#girl is having a DAY in both her verses pFT--
iiguess · 1 year
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It was platonic and he didn't mean it. It was platonic and he didn't mean it. It was platonic and he didn't mean i—-
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Limerence [M] ︳21
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Pairing: Zuko x OC
AU: Adult-Verse
Genre: Romance, mainly fluff with future smut, and if you squint hard enough - you’ll find some angst.
Rating: SFW
Words: 5400+
Notes: Fair warning - tomorrow’s chapter is yummy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Masterlist ︳20 ︳ 22 [M]
❤ Buy me a coffee? ❤
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Limerence: (English/n.) the state of being infatuated with another person.
The moment their eyes locked they knew - the flames within him twisted while the water within her turned. It was a connection, a connection that would lead to love, adventure, and drama.
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Coup d'etat
(French/n.) A sudden decisive exercise of power in politics.
~ Azula ~
            “You never told me your brother was sleeping with a fine ass bitch like that – the last time I checked, he was with that grump.” Kayto hummed as he flicked his long delicate fingers upwards, a smirk painting his face as he lazily lounged against the wall of the mountainside. The sun was shining radiantly and cast shadows amongst Kayto’s figure, highlighting the faint brown undertones in his black hair. “Did you see the ass on her? And those red pouty lips, mhmm- the things I would do to that little flower. Just bend her over and-”
            “Watch your tongue, boy.” Yakone hissed. The first words he spoke since we’ve met up. I couldn’t help, but grin, entertained at the hostility Yakone showed towards Kayto. It was fascinating how stingy Yakone has become of Zuzu’s girlfriend since he found out that she is his deceased sister’s daughter. Maybe for once in his damn life – he was starting to form a heart.
            Kayto’s eyes widen, taken off guard from the growl that erupted deep in Yakone’s chest, but in a flash, he beamed, “Ahh, you already claimed her? You do know – ‘sharing is caring’ Yakone. I wouldn’t mind sharing a beauty like her.” Kayto chuckled, pushing back his long locks, but Yakone scoffed.
            “That’s my niece; you’re so eager to fuck.”
            Kayto’s body tensed, no longer leaning against the mountainside as he stood up straight, “No offence Yakone – but she’s far too stunning to have any relation to such a brut like yourself.”
            “He’s saying the truth you fool,” I mumbled out, my arms crossed. Kayto frowned, stepping forward, “And when were you going to tell me this? Kind of important information, wouldn’t you think?” I smiled innocently as Yakone crossed his arms and leaned against the rocks, “You have one job boy – make sure your idiot of a brother-in-law doesn’t sign those papers. If they build that damn new Nation, I'll make sure you never see the light of day again.”
            Kayto sighed heavily, not taking Yakone’s threat at all serious, and dramatically patted his head, “I don’t see why it matters. Let them build the damn Nation – it means more money and goods to steal.”
            “You’re an idiot.” Yakone grumbled, but Kayto just snickered, “And why so? There’s really isn’t much reason not to let them play builders.”
            “Do you know what’ll happen if they build that Nation?” Yakone hissed irritably. The way the vein in his head pulsed with impatience as his hands fisted into a tight ball, he was annoyed at the nobleman, and I couldn’t help but watch them entertained. Keeping to the sideline as they argued between each other.
            “You think it’ll be easy to loot? If that Nation is built we’ll be going against not one, but a united force of all the damn Nations. The closer these Nations work together, the harder it is on us.” Yakone growled as he stepped forward, “We need to make sure the Nations don’t work together. Make them fight one another. Ozai was right about one thing – this world is about survival. I’ll kill and destroy anything to make sure I come out on top, and the best way to do that is from the underbelly, but I wouldn’t mind killing that bastard Zuko along the way. I want him dead.”
            Kayto frowned, his hand tightly gripping the front of his shirt as he watched Yakone, wise man to be afraid of Yakone. Yakone was a tyrant – and while I may not show it or ever voice it, even I know my place with him. “You’re a savage Yakone.” Kayto scowled, before turning on his heel, “I’m leaving, I got a meeting with your favourite man – Zuko.”
            “Don’t let your King sign those papers and try not to be such a horn dog, or else,” Yakone warned, waving his fingers tauntingly, showing how easy it would be for him to bend us against our will with a flick of his wrist. Kayto simply shrugged, “I get it. Azula-”
            I nodded my head, watching the way Kayto grinned wickedly, “Any message you want me to relay to your dear brother?” He mused. I laughed, pushing my hair back as I pointed my chin upwards, “Don’t worry. I plan on visiting him. Some brother-sister bonding time, it’s important, after all.” Kayto snickered before leaving. His green robes blended in with the shrubbery around us as if he was taking a pleasant morning stroll.
            I shifted my weight as I gazed at the back of Yakone. He was crouched, looking over the ridge, seemingly interested in watching the rays of the sun twirling along the trees - the water from the two-day rainfall was glistening under the sun. It was odd, how such a cold-hearted being ostensibly enjoyed the view of nature – who would’ve thought he was a nature lover…
            “You want to kill my brother, hmm?” I spoke. Yakone didn’t flinch a bit, still crouched over as he gazed beyond the horizon. “And you wish to kill my niece.” He spoke flatly. I frowned as I kicked the dirt underneath my feet, walking over to him, “Nothing personal, she just happens to be the wick I need to destroy my brother.”
            Yakone scoffed, before straightening out and turning to face me, “And your brother is the target of my plan. It seems like we’ve gotten ourselves in a bit of a stalemate, huh?” I scoffed - the irony. We both seek the same things – yet the outcome we desired was entirely different.
            Yakone wanted Zuko dead while I wanted him alive.
            I wanted Ying Yue dead, while he seeks to protect her – the last living relative of his.
            I let my hand gently wander down his chest as I hummed to myself, “...It would seem so…stalemate.”
~ Ying Yue Jiang ~
            “And then the next thing you know Suki is completely covered in mud!” Toph shouted, tears in my eyes as we laughed hysterically down the halls. Suki flushed in embarrassment as she swung her arms around as if she could somehow deflect the humiliation from her, “GOSH. IT WAS ONE TIME.” Suki cried out frustratingly. I grinned as I bumped my hip against hers, “Not fun being teased, huh?” I snickered.
            Suki rolled her eyes, linking her arms with me as we giggled loudly amongst ourselves. Today was girls night since I cancelled last minute the other day. The whole ‘confessing my feelings to Zuko’ was a lot, and today, I felt comfortable enough to tell the girls the details. And it was also a chance to ask for some more…personal and intimate advice involving me, Zuko, and hopefully, the bedroom. Gosh, since when did I crave physical intimacy like this?
            Toph laughed as she stomped forward, “Well, let’s go to the wine cellar and grab some bottles to bring to the spa.”
            “I didn’t know Zuko offered some wine for us; I have to thank him later,” I spoke with a smile. But Suki snorted, “Uhh, I wouldn’t mention it…since he didn’t really offer…more like we know where he hides the good stuff, and we’re going to borrow some for tonight.” My eyes widen as I looked at Toph and Suki, “We can’t steal wine from the kingdom!” I screeched. Toph shrugged, “I don’t think it’s stealing…we’re bringing back the bottles...”
            “Empty?” I argued.                      
            “Hey, at least we returned most of it, right?”
            I mentally facepalmed, I swear these two drink far more than acceptable. “We just had lunch, isn’t it a bit early to get drunk?” Suki grinned madly, “It’s never to early to drink. Let’s go, Princess; we got some bottles to drink and some gossip to share~!” I couldn’t help but giggle once again, snuggling up into her arm as we skipped along the kingdom. But a broad set of doors and people standing in front caught my attention. “Hey…isn’t that…”
            “They’re already done the meeting?” Suki questioned. Toph stopped walking, “Seems so, I can feel them all leaving the room.” I scanned about, seeing our boys standing in front, yet the looks on their faces seemed far from happy. Aang and Sokka looked defeated, their shoulders’ slumped as they muttered to themselves, noticeably exasperated. But my eyes trailed behind them, Zuko standing with his arms crossed as he listened to whatever they hushed about.
            Although his face remained neutral, I knew better. His clenched jaw and pursed lips; Zuko was pissed. “Let’s go see…” I muttered as we slowly strolled towards them. I knew the boys were having trouble. Zuko came back to bed last night, seemingly as frustrated as he was now. Apparently, the Earth King refused to accept the construction of the new Nation, and that was before they even discussed the funding. Don’t tell me the King refused to sign the papers once again…that would be another day wasted.
            Aang spotted us, his face brightening up, but more importantly, he seemed relieved to see me. “Yue is everything between you and – you know, okay?” Aang whispered as he walked over to me and enveloped me in an embrace, “It’s perfect, tell you about it later?” I whispered back, Aang nodded, “Good, I had a feeling. Zuko’s been smiling all morning – it’s scary.” I snorted as Aang moved along, walking over to greet Suki and Toph.
            Sokka, in an instant, ruffled my hair, “Hey Princess. You guys drunk yet?” I blushed sheepishly as I slapped his chest, of course, he has to ruin my hair.
            “Come on – girls night doesn’t always involve getting drunk.”
            “Pft, tell me one girls night where one of you haven’t gotten completely plastered.” I opened my mouth to argue but to be fair; he had a point. With a huff, I danced away from Sokka, not bothering to hide the fact that I was searching for one man in particular. As my eyes gazed about, they finally fell upon the real reason why I came here.
            I waltzed towards him, my hands delicately falling upon Zuko’s chest, feeling the silk underneath my fingertips. The way his amber coloured eyes shinnied and his shoulders relax sent a smile on my face, his hands cupping my own, “Love…” Zuko muttered as he softly kissed my forehead.
            “Rough meeting?”
            “He won’t sign the fucking papers.” Zuko spat under his breath, making sure that the Earth Nation advisors who were standing outside with us didn’t overhear. I sighed, Zuko seemed stressed, I could feel it in his touch. “What’s stopping him?”
            Zuko huffed painstakingly loud, “That fucking asshole – Kayto. The Earth King seems pleased with the idea, and every time we think we sealed the deal, that asshole whispers into the King’s ear like a little devil on his shoulder. I swear, I’m gonna kill him myself.”
            I sighed, letting my hand gently caress Zuko’s face, trying to soothe him. This was beyond worrying – Zuko needed the Earth King to sign those documents. Sure, Zuko could just build the Nation without his acceptance, but we all knew that would be another thorn between the two Nations. “I’m sorry; I want to help-”
            “No. You stay out of this – I don’t trust that asshole one bit, something about it feels…strange.”
            “But Zuko-”
            “I said no love, be a good girl and listen,” Zuko demanded, cupping my chin tightly and forcing me to look at him. His soft lips barely brushed against mine as I pouted defeatedly, my cheeks glowing at his tone, I’m such a sucker for this man.
            There was just something about his overbearing presence that had me yearning for more, and based on the way Zuko’s hand mischievously trailed along my back, he knew just as well. Every faint touch of his seemed to etch itself into my skin, my body craving more. Without much thought, my fingers found it’s way down Zuko’s broad chest, feeling the way it rose with every breath and the muscles that lurked underneath his robes. “Don’t tease babe; I’m not exactly feeling patient today.” Zuko groaned with bated breath.
            “Maybe that’s the point…” I kittenishly muttered back. Zuko licked his lips slowly, eyes narrowed, as his hand trailed along my lower back, “Babe-” Zuko warned, but I could hear the hint of neediness lingering as he spoke between bitten lips. Gosh, how much I want him to touch me, do something - anything.
            “This is outrageous! How about I talk with the King?” Suki groaned loudly. I jumped.
            So caught up with Zuko, I idiotically forgot that the gang was here, right beside us. “The Kyoshi warriors have served him many times; he’ll probably hear me out.” Suki continued.
            Zuko grinned, watching the way I flushed realizing how out right needy I was being, letting lust take over for a split moment. His grasp loosened, and I found myself turning on my heel and letting my body rest against his. I hope no one noticed-
            “Look at you – I haven’t done a single thing, and you’re all hot and bothered.” Zuko teased lowly into my ear. I didn’t think twice as I anxiously crossed my arms and puffed up, “S-shut up.” I muttered harshly, listening to the gang speak amongst themselves, although nothing stuck with me.
            I could hear Zuko chuckle in my ear, the way his chest hummed in enjoyment as his arms snaked around my waist. Every gesture of his had me quivering – no matter how innocent his gesture was. What’s wrong with me? But I snorted to myself; I knew exactly what was wrong with me – I had an agonizing craving for a particular man named Zuko. And every day was just another tease of what could happen. Of what I could experience – and it seems like I’m reaching my breaking point. Oh, the irony - I was supposedly the patient one, the one with the best self-control in the relationship. Ha, self-control my ass.
            “That’s not the problem; it’s his brother-in-law,” Sokka moaned, seemingly in response to whatever Suki had said earlier. Aang huffed exasperatingly as he crossed his arms, “I don’t get why Kayto hates the thought of a United Nation – it’s the least we could do to prevent another pointless war – no offence Zuko.” I could feel Zuko shrug from behind me, “None taken.”
            Suki sighed, “Sorry guys, I don’t know what I can do to help. The whole voyage here, I was rooting for you.”
            “We could get Princess to just flirt with Kayto; he seemed to like you.” Toph blurted without a care in the world.
            Within seconds my eyes widen, and I could literally hear and feel Zuko revolt in disgust, “Over my fucking body she will.” Zuko hissed furiously. Toph shrugged her shoulders, “Whatever, from the party, it seemed like he had the hots for her. Let the Princess strut her stuff.”
            Toph knew, and I found a cold sweat start, gosh. While I loved Toph’s abilities to Earthbend, sometimes it proved intrusive – could she feel Zuko and me fighting that night? Wait…can she tell that I’m all bothered because of Zuko right now? I could feel my cheeks get all rosy once again as I twiddled with my fingers, I swear she knows more than she lets up.
             “I prefer to build the Nation and cause another pointless war than to let him place a single hand on her.” Zuko huffed possessively, the grip around my waist tighten. His fingers dug into my dress, pulling me so close to his chest I could feel Zuko’s heartbeat on my back, “I’m not telling her to sleep with the guy, I’m saying flirt. Some sweet talk, you know- play politics.” I groaned as I pulled at Zuko’s hands, “You’re hurting me~!” I whined from underneath his grasp, “S-sorry love.” Zuko grumbled shyly as he loosened up his grip. I’m not jealous he says  – pft.
            “Speaking of the devil…” Suki whispered harshly, facing us with wide eyes.
            I would be lying if I said Kayto wasn’t anything but handsome – because he was just that. He could effortlessly be the poster model for the Earth Nation with his glowing tanned skin and emerald eyes. If one didn’t know better, they would easily swoon over him. Kayto had such a way with words, flirting - but no amount of good looks or charming smiles could hide the appalling personality that lurked underneath. He was a playboy, that much I could figure out. The way he coolly flirted with the maids, he could make any woman, or man for that matter, weak in the knees.
            A low growl erupted from Zuko’s chest from spotting Kayto waltz out of the room, a flirtatious smile painting his face as his eyes briefly lined up with mine. “Oh, relax, will you – what are you, a lion?” I grumbled while trying to smile back at Kayto politely – it’s all politics after all. I could hear Zuko click his tongue against his teeth and snarl into my ear, “Do I look like a fucking kitten to you?”
            “Well if I do recall, you were the one letting me play with your hair all morning.” I smugly retorted. Toph snorted, “She got you there your highness.”
            “If you wanna play like that, don’t forget that lions pounce on their prey – devours them whole.” I gasped and keenly bit my lip feeling Zuko’s teeth against my ear. The jolt of pleasure that ran up my spine caught me off guard, I can’t believe he’s seriously doing this right now- “Z-Zuko-” I gasped, and I could feel the growing smirk on his lips, “How about I show you how well I can eat you up.”
            “Zu-Zuko. N-not now…” I tried my hardest to whimper out, my hands tightly holding his, fighting back the moan that desperately wanted to bubble out.
            “Funny, you seemed quite eager just a few moments ago, babe.”
            “I-It’s girls night.” I blubbered, his teasing nibbles along my neck, coaxing me into wanting to forget about girls night altogether and spend the rest of the day with Zuko. But as the words slipped out of my mouth, within a flash, Zuko pulled away – did I say something wrong?
            “I swear I’ll lock you all up in jail if you steal wine from the fucking cellar again.” Zuko snickered, doing a complete 180. My eyes widen, and I could feel my wrist being pulled, Suki tugged me away from Zuko, “Sorry, what was that? Take as many bottles as we want? Awe, you’re the best!” Suki giggled.
            Within a flash, Toph sprinted away with Suki hauling me along. I looked over my shoulder, Zuko bearing the biggest grin of his face as we dashed. But I could feel my heart flutter realizing what he mouthed to me as I dashed down the corridors, ‘I love you.’
             I giggled, time for some sweet-sweet revenge for all of that damn teasing.
            “LOVE YOU TOO, ZUZU~!” I shouted.
            Zuko’s cheeks flushed red as Sokka and Aang looked at him with bug eyes. Despite the growing distance, I could hear all the commotion Aang and Sokka were causing, “You said it - You finally told her?!”
            “You love my innocent little sister!?” Sokka shouted.
            I knew Zuko was going to kick my ass tonight when we went to bed, but seeing the way he blushed was totally worth it – I really do love you.
              “We have six bottles – isn’t that just a tiny bit, overboard?” I questioned timidly as I watched Suki and Toph carry them tightly to their chests. The grins on their faces told me otherwise, “Overboard? Oh please, wait till you come to the Earth Nation – then we’ll show you a mighty fine time.” Toph snickered. I gulped loudly as I pushed two bottles of wine against my chest, suddenly the thought of visiting them in the Earth Nation seems both enthralling and damaging to my liver.
            Maids and guards observed us with faces of delight, watching us carry these bottles of alcohol to the spa area. The sunlight seeped through the windows, a nice change from the terrible rain storms we have gotten over the past days. It would be nice if Zuko and I could go for a nighttime stroll…or maybe go to the hot springs together – to relax…
            “What the- what happened?” Toph shouted.
            Suki and I stopped dead in our tracks, hearing the absolute terror in Toph’s voice. We sharply turned around to look over at Toph, her mouth almost hit the floor as she clenched at the bottles so tightly, her fingers were turning white, “W-what are you-”
            “The Waterfall. I-It’s gone. What happened?”
            Toph’s brows were furrowed together as her feet were firmly planted on the ground, I turned my head to the side, and sure enough – we were right in front of the gardens. “Does this have something to do with your scar - why you lied about it the other day?” Toph groused. Suki turned to face me, her eyes wide, “What? Why would you lie about a scar- the waterfall, why didn’t you or Zuko-”
            “We didn’t want to worry you guys. Zuko did an investigation, and it was just an accident.”
            “An accident? Bullshit. I’m an Earthbender Yue – I can tell you’re lying.”
            “I’m not lying.” I huffed anxiously, and for the first time, I spoke my true feelings revolving that fateful day. “I’m telling you the truth - what I know…but…I don’t believe what Zuko told me. He didn’t seem so sure about it himself. I would’ve annoyed him, but I was too hurt to bother and-”
            “Too hurt? What in the world happened!?” Shrieked Suki. I opened my mouth and closed it, great - this was not how I expected girls night to go. “Does Sokka and Aang know? They have to know, why didn’t you guys say something-” Suki cried, I pouted as I anxiously bit my lip. Why did I have to be the person to tell them? Ughhh – my damn luck!
            “Let me explain, from the start,” I muttered. Without realizing, I found myself guiding them towards the wreckage.
            Zuko didn’t bother tidying up the zone, merely bordering it off from the gardens. It’s not like he had time to fix it, between my party and the Earth King’s arrival, this was the least of his worries. It was eerie, despite the sun beaming radiantly and the blooming flowers surrounding us, seeing the waterfall in nothing but piles of stone with some flowing water felt wrong. Just days ago Kiyi and I were feeding the turtle ducks together, just moments ago I was under those piles of rocks trying to save innocent children.
            “Were any of the kids hurt?” Suki questioned, a giant frown on her face as she gazed aimlessly at the debris. The look of pure shock in her eyes as she observed the destruction, I couldn’t blame her one bit. It looked terrible, just a giant pile of mess. I shook my head as I anxiously gripped the bottles tighter to my chest, “N-no but Zuko did an investigation, and the guards said it was nothing more than-”
            “A natural erosion of the rocks – leading to a landslide.” Toph finished.
            Suki and I sharply turned to her. The whole time Toph was silent, not one snarky or sarcastic remark escaped her. Letting the bottles lay on the grass, she hunched over, her hands firmly placed against the ground. Her fingers dug into the ground, concentrating intensely as if she was feeling or searching for something. “That’s what they wanted to make it seem like – an accident.”
            “What do you mean by them, Toph.” Suki interrogated. I could feel my gut drop; she can’t possibly be hinting at what I think she is. “It wasn’t an accident. Someone tried to hurt, or worse, kill you, Yue. Or you were at least a target. It would make the most sense.”
            “Toph. That’s a big accusation you’re saying.” Suki spoke - her tone low, trying to be cautious. It was terrifying to see Suki sober and Toph speaking calmly. Kill me? Please be a foolish joke. “I-I, don’t understand.” I whimpered, looking at the rocks, was it true? Did I actually see someone that day at the top of the waterfall? Was it really a person and not just a figure of my imagination. Oh my gosh-
            “I can feel it; they built tiny pockets of space in the foundation of the waterfall. Whoever did this, they hired some Earthbenders – skilled ones at that. Anyone could stand at the top of the falls, and with a little kick, cause it to all come crumbling down, destroying almost all evidence with it…” Toph muttered, before standing up straight and wiping her dirty hands against her shirt. “Who else knew?” Toph asked.
            “Knew what?” I gasped out. My chest felt tight as if I couldn’t get in enough air into my lungs.
            “About you guys feeding the turtle ducks at the waterfall.”
            “N-no one. It was an idea Kiyi told me, and I asked Zuko if it was okay, and he said sure, and Lia put the food down for us during my ceremony.” Toph hissed as she stomped her feet against the dirt, “No. That’s not right. Someone else would've had to know. Yue, this was an inside job. Someone in the kingdom is a rat.” I took another deep breath, gazing at the rocks. I could feel the blood rushing to my head as I tried to let their assumptions sink in.
            This was insane.
            This can’t be true; I knew a few people were upset by the rumours that I was a Waterbender, but to think they would kill me over it? That’s crazy. “But why. Why target Yue? It hasn’t even been a full month since she’s been living here- the people love her! Did you forget about the articles petitioning for Zuko to marry Yue soon?” Suki argued.
            “I don’t know… we’re missing something. But what…” Toph muttered to herself as she moved her feet against the ground. “We need to tell Zuko. We need to increase security-”
            “No.” Toph sternly spoke. Suki frowned, “Why not? There may be a killer on the loose, and clearly they have no moral boundaries if they’re willing to kill children.”
            “If we tighten security, then they know that we know. We need to act natural. Resume our day as if we discovered nothing. We’ll tell Zuko, but that’s it. From now on, we keep a lookout for anything out of the norm.”
            “And the Earth King?” Suki pestered. Toph shrugged, “He’s fine. This is a personal attack. Whoever planned this seems most interested in our Princess…”
            “Hey… you okay?” Suki spoke softly, turning to me. It was then I realized I hadn’t uttered a word. I felt cold, my hands shaking. Someone wanted to kill me – how the hell am I supposed to react to that? But I found myself going back to one single thought over and over again - if they were willing to hurt Kiyi or Zuko to get to me…does that mean…
            “Toph. Be honest with me.” I spoke quietly.
            Toph frowned, waiting for my question, “Am I a danger to Zuko? If I stay, will Zuko get hurt because of me?” I could see Suki look at Toph, worry painting her face, anticipating for the answer. With a giant sigh, Toph crossed her arms, “Zuko is smart and skillful – you’ll be stupid to underestimate him. He’s a king for a reason, and from now on, I advise you stick to him.”
            “But is there a chance that he’ll get hurt.” I pressed on. Toph huffed once more as she impatiently tapped her foot, “It doesn’t matter whether or not he may or may not get hurt. Because whether or not he’s willing to risk his life for you isn’t something you can decide for him, it’s his choice – his life. Would you be willing to risk your life for him?”
            “Of course-”
            “Then you answered your damn question. You guys love each other, right? That’s what you screamed out to him before we left - right?” I huffed, my fingers digging into the labels wrapped around these bottles, “Yeah…I-I love him.”
            “And the moment you screamed that his heart went bonkers. So stop asking stupid questions, that man is crazy about you. We’ll talk to him about this ‘murder on the loose’ stuff tomorrow; we have a girls night to celebrate.”
            “You really think we can wait to talk with the boys till tomorrow…?” Suki asked, anxiously looking back and forth between what was left of the waterfall and us. Toph just sighed, leaning over to grab the bottles that she laid on the ground, “We survived this long haven’t we? If whoever really wanted to do something, they would’ve done it already. Clearly, they’re waiting for something, so let’s act natural and just go on with our day. It'd be more obvious if we made a fuss about it.”
            Suki sighed, taking in a deep breath before letting her shoulders relax. And just like that, a huge smile painted her face, “Let’s go have some fun.” It was my turn to pout as I sullenly huffed to myself, trying hard to breathe and not let my emotions run rampant. “You expect girls night to resume like normal? As if there isn’t someone trying to kill or hurt me?” I hissed out furiously.
            Toph shrugged, walking over to me, and it was then I noticed, one of the bottles was uncorked. “Nope, that’s why we start drinking now. Take a swing Princess, because today is going to be our last before murder-mystery-game-night starts.” I let out a shaky breath; this is absolutely insane. But despite my survival instincts screaming at me to run to Zuko now and hide for my dear life, I found myself dropping my bottles and grabbing Toph’s.
            One giant bitter tasting swing and a silent curse, I pushed the bottle back to Toph, “Let’s have a girls night.” I hiccupped, feeling a faint burn run down my throat after chugging a good bit down, certainly not how wine is intended to be drunken may I add. But before Toph could put the cork back into the bottle, Suki quickly reached over, and took a giant swing of her own, “I really needed that.” Suki sighed, and Toph snickered, also stealing a massive swing.
            Toph lazily wiped her mouth with her sleeve, before light-heartedly swinging the bottle side to side, “See, one bottle down, five more to go. Easy stuff.”
            “Toph…” I mumbled, “What’s up, Princess?”
            “…six bottles doesn’t seem like enough.” Suki and Toph laughed, wrapping a free arm around my waist, squishing me in between them. “You’re safe with us. Zuko will throw a temper tantrum should anything happen to you.”
            “Thanks, guys…”      
            “That’s what sisters are for.” Suki gushed, and surprisingly enough, Toph grunted in agreeance, “Now let’s start talking about why you and Zuko haven’t done the damn deed yet. What are you guys waiting for? Are you trying to be the next ‘Katara and Aang’ and wait for years?”
            Toph groaned loudly, “Don’t get me started; you don’t even want to know what these two nasties were doing earlier.” I blushed furiously while Suki gasped, “This is it! Operation ‘get Princess laid’ is officially in the works!”
            I sighed.
            I should’ve left with Zuko when I had the chance.
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Copyright © 2019 Mystic-Kitten, inc. all rights reserved. No reposting, modifying, or translations of any kind allowed. Thank you for your cooperation. 
Disclaimer: I do not own any Avatar characters portrayed in this story besides Ying Yue Jiang, Lia, Kima, and any future creations.
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