#give me one example that isn't an opinion of some other blog or something taken out of context
Did a Kim/KimChay re-watch and I can confidently say that 90% of the current characterization (since the start of 2023) is pure fanon, blatant misinterpretation, and wishful thinking
Don't go claiming around that it's canon when it's just something you WISH was canon
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bowsersex · 3 months
Anytime I see a post in which someone says "these (people I don't agree with) can't even make a phone call without getting anxious," I unfollow whoever reblogged it onto my dash. This isn't because I personally get anxious when I make phone calls. At one point in my life I did get anxious when making phone calls, but I got over this a long time ago and now I'm pretty confident on the phone.
The reason is because 1) 90% of the time OP doesn't know the people they're talking about and so they're just taking a guess in the hopes that it's true and it pisses these people off. 2) It's unnecessary to bring up. And 3) It's just mean-spirited.
Like I saw this again a couple weeks ago, but an example I can think of from a year or so ago was when dni-archive, a shitty Tumblr user who posts screenshots of people's bios to mock them, made a poll tournament for "most annoying tumblr user." Obviously this was horrible and shitty and faced backlash. I remember one user making a post about how shitty this was to do, but then said in the same post something like, "(dni-archive) can't even order food without getting anxious." And it's like ok, we don't even really know who this user is because they keep their identity anonymous (they don't even give a name on their blog). So saying this about them is like taking a shot in the dark and hoping it hits them.
It reminds me of how people used to say "people who harass others online are basement dwelling neckbeard losers who have no social lives," and how I saw a post on here many many years ago that pushed back on this saying how the reality is is that some people who harass others online have good social lives. They seem normal in person, they're liked among their coworkers, etc. But then they go online and make others feel like shit for fun. Similar to how abusers can be well liked people among their friends and with strangers, the same applies to people who harass others online.
So what's the point in guessing that shitty people online are bad at socializing IRL so as to insult them? Why not just point out their shitty behavior? It just seems unnecessary. It always makes me think that the OP isn't confident enough in saying "this person is mean-spirited to other people online for no good reason" or in some cases "these people leaving these specific comments have bad opinions and here's why." The OP feels the need to make up an insult to prove their point. It's like if you said "this person's behavior sucks, and also they're probably ugly," about an online user who never posts selfies.
Also the people I've followed in the past who reblog these posts making these insults also reblogged posts that say "We shouldn't conflate attractiveness to how morally good someone is," and "Any time you insult the appearance of some asshole you don't like, you hurt those you care about who share similar physical traits." And it's like, I don't understand why they don't apply those concepts to how well someone socializes. Socialization is easier to change than one's appearance for most people, but it still doesn't make sense to imply that how well someone socializes correlates to how morally good they are. And wow I think that last sentence was one of the most autistic sentences I've ever written.
Anyways it's just mean-spirited for no good reason, but unfortunately I feel like you can't say "saying this thing is mean-spirited for no good reason" and be taken seriously on Tumblr.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey! Really enjoy your blog.
I don't put a lot of stock into social media interactions as indicators of closeness but then as one of your anons rightly mentioned - the members are also co-workers and public figures who have a responsibility (kind of) to keep up an image of ot7. Given how vocal almost all of them have been about returning as a team in 2025… how does that tie in with the perceived lack of closeness and basic congratulations (on SM) for vmin?
Wouldn't there be some kind of hesitancy from v and Jimin if such a possible lack of closeness existed? Especially since they've been very loud about their friendship/soulmate status and it maybe does hurt on loosing friendships (or maybe not loosing but cooling down of) ..
Also I haven't been here in the fandom for a long time (less than a few months frankly, so maybe my opinions are not that well formed or accurate) but is this lack of closeness something that has been observed by you since some time or is it a new development?
It's a new development for me tbh. For some people they think there has always been something shady going on with Vmin. Like when V said Jimin likes men at a radio station, something that had the potential to go really bad if Jimin hadn't been quick witted with his reply. "I don't like you." But that could be chalked to immaturity and the fact that BTS did not have mouth filters back then. I mean, can u imagine 2023 BTS admitting they watch porn?
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Coz I sure can't. The bigger they got the more careful they had to become.
Another example from the past i see people giving is this one. As u can tell from Jimin's face he wasn't expecting that question
I would go as far as to say he was taken aback. As we all know Jimin is sensitive with the weight topic. So some people think V should have known that. But as usual Jimin diverted the situation and the interview continued.
But what if this was just their dynamic back then? Picking on eo? Like when every member was asked who they would introduce their sister to and they all said Jimin except V. And that other time Jimin was asked what he would do if he was king for a day he said he would make V his slave so he could stab him?? 😂😂 I can't remember exactly what he said but it was something along the lines of making V suffer. For soulmates they sure used to fight alot. 😂
I have always found them to be cute and adorable but even as u watch their early content u will notice V treats JK now the way he used to treat Jimin. He used to be all over Jimin, used to tell him I love u all the time, used to always choose Jimin, etc. But Jimin seemed to have put up some boundaries between them in recent years. If this has to do with JK, idk.
Because Jimin is not as touchy feely as he used to be... with all of them not just V. So this skinship part of things could be Jikook related. Yes I know he kissed Jhope on his birthday but I dare u to find JK "jealous" moments when it comes to Jhope. Real ones, not out of context ones. They are close to none. Very, very, few. JK doesn't have an issue with Jihope moments.
While we are on the topic have u guys ever noticed when Jhope hugs Jimin he turns his body so they're not hugging front to front but rather front to side?
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So yes... I wonder what's Jikook related and what isn't. 🤔 maybe Hobi knows how JK can get? Idk. Just food for thought.
Anyway, I digress. Back on the Vmin topic. I honestly didn't see it as anything. Not even after Jikookers started having an issue with it. But now it's kind of hard to ignore. He really is doing it on purpose and I can't help but side eye him a little bit. U know?
But like u said, would Jimin want to come back as ot7 if there was animosity between them? I think from the latest ot7 content (Jhope BB) its safe to say there is no animosity.
I'm not sure i answered your question but I'm not the best person to ask this. Because I didn't have an issue with this until I saw he keeps doing the same thing over and over without fail.
But I still maintain my stand that I hold nothing against the man as long as Jikook continue to be okay with him. And that seems to be the case rn. So if Jimin and JK don't have an issue with V, neither do I. Haters will always hate no matter what. But I can and will listen to other Jikookers who have an issue and I do see where they're coming from.
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saint-ambrosef · 2 years
I normally would just mind my business and not butt my nose in, but i feel like maybe you would be open to hearing this so im giving it a shot. As someone who really appreciated and respected you, the way you just kind of threw out "evangelicals are wild" and encouraged blaming a Christian denomination on a post that didn't even identify the person being weird as that denomination was kind of a shock to see from you.
I've really enjoyed your content (thats saying something, im actually an athiest, lol) and found you really reasonable and wise in a lot of ways. I liked learning about catholicism from someone who genuinely cares about and defends their faith. I've always grown up seeing catholics as the epitome of traditionalist hypocrites who pick on everyone else, but you and a few others really began changing that for me. Because of that, I'm a litle taken aback how easily you and a few other catholic blogs I've followed just slap the evangelical label on any sort of Christian thing you find cringe. It comes off mean spirited and disingenuous as an outsider with just enough understanding to know what you're doing isn't all that fair. Evangelicalism is pretty broad movement that contains an extremely broad spectrum of people and "personal" ideaologies. Given the breadth of actors in catholicism as well, it seems like if anyone would understand why branding people by their worst actors is unfair, it would be you guys. It's probably distressing to see people so quickly bandwagon on and identify catholicism as the pedophile priest people or what I said about my original thoughts about catholicism earlier. I know I hate it enough with cringe reddit atheist edgelords being the first thing anyone thinks about when they hear athiest. So, I find it a little disappointing to see so many of you guys do to others what I'm sure you hate having done to your own worldview because who doesn't hate being misrepresented?
It's one thing to have some friendly jabs back and forth and to be open and honest about agreeing on worldviews, but purposefully reducing the opposing argument seems so underhanded. And to be clear, I think that woman is a nutjob and I laughed at how ridiculous what she said was, I'm not saying you can't agree she's crazy or laugh at someone for being insane or just plane wrong. It's using the extreme to identify thr whole that's where I'm finding myself disappointed.
It's not your responsibility to cater to your audience, I'm well aware. And I'm trying not to come off as someone nitpicking you for blowing off steam or having a laugh. I just felt like maybe I could bring up to you what it looks like as someone outside of faith and how it really jars the opinion I was forming on catholicism to see that. I'm not scandalized or unfollowing or anything, I just figure maybe it's worth saying that this wasn't a moment where I felt like catholicism was more then it's stereotype, and I'd rather you be aware and maybe give you a chance to respond before I let it become foundational.
Thank you for your time, and sorry for your long post.
I understand what you're saying and appreciate the respectful rebuke, but I can't say I agree with your conclusion.
When someone calls out a specific bad actor as an example of Catholicism, the vast majority of the time they are not actually modeling Catholic beliefs. They're straight up expressing heresy that is objectively contrary to an approved theological belief of a formally organized religion. So propping it up as an example of legitimate Catholic belief is factually incorrect and invalid.
As you say with Evangelicalism, it's a "pretty broad movement that contains an extremely broad spectrum of people and 'personal' ideologies". There isn't a set of definable beliefs. That's the exact problem - and the criticism implied in my original comment. Because of Evangelicalism's belief in personal interpretation without a central organized authority, any and all personal ideology is theoretically acceptable. Wack opinions like that lady are a direct result of mainstream Evangelicalism. Her beliefs are technically as valid as anyone else's under Evangelical understanding, even if 90% of other Evangelicals think her incorrect. She does validly represent Evangelical beliefs whether they like it or not.
Again, I appreciate the respectful rebuke, but I honestly think you are over-analyzing a tongue-in-cheek tag comment. There is no "reducing the opposing argument" (?what argument?). I certainly don't think she represents all or most Evangelical Christians. I think she's the unfortunate but inevitable result of the shaky theological reasoning that undercuts the Evangelical movement. This is not me "slapping the Evangelical label on any sort of Christian thing [I] find cringe", it's a legitimate criticism.
I guess I could have initially explained all that more carefully, but I confess I did not expect someone would draw so many conclusions regarding my intentions and meaning from such a simple three word comment.
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hellfire--cult · 7 months
I’m the anon from earlier and I just wanted to say because obviously it was not clear that of course I am reblogging the smaller creators I think deserve recognition. However I’m a nobody and my less than 100 followers aren’t really going to drum up many readers for the fics that are already lacking in notes. You can of course reblog whatever you like and I already said that I have read the popular fics you reblogged and agree they deserve the recognition. But I can’t make a post about this on my own blog without being eaten alive and seen as a pariah and potentially dragging down the small creators I’m trying to lift up in the process. I’m sorry for choosing your blog to make a statement. It’s nothing against you personally. It’s a pattern I’ve noticed. People make a big effort to bring life back into the community but only want to give it back to their favorite most popular writers that already get hundreds of asks about their work and have thousands of notes on their stories. The bigger accounts all reblog one another and the smaller ones are left in the dust. How is a story with 25 notes supposed to compete on the dash when you can’t scroll down 2 posts without running into TYP again with comments all through the tags saying how amazing it is and it changed the reader’s life. They don’t. No one wants to read a story with under 100 notes if they’re being consistently spammed with stories that have thousands. What I’m trying to say is, you reblogging 3 of the most popular fics in the Eddie fandom on the first day of this new event thingy was the perfect example of what I’ve been seeing happen during this type of “lift up the creators” effort before the throwback Thursday was even created. I’m really sorry if I made you feel bad and I want to stress that I’m not trying to control what you do on your blog and I’m certainly not coming here to ask you to do something I wouldn’t do. It’s just the fact that some stories, like those you reblogged in particular are really not the target audience in my own opinion, for something like this as they’ve never left the dash in the first place and certainly not been forgotten. The thought behind it was to bring back stories that people missed because they were too busy reading the most popular fics in the fandom to give others a chance. So by everyone just “bringing back” the most popular fics. Not only are the smaller stories missing out again but anyone currently posting stories from smaller accounts are being overshadowed as well. It’s the double whammy for the small blog. Anyway thank you for participating in bringing back older stories. Also thank you for being kind to me in your reply.
I totally get what you're saying!
I have many mutuals that do in fact reblog many creators of any kind, be it with lots of notes, or not, and I do stop and read and reblog. It also depends the mutuals one has!
I have people I follow that are solely readers, so they reblog any kind of the fics that are out there.
I went into my archive yesterday to see my first fic reblogs from july of 2023, because I have so many fics in my head I do remember reading, but I can't, for the love of me, remember the exact titles or remember the usernames or I thought I did and they changed it or deactivated (which happened a lot this past year)
And I am not going to lie, I felt a little thrown back with your first anon, I felt a little anxious because I didn't reblog many at first, so I was sort of taken aback. But thank you for being kind, and show your anger at what happened with this event for now, and to show me you didn't come to talk to me to express yourself in a harsh or hateful way, and thank you for feeling like you actually CAN express yourself to me
But this isn't an event from yesterday only! It's going to happen every thursday, and I am sure more and more fics are going to see the light so others can find them
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politicalbunnybun · 2 months
Content warning: politics, parent rights, children rights
I figured since a decent amount of me on this blog is just me posting silly bunnys, I should at least give a warning when I post serious topics. Also, small disclaimer these are simply my thoughts about some issues, and there is a possibility that an opinion of mine can be ill-informed or lacking understanding. If that is to be so and you want to give your opinion or point of view please do not hesitate to share it I am always willing to learn whether I believe I am in the wrong or not (I hope I worded this right).
So I've been learning a little about people who claim they want "Parents Rights". Honestly, I think the concept (or maybe saying approach is more appropriate) of parents' rights is wrong. Most of the time, when people say they want parents' rights, they mean they want more control over their children, and unfortunately, they often see them as property. Usually wanting parents rights includes transparency with what their being taught (sometimes times used as an excuse to ban lgbt materials, books), their right to discipline their children how they want (sometimes including some form of physical abuse, hitting, or maybe just sending them to their room), what happens medically with them (used as excuse to deny children gender affirming care), etc. By this view of having the right to do whatever you want with your child (property), it often times leaves one thing left out of the equation, children's rights.
I feel that if we are to really have a serious conversation about what rights parents should have, we NEED to also talk about the children's rights as well. Some may say they don't deserve a certain right due to them being too young and not old enough to decide what's right for themselves. However, as having been a child myself and hearing this often, I knew then, and I know now that is simply wrong, 97% of the time. There may be some situations or circumstances that need a more mature person to decide what is best, but the child's opinion should always be taken into consideration. For example I will tell two stories/examples where the child (me, speaking from my experiences) should have been allowed to make a decision for themselves and one where they should have one where a more mature person (the parent) should make a decision based off the child's opinion. When I was younger and in school, I was allowed to decide whatever sport or sports that I wanted to. The day I found out that a male could also be a cheerleader, I asked my mother if I could try out, and I was told no because everyone would think I was gay and wanted to be a girl. In this example, I believe that I should've been allowed to choose to pursue being a cheerleader, instead of discouraging the child it would be better to inform the child of potential discrimination but in the end it should be left to the child. Now for the other side of the coin. One time I had gotten a new bike (a bright yellow road bike) and I was very excited to try it out and due to me wanting to ride it I wanted to try going to a coffee shop that was about a mile or two away (I think it was). I had shown my mom where I wanted to go, but after seeing that the route was on a road that was risky, I was told no. Although to take into consideration how much I wanted to ride it (and how sad I was to be no), we packed up the bike and went to a bike trail near a lake so I could get my zoomies out. Honestly, this approach was the best for the situation because it showed my mom (the parent) was allowed to make a decision that was in my best interest even if it made me a little sad. Whilst also finding a compromise that we both liked.
Now, back to topic. I think that there should be more rights clearly laid out for children if there are to also be ones for the parents. Because oftentimes, the parents' rights just come down to wanting to make the child into whatever they want. And when that something isn't something they want, they freak out. Children shouldn't be viewed as clay that we want to make into whatever shape we want them to be. Instead, I think it's better to treat them as a caterpillar and to take care of them until they finally become a butterfly and be free (or something like that that's poetic). Hell, sometimes parents will try to control so much about their children, and they will limit what music they listen to. For me, I was ONLY allowed to listen to country, which honestly made me hate country music. A kids taste in music should not be controlled, let them listen to them music they like, and if it gets too loud and you dont like it, just tell them to turn it down, or get them headphones. Honestly, as I write this, I think parents now a days need to take a new approach to parenting (in reference to some styles/approaches to parenting, I do not me to imply literally all, but I might just be to autistic so uh mlem) buuuuuuuuuuuuuut I got to go to work, and ahhhhhhhhhhhh, I don't want to work I want to yap. Anyway, this was supposed to be longer, but I suppose it's long enough as is. Apologies if it isn't formated in a way that is easy to follow along. I simply just type what was on my mind. Also, if you haven't go drink some water
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hoghtastic · 4 months
Some of the comments here belong more in a private Instagram group chat 😂😅 Especially when we talk about her looks! It just makes us look jealous and petty. And the master manipulator will use that in her favour at some point. In Denmark, physical beauty has a different value. The average-looking women is considered more beautiful than in other countries. Body positivity is real in Denmark. Imagine how incredibly easy it will be for Johanne to play victim and how Danish women will sympathise with her. We will be Alex jealous crazy fans tearing a poor woman apart. Every one of her posts and stories are criticised here, even crochet hooks are interpreted as an innuendo. Please don't get me wrong, I know why people think that way about her, she's a psychopath. But I know that sooner or later the selfie-cow will take advantage of this blog. Last year she managed to collect all of his friends, that haven’t followed her within a few days for a private Instagram account, and just because of a few 🙄 emojis. We have two three solid things against her, the art theft, multiple lies and so on but even the fan accounts are quiet 🤐 so we get no outside support.
I want to talk about her appearance too btw!!!!!! The difference between her own posts and unfiltered ones are insane but I‘d feel more comfortable to do that in a private groupchat not to give her the satisfaction of playing a victim. You’re blog is fun and this is just a friendly suggestion, maybe you offer a groupchat on Instagram for these type of conversations 😅 or other subjects. For example I‘ve heard some things about his sexual preferences but I‘d never share it on a public blog.
Hello, anon! 😃 First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts on this topic, and for the friendly suggestions!
I can totally understand your perspective, and I agree that some comments/opinions shared here are not the most political correct, but it has also been my goal to provide everyone a space with as much freedom as possible, where everyone can express all of their opinions, either positive or negative, and interact with each other even if the conversation sometimes gets a little off topic. I know doing this on a public blog might not always be ideal, but if anything, it shows a real picture of the fandom — the good side, the bad side and everything in between. Because if we feel the need to "hide" our thoughts (considering we're not harassing people directly, of course — that is something I personally do not condone), doesn't that denote some kind of censorship as well? Which was exactly what led me to start this blog in the first place — seeing fans being "attacked" by other fans on IG for having different opinions. From my perspective, having different opinions is a good thing, and if we can discuss them in a civil manner, we might actually learn something along the way, or consider things we hadn't before. I know I already have, in the few months of this blog's existence. 😊 Moreover, a public space is always easier to find for new fans who are just trying to gather some more info or get a perspective of the fandom, rather than private groups, who are usually kept among a more restricted group of people, and not always very welcoming towards newcomers. Besides, while I agree that a private group grants people more freedom to express their thoughts in a more unfiltered way and/or share more sensible information, there's also no guarantee that screenshots won't be taken and shared in other places, and it can be hard to know who did it in the first place, so privacy isn't 100% guaranteed, unfortunately. 😕
That said, if a group chat on Instagram (or another platform) is something you guys would like to have, I'm open to creating one as well. 😊 So just let me know what you think! 💖
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angiethewitch · 3 years
I’m so sorry to ask this... but based on my experiences with people faking bad behavior by trans women or other queer women and the pinned post on amegaotaku’s blog I have to ask — are you sure this is actually her doing it? Or a coordinated campaign to make her look bad as it pretty much always is with smears on queer women. Just take the way they treated the anti work Reddit mod lately. That was blown way out of proportion and with no nuance in a way it never would have been for a cis man or cis woman especially. Not saying this has to be the case just giving context for my skepticism and concerns.
I appreciate you asking in good faith. I want to point out she is a cis woman, and I don't want to call her queer if she is not comfortable with the label, she has never referred to herself as such. she is bisexual, so unless she comes forward and says she doesn't mind the queer label, I will be referring to her as bisexual.
I cannot be 100% sure it is her, no. but I am pretty damn sure it is her. for example, some of the things the burner accounts have said to me are things I have only said to her, which I feel is a good indicator of who is sending the messages. another piece of evidence was the video that was sent to me by a follower, showing that weird tumblr glitch where for a while, if you clicked on the anonymous button of an ask, it would take you to the anons blog, and someone was taken to rekka007s blog or hers, I forget which.
there's a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to her being the one sending asks. but even if she isn't, I was still friends with her and she told me about her relationship with a minor when she was 18 - we found out fairly recently this relationship actually went on for far longer than we thought. this wasn't said to me in an anonymous ask, this was something she told me directly, then after I outed her, I started getting relentlessly harassed. also, a 14 year old recently came forward with her story of grooming by the hands of rekka007 and amegaotaku - you can read it on @amegaotaku-watch. these are still absolutely despicable acts regardless of anonymous asks, so it is definitely not a smear campaign against a bisexual woman. these are very real children being targeted and hurt by this woman and her boyfriend.
feel free to go through the evidence on @amegaotaku-watch as well as in my amegaotaku tag. I encourage you to do your research and make your own mind up. don't just take my word for it, weigh up all the available evidence and form your own opinion
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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It's taken me days to get round to making this blog post- commenting on another Jikooker's analysis.
Now y'all don't need me to provide a tall list on all the reasons that this a bad bad idea for me. Lol.
Been there. Done that. Doesn't end too well.
Mi nar wan treble wif gudt piipel.
But I also don't want to shy away from the conversation; whether or not Tae is good at keeping Jikook's secret. Whether that is a tell. If it is, does that mean all the times he's 'exposed' Jikook were wrong analysis etc.
Let me start off by saying, I totally admire this content creator. I don't have a particular favorite Video creator- most of my go to YouTube jikook content creators are Spanish speaking content creators, Karmy and a few Iarmy- a lot of whom have disappeared off of the surface of the internet over the years.
These days I watch just about anyone that shows up on my recommendation or home feed. Used to leave comments and what not but I've refrained from that due to privacy issues and prefer to share my thoughts on my blog instead.
Haven't seen a lot of her analysis, but hands down agree with a lot of the analysis she's made in the few I've binge watched so far- thanks to y'all who recommended her to me.
I think for the most part she knows what the fuxk she is doing. She definitely knows what she is talking about in her videos and I like that. I admire that.
I don't disagree with anything I've seen so far on her channel. Especially her thoughts on Kook. Fearless Kook. Absolutely love those.
I think she could have taken time to flesh out her theory on this whole 'Tae is good at keeping Jikook's secret' bit cos it seems that's what causing the stir? I don't know.
'If Tae is good at keeping people's secrets then there is no way he could have exposed Jikook blah blah blah'
Tuktukkers will jump on anything to invalidate Jikook. Sigh. Sigh.
I can't put words in her mouth, but I don't think she was interpreting Jimin's words to mean that Tae is good at keeping others' secrets and so cannot 'expose' Jikook like we been saying in this part of stan land.
And if she did mean it like that then I'm afraid I'd have to humbly disagree.
My understanding of Jimin's assertion that Tae is good at keeping a straight face when it comes to others' secret is that, he meant Tae has a strong poker face and it's hard to tell when he is lying or telling the truth sometimes.
That's all Jimin was saying. In my opinion.
Which honestly, it's truth. Tae is such an actor. A talented one at that. I mean have you been watching Run episodes?! Ayayaya.
I won't play Russian roulette with him cos imma end up with bullets in my head.
Play Texas hold'em with him at your own risk.
I mean he is the king of blank expressions in BTS. Isn't that why RM describes him as 4D?
He's only what, honed that- should we call it skills, since debut! He's become a master at it. Add his impeccable acting skills to it and its kaboom.
His blank expressions to me sometimes seem like a coping mechanism, if you will. And often times, he deliberately induces it to mask his feelings- when someone says something he finds annoying or something he is uncomfortable with.
A typical example is when JK read 'Tae Kook' in the comments during their VLive and he pretended he didn't know what the fuxk JK was talking about- prompting JK to explain to him that that was their ship name yadda yadda. Insert skull head.
Now we all know HE KNOWS TAE KOOK.
I saw a lot of jokers running around teasing Tuktukkers with the whole "look, your bias don't know y'all ship exists bye'
Listen, I'd join in on the joke- nothing makes me happy than jokers pulling some tuktukker legs but just as long as we all know and agree that's not true.
They all know of their ships.
They've known since the beginning.
They know everything.
When he said get out of your imagination I don't think it was because he had no ideas what homegal was going on about on Weverse.
Tae has many tells. When he exchanges awkward looks with RM or Jimin when Jikook or JK does something outrageous that's a tell.
When he passive aggressively smirks after revealing a detail on the whereabouts of Jimin at 1am that's equally a tell.
The slight head tilt when he says Jk don't want Jimin to come that's equally a tell.
He is very observant.
He loves to observe Jikook when they are up in their shenanigans. In my opinion. So when he is quietly looking at Jikook, observing them with no expression on his face that's equally a tell.
JK is not the only one always watching JM.
I mean he was stood right behind Jimin when he and JK were taking turns staring at eachother while Joonie was busy being eloquent. Tae saw all of that but didn't react to it.
In the recent OT7 VLive when Jimin called Jk too big or something Tae was right behind them and as I pointed out in my analysis on that, he looked away almost as soon as JK turned to look at him- JK was conscious of Tae and he knew Tae was looking at them through the viewfinder.
Sometimes he feels compelled to call them out on it too like he did in the dynamite MV when he blurted out, let's not look in the cameras when JK and Jikook were about to do their weird eye fucking absolutely gay stuff that they be doing from time to time.
All these are tells. To me at least. And I think in her video she was simply pointing out yet another tell of Taes- his blank expressions around Jikook in certain moments.
Having a poker face is one thing, having a blank expression is another.
Like I said his poker face is deliberate. He turns that on in various situations ranging from mild to not so serious circumstances like keeping others from finding out he is a mafia in a game etc.
His blank expressions are often times involuntary. His resting face. Sometimes I don't even think he realises he's blanked out.
When he don't know what to do with himself he blanks out. It's similar to how JK intensely focuses on Jimin when he doesn't know what to do with himself on set or when the cameras are rolling.
When he isn't intensely focusing on Jimin he becomes fidgety or sometimes does some really weird expressions that have popularly become various memes under the heading Jungshook.
It's not just Tae. It's not just Jimin. They all have their tells and go to expressions when they don't know what to do with themselves on camera.
Tae has a strong poker face, he is a master of blank expressions, and he is notoriously one of the most passive aggressive members in BTS.
Any of these can be tells depending on the context and situation.
-As long as we are able to distinguish between these moments and expressions I suppose.
His expression when Jikook were narrating the rain fight for example would be a blank expression and not a poker face in my opinion- a poker face is a deliberate state of induced expressionless demeanor.
Yes he had a blank expression. But I don't think that that was deliberate. That's just his go to resting face when he is not active in a moment most times.
I found his comment, 'that was a long time ago' much more telling that he knew about the rain fight and that expression of embarrassment he had on later equally said that he knew and thought Jikook were being gay unprovoked.
But that is my thought process.
I gotta respect hers too. It's valid.
Him going blank dead silence when Jimin said he loved waking up to see JK's face was more of that 'awkward, can't believe JM just did that shook moments' he gets around Jikook from time to time when they do something very shocking and gay.
I'd be lying if I said I understood what she was driving at with that bit in her video but I don't totally disagree with that.
By her stating that, I don't think she implied the opposite of it. Nor did Jimin by his statement.
Tae has a good poker face don't necessarily mean he is good at keeping secrets. I think it is much more nuanced than that.
I mean he is good at keeping your secret until he misses his best friend and soulmate then it's 'JK don't want Jimin to come' 🤺🤺🤺
Sometimes I wish Jimin were a triplet so I can slipt him between Tae, JK and RM. Suga and Hobi don't mind sharing him with the others and it seems Jin only wants his mirror so... Lmho.
And yes, Tae does give Jikook away from time to time- blank face or not.
I hope this helps??
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ironwoman359 · 5 years
Hello. I saw the post you reblogged about toxicity in the TS fandom. And as someone who is relatively new (Just over 2 months, heyo!), may I ask what kind of toxic behaviour do you see in the fandom? I hope this isn't too much for me to ask, I was just a bit curious and wanted some clarification on the matter. Please feel free to ignore this if it bothers you!
Well, welcome to the fandom, first of all! I hope you’re having fun so far. 
In regards to the post you’re talking about, I think @izzyfandoms said it best: “...most fandoms are okay but have a loud toxic minority, but for us the not-toxic people are often the loudest so we can come off as pure and perfect...” 
Most fandoms do have an amount of toxic behavior in them, it’s very rare (I’d say impossible, actually) to find one with zero problems, but it’s also usually more noticable in other communities than in this fandom, as we have been fortunate to have the non-toxic majority also be the louder voices most of the time (most often in fandoms, toxicity is a loud minority, though there are of course exceptions to this as well). 
The other thing I think is important to remember is that this fandom started out smaller than it is now. I’ve been a presence here since november 2017, and there are other who have been around even longer, and back then, the fandom was much smaller and therefore the toxic minority was even harder to notice. This led to us gaining a reputation of “purity,” which in turn made issues more complicated when they started to crop up. Every fandom is going to have issues, things that people in it disagree about, and people who try to stir up trouble. This is normal, and a fandom displaying those traits is not immediately a bad fandom. What can shift a fandom into an unhealthy one is when issues, disagreements, and drama become the focal point and people begin to treat each other poorly over these things. And I would say a majority of fanders are good at not falling into that type of thinking or acting. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, and it doesn’t mean that the fandom as a whole can just stick our heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine. 
So, you asked me what toxic behaviors I see. I’m going to talk about some examples I’ve seen in this fandom, and before I do I’d like to state first off that it is not my intention to attack anyone specific, or to shame people for their tastes in characterizations, ships, or their triggers or squicks. This is me trying to give my open and honest opinion about this community while being as respectful and tactful as possible. 
Also going forward, every time I say “the fandom” or “people” or refer to the community in some other all encompassing way, know that I do not mean every single person in it, or even a majority necessarily, just enough people to make it noticable. If you exhibit some of the behaviors I’m talking about, I’m not saying you’re a bad person or that you shouldn’t be here, far from it. But everyone has flaws, and these are just some common things that I see in this community. Maybe if you see yourself in this post, you can take a step back and consider your thoughts and actions to see how they may be harming you or others. 
Regardless of everything I’ve said and am about to say, I really love this fandom and the people in it, and I’m incredibly grateful for the impact it’s had on my life. Some bumps in the road aren’t going to change that. (Also I don’t engage with the fandom much outside of tumblr, things may be different on twitter, discord, or other places, this is just my experience with this platform specifically. Okay? Okay.)
So...here’s what I see in this fandom:
It is quick to judge. Anyone been here long enough to remember the week when Roman was “cancelled” between Accepting Anxiety part 1 and part 2? I came into the community later that year, but the fandom elders can tell you, there was a rally against Roman as a character, and a slew of people calling out prinxiety shippers for shipping such a “toxic ship.”  You’d think after that first time, the community would have learned to perhaps be not so quick in its judgements, but we’ve seen the same pattern over and over again.
People were quick to judge Deceit when his character was introduced, which was followed by a back and forth where people argued about what was and wasn’t “sympathetic” content, how things should be tagged, and 
People were quick to judge Virgil after Embarrassing Phases
People were quck to judge Patton after SvS and Patton AND Virgil after DWIT. 
People were quick to judge Remus after DWIT.
And here’s the thing, it’s fine if you have different interpretations of characters, or prefer certain versions. You see Patton’s character flaws and decide “you know what, this character isn’t for me now” or want to explore those flaws taken to their extremes? That is okay. What is not okay, and what this fandom does a lot, is insisting that YOUR interpretation and version of the character is the correct one and shaming people with different ideas. It’s fine if you don’t like Patton or take issue with his current flaws being displayed. It’s NOT fine to attack people who disagree and send anon hate to blogs who speak out in support of Patton. It’s fine if you don’t like unsympathetic sides content. It’s NOT fine to shame people who do or send anon hate to unsympathetic sides blogs. There are lots of different ways to interpret all SIX sides, and yet so often I see people go on some sort of crusade to defend their opinon and insist that it’s canon. 
But that’s all just the characters, this fandom also is very quick to judge the individuals in it. Real, breathing people with lives outside the internet are often shamed or attacked for their opinions about the characters, different ships, the way they’ve chosen to portray the characters in their art or stories, I could go on. Purity culture and cancel culture are prevalant in all areas of the internet, and this fandom is not exempt from it. Demonizing people for making small mistakes, or even for just disagreeing with you, is never okay, and yet it is something I’ve seen again and again in this fandom. Which leads me to my next point...
Anon hate. God, it makes me so angry, and this is the only one that I won’t try to portray both sides of or be diplomatic about, because it is flat out unacceptable no matter the circumstance. There are so many blogs in this fandom that have horrible anon hate problems, and I am sick of seeing it. I don’t care what a person has done or what opinions they have that you may disagree with, I don’t care if they’re the worst person in the world. It’s not okay to send anon hate, and it’s not okay to tell people to kill themselves. You find a blog in this fandom that you just Do Not like, either because of their content, their opinions, hell, just their personality? Unfollow them. Block them if you want. But sending anon hate over ships, characters, opinions and statements, it’s just childish and unacceptable. And it happens enough in this fandom that there are people who are afraid of making statements about things for fear of attracting more of that energy. Love always follows the hate and drowns it out in this fandom, for which I’m grateful, but the hate shouldn’t exist in the first place. Cut that shit out. 
In general, this fandom has not handled differing opinions well, be it opinions on how to tag content, disagreements over characterizations, or encountering an idea that you personally may not care for. It is ultimately up to individuals to curate their online experience, by unfollowing blogs they don’t like, blocking tags and blogs they don’t want to see, and reading summaries and content warnings before opening fics. Often in this fandom I think people get upset if something isn’t tagged the way they want it to be (and I’m not talking about not tagging triggers, I’m talking like, someone insisting a blogger tag deceit content as #ts deceit when they already tag it as #deceit sanders. In situations like that it is the responsibilty of that someone to either block the tags a blog is using or not follow blogs whose tagging system doesn’t work for them), or if someone disagrees with them and we forget that it is okay to just...unfollow people. You don’t have to follow every blog in this fandom to be a part of the community, and if a blog is making posts and content you don’t like, unfollow them, don’t attack them for it. Accept that they have as much a right to their opinions and their space in the fandom as you do, and adjust your block and follow list accordingly so that you can get the experience that YOU want out of this fandom. 
I hope this was helpful, and I hope it didn’t get too long for you. I’m not putting this under a cut because I think it’s important, but I will tag it as #longpost so my mobile users don’t suffer too much. If you want to discuss this in the notes, please keep it civil, and remember that we all are fans of Thomas here, and that we probably have more in common than we do differences. I love you guys, stay awesome
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gamergirluprising · 4 years
Hello, everyone, I’d like to share somethings that have urked me and outright surprise me when getting deeper and deeper into this whole shebang cause honestly, this is too much to NOT notice. If you're wondering what I am talking about I am referring to all the stuff I found out about Viv and the fact that she never truly seemed sorry for what she's done to said people based on what I have found out and what she's said in recent years.
Now you all may say "G, she said she's sorry and that's that. Don't bring up things that happened years ago or have been resolved." and look, man, I'd leave it alone if it was CLEAR that she was truly a person of her word, wasn't a hypocrite, and didn't cause 3 people to be suicidal and cause/know of witchhunts that she KNOWS happened and/or wanted to happen. You guys can like her all you want and defend her, but be sure they are good defenses, understand WHERE I am coming from, and be mindful of what I am saying. Don't just ignore everything she did just cause you THINK she's super nice or because she's your idol.
I will also emphasize that I wish for NO ONE to send any unnecessary hate or anything of the like to Viv. You don't stoop to someone else's level just cause they did some bad crap. I just wanted to say any of this, loud and clear, cause its straight facts that shouldn't be buried just cause she wants to hold onto her image the best she can. That isn't at all fair to those victims who have been wronged and had their names tainted over her destructive and mean-spirited hypocritical behavior. AGAIN DO NOT ATTACK VIV AND DON'T THINK ME CALLING HER OUT IS A REASON TO HATE HER. We can be better than her in terms of handling things. Do not also think me calling her out shouldn't have been done JUST CAUSE you don't wanna hear it or not. If you don't wanna see it, you don't have to read it.
with that being said, LET'S DISSECT.
 S T A R V A D E R
First I have to start off relaying to you guys what Starvader had stated at the beginning of the document so you'll get a jist of why she even spoke up in the first place. 
 "I type this document with no malicious intent only my personal thoughts on how I feel recently about the situation since its been on my mind well every day now since 2013. At least five years I’ve had thoughts below as to my personal experience of meeting an ex idol and why sometimes meeting your idol isn’t the best approach. For me, that ex idol is Vivienne Medrano creator of Zoophobia and Hazbin Hotel. I’m not aiming to defame this creator nor do I think people should stop liking their work or stop supporting them. If you like their work there is nothing wrong with that but I will refuse to silence myself any longer due to how much this rarely leaves my mind and tends to come up. This has been a situation swept under the rug and most would probably state ‘ well why are you bringing all this up now it was so and so years ago you guys squashed this etc etc “ that being the case, sorry doesn’t fix emotional trauma that comes up frequently during depressive episodes and comments do tend to stick to people in a certain way. Apology or not, words have a heavy weight to them."
I put this here even though I will be putting a link to her doc because people will most likely not read or press the link and just act as if Starvader wanted blood. No, she stated her mind and was clear when saying she wanted no harm done to Viv.
In this link It tells anyone who comes across it what she and some others mentioned here had to go through when being compared by Viv, wanting to do what's right and still being "called out" and bullied while getting hate sent to them, and having been told how her dreams would never ever be achieved and that she should practically give up, how she put friends against one another, etc. It showcases screenshots of these examples. 
It all began with the accusation of art theft. The very thing she played the victim in with someone else. I'm sure some of you old-time fans of Viv know who this person was and are aware of the beef they had with one another. After reading Starvader's Doc, I want you to look at the post Vivziepop made to defame someone known as 
  D O L L C R E E P
This may be a throwback to you and you all may have thought this person was abusive. I won't say that they did absolutely nothing wrong since they themselves have said they did some wrong in the situation, but I will say that one was more of a problem starter than the other. 
Notice in this post that the very things she did to Starvader she said DollCreep did to her and how she tries and paint DollCreep as this SEVERELY abusive person. Hell even in Starvader's document you'll see that DollCreep told SV that he talked with Viv about the whole thing regarding SV and Viv and she apparently listened at the time. Not to mention that the screenshots Viv put in that post were either take(very possibly) taken out of context or not even bad to begin with (though his reply about the face thing was odd and shouldn't have been addressed b but due to circumstances, I think that's why he was so cautious). I don't know DC like that, but this kinda makes me feel as though he wasn't a bad person Viv makes him out to be and more her trying to destroy his image ENTIRELY for her benefit, cause till this very day she still calls him an abuser and someone she doesn't want to meet again. 
if you continue on into the post she made, you'll see that she has made characters, EERILY SIMILAR to DC's, some WAY MORE than others. SV was willing to change some of the designs and even wanted to stop, Viv, however, seemed to take great offense over such an accusation and took to social media to make her frustrations known. SV kept this hidden from 2013 to 2018.
Oh btw, if you read the doc you'll see that SV wanted to commit suicide. DC actually attempted it. The cyberbullying ran that deep and it ANGERS me.
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here’s what someone who saw the sitch had to say.
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can find everything here regarding what DC said about the sitch. You guys DO NOT ATTEMPT TO HURT THIS PERSON. It actually pisses me off that people even attacked DC and blindly believed Viv. It’s Johnny Depp’s situation all freaking over again
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Here’s the picture of Viv saying that he was abusive, completely ignoring her behavior, and knowing hate would be sent to DC. Again won’t say that DC was completely innocent but damn man, was this necessary? DC even said that they talked it out and everything 
Don’t even get me started on the whole character credit fiasco that Viv refused to properly fix.
Look at this as well.
it mentions SV again, but it also brings into light a parody character meant to mock DC during all of this drama. 
DollCreep does the same thing back and is treated like the enemy. Hypocrisy at its finest.
now, most of you guys will be saying that this all happened in the past. It’s over, some will say, She’s changed (some of you may even say that these people deserve it. Yes people actually have said stuff like this to me or others) but here’s the problem, She still pulls crap like this to ruin people or to make others feel stupid. Just last year she was laughing with JaneGumball (who APPARENTLY made up with the victim) saying that she deserves it for being rude when the girl just said her opinion and was still a fan of Viv at the time, meaning she didn’t even mean to hurt Viv’s feelings and, hear me out, even if she did WHY FIND HER CYBERBULLYING FUNNY AND JUSTIFIED OVER AN OPINION? What sort of logic is that? That’s GREATLY immature and unnecessary, especially for someone her age (She’s 27 or 28 guys while the victim was 15, come on man!)
 and I’m sure some of you know what happened with the person who made a meme regarding HH and other animated cartoons.
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She’s VERY MUCH AWARE THAT THEY WERE ATTACKED....and this is how she responds....wow O K A Y.
So no, she didn’t actually change because she most likely didn’t think she had to. People kept supporting her thus making her believe that what she did was correct. Oh and Faust is practically Viv as well. (As seen by the SV doc and this tweet thread)
Hell Viv seemed to ignore this too, as well as a lot of shipping drama if it involves a specific ship, but I won’t delve too deep into that subject since I am not very aware of the things that go down in that side of the fandom. 
and there’s this 
and this
I’d advise you guys to hear these things out. 
Oh and Viv is the type to be a Hypocrite regularly,
I could send you all the screenshots of her tweets but that should be another post on its own cause THERE IS A LOT. Like her Cancel Culture tweet, that tweet where she said, and I quote, “The hypocrisy is strong” back in 2014, November 29th. That time she had a thread of tweets saying, and I quote “never let someone dictate your value as an artist! Never seek the approval of someone else and conform to what they say you should do!” Despite doing this to StarVader.
If you guys want screenshots I can either personally DM or make a post showing her hypocrisy. Cause honestly this is rather, dare I say it, TOXIC. She’s manipulated people and has used them when they don’t abide by her rules or make a mistake that could have been resolved privately, she attacks and it’s saddening. I am TIRED of people getting hurt by her and I am tired of her abusing her power. If she wants to change I am COMPLETELY DOWN for that, but change starts when you want it. You can’t say sorry and expect people not to see past the lies or see that you obviously didn’t change. Sorry should mean what it means, feeling regret or penitence, but if you don’t at all exhibit these things then how are we supposed to believe that you are at all sorry for anything you’ve done currently AND in the past? I mean damn dude did you guys even know what happened to the cosplayer that Viv was mad about?
Now look, if you like Viv’s content, that’s your choice. I for one very much do like some fan content that i’ve stumbled onto and find some very creative and my cup of tea and while I’m not a huge fan of HH I still very much find the premise very creative. What I do if a creator of something is majorly sketch or strange I simply seperateb the content from the creator. I simply wanted to point out things many peeps don’t know about and any person who is a fan of Viv, I hope you’d at least understand WHY I am at all saying anything I am saying. I want there to be justice but I want things to be fair. I don’t want Viv to get hurt, but I want her to actually learn from her mistakes. I am not here to discourage you from anything, it’s your choice if you choose to stay and I will not judge you for it. I am a girl who SIMPLY wants people to be more aware of who exactly Vivienne Medrano is. She’s mistreated both fans of HH and ZP and it boggles me.
If you guys want more info, like her tweets that I mentioned, just message me.
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babyybitchhh · 4 years
Just because someone isn't attracted to a person or character (who are of different ethnicities), doesn't mean they are racist. People have their own preferences in who they are attracted to. That doesn't mean they're racist. That's just their preference in who they are attracted to.
Okay, I’m not gonna allow this to turn into a big thing like the ass eating debate BUT I think you may have taken what I said a little too personally. That wasn’t directed at any one person or even certain groups of people, and I’m not of that opinion based off one or two specific individuals. Rather it’s fandom habits as a whole, and I’ve seen enough to know that by and large black characters are overlooked in favor of their lighter skinned counterparts. I mean, black characters show up so infrequently in Japanese media anyway (and their representation is ... another topic for another day) to the point where it really is easy to see this trend in action. Even if they hit ALL their charm points and have the looks to back them up, they still get mostly ignored. Why?
Heads up, I really got on my soap box with this one so feel free to keep scrolling
I actually saw a blog on here that was writing for Naruto who, with their whole chest, said they’d write for anyone except the Kumogakure characters (and Ino which, ew, I didn’t think someone with such terrible taste actually existed but 🤷‍♀️ here we are) and what do most of the Kumo ninja look like?
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(I liked Omoi a LOT and Darui was nothing to shake your finger at either - and Mabui??? Good god, shes fucking gorgeous. Shikaku absolutely should have hit that while he had the chance, I know for a goddamn fact he was (respectfully) looking. )
But anyway I’m just not sure how you can look at something like that and not see color bias - and I used that wording very intentionally. Because even if you (that’s a general you) look at black or otherwise dark complexioned characters and decide they’re just not to your “preference” there’s still an underlying factor at play wherein, on a societal level, pale is touted as being attractive and melanin isn’t considered half as beautiful. It’s conditioned.
I have yet to see ANY self insert content for the above characters, or Ogun. I’ve seen VERY LITTLE for my man Avdol compared to the rest of the cast which, imo, is particularly telling because the Jojo fandom will even lewd a sadistic mold doctor (no shade, Ciccolata fans) but this absolute unit??
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Only certain writers seem willing to take him on and me, personally, I’d rather see more smut of him than, say, Polnareff or Kira (no shade, stans)
Also I’ve seen maybe a handful of fics for Tosen PERIOD - not just self insert content - and half of that was pairing him with the big dog guy
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Which is, again, indicative of a deeper issue considering how much thirst the light skinned characters generate by comparison.
And also someone I’d REALLY like to see self insert content for is Lock Rock, idk if it’s because he kinda looks like Eric Andre (man crush Thursday 🤪) or what, but I am feeling it
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And don’t give me that “but he’s married and has a baby!” Bullshit when we’re out here lewding married man and father of four Enji Todoroki like we’re getting paid to do it. I want to see HC’s, smut, thirst, fics, something! Anything! Please!? (Seriously tho, does anyone have a hookup for ANY content of this man? 💀)
Now, don’t get me wrong here, I’m not innocent either. Ogun will be the first black character I personally write for but he’s not the first one I’ve found attractive nor do I glance over these characters based on their skin tone. If they’re hot, they’re fucking hot! Period!
And I think that’s what this boils down to, because even though you (still a general you) may not look at them and think “ew, they’re black”, if the color of their skin is the deciding factor for you then there is still a problem here.
Are you not attracted to that character because they don’t push your buttons right or is it ultimately because of their pigmentation?
Do you find yourself unattracted to every single black character you see, regardless of their facial features and other characteristics? (For example I’m not particularly attracted to Tosen but Lock Rock?? PHEW)
Ask yourself if there’s a single black person you DO find appealing.
I understand having preferences, I in fact have my own preferences, so that’s not the issue here. It’s also not “no one else is thirsting for Ogun, they’re all racist!” But rather “there is a very observable trend in fandom spaces where every character who appears to be black gets slept on and even if it doesn’t seem like racism on a surface level, the color bias absolutely exists on a broader spectrum and, yes, Ogun is definitely suffering from it”.
That’s it. I wasn’t calling YOU (you, specifically, anon) racist just because you don’t like Ogun, I’m saying that black people are consistently pushed aside in favor of light skinned people and it happens with alarming frequency even within fandoms which just goes to show how deep this issue actually runs. And that’s all just going off of how the CHARACTERS are treated, I haven’t even touched on how black readers/black artists/black writers are treated but then go ahead and amplify that to society as a whole and surely you can see why I’m going to call it what it is.
Plus I can almost guarantee that if Ogun had been “white” (I mean, he’d just be Shikamaru then but that’s neither here nor there cmdkxksksk) he’d have SOME content. Case in point, actual psychopath and certified star lord Rekka Hoshimiya even got thirst content from the fandom whereas the only black man in the series hasn’t gotten so much as a single HC. Trust me. I’ve scrolled to the bottom of his tag at least five times now. 💀
Literally the most I’ve seen is one or two people saying how attracted they were to Ogun and that’s it. A bitch literally cannot feed herself on such meager morsels, especially when Beni’s out here getting his 20th smut fic in a row - which is an impressive number for such a small fan base. Lmao Anyway my point here is that personal preferences are fine and dandy but when I can actually see the same trend repeating itself over and over, fandom after fandom ... there’s definitely something more than preference at play here. 🤷‍♀️
#I promise this is as preachy I’ll ever get on this blog#I’m just here to thirst and have a good time#but a bitch do be seeing things and she’s not impressed#if it was a one off thing that only happened now and again okay#but literally no matter which fandom I look at there it is#the elephant in the room#and I know I’ve seen other people complain about this shit#I’m not the first or last bitch who’s crushing on a black character only to find ZERO content of them#while the light toned characters are getting lewded left right front and center#just standing there like ...#🧍‍♀️#ah so I guess I’m on my own with this one#huh#anyway just so there’s no misunderstandings here I am white so not only do I encourage black voices to chime in if you feel so inclined but#please! make the content you want and deserve to see! create your communities!#don’t let anybody convince you that you don’t have a spot in fandom spaces just as much as I do#I try to keep my reader inserts as neutral as I possibly can so I hope?? my writing doesn’t exclude anyone#and for any kings reading this I am willing to write male readers so just let me know? I have a pusspuss and I think#the majority of my followers do too so that’s what I default to as far as genitalia are concerned but I am flexible#this is actually irrelevant but uh I think of my favorite pieces is the fem!Muzan x male reader request I did lmao#it was not one of my more popular pieces tho ✊😔#one of my*#wish I could edit tags on mobile 😅#anyway I have no intention of answering any further asks on this topic I said what I said#you DONT have to agree with me but again if I’m seeing the same shit in every fandom I look at I think we need to address the bigger picture
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witchcraftingboop · 4 years
Further Insight on Briar's Recent Discourse & Prim's Apparent Grooming of Younger, Newer Witches
It was suggested to me that instead of making one long post (which I was genuinely sorry for creating in the moment as well), that I should offer the second half in a separate one so that it is easier to share and harder to simply ignore as a wall of text.
Here is the link to the first half of the current JBird and Briar discourse floating around. I highly encourage everyone involved in the Witchblr community to review both posts and not just this final addition. 
Regarding Prim stirring the pot, I actually do have proof of that on my page somewhere if you wouldn't mind my sending it to you? The person I reblogged it from, Mahi, also received death threats from Prim when they were only 16 and Prim was 20 (I can't ask him to share that though because Prim has since used her following to drive him off of Tumblr and he's still fairly [and justifiably] sensitive about it.)
Regarding Briar's statements more specifically though, I can see where the confusion is coming from. After the "in France" part, she's just defining a relevant term (hence the use of "irrelevant details) and then giving an explanation of how she came to be so knowledgeable about that term/concept. I wouldn't say she's calling Prim's activism an "irrelevant detail," but pointing out how Prim uses it as a shield against backlash whenever another blog (not just tradcrafters) calls out her platform. I don't expect you to fully understand or see what I mean when I say that, of course. Because you are still new, and these are habits I've observed of hers from nearly a year of following their interactions. I would, however, like to point out that Briar doesn't say anything racist about Prim and does not once bring up her race. In fact, I think if you read her entire post and not just point 3 as Prim has it cropped out in all of her mentions of it, you would see more fully the depth and amount of frustration Briar is trying to express. Similarly, Briar never threatened to dox Prim. She has, in fact, repeatedly tried to point out that Prim should be protecting her online information and be more aware of how to stop others from finding out about her private life/situation. These statements, however, have since been warped by Prim and her followers to come off as a threat on her life. Briar's statements above aren't a threat of doxxing. She's never once posted Prim's personal information or told others to find it or use it in any way. She has, however, searched for Taglocks on Prim, something witches especially are known to look for. In that search she found more than she was even looking for, despite trying to tell Prim repeatedly to stop being so open online with the information she posts about herself. Doxxing though is not racist. It is something used by them, sure, but it is not inherently racist.
Additionally, Prim has raised money, sure, but I still have not seen any actual receipts as to her *actually* donating it to any public or private organizations. This, for me, is highly suspect. In reality, we still have no idea where that money is. Whereas with Briar, she took no money in for a couple days on her readings and instead merely asked that those requesting a reading first submit proof of donation to an organization linked in the post. She raised substantial money for the BLM movement, but no one seems to want to bring that up in all of their "she's a racist" discourse. Also, the observation that someone is misleading or gaslighting their following is not racist. Just because she said Prim was recently using her BLM reblogs & promotions to do it *this time* still does not make it racist. Questionable wording is just something the reader disagrees with, in my opinion, and should be addressed as such.
I'm not going to lie, I do feel a little frustrated at this point. I was really hoping to come to you and see that you had concrete proof to offer that Briar is a racist. I do understand that you have your own reasons for feeding into the assumptions and twisted outlooks already taken on Briar's words, but I don't have enough energy in me to fully swallow my tongue on this one. I really do hope that you at least consider what I've said here. I'm not sure what I can say at this point because all of the information I've read from you thus far has been purely conjecture or assumptions or just "not feeling right" about the wordings on a single post. A racist, from my perspective, is not something I would ever feel comfortable calling someone off of this lack of evidence.
I understand it is hard to separate preconceived notions from your mind when reading through the words of others, but I really do miss when you were more open to the words of others. If I could ask one thing of you, it'd be to please try to read Briar's post again but from the perspective of seeing it how it was meant to be: a witch who has been on the butt end of Prim's harassment for going on three years now. She is tired of the wild accusations and constantly having to defend herself, and even when she supplied her proof a couple years ago, no one wanted to hear her. She has, largely, given up on being heard, and now screams into what feels like a void when attacked.
Proof of Prim stirring the pot that I offered: An example of Prim actively seeking out the community and trying to stir the pot with an already dealt with situation that had passed over a year ago.
A direct source that I offered as further proof of what has occurred already: This is one from the account mentioned before who was directly involved with the previous discord server where the Trio incident took place a couple years back.
[A Reply.] I think, to be fair, I saw your comments on her previous posts through your main, and with how much aggression you packed into those messages, I don't necessarily blame her for deciding not to engage with your private messages. As I've said, she's very used to people attacking her like that, and in her mind, unfortunately, you've probably been added to the list of aggressive people ready to fling the blame at her rather than look at the situation as a whole. I do apologize for the way her post may have made you feel, but I think it's also important to remember the potentially aggressive things you left on her page (I'm not saying you meant to come off that way, but even I couldn't help but read that way). Also, regarding the ask, it's no small secret that the occultists of the tradcraft group are skilled and well-versed in hexes and curses. When reading her posts about how she may respond to further antagonism on Prim's part, I see a fully realized occultist wielding their most well kept and trained weapon: baneful magic. I'm sure Prim herself also understands that the "threat on her life" she's saying she's so afraid of, isn't a physical threat, but a metaphysical one. She has repeatedly and continually tried to drag these people through the mud, and now that they're refusing to just sit back and be canceled, she's afraid. She knows how strong their magic is, and they aren't shy about it 🤷‍♀️
[A Reply.] No, I completely understand where you're coming from. I, personally, have seen your willingness to talk things through, despite how aggressive you can come off at times in the things you say, so I think that's why I was genuinely so surprised to see your comments on some of her posts. But I do think her response and refusal to further directly engage with you is warranted and her right. Unfortunately, it is hard to tell who is genuinely open to talking and who is just trying to bait and add to the problem. And with how aggressive your comments were, 8 honestly think she most likely was responding from a place of "oh look another young Prim follower here to bait and berate me." I don't think she looks down on you for your age, but her views are likely a reflection of the fact that a lot of 18yos follow Prim and have openly harassed her without even asking for her input on the matter.
At this point, I would like to talk about the second half of the title of this particular post. Grooming. This is a very serious allegation against Prim that I have not spoken on previously because I had no proof that it was happening. With this person's permission, I would like to share how exactly they wound up fighting Prim's battles for her.
I will note: I am highly disgusted by what follows.
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[A Reply.] Oh no! You cannot fault yourself for this! Prim is a known manipulator, and the fact that she was able to make you somehow think this is part of your being "gullible and naive" is just testament to the fact that she's gotten wayyy too good at what she does. This is in no way your fault or because of some fault within you. Practiced manipulators are cunning and dangerous even to the best of us. It was unfortunate that she chose you, but her twisting you around is in no way a bad reflection on you as a person!
I've chosen to include my reply to this person rather than our continued discussion because of how personal and involved our conversation turned. I've included it to show, as well, that grooming others to fight your battles is (though this should go without saying) NEVER OKAY. Prim has shown her true colors, in my opinion, and while I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt time and time again, I simply cannot permit myself to ignore the harm and damage she's inflicted on not only the tradcraft community, but also this innocent group of friends. A group who that has hitherto dedicated their time to sussing out predators, terfs, nazis, and racists. A group that should never have had to deal with being gaslit and manipulated by a well-known and respected blogger on this platform.
I cannot reiterate enough how sorry and deeply shocked I am at the information this person has brought to my attention. I am still stunned by Prim's activities and unable to fathom how many other potential individuals are out there being groomed to support and fight for her cause. I am sorry to the Witchblr community as a whole. I feel as if I have sat by and watched as Witchblr has been manipulated and am therefore complacent in the damage and needless hurt that has been allowed to spread throughout our community. I am just so very, very sorry.
I will be taking a couple days off of Tumblr because of this, as I feel as if I need space and time to think, but my inbox is always open and I am always available to speak with others on my return.
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cosmictulips · 4 years
ok that's just rude and close-minded that someone would argue with you as if everyone has the same outlook omfg. personally, i believe in twin flames because i have one, but i definitely do not expect everyone else too.
ALSO PEOPLE, TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIPS ARE NOT JUST FOR ROMANCE. there's a lot of twin flames that do not go into union at all. it is a journey of healing past/inner trauma and karma, it is a concept of turning into your most divine self and as well as completing or getting closer to your divine mission on this earth. twin flames often teach each other lessons, good or bad, and intentionally or unintentionally help each other pull through. some people end up having a healthy , loving relationship with their divine counterpart, some don't.
Google definitely does not describe it all because everyone's experience is different but there are websites and such to really explain. every journey is different and if your twin flame is detrimental to your health and wellbeing, you can always walk away from it. at the end of the day, it is a soul connection and it isn't always an easy one. with that being said, a karmic/toxic relationship is not the same as a twin flame.
please stop pressuring them to believe/understand twin flames. not everyone does and that is completely OKAY, especially if they are still doing readings for you or being as accepting as possible when it comes to your situation. this lovely reading spends day in and day out trying to get readings to you guys as much as possible, i can see it constantly. be a bit more open minded to everyone's point of view on things; and once again, this is coming from someone who DOES and HAS a twinflame.
if you REALLY were in/interested in a twin flame connection, you would come to a very well awakening of knowing that not everyone thinks the same way or will be as inviting and welcoming to the concept or your relationship, but nonetheless focusing on your path and destiny because whatever works and resonates with you, as well as makes you happy, is YOUR business.
with that being said, thank you so much tulip 🤍for being here to answer asks every single day and care enough to deal with people; even if they aren't so kind. people are not as progressive as they perceive to be, i see people are still thinking that their answer should be everyone else's.
Exactly lol. And this kind of branches out into larger conversations that are being held -silently- across the community but like, not every belief system is the same. Like you and I are perfect examples lol. You got a twin flame and I had such a bad experience that I refuse -and have before it happen- to believe love should be that complicated and hard ya know? Like Idk, past experiences and what not really do shape the way people believe in things. and different religions also. like, a lot of us probably came from a christian background. and it's taken me a lot of time to step out of that christian way of thinking when appraoching witchcraft. Like I ain't a saint, but I try to be open minded when answering questions.  I try to see it from a place of unbias and a place of love but that don't mean every situation I'm going to understand lol. I have my own bias, and I always will. That don't make me a bad reader but I feel like some people put me on a pedestal or... just want to fight lol. and when I give that disclaimer that I'm like, hey this is what I did and what I think so hopefully you can understand the reading better. Like I know a lot of people here are new to this blog. lol and even the ones who have been here awhile are probably picking up my beliefs. but that being said, I also don't post about it that much anymore. so me telling you in a reading like here's my biased opinion, you can take it or leave it lol. it might affect the reading in the long run which is literally the only reason why I say it in the first place.  Most readers don't even do that LOL. it's expected that you know of their bias. but I always want to be clear and forthcoming with people that like, we might have different views, but ultimately, I'm trying to help you for your better good. and to still fight me on it?? it's like, sis did you even read the whole reading or did you stop at the disclaimer lol. and then to turn around and play the victim lolol I got an aries mars in the first house man, I am not afraid of just chewing some ass lol  Anyway, it's been said before and it'll be said forever, but everyone is different in witchcraft. and it's weird to me that like people get upset about it. the disclaimers aren't to like downplay the reading. it's just making you aware that I might use some different terms and have different vibes. Like I have another twin flame reading in my askbox and I'm like, okay twin flames aren't my thing, but I will try my best to set that aside. and I will tell that person, that hey,  I might not pick up on everything because of that. it don't mean I'm going to like half ass the reading. that's so unfair lol. but it just means that, every possible connection you might have, I might not get. das all. and then to play victim. child lol. but yea lolol. I'm hoping people can see that despite differences, I'm willing to help. I think it's so stupid that people aren't willing to help because someone is different from someone else. like we're all human, with different beliefs. just because I believe in something different, don't mean I'm going to be rude about it. I will adjust accordingly and go from there. but I ain't about to not say anything either lol
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ailuronymy · 5 years
Hey, I follow a WC YouTuber called Moonkitti and she'd uploaded a video called "Warrior Names". She kinda slams traditionalism and also demonstrates she has no idea what exactly it is. Like she shows some prefixes as examples which has Tree and Dirt as acceptable and Jay isn't, despite the inverse being true. I know she mentions she's not against it in concept, but that it was being enforced to limit others' creativity, but I have really mixed feelings about it and wanted to know your opinions.
Hello there, Ruddles! I hadn’t heard of this person before but I went and watched this video and I think I understand where your mixed feelings might be coming from. This video is trying to do a lot of things but, in my personal opinion, it’s doing none of them particularly well.
There’s three major things happening all at once: 1. a legitimate personal reflection about how certain traditionalists acted towards this person in the past and how that impacted her (4:50; 6:20); 2. an incorrect and misleading explanation of what traditionalism even is and very clearly no understanding of why it appeals to people, and therefore very little empathy towards people who use the style; (5:13; 6:00);  and 3. (from an outsider stance as someone who likes deconstructing arguments for fun) a fascinatingly messy argument both in favour of Erin Hunter while using Erin Hunter’s various (and typically more incompetent) choices as justifications for… everything and anything. 
It’s a mixed bag to be sure! To start with, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying that some people who use the traditional style are jerks. It’s very true. I remember those days too. Some people genuinely did crash forum threads just to mock and belittle other people. It was terrible and I think it’s totally legitimate to be upset about that.
I think the argument that everyone who uses traditionalism behaves that way is bad faith, however, and I also question the confirmation bias happening at 6:54, because I only ever see people talking about traditionalism for themselves, because that’s the spaces I hang out in. I wonder if Moonkitti has ever actually looked for traditional forums and sites, or if she’s just taken for granted that they don’t exist and everyone who uses the style is waging their own personal crusade. That’s not something I endorse in any way, by the way. Don’t anyone do that. 
The second topic is personally the most frustrating because at points she’s almost right. But her definitions are incorrect and explanations simplify in a way that isn’t helpful to anyone. She’s not trying to actually give an account of the style and then point out the ways it doesn’t work or shouldn’t exist or anything like that: she’s half understood the idea and gone, “That sounds dumb.” This is in fact what she claims traditionalists say about other styles (7:22), which I disagree with: traditionalism is based mostly on having a set framework in place and then fairly rigorously debating what works and doesn’t within that world set-up. Plenty of names that are traditional sound pretty silly, but that doesn’t mean we knock them back wholesale. The whole point of the style is there is a method. Making judgments based on looser qualities, like sound or flow or imagery, is more of a lyrical approach.
Anyway, she doesn’t even seem to have gone to the effort of learning about it herself before deciding to preach. I think that’s tacky. It’s exasperating to me, because it’s not like there aren’t a ton of resources out there: if nothing else, traditionalists are good like that! We love lists and archives and referring to rules we’ve written out. That’s one of the things she’s correct about. She frequently refers to the fact that traditionalism is fan-made (2:25; 3:59; 6:45), but she does so as if this is a bad thing, which it’s not. Traditionalists are aware it’s fan-made: we are, after all, the fans who made it. That’s the whole idea. 
Which brings me to the third topic: she doesn’t seem to fully understand why traditionalism exists and why it brings joy to people who use it. That’s an issue, because much of her argument is based around “well, canon.” She mischaracterises traditionalists as people who are “taking things too seriously” for being creative–i.e., she recognises that the entirety of traditionalism is fan-made, but can’t seem to understand why fans would elect to create rules to follow; it seems to cancel out the creativity in her world-view. She also repeatedly refers to the fact that she doesn’t need a traditional system to enjoy the Warriors world (0:26; 7:17; 8:28; 9:05)–to which I reply, your mileage may vary–and seems to look down on people who are pulled out of the story by “a silly name,” unlike her or Erin Hunter, who don’t take things “seriously.”
The major problem I have with this approach is that it shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the value of good world-building–or even some idea of what it looks like. She claims a strict system would result in a boring story (which perhaps would be true for her, who knows: again, mileage may vary) (8:28), but the issue I have is that she says: “don’t get me wrong, warrior cats is not perfect, but the least of our troubles with the quality of these books is how strange these names are. Sure, Bouncefire sounds weird and doesn’t seem realistic, but if you’re worried about this story’s realism, consider the fact that we have about fifty cats who live together who barely gossip except if it’s about a housecat” (1:06). 
She uses the word “realistic” throughout the whole video, as though the goal of using a traditional style is to make Warriors realistic, which in my opinion it’s not. Plausible, yes. Believable, yes. Cohesive, yes. But not realistic. These are, after all, talking cats with religion. I myself multiple times a year refer to the fact we’re all getting excited over “feral cats talking to stars in the forest.” There’s no pretense there! But the thing Moonkitti argues that actually makes me mad is that, because it’s not real, nothing matters. 
And that’s absolutely horse-apples. It matters that the names in canon don’t have structure, because the world of Warriors doesn’t have structure and that is the underlying problem of the series. That is part of why the series is not well-written. The world doesn’t have structure or consistency in how it is built, and the run-on effect is that characters are frequently flat and their decisions–even their deaths–are regularly made meaningless by the world of the story. The world-building is inconsistent and poorly planned, and the run-on effect is that plots regularly force characters who are supposed to be intelligent or even an average amount of smart into being unbelievably stupid simply for the sake of furthering it, and the stakes of the stories are constantly forced to increase to squeeze any amount of impact out of the plots because the writing itself won’t do it. 
There is no hierarchy from most to least when it comes to the quality troubles of Erin Hunter’s work. The issues in Warriors are not stand-alone. They are interconnected. It’s silly to pretend that transformative world-building, which is what traditionalism is, is somehow a superficial, ornamental thing and not simply another way for fans to mend some of what makes Warriors “not perfect,” like any other AU or fandom meta. Canon invented the name-change custom (7:43)–and repeatedly made it messy, and shameful, and had no idea what they wanted to go with. Traditionalism mended that and made it better. If you can recognise that the series isn’t perfect, I don’t think it’s a stretch to also recognise and acknowledge different ways of how fans react to and deal with those imperfections in fan-works, such as role-playing and fanfiction and OCs. 
Moonkitti’s repetitions that this is a fantasy series and it’s not real so stop caring frankly reminds me a lot people who get uncomfortable and defensive when you analyse and discuss a piece of media in any kind of critical or thoughtful way and will tell you don’t be so serious. In my case, these people tend not to realise that, for me at least, this is fun--and it’s worthwhile and important to do. It’s also my actual job, in the daylight hours. (Here it’s just a hobby).
So tl;dr: Erin Hunter doesn’t take Warriors seriously–and that is the problem. The canon naming style is a symptom of how little effort Erin Hunter puts into consistent or meaningful world-building. Traditionalism exists as some fans’ attempt to craft a solution for themselves, and I include myself in that. 
Moonkitti’s approach to explaining traditionalism from a place of 1. not being interested in understanding it and 2. being oddly defensive of Erin Hunter, the creative team behind all of canon’s terrible weird writing choices, rather than critical of said choices and choosing instead to blame fans for wanting canon to be better and then acting on that desire, feels a bit in bad faith to me. I’m sad to hear that she had such bad experiences with traditionalists in the past, because that’s awful, but I also feel strongly that it’s a good idea to know what you’re talking about before you step onto the stage like this.
For instance, she says, “There’s no real argument for why [certain] names [should] not be in the series,” (2:13), but, well. I’m here and this blog is my seven-years-and-counting argument. I like to think it’s often a persuasive one, too!
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aph-floral-verse · 6 years
Hope this isn't awkward, but how would you go about setting up the au? Like as in, how you should set up the main page and things like that, and what should you do if the au doesn't actually grow big? Sorry if this is weird, I just think you guys run the floralverse au really well and think that you'd be the best people to answer this question.
Oh I don’t think its weird at all and thank you so much! We do try our best to run the au smoothly and as best as we can. All the following information will be under the keeping reading section as its a lot. ^^’
 So for setting up an au such as the main page and stuff, you should always include a several things: 
1. Name of au and what the au is: 
For example is it an au rp group, a drawn ask only group, or etc. It may help to prevent anyone from asking about these questions in the future. Or others can include things as Colour Kingdoms - Soulmate Au if there is something that should be known right away about the au if it can be written within a short sentence. 
2. Name(s) of Admin with point of contact: 
Okay so this is technically optional however I feel its always better to have the names of admins so people are aware of whose the admin and who to address when admins have to reply to an ask and what not. I also feel that its always good to let people know they aren’t talking to a nameless person. 
3. Links to Important Information: 
So I can’t explicitly put in what exactly is the type of information will be in it as it depends on the type of au you want to make. If it isn’t obvious by name, I suggest making a link to a page where it talks about the backstory of the au. If you need a map or made one, definitely add that as a link too and list the information about the various areas if needed. Roles are especially important if there is a change in roles or explaining needed for certain roles such as a Chess Au explaining the roles of each piece. Applications and rules also apply under important information and more in detail below.
4 - Rules and Applications: 
So this an obvious thing to most aus but it depends on the type of person you are. With the rules written in the main blog for the Floralverse, its more of a common sense thing and lets you know about whats the url format and stuff. Its general basic rules everyone knows but its there anyways.However applications are a different story especially with how you handle it. 
First of all, I never approve of an application by myself. I always have one other admin approve of the application before whoever posts it. The other admins have just as much say in this au as I do and I want their opinions. Besides, its always good to get another set of eyes on the application to help approve.
Second, its your choice to have an application. The Floralverse at first didn’t have one and gained many members. It was great however there was a slight flaw to it. One: you can gain many members but it also means that you didn’t know how developed their character is or anything. Two: we forgot to require people to state a point of reference for us to contact them so we have anons who asked for things but have never gotten back to us. Three: You also don’t know the type of people who applied. 
However applications can be stressful if you don’t know how to set up one but I always follow a simple format: 
Name of admin, if they are 18+ (this is more of an option if your au doesn’t contain dark elements or sexual activities or if you include an nsfw in a discord chat or such), a blog they run (mainly as a point of contact), muse, muse’s name, personality, and appearance. Jobs are also optional and more can be added depending on the type of au. 
5. Members: 
This is one the most important things and it is a huge pet peeve of mine if the members list isn’t updated. Why? Because when you want to join a blog especially if it has limited positions, you don’t want to be screwed over by “oh yeah that was taken a while back lmao.” We do try to keep the member list up to date and stay on top of it. I now included dates I updated it just because it gives me a reminder of “oh crap I didn’t update and new people joined? Okay i have to update it right now.”And how to organized it is mainly based on your logic and what you think is most important. To me, rules and members come first before the rest usually. I usually do this via pages and do one main tumblr theme.
What do you do if your au doesn’t grow big?
First of all, don’t be discourage! Like any idea, game, or book, there is always a chance your au won’t grow big. Aus grow big for a multitude of reasons as people join for different reasons. I know one au had gained lots of members because this one person had joined the au. I haven’t asked my own au why did they join but it did gain lots of attention and people did join. I’m just lucky I not only have a big au but the fact that everyone that joined was interested and such good people. 
Second, it is sometimes good that your au doesn’t grow big. As time passes, more and more will join but also its also more likely that unwanted people will join- aka people who make the au less enjoyable for a variety of reasons. I know a multitude of big aus that quickly crash and burn because bad people join and cause problems within the au or even the admins running the au could cause the au to burn if they do not manage their au properly. I don’t mean to scare you but managing an au especially when it gets big can cause some problems as admin you need to handle. I know its been about 4 months since this au really opened and so far we had no real big issues that caused people to leave. But the point is, there is no sense in trying to gain a huge au if the people in it are only to cause it to crash and burn. People, both members and admins, have to respect each other and be treated equally no matter who they are, age, gender, or what not. 
Third, if you really want to get your au to gain members and grow big, of course promo the au. I never personally really promoed the au except within the discord chat of the Colour Kingdom au which gained a few members right off the bat. Others helped us to promo the au which gained attention. Get your friends involved and get attention to your au! Hopefully others will want to join. “Famous” people can join your au and can help others also join the au but again, promoting the au really helps to get the au out there to others who might be interesting in joining. 
Fourth, of course if you want a big au, you have to do a concept where multiple people can join. For example, if you wanted to do a Zodiac Au or a Chess au, usually you can only allow a few members because there is only limited positions. Either way, limiting the amount of people who can join limits how big your au will get. 
Honestly this is as much things I can really say that make up a big au? This is two out of the three admin’s first time running an au so this was quite a surprise it grew this big at all. Besides these are mainly suggestions and increased chances that your au will get attention and hold some similar things. Honestly, nothing in any real particular order. I have more personal advice to act as a “proper” admin but that’s unrelated to the topic at hand. I hope this was able to help you out and I covered most questions you had! If you want to talk more in detail feel free to pm/dm me at either @ask-floral-2pseborga or @neetstudioart. 
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