#gimme that nut
shadebloopnik · 9 months
There's just something about Floyd being unhinged in fics that just gets me.
Like yes he gets portrayed as a sweet frail uwu boi most of the time, which is also niceee and all, and would also suit his sensitive title. But then there are fics where Floyd is absolutely off the rails at times; where Floyd is nearing losing his voice being the loudest in a shouting match, where Floyd nearly bites someone's head off in anger, where Floyd tries to sneak out of his room multiple times even when his body still very much recovering from greeting his grandma, where Floyd wrestles with his brother on the floor because he's about to do impulsive sht for the people he cares about, fics where Floyd absolutely LOSES HIS SHIT
And the best part is that none of it is out of character for him at all. In fact, it'd cement his title as the sensitive one even more. Being sensitive isn't just about sad and mopey. Sometimes its about being nuts, and paranoid, and being impulsive when your loved ones are in danger and being so so angry that you'd yell and cry from the frustration. Not that he's always feral and wild- because he's def the one to mediate most of the time, but in situations where his loved ones are in danger, I just love when he's unapologetically emotional in every aspect about it, when he's sobbing and yelling without abandon.
There's something about Floyd in fics letting his emotions speak in such a powerful, feral way that gets me.
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procyonloser · 18 days
Big fan of rock music that's basically from the perspective of the devil
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mycological-mariner · 1 month
The geography of Poldark confounds and confused me
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ktstrophic · 8 months
there is a severe lack of undead unluck x readers anywhere.......
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umemiyan · 10 months
i need to be creampied. for my health
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yeetlegay · 2 years
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Me giving myself a pep talk in the mirror every morning: you could totally top them, I know you could
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possumteeths · 2 years
As someone who reads like a LOT of dumb romance books, one thing that ticks me off is that the authors always strive so hard for body diversity when it comes to ladies, but that courtesy is never given to the guys. All dudes are always described to be square jawed and muscled and very tall and like… its boring lol.
Its not woke or special to go out of your way to diversify women’s bodies and describe them to be different and then write 1018301 books with the same muscled beefcake abs upon abs motherfucker but like with different hair colors or something. Such emphasis on the lovely softness of plus size women, but then clear disgust for fat or softness when it comes to a guy. Sure. Alright. I hate it.
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captainrufflebanger · 4 months
Yearning to touch and be touched while being terrified of intimacy is a curse I would not wish on anyone
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maiiden · 3 months
itching to do smth here i miss my fox lady help
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sanpape · 1 year
My copy of Yakuza 0 is so close I can taste it......
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sarcasticslothy · 2 years
The following will be a young royals post season two ramble.
It contains ALL of the spoilers. I have put it under tags AND under a cut.
I repeat do not read this if you are going to watch season two of young royals and don't want to be spoiled.
First of all, I loved the season. It was oh so different to season one for many reasons but it's really a kick on the gut kinda season. There's a LOT of pain - by so many characters but particularly Wilhelm who seems to have a shadow of hell following him. The acting was brilliant by all - and I really loved that we got to see some characters that we only got minor parts from in the first season.
For Wilmon fans it'll feel a lot more light on in the more romantic/cute scenes but I the absolute symbolism behind Wille closing the curtains and then us getting to see nothing else after it was actually kind of perfect? Their love was just for them now.
Yes, they both try the moving on thing. Simon with Marcus and Wille with... Felice (I screamed when it happened!) I never felt myself hating Marcus as a characters even though he was in the middle of my favourite couple. He was a 'perfect' kinda guy for Simon but there was just no way he could compete with the history they have.
Just quietly, when Simon told him the fish don't have names? That line actually made me gasp. Bravo.
Now to August who is SUCH a confusing character to me. He switches from someone trying their hardest to be good to absolute dickhead so quickly it gives me whiplash but the way that he can gloss over the feelings of other people can't be ignored. Obviously, number one enemy in regards to doing the video and in the first two episodes we see him kind of accept himself as being Wille's punching bag. And then there are moments where he gets his little smirk on and you know evil is coming and you backtrack every thought you had about him trying to be good. The scene when he gets Alexander to cover for him is just SO widely true to that bad side of him that Sara said it best "you really are clueless"
Sara, Sara, Sara what are you doing giiiiirl?! The whole time she was falling for him, you could see it was the clouded eyes of first love guiding her every decision. I just couldn't believe that it was allowing her to glaze over the fact this guy released a SEX tape of your BROTHER! I hope she gets her revenge and is able to help Simon make something right - next season 🙏
Feline was SUCH a good friend to Wille and the whole female group as a whole were very entertaining and good for a laugh although I feel like she kinda of got forgotten about as a character? We had her quitting riding and the whole storyline of her selling the horse but there was no explanation further, no talking about what she wanted to do and no real solution to why she was quitting riding besides she didn't like it? Was that even it?!
But really, it all comes together in episode 6. SO much happens so quickly. That scene at the gun range?! Wille!! That boy can really fly off the handle. I sometimes struggled to understand Wille's very emotional reactions. His outburst in an early episode (1 or 2?!) Over the phone was definitely something! But I kind of felt him rise to the moment that allowed him to pick up that gun.
But the pièce de résistance of this season and indeed the ending moment is Wille's speech. How satisfying to see him finally choose his OWN way forward. Not Simon's. Not the royal family. Not his mother's. Not August's. You couod say his decision may not totally solve his problems but the absolute satisfaction on his face as he admits it was him and turns to Simon. Aaahhhhhhh. The dual smiles. I just felt so happy for them. So relieved.
Other thoughts:
- Malin, how could you?! How dare you break the snow globe by physically pulling Wille? You just disappeared off every fanfic in the future as the tough, but lovable security guard 😅
- Sara being so damn upfront with August in his room after just kissing him. That's definitely a whole other level of confident
- the whole little grouping of scenes with Wille looking at Simon on his phone, going to the fence with the sunset and water behind him was beautiful.
- I thought I'd find myself hating the queen more for putting her son in this obviously horrible position but I think I found there was a part of her that was clearly upset that she had no way to fix things for her son. No way to give him what he wanted without breaking away from tradition and a royal history that she is clearly responsible for keeping going
- Simon/Ayub/Rosh friendship ruling the damn show. The way they supported Simon and were a sounding board for him at every turn was so lovely! That little scene at the end with Ayub on the phone and them saying goodnight was so freaking sweet.
- "Did he just say he'd renounce the throne for you?!' That whole scene was SCREAM worthy
- The Hug! The I love you! The way that it bookended last season's final scene when Wille said it and reversed it. Yes yes yes! Gos they do closeness so well. The quiet moment of hands touching and skimming their faces against each other. And just breathing like they finally felt at home. Ahhh perfection
- oh Rousseau, I felt devastated when they took you away. Especially with that dickhead dad. Though now, you are owned by August so I don't know which is worse?!
- the school project! Talking to the teacher with the book in mind but the way they spoke about their situation to each other. The way they explained so much of their decisions, the way they felt. Ahhhh. Sara's 'she committed suicide' after was a little bit oh! Well. Right.
- this school is a little bit nuts to me. Don't get me wrong, obviously we are talking crazy money here but my god the events they have and the way they do meals and classes sometimes has me cracking up. Every time they stood when a teacher entered I just thought back to my school days when we barely looked in their direction 😅🤣
- every single fighting Wilmon scene broke my heart. The one in the locker room where Simon admits he might not be able to handle Wille and his position? Euuurrgghh hit me good, angst.
- August on the phone with jan-Olof (lemme hear you say old annoying guy!) When he asks August if he did anything thst wouod cause issue and August did nearly every single one 🤣🤣
Okay, this post is already ridiculous but I needed to express my feelings. I will abuse that repeat button on so many episodes. I really adored 6 - it was so drama full. But 4 was also a really great episode. Please, please give us season 3! Wilmon endgame is coming. I think there is still a crazy good story still there to unroll. I mean Wille's speech and Sara's decision alone require some resolution! Gimme gimme!
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jimothysomebody · 2 years
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My nutcracker collection (read, unhinged and unchecked hoarding) has finally reached triple digits. 103, and counting.
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milky-fixx · 2 years
some of y’all really do start the most trivial drama and hot takes™️ when truly we should be arguing over why everyone thinks bakugou knows where the clit is
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one thing about me is i will restart the song if youtube saved my place as .5 seconds in
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howldean · 2 years
gender communications homework is to watch a form of visual media and write about masculine and feminine speech patterns. somebody please give me the most batshit supernatural episode you can think of so i can dissect this bitch love and light
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From here X
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Lyric finds himself in the shadow of a person who at this point in time was much larger than himself. He turns to face them, nervously at first and takes a couple of steps back curling his bushy tail around himself.
The moment he spots the nut mix however his posture changed with tail now wiggling quickly behind him and eyes wide and fixed to their hand.
"Is that nut mix? I love nut mix!!" The squirrel bounds over and climbs onto their wrist to eat the nut mix from their palm.
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