#give she a Maul
noodleyboodley · 2 months
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Mirage doodle on Magma today
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eli-workshop · 19 days
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Ooooo someone's in trouble
Equivalent of getting a piercing without your parents knowing
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hanzajesthanza · 20 days
milva and cahir: i will BOLDLY die PROTECTING YOU!!! MY BROTHERS!!! MY BELOVED!!!
angoulême and regis: whoops uhhhhhh ok blood is everywhere now LOL ok that’s a lot of blood! oh no
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maulfucker · 7 months
This song is making me want to start yet another fic to never finish,, "Tell me... Where is your hideout? Who are we running from? I'm starting to think that you were right, and now I'm afraid of letting go of your hand...." Maul giving up on his Mandalore plan and deciding to just stalk Kenobi to tell him about his vision. Staying illegally in Obi-Wan's room because I love putting these guys in situations (and because Maul would NOT leave him alone until Obi-Wan actually accepted Maul is right, which he won't). Following Obi-Wan to Utapau and helping him escape after the clones attack, feeling equal parts vindicated and enraged (because he was proved right but Sidious still won). Them being on the run together....
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greenglowinspooks · 6 months
Btw I have no idea if it’s known about in the wider fandom, but there’s a sizable amount of riddler-centric fics on AO3 where he adopts Steph after he kills/otherwise maims her father. There isn’t a point to this I just thought you all should know about it
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anuspastor · 7 months
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earlier this week i was absolutely destroyed by the darth plagueis novel and now so will you
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lobotomy-lady · 14 days
Why do/did you work with dogs if you hate them? Honest question
ummm...bc I Don't hate them & I love them v much actually...which is part of why I dislike interacting w unknown pits (& their frequently very delusional owners). for every human mauled to death there's about a thousand beloved pets who have been lost bc some fucking idiot set their pit loose or took it on a walk despite not having the strength to control it or brought it to the dog park. my cousin has a pit lab mix who is sooo sweet but I would not let her interact w my baby brother bc its simply not worth the risk. plenty of pits who had sweet dispositions & who would "never hurt a fly" have turned on their owners out of nowhere.
anyways if I hate dogs so much explain why I have like 3000 pictures of opal just sleeping on the couch saved on my phone
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casper-ghostly · 5 months
I don't go here but anyone who draws Falin as anything but being broad and wide shouldered is a coward
This is an official Broad Bitch Protection Squad post
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Jasmine, Danse, and MacCready: (Camped out in an old building- awaiting Nicks return)
Jasmine: (Blinks up at Danse innocently from her sleeping bag) “I wanna tell you my secret now.”
Danse: (Sets down his gun he was tinkering with, turning to the teen) “Okay….”
MacCready: (Listens intently as well because Jas sounds serious)
Jasmine: (Takes a deep breath, her gaze moving to stare off at nothing in particular) (Whispering) “..…I see dead people.”
Danse: (Skeptical hum, raising a brow) “In your dreams?”
Jasmine: (Shakes her head)
Danse: (Remembers Dunwich Borers and begins to panic) “While you are awake?”
Jasmine: (Nod her head, a slow smile spreading on her sweet little face)
MacCready: (Hard swallow) “Dead people like…. In graves and coffins?”
Jasmine: (Makes a motion around her with one hand) “Walking around like regular people.”
Danse and MacCready: (Exchange fearful glances)
Jasmine: (Sighs heavily as she cozies up in her sleeping bag) “We don’t see each other- they only see what they want to see. They don’t know they are dead.”
Danse: (Clears his throat) “H-… How often do you see them?”
Jasmine: “All the time. They are everywhere.” (Eyes fixate on the spot next to her, giving a small wave to a unseen figure)
MacCready: (Internally screaming)
Jasmine: (Briefly glances up at her big brothers)“Word of advice- don’t go out in the dark when it’s 3am. That’s the witching hour, and they will find you.”
Danse: “Wait- what?!?”
Jasmine: (Cheerfully) “G’night!” (Pulls the blanket up over her and promptly closes her eyes, leaving the boys to seep in their panic)
Nick: (Enters the building, mentally exhausted) “I’m back-….”
MacCready: (Frantically runs up to him) “Valentine! What have you been feeding your kid?!?! The heck is wrong with her?!?!”
Nick: (Tired Dad sigh as he folds his arms) “What did my girl do this time?”
MacCready: (Incoherent rambling as he paces the room)
Nick: (Raises a brow) “Danse?”
Danse: (Stays quiet for a few moments) “….Have you ever considered hiring a priest to preform an exorcism on your daughter?”
Jasmine: (Appears behind the two men, a smile on her face) (Creepily) “Why? I was not lying to you- I was just trying to help prevent a tragic accident from transpiring.”
MacCready: (Nearly poops his pants as his soul leaves his body then and there)
Danse: (Jumps out a window in fright)
Nick: (Pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation) “Dear God give me strength…..”
(Wait until she tells them about La Llorona)
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two-of-tails · 4 months
Do you mobians have animalistic instincts? Dont you ever just wanna go feral sometimes? Ya know, Fox traits.
Like shaking water off like a dog, growling, biting, purring.
Raising your hackles on your back when threatened, body language, burrowing under blankets during storms?
Many variations of your story say you grew up alone in the woods at a young age so its plausible you had to adapt to survive. Has any of those traits followed you later in life? Yes we are civil, but we're still animals. You and i are still foxes in a world of hedgehogs.
#StandFerals #FoxSolidarity
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I definitely still have my ‘animalistic’ tendencies. I remember that they were a lot more severe when I was younger, though. Around the early times Sonic took me around, I remember nipping Sonic whenever he made too sudden movements towards me— I’d always feel bad about it afterwards because it was mostly defensive instinct.
More recently, I don’t do that (as much) anymore because I’m not as fearful as I was before. (I do still like biting Sonic though, playfully. That’s what siblings do right? Play fight.) Sifting through your list, I do still do most of those, growling, biting, purring, burrowing, hissing too. (The exception is shaking off water, because I usually dry myself off with my tails as propellers so I avoid getting other people wet)
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bulbabutt · 8 months
diiiiiiiiiid start prime today. its... jarring how much like the movies they needed to make the designs. ah brand synergy my mortal enemy there you are :/
keeping an open mind cuz i know this show is probably good. but oh boy do i hate what those very bad stupid bay movies did to all our media
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chayannecraft · 10 months
So for your qsmp botw au are there any differences between Chayanne and Pomme's dynamic vs Link and Zelda's???
Like do they get along, or does Pomme initially hate Chayanne for following her around and trying to protect her all the time?
i love them sm i just want to hear about them lol
Holds your shoulders. Hello OP thank you SO SO SO much for asking about botw au I literally would do anything for you!! Unfortunately tumblr deleted the seven paragraphs and counting answer I had to this so pain is real and agony is real BUT I WILL PREVAIL REGARDLESS. I SWEAR. THEY WILL NOT STOP ME FROM TALKING ABOUT MINI CODEBREAKERS BUT ALSO THANK YOU AGAIN FOR THE ASK <333 I will talk about them always oh my god I’m always geared to I love them so much too. My kids. They make me cry
Clears my throat! Ok ok ok. You’re right though!! Pomme initially does not, like, absolutely despise Chayanne but there is some strong envy and maybe even hate in there. For a lot of reasons: Chayanne is assigned her personal knight AND the chosen hero despite the fact that she can beat his ass in a fight. His appearance with The Master Sword also gave the kingdoms a lot of hope that she couldn’t, since she was struggling to unlock her powers. There were so many eyes on her, digging into her back, depending on her, she couldn’t help but wish it was her as the chosen hero instead. It would’ve made everything so much easier.
But like Zelda and Link, they do eventually start to bond and a friendship starts building between the two. Nothing romantic, for obvious reasons, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important!!! They start connecting and confiding in each other, and more importantly, believing in each other. They give each other hope. Maybe they won’t fail. Maybe destiny is right, and they’ll win, and then after they can go anywhere in the world. Chayanne can bring her to the Antarctic Empire and show her everything the way she’s shown him!!
Of course, you know what happens <— says me being dramatic as I crumple to the floor in absolute pain crying. By the way do you ever think about Pomme unlocking her powers because Chayanne is about to die, will die. Do you think about her clinging to his injured body knowing he’s past the point of waking up. Do you. Can anybody hear me. Is this thing on (crying)
After BOTW is done, they’re both just so. God. Ough. They both cling to each other and the guilt of what they’ve failed to do haunts them in every moment they will ever live. In a way only the other is going to ever understand. Their nightmares are mirrors of each other, their failures each others as much as theirs. Destiny has brought them the same pain. But the other is alive and they hold the other so hard their nails bite into skin, they both shadow each other. They’re alive together, and haunted.
They’re very much fighting to protect the other, arms and legs clashing as they try to push the other behind them to protect them. They learn to fight together and cover each others weaknesses and become an absolutely terrifying force to be reckonened with. People are convinced it’s part of the triforce.
They can probably read the other better than themselves, maybe even KNOW each other better than each other. They have a category 5 moment if the other ever gets missing or is gone. But in the end they’re both also just kids. Heroes, Legends even!!! The Hero and The Goddess!! But still just kids. Kids finally learning how to live, not worrying if they have seen the other for the last time. Soulmates who have been denied peace again and again, who are starting to fight back and claw it forward together, just for the other. Just so they can be happy.
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grusinskayas · 4 months
people who dislike grace kelly and make a point of having that known sometimes seem exactly like people who dislike taylor swift (i don't like ts either) but put waaaaaay too much effort into it, in the sense that at the end of the day you just end up thinking that they definitely need to chill. the only difference is that grace kelly is not presently generating 77.5 tons of co2 per tour and also she's been dead for over 40 years. she's not talented!! she's a bad actress!! she's only known for the clothes she wore, how could she have any talent!! she snatched that oscar from judy garland!! she's just pretty but she has a boring face!! she could never be like katharine hepburn!! okay... and? when you throw these childish insults at her you end up sounding really childish too. i swear all you have to do is look the other way, no one's putting a gun on your head and forcing you to watch her whole filmography. and if someone IS putting a gun on your head and forcing you to watch high society 1956 repeatedly then well. that's not really her fault either. i promise grace kelly cannot hurt you from the afterlife <3
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vorekody · 14 days
Decided that I'm gonna give Cooper a redesign >:)
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loveoaths · 2 years
imagine maul somehow getting leia as an apprentice. like. instead of (or after!) the stupid kidnapping thing in kenobi, maul kidnaps her (yes kenobi “killed” him on tattooine, yes he’s back somehow like palpatine, no he doesn’t explain how) for some criminal plot then quickly realizes this upstart little tart is force sensitive, powerfully so, in a subtler way than he’s used to. of course maul’s greedy ass is like MWAHAHA YEEEEES I HAVE YOU NOW, MY NEW APPRENTICE! and then proceeds to get his entire ass emotionally bitch-slapped by a ten year old girl, repeatedly, for the next ten years until ANH happens.
secondary pitch: maul is captured by the empire. he meets reva, a young inquisitor in training, and quickly realizes they share the same burning hatred for the emperor, vader, and kenobi. he convinces her that vader likely already knows her tricks and that she won’t get vengeance through compliance, but if she frees him he can help her. she breaks him out of jail and they become master-apprentice (except not really because she won’t accept being his apprentice). somehow they wind up kidnapping leia for some reason but again, realize she’s force sensitive too, and decide that the cruelest thing they could do to kenobi is to use her against him. they train leia and try to turn her to the dark side, but leia is leia and she ain’t doing nothing for nobody if it doesn’t match her morals/isn’t something she believes in. idk where this goes from here but i’m obsessed with these three going on the galaxy’s worst roadtrip feat. yelling about kenobi being their enemy, only to get DBT therapy from a ten year old who tells them actually it sounds like they’re projecting blame onto someone convenient and punishable (ben) whereas their real problems are with the empire, vader, and the emperor. leia manages to somehow get these two ornery dark siders to return to alderaan and pseudo-join the rebellion. tbh this was supposed to be a story where leia goes dark but i really think she’d wind up half-converting reva and maul instead
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rasairui · 2 months
Okay yeah my mom was right and my aunt can go fuck herself. As usual.
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