#c: Terran
silvcrignis · 1 year
📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂
1.) 📂 Claude Frollo has REALLY hairy arms... Like no idea why & they are indeed the hairiest part of his body excluding y'know... His hair. The arm hairs are still platinum blonde. 2.) 📂 Claude's eyebrows are also still platinum blonde. 3.) 📂 Keira Black & her ex husband the Metatron both share the weird laugh after good sex quirk. 4.) 📂 Alaine's middle name "Claudine" was actually her birthname because her mother Alana Triton was a lil obsessed with Claude at the time. Her twin brother Amadis got the Claude II treatment... Claude amended both the shits the very second he could, he had to SAVE those kids. 5.) 📂 Sanderson le Fay really enjoys spoons? Just finds them really funny & somewhat fascinating... No idea why.
6.) 📂 Lord Hades (my regular one not the Disney based one, yes I know it's confusing I have two it's a long ass story) wears band human tees for the comfort & aesthetic but he is a poser & does NOT listen to most of the said bands he displays on them. 7.) 📂 SG & Sam both are left-handed. Not sure which twin copied which honestly. 8.) 📂 Keira's full name is so wild Demetra never ever allowed Marcus to name a child again. If you're an S/O of hers you're only finding out what her actual full name is after you married her. She has 3 fucking middle names & knows not what she's done to deserve such a thing. 9.) 📂 Bram Stoker honestly never is recognised as THE Bram Stoker in public usually until he makes a really specific joke about the book Dracula. 10.) 📂 Speaking of Dracula. Marcus Black was the vampire who turned him. They still talk sometimes. 11.) 📂 Marcus Black also invented chess. He was bored one day. Though a lot more people have beaten him at it than expected though he's always a good sport about. He did not invite checkers. According to him we have the werewolves to thank for that. 12.) 📂 Lucaevar Hill can do the same weird shoulder popping thing his mother Keira does. Freaks Jaime the fuck out sometimes he's just like "Son wtf???" 13.) 📂 Terran Rickman has a SUPER fiaxtion on shuffleboard. He loves that shit. Honestly I can support it, it's a fun game. 14.) 📂 The most popular game on the Isle of the Lost was Twister? Whenever a bunch of villains on Trash Island were bored & hanging out together without fail one of them would be like "Hey I have a game of Twister with me." & that's all they HAD to say. Jamie Hook was NEVER ever allowed to do left hand anything for obvious reasons.
15.) 📂 Maleficent Faire's staff can stay upright without her holding it. She has that good strong magic.
16.) 📂 Lord Chernabog is as his tiltle "The Lord of Night" implies much more active at night. His oldest kid Nyx inherited that from him... Probably because her mother is the same way.
17.) 📂 Severus Snape's eyes are bizarrely light sensitive. Specifically sunlight or artificial lights that are too bright. Thank GOD most of his time is spent in torchlight.
18.) 📂 Demetra Black, Morgana le Fay & Hecate were the three witches Macbeth saw in the woods. They weren't really serious about their prophecy either they were just having a laugh & he self fulfilled it. Morgana felt real bad about him going crazy. The other two? Not so much.
19.) 📂 Merlin le Fay's gun is registered. Surprisingly. Considering he is a crazy man who RARELY follows the laws of morality much less the law in legality.
20.) 📂 Claude Frollo has broken MULTIPLE gavels on his paternity court show... Some of the people testifying REALLY get under his skin & he is REALLY strong. Gotdam~
21.) 📂 Morpheus Sadik once lied about having Alaine's name tattooed in his asshole & people immediately believed him. Her name is tatted on him but it is not in his Sandy lil b-hole he's just dumb.
22.) 📂 None of the lizards Victor Granite has tosssed into Claude's hair have ever been hurt... Also they love it there, they have the time of their little scaly lives frolicking about in there.
24.) 📂 Claude Frollo hates Furries passionately but there are only TWO other groups of people who can similarly draw his ire. The Catholicism kinkers... & surprisingly... MIMES? He's a proud Frenchie so I have n o idea why he hates mimes but he does. He shares this passionate irrational hatred of mimes with Keira Black so AT LEAST a friendship & marriage came out of that united spite I guess???
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Flufftober Day 21: Alt: Caught in the Rain
Here’s today’s snippet for Flufftober. Today’s prompt was "Kiss for good luck" but I couldn't think of any way to incorporate it, so I went with the alt prompt Caught in the Rain. It comes from @flufftober 's prompt list. I’m using the characters from Syndicate. These scenes are non-canon and written simply to practice with lighter content. Let me know if you want to be tagged in future responses for this event!
“Walk me home?” Raymond asked, staring from the bench. He swung his scarf around him.
“I’m in the opposite direction,” I pointed out.
“Are you in a hurry to get back?” He asked, raising a eyebrow at me, and of course I wasn’t, but I should be heading back.
“No, but—“
“I don’t want to be done talking, and I’m guessing you don’t want me walking you home.”
“I don’t think you should even be in the Emerald District.”
“Exactly,” he held out a gloved hand to help me up, and it wasn’t like I needed help but I took it just to stand, then adjusted my jacket. I slid my hands into its pockets, and Raymond settled with hooking his thumbs on the pockets of his jeans.
“Do you want to take a bus or something? It’d be faster, if you really have to get back,” he asked as we fell Ito step, side by side.
I didn’t, not really. “I prefer walking.”
“I noticed you always walk,” he said.
I ran my fingers through my hair, a little uncomfortable. “Yeah, I just…”
“Safer?” he asked, glancing at me. His head looked a little small in comparison to the scarf around his neck.
“Safer, and I’m more in control,” I admitted. I wasn’t sure if it sounded dumb, I’d expressed it to jasmine before and she’d countered that it made things take way longer and you wound up exhausted.
“Makes sense. Hey, I was wondering, why didn’t you learn to drive?” I fixed my eyes on the ground ahead of me. “I don’t need to.”
“I wasn’t trying to accuse you of anything,” he said, so I must have spoken sharply. “I was just wondering, because we weren’t really friends back then, and it seems like you’d still be on control.”
There were dots on the sidewalk. I looked up, the sky had turned gray at some point. “Is it raining?”
“What?” Raymond paused and looked up and around. “I don’t think so.”
A drop hit my cheek. “Goddamnit,” I said. I looked back at him. He was still staring at the sky, his face looking concerned. Maybe hurt. “I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything. Maybe you’re right. Zachary drives plenty, anyway.” I took a few more steps. “At least it’s only sprinkling.”
“Yeah,” he nodded and followed, didn’t speak up again. But less then a block later, the rain had gotten much heavier.
I stopped walking. “Great, it’s really raining now.” I lifted my hand to shield my eyes, looked around, but there was no where to duck for cover.”
Raymond didn’t seem to mind it, had kept walking and now turned to face me. “It’s been super dry, it’s kind of a relief,” he said, looking up to the sky. He closed his eyes for a second, letting raindrops hit his face.
My jacket was going to get wet. “I’m guessing you don’t have an umbrella?”
“You mean, you don’t in that jacket of yours?” He shot me a smile. Admittedly, I should keep an umbrella in my jacket. I shook my head.
His smiled faded, he could see my annoyance. “You can just go back, if you want.”
“You wanted me to walk you home.”
“But you can, if—“
“I’m wasting more time in the rain talking about this,” I said, and kept walking. He kept pace with me.
“So, you don’t like driving and you don’t like the rain,” he observed.
I gestured to my jacket. “This thing isn’t supposed to be in rain.”
“It’s fine,” he said.
“It’s leather.”
“You shouldn’t go swimming it it, but it can take a little rain” he thought that over. “Pretty sure.”
The rain had flattened my hair to get in my eyes. I slicked it back, out of the way. I wasn’t looking where I was going and my foot sloshed into a puddle. I cursed.
“Okay, I’ll give you that one,” he gave me a sympathetic look. “Wet socks suck.”
“Rain leaves tracks, and it drips everywhere.” I pointed out.
“I’ve never minded,” he said.
“It’s cold and uncomfortable.”
He was grinning, who knew why. He tucked his own wet hair back. “I like how it smells.”
“It smells fine,” I admitted. “Everything’s wet.” My sock was wet, I could feel it in my shoe, and cold droplets were sneaking down my back.
“You know, a car would protect you from the rain,” he said.
I stopped walking.
He stopped too, looking apologetic immediately. “I’m sorry. I was just joking, it’s fine. Let’s get out of the rain.”
“He didn’t want to teach me,” I said.
“He—“ confusion, then he got it. “Zachary? But— I thought he offered?”
I shook my head. “He offered to teach you.”
He bit his lip. “I—“
“Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault, and I don’t care, I like walking.”
“Except when it’s raining.”
I looked up at the clouds again. “Except when it’s raining,” I repeated.
It was like sticking my face in a bucket of water for how quickly I was getting wet.
“Then it’s get going,” he said, and he reached out and grabbed my hand, pulling me away from looking at the sky.
He started speed-walking, glancing back to give a smile, his hand tight on min, encouraging me to keep up. I had to start a job, my other hand coming out of my pocket to help me along. “Ooh, shelter!” He called a moment later. I squinted through the rain, it was starting to get too gray and foggy to see, and Raymond suddenly changed directions.
He tugged me under an awning, pulling me close to get under the thin covering. It was hardly keeping the rain out, just keeping it out of my eyes, but in order for it to be helping any, I was very close to him.
He was grinning wildly. His hair was back in front of his face, wet and dripping, and his face was spattered with raindrops. He was still holding my hand, but as it was no longer necessary to spur my along, he released it. He glanced upwards again. “I think I’m still getting rained on.”
“Of course you are. You can’t escape it.” I was very, very close to him, which was making me forget about my wet sock.
“Oh my god! There’s a gap!” He pointed accusatorially at the gap between the wall and the fabric giving us limited shelter.
I reached a hand up, feeling droplets sneak their way in, then caught him smiling. My hand was blocking them. I kept it there.
“Okay, you win. Rain bad,” he said. I wasn’t going to contradict him, but at the very least, this was better than being in a car.
Flufftober Tag List (as to be +/-)
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10 minutes until the third attempt at the Terran 1 launch for Relativity Space!!
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sincerexsiren · 3 months
From Terran of course. <3
If you find Trinity Attractive
"I would have never guessed!"
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pyxxiestyxx · 19 days
The shot glass sat in front of you, innocuous in appearance.  If you couldn't smell the tang of citrus, if you didn't catch the occasional sparkle suspended in it, you might think it mere water.
In front of you, your affini friend rested her head on her hand.  She practically bled smugness, the leaves around her neck slightly fluffed as if she was preening.  You rolled your eyes, mirroring her posture for the hell of it.
"So this is your bet?  Aren't Class-C's something on the 'dont mess with' list for terrans anyway?"
Her voice was a rolling purr as she answered, "Yes.  This is different.  A heavily diluted solution of a specific strain.  No lasting effects, just the intense feeling of a Class-C dose for about two hours."
The bet was simple: You had to make it through thirty minutes without confessing your love for her, or begging to be her floret.   She thought you couldn't do it.  You thought she was full of shit.  You had plenty of xenodrugs before, of course.  Class A's and E's were fun and relaxing, but ultimately you were still in control of things.
Shrugging nonchalantly, you picked up the shot and threw it back, the sweet flavor hitting your throat and tingling slightly as it went down.  You flipped the glass face down and slammed it onto the table, then looked up at her with a satisfying smirk.  "Easy."
Her smile only widened.  "We'll see." She flipped open her tablet and pressed a timer, starting a countdown clock.  She showed you it had thirty minutes remaining, then flipped it closed.  "No using the time you have left for rallying cries.  Just you, me, and the lovely chemicals your brain is about to be swimming in.  When the alarm rings, I'll administer the counteragent."
You scoffed, leaning back in my chair.  "You didn't even wait until it had begun to kick in?  Wow, you must really be confident."
"Oh, it begins nearly immediately.  Already the drug is interacting with those neurons, mixing in with seratonin and oxytocin and a few other things besides."
You looked at her, doubtful.  "Yeah?  Then how come I don't feel any different?"
"Sweetie, you've leaned halfway across the table already.  Move any further and you're likely to crush that shot glass you slammed down so viciously earlier." She gestured at your posture, causing you to hurriedly sit back into your chair with a blush.
"Shit, I...sorry.  Got carried away." You glanced down at the shot glass, biting your lip as you realized that you *had* been rather violent with it.  You carefully flipped it back upright, wiping the outside clean with your shirt.  "Um.  Sorry."
"Dear, did you just apologize to the glas-"
"NO!" Your face was properly red now.  Oh *stars*, you had!  You had just done something that embarrassing in front of your Best Friend and what if she thought you were silly now?  Would she not want to hang out with you?  You hoped not.  You really enjoyed her compa....wait....
Frowning, you shook your head roughly, slapping your cheeks a little.  It was just the drug.  You were in control.  The drugs were doing this.  But unlike the A or E, it was more...subtle.  or rather, it was potent, but you didn't even realize it until your best friend had pointed it out.  Gosh, she's so kind...
"Um, t-thank you for helping me remember I was drugged." The words felt good to say.  You wanted her to know how much you appreciated her after all.  So you could win the bet!
The bet?
"Wait, what happens if I lose?" You realized you had forgotten to ask that before.  Worried, you turned to look at her.
"Well, what would you like to happen, pet~al?" You blushed, realizing it was just like her to wait until you were...compromised before asking this.  Well, jokes on her!  You're still in control.
"Nothing!  I don't want anything to happen.  No new rules, no teasing, and no domestication.  Got it?"
She nodded, sagely.  "Of course.  In that case, I take that to mean that should you win, you'll get all of those wonderful things~"
You sputtered in shock.  "I- no! I don't want to... I'm...you can't be serious."
"Awww, is something wrong?" She smirked, her eyes flashing purples and golds in a way that made your heart melt.  "All you have to do now is lose, then~ Or are you so stubborn, you can't admit that you l~o~v~e me, flower?"
"I-I...you... fucking...."  You felt the indignation mix with the heady joy of her attention, of wanting to give into her, of wanting to beg.  She was trying to goad you.  She wanted you to win now.  She had entirely turned the rules on their head. 
But she also assumed you would take her bait.  You shook your head, biting your lip.  "I...fine.  I admit it."
"Admit what?" She had begun to rise up slightly, her hands clutching the edge of the table.  She was absolutely getting off on this.  You couldn't even meet her eyes, looking away and down.
"I love you?"
"Mmmm....I don't believe you." You could hear the smile in her voice, full of wicked glee.  "Say it louder, for one.  And look me in the eyes~ and don't be afraid to put a little more emotion in it, dearie.  This is a confession, after all~"
You whimpered, managing to drag your eyes up to meet hers.  Reluctantly, you allowed the feelings you had been fighting for several minutes now to wash over you, letting them guide your words.  "I l-love you...I need you..."
"I love you...?" She trailed off, waiting for you to complete it properly.  You wanted to scream, but instead all that came out was "Miss?"
"Dear, it's just a game.  You can use the one you want to use."
"I love you, Mommy."
"A-and I want...I need to be your floret.  I need it, please stars I need it.  I...oh gods it's...I..." The feelings crashed through you in waves.
"Go~od job, petal.  You did it."  She slid the table out of the way, stepping into a kneel in front of you.  "You said those mushy gushy feelings!"
You nodded, pleased...until you remembered what that meant.  You weren't going to get anything now.  You had just said so.  Tears sprang up, and you had to stifle a sudden sob.  "I...it's..."
She was lifting you into her arms now, cradling you closely to her chest.  "Shhhh...petal, it's alright.  You didn't lose, silly."
She smiled at you.  "How would love for another ever be seen as losing?  You won, silly."
You won. That made sense to you now.  Especially when She said it.  You beamed up at Her, letting Her wipe the tears away.  "I won..."
"You won!  And guess what that means, dear?"
"I'm...I'm a..."
"You're Mommy's little floret now." She tapped your nose as she cooed, causing you to giggle a bit.  A wiggling little thought in your head popped up, though.
"You tricked me, Mommy!"
"Did I?  Well, you knew we affini never play fair when it comes to cuties like you.  Awfully brave of you to make a bet with me anyway, wasn't it?  Almost like you wan~ted this, darling~" she purred at you, her eyes filled with light and warmth.  You thought you couldn't possibly blush more, but it turns out you definitely could.
"I...noooooooooo!!!  I didn't...I mean....maybe?"
"Silly little flower." She picked up her tablet, turning it back on and dismissing the timer, which had paused as soon as she had closed it.  "Now, let's get you home.  We have a contract to sign~"
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niqhtlord01 · 4 months
Humans are weird: What must be done
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps) (meeting screens fizzle on one by one)
High Commander: Thank you all for attending this alliance conference.
High Commander: I know many of you are scattered across the quadrant, so this conference will have to do for now.
Volgond: Is it not unwise to meet over a transmitted conference?
Vologond: Our enemies could hack into the signal and gain a tactical advantage from our discussions.
Primary C: (In robotic voice) This outcome is unlikely.
Primary C: My people are encrypting the signal with an ever morphing signal frequency that not even our enemies most advanced machines could detect.
Primary C: Only a Cythogen can detect and translate the signal for it to be understandable.
High Commander: To which we are grateful you have contributed your people’s talents to the war effort.
Vologond: (Grumbles) I would still insist our next meeting be in person.
High Commander: Noted.
High Commander: We shall begin with updates along the northern front with Sun Bearer Arthrix.
Sun Bearer Arthrix: We’ve made great strides in recent months in the Hepestus cluster. Three systems have fallen to our forces there but our supply lines now are dangerously spread thin. Our enemies have taken note of this and begun raiding our supply convoys with ever increasing ferocity stalling our campaign.
High Commander: I will dispatch the 4th and 5th reserve fleets to begin escort duties which should alleviate the pressure. In the meantime consolidate the new territories you have captured until you are ready for continued operations.
Sun Bearer Arthrix: It will be done.
High Commander:  Now (flips through some pages) for the ongoing battle for Merina, have you made any progress General Anthony?
General Anthony: The world now rests entirely within alliance hands.
(Several gasps and looks of surprise among the gathered alien commanders)
High Commander: You can confirm this?
General Anthony: Aside from the occasional squad or two of enemy forces that escaped the final battle all major installations and population centers are under terrain control. The previously mentioned scattered survivors are being hunted down now.
Taskmaster Folgar: I find this unbelievable.
General Anthony: Careful now, I may take that as an insult.
Taskmaster Folgar: It took me over a year to establish a beachhead on that planet and my forces were nearly wiped out by the automated defense systems employed. Yet you come along and relieve me of my command and suddenly the planet falls within a month?
(murmurs of commanders heard over the background)
High Commander: While it begrudges me to ask this, can you present proof of the conquest?
General Anthony: (says nothing as screen changes to live feed from Merina)
(The feed shows Terran soldiers patrolling through the shattered remnants of once proud cities that had been protected by advanced sky energy domes that blocked orbital fire and walls lined with powerful automated plasma cannons that annihilated enemies from several miles away
Walls of the fortress cities were cracked wide open and shattered in many places. Many of the fierce automated guns now lay broken and battered on the ground and the ones that still were atop the battlements were being dismantled by terrain engineers to send back to their R&D departments)
General Anthony: Our enemies became complacent while they hid behind their walls; so assured of their durability that once they were breached they lacked the ability to mount a suitable defense.
Primary C: How did you breach the walls?
Taskmaster Folgar: I wish to know this as well.
General Anthony: It was rather simple really.
General Anthony: While observing the enemy we noticed that the automated guns would not fire on an area if they detected one of their own within to projected blast radius.
Primary C: No doubt a safety feature built into the weapons targeting parameters to prevent friendly fire incidents.
General Anthony: (Nods) That is what we figured as well.
General Anthony: So over the course of a month we captured as many enemy soldiers as we could-
Taskmaster Folgar: (Scoffs) We tried interrogating them before and they gave up no useful information.
General Anthony: (Glares at the taskmaster before continuing)- and loaded them on to trucks packed with explosives.
High Commander: You did what?
General Anthony: We then remotely controlled those same trucks to drive directly into the base of the wall segments our engineers determined that if damaged would trigger a structural collapse of the entire-
High Commander: YOU DID WHAT?!
General Anthony: These interruptions are quite tiresome now.
Taskmaster Folgar: Do you have any idea the violations of war you have committed?
High Commander: You will be stripped of your rank for such actions!
General Anthony: And what of you then, High Commander?
High Commander: Me?
General Anthony: When you gave me the order to relieve the Taskmaster you told me that you wanted Merina captured by any means necessary.
General Anthony: (Emphasizing) “By any means necessary”.
General Anthony: I followed your orders to the letter and captured the world; so it is you yourself that has ordered any such violations.
High Commander: Do not think you can twist my words to get yourself out of-
General Anthony: (cuts in) Primary C, would you not state that my actions were the most efficient method to bring about the end of a costly conflict?
Primary C: (Silent as it calculates) 
Primary C: While removing the organic factor of “honor” and “morality”, I compute that your actions did resolve the matter of Merina without further losses to manpower and resources.
General Anthony: And taskmaster, dear taskmaster; when you spent over a year attempting to crack the planets defenses how many of your men did you lose?
Taskmaster Folgar: That is not the-
General Anthony: How. Many?
Taskmaster Folgar: (Remains silent)
General Anthony: That is what I thought.
General Anthony: (Turns to address High Commander) You cannot give me an order and ask it be completed by any means necessary and not expect me to follow your instructions to the letter.
High Commander: Do you not have a soul?
High Commander: Do you feel nothing for those you sent to their deaths?
General Anthony: Such is the nature of all those who hold positions of power.
General Anthony: But if you must know I was the one who escorted the prisoners to the trucks myself, and they were quite enthusiastic about it.
High Commander: What?
General Anthony: Yes. I told them that they were going home and they hopped right in.
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kit-williams · 1 month
Anrir Husbandry
Husbandry tags: @egrets-not-regrets @liar-anubiass-blog @barn-anon @bleedingichorhearts @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
@ms--lobotomy @nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @the-raven-lady
Edit: forgot to thank @justahuman1757 for help with some of the translations and other help
Song on repeat: Cradles by Sub Urban (also most of the remixes for this SLAP)
tw: smut, yandere, obsessive behavior, manipulation
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Anrir cooed at the little human in his arms finishing up singing them back to sleep знішчыць.... знішчыць... His voice carried low and softly. It was naptime... they needed to sleep as it was good for them of course they didn't seem to realize that. His long back hair was tied back into a slightly messy bun as his nearly completely black eyes dart around the pastel colored room just looking for anything wrong. His Dragă wanted to work with children in childcare and perhaps it took a couple of years to get here since he had first found her.
She was so much happier since he had first found her... happy about their bond... no more worry in her eyes... no more stress making her hands tremble or her loosing sleep... no more worrying about her next meal or if her car were to break... no more crying... well no more senseless crying. He puts the child down looking around at the sleeping forms but he cant help but grin as this really was all possible because of him, Anrir purrs softly at the satisfaction of how well he has done his job... and how he has covered his trail...
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5 years prior
Anrir was a drifter... he drifted around as he had yet to find his own bonded, which given how some legions seemed to be more inclined to get a bond; with Night Lords being one of the ones with very few "feral" Astartes it was only a matter of time before Anrir would find his. But Anrir in all definitions was a feral Astartes having been unbonded since he arrived forty years ago. However, it was fine as Anrir hadn't spent that time just moping about he spent a majority of his time politicking and reuniting with other Terran Night Lords long dead and of course reuniting with those who were under his knife when they were aspirants and scouts which he affectionately called them his kids.
He was also using this time to take a break, a forced break, from running his warband; not that he could run it right now anyway. But he would mull over plans for when he returned back to his time period... if he did was another thought. His eyes moved up to the sky as he could smell the water gathering in the air. Which meant that the group he was with would start a debate on if they were going to settle down or continue on despite the weather. He did not care too much and decided to wander off to look around at where they were.
He walked out of the tree covering that the group was skulking through as he looked at the abandoned parking lot he had walked out into. It was rotting away neglected and abandoned as the painted lines were faded and practically gone, the pavement was cracked with plants growing through cracks; with the asphalt under his feet turning to gravel as plants come to reclaim this section of human infrastructure. And Anrir... he savored this reclamation of nature and decay of it all. Compared to the prison pit he was born into on the other side of the globe; he had already made his pilgrimage to the eventual site of his birth... a town full of people whose existence was never known as a great chasm of the guilty was there.
But that dark pit in the ground was not there now... there were no babies being born in that dark hellhole... his neck tattoo had a phantom itch as he is reminded why it was put on his neck... as he is reminded that at some point he was truly innocent... he is reminded of the hand gently petting his head... the soft voice cooing at him telling him how brave he was being... as he remembers having tears in his eyes as the ink is shoved into his skin... he gently starts to suffocate the memories of a child long gone and a woman paradoxically long dead and yet had yet to be born. His eyes flick to the far side of the quiet parking lot as a car just sits in the dark. The only other thing in this lot, far from the flickering road light... he could hear the annoying buzz of the light as it flickered... the flick... flick... flick... as it finally goes out. He moves with soft steps towards the vehicle as the summer insects scream their sonorous songs it was almost overstimulating for some of his brothers with how alive this planet felt with no foe to focus down on. Anrir felt his gums itch like he craved an oral inhalant and the way the hair on the back of his neck rose as he wandered closer not giving into the craving.
Anrir had seen many homeless humans both back in his own time and here. His eyes looked through the windows of the car seeing how it was lived in, he could hear the soft breathing akin to how someone was asleep... the slow beat of a heart was barely audible to him as the insects continued to scream their songs. There was nothing special about what he saw as it was a baseline female just buried under an assortment of clothes, a towel, a jacket, and some blanket... a bucket with a strainer lid to collect the impending rain... he chuckled at the cleverness but he understood the need to just survive. He turned to walk back to the others but something rooted him in place. He could practically taste the misery mixing with the rain. His throat tightened as it silently moved in foreign ways but he knew what he was trying to do... to mimic the noises they make at humans.
He lets out a dark chuckle as they were right... it really was something that he would know when it happened. Worry soon festered in his gut as his eyes roamed over her vehicle and while he hardly knew about how it worked he could see the signs of disrepair. His nose wrinkled for a moment as he unclipped his helmet from his hip, slipping it over his head as the rain finally let loose. He listened to the rain slap against the metal roof of the car, the way she moved inside her comfortable cocoon for a moment, and the way water was gathering in the bucket... Anrir had to do something.
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You did your best to ignore the Night Lord that was hanging around. Affectionate bastards you were told as you remember those videos of just them being friendly. You shiver at the memory of that one gang member who thought he was so big... being homeless you quickly learned how sleeping near warbands meant that you had to ignore certain things... certain sounds especially at night. Astartes always scared you... you couldn't point to any incident that had happened involving them just that you got bad feelings from them... a certain type of dread. So it wasn't exactly like a fear of dogs but the way they looked and acted they were so human... why were they here... you make yourself look smaller as the Night Lord with what looked like a metal spider on his back sat next to you.
You hear him coo and trill at you trying to get your attention, his head tilting slightly as you could hear the slightly distorted trill to his voice from his helmet, and you did your best to ignore him. Eventually he did leave you alone and you had hoped that would be the last you saw him. But, every day for the next week he kept finding you... he would click and coo at you beckoning you closer with those armored claws of his. It was the last day in the week that you broke and approached him as you chose to fill your car with gas over eating and he had shown up with food. You feel tears gather with each bite as he trills down at you and you feel him hold you close... you hear his purr... you've seen this display online it was a bonding display. You do your best to not choak on the hot food as you can feel tears gather in the corner of your eyes, really the last thing you want is an Astartes bonding to you.
You feel the Astartis petting your head as you eat, trilling at you and you're certain if he wasn't in armor he would be purring. When you look up at him miserably he coos at you trying to sooth the clear distress you were in. His hands flexing each time you try to pull away from him, "You don't want me to be your bonded buddy," You finally speak up and that just breaks something in you and you feel those heavy tears roll down your cheeks even as you try to use the heel of your palm to rub your eyes clean they still fall, "I can't give you anything." Your voice cracks as you admit that.
Anrir sat there silently as you tried to reject the bond… he could feel it fraying at the edges like a lighter had been taken to it. But Anrir was calm even as his entire existence seemed to reel on its axis as you try to push it away. Your voice cracking gave way to the tears that ran down your face, his black eyes darting over your face as baselines crying was familiar to him given what he was but it felt so different… so wrong. Why are you letting her cry Anrir? A soft voice in the back of his mind seems to say. He could feel it fray more and more… but Anrir was aware that when a bond frays… it never attaches back normally. There was also a small high for him as would this be how he tasted death? Not after millennia of being alive just some mortal woman would be the death of him? He would have laughed if it actually broke but he pulled her against him and you did not make the effort to pull away… and so the bond repairs wrong. He did not need anything from you except you. 
How you lean against him trying to hide away. So he was okay if you couldn’t give him anything now. He didn’t expect you to give him anything in the first place… but a wicked thought plants itself in his mind. Perhaps it was old fashioned… after all he watched the radical social changes in a mere 40 years and yet like always the Astartes remained unchanged. But… why couldn’t he provide for you? Anrir was a capable Astartes and he did not survive this long by chance but memories flicker by of how generous others were towards their humans. He grinned darkly as he could recognize the signs now… oh… he had intensely bonded to you… he had read the manuals and grimoires both in person and on the noosphere… he had helped write some of those too… so he knew what to look for in terms of side effects and was filing away mental notes about his deviances. And as much as he wanted to act on those feelings Anrir was patient, he was an Apothacarion after all, and his Dragă needed to be taken care of. He purrs and chirps at her to calm her down and gets her to finish her meal.
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Thrones, credits, souls, cash… it was annoying dealing with baselines as most societies revolved around needing a good or currency for things and this was not their reality or time period where refusing an Astartes was suicidal. He noted his lack of desire to skin the man yelling at his Dragă to get him to stop “loitering”. But he, like most Astartes, relied on each other and the complex network and ecosystem they built like a parasite on the infrastructure of what was already there or was it the other way around? The Iron Warriors and Imperial Fists would say they laid out efficient infrastructure… but he found resources; since it was no longer allowed to simply take humans as serfs anymore and just have them live in a base full time… not that the Night Lords had one yet. It would be a few more years till the base was operational and that would be a mustering point for most Night Lords in the area. But Anrir noted how jumpy his precious Dragă got at the idea of getting help from Salamanders or staying in a shelter; he was fine with her choice. He wrinkled his nose as her car was falling apart and he couldn’t fit in it and him being a Night Lord did not help his goal of getting money. However, Anrir had a long reputation having worked in the Consortium with Bile too being a prominent figure in his legion’s hierarchy, no matter how much he tried to stay out of the politicking, so when the Alpharii approached him he wasn’t too surprised. 
There were treaties and edicts that any Astartes had to agree to if they wanted to stay near the humans. Besides the obvious of not killing any humans; which before Anrir was bonded was a surprisingly hard ask, but they were not allowed to mettle with them. Technology was to be kept away from them at all costs, no extending their life spans, no augmetics beyond simple necessary prosthetics, and a few others. It all made sense as it was clear they were not ready at all for the horrors of the wider galaxy… no they would not play a hand into accidentally smothering humanity in the cradle because they helped them reach the stars earlier than they were ready for. But just like how human killers existed… and Night Lord trafficker Hunts happened… there was always some bending and breaking of these rules.
The Alpharii couldn’t help mettle in the affairs of the baselines, it was their legion’s expertise, they were information brokers and information hiders… they modified records to hide the sudden birth of a child from a woman and a Astartes… to all the way of covering up when forbidden technology falls into the hands of baselines and there needs to be a raid. They had their fingers in many pies as the saying goes… and Anrir could not play the moral high ground for their request. They weren’t supposed to extend the baselines lives… there was the crude method of giving them a transfusion of Astartes blood and hope they survive all the way to getting the chemicals and components needed for rejuvenation treatments. The latter took time to get what they needed as they could only synthesis so much being limited to what was only on this one planet; and it was hard to keep the Iron Hands from getting eager in “helping” them be able to colonize the Sol system. 
But… Anrir looked down at the old corrupt man. Such greedy creatures humans could be and Anrir could never be like his kin who were able to see themselves as being above humanity… Anrir was far too aware of his own humanity and also his own lack of humanity too. “How do I know it will work?” The old man interrupts Anrir’s explanation of what he will be doing in transplanting his heart, “You could be some… con artist.” He says with malice in his frail voice.
Anrir never liked nobles… and he was always surprised at how… self important they could be. His smooth voice answers the question before one of the Alpharii can speak, “My reputation,” He had asked the Alpharii before this and he was not bonded to any of them… he was very much a pawn that the Alpharii weren’t ready to loose yet, “your… companions wouldn’t have gotten me if they doubted my skills. The heart is made for you so there is no chance of rejection.” He says truthfully as it was child's play growing the organ for him.
Anrir voxes one of the Alpharii, “As for my payment for this?” He hisses letting his displeasure bleed through as how dare he speak to Anrir in such a way.
“Everything is set up in ways that won��t tip off the government officials to the sudden influx of wealth. And conveniently set up so that if you choose to help us again…” 
Anrir waved his armored hand over his shoulder as his medical mechadendrites unfolded like a spider on his back, “Yes yes you lot have me for several surgeries,” He goes through the process of setting everything for fine movements and working on humans, “But please be aware should anything go wrong in the payments that I can be quite spiteful.” He threatens and enjoys the place of power he is able to come from given how specialists are in such short supplies here and he is certain there is only one other Consortium member on the planet… he knows his expertise is invaluable he is certain he is on many lists to be kept alive.
“Of course Anrir.” Is all one says and that was good enough as Anrir headed into the prepared room.
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You were happy that Anrir returned as he did keep you safe and maybe you were feeling those good vibes that people always say they get around Astartes. But now? You looked at what was holding out to you with apprehension. You’re sure that it was a thousand dollars in his hand and you felt hesitant to take it from him as no one just gives people money and not expecting something back… your spine crawls at a memory… He just sighs looking at you passively and perhaps a little annoyed, “Dragă. Go get your car looked at and get it fixed.” He says and you take the money from him as your AC had died and you’re certain that also meant your heating was gone… “Unless,” Your eyes returned to his face as your eyes picked up the bit of white at the roots of his sideburns, “You want to get a bigger vehicle?”
“But I can’t-” You start.
“Don’t worry about money for a second Dragă.” He says putting his hands on your shoulders.
You squirm under his gaze as you considered rejecting it as Anrir gave you such feelings that there was something else he was after… then again you never felt truly comfortable around Astartes… always a lingering sense of dread but… “Maybe… maybe we get something you can fit in as well. Wouldn’t that be nice?” You say softly as you’re certain those cars are far beyond what you can afford and from what you heard basically never break down. 
You hold your breath for a moment as Anrir cups your face, you could hear him trill at you, as he grinned down at you with a smile that you’re certain the devil himself would envy, “What a thoughtful Dragă.” Was all he cooed at you.
After that, with much fussing from him, he made you use the money to stay in a motel for a week and you don’t remember when the last time you ate so much food. Anrir in the meanwhile took care of things. You were torn on letting him do such as wasn’t this the reason you had a fallout with your family? Your hands shake at the memories… he ruined your life. Yet while you’re certain Anrir is doing the same thing… it feels different. Anrir only suggested what you use the money for never using it to tell you what to do… Anrir confused you but you took comfort in the thought that he wanted something from you that he could get at your absolute lowest… everyone says bonds are precious things so maybe you should trust him more.
Anrir makes sure he always has enough money on him as he was making sure that there was a positive association in your mind that he was able to provide for you. The fuss you made when he got the car customized so that you could live out of it as long as you wanted, he hopped it wouldn’t be much longer, but it was your choice and all he could do was nudge his Dragă. The excitement he felt rush up his spine when he heard you say “Anrir” in a specific tone… a tone he associated with his Dragă needing something… Dragă needed him to provide. Sometimes you were like a skittish animal only staying for the exchange but sometimes you lingered like an animal and he could get what he wanted from you too. He felt that dopamine rush as you tolerated his touches, the joy he felt when you let him cup your face, how loudly he purred as you let him nuzzle you, petting your head, or rubbing your back. He could still see the hesitation in your eyes… he could tell you weren’t as (warp blind) (bond blind) as other humans were and Anrir is fine with that in fact it made this all the more enjoyable for him.
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Winter always comes too soon and once again Anrir brings up places you can stay over the colder months and as hard as you try you still can’t get rid of the feelings that if you acquiesce he will want something. Anrir himself is disappointed that you wont ask him for much more; he does use winter to get something he does want. He finally gets to hold you for as long as he wants, usually your whole sleep cycle. He’s slept in far worse spots and just being a little cramped is hardly anywhere near the list of worst rests he has had. He purrs loudly as you’re glued to his side or his chest at night. Cooing to you as you drift off each night with a full belly in his arms. Its hard not to drift off with how he purrs and the rhythmic beating of his twin hearts… this feels like it’s going to be an easy winter for once so of course you get sick as a dog.
“Poor Dragă.” Anrir’s voice breaks you through your sick haze as the chills don’t help but Anrir being so warm helps. “I know you won’t like this suggestion but as a health specialist I do recommend that perhaps it is time for you to live inside more regularly again?” You can barely hear the quiet engine over the Heater going, Anrir not allowing you to fuss about anything right now once more saying he had it under control, “Arata mizerabil... (Miserable looking…)” He says in Nostroman letting his tongue click as you bury yourself closer to his chest, feeling those ports dig into your skin, “At least something temporary, yes?” He says sounding a little worried, “Wouldn’t that be nice? A temporary place to stay till you find what you want to do?”
“Daycare.” You croak out.
“Hmm?” Anrir looks down at you cocking his head to the side surprised you answered him. 
“I want to take care of kids. I like taking care of kids. Don’t know why… so I want to start a daycare.” You say but you soon get weepy, “But who is going to let me do that. Look at me! I’m living in my car running away from my family and I can’t -” You stop your distressed rant as you cough and your nose plugs up again making it hard for you to breath and you can’t help but squirm in Anrir’s grip.
“Shh Dragă, I’ll take care of  you.” Anrir says softly a uncharacteristic gentleness in his voice you weren’t expecting from a Night Lord, “You don’t need to worry anymore, Dragă.” Again it’s a soft and warmth to his voice you didn’t know he could have, “Do you trust me?” He asks in a tone you have trouble reading. 
Bonds are supposed to be good things… that’s what everyone says… you have a companion for life… and you can tell that they get so much out of what we give them as they were clearly made for something far more violent. But… did you trust Anrir. No… you did not trust him as that feeling never goes away… “What do you want Anrir?” You finally say after a minute of silence.
“You, Dragă.” Anrir says quickly breathlessly.
Again you lay there silently thinking… you didn’t know what he wanted… was it really just being with you? You’ve been with him for months at this point and you couldn’t figure out what he wanted. You did research on bonds from what little you could find and everything kept coming back to just wanting to keep their bonded alive and safe. You were scared to let someone in your safe little world but you were so tired of keeping everything so tight to your chest. Maybe it was because you were sick but you nod and let out a heavy sigh softly saying, “I trust you Anrir.”
His reaction was immediate as he pressed his cheek to yours and you could feel the purring in your teeth as it was so loud, your finger bones felt like they were vibrating, but you didn’t feel the quick kisses that he leaves on your skin. You whimper at the sudden affection. It was anrir’s quirk as he was odd with his affection as whenever you would seek him out for affection he would smother you in his affection but you were okay with it because it was on your terms… your gut wouldn’t stop at the feeling that sometimes it was on his terms luring you in… He presses a kiss to your forehead trilling, his accent thick, “I don’t want you to worry any more my Dragă. I will take care of everything.” His black eyes seem to glitter in delight as he makes his declaration. And you just let go of that tension a bit more.
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You don’t know how Anrir found this place, it had a horribly short lease but you knew that it was just to get you out of the weather… you’re certain this place wasn’t built for Astartes in mind so usually that meant they weren’t allowed. You guessed that the landlord looked the other way if said Astartes was paying in cash. It was small and cramped... but it was warm and you could store more than just a bit of food. You were sitting in the tub as Anrir sat on the side shirtless as his hands were massaging shampoo into your hair. You didn't need help with your hair but that didn't stop you from leaning into his hands as he helped you feel clean.
Anrir chuckled at your gentle groaning and moaning as it was clear you were enjoying yourself. He enjoyed helping you feel this way helping you clean and take care of you in this small way... he shivered as he was cleaning his Dragă... he wrapped his Dragă in a nice fluffy towel... he carried his Dragă to the bedroom and savored the laugh that left your mouth as he just tossed you onto the bed with a bounce.
You just laid there, eyes closed, enjoying yourself... sure there was only one bed which was fine as you had spent most of the winter snuggling up to Anrir in the car, it was not the most comfortable mattress in the world... the apartment was quiet...no it was never quiet not with the thin walls... but Anrir was quiet. You became aware of how you were just laying naked on the bed... alarms were going off in your head as you feel his smooth hands run over your knees, feeling his thumbs push into the side as he spreads your legs open slowly. This wasn't normal... and yet this felt like what everything was building up too... but you were always told that bonds were selfless things, right?
Your skin trembles as his hands move over your drying flesh, your breathing shivers, you can feel the bed shift as Anrir climbs onto it. Your throat bobs as you swallow the nervous energy but your eyes open as you feel the bare skin of his legs as he had divested himself of his pants. Anrir's silent still as he presses his scarred lips against your cheek, his body leaning over yours as he settles between your legs, and you feel his hand move to your chin to slowly turn you to meet him. His lips dragging against your flesh as the scarred flesh presses against your own lips. You were close enough that you could tell that his eyes were not fully black... you could see the dark blue of his iris darting with micromovements as he took in your face. But, you could see the predator in his eyes... but it was something more the term hyper-predator comes to mind because what monsters would someone like Anrir need to hunt?
Anrir presses his mouth to yours more and you close your eyes allowing the kiss to deepen. Anrir had been nothing but good to you... but you worry... would he use this against you? You desperately hope that he wouldn't. "Mina..." His voice rumbles like thunder as his hands drag across your flesh in a way that feels dominant and possessive. You can't stop the shuddering moan that leaves your mouth as his mouth moves against the front of your neck, licking the way your throat moves in its swallowing motion. "Toate ale mele… (All mine...)" He says whispering to you in a language that you don't know, "Fiecare parte din tine… toată a mea… trupul și sufletul tău. (Every part of you... all mine... your body and your soul.)" He says again as Anrir presses his cock against your entrance. His mouth continuing its worship of your neck and chin as you open your eyes slightly and just watch Anrir with lidded eyes. He cups your face as his tongue presses hard on your lower lip before pushing his tongue back into your mouth just kissing you hard.
You knew you had fringe thoughts about Astartes... Anrir was just proving to you one thing... that they were far too human to ignore. Far too human and far too predatory... you could never get that feel good emotion from Anrir... from any Astartes really. They were all predators... they were man made monsters made to fight monsters that you didn't know would exist beyond the silver screen of Hollywood or the writings of horror writers. He pulls his mouth away trilling at you and pausing when he sees the look on your face. You were looking at a predator looking at prey a malicious looking thing that tried to play the part of a friendly thing... a wolf playing the role of a dog. "Anrir."
"Yes Dragă." He says as a hand cups your face.
"What do you want?" You again ask... because... you don't think he's lying about the bond but this wasn't normal? You felt everything rushing anxiously to a point.
"You, Dragă." He says devotedly.
You were tired... so tired of being on your own for years before Anrir came. Oh how much Anrir had helped beyond just the money he gave you and the food... just being here... even if it was wrong... even if... you were so tired. You pull Anrir into a kiss as you didn't want to think anymore! You didn't want to worry any more... you whimper as Anrir just purrs loudly as you decide to let Anrir take care of it... take care of you... just for today you tell yourself as you melt into the embrace.
You feel the slight discomforting sensation of your walls spreading open as his cock slowly pushes in. When it becomes too much your hand or foot pushes against his chest which makes him stop till your brow stops furrowing and you for him to continue. This continues until his hips are flush with yours and Anrir hisses in delight, "Atât de strâns atât de bine cu mine… draga mea… a mea. (So tight so good to me... my dear... mine.)" You once more don't understand him but you decide to not worry about it as he starts moving. Your thighs burn slightly at the stretch to have them spread open wide for Anrir to thrust into you. Your eyes close as you focus on the feeling and enjoy that he doesn't ask you to look at him but that doesn't stop him from talking, "Mă simți fată frumoasă? (Do you feel me pretty girl?)" He trills in that unknown tongue, "Te concentrezi pe penisul meu din interiorul tău? (Are you focused on my cock inside of you?)" He asks something else perhaps not realizing or caring that you don't understand him.
He picks up the pace as he pants down at you and you just yowl and moan in pleasure. Porn making everything feel so fake when real sex sounds so unsexy at times but you had no need to make things sound sexy or be perfect. You could hear Anrir chuckle at an unflattering noise you make as he slams his hips into yours again making you repeat it. Eventually things feel tighter and more anxious as Anrir tilts you slightly so his cock pushes into you at a downward angle and you just laugh at the unflattering squeak and squawk that you make. Anrir laughs with you at all those weird and all those distinctively you vocalizations but you just don't care as no one is telling you that you're being unappealing... you throw your head back and arch up as you earned the right to not worry. You moan loudly moaning his name as you feel so good! You earned this reward! You deserve this... you deserve to just let go... you orgasm with little fan fair... just a simple gasp.
You feel so good... everything feels so good as Anrir continues to chase his release, the feeling of a bed against your back, the fuzzy climbdown from an orgasm, the oily drop of sweat from Anrir that lands on your shoulder, and the comforting stutter from him that stutter causes you to open your eyes to watch his brow furrow and you watch how surprisingly expressive he gets as he cums.
The apartment is mostly quiet... as quiet as you can get with thin walls... you lay there with him not thinking about anything... not thinking as you feel his cock softening against your inner thigh. He lets out a loud breath as he lays back in bed in his spot as you meanwhile are pushing away the worry about the consequences of sleeping with Anrir. You cuddle against his side, his arm wrapping around you, you feel the cum ooze out of you ... you're still tired of thinking... you're so tired of it... so tired of worrying why and what Anrir was doing for money... You put your head against his chest over his hearts ignoring the discomfort of the ports against your face... you just listen to the way his hearts beat.
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Present day
You were in a much better spot than when you were a couple of years ago... you actually came into money, no it wasn't a rich distant relative dying but it was another person you had camped with when you were homeless. They had actually won the lottery and were being smart with it, which you think was more so their Ultramarine had helped in making smart choices. Though you had your suspicions... the Alpharii... a few seem to come by every few months some to coo at the kids, eager to find a bonded, and some to talk with Anrir as you watched them take containers from your home. But being given money you sudden just kept finding yourself with more money and it was stupid how much money you got after investing some of it... you didn't want to question it and Anrir was very good at distracting you.
Oh speaking of Anrir... he got you so many gifts. He would still give you random bouts of cash but he was finally acting more and more like how a bonded Astartis is supposed to act. You also were seeing how talented he was with his hands as besides his occupation you discovered his macabre hobby that all Night Lords seem to have... bone scrimshawing and taxidermy. You could point out all the time that he acted like a normal bonded Astartis and yet at the same time... how many gestures were more. You got outfits, jewelry, wines, your current house, and hell even your job you know he had a hand in financing... it spiraled out of control with his gifts that your friends noticed and asked who your 'sugar daddy' was or rather if he had any friends.
You smile warmly and wave goodbye as the last child finally gets picked up. You head back inside letting out a soft exhale and start picking up the room not getting very far into cleaning up when Anrir wraps his arms around you and purrs into your shoulder... purring into where he tattooed you years ago. You feel him give a playful tug onto the choker collar that he made for you, expensive thing and you know he liked you wearing it. You were lucky that no one asked you what Anrir was... everyone just assumed he was a Raven Guard...
"I can smell your worry Dragă." He says nipping your earlobe.
"I'm just tired Anrir."
"Then lets go home." He kisses your cheek.
"But I have stuff to pick up-"
"And this is why we hire others to clean," He says gentle cocking his head to the side, "You're worried about something." Anrir takes the toy from your hands as you pick at the seams.
You let out a heavy sigh bringing your thumb to your lips, "I'm just scared everything is about to go wrong." Anrir takes your hand to stop you from biting your nails.
"And if it does... I will take care of it." Anrir says with such certainty and authority that makes you believe him.
The breath in your chest you let out with a heavy sigh, "Okay." You nod.
He tugs on your choker bringing you close for a kiss as he trills softly, "I will always take care of you my frumoasă dragă (beautiful darling)." And you chose to believe it.
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Day 4
I do not believe in luck. It is not something my species is familiar with. We believe in science and logic. I was not even aware of the concept of luck or faith until I left the planet my species populates. So I do not  believe that it was a coincidence when during this cycle, the human was assigned to work with me. I did not see the Terran during my cyclic meal intake, and was immediately called into the main machinery room without a sight of it.
The Vitrichl appeared shortly after with the human in tow. Vitrichl eludicated that the human had proved to be a skillful worker and was now officially assigned to my unit unless the Vitrichl explicitly stated otherwise.Vitrichl left to attend his other duties, leaving me with the human.
I turned to the control panels covering the walls, and speaking into a small microphone, I introduced the Terran to the machine. "This is human Quinn. It is officially part of my unit and will assist me." 
"It‘s 'she', mate.", the human corrected. "Excuse me?", I asked, careful not to be impolite. "She. My prounous are 'she‘, not 'it'.", she explained. "I apologize. I did not mean to upset you." "It‘s alright, mate. I‘m not upset, just correcting you for future reference.“ "Thank you", I decided on the safest route.
"So, a mechanic as well? Cool.", she folded her fingers into her hand and extended it to me. I was not confident how I was supposed to respond to this gesture, so I once again, did nothing. Eventually, she retracted her hand and let it disappear into a fold in her clothing which appeared to be a pocket. 
Clothing, I noted. Not many members of the crew of the SIIR Noxos wore clothing on a regular basis, apart from their space suits. This obviously raised even more questions: Why did she wear clothing? Was it out of religious or cultural reasons? Out of personal comfort? Did all Terrans wear clothes or was she a special case? Did specific clothing symbolise specific things? These are all questions I hope I will be able to find out the answer to one day.
"Soo, like…what am I supposed to do around here? Do I have like, a specific task or…? Cap didn‘t mention anything." Cap. That was a word the translating device wasn‘t able to translate. "Cap?", I questioned further. Her face muscles contracted in a manner that made the patches of hair above her visual organs move closer to each other and the skin above them fold.
"The captain?", she said. "Of course, I apologize. The translating device did not recognize that word. I call him Vitrichl."
"Oh, is that his name? He didn‘t say anything." "No", I reassured. "It is simply the word "Captain" in my species‘ language." "Ah okay…", she said. "Well, what about my task?" "Of course.", I assigned her a simple task, showing her where to work and what to do. We then continued to work in silence. I did not object, because it gave me plenty of time to observe the human.
Humans, or at least this one, seemed to have rather random patches of hair on their head. Attached to the protective skin over their eyes, in a line above the eyes and on the top of the head. In human Quinn‘s case, it grew down, barely reaching her chest and was of a deep brown colour, just like her eyes. 
The muscles in her face never seemed to stay still, always contracting or smoothing while she worked. It was probable that facial expressions played a big part in human communication.
She still stood on two legs, upright and used both of her arms to work. For some inexplicable reason, she usually held a piece of technology or something similar in only one hand, but seemed to keep switching sides in a rather random matter.
I‘d have to ask her about it, but it did not seem like an appropriate time.
After working for some time and me continuously observing her, she set down her equipment and spoke: "Y’know, you‘re probably not aware of this, but humans consider staring rude." She turned around on her feet and faced me, seemingly watching me process this information. I quickly responded, careful not to irritate her further after having done something so insensitive. "I apologize. I was not aware of humans‘ stance on this behaviour and it was not my intention to be rude or make you uncomfortable. If I may ask, though, I have been watching you for some time now and I did not notice you ever turn around to face me until now. How were you aware I was watching you?" 
"Well, I could just kind of…feel it. I sensed your gaze in my back. Kind of like a sixth sense, you could probably say." I blinked. Sensed my gaze? Sixth sense? What were the other five then? 
I voiced these questions: "What do you mean you sensed it?" 
"Well, I just kind of had this feeling of someone watching me. Don‘t you ever get that feeling?" Flabbergasted, I said no.
She raised and lowered the part where her arms and chest joined once again, similar to the gesture she offered on the second day. "Well, I guess it just must be a human thing." "I suppose", I agreed, and with that, she turned back to the control panel she was commanding and we continued to work in silence, although now I was keenly aware of my every move and careful not to let my gaze linger on the Terran for too long.
She left before I did, apparently to take in another of her daily meals (something that was not necessary for my species). Soon, the cycle was already over before I encountered the human again.
I have made great progress during this cycle and I believe that if the human continues to work in my environment, it will be easier for me to discover more information about humans. 
Perhaps that is why the Vitrichl put the human into my section. Perhaps this was his plan all along. But I do not draw conclusions. I simply propose theories.
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plantmommyposadist · 1 month
My new story in the HDG setting is now available on my AO3.
Based on an idea I had on vacation it's about Adrienne Miller, an independent Terran who is getting ready for a date with her friend who just so happens to be an Affini. Just one problem though, she has forgotten to take her Class-C inhibitors. Surely it will be fine, right? What could possibly go wrong?
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ms--lobotomy · 5 months
can I request the primarchs with reader that just has a soft and beautiful voice and often sings to them and the legion on occasions?
Here to flex the new dividers @squishyowl made! Here's Lorgar. (Also thanks @chaot-c and @undeaddream for justifying my silly idea for the song reader hums)
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Summary: You sing Lorgar an ancient Terran hymn.
Content Warnings: Nothing I can think of? Show your parents this one if you like.
Image Credit: !!!
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It wasn't often that he had to sleep, but here he was, hands on the back of his neck. His eyes were half-open, the gold of his irises strikingly bright against his honey-brown skin. You traced the tattoos on his face, your fingers soft against his skin. Your eyes were also half-open, focused on him. And you were idly humming a song, something from Terra that you had on your mind.
"What are you singing?" he asked. His lips were slightly upturned, his eyes lighting up yet his voice groggy.
"Oh," you said, your hand trailing down to his collarbone. "It's... it's just something I learned from Terra. Is it bothering you?"
He let out a chuckle, one that made your hand shift a little, and you felt the tenseness in your shoulders relax. "Actually, I think the opposite," he replied. "You have quite the sonorous voice. I'd like to hear more, if you would give me the honor."
You felt red-hot blood rush to your face. You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. As you closed it, he let out another little laugh. "You don't have to, I just think you sound lovely."
You felt his eyes on you, and you smiled at him. Your hand trailed to his chest, tracing his tattoos there. "Well..." you started. "It was an important song on Ancient Terra... oh, second or third millennium? It's a lot different than what's in vogue today, but I think you might like it."
"What is it called?" he asked, perking up.
"I'm not sure," you replied. "We don't have a title or a name associated with it. It's a wonder that it survived the Long Night, honestly. But I'm glad it did."
"Well, please don't keep me waiting," he said, his face giving way to a gentle smile.
"Okay. Here goes." You inhaled and exhaled, feeling the air go through your lungs. You knew that laying down wasn't an optimal position to sing in, but laying next to your lover was more important. You shifted in your bed. This was a head voice song, for sure, but it never hurt to get better airflow. Finally, you were ready to start.
"With the taste of your lips I'm on a ride..."
You were focused on singing, but Lorgar was focused on you. His eyes were directed towards your lips, moving vigorously with each syllable. He listened like your words were a lifeline; he hung onto every word like it was the last he would ever hear. By the last chorus, he knew the words well enough to sing it with you.
"With the taste of your lips I'm on a ride..." "You're toxic, I'm slipping under"
When the song was done, you let out a nervous laugh. "I hope you liked it," you said, brushing a lock of hair behind your ear.
"If it came from your lips, of course I loved it," he replied, grabbing your waist and pulling you close. He was warm against you, and you could hear the beating of his multiple hearts against your ear. You wanted to say something to him, but you instead melted in his arms. He ran his hands along your back, ruffling the fabric of your nightclothes. You let out a little sound as you adjusted yourself.
"There's nobody I'd rather fall asleep to," he cooed, finally closing his eyes.
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silvcrignis · 2 years
"Pfffft. Mum? A back door virgin? Yeah you're from a different universe alright." -Terran Jonathan Rickman (A war criminal)
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Hi, is it okay to request in Transformers Earthspark?
so since we have a twin sister for TFA Elita-1, is it okay to have a twin sister for TFE Elita-1?
Buddy as the TFE Elita's twin sis.
TFE Elita's twin sis has the different/opposite of Elita, like Buddy's meek/shy, pacifist (yet has passive-aggressiveness), nurse, and/or mom friend. Or similar to Disney Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
"Buddy" is not their original name, used to be named "A-2 or E-2".
With Optimus (Orion Pax), Megatron(us or D-16), and Elita (Ariel) from their Pre-war times. You can put romance if you like
You can add this idea/s if you like:
takes place on pre-war Cybertron
TFE Elita's twin becomes techno-organic (like TFA Elita's (twin) ), or something else that is somehow related to Quintus Prime (something like, Quintus left his homeworld, using his Emberstone to seed life across the galaxy. Let's say there's an unknown/undiscovered planet related to Quintus Prime, and somehow Elita's twin landed/crashed/stranded on this planet), or not
then something happens to Elita's twin, became a missing/'dead' bot, she lost contact with her sis and friends and/or Cybertron. Later, she's found by the Decepticons, and she joins the cons, still has the same personality, also she didn't know there's a Bots Vs. Cons war happen before her missing
become a missing con, again, during the (nearly end) war on Earth, and only Megatron knows about it (ex. He and Elita's twin had a secret meet and he somehow found a stasis pod and hid her (in Witwicky near the Terran cave), or other ideas of your own)
And I'm stopping here for now since this long request, i'm putting the part two of this, and I'm so sorry if it's too much/been making too many requests
Thank you so much and also stay safe and healthy!
This... this is good.
A chance on writing Elita Ones's twin sister in a different way?
Count me in!
Friendly reminder this has nothing to do with TFA twin sister
Hope you enjoy!
Elita One's twin sister pre war backstory
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Mention of injury, Angst, Cybertronain reader
Buddy and Elita were the best of sisters.
But they weren’t always known as Buddy or Elita One.
Before the war, Elita One was known as Ariel.
Buddy’s original name was E-2.
Ariel was the more outgoing twin who always tried to get her twin to go outside of her comfort zone and to make more friends.
E-2 on the other hand was much quieter than Ariel, still held a strong presence with her.
Ariel was the one who introduced her to Orion Pax and D-16.
“E, this is Orion and D-16. Guys this is my twin E-2.”--Ariel
Orion waves at E-2 with a warm smile on his face.
E-2, who was partially hiding behind Ariel, waves back shyly.
Ariel gently pushes her forward at D-16.
D-16 smiles at E-2.
E-2 smiles back.
Ariel swings both of her arms around them all.
“I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.”--Airel
E-2 gives them all a shy smile.
The four of them were a nearly inseparable group.
Orion and E-2 got along well, looking after Airel and D-16.
The two often had data pads they exchanged every other cycle and little chat about what they were about.
They were also the second voice of reason for Ariel and D-16 when they thought of activities or thoughts.
Ariel and D-16 looking at the tall drop off towers.
“I wonder what would happen if we went up there…”--Airel
“And what if we jumped off?”—D-16
“And just hear us out, we DON’T jump off of the building, hmm?”—E-2
“We’ll be fine E.”--Ariel
“Ariel, just because I’m close to becoming an actual nurse doesn’t give you and 16 a free pass into a hospital.”—E-2
“Of course not, we have you and Orion for that.”—D-16
“D-16, you and I know that Orion is terrible at patch work jobs. Seriously just ask Ratchet.”—E-2
“Hey! I’m not that bad.”--Orion
“You fainted when you saw D-16’s injured servo. You’re not ready for any patch work.”—E-2
D-16 and E-2 got along like a house on fire.
Both wanting a better change for Cybertron, they found many things they could agree on.
Often D-16 would come to E-2 for help on his upcoming speeches and practice in front of her.
E-2, Ariel and Orion often went to D-16, now named Megatron, speeches about change on Cybertron.
The group could agree that changes needed to be made, but Buddy thought that maybe a more peaceful approach would be in the best interest of the bots.
This would soon cause a rift between the groups as Ariel backed Megatron’s bit forceful approach while Orion tried to play mediator.
It was around this time another one of E-2’s closest friends had offered her a chance to go on an expeditionary trip.
It was just to look at some planets then return to Cybertron.
Out of pure spite, E-2 agreed to go.
Anyways, he needed a medic with him in case something bad happened and E-2 had just finished with her tests and licenses.
“I’m sorry, you’re what?!”--Ariel
“Ariel calm down, I’m just going on a quick trip and I’ll be back in a couple of weeks. Two months the most.”—E-2
“Why can’t he just go by himself? Doesn’t he have a lab partner?”--Ariel
“His lab partner had something going on at the last minute and couldn’t go. Anyways he needs a medic in case something goes wrong.”—E-2
Ariel had a frustrated look on her face and crossed her arms.
Orion looked at E-2.
“When will you be leaving? The docking ports are notorious for taking long time to—”--Orion
“I’m leaving tomorrow.”—E-2
“YOU’RE WHAT?!”—Ariel and Megatron
E-2 flinches at the loud noise.
“How can you leave at a time like this?! We need as many bots on our side as possible! Not galivanting through space like its some sort of vacation!”--Megatron
Buddy feels her servos tighten as her anger rises.
“This is not some sort of vacation Megatron. I’m being a good friend—”—E-2
“If you were a good friend then you would stay here!”--Megatron
E-2 takes a step forward, surprising all three bots.
“And if I don’t?”—E-2
Megatron angrily takes a step forward almost menacingly.
“Do you want to find out E-2?”--Megatron
E-2 clenches her servos and walks away.
“And where are you going coward!”—Megatron
E-2 turns on her pedes fast and angry.
“I’m going before I say anything that I might regret!”—E--2
E-2 storms off into the night.
Orion looks at his friends.
Ariel looks a bit conflicted.
“…She should be supporting the movement Orion.”--Ariel
Orion looks appalled before starting to walk in E-2’s direction.
“Orion? Where are you going?”--Ariel
“To check on your twin sister.”--Orion
E-2 was honestly still surprised to see them all at the gates for the launch.
Buddy said her goodbyes in hugs.
Orion hugged her tightly and wished her the best.
Ariel gave a halfhearted hug.
Buddy tried to hug Megatron, but he moved away.
Hurt, Buddy waved goodbye instead.
Megatron just huffed despite Ariel slightly jabbing his side.
Buddy grabbed her kits and began walking to the front of the door to wait for her friend.
Her friend came rushing in, giving her a hug, and thanking her for wanting to join.
“You’re a life saver E! Star had something wrong with his tanks and—”
“Is that him?”—E-2
E-2 sees a seeker lingering around the drop off point not too far from where her friends and family were.
“Yeah, that’s him. He wanted to see how the launch went.”
E-2 smiles at the seeker and waves at him.
The seeker looks a bit shocked but waves back.
“Are you ready to go?”
He stretches his servo for E-2 to grab.
She does looking up at her friend.
“Lead the way Skyfire.”—E-2
They made their way into the security area before reaching their pods and shooting into the starry sky.
None of them knew it was going to be the last time they were going to see each other.
The two came across the planet Skyfire had been raving about.
It was a smaller planet splashed green and blue.
It looked like a peaceful world.
Skyfire wanted a closer look at the planet.
E-2 was a bit hesitant, but she followed her friend downward.
Neither were expecting the harsh jet streams to be so strong.
E-2 felt everything about this being a bad omen and tried to radio in Skyfire to start getting out of the area.
Skyfire reported that his pods navigation systems weren’t responding.
E-2 tried to fly closer to Skyfire’s pod in attempts to attach a cord to get him out when her pod suddenly went dark and dropped.
E-2 screamed in terror as she plummeted to the planet below.
Skyfire managed to get out of his pod and managed to get to E-2’s pod opening it and dragging her out.
He tried to fly with her out of the Jetstream and back into space, but the winds proved too cold and strong.
Next thing E-2 realized was that she was falling again while the stream carried a screaming Skyfire far away.
She tumbled onto the cold ground below and rolled into a hole in the ground.
With all her tumbling, she accidentally caused a cave in.
E-2 hit her helm against a boulder before landing in a pool of cold water.
Her helm was bleeding profusely as she tried to stand up.
Trying to get up, she noticed a strange rock in the center of the cave and a small organic creature on her armor.
She didn’t notice the rock glowing until it was too late.
Her entire frame felt like it was on fire, screaming in pain.
When it was over, she fell backwards into the cool water, slowly closing her optics from the pain.
The last thing she thought about was Ariel, Orion and Megatron.
They were probably thinking she was going to come back home any day now.
She wanted to say sorry to them…
Sorry that she wasn’t coming back home…
Back on Cybertron the life signals on the pods had turned dark.
The station had called Orion, Areil, Starscream and Megatron to tell them about the freak accident.
Most likely faulty wiring on the pods.
Either way, none of the passengers survived.
Everyone was in shock.
Ariel then started to sob horribly.
Orion immediately came to her aid hugging her tightly trying to keep his own tears at bay.
Megatron just stood there in shock.
Starscream demanded to know whose fault this was.
He nearly clawed at the poor bot across the table if Megatron hadn’t grabbed him back.
He held Starscream noticing the shakiness of both of their frames.
There was nothing they could do now.
One of the biggest regrets Megatron had in his entire life was not hugging Buddy that day or trying harder to make her stay.
Elita regretted not being able to stop her twin from leaving and not saying love you one last time.
Orion regretted not going with her.
Maybe he could have done something to help with the faulty wiring or something.
They weren’t going to see her again, not until it was their time to go to the Allspark.
Until then… till all are one.
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hive-sight · 1 year
Travel 2
Hello again Sentients! This one had to rush to post once again!
The decryption of the Terran language is done! This one had wondered why the decryption had taken so much longer with Sol-3 when compared to many other known planets… Now that it is done, this one can tell you why.
Sol-3 does not house a language. It houses over six thousand separate languages! Magnitudes more than any other known planets. The previous largest number of languages to a single planet was three.
Epsilonia-4 houses three individual races, each with its own language. But Sol-3… Sol-3 houses only one sentient race. They have been so divided that language has spread out in a fractal. The closer two of the points on this fractal are, the more syntax they share but at either end of the fractal… the languages may as well be in different Stellar Systems.
Moving on! The decryption has informed the crew that the most spoken of these languages is called, English [Een-gah-lee-sh]. This one has begun calibrating our translator chips to place English as the priority and storing audio of any other languages for review later.
The Terrans, who refer to themselves as “Humans”, also seem to have a vast repository of media stored on a network of interconnected servers referred to as the “internet”. As there is likely a wait of seven Lums before arriving in the Sol System, this one has decided to review some portion of this media labeled as “movies” or “film.”
This one has asked Raxor, the bodyguard of this one’s crew and a member of the Valkorin or Soldier Caste, to review the saved history of Terran Warfare. The Queen will want to be aware of any threat these Terrans can present if she decides that we are to be Sol-3’s introduction to the greater galaxy.
Before signing off, if any among you have questions this one can answer to better inform yourselves about the galaxy at large. Please do not hesitate. This one would not have begun posting if this one were afraid of interaction.
With that, on XD: 4682 C, 3 A, 19 L, or the 8th of May  in the Terran Year of 2030, this is Elysia of Xyloptha, signing off.
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"You're leaving?" Adam asked as Y/N stuffed the last of his clothes into a duffel bag. He sat on Y/N's bed and watched the young earthling pack all his stuff. It was strange, but Adam was experiencing such sad intensity at the thought of Y/N leaving Knowhere. True they had only known each other for a couple of days, so these feelings of sadness that he was experiencing were illogical.
Y/N turned to look at him. "Yeah, as much fun as this adventure in space has been, I've got my own team and mission back on Earth. They need my protection."
"But what about the people here on Knowhere? Do they not deserve the same common courtesy of protection as well?" Adam asked.
"That's why they have you and the Guardians. To protect the rights of everyone. You're going to do fine, Adam Warlock." Y/N flashed him a smile and Adam felt his stomach tighten in knots at that. Why was he feeling this way over another male? Surely he wasn't sick. He was incapable of attracting any diseases or illnesses. Mother had made him in pure perfection. Y/N rose from the bed and headed towards the door as Adam stood to his feet and licked his lips. "I would like to accompany you on your journey home."
Y/N stopped and turned around as he looked at the Sovereign creation. "You want to come with me to Earth?"
"Yes, I would like to very much. To study abroad and learn of your terran homeworld." He didn't really have any interest in learning about Planet C-53, but he did want to get to know Y/N.
"Okay, then. Pack your bags. You're going to get an out of this world experience."
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book--brackets · 2 months
Codebearers by The Miller Brothers (2008-2010)
After one of his infamous pranks backfires, Hunter unexpectedly finds himself in possession of an ancient book and key. Little does he know the mysterious book is a gateway to Solandria, a supernatural realm held captive by the Shadow. In Solandria, Hunter joins forces with the Codebearers, a band of highly trained warriors who form the Resistance to the Shadow. But before he can complete his training in the ways of the Code of Life, Hunter is sent on a mission far more dangerous than he ever bargained for. Now with his life in peril and the future of Solandria hanging in the balance, Hunter is headed for a showdown with the Shadow and a battle to save his soul from a fate worse than death! Is Hunters knowledge of the Code deep enough to uncover the secret of the Shadow, or will the truth be more than he can bear?
Merovingen Nights by C. J. Cherryh (1985-1991)
Merovin, the world the C. J. Cherryh built, a low-tech, inhospitable planet where the human survivors of a colony nearly destroyed by an enigmatic alien menace still dwell, salvaging what they can, while awaiting the return of the alien menace or rediscovery by the Terrans who abandoned them in that long-ago terror.
And in Merovingen, the fantastic canal city, where the wealthy and powerful reside in the highest towers, and beggars, spies, thieves and boaters like Altair Jones ply the highly polluted interlacing waterways below, intrigue, thievery and revolution are the very breath of life. And now with the Festival of Scouring approaching, C. J. Cherryh has invited some of today's finest writers into Merovignen, to weave together this tale of Festival Moon, a time of mystery and murder, of power games both high and low, a Festival after which this world will never be quite the same again...
Dragonlance: The New Adventures by Tim Waggoner (2004-2008)
Nearra does not know who she is or where she lives, but she does know one thing: someone wants her dead. Her only hope lies leagues away, in an ancient temple, where healing clerics may be able to restore her memory.
A helpful young ranger, a failed warrior, a sneaky elf, and a kender wizard offer to accompany Nearra on her journey. She soon learns her newfound friends have secrets of their own. As goblins, an angry minotaur, and a vicious green dragon attempt to stop them at every turn, friendships are tested and all of if may come to ruin from the one Nearra trusts the most.
Creature Court by Tansy Rayner Roberts (2010-2018)
A war is being fought in the skies over the city of Aufleur. No one sees the battles. No one knows how close they come to destruction every time the sun sets.
During daylight, all is well, but when nox falls and the sky turns bright, someone has to step up and lead the Creature Court into battle.
Twelve years ago, Garnet kissed Velody and stole her magic. Five years ago, he betrayed Ashiol, and took his powers by force. But now the Creature Court is at a crossroads … they need a Power and Majesty who won’t give up or lose themselves in madness …
Spellbound by Vivian Vande Velde (1997-1998)
Welland was less than a slave. Slaves are human, and he was wolf, allowed to assume human form only when it suited the sorceress Daria.
Daria kept an army of changelings — mostly wolf but some lynx or weasel, a bear or two, and at least one rat. She used them to hunt and kill. And sometimes to pretend to be human, so she could pretend to be a lady.
Weiland hated the lie almost as much as he hated the truth. Then he met a burglar, a thief named Shile, who offered to help him steal what he had never owned. His own troubled soul...
Welkin Weasels by Garry Kilworth (1997-2003)
Long ago, long before Sylver the weasel was born, the humans all left Welkin. Now life for a weasel—under the heavy paw of the vicious stoat rulers—is pretty miserable (unless you happen to be a weasel who likes living in a hovel and toiling all hours for the benefit of the stoats).
It's certainly not enough for Sylver. Or for his small band of outlaws, both jacks and jills. but slingshots and darts can only do so much against heavily-armed stoats and life as an outlaw has a fairly limited future (probably a painful one, too). That's when Sylver comes up with his plan—a heroic plan that could destroy the stoats' reign of power for ever. He will find the humans, and bring them back to Welkin! And the first step is to follow up a clue from the past—a clue that lies in a place known as Thunder Oak...
Evergreen by Devin Greenlee (2024)
All seventeen-year-old Quill wants is a break from the family business. Flowers, plants, the generations-old garden. What he wouldn’t give for a taste of the outside world. Normalcy. But his mom won’t let him out of the house, telling him he’s just not ready…
All because he’s a dryad. Well, not just any dryad, but a male dryad—the first ever. And unlike everyone else in his family, he hasn’t a lick of magic. Just a shock of green hair, matching green eyes, and a growing frustration that there’s an entire world out there waiting to be discovered. Until the night when the outside world—specifically his new neighbor—discovers him.
Liam Watson lives in a culture filled with electronics, mobile devices, and social media—where there is no magic or even the belief in it. And as much as Quill finds Liam irritating (he’s so cute it’s annoying), he can’t help himself.
Now Quill’s getting a taste of the outside world and of Liam…and he wants more. But all is not well in this magical, urban garden, and someone—or something—is changing the very essence of it.
And wherever Quill goes, the danger grows…
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Deep in the heart of a mist-shrouded island, an impossible secret is about to be discovered.
Twig is used to feeling unwanted. Sent to live on a pony ranch for "troubled" girls on a misty, haunted island, Twig is about to discover the impossible — someone who needs her. Jolted awake from a bad dream, Twig follows the desperate whinny of a terrified horse out to the stables. There in the straw is a bleating little scrap of moonbeam. A silver-white filly with cloven hooves and a tiny, spiraling horn.
A baby unicorn.
Now Twig knows what secret is hiding in the island's mist: the last free unicorn herd. And a mysterious boy named Ben who insists that this impossible creature is now Twig's to care for. That she needs Twig's love and protection. Because there's something out there in the deep, dense shadows that's hunting for them...
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Cato is the only true half-human, half-ghost hybrid in existence. He's powerful and unique with two divine powers instead of one.
The United States government believes he is the key to developing a devastating weapon that will give humankind an advantage when war inevitably erupts between the Human Realm and Avilésor, the Ghost Realm.
After being an unwilling test subject in Project Alpha for two years, Cato and the rest of his "lab-family" survive a transport accident to find themselves stranded and powerless in the middle of the wilderness. Hunted every step of the way by ghostly Shadow Guards with supernatural abilities and human Agents desperate to recapture their prisoners, the eight young fugitives are drawn to Cato's hometown where the Rip between Realms connects the worlds.
Cato wants nothing to do with his past, but as his enemies close in, he realizes he's willing to do anything to protect his lab-family . . .
. . . even kidnap the daughter of a ghost hunter and make a dangerous deal to become a mercenary.
Knights of Liofwende by Garry Kilworth (2002-2004)
Faerieland. It's like a reflection of your world... a warped reflection. And Jack has just stumbled right into it - with a whole lot of trouble on his tail. Trolls, goblins, ogres and giants ... all after one thing. But Jack's got no clue what. He needs some allies, like now. A wizard maybe. Or a High Fairy. Someone who can do serious magic. Someone who can help him get home. Anyone. Just not a dreamy young boggart named Spiggot...
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cutekittenlady · 3 months
Planes, Trains, and Autobots
Summary Fic Part 11
(why yes I am continuing this in spite of season 2 dropping. its a summary fic. Plus fanfic inherently ignores canon sooooo. Consider it an alternate events au if you want. Besides I cant even watch season 2 right now.)
[Previous] [Next]
Back at the Maltos, Wheeljack has joined the group and has hooked up his experimental ground bridge outside the barn and is FINALLY ready to commence with the test. Ratchet made him re-rig the whole thing three seperate. First time because he caught him rigging it up in the dugout, second because the exit would hit the barn, and third because the exist would hit the house.
Wheeljack complains that things would probably just "work out" but Ratchet argues that he doesnt want to have to rebuild the Maltos house before everyone gets back. The terrans and kids immediately agree. Outvoted Wheeljack dejectedly turns back to his experimental ground bridge.
Wheeljack wonders where to aim the test run at. He speculates various locations before Ratchet tells him to just aim for somewhere within eyesight so a) they can make sure it works, b) he can apply emergency aid if or when it doesnt, and c) so they dont have to drag wheeljacks body very far if things REALLY go wrong.
Whelljack tells him theres NOTHING to worry about. He is something, like, 87.4% sure this will work.
In response Ratchet tells the kids to take cover in the dugout.
Wheeljack gives a "haha very funny" before starting the machine.
The ground bridge does nothing for few uncomfortable minutes, but just as Ratchet is about to say something it spurts to life.
Wheeljack gives a hoot of success and gives Ratchet a smug look.
Ratchet just responds that he, wheeljack, hasn't gone through the portal yet.
Ratchet goes over to the controls, puts in some nearby coordinates, and tells Wheeljack to brace himself.
Wheeljack asks where Ratchet is sending him, and Ratchet says its in a clearing within eyesight.
Wheeljak turns towards the portal. Then he turns back and asks Ratchet if hes sure the coordinates are right.
Ratchet rolls his eyes and double checks and confirms that, yes, they are correct.
Wheeljack nods and turns back to the portal. He then turns back again, and asks if the portal is fully charged.
Ratchet groan and says, yes, yes it is.
Wheeljack laughs uncomfortable and turns back towards the portal. He then turns back yet again and asks if they should maybe try throwing a very large rock or something through the portal first and-
Ratchet yells for him to stop stalling. If hes confident in his tech it should be perfectly safe. If hes not, then he'll just call Optimus and others and tell them they'll have to take the LONG way back with their prisoner.
Wheeljack clears his throat and steps through the portal.
Ratchet turns his attention back to the controls, making sure all the readouts are correct. He mutters to himself that he KNOWS Wheeljack could do this. Then, remembering hes talking about WHEELJACK, quietly prays the ground bridge doesnt explode.
A few seconds later a portal opens not too far away and wheeljack steps out.
Once hes out of the protal it quickly closes behind him.
Wheeljack stands stunned for a moment before looking himself over and checking for any missing pieces. After another moment he immediately starts whooping and hollering of how the tech works! It works!
The kids watch on and start celebrating too.
Back at the groundbridge controls, Ratchet gives a sigh of relief before shutting the machine down. He mutters a congratulations for Wheeljack.
Robbie, who is standing nearby, asks Ratchet to repeat what he said.
Ratchet raises his voice and says that he was saying hes happy he doesnt have to waste his time scrapping Wheeljack off the floor.
Robbie smiles at him making it clear that he knows exactly what he actually said making Ratchet blush.
We cut back over to New Jersey where Optimus is just finishing his call with Ratchet confirming that they've gotten the ground bridge working. Megatron asks doubtfully if hes really certain that its working. Optimus confirms that Ratchet had Wheeljack test it to make sure.
Megatron still expresses doubts, wondering if perhaps Ratchet would have exaggerated its effetiveness.
Optimus tells him that while Ratchet might have a bad sense of humor about Megatrons history, he wouldn't risk the whole mission just to mess with Megatron. Besides which, while Wheeljacks inventions do have a... history he wouldn't approve the use of the groundbridge for others unless he was certain it would safely work.
Dorothy says that they can all go together only for Optimus to awkwardly correct her. The ground bridge is weaker than the ones they used during the war. It likely won't be big enough for them all to go at once.
Megatron asks if Optimus feels confident escorting Dead End on his own. Optimus hesitantly confirms and asks why he asks. Megatron says that he might as well get back "the old fashioned way". WIthout having to follow Optimus on the road, flying back to Witwicky should take no time at all. Around an hour or so at most.
Optimus tells him he doesnt have to do that. He knows Ratchet put his back out but-
Megatron cuts him off and tells him that thats not it. If what deadend told them was true and he truly hasn't seen the other stunticons since the war then they are likely going to have to track and find them all. its been months since Motormaster escaped from prison and Ghost fell. He, Dragstrip, and Wildrider could be anywhere.
They need to preserve the groundbridges energy if they want to gurantee they'll be able to get to the location of a sighting or lead ASAP. That means minimizing the number of trips and avoiding overusing the groundbridge for short trips. It shouldn't be used for any trip they can completely in the alt modes in just an hour.
Optimus is hesitant telling Megatron that splitting up isn't a good habit to get into. After all what happens if, once they're through the portal, Deadend tries to escape?
Megatron questions if he thinks thats likely. Besides which, Ratchet and Wheeljack are on the other side and Elita-one and Arcee are also stationed in Witwicky so its not like they don't have backup. he also says that he doesnt think Deadend is likely to try and escape again. Its hard to get him motivated again after he stops.
Optimus still doesnt agree but can see Megatron has made his decision. Dorothy decides to go with Optimus since they'll be arriving at her house and she wants to make sure deadend doesnt cause problems at her house. Twitch decides to go with Megatron to keep him company on the way back.
Megatron warns her that he intends to go full speed on the way back. This disheartens Twitch who acknowledges that her drone form likely won't be able to keep up at that speed and says she'll likely just go back with Dorothy and Optimus.
After a moment of hesitations, Megatron tells her she can ride along with him if she'd like. Twitch happily accepts and Dorothy gives Megatron a knowing look.
Megatron quicly asks twitch to "just please dont touch anything" and twitch promises.
Dorothy tells them to enjoy their flight and climbs into Optimus' truck form.
Optimus contacts Ratchet the start up the groundbridge. A portal opens up nearby and with one big honk of a horn for a goodbye Optimus drives through. The portal closing behind them.
In the abandoned car factory a screen flashes an alert causing knockout to tap the screen irritably. He mutters about interference before digging through the data.
Motormaster asks what the hell is going on with the equipment.
Knock Out at first says that it must be interference before looking closer and cursing.
Motormaster demands to know what the problem is.
Knock Out groans and tells him hes not allowed to get mad at him.
Motormaster says he'll get mad all he wants.
Knock Out rolls his eyes and tells him he's picking up a bridging signal. Motormaster is shocked and knockout continues saying that since he built this sensor with stolen ghost tech it must still be connected with the Autobots signals. Which means that the autobots must have managed to rebuild some form of bridging tech.
Motormaster asks if they'll be able to pick up on the bridging tech Knockout has been working on.
Knockout gives an unconvincing shrug.
After some more shouting from Motormaster, Knockout bites back that hes a medical doctor NOT an engineer. The fact that hes been able to rig up as much tech as he has using a mix of stolen cybertronian and earth tech is, quite frankly, evidence that he, knock out, is an unappreciated genius. One that should NOT have to put up with Motormasters attitude.
The big combiner grabs and lifts Knock Out up by the arm. Knock Out protests but Motormaster ignores him. He demands to know if the autobots can use the same method to find them.
Knock Out tells him that they probably cant. Not only has he not actually tested his own attempt at groundbridging, but the groundbridge signal is only detectable when it is activated and something is moving through it. The more things moving through the portal the stronger the energy output. Plus his own mechanism is pretty... weak.
Motormaster asks HOW weak it is.
Knock Out says before he answers that question he wants to be let down.
Motromaster unwillingly does so and Knock Out brushes himself off muttering threateningly about what he'll do if the other bot had scuffed his finish. He'd JUST waxed it.
Motormaster growls at Knockout and Knockout picks up something like a staff or spear from a pile of crates. Knockout explains that he rigged the smaller mechanism to his old energon prod for easy use and so that they can pick up and move it on the go. Besides which they can actually carry it through the subsequent portal with them and use it to get back. None of that waiting for someone on the other end to open it up.
The rather critical and numerous downsides include them having to manually enter the coordinates every. single. time. And no chance for subtle variation which runs the risk of them transporting themselves into a room two times too small for them, or a place that was clear of rubble when they left but somehow has a pile of rocks when they try and get back. And if the coordinates are even a little off, theres a possibility of doing something like sending themselves a thousand feet into the air or deep into the planets crust. Knock Out doesnt know what a thousand feet of rocky pressure would do to his frame but he doesnt want to find out.
Beyond that theres the not so minor issue that the thing guzzles energon like no ones business so its not even like they can use all that frequently.
Aaaaand of course it has a limited transport capacity. They can do two average to smaller sized bots. Three assuming someone is willing to risk potentially losing a limb. He could potentially make it bigger assuming they're willing to burn through ALL of their energon reserves to make it happen, but that would also make it insanely unstable.
Knockout admits he doesnt know a lot about how bridge science actually works. He largely just repurposed and repaired what was already there. If anything goes wrong mid transport hes not going have any idea of how to fix it.
Because of ALL of that, theres a chance the energy the portal gives out wont be big enough for the autobots to pick up. Maybe. Probably.
Though if they're not careful they MAY be able to find one of their severed arms somewhere. Probably Motormasters, yknow, considering (here Knockout gestures to motormasters considerable bulk).
Motormaster actually seems thoughtful for a moment.
Knockout looks pleased with himself until Motormaster tells him that, in that case, that means Knockout will have to be the one to retrieve the stunticons. Alone.
Knockout freaks out a little. He points out that most of the stunticons are "crazy" and would rip him limb from limb. Motormaster tells him to shut up and just tell them that Motormaster sent him and that that ought to straighten things out. After a moment of hesitation Knockout unwillingly agrees.
He then tells Motormaster that since THATS sorted out he hopes he won't be upset about the other thing.
Motormaster asks what he means by the OTHER thing.
Knockout taps the screen again and says that, unless the equipment is very off the mark... the autobot transport signal they just picked up was right where deadend was supposed to be.
Motormaster proceeds to lose it.
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