#glacier talks
sasiaucompetition · 3 months
Preliminaries are over! While I get the main competition ready, I'd like you all to participate in giving love to everyone who made it into the prelims! This means, leaving a comment on their AU or an ask on their blog and rbing the AUs! However, I understand comment anxiety can be stressful to deal with. So you can leave an ask in this inbox for the fic you want to give love to, and I will rb, or comment on that fic saying what you loved about it. This will look something like this:
{What I love about the AU} and I've heard good things from other readers/fans that say {Insert your lovely comment for the AU}.
While I would love it if you did this for all the preliminary round AUs, I find it especially important that you do this for those who lost their match. Because this is supposed to spread love to everyone, not just the winners. I will be rbing the preliminary round matching and those who made it in, but didn't quite get to the main competition!
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glacierruler · 1 year
Just a little important info
Just want to make something VERY clear to people.
I will never pretend to make a post
I will never make a post and then pretend to have never made that post
I will never purposefully do something that could cause you to question the reality of the situation
And I hope that you won't do the same to me.
Will there be times where I make a post saying something about an update, and then I don't/can't follow through? Yes. But I will not deny that those posts exist. I will just apologize for not being able to get the update out on time.
Why did I make this post. It's because I have bipolar I disorder with hallucinations(not fun). And people saying and doing stuff and then saying they didn't or vice versa, does not help my disconnect in what's real and what's not. And I know I'm not the only person who has a hard time differentiating reality from fantasy.
Also I will block anyone who I find to do this. As this is actually very important to me.
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glacierreblogs · 5 months
I looked at the wrong numbers in the last rb post which is why it's deleted, I'll be adding it to q in a sec
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marnz · 11 months
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Mount Rainier National Park, WA
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tsukana · 8 months
i miss monday morning phil logging on to do solo resource gathering for his team and saying fuck everyone else i only have the emotional capacity left to leave an attachment to my team because everyone other team has already betrayed us and left us behind for slaughter at the whim of a fucking eye like the last six months of village parenting and taking care of their kids has been nothing
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horn-of-leo · 1 year
Hyoga has one of the funniest character introductions in both the anime and manga
In the anime, he's just fucking around and visiting his dead mom when he was called back to Japan for the Galaxian Wars tournament. He immediately gets the Cygnus armor behind a glacier implying he could've done it anytime but just wanted to hang around a bit longer because he misses his mom a lot.
In the manga, he actually refuses to go back to Japan for the Galaxy Wars but only decides to return when he receives a letter from the Sanctuary that ordered him to kill the bronze saints and directions of where to find his armor(which he also mentions he was granted the status of a saint a while back). Meaning this whole time, he was just sitting around just visiting his mom because he couldn't actually find his armor because I guess Camus never bothered to tell him during the 6 years of training where it actually was.
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dire-vulture · 6 months
Who's your favorite dragon to draw?
oooh that's tough.. honestly i don't draw repeat dragons all that much but. i think Yazeena, Myosotis, and Glacier are contenders!
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thank you for asking!! this was fun to think about haha
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recycledraccoon · 15 days
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okay I was actually trying to take a nap fjdkgkd going to do that now for real but FIRST: rereading the bit where they met because he teleported directly into her alchemy garden and crushed all her plants and she yelled at him for being irresponsible and dumb. sloppy oaf vs. SHOUTING SWAMP-WITCH <3
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isabelpsaroslunnen · 29 days
A few years ago, @incognitajones asked her followers to talk about our writing processes and inspirations for our latest projects, or favorite ones. Here's what I said on the blog I was using at the time:
My fantasy series has a straightforward origin story: I was eight, and my parents were playing Secret of Mana on our SNES. The Girl captured my imagination—she was grumpy and arrogant, and had immensely powerful elemental and healing abilities. She also had a dragon friend! And it was her boyfriend, rather than her, who was captured in the tower by the wicked witch. (As far as I recall, anyway.)
So I wrote down a story about a grown-up princess based on her for a book report, which my teacher didn’t like. In fairness, it was supposed to be a book report, but still, the experience was very discouraging! Discouraging or not, though, I kept plugging away at it, expanding and overhauling the story as I got older and older (and older, and older …).
There have been a lot of other influences since then, and the series is now drastically different from pretty much all the versions I wrote prior to my mid-twenties. Nevertheless, the character inspired by The Girl is still one of the main protagonists, so the original influence lingers (and I put some really pretty covers of the Secret of Mana theme on my writing playlist, hah).
Oh, and the current version of the series has its own origin story. Well, current-ish; I’ve revised it a lot of times, but they all have the same shape, characters/storyline, and general material. In any case, I was taking a YA fiction writing class as a senior in college, and using it to work on this ongoing story, and I kept trying to come up with some functional beginning to it. I wrote a bunch of different beginnings that didn’t work quite right, but as I was walking out of class one day, an opening line just … manifested in my head.
It required a lot of overhauling to make the new beginning work (including a switch from third- to first-person narration), but I loved it so much that I was willing to rewrite long swaths of the story just to make that one line work. And while I can’t say what the line is, since I’m still using it, the premise and priorities it set up have guided pretty much every other part of the story I’ve written.
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lumagarden · 2 months
if anyones curious my future fic plans are under the cut!
if theres any suggestions for stuff/something in particular you want to see published first please let me know! my askbox is always open :3!
- chapter 3 of “thought i’d uncovered your secrets (turns out there’s more)” will hopefully be out tomorrow!
- Lloyd’s Daily Training Schedule
- another part to my greenflower “so tonight that i might see” series
- chapter 4~6 of the bruise fic !
as for other stories (without a publishing plan) i have a lot of dragons rising fics in progress, a mermaid!lloyd one, apocalypse bruise au with platonic moss, superstar rockin jay x fan!cole, spiderman!lloyd, soulmate greenflower!au, anddd a fake dating!greenflower au !!
these are just estimated! not sure if I’ll publish them according to plan just wishful thinking :-)
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sasiaucompetition · 2 months
Oh, nearly forgot! I made badges for all the contestants to use if they want!
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glacierruler · 2 months
I am so sick of the phrase 'delulu is the solulu'
Like, do you not know that delusions are a bad thing? They are a thing that I don't want but do have. They do not make my life easier.
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alhavaradawnstar · 10 months
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simplified diagram of how my brain works
green is canon, yellow is what I think makes sense or was implied, and orange is headcanon :)
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i am once again begging people to listen to the triforce heroes soundtrack
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exocynraku · 1 year
i finished wof arc 2 book 4! turtle really grew on me lol! kinkajou was great, anemone was great & super interesting and darkstalker is SCARY!!!!! im so excited to see what happens in the next book!
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