#go support the admins
arcex · 22 days
I got a mini canvas and some paint so i decided to paint chayanne :3
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Update v
So actually, i put this in my queue a while ago, but i havent really kept up with anything qsmp related since before prison break/ around forevers arc and the beginning of phils.
Im relatively done posting about qsmp frankly. Ive got a couple unfinished drafts and even some animation ideas from september or so, but i dont think ill ever really do anything with them. Perhaps ill post what ive got and leave it be past that, but we'll see.
Between all the xenophobia ive seen towards the brazillian and french communities, and the active violation of workers rights, i honestly dont see the server lasting much longer. That, and ive seen how mc servers die before, they tend to either collapse fantastically, or slowly fizzle out with decreasing player numbers and little uptime. Somehow, someway, it seems qsmp has done both.
Perhaps ill post about some of the older things from april-september last year occasionally, but consider this the end of my qsmp posting (as little as that was). Its been a blast and the community of fanartists and authors are amazing, but its about the end for me <3
With all that being said. I cannot stress enough how important it is to support the admins! They really were the main foundations of the server, and that aside, theyre still people! They dont deserve to be treated horribly!
Anyways thats just my two cents, take with that what you will :3
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o7 king
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royalarchivist · 3 months
YD: Hello, I'm from Korean.
Letshugo: Hello, I'm from Germany.
YD: Can you see what I'm saying?
Letshugo: Yes, I understand.
YD: Hey, this is really amazing. I speak Korean, and you speak German, but we have a conversation!
Letshugo: Yes, that's really awesome.
YD: I'm a Minecraft grandma who has been playing Minecraft for 14 years.
Letshugo: 14 years? How old are you?
YD: You don't need to know. 😑
Letshugo: Oh, ok.
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Quackity has created something so amazing, it makes me so proud seeing his project help people communicate like this. He looks so happy. :')
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fitpacs · 3 months
since both dapper and pomme admins’ statements referenced seeing tumblr content, in the small chance they see this - thank you for all you brought to the server, amazing roleplayers and lore builders, and loveable personalities.
you are still so very welcome in the community should you wish to be, we value and appreciate you so much <3
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i'm aroace but i enjoy shipping quite a bit. recently with the discourse going on i've been feeling like ace characters can't be shipped, and shipping is inherently bad. and if i am than i'm erasing representation. on one hand i feel ashamed and guilty, on the other hand i don't have a problem when other people do it so idk why i feel so bad
May those who dim your passion boil in their own self-loathing.
Thank you for sharing, Anon.
St. Alastor
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skz-haven · 5 days
Today's update
hi everyone, we wanted to tell you that we will not post any previews or hds from today's kwave concert due to the boycott of it. thank you for you understanding :) have a nice day and don't forget to drink water 🤍
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ohits-starflower · 2 months
I’m very hopeful for the server… despite everything. And I want the server to do well….
But idk. With everything rn, I find it just making me want to start just deleting all my socials again and go back into hiding.
The QSMP brought me back and I was having a wonderful time during (despite everything going on behind the scenes of the server) and the people on here were so lovely. It made me feel happy in general.
Forgive me if you think it’s doom posting but this is just, it’s something I’ve started to feel for a while.
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goldeneyedgirl · 3 months
I have returned
My absence was medical-related, and now I'm back - and optimistic that things will get better now! So if you've been waiting for an email, DM, or ask response, I've actually got enough spoons to write! We have two new chapters on the way this month, so I cannot wait to get those finished.
Until then, have this weird fun little snippet from something I never really did anything with.
He’s sitting at his desk, working on the family financials when he hears their conversation - Bella and Alice. “You never fell in love?” Bella is curious, and the question - or at least, the ones that will follow - has been waiting to burst forth. It makes sense that she’d be curious. Alice is the last person anyone would expect to be alone. “I did once, but it didn’t work out,” Alice’s response is light and unexpected, and he immediately freezes. She doesn’t talk much about her life before she met him, and she’s certainly never mentioned any love affairs or a broken heart. “They weren’t interested.” “Oh, Alice,” the pity in Bella’s voice is cloying, and he can feel the embarrassment drift over Alice. “It was a long time ago, Bella. It’s not something that I think about very often. I know that they are safe and happy, and that’s all that really matters in the end.” There is definitely sadness in her voice now, and he wonders who it was. Who turned their back on her and left her alone and unprotected. “But didn’t you see that it wouldn’t work out?” He wants to ask Bella to stop talking, to leave Alice alone, but he is transfixed by this secret side of Alice, this secret history that not even he knew. “I saw us together and happy. And I got impatient, and decided to go to them early. I just wanted to skip to the good part, I guess. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out.”
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
Join us Thursday on Twitch!
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Admin Didi will be showing folks how the Junk Box program works and how to sell your own things from home with Fourthwall! If you've ever been curious about how our store works or just want to see what's actually inside a Junk Box, come check it out! There should be some giveaways during the stream and our lovely host Leah is a joy to derail, this should be a lot of fun.
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somedaytakethetime · 3 months
The sexiest, most capable back in the entirety of Denmark 🥺😍
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jerweewee · 7 months
excited for tonight i have absolutely 0 clue on whats gonna happen
we have no idea if a team getting knocked out may end up being the cursed team and so far have no way of even knowing how we could avoid that without a tie - which even if they did try it would be very difficult to achieve with the disasters and mobs everywhere just 1 death could throw off the balance
we have 0 clue what happens to the team that gets knocked out, the tweet says that team "completely dies" which we still have 0 context for what that means for the players.
i doubt theyd not be allowed to play since that would be pretty sad for the ccs probably and the admins have always done their best to make it playable for everyone (like on friday for blue) but also that might be exactly it we have NO idea!
and after friday red teams opinion on the other two teams has definitely changed so we cant say for certain which team theyd help to win if any team at all - thats even if theyre given the opportunity to help the two teams
i have absolutely 0 clue whats gonna happen tonight and the rest of the purgatory event but im veerrry excited to find out
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starrailmp3 · 7 months
hey guys so i'm aware there is a new album out for hsr (experience the paths) but for some reason none of the audio files i've tried are able to upload to tumblr (i just get an error). i've tried changing the encoding and downloading from different sources etc etc but idk nothing seems to work. if anybody has any ideas/knows how to deal with this please let me know :(
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bandhyukoh · 15 days
I just wanted to say thank you for keeping up this blog (and your twitter) for so long. I have followed you across different accounts and platforms for I don’t even know how many years now. 7? 8? years? Hyukoh is such a special band to me and you make it so easy to keep them a part of my life. So thank you so much for what you do.
Thank you very much this means a lot to me! This account is a way for me to keep them a part of my life as well. It’s weird because I’m a fan but I’m also very aware that they are just random strangers. I don’t think I stan them I just really really love their music and artistry and think they are cool dudes. And yet, I run this account lol. Sometimes I wonder why. I was once asked by a Korean follower on Instagram if it was hard being an international fan and unable to go to all of their concerts and events. And the answer to that is yes, but this account helps me keep up with everything and makes me feel as if I’m not as far away from them as I actually am. I think that’s why I run this account and why I enjoy it. I also like that it brings joy to a lot of other fans. One of my favorite things is to see something, post it, and think to myself; “oh, the people (fans) are going to freak out” - and then you do. Always fun!
Anyways, thank you and it’s my pleasure <3
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ahalliance · 2 months
étoiles qui se met immédiatement à tease Pomme/Lumi pour son niveau de pvp dans un truc récemment 😭 “grand respect mais um actually☝🤓”
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 11 months
im sorry but if you're a field that says "pls apply we're desperate for workers!!!!" still after 2020, i'm not applying.... bc I don't want to be guilt tripped on the daily or guilt tripped in the application process
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dhampiravidi · 6 months
Zack Snyder Regains Rights to ‘Blood and Ashes,' Script Originally Pitched as a ‘300' Sequel (Exclusive)
"Blood and Ashes, which he partially wrote while shooting Army of the Dead for Netflix in 2019, ended up focusing on the relationship between Alexander the Great and his second in command, Haphaestion [...] "We got the rights back so we can make if we want it," Snyder said during an interview for this week's THR cover story. "I don't know what the marketplace is for an incredibly homoerotic, super violent, super sexual movie. But maybe it's perfect.""
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rainbluealoekitten · 7 months
i hate this fucking school so fucking much. go to hell
#the teachers are incompetent#and a good chunk of them are actively hurting their students#and does admin care? no#when students complained and said hey this isn't right#what did they do? they gave us a whole presentation telling us why students should not report teachers to admin#guilt tripping us and essentially telling us to shut up with a complementary slap in the face#admin can't even support their staff and are very horrible to them as well#and they obviously don't support the studnets in other ways either#and going back to incompetent teachers— they're risking mine and so many other kids' dimplomas#bc some of them REFUSE TO TEACH#not an exaggeration#i wish it was#they have REFUSED. TO. TEACH.#even when confronted#and they're going against so many rules#but does admin care? nooooo ofc not#they dno't even do ib correctly#they don't do shit properly#then they flat out lie when the cis/ib examinators come to visit and chekc if shit is beign done correctly#and i would know! bc my parents are teachers and they've been shut down and threatened so amyn times#i may lose my fucking diploma#i have worked my entire life for this fucking stupid ass diploma#nothing else and idk what the fuck i will do without it#i cannot not have it and i am going to fucking explode and kill so many people#i hate hate hate hate hate this stupid ass school with its stupid ass fucking staff and incorrect subjects#and obviously! obviously so many students suck#it's such a toxic environment too#and we're not allowed to report bullying!!!! i used to be part of leadership commitees here but any change we enacted was immediately shut#down#and i had so many suggestions that would have been very easy to enact!!!!! and they would have made very significant changes to student
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