#go to the night nurse and tell her I'm afraid to sleep like a little child?
Also, my hallucinations have become so frequent that I talked to the ward's psychologist about them because I was scared I might develop a psychosis. Seeing cats that aren't there, hearing angry footsteps, seeing the door fly open when no one's there, seeing smoke, hearing someone whine "no no no" over and over almost every evening. The psychologist said it's not psychosis but my PTSD. That I'm so stressed flashbacks turn into pseudo-hallucinations, basically. My brain really is overwhelmed, huh
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Porcelain Steve - Part Nine
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four🦇Part Five🦇Part Six🦇Part Seven🦇Part Eight🦇Part Nine
Not a lot of talking actually takes place. Mostly Steve and Robin cry at each other while Eddie, and presumably Dustin, take turns holding down the button to talk. They don't even say full words half the time, yet still manage to have an entire conversation. (Eddie thought that was a trick that only worked face to face but apparently the telepathy transcends distances).
Eddie has so many questions but he can wait; he doesn't want to interrupt Steve and Robin. Of all the people who should get Steve's time now that he's back, Eddie's certain he falls at the bottom of that list. He's just as certain Dustin and Robin are tied for top, so it's good that Robin was here, anyway.
Steve does take the time to talk them out of going to the Hendersons' house immediately. Claudia is not in the know and they can't really justify the midnight visit otherwise. Steve's shown up and slept in the guest room on occasion, unannounced, so him being there isn't going to be questioned.
The talk ends with a promise from Steve, to let them know when he was home and they could go over.
Robin falls asleep crying on his chest. Eddie doesn't get much sleep.
Steve's back. He's no longer a doll. A full explanation was promised before the walkie's were put down for the night, but he needs to know what happened. Steve had wanted to talk to him and he's a little bit afraid of that. Steve heard him and Jeff, was made aware of his stupid, gay crush, and now- Steve's going to want nothing to do with him. He's going to let him down gently, but firmly, and probably slowly vanish from Eddie's life.
Morning comes slowly and with it, the realization he's not ready to face Steve. He does need to talk to Jeff as soon as he can, though. He pulls himself from bed and gets coffee going almost as soon as the sky starts to lighten. He nurses one cup for so long it goes cold on him three and he has to reheat it in the microwave. Robin joins him at the kitchen table after the third reheat, plopping the walkie on the table before slumping into a chair. A glance at the clock on the wall shows it's a little after eight.
"Morning," Robin says around a yawn, laying her head down on the table.
"There's coffee, but you'll need to microwave it."
"Bleh," Robin wrinkles her nose at that, "no thanks."
"Any news?"
"Yeah. Dustin woke me up. Steve just left, so should be hearing from him soon."
Eddie nods, then says, "I'll drop you off but I'm not- I won't be going in."
"What? Why?"
He feels himself tighten his grip on his mug but if he can tell this to anyone, it's Robin. "I... Jeff accidentally outed me to Steve, yesterday. It's why I was all-" he pauses, waving a hand in the air like that explains anything before continuing, "-falling apart yesterday. Jeff saw Steve, he was on my bed and just, one thing led to another, and Jeff was joking -he'd never have said anything if he knew Steve could hear him- but it. It was. I-I can't-"
Robin's hand falls on his arm, gives it one squeeze before retracking her arm but it's enough to cut off Eddie's words. "I get it. Do you want me to tell Steve anything for you?"
"Just tell him I'm sorry."
She looks like she wants to ask what he's sorry for, but she doesn't. He's glad for that but how can he even begin to explain all the things he's sorry for?
"I need to talk to Jeff. Come up with something to tell him. I was supposed to go talk to him last night but."
"But," Robin repeats with a nod. "What were you going to tell him?"
He shrugs. "I'm pretty good at thinking on my feet. I'll figure it out when I'm lying to his face."
There is silence after that as Robin plays with the walkie on the table, slight frown to her face. He lets the silence hang for a moment before needing to break it, but Robin speaks at the same time.
"You still awake?"
"You should tell him."
They blink at each other before Robin says, "You should tell Jeff the truth."
"I can't do that, Robin. I signed an NDA."
"Since when would something like that stop you?"
"It's not... he wouldn't believe me."
"Do you make a habit of lying to him?"
"Then he'll probably believe you. Besides, you don't have to tell him anything about what you did sign an NDA for. Steve turning into a doll isn't Upside Down related. I'll vouch for you, and I'm sure Steve will, too, if that's what it took to get Jeff to believe you."
"We already brought my uncle into the loop. We can't just keep adding people to it."
Robin sighs and sits back. "It's up to you, Eddie. You can make up your lie and it'll be fine. By your own admission he knows you like guys, and that's not something we share lightly. So, Jeff must mean a lot to you. I just don't want you to lose Jeff because of this."
"Jeff and I have a solid friendship. We'll get through this."
"Okay. I just-"
"Robin? Eddie? I'm home," Steve's voice comes through the walkie talkie, startling both of them.
"Be right there," Robin says back as Eddie stands to find his shoes and keys.
He drops Robin off at Steve's and pulls away before she's even across the lawn. If he sees Steve, he'll stay, and he can't. Not today.
It's barely 8:30 in the morning so he knows Jeff won't be awake. His mom will, though, and she'll let him in.
"We were expecting you last night," is the greeting he's given when Jeff's mom opens the door enough to see who's knocking this early. Her tone is light, teasing like she usually does, but Eddie's feeling a bit too guilty to joke back.
"I know. But, uh, I was- I'm here to apologize. For not showing."
"He's still asleep," she says even as she's stepping back to let him in.
"Not for long."
"I take no responsibility for any injuries that you may acquire for waking him up this early."
Jeff wakes up with a startled yell when Eddie jumps on him, attempting to use his blanket to trap his limbs in so he can't start swinging (or put Eddie into a headlock until he passes out).
"Jesus fucking Christ, Eddie," Jeff huffs, once his fright has settled and he glares up at Eddie, who is straddling Jeff, pinning the blanket down around him.
"Are you gonna punch me?"
Eddie signs in relief and flops sideways, off of Jeff and onto the bed. He realizes his mistake a second too late, when Jeff has already shoved him out of the bed with all his strength, so Eddie lands with a loud 'OOF' on the floor. He should have flopped to the other side, between Jeff and the wall.
No. Jeff would have just shoved him into the wall then.
"Why can't you just show up and apologize like a normal person?" Jeff's voice is muffled, like he's shoved his face into his pillow.
"Uhh, because that's what normal people do?"
Jeff just groans, long-suffering, and soon his head peaks over the edge of the bed to look at Eddie. "Apology accepted. So, are we gonna talk about yesterday, or do we both agree it never happened, provided you can keep your creepy Harrington shrines to, like, the back of your closet or deep in the woods, where I never have to see it again."
"I can one thousand percent guarantee you will never see what you saw again."
They spend a majority of the day together, and Eddie feels himself settle. He and Jeff are good. Will always be good. He doesn't need to justify or explain to Jeff, not on things that don't involve Jeff directly. He's not going to tell Jeff the truth. Not today, or even in the near future. He can't say he won't, ever, finally tell him the truth about the murder accusations and the fallout of that, but Jeff doesn't need to know that to be his friend.
It's a great relief, honestly, to have friends none the wiser to the awful things that lurked in Hawkins. An even greater relief to have friends that know him.
Eddie heads home when it gets closer to dinner time. He's already bummed breakfast and lunch from Jeff and his family, so he tells Jeff they'll hang out later and heads home. He should get there with enough time to share dinner with Wayne.
His uncle is in the process of cooking what smells like seasoned meat of some sort.
"Eddie, come here a second," Wayne says, glancing over his shoulder. Eddie, who had been heading to the couch, instead steps into the kitchen area.
"What's up?"
"Steve is in your room."
Eddie feels a tinge of panic at those words. He does his best to keep his face neutral.
"We had a chat, he and I. He wants to talk to ya, but he's willin' to wait for you to come to him. So, the options are this. You go back to your room and have that chat, or you walk back out that door and hang out back while I let Steve know I'm takin' him home. The second option does come with the stipulation that you don't let dinner burn while I'm gone."
His first instinct is to run, so he does. Almost. He turns away and makes it to the door but when he puts his hand on the doorknob, he finds he doesn't want to turn it. Steve came to him. Wayne spoke to Steve, so if Steve had any intentions of just punching him in the face and leaving, then Steve wouldn't still be here at all. Wayne would have thrown him out.
"How'd he get here?" Eddie finds himself asking without turning around.
"I think he walked."
He can do this. He'll just go down the hall, look at a spot somewhere above Steve's head and tell him he's sorry, and can they please stay friends, and everything will be fine.
He'd followed Steve into Mordor, once. This will be nothing.
Wayne says nothing as Eddie heads down the hall, to where his bedroom door is slightly ajar. He pushes it open slowly, stepping into his own room timidly.
Seeing Steve knocks the wind out of him.
Steve is sitting at the end of his bed, hunched over so his elbows are resting on his knees while his hands hold Eddie's Walkman between his knees. Steve's got the headphones on, but the right side is pushed back on his head behind his ear. Probably so he can hear when Eddie arrives, but he's either lost in his thoughts or the music but he doesn't notice Eddie at first. So, Eddie takes him in. Gone is the outfit he wore as a doll. Instead, Steve is wearing what appears to be homemade Bermuda jean shorts, his Members Only jacket, unzipped, and a shirt under that that looks suspiciously like the Metallica tank top Eddie lost months ago. His hair looks flatter than usual, like he let it air dry after a shower and didn't put any product in it. It's ruffled though, like it always is when Steve spends the day running his hand through it.
"Hi," Eddie says, and watches as Steve jolts, like he's been caught doing something bad.
"Eddie," Steve breathes out. "Hi."
"It's, uhh, good to see you sitting up on your own, no pillow needed," Eddie says, sliding further into his room, clicking the door closed behind him to give an illusion of privacy.
Steve pulls the headphones from his head with his right hand, transferring everything to his left. He doesn't hit pause on the Walkman, though, so the faint sound of music plays but it's not loud enough to really be heard. "I- I'm glad it's you and not your uncle. I thought for sure you'd want more time."
"Better to get this over with, don't you think? Steve, I'm-"
"No, Eddie, listen to me, first. Please. All I've done this last month and a half is listen and I got things I need to say."
Eddie closes his mouth so fast his teeth click.
Steve takes a deep breath before setting the Walkman on the bed and shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket as he stands. "Thank you. For everything. For being there for Robin, and Dustin, and everyone else. For talking to me like I wasn't trapped in porcelain hell."
"Yeah, no problem, man-"
"Eddie, you never- never once did I feel like a burden, or forgotten, when you were watching over me. And, I don't know, I don't think anyone meant to let me feel that way, but sometimes- you just went above and beyond and hanging out with you was, like, the highlight of this. The best thing to come out of it."
With nowhere to hide, Eddie looks down, let's his hair form a barrier, even for just a moment. That's a lot to hear, and not at all what he expected.
"Eddie," Steve whispers, and Eddie startles when one of Steve's hands comes up to sweep his hair from his face, tucking the hair on the right side of his face behind his ear before it settles on his cheek. "I know you didn't want me to hear what Jeff said yesterday but I'm so fucking glad I did. I, uhh, I thought you were straight-" Eddie doesn't think he's ever been accused of being straight before. "-and I was just trying to be so normal around you while I was, according to Robin, pining-" wait. what. wait. what!? "-and I thought I was doing such a shit job at it because it was like, you'd randomly pull back and away, distance yourself, and I thought it was because I was making you uncomfortable, flirting too much and showing how stupidly obsessed with you I am-" his brain has turned off. Eddie has stopped functioning. "-but now I think it was, like, the exact opposite. You were pulling away because you thought I figured out your crush, but uh... What I mean is, I've wanted to kiss you since the Fourth of July party last year, and there's like, probably a ton of shit we should talk about but I just really want to kiss you. Can I kiss you?"
"Yes, please, do that," Eddie blurts and Steve laughs even as his other hand joins his first on Eddie's face and pulls him in.
Kissing Steve feels like coming home. Warmth, and safety, and a sense of familiarity, despite them never having done this before. They smile into the kiss, which makes it harder to actually kiss, but then Eddie's tilting his head, his hands moving on their own, one to Steve's hip and the other to his neck, and it's suddenly deeper, more passionate. Steve steps into his space, gets as close as he can as his tongue licks at Eddie's lips and he can't fathom doing anything other than opening up, brushing his own tongue against Steve's, getting a taste of him.
Eddie's not even sure what his plan is when he tried to walk Steve backwards to the bed, but whatever it was goes flying out of his mind when Steve turns them and shoves at Eddie so he ends up flat on his back, eyes wide as he looks up at Steve. Steve, whose eyes have darkened, and his lips are shiny and kiss-bitten, who quickly shrugs off his jacket and throws it somewhere, allowing Eddie to confirm that it is his Metallica tank before Steve's climb onto the bed, knees on either side of Eddie's hips as he lowers himself to kiss Eddie again.
Steve kisses him hungerly before pulling back to kiss his way across Eddie's cheek, over the scarred flesh there that Eddie's long accepted and embraced, down his neck where Steve peppers in little nips between kisses before he latches onto a place low on his neck. It pulls a guttural noise from Eddie that he wasn't even aware he could make, realizing he's going to have marks from Steve on him. Visible reminders that this is actually happening to him and not just a dream.
He's not even sure how long they make out like that, Steve hovering over him, alternating between kissing lips and neck. Eddie gets a hand on the back of Steve's head to pull him down, closer, so he can trail kisses along Steve's neck, mark him, too, in a mirror of what he did to Eddie.
"Fuck, Eddie," Steve hisses, one hand fisting Eddie's shirt just above where Steve's knees bracket him. Steve's over hand is on the bed next to Eddie's head, keeping Steve from fully face planting onto Eddie. "I can't believe you want me back. Can't believe I get to kiss you, that you want me."
Eddie has no idea why Steve thinks he's the one who can't believe what's happening but the words ignite a fluttering in his stomach and turns his brain to mush and even though they are actively making out, Eddie feels that if he doesn't hold Steve's hand right now he's going to die. He releases one hand from the death drip he apparently had on Steve's hips to drop it on the bed, palm up, sliding upwards to meet where Steve has his hand next to Eddie's head. Eddie wiggles his fingers against Steve's wrist until he gets with the picture, adjusting his weight off his hand long enough to Eddie to wiggle his own under it to they're palm to palm, fingers lacing together.
Steve sits up a bit, then, shifting his weight to his knees as he hovers above Eddie, eyes jumping between Eddie's face and their joined hands like this is the part he really can't believe; Eddie wanting to hold his hand.
It makes Eddie laugh, a soft noise, and move their joined hands to his lips, to kiss at Steve's knuckles, eyes never leaving Steve's face as he does so. It's then he notices the shift on Steve's face, so quickly there and gone that Eddie almost isn't sure he sees it, the slight furrow between his brow, frown on his face, eyes darting from Eddie's face to their hands again, before it all smooths over to look unbelievable fond.
It's enough to bring Eddie out of his euphoria, to look at their joined hands and finally register what it is he's feeling, literally. Steve's left hand is joined with his right, and what Eddie sees now that he's really looking is a new scar on Steve's arm, just above his elbow, running down, towards his hand, towards his pinky-
"Eddie, it's okay," Steve is already saying even as Eddie is unlacing their fingers and sitting up. The action forces Steve to shimmy back a bit but he doesn't leave Eddie's lap. Eddie grabs at Steve's hand again, not to lace their fingers but to examine Steve's.
He doesn't have a pinky.
"No. Whatever you are thinking or worrying about or- or whatever, just. No," Steve says. "I'm fine. It's fine. It doesn't hurt, and I'm fine."
His first instinct is to argue, to try and wriggle himself out from under Steve but he's stopped as Steve grips at him.
"Please don't," Steve sounds hurt, in pain, and that stops Eddie immediately, "please don't take this from me. Don't go. I just got you." Steve's hand trembles, still hovering between them. Where he was cracked as a doll, he is now a scarred as a human, the pinky still gone but the skin smoothed over and healed.
Eddie wraps his hand around Steve's wrist and pulls his hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss where his pinky used to be. "You have me. For as long as you want."
Steve collapses forward against him, like a puppet with cut strings, and Eddie hugs him close.
Much later, after some more crying, and dinner, and cuddling, Eddie does have one final question before sleep.
"Do you know what broke the curse?"
"Oh, yeah," Steve looks so amused. "True Love's Kiss. Dustin was so freaked out about what happened he tucked me into his bed and give me a lil' kiss on the noggin. One blinding flash of light later, Dustin and I are staring at each other in surprise."
"You're kidding."
"Man, I wish I was."
Aaaand done!! Thank you so much for reading, and a special thanks to @mcneen for letting me ramble about the options I didn't go with. I'll be posting a meta-commentary post about the things that didn't happen/could have happened/unused ideas at some point but the story itself is finished!
Thanks for reading!
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a-killer-obsession · 3 months
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🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 35 - Dawn
There's always a reason to keep going, you just have to find it. Please heed the AO3 tags, dark themes ahead.
Word Count: ~3k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055
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Kid pulled at his hair as he paced, his red locks sticking up from how much he'd been yanking at them, the goggles that usually sat around his head now hanging around his neck. Heat and Wire watched him pace, not knowing what to say, but they felt the same troubles as he did. Nearby manic laughter rang out over the ship, accompanied by the sounds of wood cracking against wood.
“I don't know what to do anymore,” Kid nearly cried, “he's lost, I don't know how to help him. He won't eat, he won't sleep, he won't take his meds. He's still got her fucking blood on his hands. And I know she needs him, I know she does, but he won't fucking listen. It's like all he fucking cares about is the baby. But shes alive and needs him and he won't fucking listen to me”
“She's on the edge, I can see it in her eyes,” Heat sighed, “if we don't get him to see her soon, I'm afraid we'll lose her too. There's no way she's coming back to the ship after that if he won't even fucking look at her”
“He blames her for what happened,” Kid collapsed in a chair and held his head in his hands, “I told him it wasn't safe to have a kid on board, this is my fucking fault, it's my fucking dream that got their kid killed. He should be blaming me,” Kid slammed his fist against his chest to make his point.
“It's nobody's fault,” Wire added, “miscarriage is more common than people think, there's no way to say this wouldn't have just happened anyway.”
“Try telling him that,” Kid growled, “I don't know what to do anymore, short of locking him in the brig so he stops fucking shit up, there's nothing I can do”
Puru-puru-puru puru-puru-puru
The three of them looked at each other, confused, as the den-den mushi in the navigation room suddenly started to ring. Kid grumbled as he stood, grabbing the receiver probably a little too hard from the black and red snail. They were fucking busy who the fuck was calling this late, it was well past midnight at this point.
“The fuck you want?” Kid growled into the receiver.
“Eustass Kid?” A woman on the other voice asked nervously, the snail looking immensely uncomfortable.
“Yeah, what do you want?” He barked, “I ain't buying shit”
“This is Nurse Davina from the hospital on Beckton Island,” she squeaked, “we have you down as a next of kin for a Miss Val Yin?”
“Yeah, what happened?” Kid's voice turned to concern, there were very few reasons a hospital should be calling this late and none of them were good. “Is she okay?”
“Well you see sir, we just went to do her vitals, and her bed is empty,” she said anxiously, “our security cameras show her leaving the hospital in only her pyjamas about forty minutes ago”
“FORTY MINUTES AGO? WELL WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?” Kid roared, making the snail cower. Heat and Wire were already on their feet, crowding around the snail with concern, trying to hear what it had to say.
“I'm sorry sir, we do not currently know,” she sighed, “the police are looking for her but this late at night nobody was out to see where she went. I'm so sorry sir, we're doing our best but according to protocol it was my duty to inform you. She left on her own accord but we are very worried about her current mental state”
“No fucking shit, dumb cunts, she just lost her fucking baby!” Kid yelled into the receiver, “Call off your useless dogs, we'll find her our damn selves”
He slammed the receiver down and turned back to the other two. Heat had already retrieved your vivre card and was tearing small pieces off.
“Don't wake anyone else, I don't want it getting out,” Kid sighed as he took a piece.
“It's windy out there so only look at the vivre when you have to,” Heat informed them as they headed out. Kid paused at Killer's door, wondering if he should tell him, but decided ultimately that it was a waste of time.
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“What's your name?”
Your toes hung over the edge of the cliff, the deep breath you'd taken to prepare to jump suddenly released as you were spooked by the sudden presence of another. You turned and saw a ghost, blonde hair floating around her hollowed cheeks, clothes tattered and dirty, wobbling on her feet from exhaustion.
“Your name, sweetheart,” she asked again, taking a step forward. She cradled in her arms a small bundle, everything she had in the word, held safe and close to her chest.
“It's.. Yin,” you replied, your voice hoarse.
“Yin…” she stepped forward, standing beside you and peering down at the jagged rocks below. “I'm guessing you came here for the same reason as I did”
The bundle in her arms moved and let out a weak cry. “Hush, hush, we'll feel better soon,” she cooed.
Without thinking you grabbed her shirt and tore her away from the cliff edge, putting yourself between her and the water. “What the fuck are you doing?” You screamed.
“We're starving, we have nothing,” she explained, a tear falling from the sharp edge of her chin as she looked down at her weak baby. They couldn't have been more than a few months old. “My milk has gone dry, I have nowhere to go, nobody to turn to. Even selling my body isn't enough anymore, nobody wants to fuck a skeleton. She's so weak she can't even cry anymore. I can't watch her hurt, I can't watch my baby starve to death. So I'm going with her.”
She took a step forward and you grabbed the baby, making her scream as you fought her for it. You kicked her down as you won, and before she could get back up you lifted your shirt, yanking away the bindings over your chest and holding the baby to your breast. Emotional suffering be damned, you'd already killed one baby, you weren't going to watch another die. The baby didn't latch at first, too weak to register the breast, so you squeezed until a few drops fell on her lips, and she finally got the hint. You had no idea what you were doing, but thankfully the baby did, and she made small noises as she greedily suckled. You lowered yourself to the ground, sitting cross legged and rocking side to side as you watched the baby feed, tears rolling down your cheeks as you cooed to her.
“How?” the woman cried, “are you an angel?”
“No, I just…” you looked at her with weeping eyes, “I lost my baby a few days ago. I'm sure I can ask my captain to help you, we have plenty of gold, we can give you whatever you need. Just please don't… please don't hurt her”
“She's safe now, I can see that,” the woman smiled. “I'm so happy. You'll take care of her, won't you?”
“You're both going to be okay, I'll make sure of it,” you promised her.
“I know,” she smiled, then she took another step back. You hadn't even noticed she'd been backing up until it was too late, a tear rolling down her cheek as she smiled and let herself fall. You screamed and reached for her, but it was too late. The baby was none the wiser, still suckling from your breast, tucked safe against you as you looked over the edge of the cliff and saw her mother's battered body laying over the rocks, her limbs set in unnatural angles, the water lapping at her leaking blood. Her eyes were open and lifeless, but there was a smile on her face.
Without warning you were pulled away from the edge, strong arms wrapped around you and dragging you far from it.
“YIN, DON'T DO IT PLEASE,” Wire begged, kneeling in front of you, taking your head in his hands with a desperate expression on his face.
“She jumped, why did she do that?” You cried. He scanned your face, confusion written on his. “Her.. her baby, why did she do that? She was going to be okay! Wire!!! Why did she do that!!!” You were pulling at his shirt, making holes in the mesh with your nails as you yelled.
“Who?” He asked, and you pointed to the cliff. He stood cautiously and looked over the edge, seeing the body that lay lifeless at the bottom. The baby whined and wiggled under your shirt, seeking more milk. You lifted your shirt again, Wire looking away on instinct to respect your privacy till he realised what you were holding. You turned the baby and she latched to your other breast, letting out a sigh of relief as the pressure that had been building for days was finally released.
“Yin, why do you have a baby?” Wire asked nervously, kneeling in front of you.
“It was hers,” you sniffed, bridging on hyperventilation, “she said they were starving, they came here to jump. I couldn't just watch her kill her baby, so I took it, and before I knew what I was doing it was feeding. She smiled at me and jumped, Wire, she smiled, why did she do that? I told her we could help her!”
Heat and Kid appeared at the edge of the forest behind you, Wire looking at them with a defeated expression as they approached, letting out relieved breaths that he had you and you were alive. They had all been running the same direction, but Wire had the longest legs by far, so he had naturally gotten to you the quickest. Kid removed his coat as he approached and draped it over your shoulders, letting out an audible gasp as Wire stood and the light from the sunrise illuminated the bundle in your arms, still firmly latched to your breast. Kid looked to Wire for answers, and he nodded towards the cliff edge. He saw the body, and turned back to you with a scrupulous look, opening his mouth to say something before Wire stopped him.
“She didn't push her,” Wire sighed, “she was just trying to help but the woman jumped anyway”
Heat sat down beside you, wiping the tears from your face, helping you calm your breathing to a safe level. The anguish in your eyes was indescribable, but in that moment he thought maybe he saw a flicker of happiness too. The baby had fallen asleep in your arms, releasing your nipple, milk still dribbling from it, but for now she was sated. Kid made a little frustrated growl and dropped down next to you, looking at the contented baby as you pushed your shirt back down. “Does it have a dad or something?”
“She said they had nobody,” you explained, rocking back and forth a little to soothe the sleeping child, not that the milk drunk little lady needed it, it was more for your benefit. “Sounded like she's been roughing it on the street and selling herself, but she said her milk went dry. She said she didn't want to watch her baby slowly starve so she came here to end it quickly for both of them. I just… I don't understand why she still jumped, I told her we would help”
“If she said she had nobody, maybe she didn't think she could keep going either way,” Heat said softly. “But the better question is what were you doing here? You're supposed to be in the hospital”
“I couldn't stay there anymore with all those crying babies and happy families,” you sniffed, “I just… ran. I… couldn't do it anymore…”
“So fucking call us to pick you up, don't go and kill yourself!” Kid growled. You whimpered and he sighed, pulling you carefully into his lap, wrapping his coat firmly around you and the baby. The orange-pink sunrise made the red feathers look like fire engulfing you, but perhaps more in the way they would a phoenix as you found your new resolve.
“I'm keeping her,” you said sternly.
“I figured as much,” Kid admitted with a groan, “but what about Kil?”
“What about him?” You growled, “He only gave a shit about his baby, he couldn't care less about me or he would have had the fucking decently to at least look at me. He and I are over. We're done.”
“He'll get over it, he just needs time,” Kid pleaded, “he needs you”
“And where was he when I needed him?” You barked, climbing out of Kid's lap and standing tall. “Where was he when my insides were torn open, when I had to deliver my own dead baby, when Mohawk had to remove my womb so I wouldn't bleed to death, when Heat had to explain I'm barren? Where was he the last day I've spent in hospital, waiting for him to walk through the door, to hold me and kiss me and tell me he still loves me? Where was he Kid?”
“He's having an episode,” Kid stood and held his hands out to you, trying to get you to understand, “he's not well”
“Oh he's not well? Well shit, better drop everything!” You laughed sarcastically, “tell him to take his fucking meds, some of us have real problems that can't be fixed with a pill”
Kid growled a warning at you minimizing Killer's mental condition and you rolled your eyes at him, “Fuck off Kid, I don't give two shits how much furniture he breaks, he tore my fucking heart open again after he swore he would never hurt me again, after he swore he would be there for me. He shut me out, go crying to him. How many times does he have to hurt me before I'm allowed to feel angry in your books?”
You wobbled weakly on your legs and Heat scooped you up, not wanting to take any risks especially with the baby sleeping in your arms. He started to carry you away as Kid continued to shout at you.
“You've got another thing coming if you think I'm gonna support you or that baby on the ship!” He called, his fists balled tight. He was furious, and he never made smart choices when he was mad. “Stay on this fucking island for all I care! You're nothing but a worthless whore, nothing but a life ruiner! We were all perfectly happy before you came on board and fucked everything up!”
Heat stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to Kid, in a rare moment of rebellion from the usually loyal man. “She doesn't need you, or Killer, she has me,” he spat, “and I'll burn the whole fucking ship down before I let you touch her or her baby. You wanna get rid of her? You can say goodbye to me too then”
Kid's jaw was on the floor as Heat turned back to the small dirt trail that ran through the forest, and you sobbed in his arms as he carried you, stoic and silent the whole journey back to the ship. He placed you on your own bed first, packing a hurried duffle of whatever was left in your old room before you'd moved in with Killer, mostly things that hadn't fit you while you were pregnant. He slung the bag over his shoulder and carried you to his room to do the same, and without looking back he picked you up one last time and silently carried you down the gangplank. You caught sight of blond hair in the breeze as he carried you along the dock, Killer watching you from behind his mask, standing at the nose of the dinosaur skull. Heat paid him no mind, and you adjusted the blanket he'd wrapped you in, making sure Killer saw the baby on your chest and the cold anger on your face before Heat carried you away.
Nothing was open in the sleepy town as he walked through it, but he finally found a small inn and banged on the door. An annoyed innkeeper, woken from their sleep, looked at the three of you and sighed, he couldn't leave a woman and baby out on the street, not when the bright red sunrise signalled the oncoming storm. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning. Heat paid handsomely for the inconvenience, renting a crib from the owner, who thankfully had children of his own and was able to provide a few diapers and baby wipes to tide you through till the stores opened, even if they were a touch too big for the small baby.
While the crib was set up you unwrapped the baby, seeing for the first time just how poorly she looked, though her tummy was nice and round from the milk you'd provided. You did what you could to clean and redress her without stirring her from her deep sleep, placing her in the bare crib. You'd asked the innkeeper for blankets, but he assured you that babies were safer sleeping without, and had instead helped you swaddle the little one to keep her warm. There was a strange, awkward silence as he left, just you and Heat left in the room, sitting at the end of the bed side by side and staring at the sleeping baby, who you'd discovered upon unwrapping had a small tuft of blond hair.
“Why did you do that?” You asked softly.
“Do I need to say it?” He replied. You shook your head and took his hand. You knew why. Because he loved you, even though he still lacked the courage to say it out loud. His actions told you everything you needed to know.
“Do you think they'll leave?” You asked him.
“Nah,” he squeezed your hand, “logpose needed three days to reset. They'll cool down and beg us to come home, they care too much. And if they don't, fuck em, you're all I need”
You leaned your tired body against his side and let out a long sigh.
“Let's get you to bed, you must be exhausted,” he picked you up again and slid you under the covers before climbing in next to you. He held you gingerly, aware that you were still recovering and your breasts were tender. “No matter what, I'm here. For you, and the baby. If it's between Kid and you, I'm choosing you”
You sobbed at his reassurances, not once had Killer ever said he would choose you over Kid, in fact he'd always made it clear that Kid was his priority. Your heart swelled for Heat, whether it be genuine or saviour's complex you didn't care, you just knew you were finally falling for him. If only it'd happened months ago, if only you'd given yourself to him more fully, or if maybe he'd been trapped on the island with you. Things could have been so different. Your heart still felt like it was tearing apart, but under Heat's warm embrace you felt like in time it could melt back together.
“Does she have a name?” Heat asked when your crying finally calmed.
“Dawn,” you replied softly.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
part two of night nurse sooooo good <3
can you do another part?
Jason sat in the shadows and listened, He wasn't close enough to hear the conversation properly. He recognized your voice in fluent Spanish, gently explaining how to care for the sprained ankle to a hysterical mother who'd thought her son had broken it.
He could hear promises to bring you something for dinner tomorrow? At least that's what it sounded like. It sounded like insistence that you take SOMETHING for saving them the trip to an expensive urgent care. And it made him smile a little. Evidently, he wasn't the only one who came to you for late-night medical care.
You didn't seem like someone that deserved to be cracked in the face. Someone who looked after her neighbors and accepted payment in the form of a little dinner or some spare eggs was hardly someone the neighborhood wouldn't look out for. Especially in a block like this one.
Once he was sure the mother and her son had gone, he dropped down onto your fire escape and rapped gently on the window, grinning under his mask when you half turn and wave him in. "Hey Sunflower," he said, taking the helmet off, "Got any tylenol?"
When you raise an eyebrow, slightly incredulous, he grins, "Best bedside manner in Gotham," he said cheerfully.
You toss him the bottle of tylenol from your cabinet and go to get your bag, "Bruises, contusions, sprains?"
"You got a booty call coming?" he asked, helping himself to the Tylenol and a can of coke from your fridge. Trying not to sound irritated.
"Just an early shift tomorrow," you yawn, "And I worked a double today."
"Ugh," he sighed. "That's rough. Sorry, Sunflower."
"The joy of being short staffed on purpose," you murmur.
"I won't keep you long," he promised. "Got my tylenol so I can go."
"No really," he said sincerely. He knew you'd keep yourself awake to look after him. But you needed as much sleep as you could get. "Just wanted the tylenol and to get a look at your eye."
"I'm fine. I told you it was just-"
"Nah, Sunflower," he said gently. "Whoever you're protecting- they don't deserve it if they put their hands on you like that." He watches you look away, fiddling with your bag. Afraid to look at him. "I'm going to find them. And they're going to regret-"
"It was my brother," you murmur after a long moment. "He was high and he didn't know what he was doing."
"He doesn't know where I live," you tell him. "I didn't tell him after I moved the last time when he stole grandma's pearls and pawned them."
It was more details than he'd ever gotten out of you. And each syllable made him angrier than the last. He picked up a notebook off your table and flipped to a clean page, scrawling the number to his phone on it. "If he shows up here," Jason said, voice carefully kept soft. "You call me."
"I don't think-"
"He's not putting his hands on you like that again," Jason said, crossing the floor and putting the notebook into your hands. "No one is. You call me. I'll get here."
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lunar-rcp · 6 months
Any amber hcs?/nf
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𖦹 🌷 ˓ ミ Amber headcanons ໒꒱ ‧₊
♡ !! Thank you for this ask! I love amber a lot!! She needs more attention,,
cw: parental death
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✦ Has the best fashion sense out of the team. Having a fashion crisis? Just come to Amber, she'll help out! Sometimes she even likes to design her own clothing.. however, she does need her own models of course! That being, none other than the rescue team! (Roy & Poli are forced to wear dresses sometimes) (Someone please draw that actually)
✦ It may not seem like it, but she can be a TOTAL flirt. She can be bold, and she's not afraid to do so! Which leads to Poli and Roy mostly being flustered by her sparkle.
✦ The opposite of Roy, Amber actually enjoys spicy food. Whenever they both order something, she helps Roy with his serving if something happened to be spicy in it.
✦ Honestly, I don't think this is my own headcanon. We should all agree Amber would be absolutely terrifying when she gets angry.
✦ Amber beats herself up whenever she messes up something. She's afraid of failure, and she despises it. However, the team will always tell her that it's okay to make mistakes.
✦ Literally smells like roses and flowerly perfume. She's a clean girl i'm telling you.
✦ When she met Sandy, she was EXTREMELY overjoyed. To think there would be an another girl in a rescue team had her on cloud nine. Sandy, Amber and Jin often like to do girl hang outs, gossiping about the guys lol (poor them)
✦ Loves to collect crystals and has an entire collection of them. She even gifted crystals to the rescue team members, they treasure it dearly. Here's the crystals she gave to them
Poli - Sodalite
Roy - Red jasper
Helly - Chyrsoprase
Jin - Sunstone
✦ She can be a bit of a nerd, but that's a given. She sometimes goes off about rambling about random things like gemstones and such, but the others happily listen to her rambles. Even if she gets a little embarrassed when she finds out she's been rambling.
✦ Has the healthiest sleeping schedule out of the team. Wakes up early, and goes to bed early. Poli might wake up the earliest, but does he go to bed early? Well..
✦ Enjoys a green smoothie everyday. She tries to suggest the idea to the others. (She was met with Poli, Helly and Jin in utter disgust. However, Roy enjoyed it.)
✦ While I imagine roy as the cook for the team, she's the BAKER for the team! Absolutely makes the most godly desserts that cease to exist. The team adores it. She's in charge for birthday cakes.
✦ When Amber was little, she had to face her mom being pretty sick. Her mom unfortunately passed away when she was a teenager. This was the main reason why she became a nurse, to protect others.
✦ She comes from a big family! She has 5 other siblings, and she's the oldest. Even if it's a lot, she all loves them dearly with her heart.
✦ Adores jewerly. Whenever she has the time, she loves making little bracelets out of gemstones for the team. She's really creative whenever it comes to making accessoires.
✦ Amber dislikes sea food. Especially octopus. She can't really handle textures of certain foods sometimes.
✦ Whenever she's the one who gets sick, she's forced to face the team go into a mindless panic. Even if it's chaotic, it does make her feel better that they care so much for her.
✦ When the others are sick, she knows exactly what to do. She makes sure they have ALL the comfort they need. To kidshows or humming songs, she got them.
✦ Speaking of humming songs.. Amber can sing really well. She doesn't do it often, but whenever they have karoke nights thats when her voice really comes out.
✦ Good at archery! She has a really good aim. Watch out.
✦ Amber feels like she's the weakest of the team since she can't carry heavy stuff without her arms giving out. She feels like she's just supposed to stand on the side for aid rather than help, because she'll just mess it up.
✦ Sometimes a little TOO forgiving. She tries her best to not easily forgive, but it's hard for her.
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nidianddeepspace · 5 months
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Into that Tender Night
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❥ Xavier x OC ❥ An OC remembering loving moments with the Star Baby ❥ FLUFFINESS - he's taking good care of MC after an injury ❥ College/University AU, the (my) MC and Xavier as University Students ❥ Inspiration taken from Tender Night card because I started the game after the banner and couldn't get it but I'm not BITTER
After a fun night on the dance floor leads to a clumsy accident, a young woman spends the night with Xavier, who helps her to nurse a swollen ankle.
Word Count: 2.2k
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"Just so we're clear - I told you that inviting me to the spring formal was a bad idea. This just proves it."
To be honest, it wasn't really your fault that there was a huge ice pack resting on my ankle, or that there was a good chance this sprain would make going to class difficult for me until it healed up. But you weren't the one who urged me to go out on the dance floor, singing Dancing Queen my heart out while moving my body without a care on the world, and you certainly weren't the one who made it so that I tripped over the sweep of my emerald evening gown, falling hard on my precious ankle.
But you were the one who asked if I wanted to go the event and as such, you accepted responsibility for my predicament.
As sweet as that was, my ankle still hurt like hell.
"The swelling is pretty bad," you said to me, gently inspecting the damage. I tried my hardest to remain calm even though it was quite painful. "Getting back to the dorm will be pretty difficult."
"I'll be fine. I can just hobble to the bus with everyone's help."
It was a bus that took up to the fancy schmancy hotel our spring formal was held in, the plainness of the school bus juxtaposed with the elegant dresses, suits, and ties the passengers were wearing. You were the best dressed in my eyes, in your white dress shirt, blue and black striped tie, and dress pants. I'd never seen you look so elegant before - and though it sounds cliche, you took my breath away.
I thought I'd make due, but my ankle hurt too much and everyone else was too afraid to helping me move for fear that it would just make it worse. That's when you stepped in, intend of cutting down my suffering as much as possible right. "I'm going to see if we can reserve a room for tonight - that way you can relax your ankle for a while, enough so that the swelling goes down." "Ah..." My blood ran cold. "Xavier, we don't need to do that. Don't you think that's a bit much?"
"If you continue to walk on that ankle, it'll get even worse. It's better for you to stay in one spot for a while and take it easy." Your voice was as soft as it usual once, but there was a firmness there - you were taking decisive action. "The others can tell the bus driver we aren't coming back."
I tried getting you to reconsider, but you'd already made up your mind. And our friends, who had long shipped us together over the course of our time at university, were all too eager to cheer you on. All I could do was sit there with a swollen ankle, praying for the strength to keep it together.
Somehow the Palmer House, the hotel the spring formal in, had available rooms that night. At that moment I truly believed that some higher power was conspiring to give us alone time together and I just had to deal with it. At least they planned it happened in a nice hotel room, decorated with elegant pieces of furniture, all in a big abundant space.
"I'm sorry, but there was only a room with one king size bed left." You carried me on your back and took me to the elevator, much to the shock and delight of the few guests still mingling around the hotel. You really didn't want me on my ankle anymore. "You don't mind, do you?" "Ah...no, it's fine." But it wasn't fine. We'd taken naps together - usually in my room, but sometimes in yours - but there was something about a hotel room that upped the stakes a little higher. "Besides, it's a king-sized bed right? Plenty of room for sharing."
"If you're uncomfortable, I can sleep on a chair or on the floor," you assured me. "You know me, I can sleep anywhere."
"It's okay...besides, you paid for the room. It's only fair that you should get to sleep in the bed...right?"
You chuckled with a nod as the elevator doors opened again. You were so calm and I was fighting for my life.
Our room was at the very end of the hall, in a secluded corner. You gently placed me on the bed, making sure I was okay before closing the door behind us. You made your way back to me, and I got a secret thrill out of watching you lift the hem of my dress, looking at the state of my ankle.
"It's still swollen. We should put an ice pack on it. I'll go back to the reservation desk and see if they have one," you told me.
I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I grabbed your wrist, pulling you back to me. Maybe I felt guilty over causing you so much trouble - you reserved a luxury hotel room just so I wouldn't have to walk back to the dorm! - and i didn't want to burden you even more. But the moment I realized what I'd done, my nervousness grew tenfold.
"What's the matter?" You voice was quiet and calm - always so peaceful.
"You...don't have to do that," I stammered, averting my gaze. "It's already late and you're probably tired."
"It's okay." Your voice was as warm as a loving, gentle hug. One I wish I had the courage to ask from you. "I'll be back as soon as I can. I promise." And you did. Before I knew it, you'd come back to the room with two ice packs - one for now, and one for later. I watched as you grabbed a nearby ottoman and cushion, carefully placing my swollen ankle on top of the ice pack. "There...how does that feel?"
"It stings a little, but it's fine." You sat beside me. My face heated up when I realized your tie was loosened and a the top buttons of your dress shirt were undone. I could only see your bare collarbone, but that was enough to send me into a tizzy. "Thank you...for doing this for me. I feel bad."
"You're welcome." I'm glad I was sitting - that smile of yours always made me weak in the knees. "Did you need me to get you some water, or..." "I just need you to stay here with me." The moment my words formed in my brain, the sentence was already halfway out of my mouth. "Ah...well, what I mean is that...you know what? Forget I said that..."
"I'm not going anywhere." The fondness of me in your eyes...it made everything about me go soft. "It'll be okay. We're the only ones here."
"Right." I looked down at my ankle, still as swollen as ever. "Well, the two of us and my swollen ankle. I told you I was a terrible dancer."
"You did say that, but you were also lying," you said with a smile. "What happened out there was a freak accident. If you want to blame someone, blame your dress for ruining your graceful moments on the dance floor."
I laughed, spying the tiny rip at the bottom of my dress - where the spike of my heel tore at the fabric. "Or I could blame you for convincing me to come with you to the formal in the first place."
"Maybe." The smirk is tiny, but it's there. "Maybe not."
"But since you're taking such good care of me and have put us up in this lovely room, I'll forgive you this one time," I teased.
"Thank you - that's very gracious of you." There was no hiding that hint of sarcasm in your voice.
We shared a laugh for a bit, chuckles giving way to an uncomfortable silence. I sat with my hands in my lap, not knowing what to say. My eyes gazed all over the room. The large windows offered a view of the quiet city below, the street lights golden and misty, the streets bare, save for a passing car or two.
"What time do we have to leave tomorrow?" I asked, breaking the silence.
"We don't have to leave tomorrow. I booked the room until Sunday morning." My eyes went wide at how easily you said that. "We don't have class tomorrow, and you need plenty of time for your ankle to get better before you can walk on it. So, it made sense to book another day."
"Yeah, but..." I tried to keep calm, even as my prospect of being alone with you, in this hotel, for two nights threatened to swallow me whole. Never mind that your thinking was sound. "That's too much, isn't it?"
You shook your head. "No. Not for you." You patted my head, offering me a gentle smile. "It's okay, really. Don't over think it."
"Okay, but..." I pinched my dress. "You're really going to make me wear a dress for the next two days?"
"Oh - I hadn't thought of that." You laughed, but I could see that crimson flush appearing on your cheeks and on the tips of your ears. "Don't worry. I'll figure out something tomorrow. Just focus on resting for now."
"Yeah. And speaking of rest..." As if on cue, fatigue washed over my entire body. "Sleeping is going to be tricky if I have to keep this ankle elevated."
You smiled. "There are four pillows on the bed and two of us. We can each use one pillow and the other two can be used for your ankle. Here - let me get you set up right now."
"Ah...that's really not necessary." I fought to suppress my desires, which were the strongest they've ever been at that point. Your cologne was intoxicating, and your bare collarbone even more so. I wanted nothing more than to rest on your shoulder, falling asleep to the comfort of your warm body. But I had to stay focused. "I already feel bad enough as it is. Don't worry, I'll figure it out."
You whispered my name is a low voice before scooping me up in your arms. I cried out, looking at you with surprise and wonder as you carried me so effortlessly, like I was no heavier than a feature. You worked effortlessly to ensure my comfort, propping up my ankle up on two fluffy pillows and the ice pack I was using before. You hopped into bed beside me, a satisfied smirk on your face.
"There - now you're ready for bed." You put the white comforter over me before sliding into bed yourself, turning off all the lights, save for one on the nightstand. "If we huddle together, we can keep warm throughout the night."
I was so tired by then, I let you wrap your arms around my waist and pull me close without a fight. It was easy to melt into you warm, despite having to keep my ankle elevated. I sighed, content for another fleeting moment to be close to you. Another moment to relish as though it would be the last.
"Better now?" You sounded just as tired as I was.
"Yeah, but I still feel bad that you had to do all of this because of my clumsiness."
"It's okay - I wanted to do this." You pulled me even closer. "Making sure you're okay is something I take very seriously. And..."
"And like you said before - I'm the one who convinced you to go to formal tonight. This is me taking responsibility." Your eyes and your voice seemed so innocent. But the fluttering my heart knew there was something more to it. "You told me to do that, right?"
"...that I did." I snuggled into you, forgetting all about my previous nervous tendencies. I was tired, you were there, and you felt so good beside me...I couldn't help myself. "Still, you know me. I can't go five minutes without apologizing to you for the most random thing."
"That's true. I'm beginning to think you offended me in another life with all that apologizing." You skillfully dodged my swipe at your shoulder. "Hey, easy there. You don't want to hurt something else, do you?"
"Funny, I was going to tell you the same thing." She chuckled, glad for the ease from the tension. I turned my head so you wouldn't see me yawning. "Watch yourself."
"The only thing I'm going to be watching is you fast asleep. You're tired."
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are. I saw you hiding that yawn." Nothing got passed you. Nothing ever got passed you - especially when it came to me. I just hadn't realize it yet. "Sleep...I'll be right here when you wake up."
"Mmm..." I nestled my head in the curve of your neck, my eyelids feeling much heavier. "You should rest, too."
"I will...after you."
We nestled even closer, fatigue easing away any reasons to keep ourselves separated. The rise and fall of your breath was my lullaby that night, sending me to a place where dreams were nothing but peaceful. It was only when I woke up the next morning in your arms did I remembered my swollen ankle. Cocooned in the comfort of your care, my heart yearned for you even more. It wanted nothing more than to beat alongside yours, if only for a little while.
I think you wanted that, too.
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k-marzolf · 1 year
Monsters in the Dark #16
@idaofinfinity @e-dubbc11 @rosaleenablack
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“How’s things going with Billy?” asked Curtis, as you took a bite of your dorito taco. You were having a lunch date with him. He was your very first friend before Billy. You adored Curtis. He had found you on the streets, being attacked by several thugs. It took weeks to nurse you back to health.
Your boyfriend had kicked you out after cheating on you. Life had been hard after being in the system. He knew Billy would understand.
“Good,” you said happily after swallowing, “Billy’s sweet to me.”
Curtis laughed, raising an eyebrow.
“What?” You asked, curious.
“It’s just that I wouldn’t describe Billy as sweet.” Curtis said, taking a drink of his soda.
“He lets me sleep with him.” You told Curtis, smiling softly.
Curtis’ eyebrows shot up. “Oh?”
You nodded, “I had a nightmare the first night after you left me there. He let me in his bed, and held me. After that I kept sneaking in. So when we were at the bar last weekend, he said I could sleep with him whenever I wanted if I could hit the bullseye at darts.” You explained, finishing off your taco, and digging into your cinnamon dessert. This place was your favorite to eat at, and that was why Curtis brought you here. His treat.
Right now you worked at a library even though Billy insisted he could take care of you. You liked independence, though, and you were cautious.
Your ex had left you with nothing; you wanted the security in case anything went sour. You weren’t going to be defenseless again.
“And did you?” Curtis asked, cautiously.
“Uh huh!” You grinned, “I sleep with him every night now.” You missed the look of concern on Curtis’ face, but when you looked at him, he smiled and ruffled your hair.
He needed to talk to Billy. He loved his brother, but Billy was a known womanizer.
After that he asked how your work at the library was going, and listened to you chatter about that, and the cranky old lady you worked with.
“She’s so crusty!” You had said, rolling your eyes playfully.
Curtis laughed. And despite worrying about Billy, Curtis could tell he was having a good influence on you.
You’d been skittish when Curtis first found you, and now you seemed open and light hearted.
Still, he needed to hear from Billy that he wasn’t going to just drop you, and move on.
Curtis appeared at the penthouse a few nights later. “Can I talk to you, Billy?” He asked, and Billy frowned. It was clear Curtis wasn’t there for drinks.
“Sure, give me a minute.” Billy said, leaving Curtis in the living room.
He looked around the corner and into Billy’s bedroom. He was tucking you into bed, kissing your forehead, saying: “I’m gonna talk to Curt. I’ll be in, in a little bit.” His fingers squeezed your hips before letting go, a soft smile on his face.
Curtis was stunned. Billy was a hard man, not known for being soft. He made his living out of violence, and enjoyed it to some degree. It was why he was good at what he did. It was why Curtis placed you with Billy. He could protect you. But here he was being gentle with you.
Billy shut the door coming back out, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. “So, want a beer?” Billy asked.
“Nah, listen Billy, I'm here for her.” Curtis said, not bothering to beat around the bush.
Billy’s stomach dropped. Was Curtis taking you away? He’d gotten attached to you in the short amount of time he had you. He hated attachments yet here he was, afraid you were being taken from him. If he was, Billy wasn’t letting you go without a fight. “Yeah?”
“What are your intentions with her? She really likes you, and the men in her life haven’t treated her well.” Curtis said, stance rigid.
“What do you mean they haven’t?” Billy asked, ready to murder anyone who’d hurt you. It wasn’t hard to imagine someone hurting you, you were exceptionally kind and gentle. It wasn’t hard to rip the wings off a butterfly.
“Her boyfriend used her until he was done with her, before kicking her out onto the streets. Her dad used to beat her pretty bad, too. The pictures I’ve seen from police reports are pretty bad, Billy. I feel like her father has set a precedent for every man she’s encountered.” Curtis said, making Billy see red.
“Her mother was the only refuge she had. And I’m worried she’s finding refuge in you, and you’ll grow bored of her.” The tension was thick in the room, Curtis just wanted the best for you.
“I’m not gonna throw her aside, Curt.” Billy said through gritted teeth, angry at both what your father and boyfriend did to you, and Curtis’ implications. “I know what it’s like to be thrown away. Better than anyone else. Better than you. You forget, I lived in the system. My ma didn’t exactly want me.” Billy said bitterly.
Billy cut him off, rolling his shoulder, “She’s mine, I’m not letting her go.” He said leaving no room for discussion.
Curtis stared at him for a moment, stance softening. He understood this was Billy’s way of saying he cared for you, “Just so long as her best interests are at heart.” He said. “Because the minute I think they aren’t—“
“They are.” Billy said, jaw ticking.
Curtis nodded, before leaving Billy standing there wondering how you’d wormed your way into his heart.
Billy crawled in with you that night, wrapping his arms around you, his insides melting when you rolled over and snuggled against him, cheek pressed to his chest,
He meant what he said to Curtis, he wasn’t letting you go. He understood Curtis cared for you, it was easy as Billy found out.
But Billy would rather chew off his own leg, than hurt you.
He slept that night, vowing to always keep you safe, to kill your enemies, and to be their worst nightmare.
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Tommy Shelby- A Mothers Passing
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Trigger Warning- illnesses, death
I was 19 years old when my father passed away during the war. Mother never found love again and so never remarried. I however found love after stepping foot into the Garrison that night wanting to drink myself into forgetting the last 4 years. That's where I saw him, Tommy Shelby still in his uniform. I knew the Shelby brothers only being a few years older than John, but I had never seen any of them in more than a friendly way. That is until that night.
Mine and Tommys relationship was a whirlwind having got pregnant before marriage we married rather quickly. Now I'm 27, our son 3 and we are more in love than we ever thought was possible.
"Mrs Shelby, I'm sorry to bother you, but there is a woman on the phone asking for you"
"Oh thank you Mary" I get up off the floor with Charlie and head to the telephone
"Hello, Mrs Shelby speaking"
"Mrs Shelby, I'm nurse Lee"
"Nurse?" I frown feeling confused "I haven't been to the doctors since being present"
"My apologies, I'm your mothers nurse"
"My mother? what's wrong?"
"Unfortunately your mother has been ill for some time now"
"Ill? why wasn't I informed of any of this?"
"Your mothers wishes"
"What is it?" I sigh feeling tears start to prick my eyes
"Pneumonia I'm afraid. Mrs Shelby is there any chance you could come and visit?" Tommy walks in and immediately I turn around so he can't see my sad face
"Yes of course. I'll be there as soon as I can" I put the phone down and wipe the tears that have escaped
"Who was that love?" Tommy asks wrapping his arms around me
"My mums nurse. She's ill Tom, really ill. I need to go and see her"
"Ok. I'll drive you, we'll drop Charlie off at Polly's first" nodding my head Tommy gets Charlie ready.
Nervously I enter my childhood house holding on to Tommys hand. We walk up the stairs and enter her bedroom
"Ah Mrs Shelby your here. Mabel YN's here" the nurse tells mum who looks as pale as a ghost
"Hi mum"
"Hello dear" mum croaks instantly breaking my heart. I sit in the chair next to her taking her hand
"Mum you remember Tommy"
"Of course I do. Where's my grandson?" she asks
"He's with Polly. I didn't know if I should bring him or not" I tell mum truthfully
"I'd like to see him before I die"
"No mum don't..." I shake my head not wanting to hear any of this
"YN. I'm dying. I'm not getting any better. So please before I die I want to see my grandson"
"Ok" I breath out.
The following day Tommy and I take Charlie to see my mum one last time and then 3 days later I get a phone call to tell my that she had passed away peacefully in her sleep.
We just had the funeral 2 days ago now I'm sat in the doctors office being told that I'm pregnant again
"Ok Mrs Shelby, just like last time take things easy and make sure Mr Shelby is helping around the house"
"We have maids now so things will be easier" I tell the doctor
"Ok good. I'll see you in 3 weeks for a follow up appointment and the see if we can hear babies heart"
"Ok. Thank you" I stand up taking my bag and coat with me. I walk outside and see Tommy leaning on the wall with a cigarette while watching Charlie playing with a puppy "hey" I say walking up to him
"So was I right?" he asks with a smirk
"Yes. You were right" I reluctantly tell him. He takes my hand and we walk over to Charlie "come on Charlie time to go"
"Ok bye bye" Charlie kisses the puppy's head then takes my hand "the nice lady let me stroke her puppy. His name is whiskey"
"Did your dad name it by any chance"
"No mummy don't be silly" the little boy laughs.
Arriving home Charlie runs off to the play room while Tommy and I walk over to his office
"If the baby is a girl, I want to name her Anna Mabel" Tommy looks at me wide eyed
"You want to name her after our mothers?" I nod my head in reply "well I think it's a beautiful idea, but why my mothers name first?"
"Because i wouldn't let you name Charlie Tommy, or Arthur, or John, or..."
"Ok ok I get it. Thank you love" tommy walks over to me and pulls me into his arms
"I love you Tom"
"And I love you" I smile up at him.
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crisalidaseason · 1 year
this is specific so I'm not sure you write this
Armin afraid that civilian reader think he's bad bc of the colossal titan, he wants to be with reader but he thinks they can be with a better person but reader only wants him
I do write it! Don't worry, here are rules if you wanna check it out
I don't deserve you
Summary: Armin comes back after a mission, you and him finally make decisions about your romantic feelings. Also, a dash of sweet platonic arumika and Mikasa being a sweetheart. CW: spoilers, fluff, angst, platonic arumika, armin x reader, reader is gender neutral, use of second person (you), civilian reader, crafter and merchant reader, mentions of mass murder
The mission was successful, unfortunately.
Armin never enjoyed being in the miltary, it was his only survival path as an orphan and he endured the painful training for the sake of Mikasa - and Eren back then, at least. He wanted to travel the world in his most delusional dreams and become a small bookstore owner whenever he felt less delusional. When he was pulled out of death's embrace to become a monster and walking explosive, he hated every single mission and training even more.
"Come on" Mikasa grabbed him by his waist and lifted him from the bed "You're going to rest"
"I already did, Mika-"
"Shut up" she said "A carriage is no place to rest, you overused your strength"
I overused the demon. He bitterly thought.
The girl helped him hop on her horse, he held Mikasa's waist and rested his heavy head on her shoulders. The ride was short, or maybe Armin just slept all the way, and soon he was being admitted to the infirmary.
"I'm alright" he insisted when Mikasa asked for the nurse.
"you blasted two times, I had to dig you out of the carcass because you were unconscious" she spat.
"I know, but I'm better now"
Mikasa was a stubborn woman, but even Armin was winning her on this lately. Her dark eyes narrowed at him, but soon Mikasa gave up on threatening her friend.
"it would give them peace of mind, you know?" She said "knowing you were checked and that nothing was wrong"
Sometimes he thought Mikasa was a bit too observant.
"I don't know what you're talking about"
The girl refrained from laughing.
"Oh yes you do!" She exclaimed "that person who coincidentally always seems to be around the base whenever you're off duty and probably the person you spend you off days with to the point you don't sleep in your quarters"
"How do you-you know what? I'm not even surprised you stalked me" Armin argued.
"Payback, you little shit"
Mikasa didn't swear at Armin often, unless he hit a nerve.
"I was worried about you!" he justified "it's not like you go around saying 'I'm unwell, help me '"
"Neither do you, Armin Arlert. And also, stop changing the subject"
The blonde boy rolled his eyes, a loud sigh leaving his heavy chest.
"I'll let them know you're alright" she said "I've talked to them a few times"
Armin's eyes bulged.
"What did you say?!"
Mikasa smiled, but did not reply.
"Mikasa" he warned "please tell me you were nice"
The nurse arrived and the Ackerman girl left with a mocking goodbye towards him.
"Mikasa" he groaned.
A few hours into the night, Armin was woken up by the infirmary's door opening slightly. He thought it could be the nurse and did not bother to look.
"There he is, if you're quiet enough no patrolling soldier will check the infirmary" he heard Mikasa's voice.
Armin turned his head to the door, where your familiar frame could be seen. Mikasa simply slithered you inside and before she could go, she decided to torment Armin a little more.
"Nice talk, lovedoves"
Armin's face was burning, but he also felt unimaginably happy at seeing you.
"Hey" you said softly, stopping by his bed "your friend said you were feeling better. Are you?"
He wasn't. His health was stable, but his thoughts were another story.
"I'm fine, no injuries whatsoever. Just tiredness"
You took a stool nearby and sat down, closer to him.
"You should return to sleep" you whispered "Seeing you unharmed was enough"
"No no" he quickly stopped you "If I sleep a second more I'll die from boredom"
You softly laughed. He could loose any sleep if it meant you were there with him.
"What happened in the first place?"
Please don't ask me this, he begged internally. You were just a civilian, never involved in any sort of fight, just a common small merchant and crafter. Armin hated exposing you to the gruesome life he held. He already hated that you knew what he became, the demon he stored in his body.
"Just overworked myself" he kept it vague.
I murdered people was not something he would ever dare to say. Even if he knew, deep down, you were aware of his actions.
"I missed you" you said, looking at him with a shy smile.
Armin did as well, but at the same time he could not let himself feel too much. He had already too many feelings flourishing for you, not when he had only a few years of life.
"I missed you too" he said against his own convictions.
"May I?" you said, pointing to his hand, Armin nodded.
You delicately took his hand, lacing fingers together. it was not something so new in your lives, the shyness long gone form holding hands, but it left both of you wanting more. To which Armin was always afraid off.
"Tell me about those weeks I wasn't here, did you new pottery experiment worked well?"
You happily told him about the sales, how they were better than last month. About the new paints you were able to produce to paint the clay. He loved seeing you talk about your life, a difficult one but also sweet, in a way. He sometimes wondered if he could also learn pottery, some of his deepest dreams were to grow old with you in a tiny tent selling crafts and soap.
"I would love to see the new mugs you made, I'll buy the prettiest"
"Then you'll have to buy them all" you joked.
"I don't doubt it"
Armin smiled at you, feeling such peace like he always did beside you.
"Armin" you started, uncertainty on your face.
The blonde encouraged you to speak.
"Promise me something?"
He nodded, but also not sure if he could actually promise something. He had nothing to offer.
"You'll always return to me" you whispered "no matter what"
"I can't promise" he whispered back "but I can try"
You held sadness on your face.
"I just want to be near you for as long as I can" you said "please, try hard for me"
You were beautifully selfish, and Armin wanted nothing more than ignore everything important for humanity and only be there with you. But he couldn't, not realistically.
"I know, and so do I" he said "but...I don't have much longer"
"I don't care" you said "it doesn't matter if you have a few years left"
"You will be happier without the heartbreak" he insisted "believe me"
"You don't get to say what will make me happy or not" you argued, not in an angry way, just plain points "If I want to be with you and also feel the devastating loss, it is my choice"
Armin watched as you slowly raised his hand, kissing his caloused knuckles. The blonde felt his chest hurt, he uttered your name in an almost sacred way.
"I don't deserve you, not after the things I've done. The thing I am"
Your laugh was bitter, your hands holding his even stronger, but still gentle enough.
"I could not care less about it" she said "we all have our sins, this is the least of my worries"
"Even if I am responsible for other people's loss?" Armin tried "Many people mourn loved ones because of me"
"I do not care" you insisted "I do not know the others, I know you!"
You kept your eyes on his, not a single trace of uncertainty on your words. In a way, he felt good knowing you did not care, that he was such a part of your heart that you could forsake his sins.
"Please" you pleaded "stay with me for as long as we have, let me make you happy for those few years"
Armin could never deny you. Never.
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lulubelle814 · 11 months
Just Dizziness - Chapter 25
Tom's POV
The rest of the day went well.   In fact, I wasn't truly worried until she became tired.  Her long bouts of sleep or coma or whatever you call it, seemed to happen not only during her dizzy spells but also when she slept. I wanted to stand guard over her once she fell asleep, but I knew I could not, at least not for long and succumbed to slumber about an hour after her. 
I was woken up at some point in the middle of the night, her shaking me a bit. 
"Are you alright? What's wrong?"
She looked worried. "I am here, right? This is real? You're still here."
Holding her hands, I kissed her palms. "I assure you, dearest. You are here. I am here.  This is real, and I will always be here with you."
Your POV
Hearing him say that helped calm me down. I was so afraid to wake up and him not be there, that I would be somewhere else.  He held me, and we stayed up, watching the sun rise.  I'm not sure when I fell back asleep, but Tom woke me when Dr. Shepherd came by a couple hours later. 
"Good morning! And how are we doing today?"
I looked at Tom who then answered for me.  "She is doing better but does have some memory issues.   We haven't talked much about what she might remember yet, but when my friend brought our dog by, she remembered him but not our dog. She remembers my mother as well.  She also woke up in the middle of the night fearing that she wasn't really here."
Dr. Shepherd gave a reassuring smile. "That's good news. It's not unusual in these cases for the memory to take a while to come back. Honestly, some memories may not come back at all.  With how her coma unfolded, I don't believe it to be abnormal that she may be confused as to if she really is awake or not. We don't really know what happens in the mind of a patient when they're in a coma. It could be that she was dreaming or reliving memories.  From what I've read in her file, she's had no memory of the past few years.   It's entirely possible that at least some of the memories she gained back is from you and your mother telling her stories of your past together while she slept. "
If he only knew. I wasn't even sure right now. 
"We have the MRI scheduled for later today. If it goes as well as I think it may, you could be discharged tomorrow."
Home.  Now I'm pretty sure I remember that. I think. I hope?  Dr. Shepherd left as he had other patients to see. The nurse came by later to let us know she would be back at 1 pm for my test. 
"I've got an idea. Since we have some time, would you like to visit the hospital garden?  I think you might enjoy getting some fresh air."
I liked his idea and quickly agreed. I pulled out the hair brush mumma hiddles brought from home. I hadn't seen my reflection, but my hair felt like a mess.   I spied a ponytail holder wrapped on the handle and used it to put my hair in a top knot. 
While I fixed my hair, Tom managed to procure a wheelchair, and then off we went. We went at a leisurely pace, stopping by the nurses station to let them know where we were going and promised we would be back on time.   There were so many turns before and after the elevator, but he seemed to know where he was going.  Before we found the garden, we paused at a small sandwich shop in the hospital.  Tom picked a few things along with bottles of water, and then we went to the hospital garden.  It was so lovely. The flowers and plants were thriving and it was only slightly overcast. What sun that did come through felt amazing. 
"Would you like to stay in the chair? Or I could help you move to the bench if you would like?"
"The bench, please?"  Normally I'd get up and move myself, but I wasn't quite feeling full strength.  Plus, I love when he holds me. If I could have him carry me everywhere for the rest of our lives, I'd be okay with that. 
He gently picked me up and helped me to the bench.  He even borrowed a little table to use for our picnic, taking the large plant off it and promised to put it back after. 
I couldn't even say what we ate.  I just enjoyed being with him in that garden for a while when something struck me. "Why does this feel familiar?"  
Tom thought for a moment. "Now that you mention it, this does remind me a bit of mum's garden. She has a number of similar plants she tends to.  Perhaps we could go for a drive and visit her when you're feeling better?"
"I'd like that."
It's like he could tell I was holding in some frustration and held my hands gingerly in his. "We will figure it out together. I'll tell you anything and everything you want to know as often and as many times as you want."
His words were comforting, and I could tell he was being truthful.  His mere presence was soothing, and I laid my head on his shoulder.  I knew I had to tell him about my dreams at some point, but it frightened me.  I didn't want him to think I was crazy. 
Eventually we returned to my room in time for the MRI.  I didn't want to go alone and hoped they would allow him to go with me. 
Tom's POV
When they came to take her for the MRI, I went with her. She had been 'awake' for just over a day, and I didn't want to be away from her, in case anything happened. She held my hand firmly, seemingly to feel the same way.
It didn't take much convincing to be allowed in the room with her during the test as long as I followed the rules, and they brought me a plastic chair so I could sit by her while holding her hand, rubbing the back of it, unsure if I was doing that to soothe her or myself. Maybe a bit of both.
"Talk to me, please?"
"Of course, love."  I could hear the nervousness  in her voice. So I started reciting one of my favorite poems, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.
Let us go then, you and I,
When the evening is spread out against the sky
Like a patient etherized upon a table;
Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets,
The muttering retreats
Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels
And sawdust restaurants with oyster-shells:
Streets that follow like a tedious argument
Of insidious intent
To lead you to an overwhelming question ...
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
Let us go and make our visit.
I traced invisible patterns on her hand and arm while I recited poetry.  It seemed to keep us both calm. As the test was not finished, I started singing “The Bear Necessities”, some Bon Iver, and then Hank Williams until all the tests were completed.  
I helped my wife back into the wheelchair where we then followed the kind nurse back to our room. Mum was waiting for us along with more flowers from her as well as other family and friends.  
A nurse came by letting us know Dr. Shepherd should be by in the morning with the test results. Mum said she had a good feeling about it, as did I. It wasn't until dinner that mum left. 
She just missed Sophie who dropped by to visit for a few minutes and bring some food and snacks. I could tell my wife knew she was familiar but couldn't quite place her. Instead of saying something outright that might embarrass her, I skirted around it. "Thank you so much, Sophie.  How are Ben and the kids? We can't thank you enough again for helping take care of Bobby." 
"They're great! And Bobby has been a gem, helping wear out the kids when we get to watch him."
Sophie asked how she was recovering and if there was anything she could do to help before she left.  Once it was just us again, the confusion became more apparent. Rather than wait for her to say something, I went ahead and explained. 
"That was Sophie, Ben's wife.  They've been married for a while, have two children. You and her started becoming friends a few months after we got together. In fact, she was the one who told me to get my head out of my ass and put a ring on your finger if I knew what was good for me, or she would slap me into next year."
Oh that incredible, angelic laugh. I was so afraid I would never hear it again, the most beautiful sound in the entire world. 
"I knew she was familiar…."
"That's good! That's definitely good, and I think Dr. Shepherd would agree."
We ate the homemade chicken salad sandwiches Sophie brought before tucking in and watching old movies on tv while eating hobnobs before falling asleep somewhere around 11 pm.
Chapter 26
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tinirainboom · 10 months
Surprised To Be Dead
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Good morning, afternoon or night. This morning I had a dream related to my YYH dr! and it is on the topic of Yusuke's death… when I saw it for the first time in my house that episode did not make me feel sad, and in all the times I saw it I never felt as sad as it has happened to me within this dream, she was really devastated crying her eyes out over Yusuke's death.
I will give context....
LOADING ° ° ° ⋆。˚. ੈ⋆。˚. ੈ⋆。˚. ੈ
DREAM: "Suprised to be Dead! and my sorrow and sadness for Yusuke my best friend from childhood"
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The dream begins when I left school, Sarayashiki Jr. High running desperately and as I ran I saw Yusuke in the distance with the boy with the soccer ball. At that moment, Yusuke's back was turned and he couldn't see me as he saw the little boy who had dropped the ball heading towards the street. I was afraid of what was going to happen and tried to speed up, but Yusuke just reacted to help the boy. I shouted "Yusuke!" He heard me and tried to get away so that nothing would happen to me. I wanted to save them both but the speeding car pushed Yusuke and me, we both went flying.
ok up to that point it happened the same as the anime/manga, with the only difference that I was in the scene and I saw everything in first person since sometimes in my dreams it changes to third and returns to first.
The ambulance arrived quickly, I didn't have any scratches, bruises, fractures or anything, it was as if nothing had happened to me. The nurses went to check on the little boy and he was fine, but when I approached Yusuke I started crying in my sleep, the nurses grabbed me and started to take me away from him while others left him for dead, I tried with all my might to make them leave me. at peace and be with Yusuke but… they dragged me away from his body. I remember him shouting "Yusuke, don't leave me! Let me go, I want to be with my best friend! Let me go!" Then the dream changes quickly after the funeral, I was at the Yukimura house crying and I was listening to "The Melody of God" by Tan Bionica with my headphones until I locked myself in my room so that no one would bother me and no one would come in either.
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I stopped the music and continued crying as I closed my eyes to fall asleep. When I fell asleep, I could see that Yusuke intervened in my dream (just like he had done with Keiko, but he did it with me!) I could see him in my dream and I ran to hug him, Yusuke hugged me back and started to comfort me because I burst into tears and it was a mess of tears. I could feel his hug and his comfort, I could hear him in the Latin dubbing telling me ""Reiko it's okay shh, I'm here, okay? Don't cry, it really makes me very sad to see you so sad for me. I intervened in your dream because I'm going to come back to life and I wanted you not to let them cremate my body because otherwise I won't be able to resurrect. Be strong Reiko, you already are but hold on a little longer, okay? Soon you and I will be together doing stupid things and joking again.""
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"Goodbye Reiko, I know you can feel my presence and you will know that I will be with you through thick and thin."
Then he wipes my tears and hugs me a little more, to kiss me on the forehead as a farewell for the moment. Then, about the next morning, I saw that I had dark circles under my eyes and marks that I cried a lot. My parents (Keiko's parents) saw me and I told them determinedly, "I will become stronger to protect others! I am leaving for the moment and I will be well", then the dream ends with me closing the door of my house to go look for Yusuke's mother (Atsuko) and then to want to train with Genkai.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 🥺🥹😢😭 oh god this dream was very sad for me! It's the first time I have this kind of dream about YYH and it's sad, mainly about Yusuke. I mean, I knew he was going to die because I saw the anime and the manga, and when I saw those scenes I didn't get so bad that I was so sad, I was really in a flood of tears. Even when I woke up I was still sad but I felt a little better because I could feel Yusuke's affection and the way he comforted me was so sweet, it touched me a lot! I had put in my template that he is my best childhood friend like Keiko within my rd and he really fulfilled that attitude perfectly.
Then I turn on my computer and see the time which is 08:08, another mirror time just like I had the first dream with Yusuke but I had 06:06 on the clock! I haven't been to my dr yet, but I have faith that I will get there.
♡Well have a good day, afternoon or night♡
~Reiko Yukimura~
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rainintheevening · 1 year
Realizing it is really fun to leave asks in people's boxes so...
What are your favorite Anakin and Obi-Wan head canons? Why do you think Anakin and Padme fell in love? *chins hands, waiting with excitement*
Ooh, thanks! Love these questions!
Anakin and Obi-Wan headcanons? Oh, dear, where do I stop? XD
-The first time they hugged was on Naboo, after Obi-Wan told him how Qui-Gon was dead. Obi-Wan was steady, but he definitely had tears in his eyes, and it hurt to see Anakin’s excitement over the space battle drain away so swiftly. Obi-Wan was crouched down to talk to him face-to-face and Anakin threw his arms around Obi-Wan’s neck, surprising Obi-Wan, before Obi-Wan hugged him back.
-Anakin and Obi-Wan can sense each other's lightsabers like their own. (Anakin stronger and more accurately, of course.)
-They have each picked up the other's lightsaber on the battlefield and used both at least once.
-They've slept together a lot. During his first year at the Temple, Anakin would end up going to Obi-Wan���s room in the middle of most nights for various reasons. They had some of their best and most honest conversations in the dark, curled up together in Obi-Wan’s bed. It became less common as he got truly settled in, and then stopped altogether when Anakin hit his teens. But after the war started, they started... drifting back together in the nights. Especially planetside, they would lie back-to-back, and sleep much sounder that way. Oddly enough, Obi-Wan was the one most likely to turn over and curl into Anakin’s back. But during war nights they never talked.
-Anakin taught Obi-Wan how to make the one sweet thing his mom had been able to afford to make: sun cookies. It's the simplest cookie imaginable, but Obi-Wan can tell what it means for Anakin to have some bit of knowledge to share. There were a few times that Anakin was either very sorry for something he'd said, or super grateful for something Obi-Wan had done, and snuck off to the Temple kitchen to make some for his master. Obi-Wan also got into the habit of making them for Anakin’s birthday.
-Obi-Wan once called Anakin’s escapades 'shenanakins' sarcastically, but Anakin actually liked it, and used the term to annoy him. (The term spread through the 501st and 212th, till it was in the lexicon of the entire 3rd Systems Army.)
-The first time Anakin truly lost his temper with Obi-Wan, when he'd been at the Temple about half a year, he lashed out and accidentally threw Obi-Wan across the room into the wall. Obi-Wan didn't force Anakin to look at his resulting bruises, but he didn't try to hide them either. Anakin insisted on nursing him for the next day or too, to apologize. The incident scared him badly and he was careful never to strike out at Obi-Wan in anger again.
-They both smile involuntarily at the sound of the other's laugh.
Okay, you can stop me anytime...
I think about Anakin and Padmé far less, I'm afraid.😅 So what I think about them falling in love is drier and less interesting. I'm still developing my takes on them. But here's something:
Well, little boys always fall in love at first sight. Padmé didn't see that as a possibility till she met the awkward 20-year-old version.
Padmé reminds Anakin of the best of his mom, mixed up with a love of danger that fits with his. Anakin is, well, a hot mess and that is totally Padmé's style.
I think one of the most fateful moments for them is when they have that 'diplomatic solution' and 'aggressive negotiations' exchange in the arena on Geonosis. To me that is when Anakin went, "I want this. I want all of this. I want the excitement of being with her, AND of being a Jedi."
Basically, they fell in love because they each had the right screws loose to attract the other. Which is part of what doomed them, of course.
But I do think, if they'd had time, if the war had ended, and the secrets had ended, and they put in the work, they could have built a really good marriage. And that's what we write fix-its for. :)
Also: Galloping grasshoppers, but 'That Would Be Enough' from Hamilton is maybe the best Padmé to Anakin song ever. Almost cried, listening to it for the first time today.
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saskiahaggens · 2 years
After the Storm ~Poly ending~
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Pairing: Jake x fem!Reader x Richy x Phil (?)
mentioning of death, attempted suicide
Word count: 1258
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When you woke up your throat was sore. It took you a moment to recall the events. What happened after that? Were Richy and Jake, okay? Even with all these question in mind you couldn't ask a single one of them. First and foremost, the nurses who came in three times a day wouldn't know the answers anyway. Your voice chords, on the other hand, were damaged as a result of the cut. Speaking hurts and your voice sounded really raspy.
After a stressful day of questions, it was a relief when Jessy and Phil came to see you.
"Thank goodness. We were so worried." Jessy cried when she saw you sitting in your bed. You eminently pulled her into a hug and joined her.
"Hey.", greeted Phil gently. He whipped away a few tears from your cheek and smiled tiredly. He whipped away a few tears from your cheek and smiled tiredly.
The dark circles under their eyes told you how sleep-deprived they were, and it broke your heart that you were the reason for it.
"What happened?", you asked after some minutes.
When they heard your 'new' voice, you noticed them flinching. You burst into tears the first time you heard it, and Jessy was no exception. She sobbed much harder than before, burying her face even more in your shoulder.
"Richy and Hannah handed themselves in after they processed what happened. That was around two weeks ago. Jake disappeared shortly after, most likely because he was afraid the FBI would start looking for him again. I don't know what happened to his brother. But Jake promised he wouldn't be a threat anymore.", explained Phil.
Luckily, he understood what you meant by your question. You pulled Jessy even closer after this news. You have to see them. They needed to know you were fine. But how would you do that?
"They said you were allowed to go home next week.", sniffed Jessy.
You were confused on how they got this information, but Phil answered your question.
"Jessy told them we were married," he said, blushing slightly.
"They refused to tell us anything about you. I needed to know if you were okay, and that was the only way."
You chuckled a little, which made them both grin.
Dan, Lilly, Cleo, and Thomas also paid you a visit this week. It was great seeing them again. Thomas even arranged you a meeting with Richy. He was in custody, but Alan Bloomgate was generous enough to allow you to see him after you were released from the hospital.
The week stretched like gum, and when you were finally allowed to leave, you met the person you least expected to.
You were on your way to the police station, while Phil brought your stuff back to your apartment, when you were dragged into an alleyway. You assumed it was Wyatt at first, but you were proven wrong.
"I'm sorry if I scared you, but I needed to see you.", was the first thing he said.
You were confronted by ocean blue eyes that appeared to be more tiered than usual. His black hair was knotted, or so it appeared because it was mainly covered by his hood.
He pulled you into a tight hug when he heard your hoarse voice.
"I'm sorry for what happened that night. It was all my fault. I can't make it up for you, but I will try with every fiber of my heart. I love you, Y/n. Please come with me. You don't have to decide now, but at least think about it." He looked at you for a second before he started to walk away.
"Richy.", you said as loudly as you could.
Jake stopped. You walked up to him and hugged him from behind. He held your hand for a moment before he turned around.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't forget about him. I was selfish for a moment."
You gazed into his eyes before moving your gaze to the mask that covered his face. Jake chuckled and moved closer.
"We have to keep up with him, right?", he mumbled and pulled his mask down.
Your heart began to race faster when he came even closer. So, Richy told him, and they kissed as well. Jake's hand was on your cheek only seconds before his lips touched yours. His kiss was not comparable to Richy's. Jake's kiss was warm, like a fireplace during wintertime.
"We will wait for him, no matter how long it takes.", he smiled and leaned his forehead on yours.
You nodded before stepping away. Jake also noticed how the time flew by and that he had to go.
When you met Richy, he couldn't stop smiling. Alan hadn't informed him who was coming, so when he saw you, he believed he was dreaming. You didn't have much to say most of the time you were cuddling, but you told him about Jake when Alan was distracted for a second. It wouldn't be long until Richy's trial, so it was probably the last time you'd see him before he had to go to jail. You hoped for a warm - hearted judge.
Three years later~
Today was the day Richy would get out of jail. He was quite fortunate to receive a three-year jail term and two years of probation. Jake kept his promise, and the day he finally stepped out of jail, you waited for him.
"Come on, Y/n, Richy! We're going to be late!", called Jake out to you.
You were at your now-shared apartment above Phil's bar. Like the day you first came to Duskwood, all of your friends met at his bar to celebrate. They needed time to accept what Richy and Hannah did, and while Hannah got out of jail a year earlier, they decided they would wait for Richy too. They forgave them, and both of them worked hard to gain their trust again.
Richy even went to his parents a few days later. You and Jake accompanied him since he was probably scared of seeing them again. His concerns, however, were unnecessary because his parents embraced him with open arms. He and Jessy reopened 'Rogers Garage' a few weeks later and surprisingly gained many new customers, because many people were disappointed by Tooltastic. (I forgot the name. Please don't kill me.)
As for Jake, the FBI never looked for him again, thanks to Wyatt. You weren't sure what he did, but somehow, he was able to erase every piece of data that ever existed about Jake. You worked with him at Phil's Bar. The barkeeper needed to get used to him, but he eventually befriended him somehow.
"We're coming, handsome.", responded Richy, and he walked up to him.
You quickly followed and held his hand in yours to express that you were sorry.
You don't talk much anymore. Richy and Jake understood you without words by now and respected your decision. Speaking just felt weird now. It didn't feel natural, and voice creaks were normal. It just annoyed you, so you only used it for special occasions, such as tody.
"I love you two."
"Naw, Y/n. You are way too sweet. We love you too, but we really need to go now. We live over the bar. It's embarrassing if we are late."
"As if we aren't already. I can already tell what the girls will think."
"I swear if Dan makes any sex jokes, I'm going back home.", laughed Richy, and he pulled both of you out of the door.
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timeoverload · 5 months
I think I am on the verge of losing my shit. This afternoon was horrible but it was my fault. When I was washing pans this morning, I did a half-ass job drying them. I was not in a good place mentally and it is hard to be at work. I have been so irritable all day. Since I didn't dry my pans well enough this morning, I had 8 wet pans this afternoon. There were only 10 cases in the afternoon but I had to turn all of the pans over right away so it was crazy because they kept bringing them back. I fucked up so bad. Luckily it didn't cause any cases to be delayed. Usually I only have a wet pan once a month at the most. I already felt horrible about it and my boss and the eye coordinator were being condescending by telling me how I should be drying things. A bunch of people in the OR seemed irritated with me. I literally have never done anything like this. I try really hard not to let my personal issues distract from my work but obviously I'm not ok. The eye coordinator did help me for a while and I was grateful for that. I still ended up having a panic attack when I was talking to my boss because all of the pressure was getting to me. I started bawling in front of everyone in the department and it was embarrassing. I haven't really cried this week so I knew it was going to happen sometime. She gave me a hug so that helped. I had to leave the room for a little while but I was ok after that. People were very nice to me after I freaked out.
Tomorrow might be a rough day but I hope it's better than today was. I have 32 cases again. I am going to be careful and try not to fuck anything else up. I think I will be more prepared.
I haven't heard anything from my mom but I'm not really surprised about that. I ran into the health nurse in the locker room and she apologized for not calling me back yesterday. She suggested that I contact the police department up there and maybe they could send someone to do a welfare check on her. I could also talk to the health department. I am just afraid that she is going to run again. She won't listen. I know I said I wasn't going to worry about what she's doing but that's easier said than done. It is hard for me to make phone calls like that while I am at work so I probably won't be able to do anything until Friday. It is unlikely that I will hear from her before then. I'm also not planning to take FMLA now but I wish I could because I'm a wreck.
I can't believe how exhausted I am. I only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I think I need to go to bed soon. I will do my best not to have an episode at work tomorrow. I'm going to try to make it a good day.
I hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow too. 💖💖💖
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eufezco · 2 years
just a little something i wrote because i can't escape the idea of being like a big sister to Max, being Hopper's daughter AND dating Steve
You had that burning sensation in your eyes that you had become familiar with in the last few days, the dim lights of the hospital room made you feel even more exhausted if possible.
Sometimes you sat next to her bed, holding her hand carefully, drawing circles with your thumb. Other times you sat in front of the bed, painfully watching her lying there while talking to her, or reading her a book or just telling her how sorry you were for not being able to do anything for her.
Max's limbs were in casts, her neck with a cervical collar, and her breathing connected to a machine. You got used to seeing her like that, but the first time you went to the hospital you almost collapsed in Steve's arms, and the nurses had to give you a tranquilizer.
The first week Lucas and you took turns, one of you stayed during the day and the other one during the night but at some point, you got used to the disgusting smell of the hospital, to sitting in that uncomfortable chair for hours doing nothing but keep her company, to the nurses telling you that you should go home and the doctors trying to cheer on you. At some point, it was harder to leave the hospital than go to it. Lucas never stopped visiting Max, it was that you never left.
It was common for Steve to visit the hospital every day, approaching Max first and placing a kiss on her temple while caressing her hair. Then, he made sure that you had slept and that you had had breakfast, and if not, he'd go to the cafeteria and buy something for you. He insisted every day on staying with Max while you had a shower, got some proper sleep in a bed and not in a chair, and changed your clothes, but you refused every time.
Steve packed a bag for you with some change of clothes, one of his hoodies, the book you were reading before all of this happened, and some snacks. He also brought you to the hospital a small pillow and a cozy blanket which were the only two things you used because the bag was still packed in the corner of the room that Steve placed it. Steve was starting to get worried. He tried to talk to you but you didn't listen. There was only one person you would listen to.
The knock on the door made you blink and run your hands over your face to brighten you up. By the time it was, you assumed it was either Steve or Lucas, but you weren't expecting both of them. Much less with your dad.
—Steve! What a surprise! —Joyce said after opening the door to him, quickly hugging the boy. —Oh, but I'm afraid she is not home. She's at the hospital.
Steve nodded. —I know, I came to see Hopper.
Joyce's eyebrows furrowed. She asked no more questions and moved aside so Steve could go inside.
—The infamous Steve Harrington in my house. —Hopper greeted him, not needing to move his eyes from the newspaper to know that it was Steve. —She is not–
—She's not here, I know. That's why I came —.
Hopper frowned and left the newspaper on the table, noticing Steve's worried look. Steve caught Jane and Will's attention, the two of them went into the living room, greeting Steve and sitting on the couch. Jonathan stopped working on his birdhouse to listen to the boy.
—She doesn't leave the hospital. She's not okay. She's not eating, she's not sleeping, she's not showering. And I've tried to talk to her but she won't listen to me–
Hopper was ready to leave the moment Steve opened his mouth. He never said anything about you spending your days there because your dad knew how much affected to you what happened to Max, but Hopper thought that you were taking care of yourself.
—I wanna go —Will stated.
—I wanna go too —Jane added.
—No, I'm going —Jonathan said.
—No, no, no. No one is coming but me and Harrington. Let's go.
—Hi, baby —. Jim approached you and kissed your the top of your head. He didn't need much time to appreciate the redness in your eyes and the bags under them. You were curled up in the chair, probably trying to find a comfortable position to rest. —How are you doing?
You nodded to his question as Jim grabbed one of your hands and played with it while sitting on his ankles so he could be at your height. Even though you nodded, it was pretty obvious that you weren't okay. He waited a few seconds.
—Jane and Will miss you, they both ask for you all the time, and Jonathan too because he doesn't know how to handle them both without you. And Joyce–
You shook your head, you knew what he was trying to do. He waited again.
—We need to go home.
You shook your head, more determined this time, Jim nodded, closing his eyes and kissing your knuckles.
—I can't go home.
Hopper pressed his lips together.
—I don't want her to be alone. She can't be alone in here, if she wakes up, she's gonna be so scared–
—She won't be alone, baby. Lucas will be here with her while you're gone, and then you can take turns like you used to do.
Steve never heard Hopper talk in such a sweet tone before. You turned to look at the boy and Lucas nodded, assuring you that Max was going to be fine. You let out a sigh and tears started rolling down your cheeks. Being by her side was the least you could do for her and now you couldn't even do that.
—Hey, hey, no, no... —Hopper stood up and hugged your body against his, you resting your head in his belly as your tears wetted his shirt.
Steve had to pinch the bridge of his nose to keep himself from crying, Lucas felt a lump forming in his throat. Your dad hugged your head closer to him.
—You will come back, but you need to take care of yourself first, okay? —Hopper kneeled in front of you, holding your cheeks between his big hands and wiping your tears with his thumb. —I might even let your boyfriend sleep over.
You smiled softly. Hopper kissed your forehead and glanced at Steve. Your dad shook his head for him to approach you while Hopper went to take your things.
—Hi, love —. Steve kissed your cheek, you hummed in response. —He's letting me sleep over so we should go before he changes his mind.
You showed him the little smile he was looking for. Steve helped you to stand up from the chair, holding both of your hands.
—I wanna say goodbye.
Steve followed your eyes and nodded.
You walked to the bed where Max was lying, your eyes getting glossy with tears again at the sight of your best friend. You took one of her immobile hands between yours. —I'm sorry, Max. I'm so sorry. I'll come back as soon as possible I promise —. You leaned to kiss her forehead and caressed her hair with your free hand. Then, Lucas hugged you, rubbing your back and Steve wrapped one of his arms around your waist. Your dad carried your bag and opened the door for both of you.
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Warrior Girl
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Request from @a-woman-with-claws-and-fangs The reader has a huge scar on her back and some on her arms that a new intern teases her about. Mark sees her getting upset and stops them. The reader let's him see the scars and he asks her out.
Today is not a good day for me as I can't stop scratching the scars on my arms and back. When I was younger a bear attacked my families camp sight and gave me some lifelong scaring that remained still to this day. Sitting at my desk a new intern comes up to me. "Y/n, you might want to see a doctor about those scars. Because they make you look like a weakling, stand up against your boyfriend." I cut them off biting my lip for a second hoping the pain will go away. "I don't have a boyfriend. It was a bear." The intern started laughing in my face. "What kind of idiot let's a bear scar them, making them a beast. I mean honestly how were you smart enough to become a nurse?" Tilting my head down I try holding in tears at being called a monster.
"Leave her alone!" I recognize the voice of Mark Sloan and clearly so does the intern by the way be completely freezes up when Mark reaches him. "I suggest you get your sorry little interning butt on starting rounds before I give you a beating with my fists." Mark sternly said before the intern scurried off somewhere else. The other interns don't even look my direction and just follow the jobs they were assigned without a word. "Y/n, you okay. Did he hurt you anywhere?" I didn't realize tears had started falling until I'm looking to see a worried look on Mark's face. I slowly shake my head no and he leads me to an empty on call room locking the door so no one will bother us.
He sits beside me on the bed tucking hair behind my ear hearing me sniffing. "Just take it nice and slow. Tell me what has you so upset." I clutch the bedsheets in my hands tightly feeling pain shooting through my back. It was the deepest of all the scars so it always hurt worse than the others do. "When I was little my family and I went camping. A bear - um...attacked us...." I closed my eyes thinking back to that night with heavy tears. "I tripped on a log and the bear managed to scar me pretty good, especially on my back....my parents scared it off but it was too late...." Wiping away my tears with my sleeve Mark whispered as too not scare me away from him. "Can I see them, the scars?"
"Mark I'm not sleeping with you." I blurt out knowing he has a history of sleeping with nurses in this hospital. I've never really had a boyfriend before because I'm afraid they'll call me a freak after seeing the scars. "That's not what I'm asking Y/n. I really do want to see your scars, please let me." Looking into his eyes I know he rarely asked to do anything, he just did what he wanted. Slowly I pull my shirt over my head wincing a little from the fabric brushing up against the wounds. I suck in a breath feeling his right hand run over each line as slowly as possible to not cause me discomfort. "You're not a beast for having these, you know. That intern's an idiot for saying that." He voiced reaching for my hand as I struggle pulling my shirt back on, my eyes locked onto his. "You don't have to hide them from me, ever. I'm not ashamed to be around you. They actually make you a warrior in my eyes."
I want to believe him but it's hard to trust someone when you look like this. "Mark, you're just saying that so I'll end up in your bed-" He cuts me off cupping my face in his hands slowly kissing me. "No I'm not. The thing is I've been trying to ask you out for months. I want a serious relationship with you and only you." I searched his eyes for hestitation but find nothing. "Mark, you'd want to date a freak?" He shakes his head kissing me again but this time I felt his hands trace my scars on my back gently. "You're not a freak in my eyes. To me Y/n L/n you're a warrior. These scars show you're a survivor." I weakly smiled up at him resting my forehead against his. "So you'll be careful with my heart, truly Mark?" He smiled gently hugging me to his chest feeling my arms go around his neck. "I'll guard it with my life and tell you everyday that you're not a freak for having scars."
Comments really appreciated 😊
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