#girl max
drivestraight · 1 month
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graveltrapping · 1 month
Female Max Verstappen/Daniel Ricciardo | Reintroductions
People had told Daniel a lot of things about Max before they reintroduced them after her sudden move up to the Senior Team.
They told him that she was young.
They told him she was a good driver.
They told him her dad liked to hang around a lot. (He was apparently nastier than she was)
Mostly, they told Daniel that Max was a little funny looking and a little mean. Angry and aggressive, thoughtless energy and pent up frustration directed at people who so much as looked at her wrong or said something she didn't like, lots of bark with a nasty bite.
He kind of gets what they're saying when they're finally face to face.
She's sitting in a chair in the back of the room, heels resting on the edge of the seat so her knees are pressed to her chest, arms wrapped around her calves. Her hands, big with long and slim fingers, dig into her own forearms that are covered by an oversized Red Bull hoody to keep her legs in place so she can balance her chin on her knees. Her chin is spotty, pink fleshy bumps rising over her jaw with a couple angry red ones dotted along her temples and forehead that the shaggy blonde hair sticking out from under her cap can't hide.
Her nose is hawkish, a rigid straight line compared to the roundness of her cheek, still full of baby fat she can't seem to shake. Her eyes are squinted despite being shaded by the flat brim of her cap, and sit a little far apart but Daniel can't help but find it strangely charming. Makes her look slightly like a cat. A little odd looking, not fully grown into herself yet, body still a little out of proportion, she looks like the teenager she is.
None of that nastiness people whispered about.
If anything she looked relaxed.
Melting into herself as she basked in the sun that came through the freshly polished window, blue eyes fluttering closed. Daniel cant help but smile when her cheek squished up as she rested it against her own bicep, eyes going crinkly.
He had seen Max around before. A scowl had seemed to have been carved into her face the moment she stepped into the paddock, brows pulled together tightly with her lips nearly curling into a snarl. Shoulders hunched, back rigid, face cold and blank.
She looked softer now.
Daniel wondered if her meanness would melt away in the sun as well, if she would smile a him the way she did when they first officially met at a karting event all those years ago. She had been smaller then, barely reaching his shoulder, where now she was a couple centimetres taller with a broadness to her shoulders that was intimidating.
"You ready to say hi?" Christian hummed as he stepped up to Daniels side.
Christian had always liked Max, lobbied for her again and again and again despite the backlash of wanting to put an 'angry little girl' in a car with enough horse power to tear up tarmac and shred metal. He had followed her through the feeder series, steadfast in the decision of her skipping F2, and watched her closely through every race in the Toro Rosso.
Danile grinned "Hell yeah"
At the sound of their footsteps, Max's eyes flicker open and squint cutely against the light. They widen when she sees them coming closer, feet dropping down clumsily to the floor as so fast her sneakers squeaking against the linoleum, while her hands rub across her denim clad thigh nervously. He can see a mottled blush being to rise over her pimpled cheeks. Agin, bathed in the sun and drowning in a hoody a few sizes too big, she looked as sweet as sugar. She shifted nervously. Weight swaying from one foot to the other, blue eyes shimmering with something like excitement. The corners of her mouth began to twitch upwards.
Instead it purses and draws tighter when her dad suddenly steps up beside her. A hand, big and branding, lands on her shoulder.
Daniel says hi to her, grinning and laying the compliment on thick, sweet like sunshine and as soft as butter. He amps up his charm to 100 and lets Christian do all the 'political' schmoozing, boasting about her accomplishment as if she wasn't the one the lived them while bragging about the team she was moving up too and how everyone was so excited to have her around. The whizkid, the rookie, the golden girl.
Max doesn't so much as smile.
The hand on her shoulder looks heavy.
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maxybabyy · 11 months
inspired by this gif
He shows her a photo first. It’s not the one that he ends up ordering, but it’s close enough; the same pleated skirt but the cut of the shirt is different, the colour scheme changed too. Max, half distracted by the sim race she’s trying to join, says, “This is of course very American of you, Daniel.”
“Yeah? Did you bring the ears from last year then?” He asks and makes her squeeze further into the corner until there’s almost no space between them. “Gonna be a kitty cat again, Maxy?”
“For this, I will need also the –“ she says after squinting at the screen. She claps her hands enthusiastically and throws them up in a high V, the controller left in her lap. “The sparkly things for my hands, no? I think this will be very important, Daniel.”  
“I will get you some pompoms, baby.” He says, pulls her into a kiss when her hands still haven’t come down. “Maybe then you can do a little routine for me, yeah? Show me who you’re really cheering for?”
In the end, Max is let into the discord call and is allowed to join the race – even if she is away from her sim set-up. Daniel sits beside her and looks through uniform options, tries not to lose himself in the images of her on her knees, skirt spread wide over her thighs as she sucks his cock.
Max has a last-minute shoot with Red Bull, so he meets up with some of the others for a drink or two before the party.
It’s fine, if a bit uneventful. None of them has put much effort into their costumes. Alex looks great, but only when his girlfriend stays close enough to add complexity to the otherwise bland costume.
Max has been live blogging the shoot in their texts, another fluff piece to take the heat off Checo’s race in Mexico. And then at the end, sent just over an hour ago, a picture of the pompoms Daniel had made sure to order resting on a wide shot of Max’s thigh in the backseat of a car.
Daniel hadn’t replied, didn’t see it until now, but. He goes, downs the cup of shitty but expensive vodka and makes his excuses to Lando, who hasn’t stopped staring at both Oscar and Carlos at either end of the room like he’s at a fucking tennis match.
Max has her own drink in hand when he finds her, straw sucked deep in her mouth as she nods at whatever Charles is saying. Her cheeks are flushed, and she’s obviously having a good time if the way she’s smiling is anything to go by. She must know he’s watching because she turns to look at him, eyes bright as she waves the pompom at him.
She looks fucking amazing.
The uniform fits perfectly, and even with the sensible white long sleeve that she’s wearing underneath, she looks fucking hot. When it came in the mail, he hadn’t told her it was a Chicago Bulls costume; the ‘Bulls’ on her chest the closest thing to Red Bull he could find. But he looks at her now and thinks, ‘Maybe they should do a rebrand.’
She’s wearing the same sneakers that she always is, black and practical, and her hair is tied back in her usual high pony, only this time with a striped ribbon instead of a beige hair tie. It shouldn’t be as hot as it is, but Max has always been in a league of her own. In racing, in life, in Daniel’s heart –
“Hey there, pretty lady,” he says and leans in close when Charles has escaped with a choked-up laugh. “I would offer you a drink, but someone already beat me to it, huh?”
Max lets out a laugh, shakes her head. “We are of course not in Austin anymore, Daniel.”
There’s a smushed ‘3’ painted on her cheek in red; the font unlike what is usually used for jersey numbers, and instead oddly reminiscent of what it would look like on the RB19.
“Did you come here from the big game too?” He asks instead and puts a hand on her waist, his thumb poking under the fabric to rest against her skin. “Bet your team won real easy with all the attention on you, pretty girl. Hardly any eyes on the ball, I reckon.”
“Daniel! It was only golf with Checo. Always, he was very interested in the game, I think, but –“
Daniel breaks her off with a kiss when he cannot help himself anymore, pulls her closer to his chest for a moment before he steps back. “Did you come here with a boyfriend? A friend, maybe?”
Max stares at him, teeth biting into a lip that must have been painted red once. There’s still a bit of lipstick left, maybe there’s something on him now too. She must see something in his face, because she says, flushed, “Tonight, it is just me from the – the big game, of course.”
“Yeah? No quarterback waiting for you at home? I bet you looked hot cheering for your team,” he says, looks at the hand now wrapped around his neck, the pompom resting loosely against his chest. Max gives it a little shake over her head, the rustle loud in their tiny self-imposed space.
“It was a very lovely game, that,” Max hums, rubs at the eye black on his cheek. “The team, I think, is very good this year. We can of course win the ra – “ she takes a sip of her drink to hide the stumble, glares at Daniel when he laughs at her. “I can do the pyramid very well, so we will win the next match also.”
Daniel does want to hear more about Max’s ideas of cheerleading competitions, of the trophies and championships she would have won in that too. But more than that, he wants to drag her into the bathroom and make her come; fuck her open and loose so when they get back to the hotel, he can fuck her right.
“That’s your type then? Athletes?” He asks. He doesn’t kiss her, but he wants to, knows she wants it too. But they’re so close, almost there.
“It is very hot, I think, when they are also into the sport,” she says, her breath hitching when his free hand finds its way under her skirt, to the almost non-existent thong she has on. “When they are very good, I think that is very lovely also.”
“Do you have a favourite? Someone you’re just dying to meet, to fuck?”
Max whines softly, presses against the leg Daniel has shoved in between her thighs, “You are so stupid Daniel,” she says, breathy and hoarse. “You look of course very handsome in your little outfit, but always race car drivers are the –“
He kisses her, doesn’t let her finish. 
They’ve strayed from the plan; from the loose script he had in his head. But Daniel doesn’t care, feels greedy with it that even in this – drunk and unserious as they pretend to be people they aren’t – Max still cannot pick someone else, someone who isn’t fully and completely him.
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laura1633 · 3 months
do you like the version more where max is a girl or the wake up and be one more ?
I always ask myself what happen when he switched back or what if he doesn’t?
Personally I do prefer stories where Max suddenly wakes up as a girl, it's something I would like to write if I ever found the time.
I've never actually read anything where he has randomly switched and then never been able to switch back though!! Thats really interesting and a whole new take on it. I guess that could end up being a lot more angsty.
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obbsessedfan · 1 year
I would just like to say that girls named Max in TV shows and books are amazing and always slay. Ex. Max in the Inheritance Games, Max from Stranger Things, and Max from Ginny and Georgia. I rest my case.
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danifesting · 10 months
Rule 63 Maxiel :)))))
So this is an f/f fic I have been marinating on almost the entire time I have been in this fandom.
A little snippet: So Max kisses her in the middle of the dance floor, bodies pressing them close together. For a blissful minute, it's like everything in Max's world shifts into place and she knows herself for the first.
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beechersnope · 1 year
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Good Battle
“I think you should make it up to me,” Max tells him. “For what you did in the sprint. And after, when you were—what’s it called? Trash-talking me?”
“Just a bit of banter,” George manages through heavy panting breaths. “You called me a dickhead, remember?”
“You are a dickhead."
George/Max, E, 1.9k
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crow-caller · 29 days
as a child there's nothing cooler than a kid who gets subjected to evil experiments and gains special abilities. it's even cooler if these abilities also cause unfathomable suffering to use/against others. children love stories like this.
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Everyone “hates” Mike in the FNAF movie..
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deyageka · 3 months
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No srsly I can’t believe they’ve actually done this:
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xxcrystalinerose · 4 months
Going back to Zag's romantic relationships from Mel is extremely hilarious to me because of how comparatively well-adjusted he was.
Sure he done fucked up with Meg in the past and they had to kill each other as part of the job description, his sudden leaving seriously hurt Than while also having communication issues w/ each other, and there's the matter of Dusa being a lowly servant of the House. But in the end, he sorted everything out with 0 grievances from all parties involved (that one dialogue where Than admits Meg is the one who tells him to finally pursue Zag seriously warms my heart). Got the Mom(s) Seal of Approval™ even, and from Achilles too!
Meanwhile I look at Melinoë and she has a frankly criminal amount of situationships. Her rizz level is insane and she goes straight for the throat when flirting yet somehow her dating life is simultaneously a mess and nonexistent. Nemesis regularly kicks her into the dirt verbally AND physically but is the only person to acknowledge how fucked up it is that Mel is sent out alone in the hopes of killing an all powerful Titan that took SIX gods to kill in the past. "Fuck you and fuck your stupid frog in particular" then turns around and gives free Death Defiances. Her and Moros try to flirt with each other but they kept missing the mark because sometimes one of them says something totally unhinged like it was normal (I don't think watching people die is an appropriate bathtime conversation topic, my man). Her and Eris are a hot mess—literally with all those rounds she shot at Mel AND without a basis of workplace professionalism. Icarus is one shot nerve away from accidentally proclaiming his undying (literally) love to her but his guilt complex is hanging on to that nerve. And then there's Arachne and her not so little crush warring with the fact that said crush is family with and is helping the gods who cursed her.
Never have I realized how important it is that Zag has become a minor god of relationship counselling until I look at his baby sister and think, "yeah girl you definitely need help for all that shit".
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graveltrapping · 2 months
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A Masterlist to compile where each piece of writing goes and in what order they come in, from top to bottom.
Contains links to full chapters, snippets, and the tags relating to those fics/WIPS/aus. Subject to change, additions, and reshuffling as I write more or rewrite and edit.
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“She is Mar Marquez and she has no respect for titles or legacy! What a rookie!”
doe eyes - snippets of a qatar 2013 from Jorges POV
immortal - the highs and the lows
new and novel - Uccio notices something
curls - set somewhere on a podium
tags associated with this fic - mar, female marc marquez, fem marc marquez, debutant, thinking thoughts, my fic, motogp fic, mar aesthetic
Snippets and thoughts of Mar - Origin, further thoughts, face app 1, Fashion Part 1, Fashion Part 2
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"Go on Max, Go on girl!....Thats it! Max Versteppen, you are the World Champion!"
reintroductions | Max and Daniel meet for the second time formally
snippets and thoughts of Max - miscellaneous head-cannons 1
tags associated with this fic - female Max Verstappen, fem Max Verstappen, girl max, thinking thoughts, bull rider
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maxybabyy · 6 months
Can you please do female lando norris please. She must have big tits and big ass.lando will be with Oscar.Bottom Lando
Sex infront of everyone without shame
hi friend! thank you for the prompt. i don't know if it was actually meant for me, but here is my interpretation of it 🫣
They talk about it first. The farm, where Lando wants it to be. The boundaries they both have, what she wants out of it – why she finds it so hot. To his credit, Oscar only asks, “Daniel will be fine with this, you reckon?”
Lando nods and crawls into his lap to kiss him, dizzy with how much she wants it.
Doesn’t tell him how they’ve already done it; Danny and her, Carlos, and Lewis back before he and Max had drifted apart. Only Lando won’t be there to watch. Won’t be sitting on her hands, frustrated with desire, desperate as she watched Max get fucked. Now, it will be her turn.
Before, Lando had thought about inviting Carlos, in the abstract way she’s been thinking about it: Carlos watching her while Oscar fucked her, imagining the look on his face, how he would stare at her ass, her boobs. Think about, maybe, how she was the one that got away.
But it wouldn’t be fair to Oscar. So they keep it instead to Danny and the rookies.
It’s fine, less than she had expected, maybe, but it will be fun. Good. She will be the only podium sitter this season too, and isn’t that worth just as much?
Daniel offers to cook, so they show up a little earlier, handing over the wine Oscar’s mum had recommended. Logan sits across from her at the table and doesn’t look her in the eyes, face red with a permanent flush. He doesn’t look at the dip of her shirt either and for a moment, Lando thinks about telling him to leave.
Oscar touches her thigh with a warm hand, brushes the edge of her dress until the strain in her shoulders releases. The buzz of the wine kicking in.
She’s halfway through a second glass, left alone with Logan being a fucking muppet about the car issues in Melbourne, when she follows the others to the door.
“Oscar?” She says, nudging him to the side to see – “Max, what are you doing here?”
Max turns so she’s looking right at Lando, lips stretched into an easy smile. “Lando. It’s so nice to see you also, have you been here before?” She slips from Daniel’s arms and leans in to kiss her on the cheek – once, twice, like she’s fucking Charles – and teases the edge of her skirt. “You of course look very lovely.”
Lando doesn’t reply, looks instead at Liam who looks at Max still. So fucking in love with her she probably couldn’t wait to let it slip.
“Hey, I’m gonna show Max around the farm, yeah?” Daniel says and pulls Max down one of the dirt paths. She watches Max stumble after him, hands already in the air as she tells him about her thoughts, changing the gears of her imaginary bike.
She thinks, wildly, about calling it off. Postpone or start anew. Tell Oscar she has cold feet, and that they should try again some other time. With Max F instead. George, maybe. Friends she knows will enjoy it. Enjoy her. She doesn’t, obviously, and reaches for Oscar’s hand until he kisses her. The even-keel to the tumultuous storm that rages inside her.
“Okay, Lando?” He asks her, voice tender, and for a second, she hates him too.
For now, she smiles at him, nods.
She makes Oscar fuck her on Daniel’s sofa.
She’s been thinking about it for a while, how she wanted it to be. If Danny would mind them fucking in his bedroom, if he would make them use the guest room instead. But this, she thinks, is better. The thought of her naked on his sofa as he watches telly by himself.
The sex itself is – mid, probably.
Oscar sweats a lot, always does. But like this, on Daniel’s fancy leather sofa, he’s downright slippery. His knee sliding to the side the moment he builds up a decent rhythm. “Fuck, sorry Lands,” he says and pulls out to reset, knees back in the middle. Dick only half as hard as usual.
“Probably you should just lay down,” Max says close to her head. “Always this leather is bad for fucking. Daniel knows this of course, but he doesn’t care. Now, he is better but only by so much.”
Daniel must respond but Lando doesn’t want to hear, watches instead Oscar lay down on top of her. His pace improves but somehow, it’s even worse.
Her stomach is still bloated from the pasta, and something from the wine must have gone to her head. Flushed from the sulphites she’s allergic to, the tart taste still on her tongue. She thinks that her boobs must look awful. The lacy fabric torn lightly by Oscar’s brutish hands, pushed to the side to show off her nipple. But it looks smushed like this, flattened from lying down.
Her orgasm, when it comes, is weak, overdue.
It feels nothing like how she remembers it from watching Max. The air isn’t thick with sex, the tension not desperate with need. Oscar comes moments after her, but when she looks, none of the others look even close.
Logan sits ramrod straight in his chair, hands curled around his thighs. If she squints, maybe she can see a bulge in his trousers, but it has been left untouched, untempted by their show. Liam at least has a hand shoved into her shorts, but her head is tilted away.
Reluctantly, Lando turns towards where Max sits in Daniel’s lap.
Her white dress shirt has been unbuttoned to her naval and shows off the bralette Max likes to wear off the track. It’s too tight, obviously. Ill-fitting over Max’s boobs, would have been even without Daniel’s hand shoved under the fabric.
Daniel kisses down her neck, and Max curls a hand in his hair, moans softly for more. Oscar sits up on his knees to pull out of her, and Lando can almost pretend that she doesn’t feel him twitch inside her.
Daniel peels the compression shorts off Max and strokes a hand over her ass before he pulls her back into his lap. Face towards him this time – away from Lando. Liam has turned too, staring at the matching white underwear Max teases down over her hip.
Lando doesn’t look at Logan, knows either way she won’t like it.
Max makes another sound, a breathless moan that has Lando squeezing her thighs together. Daniel watches her over Max’s shoulder, winks before he leans in to kiss Max. Fucks her with his fingers until the sound is loud, filthy. The air heavy with tension.
“Fuck, Daniel, please,” Max begs and lets her head fall back.
Lando watches the way her hips cant up, chasing Daniel’s fingers. Her eyes are welling up, her back arched with pleasure, and even from behind, Lando knows she’s a sight to be seen.
She hates the need that burns through her, wetter now than she was then with Oscar’s fingers inside her. Wonders then if she should have done it before she and Oscar became a thing. Fucked Carlos back when she had the chance. At least then she would know, maybe.
Daniel fucks her on the floor, gentler than he used to, but familiar in a way that makes Lando ache inside. Max keeps her shirt on, even as the fabric soaks with sweat. Like they haven’t all seen her spread wide and fucked.
And then – the realisation that the rookies haven’t probably. That Lando would have been their first, their only if Max hadn’t done this.
Oscar’s hands feel clammy on her thighs, but she lets him pull her to the floor, pushing inside her with a grunt. It’s different than before and for that, she doesn’t let herself like it more. But it feels better when he fucks her now, sinks in completely before he pulls out, touches her clit until she whines.
“Oscar, I’m close –“ she moans, blunts nails digging into his shoulders.
She’s almost there, teetering on the edge, when someone grabs her hand. She jolts in surprise, goes to pull back when she hears Max laugh. Her sweaty palm sliding against hers, and for a moment it feels almost nice.
Max squeezes her hand as she comes, Lando following her into the fray.
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celine-song · 4 months
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Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) dir. George Miller
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whoops-ahaha · 4 months
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I was thinking about guyliner and then I made this
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logansargey · 4 months
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Y'all ain't ready for this convos yet tho
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