glitchaus · 4 years
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The entire 11.4 MB XNU mach_kernel woven pixel-to-stitch into a 1.65 x 4.08 meter tapestry
Completed during a 2017 residency at the @textielmuseum’s TextielLab by JFDonaldson
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glitchsafari · 6 years
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Hello Glitch Safari fans!!
Make sure to check out GLITCHAUS for the Official Glitch Textiles! We offer high quality, eco-friendly knit & woven accessories, apparel & more*
These are limited editions so don't miss your chance to own a unique, wearable digital artwork!
Thanks for all the glitchy love!/JFD
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text-mode · 7 years
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Knitted ASCII-scarf from Glitchaus, available here. It’s an Atari ST image file read as a text, displayed with the MS DOS font (code page 437), then knitted. Glitchaus’ Tumblr is here.
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notendo · 6 years
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The Bauhaus was a formative influence on my work. Next year it celebrates its 100 year anniversary. Designing a limited edition scarf for the Bauhaus.Atelier was a true honor. Poster by Elisa Trebstein.
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spruceplank · 5 years
First // Previous //Current // Next >> --------- Also on ao3!
At first it wasn’t noticeable. Maybe the blocks you just broke would suddenly go back to where they had been. Maybe your hits wouldn’t connect with the mob you were hitting. Then it slowly got worse and worse. And then the world around them started to vanish.
And that was only the beginning.
“Falsie?” someone was calling her name, who was it? They sounded familiar, “You back with us Falsie?”
Groaning she rubbed at her head. What an awful headache, “Ugghhhh what happened?” 
Blinking against the light she tried to adjust to the seething brightness and searing pain in her head. Good lord had someone dropped an anvil on her head?
“Hey False look at me please?” Xisuma, that was Xisuma’s voice to her left. She turned to look at him and was taken aback because his visor was off? Xisuma rarely took that off. She could count the number of times it had happened on her two hands. “Whatever is was seems to be gone now, how do you feel Falsie?”
“I, I feel like someone dropped an anvil on my head.” she rasped out slowly looking around the room. Xisuma, Ren, Wels, and Joe took up most of her field of vision. They were in her bedroom, and there were a lot of people in here. 
“Is Falsie good?” Iskall walked up and peered over Joe’s shoulder. 
“Yeah aside from a bad headache,” Xisuma explained, “how’s Grian?”
“Still unconscious,” Iskall looks worriedly over his shoulder, between him and Joe she could see Grian slumped against the wall with purple wisps flying around him. Mumbo and Zedaph were frantically talking to Cub and Scar. Off to the side Doc stood with Tango and Impulse who were speaking between themselves. “No one can really figure out what happened.”
She looked around at all the other hermits worriedly, “Guys what happened?” 
None of them looked at her, except Ren who had yet to stop staring at her face since she had woken up. 
“Falsie, is it really you this time?” He stared at her in disbelief, voice quiet in a way that she cannot remember ever hearing before. 
“Of course it’s me, what are you -”
Shes immediately cut off by a body slamming into hers and a loud wail. She barely stops the back of her head from hitting the wall. She awkwardly starts to rub his back as he sobs into her shoulder. What, what happened? She forgets to breathe as her eyes catch up to her brain and she remembers how he looked. Red angry scabs cover most of his face and neck. What had happened? 
The others startle at the sound and turn to look at her. Across all her friends faces she can just see the instant they see her they all seem to calm down. Ren continues to sob and there’s nothing she can do but stare blankly at the air and worry for her friend.
She looks up at X and meets his eyes, “X, what, what happened?”
X only looks sadly at Ren before looking back at her, visior gone she’s able to clearly see the exhaustion on his face and the worry in his eyes. She can hear it in his voice, the tired defeat, when he speaks quietly, “Actually, we don’t really know what happened. We were hopping you could tell us.”  
And so she does, once Ren calms down a little at least. She had started her day out like any other. Getting up, checking her messages, gathering things she would need for that days project. She’d set off down to her mines and was messaging Ren about plans they had made for later in the day. She’d mined for a while and got an inventory full of goods and decided to head back up. She had stopped responding to Ren because trying to type with a full inventory was a struggle and he could wait for a response until she walked back up out of the mines. Yet on the way back towards the stairs she saw a diamond sword laying on the ground. Tossing some coal out of her inventory she picked it up. The second she grabbed the hilt a voice seemed to echo inside her head. Though it was quiet, it was all she could hear in a strange voice that didn’t sound like anything she had ever heard before, “ᴡᴀᴋᴇ ᴜᴘ”. 
“Then the next thing I knew, I woke up with a splitting headache and everyone gathered around worrying.” she explained. 
“A sword, just lying there?” X repeated back to her, baffled. 
She nodded, “Yeah it was really strange.”
“Did it look enchanted or anything?” Impulse asked.
She thought about it for a moment and then shook her head,“Not that I could tell, what happened to the sword?”
“It’s vanished.” Tango cut in from where he was leaned up against the wall, “When Grian killed you it didn’t drop with the rest of your items, it just vanished.”
“When Grian? Why did Grian kill me!” 
Tango looked over at Grian as he spoke, “We just had pinned you down and then we managed to tie you up so you couldn’t maneuver the sword. Then once Grian and X showed up, Grian just… something happened.”
“What does that mean?” 
Zedaph shuffled and looked at the ground, “Itw… it was like he wasn’t even Grian anymore…” 
There was a pause. Everyone seemed to shuffle around unsure of what to do now. X, ever the leader, spoke up, “Well I don’t think we can really get answers on that front until he wakes up, so-”
“What did the voice sound like?” Scar interrupted. She looked over at him and he was staring directly at her. She knew, only from that look in his eyes, that somehow he had heard the exact same face.  
“What was that Scar?” X asked. 
“The voice that said wake up, what did it sound like?” Scar repeated, searching her face for the answer they both already knew. 
Maybe for the others in the room or maybe just so they would both know for sure she answered, “Distorted. Glitchy. Ominous. Creepy.” 
“I think I heard that voice too.” Scar admitted softly. 
Cub looked worriedly at Scar, “When you were stuck in that chunk?” 
“Wait, when what happened?” Joe asked. 
Everyone looked to him to explain. He really didn’t want to. He didn’t want to relive that for even a second. But they had to figure out what was going on. And now that voice had spoken to False as well. Jellie purred in his arms and curled up closer to him if that was even possible. Jellie was here with him, he could do this. So he took a deep breath and explained what had happened.
He’d stopped along the way to Hermitville to renovate another village he had found. He had wanted to try out some ideas and after renovating the village in a futuristic modern style. He finally felt all set to head out to Hermitville. Him and Jellie were just walking through the taiga, enjoying nature and taking it slow. It was nice out and it was nice to just walk for once, but something happened. 
He took a step and the ground beneath him vanished in a flash. The entire chunk he had just stepped into became just empty space. .For a minute he was just frozen there in midair. He couldn’t see anything. He assumed he was floating, he didn’t feel like he was falling. But without sight he couldn’t be sure. And then the noise started. It was a horrible buzzing noise that was just at the end of his hearing range. His ears were ringing within seconds. After a few minutes it started to become painful. He thought he’d lose his hearing at the rate things were going. But the buzzing ended after what felt like an eternity, and something much much worse took its place. 
He could hear everything. The animals in the distance, cows mooing, wolfs barking, and sheep baaing. He could hear the wind in the leaves, the sound of things walking over the grass and dirt, and worst of all, he could hear Jellie. Jellie who walked in circles, back and forth, back and forth meowing sadly at where he probably was. Then that would fade and the buzzing would return.
It felt like an eternity. That he was stuck there. In pitch black darkness. Unable to move or even scream. Just the sound of his ears ringing or the world he had vanished from around him. He didn’t even hear Cub or Xisuma arrive, the ringing in his ears too loud to even think. One second he had been trapped in stasis. Cold, alone, and terrified, and the next he was on the ground. Cub reaching out to him. As the ringing in his ears faded out, and Cub’s voice started to flow in, there was a voice from what felt like everywhere, the universe itself, “I sᴇᴇ ʏᴏᴜ”
There’s a heavy silence as he finishes his story. He’s only grounded in reality by Jellie’s soft purrs against his chest and Cub’s hand on his shoulder. Anything that would’ve been said though is quickly pushed aside when theres a soft groan from behind him. He shifts and sees Grian’s eyes blink open. 
However, no one even gets a word out before Grian’s eyes fly open and Scar can see the panic in them. Before he can even speak Grian has already thrown his hands out and the strange wisps of purple magic that had been in the air around him while he slept gather in his palms and pulse outwards. 
He doesn’t even have time to react as he’s thrown from his feet. It’s only years of stumbling while holding Jellie that he manages to maneuver so he falls backwards instead of forward onto Jellie. The breath in his lungs is knocked out as he hits the ground hard. Jellie jolts awake and meows loudly. Across from him he sees Mumbo, who landed less gracefully, face down and was slowly sitting up rubbing his head. In a cascade effect they have all seemed to have been knocked over. Those like him and Mumbo, closest to Grian, had fallen over completely, while those like False, across the room, only seemed started by the pulse of magic. 
He feels different when he starts to come to. Someone nearby is talking but he can’t understand what they’re saying. What he does understand is the magic in the air around him. It’s mad at him for forgetting about it for so long. It seems to dance in the air around him agitated about something. Its trying to talk to him but he doesn’t remember how to speak that language. He can feel it around him though. He tries to listen to it but he can’t really quiet get it. Blearily he tries to open his eyes. He can make out vague shapes in front of him and in his half awake state he can clearly see the magic that’s dancing around him. Then like he’s known the language his entire life, he can hear what the magic has been trying to tell him. In an urgency he can only recall fear from it calls to him, “wake up”
Maybe its the confusion, the abundant magic, forgotten things he can only recall echoes of, but something in his gut is terrified. And without even thinking about it, he sends the magic around him pulsing outwards. 
The loss of energy that comes from it brings him back to his senses as he hears several grunts and yelps as people fall over around him. Truly opening his eyes this time he finds himself sitting in a room full of his fellow hermits, most of which are on the ground in some form due to the magic that just bowled them over like sticks. 
“Uh… hi?” he greets awkwardly, not really knowing whats going on. He wants to say more but his and every other hermit’s communicators ding simultaneously, the way the only do when someones died. Pushing down the chilling fear that still has yet to release its grip on him, he pulls out his communicator only to be hit with a awful sense of deja vu. 
iJevin was finished off by Biffa2001 using [¡!フㄣㄣĿㄣㄣ:フリ]
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infectedwithmalware · 5 years
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*Inhales* HONEY
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antisyzoth-blog · 7 years
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HEADCANON: Since Reptile is a glitch he seems to have unstable emotions and outbursts out of the blue, like if he was to cry to would turn into psychotic laughter as his eyes turn black leaving a green iris with a red ring around it. You can't comfort him, it's impossible because of all the constant mood changes. If he's calm enough you are able to hear his voice clearly and his body isn't pixelated, his body is still glitchy though which your hand can go right through his body as it makes him invincible to attacks. It makes him wanna cry that he can't grab or hold anything, it goes right through grasp making the object pixelated. It's possible for Reptile to grab interact with objects he just has to focus really hard on it! If he tries hard enough he'll be able to hold it in his grasp.
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daisyckinguk · 8 years
This artist turns devastating computer viruses into trippy futuristic knitwear
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AKA Glitchaus, Donaldson.
On May 5, 2000, the pc worm ILOVEYOU that was disastrous started distributing all over the world.
Beginning in the Philippines, it fooled its sufferers into starting a contact connection using the filename “LOVE-NOTICE-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs.” Once contaminated, they spammed their e-mail connections consequently — a series effect that will invade hundreds of an incredible number of computers all over the world, making mayhem and carrying out an incredible $15 billion (£12 million) in harm. 
You can purchase ILOVEYOU nowadays.
Rob Donaldson — better-known by his pseudonym — is just performer and a linen custom who creates It’s a style of art that is advanced that attracts inspiration from, or is done by, failures and mistakes in PC software — operating mainly in fabrics.
This curiosity about computing’s aberrant aspect brought Donaldson to start learning computer infections, which started a realisation’s signal. “What I observed was these infections are therefore small … to allow them to be they can fit completely inside a scarf. That we believed was simply too-good to not do.”
That epiphany resulted in his present sequence “Malwear.” Using The aid of specialized application, the 40-year old performer changes the signal that supports a few of the many infamous bits of spyware ever into material stitches, which could subsequently be kitted into scarfs and punches.
Should you desired to, you can actually reverse engineer them — re-creating the initial source-code that is virus’ from only the knitwear.
You will find three within the sequence to date. There’s ILOVEYOU.
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There’s also Melissa.
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And finally, there’s Stuxnet — a disastrous internet-tool produced spies and by US to discreetly destroy nuclear centrifuges. Due to the difficulty that is amazing, it wouldn’t match on the scarf. Alternatively, its signal makes a whole toss up.
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A number of most early glitch artwork altered and modded game titles that are aged consoles to produce designs that are looping. Actually, provided the imagery’s supply, “the outcomes advised me of conventional linen motifs.”
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a diverse approach is taken by Donaldson to glitch artwork to a lot of professionals that are additional, he claims — simply because of his history learning music. Several designers are used from the specialized facets of it, but “I observe it being an expansion of Asian viewpoint … admiring the flaws in things.”
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Why fabrics? Scarfs? He’s “interested in stretching linen designs”’s customs in to the contemporary era.
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Textiles were “instruments of communication Donaldson describes. Kente fabric colors have connotations that are representational; Reasonable Department knits have icons highlighting their roots.
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Donaldson “hope[s] to increase this language in to the electronic today, by getting binaries of 1 of the very secured individual buildings and utilizing that like a supply of design development in addition to inserted information.”
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A number of his function is shown in galleries, but when you’re looking to purchase a Malwear item on your own — it doesn’t come inexpensive. A ILOVEYOU scarf is $110 (£89); the Stuxnet Information Knit quilt is $365 (£296).
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Therefore what’s next for Glitchaus?
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Donaldson is thinking about “expanding beyond punches and scarfs into more such things as wearable apparel.”
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And he’s considering Klez and Mirai — the open-source software -of- botnet that required along a lot of internet in Oct — as applicants for that Malwear task that is next.
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The custom can also be currently talking with establishments about branching into materials — permitting him to not produce much more simple, information- tasks that are loaded. If “knits are an 8-bit-resolution he describes, “woven really are an HD Donaldson out having fun with vintage may have started, games that are pixellated consoles , he really wants to proceed 4K.
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from network 10 http://www.usertestinggurus.co.uk/this-artist-turns-devastating-computer-viruses-into-trippy-futuristic-knitwear/
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thanksgivingon · 5 years
Favorite tweets
Check us out on @Etsy ! https://t.co/W0Bis7XRsK There are some unlisted one-of-a-kind editions of woven scarves available upon request. DM's open for ordering info* pic.twitter.com/cwpygpsj0o
— G L I T C H A U S™ (@GLITCHAUS) December 5, 2019
from http://twitter.com/GLITCHAUS via IFTTT
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alesschiavi · 7 years
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Content research - Jeff Donaldson or "Glitchaus"
I find this piece of design really interesting. The designer translated some of the computer viruses codes into patterns and used them on his textile creations.  
source: http://uk.businessinsider.com/glitchaus-jeff-donaldson-malwear-interivew-viruses-malware-knitwear-artist-2016-10/#there-are-three-in-the-series-so-far-first-theres-iloveyou-1 
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glitchaus · 5 years
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Fresh new ROM DataScarf colorway!
Featuring an iconic 8bit DataMotif popularized by JFD with his ground-breaking work as a visual artist*
Available now in the webshop & on etsy
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Glitch craftsmanship: Meet the craftsman who sewed Stuxnet into a scarf Ars researches the beginning space of transforming source code and mistakes into art.
Glitch workmanship reverberates with the inexorably complex love-detest relationship people have with innovation. Blunders, and by expansion the progressions, that can happen inside programming source code and information can give a ripe establishment to the creative ability.
While trying to clarify this early work of art, Martino Prendini expressed: "The mistake moves toward becoming picture and development, framework blunders are abused, and it has a specific punk nature. In the meantime, this sort of craftsmanship adventures the glitch and utilizations it, so its tendency is likewise entropic, dadaist... Glitch workmanship is along these lines the opposing connection amongst man and machine losing his usefulness."
Numerous activities have as of now sprung from, roused, and based on the possibility that blunders are human—and wonderful. Glitch specialists take it further, and endeavor to challenge the regular conviction that innovation and calculations are immaculate and can't breakdown. Take Poxparty by Jon Satrom for example: it creates "funware," Apple-propelled programming items which have imperfections before coming to the market and are sold with those unaltered. Outside of the basic journey for style, glitch craftsmanship addresses the social values that are related with innovation.
Jeff Donaldson, otherwise known as Glitchaus, translates the development by meshing PC programming glitches into materials. His most recent endeavor to bring convention into current circumstances is called "malwear," scarves and tosses whose sewed themes encode well known malware. Ars chatted with Jeff about his craft, the importance of malware-enlivened scarves, and a great deal more besides.Ars: What got you into glitch craftsmanship?
Jeff Donaldson: Well, I began before "glitch workmanship" turned into the umbrella term that it is currently. I started in 2001, four years before I had my own particular PC with access to the Internet. In those days, I was considering music creation at a school in Maryland and was intensely affected by jazz and contemporary arrangers like Iannis Xenakis, Karlheinz Stockhausen, and obviously, John Cage. Being a guitarist, I was doing my own particular creations with arranged guitar or "developed procedures" for guitar. "Arranged guitar" identifies with Cage's "readied piano."
Likewise in 2001, a companion got me intrigued by "circuit-twisting." Back then this included the deliberate shortcircuiting of battery-fueled sound toys to make novel sounds. Circuit-bowing as a practice requires the expansion of wires to existing circuits to make diverse "shorts" to deliver sounds. I considered this to be utilizing Cage's "readied piano" strategy and ideas of indeterminacy to gadgets. What I did was apply these thoughts to video gadgets.
Ars: How did the entire material workmanship thing come in?
JD: Also in 2001, when I started planning Nintendo computer game frameworks to deliberately short, I saw likenesses between the broken 8-bit representation and customary material themes. The yield from my "readied NES" (envisioned top) could likewise create designs that helped me to remember contemporary material themes found in the Bauhaus development. What snatched my consideration was the way a broken computer game framework could make themes like applied craftsmanship embroidered works of art. For me, it resembled a future echo.Ars: That's a truly special way! Also, why malware?
JD: Malware is a piece of my "information sew" and "information weave" arrangement. These works manage the historical backdrop of materials as transporters of data. All through history, different messages have been encoded into materials either through images or through hues. Kente fabric is an awesome case: with it, each shading speaks to something.In 2010/2011, I began a PC infection inquire about venture with Garmin Karasic, Rolf van Gelder, and Nina Wenhart. My enthusiasm for malware is adroitly identified with my enthusiasm for "glitch," however obviously with PC infections, there is a specific, proposed result. As I was taking a shot at information sews, I understood that there was a document size that fits pretty much consummately in a weave scarf: in the wake of picturing the information with my procedure, around 32KB of information can fit. For instance, the "Melissa" paired is roughly 52KB.Ars: How did you encode source code into material representations?
JD: 32KB fits when shading is compacted at 2BPP [two bits for every pixel], which is the way the Stuxnet and Melissa themes were made. The more hues accessible for weave and woven materials, the more information can fit because of shading coding parallels.
With my information sew/weave materials, paired information is shading coded giving hues another criticalness. For instance: 0 = dark and 1 = white and no more principal, double level. For the Stuxnet toss particularly, double digits are gathered in two where each gathering approaches an alternate shading: 00 = white; 01 = light dim; 10 = tan; 11 = dim dark.
Ars: And shouldn't something be said about shapes?
JD: When utilizing shapes in materials, the structures are made through either the readied video frameworks, hexedit procedures, or show determination blunders. Take the "pied-de-poule" [houndstooth] scarf, for instance: that theme was made by opening a pied-de-poule picture record with a hex supervisor, arbitrarily altering the source code and after that sparing. Due to the uncertain outcomes, I was not ready to see the impacts until I opened the picture once more.
More or less, I conceptualized this as an augmentation of the customs: bringing these conventions into the advanced age in a manner of speaking.
Ars: Do you utilize programming that you have composed? Is it open source?
JD: I am not a developer myself and was not keen on setting aside all the opportunity to figure out how to compose the product, so I worked with a software engineer companion who coded an apparatus for me. It depends on ROM hacking programming that I had been utilizing since 2007. My companion, Miles Thompson, upgraded the ROM hacking programming for my material outline handle.
The product will in the end be publicly released. It's somewhat of a specialty thing, and exceedingly specialised.Ars: Why scarves and not, say, dresses? I was thinking for example of the Rijks Museum gathering where open area workmanship was imprinted on pieces of clothing worn by staff while exhibiting.
JD: I began with scarves in light of the fact that that was the first "on-request" creation outlet accessible to me. Likewise, scarves convey the likenesses with sew themes and 8-bit pixel workmanship.
Ars: Did you weave it all yourself? Physically or with a machine?
JD: Yes. I utilize a Brother weaving machine. A considerable measure of truly extraordinary work has been done in incorporating Brother sewing machines with current figuring. One of the most punctual ideas of mine, which at last formed into Glitchaus, was that of machines sewing/weaving machine information. In 2014 amid a residency in Berlin, I understood a related idea: making themes with machine mistakes.
I was working with a Brother weaving machine that interfaced with a present day portable PC through a "knittic gadget." Those are Arduino-based interfaces that supplant the Brother's locally available PCs. The knittic was undermined which brought about a mechanical mistake. So as opposed to making a theme, stacking it into the weaving machine and after that sewing the theme, the genuine machine made the theme. I was very glad: that is a glitch on another level!Ars: Glitch craftsmanship alludes to removing or making feel out of bugs and other computerized glitches. By changing that into workmanship, would you say your work had bugs? That is to say, the noxious programming that you have utilized for your manifestations worked productively—what glitches did you discover in them to decorate?
JD: Malware is not about "glitch workmanship." It is identified with it just in that when a PC infection executes, the outcomes can be like that of a PC glitch. What I needed to show was the hidden structures, the information structures of these notorious little projects. Or, on the other hand, on account of Stuxnet, the hidden structure of weaponised programming.
The work can likewise be viewed as utilizing sews as transporters like how these PC infections spread as email connections. There are distinctive approaches to decipher malwear, contingent upon the individual. Be that as it may, I am not expressly saying that malware is a glitch.
Ars: Some workmanship faultfinders consider glitch and the "vaporwave" class of music alike as developments upbraiding private enterprise. Is it additionally the case with your manifestations?
JD: I comprehend the feeling and in some ways concur. For me, glitch originates from Eastern rationalities of acknowledging defect. The Japanese tea function is nearer to how I see it: where in the past we could value the blemish of the completing of a tea vessel or the common weathering of surfaces, wood, and such, I see glitch speaking to this reasoning carefully.
I additionally consider glitch to be a rough type of manmade brainpower and in addition discourse on contemporary society. It is the adapting of what was and has been sold to individuals as the ideal device. The normal client is so far expelled from the workings of PCs or any advanced gadget that glitch demonstrates the human hand included. Obviously, I can consider it to be a political development of subverting control.
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spruceplank · 5 years
First // Previous //Current // Next >>  ------ Also on ao3!
At first it wasn’t noticeable. Maybe the blocks you just broke would suddenly go back to where they had been. Maybe your hits wouldn’t connect with the mob you were hitting. Then it slowly got worse and worse. And then the world around them started to vanish.
And that was only the beginning.
“Hey Falsie you good? You haven’t responded to my messages all day?” Curiously Ren wandered into False’s base calling around for her. They were supposed to meet up earlier and they had been messaging while False had been mining and then she just stopped responding. He assumed it was because of a full inventory - hard to type and carry a full inventory at the same time. Maybe she had found a cave system? 
But she hadn’t responded and then the day passed by and now it was night and she still had not responded. Was she lost? Did she get stuck somewhere? After searching around the whole fantasy district he took to heading down to her mine. She wouldn’t have dropped her communicator right? And if she had died, even without her communicator on her, they would’ve known. Wandering down the stairs he came to a stop when he saw False standing a little ways away from the bottom.
“Falsie! Would it kill you to pick up your communicator? You’ve had me worried!” he explained, relieved to see her. He approached her but slowed down a little bit. She hadn’t even acknowledged his presence. Her eyes were down cast, he couldn’t see her face actually. She looked fine, usual sword in hand and everything right down to the goggles resting onto her head. “False?” 
She looked up at him. That, that was not False. White glowing eyes stared back at him, unblinkingly. There was no emotion on her face. This wasn’t his friend. Whoever or whatever it was that decided to look like her wasn’t going to get away with this. 
Pulling out his sword he was going to take this thing down and then go find his friend.
At least, that's what was supposed to happen. 
The second he held up his sword though, False sprung at him. He barely managed to block it with his own sword. That was not normal speed. Was she using a potion? No he couldn't see any potion effects. And he knew from the above ground layout there wasn't a beacon near here at all. 
False pushed harder against his blade, nearly pushing his own sword into his face. He swiped her legs out from under her with his own. He needed to gain a better stance. Otherwise he was never going to stand a chance of beating her. 
Before he even got a chance to try to formulate a plan though, False was back up again. When had she-? 
There was a sharp pain to accompany sword through his gut. All he could see was the white of her eyes. All he could think was why? He felt the world being torn in two as she slashed up. And the world went dark.
Renthedog was slain by falsesymmetry using [¡!フㄣㄣĿㄣㄣ:フリ]
Docm77: ?????
Joehillssays: Y’all good?
Iskall85: Ren you good buddy?
Renthedog was slashed in two by falsesymmetry using [¡!フㄣㄣĿㄣㄣ:フリ]
WelsKnight: Oh my god.
ImpulseSV: Hang on Ren we’re coming!
Grian: I’ll go get Xisuma! You guys find a way to get away from or contain False!
He didn’t know what to do. Everytime he respawned, False was there, waiting for him. The first time he had enough time to message everyone before she came for him. The second time she cut him in half. Then the next time she severed his head. The fourth time she went to kill him though, there was a yell from nearby. He thought maybe she’d turn around and face whoever was coming to help him.
But the smile on her face told him otherwise. Eyes aglow whiter than snow, she grinned at him as her blade stained in his blood loomed on her shoulder. There were splatters of blood across her shirt and jacket as well. This was not False. He knew it wasn’t False. He had called her name so many times. Begged her to stop, pleaded with her to listen, but she didn’t even hesitate once. This would be the scene that would haunt his dream for years to come. And as she swung down at him once again, there was nothing left he could do but close his eyes and accept death once again. 
But death never came. There was several loud clangs and yelling nearby but he couldn’t hear anything beyond the ringing in his ears. Nearby Tango had tackled False to the ground, dropping his own sword to pin her sword hand down. She looked unmoving except for the shaking of her arm against his hands. 
“Ren! Ren! Ren are you okay?” Someone was calling his name, but all he could do was watch False struggle against Tango. She still had that sword. It had to be the sword. He needed to get rid of that sword. 
Scrambling over to False and Tango he ignored the scrapes that formed on his hands and knees. He need to get rid of that sword. He needed to get rid of it right now!
“Ren wait!” Someone grabbed his arm. He whipped his head around to stare at Impulse who had grabbed his arm and Zedaph who was right behind him nervously watching the scene in front of him unfold. Impulse looked between him and the sword, “That things got a weird name, it’s called possession in standard galactic, whatever its done to her - if you try and grab it, it’ll possess you.”
“Well then what are we supposed to do?!?” he yelled, yanking his arm away. 
“Helping me pin her down until X gets here sound like a great idea to me!” Tango growled over his shoulder. 
But as Zedaph and Impulse went to help Tango out, he could only watch. If he had to see those eyes one more time, he doubted he would be able to ever sleep again.
When they arrived at Ren’s base he had expected to have to stop a one sided battle. But instead they arrive to find False tied up, disarmed, and either watching False wearily or talking to Ren. On top of the group that had beat him and X here, there was also Doc, Tango, Zed, and Impulse who had probably been the first to arrive as they were the only ones who for the most part were more focused on Ren and not False. 
Ren also looked horrible. Jagged scars covered most of his face and neck. Having been killed so many times in such a short period meant the wounds he had died from were only barely healed so the scars were still mostly scabbed over and surrounded by bruises from the force of the cuts. Those were the type of wounds that would leave scars for the rest of your life. Those were the types of scars that would never heal properly, a constant reminder of a living hell.
But that was something to deal with later, for now they had to find out how to restore False to her normal self. Because a sword called possession matched with glowing eyes did not bode well at all. And False would had never been so brutal with a pvp kill for as long as he’d known her now, probably even longer if he thought about it.
Xisuma stepped over by the sword, but since it had been removed from False’s hand, now it was just another diamond sword. Well a diamond sword stained with blood currently. The real thing they needed to fix was False herself. He stepped closer to her, receiving serval worried glances from his fellow hermits. But he needed to see her eyes. He needed to know for sure. Slowly but surely False looked up at him and an empty white glow stared into his soul.
She’s possessed by the forgotten one. The only freedom from enslavement is death by a̶̡̝̳̾̚͜ ̴̱̻̪̺̣́̆̾̓̀̓Ẃ̷̥̬̅à̷̢̧̺̪͕͔̣̈́t̷̡̹͓̫̹͍̫͂̆̂̉̋̅̀c̶̰̲̖̄̈́̒h̵̤̃ė̶̢̮̌̅̓̒r̶̥͚̩̙̯͍͘ '̸̧̳͉͋̋̑̏̊s̵̹̫͑̋̌͝͝͠ ̶̹̜̑͜h̵̛͍̔̊̈̒̎̃ą̶̱͈̮̈̾̌̕n̸͚͙̫̜̞̓̄̆̿̑d̸̤͎̥̣̫̒̐͠. You must be the one to strike her down. Y̷͈͚͇͐͗͗̿̑ọ̸̜͈̙̍̉̓̈̕u̴͈̲̯̖͋̄͒̓̕ ̷̰͕͂͜m̸̢̯̋̋ͅư̴͙̥̞̝̏͝s̸͔̪̜͠t̸̗̣̉́̑̆̂ ̵̡̜͇͒̐̏̕r̷̮̲̲̭̍̿̀ḛ̸̈m̵̙̻̭̕õ̴̭v̴̥̪̻̀͊͛e̴̛̦̘͉̽̏ ̷̩̱̰̿̒t̸̡̢̡̰̪̀̕͝h̸͔̦̿̀ͅe̴͍͐m̶̭̀̈́̏̅͛.̸̛̹͇͖̮̗͊̎̿͝T
“Grian are you okay?” Someone was asking him a question but he could no longer respond, “Grain?”
Pulling out his sword he could only move forward. What was he doing? He wasn’t the one in control anymore. Step after step, he walked towards False. She was restrained against the wall, staring ahead at him. Something within him stirred. A faint memory of purple and black crossed his mind. Someone tried to grab him but he shrugged it off 
T̶̨̺̳̪̋̆̏ͅh̸̥̑ë̶̲́̿̏y̵̗̗̗͐͘ ̶̺̍w̷̼̮̓̂͠ę̴̗̲̾r̸̨̭̩̗̭̍̑̉͠͝ě̵̙̣̇̃̑̿ ̶̗̮̼̹̪́̚n̸̲̰͋̉̏ő̷̜͖̈́t̶̰̝͌̀̿͜ ̶̛̗̀̏̓̈́a̷̗͈̮̾͜͝l̷̡̹̣̟̘̎̚l̷̝͒͑͑ǒ̶̟͉̿͘̕̚͜w̶̰̝̳̰̒͆̏e̴͙̘̜͑̇d̸͕͐͆ ̴̮̰̖͈͠h̵̝̍͜ë̷̢̺̳̫́̓͑͑r̴͈̪̮̤͂͠e̶̻̞̙͆͒.̴̭͔͎̞͎̎͐͘͘͝ ̸̬̗̗̉̈́͠T̶̖̤͎̣͊ḩ̴͈̺͖̠̽̍̉̌͝ē̶̞͊̾̃y̵̢̼̋̃͝ ̵̙͌̂͝m̵̧̧̲̞̤̑̓͐̂̿ű̸̻͂̃͝s̵̮͇̱̟͛́͑̊͐t̷̡̻͕̮̬͘ ̴̨̟͍̟͌͝͝b̵̲͔̀̆̔͆͝e̵̡̡͓̳̽̊̆̽͝ ̴̨͓̞̗̐ŗ̸͉̪̘͕́̋̓̏͐e̷͔̟̝̯̦̍̐̎͝m̴͖̈́͌̌͂õ̷̥̠͈͕͘v̸͚̯̦̓é̷͈̟̩̣d̴̮͒̐͋̄.̵̝̌͆
This time two people grabbed both his arms from each side. He loosley struggled against their hold. What was he doing? Why couldn’t he hear anything beyond the white noise that seemed to echo everywhere around him? What was that voice in his mind? Why did he have to do this? He struggled again against the hold on his arms almost not even noticing what he was doing anymore. Though they struggled a little against his full force, his arms stayed locked down and he couldn’t move forward. He had to kill them. He had to removed them from this world right now. Just as he struggled a third time, something happened. Somewhere beyond his current awareness he felt something call to him. Something that would help him. All he had to do was let go and remember. So he let go. 
As if only a single spark was all it took, magic pulsed through his veins. Creating a barrier between those around him and the target in front of him. Whoever had held his arms down were pushed back into the walls behind them. He should’ve felt bad, those were his friends. Yet his mind was filled with only one thought on loop.
R̵̻͖̄̏̋͜e̴̜̖͌͒͌̅m̷̺͋̏̊̓̾o̶͈̿̾͆͜v̴͍̰̲̈́̒̅e̵̯̙̣̼͚̽.̸̡̡͙̼͑̎̾ ̷̭̠̙́R̶̟̂̀e̸͎̳̋m̸͎͍͍͔͛͠ǫ̴͇̻̠̉͜v̷͔̥̯̖́ë̸̘́͑͝.̸̢͆͌͋͠ͅ ̶̼̾R̴̝̰̫̜̠̀͊e̸͓̦͋̊̈́͑m̴̨͎̮̾̀̈́͗ͅơ̵̠̲͕͕̝̿̍͊͘v̷͎̙̬̅̈͜e̷̦̤̹͒͑̒̆.̴̮͓̦̑
He had to do this. This was the right thing to do. This was his duty. Raising up his sword he hesitated again as someone yelled his name. What was he doing? Why was he doing this? 
T̷͈̠͍̤͎̾̽̀̆ḧ̷͔͚́͐͌̌͂i̷̧̳̗̺̘̚s̶̢͚̻̓̋̀̆̽ ̵͉̤̩̈̉̒͝͠i̷̗̭͙̿̆͑͗̈͜s̶̳̱̖̩͍̈́̾̃̕͝ ̵̓̿ͅw̵̧̜̿͐́͜ẖ̸̅̓̒o̴̦͆̈̈͜ ̵̩̾̈́͋̈ỳ̶̥̂̑o̶̯̞͆ṷ̴̑ ̶̻̻͉̆͌͛a̵͈͐r̴̟̩̞̥͑̊͑̾͐e̵͓̜̅̀. ̷̨̩̜̄̔ͅ.̷̧̹̝̳̤̘̭̔̆͗̀̽͂̃
This is who he was. This is what he had to do. And in one fell swoop, he removed them.
falsesymmetry was beheaded by Grian.
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bodysong0 · 9 years
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#FW2015 #BODYSONG. #BODYROTTEN #YOSHIROTTEN #SHOWROOM #JeffDonaldson #glitchaus #nukeme #MAN
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thanksgivingon · 5 years
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Photos by place_b from the 2014 Glitch @TOKYO 解放区 exhibition curated by @nukeme for ISETAN Shinjuku, Tokyo .#official #glitchaus #textiles #digital #jacquard #knit #weave #design #dataknit #dataweave #datascarf #datablanket #knitwear #interiordesign #isetan #shinjuku #tokyo pic.twitter.com/3is5R7okYf
— G L I T C H A U S™ (@GLITCHAUS) October 31, 2019
from http://twitter.com/GLITCHAUS via IFTTT
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decidednottodie · 10 years
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glitchaus Read Error Scarf shoot
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