute, you will someday meet someone who thinks the same way as I do~”
The candyman looked up at her and gave her that same genuine smile. It was gentle, yet so cute, the woman nearly wanted to smother him with kisses right there. “Thank you, Mrs. Mulberry.”
Instead, she only gave him one kiss, smack dab on the center of his forehead. As soon as that ended, there was a shift in her expression. She was still smiling but it was no longer sugar-coated in comfort. “Oh but of course, I can’t ignore such self-destructive behavior, hm?”
Kevin frowned. “W-what… you’re not going to…”
“That I am.”
Mrs. Mulberry lifted her hat off from her head and swiftly picked the fluffiest, biggest feather out of the bunch. It was white and looked soft to the touch. Kevin swallowed a ball of saliva when he realized what she was about to do. She placed her hat back onto her head, grinning at Kevin who at this point had all the color drained from his face.
“I cannot let this incident go unpunished, isn’t that right, Kevin?” She waggled the fluffy feather teasingly in the air.
Kevin reached to try and grab her arm but her strength was just too much for him as she easily moved him away onto his back. He could only watch in terror as the feather was brought closer and closer to his bare paws. Mrs. Mulberry stopped and took one single swipe from the bottoms of his feet to his toes. The ravenette tried to fight it back but broke as quickly as it came at the wrath of the Brit’s feather.
Slowly, she stroked it up and down the sensitive fur and the especially ticklish paw pads. But that wasn’t all as she used her free hand to wiggle onto his other foot. Kevin threw his head back over the armrest and his chest shook with silent laughter before practically screaming. He shook his head and begged but was left politely rejected by the Brit.
“What? Does my feather tickle your fancy, Kevin? Uhuhuhu~” The fact that she laughed at her own pun of all things made Kevin die a little on the inside. Not that it showed as he was too busy laughing his ass off.
“STAHAHAP!” He gripped his arms to cope with the overly ticklish feeling.
“And why should I? Your cackles are as sweet as candy, something I’m sure you know a lot about.”
Kevin reddened at her tease, he was starting to get desperate, “Ah-AHahHAhahHA! H-HEHEHLP! SoHOhoMEOne hEheHELP!” Who was he even calling for?
“No one can hear you, my love. Only me~” He didn’t respond, happy tears were streaming down his face and his laughter turned uncontrollable and wheezy.
“It must feel unbearable, doesn’t it?” She gave him one good tickle, threading the feather between his toes, making him shriek for the final minute until he was silent. The British woman let him go but was surprised to see he hadn’t moved from his spot.
Kevin’s breath was ragged and laced with small hiccups and giggles. He was staring up at the ceiling, raw euphoria circulating throughout his body. His vision was dotted and blurry with tears and could hardly think straight, but one thing that was coherent in his mind was that he loved every second of it, even if it left him screaming. Mrs. Mulberry placed the feather back into her hat and came to his side to cup the sides of the candyman’s face. She thumbed away the last of his mirthful tears, softly giggling to herself that she had reduced the man into such putty.
“Kevin, darling…” That same accent rolled up his name in a velvety bouquet.
The woman pulled the boy below her to her side and began to press a barrage of kisses and pecks all over his face and the sides of his neck. She had no physical lips yet Kevin could feel a soft pair treating him lovingly for his triumph.
“H-hehehey! Stop thahat!” No matter how much he tried to push her away, she would grab his arm and plant kisses on the palm of his hand before traveling down his wrist all the way to his shoulder.
“Wahahit! Tihihickles!” Kevin sputtered out as the woman pressed a succession of feather-light kisses in the palm of his hands, growling as she nibbled the thin skin. Her affection was undying and Kevin just giggled, lightly kicking his legs as the Brit held him close and peppered him with her devious motherhood.
Mrs. Mulberry now sat snug in the crook of his neck, pressing loud, dramatic kisses up and down. It felt unbearably ticklish and Kevin just snorted and chortled, laughing openly at the sensations.
“You’re sohohoho dramhahatic! Ihihit’s teheheherible!” He wheezed as the Brit pulled on the collar of his shirt to access his collarbone and was gently nibbling on it. Her teeth were sharp but it was soft enough to just have the ravenette wheezing.
“Darling, this is nothing close to what I can really do to you~”
“Yehehes it ihihis!”
“Uhuhu, you just keep talking, my love~” She didn’t hold back, now practically chomping all over his neck and shoulders, he just let it happen. Kevin snorted and squealed each time she moved, holding onto her sides for support as she was basically on top of him now but still had her bottom on the sofa.
He opened her eyes, still belting out those sugary sweet giggles she loved to hear, and looked down toward his hands. He was holding onto her for dear life as she began to blow raspberries on his neck, making him throw his head back to laugh even harder than he was.
The candyman let his intrusive thoughts win and began to wildly scribble his fingertips up and down his sides.
“Hohohow doho you lihihike that, huhuhuh?” Kevin taunted, loving how she froze at his surprise attack.
He scribbled up towards her ribs and traced his fingertips between the bones, feeling the woman on top of him begin to shudder.
Her beautiful voice was beginning to sputter out heavenly chuckles, making Kevin blush at such a lovely tone entering his ears. “K-kehehevin…”
She laughed into the crook of her neck, her chest shaking with bubbly laughter as his fingers traveled to her back and carefully skittered on the arch and shoulder blades. Her laughter doubled, sounding nearly breathless as she grabbed onto his shoulders.
“Kehehevin, please! H-have mehehercy!” Mrs. Mulberry cried.
Kevin never felt so accomplished making someone so merciless beg for respite.
Either way, she had just tortured him, it was only fair to punish her a little.
“Never!” he announced, skittering his hands down towards the small of her lower back and pinching it between his fingers like a set of the most diabolical nipping teeth. She wheezed and collapsed on top of him in a fit of mirth, covering her mouth as she now laughed uncontrollably.
“Ahahahahahahaha!” He was sure she was an angel, the air was filled with saccharine laughter as he made his way up the dip of her spine, tracing it up and down lightly.
“Coochie coochie coo~” The candyman cooed in her ear, smiling as her laughter seemed to harden and her grip tightened on his shoulders. Kevin was unsure where to go next, he never tickled people that much anyway. It didn’t take long as he saw an opening clear as day, her underarms.
The missus's arms were wrapped around his neck, still chuckling up a storm beneath his touch so he sneakily crept up to it. Suddenly, Kevin dug his fingers into the hollows and began to scratch at it deviously, stunned when she threw her head back to release a shrill cry, revealing her toothy, yet somewhat flustered expression for a moment before burying in his chest again.
“Nohohot thehehere!” His heart nearly jumped out of his chest at that plea, it made him dangerously excited.
“Why not, you aren’t even moving?!” He was right in his hypothesis however, the woman had given him ample access to her body and didn’t even put his arms down as he attacked her presumably worse spot. She still squirmed and seemed embarrassed that he had noticed this and just continued to laugh her heart out.
He kept her there, digging into his ribs, squeezing her love handles, and overall, being merciless until her laughter had turned breathless. Kevin figured she’d learn her lesson and removed his hands from her torso, reeling how she lightly panted at his torment.
“Haha…h-how was that?” The candyman exclaimed, smiling smugly.
“T-that was…” Mrs. Mulberry sounded tired, her breathing slowing down before eventually evening out. “That was fun.”
“Well then, that’s nice to hear.” He gave her a pat on the back, signaling her to move off of him.
A few seconds ticked by, the two of them unmoving.
“So uh, you gonna get off of me?” he asked.
She was quiet at first and then leaned into his ear, “And why should I do that?” she snarled. Kevin could feel the vibrations of her voice and his heart sank. He truly thought that would be the end of it.
He felt her smile against his skin, “You’re quite the tease when you tickle, hm? You had me quite flustered for a moment,” she pressed a kiss to his cheek. “But not quite enough to incapacitate me~”
Kevin felt hands latch onto the sides of his ribcage and squeeze. He had no time to react as she already began to rake her way. Kevin tried to sit up but was still against the couch, pinned down by Mrs. Mulberry. He had nowhere else to go other than wrap his legs around her torso and squeal.
“AhahAHahAha! NahahHAT AGahaHAIN!” Kevin laughed, arching his back and trying to twist away as she began to nibble on his neck and tickle his midsection.
“Oh yes again~” she mimicked, giggling as the candyman squawked under her, hardly struggling to even avoid the tickling. So why not use that to her advantage?
The Brit snuggled deep into the warmth of his neck, snickering oh so slightly when she felt Kevin shiver in panic.
“You love this, you love it when I tickle you to pieces, don’t you? Uhuhu, I love tickling you too. I don’t ever want to stop and I’m sure you wouldn’t mind that either, hm?” she knew how much her voice had an effect on him and this was no different; Kevin was grinning wolfishly.
“Noho I dohon’t like it!” Kevin sputtered out, now finally able to grip her wrists. He panted, looking at her to witness the reaction. At first, it was silence, then a gentle chuckle that was barely audible.
Kevin began to panic as his way of restraining her quickly backfired. Mrs. Mulberry grabbed onto his wrists and pushed him back, further until his arms were pinned onto the back of the couch.
“Lying to me was your worst mistake, love~”
He was expecting her to lift her hand and be pinned but was surprised to see that she kept him there, nearly straddling him with how close she was. She wiggled her hand above him, hovering over many spots to seemingly choose from.Kevin panicked, began to kick his legs, and stammer out half-genuine requests of mercy.
“Ihihi didn’t mehean ihihit!” he cried, twisting his body but his wrists were firmly planted against the couch. Mrs. Mulberry only smirked, continuing to get more sinister when she approached and pulled back just to see the candyman’s cute yet panicked expression. With just one hand, she could reduce the man to rubble. And he knew it.
It didn’t take long for her to launch a surprise attack by pretending to attack his ribs but quickly going down to his stomach and shoving her hand under to squeeze at the adorable tummy pudge.
“Coochie coochie coo~ Who’s my ticklish little candyman?”
He arched his back, which proved fatal as that only gave her room to use her entire hand to attach to the lower gut and knead. Kevin belted out hard, boisterous laughter, his chest shaking with wheezes and small giggles in between his few seconds of respite before falling right back into it.
“NoHOhOHO aNhAhayWHERe buHUT tHehERE!” Kevin shrieked, no matter where he squirmed, it only gave her more area to follow.
She smacked her lips together, “Oh poor, Kevin~ Do you want me to tickle you more?” he hated how she'd coo to him like that. But he adored it all at the same time, he felt safe to let out all that goofy laughter spill from his lips, and before he knew it, he had nodded his head.
“Yes? Well, that’s good, my sweet, but where? Here? Or right here?” Mrs. Mulberry traveled to his navel and swirled along his walls, going from slow to fast. She traced the small of his flesh right above his pants, getting him to shudder and chortle to even shoving her hand further into his shirt to claw right below his ribcage.
Either way, Kevin was in stitches, crying all over again as the woman showed no sign of stopping her tickly torment. But what really sealed the deal was when she pulled his shirt up to expose his torso and grabbed onto the sides of his stomach.
This released his wrists from her grasp but was nervous when he tried to move them from their spot and whatever she summoned to keep him there was back, leaving his entire midsection exposed.
He couldn’t take it, being all exposed like this made him hide in the crook of his arm. She softly blew on his stomach, reveling how he squirmed and arched his back.
“Plehehease nohohoho!” He cried, squealing as she continued to tease his bare skin. She squeezed his sides to keep him still and leaned her head down. The candyman quite literally couldn’t take it, especially the ticklish buzz from the kisses she began to pepper, all from his navel to the bottom of his rib cage left him roaring.
“*kiss* My my, Kevin, *chu* this tummy of yours *smack* is quite nervy, hm? *mwah*” She was especially bad with her kisses, being oh so gentle with the sensitive skin.
“St-STaHAHAHAP TAHAHLKING!” Her lips were pressed against his belly and her arms were wrapped around his back, giving her full access to speak her honey-coated voice into the sensitive flesh.
Despite the agony he was in, his nonstop thrashing and his pleas were nonexistent with how much he was laughing masking that. His heart sank as she felt her hands grapple his sides, pinning his torso. The candyman knew what this meant and with the last of his strength, shrieked, “Please don’t!” and was relieved to see the lady freeze in her tracks.
“Don’t what?”
“Tihihickle mehehe…” he giggled.
Mrs. Mulberry grinned nice and wide, “Why, that was my plan all along! How did you know, you cheeky sweetie!” she affectionately nuzzled her face into his stomach.
What she said didn’t exactly register until it was too late.
“Thahat’s not whahat I meHEHEEEEEEEEANT!” The scream that ripped from Kevin’s throat was girlish and high-pitched.
The Brit let loose the largest raspberry he had ever received right below his belly button, a sweet spot for the poor candy kid. For the next few moments, Kevin lost his mind in a whirlpool of unfiltered mirth as raspberries were blown all along his stomach. At this point, he couldn’t think straight, all he could think about was how much it tickled. His ridiculous sensitivity didn’t go unnoticed, hearing the small taunts and teases from his tormentor, both complementing and torturing him simultaneously.
But alas, he was reaching his limit yet again, dried tear stains could hardly describe his condition, his eyes continued to waterfall tears over and over again, his hair beyond a mess and a shade of red so deep it looked purple.
“Now I’ll ask one more time, who’s my ticklish little candyman?” she cooed, slowing down her tickles with only light wiggles against his sides. When he took a little too long to answer, she’d knead his stomach until he was mush again.
“IHIHI AHAHAM!” Over and over she did this until Kevin bellowed at last, feeling relieved as her hands left his body and pulled down his shirt.
“That’s right~” Her kind tone had returned and she massaged away the sensations.
Kevin was exhausted, sweat sticking to his skin. She rubbed comforting circles around the sides of his stomach before taking her time to button his work shirt up again.
After a few minutes of comforting rubs, Mrs. Mulberry pulled Kevin in her arms and began to cradle him like a toddler. It was unexpected but he wasn’t complaining, it felt amazing.
She put her English accent to good use, now using it to hum a beautiful melody as she rocked him, it had the noirette slack in her arms already. In the midst of her song, she would stop to momentarily kiss the tip of his nose and forehead, no longer filled with the desire to torment but the need to tranquilize.
He nuzzled his face into her chest, inhaling deeply to fully relax. Kevin blushed, she smelled so nice and he couldn’t help but nuzzle a little deeper. His nostrils were filled with vanilla and rose, the scent only a mother would have. She was petting his soft hair with one hand while holding him with dear affection in her arm.
“Yes, darling?”
Before he could fall asleep, he slurred out his final words.
“Thank you.”
He passed out, falling limp and in his own sense of tranquility.
Mrs. Mulberry admired his features, threading her fingers in his hair and massaging his scalp.
“You are the most precious, Kevin…”
She pressed a kiss to the shell of his ear and everything went black.
Kevin woke up the next day to the sun hitting him in the face, the gold brightening the room despite the blindes. He went to stand up from the couch, questioning how he’d gotten here when he clearly remembered heading straight to bed.
The direct contact with his feet to the floor startled the ravenette, he usually had socks on to cover up his-
Looking down to see his paws fully exposed made him remember a wave of memories and it didn’t take long for him to get flustered. He looked around, realizing that his guest had long since departed. He couldn’t help but feel lonely without her, her embrace was so warm. But something shiny had caught the corner of his eye and looked over to see the elegant wine glass she held the night before was sitting there, untouched and gleaming in the sunshine.
Next to it had a bottle of wine, a brand he’d never heard of but it looked expensive. The bottle had a yellow sticky note stuck to it. Kevin peeled it off and read what was on it, before groaning in embarrassment yet grinning.
“Ticklish little candyman”
Mrs. Mulberry
He didn’t mind the new nickname.
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pink-tk-a-latte · 1 month
Tickle HCs for the T[BH]K crew (sfw!!!!!):
Aoi, Nene, Sakura, Kou, Akane, Teru, Sumire
Manga spoilers ahead 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞
Not many people tickle her, but to those brave enough to try she’ll give a little lady-like laugh that’s so enchanting it repels them like a tidal wave of pure goodness
Of course, her real laugh (which probably only Nene, Akane, and maybe Teru know about) is much more snorty and pitchy and desperate <3 also a little nasally, or sounds like she’s talking with a stuffy nose and it’s adorable in a goofy way
She will also name-call the flip out of anyone who tks her (not that she hates it that’s just how she is)
Will probably not tickle people very often, but thinks it’s fun to watch people squirm and scream for mercy, so calm but completely evil
Her fav lee is Nene bc she thinks her reactions are funny (used to be Akane but It’s Complicated)
Turns into a completely evil gremlin when given the opportunity to tk someone. She may be a sweet-looking girl but she is merciless and surprisingly mighty (let Nene be a punk and beat people up agenda!!!)
Squeals and kicks and turns completely red when tk-ed or tk is mentioned; embarrassingly enough, her ankles are most ticklish
Poor thing will make up excuses not to tickle her like “My laugh is too loud!” and “My face isn’t cute!” and people will want to tickle her more to prove her wrong (please let my girl be happy)
People see her and just want to tickle her. And they will. She can’t escape. It’s the main character effect
Definitely not much of a ler, but when she is she approaches it with such scientific intensity that it’s actually scary
She’s very sweet and very gentle, honestly, but it’s entirely offset by how terrifying and mysterious she is
Ticklish but exceptional at hiding her reactions from dealing with Tsukasa. If you remind her that she can laugh, you may be able to get a few giggles out of her, unless you’re Natsuhiko
Sensitive in very unusual places, so nobody knows about it
He’s super bony and all of them are ticklish
Embarrassed because he feels like being tickled weakens his coolness factor (will literally cave instantly if any of his friends ask him to tk him)
Likes to tickle people to cheer them up, always very playful, will also do the tk while acting tough if someone is being bratty (usually Hanako or Mitsuba)
Nene tks him because!!! He's her sweet underclassman!! (more content for them please)
I live for Toilet Trio shenanigans aljfdkaldsfjalfj
You can drag him kicking and screaming to his tklish grave
No his laughs aren’t even cute he just screeches like a bald eagle when someone approaches with Threatening intent (usually Teru or one of the Clock Keepers)
He’ll be cute for Ao-chan tho <3
Would rather beat people with bats than tk them, but he will tickle out of revenge (usually Teru). Treats it like a war for subjugation, way too hot-headed for the silliness that is tiggle
Same as Aoi as a lee
Will literally exorcise you if you find out he’s tklish. Even if you’re alive. He needs that to stay buried
Loves tkling his siblings, really just wants them to be happy, but he never gets to bc exorcist duties (poor guy is lonely)
More content of Minamoto siblings please <333333
Also Akane. Will stalk him through the school just to harass him
Sumire (I think I have a crush on her…)
I actually think she’s the biggest ler of this franchise (too bad she only appears for one arc)
She’s literally a sadist /hj She’ll be like “Awwww, look at you struggle~ you try but you know you can’t resist me like this ♡”
Would tk Hakubo all the time even tho he never laughed (his expression would maybe turn slightly more embarrassed and that was enough for her)
Would also try to get him to tk her but he literally did not understand. She would ask straight up and he would think she was just weird (he grants her her wish after she’s sacrificed and resurrected in his boundary bc he regrets ignoring her when she was alive)
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daisylovestickles · 3 months
I don’t think people appreciate tummy tiggles enoughhhh 😭
It’s literally such a fun place to tiggle. You can go gentle, you can squish and poke. Tummy tiggles are the best thing to ever exist imo 😅 Love them love them
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Ahhhh hehehe yes so true!
That’s why I love it so much!
Tummy tickles make me giggle so much ahhh
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thecutestswitch · 3 months
Let’s see how this works hey!
Wellllll I bet you have the cutest smile ever, especially when you are getting all those tiggles! I can also almost guarantee you have the sweetesttttt giggles! You are such a precious cinnamon roll in every single way possible and you would be as precious when getting tiggled!
I don’t know where you spots are buuuuuuuutt just imagine for a second a pair of wiggling fingers, teases like “awwww you are so smiley!” Or “I haven’t even touched you yet!” before those wiggling fingers finally get ya!!!
(I’m gonna get it for this plz send help)
OKAYYYY THIS WORKED 😭💕💕. I started smiling when you said I have the cutest smile ever like omgggg. And I'd be more than happy to pet you find my spots 🙊💕 hehehe you should find out if I have cute giggles 🤭 and noooo I won't get you for this since this was absolutely adorable
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Hi giggles!!! I hope you're doing good!
Do you think we could get some Loid Forger stuff? 🥹 I'm so excited about the movie coming out soon! I've had an awful day at work, so do you think you could write some supportive, platonic, x reader, fluff? Maaaaybe with some smol tiggles thrown in if you want! Go ham!
Love you buddy! ☺️🩷
Rachi! :D *Hugs* I'm sorry you're having a rough day- I hope my little dabble can bring you some joy! I've gotcha covered :D
(Also a gentle reminder to everyone that I do need a headcanon! Rachi and I decided on one in the DMs what the headcanon was :3 If I don't have a headcanon for the event I won't be able to write it- sorry!)
“I am going to commit arson and burn down my workplace.” You announced as you walked into the Forger’s apartment.
“Bad day?” Loid, used to your declarations of crime, barely looked up from his coffee as he read through the last of the newspaper. “Want some cookies? I made them earlier.”
“Yes please.” You slumped beside him on the couch, grabbing a handful with a groan. “Today was absolutely awful.” You went on to share the day’s events, munching on your snack between. Loid had abandoned his newspaper as he turned his full attention to you, sipping his coffee and humming along as you ranted about your awful boss.
Eventually, when your snack was finished and your eyes were slightly misty from frustration, Loid reached out and squeezed your shoulder, eyes kind. “They sound terrible. Let’s kill them.”
“Pfft!” You sputtered on your drink, unable to fight down the laughs at how serious Loid sounded. “Yeah! We’ll bury them in the backyard!” Your giggles grew, and Loid soon was chuckling alongside you, shaking his head. “Eden wouldn’t like it though- say, how is Anya and Yor?”
“They’re out having some mother daughter time with Bonde. When they get back we’re thinking of ordering in. Would you like to join us for dinner?” His voice always got so fond when he spoke of the girls. It made your heart swell.
“I’d love that. Thank you.” You leaned back in your chair, the happy buzz you were feeling starting to fade as you reflected on your day. “I don’t know what to do, Loid. Should I stay or go? And if I were to…where would I go?”
“That’s something you have to decide for yourself, (Y/N).” Loid patted you on the knee, squeezing it gently. “I can’t tell you how to go about your work, but I can say I support you. We’ll all be here whenever you need us. Whether you need words of wisdom.” Something cheeky entered his grin as he suddenly squeezed a smidge higher up your knee, making you squeak and double over. “Or if you need a laugh.”
“Aheahhhahahha! Lohooohohoid, stahahhap!” You giggled out, zapping away his hands from your knee. In retaliation, you jabbed his side, making him jump with a snort. “Ugh, you’re terrible. But…really, thanks.”
“Anytime.” He said just as the front door opened, Yor and Anya entering with Bonde.
“(Y/N)!” Anya all but squealed seeing you, practically throwing herself into your arms. Yor was equally excited, her hug much more gentle as Anya rambled on about the day’s adventures. Beside you, you could feel Loid smiling as he took in the sight.
You snuck a hand out and squeezed his, bringing him officially into the pile.
Send me a headcanon and I'll write a dabble for it!
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rachi-roo · 3 months
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Black Clover: In the name of science!
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Summary: Sally decides to get her hands on Asta, requesting some help with her experiments~
Heh heh heh, oh I'm so meeean~ 😈
Tw: Rough tiggles, restraints, over stimulation
Requested Tags: 😚 @duckymcdoorknob @nataliewritez
-----------{ ☆°•○•°☆ }------------
"Saaally? You here?" Asta called as he entered the lab that Sally had been granted by the clover kingdom when she agreed to work with them, developing magic tools.
The magicless wizard had been asked to visit and help Sally out with a few experiments. The lab was a large hall filled with piles of books and shelves stacked with various odd looking substances.
"Oh! Comiiiiing~ Hehe-!" Sally's voice cooed out from behind a messy looking display wall, diagrams, and drawings of human anatomy pinned to the surface.
Hearing her response, Asta smiled as he waited for her patiently. He jumped when he suddenly appeared behind him, grabbing his waist and applying pressure to the area, making him yelp and flinch away.
"We've got so much to get done! Let's see. Okay. Mhm. Yep, yep, yep. Nice and plump. You're perfect for this!" The scientist thought out loud as she circled Asta, lifting his arm and tracing the length of it, before doing the same to his legs, poking and feeling around his knees and chest. He didn't protest, no, he just let her do what she needed to do. It was part of their deal, after all. She helped them, so he helped her.
"Soho, w-what kind o-OHOf experiments ahare you pff- hah, up to today? Ehe!" He flinched and huffed as she poked and prodded him before stepping back to take notes in her handbook.
"Oh, you know. Important stuff." She waved off the question as she turned away, scribbling in her book again with a giggle. Asta raised a brow, taking a step forward to follow her, only to have his ankle suddenly snatched up by a familiar, viscous tendril.
He was tossed into the air before being grabbed by more tendrils, holding him down on the warm, slimy surface of Sally's magic Gel. Keeping him in an upright position, leaning backwards slightly for his comfort.
"WOOAH! H-Hey, hey, hey! What's-"
"Hmm... Oh! Of course, nearly forgot. You're not against being tickled, right?"
Astas eyes widened with excitement. No. He wasn't against it at all. Actually, he found it very enjoyable. He and the other black Bulls would often get into tickle fights, wrestling and tussling for victory. But why did Sally want to tickle him?
Doesn't matter. He thought as a smile grew across his face. A deal is a deal. How bad can some tickling be? He's helping after all.
"Go right ahead! I can take it!" He looked determined, a bright, toothy, grin plastered across his cheeks. Sally looked more than pleased to hear this.
"Wonderful!" She picked up a small sand timer with her slender fingers, holding it up to the light before flipping it over, letting the purple hazy sand inside start to fall.
"Then let's begin~"
Before Asta could brace himself, several tendrils snaked closer, poking and wriggling into his sides.
"Pff-! GyahaHA!" The reaction was instant. Asta was deathly ticklish. He wriggled and squirmed against the gooey restraints that held him still.
"Oho God! Ahahaa! EheeEHAHA!" Sally was wasting no time. Another attack began on the wizards knees, the goo forming into little hands, pinching that nerve filled spot just above the knee.
Asta kicked out suddenly with a snort, the goo quickly grabbing onto his ankles again, yanking him into place as they worked on the area.
"BWAHAHA! No! Nohoho!"
"Oooho? No? What do you mean?" Sally grinned, stepping closer to examine his mirthfull expression.
"Why do you say no? Didn't you say you could take it?"
"I-I cahan! I-It juhAhHAA! Ahaa!"
"It what, Asta?" Sally sang, tilting her head to see Astas flushed red cheeks, smiling at how his eyes were squeezed shut, leaving laughter creases across his scrunched nose. She reached a hand, softly pressing on his hip with her thumb.
"IT TIHICKLES! OHOMygodnoooOHO!" He yelled out through his giggling, shaking his head as his ears also came under attack, smaller, string like tendrils fluttering and flickering just inside and behind his little listeners.
Sally giggled at his reaction as she jotted down more in her book before tossing it aside.
"It tickles. Well, haha, duuuh~ That's the whole point, ya silly!" As she spoke, she started casually slipping Astas boots off, letting them drop to the floor with a thud.
"Wait- Wahait not there! Sally! AH! Sahahally!" The silver haired boy was caught completely by surprise as his soles were attacked, not by the Gel magic, but by two sets of smooth, rounded fingernails. His little feet kicking and wriggling to try escape.
"Gotta stimulate every part of your body, for accurate results~" Sally said, in a matter of fact tone. Asta just nodded in response, this was already so overwhelming for the little guy.
"Dahahamn ihit! NyAhAHAAA! OHO! Oho NO!" He was staying strong. That's his magic, after all! Never giving up!... For now.
"Gichi, gichi gooo~"
"UWAHA! D-Dohon't sAHA! Don't say that! NO!"
"Oh? And why not? Does it make your tummy flutter?" The tracing nails found their way up to Astas belly, dragging and skittering over the thin shirt he wore.
"Does it make everything tickle more? Gichi, gichi goooo~"
Holy shit. It did!
"Dahamn it! AHAA! H-How?! How are you doIIING THAHAT!?"
Sally just smiled, walking her fingers further up Astas belly, snaking around to his ribs and starting to massage her thumbs into the bone. Her dexterous fingers tickled SO much more than the sensation her Gel magic caused.
"NONONO! Nyaaaha!-... *gasp* AHA!" Astas body flailed helplessly as the tickling grew more and more intense. His ribs are toyed with by Sally's fingers and nails whilst his knees, sides, and tummy are under attack from the Gel. This was nothing like the fights he had had with the Black Bulls. Not even Yami was ever this intense!
"Oho! This is wonderful! I wonder how long you can withstand the sensation! You're already sweating, and your pupils are dilated! I can hear that you're running out of breath sometimes, too, hmm... We'll have to keep pushing! I need answers!" Sally had that crazed look about her. She was enjoying Astas suffering way too much.
Asta was determined though, he wasn't giving up!
"I can do thihis all d-!" A look of horror shot across his face as he felt her nails creep up to his underarms. His whole world was flipped upside-down.
"GYAHAHAAAA-!... *gasp* Aha! NOOOHO! No! Ahaha!" The feeling of Sally's nails scritching at his armpits sent him into a frenzy. Flailing and cackling with his whole chest.
"Oooh, you like this spot, huh? Tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle, tickle~!" Sally sang, relishing Astas intense reactions to such a small gesture.
This was crazy! Astas eyes fogged up with tears of mirth as his body was bombarded with tickles. The Gel tendrils snaked up into his shirt and up the cuffs of his trouser legs, tickling his skin directly.
"SAHAHALLY! *hic* PleheEHASE! AAAHAAaahaA-!... *gasp* AHAa! Not therehereee...! *gasp* GYAAAHAAAHA!"
"Hmm, this won't do." Sally sighed, seeing that her sand timer had already ran out.
"Uuugh, I need more time! Oh!" She grinned, pausing her ticklish assault for a brief moment, simply flipping the timer again, giving Asta a precious moment of relief.
"Problem solved!"
"Sally... Haha... Please just, just gimme-"
"Now then~" She smirked up at him, immediately beginning to rake her nails up and down his soles again.
Several sand timer rotations later, Atsa was spent. His hair was a fuzzy mess, and his headband slipped, covering one of his eyes as he flailed and screamed with laughter.
"Oh wow! Your all sweaty! And- Oh look at that colour!" Sally grinned, cupping his cheeks, squishing them slightly as her torment finally came to an end.
"Woooowza, such a pretty pink! Do you feel dizzy? Sick? Or do you feel amazing! Are you gonna pee? Is anything numb? Do I need to cut open-"
"Nooo, no, no, that won't be necessary." Asta chuckled, gulping in a fresh breath of air before sighing, letting his head droop.
"I'm just tired now. And I feel tingly all over." He explained with a smile as Sally set him om the floor, he'd Gel magic shifting away and melting into nothing.
"Oooooh, tingly~ Good word! You're such a good test subject." She smiled, handing him a candy after he finished straightening out his clothes and putting his boots on.
"Happy to help!" He chimed.
"Anything that might help protect the people of Clover." He said proudly, head held high even after such an exhausting ordeal.
"So, what was all this working towards anyway?"
Sally paused, tilting her head and tapping her chin.
"You know.... I forgot~!"
---------------------☆ END ☆-----------------------
Thank you for readiiiiing! 🥰🩷 Hope you had fun! Love youuu!
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sprite-periodt · 1 year
What am I doing? Nothing much just imagining laying in a ler's lap while they tiggle my tummy and I cover my face while I blush and giggle. Yeah nothing much.
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gigglymarvel · 2 years
The Dreaded Word (Kate x Yelena)
“How about a fic where Yelena discovers that Kate can't in fact say the dreaded t-word. Teases and tiggles ensue ofc.” (Word count: 1479)
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Kate ran into the kitchen and grabbed a cup to fill with water, trying to take in breaths between her coughs. She had no idea where this coughing fit came from, but she needed to get rid of it as soon as possible.
Yelena heard a bit of a ruckus in the kitchen and decided to go check on it. The archer didn’t notice Yelena come in, her coughing slowing down as she wiped away the stray tears from her coughing fit.
"Kate Bishop, are you okay?" The blonde Widow asked with concern. Kate jumped and turned around, biting her lip awkwardly.
“Oh… hey, yeah, I just have a… uh…” Kate stuttered as she tried to figure out an alternative word. The dreaded t word wasn’t something that came easy to her, probably because she was actually a fan of it, not that she would ever admit it.
"A what?" Yelena asked with a tilt of her head, "A tickle in your lungs?" Kate's face lit up when she said the word, nodding immediately.
“Yes! Yes, exactly that!” She beamed.
Yelena chuckled, "Did you forget the word tickle Katelyn?" Yelena teased as she refilled her glass of water for her. The archer tried to hide her blush as she nodded, quickly taking the glass and sipping it once again.
The Russian raised an eyebrow, "Kate Bishop, why is your face pink?" She asked casually as the archer shook her head, trying to compose herself.
“Oh uh, probably still regaining oxygen from the… thing with my lungs…” she replied, trying to play it off smoothly.
"I thought people turn blue when they cannot breathe?" Yelena eyed her suspiciously, "Is that why they say tickled pink? Because of the tickles in the throat?"
Kate scrunched her face up, biting back her smile whenever Yelena said that dreaded word. She just shrugged in response and smiled shyly. “I… uh… maybe?”
"You are acting strange Kate Bishop. I didn't think the lung/throat tickling affected someone this long after. Are you sure you're okay?" She asked suspiciously. The archer nodded, now wishing Yelena would stop saying that word before she turned into a puddle on the floor.
The ex-spy raised her eyebrow, testing a theory, "Tickle? Is that word the problem?" She asked the cringing Kate, who pulled a slight face when Yelena said the word again.
"So what did you have in your lungs again Kate? A tickle? C'mon, tell me," Yelena probed further.
“You already said it!” Kate replied, refusing to even look at Yelena as she smiled shyly.
"Yes I've said tickle but you have not Kate Bishop. What about that word is hard to say? Tickle. Tickle tickle. It's just a tickle?" The Widow said, watching closely for the archer's reaction.
Kate let out a whine as she shoved at Yelena, finishing her water and putting the cup in the sink. “Shut up!”
"Kate Bishop can you not say the word 'tickle'?" The blonde asked with a growing grin. The archer blushed a little, but shook her head admittedly, trying to brace herself for whatever Yelena did next.
"Oh my gosh little Kate Bishop can't say tickle? Why is that???" She teased and poked Kate's side, causing the younger woman to flinch and shrug.
“I don’t know! It’s like some people can’t say moist, I guess that’s my word!” She exclaimed.
Yelena chuckled, "Okay then why did you do the jumping when I poke you?" She teased and poked her side again, chuckling when Kate flinched once more.
“Because you scared me!” She replied with a slight whine, backing away from Yelena with a small blush.
The blonde Widow grinned and wiggled her fingers, "How did I scare you when you know I am right here, Kate Bishop?" She said as she stepped slowly toward her, "You know what I think, Katelyn? I think you're…ticklish," she beamed and attacked, pulling Kate into a merciless tickle hug as she attacked her ribs and sides.
Kate yelped in surprise, trying hard not to burst into giggles. “Nonono I’m not!” She replied quickly, trying to escape Yelena’s hold.
Yelena laughed victoriously, "Oh you are stubborn but I know a ticklish tummy when I see one!" She smirked and shook into the archer's belly while her other hand held up Kate's arms.
“Nahahahah!” Kate cracked with giggles, whining as she pulled at her arms and squirmed from side to side. “Jeheheherk!”
"Oh I will show you jerk," the Russian grinned and then skittered into one of the brunette's armpits, making Kate yelp and pull at her arms, biting back her giggles stubbornly.
The blonde smirked and decided to try another tactic, "How do you like raspberries Kate Bishop?" She asked and pulled the archer's top up and blew one, shaking her head as she did.
Kate screeched and backed away, shoving her shirt down as she took the chance to run to her room to escape. “Nope!” She called out.
"Oh tickle tag! Yay!" Yelena grinned and chased after her. Kate blushed and hid under her bed, letting out a few giggles as she did so.
"Kate Bishooop! Come out wherever you are!" She sang and looked around, flopping on the bed and pretending she didn't know Kate was under there.
The archer bit her lip, shoving at the mattress without considering the consequences.
Yelena immediately jumped up, flipped the mattress up, threw Kate over her shoulder and let the mattress come back down before throwing the archer on the bed and sitting on her arms, "Gotcha," she grinned.
Kate shrieked, pulling at her arms as she tried not to already crack with giggles. “Hey! Lemme go!”
"Convince me why I should do that Katelyn," the blonde smirked and wiggled her fingers above the brunette, causing Kate to whine and pull at her arms, blushing a little.
“Because… because I said so!” She said, trying to be intimidating.
"Uh huh…COOCHIESCOOCHIECOOCHIE COO!" She cooed and spidered into her armpit, the archer bit her lip, trying hard not to giggle as she pulled at her arms.
"Oh please Katelyn, you know you want to lauuuugh! Ticktickticktickle!" The Russian teased and decided to nibble her ribs as Kate whined and shook her head.
“You’re so mean!” She whined, scrunching her face up as she arched her back and twisted from side to side.
“Oh c'mon Kate Bishop I knooow you wanna laugh!" Yelena tried again, this time pulling up her top to raspberry her tummy, making Kate screech with giggles and try to get away.
"Ohhhh raspberries huh?" Yelena cooed and spidered into her tummy now as Kate sucked her belly in and kept squealing. “Mehehehehean!”
"Oh my gosh this is so cute," The blonde smirked and massaged into her ribs, grinning as Kate yelped and brought her knees to get chest. “Shuhuhush!”
Finally the Russian let up, "You know, I think it's cute you can't say 'tickle'," she teased. The archer just rolled her eyes, taking in deep breaths.
“Oh shut up…” Kate muttered, relieved that Yelena didn’t touch her feet.
The Russian raised her eyebrows and then snatched Kate's feet into her lap, throwing one leg over her ankles and using the other as a footrest, "If you're going to be sassy you're gonna get the punishment," she smirked and ran a finger up Kate's socked foot.
“That was hardly sassy.” Kate replied, suddenly yelping as she pulled at her legs. “Don’t even think about it.”"Or else?" Yelena grinned cheekily as she pulled her socks off and ran her nails up again. The archer shrieked and pulled at her legs again.
“Put those socks back on!” She demanded playfully.
"Why would I do that?" The ex-spy grinned and started fluttering into her arches, making Kate screech with giggles and pull at her legs.
“SHIHIHIHIT YEHEHEHELENA!” Kate yelped out and yanked at her legs. “JEHEHEHERK!”
"Awwwwwww Ticktickticktickle! This is so cute," Yelena cooed fondly, the teasing causing Kate to blush madly and giggle even more.
"Awwww does Kate Bishop have most ticklishest feet in the universe?" She cooed and spidered under her toes. The archer shook her head, scrunching her toes up as she giggled.
“Nohohoho and that’s not a word!” She replied, gently shoving at Yelena now.
"I just made it one," the Russian replied cheekily as she tickled back down to her arches, causing Kate to whine and giggle helplessly.
“Okahahahay quit it!” She squealed out. Yelena smiled softly and rubbed her feet before letting her go. "I'll keep this in the mind for training sessions." She winked as Kate just blushed and then glared at Yelena playfully.
“Tell your sister and I will end you.” She threatened with a smile before flicking her forehead on the way past her as she headed back to her room, unable to hide her smile from what just happened, whilst feeling incredibly grateful for it.
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Jigen Tickle Headcanons
Because I'm simping HARD for this cowboy rn
He does not mind tiggles! It's nice in their line of work to laugh and lighten up
Huge switch depending on his mood. He fights Lupin and Fujiko back if they start a tickle fight, but he gets soft when Goemon wants to ler and will let his samurai have his fun. Same when Lupin has had enough and can't take anymore tickles
Buuuuut when the tables turn he wants tears
He doesn't show mercy until he hears a safeword or sees tears. Especially if Fujiko or Lupin are at the receiving end. And the rare occasion Zenigata is? Normally he leaves tickling Pops to Lupin, but he is NOT above torturing their favorite inspector
His worst spots are his ribs, hips, neck in that order. But he's ticklish everywhere.
If someone manages to get his feet, it's another bad spot but a weird one. Not as bad as the above areas. It's rare that he's exposed there so it's the only tickle spot that can overwhelm him and get his stamina to a complete zero. He's banging both fists on the ground, he's in tears, he's cackling like a loon, he is begging for you to "let 'em go! Let 'em GO!" While he is face-down on the ground. Maybe it's because he can't see what is going on behind him. Maybe it's because he can't fight back or move at all. Maybe it's just an especially bad tickle spot. But despite it not tickling as bad as his torso, he can't stand being tickled on his feet.
Starts wheezing if he's been smoking recently, but his stamina is 10/10 so he isn't out of breath. Yet.
His laugh is a mix of loud barking laughs, wheezing, giggling, snorts (especially at the hips), he goes all over the place
He kicks a single leg like a dog when someone is really getting him. Lupin is straddling him, Jigen can't protect his ribs, he starts kicking a leg out while guffawing, it's actually very cute
He's been dealing with Lupin's bullshit for years, so he's a great ler when it comes to keeping up with a giggley squirmy-wormy
He's the one who insists on being tied up when Lupin or Goemon are in more serious ler/teasing moods. Can start as NSFW activities until they touch a spot and he giggles or squirms away, then it's tickle focused
Don't worry he loves it but will never admit it
Might wind up being a turn-on if they tease him right
He takes turns being a lee to his partners, but he is in fact the only one who can be tickled the longest without begging (unless it's his feet. Still can't take it there). Take that as you will.
Gets suuuuuper flustered if his ler(s) start teasing or complimenting him. He can't take kindness very well, so combined with the fact that they want to see his smile and hear his laugh he turns red and starts begging them to stop. Of course, getting him to admit that he deserves compliments turns into a tickle game
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ticklishsquish · 1 year
okay so i guess i’ll go ahead and expose myself cause why not -
Some people can actually tickle themselves a little bit - I am one of those individuals
It’s not like to laughing but my giggles get pretty loud so I bury my face into my pillow
shushiknow -//-
i usually do it to check for sensitivity if i’m bored , so I decided to try it last night and realized that my entire upperbody is super bad. Like gentle tickling it just gets unbearable tiggles really fast
In fact - i’m extra sensitive the closer you get to my back actually - so the intersection of my side and back is probablymostlikelyadesthspot
dont even get me started on my hips , i can’t tickle them but i KNOW they are a death spot . I can’t even put hand there without it feeling all tingly and it making me giggle a little
so yah , Star exposing themselves for once i guess
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