#Gildas theory
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Hello everyone! I always have been fascinated by the femme fatale energy and I was so obsessed as a kid with femme fatales like Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, Gilda by Rita Hayworth and some characters by Angelina Jolie or Penelope Cruz.
I never tried to tap into the femme fatale energy because I always thought that I didn't fit the "aesthetic", then I read Ava Gardner's biography how she made womanizer Sinatra go suicidal for her and I noticed that femme fatale energy isn't about looks or aesthetic (partially) but your attitude, energy and self love. So I started to get all the information I could about femme fatales and these are the most popular tips I've tried:
💋 Let them pursue. Let them show you how much are they interested in you and how far would they go for your attention.
I think this one it's not exclusive about FemF it's something that every girl should do. It's really simple: if they really want you they'll move mountains for you, and girl, don't even think it's because you set your standards too high because it's the bare minimum. Stop being in situationships where it's very clear that he doesn't want you, I'm sorry but it's really pathetic.
My experience: I've been applying this boundary for a long time now and it's the most effective way to see who actually wants you. Why? Because it's too simple, if they want to they will. This saved me a lot of situationships and giving access and power to someone who doesn't want me. The results are a little annoying because let's be real, boys🤡, they always come back so when I say it's annoying it's because it's ridiculous to see them get confused and then pursue you when it's too late. AND LET ME TELL YOU, when I put a cross on your name there's no way to erase it (metaphorically). Ugh, really why do they do that? They make clear that they don't want you and when you cut them off they decide to come back in the way you seem to want. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, don't go back to them, if they really wanted you that badly they would never have put you in that position.
💋 Don't be impressed by the things they think can get you. I'm talking about superficial things like physical appearance, fame, money, properties, cars, luxury lifestyle, etc. Please I know everyone loves money but believe me when I say it doesn't get you anywhere mentally if you don't have your shit together, don't let desire for rich appearances guide you to shitty men just because they can provide money. You should be able to afford your things so you don't have to be waiting for a man like a poor dog.
My experience: Girl I'm going to spill some tea about this one. I had two famous men asking me on a date, one of them I no longer speak to him and the other one is currently pursuing me like crazy just because he saw I was not amused about the luxury things he was bragging. We're friends for now because I don't trust him lol but he tries every now and then to ask me on a date. Girl trust me it's not that rare to get that type of men, almost every friend of mine has been pursued by a man in power.
💋 Trust in the feminine power. Trust in the power that a smile or a gaze has, learn from the best: Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Ava Gardner... A subtle way to let a man know that you like him and you can have him going all over you. How many times a man has approached you just because you looked at him? That's the power you have, women have that power.
My experience: Not so long ago I had a thing with a man and somehow we lost contact but we have a friend in common so we see each other often. The other day I tried this technique to see if a gaze was enough to let him know that I'm interested and it's true, I looked at him directly into his eyes and that was enough to have him the rest of the night right by my side.
💋Red nails theory. The color red is said to represent passion, love and sensuality. The red nail theory got viral on TikTok because a girl said that the reason she attracted more men with red nails was because they saw a lot of red nails while growing up.
My experience: I got my nails done red and I don't think much changed. I think red is a color that generally attracts men but I don't think it's something exclusive for nails. A red lipstick or dress will always be on point.
💋 Be cold af. Not every time but when he does something to annoy you don't react. Could be he's trying to make you jealous, to see how you react or how much you care about him. DON'T REACT, even if it's killing you inside. Act like you couldn't care less and move on. He still flirts to other girls? Then that means you're not in a committed relationship and you can flirt with whoever you want to too.
My experience: This one is sooooo fun to apply and I like to add a little spice and mirror their behaviour. Because when they do something I don't like I usually cut them off and that's it, but when I know they did it to hurt me I like to have my revenge. You've met your match bitch.
I was getting to know this guy who made very clear that he enjoyed single life so I did too and when he saw me on another date he went nuts and stopped seeing other girls. But one day he got angry because I said that I found attractive one of his friends and that night he started a little flirt in front of me with a girl so I just said I'm going to say hello to someone and I went to do the same with his friend. He immediately came so angry, asked for a word alone and told me to stop messing around. He asked me to be in a committed relationship the next day and that was the last time I saw him. I know it seems so toxic but I didn't want a relationship with him and he tried to hurt me so idc.🤷‍♀️
Sorry if you see some spelling mistakes, english is not my first language!
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graphx · 4 months
gilda and yuugo would bond over being the only ones who know how to sew you can’t change my mind
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Anna could count but I think she would be more knowledgeable on stitches than just sewing for fun. Being competitive over crochet would be really funny actually (i don’t do it but a lot of my friends make their own stuffed animals and I imagine not many toys could be taken SO there is an entire panel dedicated to a textile room in the bunker for A REASON I WILL EXPLOIT)
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mega-aulover · 3 months
OK so crazy theory about sunrise on the reaping. Everyone keeps on saying that it’s going to be about Plutarch. Plutarch is an amazing choice. But my gut tells me no.
We already were introduced to someone in two books. I’m not talking about soon to be President. I’m talking about Tigris Snow.
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Remember her in Mockingjay.
The fan theory that Tigris became disenfranchised with her cousin because of Finnick and his sad trajectory as a Victor, is viable, and it came from the Ballad of Song Birds and Snake.
What if Tigris’s break with the Capitol happened earlier? What if Tigris didn’t like the trajectory of the hunger games and what she was seeing behind the scenes. She is a Snow after all. She is an active member in creation of the Hunger Games.
I question if the book is about her and her rise as a rebel.
I just feel like, we’re not done with Tigris-yet.
After the end of the Ballad of Songbirds and snakes, I knew there was another book coming. I said it a few times. I felt it because Ballad didn't feel finished to me. There were still more things to discuss, that went beyond to what happened to Lucy Grey. How do the songs that Lucy write end up in the sole possession of one Katniss Everdeen? Also what happens do District 12 when Snow comes to power? How does the rebellion form in the districts? How does District 13 become a part of said rebellion? How does Snow's beloved cousin become a rebel?
There’s so many plot venues that Suzanne can use, but the announcement about what’s real and not real that has my brain spinning. The little grey cells were activated.
Yes, Plutarch, is someone who plays with propaganda as a game maker. However, who better plays with what is real and not-real more than a stylist? A good stylus can take a frumpy person and make them look like a million bucks. Is that not a form of real or not-real?
Rita Hayward, said ‘they go to bed with Gilda, but they wake up with me’. The Hollywood machine created the Rita Hayworth. It helped create her most famous part of Gilda. The real Rita Hayworth, was Latina, who had to have plastic surgery to enhance her features. Men wanted to go to bed with the persona Gilda that was created by her Hollywood stylist, but they didn’t want the real her.
A Stylist literally plays with what is not-real. Tigris is highly skilled in this arena. She takes an old shirt and creates something new and un-real for Coryo so that he looks presentable.
Okay so what do we know about Suzanne‘s announcement?
We know that the book takes place at the beginning of the 50th hunger games - the 50th Quarter Quell.
We know Haymitch is the winner.
We know Haymitch was also from Snow‘s favorite district, district 12.
We know Haymitch won his games because he used the force field in the arena as a weapon.
We know that his family was killed because of how he was won his games…but what if there’s more to that story.
What if Finnick was not the first tribute to be sold but what if it was Haymitch? What if Snow tried to sell Haymitch and as a result of him saying no, and all of his loved ones and friends paid the price.
What if it’s Tigris b/c Snow trusts was elected to be the District 12 stylist? After all, we know snow does not trust anyone from district 12. What if Tigris sees what her cousin does to Haymitch something that she experienced herself, allows her to rebel against all of the propaganda that Snow is turning out.
And as a result, Tigris becomes an integral part of the rebellion. We know Tigris is so deep in the rebellion and her cover is so good, her own, cabbage loathing, cousin doesn’t know. Cressida trusts her implicitly with hiding Katniss, Peeta, Gale, and the rest of the surviving members of the Star Squad.
I can see Tigris becoming the spark that rallied the troops created a rebellion in the Capitol. She has easy access to the information that district 13 is not indeed dead but very much alive, because after all her dear cousin is the leader of the Capitol.
She could very well be a key player in the demise of her own cousin. She better than anyone understands the rhetoric and propaganda for the hunger games for this lifestyle.
Tigris was involved in the original Propaganda to remove Lucy Gray from the records of the Hunger Games. She knows about LUCY!!
Tigris was present in the 10th hunger game. And she is present in Mockingjay. Fore me there's no coincidence she was there in the beginning and the end.
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ralibo14 · 1 month
TPN Brainrots part 1:
Another TPN manga panel redraw, but this time everyone goes down with me (because it's sad).
Also part one of my 'wonderful' tpn theories and head canons. It'll be long😅. There will be manga spoilers so please, read at your own risk😊.
First character I go through is... Ray.
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He is one of the most complicated characters I ever saw (all tpn characters are, tbh). I always thought that people who have photographic memory are so lucky. Ray showed me that it's both a blessing and the curse.
Like in the picture above. You can clearly see that the first 2 kid waving at his direction. It's strange to know that there was a time when the Trio were one of the young kids and not the older ones. My first head canon is that Ray tried to save more kids, not just Emma and Norman when he was younger. When the blond haired boy leaves (first panel) he looks like he is about to cry (also the Trio is around 4 or 6) but when the other kids get 'adopted' Ray keeps his head low most of the frames (I'm convinced that when the second kid left he was already working as Isabella's spy.)
Ray coloration explained:
Purple eyes are self explanatory to me. I started draw him with purple eyes as soon as I found out he is Isabella's son. Purple in the hair and freckles? Well... I'm still very, very convinced that Leslie didn't die (at least not when he left the House). I always think about his situation, like what Norman got into with Lambda. The Ratri-clan is big but they need outsiders, to be soldiers, scientists, etc. And since girls from the Houses can only become Sisters and Moms... maybe some boys can become scientists and soldiers. (I can't believe I'm writing this but think about Andrew🤢... he was 100% not Ratri yet he could become an adult). So by this logic I believe Leslie could grow up too and (because I'm a sucker for happiness) he met Isabella again at some point.
Ray turning away:
On the second frame he is not looking at the girl who is leaving, but to the opposite direction. Why? Notice something else? Yes, Norman is missing too. Gilda has her winter jumper on so I figure Norman got sick again. Ray priorities his friends safety over everything else.
Also notice how Emma and Norman slowly get into the middle of the frame while Mom/Isabella get out of it? Pretty strong metaphor. It's the perfect example of 'Blood related family ≠ real family'. And while I'm a RayEmma shipper (obviously aged up version) I would never forget about Norman. He is as important to Ray as Emma. This Trio sticks together no matter what.
(older manga colouring ⬇️)
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Now onto the hearth breaking stuff:
Ray's relationship with Isabella:
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This deleted scene with Ray and Ayshe lives rent free in my head. Like there are two people with similar family situations and the one who lived int the middle of nowhere with a demon parent thinks positively about their parent, while the other, who grew up in a comfortable home like space with a human parent, thinks the opposite.
"But to me, she was always a monster"– Ray.
Like ufff... This sentence hits real hard. And it's low-key true from Ray perspective. He studied and read all the books in the House, not because he was interested, but because he had to. Norman is a genius, Emma learns real fast, Ray does everything he can to always get max points on his tests. But he also secretly planning his friends excape. Collects scraps of technology to build the device which makes them able to excape, plans his own 💀 carefully, so no one else will get hurt and on a top of that he is 'spying' for Isabella. Sacrifices people he wanted to protect. I can't imagine that inside panic when he didn't get max scores to that one test. I'm sure he was happy because Norman and Emma got their regular scores, but deep down he felt like he failed.
My head canon here is that Ray always gets nightmares if he is alone or in an unsafe place. And 'thanks' to his perfect memory his nightmares build up from actual memories (like we see that in the Seven Wall Arc). Also he doesn't get sick often but when he does... it's like a memory fuelled fever dream, with hallucinations and etc.
Ray's healing journey starts after the Jailbreak Arc. As soon as Mom is not around anymore, he ever so slowly starts to let down his guard and starts to show more and more emotions. His relationship with Yuugo/Mister is like a greatest archivment in his case. The playful, sarcastic 'arguments' and the way he openly said his opinion on things in front of Yuugo and Lucas. Shows how much he changed and opened up.
Isabella on the other hand... her change of heart and feelings were a mistery almost to the very end. To be honest I hated her most of the time, until the Back to Grace Field Arc. (Older manga colouring again⬇️😅)
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Two things in this page which are very important.
1: Ray's guard is up again in no time, when he sees Isabella, while her emotionless mask is cracking. This is the first time we get a little inside of how she really feels about Ray.
2: Flashback of the two most important things that connects them. The song and the way they were forced to sacrifice others to stay alive.
The lullaby is very important, because it's calming and feels very intimate (like a normal parent-child relationship should be).
You also can't convince me otherwise that Ray didn't hummed this lullaby at least once in the B06-32 shelter to help the youngest kids fall asleep.
And now... onto the last picture. Their goodbye.
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Saddest part ever! Never forgiving for this decision.
Ray and Isabella were never allowed to talk even two short sentences with each other without any consequences. In the House they had to play their assigned roles. Then they didn't see each other for almost 2 years. Finally they had to save half of the team from getting unalived... And they moment they would have time the last twist happens... leaving us with a sad ending.
Epilogue and Human World Arc...does little to compensate. Although I can't get over the fact that Yuugo's, Conny's and Isabella's 'ghosts' helped Ray found Emma in the Human World.
Speaking of finding Emma. My last head canon for Ray is the following;
When they found out that Emma lost all of her memories from the Demon World. Ray couldn't help himself but whisper a "I wish this happened to me". And everyone looks at him with an understanding smile thinking he blames himself for this... But in reality he really just selfishly thought (only for seconds) that he could forget everything happened on the other side.
Okay. That's all. Sorry for the supper long post and I'm forever thankful if you read through my brainrots 🥰😘. Also let me know if I should cover more characters like this. I'll obviously do Emma and Norman but if there any other characters you want to see please let me know🥰🤩💖.
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punks-never-die205 · 8 months
Souled Out
Fem Reader x Demon!Eustass Kid
CW: Blood, religious tones, original creation myth, ritual, violence, dubious consent, 18+
tags: @keiva1000
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Chapter 7: Empty Soul
Kid looks at you and you can hear his tail smacking the floor in quick succession before he growls. “The easy way is-.”
“Contracts.” You interrupt flatly. “I remember that. What are the non-contract ways.”
“… Before contracts it was a ritual. Someone would agree to give over their soul to someone else, in part or whole, and as long as the other person agreed to accept it, they’d sit in an array, and do the transfer.” He snaps the words out curtly, irritation dripping from his fangs. “Souls are important though, right? Who wants to give theirs up, so that didn’t happen much. Before the whole contracts and guidelines there were other ways too.”
“Like theft.”
“Yeah.” Kid clears his throat. “We think one of the reasons they want to fill you back up with pieces of other souls is so that they can complete the theft.”
Your brows furrow and you stop eating. “Complete it?”
“Taking a soul against someone’s will doesn’t let you do anything with that soul.” He explains. “Another reason the whole contract process became popular.”
“… Giving me a different soul will let them use mine?”
Kid shakes his head. “It’s… when the doc stabilized you, he did it by basically merging the scrap from Gilda with your soul. You have more soul now, and it’s, technically your soul.”
“… How did he-.”
“It’s my gift.” An irritated voice interrupts you as the doctor from earlier sits down with the two of you.
“Do all demons have a gift?” You question, looking from one to the other.
“Some.” Law answers flatly. “Our current assumption is that whoever stole yours doesn’t want you to die. They didn’t send you any pieces of soul until you’d summoned someone who could help you if things went wrong.”
One glyphed finger draws a circle in the air around you and the question on your lips comes out as nothing. Law smirks and then continues talking. “We can only make assumptions, but the theory is that once you have a full, and stable soul, the one who stole yours will make contact. After all, humans don’t know one soul from another, so why should you be overly attached to yours? Once you agree, the deal would be done, they could leave with their prize.”
He takes a sip of coffee, rotating his finger in the other direction and you’re certain your ability to speak, or at least be heard, has been restored.
“They are in for a rude awakening then.” You answer simply, finishing up the last of your food. “I want my soul back specifically. If this patched soul becomes, technically, my soul, then they can have it and give me mine back.”
Law looks from you to Eustass. “Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure!” Eustass barks.
“Sure about?” You prompt.
“This creepy shit thinks you’re a demon, or an angel.” Eustass grumbles, jerking his thumb toward Law.
“…Why?” You question, looking over at Law.
Law returns your look for a moment before sighing. “If humans truly had a strong attachment to their souls, they wouldn’t sign so many contracts.” He says flatly. “They’ll all talk about how important and valuable it is, and in some ways they aren’t wrong, but then they’ll sign their names and hand it over for something as impermanent as money, or as useless as revenge.
“But you,” he continues, taking another drink of coffee. “Despite having other avenues available, want your soul back. You’re effectively immortal as you are, there’s not enough soul to wear down your vessel, without degradation of the vessel there’s no chance of illness, the amount of sustenance you need is reduced as well.”
He sets the cup down, pointing at you lazily. “You’ve more than anyone could hope to get in exchange for their soul already, and yet you want your soul back. Only demons and angels covet their souls fiercely enough to spend decades trying to recover them.”
“I… don’t want immortality.” You say flatly. “I want my soul back.”
Law’s brows raise a little, the slightest shrug of his shoulders as he finishes the coffee. “Maybe you’re a-.”
Kid’s hands slam down onto the table, his tail snapping heavily against the floor as he glares at Law. The two glare at each other for a long moment, before Law sighs and gets up.
“You’re free to go home. You’re welcome to a pair of scrubs since your clothes were ruined. I left them in your room.” He says, turning away and walking off.
There’s a long silence between you and Kid before he sinks back into his chair, the angry twitching of his tail calming down.
“Was he going to call me a slur?” You question, eyes on him. You catch a furrow in his brow, but it doesn’t last, and he growls before sighing.
“Remember the lecture about souls?” He prompts, and you nod. “Heaven and Hell have their conflict.”
“You said that was the only thing people here had correct.”
He nods. “Yeah, Heaven’s not perfect, Hell’s not fire and damnation, but the two places are at odds. Clean souls are basically drafted, I mean, you choose where you go, but if someone important to you picked Hell, and then met you at the gates and asked you to come be on their team, chances are you pick Hell, and not Heaven when you’re deciding.”
“I imagine -.”
“There’s a lot more to it than that, yeah.” He sighs, and you can hear his tail ticking against the hard floor. “The only way to leave the conflict, is to voluntarily go back to take a Turn. You forget everything. Fresh start shit. No memories, just like any other time someone goes through the Turn.”
He runs a hand through his hair and grimaces before continuing. “We call ‘em Deserters. Angels or Demons who basically just… walk out on their,” he falters, letting the word hang, trying to sort out what to say next when he waves it off. “… whatever.” He leans back in the chair, staring up at the ceiling for a moment.
“Someone-.” You say the word and stop, getting up and walking back to the room you’d been recovering in. It’s obvious someone left the conflict, and he knew them, there was no need to ask about it.
“I’m going to change so we can go home.”
You pause after the word leaves your lips and turn back toward Kid. “Do I still have a home?”
He looks at you funny for a moment before laughing. “Yeah, you do. It needs a little remodeling, but the explosion didn’t take out the unit.”
You knew, even as you continued back to the room to change, that you should’ve asked for more details, but as you stood in your apartment an hour later you were honestly glad you hadn’t.
Kid stood quietly by the entrance as you walked through the relatively small apartment. Standing in the kitchen you looked in one direction to see the hole in the wall, straight through the oven and into the bathroom. You didn’t smell gas, so you weren’t really concerned. Looking in the other direction you could see scorch marks and a radial series of cracks in the wall.
There wasn’t really any other word for it, it was an impact crater in the wall. Right up against a four by four that had cracked nearly through. One sturdy piece of lumber was the only reason the explosion hadn’t blown a new door in your home.
“Where’s,” you pause, unsure if you want to know before you decide to ask after all. “The body?”
Golden eyes regard you for a moment. “My forge.”
You return his gaze, and give a small nod before stepping further into your home. “Her soul’s at the Turn then?”
“Unless she signed it away, yeah.” He answers, stepping in and away from the front door.
“Well, at least the other bathroom is still functional.” You sniff the air a few times. “The oven’s gone but is there really not a gas leak in here?”
Kid peered around the hole where the oven had been. “Looks like the line got crimped shut from the impact.” He looks over at you. “I can fix all this.”
You tilt your head. “Is that your gift?”
Eustass Kid grins, and you can feel the small hairs on your body stand on end. “Fixing something like this? Nah, lots of demons can do something like this.”
You consider things for a moment. “Your forge is your gift.”
The sly grin turns devious. “It is. I don’t need it for this.” There’s a glint in his eyes and the feeling that set your hair on edge sinks into your thighs.
“… I’m in recovery.” You say it suddenly enough that you put a hand over your mouth.
“Heh, I knew I could get you to react.” He says, tongue slipping across his lips as he stalks closer to you. The glint in his eyes is the same glow he’s had before. “You’ve got more soul than just those few tattered scraps, and you made sweet sounds even with that lil’ bit.
“Besides, the doc wouldn’t have sent you home if you couldn’t survive an orgasm or two.” He insists, tail slicing through the air and cracking against it like a whip. “To answer why,” Kid continues, closing the distance between you both and looking down as he pulls you close. “I don’t want to work on an empty stomach. Used up all my energy flying you to the doc.”
He leans down, fingers slipping up your spine, his breath tickling your ear. “I don’t mind begging for my meal when it’s such a sweet snack.”
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zahri-melitor · 13 days
punchline feels superfluous to me? how does she feel to you? i also almost feel like joker should have been retired if they were gonna pull her out? she almost works far better as a next gen joker than she does as his new sidekick? like i get theyre trying to fill a hole that rehabilitated harley leaves but lmao she's no harley and we're so used to harley that trying to replace her just feels so cheap 😬 like restructure feels wiser than replace at this point.
Look I'm probably not the right person for this, because I largely find Harley superfluous and my reading experience of DC comics would be highly improved if she wasn't present, let alone a second character reacting to Harley's early storylines.
In terms of Punchline (having read only her opening storyline and her first one-shot); I think she has potential, in her character design. What is interesting to me is that Tynion et al did clearly consider a bunch of the problems with Harley's design and long term arcs when designing her.
Harley Quinn, at her base design, is a psychiatrist who got too caught up in her patient's mental world and crossed multiple ethical boundaries and lost her mind.
Punchline, on the other hand, is very clearly designed out of the sort of woman obsessed with true crime. She's not only got a true crime podcast where she investigates to find the 'true' Joker and his motivations, but she's full of echoes of the sort of women who write letters to serious criminals in prison and sometimes end up married to them. She's pretty clearly aware of how to exploit the media narrative. It's a smart angle to run on this, because it's very relatable and there are all sorts of story opportunities to showcase the dangers of "oh no I'm about to deep dive on this criminal/incident and construct a conspiracy theory out of random events because I've decided coincidences never occur".
Harley, arguably, got trapped into the situation she was in. Punchline stepped into it willingly.
We need more unrepentant female villains, and at present Punchline is actually in that slot. I would prefer it if she also wasn't doing this to win herself a man (the shades of Gilda Dent are obvious), but at least the only crying about how it's not really her fault, she was tricked into this, is Alexis deliberately manipulating people to try and get herself out of being charged and imprisoned.
Yes, I do think she got designed mostly because a bunch of Joker fans were missing the dynamic that Harley brought to Joker (I don't particularly get it personally, but the multitude of comics and cartoons and movies and games, over and over, about it do suggest that it's something a bunch of people enjoy). But what she's bringing is a dynamic that Harley's largely been lacking in main continuity for years, where she's bouncing off and responding to the Joker and acting as a lieutenant.
There's also elements of: look, part of the reason I try to avoid reading Harley is that I don't actually enjoy the sort of fourth wall breaking genre awareness she frequently displays these days, or her style of comedy. She's an exhausting scene-stealer, which is fine if you like her, but aggravating if you care about other characters in the story more. Punchline in her introduction doesn't display any of this; she got some debut hype but she's not forcing the story to pivot around her. She can turn up, be a villain, then go away.
I agree Punchline would be equally interesting in terms of her character motivation if she was doing this and Joker wasn't on page - if Alexis coming up with theories and obsessing over a fully imprisoned criminal - but Joker makes DC a lot of money. He's not going offpanel for particularly long.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 10 months
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Credit to @standreamy for putting together this amazing maxi relationship chart in not just one but two versions (found here; tweaked a bit with the orange category because there's a lot of dynamics I'm interested in that I feel didn't fall into BrOTP or any of the other ones).
Notes on some of them under the cut:
• I originally binged the manga in three days so I didn't pick up on it as much the first time, but going back I appreciate the brief focus given to Geelan and the second Lord Bayon.
• I also appreciate how the anime's director (Mamoru Kanbe) made the conscious effort to incorporate background relationships like Mark & Naila in the anime and would be interested in seeing how their relationship would change and evolve in the future.
• I default to the "Matilda is Norman's mom and Sienna is Emma and Carol's mom" headcanons because I like to play around with them, but could also see Sienna as Nat's mom.
• Split on whether Scarlet is Don's or Phil's mom, but I could also see Phil as Jessica's child.
• Would love to see Ray interact with any of the sisters who saw his note.
• Norman's relationship with Isabella receives the least amount of focus out of the trio and it makes me sad.
• Likewise, Don's and Gilda's relationship with Yuugo is often overlooked. I'd really like to see how the latter especially mend bridges after Gilda was ready to blow up the shelter when he showed up with Emma near death and without Ray. I think they'd do it through a tea party.
• I'm obsessed with the thought of Peter and Norman having dinners together, regardless of the Norman Ratri theory.
• They really had Adam reciting Norman's number only for them to never interact in a panel, huh
• For that matter, we barely see Adam and Violet interact despite this information from the mystic code book:
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Would have loved to see Adam interact more with any of the Goldy Pond crew, but especially her and Paula.
• I'm normally not super attached to specific gender headcanons for the characters, but after Shirai confirmed Violet's favorite food is pickles, my default headcanon for her is she a trans lesbian. Love the idea of trans wlw Gillian taking her under her wing, and Violet in turn taking Gilda under her wing while they're searching for the Seven Walls.
• This is the funniest Phil & Sherry panel:
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(Chapter 100)
While far from a spiteful monster due to being five, I love the brief glimpse we receive into her jealous/petty side here.
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Two-Face ought to be a top Batman sexyman!
Of the candidates left in @batman-heritageposts' Batman Sexyman tournament, in my mind Two-Face is the best suited to be considered the best Batman sexyman, even though unlike Scarecrow, he does not even have an actual entry on Sexypedia! To prove my point, I have gone onto Sexypedia's trope list and taken the liberty of actually compiling a list of all the sexyman tropes that I believe can definitively apply to him. So for your viewing pleasure, the list:
Angst Tragic backstory. Lamenting the life he's lost as well as his own present existence. Two-Face is FULL of all kinds of angst! And given that he used to be besties with Bruce, he even makes Batman angst too!
Chaoslord Comes with the territory of his gimmicks. He is often noted as being Batman's most unpredictable villain because he lets a coin make all of the decisions for him! Even he can't predict what he's going to do next! Chaos vs order is a persistent theme with him.
Criminal Obviously.
Dealmaker More in a gambling way than in a supernatural 'deal with the devil' way. But he often makes promises and deals and will keep to them so long as the coin flips the right way. Also he used to be a lawyer. Kinda comes with the territory.
DILF He may not be a canonical parent right now, but boy does he have the vibes for it!
Distinctive Voice (Two-Face) While Harvey tends to talk in a pretty normal voice, Two-Face often talks in a growl. Depends on the iteration though.
Divorced We know for a fact that Harvey was married... And while in current canon his wife is supposed to be dead, in many canons it's often unclear whether she's dead, they split up for whatever reason through whatever methods, or whether they're still together. Because you know. Continuity! In any case, him being divorced from Gilda isn't an unpopular theory. A valid one, certainly given how he's caught up in a cycle of being at Arkham and on the streets as a criminal.
Dominating (Two-Face) Usually Two-Face, not Harvey so much, and through sheer force of personality. Big step on me vibes here!
Duality The basis of his entire character and gimmick!
Egotistical (Two-Face) Harvey tends to be a pretty humble guy. He certainly has a lot to brag about, being a legitimate legal genius and all, but he tends to keep it on the down-low. Two-Face on the other hand? He ABSOLUTELY thinks that he's hot shit and will brag about it, and will shoot at anyone who doesn't want to listen or disagrees with him!
Eye Imagery His whole asymmetrical deal leads to him having very... Interesting eyes... In many iterations he doesn't have an eyelid on the scarred side, making that eye look bulbous in comparison. Also the whole getting half of his face melted off thing led to his eye color changing in many iterations. So as a minimum, he's usually portrayed as having some form of heterochromia.
Gay/Questionable LGBT Rep The fact that this man who is Bi everything NOT being confirmed as interested in men should be considered a CRIME! Let Harvey make out with Bruce already!
Hot-headed (Two-Face) Harvey can usually keep his cool, but Two-Face is noted for being very hot-headed. When Harvey loses his temper, that's usually when Two-Face ends up fronting.
Intelligence (mostly Harvey) While Two-Face is certainly no idiot, Harvey is likely the smarter one by sheer virtue of he's an actual genius when it comes to matters involving the law. Law genius also translates pretty well to criminal genius, turns out. There was a reason that Harvey was District Attorney. He was just the best damn lawyer in all of Gotham and for good reason!
Knifemurderer Yep! Two-Face sure has murdered a whole lot of people! Two-Face is probably most well-known for deciding whether to kill people or not based off of a coin flip.
Magnificent Bastard In many iterations, fits this trope to a T.
Power of Love In his third ever appearance, he decided to stop being a criminal because Gilda still loved him despite his appearance. Since then, this is a theme that continues to pop up now and again with his character- that so long as people love Harvey, he can be saved.
Questionable Neurodivergent Rep Is explicitly shown to be plural and having OCD. The representation is often... Not so great... Though it does seem to be a thing that many writers are trying to improve on.
Scars Literally half of his entire face, and oftenhis body will be scarred up too! It's where he gets his moniker of "Two-Face" and is therefore deeply tied to his character and gimmicks.
Tall Usually.
Twisted Freaking Cycle Path Yep! Usually with DID.
Unkempt (Two-Face) Harvey usually keeps pretty tidy, but sometimes Two-Face will be unkempt on his side of the body.
Villain Obviously.
Morally Grey Obviously, again. Also this is like his entire deal!
Well-Dressed/Suitguy He's practically THE suitguy of the Batman rogues gallery! With snazzy two-tones suits that are split down the middle too! Definitely among the best dressed of the rogues.
White Hair Often his disfigured side will have messy white hair, if he has hair on that side at all.
Meanwhile, how many sexyman tropes apply to Dick Grayson? I'll be honest, I know nothing about the Talon iteration of Dick Grayson and therefore more of the sexyman tropes likely apply to him than your bog standard Dick Grayson... BUT IS IT 27 TROPES!!!??? Even Scarecrow doesn't have 27 tropes attributed to him on his sexyman page! And I didn't even include the more subjective tropes the require a fair bit of popularity like Johnlocked, Controversial, or Fanon Splintering!
Do the right thing and prove that Two-Face is the best Batman sexyman!
Vote Harvey "Two-Face" Dent for Batman sexyman!
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shadowcipher17 · 2 months
You got any theory on why Sunset became such a jerk in the first movie (before her defeat)? Considering how with other redemptions there is some backstory like Starlight's being that her best and only friend Sunburst got his cutie mark and left her behind which caused her to be too afraid to make new ones in fear of the same thing happening and thinking cutie marks destroy friendships, Discord's being that he will die and fade from existence if he doesn't indulge in chaotic behavior, and even the smaller ones like Diamond Tiara and Gilda have terrible home lives that led to their more antagonistic behaviors.
Sunset on the other hand never got any backstory on why she became a jerk of a mean bully in the first movie. Even that Fall of Sunset Shimmer comic (where canon on that is pretty ambiguous with the comics canon being spotty in general) never gave a reason for why she was so mean with her already being shown as a jerk in the first page (even episode 1 Twilight was never as mean as Sunset), before Celestia showed her the mirror.
Simple, she had an inflated ego from her position of power as Celestia's student and wanted more power and wanted to be an alicorn. I mean she's a unicorn that's the student of the ruler of Equestria and has the opportunity to become something greater. It's just an inflated ego, not everypony has to have a backstory where they start out nice and then turn mean. Again, she was the equivalent of Diamond Tiara before S5 revealed she had parental issues.
Another thing, she's supposed to foil Twilight in terms of personality. Where Twilight was stand-offish and genuinely awkward about the concept of friendship and seemed off put about social interaction in general (going off the first episode), Sunset on the other hand has no problem socially interacting...but she's a complete jerk about it.
It's not hard to infer why she would get an ego: she lives in a world of powerful magic, was born as one of the most powerful races of pony, was the student of the most powerful being in Equestria, it's not hard to see that she got an ambitious and inflated ego.
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not-foolsnkings · 2 months
Spoilers for Long Halloween (do I need to tag that if it was published in 1996…?)
Im still confused about the ending, and I want to make sure that it’s supposed to be open and not me missing something.
So we never end up really knowing who Holiday was, Alberto confessed to all of the murders, but Gilda said that she was the one originally killing the Falcones and then that she knew Harvey “killed” Alberto and then the rest because his hair was wet on New Years.
So was Holiday a combination of Alberto, Harvey and Gilda in on it together, is Alberto taking the blame for something he didn’t do for reasons left unexplained, was Harvey really Holiday or did Gilda just assume but in reality he had nothing to do with it and it was Alberto and Gilda without knowledge of each other.
I’ve got my own theory but I want to either hear what other people have to say or have someone point out the part where they explain it that I for some reason missed.
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dankovskaya · 2 years
Batman Annual 14 is really the definitive Two-Face origin in my opinion largely because it does the best job of emphasizing the steady barrage of horrific events and general stressors leading to his complete loss of faith in the efficacy of the law and the judicial system down to the most basic assumption of safety from violent assault as an attorney in a goddamn courtroom and it fleshes out the childhood trauma that parallels him with Bruce not as the REASON for him becoming Two-Face but as just another horrible stressor that is dredged up on top of everything else while his coping mechanism and outlet for it crumbles before his eyes. The circumstances make the acid bath a believable “final straw” (rather than the 1:1 acid made him crazy thing 😭) and it doesn’t portray Two-Face as an “inevitability,” but rather the idea that it was inevitable and he never had a choice is something Harvey himself clings onto to rationalize and distance himself from the guilt of his actions and the perceived “badness” of his anger. The emphasis on the unstoppable force-immovable object conflict between his intense desire to do and be good against his anger and despair and disillusionment tempting him to become the “bad” that he’s always feared he fundamentally is and the immense distress that causes him is very central here and I appreciate that. And most importantly it shows GILDA as someone firmly in his corner all throughout and utterly convinced of his “goodness.”
I can’t speak fully on the Loeb version until I’ve re-read Dark Victory too for the whole story but in general I find some issue with that version of Harvey. The psychological/traumatic aspect of Two-Face is minimized which is fine in theory but there’s also a severe minimization of the factors at play that lead to Harvey’s snapping so as a result he’s portrayed as cynical, pessimistic, and a bit bloodthirsty all throughout the story as sort of his default state, which I’m not a big fan of. The distance between this version of Harvey and Two-Face is not very big, which helps with “believability” I guess, but it’s just not how I prefer to interpret Harvey Dent, District Attorney personally. I want him to fall far because that’s what makes the tragedy imo. There doesn’t seem to be a destruction of faith and an ultimate “snapping” here so much as Harvey taking the burning of his face as an excuse to run off and just do exactly what he’d been itching to do the whole time. However this all clearly works well with the central mystery of finding out who the Holiday killer is, because by the time even Bruce and Gordon are nearly convinced it’s Harvey, it makes sense why they feel that way. Harvey had been dropping red flags throughout the whole story Lmao. BUT in terms of him being suspected of serial killing I have more thoughts in the next one 👇
Two Face: Year One is NOT an ideal version of the story either for a few reasons with its biggest sin being the unforgivable complete and utter omission of Gilda but it also adds/emphasizes some things I really like, such as the friendship between Harvey and Bruce from long before Harvey was DA. The most interesting part of this version to me is that Harvey’s history of mental illness is exposed and that is what is used to cast doubt on him (as opposed to like. his personality lmfao) leading to basically the whole city suspecting that he’s become a serial killer and watching everyone up to and including his good friend Bruce Wayne (and not to mention his dedicated therapist who he considers a father figure😭) seemingly turn on him overnight and expect the worst with genuinely NO evidence other than his imagined instability as a human being which becomes a very tragic and unfair sort of self-fulfilling prophecy moment. But I HATE the fact that it completely skips over his recovery period after the attack and goes straight into Two-Face (which is also sort of true of Long Halloween) bc I think the agonizing depressing recovery is vital in making it clear that. Once again. The acid didn’t make him crazy. But the senseless excruciating pain and physical disfigurement that externalizes the part of him that people are scared of certainly would not have helped things.
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cinema-tv-etc · 1 year
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The VERY Weird Version Of Big Bang Theory You Never Saw The best Big Bang Theory episodes understand exactly what the show is and is trying to be, but its original pilot did not. The Big Bang Theory used to be a very different show, and it certainly was not a good one. The original Penny was fired, cast members weren't written in yet, and the whole thing almost didn't happen. This is a look at the original Big Bang Theory pilot and how it went so wrong, that Penny had to be fired. 👇 📺 👇
To be fair, even in the final version, it still took a few episodes for the showrunners to know exactly what to do with Sheldon. Case in point, the very first scene, which is the two boys visiting a sperm bank! We know from later episodes that Sheldon, while not rich, is comfortable enough financially that he has thousands of dollars that he can loan Penny on a whim. And imagine a world in which Sheldon would touch himself for money! There is absolutely no possibility that the final version of Sheldon as we know him, would ever visit a sperm bank.
When people talk about the relationship between Penny and Sheldon (which I agree IS the heart of the show), they don't point out WHY the relationship works so well. It's because of ALL the guys on the show, Sheldon is the ONE guy who she doesn't have to worry about hitting on her. So she can let down her guard with him and that's what makes the relationship (and the show) work.
I for sure felt like the writers were initially going to make Leonard the star of the show, a sort of Ted HIMYM and with Penny as Ross and Rachel. I think they never expected audiences reaction to Sheldon's quirky personality. Sheldon went from being the sidekick to a lovable [although often annoying] character of the whole series.
I think you’re wrong on one point: I think Gilda was the template for Leslie Winkle. They’re both (from what you’ve shown) dominant intellectuals and wanting sex but not love from Leonard. Amy was extremely awkward and initially almost robotic. Then they changed her into a more “normal” but still socially awkward person.
Gilda is NOT AMY. Gilda is Lesley Winkle, who was in the first season. Amy wasn't even imagined until after season 2 and the writers have said that themselves. If you look at Lesley and Gilda you will see nothing but similarities. They are the same character.
I have seen the full original pilot and I had to watch it twice😳 simply because I could not believe how first incredibly bad it was and second how even more grateful I am for what we actually did receive. Oh thank you for stopping this first rendition before it was out there. I have as many millions of others spent many hours enjoying the only version of the Big Bang we will ever need.
The Big Bang Theory: Where Are They Now?
The Big Bang Theory was canceled over two years ago. Naturally, since that time a lot of things have changed in The Big Bang Theory actors’ lives. So let’s take a look at The Big Bang Theory cast and supporting cast to compare The Big Bang Theory then and now.
We are going to show you where are the Big Bang Theory actors now and in which shows and movies they perform. What Jim Parsons (Sheldon Cooper) is doing behind the camera and in which movies you can meet him? What did Mayim Bialik, who played Emy Farrah Fowler create to combine her favorite themes science and life? And how it is going in with Mayim’s acting career? Which heartbreaking story did Melissa Rauch (Bernadette Rostenkowski-Wolowits) learn and what is her next role in the new show?
Why did Simon Helberg (Howard Wolowitz) have to learn how to conduct an orchestra and in which beloved by critics movie you can watch him. For which role has Kunal Nayyar, who is known for The Big Bang Theory fans as Raj Koothrappali, received a nomination for a BAFTA, and how many talents does this guy have? How it’s going in Johnny Galecki’s (Leonard Hofstadter) personal life and why did Kaley Cuoco (Penny) divorce her husband? And if you want to know which shows and movies you have to watch to meet Kevin Sussman (Stuart Bloom), Wil Wheaton, Christine Baranski (Leonard’s mom Dr. Beverly Hofstadter), and Laurie Metcalf (Sheldon’s mom Mary Cooper), well we’ll tell you!
Who is going to be the main character in the upcoming sitcom? Who played a serial killer after The Big Bang Theory? Who had children and who got divorced? Watch our OSSA’m video about The Big Bang Theory Cast to find out where are they now and how Sheldon would react to the pandemic!
Chapters: 00:00 - Intro 00:26 - Jim Parsons 01:35 - Mayim Bialik 02:23 - Melissa Rauch 03:23 - Simon Helberg 04:25 - Kunal Nayyar 05:26 - Johnny Galecki 06:14 - Kaley Cuoco 07:19 - Kevin Sussman 07:46 - Wil Wheaton 08:26 - Christine Baranski 08:58 - Laurie Metcalf
tbbt #thebigbangtheory
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lapseudosphere · 27 days
11. Opérations secrètes - Partie 2 (pseudossier : le phénomène ovni)
À lire avant pour ne pas être trop perdu :
1. Petit historique - Partie 1
Pseudocomplément : l'affaire Roswell
2. Petit historique - Partie 2
3. Petit historique - Partie 3
4. Caractéristiques générales
5. Comportement et lieux d'intérêt
6. Troisième type
Pseudocomplément : le mystère Oummo
7. Abductions
8. Multiples interprétations
9. Cover-up américain
10. Opérations secrètes - Partie 1
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Je remercie les chercheuses et chercheurs cité·e·s dans ce pseudossier pour leurs travaux. Pour réaliser ce pseudossier, je me suis appuyé sur des films documentaires, des interviews vidéos, des ouvrages, des articles de presse ou de sites internet. Je remercie les pseudosphéristes passionnés qui en sont à l’origine.
Principales pseudosources :
Je me suis globalement inspiré de l’ouvrage suivant pour ce chapitre : Gildas Bourdais, OVNIS : vers la fin du secret ?, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2010
Base de Dulce : Bimestriel Ikaris n°8, Gémini édition, avril-mai 2019 (pages 12 à 29) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bennewitz François Parmentier, 60 ans de désinformation, Éditions du Rocher, 2004 (pages 214 à 216) https://www.howandwhys.com/christa-tilton-shared-secrets-of-underground-alien-bio-lab-at-dulce-base/
Rencontre avec des aliens en 1954 à Muroc et en 1955 à Holloman : http://www.ufocrashbook.com/eisenhower.html https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_q_d.htm https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/exopolitica/esp_exopolitics_q_4.htm https://www.newswire.com/news/the-kate-valentine-ufo-shows-guest-author-art-campbell-discusses-56556 https://elishean777.com/explorer-les-rencontres-rapprochees-du-president-eisenhower/
John Lear et William Cooper : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lear https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_William_Cooper
Émission « UFO Cover Up? Live » : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXCdaBu0Now
Zone 51, Bob Lazar et J-Rod : (en anglais) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51 Bimestriel Ikaris n°11, Gémini édition, octobre-novembre 2019 (pages 42 à 57) https://www.nationalgeographic.fr/histoire/2023/02/pourquoi-la-legende-de-la-zone-51-nous-fascine-t-elle-toujours-autant (en anglais) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Lazar https://fr.viss.me/fallout-shelter-hack
John Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe et les ovnis : Bimestriel Ikaris n°12, Gémini édition, décembre-janvier 2020 (pages 54 à 56) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassinat_de_John_F._Kennedy https://www.inexplore.com/articles/marilyn-monroe-extraterrestres-sucide-theorie-CIA https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorothy_Kilgallen (en anglais) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1378284/Secret-memo-shows-JFK-demanded-UFO-files-10-days-assassination.html
Edgar Mitchell et Gordon Cooper : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Mitchell https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Cooper Bimestriel Ikaris n°13, Gemini Éditions, février - mars 2020 (pages 48 à 55)
Michael Wolf : Gildas Bourdais, OVNIS : vers la fin du secret ?, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2010 (pages 309 - 310)
Sergent Clifford Stone : Gildas Bourdais, OVNIS : vers la fin du secret ?, Éditions Le Temps Présent, 2010 (pages 305 - 307)
Lacerta : http://messagesdelanature.ek.la/le-dossier-lacerta-un-entretien-avec-une-reptilienne-p1377144
Crop Circle Crabwood : https://www.futura-sciences.com/sciences/actualites/homme-crop-circles-extraterrestres-sont-ils-artistes-12334/
Projet Serpo : Bimestriel Ikaris n°15, Gemini Éditions, juin - juillet 2020 (pages 26 à 37)
Gary McKinnon : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_McKinnon
0 notes
ralibo14 · 30 days
TPN Brainrots part 2:
Warning: just like the in the previous part... There will be Manga Spoilers.
Since I was unable to finish part 3 of my comic for Emma's birthday (due to being in a place where bringing a laptop was not advised) I will do my head canons and theories on her.
So today's post is about: Emma
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Emma is a protagonist in the wrong genre. That was my first thought when I finished season 1 for the first time. Of course now I know how much more complicated her personality is. Introducing her first from the Trio was a really good choice in my opinion, because her cheerful, hopeful, happy and naive personality makes you believe that everything in all right with their lives. Her point of view up until Connie's death really shows how easy it is to believe in a comfortable lie. (not to forget that in canon they're 11-12)
Emma's appearance explained:
Just like I did with Ray... I have something unique to add to each drawing of her. First let's talk about the Freckles! I'm a big fan of interesting character traits, such us freckles, moles, scars, tooth gaps, vitiligo or anything similar to that. Also the red/orange hair🧡! My second favourite hair color in anime & character history (first is black🖤).
When colouring I like to use vivid colours for her clothes (mostly red or orange to bring out her hair). Maybe that's why, my favourite outfit is what she wore in the Goldy Pond Arc.
In the manga colouring above if you look closely, Emma has faint scars on her knees and elbows. Since she most likely do what her heart says before thinking, I imagine that she didn't mind if she scrapped her knees or bruised her elbow, while playing with her friends and family. Physically active kids often fall while playing but, falling hard then getting up again all by yourself is a good way to symbolise their in journey. (Old drawing of mine😅⬇️)
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Leader of the Grace Field Group:
Emma simply had to get into the Leader's role after Norman's shipment. I'm sorry to say that but Ray was a bit useless. He was lost in his own pain and gave up all hope (I mean... valid, but still), so she had to plan everything. Norman's letter and the other kids (Gilda, Don, Thoma, Lanni, etc) helped a lot, but she was practically alone. She couldn't even grieve Norman properly. Don't forget that Emma is smart and an amazing actor. She fooled Isabella thinking she gave up too (not to mention that time she slowed her heartbeat so Mom doesn't know she was lying).
My forever favourite moment (Idk why didn't I mention this in the Brainrots part 1) is Emma slapping some sense into Ray (pun intended😁). Like that setting and that scenery is my Roman Empire. Her catching a burning match just in time, not caring about burning her hand, then convincing Ray to excape with her and the rest of the group (Okay actually... let's be honest... she basically had to drag him out of the House). The first glimpse of what Emma is capable on her own. Nerves of steel for cutting her ear off too (her first big sacrifice just to save the others).
After the Excape, she got a lot of help from Ray who also apologised for his behaviour. The two of them comforting each other after thinking Norman died is just such a heart warming scene. Meeting with Sonju and Mujika was a big turning point for Emma, because of three things;
1: Okay first she was scolded because of her recklessness as well as Ray for trying to play the hero, but that not strongly Mujika or demon related. The world opened up for the whole group. They learnt about the Promise and how the world was divided into two.
2: Emma learned and saw from first hand, that not all demon are evil. Mujika helped them despite their differences and the end of that week Emma thrusted her so much she even showed her the photographs of her family and told her about Norman too.
3: Receiving the neklace and the advice to search for the Seven Wall while they're on their journey.
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Arriving to B06-32 and meeting Mister/Yuugo there was a new challenge. All the kids saw another 'Isabella' who tried to kill them. Emma, then Ray were the first ones who saw through his facade.
Goldy Pond Arc was Emma time to shine as a leader and as an individual too. Meeting Lucas and the Goldy Pond squad and immediately connecting to them shows how much she cares about others. Her bonding time with Lucas as they uncover the mysteries surrounding the identity of William Minerva.
Fun fact: In my fanfic I like to age up the Grace Field Trio roughly to Oliver's age, because I think this way their personalities are more dominant and clear.
Emma's relationship with adults:
I like to think that Emma never saw Isabella as a monster (not even after discovering the truth). And as truthful as it is. I think Isabella formed a deeper bond with Emma than with her own son. That's because from the Grace Field Trio, only Emma could have been saved by Mom. With the Mom/Sister Program, Emma would have been able to live on, but it's against her nature to harm anyone. Although I found it interesting that that was the original composition of the manga. Emma becoming a Mom and Gilda becoming a Sister (correct me if I know this wrong). Also this picture under... I found it on Pinterest and it's reflects back to my theory of what might happen to the boys.
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Meeting Yuugo and Lucas were a complete different experience for the Grace Field kids. The Bunker Dads were the caring parents both group (Grace Field & Goldy Pond) needed and deserved. Not to mention how Emma reminds me both the young and hopeful Yuugo from the past and the clever and patient Lucas of the present. Spending almost two years on the B06-32 shelter while searching for the Seven Wall makes their last goodbye 1000% more heart breaking.
Back to Grace Field Arc is when Emma meets Isabella again. She gets closer slowly but she doesn't have an emotional barricade as high up as Ray or even Norman. Emma forgave her easier, but that doesn't mean she justified the things Mom did with her family. She simply realised that Isabella had no other choice if she wanted to stay alive.
Making the new Promise and the Human World:
First of all King of Paradise Arc? Realising that Norman is still alive?! Oh the the happy tears when I first read that🖤🤍🧡. (Although to tell the truth Ray slapping Norman as soon as he sees him was such a right choice in my opinion) Emma breaking down in tears and hugging Norman was such an emotional and wholesome scene. But the argument after... let's just say I don't like miscommunication and/or characters keeping important secrets to themselves. (*glances at the GF Trio* "All three of you is in trouble")
Ohh Seven Wall Arc my beloved 🧡🖤. I like every bit of this story but Seven Wall Arc holds a special space in my heart. That Arc still holds so much potential to play around. The demon God's power to manipulate time, space and play around with Emma's and Ray's memories was wild. For the demon God name... I call them Elari. (Yes I stared at that nonsense of a word until it looked like a name). It was such a nice touch that the demon God only wanted to talk to Emma, but I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for Ray, because I think he was worried as hell when he woke up alone without Emma on his side. (I also sometimes think about what kind of Reward he would have received if he stayed with Elari).
The Reward Emma got is... without a question... cruel, and I think it was not needed, but I also can't think about something else what she could have gave to Elari if not her memories.
She deserves happiness and I can't say how much I cried when the Ray and Norman + everyone else found her in the human world. In the end I'm happy that Emma and all of them got a relatively happy ending.
Head canon to Human World and Reward: Emma's necklace!! It holds her memories. They just somehow have to find a way to unlock it.
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Okay. That's it for Emma. If you have anything else to add, correct or you want to share your own theories just write it in the comments or reblogs. Next post will be the 3rd part of the comic. Then brainstorms on Norman will come.
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kudosmyhero · 4 months
Batman: The Long Halloween #11:Chapter 11: Roman Holiday
Read Date: June 28, 2023 Cover Date: October 1997 ● Writer: Jeph Loeb ● Penciler: Tim Sale ● Inker: Tim Sale ● Colorist: Gregory Wright ● Letterer: Richard Starkings ● Editor: Archie Goodwin ◦ Chuck Kim ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
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Synopsis: Gilda has found the .22 gun in the basement of her house and she asks Harvey about it. Harvey tells her that it is only evidence from the "Holiday case" and he leaves him home in order to go to the Courthouse. The day of Sal Maroni's trial, in which he is going to confess against the Falcones, has arrived and Harvey doesn't want to be late.
Meanwhile, Batman is looking for The Riddler and he finds the man, drunk in a pub. Batman questions him about Holiday's identity but Riddler doesn't really know who the man is and Batman brings up the theory that Carmine Falcone may be involved in Holiday's killings.
The day of the trial is the same day as Carmine Falcone's birthday and all his family have prepared something special for him. However, he was discussing with his sister Carla because she didn't liked the idea of having "freaks" working for the Falcone family.
At the Gotham Courthouse, Sal Maroni is released from his cell and James Gordon checks him one last time before he is taken to the courtroom. However, on his way there, Vernon Wells, the corrupt assistant of Dent, gives Maroni a bottle of Antacid supposedly sent by Dent himself. Maroni doubts at first, but in the end he accepts the bottle, because of his "ulcer".
Once in the courtroom, Dent calls Maroni to the stand and starts questioning about his business and connections with Carmine Falcone. At the same time Falcone is celebrating his birthday in his penthouse with all his family and he is presented with a big birthday cake, and Sofia Falcone tells him to make a wish. In the courtroom, Maroni starts coughing very loud and isn't able to speak anymore. He reaches for the antacid bottle in his pocket and opens it. Bruce, who was disguised among the crowd in attendance, knew that something was very wrong. As Carmine Falcone blows his birthday candles and makes a wish, Sal Maroni hurls the content of the bottle towards Dent's face and the man falls to the ground, screaming in pain as he covers his face with his hands. The content of the bottle was in fact acid, Maroni is apprehended by the court guards and Vernon Wells goes out "looking for help".
Later, on the Gotham Hospital, Gilda, Barbara and James wait for the doctors to tell them about Harvey's conditions. The doctor comes out and tells them that Harvey is gone and they are shocked by the news. Howver, the doctor meant to say that Harvey escaped from the hospital and after explaining himself, the doctor falls dead, revealing that he has been stabbed in the back.
Carla Viti sneaks into the Gotham City Coroner Office and starts searching for the police records on the Holiday case. Carla didn't notice that Holiday was close to her and he shoots her, leaving her dead body among the files on his case.
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Fan Art: Bruce Timm Style Babs by Andi-Tiucs
Accompanying Podcast: ● Bat-Books for Beginners - episode 14
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