#glad that theyve seemingly let go of that
kargaroc · 1 year
tumblr is so scary showing you posts someone made years ago, like I saw a post from an artist I like saying some bs that I won't specify; and I was like ???? then check the date and it said 2016
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hiroshotreplica · 1 year
also can u infodump about ur agents
hi i will but its kind of a lot. Putting a break on this cause its long
Alister's a chill but still serious guy. He used to play turf war and ranked a ton as a kid while also working as agent 3 for the new squidbeak splatoon. His parents are missing. Cuttlefish took care of him cause of that, kinda treated him like a grandson. He almost outranked callie and marie in terms of skill before he was partially sanitized. He's a bit bad at taking care of himself. The only medication he's willing to take is his antidepressants. He loves the squid sisters and has so much merch of them, mainly from his youth. He has no fashion sense and will walk out of the house in the worst outfit you've ever seen thinking he did ok. He renamed the nss to neo squidbeak splatoon when he was promoted to captain. He loves his boyfriend josh a lot, ignore the fact they tried to kill each other in their first encounter. They live together.
Zara is cheerful and seemingly confident. But she thinks of herself as a fraud and is worried about people finding that out. She's good at her job as agent 4 and more but she focuses on her mistakes a lot. She is really good at building and using computers and the like. Her laptop is enhanced by octarian technology, she has reverse-engineered it. She prefers making friends more than splatting enemies, but knows when she needs to stop being friendly. She used to have a celebrity crush on Pearl and Marina when she was young. It didn't stick but she still loves the two. She has worked with them and still does as a social media manager. She is a lot less involved in agent work than she was as a kid due to her job + being with her girlfriend but she still loves it.
Josh is really mysterious, but still very talkative and nice. He has a lot of repressed memories. He's glad he can't remember some of them. He used to be a trainee in the octarian military. The calamari inkantation changed his life. He used to be a lot more daring and reckless, but he'll never remember. He's agent 8 of the new squidbeak splatoon. Something's wrong with him, but he's okay. He has a special interest (inkling culture) that he studies a lot. He isn't the best at socializing sometimes. He's loved alister since the two were stuck in the deepsea metro. He likes wearing most clothing, except for things that are tight. He loves loose, baggy sweaters. It took him awhile to do agent work, but he's good at it. He still can't play turf war matches with pink and teal as the ink colors without feeling dread. Ink bombs scare him a little.
Orion is a bit of a loner. He was recruited as agent 7, by his own request mainly. He's an old friend of josh, though josh doesn't remember that much, and josh seems like a completely different person. He worked in the octarian military until the domes stabilized. He mainly did it for his family, who he still visits often, no matter how awful travelling conditions are. He values connections the most despite insisting on going on missions alone often. He has a bit of an ego due to his experience. It won't ever hurt him though. He wants to train the new agents, though they're hard to work with. He doesn't mind.
Violet is the most energetic of the group. They feel a lot of pressure being neo agent 3, they have a feeling captain alister did a lot as agent 3, from what they've heard. They were an orphan that learned to survive in the wilderness with their best friend, scope. They got help from another soon-to-be close friend, too, and want to repay them by secretly letting them explore alterna (that will definitely go well). They love alterna. They hate the fuzzy ooze. Theyve been partially infected by the fuzzy ooze, though this doesnt show too much. Mr. grizz considered them partially mammalian when the two first met. They hated that. They want to be a pro splatterscope player when theyre older. They love the z+f one in particular. They do aim drills with their friends. They love their friends dearly.
Scope is quite rowdy but still well meaning. He had gotten lost from his family while on a salmon run, and violet had found him. He couldn't have asked for a better friend. He doesn't know his original name, he feels bad about it, he wants to learn about his culture. He's agent 5 for the neo squidbeak splatoon. He helps out violet on missions. He was apart of a family of stingers, and strives to be one himself. He really wants to work with violet as snipers some day.
I have an agent 6 in the works, but ill talk about them later
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haruno-sakura-san · 3 years
Can't remember if I posted this before, but I was reading through my notes on my phone and found it. Either way, enjoy this playful one shot with Sakura and a mystery man!
"Rough day?" A man who slid into the seat next to Sakura at the bar asked. "None of your business." She snubbed him. "It's been a while since ive seen a leaf nin drink like that," he observed unprompted. She mentally noted that she wasn't wearing her heite. He was either assuming from her gear or he recognized her. "I'm off duty." "I would hope so." Her gaze cut back over to him. A hood and tinted glasses obscured any identify features, but even so he looked incredibly mundane. In her line of work, that was also incredibly dangerous. "Listen, you seem like a nice guy-" "That assumptions a bit premature." "But I'm not here to meet anyone so if you don't mind-" "Actually I do." She glared at him for a long moment, not wanting to be interrupted again. "See, I'm waiting for someone myself." He offered finally. "You don't say" her tone thick with disinterest. "But I'm beginning to think I've been stood up." He sounded more amused than put out. She wondered if it was some kind of pickup strategy to get her to feel bad. "I can't imagine why." She said in the same flat tone. "My thoughts exactly."
Sakura made a sharp sound of disapproval. "My deepest sympathies. I don't see how this has anything to do with me." "Well, it really doesnt, on the surface. But you see, here I was feeling sorry for myself when I see you stomping in here, looking like you've just dragged yourself through a pigsty-" "It was a river bed." "Oh thank you- a river bed. Possibly the sorriest sight I've seen all day - not that I would normally say such a thing to a lady. I'm sure you look at least pleasant under normal circumstances." "Does this story have a point?" Feeling her anger swell at his commentary. "Of course, I just thought it might be nice to commiserate together - one passing stranger to another." She hates the cocky way he inclines his head, gesturing between them with his glass. "No, thanks." "Oh come on - why else come to a bar?" "For a drink - unbothered." "If that were the case, then I'd think the liquor store down the street would have done the job." "And what, have a few drinks at the store front? They have laws against that, you know." "You dont have a hotel room to drink in?" "Of course not" "Interesting." He purred. She realized she said too much. "So your plan was to get tipsy and then travel back to konoha or wherever your headed, seemingly alone, in the middle of the night." "I don't have to explain myself to you." "No, I think I've got a good handle on the situation without any explanation. Where are your teammates anyway? Isn't there someone around to keep you from making dangerous decisions like this. A captain maybe or a boyfriend?" Sakura slams her glass down against the wood of the bar. "For your information, I can more than take care of myself. I have an extremely high alcohol tolerance. And I've had too long a day for a pretty boy like you to be picking at me when all I want to do is have a drink in the peaceful Haven that is my own mind. So shut your trap. Am I clear?" "No, I have several questions." She snarls and begins to crack her nuckles in preparation to put this idiot though a wall when the bar tender yells, "No fighting in my bar! Take it outside if you want to act like animals." She settles back into her seat. "Sorry, sir. No need for that. This poser isn't worth the energy," she grumbles under her breath. "Lets backtrack to pretty boy. That had a nicer ring to it." Clenching her jaw, she takes a deep breath, exhales and takes a long drag on her drink. "So are you going to tell me the river bed story, Pocahontas?" "If I do, will you leave me alone?" "It certainly won't hurt your chances" She huffs. "Fine. I got caught in a fishing net." There was a beat of silence. "And?" She gave him a long-suffering look. "And was dragged behind a fishing boat." His eyebrows rose. "And how did that happen?" "I was pushing the boat. It was beached on a shallow part of the river." "Pushing it?" "Yeah." "Remind me to tip that bartender for not letting you deck me into next week." She smirked into her drink. Damn straight. "So when the boat broke free these fishermen did what? Cast their nets right done on top of you?" "Yup. I had to cut myself free and everything." "No good deed goes unpunished I guess." "Technically it wasn't a good deed, they were paying me to help." "That's even worse. And no one noticed you were missing onboard?" "Well, they wouldn't let me on the boat in the first place -" "Why not?" "It's bad luck." "Bad luck?" "To have a woman on board." "Wait a moment. So before the ship got stuck in the first place, while it was sailing, where were you? Nearby on the shore?" "No. I was running alongside them in the water." He laughed outright. "Running alongside them. That's too good. They didn't even give you rowboat." Her face flushed. She hadn't thought to ask for a row boat. "They were absolute assholes. Usually I can take quite a bit of crap from a client, but when he told me to pay for the net." "Pay for the net!" "And the lost profits for the day" "Ha!" "I told him just where he could shove his
lost profits and came to the nearest bar. I feel a little less sorry for myself now. Glad I could help. Now leave me be." "You don't want to hear my story?" "Not part of the deal. Now scram." He pouted, cheek resting on his hand. "But we were getting along so well." "You have a very twisted sense of relationships if you think that was getting along well." "I cannot argue with that." She didn't know if it was the alcohol or the bickering, but she was finally feeling a little unwound. Studying his profile for a moment, she thought it must definitely be the alcohol. "If you're going to stare, i might as well tell you my story." Definitely the alcohol. "I wasn't staring." She huffed, turning sharply away "Would admiring be more accurate?" "Do you ever shut up?" "For the majority of the time yes I do. It's quite liberating to go on and on like this. Strangers make some of the best conversation. You don't have to hold back because they will never see you again, probably not even remember speaking." She hated that he was right. She also hated that she couldn't see his eyes, instead watching his lips move. Kami must hate her because he had rather nice lips. "You're admiring again." They said. "Staring," she corrected. "Staring then." He said in a low voice, leaning in slightly. "Tell me your story." She said, trying to break the moment by divert this exchange to something hopefully safer for her psychy. Those damn lips curlled up in a feline grin. "Of course, my little mud pie." "Don't push it." She snapped, "You were meeting someone." "Yes, I've been seeing them for some time now. We are both wonderers so we meet about once a month. " "How long is some time now?" "Hmm, about ten years maybe." "And you guys haven't made it official yet?" "Well, it's complicated. They are a little old for me, and I'm not sure what society would think." She got the feeling he was making fun of her, but didn't get the joke. "They've never once been late or missed a meeting. I'm a little worried you see." For the first time since meeting the guy, Sakura felt a little bad for him. "Plus theyve got hands and eyes that wander a bit too much for my liking." "Sounds like they finally got bored and left." She commented. "Well. Even so, the meetings were as much about business as pleasure." "And just what kind of business are you in exactly?" "I'd say we were in the same field." She scoffs, looking him up and down again, not able to make out anything helpful from his form from under his travelling cloak to back up his claim about being a Shinobi. It was convenient line for civilian men who hit on kunoichi, so she rolled her eyes. "Sure you are." "Don't believe me?" "I believe you'd say just about anything to get on my good side."
"Hmm," his lips curled in that feline way, "And I thought leaf nin we're very skilled at seeing underneath the underneath." She froze, recognizing her sensei's phrase. "Who exactly did you say you were meeting again?" "I didn't." She slowly turned toward him, hand sliding to her thigh pouch under the bar, but it was too late. Here eyes were locked on his red, glowing gaze, pin wheels spinning. She felt her consciousness being torn from her body and into the inky black of his sharingan.
Quite sure this was supposed to be Itachi but it's quite OOC for him. So I'll leave it to you reader to fill in who it is. I guess I like Shisui for it myself but don't limit yourself haha.
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im not that familiar with treatsforbeats i watched like. a few videos but other than that i know nothing! but i would be glad to hear you info dump!
there is SO MUCH..... im gonna put a read more below because this turned out to be way longer than i expected. but you asked for me to infodump so here goes
okay so. treatsforbeasts, i dont know what the whole meaning behind the channel is. i cant specifically say what the goal of the channel’s content is because its all in my interpretation. but i do know that there are meanings behind each video as silly as it may seem and im just gonna list them off here (note that not all videos will be included since i may not be able to interpret every one, also this is going from earliest to most recent)
1. men with small hands carry very little treats to give to little girls with the sharpest little teethinterpretation of this video is csa/child sex trafficking. “little treats” refers to pills or some form of drug (small, makes u trip). however the “sharpest little teeth” could represent the little girl fighting back.
2. mom ordered ants for my birthdaychild abuse. mother forces son to watch and/or possibly engage in inappropriate activity with her husband.
3. i love jesusobviously a dark parody of christianity/catholicism. shows how blindly some fanatical christians/catholics will follow their beliefs, to the point where they no longer truly “follow” it as theyve warped the message to fit their own morbid desires (using christianity/the bible to excuse hatred and judgment upon others).
4. i me you love godanother dark parody of christianity/catholicism. i believe it mocks how fanatical christians/catholics focus only on the negative aspects of the bible instead of learning the true messages, as many of the words used are from the bible and are negative words.
5. behdsPROBABLY just a silly video but, i think it represents how people let negativity embed itself into their lives and complain about it even though it’s so easy to just let go of it.
6. jaffreymocking some sitcoms for how dumb and repetitive they can be.
7. kiss papa’s mustachepossibly child abuse, again.
8. storytimereferences/implies child abuse. storytime is also the name of one of treatsforbeasts’ songs on his Sanguinarius - Sin Nomine album.
9. hymns for him (1 + 2)just total parody albums of christian rock. vocals make you feel like youre dying but its actually kinda good to listen to in some parts
10. i screaming inside my headRoii (the character)’s first appearance. also probably symbolizes how depressing some kinds of music are
11. felines have nine livesnot sure but i feel like this is a warrior cats reference, in complete and total honesty (dont watch it if you dont like c/at d/eath though, its fictional but. yeah)
12. beastsreflection of society as a whole
then there’s. the two short films and sin nomine. so i’m gonna delve into that now and be warned, it’s fuckin long
treatsforbeasts is the self-titled short film and the first longest video on the treatsforbeasts channel. basically what i get from this is that treatsforbeasts, the channel itself, symbolizes an actual channel that chauncy (the child character in the short film, who is portrayed as a literal oral fleshlight with a body) watches. he consumes these concepts, such as internalizing misogyny (claw-paw skit), toxic masculinity (can i like balloons skit) and being exposed to a normalization of christianity (heaven and hell skit). there’s also a skit in which a spider binge eats and then proceeds to throw it up, which chauncy actually mimicks when his father brings him food.his father very much disapproves of these messages being shown on tv. he tells chauncy in regards to the claw-paw skit, when chauncy belittles the female character, “that’s not very nice, now is it”, and says “you can like ballons, you can love balloons if you want to”. his father goes on long tangents about how many institutions have normalized and inherited the concepts of christianity, and that it is one of the contributing factors of violence in the world. he references colonization, the holocaust, and in general mentions minorities.we learn that the father actually ended up being a father to chauncy in the first place due to (nsfw tw) masturbating in a sock to a picture of robert smith, and 9 months later chauncy was born. so technically there is no mother. the father talks about the meaning of life, and how everyone on the inside is a little bit of a freak, but there’s only two real ways you can accept that: 1) realize that your freakishness gives you a special lense through with you see the world and aid it in the ways the sane and happy ones probably cant, and 2) realize that real way number 1 is just lying to itself and that youre still a somewhat integral part of the lives of those you care for so deeply. he says that choosing which way to live really reverts back to the meaning of life, that you cannot live day by day believing there’s no reason to. “but whatever reason you give yourself to live, [...] you do it, because it is correct to live.”
sin nomine comes after the first short film, but i’ll delve into that after because really it touches on many many of the points and interpretations here.
the second short film, the beast is dead, was released just this year on valentines day! i think the main focus of the short film ranges from relationships to just once again a mockery of christianity/catholicism. once again it starts off with a father and his son. there is no mother figure present though she’s said to have left, due to the father watching too much “birdies”, a show, which i think is a metaphor for porn addiction. the father is implied to being prone to neglecting the son’s wants and not really caring for him, being disappointed in him, etc. etc..something important about the beast is dead is that it uses masks to portray those who are “followers” and those who are not. the father, interestingly enough, does not wear a mask. he seems to acknowledge what his son is saying when he goes on philosophical rants as well, but disregards them as nonsense and ends up leaving after bonking him with the stupid spike (metaphor for how parents will shut their children up by giving them a phone or toy to play with).the three other characters who don’t use masks in the beast is dead are Roii, Tom, and Doctor Zoughth (pronounced Zoth). Roii makes a comeback, finally! but this time he’s singing a song called “i love the sound of screaming babies”. it symbolizes how men will impregnate women and then run off, whether or not because they fantasize about pregnant women. it could also be a want of seeing a hurt child (hence the line “i know that all of you watching must think i’m insane, for loving when something so innocent is in so much pain”).however another interesting factor is that, the characters who don’t have masks, aside from Tom and the father, have red eyes at some point. this is a metaphor for how they’ve lost their humanity. Roii, at some point in the music video scene, only has one red eye whereas his other is normal. this hints at how part of him has lost his humanity while the other is still in tact.the other character that has red eyes is Dr Zoughth, but instead of him having only one red eye, both his eyes are red. this doesnt show until later though when he’s taken Tom away from the masked characters (followers). Dr Zoughth is very much self-aware. he is not blind, but simply has lost his humanity. Tom tries to reach out to him, to get him to think differently, that maybe resorting to coping with emotional struggles by worshipping something simple like flesh or something more higher than himself and forgetting his own mortality isn’t the healthiest way to live. but Dr Zoughth, having been long gone already, does not accept this and executes Tom.his own personal disciples grow tired of his tyranny and kill him and perform a ritual of some kind, disposing of his body (in the river i think, not sure). this entire ending of the film is basically the title, the beast is dead. but, i believe the beast is not dead, personally, because someone like Zoughth will always live on in other people, other beasts.there’s also a scene called grandma hespar and i think it implies how little people focus on sexual abuse towards men (when it’s from women).
anyways, with that being said, it’s time for sin nomine.
so now that i’ve explained pretty much all of treatsforbeasts to you, and whoever else is reading, it’s clear that the person behind this has issues with christianity (or catholicism), and child abuse. the person behind treatsforbeasts is Jordan Diniz, as he is also the person behind sanguinarius.
sin nomine is a very personal reflection of jordan’s life from what i gather. it depicts his struggles with how he views the world around him, whether that be due to personal experiences or not. at first i interpreted most of sin nomine to be the story of someone who is lgbt, but with jordan himself coming to me and telling me he is straight (POLITELY), it’s clear that is not the case.
so it most likely has to do with trauma. either religious or not, or both. it even says in the song storytime (remember i mentioned it earlier?), “fast hand, white hot trauma, reverberates inside the skull. innocence and intellect raped, reveals a view of a darker world. flesh on flesh, the bonds of affection - confused for the bonds of submission and fear. self-hatred and mistrust repel all beauty that comes near.” i don’t like to say that this solidifies a personal experience, but it’s highly possible.
a lot of sin nomine kind of goes over the same points in different ways, but it makes you think. i definitely feel like something happened to jordan at some point in his life but that is his story and it’s not my place to truly tell, since i don’t know him personally.
there’s also the other channel, adrianturcher. it has videos with seemingly no real purpose except for there being two videos with the same names of two songs on sin nomine, “nex memoria” and “a fetish for psychos”. nex memoria is just a compilation of clips that seem to symbolize the process of death (nex memoria is a latin phrase which very roughly translates to “memory’s death”). a fetish for psychos is a bunch of old clips from parties and shows that possibly jordan himself attended. they’re from 2002 judging by the date in the video. the lyrics in the song “a fetish for psychos” also seem to hint at these events, so it’s possibly that it’s like looking back on happy memories that make you feel sad instead or something. the song also might possibly reference a mother at the beginning.
sanguinarius also has its own channel simply called sanguinarius. there’s the music video for divine comedy (one of the songs on sin nomine) and a cover of because you’re young by david bowie, posted on his birthday a year after his death.
anyway, that’s. pretty much all i have to say. jordan diniz is a fuckin’ mastermind, he’s really good and cool and he’s very kind from my experience talking with him a couple times. he supports the gays as well!
sooooo, treatsforbeasts does have some very creepy/unsettling moments in its content but its EXTREMELY good and i recommend getting into it if you can. 100/10
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 6 years
Time Around Scars Part 2
Warnings: Angst, Tae being a bit of a dick, alcohol as a coping mechanism
Word Count: 1,785
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It had been a week since Taehyung had seen you at the quad, drunk and pathetic, and he'd gone to spend a few days with his sister to get his mind off things.
He knew he wouldn't drink as much there, would have less time to stalk you on social media, panicked every time he got a notification from you, worried it would be a cute selfie of you and your new boyfriend.
So far, you hadn't indicated you were in a relationship, despite what you'd told him. The thought made his stomach roll, that you'd replaced him already, that you might be cuddled in another man's bed while Taehyung last awake, thinking about what went wrong and how he might fix it.
He half hoped that you'd been lying when you said you had moved on.
He arrived back on campus the night of his good friend Min Yoongi's graduation party, and he mentally reminded himself to drink no more than two beers. He'd been feeling better after spending some time away, his head clearer.
He wasn't sure if he was excited or anxious to see that you'd accepted Yoongi's invite on Facebook.
He'd dressed up, too, felt more like himself in a Gucci leather jacket with gold leaves appliqued on the shoulders, a black tshirt and jeans.
Taehyung walked into Yoongi's apartment with confidence and only a bit of anxiety. After all, if you did show up, maybe he'd be able to charm you a little.
He met Namjoon at the door, and his friend's eyes widened at the sight of him.
"Oh shit, Tae- I thought you were still with your noona?"
Taehyung smiled, shaking his head and looking around. Trying to appear casual, he asked Namjoon if you were there.
Namjoon hesitated for a moment, but Taehyung didn't think of being suspicious. He was too busy scanning the small crowd for you.
"Y-yeah. I think she's out on the balcony."
Taehyung barely noticed Namjoon biting his lip or his hand on his arm in a weak attempt to stop him.
He stopped by the keg for a beer to calm his nerves before he headed toward the back of the house.
His mood brightened further when he saw you through the sliding glass door, dressed in a simple, formfitting sundress and stilettos, facing the view with your elbows resting on the railing.
Red Solo cup in hand, he had his hand on the door about to slide it open when his greeting died in his throat.
You had turned to talk to Jimin, laughing at something he'd said, and a tall, dark haired man stepped behind you, sliding an arm around your waist casually.
You leaned backward to give him access to hug you, resting the back of your head on his shoulder, looking comfortable there, and Taehyung felt something pull in his chest, as if something were breaking inside him.
He felt as if he had been punched in the stomach, had the wind knocked out of him. His vision blurred with sudden tears, and from far away he heard someone calling his name.
He looked up and realized he'd crushed the cup of beer in his hand, foam all over his Gucci jacket.
Jungkook's was standing next to him, looking alarmed. "Tae, your jacket!"
Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle, blinking away the tears in his eyes. That would've been something he might have thrown a fit about a few months ago, spilling beer on an expensive jacket, but the blow to his wallet had nothing on how he felt watching you leaned up to kiss the tall man, looking as if it were as natural as breathing to do so.
There's a bitter taste in his mouth as Taehyung tears his eyes away.
A wild smile crosses his face. He claps Jungkook on the shoulder. "Need something stronger than this anyway, pal."
Jungkook had finally realized you were outside and not alone, and his eyes widened.
Taehyung shrugged. "I'm sure I can find someone to drink with me, Kook. Don't worry so much. I'm fine."
Jungkook looked at him warily. "Are you sure? Last week-"
"Last week I got too drunk and maudlin. Remember that time you drunk dialed your first girlfriend when we were at Spring Break?"
Jungkook flushed at the memory, and the distraction allowed him to make his way into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of whiskey with a splash of coke.
Yoongi raised an eyebrow at him, but Taehyung ignored him, raising his glass to toast Yoongi.
"Congrats, hyung!"
Yoongi obliged the toast but kept his eyebrow raised. "She's here, huh?'
Taehyung kept a fake smile plastered on his face. "Yup."
"New boyfriend, too?"
Taeyhyung's smile faded. "Yup," he said, drinking a long swig of his drink, wincing a little at the burn in his throat.
Yoongi clapped him on the shoulder and Taehyung looked down at his whiskey, tears threatening again. Yoongi had been there after the breakup.
Yoongi and Taehyung had roomed together freshman year, in a tiny apartment. Taehyung had answered an ad on Craigslist, and they'd become fast friends, both Music majors. Yoongi ironically had introduced you to Taehyung at a house party, so he'd been there for the beginning and end.
The night of the breakup, you'd left and Taehyung didn't stop you. When he'd gone to the sink for a glass of water, shellshocked, he'd seen your pink skull coffee mug, freshly cleaned and sitting by the sink, and something broke in him, finally. Crying, he'd broken every piece of china in the apartment, the crash of the plates and glasses the only thing that seemed comforting.
Taehyung didn't know how Yoongi had known, but he'd showed up, asked him what the hell he thought he was doing, and when Taehyung hung his head, ashamed of his display of emotion in front of the always stoic Yoongi, he'd heard the tinkling of glass on the floor.
Yoongi had thrown down a wine glass. Without words, he helped Taehyung destroy what was left of the kitchen, and later, to help to clean it up.
"Get drunk if you need to, but don't be mean to her, Taehyung. She is the one that called me that night, you know."
Taehyung looked up at him, shocked.
Yoongi nodded. "She does love you. She always has. She just needs some time."
"Time to fuck around, I guess," Taehyung mumbled, and instantly felt ashamed for saying it.
Yoongi shrugged. "Maybe he helps her heal," he said, and Taeyhyung's chest tightened further.
Before he could speak, heels click on the kitchen tile, and he hears your voice.
"Yoongi, the man of the hour! I wanted to introduce you to-"
Your voice faltered as Taehyung looked up at you, faking another smile.
"Hey, beautiful."
He was surprised at how clear his voice sounded. He took a sip of his drink, hoping it would help fill the void in his chest.
"Oh. Tae, hi-"
You were cut off again by the tall man coming up behind you.
"Jagi, I was wondering where you got off to," he said easily, chuckling, and Taehyung felt as if someone had speared him in the gut at the sound of his pet name for you coming out of someone else's mouth.
He took a long swig and held out his hand, hoping his face was neutral. "I'm Taehyung. You're the lucky guy who's been seeing our y/n, right?
He was trying not to grit his teeth.
For his part, your boyfriend didn't let on that he knew Taehyung was your ex, giving him a firm handshake and a smile.
When Taehyung smiled at you, your face relaxed and you seemed relieved, which made his chest ache.
Maybe you had moved on. Maybe you were happy. The thought made him feel empty and hopeless, and he drained his drink, praying that the alcohol would lessen the feeling.
"I'm Chanyeol," he said, smiling. "And yes, I am very lucky indeed."
Chanyeol slid an arm around your waist and Taehyung forced his eyes away, trying to take a deep breath despite the rock in his gut.
You put your hand on Taeyhyung's arm to get his attention, and when he looked at you, your eyes were achingly soft.
"How's the family?"
"Good. Everyone asked about you."
Now, Taehyung noticed a quizzical look on Chanyeol's face, and he cleared his throat, regretting his words. the last thing he needed was for your new boyfriend to feel sorry for him.
"Ah, that's right, you met his family when you were together, right?"
You flushed and nodded, and Taehyung was a bit shocked.
"I'm so glad you were able to remain friendly," Chanyeol said, seemingly unaffected.
Yoongi, speechless the whole time, thankfully interrupted to introduce himself, and Taehyung was able to sneak away, going by the keg to get a beer.
He took in deep breaths, trying to calm himself, and he met Jungkook out on the balcony.
The whiskey was finally working, relaxing him a bit.
"Hey, Kook." He said easily.
Jungkook nodded toward the kitchen. "You meet him?"
Taehyung nodded, drinking a long swig of his beer. He shrugged. "Seems nice."
"He's really tall," Jungkook commented. "I guess theyve been together a few months now."
Taeyhyung's head jerked at that comment. "Months?"
Realizing his mistake, Jungkook's eyes widened. "Like two months, hyung, I didn't mean-"
But it was too late. Taehyung drained his beer and chucked it off the balcony, heading back inside.
The chaos of seeing you with someone tonight and the alcohol in his blood made him impulsive, and his head was spinning.
He caught you alone for once, standing in the corner with a cup of beer, and you flinched whenever he slammed his hand on the wall behind you, leaning in close.
"Tae, hey..." You said, looking uncomfortable, but he couldn't stop.
"Months?" He hissed. "You've been seeing him for months? That's why you left, isn't it?"
You set your jaw, pushing his chest. He stumbled backward.
"If you could ever think that I cheated on you or left you for another man, you never loved me at all, Kim Taehyung."
Your eyes are flashing and Taehyung regrets everything, but it's too late. You stalk over to Chanyeol, grab his arm, and pull him towards the door.
You're gone before his head stops spinning, and everyone is looking at him.
His chest is heaving, something clawing inside of him, and he roars, "What the fuck are you all looking at?"
Jungkook and Namjoon are heading over, but Taehyung manages to grab the bottle of expensive whiskey and head out the door.
The rest of the night is a blur.
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undert33th · 5 years
I really like your Chara design can you talk about your interpretation of them?
First off tysm !!!!!!! I’m so glad u like them ;0
Second off yes of course ! Here’s a few things about them :
-they r mongolian-american
-they lived in northern Oregon/southern Washington for most of their life on the surface, both in civilization and out on the woods (I’ve always had this idea of Chara being a forager, super self sufficient, it’s one of the first things I developed abt my interpretation of them)
-lived in a group home as a child (along with that they love kids !)
-Chara has inattentive ADHD as well as bipolar disorder
-SpIn’s include: fungi, knives, sewing and geometry (which they suck at but it’s challenging and stimulating and fun work)
-they were 9 when they ‘fell’ underground and 12 when The Plan was enacted
And now for more game related stuff:
-i whole-heartedly support NarraChara
-I know everyone likes to think that Chara has a special connection with Frisk but I like to think that they could interact the same way with every fallen (that includes influencing their choices)
-going with influencing the choices of the fallen they initially did their best to cause the children to fail in hopes of saving their family after death
-they talk Like That at the end of NM to appear more intimidating (by Like That I mean like a walking dictionary)
-the no mercy route was NOT their doing (I like to think of the player as an entity, while Chara is more of just an outside force if that makes any sense? Chara can certainly control Frisk as a vessel, but only of A) frisk has given them that option, B) they’re anxious/angry/emotional enough that their power amps up and allows them to overtake frisks living soul, or C) the player is controlling Frisk through Chara) (I can post more of my ghost stuff if y'all want it just shoot me an ask) back on track for this one the no mercy route was not their doing, but they do give you, the player, not frisk, an ultimatum at the end of the no mercy route because they’re fucking pissed at you
-Goopy Chara? Cool! It’s congealed blood
-Chara only finds out that Flowey is Asriel in true lab which is why its so weird (i cannot for the life of me find the post but its super popular, probably a birdsareblooming or undertale-in-2k19 post)
Personality wise:
-theyre super skittish and jumpy. Startle at everything and wear headphones Everywhere
-theyre semi-verbal and have selective mutism (won’t speak in public at all, rarely in front of Toriel and Asgore, and frequently to Asriel and Frisk)
-with that, they’re super light on their feet and hardly make any noise when moving
-also; very quick and hard to catch
-they tend to fall apart under pressure . In a situation where something is expected of them they’ll either overwork themselves into a burnout or stop functioning all together .
-very logical and has a hard time processing strong emotions (mostly anger)
-does a lot of mimicking and can take a while to trust
-hyper empathetic 
-they can be very charming and good at manipulation; take that how you will
Extra HC’s:
-Chara knows magic! It’s not much, and it really drains them, but Asgore taught them (it’s mostly enacted through hand signs and they know healing and self defense)
-they stim a ton! Cracking their knuckles and chewing are the big ones
-Worn Dagger is a survival knife gifted by an older human brother from before falling who I’m referring to currently as Anthony . It’s got a wood and resin handle and a seven inch blade with gold embossing of flowers (specifically daisies). The sheath is hand made and embroidered by them !
-they know sign language and are constantly making new slang terms . Their signing is so modified and personalized that a lot of people have a hard time understanding what theyre saying
-arthritis in their hands and wrists from a couple injuries that never healed right and constant use of their knife only made it worse (they have these splints designed to look like gloves that hold their wrist in place)
-listen to me . Listen to me. They get their hands on Tetris and never let go . Tetris is the coolest game to them . Have y'all seen Tetris tournaments ? If not watch one they’re addictive . Chara gets in . Chara rocks it . They don’t win but they get up there . They fucking rock at Tetris guys
-also after frisk shows them minecraft they fucking lose it okay . ‘Frisk’ starts making houses or rooms fully furnished for seemingly no-one and Tori only . raises an eyebrow
-they listen to lots of rock and early 2000′s alternative/techno once they can get their hands on it. Frisk hates it so they’ll debate about it a lot
-super sensitive to smell and textures
(ps: its worth mentioning that a lot of my chara is based around myself! chara is one of my comfort characters and so a lot of them is just kinda … me, or who i wish i was on some level owo)
and might as well throw in some thoughts on canon compliant chara:
-we dont really know much about canon chara, but theyve shown to be somewhat manipulative and have a really strong case of suicidal idealization . this sort of ties into the idea of them being a martyr, the future of humans and monsters; thats like a huge fucking load for a kid to carry that i definitely feel could have some effect on mental health. like, telling a kid that they’re the future of two separate races, while theyre also learning about 1) how horrifically humans acted towards monsters and 2)  how the barrier can be broken, especially while already having a tendency towards self harmful actions (i.e: jumping off a fucking mountain), and given how presumably awfully humans treated them in comparison to all the kindness theyve been shown by monsters, I think I’d get some ideas too.
- I’ve already said that i don’t think they’re evil, and I’ll stand by that opinion until the day of my death
-that said, their plan was flawed. I mean, obvi. the things they did, such as attempt suicide on 2 occasions,  and succeed on one with the help of Asriel (as well as taking him down with them !) were wrong for quite a few reasons. I think ultimately they were blinded by the pressure placed on them, whether it was intentional or not, and not having a place to diffuse that anxiety, they sort of absorbed it and honed it into a plan to save everyone important (monsters, who showed some bare minimum decency and kindness) and kill everyone who wasn’t (that being themself.) And, once the first part of that plan succeeded, they sort of exploded; being on the surface, with humans, the people who hurt them, the people they hated, was a good enough motive to release all that built up tension .
-also, i might as well go into no mercy- I think Chara winds up with a lot of power, a lot of anxiety, and anger built up, so when every monster in the underground is killed theyre sort of gaining power bit by bit- until the end, after you kill flowey, and we get to meet them for real . I think they’re pissed off, and they try to convince you that you’re in the right, they thank you, etc; they try to appeal to the player, who throughout the run weve only seen as a mindless killing machine, in an attempt to get you to erase the world and go back on your decisions . When you don’t, they get frustrated, explode, using all the power they’ve gained through the run to erase the file themself.
I just . I dunno . i could talk about chara for hours please ask me more questions about them
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feisty-yordle · 8 years
Rant about americans (of all kinds!) still hating LGBT
Im so tired of seeing young LGBT fighting and losing.  Im so tired of homophobia masquerading around as “progressive”.  Im tired of not only American cutlure being so toxic to fags and dykes that they are literally getting life-threatening mental disease for no good reason, no excuseable reason whatsover.  And on TOP OF IT, our old allies are now condoning the medical establishment and greater population’s hate of us, desire for us to be medicalized away via transition.
Dont get me wrong (seriously), im glad that transition is so easily available these days, but you have to admit its a double edged sword, especially with so many transsexuals these days pushing to get access to younger and younger people, saying shit like “if youre dysphoric this is the only way out of eternal suffering”, not giving young queers time who were destined to grow thick trunks and fight for gnc people the time to grow.  Theyre just as much to blame as the medical industry, because at least the medical industry SOMEWHAT questions an individual’s choice to transition before handing out drugs and surgery recommendations (at least real therapy clinics, gender “clinics” i dont think do this).
But i think whats the most frustrating these days is that i feel so powerless.  My fight is over, ive won.  Ive beat my dysphoria.  Im dating one of my best friends who appreciates my nonconformity and would never try to make me change my gender presentation.  Im out of the toxic transgender communities that fed the saplings of dysphoria in my head while pretending to be helpful and oh-so-knowledgeable.  Ive also had the privilege of living in three extremely accepting places for tomboys/femboys, where
no one cares if you look “confusing”
no one cares if youre a tomboy
or an effeminate boy (which i still pass as quite often) in a seemingly gay relationship (although im sure plenty of people prolly just think im my bf’s younger bro since i look so young)
no one cares when i pass as female and bare my hairy pits, my deeper and more vulgar voice
I live there.  Its great.  You can too.
But people did care for a while (which i can go into later).  But i always had support.  And i STILL almost transitioned.  I STILL got dysphoria.  But i fought it and won without harming my body for peace.  Because it is possible, especially for females.  But other people arent getting there!  Either because awful transcultists transgender activists got to them first, or because theyve never made it out of those homophobic communities.  And i cant try to help them out without the Progress Gang and their footsoldiers, our old allies, trying to break the communication ties because theyre so scared my actions will somehow prove to the public that transition SHOULDNT be that easy and that theyll barricade against cross-sex hormone therapy, by accusing me of transphobia, of spitting on the transsexuals who made it this far even when im not even talking about them at all.  What are you trying to say?  That my androgynous existence is an affront to you?  Cause if so, really look at your politics if it cant except anything outside the binary yet calls itself Progressive.
Im curious tho, what should i do, Progressives?  Hope that the country changes on its own?  Let people who have it really bad think transition is the only way out and if they cant, point fingers at the medical industry for not giving free conversion therapy transitions to the poor fags who “need” them?
No.  We need to get Stonewall mad again.
We need to unite the T again - Transvestites, Transgenders, and Transsexuals - and fight together instead of each other.
We need to remind people (nicely!) that their access to hormones and discount surgeries does not trump our rights to exist without harassment over gender presentation.  That our goals arent mutually exclusive - that there is a world where that access still exists but most of the country doesnt need it.  A world where the voices of transsexuals can be heard but still held to the standards of science.
All this political drama and witch hunting is just a distraction from the REAL problem - that we’re still hurting, that USA still hates fags and dykes and anyone who dares to not conform to the gender binary (and even the ones who 99% do because nothing is ever good enough and passing as the other gender is “deception”).  And when it boils down to it, it hates diversity too.
So lets not try to eradicate diversity in our own community by trying to uphold a small, finite set of “approved” rhetoric.  Lets respectfully argue with, not fight, each other.  Cause when we are fighting, lets be it against the true villain, homophobia.
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