thwippersnapple · 5 years
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Doodling tonight and this made me lol too hard not to share
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xylianna · 6 years
Ignyx in 46, Ignyx in 46!
46: …out of envy or jealousy.  Oooohhhhh okay let’s do this!
Nyx had sat at their table and watched as Ignis danced, his motions liquid, eyes hot like the fire he was named for. Despite trying to lose himself in conversation with their friends, Nyx’s cerulean gaze kept seeking out his lover only to find him pressed against one man after another. He had a new partner every song, and Nyx wagered Ignis had probably danced with every man in the Coeurl’s Meow except himself: it was time to fix that.
“Hey gorgeous,” he purred before crashing his lips against Ignis’s in a showy display that would leave no one guessing who the lithe man would be going home with that night. “Come dance with me,” he murmured in a velvety tone, drawing Ignis off the dance floor so they could head home and dance until dawn.
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Could I get Bi Gladio from Final Fantasy XV? (love your blog btw and the responses to the discourse)
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Glad to hear it!
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aliatori · 7 years
GladNyx and 4 for the ship meme ⊂(・ω・*⊂)
From the ship asks: First impression of each other? Was it love at first sight?
I’m answering this on mobile, so my apologies for no formatting! This is a great question, because in Artificial Gladio and Nyx’s first impressions of one another amounted to the same sentiment: “Wow, this guy really thinks he’s hot shit.”
Imagine, if you will, 16 year old Gladio walking into his first quantum phasing class at the Coalition’s military academy. Up until this point, the instructors had been pretty much what he expected-authoritarian, impeccable uniform dress, by the book, and very aware of the Amicitia last name.
And then there’s Nyx.
He’s sitting on the edge of the comp station at the front of the classroom, twirling his braid around a finger and looking bored out of his skull. He’s wearing his standard uniform instead of the formal one mandated for Academy instructors, and even then he’s only wearing the pants and boots, opting for a t-shirt instead of the actual top half. Once Gladio and the other students have filed in and wait at ease, Nyx starts talking.
“Look, I’ll be fucking straight with you newbies. 90 percent of you aren’t gonna be able to to do this at all, and half of you that can are gonna be so ass at it that you may as well not bother. I have a month to cram this lesson down as many green throats as possible before I get shipped back out, so let’s get this shitshow in the air.”
Gladio’s temper starts to rise at this irreverent speech. He might be a teenager, but you don’t get raised by Clarus Amicitia, personal bodyguard to the King-Elect, without a healthy degree of respect for the Coalition.
“How should we address you, sir?” The question comes from a whip thin cadet, her blonde hair restrained in a severe bun.
“Not as sir, that’s for fucking sure. Nyx will do just fine, though if you wanna insist on bullshit regulations, Rusher Ulric works.” Nyx hops up from the desk after this and studies the room with narrowed eyes. “Who wants to be first up? We aren’t bothering with theory or any of that shit, it’s pointless anyway.”
“Me.” The word is out of Gladio’s mouth before he can stop it. He hates being told he can’t do something, so he’s got a point to prove to this asshole.
Nyx’s footfalls can barely be heard as he stalks toward Gladio, a predatory grin spreading across his face. “Astrals, it must be my birthday, ‘cause I sure do love when a green cadet with a stick up their ass is the first to volunteer. This oughta be fun.” Nyx tosses Gladio a phase module, which he catches.
“Ain’t here to have fun, Rusher Ulric. Here to learn.” Thanks to a recent growth spurt, Gladio’s able to look down at Nyx as he speaks.
Nyx throws his head back and laughs at this, complete with a knee slap. “Tell you what. You manage to even *partially* phase, I’ll write you a glowing letter of recommendation as long as my arm and give you full marks for the course. That’s how fucking sure I am that you won’t be able to do shit.”
Gladio learns over the next painful, torturous two hours just how right Nyx was. He swallows his anger and his pride and asks Nyx if he would be willing to spend some time one-on-one with him outside of class.
“Shitting Astrals, you’re serious?” Nyx asks. Once he sees Gladio’s stormy expression, he raises his hands in capitulation. “Fine, fine. You’re a stubborn son of a bitch, I guess. We’re ordering takeout though, and you’re paying. Consider it my fee.”
With all the above in mind, it was definitely not love at first sight, although it didn’t take long for them to develop the most casual mentor-mentee relationship ever. Nyx gets deployed a fair amount through Gladio’s time at the Academy, but they comm when they can and catch up when Nyx is on leave in Insomnia. It’s during Nyx’s absences that Gladio probably realizes he has a bit of a crush, but it’s years before anything happens on that front.
This got long, but thank you for asking!
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culoniforsx · 6 years
8, 9, and 10 for the fanfic asks! (・`ω´・ ●)
8. Bed sharing or roommates AU?
Roommates AU! I specially like the domestic part of it. I do love bed sharing, but out of the blue PWP it’s a bit of a pet peeve of mine, so I only like it when it comes to obvious mutual pining, established relationships or just not smut at all, just cutesy and cuddles.
9. Fake dating or arranged marriage?
Arranged marriage. I’m not really a fan of either, but arranged marriage has room for lots of potential angst. I haven’t yet come across a fake dating fic I like, though, so… can’t say I’m too familiar with it.
10. Mutual pining or enemies to friends to lovers?
can I have bOTH? But I’d say enemies to friends to lovers, since it’s usually more dynamic than mutual pining and I’m always a sucker for antiheroes or morally grey characters. I like the character development that comes with it, h/c, redemption… and the version in which A befriends and falls in love with B, not knowing that they’re supposed to be enemies, while B feels increasingly more and more guilty about it. Yep, that’s nice too.
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dlartistanon · 6 years
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Commission for @otagamerkorin, dedicated to @gladniss!
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unicorinspace · 6 years
gladniss —> unicorinspace
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Thank you for existing. 💗 Send this to 10 people who you think deserve a sweet and kind message in their inbox 💕
And with such a LOVELY ask too, ohmy gawD ;A;
Hnghfngfh. For existing. A-ah, that’s one of the goddamn prettiest things to say thanks for to someone. I’m- hngfdhd. WEAK. And touched in my tiny raccoonie heart... ;w; 
Thank you soooooooooooo sosososo much for thinkinng about me to send this to, that’s so sweet and so nice of you!! Really, thanks a lot. It’s brought a smile to my face and has absolutely made my next day fantastic already :’3
Do know that you have this back to you, you lovely creature. Thanks again, and sending you lots of love! 
I hope you’re having a FANTASTIC day or night!(ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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shinysoroka · 7 years
Tagged by @makeyamad! Let’s do this!
Rules: Tag 9 people who you would like to get to know better
1. Status: Married and loving it
2. Color: red and green. The colors of X-mas
3. Lipstick/Chapstick : I don’t really wear make-up, so lip balm, I guess.
4. Last song I heard: Drops of Jupiter, by Train
5. Top 3 T.V. shows: Criminal Minds, Elementary and the first 3 seasons of Community.
6. Top 3 bands: Within Temptation, Bon Jovi and The Corrs
7. Books I’m reading: Dune by Frank Herbert and Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett.
8. Fastest way to piss me off : Start any sentence with “back in my day” in a condescending tone and you will know pain.
9. Pet peeve: Anything written in first person. Except if it’s horror.
10. Favorite character : Damn... I’ve got a lot. I’m paring it down to Noriaki Kakyoin from Jojo, Nightcrawler from the X-Men and Thor from the MCU.
11. Favorite rumor about me that I know of : That I used to be super into emo rock. It’s true. There’s evidence.
12. What made me smile today: John Oliver making fun of Trump’s tiny raccoon hands.
13. I’m tagging: @spacefloozy, @twaititis, @im-not-a-crack-pot, @gladniss
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
Hello! I saw you were doing Valentine's Surprises and mentioned being okay with OC's, so I wanted to request one real quick for my girl Lucretia Cimber from Ardyn! She's got long blue-black hair, gray eyes with a long vertical scar over her right eye and olive skin. She's a reserved and serious woman, with a high focus on her job as a Niff scientist. I don't know if this would be pertinent at all, but she's also afflicted with Starscourge. Thank you so much for doing this!
My Lucretia,
Your hair reminds me of the nights above the city of Lucis all those years ago.  I find it rather strange how comforting I find that memory considering it reminds me of all the pain I experienced back then.  You truly are an enigma.  You float through the halls of your laboratory with the grace of a queen and command respect in much the same way.  Strangely enough it is difficult for me to get a read on you sometimes but that makes this game of ours all the more enjoyable, don’t you think?  It’s unbelievably entertaining to have someone whom I can refer to as an equal.  Your calculating mind rivals mine in so many wonderful ways.  It has been quite a long time since the last I felt this tainted heart of mine stir.  Under normal circumstances I likely would have taken care of the problem for an attachment is a weakness, and one I cannot have.  Yet here we are.  I cannot get rid of you nor would I want to at this point for you have bewitched me, body and soul.  
Please stay safe in the coming days, my love.Ardyn Izunia
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xylianna · 6 years
Xy’s 100 Ways Challenge - Prompt #83
Fandoms & Pairing: FFXV/Kingsglaive - Crownyx
Rating: Teen
Prompt: “Stay there. I’m on my way.”
For: @gladniss
Warning: Character death.
100 Ways Challenge - Prompts OPEN!
The shrill ring of her phone woke Crowe from a deep sleep. With a muttered oath, she sat up and fumbled on her night stand until she found it, swiping to answer the call without checking the ID.
“This better be good,” she growled irritably. Crowe was not a morning person.
“Hey, beautiful,” Nyx’s voice came over the speaker. Well, if someone had to rouse her with the dawn, at least it was the man she loved.
“Hey, yourself,” she purred, settling back against her pillows and cradling the phone between her cheek and shoulder. “You just get off? On your way over?”
“So, about that…” Nyx’s words trailed off into a coughing fit that ensued long enough it had Crowe worried.
“You okay, hero?”
“I did something stupid, Crowe.”
She sat up again with a long-suffering sigh. “Nyx, that’s hardly unusual, and could mean any number of things.” Pushing her sleep-snarled hair back from her face, Crowe tried to be patient. It was hard before coffee. “Explain?”
“Crowe, I…” More coughing.
She felt ill at ease; this didn’t sound like the coughing that could follow irresponsible overuse of warp-striking, or that could indicate a rough throat from a karaoke night, or even, hell, soreness from being around smokers or a bonfire. She was running out of logical, benign options.
“Nyx, you’re scaring me,” she said in a small voice.
“I’m scared, too.”
That got her out of bed. She began pulling on her uniform, checking to make sure she had a few ethers stowed away in her carry-all. “Dammit, Nyx! What’s going on?”
“The sun’s so warm,” he whispered. “I’m glad I get to see it one last time. Glad I get to hear your voice.”
“The fuck are you talking about?” she shouted into the phone.
“Drautos is dead. I killed him. He was with the Empire. Had to keep Lunafreya safe,” Nyx babbled, the words pouring from the phone speaker like a summer squall - intense and startling.
“What?” Crowe shook her head, pacing across her small apartment, collecting her gear. None of this made sense; what was he going on about? He’d been assigned to guard the Oracle, yes, but the rest? Captain Drautos, with the Empire? That didn’t make sense.
“I’m glad you were on leave,” Nyx said tenderly. “So many of the others have fallen. I think Lib made it, but…”
“Nyx. Where are you? Are you hurt?” Crowe demanded, already heading out the door. She chose a road that would lead to the Citadel, not having much of anything to go off of. It didn’t take her long before she saw the destruction that had decimated the city. How had she slept through that? It must have been the healing draught she’d been given to recuperate from her injuries on that ill-advised away mission. The medic had warned her she’d sleep like the dead. Shit, how long had she been out?
“It’s burning me from the inside out,” Nyx said in a rough voice. “It hurts, Crowe. But it was worth it. She’s safe. Ring’s safe.”
She started to run. “Where are you?”
“Citadel. Courtyard.”
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
There weren’t many people out on the streets, and those few who braved the morning had wide, terrified eyes. Crowe had no time for them. If she got to Nyx quickly enough, maybe with her magic she could…
“Crowe?” His voice sounded weak, a pale echo of his typical exuberance. “Keep talking, gorgeous. I love the sound of your voice.”
“Uh, sure,” she ground out between labored breaths. Crowe realized she’d been neglecting her cardio; what a fucking time to have her legs burning and lungs straining. She pushed through. “It’s a beautiful morning. Lots of sunshine to show off the fucking holes in the city. Six, what the hell happened last night?”
“Empire… the signing was a ruse,” Nyx whispered. “Killed King Regis. Good thing he sent the Prince out of the city. Luna’ll find him, and then they’ll stop…”
“What’ll they stop, Nyx?” Crowe asked desperately. She needed him to hold on, needed him to keep talking, stay conscious, stay coherent until she could get to his side.
Another of those gods-forsaken coughing fits was his only answer.
“Nyx? Nyx! Stay with me, hero,” she implored him, pushing herself to run even faster. She could see the smoking top of the Citadel complex looming high in the distance; why was the Galahdian sector so far away from the seat of their government, from the very people they were sworn to protect?
“Empire… Magitek… Scourge… Luna can… Prince needs the ring… weapons.”
She heard him retch, and her heart ached.
“I’m coming apart, Crowe,” Nyx muttered. “Rather come apart with you, in bed. That doesn’t hurt nearly as much, even when you get rough.”
“Once I heal you up, we’ll go to bed and stay there a week. A month,” Crowe promised. Finally, the fucking gates. They were locked, so she looked for another way in, suspecting her keycard wouldn’t work. A brief search and she found a section of fencing had been blown clear away. Crowe pushed through the debris, swearing when her arm scraped against a jagged edge.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Flesh wound. I’m almost there, baby. Hold on for me.”
“Trying…” Nyx’s word sounded more like an exhalation than intentional speech. “Fuck. So hot. I knew there’d be a price to pay, but do they have to make it so damn painful?”
“They?” Crowe asked, grasping at the word. Keep him talking, keep him alert.
“Ancient Kings of Lucis. Lent me their power. Helped me awaken the city itself to fight the Empire. Protect the people,” Nyx’s throat closed on the last syllable, and he gave a strangled cry that had Crowe clamoring to get over the rubble in the courtyard. She’d heard that shout without need for the phone, though she didn’t disconnect the call just in case.
“Where are you, Nyx? Keep talking. Help me find you.”
“Protect the people,” he repeated. “Crowe, they’ll need you. They’ll need the Glaive and Guard to—”
There! She frowned at the vision before her. Crowe had found Nyx, but he was surrounded by a shimmering haze. As she watched, bits of him seemed to blacken and fall away, floating adrift on an unnatural wind and scattering on the breeze.
She dropped her phone and darted forward, reaching into her satchel for an elixir. Crowe cracked it over him and waited. Nothing.
“No. Not like this,” she begged any Astral that was listening. Finding her center, Crowe channeled her strongest healing spell, laying her hands on Nyx’s chest and pouring the mystical energies into his body. She had to stop when her hands caught on fire from the contact, jerking them back and putting the flames out in the dirt next to her knees.
Nyx’s head slowly turned towards her, and she wept to see the charred ruin of his handsome face. Virulent red and violet lines ran in jagged streaks down what bits of his skin still looked like skin. She couldn’t tell if his eyes were closed or destroyed until he opened them. Those eyes, those luminous, beautiful eyes, eyes she’d stared into from Galahd all the way to Insomnia, in good times and bad, in spars and in love-making. Those eyes were locked to hers now, and Crowe struggled to bring a shaky smile to her lips.
“Hi, hero,” she said softly, reaching out to hold what was left of his hands.
“Gorgeous,” he breathed. “Love you.”
“I love you, Nyx Ulric.” She brushed irritably at the tears coursing down her cheeks, wanting his last sight of her to be tear free and brave.
In that scant amount of time, though… he was gone.
Crowe sat there until the last of his body had crumbled to ash, dancing away on the wind and out of her reach forever.
She stood and brushed the dirt off her knees. Head held high, a river of tears still sliding down her determined face, she began to walk.
Crowe had a mission: find the Prince. Protect the people. Save the world.
She’d do it… for him.
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xylianna · 6 years
Since you asked,,,, how about Break Me for the prompt list? 😭👌 Gotta get that angst in there somehow!
Since you didn’t specify, I opted for Gladnis. Thank you for indulging my angst!kink
What did you get for a man who wanted nothing? It was a puzzle Gladio had struggled with for months. There wasn’t much at hand even in Lestallum. The perpetual dark kept merchants sequestered, and people were more worried about securing their next meal than a pretty trinket. But tomorrow was Ignis’s birthday, and Gladio would be damned if he didn’t give his lover a gift.
Before the unnatural night had fallen, Lestallum had a thriving market. You could find anything from rare cooking ingredients to cactuar statuettes. Gladio vainly hoped on this pass-through he’d find something suitable, even though he’d scoured the market every day for a month.
And then he saw it. It was a gamble, but Gladio thought it was worth the risk. Worst thing that would happen is Iggy’d be pissed, and shit, that would be a nice change from the flat, emotionless affect his boyfriend had assumed as the years marched on without the return of their king.
Returning to their tiny apartment, Gladio decided he wasn’t gonna wait for tomorrow.
“Hey, Iggy,” he called out, though he knew Ignis would have known from the sound of his footsteps that it was him.
“Gladio,” Ignis said softly. He sat in a chair in the dark, and it damn near broke Gladio’s heart seeing what Ignis had been reduced to by the loss of his sight.
“I got you a birthday present,” Gladio forced cheer into his voice as he crossed the tiny room.
“You shouldn’t have,” Ignis said, and Gladio could tell he meant it.
“Here,” he said, pushing the parcel into Ignis’s gloved hands. As Gladio watched, Ignis turned it over, hefting it as if measuring its weight. When he stripped away the plain brown paper and ran his fingers over the treasure wrapped within, his full lips pulled down in a frown.
“A book?” Stark incredulity colored his rich baritone. “You’re mocking me.”
“I’d never.” Gladio took the book from Ignis’s hands and sat down opposite him. He opened it, and turned to the index. “It’s a cookbook from Tenebrae. I thought you might want to start working on that pastry recipe for when Noct comes back.”
Ignis was silent a long moment, long enough that Gladio looked to make sure he was still breathing.
“I can’t,” he muttered. “How can I cook like this?” A gesture at his ruined eyes, hidden behind the visor Prompto had scrounged up.
“I’ll help you,” Gladio insisted. “You can do this, Ignis. Come on.” He held out a hand.
Ignis took his hand and stood, and Gladio’s heart soared.
He’d get his Iggy back. Gladio would help him every step of the way.
(Original Prompt List)
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xylianna · 6 years
headcanons: nyx + dealing with headaches (because tonight is nyx loving night and also he must suffer headaches w/ me)
Hey dude!  Welcome to my Tumblr where EVERY NIGHT IS NYX LOVING NIGHT!!  XD  I am so sorry that you’re dealing with headaches!  
Nyx goes to Crowe, naturally, to ask her for some healing magic!  Because Xy loves abusing the Lucian Royal Magic, why take an aspirin when you can draw off the King’s link to the Crystal!  :D    And in exchange for Crowe’s kindness, well… I’ll let you fill in the rest, and I’ll do the same from my happy Crownyx bubble. ;)
Thanks for asking!
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xylianna · 7 years
Okay! Let's try this then! 15,“Please marry me.” with Gladnis or Promtis!
First off: I’m terribly sorry. This was supposed to be a sappy/fluffy prompt. But hi, have we met, I am Xy, I have an angst problem.  To make up for it, it’s like 700+ words, if that helps? No?  Okay… I’m sorry.
Prompto watched as Noctis walked away from the fire. He was still having trouble believe Noctis was really here. Those ten years had aged him strikingly - in truth, he looked more 40 than 30, but Prompto figured whatever had gone on wherever the Crystal had taken Noct had to be intense.
Noct didn’t seem to want to talk about it, so Prom didn’t push. He was just happy to have his best friend back.
His beloved.
Ignis stood and followed his liege before Prompto could even get to his feet. Well, that was fine - Prompto certainly wasn’t going to deny the Royal Advisor one last moment with his charge, his friend. Astrals knew Ignis had given so much for Noctis - his childhood, his freedom, his sight - Prompto could give Ignis these moments, no matter how desperately he craved to hoard them all to himself.
Gladio was lost in his book as usual, which suited Prom just fine. He wasn’t interested in small talk. He stared off in the direction Noctis and Ignis had gone. When Noctis returned alone, Prompto frowned. Why would he leave Ignis alone in the dark?
Then Noct laid a hand on Gladio’s shoulder, and shared a silent but meaningful look with the Shield. Gladio stood and headed into the darkness, no doubt in search of his beloved. Prompto realized then that whatever had passed between King and Chamberlain must have been intense enough for even Ignis Fucking Scientia, the man who defied blindness by learning to navigate with the same deadly grace he’d had when sighted, to need a moment to collect himself, and the helping hand of his partner.
Prompto looked to Noct as he half-sat/half-fell into one of the camp chairs. It was such a familiar gesture, reminiscent of their early days out on the road, that it made Prompto smile despite his knowledge of what tomorrow held.
“So… big day tomorrow,” Prompto said nervously, fidgeting in his seat. Despite the maturity the decade had granted him, he felt like his old self again - to be honest, it was more than that. He had no fucking idea how to act around this regal, older Nocits who seemed so self-assured and determined to walk tall along the path leading to his death.
Prompto wasn’t going to cry. They had a job to do. And hey, maybe the prophecy would be wrong, and everyone could live. The good guys win, right? Everyone lives happily ever after?
“Prompto… Prom,” Noct’s tenor broke through the ambient noises of the crackling campfire, ringing in the night like a siren’s song to the gunslinger’s ears.
“Y-Yeah?” Prompto focused on Noct, drinking in those azure eyes and that small, private smile as if it would be the last time he would see it.
Because it probably was.
“I have no right to ask more of you than you’ve already given me,” Noctis said, looking equal parts guilty, nervous, and hopeful. “But I want to ask one more thing of you.”
“Anything. Name it.”
“Please marry me,” Noct said in a rush, standing and coming to kneel in front of Prompto’s chair, clasping his hands in a surprisingly strong grip.
Prompto stared at him wordlessly. He wondered why Gladio and Ignis weren’t back yet, and then realized Noct may have asked for this time.
“I know that tomorrow might be it for me, and it’s so selfish to ask, but Prompto, please,” Noct’s regal voice broke on the pleading word. “Please give me just this one night. Please let me be truly yours before I face my destiny.”
Silence reigned for long moments counted only by the harsh pants of their breathing, by the thundering of their hearts.
“In my heart… we’re already married,” Prompto admitted. “I always assumed, if we made it through this, you’d have to marry for politics… to produce an heir, but…” he sighed, reaching to cup his King’s cheek in one hand. “I’ve been yours for years, Noct. And I always will be.”
“Ignis has the legal power to conduct a Lucian marriage ceremony,” Noctis said excitedly, and even as part of Prompto’s heart was breaking, another part soared to hear the youthful joy in Noct’s voice.
“Then call him back, you dork,” Prom laughed, slapping Noct on the bicep. “Cause if you get a wedding, I get a wedding night.”
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xylianna · 6 years
Now I gotta throw you a question back! *\0w0/* How'd you get into fanfic writing and what made you stick around? (and how are you so nice?? unreal!)
Hello lovely!  So back in the day… like *does math*… 21 years ago O_o   I played in an X-Men RP chat room on AOL.  My online friends and I started writing stories about our RP and our OC’s.  I graduated from that to Sailor Moon fanfic and RP.   Then I got older and Real Life got busy and didn’t write anything for over 10 years except a couple short stories.
This past November I decided (on Oct 30th) I was going to do NaNoWriMo, and I was going to write a FFVI fanfic, so I did!  I’m still working on that story - its only got 4 chapters left!  
I was reading FFXV fics by this time but was nervous about writing them since I was afraid I’d be seen as a ‘fake fan’ since I’d never played the game - I watched a full walkthru “Lets Play” series online, since I don’t own a PS4 and couldn’t justify buying one. (I do have PC Edition and I’m still in Lestallum okay?? If I don’t leave Lestallum, FUCKING ALTISSIA doesn’t have to happen)
But then I heard of Gladnis Week and was like… okay, I’m going in.  So I wrote short ficlets for Gladnis Week, and the fandom was so nice and welcoming that I made a Tumblr, then IgnisFluffWeek happened, and then I started my own un-prompted stuff!
What made me stick around?  Mainly the people.  You all are so unfailing kind to me even when I’m a total depressed crazy cake.   I cannot emphasize how much I appreciate that.  Truly.
How am I so nice?  I think this was meant as a rhetorical question but I want to answer it and this is important.  I try to be as friendly and nice as possible because I know first hand how much the smallest kindness can help when you’re in a bad place.   I’ve had suicidal thoughts derailed by someone taking the time to smile and say hello to me.   Kindness costs us nothing and can mean everything.
Thanks for asking, darling!
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xylianna · 6 years
SADLY IVE GOT ANOTHER HOUR BEFORE I CAN FULLY BOMB THE DISCORD SO BOMBING THE ASK BOX IT IS! What’re your thoughts on OC’s? Maybe someone’s asked before but I’ve never really seen you mention them and I’m curious! :D
Hi Gladniss!
Thus said, I love reading about other folks’ OC’s even if I don’t have much intelligent to share on the topic!   I admire folks’ ability to create OC’s, I just don’t share it thus far.
Thanks for asking, babe!
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