#goals baddie baddies
foreverrryourssss · 2 months
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guacanator · 6 months
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Milllaaaaaa warmup . so fun. so much joy . thought tumblr might like it
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boujeeceo · 2 years
2023 will be better
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Overall (updated)
This is the final year of 'prep'. By the end of this year I'll be in a position where I can move how I've always wanted. I'll be ready to live the life of luxury and power I've always wanted. I'm done living in working class survival mode.
Cosmetic upgrades
Nanobladed eyebrows
Full body hair removal
Base look Makeover
Skincare/Dermatologist approved skincare
New Clothes
Clothes tailored
Another 15,000$ nest egg saved
Pay off my 2 certifications 3,000$
Get 35 contacts from networking events that I can rely on and that I want to stay in contact with.
Get a job that won't burn me out! Aka a new better job w/better salary. OR get a paid internship. OR work part time for a nice small business.
Start another business!
Hit 200$ a day income
Hit 300$ a day income
Hit 400$ a day income
Hit 500$ a day income
Daily Routine
Workout (no matter what): 18%-20% Body Fat goal
1 gallon water drink
Clean eating + diet breaks
Studying (1hr-2hr) pomodoro style
Vitamins (multivitamins, and collagen powder)
Post 3 videos/pictures to IG, TikTok, or Youtube. (Maybe)
Find a therapist and Go to therapy
Get my 2 certifications in corporate finance (Harvard goal in 2025)
Read the 100-300 books on my list
Focus on to become intermediate in Violin & Recorder
Focus on to become conversationally fluent in Spanish or Mandarin
Find a new country to live in. (To leave USA in 2026)
Get another (different) certification for my career.
Live my life no matter how much money I don't have.
Fulfill a Teenage Dream
This is a stretch goal, might not happen.
Save 7,000$. And go on a two month long road trip!
Full Reinvention Loading
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contumacious-arcadia · 2 months
oooo ooooo OOOOOO!
What if Al was actually the original redeemed sinner and *that's* where he was for those 7 years? What if he actually did die again 7 yrs back but was appalled when he reincarnated in heaven and immediately started a campaign to be sent back? What if he accidentally redeemed himself by murdering all those other Overlords?
We can see just how abusive and sadistic Overlords can be towards the souls they own by looking at Val's character. If you contrast that with what we've seen in Husk/Nifty/Al's interactions, despite owning their souls and being a snarky little shit towards Husk (and scaring him a bit when he brings up Al's deal), Al never once actually hurts them and arguably provides them with a comfortable, relatively safe, and happy life in the hotel. These interactions are in present day, but we have been given no evidence to show that he ever treated them differently. On the contrary, when Al shows back up in the pilot, Husk immediately bitches at him when he is ordered to bartend - back-talking to his soul's owner with no hesitation and no fear. It stands to reason that he's comfortable doing so because Al's treatment of him has been the same since they made their deal.
In the context of hell, Al's rise to power seems to have had an accidental side effect of killing the super bad guys, saving sinners from an eternity of abuse and torture, and providing them with a much better contract. Like, *MUCH* better. No more rape, torture, druggings, mind control, etc... Al's obviously not a saint, but in this context, he may have been pretty close to hell's version of one.
If this is the case, Al obv would have *hated* being in heaven and likely immediately took it upon himself to attempt returning to hell BUT heaven obv wouldn't be cool with just letting him fall because they would *not* want hell finding out that redemption is possible. (Remember, in this scenario Al was redeemed 7 years prior to the show's pilot.) What if THAT's what his deal was? What if the deal was: either heaven just murders him on the spot -or- they allow him to fall back to hell in his original sinner form BUT ONLY if he agrees to have his angelic powers bound and is contractually sworn to silence about anything that happened during those 7 years?
This would work SO well. It would also answer a lot of questions about Al's character and actions. For example:
-Where was Al during those missing 7 years? Heaven. Likely imprisoned. -Who owns his soul? Again, heaven. Likely either Sera or an Archangel like Micheal. (I like the idea that it's Micheal, and that Mikey is Luci's twin, pouring more fuel on the fire on the immediate Al x Luci hate train.) -Why does Al state redemption is impossible as if it's a fact and not just an assumption? His deal forces him to keep redemption a secret so he is literally contract-bound to verbally disregard the idea. -Why does he still help the hotel then? Because he's pissed that heaven roped him into a deal WAY more favorable to them. Even though he can't outright state that redemption is possible, he can push Charlie's project along and hope she is the one who blows up heaven's big secret for him. It's revenge, baby! -Why does Zestial make comments about Al falling into "holy arms" when this is seemingly the first interaction between the two since Al's disappearance? Zestial suspects what happened. Maybe he witnessed Al's double-death 7 yrs ago, maybe he overheard some gossip from exorcists during an extermination, maybe something else. -Why doesn't Al use angelic weapons during his battle with Adam, especially since HE is the one who brought that knowledge to the hotel in the first place? He is overconfident because he too is actually a fallen angel, but he fails because his angelic powers are still bound. It is the pride ring after all. -Why does Al sing about "unclipping his wings" during his panic attack/loss to Adam? It's literal. He's pissed that he's been stripped of a massive boon to his power set and double-pissed that heaven seemingly has "beaten" him again. -Why does Al claim that he will be "pulling all the strings" once his wings have been unclipped? Because he is literally proof-positive redemption is possible and therefore, to his knowledge, would basically be a living weapon against heaven's authority. Remember, at this point no one is aware of Pentious' redemption.
I'm sure there's more! Anywho, my brain ran off on this tangent for some unknown reason. Al's just such a fun character to theorize about. Now, I don't believe this will actually happen in the show (it's probably a simple answer like "Lilith owns his soul, duh"), but we can dream! If any writers out there are looking for fic ideas and find my little rant interesting, PLS take this and run with it! I would LOVE to read something like this <3
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irieman · 1 month
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lovenostalgia · 5 months
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Soul and Maka are my dream relationship fr
two best friends living together who just chillin, no drama no nothing. Need my marriage to be just as unproblematic.
we argue? np we thug that shit out like adults bc we tight asf and we cant let anything get between that.
top teir domestic bliss is two best friends who fuck on the low
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nije-mi-nista · 1 year
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cutebutstilltoughxoxo · 5 months
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Melyssa FORD
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theehewchie · 1 month
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badbitchesonlyhoe · 5 months
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baddiessent · 8 months
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real bad bitch shit
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superthugvssuperbad · 3 months
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💚💙 | 𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖊 🕸️ @𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬_
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g2tempted · 10 months
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Draya Michelle
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illmatic-k · 1 year
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starbbypluto · 4 months
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