#gish item
soylent-crocodile · 1 year
Feats for Gishing
Pathfinder's core combat system is incredibly cruel to the idea of a character wielding a weapon in one hand and magic in another, or even just one-handed wielding in general- two-handed weapons and specializing in either magic or weapons are just better. I think that's a shame, because the image of pairing a sword with magic is just cool!
The Magus and Swashbuckler are attempts to enable this in their own way, and I think they do a decent job! But part of what I love about Pathfinder is the versatility of it, and combat feats play a big part. Here's a few feats that enable that (and let you trade a weapon enhancement for a feat in the case of swashbuckler!)
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(art by clayscence on deviantart)
Ignition Blade Combat Feat Prerequisites: Ability to cast 2nd level spells After making a successful attack roll with a light or one-handed weapon, if you have a free hand, you may empower that attack as an immediate action. If you do, it deals an additional 1d6 fire damage. This damage stacks with weapon enchantments.
Ignition Blade, Greater Combat Feat Prerequisites: Ability to cast 3rd level spells, Ignition Blade After making a successful attack roll with a light or one-handed weapon, if you have a free hand, you may expend a spell slot as an immediate action. If you do, that attack deals an additional 2d6 fire damage, plus 1d6 more fire damage for each level of spell you expended. This damage stacks with weapon enchantments but does not stack with damage from Ignition Blade.
Magical Marksman Combat Feat Prerequisites: Int 13 You are trained in the skill of targeting with magical effects. You get a +2 precision bonus to ranged attack rolls made as part of a spell.
Duelist’s Grace Combat Feat Prerequisites: Dex 13, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier) You may add your dexterity modifier instead of your strength modifier to damage rolls when wielding a rapier in one hand and keeping the other either free or wielding a buckler.
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gishwheshistorian · 2 years
Do you what "P.S. Item 208" at the end of the Team GISH "GISH Goodbyes" email refers to? As far as I can tell, the 2022 hunt only went up to 205.
It is a reference to one of the item lists, but not 2022- it's from 2021.
45 minutes before the end of the 2021 hunt, this was added to the item list:
208. We love you. (0 points)
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jkcorellia · 11 months
Addicted to Gishes Exhibit #546: I was building a hypothetical PF2E Investigator (creating character builds helps me wrap my head around mechanics) and I proved unable to restrain myself from giving them Arcane Sense for Detect Magic, Arcane Tattoos for Shield, and a magus archetype. I am lost. Irredeemable. Go on without me.
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
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One does not simply work at a natural history museum without asking the collections manager for help with this item. - Jason
Gah, we're adorable! - Jez
33. [IMAGE] GRID ITEM. There are a multitude of species of life that exist only in the Amazon, and our wildlife biologists just found the rarest of all: your team! Show us an old-school natural history pinboard with your team as rare Amazonian insects. Every member of your team should be present and we must be able to clearly see your faces.
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aint-mishbehavin · 2 years
Item 55
The sun is blazing right now, but you can't predict the weather and need to be ready for anything. Crochet a parasol and use it in both rain and shine to show us how well it weathers the changing conditions. (If it isn't raining during GISH week, standing under a full-flow garden hose stream will work.)
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clingyduofan · 8 months
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on princezam and team awesome
sin triangle, sidney gish // putting an end to the strongest players // hunting the villain of this smp // i became the villain of this smp... // how i used duped items to ruin this smp...
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blanketforcas · 9 months
between pushing for a gish NFT item and challenging his followers to an expensive 90-day fit app challenge, i'd almost think misha is straight after all
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mostly10 · 1 year
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a digital eulogy for my friend @dunderklumpen/laura
(the last picture is from an early gish. me, laura, and flipse doing... an ice cream item)
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beneaththetangles · 3 months
Beneath the Tangles Prayer Group | June 24 - 30 Prayer Requests
Here are our prayer items for the week:
24 - Request Day! Reply with your own prayer request and we’ll pray for it as a community.
25 - Pray that God will provide financially for Beneath the Tangles and that we’ll use our finances raised through Patreon (http://patreon.com/thetangles), Ko-Fi (http://ko-fi.com/beneaththetangles), and other platforms in a faithful manner.
26 - Pray that our partner ministries, including Gaming and God, Geek Devotions, and Jesus Otaku, will continue to carry out Christ’s mission with obedient and faithful hearts.
27 - Pray for Mike and Dennis as they produce The Power of God and Anime. May this podcast engage listeners and encourage them to seek out and form relationships with Christ.
28 - Pray that God will open doors through @pariscosplays and the cosplay content she develops for us.
29 - Pray that Christian voice actors will be good witnesses to the industry and their fans, and find spiritual support in their struggles. Our Christian friends in the voice acting community include Caitlin Glass, Luci Christian, Jordan Dash Cruz, Kelsey Cruz, and Amanda Gish.
30 - We want to envision big things, including a ministry that shakes down walls for Christ across the vast space of the anime fandom. Pray that fans will think of Jesus when they think of anime, and may BtT be a way in which God makes miraculous things happen in this sphere.
Prayer Warriors: @moezy-chan​ @bearypangolinelephants​ @gasexplosionatthescalpelfactory @christian-otaku @tomodachi-to-koibito
If you’re interested in participating, please do the following:
1. Follow @beneaththetangles 2. Message me, reply to this post, in some other way let me know that you want in
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lutethebodies · 25 days
Tav Tuesday Redux: Talinthe Vel, the Hidden Hand
Reviving LTB Tav Tuesdays, just this once, to do something I haven't in quite a while: building an original character! Meet Talinthe of House Vel: 
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If that name sounds slightly familiar, well...let's work out why. The conceit this time is I'm making one new for BG3, instead of importing an existing older character from tabletop/5e. This is gonna be messy, so please bear with me:
I'm using BG3 to create someone who will work in that context as well as in one of my homebrew settings. I'm stealing the plot idea of Minthara surviving a crazy ordeal of exile and trauma to take over her new adopted home city from the inside. For this I need a lady drow, sure, but given that I already have one (as a PC/NPC, whom I’ve already shown) I need to distinguish this new character from not only other famous drow but also my own older OCs. I'm also pairing her up with my beloved swords bard, because her character arc was inspired by my bard's BG3 dynamic and plot arc as played with a romanced Minthara, and because Madam Baenre simply won't fit (and probably doesn't belong) in my homebrew game.
To (mostly) avoid cliché, I'm passing on Drizzt-style do-goody rangers, Viconia-style clerical melodrama, and Minthara-style mother-hating vengeance. However, that doesn't mean I can't combine smaller aspects of each (as well as some of my own) in order to make a compelling person. But this has to be a person and not a stat block. As much as I'm fascinated by the idea of a drow as a gloom stalker/assassin, that's both a clichéd powergamer build and something another of my characters can feasibly morph into, so that's out. I've yet to satisfactorily crack the code of the Fighter class in tabletop (I've made several, all unplayed), but my DEX-based builds of Minthara and Lae'zel helped me get the hang of mélee characters outside of my favorite class types (I usually go for experts: bards/rogues/rangers).
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So for a gish-type build I'm leaning toward Eldritch Knight, or some combo of EK with a rogue subclass. Drow are at least a bit magical, and for homebrew I'm unburdened by the lore of Loth-sworn, so my Seldarine-like warrior can be magical for [reasons]. In 5e an EK/Rogue multiclass might be easy, RP-wise: the Rogue's mechanically underwhelming but RP-rich Mastermind subclass works well for a Moriarty-type character who wants to gain control of a city from the shadows. 
However this build is highly Multiple-Ability-Dependent (in my case, DEX/CON/INT). Happily, BG3 offers many items to help build MAD characters, so for this one I can focus on DEX/CON and use the Intellect Headband to boost INT. Alfira can also teach her how to play an instrument, so the Spider Lyre can be useful. Eldritch Knights don't need lots of INT for their spellcasting; my understanding is they should use utility cantrips (Blade Ward) and spells (Shield, Expeditious Retreat) that don't rely on the Spell Save DC.
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Working with abilities/builds at the start will only get me so far, though. No build can create a character unless that character already has their own personality. So, back to piecing together this person with aspects of others and a few personal details of my own (that's always how I've made my OCs and, I'll wager, is how many authors make theirs. "Originality" doesn't figure in). From famous drow like Drizzt/Jarlaxle/Viconia/Minthara I'll swipe the "loner/exile" trope. From Drizzt and Minthara I'll take "warrior." From Viconia and Minthara I'll take "middle-aged noble." From Jarlaxle I’ll take “hidden puppet-master.” From my own homebrew world I'll take details for background/setting/etc.
Her surname "Vel" is a truncation of the drow velkyn (hidden), and also swiped from Faye Marsay's rebel spy in Andor. Her given name "Talinthe" is built on an obvious near-rhyme of Calanthe, the Witcher's Warrior Queen of Cintra. I’ve never read those books and so was introduced to Calanthe by the glorious Jodhi May, whom I've crushed on for decades, ever since she played the doomed Alice Munro in Last of the Mohicans. Talinthe is much less royal and much less doomed, but I've already decided she's a noble used to power (like Calanthe), so let's make her a second daughter (like Alice). That gives her a reason to be away from/ambivalent toward her family (maybe a bit like Vanessa Kirby's Princess Margaret).
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That last bit brings me back to my other stunningly attractive female drow OC, a younger archfey warlock named Qiranna (whose 5e portrait looks sorta like a drow Vanessa Kirby), but Qiranna's BG3 appearance got too visually wrapped up in the character creator's many options. She became less herself and more "what looks coolest in the character creator and oooh also a bit Minthara because yes please." So maybe Talinthe can take on the more superficial Minthara visual aspects, plus a bit of conventional-drow topknot-discipline (which, probably not coincidentally, was part of Qiranna's original Heroforge look I made circa 2021). The look allows Talinthe to be herself and Qiranna to be herself in both 5e and BG3. They’re probably still insufficiently unique from one another, but I don’t care:
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Why? Because I think I have it now: A character I want to play (as a PC in BG3 and NPC in 5e). A noble daughter who's the "spare" part of "heir and a spare," whose incorrigible youth earned her expulsion or at least distance from her family, but whose ambition and personal standards became refined with age and trauma into a single-minded, ruthless focus on attaining power and station in her own right. If she gets entangled with a washed-up Lost Singer along the way, well, so much the better for that lucky bastard. I'm sure many will think that's a whole bundle of clichés, but whatever. All my best characters are made that way, and they're good enough for me.
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mittensmorgul · 1 year
What's the most random tv show/media you've ever written fanfic for? I had a phase years ago when I was younger where I was into the Little House on the Prairie tv show, and while I didn't consider it "fanfic" at the time, I liked writing my own "episodes" for it and a few other shows I was into at the time (they were very general, PG rated stories). I knew they were obscure shows and no one would read them, but to this day when I get a fanfic idea, it won't leave me alone until I write it:P
heck... i mean, technically i've really only written fic for spn. i never wrote fanfic for other media before, which is weird considering how old i was when i started lol :'D
but i have written some crossover fics with a couple other things...
In Jeopardy! is the last installment I wrote for the Everything is Subtext 'verse, even though someday maybe there'll be more. Canon case fic-ish, Cas goes on Jeopardy and wins a lot of money :') But... the Jeopardy stuff is all verified authentic to how it works in our universe too (or did when i was on the show back in 2010 lol)
Around the World in 24 Days is the last installment I wrote for the Tumblr Anonymous 'verse, again even if I might someday write more for it. AU Cas, Dean, and friends participate in an around the world race a la the show The Amazing Race. Written during a time when so many reality competition shows were getting fanfic treatment, and I was disappointed nobody else would write this one for me :'D (includes the tag "blatant misuse of an IKEA" lol)
Until I Know This Sure Uncertainty, I'll Entertain The Offered Fallacy 6 way body swap! Canon case fic, but also very very loosely inspired by the Comedy of Errors. but SIX WAY BODY SWAP!
Hurry Up And Wait canon case fic with all the LotR references
Ultraviolet human!impala case fic that's also secretly my love letter to U2's Achtung Baby...
The Terminal Job canon case fic so titled because it's just ~a tiny bit Leverage-y, but not really. but it sort of inspired the feel of the fic.
Cakepocalypse! canon case fic (yes REALLY I SWEAR) that's also a baker Dean/tv producer Cas au (this will make sense as you read it, because it's also 13.23 coda fic...). Essentially a Nailed It! au.
Baby X-File written for GISH 2022, Item 4: “Fanfic through the Ages”: Write a special crossover fanfic of a character from a 1990s show, book, or video game and a character from a 2000s show, book, or game meeting in a different 2010s universe. I sent TFW to meet Mulder and Scully. :'D
one working part 15.19/15.20 fix it fic, told like It's A Wonderful Life.
I can't help thinking there's more, but I think that's enough to go on for now lol.
I mean, all of these are still firmly spn/destiel fic because really that's all the fic I've ever written. Before fic, I only wrote original fiction. Until I was in my late 30's. Which again, apparently isn't the usual fic author trajectory of "i used to write stories based on my childhood cartoons" or whatever. I've been writing since I was a kid, sure, but I just... never was inspired to write fanfic of anything until Dean and Cas forced my hand :')
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teamscrumtrulescent · 2 years
No comment. The video speaks for itself. – Amanda
Please Gish, give Amanda weird movement items every year! Best. Ever. – Tiia
Amanda asked me if I’d have time to edit this and I was STOKED. My abs hurt from laughing by the time I was done. - Kaela
113. [VIDEO] (UP TO ONE MINUTE) It’s been 11 years since artist David Lewandowski's going to the store changed the face of… well… uh… until it decided to exist, anyway. And just like every other classic animated masterpiece, it’s time for a live-action reboot: Perform a shot-for-shot re-creation of this video using a real human performer to approximate the character’s joyful “dance” as closely as you can. (Your performer should not actually be fully naked.)
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aint-mishbehavin · 2 years
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Item 7
Laura Jack described how everyone has struggles that they often hide from public view. Make a reusable, portable sign (such as a chalkboard, whiteboard, or letter board) that says “I am struggling with __” OR “The truth is, I feel __” and get someone to fill in the blank with something that has been challenging them. Take a photo of them holding the sign and posing in the most happy, beautiful, carefree pose they can. Post your image on Instagram, tagging #GISH and @laurajackcoaching. Make sure you have their permission to post their photo! Laura would love for people to read pages 7-9 from the Compassion Code Starter Guide before attempting the challenge so they can be kind and thoughtful about their approach.
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gishwheshistorian · 2 years
Gish may be over, but the Historian will continue. All posts and pages on the site will remain, and new ones will still be added- next up are the 2021 GHOFs listed by team name (I should be ready to start posting those as early as later this week) in the meantime, you can take a stroll down memory lane and revisit past Gish hunt item lists here: http://gishwheshistorian.tumblr.com/itemlists or find lists from things like Halloweird and Gishmas past here: http://gishwheshistorian.tumblr.com/events
Updates and announcements regarding new pages going live on the historian will continue to be posted on our Twitter @GishHistorian, and I’ll also be continuing to post Gish trivia polls there as well, so watch that space to see them as soon as they’re live! <3
-The Historian
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thevioletcaptain · 2 years
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the news from aaron mahnke on twitter that we're getting the bridgewater season 2 trailer on january 6th reminded me that i never shared this on tumblr... it's from a gish item this past august. i'm about 75% happy with it 😅
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jkcorellia · 7 months
you have to go pretty far out of your way in DnD 5e to build a melee/tanky/frontline sorcerer, but one thing I think is cool about the game is that it can still be done
Like I just built a Githyanki draconic bloodline sorcerer and honestly? Pretty cool. Just a 13 CHA so that I can dump points into CON and STR, using a greatsword (thanks Githyanki) and medium armor (thanks again Githyanki) to spam Booming Blade or Green-Flame Blade as required (and spending sorcery points to quicken either cantrip for pseudo-Extra Attack). Spells would focus on things without attack rolls or saving throws: Absorb Elements, Shield, Misty Step, Far Step, Enhance Ability, Haste.
The character would need to focus ASIs on Constitution (and the Tough feat) to keep up with tankier classes in HP but you can do that. You're never going to compete as a pure frontliner against a barbarian or fighter but you can fake it by spamming Shield, especially if your DM plays ball by putting relevant magic items (i.e. AC increasing items, a greatsword that does extra damage a la Flame Tongue).
What's my point, besides "sorcerer gish isn't impossible"? Well, I guess it's just to show a cool thing you can do in DnD 5e. DnD detractors are often quite right in their critiques but also? This shit still slaps.
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