#given that I don't have that many interactions
cozymochi · 1 day
oh nooo... mochi I have just now realized you've combined my childhood and current hyperfixations and
I don't think I can recover 😬😬 ANYWAY I have too many questions about Tia and her life before and after isekai-ing so here's a few
-granma and lottie characters names?
-gramma based off mama Odie?
-how did Tia react to her first culinary crucible?
-her opinion on Crowley?
-and I don't typically like reading character reactions to yuusonas/MCs/OCs, but I genuinely want to know how Tia interacts with the characters? I love her so much ahhh🤩
adios y gracias mochi!
AAAA yay! Well im gonna see if I can address each of these.
-granma and lottie characters names?
Granma’s name is “Eva Dumarais”, from her father’s side. Tia’s middle name is named after her! Granma prefers to be addressed by her name “Eva” or literally anything else. I was intending on including that in practice, but I didn’t want to confuse anybody.
I actually drew up Tia’s friends for my own self reference over HERE!! (The info is still mostly accurate since posting.) But, the blonde girl (that is, yes, very much an intended allusion to Lottie) is named Lisette. A.K.A “Lizzie.” She was Tia’s longest friend. This is them in an old drawing I don’t remember making.
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-gramma based off mama Odie?
Not necessarily, however I can see how that allusion can be made. It’s an easy train of thought to have! So, I’m not opposed to it and if anyone thinks that, that’s totally fine. Then I took her eye out for no reason other than it looked cool.
Pretty much every person from Tia’s home-world doesn’t really show up anyway since they’re just people from Tia’s previous life. Not that they don’t have influence on her, but in the grander scheme they aren’t too significant. So I suppose it doesn’t matter either way! I had a drawing of her not in her sleepy time getup but I may have deleted it on accident. WHOOPS!!
-how did Tia react to her first culinary crucible?
SHE ATE IT UP!!!! Probably the most in her element course she’s taken— but Tia always wants to learn new things so I’m sure she went all in. However, she and Grim are counted as a single student. Take that as you will. Total aside, I feel like I’m the only person who takes that into consideration at all 😭.
-her opinion on Crowley?
She screamed and threw a plush monkey at him when first saw his face. As if the talking cat-like monster wasn’t enough. (Context? Who needs it)
Okay AFTER all the initial shock in being transported, magic, coffins, getting shoved into Ramshackle, being the only girl on the entire campus, and god knows what else (which is a story in itself)—-, Tia finds Crowley to be unreliable and capricious.
Tia is a lot more pressing about trying corner the guy about how to get home and question him, but Crowley will usually weasel out of it or pretend not to hear altogether. (It’s sillier in practice)
Besides, he makes her fix issues at the school and deal with it its students, then regularly blackmails, and guilt trips if she has any refusal, so it’s not exactly positive.
On the other hand, Crowley finds Tia really inflexible (and depending on the day, that can be bothersome), but!! On the bright side that can translate into someone just PERFECT for getting these students in line!
Though, because he intentionally gets under her skin for various reasons, that just makes her wanna prove herself more. So in a weird way, she wants to be recognized as capable to him but also is somewhat aware that she’s probably being strung along.
THERE’S A LOT, I FIND TIA AND CROWLEY VERY FUNNY, I just never actively discussed it or showed it much.
-how Tia interacts with the characters?
Given that there’s 20+ characters there’s no way I can feasibly answer this individually in the detail I would like to without making the longest post ever. Cuz, I do have answers!! Pretty much every base universal status quo is still the same, but. Y’know.
But if someone can imagine a generalized Tiana “base” character starting point, and put her near any of these guys— someone could probably make a feasible guess and be mostly on the money, give or take a few details (cuz there are a few things different overall…). There are characters I didn’t think Tia would gel with, but as she came into her own it sorta fell out of my hands, in a way. Lol.
As for not being into how other people’s MCs and the sub-categories and how they respond to characters, I just wanna say… I’m the exact same way. It’s exceeding rare for me to do the same. So don’t worry, I feel you. It’s pretty much why I don’t bring up Tia unless I’m posting a drawing with Grim on it OR if somebody asks first jfjdjdhrub so thank u!!! That just means something resonated enough!!
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k-fangirledits · 2 days
APPRECIATION POST ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ(*/ω\*)
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Special Shout Out To My MAZE RUNNER PEOPLE
I appreciate all of you so much! Thank you again for noticing the posts and just interacting with my blog in general. It's been a few years since I've made gifs and have been active here and the fact that y'all still use my gifs in your RP's or your fanfictions or your headcannons etc. that just absolutely blows my mind that you still interact with my blog somehow even though I hadn't posted in a couple to a few years!
I am so so so grateful to see how many stories my gifs have been chosen to be put into and I will actually take the time to go back and read them once I find them and book mark them! I am just mind-blown that y'all are still able to search gifs and mine still pop up!
It seems silly but I really have such bad imposter syndrome with anything and everything I do and it takes me a while to process everything and to be able to do posts like this.
Also yes I went through my activity list within the passed couple of weeks to be able to make sure I got everyone tagged. And Also going back to my gif sets to go through the activities to make sure those of you who have interacted with my blog over the passed few years are also not missed and tagged in this appreciation post as well!
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If you guys want more gifs or want to be included in taglists for future gif sets of anyone in TMR as the characters (or cast) or anyone else (in general) let me know. I do take requests for fanfictions, role plays, etc. whatever you need gif images for I'll do it. It might just take me a bit of time but I will always make sure I get to it.
You all have made my absolute year just for interacting with my small little blog so it does make me absolutely sentimental. You are appreciated even if you think it was just a small or automatic thing to like or reblog or comment etc. I just wanted to show y'all how much I appreciate every single one of you.
Now before I go, I gotta get through all the other fandoms as well that have been interacting with my blog since I decided that this week is gonna be my appreciation week for everyone that has interacted with my blog since I began to become more regularly active again.
Thank you again loves... and I hope you have a wonderful time of day or night that you see this post. Also please never be a stranger, I am always willing to make new friends online. It's kinda hard in young adulthood to figure out how to make friends ngl... but yeah, comment, dm, like, reblog, etc. I would like to interact with y'all too only if you're comfortable with that though, and if you're not that's okay and hope you aren't too weirded out by my extremely sentimental appreciation post towards y'all.
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Tag-list From Notes On Each Gif Set: if you're in both... thank you so much, I really appreciate all the interaction you have given to my smol little blog and everyone else you are much appreciated as well because I don't think anyone ever actually sees these gifs tbh.
Reblogs Taglist:
@myladyofmercy |
@onlydylanobrien | @briefly-enchanting-coffee | @trickster-shi | @the-magpieprince |
@erebus-9 | @xxikaty | @pieces-by-me | @sourwolfandvoidfox | @plushrumpasaurus | @themazerunner-rpg |
@bubble-tmr | @simplywylan | @newtcallsmetommy | @kitkatkatrene | @hangry-for-cookies | @skquill
@neoncyberwytch | @watchiewatchy | @facelessalex | @jocollins | @spookylostboy | @fandoms-princess | @go-catch-a-chickn
Likes Interactions Taglist:
@inyourimagination-tion-tion | @daybreakmistakes | @abchan123 | @gulsolsikke | @myladyofmercy | @princess-of-water-lilies |
@gladerscake | @love-yourself101 | @thevashta-narada | @the-magpieprince | @loulouloueh | @trickster-shi | @hiya-itsamber | @mindofbangtan | @boremore | @briefly-enchanting-coffee | @captainpettie | @bella86hughes | @nerdisthebestcompliment | @sissie-fiction | @littlefootbabybird | @maler87 | @caistark | @lylshyt | @jayjeebee | @earthling14 | @harlowsobrien | @obnoxiouspotato | @vqmpireds | @greatdonutmugrebel-blog | @dylanobrienfrance | @lunaxxtic | @hope-02-blog | @softlystiles | @loadsoffandom | @istkeyssikam | @onmyknees4kai | @linodoongie | @laryzzz | @profoundcatperson | @ascarriel | @loserwithnofriends |
@go-catch-a-chickn | @contradictory-creation | @captainsimplegirl | @vigilantegetawaydriver | @riots-not-diets-ffs | @fuzzybunnysocks | @indomitablelove4 | @jjikyuu | @anti-r0mantic | @rusorin | @jancarstairs | @ramenaij | @plushrumpasaurus | @themazerunner-rpg | @erebus-9 | @xxikaty | @pieces-by-me | @sourwolfandvoidfox | @prawdziwki | @bemoonu | @decadentsuitcasewinnerpatrol | @royal-void | @anymosway | @rash0m0nie |
@skquill | @awescreations1 | @newtcallsmetommy | @reggieslocket | @spookylostboy | @katnip-lover | @alicewonderlandcollins | @bidhampir | @the-fiction-witch | @mindofbangtan | @bi-bi-love14 | @remuslupinfarts | @zoejackson2810 | @emos-back | @jae-in-a-trenchcoat | @superbiscuitpersonpony | @ironponynerdapricot | @acidic-moth | @mubi13 | @amelievrstr | @therealwylanvaneck | @newtisbbychild | @thislovejpg | @sachart | @themintysystem | @sapnaptwt2 | @snakes-and-flowers | @milagdm | @t-mando-999 | @67-rats-in-a-trenchcoat | @cjlikesbjsmf-blog | @athenacolors | @gabi-patty | @lemongeek | @buzzfuckets | @acecereal | @scarlett-ada | @mestiza003 | @l-jay15 | @fandomgirlfanatic | @bluetackbaby | @lisarose-17 | @freckledcameron | @tbscods | @bigman524 | @softblerd | @rainybakerywinnerhoagie | @gluednewts | @clumsiestballerina | @cringloser | @chasebanners-chillingchocowriter | @azealiax | @5erenity-5unshine | @aronwarnvr | @hyuckiebubs | @shyjellyfishblog | @darcylcore | @noahwho | @teamfreewill2-0herewego | @insanus-caput-poeta | @irreverentsociology101paper | @max-ramos | @ladymariee | @arluko |
@demiagod | @welcomeweirdideas | @starstrucka5 | @sizzlingballoonbasement | @hocuspocusneedcoffeetofocus | @book-and-music-lover | @thepotatofan | @lmjolin | @dervie420 | @neoncyberwytch | @watchiewatchy | @facelessalex | @jocollins | @spookylostboy | @fandoms-princess | @shanklovingshank | @harvlekinkey |
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Special Shout Outs For 2024 Notes I Can Scroll Back To Starting In March 17th
@aloneatpeace thank you so much for including my griever gif in your story! I also noticed that it is BTS in TMR and I AM ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED! I will have to try and find the first part since I believe my gif was utilized in part 4 of your story! I know you used it back in March (of this year which was a while ago) BUT I still wanted to shout you out and tell you that I appreciate you and thanks for picking my gif out of thousands of others that were probably made on this platform. I will actually go back and read your story when I have time. I just gotta hunt for it and bookmark it. I am still mindblown that my images still pop up in the gif image search since I actually made these TMR ones YEARS ago so I am actually very happy to see they still get noticed. As a fellow KPOP fan, that is in other fandoms, you are literally a inspiration how your beautiful mind can merge KPOP into specific fandoms like this. It's so awesome to me.
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BONUS: Here is the masterlist to all of my TMR Gif Sets if y'all want to request any of the 3 movies for me to add, let me know and I will scrape some time to do that. Thank you again so much for all the support on the blog and these gifs. Y'all are awesome!
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centipede-gutzz · 2 days
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A/N: ah...i love this man so much. sorry for not posting, haven't been in the writing mood too much. can you tell that this was starting to become more like a fic rather than a simple headcanon list ?
TYPE: headcanons, gn reader, platonic/romantic
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Companionship was always hard to achieve in your life. Ever since you were little, you were always seeing creatures roaming around that no one else seemed to notice. You've tried countless times to point them out; countless drawings of the horrid things you had to witness. Yet, everyone just saw you as an odd child with a wild imagination.
You've learned to ignore them as you grew older, perhaps it was for the best. Friends were still never easy; how is it possible to look someone in the eye when they have something clinging to their body as they complain about the constant feeling of dread and body pain?
An office job was the best thing you could settle for. Something to keep you busy from the amount of curses you see more and more each day. Maybe it wasn't the best idea, seeing how many times you had to stay late at night to finish multiple assignments that were given to you by your boss or others because you always said yes to help out.
Despite everything, there was always one person to stand out to you in your job. Never asking you to help, always in his own space, and the only other person to stay after work hours. Kento Nanami, you've learned the name after seeing some interactions with him and the other coworkers.
You don't know what made him so interesting to you. Perhaps because he was so similar to you in multiple ways, and in another that you don't know yet. For the first time in who knows how long, you decide to pursue some sort of acquaintance with someone else, throwing out the fears of being avoided that plagued you for years.
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☆- you honestly didn't know how to converse with him as you start to gather up some courage. simple "good mornings" will have to do for now. you give a small nod to him and muster up a kind smile (that seems more tired than you'd like it to be).
☆- he seems to warm up to it, eventually starting to say good morning back to you and the occasional wave.
☆- nanami seemed to be a bit more comfortable with small talk, asking you about your day and if things have been treating you well. you both know the answer to that, but it still means a lot to you that he asks about your wellbeing.
☆- one day, you gave him an extra sandwich you bought for lunch. he didn't have anything for once, and you wanted him to eat to get more energy for the day. he refused at first, saying that it was your own but you only insisted he take it. he eventually did, thanking you with a small smile on his face (you knew he was capable of smiling, but it still felt like some rare occurrence).
☆- he started to help you with more late work, the constant workload on your shoulders easing up as time went by. both of you got into a little rhythm of helping each other out with whatever else needed to be done.
☆- you both finally had some time to bond outside of work, going to some food places to try out new things that both of you wanted the other to try. food always seemed to be a topic each day from then on.
☆- it was a normal day at work, lunch break was taking place as you and nanami eat some leftovers that he made from dinner (a recipe that he wanted to try and offered to make you some). a curse popped up on your shoulder, making you jump and swat away at it.
☆- nanami could only look at you in surprise, asking you if you were able to see the curse as well. your eyes widen as you quietly nod, explaining how you were never able to find someone like you and were unable to get rid of them no matter how hard you tried.
☆- he stayed silent for a moment before swiping his hand in front of the curse, making it disappear with a small shriek. you rub your shoulder and look at him in amazement, expressing your thanks.
☆- a lot is to be shared after this moment. you both share each other's personal experience with curses, with his being more informed and in depth with people he's lost and the world he left behind.
☆- "you don't to seem to be faring any better here too," you tell him. he sighs, agreeing with a small, tired smile.
☆- despite his work troubles, you were there to make things more better for him. he enjoys your company and wishes for it to stay that way. "as selfish as that may seem," he says with a sheepish laugh.
☆- you assure him that it's not selfish to want companionship, since it's something you've been wanting your whole life. he's someone who's become prominent in your lonely life now, and you hope that he sticks around.
☆- a more deeper relationship is something that you would have to ask for. nanami is unsure about how you feel and gives you that choice to pursue something more.
☆- if you don't say anything or wish for things to stay the same, he quietly accepts the friendship you both have. if you do feel the same...he wouldn't mind a simple confession. or anything that just feels like something you would do.
☆- it could be a normal day at work or lunch, with the addition of asking him if he wants the relationship to be something more. perhaps you treat him out to a nice restaurant that he's been eyeing lately and pop the question there. whatever you decide, he hopes that you don't notice the extreme giddiness he feels behind the warm smile he gives you as he accepts.
☆- not much else changed once you two got together, just add more romantic gestures and inviting you to dinner at his place.
☆- he's not much of a PDA person...everything is indoors. he'll hold your hand or keep you close to him in crowded places.
☆- nanami remembers EVERYTHING that you like and dislike, especially when it comes to food. you would think he has it all written down somewhere, but it's all just mental notes. and god, his heart just flutters if you do the same for him.
☆- it's takes a good bit before you both share a kiss. he took you back home late at night after a nice outing, leaving a small kiss on your lips. it's a reoccurring topic, your flushed face always being one of the things he will never forget (to your embarrassment).
☆- when he decides to return to his roots as a jujutsu sorcerer, he's REALLY worried about you being somewhat involved of having to experience that same loss he did back then.
☆- you have to assure him that he's strong and won't let anything kill him that easily. no matter how he dies, he won't go down without taking something down with him.
☆- it's a steady start back, but it's not long until you meet some of nanami's old "friends". gojo seems to be the one who pisses him off the most.
☆- you both are often visiting each other's homes. he comes over for dinner and tells you about his day (possibly leaving out a few gorey details). he never fails to notice that lovestruck look in your eyes whenever you listen to him talk.
☆- he's all around nanami, asking questions about you and "how did you manage to bag such a cutie with an attitude like yours?" his voice is teasing and nanami looks like he wants to quit already.
☆- dinner ends up being a little movie date on your couch, ending up with either one of you falling asleep on the other. you smile in your sleep whenever he kisses you on the forehead and whispers sweet words to you.
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dufferpuffer · 1 day
I know people have a problem with bookworm!remus because he only is seen reading one book in canon (even though I don’t think that’s a fair reason to completely dismiss that hc) but I often think about the fact that for all of his childhood before hogwarts he literally didn’t have any friends and couldn’t even really interact with other kids, if that’s his situation it makes a lot of sense to be giving him hobbies like being interested in movies (though I don’t think he’d have easy access to them given the whole wizard thing), music and books. I mean it’s very common for lonely children to take interest in books because it’s a way to live in another world where characters can give you comfort, I really don’t think it’s a stretch to hc Remus as a bookworm. I also recognize that the pushback might be coming from frustrations with fanon in general, as fanon Lupin apparently doesn’t look much like canon Lupin (I wouldn’t really know I don’t really interact with that side of the fandom) but still I feel like it might be misdirected anger.
Oh! Oh oh! I LOVE bookworm Remus! I love 'does little crafts' Remus! Baby Remus reading books and colouring in and staying inside all the time - because he can't go make friends with the other kids - and they are scared of his scars, anyway!
I LOVE 'Remus that has a soft spot for fiction'! He doesn't' get to have friends growing up, he doesn't get to have many friends as an ADULT - and he is always acting a role... why not those roles be based on characters in the many books he has read? Plus books are cheap, easy to carry and easy to replace.
'Learned how to cook and clean muggle-style because he was at home with a sickly mother and wanted to help scrub the rental property before they had to move again' Remus!
I have a HC that he grew up with music and the radio I find it hard to believe they would carry a TV with them from house to house when they need to move so often - maybe a small black and white? Ha, baby Remus watching Dr Who in the 60s... It's a shame the 3rd Doctor started when Remus was going off to Hogwarts - I think he would have liked him...
I don't know if there is a backlash on bookworm Remus as much as there is on smart Remus. Like... smartest of the bunch Remus. Because thats just not true - and isn't how he is as an adult, either. He really isn't that studious or... idk... research-y...? Albus and Severus are pushing the boundaries of magical knowledge in the fields they are interested in. Sirius and James were child genius' doing the near-impossible. Remus... doesn't do that. He is specifically excluded from that.
But Remus isn't DUMB. He knows his stuff. We DO see him with his nose in a book, and I think that MEANS something. It just doesn't have to mean much. "Remus likes books" Or "Remus studies even when outside"
But it will always be hilarious how the text goes "James and Sirius were INCREDIBLY smart and RIDICULOUSLY talented, doing things that were basically impossible" And yet people go "Remus was the brains. He read... a book"
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reginrokkr · 2 years
𝐗𝐋𝐕. Dain's corruption— a direct link to Irminsul's sickness.
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Until now, I thought that those people who became what we know as Abyss Order creatures —mages, heralds, lectors— did so involuntarily (and that later on would play in their favor as to not become unintelligent like hilichurls), all due to the negative feelings that we know Marana festers on as seen with Dvalin to put an example. However, after doing a particular quest in Sumeru I’ve come to the realization that these people are followers of King Irmin’s wish of plunging the whole world under Celestia into this desolate, land of death because it’s confirmed that the Abyss Order wants Marana to be a thing and spread everywhere.
So for this reason and following the premise that Dain doesn’t want to become like them (watching him being offended by the Abyss Herald in We Will Be Reunited is enough prove on that regard), I’ll do a small change in his background related to how he reached to the state of decay he’s in:
→ Before, I’ve established that Irminsul was the one saving Dain from being on the brink to corruption due to all the negative feelings he was having at the moment for multiple reasons. Nonetheless, with time I’ve been implementing more that the two of them have been strengthening their connection throughout the years, so the relevance of their ties wouldn’t be lost. In turn, he would have no trace of decay / corruption whatsoever on his body even after Khaenri’ah’s fall. This will become a gradual thing just as the illness Irminsul harbors due to Marana increases in gravity, so will Dain because his consciousness is directly tied to the sacred tree. Likewise, Ley Lines will slowly appear on the right part of his body as the decay increases in his body as a result of this as a countermeasure of Irminsul to keep Dain sane for as long as possible and in hopes that he, unlike Greater Lord Rhukkadevata before him, won’t lose it to Marana.
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autisticrosewilson · 10 days
I read your wilson headcanons and I would like to hear more if you don't mind. Or anything about Tanya and the rest of deathstroke Inc. (That's what theyre called aren't they?)
I haven't a clue but boy oh boy do I want to talk about them. Uh go in with caution, there's discussion of experimentation and eating disorders and childhood homelessness in Tara and Poppy's parts. I know you specifically asked for Tanya but I talked the most about Tara because I realized I haven't really made a post yet about my version of her story, and I figured now would be a good time to get into that.
Be warned I haven't read Tanya's Titans era yet so these are pretty solely based on her time with Defiance.
She definitely went to a private school, and it's not an experience she would wish on her worst enemy. Had really long braids as a kid but too many people pulled on them so she decided on the iconic pom poms.
I don't remember if her dad was ever mentioned so she primarily grew up in a single parent household, which didn't really bother her as a kid but she did have to be more responsible at a young age.
She just seems like a volleyball girly to me, I don't know. Probably did a lot of sports and had a million clubs. Never took a class that wasn't AP. My girl was a PRODIGY.
Band kid 💔💔💔 (yes she went to band camp, no she doesn't want to talk about it. Clarinet player.)
Begged her mom to let her come to the lab, she always knew she wanted to follow in her mom's footsteps.
Going from having a sous chef to living with Slade "joined the military at sixteen so he can only make MREs" was not a change she appreciated.
I feel like she was scouted for modeling as a teen and she thought about it but ultimately decided that she wanted to be known for her brain and not her face so she turned it down. She still brags about it though.
She forced Slade to take etiquette classes so he'd stop eating like a barbarian and embarrassing her in front of her coworkers. He already knew most of it but he pretends to be clueless so she'll keep going with him. This is like peak bonding to him
Poppy they could never make me forget about you<33 literally my daughter if anyone cares.
Everyday the fact that she didn't get a last name makes me froth at the mouth, I have to do everything myself around here. I've decided it's Hayes, but she doesn't really use it so it doesn't really matter.
Firstly there is something so real to me about trans fem Poppy (She/They) and I just need everyone to stick with me.
So I don't think Poppy is her original name anyway, I think she came up with Poprocket first and then spawned Poppy from there. I don't think she remembers anything about her time before the Dark Side Club, and I don't think she wants to. I think she checked, y'know just to see if there was a police report or missing posters. Nothing. So I don't think she ever went out of her way to find her previous family.
Banned from multiple public places for dying her hair in their bathrooms and staining their sinks pink.
She is a biter she will bite you it doesn't even matter if she likes you or what the situation is if you get close enough to her teeth she will fucking bite. Tara has many imprints of her teeth and is immune to them at this point.
She's definitely a little chubby and a little short for her age, I think her time on the streets + in the Dark Side Club made her malnourished and she kind of hoards food/over eats to make up for it
She was the kid in the galaxy print leggings that hissed at you in the hallways I fear, drew the Dan & Phil cat whiskers on her face everyday. Original Tumblr user, mostly reblogs cat videos. Warrior Cats kid, used to roleplay her catsona with her friends on the playground
Had to be physically removed from the room when they started dissecting frogs in bio, Slade had to pick her up because she was crying so much and they couldn't get her to stop, he ended up taking her for ice cream
Tanya and Poppy for all they're polar opposites get along pretty well. I think Tanya gets really protective of her, definitely the one Slade has to answer to before he does anything with Poppy or Tara
Tanya is the one who teaches Poppy to do makeup and they have little spa days
Poppy keeps bringing stray cats home and Slade keeps trying to say no but Tanya doesn't see an issue so she buys all the stuff for them herself
Tanya tells her gross stories about shit she saw when she was interning at a hospital while Poppy's eating to make her gag
Poppy constantly steals Tanya's clothes and it always leads to a fight first thing in the morning when Poppy tries to wear Tanya's crop tops or god forbid her Christian Dior perfume to school
They're like the sisters ever and no one even cares, DC let me in the writers room
Tara my love, they didn't do you ANY justice. The SA storyline just... wasn't done well, or handled with any respect, and it kind took away all the interest I had in Slade because the most interesting part of his character is his family and their dynamics but I couldn't focus on that when he was being weird about underage girls so it really just kind of threw me off, so I guess my prognosis is that it just,,,,didn't happen in my version of events.
Like there was a weirdly codependent father-daughter bond where he projected onto her, because she was looking for a family and he was coping with Rose blaming him for Lili's death, but there was nothing sexual or romantic because that's fucking weird and I don't want to write about it
I'm including some of her New 52 origin but I'm changing it a little, so instead of growing up with Beast Boy (he keeps his original origin) her story coincides with Poppy's since The Ravagers are so similar to the Dark Side Club anyway.
Tara is raised in the castle as a maid like her mother, Nadia, but when her powers show up she's exiled by queen Illiona who sends her and her mother away to a cabin in the middle of the snow laden woods, far away from anyone else. Well, anyone except for Dr. Helga Jace, a woman claiming to be a doctor for meta humans with a grudge against the king. In the end she convinced Nadia that Tara's best bet was being fostered by a family in the U.S. to which the woman agreed. What they didn't know was that Tara's "foster" family were agents of the Dark Side Club.
I always imagined Tara with a Russian accent for reasons I can't explain, but I was vindicated by Markovia being a part of the Soviet Union
She used to have brown hair down to her hips but the scientists cut it short, and when she escaped she bleached it to hide better.
She hates doctors because they remind her too much of the experiments, so Slade only lets her get checks ups by Dr. Villain, who is only allowed to do house calls
Jokes about her and Rose being twinsies because they're both bastard kids
Her and Brion used to be close as friends and he even sent her letters once in a while when she was exiled, I like to think he's still looking for her but she doesn't trust he wouldn't tell her location if she sought him out
They grew up close, like their mothers before them, and I imagine that Brion learned combat as part of his lessons and Tara would always beg him to teach her. The one time he actually did she was such a natural at sword fighting he joked she'd make a better knight than a maid
Crazy good at strategy games, for all she's never been interested in academia I think she's crazy smart and a thorough planner. Maybe a little bit of a control freak. It's something her, Slade, and Rose all bond over
Her superhero name being Terra and her civilian last name being Markov is soooo stupid, I can buy that she as a homeless 15 year old came up with it but I refuse to believe that Slade let her out into the real world with that. Her civilian name is Terra Hayes and her alias is Bishop (chess connotation = Defiance uniform + the bird has similar colors to her independent costume)
She knew very little English before Slade, luckily she came to him after he had some practice teaching English (Rose also didn't speak much English at first)
She got very good at cooking, cleaning, sewing, gardening, and the like young so she was always relatively independent to begin with but a lot of those old hobbies remind her of her mom now, who she doesn't know the status of
She and Poppy survived together on the streets, Poppy was 11 or 12 to her 14 or 15 so she took the big sister role pretty seriously
Slade found them together and Tara initially attacked him but he managed to talk her down after getting his ass kicked
They both have food issues, understandably, but where Poppy tends to over eat to the point of getting sick Tara will stop eating for days if she feels like food is running low so that Poppy can eat more
Probably one of the most financially responsible of Slades kids, arguably too cautious about money at first. There's a difference between knowing her mentor is rich and processing it, and she's not entirely sure what to do with big displays of wealth. She worked in the castle, she was a servant no matter how well taken care of, she's not meant for the princess treatment.
She does like going with Tanya to her work parties and high society events though, she learned a lot about social etiquette and politics as part of her curriculum and she's very charismatic when she has the chance to be
Put this girl in a theater class!!! She loves undercover missions, especially ones where she's undercover as like a waiter or a chef or something, she's thriving. Sometimes she gets so caught up in the job that she forgets about the actual Job™️ though.
Her and Joey put on wigs and coordinated outfits,take their fake IDs to fancy restaurants and pretend to be a proposing couple to get free food. They don't even need to they just think it's funny.
Sunny is an enigma, I almost hesitated to include her just because we know so little but Slade does explicitly say she's family and I like that she bullies him so I decided to.
Once again no last name, and it's debatable if Sunny is even her actual first name. I think she tells everyone she meets something different so no one knows if she's lying or not. The only person who knows her actual first name is Slade, but he doesn't use it because she doesn't.
She low-key gives estranged mob daughter to me, really funny if she has a whole family that she just doesn't talk to. Probably ran away to be a mercenary after one too many attempts to marry her off.
I'm not saying she intentionally copied Laura Croft but I am saying that she spent an inordinate amount of time playing Tomb Raider as a kid
Can and will whoop ANYBODY'S ass in Just Dance, her and Joey aren't allowed to team up
Very competitive about family game nights, she has resorted to physical violence multiple times
She has a lot of tattoos but only ones that can be easily covered, claims it's just so she's harder to identify but I feel like she grew up in a strict household and she's got lingering paranoia about self expression
Acts really unbothered all the time but she has never once won the idgaf war
She's about college age but I don't think she actually goes, never all that interested in school but she's definitely been to some college parties. She tried to bring home a frat boy once and the whole family collectively bullied him so bad he ghosted her and none of them ever let her live it down
Steals Slades leather jackets and he complains about it but he's started specifically picking out ones she'd like and modifying them all with extra padding and armor that he wouldn't really need just so she'll be safer when she wears them
Sunny's not invited to Tanya's work parties anymore because she shows up high, eats all the food, and then complains halfway through about being tired till someone takes her home early
Caught Poppy doing her eyeliner with a fine liner sharpie and dragged her to the nearest store to get her actual makeup
The fights her and Tanya have over clothes are the worst because they're similar sizes. Sunny wore one of Tanya's EXPENSIVE dresses to a college party and it's a good thing the dress was dark because there are definitely blood stains. Tanya accidentally shrunk Sunny's favorite pair of jeans in the dryer and let's just say one of Tanya's pom poms was a little sparser than the other.
Poppy made glitter bombs to use in the field but one time it missed and hit Sunny on her motorcycle to this day Sunny is still finding it in her armor and sometimes her tires leave faint glitter tracks
One year for Halloween they tried to do matching Charlie's Angles costumes but it was so unrecognizable without the three of them together and they all had different things they were going to (Sunny had a costume party, Tanya was handing out candy, Poppy was going tricker treating) that no one knew who they were supposed to be
Poppy, Tanya, Sunny, Tara, and Rose all have girls nights which can range from your average sleepover to them terrorizing the town, either way Slade always has to clean up the mess
Thanks for the ask and sorry it took forever! This kind of got buried under a bunch of other notifications lmao
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runthepockets · 10 months
When me and my old bestie were friends we were talking about Molly and she was really insistent on the idea that if I did Molly at the club I would go for whatever twink looked the most like a trans girl at any given time and not give a fuck when they told me they weren't a girl. She was very insistent that girls and twinks were interchangable and kept arguing with me about it.
Now I have a lot of thoughts on this mantra, this idea that every guy who wants to fuck a trans woman is secretly gay or bored and nothing more, that "gender is fake" is just a shorthand for "everyone should have the same idea on sexuality and gender as me or else they're a boring vanilla nerd", most of which waters down to "dude I don't think I would ever do this. If that's what you've done, cool, but I wouldn't. I know me better than I know myself, and the fact that you don't think this feels very presumptuous and rude. We've never slept together and as far as I know that's never going to change, so you have nothing to base this belief in my alleged sexual fluidity on other than, like, it's the cool new edgy queer thing to say on Tumblr right now, which is stupid. You're also seeing my sexuality-- one that I take a lot of pride and find a lot of comfort in-- as fluid in a way that I've never once alluded to, and that makes me uncomfortable. Drop this subject now and don't bring it up to me again." But at the time I didn't have the words or the time for all that so I just said "yeah imma be real dude idgaf about twinks. I need a fat bitch not a toothpick." Which wasn't a lie. And that seemed to shut her up.
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swiftfootedachilles · 8 months
what do i have to do to get people to read my stuff actually like im not about to get in everyones faces begging for attention but i dont understand how im expected to make FREE fandom content without much feedback on my work
#ignore my ranting but im actually so fucked disillusioned#like why are there so many people who scream about supporting each other and lifting up small creators#and they never do it themselves unless its their friend#sorry i dont sit at the popular table but i never expected that it would impact my reach this much#my newest fic has more hits but less kudos and less comments than my first#it's so obvious people only interacted on my first fic *because* it was my first fic#and thank you so fucking much to the people who have given me kind words#and literally religiously rbing my stuff because you think im worth listening to#this isn't about me crying because im not popular#people with bigger followings are naturally going to get more attention#but the only reason ive started posting my fics is because all these POPULAR BLOGS were like 'we support each other here!!!'#'were a big family were not a big fandom so any time someone posts it brings a smile to our faces!' blah blah blah#like youre out here lying for clout you literally only leave feed or kudos if its your fucking friend 😭 not even if its good#i guess id rather have less people interacting if it means the feedback i get is genuine and not just blowing smoke up my ass#but it still hurts to write a fic that flops and then write another fic thats over 3x longer than my first fic#WITH A PREMISE THAT POPULAR WRITERS HAVE WRITTEN ABOUT BEFORE AND BLEW UP FOR IT AND PEOPLE IDOLIZE THEIR WRITING#so im expecting to get more feedback and constructive criticism because it's a concept that a lot of people seem to love#only to get EVEN LESS FEEDBACK THAN ON MY FIRST FIC#like sorry to everyone who genuinely likes my writing i actually love you so much#but im very rejection sensitive and don't plan on continuing this. it seriously hurts me. it triggers my abandonment and selfhatred shit ba#like im sick to my stomach that another thing im passionate about is sucking the life out of me & i cant even get my foot in the door#donut rebagel this thanks and goodbye
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h-a-unted · 2 months
Also I'll be sb those mutual blogs that don't interact with me/I don't interact with, so if we haven't interacted yet and you wish to do so, feel free to like this post or send me a message or a private ask or anything so I can keep you!
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
Aro culture is getting pissed off at the fact that the person you want to be with in a queerplatonic way cannot reciprocate properly and prioritizes their romantic relationship with some girl instead
honestly had to debate if i wanted to post this.
it is never the fault of another for not reciprocating feelings. additionally, "some girl" is... hm. i do not like blaming someone for someone else being attracted to them.
if you are upset, angry, grieving what could have been - please name those feelings and own them. "I feel upset that a person I am attracted to is not mutually attracted to me. This is not their fault. Additionally, it is no one's fault for my qp interest having a romantic interest in someone else. I cannot control what others feel, nor what I feel, but I can chose how I respond to these emotions. I can respect that this person is not attracted to me, the same way I would like someone to respond to me if they were romantically attracted to me and I did not reciprocate this. I will find ways to cope with my upset, such as ripping paper, writing down my feelings, and doing things I enjoy."
i understand that this probably sucked, but i strongly suggest not working through negative emotions by sending an angry submission to a public blog. there's a difference between venting that a situation feels like it's stacked against you and blaming others for how they feel. this crosses that line.
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crystalkitty1220 · 10 months
No because with the starly timeline you have Crow and Felix being the main ship, then you have the ones i just mentioned, then evil justin x james
you have Cody and Ethan who are exes and then Louis and Justin, who despite being in Eds gang, Louis does have a wolfe pack arc in season 3
so if anyone were to ever ask edward the question of “Is there anyone in your gang who isn’t or hasn’t dated a current or former member of Wolfe’s group?” HE WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO SAY YES UNLESS REFERRING TO HIMSELF
"Unless referring to himself" i mean,, his options are still open,,,, (/j)
#related to the earlier conversation#apparently there are 12-15 people on a basketball team. i'm really curious about the half of the team that aren't ed's cronies.#like. are they a friend group? do they hang out sometimes? what's practicing with the school protectors like?#also edward talks about the football team as if they're all his enemies. that is so fucking many kids especially compared to 12-15#but i get it because in my school the color guard absolutely fucking despises the cheerleaders and that's also a huge size difference#a whole five teenagers all hating the guts of the 20+ cheerleaders#because the cheerleaders don't even practice with the marching band but are given more attention during parades and stuff#repeatedly almost said jake instead of edward. help animorphs is clawing its way back into my brain im mixing up the basketball kids again.#speaking of relationships tho. echos and i have a headcanon where justin carter and isaac are exes#it was mainly based on the fact that justin is only hostile towards Isaac In Particular and refuses to call him anything other than 'nerd'#but after rereading their interactions apparently isaac just doesn't bother to remember justin's (or any other jocks') name#and the same probably goes for vice versa as well.#still im keeping the headcanon that they at least have history because then i can imagine edward being very confused about the tension#isaac x justin is def my secondary justin ship because of that.#i cant believe i tried to re-rail this just to derail it a second time. i just suck at staying on topic huh
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arcaneyouth · 8 months
people have semi regularly begun asking me for writing advice and it's so hard because like. BITCH I DON'T KNOW!! yes my special interest is how stories are put together and narrative cohesiveness. no i don't fucking know how to tell you how to do it. "how do you make your characters so interesting" i make a guy, i give them a role, and then they do everything in their power to leave that role while i'm standing there going What The FUck How Are You Doing That. "how do you do world building" the 2 most thorough stories i have in terms of worldbuilding are modern earth but there's magic and monsters i'm not even trying man. i can't give you writing advice you should be asking my characters, they know more than me about how to write a story at this point
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hollowsart · 2 years
bring back Olga in the comics. bring her back.
doc ock’s beloved pet. in this house we love and appreciate Olga, but not to the same degree as Otto does. Olga is his baby. the man is ride or die for her.
doc ock into the octoverse: Olga makes an appearance with her Otto, too.
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munamania · 2 years
ok. so she stayed over until like. 6am. and this is so hard because well i do like her sooo much and we hung out for like. 9 hours. and obviously i can be so normal about that but it’s like. i feel like. i know im meant to know her. but dear god why did it have to be in this capacity. im gonna go insane
#like i am grateful to just have her here and to have met her and we just hit it off so insanely#but why does she have to be straight. and i dont want to be one of the bitches that assumed she was queer but like obv i was.#why does she have to have a boring ass bf that i dont even hate but that. truly based on any time ive interacted with them it's been sooo#weird. but she's saying yesterday she's had thoughts of MARRYING him. i mean this is first real relationship for her ig maybe#i used to think abt that too? idk. but like. ugh#it still feels so special to just have this bond this person that so easily like gets me and clicks with me and we just work#and appreciate each other quietly until given the opportunity (like last night) to just say a bunch of shit#how am i supposed to be normal!!!!!!! ugh#like i need to try to move on. at least temporarily. at least in some capacity. but how the fuck am i supposed to do that#when even on a friend level we're like. absurdly close and stuff#she's telling me about when she met her bf and they both sensed smth between them and everyone else did and so it just worked and#whatever. bestie. do you know how many people have asked me um. about you about us#cause we're just so WEIRD!!!! but she's straight. like i can't sit here and disrespect the fact that she's said that outright like twice#yk. what am i supposed to do.#grrrrrrrrrrrrr UGH!!!! like. yk???? i don't WANT to not have her in my life i know the easiest solution would be#stop talking to her. but u dont get it. like we just on some fucking strange level Get each other. we just do#and i dont want to give that up just because i have feelings that she might never be able to reciprocate#even if it would feel right.#film girl saga
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arcgeminga · 2 years
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♚— Damn. I have 10 ongoing Defteros threads (with 1 halted), and like... 3 ongoing Aspros threads.
It’s all the same RP partner (because the StS Fandom is dead), but like... Defteros is so popular.
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amlovelies · 2 years
whenever I think I’m going to be able to do a project or like be marginally productive the universe is just like now is the perfect time for like extreme family drama
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