dernooks · 2 years
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Bunch of the dragons friends from Spyro I drew over the years :)
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shadobabe · 2 months
Hi again everyone! Time for another Spyro sketch. These are so much fun.
It’s Gildas this time. He’s such a doll, and I felt like drawing him happy and laughing. Out of all the older dragons, Spyro seems so keen to listen to him. I bet they have a good relationship.
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wind-caller2 · 4 months
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whencyclopedia · 1 year
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The Saxons
The Saxons were a Germanic people of the region north of the Elbe River stretching from Holstein (in modern-day Germany) to the North Sea. The Saxons who migrated to Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries CE along with the Angles, Frisians, and Jutes came to be known as Anglo-Saxons to differentiate them from those on the continent.
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my-world-my-stories · 5 months
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And they called it Dragon Love 🏳‍🌈🐲❤
🏹🛡 Todor X Marco
⭐🌙 Zikomo X Apara
✨⚔️ Cosmos X Titan
🔨🐊 Nestor X Bubba
⚒️🦎 Halvor X Isaak
🗡🧪 Asher X Eldrid
☕🕰 Gavin X Lindar
🧸👒 Mudada X Cyprin
🏺🖌 Thor X Gildas
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magicbruja · 11 months
quiero preguntarte que piensas de mí
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bluegad · 5 months
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felt like drawing gildas
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Lifesteal conspiracy theory:
It's not just Vitalasy who's posessed, Roshambo isn't who they seem to be. Roshambo may be a North American Minecraft YouTuber however the truth is that he's possessed by the spirit of the 6th century British author Gildas.
It makes sense!!!
'De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae' and 'Clutching My School's Unfair Minecraft Tournament' have such a clear similarity in authorship and language used. Gildas was classically educated and it makes sense that the person he chose to possess would also be educated. If that's not convincing enough here's some more evidence that shows I'm on the right path:
Speaks Latin, Gildas famously was a big Latin enjoyer
Believes the Romans were fantastic and stans them, if you've read De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae then you'll know
The hand motif, one of Gildas' surviving relics is an arm. Arm = hand. It's too obvious at this point
Warrior. According to the famously accurate hagiographies by a Rhuys monk and Llancarfan respectively, Gildas was a great warrior. We saw the ancient battle tactics video. Bit obvious there mate.
It's obvious because Gildas cared about battle tactics and again, fanboyed all. over. the Romans.
Also the pagan thing. Writing about rival religions and exposing and dunking on them? 'I Infiltrated Minecraft's Deadliest Cult' moment.
This is a Roshambo exposé. He is possessed by the spirit of Gildas and it's all becoming crystal clear now. If they wish to defeat him, they need to call an exorcist. They tend to be somewhat Christian though and Gildas gets a good rep there so I'm not sure if it's possible at this point. They're just so clearly similar it's hard to separate them into two separate people.
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whencyclopedfr · 10 months
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Grande-Bretagne antique
La Grande-Bretagne antique était une masse continentale située au nord-ouest du continent européen. Elle fut occupée pour la première fois par l'homme il y a environ 800 000 ans, avant de se transformer en île vers 6000 avant notre ère, en raison d'une inondation qui la sépara à tout jamais du continent. L'agriculture commença à se développer dans la région vers 4200 avant notre ère, ce qui permit l'essor de la civilisation humaine.
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polluted-art · 1 year
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Gildas “Gil” (he/him), a meek pearl diver and fisherman in Hla Oad.
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liminalpsych · 1 year
Appendix A in Faletra's translation of Geoffrey of Monmouth's History of the Kings of Britain
I wanted to cover these too, but they're mostly excerpts so I don't want to cover them individually.
Part of the reason I got Michael Faletra's translation of the History of the Kings of Britain was its appendices. (I believe it's also one of the more recent translations, from 2008, and that was the othe reason.)
I already posted about Vita Merlini, because that's included in its entirety. Everything else is excerpts. Appendix A is focused on historical sources that Geoffrey of Monmouth drew on for his History.
Gildas, the Ruin of Britain (De Exicidio Britanniae)
The intro description of the Isle of Britain, which Faletra included it to illustrate how Geoffrey pulled almost verbatim from Gildas for parts of the History. The excerpt continues on with a lot of deriding Britain (and I believe this is mostly Breton specifically, aka Wales and southern England, but I'm not sure): "Since the days of its earliest settlement, Britain has been over-proud in mind and spirit, rebellious against God, against its own citizens, and even occasionally against kings and peoples from across the sea." Gildas focuses on the history of Britain from the days of the Roman emperors, "describing the evils that Britain has infliced upon others."
He writes from a very Christian perspective, and mostly focuses on Christian martyrs and various saints. This is one of the more lengthier excerpts that Faletra includes in the appendices,covering a significant chunk of time that Geoffrey also covers and pulled from Gildas very directly, minus most of the moralizing. (Weirdly. You'd think Geoffrey would do more moralizing, but I suppose he was only kind of a priest, having been given a bishop position eight days after a quick ordination as a priest, probably as a reward because the Normans liked his History.)
Pseudo-Nennius, The History of the Britons (Historia Brittonum)
Faletra writes that pseudo-Nennius "seems to have been doing recovery work, wanting to get the facts and stories that he knew on the historical record before his source materials, whether oral or written, were lost forever." It has less rhetorical polish and often offers multiple accounts or versions of an event, and pseudo-Nennius tries to organize the disparate sources. Geoffrey pulls heavily from the History of the Britons for his own Historia, namely for the founding of Britain and the stories of Merlin/Ambrosius and Vortigern, and then expands upon it.
This one is clunkier to read, and more dry. It's a lot of very quick summaries, no poetic turns of phrase. Like Gildas, pseudo-Nennius also desn't seem to have a very high opinion of the Bretons and talks a lot about them being sinful.
I'll cover Appendix B (focused on Merlin) in a separate post.
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Oh my goodness, that's such an adorable concept for Gildas!
Isn't it?! Now I'm imagining Gildas surrounded by the baby dragons splattering paint all over the place.
Although it's also potentially sad since Spyro's the only young dragon we ever see up until Year of the Dragon, implying he may not have had other kids to do this with.
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Para mi, sin ninguna duda, las mejores gildas que he probado. Como tantas y tantas cosas de este estupendo @estimarzafra de @rafazafra_. Y es que ese es el secreto de este restaurante: productos excepcionales cocinados siempre con maestría en la sencillez y en ocasiones, con ideas brillantes aparentemente simples. By anatomiadelgusto.com #lifestyle #foodporn #follow #food #gildas #rafazafra #foodie #aperitivo #foodgasm #foodporn #instafood (en Estimar) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl088TRjpFk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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whencyclopedia · 11 months
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Ancient Britain
Ancient Britain was a landmass on the northwest of the continent of Europe first occupied by humans c. 800,000 years ago prior to it becoming an island c. 6000 BCE due to flooding which separated it from the mainland. Agriculture began to develop in the region c. 4200 BCE encouraging the development of civilization.
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emvidal · 2 months
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sacredphoenix · 1 year
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Je vous présente le Clergé des Gardiens des Lacs qui s'est établie dans la Châtellerie de Créloch au nord-est de Keltios. Avec seulement une Augure et un Grand-Prêtre à son sommet (ces cultes obligent à créer beaucoup de personnages originaux ), ça n'en reste pas moins une communauté d'érudits en quête de savoir ancien. Les Pokémons Psy sont leur prédilection. Merci à @Dracoyan pour avoir réalisé l'ensemble des sprites de ce clergé.
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