#give this man his eggs
lazorbeanz · 6 months
Happy eater
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narugen · 4 months
LOVE his kansai dialect so much huge shoutout to his seiyuu (kengo kawanishi) here’s 34 seconds of it from the new episode
(also whilst confirming that i wasn’t saying the wrong shit i found a thread on how his dialect gets translated in the manga from an official translator!)
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jack-gourdon · 1 year
Idk but somethin about this destroyed me
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i-eat-cubes · 2 years
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columboscreens · 11 months
I dont know how to explain this but columbo seems like he eats a lot of those root beer hard candies
i know exactly how to explain it. columbo loves his sodie pop
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god but why wouldnt they expect bad to run. why wouldnt he have been rhe first to leave, the first to beeline straight for that boat. he got his son, his baby, his number one priority- of course he would protect dapper above all else. of course he would leave
but they dont know. he went back for the other eggs. he wanted to trust the other parents to take care of them, to get them out, but there’s always one that’s forgotten in the chaos. always somewhere bad can help pick up the slack. he cpuldnt forgive himself if they lost a single egg- so he took dapper with him, just dapper, the way it has always been him and dapper, and went back for the other eggs, because he couldn’t trust the other parents to take care of them, because he thinks he is the only one who cares enough to protect them
And he’s wrong. he’s so wrong. but in a way, too, he was right. right about the straggler, and right about being the only one who could take care of dapper, right about being the only one who cared about all eggs- because they were alone. over and over, bad has been told that he’s not alone. that he wont be. that there are people there for him
but when the nuke went off, and dapper finally listened and ran ahead, he was alone
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little-bumblebeeee · 7 months
*Eddie tying a cherry stem into a knot with his tongue*
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seriousturd · 3 months
Been doodling Rhiannon a lot lately hehe
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robby-bobby-tommy · 10 months
This one won't be in a form of any cohesive drabble. It's a mix of truth and hcs
Imagine how Fit feels. He, the man of 2b2t and constant betrayal, where survival mastered the most, stayed behind, loosing precious time to escape safely, only to stay with Ramon. As much as I thought Fit would fully revert to his old self, but his progress is still there. He desperately tried to break the block below to get his son out of this hell. Then the Eye spoke. Ramon wasn't dumb, he knew what's happening. He placed his last signs "bye dad. Give them hell".
"I will...I will!!" Fit said, running away. No, he couldn't allow himself leave with his baby boy.
He ran back. "Ramon!! Ramon!" He screamed. As the rocks fell, giving veteran a concussion and breaking his prosthetic arm, he started. Spitting blood, he tried to put his hand on the glass, where Ramon can place it. But there was no Ramon. His son was once again ripped away from him, so he had to run. Bleeding, he ran as fast as he can.
Imagine how much survivor's guilt he feels, being able to save only Bagi. The murderer, the untrusting war criminal, who taught himself to put his own life and safety first, yelled "I can save people! " After his best friend and member of morning crew landed, unable to fly again. Imagine how much Fit changed, risking his own safety and live, to save at least one person. Then imagine how much he despises himself for not thinking of Dapper first. Veteran might've saved someone, but in one big boom he probably lost his son and love. And he wasn't alone. He doesn't want to believe his baby boy made in heaven is gone, but this thought will eat him alive.
Now this is a totally hcs territory. There's no proof in lore, but I wanna.
Fit has already stated that he won't cry, while his on stream. This is a gift from the past, because to cry is to show a vulnerability, and to show vulnerability is to get trapped, killed, tricked, destroyed. So I imagine this veteran to show his distress in other way. He didn't built the gym for nothing. Back on island, he destroyed. He punched a punching bag or burned the ship down, but it was his only way of relief and coping (kind of like this) . So now, on the ship, when all memories of purgatory, Pac, Forever saying "don't get emotional about it", his lost friends, but most importantly, Ramon, he started to punch everything he could with his normal, human arm. He doesn't care if he'll break his knuckles, it would be better, honestly. Maybe physical pain will supersede his psychological one.
Imagine Fit, alone, on the stern, watching whatever happened to the island. Imagine Fit start to punch the railings, the floor, everything his hand could reach.
There's when my second hc comes out. I had this HC for a long time, but had no situation to put it in.
Fit didn't change anything about his arm, because it was the only thing he had left of Ramon. This is why it broke during the earthquake. Now it was hanging limp like yolk, reminding of son he couldn't save, good life he couldn't have, and the past he had. For me prosthetic arm represents a lot of things, but mostly his past on 2b2t and his mission. So imagine Fit looking at the knuckles on his left hand that had "2 b 2 t" Gravured on it. Imagine him being so overwhelmed with guilt, pain and flashbacks ripping his own arm away, punching it, trying to break it to get all the pain away (again an arcane example. Not quite as teary but you get the idea. TW flashing colors). But God bless Ramon for making his arm ultra durable. So he just keeps punching his past, his duty, purgatory, only hurting himself more. No one could say now, if these tears were because of damaged skull, bleeding shoulder and hip, pulsing with ache in his knuckles or a psychological breakdown.
After calming down as much as he could, and put his armed back on, he limped in the main place, where everyone surviving were. Their backs are turned away from the entrance.
"But the most important question. Where is Fred?" Tubbo said, jokingly.
But Fit wasn't in the mood for jokes. Pushing someone away he limped to his fellow morning crew member. "We potentially lost our kids, and the only thing that you think about is your f_ck boy?" Veteran used all his left self control to not raise his hand on Tubbo, but he was pulled away.
So here they are. The only surviving, losing so much, but still alive, praying that maybe, somehow the eggs are fine.
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zeb-z · 1 year
The thing about Forever and Bad is that they don't know how to deescalate, and they start at 100 straight from 0 every time with each other. They will spend hours arguing about semantics that don't matter. They will go to the extreme ends of pranks (which as fun as the audio remixes were, spending hours trying to find the source was literal hell genuine psychological torment). They will go for the throat just to antagonize the other.
So no, I don't think Forever knows a thing about Dapper or the other eggs whereabouts. He just knows better about the way Bad operates, the way he lies and deflects. He's familiar with his crafty words and how he turns a conversation on its head. He knows that what Bad is being accused of is entirely likely, that he is not who he usually is when the eggs are around. And he knows that Dapper, beyond a shadow of a doubt, is who Bad cares for most of all.
This isn't something he can argue hours about, to chip away little by little like he usually does. For both the safety of the worker, because the longer they're locked up surely the worse off they'll be - and for the safety of Bad, who if he wasn't under extreme watch by the Federation, he certainly is now, after Tubbo very loudly accused him in his Federation office.
He goes for the throat, immediately playing a trump card that he knows Bad won't just brush off or ignore, because as much as Bad can be unpredictable, Forever knows that Bad cares about the eggs as much as he does. As questionable as his morals are, as slippery as he can be to pin down, Bad has always placed the eggs as the highest priority - and he needs Bad to have no choice but to be honest, or to knock him off guard enough that he'll give him something to work with.
Is it fair? Maybe not. But when has Bad ever played fair with him?
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plutopug · 1 year
"Dear Dapper, I hope that wherever you are, you and Pomme are safe. Your dad misses you so much, and I hope you get home soon. I don't think that I can keep going on without you guys. It's hard each day that I wake up and I see that your room is empty, and I don't hear the little pitter-patter of egg feet running around. It's tough. But the one thing that keeps me going, Dapper, the one thing that helps me feel alright and lets me know that everything will be okay and I'll see you little eggs again, is the hope that my sunshine will be returned to me. Come home Dapper. I miss you."
Bad really did want to end stream with making us all cry, didn't he?
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n7punk · 11 months
i will never forget being alone on the opposite side of the country from my family waiting for my college orientation to start, turning on the hotel TV and stopping on rerun episode of phineas & ferb out of nostalgia while i wait for it to be time to go, only to watch the disney channel original series phineas & ferb imply that dr. doofensmirtz is trans by giving him udders when he transforms into a were-cow. at 8am
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han-something · 10 months
I just know team Bolas were watching Tubbo pick out who he wanted from Green team and praying that he took ElQuackity. Especially after Baghera's realisation about him not being on the train, Phil wanted that man nowhere near his team LOL.
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brightclaws5tudios · 6 months
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Although nobody likely cares, I'll post some OC lore. Because I have COVID and will be confined to one small room for many days, and my neurodivergent ass can't handle that.
The character's name is Nairin Chauveron, and he's from a species called Shadows. These creatures have the ability to use magic and live for a very long time, and can also become Beast creatures. His, for example, is some weird giant white fox thing. However, Shadows are prone to a disease widely known as Corruption, which screws up their magic and can alter their forms.
They have crystals on their bodies, usually their chests, made of similar materials to their bones and horns. When a Shadow has Corruption, these crystals, or Cores, as they're known, fill up with dark magic when they usually contain regular life force. This makes the Shadow have a lot of negative effects, which I might explain later if prompted. (Although I most likely will not be prompted.)
Anyway, Nairin is pretty much the new king of the mountains, and I call him the bean man because he has paw feet with toe beans. He's also a slut. If you want to read the story I wrote featuring him, here's the link: https://www.wattpad.com/1318871197-mirror-dreams-not-this-dream-again-chapter-1
The story posts irregularly and it's mostly so I can get myself to do things. The first pic was drawn by me a while ago, the second is in a Picrew, the link is here: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1414503
I might post more about him later, and I had another, newer image somewhere, but seeing as I can't find it, that'll have to wait.
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Random au because I can't stop thinking about this:
On the doc Mike and Pac found in the prison said that if Walter Bob completed that specific task he would be free from the jail/no longer a prisoner, right? (MY memory isn't the best so maybe this is a bit wrong but that is what we have for today folks augstwfwywfrqcw)
What if one day he finishes the task and Cucorucho with a smile brings him to another federation building and asks him to get into a room
Days later Fit is asked to clean a room, no big deal, another day of honest work where he starts lurking around looking for anything that could be useful for him and his mission
And then, in another place that he isn't suppose to be, but that he got into anyway is a... something. In the corner. It's small, it's scared, maybe even trembling a little bit and tired, very tired.
It's an egg.
When he enters, it turns around to face him and Fit freezes for a second because now he can clearly read the name on top of the kid.
"Walter Bob"
Well, he isn't coming out of that building alone.
Also! For fluff purposes! Imagine he bringing him to show Pac and Mike, like, Walter Bob doesn't have the memories of Before but he can't help but feel at ease around those "strangers" and their vibrant, lively energy, especially because they seem to like be around him as well, always full of hugs and itens and new places to show around.
Ramon being a good older brother! Showing him how to explode things and being perfect to bring his more quiet and chaotic side.
The fact that before he couldn’t remember ever having a bed just the cold metal of the cell and the guards shouting and pain and experiments and cold cold cold
But now it's different! Now he has a family, people from everywhere smiling and talking to him and helping and saying strange, kind things like that their house is his as well and that if he ever ever need he could call
And then Forever reforms the NINHO to have another room and Bad calls him to chat while making his buildings and Baghera gives him a bunch of invisible potions so they can hang around listening to gossips and Philza is always chill in letting him visit and Foolish laugh and goof around like nothing could ever go wrong everytime he gets too anxious and Mike and Pac are there and...
And Richas gives him beautiful paintings to put in his room and Dapper show him all his cool animal collection and Leo take him to a train ride and Tallulah helps him to decorate his room and...
And and and
(And the hope is there, it hurts too much to bare sometimes, like it's a knife that already cut him before.
But little by little, with time, the wounds begins to heal)
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faramirsonofgondor · 1 year
phil dunster is so real for getting high and then being gay on his insta story.
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