#glowey stuff~~~
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TW// Blood, Mentions of gun use
Let Donnie have his theatre kid moment-
(Yo-Ho-Ho) A Ninjas Life For Me
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movedbagels · 2 years
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[56] i also made a moth, because they vibe hard. their name is argon and they don't have a ref sheet because im lazy
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corriethosaurus · 1 year
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Want to do more stuff Alien related with Medic, but Pyro is too perfect for this. :) Maybe someday I’ll make a full piece of art that has natural lighting and isn’t glowey everywhere.
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Okay I like the betta fish, secretly venomous, Mer Danny idea with his Phantom form being a beacon to lure prey in.
But I also thought his Phantom form would be transparent. Ya know like the barreleye fish of the deep sea. Or maybe he'd have bioluminescence
Not sure how i feel about the translucent thing cause, ew, guts. Its kinda cool but kinda gross, ya know? I love me some glowey stuff tho
Bioluminescence is usually either for attracting prey or mates, something he'll definitely tease Tim about once thier no longer in danger of dying
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multiisketch · 6 days
Multi's Ramblings: A Warped Perspective
Given the attention my Mini-Comic has gotten and the fact that I've had people asking about a full AU and such, I thought I would collect my thoughts on it here.
As of right now, I don't have plans to make an extensive comic for A Warped Perspective as I am focused on Sonic Boom: Revisited currently (please check it out if you haven't! I plan to play around with Sonic's morality and transformations in that as well!) but will write and draw stuff for Warped as I have the inclination to do so.
This is going to be a long one, so I will be placing it all under the cut!
The Personality of Fleetway Super Sonic
I like to imagine if Fleetway Super Sonic ever did come to the mainline comics, he'd be a sort of... manifestation and release of Sonic's normally tempered rage. If Sonic is the wind, then Fleetway is a hurricane of unchallengeable and intense emotion. Even the smallest infraction on his person would result in an explosive response. He's not necessarily evil at first. After all, he's still Sonic. He still desires the same things, he's just incapable of gauging how severe his actions are.
For example:
Sonic likes destroying Badniks. He likes the rush fighting gives him, but he doesn't let himself relish in the destruction or defeat. He reaches down and offers his hand at the first sign of reluctance. Fleetway doesn't have the luxury of restraint. He's too blinded by his anger. He'd fight a rival like Knuckles or Shadow to the brink of death simply for standing in his way.
Sonic likes making jokes at the expense of his foes and rivals. He chuckles when he manages to throw someone off balance, but he's not cruel. It's all in good fun. Fleetway finds it all hysterical. The more appalled they look the better. He's seeking the same high, but is unable to get it without pushing boundaries well beyond their limit.
Fleetway would be Sonic's entire personality and morality weaponized until it looses all sense and becomes madness.
Eggman's 9th symphony
I think back to that line in IDW Issue #50 where Sonic says something to the effect of, "That's the problem with giving people a choice. You can't stop them from making the wrong ones." This line always stuck out to me because it almost seems like a prelude to a potential breaking point for Sonic. While Issue #50 comes long after the warp topaz is dealt with (for the most part), I think it makes for an interesting moral quandary to touch on with Fleetway. Eggman poisoned the world with the Metal Virus and some part of Sonic blames himself for that. Shadow and Espio's words did not help.
Now... Sonic, normally, is not one to let that type of talk keep him down for long. He always keeps moving. Live and Learn. But even as he moves on some part of him must still linger on what he could have done differently.
As Fleetway, Sonic's emotional dissonance is heightened. That ounce of doubt he has in his actions grows out of control along with all his other emotions. He's tired of giving people a choice only for them to make the wrong ones. And now? Now they don't get a choice. If they want to resist--if they want to stand in his way--FINE. But he's not holding back, anymore. For anyone. And he's gonna enjoy it.
How Does This Fit into IDW?
AKA the AU part
Note: this is just a general overview of what I personally think would be interesting to see. Feel free to speculate further!
Remember issue #30-32? So, take that plot, but instead of Sonic incidentally warping into Blaze's dimension with amnesia, he crashes back onto his planet in the middle of nowhere (some nice lake area). Strangely, he's still in his super form, but the Chaos Emeralds are nowhere to be found. Instead, the Warp Topaz, imbued with chaos energy has become entangled with Sonic's form. This would not be visibly on his person, but its energy effects are evident in his glowey bits and the red rings around Sonic's eyes (tbh I didn't think about the design connections between Fleetway and the Warp Topaz until just now, but it's weirdly there). Imagine how the Shadow Crystal in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess sinks into Link. That's the imagery I've got in my head as Sonic lays in his self-made crater, unconscious. Maybe I'll draw this initial crash eventually, idk.
I think it would be cool for Dr. Starline to find him. At first, Sonic wouldn't remember anything, falling back on the original amnesia plot. Except something about his behavior is noticeably different. He's more... prone to his negative emotions and extremely skittish for the normally laid back hedgehog. His... awareness is dialed up to 11.
Starline would take care of him for a few days to analyze the effects the Warp Topaz is having on him. He would conclude that the Warp Topaz is somehow managing to maintain Sonic's super form through latent Chaos Energy while granting Sonic the abilities of the Topaz itself. This means Sonic can create portals to warp around at will. However, it has also effected Sonic's personality, intensifying all his worse aspects. Satisfied with this version of Sonic, Starline would try to manipulate him emotionally against Eggman, conveniently playing himself out to be a victim as he explains the Metal Virus, the Zeti rampage, and all the harm Eggman caused.
But... Sonic's not stupid, he's just got amnesia. As soon as he realizes Starline is conveniently leaving out his own involvement, it's game over. He doesn't kill Starline--he says it wouldn't be any fun if he did--but he does leave him with a crippled hand before rushing out to find Eggman. Because at the end of the day he's still Sonic. He still wants to stop bad people.
From there, Sonic would tear through cities looking for Eggman, calling the attention of his friends. They'd track him down. Try to talk him; remind him of who he really is. And, oh, yes, he'd remember, eventually. He'd remember everything. There'd be a soft moment for that unescapable second--a chance. But, in the end, it doesn't change anything. And that's where the real pain is. You see, he's had time to think now. He realizes why he's been so angry even without his memories. And it's because Espio and Shadow were right. He was being too soft. Not just on Eggman, but on everyone. He can see it all now though the Warp Topaz's power. The pain and suffering Eggman's caused the world over. And not just Eggman, but the everyday people. The vagabonds like Rough and Tumble or the Zeti. All the evil in the world that just eats at his planet like its nothing but a tool to be used up. He's ashamed of how blinded he was to it all. And he can fix it, now. Nobody will disturb their peace again. They won't be allowed too.
But now his friends are telling him his clarity is blindness. That everyone deserves to be able to make choices for themselves. Even if they're wrong because how else are we supposed to grow and learn?
And this angers him. His hands shake. His teeth grind. They're saying this isn't him. That Sonic wouldn't do this. Their Sonic. They think he needs to be stopped. Whatever he is.
Well, who needs them? Who needs anyone? They deserve to be stepped on if that's what they think. He's so powerful now. They can see it. Are they scared? Are they scared of him? Are they all scared? They should be. They should be terrified of what he could do. Because it's frightening. It's... It's...
Is he scared, too?
Eggman attacks with his Omega Robot. Sonic rips through it like it's nothing.
Eggman's collar is wrapped tightly around his fist. He's so close to ending it all.
But... Oh man. Why is he hesitating?
Because Eggman's not scared. He just looks... disappointed?
And Sonic's laughing now. He's laughing like a madman. He can't do it. Why can't he do it? What is this? What is this?
Sonic doubles over in pain. His chest is hurting. The Warp Topaz. It wasn't built for this. The Chaos Energy fueling it is quickly beginning to dissipate. It's going to kill him. It's killing everyone. He's...
Sonic plunges his hand into his chest. It phases through, gripping the Warp Topaz inside of him. Screaming, he pulls it out.
It clatters on the pavement as Sonic slumps over. His blue hue returns. His friends gather around, checking him over. Eggman watches from a far.
That would be the end of it, right? The hurricane. It's dissipated. Sonic's... okay. Shaken, but okay. He can think straight. He can--
We're so pathetic, you know that?
There's a voice--right in Sonic's head.
The power to right all that's wrong with the world, to stop Eggman once and for all and what do you do with it? You throw it away! Just to feel better about yourself!
You might be in control, now, but next time?
Next time, I won't let you stop us.
The voice cackles as it fades with the flow of the wind. Everyone else thinks its over now because the Warp Topaz and Sonic are separated. But Sonic knows it's power created a wound inside his heart. Who know what could tear it open, again?
Couldn't be when Sonic almost gets electrocuted to death or when there's a bunch of chaos fueled crystalline structures causing havoc, could it? :)
That's what I got for yah! I've been agonizing over posting this for a while, so I hope it makes sense.
Thanks for reading this far, too! I don't exactly know what to call this AU-thingy yet. If anyone has any ideas please let me know in the comments! I read every single one I get! And if you have any further questions about it, my ask box is open!
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skyward-floored · 3 months
this is your invitation to yap about TOTK
- hero-of-the-wolf
And I will yap!
First of all watching Zelda geek out under the castle was the best, she was so giddy by the time she figured out the murals and everything, and Link was just nodding along like “I only half know what you’re saying but I love hearing you infodump”. Plus the stuff about her always being told “the tunnels under the castle are forbidden” like girl you’re telling me NOBODY went down there?? Highly unlikely. I don’t buy it.
The lore in this game is already driving me nuts. There’s people from the sky but they’re not skyloftians. They founded hyrule even though the skyloftians did that but also the inprisoning war is in there somewhere which makes NO sense because it seemed like in twilight princess it had nothing to do with the founding of hyrule, and what’s all this about Rauru being the first king? Excuse me? Did nintendo just soft reset everything because I don’t like that—
I’m holding out hope that more will be explained. And it will make more sense. Maybe. (I’m not very positive lol)
Zelda gets an amber relic but it’s white and shiny instead! Neato! Obviously this is important since more with it shows up later. I don’t totally know what yet though... I’m suspicious.
also I didn’t know the corpse would talk. that was terrifying actually. listening to him crack as he shifted around was! Horrible!!
I’ve screamed about the hand grabbing thing back when the trailers came out but hwwwwaaauuugghghhg. He tried so hard to save her and she fell anyway hhhhhhhhhhh. Link my poor son.
WHY DOES POOR LINK KEEP WAKING UP UNDERGROUND IN HIS UNDERWEAR WITH NO CLUE WHAT’S GOING ON. Once was weird enough but twice??? this poor man. And he doesn’t even have the questionable luxury of memory loss this time, you know that boy is worrying his head off about Zelda. And his arm. Ow.
Nothing funnier than hearing a disembodied voice be like “sorry, I couldn’t save your arm so I just gave you mine.” Sir.
The sky islands are so pretty. I saw one of those weird hairy ostrich things and for about two seconds went LOFTWING?? but alas. it was not so. I like all the animals up there, though I have to wonder how there weren’t issues with in-breeding, and how several species are identical to ones on the surface despite being separated for literal thousands of years.... I’m probably thinking about it too hard.
The robot guys are so cute, and the noises they make are pretty too. They look kinda like geckos to me :) though the enemy ones are mean. At least I stole a flamethrower from the one guy.
Rauru: dang it my arm is too weak to go through the door. Sorry bro. Fortunately there’s these shrines—
Link: *flashbacking to the Great plateau* say no more.
Koroks again... oof man. At least the little quest things you do with them get you two. Helping them is fun, plus they’re so weighed down by their bags their legs just wiggle in the air ahaha they’re like beetles who got stuck upside down. They’re so cute.
Of all the things I expected going into this the giant blupee frog was not one of them. Whuh. Cursed blupee? Blupee that ate too much? Something?? Hrmmmm. I bet you’ll have to give the little blupee pendant things to Satori or something. Or somebody on Satori mountain.
The glow flowers (who’s name’s I forget) are soooo pretty. I love how there’s caves in this game, it’s so fun to climb around in them :D except when there’s a like-like because eeeeuuugghhgg. I didn’t think anyone could make a like-like grosser than it already was and yet here we are. EW. kill it kill it kill it—
Bird gliders are SO FUN
All of the abilities are fun but I like rewind a lot because it’s so simple. It’s like, fun because it’s less complicated? Idk it’s just neat. Plus Zelda gave it to us so it’s special :3 or her echo did. Or something. I’m suspicious.
Okay. Glowey spot. Broken master sword. Chiming and Fi’s theme (waaaaaah). Put the sword in the glow and it looks like we rewind and Zelda takes it. THEREFORE Zelda must have been yeeted to the past by that weird rock she picked up, and I hate nintendo because SERIOUSLY TIME TRAVEL AGAIN???
I already have a headache trying to make this fit into my understanding of Zelda games. *shakes fist*
Okay Zelda talked to us at least, that’s good, now we’re getting somewhere. Surface time babey!!!!
Trying to orient myself after I fell was so confusing and it took me a solid half an hour to figure out where I should maybe go and then Skye reminded me there was a glowey marker on my map telling me where to go lollll
Also I caught a horse and there were shenanigans involved in getting him to a stable but I did eventually register him (his name is Lucas after Lost’s dad but also I just like the name). And pony points are the best thing I’ve ever heard of <333 mad you still can’t pet the dogs though. LAME.
Lookout Landing is amazing. It’s so great. The music is catchy and they’re all so organized and rebuilding and Hyrule in general just seems so much more thriving now and I’m so proud of Link and Zelda waaaaaaaaaugh
Also everyone being so worried about Link (or straight-up not recognizing him lol) was sweet, I love how relieved people were to see him again.
PURAH’S OLD(er) AND IT KINDA HAS ME SHOOK. Her assistant is real sweet though, Josha I think? Nice kid. I don’t know if she’s eleven or sixteen or some other age entirely, but nice kid.
Just realized this is getting very very long. I didn’t do a ton else except pop up to the castle (creepy and unsettling with no guardians trying to kill me) and see Zelda appear then disappear (very weird and I’m suspicious again) so I’ll stop here. Ohhh also I popped down to the depths, but I didn’t do too much under there either. Just crept around and caught some bugs and killed some monsters (weird-looking monsters) and took a picture of a statue.
So endeth the thoughts of peggy on totk. For now lol.
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Finished Commission for @themasterguardian!
I REALLY LIKE how this one turned out. Maybe i'm just a sucker for glowey stuff hahaha!
(Feel free to dm me if you want a commission like this ;))
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shkika · 1 year
Oh this is so silly.
The entire first page has less opacity to signify it happened a little earlier on! The thing is... the other character Grey Wind... well she's gray and UI is black and gold so I 100% see why you think that's the case.
Also the concept of Innocence becoming more and more glowey is fun and silly I love it.
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fightingtrim · 1 year
his voice gets fucked up and he can only transform back sometimes and his head is shinier? but he does still bleed. BUT HE CAN ALSO BE SAPPED OF POWER STRENGTH ENERGY LIKE A STANDARD MACHINE AND THAT IS SOOOO GRUESOME. there is a light in his eyes that flickers on and off towards the end, he rejects the machines offer but it does seem as though it is already too late. the faint line flicker effect on the video itself appears slightly more often as time goes on. the spy has a head injury as well as the whole gun thing. it's actually once when the heavy throws him into the side of the stonetall that he starts getting more metalclang and gloweyed. ludwig is the same guy as in the emesis no doubt, he makes the sign of the cross over himself in times of stress and he doesn't say a word because they didn't have the VAs yet. most likely this spymachine is not the detective from later, again because of the whole gun thing. weird evil red engine is probably the same guy tho, he's the only member of RED team still standing by the end and he's already broken the respawn which is probably where the fucked up mutant RED team come from, the broken respawn. demo didnae get fucked up by it bc he's special ❤️ speaking of I need to write some gay demosoldier shit at some point maybe. although I am very bad at actually writing fanfic of stuff for some reason, that was supposed to be what these notes were for but I lost steam for it. anyways what the FUCK happened to this spy and engie like the spy has a degenerative disease probably. of gun
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hardcore-alcoholic · 8 months
give us more cute things jimmy does because hes an ass and wont tell us >:(
He's an ass in general. But atleast I have an ass. Fucking flat bitch- anyways
Yeah he's flat af, you think a guy who has the opportunity to have a free bbl is surprising. Anyways yeah he gets jealous sometimes (I think-)
He loves to cuddle honestly. Tell him that and he'll IMMEDIATELY just be like "N O-"
Bro blames his thumbs for bad game play. Like one time I was watching him play some random ass zelda game and he tries to jump over these sand towers but keeps on falling and dude yelled "FUCK. I FUCKIN HATE MY THUMBS-"
His hair gets all glowey and shiny in the light. It's almost blinding me I swear. But that's another reason why I like blonds
One time I accidentally burnt my hand while cooking and I just slipped some toothpaste on it and called it a day. But nooooo he was pissed that I did that and started to help me and bandaging up my hand
Whenever he's drunk he always tries to get all kissy kissy with me. Like lips all puckered out and stuff it's hilarious
Great with kids, honestly! He says he hates em but when I invited him over for lunar new year with my family, he was having fun with my cousins while I was talking with my parents one on one. He was giving them piggyback rides, throwing them up into the air and catching em and they even tried to teach him some games of their own. Have no clue what they were doing because I was busy at tye time but I look over and I saw the most goofiest and brightest smile on that idiots face! It's cute
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doorrobloxstuff · 2 years
Jeff X Reader headcanons:
- Jeff beloved.. can’t wait to write about him!!!
- He’s such an incredibly complicated guy.
- The road to hell is paved with kind intentions and his own mistakes.
- Jeff has an incredibly bad reputation in the hotel thanks to..the incident..You’ll probably be top target by Rush or Ambush.
- More tentacles means more love and J E F F HAS MANY!!!
- Loves to hold you in it’s hundreds of tentacles. Jeff isn’t much of a toucher but it’ll make an exception for his love. <33
- You get a discount at his store if he likes you ;) also if your dating you get everything for free or for half off.
- Has a sadness about it. After losing the trust of practically everyone it has a bit of an abandonment issue so he doesn’t really get attached to you as much first… But when he does he’s stuck to you like glue.
- THIS OLD MAN LOVES TO FLIRT!! Words are just so..good.
- loves to tell you about the treasures it finds in the hotel, about his children, stories!!
- The glowey eyes grow brighter when it’s excited or happy.
- Gets!! Jealous!! Super easily!!! Jeff is a greedy creature and super protective of his stuff so he’d be a jealous passionate lover.
- Seek got its love of romantic dates that end with sunset, roses and champagne from him lol. ��
- I’d like imagine El Goblino introduces you to him and you were friends with him because really Gobby beloved would definitely hook up his bro with one of his friends so you’d have the trust of Jeff AND El-Goblino.
- If your not an entity, You could go outside with El Goblino and find a gift to give him which he’ll keep forever and ever.
- Like imagine you give him a dandelion and he just starts bouncing excitedly. He’ll probably keep it in those magical portal thingies.
- Imagine you dusting off the pillows in the shop and he’s just flirting with you the entire time HhsfsgsggGAGSGS
- His real name isn’t actually Jeff, it’s actually something else and it gives a person quite some power over him so he’ll ask and KNOW yours first.
- By the way, his true name is something completely and utterly incomprehensible but to the person who knows it they can somehow speak and understand it.
(Also something that’s exclusive to it and other ancient entities such as the guiding light.)
- The name “Jeff” is the closest human approximation to it’s name.
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liliallowed · 9 months
Are leviathans territorial creatures?
Also why does Crimson fight other leviathans?
some are extremely territorial while other traverse around the depths just constantly on the move.
they're many different shapes and sizes to them. some even go as far down as the seafloor, (they look more like centipedes instead of fish)
as for why crimson fights, they're mischievous and crafty. sometimes it's just for them to test their strength and sometimes it's a matter of pride. other times they are on a mission to uncover some buried history.
crimson STEALS food and treasures from the other leviathans and hoards it all in their maze of a nest. maybe snack off the deep dwellers making the corpse of fallen leviathans, or steal GLOWEY SHINY MAGIC ORB thingy they don't really need but just like to collect. it might seem like the depths get more Claustrophobic and smaller as one goes deeper but due to past volcanic activity and vents it actually gets WIDER.
there's an entire world of darkness down there. luckily crimson doesn't need to worry much about death or losing direction (their tail is quite lengthy and it does give them a sense of 'left and right for them to navigate based on their former position.")
there's some really cool buried technological magic gizmos down there. they keep digging for scrap after hearing of a device capable of shrinking leviathans to human size. (oddly specific function. they wonder if the leviathan who owned it bullied the ancient fallen civilization into making him that bracelet.)
(it's a reference/Easter egg to another utau siren fic. if yk yk)
they haven't had much luck with finding relevant stuff but they have uncovered a LOT of weird ancient runes and weirdass symbols they don't understand. whatever technology was behind it, the people who used it are long gone.
they also do actually find bigger leviathans down there... there's ALWAYS a bigger fish. always.
even if they can't die, being eaten alive isn't pleasant. they'd rather not.
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lumiidragon · 1 year
hi hello :) i just wanted 2 say you are cool and awesome and based for making zims eyes + pak + pak legs glowey in that last comic
i LOVE glowey eyed + pak'd irkens it is my favourite little element to irkens and i forget its not canon until i look up a reference of zims pak and am reminded that its just that muted pink colour
so thank u for the glowing food im EATING it up
My Irkens will always glow like radioactive Christmas tree lights when they are overly emotional. Why do I do this? Because glowing stuff is cool~
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starlesscitiess · 1 year
anonymous message time. oh yeahhhhhhh. ok so first of all I think youre so cool. all ur fob stuff and ace attorney posts are so cool I love having u on my dash. also u are so so sweet and funny and kind and a proper ray of light yknow? also the way you type is very nice I really like your writing voice yknow what I mean. its just very relaxing? already said it but your sense of humour is brilliant and I love it. talking to u like this is weird u probably knew from the first sentence who this was But I Digress
you as a colour: I mean obviously purple but also glowey orangey yellow you as a fruit: either mango or a really crunchy bold apple you as a time of day: late night when everyone else is asleep but on a night where you dont have to get up the next morning you as a season: winter you as a pickled vegetable: green chillis. I like them. also im running out of categories as you can probably tell because that is the most shit category to try compliment someone with but once again I digress you as a dragon: one that's all fiery and has feathered wings you as an emoticon: >^w^<
here you go!! <33 once again probably everything about this is obvious but hey
can we make out
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ppt2 aftermath au,, it's four years set in the future after the finally.
Journal is half infected from being in that fucking ugly ass lab and now looks slightly in the uncanny vally and is prone to spacing out (he's got traits of the blue nightmares like glowey eyes and long limbs), he left that ugly ass lab five months after the competition ended and said fuck you to mr hand and stayed at the show grounds for two years and then ran for the hills (he's traveling now), he also has goggles now and sneakers cause why not (he still has the stains)
Treasure Chest left and went full pirate(the outfit, scars, hat, sword, all that and more) for three years, then the ship sank and ya'know what they say about captins and sinking ships, he stayed at the seafloor near his ship for a year (cause he's made of wood I think I'd be neat if he could breath underwater), and is starting to slowly climb up to the nearby rocky beach, he's also a local cryptid at the nearby seaside town.
Post-it-note stayed at the competition grounds for two years and is now traveling and studying various stuff. nothing changed much appearance wise, just gave him glasses, a scientist coat, and rain boots.
Cup hasn't really changed at all, he's just a lil less silly and has been living at this seaside town with a rocky beach for a year, and was at the competition grounds for three years before. Cup has flip-flops, sunglasses, a drink-umbrella, a flower nestled above his cracks, and a beat-up-but-still-working truck (trust me it's plot relevant)
the thing with the au is that Journal ends up at the rocky beach for the sake of wandering, Post-it-note is also there studying rocks in the shallow waters, Cup is just out to enjoy the beach and laying down a giant towl, and Treasure Chest is straight up walking out the waters like he wasn't underwater for a year. Suprise, they notice eachother and have a "wtf are you doing here" moment to eachother, it winds up in them all laying on Cups bigass towl and explaining their situation.
They end up staying at Cup's home for a bit, then they decide to go on a road trip for 3 days cause they don't have much better things to do (Post-it-note finished his work at that point, Journal has only been traveling to escape mr hand and just to wander, Cup's doin well enough to afford it, and Treasure Chest has been at the seafloor for a year), taking Cup's truck, with Cup driving (surprisingly only Cup has a license) Post-it-note in shotgun, and TC and Journal in the back.
They have some fun and become friends again over how much has changed and the genuine want to know eachother again. With TC wanting to know Journal and Cup again mostly, Journal wants to talk with TC and Post-it-note again, Cup wants to refriend TC and Post-it-note and know Journal more, and Post-it-note wants to know Cup and Journal again (and maybe learn wtf happend with Journal and TC).
They end back at the seaside town and decide to split up (but keep in touch), with Cup staying at the town, Post-it-note going back to traveling alone and studying stuff, and TC and Journal decide to travel together (Journalchest for the win boys).
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twilightarcade · 1 year
(they can be magic if you want them to. i think that'd be cool :))
first off!! I don't really have an absolute dream dice so I'm going to list off like 50 things that would be cool and you're going to smile and nood
THINGS I REALLY LIKE THOUGH!! cool colors <33, GLOWEY THINGS. LIKE THATS INFINITELY COOL., I don't know what they're formally called but like swirly patterns and stuff that are on like every dice,, realistically, it would probably be some sorta glowey spacey dice (the stars are glowey ofc <3)
BUT. Since magic is allowed I am going to. Break every rule possible. In order to make them look cooler.
GLOWEY SPACE DICE. I think it would be cool as HELL to just shove things in these dice. Like due to the nature of balance obviously you need to make it... balanced but like what if you had a completely hollow dice and just. Shoved the universe in it (because you're magic obviously).
More space dice things I think it would be cool if you made planet based ones. 8 planets in our solar system right, 7 dice in a dice set, throw in a d100 or something and you have 8 :] You can sort them based on how big the planets are and the sun can be like a d53774727282 or something
INDECISION DICE. So dice are cool as fuck right and there's like 50 billion of them right. So you make a die that changes every time you roll it or something and you have like. Every dice in the world at once. Initially I thought of assigning each number a specific design but there are not enough numbers and! I'm not sure what I would make them anyways. That would be a cool gimmick for a magic dice shop though.
LESS IMPORTANT RADIOACTIVE DICE. I want dice that are just constantly GLOWING. Like noticeably enough that you can see it during the day and you're like wow. Those are glowing. This is obviously physically impossible as far as I'm aware which is where we use magic to absolutely cheat them into existence. Alternatively uranium glass and stuff of the sort is a realistic alternative, but then you have to keep them under uv for them to actually glow and they can't be like. Blue.
MAGIC FUCKED UP EVIL DICE. Dice but there's like. A Thing living inside of them and they hold grudges against really specific people for absolutely no reason so it messes up their rolls and whatnot, and if the thing really hates you the dice just explodes. This is beneficial towards society as a whole because I think it would be funny.
MAGIC. in terms of magic dice I think it would be fun if there was some sorta latitude longitude dice and if you rolled them you got teleported to wherever you rolled. For zero particular reason.
Another obvious thing is dice that effect your real life actions but we're going to ignore that and instead make age dice that you roll and get set to another age, again a dice with absolutely zero practical use but would be funny. Maybe even some sorta evil dice that permanently traps you in a snakes and ladders game so you have to roll them whenever you go anywhere. I don't have any groundbreaking ideas for magic dice right now outside of breaking the laws of dice for fun though
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