#glacier ice arena
stxrslut · 3 months
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I’ve finally built up the confidence to make it. so it’s with great pleasure that I present to you….
in this post I’ll be making a little introduction of the characters in this universe and their lore! (I will be updating this as this au expands!)
some context : this au is set around the time of the rebellion, though the key characters of that (katniss, peeta, rue, Finnick etc.) are not a part of the story at all. one of the main events of this au is the 75th games (the third quarter quell) so I may write blurbs based on the rebellion or based on actually inside the games, I might also write some things that are within the capitol. we’ll see where creative liberty takes us!
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JJ Maybank — district 4 tribute
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jj won the 68th games at 16 years old. the arena was set out as a desert with scattered lakes around.
he is known for his combat and survival skills. he fought his way into winning. he used a machete knife retrieved from the cornucopia as his main weapon, his signature move being to essentially gut the other tributes. it was a violent tactic but it worked.
he became known for his charm and charisma after moving to the capitol. the ladies are all over him though he’s never taken too much interest, a one night stand here and there satisfying him enough until he finds someone perfect.
John b Routledge — district 4 tribute
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john b won the 69th games at 17 years old. the arena was set out like an abandoned mine shaft, very cold and very few areas had light.
he won his games using his extremely good survival tactics. he set basic traps around him and then mostly hid, using the few recourses he retrieved from the cornucopia to survive the three days that the games went on for.
when moved to the capitol, he reunited with his childhood best friend jj maybank. they became an iconic duo of sorts, always seen together, a pair of heartbreakers to the public. two of the most liked victors in the whole of the capitol.
Pope Heyward — district 3 tribute
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pope won the 66th games at 15 years old. his arena consisted of multiple sharp, jagged rocked mountains, white rapid rivers and waterfalls.
he used natural recourses to create electricity, setting it up near the water so that it would react and kill any of the tributes who would unsuspectingly go near.
he lives on the outskirts of the Capitol, much more rarely seen than the other tributes. he’s smug and snarky, though he has enough charm to make people like him.
Kiara Carrera — district 2 tribute (volunteer)
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Kiara volunteered for and won the 71st games at 17 years old. the arena was made to be a big thriving forest, full of poisons and mutts.
she used her training from the district 2 academy to simply fight her way through the games, winning only shortly after the cornucopia.
she lives a life of luxury in the capitol, often showing off her inherently “bitchy” personality in public, she may be less liked but she sure knows how to win some games.
Sarah Cameron — district 1 tribute (volunteer)
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Sarah was pushed into volunteering for and won the 72nd games at 18 years old. her arena was filled with snowy ice glaciers.
she used her training from the academy to make herself a shelter and wait out the games, though she was occasionally seen shooting down other contestants with the wooden spears she’d fashioned from her spare firewood.
in the capitol she’s seen as mysterious, only ever making appearances when she absolutely needs to. the other tributes have met her and are on friendly terms with her, though she never goes out of her way to spend time with anyone but herself.
Rafe Cameron — district 1 tribute (volunteer)
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Rafe volunteered for and won the 65th hunger games at 15. his arena was a tropical forest with waterfalls and caves all over.
he was trained well, he used pure combat skills, channeling all of his rage into winning the games. he was determined to prove his doubtful family wrong.
he’s known within the capitol to be quite the ladies man, always attending the big invite only parties and walking out with a different girl hanging from his arm. though there’s another, more angry side of him that’s also known to be seen from time to time. he’s one of the most known victors, loved by all and yet also strangely feared.
thg!reader (you) — district 4 tribute
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you won the 73rd hunger games at 18. your arena was built as a ruined city, full of rubble and abandoned amenities.
you used your own innocent demeanour to trick the other tributes into trusting you. once you had them in a good position you’d throw a knife or stab them in the leg or arm with a knife coated in nightlock. you’d make it seem like an accident, keeping them to protect you for as long as you could. by the time they would think about betraying you, the poison running through their blood would kill them already.
you become well known in the capitol, loved by all because of your sweet personality. the other tributes also take a fascination to you, though none of them go further than a little flirty conversation from time to time. little do they know that the third quarter quell is approaching, and they’re all about to be thrown right into the games that they all thought they’d never experience again…
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additional characters
big john routledge : after john b won his games, big john talked his way into the capitol to become a game maker. making his son resent him for designing the suffering that he himself had to go through.
ward cameron : won his games very young and went on to be an important figure in the capitol, becoming one of snows top advisors, helping to make laws and dictations across all of panem. he always puts pressure on sarah and rafe to turn out the same way he did.
barry whateverhislastnameis : district 1 mentor who coached Rafe through his games, probably responsible for half of the Cameron boy’s violent habits.
thg characters that exist in this au : president snow, ceaser flickerman, effie, cinna, tigress, haymitch (district 4 mentor!!), annie cresta, clove and cato
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edit : I forgot to mention, but this style of post was inspired by how @princessbrunette introduced her starwars!au! go check it out!
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mothpawbs · 2 years
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edit: yooo part 2 is out go look at it!!
royal gals from arc 1! i used this as a way to further illustrate and explore my fashion headcanons, and i love how these turned out. design notes under the cut!
CORAL: i wanted her to look deceptively kind and bubbly, so i tend to draw her big and round like a whale. two inspiration for her design are king dorephan from breath of the wild and granmamare from ponyo. i give her a big coral crown and pearl jewelry. she has a lot of teardrop shapes bc she's probably sad about a lot of things
GLACIER: my favorite queen <3 i wanted her to look regal and no-nonsense but kind. with the exception of her crown, most of her accessories are very sleek and minimalistic. and of course i had to give her glasses because i'm obsessed with giving dragons glasses. i can't decide if the spikes on that crown are opal or enchanted ice, but the studs are black tourmaline.
SCARLET: the og bad bitch!! i love designs that make her look like the world's scariest, swankiest peacock, and the animated wings design was a huge inspiration here. her face markings are meant to look like a helmet. the mail vest she's wearing here is more for show than protection, an ostentatious piece she wears around the palace rather than something she'd don in battle. this is generally the fit i imagine she would wear to court sessions and arena matches.
MOORHEN: i would love to know more about her tbh. i like the colors i gave her, i think the shades of brown work really well together. the cord around her neck represents her sibs, the knot having four coils to symbolize each of them. she has agate embeds all over her, with the majority on her horns, wings, and wrists/ankles. i imagine she has tattooed wing membranes as well.
GRANDEUR: i wanted to make her look regal and positively ancient, and i think i succeeded well enough. her frill shape vaguely matches glory's, as well as her affinity for orange and gold color accents. the flowers are based on tropical rhododenrons.
BATTLEWINNER: ooo she was fun. basically no opportunity for fashion, as i'm sure anything she'd try to wear would burn or melt in her lava bathtub, but i got to do some fun scarring on her. her snout is all scratched up, one of her horns broke off at some point (i imagine that happened during her throne challenge, and that nightwings spar with their horns like rams or deer. she probably got slammed into a wall or something) and her ears are all kinds of shredded. any water vapor around her face and neck tends to solidify into ice, building up into big sparkly icicles over time.
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gelatinocomics · 2 days
CAN we hear one for cetitan, that beloved freak. other options are female basculegion, and of course my main man avalugg
Rapid fire!
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This was one of the first pokemon we saw in the leadup to pokemon scarlet and violet, and it left quite an impression. It's a whale that can walk! It's ice type, which is pretty cool! And its mouth is a funky shape, which I can appreciate. It's not technically his ace, but I associate it with Grusha just because of how iconic it is. And that eyeliner? Queen
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Female Basculegion
White woman spotted!
Basculegion is such an inspired evo, and I'm glad it brought some much-needed attention to my friend Basculin. It's extra special because it's an important ride pokemon in PLA! You get to take one with you everywhere! But not this specific form: if you want the beautiful pale hues of female Basculegion, you need to evolve one yourself, using one of the most unique evolution methods in the series. Out of the two, this one certainly looks more ghostly.
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Original-flavor Avalugg is immaculate. It's a walking table. You could have dinner on this thang. But like, just take a moment to appreciate how solid this guy is. Built like a brick house, stanced up, low center of gravity, this thing exudes toughness. It looks indestructible. (just... don't look at its special defense stat)
Did you know? In scarlet and violet, Avalugg and Bergmite can be found floating in the ocean. It's a very nice detail and a fitting place to find an iceberg pokemon.
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As if Avalugg wasn't already cool enough, Pokemon Legends: Arceus gave it a new ice/rock type form. And it's really cool! It feels more glacier-oriented in concept, like it's inseparable from the land. It's also a boss battle in PLA, and it's HUGE! It's kaiju-sized and it takes up the entire battle arena! Such a cool fight. I wish I could find pictures of its boss battle, but bulbapedia is sadly lacking.
(send me a pokemon, and I'll say something nice about it)
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maytheoddshq · 3 months
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The tributes are launched into an alpine, mountainous zone, covered in hard-packed snow, rock, and ice. Mountains jut out on all sides of the Arena, clouds clinging to their necks. The air up here is thin and sharp, wind cuts at tributes' exposed skin like knives.
At the center of the podiums is a cornucopia constructed of poles and fly, creating a neon orange, massive horn-shaped tent. The huge mouth is zipped open, and supplies spill forth from it. There is a range of the usual food, weapons, and first aid, and mixed in are also environment-specific items, like boot spikes, ice axes, rope, sleeping bags, oxygen tanks, and more.
Scattered among the vast, snowpacked mountains, tributes will discover there are other small camps, tents in bright, neon colors to stand out against the snow. Some are mostly intact and have braved the elements, with supplies scattered inside. Some are shredded; the keen eye might observe something animal, with razor-like claws, has decimated these camps in search of something. It seems far bigger, far smarter, and by the looks of what it left behind, far hairier than any of the wildlife that would be found in the area.
Some of the passes, trails, and glaciers are passable as-is, others require equipment salvaged from the Cornucopia or the camps. The payoff to such risk of reaching the other side is relative safety, and access to some glacial caves for shelter.
Temperatures are inhospitable, cold during the day, and bitter cold at night. While their provided clothing will keep them warm enough to avoid death so long as they are wise, hypothermia and frostbite remains a threat should they sweat too much, not move enough, not take in enough calories, or fail to find adequate shelter at night.
Vicious snow leopard mutts prowl at all altitudes in the dawn and twilight hours. There is a pack of yaks that meander the rocky passes between mountains in the arena as well, trackable and capable of being hunted at relatively low risk by a knowledgable tribute. A lucky tribute may be able to snare a shrew if they recognize a frequented run through the snow. A few, small plants poke up at the lowest elevations, near the Cornucopia, foragable but not much for calories.
It seems that this time, the Gamemakers want to make it quick and brutal.
IC TIME TO NEXT PLOT DROP: 36 hours OOC: As a reminder, this is a special Games and will not be the setting for the full time allotted for the "in-Games" portion of 136; therefore, this Arena is more condensed than usual. Updates and plot drops for the upcoming rebellion plot will be shared coming weeks that will evolve their environment! Please see pinned post on the main for more information.
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onelastfic · 4 months
Boreas and Nenet interactions would be cool, too! Get it… cool 😂❄️
Nenet stood at the edge of the training ground, watching as Boreas effortlessly swung his massive battle axe, Glacier Carver. The sheer force of his strikes sent freezing shockwaves through the already chilly air, and she couldn’t help but feel a mixture of awe and intimidation.
“Impressive, isn’t it?” Boreas said, his voice booming yet gentle. He noticed Nenet’s wide-eyed expression and chuckled. “Fear not, Lady Nenet. The axe may be mighty, but it is the heart that guides it.”
Nenet smirked, crossing her arms. “You always talk like you’re in a play, Frosty. But yeah, it’s impressive. Do you ever get tired of smashing things?”
Boreas laughed, a deep, hearty sound. “Not at all, for the thrill of battle courses through my veins! Yet, even a warrior must find balance. Tell me, Lady Nenet, do you find joy in the sparring ring as well?”
She nodded. “Totally. It’s a great way to blow off steam.”
“I concur,” Boreas said, nodding sagely. “But remember, it is not just about strength. It is about understanding thyself and thy opponent. Would you care for a friendly bout?”
Nenet’s ears perked up. “You’re on, big guy. But don’t go easy on me just because I’m a girl.”
“Perish the thought!” Boreas said, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. “Prepare thyself, Nenet. The battle awaits!”
The feast was bustling with energy, ghosts of various realms mingling and enjoying the night’s festivities. Boreas, ever the sociable giant, was in the midst of it all, laughing and sharing stories.
Nenet, plate in hand, approached the towering figure. “Hey, Frosty. Got room for one more?”
Boreas beamed down at her. “Always, my friend! Come, join us. The night is young, and the tales are many.”
She took a seat beside him, feeling the nice air of his coolness that accompanied his presence. “Ya always know how to lighten the mood. What’s the story this time?”
Boreas leaned in, his eyes sparkling. “Ah, this is a tale of old that my father would tell me when I was a cub, when the Far Frozen was young, and the glaciers sang with the voices of ancient spirits. Would thou care to hear?”
Nenet grinned. “Lay it on me, big guy.”
With a dramatic flourish, Boreas began his tale, weaving words with a theatrical flair that captivated everyone around. Nenet laughed, entranced by his storytelling, feeling a sense of comfort and belonging.
The training ground was alive with the sounds of clashing weapons and the intensity of battle cries. Nenet stood poised, her polearm flame weapon, Daybreak, glowing with an otherworldly fire. Across from her, Boreas held his massive battle axe as it glowed with icy ghostly glow, Glacier Carver, with a confident grin.
"Ready to get your ass kicked, Frosty?" Nenet teased, a fierce gleam in her eyes.
Boreas laughed, the sound echoing through the arena. "You are welcome to try, Lady Nenet! Let us see if your flames can melt my ice!"
They charged at each other, weapons meeting with a resounding clash. Sparks flew as fire met ice, and the ground beneath them trembled with the force of their blows. Nenet's agility and Boreas' raw power made for a thrilling match, each pushing the other to their limits.
"You fight well, milady." Boreas teased, a twinkle in his eye as he parried her strike.
Nenet smirked, twirling Daybreak to shift its form into a fiery halberd. "You too, Frosty. But let's see if you can handle this!"
She lunged, her weapon blazing with intensity. Boreas countered with a powerful swing, the air around them crackling with energy. As they moved, their battle transformed into a dance of strength and skill, each attack met with a counter, each strike pushing them closer together.
"You are quite fierce when you fight." Boreas said, his voice low and playful.
Nenet's ears flicked. "You're not so bad yourself, big guy. Maybe we should spar more often."
Boreas grinned, his eyes locked on hers. "I would enjoy that, Lady Nenet. Perhaps after this, we could have a meal and discuss when."
Nenet's hearts raced, the intensity of the fight mingling with a newfound excitement. "I'd like that. But don't think I'm going easy on you just because you're being nice!"
The frozen lake glittered under the Ghost Zone’s eerie light, a serene and peaceful place. Nenet stood by the edge, her thoughts wandered, pondering recent events and the complexities of her relationship with Ashur. When Boreas approached, his footsteps were surprisingly silent for someone of his size.
“Ah, Lady Nenet,” Boreas said softly, “What do you ponder on this fine evening?”
She glanced up at him, her eyes reflecting the lake’s icy sheen. “Just... thinking. It’s quiet here. Helps clear my head.”
Boreas nodded, his expression thoughtful. “Aye, the stillness of the Far Frozen can be most soothing. ‘Tis a place where one can find clarity amidst the chaos.”
Nenet sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. “Yeah. It’s just... sometimes it feels like everything’s moving too fast, you know?”
“Indeed.” Boreas said, placing a large but gentle hand on her shoulder. “But remember, even the mightiest glacier moves at its own pace. There is no shame in taking time to find the right path.”
She smiled up at him, grateful for his words. “Thanks, Frosty. You always know what to say.”
He chuckled softly. “Not true, I merely speak from the heart. You are strong, Lady Nenet, both in body and spirit. Trust in thyself, and the way shall reveal itself.”
Nenet felt a warmth spread through her chest. “You’re a really good guy, Boreas. I’m glad we have you around.”
“And I, thee,” Boreas replied, his voice filled with affection. “Now, shall we see who can skate the farthest upon this frozen lake?”
Nenet laughed. “You’re on, ya bootleg ice giant! Let’s do this!”
Nenet lay cradled in Boreas’ massive arms, her usually defiant expression marred by pain. Uncomfort so strong that she wasn’t even able to enjoy the Boreas’s tight biceps and coolness of his glacier-hard abs. Blood stained her lips, and her breaths came in shallow gasps.
“I keep telling ya guys, I’m fine. I wasn’t hurt that badly.” Nenet insisted, trying to push herself up, only to wince as pain shot through her side.
Boreas, his face etched with concern, gently but firmly held her down. “Please reconsider, Lady Nenet, you show signs of severe internal bleeding.”
Nenet’s ears flattened in frustration as she coughed up more blood. “That’s where blood is supposed to be!”
Ashur stood beside them with a deep frown. “Nenet, you need to get medical attention. We need to go to Mewni so Corona can examine you.”
“Just relax, fellas. Titan-level healing factor, remember? I’ll get better …eventually.” She retorted, her voice weak but defiant.
Ashur exchanged a worried glance with Boreas. “Nenet, please. This isn’t just about you. We care about you. Let us help.”
Boreas tightened his grip slightly, his voice gentle but firm. “You are strong, Lady Nenet, but even the strongest warriors need aid at times. Please, allow us to be your aids now.”
Nenet looked between the two of them, her resolve wavering in the face of their genuine concern. She finally sighed, nodding reluctantly. “Fine. But I ain’t gonna like it.”
Ashur let out a relieved breath. “Thank you. We’ll get you to Lady Corona and make sure you’re taken care of.”
Boreas smiled, the tension easing from his features. “A wise choice, Lady Nenet. We shall see you are healed and ready for battle post haste.”
Ashur belongs to @thepaladincosplays
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pandorias-box · 4 months
Tyrant of the Tundra
(Content warning: blood)
This was it. The final roadblock in her journey across Hisui. After toiling day after day, night after night, seeking to traverse unparalleled frontiers and complete her task of acquiring every specimen of Pokémon that dwelled in the region. That part of her journey was not yet over, but her days of battling Nobles would soon be.
She trudged up to the Icepeak Arena, a cold wind howling against her. The snow-covered barrens reached to her ankles. Before she approached the arena, the Warden of Lord Avalugg advised her to be quick and swift in dodging its attacks. How was she supposed to do such a thing in an icy place such as this?
And worse yet, she was susceptible to the cold. Being partially dragon-type had its benefits and its downsides, but her time in the icelands proved that it could be a liability. Her instincts, on the other hand, had proven to aid her on her journey. Without them she wouldn’t have made it this far. What she once thought was a curse was her boon.
Pandoria took a deep breath, clutching the azurite pendant that Seira had given her all those years ago. It was the only thing of her partner that remained since she could not easily return to her homeworld. Not until her trial was complete. Not until this journey came to an end.
The wind then began to howl. The frozen earth beneath her feet trembled as a massive tremor began to erupt. It was almost as if the icy arena was moving. A resonating bellow that shook everything surrounding her echoed across the snowscape. It was that of an ancient and slumbering fury. The shaking sheet of ice knocked her backwards onto another frozen platform, and she once again stood face to face with a creature enveloped in divine, yet unholy, light. A beast of stone and frost. A mountainous glacier made manifest.
Avalugg. The final Noble.
The creature roared once again before taking a steady stance, calling upon a massive breath of frost that coalesced into giant spheres of mist. Pandoria, who was initially frozen with awe, tucked and rolled away from the beast’s advance on her. She tried throwing the balms of Eternal Ice at Lord Avalugg, but ever time she did so it seemed as if they were missing. This was the largest Pokémon she had ever encountered on her journey. How in the worlds was she supposed to quell this behemoth’s fury?
She would have to get close. She had risked life and limb to get as far as this, and Pandoria would not yield so easily. Even if the creeping chill of frost burned on her scales. Even with every tremor that emanated from its footsteps. She yelled, fighting against the living force of nature that opposed her. More and more clouds of frost were spat in her direction, and her instincts told her to do one thing and one thing only. Survive.
She had to see her allies again. She had to see her daughter again. And all that she had to do was face Lord Avalugg and calm its fury. If she completed her task, the spacetime distortion responsible for the radiant bolts of lightning imbuing the Nobles with awesome strength would disappear. And in order for all of that to happen, she had to survive.
The towering Noble’s attacks relented, and Pandoria dashed, almost sliding, across the icy arena in order to hurl more glacial balms at the creature. But it was not until long that its pursuit resumed. Frozen shards rose up from the ground, almost resembling daggers. One of these blades of frost slashed against her arm, the one that had previously been wounded by Lord Kleavor. She screamed in pain, blue drops of blood becoming the only color visible on the pure white snow. To think that her final encounter with a frenzied Noble would result in old woulds literally bleeding out once more. Pandoria hissed and recomposed herself.
More shards of ice erupted around her, but she could see and feel them forming whilst she stood. If she avoided these areas, she would avoid Avalugg’s attacks. Hopefully the creature was not as intelligent as she feared, catching on to her tactics.
Once again, she continued to throw balms at the hulking Noble. She once thought of this tactic of throwing offerings at enraged creatures was a terrible idea, but in times like this against something the size of an actual glacier, she had no idea what the other way of calming it down aside from facing it in combat would be.
Lord Avalugg lurched and halted. It let out a resonant roar that once again vibrated across the entire tundra.
Fight. Her instincts told her.
“Let’s go! Emusi, use Close Combat!” She commanded her Gallade. The green humanoid ran up towards the Noble and struck it with a flurry of strong and powerful blows with agility and precision. Afterwards, the Pokémon halted and awaited another command.
“Sacred Sword!”
Following its first gambit, the Gallade then slashed Lord Avalugg with its bladelike arm with the swiftness of a human swordsman. The creature, despite being much larger than its opponent, became staggered.
Now is your chance. Strike. Her instincts once again whispered.
As she had done four times before, Pandoria threw more balms whilst the glacial titan remained temporarily motionless and confused. It was getting weaker, but it was not relenting just yet.
Lord Avalugg staved off the attacks and roared once more. It repositioned itself into a steady stance and opened its gaping maw, coalescing raw ice energy around it. It too was rearing to strike and trying make its final blow against her. The creature paused before taking a breath, firing a beam of frost at her. In that moment, time seemed to stand still. Her heartbeat quickened with anticipation and fear. Was this it? Was this how her journey was going to end?
Nay. Thine road has not yet come to an end. Thou shalt endure. Thou shalt survive.
A booming, commanding voice echoed in her head. It was one that she had never heard. One that spoke with the utmost authority. It was asking her to live. The end of the road was not yet here. Not that of her own, at least.
As the massive beam of frost was fired, she rolled under it. Such a thing should have been impossible. And yet…
The beast needed to recharge and recuperate. And that gave her an opening.
The last strike. The last few balms.
They hurled at Lord Avalugg like a meteor crashing towards the earth, and then…
It connected. It landed on the stone protrusions around the Noble’s jaw. A burst of golden, radiant light streamed forth and then faded away. The aftermath of every battle against an enraged Noble Pokémon.
As the light scattered, Pandoria was met with a massive pair of eyes staring her down. She froze instinctively due to her type disadvantage, but then came to realize it meant no harm any longer.
The creature grumbled and huffed as a stone tablet the color of ice stood in front of her. Another Plate of Arceus. She had procured several across her journey from other Nobles and the Ride Pokémon that made traversal easier than if she did everything on foot.
Pandoria recomposed herself and bowed towards Lord Avalugg in response to its gift.
She had done it. The people of Hisui had to worry about these Nobles no longer.
This was one more step in getting her back home. The last and most important one.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
Here is the exerpt from the TodoDeku fight in POSTOD. I picked a part that isn't to spoilery, but does show the fight is very much not canon.
"You want an endurance match. But I'll end this quickly," Todoroki says, sending another ice glacier at her. She flicks a finger, a very dark scowl on her face.
 “No, no, we are talking about this. You’re not going full out. Not even with your ice? Realizing you can’t solely rely on it? Or are you refusing to go all out and hurt me?” Midoriya demands. Todoroki sends a rush of ice at her and she dodges it, eyes narrowing.
 It doesn’t make sense. His Quirk is next level, but added to that is his judgement, mobility and reasoning. He’s incredible, so why would he be… Midoriya wonders. The screen moves to the stands where heroes mutter to one another.
"That kid's already better than most rookies," one of them comments.
"Guess that's what you can expect from the son of the number two hero," another says.
The screen shows the arena. Midoriya studies Todoroki, noticing how while he isn’t breathing frost, part of him is covered in it. The boy shakes slightly, making her eyes widen.
 “Oh, you’re not going easy.” Midoriya realizes. “You’re already to cold, aren’t you? Well, there’s a way to fix that isn’t there?” Midoriya mocks.
 “I will never use his power!” Todoroki barks.
 “Really? What if I was a villain?!” Midoriya kicks another rush of ice. “All I need to do is wear you down, have you throw more and more ice, don’t I? Then when you’re collapsed I’ll take care of you.”
 “I’ll have beaten them before that happens,” Todoroki snarls.
 “Even if I could use fire?” Midoriya asks. Todoroki growls, glancing up at the arena where his father can be seen, on fire. “Oh, don’t you dare-“ Midoriya slams a foot into the floor, forcing Todoroki to create ice to keep himself upright. “I’m your opponent, not him!”
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roomchailimited · 2 months
Antarctic Adventure: A Bangladeshi’s Polar Expedition
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Embarking on a journey to Antarctica is an unparalleled experience, especially for a Bangladeshi traveler. This pristine, icy wilderness offers a stark contrast to the tropical climate of Bangladesh, promising an adventure filled with breathtaking landscapes, unique wildlife, and the thrill of exploring the least inhabited continent on Earth.
The Journey Begins: From Dhaka to Antarctica
Starting from Dhaka, the journey to Antarctica is an odyssey in itself. Travelers usually fly to a gateway city such as Punta Arenas in Chile or Ushuaia in Argentina. These cities serve as the launching points for Antarctic expeditions. Flights from Dhaka to these cities typically involve multiple layovers, making it a long but exciting journey.
Preparing for the Expedition
Preparation is key to a successful Antarctic adventure. Given the extreme weather conditions, packing the right gear is crucial. Layered clothing, waterproof outerwear, thermal gloves, and sturdy boots are essential. Travelers should also carry personal items such as sunscreen, lip balm, and high-quality cameras to capture the awe-inspiring beauty of the continent.
Boarding the Expedition Vessel
Once in the gateway city, travelers board an expedition vessel, which will be their home for the duration of the trip. These vessels are specially designed to navigate the icy waters and offer comfortable accommodations along with amenities such as dining areas, lecture halls, and observation decks.
Crossing the Drake Passage
The voyage to Antarctica involves crossing the Drake Passage, one of the most turbulent sea routes in the world. This part of the journey is both challenging and exhilarating, as travelers experience the powerful forces of nature and the anticipation of nearing the Antarctic continent.
Exploring the White Continent
Upon reaching Antarctica, the true adventure begins. Travelers disembark onto the icy shores, exploring stunning landscapes filled with glaciers, icebergs, and snow-covered mountains. Guided tours by experienced expedition leaders ensure safety and provide deep insights into the unique environment.
Encountering Unique Wildlife
Antarctica is home to a remarkable array of wildlife, including various species of penguins, seals, and whales. Observing these animals in their natural habitat is a highlight of the expedition. The sight of a colony of emperor penguins or a pod of orcas swimming by is an unforgettable experience.
Immersive Activities
Expedition activities can include ice climbing, kayaking, and even camping on the ice. These activities offer a deeper immersion into the Antarctic environment, allowing travelers to experience the raw beauty and tranquility of this remote region.
Environmental Awareness
Antarctic expeditions also emphasize the importance of environmental conservation. Travelers learn about the impact of climate change on this fragile ecosystem and the measures being taken to preserve it. Responsible travel practices are encouraged to minimize the environmental footprint.
The Return Journey
The journey back to Dhaka marks the end of an incredible adventure. The memories of Antarctica's pristine beauty, the thrill of exploration, and the encounters with unique wildlife linger long after the trip is over. Sharing these experiences with friends and family in Bangladesh can inspire others to embark on their own polar expeditions.
An Antarctic adventure is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, offering Bangladeshi travelers the chance to explore one of the most remote and stunning places on Earth. It is a journey that requires careful preparation, but the rewards are immense. From the awe-inspiring landscapes to the unique wildlife encounters, Antarctica promises an expedition that will leave a lasting impression and a deeper appreciation for our planet's natural wonders.
Travel with Roomchai Limited For those seeking to embark on this extraordinary journey, Roomchai Limited offers comprehensive travel packages tailored to Bangladeshi travelers. With expert guidance, customized itineraries, and a commitment to exceptional service, Roomchai Limited ensures that your Antarctic adventure is seamless and unforgettable. Whether it's handling the complex logistics or providing insights into the best travel practices, Roomchai Limited is your trusted partner for exploring the ends of the Earth.
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gokitetour · 5 months
The 8 most stunning sites and natural wonders in Spain
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Welcome to Spain, a country renowned for its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture. From majestic mountains to picturesque coastlines, Spain is home to some of the world's most breathtaking sites and natural wonders. Discover the architectural marvels of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona and the Alhambra in Granada, where intricate designs and rich history come together to create unforgettable experiences. Explore the rugged landscapes of Montserrat Mountain, home to a centuries-old monastery nestled among towering cliffs and rocky peaks. Venture into the lush vineyards of La Rioja, where rolling hills and medieval villages provide the perfect backdrop for wine tasting and exploration. Witness the otherworldly beauty of Teide National Park in Tenerife, with its volcanic landscapes and panoramic views of the Canary Islands. Descend into the subterranean world of Cueva de los Verdes in Lanzarote, where lava tubes and hidden chambers reveal the island's volcanic past. Trek through the pristine wilderness of the Sierra de Grazalema in Andalusia, where rugged cliffs and dense forests offer sanctuary to rare wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts alike. And don't miss the chance to explore the rugged coastline of Costa Brava, with its secluded coves, turquoise waters, and charming seaside villages. With its wealth of stunning sites and natural wonders, Spain invites visitors to embark on a journey of discovery and exploration, where every turn reveals new wonders and unforgettable experiences. So pack your bags and get ready to immerse yourself in the beauty and magic of Spain's most stunning landscapes and natural wonders.
Here are some of the of the most stunning sites and natural wonders in Spain.
1.Aletsch Glacier: The biggest glacier in the Alps and a breathtaking natural marvel is the Aletsch Glacier, which is situated in the Swiss Alps in the Jungfrau-Aletsch UNESCO World Heritage Site. A guided glacier trek allows visitors to explore the glacier's crevasses and ice caves, or they may just enjoy the vast expanse of ice from numerous perspectives along the Aletsch Glacier Panorama Trail. Hiking, skiing, and snowshoeing are just a few of the year-round outdoor activities available in the Aletsch Arena region, which is a must-visit location for both outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers.
2.Granada's Alhambra: Located in Granada, Andalusia, the magnificent Alhambra palace and castle complex is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Constructed throughout the Moorish era in Spain, the Alhambra has elaborate Islamic architectural design, verdant gardens, and mesmerizing panoramas of the neighbouring Sierra Nevada mountains. Enthusiasts of history and architecture should not miss the Nasrid Palaces, Generalife Gardens, and the Alcazaba Castle, among other highlights.
3. Catalonia's Montserrat Mountain: Montserrat Mountain is a remarkable natural marvel that is close to Barcelona and is well-known for its angular peaks, striking rock formations, and Benedictine abbey. Reaching the monastery at the top of the mountain via a cable car or funicular railway allows visitors to tour its basilica, museum, and hiking paths. Not only is Montserrat a popular destination for nature enthusiasts but also for pilgrims due to its unique environment and spiritual importance.
4.Vineyards in La Rioja: Northern Spain's La Rioja region is well-known for its gorgeous vineyards, undulating hills, and highly regarded wines. In addition to touring ancient vineyards and tasting the region's well-known Rioja wine varieties, tourists may explore quaint medieval villages like Laguardia and Haro. The cuisine, history, and natural beauty of La Rioja are delightfully combined, especially with its breathtaking surroundings and rich wine culture.
5.Tenerife's Teide National Park: Spain's tallest mountain, Mount Teide, is located in Teide National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands. Hikers and lovers of the great outdoors will find the park to be a haven of rare plants and animals, lunar-like vistas, and volcanic craters. A cable car can transport tourists to the peak of Mount Teide, where they may enjoy expansive views of the Atlantic Ocean and the neighbouring islands.
6.Lanzarote's Cueva de los Verdes: A natural marvel of the Canary Islands, Cueva de los Verdes, also known as the Green Caves, is situated on the island of Lanzarote. These lava tubes, which are nearly six kilometers long and contain beautiful rock formations, lava lakes, and secret chambers, were created by volcanic explosions. Visitors may explore this underground realm and discover its geological past and cultural value by taking guided excursions.
7.Andalusia's Sierra de Grazalema: Andalusia's Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park is a natural wilderness with lush trees, rocky limestone cliffs, and secret caverns. Hikers may enjoy breathtaking paths, see endangered species like Spanish and Iberian ibex, and take in expansive vistas of the Grazalema mountain range. The park is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts and wildlife lovers because of its different ecosystems and breathtaking vistas.
8.Catalonia's Costa Brava Coastline: Catalonia's "Wild Coast," or Costa Brava, is an untamed coastline renowned for its pristine seas, isolated bays, and towering cliffs. Hiking along coastal paths with breath-taking vistas of the Mediterranean Sea, relaxing on immaculate beaches, and exploring quaint fishing communities like Cadaqués and Tossa de Mar are all available to visitors. Unspoiled beauty and an easy-going vibe make the Costa Brava a hidden gem just waiting to be found.
Spain's stunning sites and natural wonders offer a wealth of experiences for travelers seeking to explore the country's diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage. From the architectural marvels of the Sagrada Familia and the Alhambra to the rugged mountains of Montserrat and the volcanic landscapes of Teide National Park, Spain's beauty is truly unparalleled. For travelers from India or Kerala planning to visit Spain, obtaining a Spain visa is a simple process that allows you to immerse yourself in the country's breathtaking scenery and vibrant culture. Whether you're exploring historic cities, hiking through pristine wilderness, or relaxing on sun-kissed beaches, Spain offers endless opportunities for discovery and adventure. Soak in the charm of La Rioja's vineyards, explore the hidden caves of Cueva de los Verdes, or wander through the picturesque villages of the Sierra de Grazalema. With its diverse landscapes and abundance of natural wonders, Spain promises an unforgettable journey of exploration and discovery. So pack your bags, apply for your Spain visa from India or , Spain visa from Kerala, and embark on a journey to discover the beauty and magic of Spain's most stunning sites and natural wonders. Whether you're traveling solo, with family, or with friends, Spain invites you to experience its unparalleled beauty and hospitality firsthand.
Read More-: Italy visa from India
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daimonclub · 7 months
Tourism and Travels
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Garda Lake Italy Tourism and travel Tourism and travels. Take a tour around the world: culture, traditions, curiosities, towns, lakes, mountains, photos, links, and videos by English-culture.com Global Tourism Resilience Day (17 February), proclaimed by the General Assembly in resolution A/RES/77/269, aims to emphasize the need to foster resilient tourism development to deal with shocks, taking into account the vulnerability of the tourism sector to emergencies. For instance, Tourism and Green Investment, encourages a focus on improved travel experiences and innovative solutions “for people, for planet and for prosperity”. We recommend Garda Lake for your travel experiences. It is an ideal touristic place, together with some stunning places in Great Britain, such as the Lake District, the Scottish Highlands, London or other famous towns in England, Germany, America, France and Italy. Garda Lake (Lago di Garda or Benaco) is the largest Italian lake, situated at the foot of the Alps, in a beautiful area of southern Europe. At only 30 Km from Verona, 100 Km from Milan and 130 Km from Venice it is well placed for road, rail and air connections. It is located in Northern Italy, about half-way between Venice and Milan. Glaciers formed this alpine region at the end of the last ice age. The northern part of the lake is narrower, surrounded by mountains, the majority of which belong to the Gruppo del Baldo. The shape is typical of a moraine valley, probably having been formed under the action of a Paleolithic glacier. Although traces of the glacier's actions are evident today, in more recent years it has been hypothesized that the glacier occupied a previously existing depression, created by stream erosion 5 to 6 million years ago. The lake has numerous small islands and five main ones, the largest being Isola del Garda. Nearby to the south is Isola San Biagio, also known as the Isola dei Conigli ("Island of the Rabbits"). Both are off shore of San Felice del Benaco, on the west side. The three other main islands are Isola dell'Olivo, Isola di Sogno, and Isola di Trimelone, all further north near the east side. The main tributary is the Sarca River, while the only emissary is the Mincio River.The lake and its shoreline are divided between the provinces of Verona (to the southeast), Brescia (southwest), and Trento (north). Being easily accessible from the north via the Brenner pass, the lake is a major tourist destination, including a number of exclusive hotels and resorts along its shore. Lake Garda offers the visitor a splendid natural scenery, full of colours, surrounded by the Dolomites of Brenta in the north and the gentle slopes of the morainic hills in the south. A rich vegetation flourishes thanks to the Mediterranean climate: lemon trees, oleanders, magnolias and bouganville. The cultivation of vineyards and olive groves produces good wines and olive oil. Walking leisurely around the small village centres, going on a boat trip, exploring the surroundings in a wide choice of itineraries are the best ways of enjoying the lively atmosphere of the lake and the beauty of the landscape. Moreover, Lake Garda is ideally situated for excursions: to the historical cities of Verona, Brescia, Mantua, Trent and Venice, to the Dolomites, to a performance at the Arena in Verona during the Opera Season. In this region almost every sport can be practised from tennis to paragliding, free-climbing, scuba-diving, clay-pigeon shooting and karting. Sailing and windsurfing enthusiasts find here their ideal conditions and over the last years Lake Garda has been chosen by lovers of mountain-bike and has become world famous for the quality of its golf courses. If looking for fun and relax there is a good choice of amusement parks and gardens; for those who love shopping there are opportunities meeting all needs, from the picturesque street markets to the most elegant shops. Lake Garda is also well known for its exciting night-life, its dolce vita: restaurants, cafes, the trendiest discos and entertainment of all kinds are to be found everywhere. For those who are thinking of a holiday in this attractive part of Italy Garda Vacanze is glad to present the best hotels, holiday apartments, farm holidays and campings round Lake Garda, chosen for the high standard of service, the pleasant location and the outstanding value for money. As Lake Garda is one of the most exclusive venues for business meetings and incentives in Italy, Garda Vacanze suggests suitable 4 and 3 star hotels, perfectly equipped with conference facilities.
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Garda Lake Sirmione Italy Lake Garda is the most important European lake, and it has always been a renowned tourist area. The land is characterised by two colours that give a feeling of joy and peace: blue as the waters illuminated by the sun, and green as the gentle hills surrounding the lake. Thanks to the lake's mediterranean climate, plants and flowers flourish everywhere: vines, bougainvillae, lemon groves, olive trees. Apart from its clear waters, the lake has plenty to offer: art (the Vittoriale museum, the Art Nouveau villas), entertainment (water parks, concerts, shows, live clubs), nature (the lemon gardens, natural parks), sports (sailing, windsurf, water ski, canyoning, rafting, paragliding, trekking, mountaineering, climbing), shopping in the elegant boutiques of the lake promenades. Three beautiful golf courses are available on the western coast, and are renowned all over Europe. Spas and top-quality wellness centres are also very well known. Lake Garda is worth a visit also for its typical products such as wine (high-quality red and white wines such as Groppello, Lugana and Garda Classico), extra-virgin olive oil, and delicious traditional dishes based o­n lake fish and spits. Worldwide famous painters, writers and artists like Goethe, D’Annunzio, Ibsen and Lawrence lived here and from the harmony of the lake drew inspiration for some of their important works. On the Garda Lake we have more than 1,200 hotels, 1,024 restaurants, 410 pizza-restaurants, 480 bars, 22 discotheques, 206 campings and 60 holiday farms. www.officeholidays.com Job tourism in Lombardy Turismo enogastronomico The Lake District The Scottish Highlands City guide around London Dickens literary London The London Marathon Christmas Markets in England Christmas markets in America Christmas markets in Italy and Germany http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojzyMJN32Is Rss Feed about Travel and Tourism Rss Feed about Hotels and Resorts Read the full article
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north-of-north · 8 months
Locations in North of North
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Trail's End
Home of Herd Bellasara and Herd Airistos
Settlements on the ground include Canter Downs (home to the region's largest stables), Canter Hollow (home to Bagatella Row and Artisan's Way, split by a river and connected by the Fountain Plaza), Rolandsgaard Outskirts (connecting Canter Hollow and the Castle), Rolandsgaard Castle, and Darkcomb Hedge
Settlements in the sky include Windhome Skylands floating over Naastrand Sound and Overgaard Skylands floating over the land. Airistos Castle sits on the largest island in Windhome Skylands.
Other man-made points of interest include Roland's Hold Arena, the Bazaar, Starguide Lighthouse, Stonelory, and the Bookends
Other natural points of interest include Drasilmare, the Goddesswall, and Darkcomb Forest (home to Boda's Cave and the Wolf Den)
The main freshwaterway of Trail's End is Frostfroth Falls, birthing Lake Riddlemere, which runs into Fastalon River and ends in Fastalon Drift. The second freshwaterway is the Comb Stream running into the Fastalon West River and. South of Trail's End lies Naastrand Sound, connecting to Stonelory via Horseshoe Bay.
Midwinter Mountains
Home of Herd Valeryk
Settlements include Valeryk Castle on an island in Lake Riddlemere and Hestheim floating over Thunder's Peak
Other points of interest include the Whitemantle Mountains, with the highest peak in North of North, Mount Whitemantle, and Thunder's Peak, a volcanic crater in the center of the Midwinter Mountains.
The waters of the Midwinter Mountains include Lake Wintermere, running into Whitemantle Glacier, which ends in Icewater Bay, connecting to Naastrand Sound.
Ochre Mountains
Frequent (though not permanent) home of Herd Mustang and Wildscape Castle
Runs into grassland to the west and desert on the east
Eastern part turns into the Pinto Mesas in which sits the Valley of Legends
Bordered by the Hope River to the west
Autumn Sands Desert
Home of Herd Shahazar and Shahazar Castle
The sand changes color with the seasons, white in winter, green in spring, blue in summer, and red in autumn
Home to various human settlements, including those of the Desirée, a group of wolf-taming horse-hunters
Bordered by the Hope River to the east. Only other major source of water is the Aria Oasis
Bordered by the Rose Valley to the south and the Bow Mountains to the east
The Rose Valley connects to the Desert Cave, a cave full of forgotten treasures
Emerildian Wilds
Deep mystical forest, home to the fairies and Underhill
North sits the Isle of Isluv, a place permeated by fairy magic and home to Herd Moonfairy and Feywind Castle.
Daybreak Mountains
Home of Herd Starlight
Highest point is Starlights Bell, on which sits Dawnstar Castle
Grass Sea
Herdless land, home to settlers as well as nomads
Separated from the Emeraldian Wilds by the Bluegrass Narrows
Landscape is grass steppe, interspersed with enormous emerald cloud trees and the grass lakes, connecting to each other in a vast underground freshwater sea
Equinesian Seas - tropical clear and shallow
The Celestial Deep - dark with mysterious lights and enormous creatures
The Withers Sea - Cold and ferocious
The Ocean of Lights - Bright and full of bright glowing life
Other locations
Brighttree Jungle, a vast jungle connecting to Trail's End via the Coral Causeway
Esotara, home of Herd Elemyn and the Ice Castle
Islands of Equinesia, tropical volcanic islands around which Herd Islandar make their home
Jasmine Forest, home to Herd Sunflower and Petalhome, protected by the Rose Maze
Horsehead Peninsula, home of Herd Pantheon and Parthamane Castle
The Borderlands, a harsh volcanic landscape frequented by Wolfriders and rarely visited by horses
Styginmoor, home of the Wolfriders and Styginmoor Castle
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theopenrhode · 1 year
Patagonia Chile Travel Guide: Stay in Torres Del Paine Park
Patagonia Chile Travel Guide: Stay in Torres Del Paine Park Do you want to hike the W circuit but still stay in luxury when visiting Patagonia, Chile? Is it possible to ride a horse with a gaucho across the pampas? Can you sip champagne in a hot tub located at the foot of a glacier fed lake? The answer to all 3 is YES! Read our article about how to stay at the luxurious Explora hotel located inside Torres Del Paine National Park. https://www.theopenrhode.com/patagonia-another-world-2/ #Explora #Hiking #Luxury #patagoniachile
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Patagonia Chile Travel Guide
Most adventurers have some gear or clothing emblazoned with the ubiquitous Patagonia brand name and we finally had the opportunity to travel to the land that inspired it all! Just google Patagonia and ALL that will return is the brand and where to buy it. However, Patagonia itself is a sprawling, vast region covering the southern tip of South America divided between Chile and Argentina with the Andes mountain range as a divider. It includes two World Heritage Parks, Los Glaciares National Park in Argentina and Torres Del Paine National Park in Chile, and the Southern Patagonian Ice Field.
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Endless Exploration
We chose to explore the Chilean side of Patagonia and the famously photographed Torres del Paine, which are 3 towering granite peaks of the Paine mountain range. Other highlights include renowned glaciers of the Southern Patagonian Ice Field, Grey, Pingo, and Tyndall and the well-known lakes including Grey, Pehoe (on which we stayed), Nordenslold, and Sarmiento. The park has over 900 square miles and hiking is abundant. The two most famous circuits are the "O" and the "W." The W Circuit is arguably the most popular and you could do a 5 day trek of just this circuit alone Trip Travel Details
From Boston To Patagonia Chile
It is quite the flight from the East Coast to Patagonia with most flights connecting through Santiago and then another 3-4 hour flight to Patagonia Stay Duration in Patagonia 6 Days & 5 Nights Total Flight Time 13 Hours Drive Time To Explora Patagonia From Punta Arenas 4 hr 30 mins There are many different bases from which to explore. The closest airport is Puerto Natales located approximately 2 hours from the park. Many travelers choose to stay here and embark on day trips. There are also a limited number of options located within the park including camping, refuges, and deluxe lodging. Note that the Puerto Natales airport only offers flights during the high season, so that leaves Puntas Arenas airport, an approximately 4 hour ride from the park. We chose the luxurious Explora Patagonia for our base camp (read more below on this splurge) and couldn't have been happier. From their coveted location in the park, you can essentially hike the entire W circuit in a series of day hikes, horseback ride along sweeping vistas, and take short van rides to see more sites and try to spy the elusive puma. Furthermore, their van picks you up in Puntas Arenas and escorts you to their lodge and takes care of virtually everything from the time you enter their van. We don't have much to report from our travels before arriving at Explora as we arrived very late after a flight delay and lost luggage. However, once in the confines of the Explora van, the exploration truly began. I must also say the van driver kindly stopped for every wildlife encounter..flamingos, condors, foxes and patiently waited while we began the onslaught of photography. 4 hours didn't seem unnecessarily burdensome as the mountain vistas were breathtaking and we stopped at the midway point for lunch at Hotel Posada, Rio Rubens where we had a light lunch and some Magellan beers!
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Edit gallery Our arrival to Explora was met with awe. They have a stunning location where their white lodge sits atop a ledge overlooking the turquoise waters of Lake Pehoe. The style is very modern and sleek and we were greeted with a refreshing beverage while we got our overview. If possible, get an upgrade to the Cordillera Paine rooms which look out on the 3 massive granite spires. The room has a large bed with hints of turquoise to mirror the lake and plenty of cubbies and hooks for gear. The bathroom is large with a drying rack and ample toiletries made using local ingredients. We loved the lip balm which was great for fortifying those Patagonian wind chapped lips. The lodge itself is surrounded by catwalks for strolling down to the lake or waterfall or up toward the mountains to get better views of the Torres. They have one ample dining room with walls of windows so you can look across the lake. The lodge only holds about 100 guests so dining and other experiences feel intimate and thoughtful. The dining experience was fantastic. Breakfasts are buffet style and dinners are 3 course masterpieces. All alcohol is included and they have a great bartender/mixologist who concocts a new delicious cocktail each day. I eat mostly a vegetarian palate with some chicken and they had plenty of options for me. Meanwhile, my husband ate virtually everything, including guanaco. Most days you’ve hiked at least 10 miles, so get that dessert too! Finally, they have an indoor pool and 3 outdoor hot tubs which sit on the glacial lake which feel blissful after long days of hiking.
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The essence of Explora though is their excursions. Keep this in mind when you are weighing if the cost is worthwhile. You get a guide for a very small group each day (and one day it was just my husband and me) and I think this significant helps justify the cost. Each night you meet in the common spaces outside of the dining room and have a meeting with a guide to go over the options for the next day’s activities. While you warm in front of a crackling fire with a Pisco Sour in hand, you are presented with both full or half day options. Full day options usually involve a longer hike (we chose our full days to essentially complete the W circuit) and you choose your lunch. They offer sandwiches or metal canisters made of quinoa dishes or salad options. The canisters are incredibly filling and much better than the sandwiches in my opinion. Snacks are EVERYwhere and you can load up and refill your reusable water bottle before each trip. Half day trips consist of shorter hikes or horseback rides returning to the lodge to enjoy lunch in the dining room. This experience was also nice as the dining room was usually pretty empty during the day and having a wine after finishing a hike feels pretty indulgent. They do a good job of learning your ability levels and are fairly successful at pairing you with hikers of similar skills/endurance.
Base of the Torres Hike
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a data-image-id="1647" data-elementor-open-lightbox="no" rel="jtg-3656" data-caption="" aria-label="Open image in lightbox"/a img data-valign="middle" data-halign="center" alt="patagonia trip guide" data-full="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_660f-scaled.jpeg" title="" src="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_660f-scaled.jpeg" data-src="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_660f-scaled.jpeg" data-caption="" srcset="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_660f-scaled.jpeg 1707w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_660f-scaled-600x900.jpeg 600w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_660f-768x1152.jpeg 768w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_660f-1024x1536.jpeg 1024w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_660f-1365x2048.jpeg 1365w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_660f-585x878.jpeg 585w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" "="">
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a data-image-id="1642" data-elementor-open-lightbox="no" rel="jtg-3656" data-caption="" aria-label="Open image in lightbox"/a img data-valign="middle" data-halign="center" alt="must visit patagonia" data-full="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-scaled.jpeg" title="" src="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-scaled.jpeg" data-src="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-scaled.jpeg" data-caption="" srcset="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-scaled.jpeg 2560w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-scaled-600x400.jpeg 600w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-768x512.jpeg 768w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-1536x1024.jpeg 1536w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-2048x1366.jpeg 2048w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-585x390.jpeg 585w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65b4-272x182.jpeg 272w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" "="">
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a data-image-id="1645" data-elementor-open-lightbox="no" rel="jtg-3656" data-caption="" aria-label="Open image in lightbox"/a img data-valign="middle" data-halign="center" alt="visit patagonia in winter" data-full="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-scaled.jpeg" title="" src="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-scaled.jpeg" data-src="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-scaled.jpeg" data-caption="" srcset="https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-scaled.jpeg 2560w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-scaled-600x400.jpeg 600w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-768x512.jpeg 768w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-1536x1024.jpeg 1536w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-2048x1365.jpeg 2048w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-585x390.jpeg 585w, https://www.theopenrhode.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/fullsizeoutput_65eb-272x182.jpeg 272w" sizes="(max-width: 500px) 100vw, 500px" "=""> Read the full article
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simplyclary · 2 years
Super/Natural: A Mind-Blowing View of the Species of the World
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(Photo credits: National Geographic)
"If you think you know nature, think again..."
The natural world of various flora and fauna is so vast that some arenas remain unexplored. This six-part documentary introduces the viewers to the ever-vast world of nature, with species that remain to be mysterious to the human eye.
This documentary, narrated by the brilliant actor Benedict Cumberbatch, brings viewers into a world that is beyond the reach of perception. It explores the amazing abilities by even the most little of animals. It expounds on symbiotic and mutual relationships created by the creatures and the environment they live in. It is truly mind-blowing to discover that there are such extraordinary animals with super abilities that help them navigate the ever dynamic planet Earth.
Each episode takes viewers into a different kind of venture, from strange yet symbiotic relationships to how specific animals mate and traverse into journeys just to ensure survival and continuation of their bloodline.
On a more personal review..
I, for one, am a person who loves these types of documentaries since I was a young girl for I am constantly fascinated with the bigger world of flora and fauna. To pair one of my favorite types of documentaries with the voice of my most favorite actor is a beautiful combo for me.
To my ears and imagination, Benedict's narration is not just simply narration for narration's sake, he combines it with his voice acting abilities. The delightful shifts in tone and manner of reading make me imagine the countless facial expressions he did while standing in the booth narrating each episode.
Metaphorically, my jaw was constantly on the floor every episode, for there is something that shocks me in each one of them. The world of animals is truly amazing. The various species I've seen continue to astound me with their abilities.
To give some examples of the most mind-blowing ones...
The fact that a pregnant female African elephant goes through 2 years of gestation period before giving birth to her young was something I did not know before and it truly surprised me.
Another is the idea that the offspring of the Death's head Hawkmoth is a cannibal, especially when they have nothing else to eat is weird but surprising.
The one that personally made me giggle was the idea that the female European hamster (yes, a hamster!) would release an aphrodisiac (a.k.a. a love potion) to make males fight for her hand in mating. Like what? Mind-blowing indeed.
These are just a few that really surprised me but there is definitely more than that.
On to the concluding part of the entry...
The documentary is more than just Benedict reading, but it is more of a virtual adventure through the jungles, ice glaciers, safaris and deserts that are spread across the globe and meeting animals with the most surprising of abilities.
The world of nature is truly fascinating and mind-blowing, for every day is a new day to explore something and discover something new. There are species out there who need protection and appreciation.
We, the human beings, should learn to have a mutual relationship with the flora and fauna at large, because in the end, we all live under one sun and on one beautiful planet.
Stream Super/Natural now on Disney+
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rai-raku · 7 years
Back to the future on ice This Town
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aereres · 3 years
Slipping Through My Fingers - Nathan MacKinnon | Chapter 7
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GIF by @gabelandeskog
Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Summary: Y/N had never thought a losing streak would change her relationship with Andrew so much. But life had never been fair to her.
A/N: I'm sorry in advance.
Word Count: 2,5k
Warnings: Angst. Like lots of it.
Sixteen years old
They didn’t have it. Not that time.
Those two phrases kept repeating themselves in your mind as you watched the clock signal the last minute of the game. Right under it was the score, signaling 3-0 for the opposing team, and you inhaled a long, shaky breath.
Looking down at your phone, you saw a message from Beth.
Beth: how did it go?
You: lost 3-0
The loud sound of the horn caught your attention, signaling the end of the game. Andrew skated off the ice quickly, gloves rolled into fists as he breathed harshly. He wasn’t satisfied.
The Glaciers had been hitting a rough path for the past season, putting under their belt a series of losses that put their other seasons to shame. They had been a winning team for years, and yet something was wrong with them. And it was affecting Andrew.
You waited for him at the entrance of the arena, waving at the other parents as you watched them talk, their shoulders slumped, faces grim.
If you had to be honest, never in your life did you think you’d be so affected by a sport. Throughout your years spent on planet Earth, you had witnessed World Cups, multiple Olympic Games, and competitions of your own. Your teams could lose, and you’d feel a tinge of sadness, nothing more.
Standing right there, at the entrance of the arena, you felt like your legs were about to give in. Your stomach was sinking, and the smile you swore was always on your face was struggling to come out.
Seeing Andrew lose - more like seeing how it affected him and his best friends - was leaving you restless, almost depressed. You couldn’t even imagine how your son felt.
“Mac! You joining us?”
The nickname that had been given to Andrew at the start of the season rang loudly inside the walls of the arena, snapping you out of your thoughts. It came from Jacob’s mouth, whose arm was thrown over their goalie’s shoulders. Andrew’s best friend had a smile on his face, almost as if the loss didn’t affect him, but you knew better.
“No.” Andrew grumbled, jaw tense as he walked past you, towards the exit. You sent Jacob a sad smile, squeezing his shoulder softly before following your son outside. His tall frame was waiting by the car, sandy hair still slightly damp from his shower.
You didn’t talk much as you drove home, Andrew’s eyes almost lost as he looked out of the window into the dark of the night. He needed some time to think, to let the anger inside him fade.
He was out of the car before you could even park properly inside your garage, his back disappearing behind the door that lead inside the house before you could even notice it. You tried not to sigh loudly, even if the ache in your chest was begging you to.
Shutting off the car, you sat inside it for another second, clearing your mind before entering your house. The living room was silent, the kitchen’s lights still off. It almost looked as if no one was home.
Entering the hallway, you noticed the laundry room’s lights were on, some light shuffling coming from inside it. You headed back towards the kitchen, putting on the kettle and grabbing two mugs - yours and Andrew’s.
You opened the cabinet on your left, grabbing two chamomile tea bags and putting them inside your mugs. After the boiling water was poured, you sat on the counter, waiting for any signs of Andy to come back.
You checked your phone another time, noticing Beth had sent you a sad emoji. You opened your chat with Nathan, being close enough to actually text him about the loss and let him know how Andrew was feeling about it.
Time was passing, and Andy was still nowhere to be seen. He probably doesn’t wanna talk, you thought. You were just about to grab your chamomile and head towards the master bedroom when his footsteps started to ring closer and closer, reaching the countertop.
Andrew breathed out a sigh, his elbows resting on the counter as he looked at you. “I want to see dad again.”
The sentence was unexpected. You thought he would talk about the game, release his frustration about how he had played, or how the new coach still wasn’t understanding how badly the new lineups were working.
Instead, he talked about his father.
“And, uh- hopefully stay with him for a while.”
The already present ache in your chest seemed to form a deeper wound in your broken heart, his words affecting you in the worst ways. “Is school not going well?” You asked naively, watching the way his eyes closed.
“This is not about school, mom,” he breathed out, rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand. “This is about hockey. I want to go stay with dad so I can learn how to play better.”
“If this is because of the losing streak, then I understand. I really do, Andy,” you said, trying to keep a straight face. “But you’re not the only one playing on the ice. The team will eventually get better.”
Andrew looked at you, almost in disbelief. His mouth curved into a frown as his hands pointed at himself. “Mom, I won’t get better, if I stay here,” he pointed out, shoulders tensing. “Australia won’t give me the opportunity to play professionally.”
“I-it could, I’m sure your dad can call a few agents and see-”
“And then what?!” He raised his voice, his eyes glaring into yours. “They’ll fly seventeen hours to see me sit on a bench for most of the game. You think they’ll sign me somewhere?”
You breathed out a shaky sigh, a hand running through your hair as you considered what he was saying. “They could, Andrew. I think they really-”
“They wouldn’t,” Andrew spat out, hands gripping the counter, knuckles turning white. “I’d be left to play in the beer league here in a couple of years, work a nine-to-five job, and act like I didn’t have a chance in the hockey world ever since I was a kid.”
His words hit you, making you realize what he really wanted you to understand. When you had first become a mother, never had you thought you’d be going through a situation like this. Your son wanted to leave the country, move far away to pursue what could be his future career, and something selfish inside you wanted him to never grow up, to stay with you and not pursue his dreams.
That something was fighting, trying to get him to stay.
“But your home is here, Andy. Your friends are here,” you whispered, watching his eyes close and his nostrils flare. “Jacob, Beth-”
“We both know you have to sacrifice things to reach your dreams,” he stated, his voice so strong he almost sounded like his father. “You’ve done the same to move here.”
He had a point there. You had left your family, your friends, all behind to pursue your dream job as a lifeguard. You should have understood him, spurred him to move to the United States and do what he wanted to do, be who he wanted to be. But that something wouldn’t let you go.
You felt selfish, and you hated it.
“This is what I want to do, mom,” he stated. “And dad is willing to coach me and get me into teams that will make me reach the top.”
Another breathy sigh left your mouth, your bottom lip wobbling. You could see it in his eyes that leaving hockey, possibly never getting the career he had been dreaming about ever since he was six, was his biggest nightmare. You needed to let him go, let him pursue the career he was born to do. “I just- I just want you to be happy,” you said, sniffling softly. “And if that’s what will make you happy, then I-I think you should do it.”
A lone tear slipped down your cheek, your hand immediately going to brush it away as Andrew stood to his feet, walking closer to wrap you in a hug. “Thank you, mom,” he whispered. “Thank you so much.”
You sniffled, squeezing him softly in your arms, realizing you had just made the hardest decision of your life.
“I love you.” You heard him say, your heart clenching.
“I love you more, Andy.”
“You ready?” You asked, taking a quick look at Andrew as he checked his backpack for everything. The airport was crowded, loud around you, but it felt like you were on your own, watching your baby go.
“I think so, yeah.” He mumbled, smiling excitedly at you.
“Alright, sign my phone case before you leave,” Reed mumbled, making you all turn around to face him with questioning glares. “So, when you become famous, I can say I’m your godfather and give proof.”
“I think they’ll believe you when you pull out the thousands of pictures we have together,” Andrew said, jokingly rolling his eyes at you. “All the ones mom takes.”
You pushed his shoulder jokingly, wrapping an arm around him just as they announced his flight. Your body tensed, a sad smile forming on your face as you looked up at him. “Time to go.” He muttered, dropping his backpack to the floor to say his last goodbyes.
First was Grace, who sobbed lightly when he pulled her in for a hug. “We’ll miss you.” You heard her whisper, her shaky voice making your own eyes tear up, too. He soon moved towards Beth, who was as sad as everyone else surrounding her.
Her arms wrapped around Andrew’s neck, hugging him tightly, just like a big sister would. She was sobbing against his neck, but your son was still smiling. A hint of sadness was coating his eyes, but you could tell he was excited to start his new life. When he let his childhood friend go, he cast a quick look at her, breathing out a sad laugh. “Hey, don’t cry, Betty Bee.”
Reed was next, his nose red as his eyes fogged with tears, wrapping his arms around his godson and hugging him tightly. “Don’t have too much fun without us.” You heard him say, breathing out a sad chuckle. Andrew’s eyes found yours as he unwrapped himself from Reed’s arms.
You smiled sadly, opening your arms for him to wrap himself around you. His chin rested on the top of your head, your ribs almost hurting from how tightly he was holding you. “I’m going to miss you.” You heard him say, the words making the tears in your eyes fall.
“I’m only one call away, baby,” you reassured him, patting his chest when you parted ways. “And if you ever feel like coming home, just know you’ll always be welcome.”
He smiled, pulling you into another swift hug. “Alright.”
“Call me when you get to Nate’s, okay?” You whispered, wiping your cheek. “And you better call me every day.”
“I’ll try to.”
“And say ‘thank you’ to your dad for me.” You pointed a finger his way, making him chuckle.
“You got it,” he said, grabbing his stuff from the ground before kissing your cheek, waving at Reed, Grace, and Beth. “Bye, mom.”
“Bye, baby.” You whispered, watching him walk away. Another stray tear slid down your cheek as he became just another face in the crowd, his body slowly stopping for a second to look at you again, the smile still on his face. Then, he disappeared, and you were left on your own.
You thought it was funny, how quickly someone could become lonely. You took a seat on the nearest bench, sniffling softly as you watched Reed dry his own tears. He came closer to you. “We’re uh- we’re heading home.”
You nodded your head, clearing your voice. “I’m staying here a little more,” you muttered, voice dry, cracking. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Reed only nodded, squeezing your shoulder, before he followed his family out of the airport. You sat in silence, watching the crowd move. Your eyes fell on a businesswoman quickly walking around the crowd, dragging a light suitcase right behind her; they then followed two lovers, hand in hand, walking towards security; and then on a family reuniting.
There was a woman in her thirties, hugging who you could only guess was her mother as they both cried happy tears, talking over each other. You looked, a sense of fondness washing over you as you wondered whether you’d be in their same position: Andrew, visiting from America, hugging you after years.
Tears slipped down your cheeks, this time you didn’t bother to wipe them away. The whole airport had seen you cry already, so you weren’t going to bother.
“It’s hard, isn’t it?” Said a voice to your right. Looking towards the source of sound, you found a woman. She was probably in her sixties, holding her purse on her lap. “My daughter just went back to The Netherlands. It’s probably the tenth time I’ve seen her go, but it’s just as hard every time.”
You watched her sigh, a smile forming on her face as she stood up. “But you’ve got to let them go, you know?”
“Yeah.” You breathed out, biting on your lip to repress a sob. She disappeared without saying goodbye, and as you looked around to find her, you asked yourself if she had been a vision. She was nowhere to be found.
You stood on your feet, heading out of the airport and reaching your car, opening the door weakly. You made your way home in silence, the hosts on the radio talking, but you weren’t listening.
It was pouring, the rain hitting the roof of your car quickly as you parked in front of your house thirty minutes later, your heart still aching. When you opened the front door, you were met with silence. The house was dark, empty, reminding you you were on your own.
You remembered coming home from work to see Andrew in front of the TV when he was a little kid, his finished homework waiting for your review on the kitchen table. You remembered coming home when he was in middle school, playing video games with his friends loudly, welcoming you with a headache. As messy and loud as the house could always be, it was what made it home.
Its sudden emptiness made you physically ache. You closed the door, turning on the light in the kitchen and leaving your bag on the closest stool. Your eyes wandered around the walls, noticing the little things that Andrew left inside the house.
A few scratches on the walls, some pucks resting near the coffee table, old drawings from when he was a kid hung on the fridge. The house was just the same, but it already missed his presence.
Your legs carried you towards his room on their own, your hands automatically opening the door to see his bed made, the pictures with his father still on his desk, the few medals he had won still hung on the wall. His posters were still up, a stray sock lying on the ground.
A tear fell down your cheek, your hand gripping tightly the knob of his door.
You were alone. Alone, navigating through the ocean that was life without Andrew. Alone, inside a dark tunnel, without light.
You were alone, and there was nothing you could do about it.
Taglist: @thirstyybitch @bellaguarneri @boqvistsbabe @trashforbarzal @starkey-babie @keithseabrook27 @heatherawoowoo @ilyasorokinn @besthockeyfics @ayohockeycheck @thescooby-gang @art-m-anic @himbos-on-ice @barzysreputation @itisawitchesworld @lorrmorr @fallinallincurls @hockeyunits @mellany1997
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littlefreya · 4 years
Cold As Ice
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Summary: Detective Walter Marshall is a sore loser, but he never lost a match, not up till now. She distracted him and now she’ll have to take the blame, preferably on her knees...   
Pairing: Hockey!Walter Marshall x OFC (3rd person POV)
Word count: 1926
Warnings: Smut. Finger fucking, rough-angry-punishment-sex, I’m going to tag this as consensual-non-consent to be on the safe side. MaleDom, manhandling, creampie, hinted jealousy, slight degradation and hair pulling. 
A/N: You guys enjoyed Coach!Syverson? So how would you feel about the idea of Walter playing Hockey with his police team? This idea came to me while speaking to @wolvesandhoundshowltogether discussing how Walter probably plays Hockey for fun with his size and his stamina and how hot he must be in them uniform. Thanks to @agniavateira for being my muse amy beta!!!
Comment & Reblog if you enjoyed :)
Title: Cold As Ice
Eyes pristine as glaciers sliced into the large black screen with utter shock. Blood simmered in his head, white-hot as it flowed down the tendons of his clenching throat while his breath vaped into the cold air in thick, misty fumes.
“Fuck…” Walter whispered, gawking at the neon red numbers, witnessing how they changed right in front of his dumbfounded face. The buzzer tore through the frozen arena, followed by the ear-jarring cheers which exploded through the hall and vibrated on the slippery white ice.
One point. 
They lost by one fucking point after being in the lead for the entire game. 
Huffing, he tossed the large hockey stick to the ground, reaching his gloved hands to the helmet on his head. His semi-long curls clung to his brow, dripping of glistening sweat. The salty droplets splashed on the frosty sheet of ice as Walter shook his head like a mad, wet dog.
“Fuck!” He swore again, this time his voice hitching louder, at least enough for his disappointed teammates to hear. Some of them had already begun skating away, tapping his padded shoulder in comfort while he stood there feeling like a complete idiot. 
His fierce gaze shot up to the crowd, finding her right in the front row. She was annoyingly beautiful as always, now even more than ever. 
Hand held over her mouth, smitten by defeat, she had her long-sleeved crop top riding high up her torso. The perfect shape of her body exposed, the smooth texture of her skin so inviting he could sense her scent on the tip of his nose all the way down at the rink. Not only was she a distraction to be dealt with throughout the entire game, cheering and calling his name like some slutty cheerleader brat, he also caught the greasy, older men staring at what was rightfully his.
It would have been hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic that the only reason Minneapolis’ PD Hockey Team lost the match to Saint Paul’s PD was that his wife was too distracting.
Curling his face in a heavy frown, Walter threw the helmet on the thick layer of frost that covered the ground and shouted one last time. 
Dead silence engulfed them on the drive home, the energy inside Walter’s truck was tense and the air thicker than the fog outside. To say he was a ‘sore loser’ was the understatement of the century. Every match reduced him to one of the savages he hunted down. Ninety minutes of raw, masculine violence, its only catharsis being the sweet release of victory.
But there was no triumph tonight, and the fury and aggression were seething within him. 
Eyes fixed on the road, she kept her cool; yet her sweaty hands tightened around the steering wheel, sensing the way her husband peered at her. There was darkness in his azure eyes, and his lips stretched into a thin white line as he tried to fight the gurgling hunger that bubbled in his gut.
Looking at his little darling, all he could think of was her dancing in that skimpy outfit, shaking her tight ass and looking like the girls he arrested for charges of prostitution. For the entire match, he couldn’t concentrate. All he wanted to do was to rip that shirt off of her with his bare hands, break into her skin with his teeth, and teach her a lesson. 
His cock began to harden, and he shifted in his seat; he wanted to take what belonged to him, fill the little void inside her, and make it hurt.
Finally, they arrived home. She threw him a glance upon stilling the engine, her lips breaking into a little apologetic smile that he mistakenly associated with pity. Remaining stoic, Walter only blinked and said nothing as they walked out of the car. 
Blue flames burnt into her nape as he followed her down the path of their main entrance. Oddly enough, she could feel the heat of his glare and swallowed the dry lump in her throat. It began to feel as if they were both treading on thin ice and the surface was cracking under the pressure as Walter “chased” her down.
As she pushed the key into the lock, his massive form was suddenly attached to her back. The menacing hardness in his denim was pressing into her tail bone, alerting her of what awaited behind the door. She inhaled sharply, pausing her ministrations as her fingers felt too weak to complete a trivial task. 
Yet Walter was thrilled to assist, wrapping his fingers around her own and twisting them around the key.
The door flung open and he stepped back, allowing her to get inside before he tailed her. He liked to make her think she was off the hook before reeling her in.
Not bothering with the lock, he took a stride in and kicked the door shut with his foot. Lengthy and well-formed, his arm stretched forward and took hold of her long ponytail.
“Walter!!!” She yelped with surprise as the tug of his fingers around her hair stung her scalp. Ignoring her wailing, he held her against him and shoved her toward the kitchen with nothing but his fingers entangled through her hair.  
Too confused to understand his intention, she tried to fight free, but there was no besting a man like Walter - a trained former SWAT team officer who was as tall as a tree and broad as a mountain. His legs nearly entwined with hers, their feet colliding and kicking in-between as his free hand reached around to her torso and felt the warmth of her skin.
“You just had to provoke me all evening long, didn’t you?” He rasped at her hair, his thumb circling over her navel before his hand darted beneath her jeans and gathered at the heat of her mound. Anything but delicate, his fingers etched inside her, prodding possessively to make room for his cock. 
She wasn’t wet enough, not yet, but he wasn’t feeling very generous tonight anyway. Pushing her facedown over the counter, he forced both her jeans and panties down her thighs, merely enough to expose her swollen lips while he quickly shifted his hand to fumble with his belt. A gasp flew from her lips as the sharp clank of metal rattled behind her. Shivers ran up and down her spine and dangled in her ears like alarm bells. 
Fear and desire were two twisted sisters whispering torments in her mind, controlling the pace in which her heart raced. It prickled her skin with goosebumps as Walter’s erection grazed against the cleft of her ample behind.  
He took but a second to stare at her rear, his hand stroking down the smooth slope and squeezing with appreciation as he admired his beautiful wife. 
But fury quickly reemerged, reminding him how she swayed her ass during the match.   
Doing her the decency of not going in dry, he raised his hand and spat on his palm to smear the saliva across the sheer length of his bulging cock. His long fingers ran up and down, coating himself thoughtfully and groaning loudly as he stroked himself while peering at her anticipating folds. 
Without further delay, his fingers tightened around her hair and not holding back, he forced himself into her narrow slit.
His guttural shout thundered through the kitchen, burying her aching scream beneath the rumble of a beast. Dark euphoria quickly spread through his chest at the sensation of conquest. He was lost inside her, engulfed by heavenly warmth and by every squeeze and shudder of her overwhelmed cunt. She was home; he couldn’t linger, not for even a stolen second, urgent to unleash his rage. He was rid of any care and lost all restraints as he began slamming into her with a fervent, enraged rhythm.
“Walter,” she sobbed, trying to slow him down, her hands pushing aside sealed bags of pasta and spices that were left on the counter while her husband was adamant of punishing her dripping cunt. Puny yips sputtered from her mouth, and her breath kicked out with loud gasps. Every thrust pushed his thick shaft right into her cervix, and his heavy sac smacked onto her pussy with stinging speed, eliciting the most embarrassing wet slapping sounds that were merely backup for their barbaric grunts. 
Holding one hand tight on her hip and the other still fisting her hair, he railed her like he would a whore, hauling her back to counter every thrust. 
“Fucking, little brat!” He choked out, giving no care for her pleasure nor her pain. Increasing the pace, as he stared down at his wet cock slipping in and out of her below the rounded cheeks of her ass. 
His vigour was so much that her breath nearly failed her; yet despite the degradation and pain, she could feel the unmistakable stir inside her womb. 
“Wait!” She begged, feeling the plunge of his cock battling her growing tightness. 
“Shut up!” He growled, he didn’t care if she came, not this time. But as her cunt began shuddering around him he knew she would anyway. “Dirty slut, you like this, don’t you?” 
The lines were blurring, her body unable to divide pain from pleasure and the twisted excitement of being fucked so selfishly. Walter was a rough lover but never treated her like a cavity to be filled, and it set her off more than ever before. All she needed was a final push, so she crept her fingers to her clit.
Noticing her ministration, Walter frowned with fury and quickly replaced her hand with his, pressing and stroking her with spite. His hand tugged at her hair and pulled her flat against his rigid torso, huffing against her cheeks and growling loudly. 
“You want to come all over my cock?” He asked, but it was more of a command.
Tears flooded her cheeks, yet she nodded. With the swelling of his cock inside her and his sack thudding against the sensitive skin of her entrance, she came so astonishingly hard her legs quaked. 
Her howls were the most enchanting music, her orgasm so painful and pleasing at once. Walter felt the clench of her body as her tight little cunt suckled around his cock. He lifted her body with one hand around her waist, and shouted out her name, coating her walls with his thick cum.
Drenched with sweat and panting heavily, he remained sheathed within her. His cock was still spasming between her convulsing walls, while a long trail of his warm milk dripped along her inner thigh.
Letting go of her hair, his hand reached to squeeze and caress at her jaw affectionately, thumb drying up a single tear that rolled down her cheek.
“I’m sorry,” he spoke breathlessly and nuzzled her hair. “Please forgive me; seeing you dressed like this made me lose it.”
She slumped back into the concrete wall of his chest, letting his pungent musk seep through her lungs as she took a deep breath. Her hand reached to clutch his wrist, fingers attempting unsuccessfully to wrap around it. Knowing her husband better than anyone else, she anticipated how he would react when she chose her attire before the game. 
“It’s okay, I won’t do it again,” she murmured and slipped his thumb into her mouth, gently suckling onto it, and already thinking about what she should wear to the next match that’ll bring the same reaction from him. 
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