#go to hell emily >:-(
patrocles · 1 year
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All my luck is yours, Dead Wife.
⮡ AMERICAN GODS (2017 - 2021)
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sourscratched · 11 months
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some sid snapshots from the fantanimaland eps
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salt-n-salt · 23 days
Since ur asking for art ideas um um I would love to see more Shane and Jas content I love how u draw their dynamic…also would absolutely love to see Emily in ur style i think she’d look so cutie in ur style 🥺 (I meant to send this HOURS ago and then the college brain forget worms grabbed me by the throat and dragged me away kicking and screaming I hope this helps!!)
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MY SMOOKIE TO THE RESCUE THANK YEW !!! nows my chance to float my older jas design ,, i feel like seeing her in her middle school/high school outfit would make shane so emotional 🥹 i have a powerful vision that her parents r taller than shane so one day she’ll outgrow him .. one day I’ll draw it 😋
+ EMILY she is a bit of an enigma to me i rlly don’t know how to draw her at all ,, but i love her friendship w shane TEEHEEEEE
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The Chappell Roan to Jemily fanfiction pipeline is *chef’s kiss*.
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freshcut-chetney · 4 months
"The Bad Kids shouldn't have said X" "The Bad Kids were too bloodthirsty" why do people watch a ttrpg actual play if they're gonna get mad about a very obvious combat encounter that has been building up for an entire season? Who gives a fuck if TBK killed TRG, they're NPC's and the cast was obviously leaning into the bit because of the absolutely silly way K2 died in the previous episode, sometimes you say and do silly or fucked up shit while playing d&d with friends. This doesn't have to be a moral quandary some people want it to be.
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starzzify · 8 months
did you guys know i’m obsessed with the parallel/reprise situation that “hell is forever” and “you didn’t know” have going on?
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Paget Brewster as Emily Prentiss in Criminal Minds | 16×04: Pay-Per-View
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thearcadeattendant · 1 month
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Henry Emily time because hot damn the FNAF mood is strong.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 7 months
me: don't think about it
me: Charlie going to the demon over lords like "hey look! heaven attacked and we fought and (mostly) didn't die and a sinner got yeeted up to heaven! Will you please support my (newly rebuilt) hotel now??"
(most) demon over lords looking at charlie like: shit the second most powerful person currently in hell, who was BORN with that power, is trying to fuck up the power that WE clawed our way to the top of (she's ruining it by giving sinners hope) (meaning they won't be so eager to sell themselves off to bigger demons) (meaning bigger demons will have less power) (if she has it her way they'll be fewer sinners at ALL) (which won't work) (bc this is all still Stupid) (BUT) (if the people of hell start thinking they have a chance...) AND she wants us to stick OUR necks on the line in the fight against heaven (who don't traditionally go after her or her family anyway but love hunting US) now she's also got her dad actively backing her up, so we can't just say a flat "no" or try fighting her over it, especially not since she's shown herself to be not so lame after all.... we need a way to get all of hell doubting and mistrusting her, so they don't go to her hotel thing instead of to us... but what can we use against her? what weak spot does she h-
over lords, looking over at charlie's girlfriend vaggie, and her newly returned, never-before mentioned angel wings: ......Hmmm...
charlie: trying to explain that her gf WAS an exorcist yes ok, and sure she DID kill lots of sinners but- No charlie didn't know that when they started dating but they've worked through it and vaggie- look she fought on hell's side during the hotel battle she was right there with charlie up in heaven advocating for sinners getting a second chance-
What? Yeah she, she went back to heaven that one time. No I guess she's not banished exactly, they just tore off her wings and left her to die here after she- NO she does NOT want to go back- yes ok she COULD but she doesn't WANT to, the hotel is her home now and- look she almost died fighting for it-
it wasn't a LIE, she just, she was scared and didn't tell the truth! What do you mean "can't trust your judgment"? I know her and I knew she'd have my back and she DID, the whole POINT of the hotel, which WORKS by the way, is that people can change-
NO SHE ISN'T SPYING ON US FOR HEAVEN! she hates them! no I'm not "just" saying that because "she said so" I can TELL we've been together for THREE YEARS- YES FINE SHE WAS HIDING SOMETHING FROM ME ALL THAT TIME OKAY but look at what she's done and been DOING! Yes, thank you Caramilla- she got her wings back and used them to fight for- she- WHAT?! NO! She's the hotel manager- she's OUR hotel's manager- she can't leave, that's- wh- fire her? It's her HOME! I'm her partner not her boss!! No I'm not listening to this! This is stupid- the whole hotel wouldn't even BE a thing if I hadn't MET her and it wouldn't work without her! I-
vaggie: I'll go vaggie: charlie's being modest. she's got things covered here vaggie: I'll be hell's spy in heaven, if it'll help. IF you all support the hotel.
and the overlords smile and promise-
(of course of course they will, really, it's nothing against her just a little PR issue, a matter of building trust, so naturally she'll report only to them yes? she and charlie will make a little deal not to contact each other otherwise? they're just worried, you see, wouldn't want an angel taking advantage of the princess of hell's confidence again, so glad she understands)
-nice and sharp and already watching eagerly as charlie's newfound backbone crumples while she stares at vaggie, wordless again just like up in heaven, and doesn't react when vaggie takes her hand and gives her a pleading look-
back at the hotel, alone, vaggie is swapping out her hotel vest for the clothes she was in when they met, wrinkled and crammed at the bottom of drawer, while charlie sits on their bed refusing to watch. vaggie doesn't pack for heaven. she walks over with just her spear and holds it out- here. she'll feel better, about being away, if charlie keeps this with her. charlie doesn't take it. charlie doesn't answer. charlie's crying and she latches on tight when vaggie drops the spear to hug her. she should've been able to stop this- she can't keep the hotel running on her- she doesn't WANT to TRY doing this alone-
she won't be. vaggie reminders her, lucifer and the others are all here, charlie isn't alone anymore. she's got the hotel. she's GOT this. and vaggie will come back
but she's tired of being scared and she's not gonna risk both their dream because of it. not again.
so, vaggie goes to heaven, supposedly to help sir pentious settle into his new life up there, with the help of emily to smooth things over and the fact that adam and lute swept her under the rug instead of making her fall an official thing- and considering the circumstances, emily argues, they were in the wrong anyway, especially now a sinner HAS been redeemed
meanwhile charlie stays in hell, at the hotel, without her.
and she's short tempered with worry, impatient with the everyday problems of the hotel- vaggie up in heaven with LUTE the woman who ripped out her eye ripped off her wings tried to kill her- all because charlie couldn't convince the overlords- couldn't convince (wasn't enough to convince?) vaggie to STAY- and,
the other's notice, notice that asking how things are NOW is too raw but asking about the past is easier, lighter, get's charlie lost in memory instead of on of her worry spirals, and there's flashbacks of them getting together- there's vaggie up in heaven quiet and listless as she shadows sir pentious around keeping lute at bay and he looks over at her nervously, he brings up how much he misses cherri, and how he could use a few relationship tips for when she (surely) eventually ends up here too-
charlie and vaggie, both of them apart in the present, neither of them okay, maybe vaggie's snooping up in heaven leads her to lilith and gets her in trouble- maybe charlie makes deals she regrets down in hell trying to keep things going without her- but we see them in the past, together, and them pulling on those memories now, trying to get back to each other again
or something like that.
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breakandbuildfiction · 5 months
Looking Into All The Destroyed Souls
After learning that one of the things that made Pariah Dark so evil was his willingness to destroy a ghost’s core, basically killing their very soul, Danny demands to be kept aware of anyone doing anything similar. And sure enough, there was a dimension a hop and a skip away where apparently thousands or even millions of souls were killed EVERY YEAR. Clearly, something was seriously wrong over there and Danny wants to know what the Hell is going on and put a stop to it.
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skyblueartt · 4 months
Thinkin about how I’ve seen a lot of super interesting interpretations of Henry being religious or at least believing in God (makes sense— he was raised in Utah after all, lmao). I really dig this, maybe it’s because I was raised in a regions environment and hashtag religious trauma!!! But also- do we think if he did believe in God, he stopped doing so after Charlie’s death, the children that went missing at HIS restaurant, aaaaaaaaand finally figuring out that his best friend that he once trusted and cared for uh. Was responsible for ruining his life and taking so many others??
Basically in my head he went from 🙏 to
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donna-medusa-gorgon · 8 months
*At a trial trying to figure out if the Gorgon kids can enter Heaven*
Sera: You three sinners-
Emily: Wait, are they sinners?
Sera: They’re from hell, of course they’re sinners
Aria: We were born in hell
Adam: Hellborn, then of course they’re not allowed
Emily: But they’re children of the seraphim Abbadona. Does that make them hellborn?
Sera: Er, well, who is your father children?
Angelo: Some dude named Dragon
Sera: Don’t recognize that name, so I’m assuming it’s a sinner so yes that would make them hellborn-
Aria: He was in some gang called the Mal-branches or something.
Sera: …Malebranche? Was your father Draghignazzo?
Aurora: Yeah that
Emily: So they were born from a seraphim and a fallen angel, wouldn’t that make them technically from Heaven?
Adam: Who cares if their parents use to be angels, Charlie was born from a fallen angel, she’s hellborn.
Emily: Yeah but Abbadona was never suppose to fall, it was an accident so they’re from an angel.
Adam: Still fell! They were born in hell so they are hell born it’s in the name!
Emily: So if an angel was born on Earth it would make them human?
Adam: No! That’s different!
Sera: Alright calm down, look Emily they can’t be Heavenborn because they don’t even have divine blood! Children does your mother bleed gold?
Aurora: Mama doesn’t bleed
Sera: You know what good enough, see-
Aria: But when she cut her snakes for a new haircut yeah they bleed gold
Sera: …
Emily: HA
*The trial never went anywhere that day*
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baffledapple · 8 months
I'd like to state my predictions for the season 1 ending
obviously episode 7 is gonna be about gathering their resources - convincing the other overlords to assist in the fight against the extermination (vaggi subplot perhaps?) episode eight is of course going to focus on the fight, and hell is going to win. or at the very least succeed in driving the exterminators off, this is the only thing that makes sense in the narrative but AFTER the battle (or perhaps during) the REAL conflict is going to just be building up. Adam (or Sera?) CANNOT admit that they are wrong (angles don't make mistakes) so they have to double down. And word has gotten out about the extermination to the average angel right?
So Adam needs PROOF that the extermination is not only necessary but ALSO righteous.
And for the first time EVER - demons are going to be fighting back against the exterminators. This isn't going to be the one-sided slaughter. this is going to be a battle, and demons that have been living in fear of exterminators are not going to be gentle or taking non-lethal shots. They are going to tear angels apart with extreme gusto!
And Adam is going to use that against them. He can show what's happening in hell LIVE. (or recorded via his little spaceship?) And it will be so easy to sway heaven to his way of thinking! Look at all those sinners, tearing a part our people, our siblings in the heavenly host? Look at how they kill our holy soldiers painfully, drawing it out! Dismembering them alive! Look at their faces, the sinners ENJOY it. We couldn't let them go unpunished, this is an attack on heaven! And we have to make sure it NEVER happens again.
Hell may win this battle, but heaven is going to go to war.
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18catsreading · 8 months
Bucky: I haven't told Mom and Dad about the gold.
Kristen: oh yeah, that's okay
Bucky: but I'm lying
Kristen: oh
Bucky: and I'm gonna go to Hell when I die.
I'm gonna go straight to Hell for liars.
Kristen: you know, I think --
Brennan: you see Bucky looks over at Fig
Fig: join us
Bucky: I gotta go
Kristen: oh wait
Bucky: no it's okay. I really miss you, but you're living in sin, maybe, I don'tknow
Kristen: maybe, yeah
Bucky: really?
Kristen: well, no
Bucky: you admit it!
Kristen: it might be more poetic than that. What if there is a hell that you get punished for for lying? What if it's just, you have decreasing relationships with the people around that could be *clicks tongue* 🤌 that much better if you were honest? Doesn't that make more sense than a burning hell that happens 80 years later?
~16 persuasion check~
Gorthalax: yeah, Hell, let me tell you about it
Bucky: I don't know, hell feels pretty real. I just wanted to say that I had to fight really hard for Mom and Dad to let me come here, and I really miss you.
Kristen: we should have lunch like once a week if you can fit it into your schedule or something.
Bucky: yea our lunches line up sometimes!
Kristen: yea that would be awesome. We can hang out a little bit.
Bucky: you wouldn't be -- I know I'm a freshman, but ...
Kristen: oh, I'm not here trying to be cool, I'm here trying to be President.
Bucky: I'll vote for you
Kristen: I'm running for president by the way, I don't know if you wanna tell all the freshmen you can. I hand him a bunch of --
Bucky: I will!
Adaine: why are you talking to freshmen?
Bucky: uh
Kristen: Adaine!
Adaine: who is this?
Kristen: this is my brother
Adaine: oh hi, it's so nice to meet you!
Bucky: hello. I do not accept the ways of sin.
Adaine: okay. I had a half a bottle of beer once.
Bucky: wow. What'd it taste like? Never mind, I don't wanna know. Listen.
Adaine: actually I didn't love it
Bucky: I bet it would be great. I bet -- for sinners, would love it.
Bucky: Kristen, I gotta go soon. I'm already telling all the kids in my class that they're going to Hell, so I'll tell them to vote for you.
Kristen: that -- you know what? Just stick with your script. And then I'll kinda do my thing. I have a different plan than that.
Bucky: okay
Adaine: oh you know what, actually you should take this campaign pin. [Siobhan]: and I give him a campaign pin for Kettle chip Krispykreme or whatever.
Brennan: Kipperlilly Copperkettle?
Ally: oh, that's great
Kristen: it's all part of the plan. Tell people they're going to Hell, but before they do vote for Kettle Krispykreme.
Brennan: you see Bucky smiles and says, [as Bucky]: oh this has a little rat in between --
Adaine: two butt cheeks, yeah
Bucky: the new cleric of Helio in town has that.
Kristen: what's that?
Bucky: there's a transfer student from. Highcourt here. Mom and Dad love him.
Kristen: and he's part of the Butt Fuckers?
Brennan: Bucky goes "aaahhhh" and sprints away from school
Kristen: he's part of the butt grinders! Come back!! Goddammit, I should have gotten more info.
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presiding · 8 months
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new chapter up of the dishonored 2 rewrite
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apathyfairy · 28 days
at the end of the day gilmore girls is a show about how a girl tried to get away from her mentally abusive parents but is constantly forced to reconcile and have them in her life and feel constant guilt about the life she created for herself
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