#go follow roach asap!!
the-slasher-files · 2 years
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"Every devil needs his angel, huh?"
[Beautiful art from @roachcult thank you so much for version 2] —[More info on this oc soon]
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bowieandqueen11 · 11 months
Moonlight Dalliance / Izzy Hands Imagine
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Request: I wrote this a couple of weeks ago but I think I might have accidentally deleted it off Tumblr because I can’t find it now! Hope you enjoy and I’ll have another request out asap! 😘
Warning: spicy, implied sexual content, sword fighting, mentions of blood and some strong language!
(I do not own OFMD or it’s characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @goodsirs.)
Before you had even reached the deck, you could hear the clashing of steel reverberating through your bunk.
If it hadn't been for the pouring of sawdust through the cracks in the ceiling beams that rained down like ash over your nostrils: if it hadn't been for the graceful leaps of careful footsteps lightly stepping in box squares above your hammock, you might have chalked down the noise to Roach's snoring. In fact, as you swing your legs over to your side and try, as quietly as possible, to land on the floor of the recreation room without waking as many as your ship mates as possible, said cook was trying to do his best impression of what could only be called a foghorn mixed with an incredibly rusty blender.
'For God's sake-!' The sound of Lucius' voice disturbing you as you were trying to tip toe towards the door almost makes you jump out of your skin. Unravelling Black Pete's arm from around his waist, he gives a final groan into the side of his pillow before throwing it in a wide arch straight at Roach's head. 'If you don't stop snoring I'll stick my wooden thumb, splinters and all, straight up your ar-.'
Thankfully, the sound of you wincing as you grab onto the handle and inch the hinges slowly backwards is drowned out by a stout HMPH as Lucius' pillow lands on Button's stomach. You can't help but let out a snicker at the way the man shoots straight up from his slumber like a scarecrow being raised in a field. He arches one eyebrow and glanced around intently. 'Attack, we're under attack!' You take the opportunity of your fellow crewmates either lunging out of their hammocks, or being tipped out onto the floor during the frantic hustle and bustle that followed to escape out to the helm of the ship. In fact, Wee John seemed to take far too much pleasure out of twirling the Swede's hammock so that the man ended up a mess of tangled limbs, yelping like a fly caught up in a spider's web as Oluwande tried to grab his arm and pull him back out. You didn't mind the good natured jostle of your friends: you had spent so much of the evening tossing and turning, unable to get the thought of one arrogant prick in particular out of your mind, and so the excuse to leave your bunk and get some fresh air was more than welcome.
The sea air - god, the sea air felt so kind on your tired lungs.
The night seemed fragile, the moonlight tender as it spilt over the creaking boards of the ship and pooled in a warm puddle around your feet. It seemed to widen within your eyes, a fine mist spraying like a wicked phantasm from its shadows and coating the surrounding sea in thin tendrils of smoke. With a mind hazed with tiredness, you rubbed at the corners of your eyes and tried to chase away that dream-like glow only the late night could bring. The sails caught in the mild wind and groaned above you, masking out the sounds of Izzy's short pants as he wiped his forehead with the untucked end of his shirt. In fact, not realising yet that you were standing only a mere few metres away from him, he grabbed his shoulder and tugged his shirt off completely, discarding it with a frustrated throw at Stede's cabin doors.
Two hands grip tighter on the wood, willing its body to relax. The tang of salt could do nothing to burn away the fizzling want banging against your ribcage, nor could the cool pinch of the helm railings distract you from the fact that you had spent every second of that day restless; as if on repeat, every time you closed your eyes, or had your thoughts distracted away from repairing the helm, or talking to Lucius, or exploring the islands Stede had insisted you all stop at so he could take Edward off on some grand adventure, you were taken back to that afternoon. The feel of Izzy Hands, the soft ache in his eyes, so desolate, so hopeful: when he had been congratulating you on a job well done fighting off some remote Englishman who had tried to ambush your crew once you had docked, and behind the thrum of his beating heart he hadn't the wit to stop his arm from reaching out and brushing the back of his knuckles against the droplets of blood splattered on your cheek.
His smile had dropped almost immediately of course, and he had run like a gun was being unloaded against his heels back into his quarters and hid there for the night, but the look in his eyes when he had touched you... god, if it wasn't enough to make Davy Jones repent his sins, for even his adoration for Calypso would seem like hatred in comparison.
Yet only the smoky gleam of the moon melting over the champagne waves kept your aching head company. The moon, being a sneaky temptress, was in fact the one thing that drew you to the cause of your distraction; squinting down onto the deck, it took you a minute to remember the reason you had come up here in the first place.
Izzy Hands. In the flesh. And lots of it, if the sweaty gleam of his bare chest was anything to go by.
It takes a moment for your mind to shape the shifting umbra into a perceptible form: he looks angry, furious, even, as his sword slices the misty air like swiss cheese and gives lashes to the main mast. The cherry wood cracks easily under the weight of his blows, the poor shaved shards that land by his feet obviously taking the brunt of the walloping you can only assume is meant for your captain.
Swallowing your nerves, you call out to the fickle shape. 'What are you doing wandering about at a time like this?'
He startles as you wander across the ship towards him, perching back against the side of the mast he was currently tearing to shreds. Incredulously, he looks you up and down before bowing his sword. Your laughter sweetens the edge of his blade, and for a moment Izzy's step falters at the sound.
‘I could ask you the very same thing. Don't you know that all the horrifying creatures slink out from the depths after the full moon rises.' He tilts his head at you, pushing his tongue up against his teeth to stop a smile from breaking like welcome dawn across his face. 'Would hate to see you get dragged away by something... wanton.'
You scratch your cheek, trying your best to hide how you were growing flustered at his words. 'Well, at least if I get dragged away I'll be going with clothes on.’
He flushed at that, head tilting down as he crossed his arms gruffly over his abdomen and blinked languidly.
'What are you actually still doing awake?', you ask, crossing your arms and doing your best not to fantasize about leaping forward and ripping the rest of his trousers straight off with one tear.
'I couldn't sleep.' What he didn't tell you, was that he couldn't sleep because he was so in love with you his heart felt like it was going to bleed out of his fucking chest any time he tried to distract himself from thoughts of you.
'Yeah, neither could I.' What you didn't tell him, was that you couldn't sleep because you were dreaming of grabbing Izzy by that scruffy collar and kissing him silly.
A tense silence suffocated the two of you, sliced only by Izzy shooting his sword through the air with one last precise carve through the freshly hollowed mast. Izzy whips out his wrist, clenching his fingers into a tight fist to try and alleviate some of the burning tension running through his joints at the desperation to touch you.
‘You did well today. As much as I hate to admit it, you can fight better than any of those other morons.’
‘A compliment? From Izzy Hands? Pinch me, I must still be dream-‘
‘Your footwork is a little rusty, though. Could use some work, so you don’t trip over and fall on your own bloody sword.’
‘There we go. There’s always a but with you, isn’t there? You can’t just give the compliment and leave it hanging.’
'I'm just saying... it would be a real shame to pierce such a breast.' Your breath hitches as his eyes dip down to contemplate the sliver of skin still on show between the free flowing buttons of your dress shirt. He sniffles, fingers almost indiscernibly tightening around the metal of the hilt as he did his best to stifle the overflowing shiver that was running up and down his legs. He keeps a tight watch on you for a moment, before biting his bottom lip with his top teeth and darting his eyes out towards the ocean, both incredibly aroused and also incredibly sheepish from having shown such weakness.
'And to ruin such a fine blade.'
He runs his hand across his beard, motion tired yet calculated. Too jolted to speak, let alone run away back down to your bunk and hide your head underneath Oluwande's arm for the rest of time, you leave Izzy the perfect opportunity to pounce.
’Here… come here’, his knuckles fold as he beckons you forward with one hand, his other still resting on the hilt of his rapier as he jabbed it into the floor and let it drop after a moment. If he had let it go just then, as he watched the swish of your hips approach him, he had a pretty good feeling his knees would buckle underneath him. ‘I have far more experience than you do. You ought to learn from a real pirate. Not the hoity toity arsehole that runs around this ship like a headless chicken.’
‘If I remember correctly’, you say sharply with a growing smile, ‘you lost against that headless chicken.’
‘Don’t.’ Before you have time to realise what’s happening, Izzy has grabbed you by the waist and rugged you back. He prays you didn’t hear the hoarse groan that jilted from the back of his throat as your buttocks bounced back against the tensed muscles of his lower abdomen. His voice is gruff and warm against the shell of your ear, but his fingertips burn with the ferociousness of a thousand lantern fires as he snakes his free hand around your shoulders and grips onto the bottom of your chin.
'Don't tease me. It won't end well for you.' His thumb digs into your jaw as he tilts your head back, and you can feel his smirk branding it’s way into the bare strip of skin between the nape or your neck and the hollow of your earlobe. Your head is fully resting back against his forehead now, and his vice on you only lessens once he’s content that you’re too far gone to step away from him.
'Put your foot... here', he guides your right foot forward with the toe of his boot, almost sinfully slowly so he could feel every twitch and tense of your quadriceps against the inside of his thigh. 'There you go, lean your weight forward-'.
He tips you then, doubling you over so your back is pushed down against his groin. You swear you can feel the curls of his hair fall in loose curls down against the small of your back, gathering that his head must be hovering just above your tailbone. For your own sake, to stop your legs from turning into jelly and letting your full weight fall so easily into Izzy's grip, you pretend the haunting moaning sound you hear must be from the hinges of the sails as they turn through the night sky.
'Perfect form', he breathes out in a short gasp against the shell of your ear once he's collected himself, his arm tightening around your stomach as he places you. His right hand drags down your arm, teasingly burning a trail right down over the back of your hand and onto your fingers as he entraps them with his own. He turns your hand, his own clenching so they fold over your own. 'That's it, now jut forward and strike.'
His knee pushes against the side of your buttocks as he jumps the two of you forward; he shoves a little too harshly, though, and just before your feet nearly trip backwards over the rotund exterior of a rogue barrel, Izzy's hand has shot out like a viper to latch its teeth around your wrist. His fingers squeeze as he tilts you upright again, a sharp exhale whistling out of his nose at how close you come to falling into his chest.
'You're not a bad teacher', you manage to laugh out between gasps, 'but unless you're packing... who doesn't bring a weapon to a sword fight?' Straddling to the side, you manage to slide down and grab onto his discarded sword, sweeping the tip through the air until it landed just below his chin. Tilting the skin up, you gaze down at him through dropped eyelids, his fingers now nearly convulsing against your wrist.
You manage to break free of his hold, grabbing onto his bare arm and pulling him so now he was the one caught in your trap. Your bicep holds around his stomach, moving with each tremble of his breath as you graze the sharp edge of his rapier down across his face and jut it under his jaw.
The bastard only smiles as you hold the edge of his blade against his throat.
'Did you really think you could win this fight?', he asks between the tight lips of a knowing smile, and it takes you a second to realise that his free hand has wrapped round to hold onto yours on top of the handle. He shoves the blade away, kicking out with his foot so you trip backwards. He easily catches you before you hit the ground.
You dance your fingers up his chest as he holds you tight against him, dipped down like lovers do during the first dance. All the stars burn deep within the depths of his soul, pouring out like razing destruction from his eyes as he keeps darting a path between your nose, and back down to your lips.
'I don't think you won this either, Izzy Hands. In fact, I think we both lost something here.' You spread your fingers out over the bare skin across his pec, feeling the flittering thud of his heart pound out against your fingertips.
By god, if he had ever been so delighted to lose.
His lips ravish you like a man shrivelled under the island sun, desperate to drown; before your gasp can fully deflate from your lungs, your legs have been kicked out from underneath you by a swift and skilled kick from the side of his boot.
Oh, he had been planning this for a long time. Had been thinking of nothing but this since he had boarded this vessel. The tightness of his arm as it snakes around your back and stops your shoulders from taking the brunt of the bounce off the boards: the way he throws his rapier behind his back without a second care, instead replacing his clenched fingers with the reddened meat of your hip as he levers you down was far too precise and meticulous to be a mere spur of the moment, subconscious thought.
An uncomfortable heat shivers over your torso and settles as an anchor weight in the pit of your stomach as Izzy grazes his right hand over the top of your thigh. Plop. Plop. Plop. His leather gloves ball as he taps his finger one by one, teasingly, against your inner thigh, using them to shove your legs wider apart. His lips pull away with a sickeningly sweet pop from your neck only for a second, as he breathlessly glances his eyes in a jagged path across your face.
He looks wonderstruck.
You can't help but reach out to touch the tough muscle of his left peck, swirling your finger across the short strands of his chest hair. The soft scrape of your fingernail soon turns into your fingers fully spreading out like the tendrils of a swift current once you feel him bury his head into the curve of your neck; his chin juts into your pulse point and the bastard has the audacity to whimper at the feel of your palm brushing over the hardened tip of his nipple.
If he wasn't living out all of his deepest, darkest dreams, the man nearly collapsed on top of you may have felt embarrassed at the way his pelvis began to buck down and brush the tightening leather over the rising line of skin underneath your belly button. In your turn to be bashful, you can feel a flush crawl over your cheeks as Izzy grabs onto the bottom of your thigh and tugs you closer, fist clenching over your ankle as he throws your right leg up and over the side of his hip bone. His hands are surprisingly soft, surprisingly gentle as he claws and kneads and mewls into you, his lips dragging down and over to the side of your jaw now with quick, tempered nicks.
You're scared his skin is going to melt off at the bone with how it burns against your hip: it holds tightly to the side of your pelvis, his thumb toying with the tassels hanging from the band of your trousers as he impetuously grinds down against you again. You can feel his shit eating smirk as the flat edge of his tongue licks a hot streak up to the shell of your ear; he bites down, tugging at your earlobe and clenching his fingernails so tightly into the soft skin at the side of your buttocks that you were amazed he didn't draw blood.
‘What on earth was that noise?! What’s going on up here! Which hooligan is up making a ruckus on my ship? And so late! I know you wanted another bedtime story, but I told you, we all need our beauty sleep!’
The glim flicker of a handheld candle illuminated out from the stairway as the ruffled hair of your captain peered out past the door like a startled meerkat. With wide eyes, he mustered the courage to lift up the skirts of his nightshirt and take a step out onto the deck, away from the safety of Ed's gentle snores as they billowed out through the crack.
Before your captain can spot the two of you caught in such an awkward position: Izzy grinding against you like a needy dog, your hand bunched into a tight fist in his hair and your legs wrapped tightly around his taut waist, he shoves a gloved finger to your lips. Annoyed at being disturbed, you tilt the hand gripping his hair backwards and smirk to yourself as Izzy dips his head down to land between your breast bone to try and hide his groans.
Before you can tease him anymore, he's gripped onto your wrist and is tugging you up; he's near carrying you bridle style in his arms as he slips past the railings of the ship, mingling in with the shadows. His hand covers your mouth to stop your giggles, carrying you off down to the bunk of his room so the two of you can carry on your midnight dalliance where your poor, confused captain wouldn't be able to hear the pounding of the bed as its frame shudders against the wall and your screams echo out against the silent moonlight.
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blackmissfrizzle · 4 years
Characters: Dean Winchester x black!reader, Geralt x black!reader
Summary: When on a case, the reader bumps into a familiar face.
Warnings: None
A/N: This idea has been in my forever. I’m happy its finally out.
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Between the store clerk trying to stare down your blouse and him giving you, Sam, and Dean unnecessary details of the attack here, you were gonna blow your brains out. Dean noticed your frustration and smiled at you. He loved the little pouty look you would get when you were annoyed. It was the same look you gave him when you wanted something from him.
To get away from the clerk’s stare you roamed around the gas station, still intently listening to his story.
“Then some dude who looked like he came straight from Game of Thrones came inside. I thought he was LARPing.”
“LARPing?” Dean repeated looking up from his notepad.
“Live action role playing,” you explained, your fingers dragging over the chips.
The clerk looked at you adoringly. “You know what it is?”
“Yeah,” you sauntered back up to the counter. Time to tease this little sucker. You took a cherry blowpop and unwrapped it. “I do it all the time. My favorite is the professor and the naughty schoolgirl.” You fluttered your eyelashes as you stuck the lollipop in your mouth.
Dean squeezed your hip in warning to cut it out. He didn’t need more reason to knock the kid out. You paid him no mind though. You just continue to smile at the clerk in which you had no doubt probably jizzed in his pants.
Dean slammed the countertop to get the young man’s attention. “Hey, eyes over here. What happened when Jon Snow came in?”
“Umm, he umm, went crazy.” You couldn’t hide your smile as he stumbled over his words. Serves him right for being a little creep. “He started swinging some blade around and killed the three other guys that were here. I thought I was next when we made eye contact, but he walked right pass me.”
Sam asked for the footage for the fight, but just our luck the camera was busted, it was only there for show. Now you had to be here longer listening to the clerk ramble.
“Uh, he’s as tall as you,” the clerk pointed at Dean, “But he’s ripped. More ripped than you,” he pointed at Sam while Dean murmured, he was ripped. “Oh, and his eyes, they were freaky man,”
The three of you traded looks. Maybe you were just dealing with a demon.
“What color were they? Yellow? White? Black?” Sam questioned.
“Yellow, well more like a golden color. You know kinda like Twilight vampire eyes.”
That was odd. None of you dealt with anything with those kind of eyes before. Guess this means this wasn’t gonna be as easy as you thought.
“Oh, and he had long white hair which is weird because he did not look that old at. Maybe it’s a new hipster trend.”
Your head popped up at the mention of the white hair. It couldn’t be him. He’d be dead by now.
Losing all jokiness, you grabbed the clerk by the collar and pulled out the necklace he gave you that you always wore. “Did he wear something like this?”
“Yeah, the same thing, just bigger.” You let him go and smoothed his collar in apology before walking out. You needed air asap.
Sam and Dean soon followed. Neither have seen you get rough with a witness before. “Y/N/N, you okay?” Sam rubbed your back as you tried to catch your breath.
“Yeah, I think I know who our killer is.”
“Kinda figured that out. Care to share with the class?” Dean knew just how to pull you out of that state, being a dick. You couldn’t pass up hitting him.
“Remember when those witches sent me to the past? I think the guy who helped me is the killer.”
Dean snapped his fingers trying to remember the man’s name. “What was his name. Geral- Gerald? No. Geral-”
“Geralt.” You finished for him.
Dean didn’t like how you said his name or how your eyes lightened up. The two of you weren’t a couple, but you were his.
“Wouldn’t he be dead by now?” Sam questioned.
“Time travel.” You simplified for him.
Dean shook his head. “Man, I hate time travel.”  
The three of you ended up at an abandoned house. You used a hair tie Geralt gave you as a conduit for a tracking spell.
“Geralt, do you have an extra scrunchie?”
“A what?” He asked, looking up at you on Roach as he walked alongside you.
You forgot they didn’t know the term scrunchies. “A hair tie.”
“Why didn’t you just call it that?” He complained.
You rolled your eyes at his grumpiness. “That’s what we call them in the future.”
“Ah. No, I don’t have an extra one. Why do you ask?”
“Because mines broke and I don’t want my braids in my face in this heat.”
Geralt sighed as he undid his. “Here,” he handed you his hair tie.
When you got into town, you bought a new hair tie at the market and you tried to give Geralt’s his, but he insisted on you keeping it. Instead he took the new one.
You surprised it work since it was so flimsy, but you couldn’t use the necklace he gave it to you, because technically it wasn’t his. He had it made for you. It was for his ‘little witcher.’
You opted to lead with your sword instead of your gun. Geralt wouldn’t be shooting at y’all. Plus, the only time you could use it was when you were hunting vamps and you missed swinging this baby through the air.
Quietly, you entered the home. Geralt would be on guard and you didn’t feel like fighting him off.
The three of you split up, in search of him. You really hope that you would find him first and not Sam or Dean. He wouldn’t trust them as easily.
Your hopes were crushed when you heard Dean yell, “Son of a bitch!” Racing down the hall, you and Sam arrived at the same time only to see Dean dodging Geralt’s sword.
“I thought you said he was some sort of hunter?” Sam pointed out Geralt’s black eyes.
“He’s not!”
You screamed out the Witcher’s name, but he didn’t respond. He had to be under someone’s control.
“Don’t shoot him!” You yelled at Dean, who was letting out rounds.
“Well, tell him to stop trying to impale me!” Dean rolled to his side to dodge the sword once more.
The witcher had the hunter backed into a corner with no room to miss his strikes. Before Dean could get stabbed, you blocked Geralt’s sword with yours.
“Geralt! Stop! It’s me!” Geralt’s black eyes held no recognition. It was as if you were another monster.
You’re a total badass but fighting Geralt proved to be exhausting. He was a much better swordsman than you and it didn’t help that you learned from him.
While you were trying to stay alive, a book barely missed your head. Looking in the direction it came from, you saw Jaskier being hemmed up by Sam and Dean.
“Jaskier, did you just throw a fucking book at me!?”
“Y/N?” The bard squinted his eyes, trying to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating you. “It’s you! Thank the heavens! Geralt is in dire need of your help.”
“I can see that!” You gritted, while Geralt had you backed against the wall with your swords crossed.
“Geralt, look it’s Y/N, the woman’s name you’ve been saying in your sleep is here.” He’s been saying your name in his sleep? You were sure he be too caught up with Yennfer.
It didn’t matter though. Geralt still was on attack mode. You were talking to Jaskier, trying to figure out what was happening when Geralt stroke your sword out of your hand with the tip of his near your neck.
Jaskier was forgotten by the boys, now that you were in imminent danger, but you told them to stand down. You knew you could get through to him.
“Geralt, it’s me!” The sound of distress in your voice broke through Geralt. His eyes reverted back to normal, well, normal for him.
He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. The one that got away.  Geralt dropped his sword, shortened the distance between you two by leaning his forehead against yours while cupping your jaw gently. “Y/N,” he whispered against your lips.
His lips took you by surprise. You haven’t felt them against yours since you came back your time. This time it was different. It was more passionate. The eagerness from Geralt let you know that he was seeking familiarity and you were willing to give it.
A throat clearing broke you out the kiss. You turned to see a pissed off Dean, a smug Jaskier, and an uncomfortable Sam. Taking in that sight, you stepped away from Geralt’s embrace.
“Um, Sam, Dean, this is Geralt of Rivia.”
Despite his immediate disdain for the man, Dean introduced himself. “Nice to meet you. I’m Dean Winchester of Lawrence.”
Geralt ticked his head to the side before shaking Dean’s hand. So, this was the idiot that Y/N would groan on about. He never quite understood why the idiot didn’t want to be in a relationship with Y/N. She was smart, beautiful, and a hell of a hunter. He would’ve taken her for himself if only time didn’t separate them.
With introductions over, you got to the meat of it. Geralt explained that someone plucked him, Jaskier, Ciri, and Yennefer out of time, just to use him as a weapon. The rest were used to keep him in line, but after one too many fights with his abductors they found a way to spell him under their control.
“Then why are you with him?” You asked Jaskier.
Jaskier’s face flushed and he looked towards the ground. “They said I was annoying, so they sent me with him.”
You had to contain your laughter, but Geralt did not. Leave it up to Jaskier to annoy his kidnappers to the point they couldn’t stand being around him.
You were getting into the backseat of Baby when Geralt just stood there a little confused. “What are you doing? Get in!” You patted the empty seat and he hesitantly slid in.
“This is small,” Geralt commented as his eyes roamed the vessel. It sort of reminded him of a carriage without the horses.
“Faster than Roach. How is she?” A smile graced your face as you reminisced on the stead. She was the most beautiful horse and as protective over you as Geralt.
“She’s well. She misses you though.” Not as much as him though, Geralt thought.
Nuh huh. This was not gonna happen on his watch. Dean let the freakazoid get one free kiss because he was disoriented, but he be damned if he let him make moves on his woman. “Who the hell is Roach?” Dean asked, looking at the pair of you from his rearview mirror.
“My horse.” Geralt met Dean’s eyes in the mirror but for only a moment.
Dean quirked an eyebrow. “Really? you named your horse after an insect.”
“Dude, you literally named the impala Baby,” Sam slapped his shoulder.
Sam’s comment launched the brothers into an argument about Baby’s name origin. While they were having their silly argument, you leaned up and turned on the radio to drown them out.
Immediately, Jaskier was intrigued by the music coming out. You told him all about the advancements in music and promised him to show him some good music.
Dean caught the tail end of your conversation and asked Jaskier why not start his music lesson now.
Sam and your eyes went to each other. Both of you knew Dean was about to go through his expansive cassette tape collection. Sam put in his headphones while you leaned your head back, getting comfortable for your nap.
You didn’t feel Geralt pull you off Jaskier when your body slumped over on him. You didn’t feel Geralt wrapped his arms around your waist as he leaned your head on him. And you definitely didn’t feel Dean’s hot gaze staring at your conjoined bodies.
Tagging: @deansblackbeauty​ @dark-night-sky-99​ @brownsugarcoffy​ @jinaaaannnnn @amethyst09​ @titty-teetee​ @deanscroissant​ @deansbbysblog​ @thickemadame​ @arizonalovesher​ @harrywujj
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 41
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One step closer to the end.
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FIVE Seconds
John 'Soap' MacTavish
Task Force 141 Base - Infirmary
We overcame Ultranationalists, chopper crashes, danger close with gunships but a goddamn dog is what'll get me into an infirmary? Rabies, ridiculous. What a waste of time. 
John wrote down his anger in his black journal. It housed all his thoughts ever since being recruited at the Task Force regarding mission briefings, regrets and training schedules. It was his outlet on all the things going on around the world.
He noticed that Captain Price also slept by the other bed, his eyes looked tired from staying up late, he never gave up on Volt that he tired himself out.
He winced at the pain of the bruise the rotten dog gave him. He was never really a fan of them as most dogs tend to chase him wherever he went. Yesterday was another proof. Luckily, France seemed to catch up on his body language, how he didn't want anyone to know that a dog was the reason he's in the infirmary. The way she knew it without telling her was starting to convince the Scotsman that he got himself a keeper. Someone who understands.
Speaking of which, the same gorgeous blonde girl entered the infirmary, greeting Soap with a very genuine smile of relief. 
"Hi." She smiled quietly as Price was still asleep. 
"Aye. Hello there." He greeted, his voice was low and rough as he attempted to catch the lady off guard. She may look tough wearing her 141 training uniform, but Soap knows how to make her lose her composure. 
"How's the wound?" She asked, her face was already turning red as she approached him. She looked so cute right now, Soap won't mind kissing her amidst the Captain being there along with some CCTVs.
"Getting better. Hopefully enough to join the fight. How about you?" he replied, smiling at the female soldier. The general mood of the room quickly shifted and the two of them were pretty aware about it.
"I'm fine. I'm just here to thank you for saving me back then. But you didn't have to… I deserved that bite for not being careful." She muttered.
Soap sighed. 
"Eh, you know full well that I care for you, France. For once let me be the hero." He chuckled and France laughed.
"You already know that you are my hero, dummy." She winked as she started to leave.
"I gotta go. It's my turn to clean up the comms. Wish you'd help me though, Hero." she teased as she left the room, Soap was left staring at her beautiful figure exit the room.
"You sure got yourself a tough lass there, lad." Price grumbled as he woke up, commenting on the two.
"Aye. She's definitely a keeper. I just hope I don't mess up. Because I think she's the one." Soap finally admitted, to Price of all people. The captain just chuckled.
"Yeah. My word of advice. Go with what your heart and mind says." He said with full sincerity, as if he didn't want Soap to regret everything. There was flavor in his words that made Soap wonder if such advice came from experience. Though he did hear rumors that he and Laswell had some sort of history, and he got that from France.
"Aye, Captain… Will do." Soap nodded and Price got up.
"I'm giving Volt a final visit." He grumbled and went off, leaving Soap alone in his thoughts once again.
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The next day, Soap was cleared from the infirmary and was immediately tasked on the mission. Last night, Nero started his assault on the capital and thousands of rangers were struggling to keep them off the country. With Volt finally given up, he relayed information regarding one of Nero's allies.
They were going to Havana, the home base of the mind manipulation and the command center of Nero's forces. How it managed to stay hidden, nobody knows but the team was eager to find out soon. Especially that another nuke is ready for launch.
Abandoned Building, Cuba, Havana
Soap could hear France hum the song Havana quietly as she crossed her arms just before the plane started. She was nervous and Soap knew that so he tried to hold her hand in secrecy, showing him a face that assured her that everything will be alright.
In this mission, time was of the essence so stealth wasn't an option. They were headed to the base guns blazing, all in hopes to disable the second nuke launch.
The helo flew dangerously low as metal clanged on it's base as soon as enemies fired at it. It was a risky move but the squad needed to drop by the rooftops to get a clear vantage point.
Soap immediately seeked for cover by the edge of the rooftop, eyeing the door that led to the lower floors where the command center should be.
"We'll hold them off! You go!" Alex yelled as Soap, Price, Roach and France breached the door, descending to the second floor of the building. 
The place was abandoned and very open, enemies' footsteps echoed across the halls, making the team aware of their positions.
"Soap, focus on getting to the control room. We'll take care of them. France, cover his six. Roach and I will make a grand distraction." Price said, popping a grenade on the main hall and Roach assisted him, drawing all the attention towards them.
"Alex, when you're done sweeping up the yard, I need your team down here asap." Price muttered over comms.
"Roger that." he replied.
"Looks like it's you and me against the clock now." Soap managed to chuckle at their situation. France just chuckled and cleared the location so Soap could advance. This was her forte. Stealth and close quarters.
"You're good to go, John." She said as she took the stairs down. Soap cautiously followed as he heard gunshots from France's location.
"Two tangos down." She declared, clearing the staircase to the basement.
"Multiple tangos in the basement. Looks like we're in the right place." France nodded and Soap followed, pulling the pin of a grenade and tossing it to the narrow hallway.
"GRANADA!!" One yelled and an explosion followed, signaling the couple to press on the narrow hallway while they're dazed.
They shot down the enemies until more emerged from behind, trapping the two of them.
"Shite! At this rate we'll never push forward. We're pinned!" Soap called for help.
"Someone's escaping! Reinforcements are arriving!" Alex warned as the team was now overwhelmed with hostiles. Time was running out.
"John! Watch my six and I'll clear a path for you." France said and left without letting him reply. This worried Soap but he had to trust her and so he covered her six. Shooting at enemies dumb enough to dive on to the narrow hallway. He did his best to retaliate by firing back and tossing any grenades back to its source.
It felt like the longest two minutes of his life. France fought her way to the command center and him, defending the entrance while his ammo slowly ran out. Then after what seemed like forever, he heard her go signal.
Soap ran as fast as he could, and just before he lost sight of the entrance, he saw Price immediately follow him. They did it. They cleared the entrance.
He fished out his journal for the cryllic translator, decoding every letter just so he could stop the launch. They only had five seconds left. 
Soap furiously typed the code Volt gave them and pressed enter as soon as it's done. The launch didn't stop. Soap figured that they were too late, but Price's face never looked worried.
"Captain. The launch didn't stop! What are we going to do?" France said, worried.
"It's all according to plan." He muttered as he signaled his head to head back to the rooftop.
"Let's burn this place down." He added and they all ran back to the rooftops for exfil.
"Dropping the skyhook now! Latch yourselves in!" Eagle Two Four yelled as the thick rope dropped from the sky, Soap quickly latched himself in and looked behind him. France was a few meters away from the final hook as a stray bullet grazed her thigh.
"France! Hang on!" Soap quickly detached himself almost automatically, without thinking. The rest of the team were already being hoisted up when they noticed the two members still on the rooftops.
Soap's body felt the rush as he quickly carried her up and held her tight, running toward the last hook and quickly attaching himself in, all while holding her tight in his arms.
"Why didn't you call out to me? You know I'm going to save you whatever it takes." he whispered as he felt France already in tears. If it wasn't for him always checking out on her, she would've been left alone in that abandoned building.
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"Is she going to be fine?" The worried Scotsman asked the nurse. His voice was almost loud enough to disturb everyone else.
"She got hit twice. One on the chest and one on the thigh. They're both minor but she just passed out from the panic and exhaustion. We found this on her chest. The thing practically saved her life." The nurse handed over his journal. Soap's eyes widened at the hole that pierced through the whole book. He must've left it when he typed the abort codes and she must've grabbed it from there.
"The bullet barely pierced through her armor thanks to that book." She said as Soap looked up and silently thanked that she was safe. He quickly flipped through the pages until he found the page where he drew her. The bullet hole on the page was where her heart was. It was funny because it was the other way around. That woman was the one that fired a bullet straight to his heart. And he wasn't a big fan of metaphors at this rate.
"So is she okay?" Roach quickly ran to Soap's side, a worried look on his face. Alex and Price were behind him.
"The journal saved her." He said, raising the pierced black book as proof.
"She's lucky enough you got her on time. I couldn't think of any other way she could be saved from there." Price commented as she looked at her through the glass.
"She's a tough lad. But sometimes she needs to understand that she isn't alone." Price added and Alex nodded. 
"She'll wake up soon." Alex tapped Soap's shoulder and he nodded, as they left the infirmary for another briefing.
On the way to the briefing room, they caught up with Ghost and Alexandra bringing an unknown man to the interrogation area, which prompted the team to follow.
Inside the interrogation room's observation area, the team sat while Price and Jack talked to the man.
"Nice to see ya, Jack. Thought Nero got rid of you." He smugly said with a wide annoying grin on his mouth.
"Who is this prick, anyway?!" Roach hissed.
"That's Gabriel Lannister. CIA's Research and Development Head." Alex said nonchalantly, Soap could see the disbelief in his eyes. There was more than just one mole in his previous department.
"He was the one in charge with the mass manipulation of the missing persons cases." Ryder added.
"While you lot launched the nuke, he went off running with four convoys of protection. Luckily we were able to intercept them by the bridge." Ghost informed.
"What about the nuke?" Soap asked, completely forgetting about it. It was his responsibility, as he typed the whole command on it.
"Blasted at Nero's fleet not too far from the White House. If you were five seconds later, the war would've ended differently." Ryder supplied the information.
"And the capital?" Roach asked.
"Mostly damaged, but it will recover. Turns out Nero did really burn the place down." Ghost answered. 
"What about Nero?" Alex asked, eyes not leaving the whole interrogation.
"No one knows where he is. We were hoping this guy would give information about him." Ryder pointed to Gabriel, who was having a fun time at the interrogation.
The tension inside the room was different. Each person had their own little realizations and this pushed them to end the war as soon as possible.
Soap immediately exited the area and went back to the infirmary.
"Hey." He was greeted by France, who was already up.
"How are you holding up?" He asked, his tone more concerned than ever.
"Well, It doesn't hurt right now but… I'm… I almost died out there, John… What if I died?" Her voice croaked and tears started falling from her eyes. John quickly approached her and hugged her gently close to his chest.
"Don't say that… What's important is you're alive… I got you and you're safe…" He whispered.
"Thank you." She croaked. John just rubbed her back assuring her everything will be alright.
"No. Thank you. You changed me, France. You made me realize a lot of things. I know that this isn't the most perfect place right now, but… Will you be my girlfriend? Because I can't help thinking about how every single day of my life since I met you, I can't stop thinking about you. Your smile, your face, the things you say, the way you hide what you really feel. I want all of those and after that last mission, I realized that I shouldn't have left you waiting. There was no better time than as soon as possible." He said, offering his notebook as replacement for flowers.
France nodded with tears in her eyes, accepting the journal with confusion.
"Turn it on the last page." Soap said as she did it, showing a sketch of her and him together happily smiling. She wore the clothes she wore when they were out together in that coffee shop.
"This is beautiful." She said, tracing a finger on the paper.
"I love you, John MacTavish." She said as she leaned in for a kiss, not letting him reply.
Next Chapter : FOUR Weeks of Silence
Notification Squad my Beloved
@smokeywhalee @enderio @samatedeansbroccoli @ricinbach @whimsywispsblog @bumblingbee1
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pestcontrolmagic · 3 years
5 Tips for Selecting a Bug Controller
Have you just seen bugs like rats, ants or roaches in your house recently? If so, you may have a significant parasite problem. Essentially, folks employ Orlando pest control firms when they stumble upon bugs in their houses.
Family pets usually look for warmer locations to conceal, especially in winter. Generally, they sneak into a residence through small holes and also fractures in brick or wood walls. Other insects like flies as well as enter a house using holes and cracks in wood doors and windows. So, exactly how can you easily manage these insects? Read on!
Catches do not work regularly if you need to deal with rats, computer mice, roaches, termites or bed bugs. The actual service is to obtain the ravaged home examined by a qualified insect control business. After comprehensive evaluation, their technicians will allow you recognize the best treatments and products that must be utilized to resolve this trouble.
Although companies have actually altered types of chemicals for Orlando pest control, it is still the most effective concept to get this task managed by an expert. Many parasites contain extremely hazardous toxic substances as well as can triggering health problems. Consequently, it can be as well risky to do the job by yourself. The best selection is to look for a specialist Orlando exterminator.
Selecting A Pest Pest Control Man
If you have actually picked looking for the solutions of a bug Orlando exterminator, then among the first things you must do is to evaluate a firm's credibility as well as solutions. If you make a bad choice, you will end up with inadequate outcomes. Actually, unstable companies carry out inadequate job and parasites return once more after a week or two. As a result, you would like to follow the following ideas while seeking a company.
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Firm track record
First of all, run a look at the history of the company you discover reliable. Go online, search testimonial internet site, check via several testimonials and also make certain you select the most trustworthy as well as trusted firm. Almost all the reputable companies have their official websites where you can look for more information.
Different insect Orlando exterminator have experience with different kinds of bugs. Therefore, you need to find one that can efficiently address your trouble. If you have to handle a roach issue, as an example, you need to go for a provider having experience exterminating cockroaches.
Dependable companies constantly belong to some organization be it regional or global. What is the benefit of a business that is connected with organizations? Well, the important things is that signed up companies are well developed and also they follow code of principles when it comes to making due dates.
Talk to a number of firms
Do not talk to the provider in haste. Instead, ask loads of questions to the Orlando pest control. Furthermore, if something is not clear to you, do not hesitate to ask inquiries regarding it.
It is highly recommended that you get visits with a minimum of six companies for interview. Use your good sense to locate the one that appears to fulfill your needs in the most efficient way possible. With any luck, you will not locate it challenging to work with a Orlando pest control after going through these tips.
Some home owners think that working with a Orlando pest control is mosting likely to set you back a lot of money to them. The truth is that Orlando exterminator personalize their strategies according to your needs as well as budget. If you simply identify your house repair work fees you will certainly need to pay if you do not get the bugs like termites eliminated, you will certainly come to know that the most affordable decision is to work with one ASAP.
You can call All American Bug Control to eliminate parasites in your home.
All American Pest Control
2014 Edgewater Dr #250, Orlando, FL 32804
(321) 559-7378
Orlando Pest Control
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zayashmaya · 5 years
Cursed idea: It's marvus's day off, so tat means it's lazy day for him and mc. No worries, no plans for going out, just him, mc and dolphin dad relaxing in pjs (both him and mc wanted to be naked but dolphin dad said no) so he is watching mc cook breakfast, you know just relaxing while mc is deepfrying some roaches for him and making sandwiches for her, when out of nowhere someone is knocking the door, marvus goes and opens it.... it's zebruh. (1/1)
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oh N O these two are in for a wild ride asdjkfhal
zebruh spends a solid 30 minutes eyeing up the hive without anyone’s permission and commenting on how woke marvus is for his impeccable taste and flaunting his wealth in a classy style and how he shares it with his lowblood lover (he kinda gags as he says that but plays it off as a cough). marvus and mc are following him around at a respectable 5 yard distance just to make sure he doesnt touch or steal anything (we all know zebruh wants to snatch some undies or literally anything and boast about it on social media). 
marvus can’t even do anything because he doesnt want this indigo fucker to say shit about him online, so he has no choice but to endure his presence. and mc wants to be a decent friend so she whispers to marvus to let zebruh have this one victory for now. 
dolphin dad quickly catches onto how much zebruh sucks and wants to straight up murder him. ya’ll know dolphins are absolute freaks. but mc holds him at bay while marvus escorts zebruh far away from his lusus cause aint nobody trying to get drones up in here investigating a highblood murder. 
imagine zebruh comes prepared for a dip in the pool? and when marvus and mc return from changing, they see him on a recliner in that ‘draw me like one of your french girls’ pose trying to be seductive and failing so miserably. marvus is ready to die at this point. definitely has to sidestep a whole lot of booty grabbing attempts. 
zebruh might even insist on a sleepover but mc discretely orchestrates a scenario by getting polypa to wreck his hive so he gets a call from his lusus to come home immediately, and he begrudgingly has to obey. marvus and mc shower asap from how gross they feel after being in his presence for so long, and spent the rest of the early morning cuddling and basking in each other’s comforting embrace.
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justkending · 6 years
Knock, Knock. Part 2
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Summary: You are a really good friend of the Padaleckis. Your apartment gets infested with all kinds of problems, so you have to move in with your friends for a couple of days. Little did you know who you would run into while staying there.
Pairing: (single) Jensen x Reader
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1895
A/N: Had this in my head for a while, and thought I would put it to words, so here we are ladies and gentlemen. I do want to make note that I have nothing against the Ackles, and I love the family with all my heart. I can’t help what stories come to mind. Also let me know what you think. Debating on making a full on series.
Part 2:
A little backstory shall we?
When you moved here, life was all sunshine and butterflies. You met a great guy at your work and hit it off really well. You were excelling in your job, your love life was great, and you lived close to your best friend, so you were always out having an adventurous life.
Picture perfect, right? What could possibly go wrong?
Well, one day as you were headed to work after a ‘fun night’ with your fiancé, who had just proposed to you 3 months’ prior. Everything was seemingly perfect. You were in love and life felt like you were on cloud 9 almost all the time. Your fiancé told you he was going to come into work late since he had a doctor’s appointment that day.
You, being the trusting person you were, didn’t think twice and went on with your day. Halfway to work, you realized you had left your wallet at home and made a U-turn back that way.
While you were walking up the stairs of the apartment building and approaching your door, you heard a giggling inside the nice little flat you shared with your soon to be husband.
You didn’t have your coffee this morning because you were running out the door to not be late, so maybe you weren’t paying attention and you were on the wrong floor. You looked at the number on the door and sure enough, it was definitely the right one. Apartment 3B.
You cocked your head to the side in confusion and fished your keys out of your purse. Seconds before putting the key in the lock, you heard the giggle again. This time more clearly.
“What the hell?”
As you opened the door, you saw a half naked blonde pressed extremely close to your fiancé and both of their heads shot your direction.
“Honey! I thought you went to work!” he shouted to you trying to grab something to cover his not so private parts.
“Yeah, well, I thought you were going to a doctor’s appointment, but I GUESS WE WERE BOTH WRONG!” you shouted, throwing a pillow at the two. “UGH! I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS!” You ran into your room and immediately started packing a bag.
He stormed in there after you, blanket wrapped around him in an attempt to cover up his crime.
“BABE! It’s not what it looks like. Give me a chance to explain!”
“A CHANCE TO EXPLAIN?! Oh no honey. Do I look like I’m in the mood to hear some sad pathetic story about how you think you’re innocent in all this mess?”
“Y/N, don’t act like you’re that surprised…” he scoffed.
You stopped mid-packing and slowly turned around. If looks could kill, this would be a crime scene. Who’s to say it wasn’t going to be though?
“You’re saying I should have seen this coming? I should have-?” you huffed, blowing a piece of hair out of your eyes. “I’m sorry. I was supposed to get a hint at the fact that you were off screwing some other woman!” you returned to your packing. “Fuck that!”
He kept trying to coax you into staying as you furiously packed the necessities, so he could ‘explain’. You had a high sense of pride though and knew that if he was going to treat you like trash, he did not deserve any part of you.
You grabbed your bags and headed for the door. He followed and took it a step the wrong direction when he blocked your exit and grabbed your elbow to slow you down.
“Y/N, please! Just let me break it down for you. That way you see why it all happened. Come on baby. I need you.”
You turned to the woman that was sitting shamelessly on the couch literally watching everything happening while picking at her nails. Like she had better things to be doing.
“Yeah, no. I’m not your ‘baby’ anymore. You can call that girl,” you pointed to the girl on the couch then looked back at the slimeball that still had a hold on you, “whatever the hell you want. I personally choose the word bitch, but that’s just me. Now let go and move out of the way.”
“Y/N, come on be reasonable with me.”
You ripped your arm free from the man. “Move, or I’ll make you,” you threatened through gritted teeth.
Before he could make any more excuses you dropped your bag and connected your fist with his nose. Taking those boxing classes came in handy. You heard the sickening crack of his nose and shook out your hand. He fell to the side grasping and cussing at the pain and you heard a gasp come from behind you.
As you picked your bag up, and went to finally leave, you turned to the women one last time.
“Have a blast with this one. He’s definitely something else.”
With that, you left and only came back to retrieve the rest of your stuff when you knew he wasn’t there. That night you went to Gen’s and stayed for a few nights. You cried, screamed, and laughed while she helped you through the heartbreak. Helping with Tom and toddler Shep when you could to keep your mind off the situation. All until you found an ad on Facebook for a roommate seeking someone asap. It was semi-close to your job and really cheap. You jumped at the opportunity not wanting to take too much advantage of the hospitality that the Padaleckis were offering.
Within the next week you were living in a not-so-nice apartment 5 minutes longer to work than your past home, but doing ok. It was in a decent part of town, but the building itself was old and not really updated. It had been about 6 months of living there with your isolated roommate that you really only saw at night when he had his lady friends over. You both gave each other your privacy and didn’t really talk other than about rent and the bills. Sometimes you would talk in the morning when you ran into each other getting coffee, but it was always small talk not much more.
Now, to the present.
The reason you were staying at the Padaleckis now was because there had been an infestation of all kinds of insects in the building. You had noticed signs of it, but it was never bad until the last week. Roaches, beetles, ants, termites you name it, it was probably there.
They had to evacuate the building forcing you to phone your friend once again who welcomed you with open arms. Gen and Jared were the best and so helpful in all the crap that was taking over your life.
You had planned on staying for 1-2 days at the most, but the calls kept coming in saying one more day… one more day. It had been 5 days’ now and last night you got the call that the building was being completely shut down. The inspectors found more than just insects. The foundation was awful, there were rodents as well, and the whole place needed to be bulldozed pretty much. I guess that’s what you get for rushing into the lease, and only paying $300 a month.
So, Friday when you got the call of all that shit, Gen took you out with some of both your other friends and you just let go.
Bringing us to this morning of the hangover and meeting Jensen Ackles.
Don’t get it wrong. You watch the show and know who he is and you are a fan, but you weren’t really in the mood to ask questions and act all excited and thrilled to meet the handsome celebrity. So you walked away hoping to meet him in better conditions, and also to relieve the headache that was pounding against your skull.
After getting ready for the day and downing 3 bottles of water as well as 3 Advil, you met up with Gen at one of her favorite yoga spots in the area.
“Hey girly! How are you doing?” Gen said embracing you as you both walked into the quiet space.
“You know things could be better,” you shrugged, signing into the class. “But the headache is fading and I’m not as nauseous.”
“Good. Well, I have a whole day mapped out for us, but don’t worry, we will be home for dinner so you can rest at home too.”
“Thanks so much Gen. You guys didn’t have to take me in and you both are going above and beyond for me. I don’t want to be a burden, so kick me out when you’re sick of me.”
“No, no, no. Do not think for a second you are a burden. I had to tell you that like a million times last night, but I doubt you remember.” She nudged you as you two made your way into the main yoga room. “Jared and I love having you. You help us with the boys tremendously and are always helping around the house when you can.”
“I feel like it’s my way of paying rent. I don’t want to be a freeloader.”
“I know, and we appreciate that. It would be completely different if you were a slob and took advantage of us, but you don’t,” she said with a smile.
You laid out your mats and got situated before stretching.
“Ok. Ok. Just promise if I get annoying, or do start becoming a slob, you’ll tell me,” You asked of her making sure you were holding eye contact. “I mean it.”
“When has there ever been a time when I didn’t tell you what was on my mind?” she said, cocking her head getting a laugh out of you. “Trust me, I’ll kick your ass if I have to,” she said with a wink.
You guys did your yoga lesson leaving sweaty, but luckily you brought a change of clothes. Then spent the rest of the day getting your nails done, your hair done, shopping and treating yourself to lunch and a tasty dessert. By the time you were done, it was time for Gen to get the boys.
“I’ll meet you back at the house when I get Tom and Shep. Jared should be home from his interview by now so you’ll have some company,” Gen said packing her things into the car before hopping in the front seat.
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll get started on prepping dinner. By the time you get home you can help me cook,” you said walking to your car.
“Sounds like a plan Y/N/N!”
She drove off while you put on your classic rock playlist. That was one of your favorite things about Supernatural. The soundtrack had all of your favorite music.
You parked in the driveway once you arrived. Sure enough, Jared’s car was parked in the garage and you made your way into the house humming Ramble On by Led Zeppelin. You heard the TV on and decided to follow the noise.
As you were taking off your scarf you shouted out for Jared.
“Jar? You here?”
As soon as you walked into the family room you were met with bright green eyes.
“Hey! Y/N, right?” Jensen asked with a wide smile pointing to you.
Part 3
@sleepless-sin @ain-t-bovvered @dean-winchesters-bacon@angelkurenai@unabashedsoul97@sandlee44@gripmetight-raisemefromperdition@cabbagewithissues @supersleepygoat@anotherwaywardsister  
@torn-and-frayed @ravengirl94@carryonmywaywardcaptain @ezilyamuzed
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  @anise-d-castle6@adoptdontshoppets@casper57x@tailsoflightning@spookycowz @eve05glee @snffbeebee @angelessquirrel
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blk-xniverse · 6 years
Mutual Tag
Was tagged by @deeeeolaa ☁️💕
Rules : Answer these questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better.
1. Nickname~ Shauna (Mae Lou-only said by my Mema), Mousey, T'Shae
2. Starsign~ Scorpio [DON'T ATTACK ME]
3. Height~ 5′0 or 5'1 mane idk I'm short
4. Age~ 20 
5. Time~ 8:02pm
6. Favourite Bands/Artists~ Bob Marley, Janelle Monae, King Krule, Michael/Janet Jackson, Prince, Crush, Lenny Kravitz, Lauryn Hill, Childish Gambino, John Coltrane, Lil Uzi, St. Beauty, Day6, The Rose, Stray Kids, NCT, Solange, Shinee, Lana Del Rey, Mac Demarco, Tame Impala, Jimi Hendrix, Steel Pulse, Pristin, Wonder Girls, P.M. Dawn, Aaliyah, A Tribe Called Quest, Fugees, James Blake, Sky Ferreira, Soundgarden, The Internet, Kali Uchis, Daniel Ceasar, Odesza, Blood Orange, Frank Ocean, G.Soul, Monsta X, Zion.T, etcetcetc !!!!! [my music taste is all over the place and I have too many faves maybe]
7. Song stuck in my head~ Sold Out Dates by Gunna ft. Lil Baby
8. Last movie I saw~ Detroit (I really put it off for a whole year and after watching it... yeah)
9. Last thing I Googled~ 'That app that has voice overs' bc me and my sister couldn't remember the name Dubsmash dbsjxbnd
10. Other Blogs~ ×
11. Do I get asks~ From time to time yeah, I appreciate what I can get LMAO
12. Why I chose my username’s~ Because I'm Black and I love Steven Universe... yeah that's it (I just changed the u to an x bc it look fye)
13. Following~ too many, mostly dead blogs but like almost 600
14. Average amount of 💤~ it'll be nice if I could actually sleep but maybe 7 or 9 on my good nights
15. Lucky Number~ even numbers 😝
16. What I’m wearing~ black shorts, black tank top, black bonnet and a panda sleep mask around my neck
17. Dream Job~ Artist/Traveller (also interested in journalism)
18. Dream Trip~ Anywhere but here pls (this is a cry for help, S.O.S get me outta America asap) 
19. Favourite Food~ SOUL FOOD! or fuckin bbq??? Mac and cheese ??? ribs??? collard greens??? Hot wings???... b-betch where's the nut button??? (honestly I just love food in general)
20. Play an Instrument?~ Clarinet, Viola, Violin, Handbells, little bit of acoustic guitar and piano (I think I'm missing something, I can't think rn but yeah)
21. Favourite Song?~ currently??? I can't stop playing 'Sit Next To Me' by Foster the People tbh
22. Play(ed) any sport~ Ballet, Tap, Contemporary and Hip-hop dancing are the only kinda sports I've done LMAO, oh yeah and not to brag but... I did a little bit of tennis and boxing on Wii Sports 🔥
23. Hair Colour~ natural: jet black / my ends are dyed an auburn color
24. Eye Colour~ dark brown
25. Most Iconic Song~ Last Resort by Papa Roach (I'm right even if u disagree)
26. Languages you speak/are learning~ English and little bit of Kreyòl (improving). I'm learning ASL, Spanish and Korean.
27. Random Fact~ My big ass two front teeth went through the skin right under my bottom lip bc I fell face first on the floor trying to dance like Michael Jackson when I was kid. I have a lil scar :)
28. Describe yourself as aesthetics~ sage/incense/candles, earth tones + the color black, kids giggling, inside jokes, nostalgia, full moon, autumn, vinyls, waves crashing, polaroids, sunsets, 80s/90s fashion, etc
29. Tagging~ @likangelic @evilsw3 @iconicbehavior23 @nutelea @awesomemadwomanwithabox @herfleur @nutella-and-bowties @mermaidcatcher30 @negrocops @ironsquad & anybody else who wants to do it, go wild ;D♡
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softnow · 6 years
22 for r/n if it inspires you!
22. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”
When Josh texts her to say that they’ve found roaches pretty much everywhere in Aloha’s and are closing to fumigate—and follows up with a screenshot of the weather forecast (perfect), a picture of a water slide, and two koala emoticons—Rebecca hesitates for maybe two seconds. Then she sweeps her belongings into her purse, grabs her keys, and heads for the elevator. She nearly makes it, too.
“Where are you off to?” Nathaniel appears as if by magic to block her path, a coffee mug in one hand and a file in the other.
“I have…a thing.”
“What thing?” He takes a sip of coffee and peers at her over the rim, waiting.
“A thing-thing.” She tries to dodge around him, but he holds out an arm to stop her. “Come on.”
“Just tell me where you’re going at—” He glances at his watch. “—nine forty-five in the morning. On a Tuesday.”
Rebecca crosses her arms and huffs. “I don’t owe you an explanation.”
“Oh? I’m sorry, have you forgotten that I’m your boss? And you can’t just swan off whenever you feel like it? You actually have to do your job to have a job.” He shakes his head. “Why does nobody around here seem to understand that?”
“Look, okay, fine. You want an explanation? It’s…my cat. Yup. My cat was…attacked by a dog, one of those…really vicious ones that kind of looks like Mike Tyson, and my neighbor just called to tell me that he’s fading fast, and I need to get to the vet ASAP.” She does her best to put on a grave face. “So that’s why I need to go. Can I go? Let me go.”
Nathaniel considers this. “You have a cat?”
“Yup. Uh-huh. That’s what I just said.”
“Really? Because I distinctly remember overhearing you tell Paula in the break room last week that the only people who own cats are spinsters, the elderly, and families in horror movies.” He narrows his eyes at her and cocks his head to the side. “Actually, you’re not wrong.”
Rebecca steeples her fingers and presses them to her mouth. “Did I say my cat? Nooo, no no no. I don’t have a cat. That’s—psh!—that’s ridiculous. What I meant to say is…it’s Josh’s cat.”
Nathaniel gives her an incredulous look.
“Yeah,” she continues. “And I, uh, I’ve been pet-sitting while he’s away in…Redondo…for a…karate convention. So I really need to go, right, because this cat is my ward, and if something were to happen to this cat, Josh would never forgive me and our relationship would be ruined and I would just be—ugh—so sad, and you don’t want that, right? A sad worker is a bad worker, or something? You have a saying for that, right?”
“Okay, that’s not even remotely convincing. I’d say good try, but we both know it wasn’t.” He holds the file in his hand out to her. “You’re not going anywhere. I need you to prepare for the Davenport case. They’re coming in at three, and we need to be flawless.”
“What? Why? Make Darryl or Tim or somebody do it. I have to…” She makes a walking motion with her fingers.
Nathaniel shakes the file. “Davenport has the potential to be a bigger account than Crestfield, but they’re notorious hard asses. I know better firms than this that have been trying to land them for years.”
“So I can’t afford to have somebody screw this up. And like it or not, you’re the only one who’s decently competent around here. So cancel whatever you’re really trying to run away for, and get to work. You know, the thing I pay you to do.” He forces the file into her hand. Rebecca opens her mouth to continue her failing protest (nobody can say she doesn’t go down without a fight), but he cuts her off. “It’s not a request.”
She glares at him, but she takes the file and slinks back to her desk. What a jerk. She could be eating churros in an innertube right now. And instead she’s here, chained to paperwork by Mr. Dreamy Dictator who probably thinks “fun” is some sort of venereal disease.
With a sad huff, Rebecca texts Josh to tell him she won’t be making it (with six crying emoticons, five multicolored hearts, and a file cabinet—he’ll know what it means). Then she sets her phone aside, lines up her assortment of pens and highlighters, and gets to work.
At noon, she takes forty-five minutes for lunch instead of the Plimpton-enforced thirty.
There are few things in the world that can make Rebecca forget about Joshua Felix Chan. It turns out a particularly good meeting is one of them. By the time she’s shaking the hands of Misters Davenport Junior and Senior and thanking them for choosing Plimpton, Plimpton, and Plimpton (and Whitefeather & Associates) to represent them in their asbestos suit, Josh is the furthest thing from her mind.
Instead, she’s filled with the warm confetti feeling of a job well done. (It may not be glitter, but it’s certainly close.)
After he shows out the Davenport duo, Nathaniel lingers in the conference room and watches Rebecca gather her things.
“Did you see the way they perked up the minute I mentioned those doctors that claim asbestos actually helps emphysema? God, it was almost too easy,” she crows.
“I didn’t expect them to topple so quickly,” he says. “Maybe I was right after all.”
She tucks a stack of papers under her arm and frowns. “Huh?”
“About you taking this firm to the next level.”
It doesn’t escape her that this is the sincerest, least backhanded compliment he’s paid her. The new wave of confetti bursting in her brain doesn’t escape her, either. She smiles, surprised but pleased, and he allows a small smile in return.
“Yeah,” she says. “Maybe you were.”
They regard each other across the conference table for long moment before Nathaniel clears his throat.
“Anyway,” he says. “Now that that’s taken care of, I left the documents for Wednesday’s depositions on your desk. I need you to proof them and get them back to me before you leave.”
And just like that, the confetti hits the ground, litter instead of glitter. She glances at the clock; there’s only forty minutes before she usually leaves. (Or at least, when she’s technically supposed to usually leave.)
“Wha— Nathaniel. That’ll take hours!”
He holds up a hand to stop her, already moving towards the door. “Not a request,” he says with a smirk.
She imagines lighting him on fire as she trudges back to her desk. She’d start with the hair. Nobody so cruel should have hair that good.
True to his word, the deposition documents are waiting in the center of her desk in a bulging paper folder. Rebecca’s stomach sours just looking at it. She flings herself into her chair and slides the folder towards her, leafing through it to gauge just how angry she should be. A blue sticky note on the first page gives her pause.
Good work on Davenport. You can leave 30 min early, but I expect you here by 8am and these docs proofed by noon tomorrow.
Give the cat my best.
She reads it twice to make sure this isn’t a dream, then glances over her shoulder. He meets her gaze through his office door and quickly looks away.
Rebecca smiles, folds the sticky note down the middle, and tucks it into her pocket. She puts the documents into her bag along with her laptop and heads for the elevator. This time, she makes it.
Later, after Josh has grown tired of her recounting every detail of the Davenport case (reenacting the particularly good parts) and sets up camp in front of the TV, Rebecca settles into bed with the folder and her office supplies.
The next morning, she’s the first person into the office after Nathaniel. She plunks the documents (twice reviewed) onto his desk.
His look of mild astonishment and respect is everything she’d hoped it would be.
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haleyfury · 5 years
Who needs to go to the gym and lift weights when you have books?
While I am not scared of big reads, there are quite a few books on my TBR that go beyond 400 pages. Today I’m going to be discussing the largest books on my TBR, as well as I few big books that I’ve read. The following page amounts are according to their hardcover editions on Goodreads.
My Dear Hamilton by Stephanie Dray & Laura Kamoie (658 pages)- I’m almost always up for a Hamilton-inspired read, especially one that follows Eliza. My Dear Hamilton is definitely on my priority 2019 TBR.
Renegades by Marissa Meyer (552 pages)- Renegades WILL be conquered in 2019, thanks to the final book in this trilogy coming out later in 2019. I’ve had this book on my physical TBR shelf since 2017, next to my beloved copies of Heartless and The Lunar Chronicles. I’ve heard mixed things about this one, hence why one of the reasons it’s been on my TBR for so long, but I’m ready to give it a read soon.
Until the Last Star Fades by Jacquelyn Middleton (483 pages)- I love a lengthy contemporary. After enjoying London Belongs to Me, I’m excited to read Jacquelyn Middleton’s latest new adult release set in New York City.
Bloodwitch (Witchlands #3) by Susan Dennard- A book on this list that I am for sure reading this month? Susan Dennard’s Bloodwitch! And yes, as much as I am excited about this next installment in the Witchlands series, bless my bookish soul for tackling a 400+ book during college finals season.
The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase #1) by Rick Riordan (491 pages)- Hello big middle grade book! The Sword of Summer has been on my TBR for far too long and it’s another read I should pick up soon.
Uprooted by Naomi Novik (435 pages)- I been seeing even more love for Naomi Novik’s Uprooted lately on Booktube and bookstagram. Is this a sign that I need to add it to my ‘read’ pile ASAP?
The Paris Seamstress by Natasha Lester (455 pages)- While it hasn’t received too much hype (at least in the blogs/bookstagrams I follow), The Paris Seamstress has received really good reviews from some bloggers with similar reading tastes. Any sort of fashion element in a book is bound to sell me to pick it up, let alone being partially set during 1940s France.
Frat Girl by Kiley Roache (448 pages)- I have much love for college YA to begin with, but I want to pick up Frat Girl even more after enjoying The Dating Game. Based on my experience reading Kiley Roache’s latest release, I think Frat Girl will be a 400+ page book I’ll breeze through.
Largest Books I’ve Read
Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas (980 pages)- Kingdom of Ash might actually be the biggest book that I’ve ever read! And me being the Throne of Glass fan that I am, I devoured it over five days! KoA was so heavy to read—and I’m not just talking about those heart-wrenching moments. Even with its bible-thin pages, I found myself either having to lay my book flat on my bed or prop it on my knees while reading. Thank you SJM as always for the upper body workout.
Winter by Marissa Meyer (827 pages)- I’ve come to love big series finales, and Marissa Meyer’s Winter is no exception. A big book with a whole lot of big feels (even though looking back, Marissa Meyer could have been (and probably should have been) a bit more ruthless.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (824 pages)- Order of the Phoenix is probably every Harry Potter fan’s biggest read. It also just happens to be one of my favorites!
The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons (810 pages)- If you’re looking to challenge yourself with a long read, I recommend not picking this one up because of the problematic tropes, especially in its sequel.
What big books are on your TBR? Share in the comments!
I LIKE BIG BOOKS: Largest TBR Reads Who needs to go to the gym and lift weights when you have books? While I am not scared of big reads, there are quite a few books on my TBR that go beyond 400 pages.
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the-slasher-files · 2 years
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[Akshay belongs to @horrorslashergirl] [Thank you so much again @roachcult I will never get over your art!]
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Queen Anne Apartment Cockroach Infested
Seattle's Queen Anne area apartment complex has new tenants.  Nut not the human kind. One of the tenants got very stressed out  to see cockroaches and wanted the creepy pests gone. The sad news is that if one apartment has a cockroach infestation chances are other units will too. The tenant called the manager immediately to report the problem. Right then the cockroach infestation became a matter of record. The renters contract would stipulate if management is responsible to contact a pest control company and pay for services. The apartment manager had just had a little black ant problem taken are of by AMPM Exterminators. Due to the excellent and successful services provided another call was made to AMPM Exterminators.
Cockroach problem on Queen Anne:
The Greater Seattle area has been having numerous calls being made to pest control companies about cockroach infestations. The filthy bugs are sly and always seeking out warm and moist places to call home. Besides apartment buildings the cockroaches are attacking residences and Commercial businesses. The  Queen Anne apartment manager wasted no time in opting to utilize AMPM Exterminators once again. The main goal of this pest control company is to provide the most effective service. Which was to tailor make the precise pesticides for the task at hand. The technician kept the stressed out tenant calm and collected. Going that extra mile for excellent service provided AMPM Exterminators with a return customer. Plus the apartment complex owner had the company take care of four other units with same problem. All of of which were successfully rid of the nasty cockroaches by AMPM Exterminators.
Important to contact Apartment Manager first:
The tenant immediately reported the cockroach problem to the manager. There was a good chance that the neighbors could have an ongoing infestation also. The Queen Anne apartment manager stated that the property management would be responsible to contact the pest control services. The manager knew that a Pest control professional would not apply a cockroach infestation treatment until the job order is signed by the building manager or owner. After the tenant spoke with the apartment manager it was learned that other units were infested with German cockroaches. Management did not hesitate and made an appointment with AMPM Exterminators for early next morning to take care of the five infested apartments. Since the manager had already used AMPM Exterminators for a different pest control service the year before it was decided to call and get service asap.
How does a cockroach infestation happen:
The nasty and disgusting pests do not give up when looking for cracks and crevices to hide in and find access to other units. A favorite way of gaining entry to the neighbor's unit is through the electrical outlets. Tenants share walls and therefore share the nasty pests. The creepy cockroaches always come out at night. Cockroaches will contaminate  food sources. The yucky critters will leave behind secretions from the glands, saliva and droppings. Salmonella will be spread which causes food poisoning. People can be affected by allergic reactions to the disease laden bugs. AMPM Exterminators technicians are experienced professionals who get the job done.
Please get rid of the nasty German Cockroaches:
Apartment Cockroach infestations happen for several  reasons. Some examples of how the pests infiltrate an entire apartment building would be  catching a ride on shipping containers, cardboard boxes and definitely in grocery bags. Horrible to think of the numerous cockroach eggs ready to hatch inside the building and units. A perfect way is in used appliances purchases.  A used stove can be pretty grimy inside and an excellent source for the pests to get into an apartment Cockroaches reproduce at a high rate. Manager and tenants had no time to waste. Yes it was time to call in a professional and AMPM Exterminators was once again the best choice.
AMPM Exterminators evict the Cockroach Infestation:
Cockroach prevention needs excellent  daily sanitization practices Cleanliness is indeed next to Godliness. Thorough cleaning of the kitchen and bathroom, especially, is crucial. But  the prevention practices includes the entire apartment unit and building. Taking the garbage out on a daily basis. Do not leave food out anywhere in the apartment. As soon as meals or snacks are finished clear away food. If not then it's open invitation for cockroaches to come on in. The Queen Anne apartment manager was notified and after a building investigation the decision was made to call AMPM Exterminators for professional help with the Cockroach Infestation. The experienced technician at AMPM Exterminators explained that an elimination of this type of infestation could require multiple visits. The apartment manager was instructed to notify all tenants to follow all of the preliminary steps for a successful extermination before treatment was applied. Not complying would mean having to repeat the service.  AMPM Exterminators is very successful in taking care of this serious issue. Pest control professionals take great pride in the success rate of eliminating the Cockroaches. AMPM technicians are very thorough and diligent in the process of exterminating the infestation. Cockroaches may have been new tenants in a Queen Anne Apartment building but were soon evicted by AMPM Exterminators.
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janeunchained · 6 years
Watch this LunchBreakLIVE~click below:
Special guests Shaun Monson, director of Earthlings and Unity, Amy Jean Davis, co-founder of the Love Always Sanctuary and organizer of the Los Angeles Animal Save (plus former contestant on American Idol) and Alec Pedersen, Chairman of The Gentle Barn Foundation Board and co-producer of the film Unity and the upcoming film Overhaul with Shaun Monson, join #LunchBreakLIVE as we feature the scrumptious vegan menu from Hugo’s Agoura Hills. Many of the same delicious items are found at their other locations, including Hugo’s Studio City in Studio City, California, Hugo’s in West Hollywood, California and Hugo’s Tacos in Atwater Village, Los Angeles . Bon Appétit Magazine recently saluted Hugo’s Tacos as one of the Top 80 America’s Favorite Neighborhood Restaurants in Los Angeles, California and Orange County, CA! Choosing eco-conscious paper straws, made by Aardvark Paper Drinking Straws, over plastics, let’s hear co-owner Tom Kaplan’s story behind this epic decision to bring ECO to Hugo’s over six months ago! In addition, we’ll hear about the Kaplan Family partnership with the El Nido Family Centers, launching their upcoming Family Centers’ Kitchen in Pacoima, California. Also, look for Amy Jean and Shaun on the premiere issue of Raise Vegan magazine. Check out Amy’s ECO choices at CocoStraw and To-Go Ware as well. Plus, we hear the exciting announcement of Amy and Shaun’s baby!
Note* After 5 years of planning, grants and fundraisers the Kaplan Family and the El Nido Family Centers, whose mission is to empower families in low-income communities of Los Angeles County to break the cycle of poverty, child abuse and neglect, violence, academic failure and teen pregnancy through outstanding educational youth development and health services,  are opening their doors of their new family kitchen. They’ve taken an industrial building and painted it, set 40+ garden beds and planted a small orchard. They’ve also started cooking classes (mostly raw), job training classes and entrepreneurial skills classes. Committed to continuing to help these amazing kids learn healthy cooking, nutrition and job skills, they’re helping them with getting into college or owning their own businesses.
Anybody interested, or knows somebody who might be, in INTERVIEWING for hire one of their graduates, let them know asap to help with their grant writing. Also, please check out the shopping list below and see if there’s an item or two you can help STOCK THE KITCHEN. Your donations are welcomed!
Our New Kitchen! – El Nido Family Centers
Follow our progress … Who We Are. Mission, Vision, & History; Board of Directors; Junior Board of Directors
Paige Parsons Roache live for JaneUnChained.com
  HUGO’S RESTAURANT GOES ECO! VEGAN BABY ANNOUNCED! Watch this LunchBreakLIVE~click below: Special guests Shaun Monson, director of Earthlings and Unity, Amy Jean Davis, co-founder of the…
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mike2768 · 7 years
Cockroach Exterminator Service Oakville ON
Cockroach Exterminator Service Oakville ON http://ift.tt/1eIZPl4 (905) 582-5502 or (289) 396-5426. Helping Homeowners Get Rid Of Cockroaches And Pests Fast.
Oakville Pest Control Service
Allows to be straightforward- the only certain method to deal with for specific pest control problem of any type of kind is to call an exterminator pest control specialist. Numerous pest control specialists will certainly can be found online and also do an evaluation for your residential completely, as well as deal with you on a specific strategy that’s within your rate range variety. If you have actually seen these little brownish scampers such as cockroach & Bed bugs throughout your couch and bed mattress as well as the cooking area in the evening – cockroaches are running around behind the stove, under the sink and the fridge, after that you’re going urgently desire to take some kind of instant activity against them by employing a local pest control company Maximum Pest Control Services|Oakville Ontario Canada.
Not all invasions show that you’re an unclean individual and you should start cleaning if not. Insects could be found in from a substantial selection of various resources, and also all of us understand exactly how rapidly they settle into our homes. Going to a resort on a household getaway could bring insects back to your house. Getting a used furniture (also from reliable brand names) could bring German Roaches inside – and all it takes is 2 of them to get it going. These dirty cockroaches comes from exterior street sewage’s as well as piggybacking rodents to arrive faster at our doors since both thrive on humans resources. Smart Team Working Suckers!
Possibilities are, each people will certainly experience some type of bad run with typical house parasites once in our life times. It’s a great idea to understand exactly what you’re checking out, as well as exactly what you can do to begin the expulsion procedure against them. If you can, attempt and also capture several of the bugs. This could aid pest control specialists to determine them and also, select a suitable strategy to help you out. If you believe that a person of these usual family parasites has actually relocated, call Maximum pest control services in Oakville & Hamilton Ontario asap to get rid of the attacking pests for homeowners calling Cockroach Exterminator Service Oakville ON http://ift.tt/1eIZPl4 (905) 582-5502 or (289) 396-5426. Helping homes staying pests free year round.
Roaches At Your Home
These are, without a doubt, one of the most popular human most disgusting parasite on this checklist. Roaches are identified with repulsive living problems as well as unhygienic dining establishments- however this is much from the standard. Roaches are exceptionally durable, and also could conveniently make their method right into your house easily. All they require is food (which is nearly anything to a cockroach), as well as a water resource to keeping prosper. Various parts of the nation will certainly undergo various sorts of invasions, and also roaches make it through virtually anything and survive including the nuclear bomb.
Bed Bugs At Your Home
These little bugs are just around 5 mm long, yet have actually triggered a big public health dilemma. They obtain their name from among their favored locations to conceal- in the fractures as well as gaps of your bed. In all truth, they could conceal nearly anywhere. They choose dark cozy textile- drapes, sofas, chairs, cushions, bed mattress and also extra apparel. In circumstances of poor problems they could likewise be located in head boards as well as foot boards, behind wall surface paper, as well as any type of fractures existing in the area.
The very best means to discover them is truly to try to find them. Their attacks are not constantly distinct, and also are not the most effective sign of their existence. They come out at evening to feed on human our tempted blood, as well as you’ll generally see dead ones here and there. When bed bugs hatch out, they’ll leave small yellow darkie coverings, and also you could discover proof of their waste matter through little black dots that have got on your bed-sheets after you wake up each and every day.
You could acquire a selection of sprays, as well as attempt cleaning every little thing in hot Lysol water- however bed bugs are infamously challenging to obtain elimination. Maximum Specialists have accessibility to ministry approved chemicals and also strategies not readily available to the general public, as well as the very best alternative methods when combating these persistent types of specific bugs that not that easy to do it on your own. Hire Maximum Pest Control Service Oakville http://ift.tt/1eIZPl4 and start immediately notice Undeniable true results calling Oakville ON local office center (905) 582-5502 or (289) 396-5426
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The post Cockroach Exterminator Service Oakville ON appeared first on Pest Control Service - Bedbugs Removal Services - Rodents Pest Control.. BY maxpest
from Pest Control Service – Bedbugs Removal Services – Rodents Pest Control. http://ift.tt/2zvFJgo
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the-slasher-files · 2 years
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"I wanna see what your insides look like..."
[Thank you so so much to @roachcult again for another stellar commission. Love you!]
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the-slasher-files · 2 years
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Happy early Birthday @slashersins 💕
— [Commission by @roachcult] —
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