aqfglhiey · 1 year
Dong addicted shemale gives mouth and butt for hardcore fuck NUDE MASSAGE LINGAM BIG COCK by Nudemassage BIG TIT BBW CUM DUMP Cute waitress, affectionate hand job, massive ejaculation Lesbian Glam: Sexy Brunettes Kissa Sins & Adria Rae Enjoy Their Lesbian Encounters Coroa de sp no banho Mallu kerala young aunty boobs press Strong homosexual guys have a fun wild car sex Big Tits Nana Plaza Ladyboy Blowjob Orgia a tope en el escenario del salon erotico de barcelona en donde empotran a las chicas mas sexys y calientes
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frimleyblogger · 1 year
Lost Word Of The Day (13)
to gnathonise - to toady or flatter #lostwords #obscurewords #logophilia
How much has the English language lost as a result in the decline in the familiarity with the classical literature of Ancient Greece and Rome? I began musing on this when I came across the verb gathonise which was used particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries to describe the actions a toady or someone who excels in the art of flattery. Gnatho was the name of a character in Eunuchus, a play…
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oldsardens · 10 months
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Marc Chagall - Daphnis et Gnathon, ur Daphne et Chloé.
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devoirat · 2 years
Devoir de Contrôle 3 Français 3ème Economie & Gestion
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Texte : Gnathon ne vit que pour soi, et tous les hommes ensemble sont à son égard comme s’ils n’étaient point. Non content de remplir à une table la première place, il occupe lui seul celle de deux autres ; il oublie que le repas est pour lui et pour toute la compagnie ; il se rend maître du plat, et fait son propre1 de chaque service : il ne s’attache à aucun des mets, qu’il n’ait achevé d’essayer de tous ; il voudrait pouvoir les savourer tous tout à la fois. Il ne se sert à table que de ses mains ; il manie les viandes2, les remanie, démembre, déchire, et en use de manière qu’il faut que les conviés, s’ils veulent manger, mangent ses restes. Il ne leur épargne aucune de ces malpropretés dégoûtantes, capables d’ôter l’appétit aux plus affamés ; le jus et les sauces lui dégouttent du menton et de la barbe ; s’il enlève un ragoût de dessus un plat, il le répand en chemin dans un autre plat et sur la nappe ; on le suit à la trace. Il mange haut3 et avec grand bruit ; il roule les yeux en mangeant ; la table est pour lui un râtelier4 ; il écure5 ses dents, et il continue à manger. Il se fait quelque part où il se trouve, une manière d’établissement6, et ne souffre pas d’être plus pressé7 au sermon ou au théâtre que dans sa chambre. Il n’y a dans un carrosse que les places du fond qui lui conviennent ; dans toute autre, si on veut l’en croire, il pâlit et tombe en faiblesse. S’il fait un voyage avec plusieurs, il les prévient8 dans les hôtelleries, et il sait toujours se conserver dans la meilleure chambre le meilleur lit. Il tourne tout à son usage ; ses valets, ceux d’autrui, courent dans le même temps pour son service. Tout ce qu’il trouve sous sa main lui est propre, hardes9, équipages10. Il embarrasse tout le monde, ne se contraint pour personne, ne plaint personne, ne connaît de maux que les siens, que sa réplétion11 et sa bile, ne pleure point la mort des autres, n’appréhende que la sienne, qu’il rachèterait volontiers de l’extinction du genre humain.   Jean de la Bruyère, Les caractères. (1688)     Notes 1 Son propre : sa propriété. 2 Viandes : se dit pour toute espèce de nourriture. 3 Manger haut : manger bruyamment, en se faisant remarquer. 4 Râtelier : assemblage de barreaux contenant le fourrage du bétail. 5 Écurer : se curer. 6 Une manière d’établissement : il fait comme s’il était chez lui. 7 Pressé : serré dans la foule. 8 Prévenir : devancer. 9 Hardes : bagages. 10 Équipage : tout ce qui est nécessaire pour voyager (chevaux, carrosses, habits, etc.). 11 Réplétion : surcharge d’aliments dans l’appareil digestif.   A.S :2011-2012 Devoir de contrôle n°3 Durée : 2 Heures Classe : 3ème année Eco 1   Compréhension : (6 pts) - La Bruyère fait le portrait de Gnathon. Relevez au fil du texte deux principaux traits de caractère de ce personnage. Justifiez votre réponse en relevant deux expressions du texte. (2 pts) - a) Que vise la Bruyère à travers cette description caricaturale du personnage ? (1,5 pt) - b) Quelle tonalité adopte le moraliste dans son texte lui permettant d’exprimer son regard (1 pt) - Afin de mettre l’accent sur le comportement de Gnathon, l’auteur recourt à un certain nombre de procédés d’écriture. Relevez-en deux, identifiez-les et faites-en l’interprétation. (1,5 pt) Syntaxe: (4 pts)   - Transformez les phrases du discours direct au discours indirect : Un invité avoua : « Gnathon est un homme arrogant qui ne respecte personne. » (1,5 pt)   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   Il pensait : « je suis riche et noble, j’ai le droit de faire tout ce que je veux. » (1,5 pt) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….   - Transposez les phrases suivantes au style direct : Il avoue qu’il se fait, quelque part ou il se trouve, une manière d’établissement, et ne souffre pas d’être plus pressé au sermon ou au théâtre que dans sa chambre. (1pt) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………….... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   Essai : (10 pts) Les portraits comiques que nous rencontrons dans les œuvres littéraires, les sketchs, les films…remplissent plusieurs fonctions dans la société. Vous développerez ce point de vue en vous référant à des arguments et des exemples précis   BON TRAVAIL   A.S :2011-2012 Devoir de contrôle n°3 Durée : 2 Heures Classe : 3ème année Eco 2     Compréhension : (6 pts) - a) Pourquoi les sages du pays décident-ils d’organiser un auto-da-fé ? (1,5 pt) (2 pts) - b) Choisissent-ils leurs condamnés selon des critères bien précis ou arbitrairement ? Justifiez votre réponse. - Comment Candide réagit-il face à la cruauté de l’expérience qu’il a vécue ? (1,5 pt) - Pour exprimer son point de vue, l’auteur a recours à plusieurs procédés ironiques. Relevez-en deux et expliquez leur (1,5 pt) Syntaxe: (4 pts)   - Transformez les phrases du discours direct au discours indirect : Candide se disait : « Si c’est ici le meilleur des mondes possibles, que sont donc les autres ? » (1,5 pt)   ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   Il pensait : «Ces hommes de religion sont cruels et injustes, ils ne sont pas raisonnables. » (1,5 pt) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. . ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….   - Transposez les phrases suivantes au style direct : Ils pensent que le spectacle de quelques personnes brulées à petit feu, en grande cérémonie, est un secret infaillible pour empêcher la terre de trembler . (1pt) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………….... ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………   Essai : (10 pts) Pensez-vous que le rire soit utile pour l’être humain ? Vous développerez votre point de vue en vous référant à des arguments et des exemples précis   BON TRAVAIL   Texte :   Après le tremblement de terre qui avait détruit les trois quarts de Lisbonne, les sages du pays n'avaient pas trouvé un moyen plus efficace pour prévenir une ruine totale que de donner au peuple un bel auto-da-fé ; il était décidé par l'université de Coïmbre que le spectacle de quelques personnes brûlées à petit feu, en grande cérémonie, est un secret infaillible pour empêcher la terre de trembler.   On avait en conséquence saisi un Biscayen convaincu d'avoir épousé sa commère, et deux Portugais qui en mangeant un poulet en avaient arraché le lard : on vint lier après le dîner le docteur Pangloss et son disciple Candide, l'un pour avoir parlé, et l'autre pour avoir écouté avec un air d'approbation : tous deux furent menés séparément dans des appartements d'une extrême fraîcheur, dans lesquels on n'était jamais incommodé du soleil ; huit jours après ils furent tous deux revêtus d'un san-benito, et on orna leurs têtes de mitres de papier : la mitre et le san-benito de Candide étaient peints de flammes renversées et de diables qui n'avaient ni queues ni griffes ; mais les diables de Pangloss portaient griffes et queues, et les flammes étaient droites. Ils marchèrent en procession ainsi vêtus, et entendirent un sermon très pathétique, suivi d'une belle musique en faux-bourdon. Candide fut fessé en cadence, pendant qu'on chantait ; le Biscayen et les deux hommes qui n'avaient point voulu manger de lard furent brûlés, et Pangloss fut pendu, quoique ce ne soit pas la coutume. Le même jour la terre trembla de nouveau avec un fracas épouvantable.   Candide, épouvanté, interdit, éperdu, tout sanglant, tout palpitant, se disait à lui-même : « Si c'est ici le meilleur des mondes possibles, que sont donc les autres ? Passe encore si je n'étai que fessé, je l'ai été chez les Bulgares. Mais, ô mon cher Pangloss ! le plus grand des philosophes, faut-il vous avoir vu pendre sans que je sache pourquoi ! Ô mon cher anabaptiste, le meilleur des hommes, faut-il que vous ayez été noyé dans le port ! Ô Mlle Cunégonde ! la perle des filles, faut-il qu'on vous ait fendu le ventre ! »   Il s'en retournait, se soutenant à peine, prêché, fessé, absous et béni, lorsqu'une vieille l'aborda et lui dit :   « Mon fils, prenez courage, suivez-moi. » Voltaire, Candide.     Un auto-da-fé : exécution publique d’une personne par le feu. Commère : mère spirituelle. Sermon : leçon de morale Fessé : battu sur les fesses. Read the full article
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semiaut0magic · 6 years
fallaciloquence-and-gnathonize started following you
oh shit whats up d d d d d d d dawg  welcome to yo resident godtier of void i will guide u thru this safari tht u have found urself in dont u worry no lions will be eatin ur boi nb or girl flesh this night or the next or any after until th day that they do which could be 2nite but idk im not a seer or a time player
im rooooxxxxyyyyy but im tellin peeps to call me ruby now bc apparetly nicknames are like smtn SUPER important on here bc theres like a million of us withot bein like dead doomed versions of our timetravellin selves or ykno bein dirk
how do u do ;)
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unblessxd · 6 years
fallaciloquence-and-gnathonize replied to your post: i ought to ban you 
if you ban me im never coming backyou losegame overbum bow
i meant ban you from leaving the damn court room you idiot
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twentysixtyfour · 5 years
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Word of the Day
September 27/2018―September 30/2018
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awed-frog · 5 years
Stuff I Never Learned In Uni and Now I’m Gonna Sue:
When he was young, Plato used to wear a ridiculous earring and everybody made fun of him behind his back. Also his original name was Aristocles: ‘Plato’ (= Broady) is a nickname his trainer gave him because he was so stupidly buff.
Aristotle was fond of flashy clothes and flashier rings and spent ages doing his hair.
Socrates used to turn a stick into a pretend horse to amuse his children.
Alcibiades and his friends once got high on stolen Pythia’s herbs and risked the death penalty.
Plutarch literally said “Sex is nice, but have you tried reading Aristobulos?” (his books are now lost, btw, and that goes on my list ‘things to be furious and sad about’)
Empedocles, a vegetarian who won the Olympics, made an ox out of frankincense and myrrh and sacrificed it as a tribute to the gods instead of a real animal. Pythagoras also sacrificed an ox-shaped cake to the gods when he discovered that hypotenuse thing.
Sophist Anchimolus happily survived on figs and water, but people avoided him at the baths because he just stank so much.
Philoxenus and Gnathon the Sicilian used to blow their noses over the best dishes of a buffet, so that other guests wouldn’t eat them first.
The philosopher Crates was called ‘the Door-Opener’ because he had this habit of randomly walk into people’s houses and offer them unwanted and unsolicited advice.
Alcibiades once sent Socrates a gigantic cake for sex-related reasons, and Socrates’ wife was so mad she threw it on the floor and trampled it.
(As a reminder, Alcibiades tried everything he knew to get into Socrates’ pants but the guy just. never. shut. up. and Alcibiades would usually fell into a stupor and sleep.)
Many statues had little umbrellas on their heads so birds wouldn’t poop on them.
A guy once invited King Philip (Alexander’s dad) for dinner, but forgot kings usually travel with dozens of people. When Philip realized his host was embarrassed because there wasn’t enough food for everyone, he discreetly told his companions to leave room for cake. People ate very little in expectation of a glorious dessert, and so there was enough for everyone.
“Dreaming about cakes without cheese is a good omen, but cheesecakes signify deceit and trickery.” (Artemidorus, who totally wasn’t pulling things out of his own ass)
Proving nothing ever really changes and time is an illusion, Plutarch complained that the guides at Delphi would bore everyone to death by reading every single inscription while their audience baked in the sun.
“If a cucumber is bitter, just throw it away...Don’t go and complain Why do such things exist in this world?” (Marcus Aurelius, unproblematic fave; also filed under ‘does it spark joy?’)
Wine jars had a piece of wood inside it, so the mice who fell in could climb back out (a Most Civilised custom imo).
“Those drunk on wine fall on their faces; those drunk on beer fall on their backs.” (this from Aristotle, I dare hope from personal experience)
Empedocles once attended a party where the host told his guests they could either drink or be drenched in wine. The next day, he had the man executed. “This was the beginning of his career in politics”.
Alexander put collars on a number of deer to determine how long they lived. When they were caught, more than a hundred years later, they had not aged a day. (*stanning intensifies*)
A good method to stop children from crying: fasten a sponge on a jar of honey and give it to them. Probably also doubles as a good method for making their teeth fall out.
Several people tried to pass laws against children’s tantrums.
A flying pig once devastated the Ionic city of Clazomenae.
Greek divers had snorkels so they could stay longer underwater.
“The students nod to each other about charioteers, or mime-actors, or horses, or dancers, or about some gladiatorial fight; some just stand there like a block of stone, others pick their noses...Anything is preferable to paying attention to their teacher.” (Libanius, #bless; he also complained that students would rather handle snakes than touch their textbooks)
Aristotle made fun of Herodotus for saying a black man’s semen must also be black.
When Gelon, the future tyrant of Syracuse, was a boy, a wolf came into his classroom and stole his writing tablet. Gelon ran after him, and as soon as he’d stepped outside the school there was an earthquake: all the other children and their teacher died.
Archimedes once built a big-ass ship for king Hieron of Syracuse. It had a gymnasium, gardens, a library, a seawater pond full of fish and mosaics detailing the entire Iliad.
There was a rumor Sophocles died when he tried to recite his Antigone and couldn’t stop for breath because he never used commas. (#KarmaIsABitch)
In Sparta, all the girls and young men who were unmarried were locked together in a dark room. The men then grabbed a girl, and whoever they grabbed, they had to marry. Lysander, the famous Spartan general, was fined for abandoning the girl he caught and scheming to marry a prettier one.
Crocodile dung was considered an essential ingredient in face masks, but dishonest sellers would often present starling dung as crocodile’s.
There were beauty contests in several cities, both for men and for women. Some cities also held modesty contests for women.
The only valid reasons for being late at the Olmypics were illness, shipwreck and capture by pirates.
Pythagoras was shocked by how women lend each other clothes and jewelry without paperwork or a witness to the transaction.
Demosthenes refused to pay the prostitute Lais (a man) half a million dollars to sleep with him, declaring “I don’t buy regret at such a high price”. 
Bald men made money by allowing people to break pots over their heads for fun.
In Southern Italy there was a breed of sheep whose wool was so valuable, shepherds put leather jackets on them so it wouldn’t be ruined by bushes and thorns.
The Gauls used to throw letters on funeral pyres so the dead could read them in their next life.
In Sparta, every year boys were whipped for an entire day on the altar of Artemis. Some died, but the ones enduring it most gracefully received the highest honors.
Plato once gave a public reading of his treatise On the Soul and Aristotle was the only person who stayed until the end.
The statues of unpopular politicians were thrown in the sea or turned into chamber pots.
Apsethus the Libyan trained some parrots to say ‘Apsethus is a god’, and the Libyans, impressed by the miracle, started to worship him. Then a Greek came along and trained the parrots to say ‘Apsethus put me in a cage and forced me to say Apsethus is a god’ so when the Libyans heard that, they seized Apsethus and burned him to death.
An idiot named Marcus insisted in running a race in full armour. He was so slow, at midnight the stadium authorities locked everything up because they mistook him for one of the statues. When they opened up again in the morning, they found he’d finished his first lap.
Athens was plagued with gangs of rich kids running around and stealing the offerings left for the gods. One of them was called The Hard Dicks.
Some many men died in the Peloponnesian War the city of Athens made polygamy legal. Euripides thus had two wives, but wasn’t happy with either of them.
A character in one of Euripides’ plays argued that wealth matters more than morality and the audience got so mad Euripides had to come on stage and beg them to wait for the end of the play - promising the guy would be revealed as the villain and meet a dreadful end.
When Rhodopis, a beautiful prostitute, was taking a bath, an eagle stole her shoe. It carried it all the way to Memphis and dropped it on the lap of Pharaoh Psammetichus, who immediately ordered the whole country to be searched for the owner of such a beautiful and shapely shoe. When Rhodopis was found, he married her.
In Elysium, the fortunate dead enjoy checkers, horse riding, gymnastics and playing the lyre.
[Source: various Greek authors, collected by J.C. McKeown in A Cabinet of Greek Curiosities. Also available: Ancient Medical Curiosties and Roman Curiosities.]
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halutary-blog · 7 years
@angelicgeneticist @givethemthesucc @famelicose-sanguine @fallaciloquence-and-gnathonize started following
I can’t say I see any familiar names here thus an introduction is appropriate. You can call me Hal, why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?
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jaquerabbitart · 7 years
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be still my beating heart      --its messing with my collection plus its kinda gross
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lilacfarm · 6 years
keep talking about your hair, i would too if mine looked as amazing!!
:0 this is so sweet thank u so much !
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tetroxy · 7 years
There’s something blissful about the feeling of timelessness here. Not that time wasn’t passing of course, it was passing like it would in any other human realm. But there was a certain weightlessness and tranquility about lying on top of Daev on the couch, his hands at your waist and your ear over his heart. Listening to the slow beating as you toyed with the neckline of his shirt. 
A low and lazy purr echoed around in your chest, and every so often one of you moved your heads to press a kiss somewhere to the other’s skin. The sound of the T.V. in the background, displaying some show or movie. One of Daev’s favourites. Even though that resting grouch face persisted at times, you could see the ways his eyes lit up when you lifted your head, the curl at the corners of his lips when his favourite scenes played. If you could’ve frozen those moments in time, taken photos from your exact point of view, you would’ve. There was nothing like seeing that kind of joy on his face. Very few things were as priceless to you as him looking and being happy. You prop yourself up, brushing some of his hair away from his face. Your fingers trailed down his cheek. If there was one thing, just one thing, you could say about your situation right now. Everything that you’d gone through, the stress, tears, angry and silent grinding of teeth. That one thing would be, was that it was all worth it for this moment. The simple ease and peace of being with him, being able to quiet together, being able to spend time together. It was all worth it for this moment of being able to see him and feel your heart grow warm with the love you had for him. You lean down, pressing a kiss to his forehead. He will be your husband, for forever and a day. He’s done so  much for you, and you’re going to make sure you spend the rest of your time doing the best for him. You love him. At this moment, there isn’t anything that can compare to him. The vibrancy and beauty of his eyes, the shape of his jaw, the way his fingers feel around your waist. His softness, his sharpness, the strength he has inside of him. He’s like nothing else. You love him. Because there isn’t anyone who has made you laugh the way he has. Through jokes that didn’t quite make it but have their own charm, through some occasional clumsiness. There isn’t anyone who has been a romantic like he has, who has words that make you melt whether they’re innocent or not. He has the ability to make you feel like he’s there despite being thousands of years ahead and so far away. The ability to make you feel loved by simply giving you a good morning when you wake up because he can tell exactly when you’re awake through the emotions that spill out of you. You love him. Because the peace right now is unforgettable. The dates, no matter how simple of extravagant, are utterly divine. The way he makes you feel like there’s a light inside you, the way he makes you feel alive and loved and worth it is something you’ve wanted for such a long time. You love him. Because the look in his eyes when you tell him you love him could make the most serious of men smile. Because the way he feels when you kiss him or grab his hand to hold is addicting. Because the smile he has for you when he makes you laugh is holy, because his laugh is one of the sweetest sounds you have ever heard. Because the way you find him stroking the cats that decide to make his lap the ideal place to take their ideal cat has a certain softness and calm about it. The way he can cry at certain movies and yet seem so serious and terrifying when he’s at court has a duality that you like about him. You love him. Because there is so much about him to love. You love him. Because he supports you. You love him. Because you support him. You love him because he loves you. You press a soft kiss to his lips, settling back down and curling up on top of him. His hands shifting to help support and hold one of your thighs in place. His thumb rubbing soft circles on the exposed skin and flesh. Around him, it was like the ache in your body was almost nonexistent. And nothing anyone said would make you leave his side, he meant far too much to you. “Hey, wanna go down to a cafe or somethin’ after this?” “I’d love to.”
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✪ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ✪
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(Gif credit to owner)
Lemme know if any of the links don’t work! Any warnings will be in the individual fics description/author’s notes <3
Steve Rogers // Captain America masterlist 
<3 Last updated 23/07/2019 <3
♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡  
Bathmophobia  Trepidatious Paper Planes Close Total Softie (Reader x Steve & Bucky) Scarfs Wedding Blues Street Fighter Rescue Doggo Broken Screams Hoodie  We’re Not That Different Festive Fun Table Talk (Reader x Steve & Bucky) Wake Up Christmas Eve (Bucky x Reader x Steve)
Holiday Blues Xmas Tunes If You Be Wannabe My Lover Lil’ Sis (Stucky) Playing Doctor Third Wheel - Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 (Steve x Reader x Bucky) Exam Stress Frozen For A Lifetime Distractions Birthday Present (NSFW) You’re Related?! (Granddaughter!Reader) Snap Streak Any Last Words This Time? Any Last Words? Pushing Boundaries
You’re the Father Second Soldier The Artist and the Soldier Candy Wrappers Queen I’m Right Here ‘Winter’ Soldier The Winter Santa Spicy Arms The Winter Skater Thighs Amnesia Rage Quit Dad...s? (Stucky x Reader) Keep Awake Snow Day You Are My Sunshine Do You Even Lift? Fuck Sake Bucky Alpha Display Cuddles (Reader x Steve & Bucky) Puppy Therapy  Double Agent Bunk Buddies Together // Together - The Escape Sleep Tight Towel Troubles Workout (NSFW) Motel Blues (Reader x Steve & Bucky) Eyeliner The Harrowing Grumpy Bail Me Out Parenthood Infected Let’s Get Married Flick That Knife Musical Assassin  Don’t Pretend Social Anxiety Cold Metal Nosebleeds PE Is Fun Kittens (Reader x Steve & Bucky) A Daddy’s Girl Pew! Pew! New Heights Another Experiment This Means War Brush My Hair Metal Lullabies  Shirtless Helping The Homeless - Part 1 // Part 2 Platonic to Romantic Sleepy Soldier Sprint Away Cooking With A Soldier Snowflakes Bad Boys That Time Of The Month Your Older Sister Put On The Uniform Alleyways Are Dangerous Be Careful When You Fight Guarding the Nurse Down Boys (Bucky x Reader x Steve) Jealous Who Are You Now? (Stucky) Gnathonize
Cacozealous Project Frostbite - Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3  // Part 4  The Sniffles (Stucky x Reader) Mottephobia  Insomnia - Part 1 // Part 2   Behind (Reader x Steve & Bucky) Soul Reset
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fallaciloquence-and-gnathonize replied to your post: im v hghly entrtaind by thsi vamp grl on my dahs...
if youre talkin about oxy shes the best thing on this planet i swear to god
is she tht vamp chick? bc she seems rly cool wanna intro me 2 her?
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eridacnis · 7 years
@piermadonna @fallaciloquence-and-gnathonize @wicked-honktraband @toreddoors @dopeaurum @brinyovwerlord @twotoned2marta22 
so wwho of you is in the mood to pity me a little since i think i earned that after gettin beaten up just for wwearin makeup im eridan by the wway
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rebel-hacker · 7 years
<small> @fallaciloquence-and-gnathonize hi u cncall me r im a hackr tht recebtly got cat ears nd her ass kicked bg tiem sup?
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