#gobber x reader
mermaidfanficlibrary · 6 months
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New Home From Across the Sea | How To Train Your Dragon X Male Reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Fly High Dragon King
More about you: More about you
Prologue: New Home From Across the Sea | (You are here)
Chapter 1: Old Friends from the Starry Sky |TBW
Chapter 2: The Chieftain's Decision | TBW
Chapter 3: My Good Friend and Maybe Yours | TBW
Chapter 4: Understanding This Way of Life | TBW
Chapter 5: Convincing Her of Sky Bound Beauty | TBW
Chapter 6: Lifelong Friends Over War | TBW
Chapter 7: The Queen Faces the King | TBW
Word count: 3,705 words
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The world was different for the boy that lived in the icy nest with the Alpha dragon. He was considered royalty among the rest of the winged creatures, and they all loved him dearly. Even outside the nest, dragons would flock all around to help him. He was found on a boat, abandoned by the rest as an infant. The boy was saved by two night furies that had brought him to the dragon nest.
The two didn't stay for long, but would come by to check on him. Y/n had spent two years learning how to act like the dragons. They would all take turns to care for the boy and Y/n would take care of them. Y/n would start helping out with raids as he rode one of the many dragons, usually commanding them what to grab and what to do. Even if he looked two years old, Y/n was a powerful soul.
After returning to the nest after the most recent raid, Y/n called out to the sky in hopes that his night fury friends would hear his call. The gods had answered his prayer as two pitch black dragons flew down and looked down to the h/c haired boy. Y/n's e/c eyes gleamed with excitement as he quickly got onto the e/c eyed night fury. The three of them flew up into the blue sky, Y/n grinning wide. The two dragons opened their mouths to shoot into the air, causing Y/n to giggle and kick his legs.
One of the shots was right in front of Y/n, and he screamed out in excitement as his face was covered in smoke and his hair slicked back. Y/n leaned his body down onto the dragon he was riding as he stroked his head. The other night fury made jealous grumbles as he flew right below the other. Y/n smiled at him and walked off the e/c eyed night fury, slipping down its wing to be caught by the green-eyed night fury. Y/n hugged the dragon, feeling so content at the moment.
“I love you guys so much. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you.”
Y/n then roared out into the sky as it rumbled through the wind. The roar sounded like a dragon, as others roared in response. Many other dragons had flocked around the night furies and Y/n commanded them forward just as a king did to his subjects. They all followed as the green-eyed night fury took the lead, with Y/n still riding him, guiding them to a pool of fish. Y/n pointed down at the pool, causing all the dragons around to dive and catch their food.
“Everyone go eat! And save some for the other's back home!”
All the dragons growled in agreement as they all caught various amounts of fish. Y/n then instructed the night fury to fly down with the other dragons as Y/n collected as much fish as he could. Once the fish in the ocean were gone, Y/n had everyone fly back to the nest to feed the others. On the way Y/n snacked on one of the many raw fish he caught, sharing some pieces between the two night furies. The night furies dropped him off in front of the nest as he walked in with a deadly nadder.
He was so excited to share what he got with his huge dragon family. Y/n walked deeper into the icy nest, and to get all the dragon's attention he did his dragon call. It echoed throughout the whole nest, as all the dragons turned their attention to the small boy. Some dragons flew down to crowd Y/n, curious to what he had brought. Y/n jumped up and down in excitement, even if this was a daily thing.
“Time to eat! I brought everyone food!”
Y/n held up the fish he got and threw all the others to the expecting dragons. They all roared in delight, thanking the small boy for the food as he went to where the baby dragons were flying. He loved watching how carefree they were, even if they could be annoying sometimes. The baby dragons had found Y/n and started to pull him to their small nest. The parent dragon that was taking care of them today tried to pull the babies off of Y/n, but he insisted it was fine.
This was a daily occurrence, and Y/n loved feeling wanted by the babies. They only ever listened to him, as did all dragons, but the babies were a special case because they listen to no one. Y/n sat down in the nest with a baby Hideous Zippleback sitting in his lap. The other babies tried to push and shove the baby dragon, but Y/n held his hand up to stop them. The other babies stopped as the Zippleback cuddled into Y/n's small lap.
“You will all get your turns little ones, just a bit of patience.”
Y/n then started to pet and preen the Zippleback as its two heads caused small sparks of happiness. Y/n loved when the dragons had a small fiery reaction to him just being there. It was much how the night furies were when Y/n rode them in the sky. Y/n giggled as some sparks caught onto his hair, panicking the overseeing dragon. A big dragon paw hit Y/n’s face as the overseeing dragon pat out the small fire that started on Y/n’s h/c hair.
As Y/n helped clean the Zippleback, a baby monstrous nightmare and snuggled up to Y/n’s side. The other baby dragons saw this and all piled Y/n, causing him to fall back to the ground. Y/n was slightly suffocated by all the weight on his chest, making the overseeing dragon panic once more. Y/n was flailing in the pile, trying to breathe while the overseeing dragon pulled the babies off. The babies started to whine as they tried to get back onto Y/n, only to be stopped by the overseeing dragon. 
Y/n couldn’t help but burst out laughing at how needy the baby dragons were. The overseeing dragon bumped into Y/n’s back, making sure he was okay. He slung the dragon’s head over his shoulder and started to stroke its nose in hopes of calming it down. The baby dragons all flew away to go do whatever the gods know what, and Y/n’s waist had been trapped by the overseeing dragon’s tail. 
Y/n leaned into the overseeing dragon as one of its wings were draped over Y/n's lap. Y/n marveled at all the dragons that flew around the nest seeing how happy they looked. He closed his eyes with a soft smile, leaning deeper into the dragon that was cuddling him. The same zippleback Y/n was cleaning had placed itself back onto Y/n’s lap and fell asleep. Many of the other baby dragons had done the same, creating a cuddle pile.
This was the routine Y/n had lived by for ten full years, and he couldn't complain. There was this itch in his brain that he couldn't ignore, however. The other dragons had noticed the way Y/n looked at himself in the reflection in the water, and the majority conclusion to help was to steal books and items from the ships they looted. On usual raids, Y/n would only ever ask the dragons to steal food and help the other dragons that were trapped. On these raids, Y/n never went as the dragons claimed them to be too dangerous for him to join, but it was all because they wanted to bring these books and items back as presents.
Y/n had read through each and every book he had ever received from the dragons. Over the next five years he had memorized each and every page. The information felt so new to him, this was the other half of who he was. A viking brain and a dragon heart, both making him tough through and through. One book scared him though, the dragon killing book.
He knew that vikings had killed dragons, but he never wanted to admit it. He wanted to believe his dragon friends were safe from harm. But out in the open world, Y/n could only do so much. Y/n had wandered out of the nest and onto one of the rock formations connected to it, watching the dragons fly away to do whatever they wanted. Y/n then stumbled as he felt a gronkle nudge him closer to the edge.
Y/n started to panic the closer he got to the edge of the water, not wanting to get wet. Y/n heard the frenzy of dragons flying above him, a boat being pushed closer to Y/n. The boy was left confused as he looked at each and every dragon. A monstrous nightmare had brought Y/n his books and tossed them into the boat, pulling Y/n into it soon after. Y/n stood at the edge of the boat as all the dragons of the nest flew out and stood around the boy. 
“What’s going on? Is everything okay?”
The dragons all roared out in response, a low flame from their mouths lit up the area. Y/n finally understood what was going on. This was a farewell to Y/n as they all kept roaring. Y/n felt tears drip down his cheek as he was finally able to go out and explore. Y/n started to push the boat as he waved to the dragons. 
He couldn’t help but cry as he was leaving his home, his family. Y/n started to sail slowly away, but his boat started to rock slightly. He looked over the edge of the boat to see scauldrons helping him push his boat along. His tears dripped into the water as one scauldron rose its head out of the water to lick Y/n and gently squirt semi warm water on his face. Y/n giggled as his tears mixed with the salty seawater. 
Y/n had sailed like this for a month, before the scauldrons had to leave to find food elsewhere. Y/n understood and waved them off, as he was now alone. His boat floated in the sea, in no particular direction. All Y/n had were his books, so he decided to reread them over and over. Sometimes he would pass other viking’s ships and hear them singing, intriguing Y/n. 
He picked them up and would hum these sea songs to himself whenever he got bored with the books he read. He sailed for about two months, or what seemed like it because Y/n had no sense of time. It was dark as the moon reflected the moonlight. Y/n was laying on the boat’s floor as he slept soundly. Y/n’s boat suddenly crashed into a nearby rock formation, destroying the front of the boat and making it sink. 
The sound of crashing had alerted the chief of the island Y/n had crashed on. He ran toward the location and saw the boy almost being consumed by water, his books completely drowned and surrounding the boy. The chief dove into the icy water and brought the small boy to the shore. He called a few men to save the books while he pulled the small boy out of the water. Y/n yawned as he stretched his small arms and looked at the man holding him with his e/c eyes. 
The chief looked at the boy with a raised eyebrow, curious as to how such a small child sailed here all by himself. It concerned the muscular man, and the others that had now surrounded the chief. The chief’s wife ran up and saw the boy he was holding, taken aback that such a young boy had crashed into Berk. Y/n looked to the chief and then to the woman that had stood right next to him. He had seemingly no concern for almost drowning. 
“Where am I? And who are you all?”
The chief sighed in relief and put the small boy down on the floor as he stood by himself. The group of people were amazed by the boy surviving in the frigid water after crashing. The chief’s wife knelt down and checked the boy for any wounds, as if she was his own mother. One of the chief’s greatest friends that had a peg leg and a hooked hand joined the group to see the boy. The chief knelt down next to his wife and put his large hand on the boy's small shoulder.
“You are on the island of Berk. And where might you have sailed from?”
Y/n thinks for a moment to try to think of a place to say, but he can’t think of any. Y/n looks up at the chief, messing with the hem of his shirt. The chief had tilted his head in curiosity, trying to make sense of the boy’s actions of trying to self soothe. The chief’s wife kept her hands tenderly on the boy’s cheeks and looked at him with gentle eyes. Y/n felt an odd sense of comfort here.
“I do not know where I came from. I just sailed from the open ocean until I crashed onto this island.”
The group that surrounded the boy started to murmur themselves in whispers they thought Y/n couldn’t hear. Y/n looked around the group with curious, childlike eyes that could melt any soul into a puddle. But those very eyes held that of a dragon's. The chief's wife saw it in the boy, the soul he had and she was enthralled. The chief had a questioning look on his face, trying to find any reason why a young boy like the one in front of him would have sailed all the way out here on his own.
"I see. Well, I am Stoick the Vast. You have landed on Berk."
From that point on Y/n became apart of Stoick’s family. He was treated as just another Berkian by everyone else, even though his view on dragon hunting was different. Time went on, and Y/n became incredibly close with the village’s smith, Gobber. The two were a colorful duo, Y/n indulging in Gobber’s stories and Gobber teaching Y/n about dragon history as well as inventing. 
Stoick found the pair to be quite troublesome, but found it endearing nonetheless. Stoicks’ wife loved Y/n as if he were one of his own. She saw eye to eye with y/n about not wanting to hurt dragons and seeing no reason for it. Y/n was seemingly able to win everyone over.
After three years, people began to notice the lack of Y/n aging physically. Many tried to ask the boy, but he always managed to dodge the question. It always made Y/n really uncomfortable whenever he was asked. He just found his new family, there wasn’t anything that would pull him away from it.
It unsettled the chief, but Y/n never seemed to be affected when eating the raw fish so he tried to keep his worries low. In his mind the child was odd no doubt, but having Y/n with him for so long Stoick got attached. Stoick then decided to make it a rule for the village to never question Y/n’s habits or lack of aging.
Stoick had noticed Y/n’s uncomfortable feelings around the questions pertaining to his lack of physical aging, but there were more things he had noticed about the boy. Whenever Y/n would eat, his teeth would show, and they seemed sharper than normal. Not only that but Y/n only seemed to have a craving for fish, raw.
Over the three years of staying in Berk, Y/n tried his hardest to convince people not to hurt the dragons. It happened so often, the other vikings started to think Y/n was crazy. No one said that to his face though out of fear of Stoick’s wrath. Stoick tried to explain the reason for hunting dragons over and over but Y/n never accepted those reasons.
Things changed however, when the chief had a son. His birth son who was named Hiccup. Y/n was excited because not only was it someone who he could connect with at his age, but another person to his found family. Hiccup also changed Y/n because as soon as he was born, Y/n started to age physically.
The two boys grew up together, Y/n teaching Hiccup about the world and following Stoick everywhere to learn about the history of Berk. Hiccup found a passion with dragons, watching them from afar and seeing his father hunt them. Y/n noticed this affinity and decided to nurture it.
Y/n told Hiccup all that he knew about dragons, even things that other vikings never knew. Many considered the information to be made up or embellished, but it had Hiccup hooked. The two explored and did everything together. Y/n metaphorically attached himself to Hiccup, going everywhere Hiccup went.
As the two aged, both were considered weird and different. Albeit for different reasons, but they were reasons nonetheless. It was another thing the two boys connected over. Being outcasted by the village and having differences that others didn’t agree with.
When Hiccup was busy, Y/n found himself at the forge. Y/n’s other friend was Gobber. He loved helping him with inventions and weapon building. It became a pastime for the two to create new weapons and learn how to improve old ones. Gobber was another best friend to Y/n.
The closer Y/n got with Gobber, the more the urge to tell him about his past grew stronger. Gobber seemed to notice Y/n’s hesitance around him and the little slip ups when Y/n spoke to him. Eventually, Gobber decided to question the boy’s behavior. Both were in the forgery, working on weapons for the village.
“Mind telling me what all this talk of living with dragons means?”
Y/n immediately dropped the weapons he was working on, onto the floor. Fear crept up into his heart and he looked utterly dumbfounded. How did Gobber find out? Well to Y/n’s obliviousness, it was Y/n’s own fault.
Y/n turned around slowly, but kept his head down. Gobber raised an eyebrow at the boy’s behavior, but kept his silence. He wanted to hear the full story, he wanted to know about the boy’s past. It felt only right to Gobber that he knew based off how long Y/n’s been around him. Y/n took a deep breath and decided this was the time.
“It means how it sounds. Before I crashed onto Berk, I lived with dragons. I was raised by them. They taught me how to fish and survive. But then I left and well you know the rest after that…”
There was an uncomfortable silence between the two. It was only interrupted when Y/n went back to the weapons he dropped. The clanking of the weapons being placed on the table sounded more deafening as Y/n waited for a response from Gobber. Y/n’s mind raced with all the terrible what if scenarios.
“Well that's certainly on par with my dragon stories, wouldn’t you think?”
That wasn’t a response Y/n was expecting at all. Sure, Gobber had his own tales of adventuring and such, but comparing it to Y/n’s was something the boy didn’t quite understand. Gobber only laughed at Y/n’s confusion and proceeded to tell him stories of how he lost his leg and hand. This ended up taking half the day and no new weapons were made.
The forgery were full of shared anecdotes and laughs. Y/n felt safer than he did before with Gobber knowing his secret. One thing that still plagued Y/n’s mind though was if Gobber was going to tell Stoick. Gobber noticed Y/n’s shift in mood once more.
“What’s on your mind, kiddo.”
Y/n stiffened once more, caught off guard with how perceptive Gobber was. It honestly astounded Y/n that he was, but he also remembered how close Gobber was to Stoick and all the battles the two fought with each other.
“You’re not going to tell Stoick are you?”
“Tell Stoick what, exactly?”
“My past… What I had shared with you.. Can you please not tell Stoick?”
Gobber had nodded, understanding Y/n’s unease with the chief knowing Y/n’s true past and who he really was. Albeit his past did explain Y/n’s strange behaviors and his defense for dragons, but Berk’s chief is one who is not as open-minded. After that, the two went back to chatting and just sharing stories once more.
Over the years, Y/n grew up in this new world as a viking. Learning and training, but not to hurt dragons. No, but to defend them and his found family from them. Y/n would convince Stoick to have Hiccup help with Gobber in the forge, much to Stoick’s dismay and concern. Hiccup would learn how to invent things with Y/n always by his side.
Y/n’s new home was not ready for Y/n, however. The gods seemingly having different plans for the boy. One faithful night would prove that Y/n’s two worlds of vikings and dragons would converge. Be it for better or for worse.
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
97 notes · View notes
hauntingkiki · 6 months
From my Wattpad account; hauntingkiki if you want to read the full thing!:3
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Gift Of The Night Fury
Hiccup x F! Reader
This is Berk, boasting the kind of balmy, fun-in-the-sun climate that will give you frostbite on your spleen.
One of the upsides on this bland island is our annual holiday. We call it Snoggletog.
Why we chose such a stupid name remains a mystery. But with the war long over.
A roar was heard outside of the Chiefs house, alerting the boy who was originally fast asleep before opening his eyes at the sound.
And dragons living among us.
He threw his blanket over his head, groaning as the house shook slightly, dust falling from the ceiling as another roar echoed throughout.
This year's Snoggletog promises to be one to remember.
The boy eventually rolled out of bed, eyes still closed from being sleepy. "Okay, okay, I'm coming." He muttered to himself, sitting up and reaching for his helmet that was on the bed frame by his feet. He grabbed it and placed it over his head before standing up and walking out of his house.
He threw his arms over his head when he stood outside, yawning as he shuttered from the cold. He looked on his roof and saw the Night Fury who cooed down to Hiccup. "Well, good morning, Mr. Bossy!" He teased with a smile.
Toothless let out a rumble, almost sounding like a laugh, watching Hiccup as he walked around the house.
Hiccup smiled, imitating his growl as the dragon climbed down from the roof carefully. "Do you always have to wake me up so early to go flying-" He asked before yelping, his metal foot scraping the ice.
Before he fell, Toothless caught him, pushing his upright with his snout and gently placing him away from the icy spot.
"Stupid leg." He groaned, kicking the snow slightly. He stumbled back as Toothless grumbled softly, eager to get flying. "Oh, thanks, buddy, I'm okay. Yeah, we can go flying now."
Toothless went silent before burping in his face, making the boy stumble back in disgust.
"Eww, eww, what? Eww! Argh! Toothless." Hiccup whined, chuckling as Toothless nuzzles his face into his palm.
Toothless dived under Hiccup, slipping him onto his back before flying over to your house, heading to D/N shack that was built near your room.
"Toothless!" Hiccup laughed, patting his head softly as the dragon pounced on the roof, cooing softly which woke up D/N. "Y/N sleeping, bud! She's probably not gonna join us for flying today." He paused, snorting as he heard you whine from inside the house before shuffling was heard.
"I'm up, I'm up!" You cried, stretching as you walked out of your house, screaming when both dragons jumped in front of your path.
"Oh, well good morning, m'lady." Hiccup smiled, slipping off Toothless and walking over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist as he gently kissed your cheek.
"Good morning." You grinned, hugging him tightly before petting D/N who shoved her face into your back. "Flying already?" You looked over to the brunette, fixing his Viking helmet that was placed lopsided on his head.
Hiccup nodded, sighing sadly. "Guess so. Come on, let's leave before everyone wakes up." He jumped back onto Toothless, smiling as you got situated on D/N.
Toothless and D/N shot through the clouds, soaring peacefully before diving back down into the clouds.
"Come on! Let's see what you two got today!" Hiccup beamed.
The two dragons shot straight down the side of a cliff, D/N purring happily as the wind hit her face.
"WHOOO-HOOO!" Hiccup cheered, making you laugh as you threw your arms out to your sides when they glided over the water.
"Okay, you ready?" Hiccup asked, setting the prothetic fin into place before standing on Toothless' back, making him grunt out in worry. "Easy..."
"Hiccup, maybe you sho-" You started, gasping when you saw him jump over a cliff, Toothless going under the rock with D/N and you, before catching him on the other side. You sighed in relief when Toothless' fin opened back up.
"Yes! Finally!" The boy cheered, glad that they finally got the trick down.
D/N gurgled in displeasure, shaking her head before flying off to the side from Toothless and Hiccup.
"Boys, am I right?" You unhooked yourself and turned to face the opposite way, lying down with a sigh. You patted her side as she huffed in agreement, making you smile softly.
"Here?" A viking called out to Gobber, holding up a shield as they sat on a Gronckle.
"Yes, yes, nooo, nooo, no, that one a wee bit higher!" Gobber instructed.
"Here?" They asked again, moving the decoration.
"There! Ah, that's the spot!" He beamed, smiling as Stoick patted him on the shoulder.
A small boy jumped in front of Meatlug, playfully roaring before running off with a laugh when Meatlug roared back, chasing him in a playful manner.
"Attaboy, Meatlug!" Fishlegs cheered, watching his dragon from the top of a ladder.
Astrid looked at Stormfly, two shields in hand. "Are you ready, girl?" She beamed, encouraging her dragon. She smiled when Stormfly flexed her tail spikes before throwing them up.
Stormfly nailed them into the wooden tree with the spikes, cooing as Astrid thanked her.
"Odin's beard, Gobber. Vikings spending the winter holiday with dragons. What would our fathers say?" Stoick laughed, walking around with the blond in tow.
"They'd think we'd lost our minds!" He chuckled.
Stoick laughed, turning to the group of Vikings that stood around. "Well done. Well done, all of you! I've never thought I'd live to see this day. Peace on the island of Berk."
Astrid smiled as she scratched Stormfly's chin, giggling as she rubbed her face against her check.
"This will surely be the greatest holiday, we've ever seen!" Stoick finished, making the crowd cheer, some of the dragons roaring in excitement.
A low rumble echoed through Berk, making all the dragons perk up. Their eyes turned into slits at the sound.
"What the...?!" Stoick gasped, confused on what was going on.
Looking up, a flock of dragons flew over the island.
"What in Thor's name?!" Gobber gasped, never seeing anything like it.
Soon, all the dragons joined in on the flock, leaving everyone confused on where their dragon's were going.
"Come back! Where are you going?" Snotlout begged Hookfang, dangling from someone's rooftop as he watched his dragon fly off without setting him down onto the ground.
Fishlegs let out a gasp, his eyes going wide. "Meatlug!" He screamed before running off.
Everyone watched in horror, not knowing what to do in this situation, since, this never happened before.
Astrid gasped, looking around as she spoke. "Where's Y/N and Hiccup?" She whispered to herself, looking up again with a worried look on her face.
"What do you say, you two? Wanna go again?" Hiccup smiled down at Toothless, patting his neck while looking at D/N before snapping his attention onto you when you gasped.
"WATCH OUT!" You screamed, holding on as D/N dodged and weaved past the crowd of dragons in the sky. You gasped in horror as you watched Toothless dive for the water, D/N following as you screamed. "HICCUP, WHAT HAPPENED?!"
"M-MY HELMET!" He replied, trying to stop Toothless. "IT FELL OFF!!"
Toothless eventually stopped diving, D/N joint his side as they looked at the brunette in confusion.
"We'll get it later, bud." He reassured his dragon once you were in ear shot. He glanced at you before looking at Berk. "We need to get back and find out what's going on."
"What's the matter? Where are you going?" A viking asked his Monstrous Nightmare, sighing when it flew off.
"Nonono! Don't leave, Stormfly, don't go!" Astrid begged, running to her dragon as Stormfly flew off. "Please?"
You landed on Berk, slipping off of D/N with Toothless and Hiccup by your side.
"Astrid!" You called out, running over to your sister.
Astrid spotted you and made her way over to you. "Y/N! What's going on? Where are they going?" She asked, worried for the dragons.
Hiccup joined your side, placing his hand on your shoulder. He went to open his mouth before Vikings surrounded the three of you.
"Why did they leave?"
"What's happening?"
"Will they ever come back?”
"Stop! Wait!" Hiccup yelled over the chatter, placing his hands up in defense.
"Calm down!" Stoick's voice boomed, faintly ringing in people's ears. He pushed his way through the crowd, making his way to his son and you. "Give them a chance to speak! Hiccup, Y/N, where are all our dragons going?"
Hiccup looked up at his father, his brows knitting together slightly. "Dad...we don't know." Hiccup muttered out, shaking his head slightly.
You turned to look over the edge of the land, your eyes going vast when you saw D/N roaring and cooing at Toothless, trying to get him to fly with the crowd. You slowly walked in their direction before sprinting over. "D/N? D/N, wait!" You cried, stumbling slightly before coming to a halt as you watched her join Stormfly with the others.
Night eventually came and everyone went to the hall for a meeting about the current events that happened with the dragons.
"Where'd they go?!"
"Snoggletog is ruined!"
"It's not ruined!" Stoick called out over the chatter, silencing everyone quickly. He stepped into the wood that surrounded the fire pit that was indented in the middle of the room. "We're Vikings! We've been perfectly happy celebrating without dragons for generations! And there's no reason we can't do it again!"
You sighed heavily, resting your head on Hiccup's stomach as you tilted your head back. 
Astrid, Hiccup and Snotlout leaned on the pillar while Tuff and you sat in chairs. Ruff stood behind her brother, groaning softly. And Fishlegs was in his own world, none of you really bothered him.
"Now we don't know where they've gone off to. But we have to have faith that they'll be back again soon. Am I right?" Stoick finished, trying to elevate everyone's spirits. 
"You're right, we are Vikings! We are tough!" Gobber threw his interchangeable hand in the air, the sound of bells ringing as he moved.
The nearby Vikings chuckled as they saw his festive outfit; an antler helmet with holly, some softly glowing lanterns and his bell stick.
"Most of the time..." He gushed, making people laugh loudly. "Let's sing some Snoggletog songs!"
Snotlout scoffed before walking off, Ruff following closely behind. Tuff stoop up and followed his sister with Astrid. Hiccup helped you off your seat before walking off with you, Fishlegs paces behind as he hummed happily.
The seven of you walked around for a moment, all of you staying silent.
"That was depressing..." Ruff interrupted the silence in a mopey tone. 
"I know!" Astrid looked at Tuff before looking at the ground. "Y/N and I were looking forward to spending the holiday with Stormfly and D/N."
Tuff glared at Fishlegs as he began to whistle, like there wasn't a care in the world. "What are you so happy about? Don't you miss Meatlug?"
"Me?" Fishlegs gasped, halting before faking sobbing. "Oh! Yeah! I miss him so much!"
The six of you stared at the blond with open mouths, giving him strange looks which made him gulp nervously.
"Well, good night!" He quickly ran off, leaving the six of you appalled.
"What...just...happened?" You whispered to Snotlout which made him snort loudly, the two of you laughing as you watched him scurry off.
"I've got an idea!" Astrid beamed with a gasp, catching everyone's attention. "Let's come up with a bunch of new holiday traditions! You know, to bury the sadness!"
Tuff, Ruff, Snotlout and you collectively groan sadly, slouching as you all remembered your dragons.
"Actually." Hiccup spoke up after a moment. "Astrid might be on to something."
Tuff rolled his eyes with a 'tch' slightly glaring at the brunette. "Easy for you to say. Your dragon can't go anywhere without you." He pointed to Toothless who was at a small cliff, looking around with a grumble. Tuff whipped his head to you, throwing his arms around dramatically. "I'm surprised your dragon left him. She hardly leaves his side."
You nodded with a sarcastic chuckle. "Tell me about it." You crossed your arm.
"Must be nice." Ruff patted your shoulder, watching Toothless as well before walking off with her brother, Astrid, and Snotlout.
You looked at Hiccup, watching as his brows knitted together as your shoulders dropped while walking in front of him. "Hiccup, you better not have a crazy idea."
He turned his attention onto you, kissing your check before running to his house. "I'll be at the forge tomorrow, be there okay!"
Three kids hugged the snow Gronckle they made, the little girl leaning on it as she sighs.
"Yaknog! Get your Yaknog! Come on! Get a frothy delicious cup of cheer!" She beamed, gasping when she saw the twins and Snotlout. "Hey, you guys! Try this tasty new beverage I made for the holidays."
Tuffnut sniffed the drink before recoiling. "Ugh! What's that smell? Is that you?" He gasped, looking at Ruffnut before shoving her away.
"It's Yaknog!" She smiled, pouring the thick, chunky 'drink' into the empty cup.
Tuff gasps in disgust before coughing as he backed up. "Ugh! If I drink that I'm gonna yak nog all over the place!" He whined.
"Maybe you'd rather taste a punch in the face?" She threatened with a smile.
Ruff sniffed the drink as well before groaning in disgust.
Snotlout strutted over to the girl, a grin on his lips as he took one of the cups off the shield she was holding. "Astrid, it sounds delightful. I'd love a mug." He took a sip, immediately gagging before forcing himself to swallow the beverage. "You could really taste the yak!" He set the drink back down, smacking his lips as his stretched his hand.
"Mmm, yum!" Fishlegs beamed, running into Tuff which sent him flying. "What is that?"
"Oh! You wanna try some? It's my new traditional drink." Astrid beamed to the blonde teen, holding up the tray of drinks. 
Fishlegs looked behind Astrid, noticing Snotlout peering behind, shaking his head as he flashed him a look of worry. Fishlegs took the hint, immediately backing away. "Oh...You know...Ehm...I have...suddenly inexplicably changed my mind." He watched Astrid move around, worried for her next victim.
"Well, you don't know what you're missing." She defended her drink, heading to the forge. "I bet Y/N and Hiccup will love this."
Ruff glanced to Lout, gasping as she leaned into his face as he held his stomach and moaned in discomfort. "Are you crying?"
"AND! Get this; she might have a crush on him, too!" You gasped, lightly hitting the boy who stood on your left.
Hiccup chuckled, holding his hand out before taking the tool you placed in his grasp. "You don't say?" He smiled, looking up at you as you were planted onto the work table he was working at.
You nodded, a grin forming on your lips. "This has to be our little secret." You placed a finger over his lips, making him grin. "She'd kill me if someone found out-I'M not even supp-!"
"Y/N? Hiccup?" Astrid called out for the two of you.
You froze, your mouth wide open when you heard Astrid's voice. You quietly pushed yourself off of the table before tiptoeing to some boxes to hide behind.
Hiccup watched you with a dumbfounded expression. "What are you doing, N/N?" He breathed out, laughing lightly.
"Astrid made a new 'drink' and it's not for human consumption." You warned softly. "We opened every single door and window in the house due to the...the stench."
The brunette winced, giggling softly. "That's horrible."
You nodded, hiding behind the stack of boxes. "It is!" You whined. "Might need to stay the n-."
"Hellooo? Y/N? Hiccup?"
You gulped, peeking over to Hiccup. "I'm not here!" You whisper shouted, making him nod. "And do not take the drink!”
"Yeah, I'm over here, Astrid. Coming!" Hiccup flashed you a thumbs up before greeting your sister at the front of the forge.
"Here. Happy holidays!" She smiled, holding out the shield for him to take a mug. "Where's Y/N? I thought she was with you?"
Hiccup turned away from his invention and to the cups, smiling as he took one before going back to his project. "Thank you, Astrid! This is really kind of you." He tilted his head side to side a few times. "She said she's meeting up with my father; had to give her a talking about something."
Astrid nodded, smiling as she wiggled some of her fingers while holding onto the shield. "What can I say!" She giggled, looking at the table. "What are you up to?"
"Okay, you're gonna think I'm crazy, but I just couldn't stop thinking about what Tuffnut said last night." Hiccup waved her off slightly, placing the cup down for a moment. "Toothless can't come and go like the other dragons, and that's just not fair; especially for him and D/N, they can't go on flights without me or Y/N guiding Toothless. I was up all night and I think I found a way to fix that." Hiccup took a sip of the drink, completely forgetting about your warning you gave.
Big mistake.
Hiccup gagged, shuttering as he tried to swallow the thick drink but was unable too, keeping it in his mouth.
"No way! You built him a new tail? So he's gonna be able to fly without you!" Astrid smiled, keeping her attention on the tail and not noticing the struggle Hiccup was going through.
"Hmhm!" He hummed, his voice cracking slightly.
"Wow, what a great gift!" She nodded excitedly.
Hiccup sets the cup far away from him, chuckling awkwardly. "Hmhm..."
"What if he never comes back?" Astrid asked. "And same with D/N! Y/N would be so devastated"
Hiccup perked up at your name, nodding his slightly at the thought of the two dragons not returning. "Mh..." He sadly hummed.
"What am I saying?" Astrid snickered, rolling her eyes at the crazy thought. "Of course they will!"
"Well, I'm going spread some more holiday cheer!" Astrid backed up, holding the tray with a smile. "I'll tell Y/N you said hi!"
Hiccup watched as the blond ran off, once she was far enough he spat out the Yaknog onto the floor.
You appeared out of your hiding spot, groaning softly. "Okay, that's disgusting." You shuttered at the spit and Yaknog on the ground, hopping back onto the work table.
"I should've listen, that was the worst thing I've ever tasted." He gasped. He looked down at the new tail fin, sighing before picking it off of the table. "Come on, let's go give this to Toothless."
You nodded, slipping off of the table. "Now?" You asked with a head tilt.
Hiccup nodded, holding his breath before letting it go. "Yeah. He can't stay here-he needs to go wherever the others went." He reassured, walking off with the tail in hand.
Toothless grumbled, a gummy smile as he pounced on Hiccup's roof, some of the tiles falling off.
"Toothless! Come on down, bud!" Hiccup beamed, calling down the Night Fury. He stumbled back when he appeared in front of the two of you, smiling at you before looking back at Toothless. "We got something for ya!"
Toothless sniffed the tail, unsure how to feel about it.
"What do you think of that?" He questioned in a playful tone, smiling as he perked up. "Yeah!"
You chucked softly as you watched Toothless and Hiccup walk around each other in circles. You placed your hand atop of the dragons head, stopping him from moving around too much as he rubbed his face into your palm. "Just calm down, bud!" You laughed, watching as Hiccup sat on his tail, putting the new contraption on.
"Toothless! Come on, bud! Let me get that on you!" The brunette laughed, adjusting it. "Yeah! You are going to love this. Okay." He patted his tail once it was on just right.
Toothless whipped his tail around, growling as he tried to get the machinery off. He jumped around, making Hiccup and you duck before getting whacked in the face.
"Nonono... To-Toothless! Stop!" Hiccup started, putting his hands up to calm the Night Fury.
"Toothless, it's okay, please!" You also stood up, trying to calm the dragon down.
Toothless whipped his tail down, perking up as he saw the invention copy his tail movements.
"Ah...Here you go. See? Got it?" Hiccup smiled, patting a hand on your shoulder.
"Uhhh, Hiccup?"
Toothless looks between Hiccup and you, his eyes slits.
"Toothless..." Hiccup sighed, reaching out for him before getting pulled down by you. "Whoa!"
You both watched as Toothless flew off, roaring as he vanished into the clouds.
You slowly turned to the brunette, sighing with a frown. "Hiccup..." You muttered, hugging him gently.
The boy sighed, slowly hugging you back as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
Three days have passed, and no sign of any of the dragons.
No Hookfang.
No Stromfly.
No Meatlug.
No Barf and Beltch.
No D/N.
And no Toothless.
Hiccup stared at his ceiling, wide awake. One hand on his stomach while the other wrapped around you as you laid next to him. He sighed heavily, turning his head to look at you before his eyes went wide when a loud creek echoed throughout the house.
A loud thumped followed, making Hiccup remove his arm from under your head before slowly sit up. He gasped excitedly when another thump came, removing the blanket that was over the two of you. "Toothless!" He beamed, accidentally waking you up. He ran outside and turned the corner to the side of the house with a smile. "I knew you'd come back...Urgh!" He slipped on the same sheet of ice, this time, falling on his back with a groan.
His father stopped hammering the decorations onto the house, looking down at his son with a smile. "Morning, son!" Stoick beamed happily. He looked around for you before titling his head slightly. "Y/N still sleeping?"
"Oh, hey, Dad..." Hiccup got up, giving his dad a slight wave when he stood up. "I-uh-think so, yeah. W-we stayed up too late."
Stoick nodded with a smile. "Well, I'm glad you're up! I was looking for your helmet." The red head started to climb down the ladder, his attention off his son for a moment.
Hiccup froze, eyes wide as he remembered that it fell during flying. "My-My helmet?" He questioned.
Stoick stopped climbing down, grinning at his son before continuing the climb down. "Odin needs a place to put your goodies."
Hiccup nodded softly, looking away from his father. "Yeah, right...I-I'll get on that." He huffed, walking away. "Great..."
Stoick got back onto the ground, looking at his son with a sigh before walking after him. "Hold on!" He called out, making Hiccup stop in his tracks. "Hold on. Alright...Come on. What's on your mind? Out with it."
Hiccup sighed. "Oh, it's been three days, Dad. I just thought Toothless would be back by now."
"I'm sure he is with the other dragons." His father reassured.
"Yeah?" He asked. "I wish I can be that sure."
Stoick sighed heavily, his shoulder dropping slightly as he looked at his son. "Ah, listen...I know what it's like to miss someone you love this time of year. But what do we do, when they can't be here for the holiday?" Stoick gently placed a hand on Hiccup's shoulder, smiling softly. "We celebrate them! And I imagine that is exactly what Toothless would want you to do. And same with D/N; she'd want you and Y/N to celibate both of them. Right?”
Hiccup sighed, nodding. "You're right."
"Good!" Stoick beamed, hitting Hiccup on the shoulder. "Then go get that helmet! We've had enough disappointment around here." He laughed, walking off.
"So now I'm going to have to find a way to get that helmet back." Hiccup walked through Berk, two oars over his shoulder. He adjusted them as he spoke, glancing at you from the corner of his eyes before looking forward to make sure no one was in his way.
"Yikes." You hissed, carrying a basket full of rope and tools. You gripped the basket in your hands as you walked, holding it awkwardly before stopping when Hiccup swapped with you, taking the basket from your hands and helping you get the oars over your shoulders. "Oh! T-thank you."
He smiled softly with a hum. "Of course, m'lady." He gushed, the two of you continued your journey through town.
Hiccup got ready to turn the corner before bumping into Fishlegs who carried a basket filled to the brim with fish. "Oh, Fishlegs, you hungry?" Hiccup teased, smiling while popping the basket up to fix his grip.
"You have enough fish to feed a dragon!" You snickered, adjusting the oars.
Fishlegs was silent before awkwardly chuckling. "Hahaha...Oh, a dragon? That's..." He turned around and ran off, leaving Hiccup and you confused.
"Something's off." You quirked a brow, following the blond. "Come on!"
You both followed Fishlegs to the back entrance of one of the houses, watching as he quickly went inside while whimpering in fear.
While he was inside you both hid around the corner of the house, waiting for him to leave to see what was going on.
Fishlegs peeked out of the door, he quickly stepped out and shut the door, proud that no one was following him to see his secret.
As the blond passed, Hiccup stealthily snuck past, leaning the basket on the house. He smiled brightly at you, watching you leaned the oars next to the basket before standing in front of the door, hands intertwined.
You both opened one side of the doors, eyes wide when a dragon flew straight at you both. The two of you screamed when the chain holding the dragon captive snapped off, ramming into the two of you.
Hiccup and you held onto the dragon for dear life, Hiccup by its head and you by its front legs.
The boy pulled away, Hiccup making eye contact with the dragon. "MEATLUG?!" He screamed.
Meatlug flew passed Astrid who ducked with a yelp, watching you both zoom past.
"Y/N? Hiccup?" She blinked, not sure if she was seeing correctly. "Where are you going?!"
"WE HAVE NO IDEAAA!!" You called back, dangling from his legs as you glanced down, screaming in horror. "OH, MY ODIN! THIS IS SO MUCH WORSE WITHOUT FLYING GEAR!!"
"Meatlug? What about presents?!" Fishlegs called out to his dragon, his shoulder dropping slightly. "Hey!"
Astrid whipped her head to the blond, furious about what just happened.
"I can't believe him." Fishlegs sighed.
"YOU can't believe HIM?!" Astrid snapped, smacking the boy on the arm. "YOU KIDNAPPED YOUR DRAGON!"
"Well, that makes it sound so mean." Fishlegs whined.
The twins walked over to the nest Meatlug made, pushing away the straw before gasping as their eyes went wide.
"Hey, guys?" Tuff called out, not looking away from the nest.
"He flew away the second he was unleashed!" Astrid continued to yell at Fishlegs, not even noticing the Tuffnut was talking to them.
"I'm 72% sure he wanted to stay-"
Ruff pulled back more straw, gasping as she put her hand over her mouth.
The other three finally got over to the twins, noticing what was in the nest.
"Whoa..." Fishlegs chuckled. "Meatlug barfed up a pile of rocks."
Astrid bent down, looking down at the 'rocks'.
"You're such an idiot!" Ruff sighed. "Those aren't rocks, your dragon laid eggs!"
"Hey, wait!" Astrid gaped, picking up one of the eggs from the nest. "I bet that's why the dragons left: To lay their eggs!"
"But, boy dragons don't lay eggs." Fishlegs interjected, not understanding the situation at hand.
"Yeah, your boy dragon is a girl dragon." Ruff clarified for the boy, placing her hands on her hips.
Fishlegs gasped when it clicked, nodding as the memories flooded back. "Okay, that actually explains a few things." He flexed his hands uncomfortably, looking down at his feet.
Astrid popped up, a grin plastered on her face as she held onto the egg. "Hey! Everyone's missing their Dragons, right?"
"Oh, here it comes." Snotlout groaned, slouching back.
She ran over to a small box of junk, grabbing a red ribbon before trying a bow around the egg. "I've got an idea! It'll be another new Snoggletog tradition!" She showed the group the egg, her cheeks red from smiling.
The group reluctantly agreed, tying bows around the eggs to pass around to some of the towns people.
"Oh, this is gonna be so good!" She smiled, two eggs on hand as they spit up to disperse the eggs around town.
Hiccup held onto Meatlug as she flew around, glancing back to you to make sure you're okay before looking back. He screamed, making you yelp before dodging a rock formation which would have killed Hiccup and you. "Whoa! Meatlug, where are you taking us?" Hiccup asked, dodging a wreaked ship.
The flying went on for what felt like days, the three of you above the clouds.
You lazily wrapped your arms about the boy, sighing loudly as he patted your hand that rested on his legs.
Eventually, you come across land, the two of you getting excited as Meatlug began her decline towards it.
The island had a hot spring, thousands of dragons resting on the land around the water.
Once Meatlug landed, Hiccup slid off, helping you down as he held his arms out for you to take.
You both walked to the edge of the small cliff you stood on, looking out to the dragons that laid on the ground. All the dragons had babies.
All but one.
"You guys come here to have babies!" Hiccup gasped in amazement, his eyes sparkling at the sight in front of him.
"This is incredible." You whispered, looking around in awe.
Hiccup watched as a Gronckle pushed her eggs into a small spring. Sliding down, he made his eye over to her before stopping as two babies ran past, playing with one another.
You followed after the boy, smiling at the two babies before looking into the spring with Hiccup.
The three eggs she pushed in soon hatched, small explosions going off as the babies started to swim to the surface.
"Aww." Hiccup cooed, watching as one of the babies crawled out.
"They're so cute!" You gushed, gently shaking Hiccup as they made their way to their mom, tumbling from trying to fly.
Hiccup smiled with a chuckle, looking to his right when he noticed one of her eggs. He stood up, slowly walking over to it. "Hey, look over here, you missed one." He called out to the mom, not noticing that she got up and snagged you from the back of your shirt, carrying you a little ways off. "WHOA!"
You winced, watching as he got flung backwards, landing on his back before perking his head up to watch the baby hit the rock. "You okay?!" You called out, jogging over to him and helping him sit up.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." He reassured, watching as the baby stretched with a yawn before heading to its mom. "Man, it's a good thing those don't hatch on Berk!" Hiccup thought out loud, making you nod in agreement.
"But, you have to admit that the babies are pretty cute." You gushed, cooing softly as you watched the babies play with one another.
Hiccup nodded, dusting the soot off of himself.
As they placed the remaining eggs around, Astrid smiled as she went up into D/N hutch, placing an egg in her nest before leaving with a giggle. "Wasn't this a great idea?" She smiled, hopping down the steps to the others.
"Uh-huh! Everyone's gonna be so surprised!" Fishlegs agreed with a nod and a grin.
Just then, one of the house exploded, a baby Gronckle flying out and hitting Fishlegs in the head which sent him to the floor. "Ow!"
"SURPRISE!" Snotlout smirked, leaning forward to look to the boy on the ground.
The Gronckle hits Fishlegs in the gut, yawning as the twins and Snotlout cooed at the dragon.
Astrid stared at the baby in horror, her eyes wide and mouth ajar. "The eggs...Explode?" She gasped.
Soon, all the houses started to explode, baby Gronckles flying out of the houses.
"THE EGGS EXPLODE!!!" She screamed, watching as people ran out of their houses. She ran over to some of the Vikings as they screamed in horror, bits of their clothing on fire. "I'm sorry! Sorry!"
The group watched in amazement, 'ooo'ing and 'aww'ing at the sight of everything.
The baby dragons got fired into the wooden tree, setting it ablaze.
"Awesome!" Tuff gasped.
"Wow!" Tuff added on with a smile.
Snotlout looked at Astrid, smiling as he leaned towards her. "This is your best idea yet!" He yelled over the explosions before turning his attention back onto the lights.
Astrid looked around in horror, sucking in a breath when she saw her house and D/N perch. "Oh, my Gods!" She cried, pulling at her hair as she booked it towards the flames. "Y/N'S GOING TO KILL ME!!"
Stoick watched as the tree slowly falls apart, noticing Astrid but stopping her as he took her hand. "What in Thor's name is going on?!" He cried, letting go of her hand.
She gulped nervously, covering her mouth with her hand. "The eggs explode." She gushed out in embarrassment. She winced as an explosion went off in the distance, nervously flashing a smile to the Chief.
"Toothless! D/N! Guys?" Hiccup called out, walking around with you, hand in hand as you both looked around for your dragons.
"Where are they?" You sighed, looking down at your feet. "Are they even here?”
"I'm not sure, N/N." Hiccup squeezed your hand, looking at you.
You both fell silent before screaming, hitting the floor with groans when weight was pressed onto your backs.
You turned your head to the side, gasping before a grin tugged at your lips. "D/N!" You beamed, laughing as she got off the two of you and hopped around, her tongue hanging out with a gummy smile.
"What are you doing here, girl?!" Hiccup chuckled, petting her as she nuzzled into his cheek.
D/N bounced off, her wings outstretched as she roared at the two of you as you followed after her.
Stopping at the edge of the small cliff, you beamed at the other familiar dragons who rested on some rocks.
The babies cooed excitedly, making their parents perk up.
"Hookfang! Stormfly!" Hiccup grinned, making his way to the dragons, petting them gently. "Oh, you have no idea how happy we are to see you guys!"
You laughed, sitting on your knees as their babies ran over to you, rubbing their faces against your legs and hands. "You guys are parents!?" You giggled, picking up one of Stormfly's babies as she gently gnawed on your nose.
"Oh, look at you guys! All happy, together." Hiccup joined your side, petting the babies as they cooed at Hiccup. He turned to look at you before laughing, watching as the baby you were holding clawed on your face, trying to perch on top of your head. "Who knew you are leaving to celebrate your own sort of...holiday."
You set the baby back onto the ground, the three of them playing with each other. "We should be getting back to our holiday." You placed a hand on his shoulder.
He nodded, rising to his feet as he helped you up as well.
You turned to D/N who shoved her face into your back, making you chuckle softly. "Think you can take us back home?" You asked, climbing into her back.
You looked over and saw Hiccup sit on Hookfang, the two gliding up above the others as D/N followed.
"We'll see you all back on Berk when you're good and ready, okay, gang?" He questioned to the dragons, gulping when the adults started to join Hookfang and D/N in the air. "Oh...Nono nonono...I think we just started the return migration." Hiccup sheepishly turned to you, shrugging his shoulders as he flashed an uncertain smile.
You laughed, watching as the crowd of babies dashed to the edge of the island, calling out to their parents. "If you guys insist!" You smiled.
The babies tried to fly, but the wind was too strong as it sent them back to the island.
"Ah, boy, this is never gonna work." The brunette sighed.
"I got an idea!" You gasped, patting D/N neck which made her fly the direction you wanted her to go. "Come on, Hookfang!"
"Ah, Gobber, this is a disaster." Stoick complained, walking past the Vikings as they started to rebuild the houses.
"Ah, it's not so bad." Gobber tried to reassure the Chief.
"Oh, not that bad?" He snapped. "The village is destroyed. The dragons have gone and left us.”
The crowd of Vikings came to a halt, whispering to one another as they looked up at the sky.
"Let's face it–this holiday is a complete-What are these people looking at?" He cried, pushing through the mob before noticing what everyone was looking at. "What is that?"
The town watched as a mob of dragons flew in their direction, carrying one of their broken boats underneath them.
"It's Hiccup and Y/N!" Stoick beamed.
The crowd erupted into cheers, some of them hugging and some of them clapping.
"And our dragons!" Astrid added on.
The dragons lowered the ship onto the land, it creaking to a halt as everyone watched in confusion.
Soon the babies poured out, making everyone mummer at the sight.
The adult dragons started to land, Hookfang and D/N landing near the front of the ship.
Both Hiccup and you slipped off of the dragons, moving out of the way as people made their way to their dragons.
Snotlout smiled brightly, running up to Hookfang and hugging him. "Yeah! Whoo-hoo!"
Meatlug flew around, looking for her babies before perking up once she saw them. She made her way down to them as she regurgitated some fish for them to eat. 
Fishlegs flew around the corner, passing by some Vikings as he bolted to his dragon. "MEATLUG!" He shouted, running into her and hugging her as they both rolled away from the impact.
"Stormfly! You're back! Oh!" Astrid laughed, hugging her before looking down at her feet. "And there are babies!" She bent down and grinned, petting them before looking back at Stormfly.
Hiccup and you watched with small smiles, looking at one another as you both held each others hand.
"Hahaha! Well done, you two!" Stoick belted out a laugh as he bear hugged the two of you, lifting you both off the ground.
"Thanks, Dad!" Hiccup gasped out.
"Thank you, Chief!" You wheezed out, trying to catch your breath.
Stoick dropped the two of you before throwing his hands out as he watched the crowd. "Everyone! Grab your dragons! To the Great Hall!" He grinned, walking off and leaving Hiccup and you. "We finally have something to celebrate!"
In the Great Hall, all the Vikings cheered, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Dragons flew above and landed by their owners.
"Where's Hiccup?" Hilda yelled to you over the noise. "I thought he was joining us!”
You looked around for a moment, spotting him in the crowd. You turned back to Hilda, jerking your head in his direction. "He's missing Toothless!" You replied, making her nod. "I'll go talk to him!" You gave Astrid the baby Nadder that was in your lap, getting up with a whistle which made D/N follow after you.
"This is the best holiday ever!" Fishlegs laughed, holding two of the babies. "Howsa baby!"
Snotlout smiled as he pets one of the baby Nightmares, laughing as it spit a little fire at him.
You walk over to Hiccup, slowing down your pace when he glanced at the floor. You gently placed a hand on D/N head as she cooed to Hiccup, making him look over at the two of you. "Hiccup, I know it's hard to see everyone with their dragons tonight." You started, bending down as he looked back at the floor. You smiled softly at him as you took both of his hands into yours. "You really did an incredible thing. Thank you, Hiccup." You cupped his face with both of your hands, quickly kissing him before engulfing him into a hug.
Hiccup sighed as he wrapped his arms around you, his body leaning on your slightly. "Y/N, where did Toothless go?" He asked, almost in a whisper.
You sighed, tightening your grip around him "I don't know." You looked at the doors behind Hiccup.
The doors slowly creaked open, revealing the Night Fury who looked around before perking up when he saw you.
You smiled brightly, biting your lip before pulling away. Your heart fluttered softly when you saw the lovesick smile on his face. You cleared your throat, gently pushing him back as you spoke. "Wow, it must suck being you. I don't think I would want to be you in this situation." You chuckled awkwardly, poking him in the chest as his face dropped. "You helped me find D/N and bring everyone's dragons back home!"
Hiccup scoffed, glaring at you slightly. "Yeah, you know, this is not helping, at all."
You smiled brightly as you pushed Hiccup, making him stumble backwards to keep his balance.
Toothless grunted, running towards Hiccup with a small smile.
"TOOTHLESS!" Hiccup gasped, running over to the dragon who started jumping up and down slightly. "Hey, bud!" The two watch one other before Hiccup embraces the dragon.
You smiled brightly, looking to the sides when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You leaned into Hilda's side as she rubbed her hand up and down your arm.
"Stoick!" Gobber interrupted, placing a hand on Stoick's back which made the chief look at his son.
Hiccup pulled away from Toothless, waving a finger in his face. "Bad dragon! Very bad dragon! You scared me to death!" Hiccup scolded the Fury, mumbling 'including Y/N' under his breath before shaking his head and looking back to Toothless. "Don't ever stay away that long again, and what is in your mouth?" He leaned forward, squinting when he noticed something in Toothless' mouth.
Toothless stood on his hind legs and dropped a spit cover helmet onto his head.
Snotlout and Astrid joined your side, the three of you groaning in disgust. You looked at Snotlout before petting the small Monstrous Nightmare that was in his arms, the two of you laughing when it nibbled on your finger.
The twins and Fishlegs also groaned in disgust, laughing slightly at the end.
Hiccup wiped some of the spit off his helmet and face, getting it out of his eyes. "Yeah, you found my helmet." He gasped, looking at Toothless with a grin. "What-hey! You found my helmet! That's where you've been?"
Toothless rumbled, nudging his face into Hiccups hand.
"Buddy, thank you! You are amazing!" Hiccup threw his arms around the dragon again. He backed away when D/N nudged him to the side, the two dragons purring as they rubbed against one another.
"Happy Snoggletog!" Astrid beamed.
You laughed, walking over to Hiccup, brushing his now wet hair out of his face. "Happy Snoggletog." You giggled, groaning playfully when he pulled you into a hug. "Hiccup!"
Hiccup laughed, smiling brightly. "Happy Snoggletog, Y/N."
You sighed, looking up from your sketch book to see Toothless jumping on Hiccups roof, getting impatient by the minute. You rolled your eyes with a smile, turning back to your drawing.
Toothless roared, sliding down and sitting next to D/N.
"I'm coming, Toothless!" Hiccup reassured, walking over to where Toothless usually greeted. "Alright, bud, come on down. I was just-" He paused with slightly wide eyes, watching as you shoved your sketch book back into your satchel, getting off the Night Nadder and letting D/N sit next to Toothless.
Toothless and D/N both cooed at Hiccup and you once you joined his side.
Hiccup looked in front of the dragons, noticing their flying gear in the snow. "Guys, what'd you pull this out for?" He asked, walking over to the dragons. "You don't need this anymore. Come on, let's get going." Hiccup gently pushed Toothless' saddle to the side, reaching out to Toothless before he jumped over to your side, nuzzling into you.
You smiled, resting your arm on his head as he gurgled slightly. You rubbed your fingers behind D/N's ears when she stood on your other side. "He-They want this, Hiccup." You pointed to the flying gear that was on the ground before tugging at your gear that was draped over your body.
"What do you mean? You have your new tail now; D/N and you and fly with one other." He clarified, watching as Toothless circled around. "Toothless?"
Toothless rumbled, looking back at the prothetic tail as he opened and closed it. Looking back at the brunette, he smashed his tail into the ground, breaking the tail off.
"Toothless! Stop! What are you doing?" Hiccup cried, reaching out before looking at the dragon in disbelief.
You grinned, walking over to Toothless and picking up the red and white tail fin. You chuckled as Toothless pulled the saddle in front of him, D/N doing the same as they both chirped and cooed at Hiccup. "They miss this, Hiccup." You shrugged playfully, handing him the tail.
Hiccup looked down at the fin before looking at the two dragons; Toothless nudging his saddle with his claws and D/N holding the saddle in her mouth. Hiccup slowly turned to you, his mouth ajar.
You smiled softly, nodding your head, holding your hands out before running behind his house. You picked up his flying gear, carrying it over to him before dropping it on top of the fin. "Come on, teach me to dive."
Winter in Berk lasts most of the year. It hangs on with both hands and won't let go.
Hiccup smiled, looking over to his right. "You exited, Dragon Mistress?" He called out, smirking slightly.
You laughed, nodding excitedly. "I sure am, Dragon Master!" You clapped your hand slightly, looking down at the ocean below.
The only comfort and warmth during the cold are those you kept close to you.
Hiccup looked back to Toothless, smiling softly as he unclipped his safeties. "Okay, bud, you ready?" He grinned as Toothless roared in reply. He unlooked his prothetic before glancing at you.
You gulped harshly, unclipping your safeties and standing on D/N back, wobbling before regaining your balance.
You both made eye contact with one another, Hiccup summersaulting off of Toothless while you swan dived off of D/N head.
"Yee-haw!" Hiccup cheered, making you laugh.
The two dragons dove after you both, roaring excitedly as they caught up with you both.
Hiccup and you dove side by side, grinning at one another as Toothless tapped Hiccup, making him spin.
Turns out, that was the best Snoggletog ever.
Hiccup stopped spinning, smiling sweetly as D/N and you spun around one another.
That year, we gave our best friends a pretty great gift.
Hiccup and Toothless reattached, Toothless wings opening up.
You grabbed onto D/N saddle, sitting down as you also reattached yourself.
"Whoo-hoo!" Hiccup beamed, turning to you with a grin.
"That..was..AMAZING!!" You cheered, throwing your arms up.
The two dragons flew past the snow covered trees, making them shake from the unexpected wind.
But they gave us a better one!
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nortonluv · 2 years
OKAY I GOT A HTTYD REQUEST! So maybe the reader is a rider with a armorwing as their dragon and it's set at the rtte time. One day the reader goes to find Snotlout on berk only to find his father, Spitelout, belittling him and making fun of him. So when he gets back to the edge, he's in one of his moods where he feel like he has to prove himself to his dad and himself by doing something dangerously stupid. But before he can, the reader goes to find him and comforts him, stopping him from doing said stupid thing and then they just hangout together and it's just really fluffy towards then end. Okay that's all, if you can't write this or just don't want to that's completely fine! Have a great day💜💜💜
You're actually not that dumb - Snotlout X Gn! Reader
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Not my Gif!!
Pairing: Snotlout x Gn! Reader
Reader pronouns used: They/Them/Theirs
Warnings: Spitelouts a bit of a douche yk, language, Yelling lmk if there's more I should put here
A/n I was unsure of whether you wanted a romantic or platonic relationship, so I've gone with romantic but please tell me if you want to change it. I won't mind.
Summary: Snotlout crumbling under pressure and the reader building him back up again
Dragon: Armorwing
Dragon name: Duncan (it's a cute name k?)
You ever get that really bored feeling for no reason? I should be able to find something to do but I just can't be bothered.
Nothing particularly interesting is happening on the Edge and everything is kind of at a standstill.
The Twins were obviously causing their usual chaos, but everyone kind of expects that from them. The calm days are usually weird for us considering that we're always having to get up to something.
Duncan, my Armorwing, was sat in the corner of my hut. His green tinted scales quietly shake as he yawns. His armor rattling a bit more loudly.
His yellow eyes are narrow but dilated giving him a cute, calm expression. It's a miracle I was able to train him. He gets along well with the other dragons but none of the bonds he has with the others will ever be as strong as it is with Hookfang. Which is good, since me and Snotlout are almost always together.
That's someone I could go and find. Snotlout. My boyfriend.
"Duncan, how about we go find Hookfang and Snotface?" my face morphs into a grin and the Armorwing raised his head. His tongue flops out of his mouth and his lips? pull into a sharp grin. His head raises and he hops a little bit.
With a couple of bells on the tips of his wings and the end of his tail, we set off flying to Berk. You know, after finding he wasn't going to be on the edge. Ha ha...
We flew as fast as possible for a while but slowed cause I didn't want to hurt Duncan. He's a dangerous dragon but a gentle giant really. Soon we are greeted with the sight of the Isle of Berk coming into our view.
Home. It's always a heartwarming sight, however this time it's not as warming. To be fair it could just be that we live an incredibly cold archipelago. Although I am extremely happy to see the familiar village.
We land by the academy so Duncan can wander and find some nearby dragons. He happily waddles away as the metal on him rattles with him. I make my way to Spitelouts home, hoping that his son was with him.
Hookfang is waiting patiently outside for his rider. His eyes seem slightly distressed and uncomfortable.
"You alright buddy?" I reach for him and he instinctively moves his snout to my palm. He gives a small purr to let me know he feels comforted by this. His eyes being filled with a light flame of happiness.
I quietly open the door. Now before this seems like it's breaking and entering, Spitelouts has always been somewhat kind to me so he's kind of ok with me just walking in. As I peek through the gap, I see an unhappy Spitelouts and an even more unhappy Snotlout.
Being to scared to listen to anymore I move away from the door. Now that I've heard though, the noise of Spitelout yelling at his son has become far more clear. That's why Hookfang was worried.
I look to the dragon unsure of what to do. He gives the same unsure look in return. I'll see if he brings it up later. Yeah, that's what I'll do.
"I'll see you later Hookfang, I'll try to get him to talk later." I wave with a gentle smile to the sweet monstrous nightmare.
I make my way back to the academy to find Duncan so we can go back to the Edge. He's playing with a few Terrible Terrors lightly nudging them and ringing the bells on his wings to confuse them. It makes me chuckle and I signal that it's time to go.
Back at the Edge, Duncan and I have been fishing for hours now waiting to see Snotlout and Hookfang but currently there's been absolutely nothing. I've probably caught enough fish to feed the entirity of Berk and all its greedy dragons.
The sun is setting slowly making the sky a hue of yellow and orange. My face scrunched as I yawn quietly. Maybe he's staying on Berk for tonight. Although after what I saw, I know I wouldn't if that was me.
I make my way to my hut for the night once Duncan is happily resting in the stables. Still with no word of Snotlout.
The morning comes around after a dreamless night of sleep. Heading stables I finally see that Hookfang is back, meaning that Snotlout is no doubt somewhere nearby.
I get Duncan out of the stable and look around for Snotlout, who still has yet to appear. However, my sights are soon set on the Jorgenson boy who seems to be attempting a dangerous stunt. The twins cheering him on and being completely unaware of the possible injuries he could receive.
Panic sets in on my face and just as he falls from Hookfang, I call to Duncan to catch him. The Monstrous Nightmare looks upset that he was made to do this and me a guilty sound as he returns to the ground. Snotlout has his helmet covering his eyes as he lays on Duncan's back.
He slides off and doesn't move to remove the helmet. A frown is clear on his face.
"Snotlout." My voice is stern as I glare at the helmet. His hand finally moves it so our eyes meet. "We need to talk, now."
He sighs and gets on Hookfang once more, knowing that it's best to talk with just the dragons around. No interruptions.
We fly in silence for a while. Neither one of us wanting to tell the other something. I guess I have to go first.
"That was stupid. Incredibly dumb." I say without looking at him. "Why would you do that?"
"because I had to pro-"
"what, you had to prove you were a Jorgenson? Snotlout, nothing will change that you are a Jorgenson but don't ever try to pull off a dumb stunt like that again" I interrupt.
"I had to prove I was good enough.. For you.." He almost mumbles but still clear enough for me to understand. This makes me turn to him.
"oh Snotface.." I smile gently at him. I guide Duncan slightly closer to Hookfang so their wings are close enough to jump and not fall into the sea. I get up onto his back and make my way across both dragons wings.
"I'm sorry, you're not actually that dumb. I was just worried." I hug him from behind and place a gentle kiss on his cheek. "What he said isn't true, you are good enough. Maybe not perfect but that's what makes you perfect to me."
He leans into the embrace and the dragons purr at the scene.
"wait." His eyes widen and he turns his head to me. "How did you know about my dad?"
Now my eyes are wide as I realise I just got myself caught. Quickly maneuvering myself back onto Duncan.
"OH WHAT'S THAT I THINK ASTRID NEEDS ME FOR TRAINING, MOVE DUNCAN MOVE!" I yell behind me as he zooms away from Hookfang who is then told to pursue the two of us.
We both laugh and honestly, it's the happiest I've seen him in a while. Just being able to let go and play around like kids again on our dragons.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
Sorry if the ending seemed bad I'm not great at endings!
I've starting writing the first chapter of the Dagur x reader book, it's not done and I need to write a couple of extra chapters to go with it but I'm really excited for when it does come out!!
This has not been proofread yet.
To the person who requested this:
I'm working on your Heather Request so don't worry, there's more to come 💜
Httyd Masterlist
Redbubble - would love any support
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mrcloudjumper · 2 years
How To Train Your Dragon Master-list
Male and Neutral only.
Romantic or Platonic;
Hiccup Haddock
“Happy Anniversary” (romantic)
Platonic Hiccup helps w/ sensory overload (in progress)
Ruffnut Thorston
Nothing yet
Tuffnut Thorston
Nothing yet
Eret Son of Eret
Nothing yet
Astrid Hofferson
Nothing yet
Fishlegs Ingerman
Nothing yet
Snoutlout Jorgenson
Nothing yet
Platonic Only;
Valka Haddock
Nothing yet
Stoick the Vast
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Daugar the Deranged
Nothing yet
Heather the Unhinged
Nothing yet
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foolinafable · 1 month
thanks to tuffnut
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Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader Synopsis: four of the many times hiccup was oblivious to the fact he was in love with you and the time he finally realised.  Word Count: 1.5K Tags: 4+1 fic, Fluff, Hiccups pov Note: started this ages ago and only just got inspired enough to finish it.
1. Searching for you in a crowd 
Hiccup would never admit it, even now that he is respected as the heir to the hairy hooligan tribe and his father is proud of him. That he still feels like an outsider. 
Maybe it’s because they see him as this dragon master and while he might be if he’s to listen to anything Fishlegs says- he feels like they don’t see anything else- he is still just the chief’s son, the future of the tribe or their saviour if any of his work on the edge was talked about. He was never just Hiccup to them, even to his friends they see him as this omnipotent being rather than just a teen like them- capable of making mistakes.
He suggests that this is why he prefers to have time alone- just him, toothless the ocean beneath them and the wind carrying them elsewhere, where he can be anything. 
Annoyingly, this is not something he can do now: walking into the great hall at dinner time. He can already feel the beginnings of a headache wracking his brain as he imagines the awkward conversations he is going to have with villagers about his work on the edge as of late or the nagging of his father and Gobber to come back to Berk so he can learn the ways of chiefdom- something he is unsure that he even wants.
Entering the great hall after a large exhale, Hiccup looks around, searching for something lips pursing when he can’t find it immediately. It is only when he walks closer to where his father is sat, calling out pleasantries to those who greet him on the way that his eyes lock onto your figure, listening intently to what Ruffnut and Tuffnut are saying. Following the movements of their arms with your eyes as they spoke animatedly about who knows what. Hiccup finds a small smile appear on his face at the sight of you, only looking away when his father claps a hand behind his back making him aware of his surroundings, turning towards his father struggling to listen to whatever issue his father needs resolving around Berk this time, his thoughts still surrounding his best friend, knowing that as long as you are here he can be himself, just Hiccup. As that was always more than enough for you and that idea alone makes him feel less like an outsider.
2. Missing you when apart
He was starting to regret saying you couldn’t come with him. Not that he doesn’t enjoy Astrid and (sometimes) Snotlout’s company, but it clearly isn’t the same. While he usually enjoys scouting missions as they are a peaceful opposition to the dangerous missions they have had as of late, you typically come with him. 
But he knows that you cannot leave the edge defenceless and Astrid was complaining about not getting out with Stormfly enough- so it all made sense logically for Astrid to come instead and for you to stay on land, protecting the dragon eye lenses the group had hidden.
He couldn’t trust anyone more which is why he was confused as to why he felt so anxious. Even Toothless could notice the angst radiating off his rider, making a noise of questioning at Hiccup when he was quieter than normal, not even going over the route the group were scouting- something he usually did a hundred times until the group got annoyed at him. Not even playfully joking with Snotlout about who was the better cousin until Astrid would make a comment that would set Snotlout off arguing with her.
Instead, the three riders sat in somewhat awkward silence with Astrid and Snotlout starting at each other trying to gauge if the other knew what was wrong with the boy and who was going to ask him as seemingly neither wanted to as usually you would look after Hiccup when he got like this but you were back on the edge and honestly Astrid was wishing she didn’t kick up such a fuss about her and Stormfly’s lack of action as even being bored back on the edge was better than being sat in this haunting silence.
It was only upon returning to the edge that the two saw his mood pick up, he nearly crashed Toothless into the ground at the speed he dismounted causing the other two to look around in panic until they saw him running towards you and then it all made sense. The two snickering slightly as they realised that he was only in a foul mood because you weren't around.  
3. You looking after him when he gets sick
“It was only a matter of time” you muttered to him as you bundled him up in his blankets and he knew that you were right, you had been telling him for weeks to wear some warmer clothes during his flights with Toothless and his lack of listening has left him bedridden with a horrible cold, head pounding, nose blocked and red cheeks. He could only imagine the state of him somehow shaking and sweating all at the same time. He would’ve replied with something teasing if his throat didn’t feel so scratchy so he simply settled for a huff which made you laugh quietly in return. 
“Okay, I will stop being mean, but only if you get some sleep” you reasoned with the boy as he whined at the idea thinking of everything he had to today 
“I will get Astrid and Fishlegs to take your jobs for the day- can't have you getting any sicker what would your Father say?” you continued and at these words, the boy stopped fussing, the exhaustion finally catching up to him. 
“Have a good sleep Hiccup, I will be here when you wake up,” you muttered as he dozed off.
 For some reason, Hiccup couldn’t understand those words made him feel so much better.  
4. When his dad mentions you
Small talk with his father even after all this time was still somewhat awkward, like the feeling of your skin being too big for your bones. But, it was much better than it used to be or at least Hiccup usually believed it was. Still, today he would give anything to be anywhere but sit with his dad in their family home as he couldn’t stop going on about you and possibly betrothals something Hiccup knew would annoy you.
“I heard a lot of the boys around here want to ask for her hand, so maybe you should get a move on” Stoick spoke trying to hint at the boy's clear feelings for you
“I- what?” Hiccup asked confused, when had he ever shown interest in that?
“Oh it's nothing” Stoick tried to cover his tracks feeling Hiccups in annoyance at his words ‘you two just remind me of myself and a special someone when I was younger” 
“What are you and Gobber? I’m sure she will be very flattered by those words Dad” Hiccup laughed before quickly taking his leave before his father could sprout out any more nonsense. 
“Me and your mother” Stoick muttered but Hiccup was already gone, probably halfway back to the edge due to how fast he bolted out the door.  
5. The realisation
Watching you interact with Toothless was one of Hiccup's favourite things to do. Seeing his dragon take a shine to you just as much as he does makes a warmth spread all over his body in a comforting way. 
“Hiccup, my brother! What’s happening?” Tuffnut called out as he made his way towards the boy Hiccup quickly looked away from you for some reason embarrassed to be nearly caught by the boy, his cheeks red and hot
“Not- not a lot” Hiccup tried to smile but it came off uneasy much like his words. To his luck, Tuffnut didn't seem to notice instead looking at where Hiccup had his eyes trained just moments before before looking back at the boy 
“Don’t worry I see” Tuffnut nodded in understanding causing Hiccup to become confused 
“See what?” he questioned the peculiar boy 
“You were finally building up the courage to ask her out!” Tuffnut declared “I mean it’s about time everyone knows you have the biggest crush on her! Don’t let me stop you, in fact, I wasn't even here!” the boy quickly ran off as Hiccup's thoughts whirled around his brain about what on earth was Tuffnut on about he didn’t have a crush on you. No way. I mean sure you are the first person he looks for in a crowd of people, he gets irritable when you aren't with him on missions, you are the only one he would want looking after him and his father loves you but that doesn't mean he likes you right- your his best friend he couldn't possibly- could he? 
Then it hit Hiccup, he did have the biggest crush on his best friend, more than a crush really. He was irrevocably in love with you and to make matters worse Tuffnut knew before he did.  
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sivyera · 8 months
httyd masterlist
sivyera's masterlist
Dating Hiccup would include...
Jealousy with green eyes (hiccup haddock x reader)
I'm here, my love (hicuup haddock x reader)
Different ways to say i love you with HTTYD characters
Dragon Trust. (hiccup haddock x reader)
Forms of non-sexual intimacy with HTTYD characters
hiccup haddock | fluff alphabet
cute headcanon with Hiccup.
Being Gobber’s daughter and dating Hiccup would include…
Your and Hiccup’s wedding day HC’s
Types of love with HTTYD characters
Httyd characters reacting to you winning the dragon races
Httyd characters seeing you in their clothes
Httyd characters accidentally hurt you
Httyd characters falling in love with you
Sleeping with HTTYD characters
Celebrating Snoggletog with them
httyd characters reacting on you having a cannibalistic dragon
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 9 months
Hi hi!! How are you?
I was wondering if you have any continuation for The jealous one (or other), otherwise no problem!
Have a nice day <3
The Jealous One pt 3
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Words: 3,492
Hiccup tries to catch your attention. You remain stubbornly obtuse and subtly obstinate.
Tags: fem!reader, silly, ambiguous timeline, Snotlout Jorgenson, Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston, suggestive content, Jealous!Hiccup, Post RoB/DoB, Pre-RTTE
<Previous - Next>
“Hello,” You managed, as you squeezed between two large, metal-breasted women.
You were barely able to hold back the urge to break out into a jolly skip, remembering with glee the look on Phlegma’s face when she’d been greeted with a hall half full of greenish sheep. 
You had plans and people waiting for you, though nothing could ever be important enough to keep you from enjoying the smell of fresh air and rainy weather. Currently, the village had just broken free of a drizzle, the clouds parting in order to welcome through soft sunlight which danced, tingling across the skin of your face.
“Good morning,” You wished with cheer as you passed by Burthair, who balked as you curled your lips upwards. Your apparent reputation as sullen, timid, and alone did you wonders so it must have been an awful shock to see you so bright and chipper.
You tapped your toes against the stone foundation marking the beginning of the forge hoping to knock off any loose, dry mud before you tracked it inside, though you were sure it was for naught. There was already a steady line of dirt leading into the forge made up of large, round dragon prints, bookmarks and small rounded crescents you were certain belonged to Gobber’s peg.
“Hello,” You called at a hunched back, connected to a body which was standing before one of the long benches set around the area, one of his arms extended to scribble something down on a piece of parchment while he scanned a book, keeping track of the lines with his right hand.
A lanky set of shoulders startled before Hiccup, the one and only, set his stick down with a level of finality, shoulders falling as he turned, red undershirt crumpled and covered in smudges. His face was also smudged, and you would have had the mind to worry about the state of his book if you had the care and weren’t in such a hurry.
“Hey,” Hiccup said, turning around and running a hand through his hair, leaving dark streaks behind as he did it. You knew how incredibly dirty his pillow was because of it. 
You grinned lopsidedly, wondering how much brighter his hair would be if he’d washed it more often.
He seemed startled to see you smile so bright, a hesitant smile of his own jumping across his mouth. The light from the open window and the side of the forge hit his face pleasantly, lighting the freshly defined shape of his jaw and the high bone of his cheek. It looked soft.
Your ears pinked. You weren’t sure you’d felt this great since you were kids. Or at least since you were fifteen. It wasn’t often that you saw him without his leather anymore. You admired him without it, skinny frame and all.
You shook that thought away, walking in further, circling to face him as he moved throughout the open room. 
“You had a long night?” You asked as you eyed the tired tilt to Hiccup’s eyes and the exhaustive bruising underneath, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here to keep you company.”
Hiccup shut his eyes, furrowing his brow and shaking his head as he looked away, “It’s alright.”
You shrugged your shoulders as if you were feeling them out, trying to dispel some of the nervous energy locked in your nonexistent, but growing, still, of course, muscles.
“So…?” Hiccup began.
“So?” You asked, before realizing, lips quirking into an awful, dopey approximation of a grin. Right. And you had to be quick.
“Snot used up all his Zippleback Gas capsules,” You said, finally. When in doubt, blame Snotlout. He was running low too, of course. Because you’d stolen a few.
You hoped he hadn’t noticed.
“Really?” Hiccup rubbed his hands off on a rag, wiping away dark ash and oil. 
You brushed aside all thoughts of Snotlout to ogle at Hiccup again, wondering what it would be like to press your lips to his, chapped and scratched from all his time up in the air. What all that smoke, wind and metal would taste like mixed with spit.
It was very indulgent. You were sure you’d given up on things like that a long time ago, between conversations about Astrid, girlfriends and shooting down dragons, though some fluttery nasty feeling in your stomach reared its head. You were absolutely sure there must have been something in the air to have your face heating up the way it did, and so you were determined not to stew on it as you had for so many nights before.
Hiccup hesitated, stuck in the space between words, brows furrowed as he stared you in the eyes. It was still, quiet for a moment before he spoke again, “I’ll get you some more.”
He opened his mouth again, then shut it, holding back and looking a little guilty for it.
You sighed, fingers twitching.
 Hiccup looked down, nodding, leaning against the forge window, “So, are you free…?”
“Ah, no,” Your shoulders stiffened, already partially turned away as you began to take a few steps backwards. You were a bit surprised that he had asked, certain that he wouldn’t have missed your absence the past couple of days.
 He seemed kind of bummed at that, and maybe a little confused, the corner of his mouth tilting wide, brows quirked as he turned back towards his desk.
“I have to go,” You said awkwardly, grimacing and rubbing the back of your neck, as you began to back out. You had someone waiting for you, after all.
“Yeah, sure, but-! Will you be-” Hiccup turned back around quickly “-free, soon? Wait-!”
“-Unless you’re trying to light it up with Zippleback gas, in which case- Fishlegs just published a study on that, see, it says that, on page thirty-four-” You gestured with your arms, standing in front the rest of your gang, slumped over a large set of crates in the fields.
“Gods, just shut up,” Snotlout groaned as you spent their attention enthusiastically. 
Still somehow you got dragged into another chore with the Jorgenson. You were certain now that everyone thought you to be two of a kind, especially as you began to hang out more and more, which left you slightly unsettled but joyful yet still.
You had run into the twins along the way, but Tuffnut had been long since gone, and Ruffnut’s had followed soon after, though she had the mind when she was there to nod along occasionally and drop a snipe even as her eyes drifted, so as to at least give the impression that she was paying any sort of attention. Maybe that was why Fishlegs liked her so much.
You were just simply on a break between tasks as you waited for Johannes to get back to you with a list of things he needed doing. He’d even offered coins this time, which kept you from running off with Hookfang.
Snotlout was incapable of handling himself during any sort of long conversation or lecture, period. You didn’t mind, however; you were just eager for the opportunity to talk someone’s ear off, and you found that you didn’t feel bad for him at all.
Valhalla knew it had been a while.
“No,” You said, “Anyways, since- Have you taken a look at Bork’s notes recently? Honestly, even though they were edited, so they’re not reliable, of course, I still think the bit on N-...”
You trailed off in your quest to remind Snotlout why it had taken you so long to become friends in the first place as you felt a tap on your shoulder. You jumped, for a moment, turning to meet Hiccup in the eye.
“Anyways, I’ll tell you more about it tomorrow, but- Uh-hm… What was I going to say..?” 
You wrinkled your nose as you turned, a bit disappointed to have been interrupted. The two of you hadn’t talked in a while so you were certain that whatever was coming next wouldn’t be so good.
“Can I go now?” You waved Snotlout off as he complained.
“I-” Hiccup started twitchily, before continuing on, “Are you free?” 
“Not- not right now,” Hiccup shuffled nervously, at your look, before trying again, “But I’ll be free before the sun’s half down, if you have the time. Though I still have to-” 
Snotlout seemed generally uninterested in what you were doing, head on his fist as his head bobbed, struggling not to fall back asleep.
“Damn,” You grumbled under your breath as you watched his shoulders slump then start as he blinked back to wakefulness.
Hiccup glared at Snotlout moodily, looking like one of Johannes’ sad hunting dogs.
You squinted at him, “Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m sure,” Hiccup said, scuffing his foot into the dirt as he began to shuffle away, “I’ll meet you later? By the Great Hall?”
You shrugged, “Maybe.”
You watched blankly as Hiccup disappeared around the bend and unsurely made your way back to Snotlout.
“Who took a dump in his boot?” Snotlout griped.
You didn’t deign him with an answer. You weren’t sure how.
You quickly stumbled up the steps to the Great Hall, boots half filled with dirt and a hefty stick lodged down the back of your shirt.
You had lost track of time quickly, easily falling into quick banter and working hard at the promise of coins to spend down at the docks. When you had finally finished and Johannes had finally had the mind to let you leave without any hassle, the sky had already begun to darken and you had realized with a start that you were very, very late.
The sky now was past dark, going from orange to blue and black as you finally made your way up to the top before you were able to bend over and heave, breaths coming quick and heavy as you finished your sprint across the island.
When you finally had enough air to stand back up, you looked around, eyes scanning across half dead half alive grass, listening to the squeaking and chirping of bugs as they came out to explore the night.
“Huh,” You said finally, after a moment. It was empty. You were all too familiar with Hiccup’s penchant for getting dragged away by some task or other, a quest from his father or a want of Gothi or Gobber’s. 
Still, an amount of disappointment in yourself and the circumstance, as well as a small curl of guilt made itself known in your chest. You knew how it felt to be left waiting.
Against all odds, you tried not to let it consume you, though, sure that Hiccup had probably forgotten about it all anyways.
It had been a few days since you’d run up to an empty hall and you had hardly seen Hiccup around at all. If you didn’t know any better, you were sure you would have believed him to be avoiding you. 
You were sure you would see him around soon, though you couldn’t help but to worry.
As such, you became quickly aware of a shadow fastly approaching from your left, as it grew bigger and hovered above you momentarily before continuing forwards, heavy wingbeats blowing against your hair. 
When a quick glance back refused to bear any fruit, you turned your attention back to the bundle of Dragon Nip in your hand, dried and held together by a string which you hung above Snotlout as he shouted and grabbed for it.
You were kneeled over the large stone wall at the base of the hill on the way up the Chief’s hut, one hand clutching the wall as you bounced and dangled the string.
The usual Dragon Nip spots had been harvested to dirt, and Snotlout was too busy doing whatever he did on his lonesome to even search for seeds, not before it was too late.
“Hey!” Snotlout scowled as you stuck your tongue down at him, smiling benignly. You quite enjoyed looking down on him from above.
 You had low stamina but, as you found, with how lazy he had been getting flying everywhere on Hookfang, it was enough for you to just barely run circles around him.
“Hey, Hooks! Give me a hand!” 
Said dragon grumbled, laying behind him, head on his clawed wings, resting in the sun like a lazy, fat cat. 
His eyes were closed, though occasionally he’d snort amusedly and flick his tail, paying vague attention. His gaze might have been just as raptly kept on the grass if you hadn’t raked your hands just under his jaw earlier, dropping a few blades into his open maw, Snotlout none the wiser. So, at the moment, it seemed as if he was just pleasantly out of it, taking in the cool morning breeze.
You heard a thump before the familiar gurgle of Toothless, as he landed just behind Snotlout, stepping and hopping lightly as he landed. 
It was not soon after that that Hiccup dismounted, swinging his leg off Toothless and stumbling to his feet.
“Hiccup?” You asked, just as Snotlout let out his own annoyed exclamation.
“Urgh. Watch where you’re going!”
“Hey,” Hiccup said nasally, rubbing sticks and twigs out of his hair, before grumpily greeting Snotlout.
“Cool it, twinkle toes,” Snotlout didn’t fail to notice the bite in his tone, smearing and snarking back, “What do you want?
Hiccup glowered at him sourly.
You held back a laugh as you began your climb down the side of the top of the stone wall, Dragon Nip bundle still in hand. 
You jerked back as a branch from one of the bushes to your side caught on the side of your tunic and scowled to yourself, putting the Nip under your armpit as you fumbled with the branch, trying your hardest to undo it.
“Fishlegs is on his way over,” Hiccup mumbled under his breath irascibly, as you trotted up to them.
Once free, you walked forward, noticing with glee how quickly Snotlout had turned his attention away from you, who was trying to move as quietly as possible.
“I didn’t catch that. Do you mind repeating it?” Snotlout jabbed smugly.
“Fishlegs is on his way over!” You shouted loudly, laughing again as he jumped away, hands over his ears, no doubt nursing sore drums before turning his scowl onto you.
You turned towards Hiccup. He looked, in part, ruffled, eyes wide, lips quirked downwards though you found him no less charming and no less saddening as you did before, especially, as you were suddenly reminded, after you had left him waiting at the Great hall. 
You slumped slightly, brows cinching and lips turning down, about to mumble a sullen apology for the other day before you felt a heavy weight crash into your side. 
 Perhaps realizing you were now at his level, once you were turned away, Snotlout began to scramble for you.
You yelped as he grabbed for the bundle of Nip, shouting nonsensically and running around Hiccup, keeping close to his back and using him as a human shield.
“Give it to me!” Snotlout shouted, “You don’t even have a dragon!”
Hiccup stared at the two of you, brows furrowed disconcertingly the whole time, head swiveling in an effort to keep up, arms up in an effort to keep balance, nearly tripping over his own feet.
“No!” You scoffed, shouting back wheezily, knowing very well that if you didn’t give any to him, he’d have nothing for Hookfang for a good long while, “You snooze you lose.”
You startled as he feinted to Hiccup’s left, moving to his right. You ran the opposite direction, the two of you running circles around Hiccup.
“So what-” Hiccup panted, trying to keep up with you, who was already working up a sweat, trying to carry a bit-too-large basin in you arms, “What’s been going on between you and Snotlout?”
“What?” You shouted back, feet moving a bit too hurriedly for the load you kept wrapped in your arms. 
Your eyes trained on the top of the hill as it grew nearer, legs working furiously to meet your goal.
“You and- Snotlout-?”Hiccup asked, prosthetic giving him slight trouble as you stumble-ran across a large incline, little red with plants, grass, rocks, roots and budding bushes on the other side of the large bridge leading out from the village.
“What?” You asked back distractedly, again, “I can’t hear-Whatever you’re asking, the answer is probably ‘no!’”
“Really? Because I really, really-” 
You blocked him out slightly, though not on purpose, the effort you were already expending on working your legs and on keeping a bare grip on the smooth wood basin with sweaty palms making it difficult to pay attention.
You weren’t sure when Hiccup began tagging along, probably once you bridged the gap between the forest and, well, bridge. In all fairness, you were a bit too preoccupied to be sure.
You took a moment’s rest as you finally reached the top, surface plateauing and settling into a flat, open-ish only barely tree-ed plain. You walked past a set of trees into the grass, stopping by a shallow ditch filled with plants and bordered by roots.
Then, with a pitiful whine, you realized that you’d come the wrong way.
You heard there was a new outcropping of Dragon Nip on the other side of the island. You needed to get there before anyone else could harvest the spot dry, and before Snotlout could hear anything of it, so you rushed immediately to compensate. You hurried it up tenfold after the twins began putting in their own requests. So it wasn’t just you and Hookfang on the line.
You should have just told them to stick it. You grit your teeth with the realization, set now in your motivation to grab everything and not give them a bit. You’d sell it instead.
You turned, then, from the middle of the clearing, the head of your foot caught on a rock, causing you to stumble forward, into Hiccup.
“Son of a-”
The two of you grappled with the basin and with each other in an effort not to tumble, which ultimately ended in you losing your grip on it, sore and strained fingers twitching erratically as blood once again rushed through them.
You tried to go after the basin as he grasped your arm in a panic in an effort to keep steady, causing the two of you to fall, made all the worse by the subtle dip in the earth.
You hit your elbow as you fell, the world blurry and confusing until you came to a quick and dizzying stop, as if you’d been flipped.
It was a struggle, but you landed forwards, with your hands on both sides of Hiccup’s head. 
Sun filtered through the leaves, light landing gently on his face, framing one cheekbone and the other eye, lightly caressing the sides of your face, covering you like a soft, thin, weighted blanket.
In the short moment you took to glance down at him, he was mid-blink. His brows were up high, and the set of his mouth and jaw were lax.
 He looked stunned, most probably because of the weighty pressure of your torso against his gut and one knee pressed between his, the other on the outside of him, though you didn’t have much to take notice or to marvel, which was in part by design.
Why would you, when you knew for sure that this boy was one who wouldn’t marvel back?
Moments passed by in a hurry, a rush that should not have allowed you to even register a moment. The kind of rush of experiences and memories made to meshed and flow like a stone tumbling along a river, ephemeral and summed up by the emotions you felt in that exact instant.
Of course, you realized that had you slowed down you might have imagined a world where this would have seemed, to you, to be a magical moment. Perhaps there was something special about it, though you didn’t have much of a mind to care for anything besides the nip and the awful soft -but brief- look in the eyes of the boy below you. It really was quite the beautiful day out.
“Come on, come on,” You startled, pushing off the ground and rolling over him, ignoring his soft grunt, rushing and scrambling for a hold against the hill, grabbing for grass as you scrambled out of the ditch, running after your basin as it cracked against stone and rolled all the way down the hill and back towards the cliffs.
As you ran off, half rolling again down the hill back into the forest, you left Hiccup, turned over on his side with furrowed brows. 
He pulled his hand, reaching to grab after you, back towards his middle, confused and startled tilt to his lips as he watched you go.
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serenefreakgeekao3 · 8 months
Fear of Falling
CHAPTER TWO [Masterlist]
Pairing: Hiccup x ftm!reader
Summary: You and Hiccup have begun to get closer- to something even resembling friendship. What happens, then, when complications get thrown into the mix? Complications namely being Hiccup’s close acquaintances, who seem a little too invested in getting to know you.
Tags: carpenter!reader, awkward!Hiccup, meeting friends, mutual pining
Warnings: slight bullying, mention of transphobia at the end of the chapter, tales of a bad family life (for reader)
Author’s Note: This is when the whole ftm thing comes into play! At the end of the chapter, reader tells Hiccup his life story, essentially, where reader was disowned by his family. If this will hurt you in any way, feel free to not read, or skip the final part after Hiccup receives his gift! Sorry for the sad backstory, but it’s only for a small section! (Also, sorry it took so long for me to post this part, but if you notice its literally like twice as long as my first part. Unintentional, but it felt weird to try to split it up into two chapters. It flows easier this way!)
Words: 12552
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“So where’s your dragon?”
The question catches you off guard, startling and turning to look at Hiccup’s curious face. It’s been a month since you claimed this land, and with the help of Hiccup and Skullgar your home is finally standing and all in one piece. You were settling in, moving furniture around until you felt comfortable with the positions and placing your few belongings in their proper places. It was a small hut, one story and one bedroom. A fireplace crackled on one side of the room, half of the building made into a nice living area while the other half almost resembled a shop. You had a long bar with stools, shelves for your tools, and currently sitting on the edge of the bar was the first piece you finished whittling. It wasn’t bad, actually. A little rough around the edges, but a small dragon- not based on any that you’ve seen for yourself, just carved from your imagination- that is big enough to fit in your hand sat there and watched over the whole proceeding.
“What?” You took too long to answer, but you didn’t know exactly what to say. You avoided the topic of the dragons for a long while- impressively, might you add, since dragons are apparently Hiccup’s lifeblood. You didn’t mind talking about them in a general sense, or hearing whatever happened in town. But if he was to ask about you flying, or where your dragon was, you were able to deftly change the subject. Maybe that’s why he decided to catch you off guard. He almost had a smug look about him, the kind of face that made you want to smush his cheeks together until he laughed.
“Your dragon. I sort of assumed that once your home was finished and the rest of the builders moved on- I don’t know, that maybe they’d be willing to settle down? I tried to make a nice nest outside for them, but I wasn’t sure about their size. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen them before.” Hiccup continued as if it’s the most obvious thing ever, to claim a dragon. To have a lifelong companion such as that. As if the thought of not having one was unimaginable.
“I don’t have one,” You mumbled, turning back toward the shelf to unnecessarily fidget with a vase you were given by Gobber. You spun it a few times, then realizing that did nothing you began to push it a tad to the left, then back to the right.
“What?” You have a talent for confusing Hiccup, that tone in his voice is practically familiar to you now. “What do you mean you don’t have one?”
“I mean that I don’t have one.” You nod, turning to look at him, eyebrows raised. “It’s not that uncommon you know.”
“No, but-” Hiccup breaks off, holding out a hand toward you. His confusion began to mix with worry. “What do you mean- but you live all the way out here?” You hadn’t heard anything more about this location being unsafe from Hiccup since that first day, and you had figured he’d just drop it. It’s not like it should matter much to him anyway.
“Yes, I know. I chose the spot.” You tried to laugh, but it came out more as an awkward chuckle. “You were there, y’know.”
“No- I mean, yes I know I was there but-” Hiccup turns frustrated, looking away from you and scanning the air as if it held an answer for him. He runs a hand through his hair, flopping it around on his head before he throws his hand back outward. “You live all the way on the outskirts! If something happened to you, no one in town would be able to know. No one would hear, there wouldn’t be anyone to- to come and-” He huffed again, grabbing his hair roughly. The entire time he speaks he seems almost to be arguing with himself in his head. “I know you can take care of yourself, but against a dragon?” He finally turns his face to you, with almost a look of desperation. “What if they tame a dragon and attack from above? Pick off the people on the outside first, you can’t fight a dragon and their rider by yourself! You can’t outrun a dragon! What would-”
“Hiccup,” You try to interrupt, having moved close enough to reach a hand out to press lightly against his arm. It still, miraculously, works somehow. “I’ll be okay.”
“But you need a dragon,” Hiccup whines out, practically pouting at you. “They- they mean so much-”
“I know you love all of the dragons here, Hiccup,” You begin, your voice quieting, “But not everyone feels so intrinsically tied to dragons like you. Not everyone can bond with them as easily as you.” You shrug, trying for a smile but probably missing the mark, “There hasn’t been one to find me yet.”
“Well, if they can’t find you then we can find them, come on!” He takes your hand and immediately tries to pull you to the door. In the few times he’s taken your hand, you’ve always followed. This is the first time that you hold your ground, unmoving. Hiccup doesn’t pull, or tug. He turns, confused at your reluctance.
“I don’t-” You take a breath, shaking your head, “If I go out looking for one and can’t find one I’ll just be disappointed and heartbroken. I’ve met every single dragon on this island at least once, whether they had a rider or not. None of them have taken to me, Hiccup.” You turn bashful, pulling your hand away and crossing your arms, pulling them close to you. “If there’s a dragon out there for me, they’ll find me.”
“That seems like a fantasy, [y/n]” Hiccup begins, shaking his head and closing the gap once more. “We can try.”
“It’s fine, Hiccup.” You repeat, looking up at him with a sad smile. “I’m used to being alone.”
You turn away after this, missing the complete devastation that crosses Hiccup’s face. He shakes his head, mouth working with nothing to come out. He doesn’t know what to say to that, unable to voice how he feels. He’s never been the best with words, always sketching or trying to express his feelings through flying. At that thought he calms, brain working a mile a minute as his eyes flicker back and forth, unseeing.
“Come flying with me.”
You turn, confused at the sudden outburst. By the time you see his face again, his attention is still focused entirely on you, a wide smile stretching across his face. He bounds the few feet toward you that you had moved away, taking both of your hands with glee. “Hiccup, I-” You begin, shaking your head, but he just interrupts.
“Come flying with me, [y/n]! It’ll be great! I know you don’t have a dragon to fly on, but we can both be on Toothless. It’s so amazing, please, you have to experience it!” You laugh at his enthusiasm, almost blown away by the force of it. With your laugh coloured in disbelief, you begin to shake your head.
“Hiccup, I just said I don’t want to go looking for a dragon-”
“This isn’t about that!” Hiccup tries to convince you, shaking your hands slightly. “Flying is-” His mouth works as he tries to find the words, shaking his head, “You just have to try it, at least once!” You laugh again, shaking your head.
“I did try it once.”
“What?” Hiccup ducks closer, and you feel your brain malfunction for a split second. Why does he have to be so close? Was he always this physical?
“I’ve flown once.” Hiccup looks adorably confused, so you continue your point. “During the move. I told you, I’m not new here, but I was new to the old Berk. I lived there a month before suddenly everyone was packing house and moving on their dragons. I was apprenticing under Skullgar and, once he found out I had no dragon and was planning to just sail away to find somewhere else to live, offered up Grimrar as a ride. His family planned to ride his wife’s dragon and use Grimrar to transport their possessions. There was a bit of room for me to squeeze in.”
Hiccup’s confused face was adorably scrunchy, you decided. “But, wait,” He leans back slightly, shaking his head. “Transporting things and transporting people require completely different saddles. That would’ve been extremely dangerous…” Hiccup trailed off, refusing to believe your story.
“No, that’s true. Grimrar had the transport saddle on his back, I was squeezed between a couple of boxes and kind of held on for dear life. It was the longest day of my life, actually. Felt like it, anyway.” You smile, able to laugh about it now that the soul-crushing fear is no longer gripping your heart.
“That-” Hiccup scoffs, shaking his head. “No, that’s not true flying.”
“Well, I was technically on a dragon, and that dragon was in the air. Very, very high in the air-”
“No, that’s just dangerous- anyone would be scared of that!” Hiccup pulled on your still-connected hands, looking into your eyes earnestly. “Let me take you flying. Toothless will be so gentle-”
“No, listen! It’s fantastic, [y/n]! It’s- it’s indescribable!”
“Hiccup, I’m afraid of it!” You sigh, shaking your head and pulling your hands back.
“Afraid of heights? But-”
“Afraid of falling, mind you.”
“You won’t fall!”
“You can’t promise that.” You turn once again, taking a new block of wood and the whittling knife that Hiccup gave you two months ago. Was it really only two months? You sat down on a stool in a huff, striking the first notch into the wood. Hiccup was quiet again, which honestly rarely happened now. You glance back up to see disappointment across his face, feeling a pang of guilt in your chest at the sight. “I’m sorry, Hiccup.”
“I can promise that if you fall we’ll catch you.” Hiccup’s voice was so serious, meaning every word he said. He took a step closer to you on your stool but maintained a proper distance still. The open window behind him framed him in an almost ethereal sunset-orange light. “Either Toothless, or me. We’ll catch you.” You felt hard-pressed not to believe him.
“That’d still require me to fall. Which is the part I’m scared of.” His shoulders fell at your insistence, glancing away from you and staring off into space. The room is filled with the sounds of your whittling and the fire crackling to the side, a comfortable silence only bellied by the discomfort of having to disappoint the guy you’re falling for. Hiccup turns and leans against the bar next to you, tapping his hands along it. The taps stop and you look up to see him fiddling with something in his hands just out of sight.
“Well,” He begins quietly, and you quickly lower your gaze back to your project. “If you ever change your mind, I’m always here.”
“You really are,” You begin to joke, smirking down at the slowly dwindling wood block in your hand. “Almost like I can’t get rid of you.” Hiccup laughs, thankfully, at your joke, not taking it too seriously.
“Well, just trying to shirk my chiefly duties, as you always say. Hide away from the clamouring.”
“Well, keep it up and they’ll know exactly where to find you. Then your point would be moot.”
“Not if we went flying together. Then they’d never be able to find us.” You feel your smile slipping, lifting your eyes once more to him. He was already staring back at you, determination set in his eyes. You’d only seen that once before, two months ago, and now you have a proper house to thank him for.
“They have tracking dragons,” You try to counter, smirking at him gently, “You trained them yourself, you know.” Hiccup lets the moment settle, half a minute of comforting silence between the two of you before turning away and sighing dramatically, throwing his arms out to the side.
“Woe be me! Forever and always, stuck as Chief and-”
The feminine yell startles you, jumping hard and turning to face your front door. You try to calm your racing heart, turning and placing the sharp knife down before you accidentally hurt yourself. Your door flies open with a slam, Astrid striding into your home with an air of determination and aggravation. She glares at you before stalking around your home, in search of the man who has suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from your side. “Where is he?”
“Who?” You play dumb, visibly roaming your eyes around the room. “I assume you’re not asking after me?”
“You know who I’m talking about,” Astrid grumbles, lifting a couch cushion and looking under it as if Hiccup could’ve possibly hidden there. She places it back down, pressing it back into place before moving on. Just as forcefully she yells his name again, causing you to jump once more before sighing loudly.
“Look, I can honestly say I have no clue where Hiccup is.” You raise your hands in defence, raising your eyebrows and shrugging toward her. She turns to you with the full force of her glare, one hand on her cocked hip.
“Uh-huh. And can you ‘honestly say’ you didn’t know where he was ten seconds before I marched into your house?” You hesitate, then shrug at this. “Yeah, thought so.” She starts looking up at the rafters, twisting around in search of him. “Where’s your stairs? Or ladder?”
“It’s one story, Astrid. You see everything-” You are cut off by her throwing open your bedroom door, sighing loudly. You place your elbows against the bar behind you, leaning back and waiting. By the time she comes back, closing the door behind her, she marches directly up to you.
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know, Astrid.” You repeat, sighing. “What’s wrong anyway?”
“Where could he have gone, if he was just here a second ago, hm? He has to be hiding somewhere.” She doesn’t bother to answer your question, looking around once more as if he’d suddenly spring into existence behind the potted plant you were given by Skullgar’s wife.
“I honestly don’t know Astrid, alright? We were talking one second, then you screamed louder than a Thunderdrum and by the time I turned around he was gone.” You huff, motioning toward the window, “If anything he could’ve just dove through the window and been halfway back to New Berk by now.” At this Astrid turns, inspecting the window as if it offended her before she sighs, turning to you with her hands on her hips.
“What do you want with Hiccup?” You raise your eyebrows, glancing around the room in confusion.
“I’m sorry?”
“Why do you keep hanging around Hiccup all the time? I’ve had to come pull him away from you fifty times in the last month! I don’t even think I’ve seen you before in my entire life until I found you with him.” She walks closer, narrowing her eyes. “I swear to Thor if you’re a spy for those damn hunters, I’ll rip your throat out myself.” Your eyebrows continue to raise as she speaks, finally raising your hands up in defence.
“Hey, what? I don’t want anything from him! I just wanted to live my life peacefully, he’s the one who decided to take an interest in me.” She points at your chest, gearing up for another round, but you cut in quickly. “And I’m not a hunter! I swear it, I would never harm a dragon unless it was self-defence. And I never have! Hurt one before, I mean.”
“Then why don’t you have a dragon?”
“Because none of them chose me? I don’t know, ask them!” You huff an angry sigh, crossing your arms. “I’m not trying to go out and force them into liking me! Seems a bit inhumane.” She glares at you for a moment longer before backing up a few steps and crossing her arms in a mimic of you.
“Oh yeah? Then why does no one know who you are? Why hasn’t anyone heard of you before?”
“I don’t know?” You fold in on yourself, shaking your head. “Maybe you’re asking the wrong people? I don’t talk much and I keep to myself, usually. If you asked your little rider buddies, that’d be why none of them know me.” Astrid quietly takes this in, seeming to at least believe your words for the time being. “If you want someone likely to know me then ask any of the other carpenters; Odin willing, even ask Gobber! The man’s known me since my first steps onto the docks of the old Berk.”
“Gobber knows you?”
“Yes, Gobber knows me. He knows my whole story. I tried to apprentice under him, but he said he was full up. Introduced me to Skullgar instead.” Astrid remains quiet, eyeing me up. Eventually, she takes a step forward, threateningly pointing a finger toward you.
“Look, if you hurt him-”
“I’m not gonna’ hurt your boyfriend, Astrid.” You interrupt her, shaking your head as you turn away to grab your knife and whittling project once more, angrily taking a swipe at it. “I’d never do anything against my own Chief.” You miss the look of confusion on Astrid’s face, only hearing it in her reply.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You glance up toward her with disbelief, taking another angry slice of wood. “Is that what he said?”
“Sorry then, your ‘husband’ I guess. We don’t talk about you. Or any of his Chief stuff. He just comes to me to-” You huff, shaking your head and looking up at her. “I don’t know why he comes here, ok? Ask him. I’m sorry if it pokes a hole in all of your little plans, but-”
“He’s not mine in any way,” Astrid repeats, crossing her arms. “And if he’s given you that impression then that’s another reason to kick his ass.”
“There’s been no impression-giving of any kind, at least not from him.” You look back to your project, swiping again. “I don’t know anything that happens around here, I just hear rumours.”
“Who-” Astrid is interrupted by three sharp knocks on your front door, and you glance up to see Hiccup standing in the still-open doorway, leaning slightly more to one side and giving an awful impression of a smile.
“Wow! Astrid! Didn’t expect to see you here!” He laughs awkwardly, as if forcing the sound out of his mouth is a struggle. “I was just coming to ask [y/n] here a couple of construction questions. For tomorrow’s workload. You know, Chief things.” He does that awkward laugh again, his eyes bouncing to you for a few seconds before forcing himself to look directly at Astrid. She’s now turned toward him with her glare and her crossed arms, unimpressed.
“Uh-huh. And just where were you, then?”
“I was out. Y’know, in Berk. Wandering around. Doing… Chiefly things.” He stumbles over his answer, shifting his weight from foot to foot. You felt your shoulders slowly relaxing with the spotlight no longer being on you.
“Oh, really? So you talked to Gobber then?”
“Oh, yeah! Of course! I totally did that!”
“So what did he need done then, Hiccup?” You look up to see Hiccup’s eyes widen in fright, his mouth working for an answer that his brain wasn’t providing.
“Look,” You call out to them, feeling uneasy with both sets of eyes suddenly turning toward you. “Not that I don’t thoroughly enjoy the company, but if you’re going to argue about things I shouldn’t be privy to know, perhaps you should take this back to Berk?”
“Good idea,” Astrid mumbles, striding forward and roughly taking hold of Hiccup by the bicep, beginning to pull him out. He leaves his attention on you, even as he’s dragged backwards, and he throws a smile your way that shocks the breath out of you. He mouths out the words ‘Thank you’ before bumping his head against the door accidentally. He turns with a yelp of pain, rubbing the back of his head before remembering to grab your door and close it behind the both of them.
It takes a while of sitting on that stool, whittling to your heart's content, before you finally manage to unwind the knot that Astrid had wound up inside of you. You always figured Hiccup’s constant attention on you would lead to some bad news, but you weren’t prepared for his girlfriend- or, rather, his second-in-command to charge into your new home demanding answers you didn’t have. And what was about that? Why was she so adamant that they weren’t together? You thought it was a known thing, something inarguably certain among the Vikings here. Wasn’t Hiccup being pressured to marry before the whole town decided to pack up and move?
You shake your head, trying your best to dispel the thoughts of Astrid and Hiccup from your brain. Surely there’s something here to distract yourself with. You turn toward the bar, reaching to grab your little whittled dragon when you notice instead its disappearance. Checking the floor around the bar, you can't seem to find it. Well, it's gotta be around here somewhere, right?
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“You think that’s him?”
You pulled back your hammer, taking in a breath and letting it fly down onto the nail. You were currently helping build the leatherworking shop that Hiccup would most likely take over, nailing boards to the floor. You hadn’t bent a single nail yet this day- a new record! You just hope you can keep it that way.
“Shh, your obnoxious voice is gonna’ give us away!”
“If anyone’s voice is obnoxious it’s yours!”
You could hear some whispered bickering behind you, but you knew it wasn’t aimed toward you. The voices sounded eerily similar, though differing slightly in pitch. You couldn’t quite place them. You pull another nail from the collection hanging between your lips for easy access, holding it in place and taking another swing downward. Another success.
“But how do we know it’s actually him, though?”
“I don’t know, he’s our age and looks handsome enough. That’s what Hiccup said right?”
You almost drop the spare nails, saving yourself from choking on a surprise cough at the mention of Hiccup. Curiosity begins to burn in your stomach, but you can do this. Not everything you do has to be centered around that man. (As if you weren’t currently helping to build his shop- but that didn’t count, you were assigned to be here… Out of the three choices that Skullgar gave you.)
“Is he handsome? I can’t really tell, nothing compares to my beauty.”
“Keep telling yourself that, troll snot.”
“Ow, hey!”
You heard a bit of a scuffle behind you, sucking in a deep breath through your nose and placing the second-to-last nail against the floorboard. Did these people really think they were being quiet? Who were they talking about, saying Hiccup found someone handsome?
“Shhh!” One whisper yelled toward the other, stumbling being heard as one fell to the floor. “You’re going to give away our position!”
“You’re the one who punched me first!”
“We’re on a mission, get it together!”
The last nail is held in place- just hammer this one in and you have the perfect excuse to turn around and peek at whoever is making a ruckus behind you. You lift the hammer, ready to slam it down-
“What was his name again, [y/n]?”
You miss your mark, slamming the hammer down onto the side of your hand instead of the nail, yelping out in pain and dropping the hammer in shock. You shake your hand out, turning immediately to look behind you for the source of your name. Unexpectedly, you spy a couple people around your age that you know to be of the same group of dragon riders that go out on rescue missions with Hiccup sometimes. They look similar- you were mostly sure they were twins- with blonde hair and blue eyes that were set wide and locked directly onto you. The three of you stared at each other for a few beats too long before they both ducked at the same time, trying to hide behind the foundation of the building you were currently kneeling on. You shake your head in confusion, calling out a soft, “Hello? Can I help you?”
“I told you you were too loud-”
“Shut it!”
“Hey,” You call out again, raising your voice slightly to talk over their bickering, “I can hear you, you know.” You watch as they both slowly raise their heads back up, peaking at you over the floorboards. “You said my name?”
“Well,” The boy began, placing a hand on the floor and hoisting himself up to your level, “We’ve heard a lot about you.” He walks over to where you still knelt down, plopping down next to you and raising an arm to rest against your shoulder. “There’s only so much you can hear about a guy you don’t know before you go mad.”
“Mad with curiosity,” The girl huffed, climbing up onto the floor herself and plopping down in front of you. You lean away from the guy next to you, causing his arm to fall off your shoulder as you look uncertainly between them.
“Someone’s been talking about me?”
“Yeah, Hiccup can’t shut up about you,” The guy insists, and you slowly lower yourself to a sitting position instead of kneeling, getting a bit more comfortable. The girl chimes in, waving her hand around with emphasis.
“Well, technically Astrid brought you up first. She kept asking him about you, then asked us if we knew you-”
“Which we didn’t-”
“But once everyone began to find out that Hiccup’s little hideaway was with you-”
“We thought he kept going out flying with Toothless again-”
“Then he began to get a lot more vocal about you.”
“How skilful you are at carving, how you were homeless and that was just ‘unacceptable’!” The girl snorted a laugh at her brother mimicking Hiccup's voice on the last word, nodding along.
“At least he hadn’t lied about your looks though,” The girl continued, wiggling her eyebrows toward you. Unconsciously you began to lean slightly backward, tilting your head at the two. You finally found your voice, talking slowly and trying to understand the constant back-and-forth.
“I think you have me confused with someone else.”
“Oh?” The guy begins with a grin, leaning close into your space, “Is there another carpenter around here that’s our age and goes by the name [y/n]?” You feel your cheeks begin to heat up, looking between the two.
“I feel like I’m at a disadvantage,” You begin, slowly once again. “You both seem to know so much about me and I don’t even know your names.”
“Tuffnut,” The guy blurted out, finally leaning back away from your personal space, placing his hands behind him to prop himself up.
“Ruffnut,” The girl followed up, pointing at herself. She still had a crazy sort of grin on, and you wondered if that was her attempt at being friendly? Or flirting? Either way, she completely missed the mark as you just grew more and more uncomfortable.
“Right,” You begin, looking uneasily between the two of them. “You are the dragon riders that Hiccup goes out with sometimes, right?”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Tuffnut interjects, pointing a finger at you. “We're security here. We take regular patrols, keep an eye out for the baddies.”
“Everyone keeps an eye out for baddies, Tuffnut,” Ruffnut sighs hopelessly at her brother, then turns her attention back to you with a grin, placing her hands in front of her and scooting herself closer. “We don't have big, strong jobs like yours.” She bats her eyelashes at you, and before you know it you feel yourself scrambling to stand, backing away from them both.
“Alright, well it's been great, but-”
“What? Where are you going so fast?” Ruffnut asks, trying to pout at you. You just shake your head, bending over to grab your hammer and place it in the loop on your apron.
“Work- Uh, carpentry things, y'know.” You take a few steps back, watching Tuffnut stroke his braids like a beard, and Ruffnut huff as if irritated. You throw a hand up, your thumb pointing behind you. “Gotta’ get the… The wood-” Unable to find any words to properly explain your exit, you just give up, turning and walking away from the two.
What in Odin’s name just happened…?
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It's certainly peaceful here, you think to yourself. You're walking along the cliff's edge, but far enough away that the drop doesn't send you into a panic. You hear birds chirping, the trills of content dragons, and a low murmuring of people going about their daily lives. You aren't too close to the town, but you could still see it where you stood.
You hadn't seen Hiccup for about a week now, which felt a little weird. It had gotten to a point that he came to visit you daily, so now bereft of his company, you felt a pang of loneliness. It was fine though, you were sure he was doing something important.
You are taking one of your small daily breaks, just taking a peaceful stroll and people-watching. You turn to look at the horizon, water as far as the eye could see.
You gasp loudly and stumble back as a ball of fire is suddenly hurtling at top speeds, upward from below the cliff. You fall onto your butt, looking up with wide eyes as the fire begins to hover in the air in front of you. Not a ball of fire- a dragon, coated completely in it. The dragon shakes violently and the fire subsides, leaving the bright red scales and long neck of a Monstrous Nightmare.
Then you notice the man sitting on its back, who suddenly calls down to you.
“You think you're tough, huh?”
You press a hand to your chest, trying to calm your racing heart. You suck in a deep breath, shaking your head at him. You push yourself to stand just as the dragon flies over the cliff, landing down and lowering its head for the man to climb down. You look up- no, down, at this man. He was… kinda short?
“I heard you're a tough guy,” The man continues, taking a few steps forward to poke his finger at your chest. “Well, sucks to be you, ‘cause I'm the toughest guy here.”
“O-kay?” You say, or question, drawing out the vowels. You scrunch your eyebrows together, looking the man up and down. “I'm sorry, do I know you?”
“You should!” He calls out, pressing his fists against his sides. “‘Cause if Hiccup ever fails at being Chief, then I'm going to be the one stepping up to the plate!”
“But,” You hesitate, unsure if you want to argue your point.
“But what?” He shoots back immediately, eyes widened at you. “You think I can't do it?”
“It's not that,” You trail off, tilting your head curiously. “But, wouldn't Astrid step up to be Chief then? Or even Hiccup's mother? I've heard she's around here somewhere.”
“I'll let you know, Valka is actually one hundred percent on board with me being Chief! She loves me!” You purse your lips at this, feeling like it's inaccurate but unable to argue it.
“Alright, well.” You take a small step back, just trying to gain some distance between you and the small man. “It's a good thing I met you then if you'll be Chief someday.” You just play into his antics, hoping his aggression would die down.
“Snotlout!” He yells out, and you flinch at the volume so close to the man.
“Uh, bless you?” You scratch the back of your head, confused.
“No, it's- Ugh, it's my name!” He takes a step forward, closing the distance once again to poke your chest once more. “And you better remember it!” You raise your hands placatingly, nodding your head.
“Of course, yeah, no problem, big guy.” You watch a pleased grin stretch across his face before hearing your name called out behind you. You've never been so grateful for Skullgar than in that moment. “Oh, looks like I'm being called to work. I'll, uh, see you around?” Without waiting for a reply, you spin and start a light jog back to the work area. You hear one last thing from Snotlout, yelling as you gain distance.
“You owe me an arm wrestle!”
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You approach slowly, both hands up and in front of you; one holding a sponge frothing with soap, the other a wet washcloth. You take careful steps- this time, anyway, since normal steps apparently didn't work last time- and try to close the distance between the sponge and Grimrar. The dragon eyed you suspiciously, his giant body coated in a purple dust that causes him to sneeze once more.
“Now, just hold still. This will only take a second…” You trail off, taking another step closer before Grimrar’s eyes widen, kicking off the ground and bucking around wildly. You try to dodge an errand wing, windmilling your arms to try to catch yourself before suddenly you fall onto your backside, groaning.
“Why did Skullgar think this was a good idea…?” You complain under your breath, inspecting your arms and wiping some of that purple dust off of you.
“I think you'll have a lot better luck if you approach from the front.” A kind voice startles you, so it takes a few moments for the words to sink in. You turn to see a rather portly Viking, blond-haired and smiling. He was currently leaning forward against Skullgar’s fenceline, looking between you and the dragon.
“Uh, sorry?” You ask, standing and holding the wet sponge and washcloth out, away from your clothes.
“Grimrar, there. If you wanna’ catch him by surprise, it'd be better to approach directly from the front. A blind spot, y'know? Because his eyes are on the side of his head.” The man moves his hands to either side of his head as an indication, and you turn to take a better look at the dragon for yourself.
“Huh,” You huff out, nodding back toward him. “That's really smart- and helpful. Thank you.” You nod toward him, looking back to Grimrar as you try to circle around. Unsurprisingly, he's grown wary and suspicious of you, turning his head to keep you in his eyeline. “Well, that can't be helped I guess.” You huff again, kneeling down into a crouch to take stock of the situation.
“By the way, the name's Fishlegs,” The kind man continues, hopping the fence and beginning to take slow but confident steps toward Grimrar. “I'm one of Hiccup's friends.” I groan, just barely catching myself from facepalming into the sponge in my hand. Huffing, I stand and look toward him warily.
“You're not here to threaten me, are you?” I ask hesitantly, moving back toward the bucket to dip the sponge back in. “Or flirt? One of them did that too.”
“Probably Ruffnut,” Fishlegs guessed accurately, “She's a bit of a wild card. I wouldn't be too worried about her, though, her main focus is on Eret, ‘son of Eret.’” He's now right next to Grimrar, and to your delight, the dragon hasn't bucked once. Fishlegs reaches up, petting the top of its snout before reaching under with the other hand to give scritches to its chin. You're unsure what you've just watched, but Grimrar enjoyed the petting so much that he shook himself down into a puddle on the ground, completely relaxed. “There you go should be good to go.” He dusts his hands of the purple powdered stuff, looking at you with another smile. “And no, not here to threaten. Just trying to help.”
You can't help the pleased smile that crosses your face, moving up next to Fishlegs. Grimrar doesn't move from his splayed-out position, even once you place the sponge against his scales. “Well thank you,” You nod to him with a genuine smile, taking up your task with renewed vigour. “What's with all of you dragon riders wanting to meet me so bad?”
“Oh, no,” Fishlegs tries to correct, raising his hands. “I wasn't trying to follow you around or anything. I live right across from Skullgar down that way,” He makes a gesture, and you take a quick glance before refocusing on the dragon. “I was heading down to the Hall when I saw you struggling, just figured I'd offer some friendly help.”
“Well it's certainly appreciated, thank you.” You smile back at him, moving away to grab your bucket of soapy water, heaving it over closer to the dragon. You dip the sponge, continuing your work on the other side.
“But,” Fishlegs continues, and you glance over with raised eyebrows. “I think the reason you're being hounded with all of us is likely Hiccup's fault.” I blush slightly, turning my attention back toward the dragon, trying to play it off. Fishlegs continues, but you swear you could hear a smile in his voice. “Once Astrid found out where he keeps running off to, Hiccup couldn't stop talking about you. House designs, carpentry ideas- he even gushed about the fact that you knew next to nothing about dragons. This would normally seem like a bad thing to someone as obsessed with dragons as Hiccup, but he enjoyed being able to teach you everything about them. Something about how your ‘curiosity is insatiable,’ and how your ‘eyes light up as bright as dragon’s fire' when you hear about something you like.”
By the end of his long tirade, you felt both embarrassed but strangely pleased. There was so much to unpack about everything you just heard- but not while covered in purple dust.
“That's… Very interesting,” You struggle to find the right words, settling just for that. You finish washing the face of the dragon gently, checking over him to make sure you got every scale. “I think the twins said something similar.”
“Well, that makes sense. They do complain the most when it comes to Hiccup’s raving.” You huff a laugh under your breath, finally dropping the sponge and washcloth into the bucket and taking a look at yourself.
“And as much as I'm enjoying this conversation, I should really go get cleaned up.” You smile toward Fishlegs, giving an awkward wave.
“Sure, see ya’ around!” He does a quick wave in return, turning to continue his way toward the Great Hall. You huff in frustration, looking back down at yourself. ‘This purple pollen is gonna’ take forever to get off of my clothes!’
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Hiccup was back! He had been away for close to a month on some sort of scouting mission, according to the rumours. You could’ve just asked to make sure, but you felt hesitant in doing so. They would’ve asked why you wanted to know, and you didn’t have a good answer besides, ‘I miss him,’ so you decided to instead pretend as if everything was fine. And it was fine! You obviously could withstand a month away from your crush.
You only knew Hiccup was back because Toothless had flown right over your home as you were about to enter inside, finished with your day of work. They were a black blur above you, but the call of the Night Fury was unmistakable, and you turned to watch them fly toward the town before vanishing among the trees. You bite your lip, holding back a smile. If he was back, does that mean he would visit? You were excited to see him but didn’t know when that would be. If he was going into town, then it couldn’t hurt to visit him for once? He had always kept inviting you to the Great Hall anyway, what hurt could that do?
You leave your home without even entering it, turning and making your way back to the town. You jogged some of the distance, trying to tell yourself to temper your expectations. He might be busy, unavailable for you to pester. Or, he could be wandering around to tell everyone he was back and would be excited to see you. You pulled in a deep breath at that daydream, trying to push it away. Whatever happens, it’ll be fine. If Hiccup was busy, you could just go to the Great Hall for some dinner.
You finally exit the copse of trees between your house and the town, walking into the darkly lit area. Dragons mulled around in some places, casting large shadows across the ground and staring at you wearily. A few other people were walking through the town, though you expected they were all just trying to make it home themselves. You’re finally closing in on the Great Hall, hearing a ruckus of laughter and cheering from inside. Toothless sat outside the building, grooming himself before glancing up to look directly at you.
You freeze midstep, your eyes growing wider as Toothless stares at you. You’re unsure what to do, having never actually met the dragon before, personally. It was just the two of you out here- the sounds of your fellow Vikings just inside the big door, out of reach- and you felt more vulnerable than most other times in your life. This was one of, if not the, deadliest dragon known to man. And he was staring at you with wide green eyes as if determining your worth for himself. Finally, after a few minutes, Toothless turns away and resumes his previous task.
You couldn’t help the large sigh of relief you let out, slowly inching your way closer to the door. Toothless made no more moves to acknowledge you, and you felt relieved by it. Pushing into the Great Hall, you hadn’t seen everyone so lively in such a long time. Though granted, you hadn’t been here for every other end of the day, when the Vikings were finally able to let off a little steam. Most of the older ones were drinking, but you finally spied a table farther in the back, surrounded by all of Hiccup’s friends you had just recently met. The twins, Snoutlout, Fishlegs, and even Astrid sat in a circle around the table, laughing loudly and talking amongst themselves.
It is when Fishlegs stands, pushing away from the table and walking to a nearby buffet that you see him. Hiccup is sitting between Fishlegs’ empty seat and Astrid, laughing and shaking his head toward the twins as they begin to wrestle around, likely in some sort of disagreement. He is holding a cup out, moving to take a drink from it when his eyes scan the room, settling on you. You can see his eyes widen slightly before he slams his cup onto the table, the liquid inside splashing up and over the rim of the cup. You laugh and begin to approach as you watch him look down with surprise, then begin to stutter an apology toward Astrid, who had unfortunately been caught in the crossfire. That glare you knew so well was back on her face, though it seemed contrasted with a grudging familiarity and acceptance of Hiccup’s antics.
You hear a barely-there, “Excuse me one second,” From Hiccup before he spins and moves to make his way to you. Except, in the time it took him to clean his spill and apologize, you had closed most of the distance already. So, he spins and moves to step forward, then tries to catch himself as he notices you are already right behind him. His arms windmill, and you reach out to grasp his hip to keep him from falling over.
“Hey, there. Going somewhere?” You ask, with a smile, forgetting to remove your hand right away. You could see a blush lighting up his cheeks, but it was likely from the alcohol he was drinking, not anything you were doing. If he even was drinking alcohol.
“No,” Hiccup stutters out, clearing his throat and standing straighter. You realise where your hand is with his movement, and quickly pull it back to your side. He smiles, taking a small step forward to lean into your space. “I saw you come in! You’re finally here, you’re actually taking me up on my offer?”
“To have dinner in the public eating house?” You chuckle, trying to make a joke, and Hiccup shakes his head with his big smile.
“To eat here and share my table. I can introduce you-”
“Oh, he knows us!” You turn at the loud voice, finally noticing that every person at the table- including Fishlegs, who returned with a massive pile of food for the center of the table- was watching both you and Hiccup with varying emotions across their faces. Astrid and Ruffnut looked annoyed, Fishlegs pleased, meanwhile, Tuffnut and Snoutlout looked almost mischievous, with wide smiles. You realize it was Tuffnut who had called out, crossing his arms and leaning back.
“He does?” Hiccup asked slowly, his eyebrows raising, accompanying a look that almost portrayed fear. But why would he be afraid of that?
“Sure does!” Tuffnut answers and Ruffnut stands suddenly, pushing her brother’s head before moving to sit next to Astrid. The two girls lean in close together, whispering. Fishlegs continued to look on with a pleased expression, nodding as he reached for a large hunk of meat.
“Yeah, he met all of us over time while you were gone.” Fishlegs agreed, and you laughed nervously.
“Uh, yeah, actually,” You agree, turning your attention back toward Hiccup. He looks like he doesn’t know what to say, so you proceed to explain. “There was Astrid that day that she was looking for you. But then Ruffnut and Tuffnut found me working a few days later. Snotlout was on the back of his dragon and was flying by when he noticed me.” I smile toward Fishlegs, waving my hand in his direction. “And Fishlegs actually helped out a lot with one of the tasks Skullgar gave me the other day.”
“Oh! That's,” Hiccup hesitates, looking between you and the table before nodding, “Yeah, that’s good.” He doesn’t sound too confident in his words, but you nod along anyway. “I was actually going to introduce them to you! At- uh, at some point.”
“Sure you were, Hiccup,” Tuffnut called out, much too loud in your opinion.
“Wha-” Hiccup hesitates, looking unsure of himself. “Why don’t you take a seat?” Hiccup moves toward the table quickly, pulling out the only chair left- between Fishlegs and Tuffnut. He gestures to it with a smile before hopping delicately over to his seat, on the other side of Fishlegs. You sit down, reaching toward the middle to grab something small you could pretend to eat, just for something to do. Tuffnut immediately leans in close to you, invading your personal space.
“So, tell us about yourself [y/n], we’re all dying to hear.” You hesitate, then look up to the rest of the table staring at you still. Hiccup also scans the table, noticing the same with a wince and a sympathetic look toward you.
“Oh, well,” You hesitate, placing your food down on the table gently. “I just moved to Berk recently- right before the whole town moved actually.”
“Well, we know that,” Snotlout complains, leaning forward over the table. With how much of his chest you could see hanging over the table, you couldn’t help but wonder if he was standing on his chair to appear taller. “Hiccup told us that one already. Tell us something new!”
“Yeah, where are you from, anyway?” Tuffnut asks, still leaning into your space. You look quickly toward Hiccup and Fishlegs, both of whom have their eyebrows pulled together, cringing at their friends’ questions.
“Oh, I’m from, uh,” You hesitate, moving your gaze toward the table and idly playing with your food. “Just, somewhere pretty far away. I rode on a boat- well, a few boats. It took weeks before I finally found somewhere I felt safe enough to call home.” The table around you was quiet, contrasted by the reverberating crowd surrounding the group of you in the Great Hall. Cheers and calls were being thrown around, too loud and too many to distinguish any of the crowd’s words in the background. It was Ruffnut who broke the silence of your table.
“Well, that’s extremely unspecific of you.” She crosses her arms, disappointment clear across her face. You could only shrug, picking your food back up. Astrid’s voice across the table startles you, unaware that she has been listening.
“She’s right. It was. Why don’t you tell us the name of where you’re from?”
“Astrid,” Hiccup interrupts quietly, raising a hand to her arm with an expression that was clearly asking her to stop. She only tugs her arm away from him, standing and placing her hands on the table in front of her, leaning closer to you.
“No, I want to know. Why won’t you tell anyone where you’re from? Got something to hide, [y/n]? Planning something you don’t want us to find out about?” Her glare is back, which really is the only expression you recognize on her now. Her laughter from earlier had seemed awkward to you, but you had preferred that over this. She was questioning you again, but now in front of all of her friends. And Hiccup. He looked horrified up at Astrid, but he wasn’t stopping her.
“I-” You begin before Fishlegs reaches out to press a hand to your arm. You look at him to see a hard expression on his face, looking directly at Astrid.
“Leave him alone,” His voice is so contrasted to what you are used to- that kind and soft voice replaced by something cold and hard. “You’re better than this, Astrid.”
“I’m just asking-” Astrid throws her hands out, changing the target of her glare.
“No, you're interrogating.” Fishlegs removes his hand from you, and you can’t help feeling a pounding in your chest similar to adrenaline. “He lives in Berk, with us. He’s not evil, he’s not plotting anything, and he certainly isn’t causing a scene like you are.” You are surprised at the strength he exhibits, watching him with new eyes. You could see Astrid’s shoulders slumping. It takes her a bit of incoherent stammering, but she eventually rests her eyes on you again.
“I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.” She sits back down slowly, Ruffnut reaching out to rub her back. Your heart was still hammering, but you felt like you had to say something.
“I ran away from home.” Well, that certainly was not something you should’ve said. Every single head turns toward you, everyone but Fishlegs leaning forward over the table to get closer, to hear anything else. “To, uh,” You stutter slightly at the attention, feeling a blush heat up your cheeks. “To answer your question. That’s why I don’t want to say where I’m from.”
The lot of them lean back slowly, realizing they aren’t going to get a story after all. You let out a soft breath as Astrid nods, and you can see her expression opening slightly as if she is beginning to finally trust you. You aren’t sure how you feel about that, but you figure it couldn’t hurt. You finally let your eyes roam back to Hiccup, who once again has a pinched expression and seems antsy, staring between you and the door to the Great Hall. You wondered if he wished the both of you were alone together once again- just like you were wishing for.
“Bet you wished you ran away from home,” Tuffnut called over the table toward his sister, a sinister smirk stretching across his face. Ruffnut groans, calling out her own answer back about how she’d rather he ran away so she could have their dragon for herself, and the rest of them broke into laughter. The conversation naturally progressed, and it was like you had a front-row seat to Hiccup interacting with his friends. It was different, seeing him in a setting that wasn’t just the two of you, or out in town performing as Chief. He was just a guy here, sitting with his friends and enjoying the night. It was nice, to see this side of him.
The common thread of every conversation was the same: dragons. Each one had their own dragon (although the twins shared one with differing names), and each dragon had its own behaviours and personalities that caused clashes with not just each other, but with other dragons and its own rider as well. You thought they all were living happily ever after with their dragon, but it was almost as if every single one of them had an oppressive roommate who treated them like pets instead of the other way around.
Currently, Astrid was going on about her dragon, Stormfly, who had been pouting in her backyard for the last two days, refusing to fly, all because Astrid had forbidden him from eating her next-door neighbour’s lamb. She’s whining, and the table is commiserating, trying to come up with some sort of plan to fix the situation.
“I still think you should just feed him a lamb.”
“Tuffnut!” Astrid called out, reaching over to smack him in the head, “I just said I don’t want to kill my neighbour’s lamb! He just got it, and I want to be a good neighbour!”
“Not his lamb!” Tuffnut argues, jumping up and away from the table, dancing out of reach. “Just any lamb! Buy one and feed her that!”
“No,” Hiccup warns, shaking his head with an amused smile, “That’s setting a dangerous precedent. Soon, all she’ll agree to eat will be lambs. Then the other dragons will get jealous, and before we know it we won’t have any of them left. That’s why I put those feeding rules in place, we have to be careful.” He explains this like it's only natural, the easiest thing in the world, and reaches down for another bite. You shift in your seat slightly, watching him. He seems so… adult. He’s not fumbling his words or awkwardly tripping over; he has a confidence with his friends that makes you almost jealous, but mainly just curious, like you couldn’t help but want to see more.
“Well, then I’m out of ideas!” Tuffnut threw his hands in the air in defeat, and everyone at the table laughed. You glanced around, feeling slightly out of place during these conversations. The only dragon info you really had was what Hiccup had supplied to you. Tuffnut plops back into his seat with a huff, shaking his head. “How do you get a dragon to stop eating lamb?”
“You spike it with something gross?” You throw out, causing both Astrid and Hiccup to whip their gazes onto you.
“What do you mean?” Astrid asks, leaning forward and resting her arms on the table. You shrug, thinking out loud.
“I mean, if I had something I was eating, that suddenly tasted like the grossest thing in the world, then I don’t think I’d end up craving that food anymore.” You hesitate at their stares, shrugging again, “Personally, anyway.”
“Well, how would we even do that, though?” Astrid asks, genuinely curious. Hiccup puts his food down, watching you with intention. You can’t tell what’s running through his head, but you were just hoping not to make a fool of yourself.
“Well, do dragons eat dead things? Or just hunt for living creatures to eat?” You purse your lips in thought, looking up to escape the sight of everyone watching you. Tuffnut begins to laugh but stops once Ruffnut elbows him harshly.
“They eat dead creatures, yeah. We’ve been trying to train them out of hunting, at least while they’re at the village, so they mostly eat things we’ve prepared for them.” Hiccup answers, smiling toward you with encouragement. You nod, then pick up your food, gesturing with it as you speak.
“Well, then, stick an eel inside a sheep.” You take a bite, looking around at the confusion on everyone’s faces. “Like, chop it up and stuff the inside with it?”
“Stick an eel…” Ruffnut begins, with her twin following up,
“In a sheep…”
“That’s a brilliant idea!” Astrid calls out, and you watch in shock as a genuine smile spreads across her face, caused by you. You never thought you’d see the day.
“It really is,” Hiccup whispers breathlessly as he stares at you, so quiet you question whether he had actually said it or not. Fishlegs elbows Hiccup’s ribs, who in turn startles and looks down at the table, his face heating in a blush. You wondered what that was about, but felt pleased as the rest of the table began to congratulate you on your idea. Astrid shortly excused herself, calling out her need to execute this plan immediately.
No one else seemed ready to leave, even after they all finished eating. The Great Hall’s population was dwindling down slowly, but you felt warm, comfortable and safe among your new friends. And you couldn’t help it- you finally, truly believed they were your friends. They joked with you, including you in conversations even when you didn’t know most of the things they were talking about. Snotlout personally was a fan of telling you stories, gesturing largely with his hands and making a show of it. Fishlegs interrupted with corrections to the story or trivia bits, while the twins held responsibility for the comedic one-liners, inserting at points to make the table laugh again and again.
The fires were dying down and everyone seemed to be settling down, having quieter conversations with each other. No longer joining in, but enjoying their company, you pull out your little whittling project and set to work. It was Snotlout who noticed, bringing it up.
“You carving something over there, carpenter?” You look up to see all of them turn to look, Tuffnut leaning close to you to spy why you were holding under the table. You laugh, bringing it up for all of them to see. It was a sitting dragon, fashioned after Grimrar this time (as he was the one dragon you were most familiar with), with his front legs pulled together in front of him and wings spread out halfway. His details weren’t finished yet, but the general shape of the dragon was formed.
“Just a gift.” You smile, shrugging, setting the dragon on the table to test its weight. It took many tries to get it to stay upright and sitting evenly. But now it stood like a tiny idol or doll, staring blankly ahead.
“Oh,” Ruffnut drawls out, leaning her face close to the dragon to inspect it. “Which dragon is this?”
“It’s Grimrar!” Fishlegs calls out before you answer, reaching and snatching it off the table. “The wings are slightly smaller than his wingspan, and his snout is a little thinner, but you definitely have done a great job!” Fishlegs sets the dragon back on the table, looking at it again with a smile. You nod, agreeing that it was, as Fishlegs explains to the rest of them who exactly Grimrar was.
“Oh, you have to carve me one! Hookfang would be a perfect sculpture!” Snotloud called out, leaning across the table in excitement. “How big can you make it? As big as a house?”
“Don’t be unreasonable,” Ruffnut calls out, pushing Snotlout back down into his seat.
“Yeah, I don’t know if I could carve anything bigger than this,” You pick the project back up, waving it in emphasis. “But I’ll see what I can do? I can’t promise anything though.” At this, both of the twins begin scrambling toward you, begging for you to make one for them as well. They begin arguing with each other about the features that the idol should exhibit, both wanting emphasis on either head as the ‘better’ one. You just laugh, shaking your head and tuning them out as you move your attention back to your project. Now that they knew of it, you figured you’d better finish the details quickly and give it to Skullgar before he hears about it from someone else.
The night finally draws to a close as Snotlout begins snoring on the table, the rest of your friends finally standing and moving to the exit. Everyone seems tired, Hiccup especially, and you know you’re going to regret how long you stayed up when it comes to work tomorrow. Although, you were due for a day off at some point. Surely it’d be fine if you slept in tomorrow. Everyone said their goodbyes at the doors to the Great Hall, Toothless sleeping in a ball nearby. Hearing Hiccup’s voice, he begins to stretch and stand, leisurely making his way closer to Hiccup. As you turn to leave, a hand on your arm stops you.
“Hey, why don’t I walk you back?” You turn to see Hiccup’s eyes- a simmering juniper colour in this low lighting. The night was dark, and there was only one torch on the wall nearby. You hesitate, remembering how tired he was.
“I’ll be ok Hiccup, you go get some sleep.” He just shakes his head, taking a step closer.
“Please?” This causes you to pause, watching his eyes and wondering if you’re really reading desperation in them. “It’s a long walk through the forest, I don’t know if I’d be able to sleep without knowing you made it home safely.” Your eyes glance away from him, scanning his retreating friends in the distance.
“But what about the rest of your friends? Not worried about them?”
“They live in town,” Hiccup argues, sounding uninterested in them, “And they have dragons.”
“Sure,” You agree, unwilling to argue with him further. You knew you just craved more of his attention, having not seen him in so long and being surrounded by people when you finally did. As you both begin to walk, you hear Toothless following behind you. Your shoulders become stiff over time, uncomfortable with an unknown dragon so close to your defenceless back.
But nothing happens. It is a quiet walk, and you move to carry a torch but Hiccup took it before you could so he was holding it up between you. The circle of light it gives off was eerie, almost like you both had your own little bubble away from the world. Well- the three of you, as Toothless slunk low to the ground behind you both. It was only when your house was coming into view that Hiccup finally spoke up.
“I’ve been arguing with myself all night, but I have to ask.” You turn to look, your eyebrows raised as he tries to give you an imploring smile. “Will you carve a little Toothless idol for me?” You see Toothless raise his head out of the corner of your eye, looking at you and tilting his head sideways.
“Oh,” You begin, laughing at the unexpected request. “Speaking of, I actually have something for you.” You watch his face get overtaken by surprise, quickly raising your hands. “Uh, not Toothless though. I carved something else. From memory. It’s probably not very good, actually-”
“I’d love to see it,” Hiccup interrupts your rambling, smiling brightly at you. You suddenly become nervous, those nerves growing the closer you get to your house.
“Ok, just,” You huff out a nervous breath, trying to smile for him, “Temper your expectations, I probably got a lot of it wrong.” You push open your door, wandering inside your house. It's a bit more messy than the last time he was here, but in a way that shows it's lived-in now. You move directly toward the shelf beside the bar, picking up the idol you just finished carving the other day. It was supposed to be Stoick the Vast, carved from your memory of that giant statue that had stood on the old Berk island. He was a rather large man, with a long beard, a small bull-horned helmet, and holding the handle of an axe with the head on the ground in front of his feet. You’d added details- curves in his beard, decorated armour, and bulging muscles.
You’d heard a lot about the previous Chief. You never met the man, but still had fierce respect for him. The stories told of him were grand and awe-inspiring. He was the Chief who had protected his town from dragon attacks. He had killed so many and protected so many others, it was no wonder there were so many stories to tell. But just as well, there were stories of him being gentle. Caring for a baby Hiccup and touring him all around Berk. Accepting Hiccup’s love for dragons in the end, and helping implement this new lifestyle, surrounded and loved by dragons until the end.
You hold it out toward Hiccup, avoiding his eyes as you move behind the bar, emptying your pockets onto the counter. Hiccup approaches the bar slowly, staring at the figure in his hand silently. He taps the bar with his other hand, curled into a fist, and you wonder if this was a bad idea. Then you hear a sniff. Hiccup looks up, tears clear in his eyes, and smiles sadly toward you.
“I don’t know how I could ever repay you.”
“Oh,” You begin, shaking your head, “You don’t have to. I just hope I remembered it correctly. He was your dad, wasn’t he?” Hiccup nods in response, looking back down to the figure and tracing the curves with his finger. He laughs softly, placing it on the bar upright.
“You should make one for yourself.” You tilt your head curiously, confused by his meaning. He continues, explaining, “You should carve your parents into one of these. So they can watch over you while you’re here.” Your face drops, immediately looking away from Hiccup. You feel restless and start walking around the bar and away from Hiccup.
“No,” You shake your head, moving to start tending to your fireplace. “That’s fine. I’d rather carve the dragons.”
“But,” Hiccup hesitates, looking between you and the gift he received. “I didn’t know how much I needed this until it was in my hand. Maybe you just don’t know-”
“Hiccup,” You interrupt, feeling your heart start to pound in your chest. “I’m so thankful you like the gift, but not everyone had close relations with their family like you did.” It is quiet behind you as Hiccup takes this in, and then you feel a hand touch your shoulder. It startles you since you hadn’t even heard him approach.
“I’m sorry,” He’s apologizing, and it sends a twinge of guilt through your stomach. You finally look away from the fire, up into his eyes. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” You sigh, taking his hand from your shoulder and pulling him toward a bench nearby. You sit down, and Hiccup quickly sits next to you. You could hear some sort of rustling outside, the bobbing head of Toothless out of the window seeming to have found something to entertain himself with.
“Don’t be sorry,” You whisper, pulling your attention away from the window and back to him. “You didn’t know.” He moves to interject, but you touch his hand again and he falls silent. “My relationship with my parents was never close, but,” You take a deep breath, staring into the fire. “They disowned me.”
“What?” You could spy Hiccup shaking his head in confusion out of the corner of your eye, but your attention was stuck to the fire, the image of those days playing out in your head. “Why?”
“Because I wasn’t what they wanted me to be.” You take another deep breath, turning to look into his eyes. “I was born with a girl’s body.” You watch his confusion dip even further, and you feel panic rising in your chest with every word that spills out. “I am a boy, as you and everyone else have noticed. But I grew up with the expectations from my family that I’d be a woman because I was born in this body.” You sigh, shaking your head and looking back toward the flickering flames. “They trained me as they would any of their children, teaching me how to defend myself and fight with a battleaxe. They taught me where to slice a dragon open to kill it with one hit, and how to lay traps that would capture anything that walked over it. They trained me, sure, but they never loved or cared for me.”
Hiccup remains silent, and you don’t even notice as tears begin to spill onto your cheeks as you continue your distant stare into the fire. “When I came out to them,” You began, sucking in a breath and having to steel yourself to continue, “They thought it was a joke at first, laughed. Then they told me no, I couldn’t be a boy. That I wasn’t allowed. I don’t know what they thought, that I could just stop being who I am?” You sniff, finally closing your eyes and dropping your gaze, feeling tears splash down onto your hands in your lap. “I started dressing more masculine, and it just felt right. It didn’t take long for them to have had enough. They gave me an ultimatum. ‘Stop playing dress up, or leave.’” You huffed out a desperate laugh, but it wasn’t funny to you. You didn’t know what else to do. “So I left.”
“[y/n],” Hiccup whispers your name with so much emotion, that you finally raise your gaze back to him. You couldn’t read the mixture of emotions on his face, but he looked pretty. And concerned for you.
“It’s okay Hiccup,” You whisper out, shrugging. “I began binding my chest, packed all the masculine clothes that I owned, and took the next boat out.” Staring into Hiccup’s face, you hear yourself spew out, “I haven’t regretted a second of it.”
“Really?” Hiccup asks with feeling, leaning forward toward you.
“This Berk feels more like home than anywhere else ever has,” You finally admit, able to pull a real smile to the surface. Hiccup raises his hand, gently wiping the tear tracks from your cheeks. After, he lets out a long breath, looking at your fireplace and reaching to throw a log on top.
“So does anyone else know?”
“Well,” You begin, wagging your head from side to side in consideration. “Gobber knows. I don’t know if he told anyone, but I have a suspicion that Skullgar knows as well.” Hiccup’s eyebrows raise to comical heights.
���Gobber? Gobber knew this? For how long?”
“Since the moment I got to Berk.” You softly laugh at his expression, glad to have gotten that off of your chest and not have Hiccup leave you in the cold. You don’t think he realizes your immense gratitude for just accepting your story and not questioning your gender- he hadn’t even made a big deal of it. The only thing that mattered to him was your parents disowning you, like only that thought was unimaginable and not any of the rest. “Maybe not the second I stepped off of the boat, but I began to ask around for handiwork I could help with. Gobber found me, practically drowning in my own tears and fright, and calmed me down. I couldn’t help it, I spewed out my whole story for him to hear. He didn’t judge me or anything, even helped me get my apprenticeship under Skullgar.” You smile softly, tilting your head. “I owe him a lot.”
“Wow,” Hiccup whispers, sinking back onto the bench and looking at you with amazement. “You’ve been through so much just to end up here.”
“It’s okay, really,” You insist, reaching to take his hand with yours, holding it. “I’ve built myself a life here that I actually enjoy. I have friends now, people who actually enjoy my company. I don’t have to kill things on a weekly basis, and no one questions my outfit choices anymore.” You chuckle softly, thinking back. “Honestly, I was sort of suppressed and numb back then. I don’t remember ever feeling happy.”
“But you’re happy here?” Hiccup asks, leaning forward as if this meant the world to him, as if you hadn’t been already trying to convince him of this fact. You laugh, squeezing his hand and nodding.
“Yes, I’m happy here, Hiccup.” He lets out a breath of relief, his shoulders slumping along. You can’t help the smile that crosses your face, surprised about it after having just talked about your past life. “There’s so much more to this world than I could’ve imagined.”
“Well,” Hiccup begins, smirking and shrugging a shoulder, and you pull your hand back lest he think something ridiculous- like how you have a massive crush on him that’s getting harder to suppress. “It’s actually a lot more than even this.” He gestures around your house, but likely indicating the entire town of Berk. He has that smile on that usually means he’s thinking of dragons again. “When you go flying, you really can see how big this world is. Everything seems so small in comparison. Like, it’s not the end of the world if you end up making a mistake, y’know?”
You study his posture, wondering how often he went flying when he got anxious about his chiefly duties and responsibilities. Did he go flying to calm himself down, or did he get energized with the wind in his face? He had mentioned a map he was currently drawing out once before, and your curiosity burned to see how much of the world he has explored, how big the drawing had gotten. You begin to yearn to see him like that, in his element and happy. You wanted to feel that, while also seeing him at his happiest-
“I think I’m ready to go flying with you.”
Hiccup sits straight up, his hands reaching out to take both of yours with an overwhelmingly excited expression. “Wait, really? Seriously?” You laugh at his excitement, nodding your head.
“Yeah. I mean, Toothless doesn’t seem to mind me that much. And,” You shrug, chuckling again, “I have to admit, you’ve got me curious.”
“Yes!” Hiccup cheered, jumping to his feet and pumping his fist in the air. “Yes, definitely! Tomorrow?” You tilt your head, consideringly, then nod.
“Sure. I’m due for a day off. Why not?”
His expression was almost more than you could take, so filled with excitement and hope and love. You wanted to grab him and hug him, wanted to take his face into your hands and press a kiss to those upturned lips, you wanted- You cut yourself off with a shake of your head, standing and facing him. He took your hands once more, staring deep into your eyes. “You won’t regret it.”
Hiccup was going to end up the death of you, you were sure of it.
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milksuu · 2 years
'Maid' in Heaven | Hiccup x Reader | Part 6
Pairings: Hiccup 'Horrendous’ Haddock III x fem!servant!reader
Chapter Content/Warnings: minor angst and fluff
Summary: After a hostile raid from The Hairy Hooligan Tribe, you were captured and forced into indentured servitude at a young age. Luckily, the God’s had blessed you to be the household thrall of the Haddock family; to serve your kind young Lord, Hiccup ‘Horrendous’ Haddock III. Oh Thor, what to do?
an: thank you for waiting! unfortunately, due to linking my ao3 on my master post, tumblr has hid all the linked parts before this + my masterlist (sad face). please click on the 'maid in heaven' tag for previous chapters, or view the pinned masterlist post on my blog. again, thank you to anyone whose taken the time to read, comment, like, and reblog! they make me so happy and motivated. any love is much appreciated.
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There was a great discussion had within the Haddock residence later that evening. Supper was served at the single table, near to the crackling fire, and blazing with conversation about various topics. The first one attended to was the matter related to the unmissed trial of your questionable innocence. From the guilt that hung like a grey cloud above your head, Stoick sought to investigate the actual truth of the matter.
Hiccup spoke on your behalf. There were some truths, possible half-truths, and perhaps a frilly white lie in between. Whether Stoick believed the lipped wit of his son or not made no difference. The Chief’s admonishing response showed a mind already made. And the folk lesson long prevailed: it paid very little to argue with stone.
“I can’t have any more mishaps, regardless of whose fault,” Stoick said with a fistful of torn meat. “Our people are on edge, and for well enough reasons. And I’m not about to let one loose sheep, or another, cause further unrest. Do you both understand?” 
From your standing spot at the end of the table, a cinch of fault tightened your waistline. You bobbed your head and, with fingers coiled around the handle of a water pitcher, mouthed the word with a strained breath. Your attention crossed the table, catching your young Lord’s pinched features of rebellious reluctance. When your gaze met, you angled a chin and spoke through batted lashes for him to oblige. The request sent his eyes rolling backwards. Luckily, you didn’t need to pray for his life. To your relief, his father was too preoccupied with his plate to notice.
“Understood,” he said, and took a reproachful sip of his drink. You assumed he’d done so to keep him from taking back the word. 
“Good,” Stoick said with a satisfied grumble. “Tomorrow you’ll join me to pay a visit to the farmsteads. We’ll be needing a count of all the livestock and expected yield of crops before Winter. Consider the numbers for rationing. Always best to prepare for the worst.”
“Sure, doomsday prepping sounds like fun,” he said with a lop-sided pin of his lips. “But I was thinking, after we’re done counting with our fingers and toes, you’d talk with me and Gobber. We have some ideas to export new saddles.”
Stoick nodded and spoke in a tone of allowance rather than agreement. “Time will be made tomorrow, then.” 
The table quieted to small-talk, clinking tableware, and requests for another pour from your pitcher. When Stoick finished, he wiped his mouth clean with his fingers, and announced his retirement for the night. When the mass of his form disappeared beyond the aching stairs, you fetched yourself to attend the mess.
“Let me help you,” he said, taking a few hurried bites and tossing the cooked tail end of his fish to Toothless. He barely swallowed when he stood. “I just finished.”
“Although I’m grateful for your offer, I must decline you,” you said and seized his plate before he could. “You’ve done enough for me today, Lord Haddock. I’m sure the least I can do in return is my own job.” 
“I don’t think there should be a limit for helping anyone,” he said rationally, “unless you think I’m wrong?” 
“I think you’ll end up causing more trouble for yourself,” you punctuated your words with the lift of your nose. “Make no mistake. The road to Hel is paved with good-intentions. I don’t wish for you to end up there, of all people.”
He chuckled with a shake of his head. “Does that mean I’ll be in trouble with you?” 
“Not me.” You wiggled a finger in front of your nose. “But your father—no, worse yet—an entire village. I'm afraid your father's right. The scorn of a single man is enough to give courage to his like-minded neighbors.”
“If anything else happens, I’ll take care of it,” he said indulgently.
“That is exactly my point. I don’t want for something else to happen, and for you to have to do anything about it. You’ve worked too hard for your good reputation to be ruined. How could I ever sleep at night, knowing I should be the reason to have it questioned?”
“You like to worry more about my reputation than I do. At the end of the day, I just do what I think is right. Even if that means upsetting a few people who probably don't agree with me. Besides,” he fought to dismiss the quarrel with a boyish grin. “I’ve heard Hel has nice warm weather all year round. Wouldn’t mind paying a visit sometime. And who knows? Maybe I’ll be Chief there instead.”
“There you go again with your jests,” you muttered, digging your nails into the dish. “Ignoring every bit of my concerns for you. But what does what I think matter? I suppose it doesn’t. I’m only a servant, after all. Nothing about me deserves a second thought of consideration.”
“Come on, it’s not like that,” his eyes softened, cupping your tense hands.
The agonizing brush of his touch loosened your hold on the clay dish. It collided with the wood below, breaking into unmendable parts at your feet. You paled, bending to clean up your recklessness. Your Lord motioned to join and you thrusted a curt hand to stop him. “Don’t—” you choked on the shame. “Please, my Lord. This… this is all I have. If you respect me at all, then you’ll let me do it myself.”
“I’m sorry.” With pained regard, he placed a single broken chip in your palm and rose to take his leave. “I won’t bother you anymore.” 
He swept up the stairs, beckoning Toothless to follow. When the door of his bedchamber closed, you shut your eyes against a wave of remorse. Gods, you wished it would drown you. Perhaps then, the regret would no longer be tangible. You drew in a quivered breath, wishing to pick up more than the shattered fragments of a mere plate.
When morning came, you stood beside yourself, looking solemnly at the same dress and apron spread out on your cot. The same dull white smock, same plain brown kirtle, and the same serviceable apron. Stiff and ugly, you thought. All these same things punctuated how perfectly unpleasant you were on the inside. The display of your behavior the prior evening brought a taste of black licorice, which not even lye soap could rinse from your mouth. For your Lord’s sake, it would’ve served him to cut out your tongue with one of the sharper pieces of platter.
Even if deserved, there was never a sliver of imagination to conjure this—his kindness made no room for unbearable thoughts. 
When the morning chores were completed without a word and, without complaint, you set off to the docks. With your new piece in tow, you trailed down the trodden path to a landscape filled with thatched roofs, until the hill steeped with long fisherman houses laden with crates of tackle and bait. 
“My, my, little miss! Seems fate and fortune have brought us to trade once again.” Johann raised his hands to indulge the sky, descending the boat ramp. “I take it you’re faring well, even after yesterday’s dire tribulations. Oh, you should have been there to witness it—Master Hiccup was positively vexed when he landed on my ship and requested for my immediate aid. Why, I had never seen him in such a state! Made me believe ‘twas a matter of life and death. Thank the stars it was not the latter of the two.”
This information did you no favors. It further troubled your features, tense and painted with dismal lines of fault. When strings of thankfulness for his help sprang from your lips, they resonated more as apologies. “I’m sorry—truly, I am. I hate to be more trouble than I’m worth.”
“Now, now, my dear. Let’s not sit idle in the past and wallow in it like a cold bath,” he dismissed it, beckoning you closer with his hands. “Let’s get on with business, shall we?”
“Of course.” You swallowed the hot lump in your throat, extending your tapestry.
“Absolutely remarkable,” Johann yammered on when he took the fabric. He twiddled with the coins in his hands before giving them to you. “This reminds me! Oh, you must listen to this. Whilst journeying from one trading dock to another, I came upon the most curious and wealthy buyer. So enraptured by your work, they were compelled for me to have a good word with you. They have offered quite an exuberant amount of coin for a commissioned piece, should you accept.”
“May I ask who this person is?” 
“The buyer has chosen to remain anonymous for the time being. I’m a respectable tradesman, and not inclined to give out customer details should it be personally requested of me not to do so. I assure you, I have a keen eye for scoundrels. This buyer is anything but.”
“It sounds like a gracious opportunity,” you trailed off, fiddling with the scant coins in your apron pocket. With someone of your luck, or rather misfortune, certain things were too good to be true. “May I think it over?”
“By all means,” Johann said. “We’ll remain in touch. I shall send a letter by mail tomorrow and eagerly wait for your response.”
A response would have to wait. Your mind wandered to the more pressing matters of keeping yourself in your young master’s good graces. How could you think of anything else when your conscience pricked at you insistently? There was only one remedy for this, and it was a whimsied gesture from childhood—surely, he would remember the meaning.
Picking up your feet, you scampered upward from the spindly dirt paths to pebbled roads. With allowance in hand, you passed through the open market, pinching your way to purchase the sweetest apple from a cart. You paid no mind to a flock of young women whispering curiously about you. The business of gossip would exist whether or not you gave credit to it. There wasn’t a need to give the webs spinning from their mouths any attention. You imagined being a curious fly was very tiresome. 
You came up to the Blacksmith, clanking with sounds of clashing metal, and pluming with smoke from the forge. From the open stall window, you rapped against the wood. When nothing but hammer to iron responded, you insisted with more egregious thumping. “Get outta the way, Grump!” A guttural curse or two struck the air. After a stumbling moment, Gobber’s rotund frame hobbled to view.
“Quit ye’r knockin’, I’ll be right there.” Gobber poked his eyebrows up at your small face peeking through the window. He cleared the indignation from his throat. “Sorry, lass. Didn’t expect ye’w of all people to stop by. What can I do for ya’h?” 
With a woeful face, you placed the apple on the counter. 
“The ol’ apology apple, eh?” He said with a scratch of his furrowed brow. “Can’t say I understand it myself, but the two of ye’w always had a way of managing. I’ll be sure ta’h give it to the lad when I see ‘em.” 
“Thank you ever so much.” You dipped your chin, turning to take leave.
“Hiccup’ll forgive ya’h,” he called out with sympathy. “Always does.”
Hope fluttered your heart, and you thanked the man twice over. 
Whisking back to the Haddock Residence, you took out your nerves in the form of extra sweeping and dusting. You did so until you were choking on the splinters raised from the floorboards. With your habit of carrying on with meaningless distractions, you hadn’t noticed the afternoon light spilling from the open window. You lamented on the time and hurried to simmer a pot of stew over the kindling hearth. 
A wind danced inside, grazing the back of your neck. A delicate reminder to shut the window before the cool of night waltzed in unannounced. 
You turned and spotted a sheen of red gleaming by sunset hue on the sill. When you went to greet it, you picked up the plump portion of a half eaten apple. You pressed a smile to the remaining flesh of it. Taking your own bite, you sighed against the burst of sweetness. The taste of licorice no longer soured your lips.
You leaned into the cheerful air, enriched with slopes of green and spiced with a dusky glow.  And as if the breeze could carry words, you spoke:
“I’m glad we’re still friends.” 
Reconciliation was a word you hadn’t thought of tasting so sweet.
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unoislazy · 11 months
Somethings Off About That Boy… (Part 1)
Hiccup x GN!Reader
Summary: Hiccup has always been weird but lately he’s been acting… weirder than usual. What could he be hiding? Maybe you should try to find out on your own. Who knows, maybe he’s just going to the woods to make weird outfits.
(You more or less take Astrid’s place when figuring out why he’s acting so strange. There is a bit of a twist as the story goes on.)
Warning: Hasn’t been proofread.
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“Hiccup? Hiccup are you here?” You shouted into what now seemed like a motionless forge. You had just wanted to take a quiet walk in the brisk night air that often came at nightfall in Berk. However, while you were out for this walk you noticed a large figure clambering its way into the forge where your awkward friend Hiccup worked. You usually aren't one to pry but you knew for a fact your friend was much smaller than the figure that had entered the workshop. You couldn't help but want to make sure that everything was okay so you made your way over.
“Hiccup?” You called out again, “I could’ve sworn I saw someone come in here…” You muttered to yourself. Just as you were about to reach out for the panels on the doors, a young boy just around your age came flying out, slamming the doors right back behind him.
“Hey! Uh- hey…” He tried to cover up his overly enthusiastic greeting with a much… lower toned one. The young boy just so happened to be the one person you were looking for. “What- uh… What are you doing here so late?” He asked, stumbling over his words as he rested his head on his arm in a very unnatural manner which began to set off some alarm bells in your head.
“I was just taking a walk and I saw something… much bigger than you, walk into the forge.” You said, trying to non-discreetly move your head around him as if you would be able to catch a glimpse of whatever was just beyond those shutters. Hiccup laughed, moving his head in the way of your view, he averted his gaze in an almost joking manner as if to laugh it off.
“The shadows were probably just playing with your mind and all, you know what a lack of sleep can do.” He tried to joke, but clearly you weren’t being swayed.
“Hiccup, what are you hiding?” You asked, crossing your arms in front of you. You knew the kid to be one to act weird, but never this weird. This was a stretch even for him.
“Me? Hiding something? I’d never hide anything.” He said, but just as he began to search for an excuse to give you, something began to tug on his odd garment that you hadn’t noticed until just then.
“Don’t mind this, uh, just an upset stomach.” He said, looking back up at you as if it would convince you. Obviously you could clearly tell this wasn’t the case just as anyone on Berk would be able to gather.
Well that is, anyone except Ruff and Tuff… that would take them a moment to figure out.
As you stared at him, waiting for him to answer he continued to get tugged and pulled before finally being lifted up off the ground. That was the last sign you needed before you began to walk towards the boy, about to reach out and grab him.
“Uh, it was great talking with you but I have to go now, seeyoulaterbye!” He scrambled before being pulled through the doors and before you could even begin to process what had fully happened, he was gone.
“What in the gods name?” Was all you could mutter as you thought through the encounter again in your head. You wanted to bring it up to him tomorrow, you weren't stupid enough to expect him to give you a straight answer though, you knew him better than that.
“Gobber, do you know where Hiccup is?” You asked the one handed man who was in the process of changing his hand from a hammer to his usually wooden one.
“Nope, sorry, not today. You know him, never in the same spot for long.” He said, shrugging before going back to work on one of the many weapons he had in store. “Why? What trouble is he in now?” He asked as if it was a daily occurrence, which in fairness, it was.
“He’s not in any trouble… just.” You paused for a moment while you began to think. “He was just acting really strange.”
“Hiccup? Acting strange? Now there’s a shocker.” Gobber responded sarcastically, not giving you his full attention but the fact he was responding was enough for you. You laughed a bit in response before letting out a drawn out sigh.
“Well, I guess I’ll go find him. Thanks Gobber.” You said, turning away from the stall.
“Any time, oh and uh, if you find him, remind him he has some swords to sharpen when he gets back.” You snickered and nodded before giving him a final waving and heading off.
For the past few weeks you had noticed that Hiccup always ran off into woods after training. So the only way to find him would be to follow him one of these days.
Today was going to be that day.
After talking to Gobber you waited until the next day to work out your plan.
You waited for dragon training to finish, just behind one of the gates, casually leaning on the side as if you were supposed to be there. Hiccup for some reason left as soon as he could after dragon training. He does some strange move, the dragon drops, he says a, “Welp, Gotta go bye!” And he’s gone.
You knew you weren’t the only one confused by this, but you were going to be the first one to figure out what was so important that he couldn’t tell anyone about.
You were a bit lost in thought, staring out at the surprisingly clear skies over Berk, wondering if you’d ever see Berk change. This Viking village has seldom changed over the course of the several generations that lived here. While you were proud to be a Berkian, other than the frequent dragon attacks life got a bit stale.
As you continued to think, you almost failed to notice Hiccup start to awkwardly speed walk past you. That’s when your plan sprung into action, you’d just follow a few meters behind him, making sure he didn’t notice you were there. On the off chance he looked at you, you’d just… hop behind whatever cover you could find.
The plan is foolproof what could go wrong!
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INSANITY (Hellaverse x isekai male reader) Winners (Part 1):
•Saint peter (Darren criss)
•Gabriel (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Jeremy (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Susie (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Fritz (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Charlotte (Fnaf/Five nights at Freddy's)
•Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Hatsune miku/Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
•Stanford Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Stanley Pines (Gravity Falls/The book of Bill)
•Audie (animal crossing/Nintendo)
•Cyd (animal crossing/Nintendo)
•Dom (animal crossing/Nintendo)
•Gregory house (House md)
•Callie (Splatoon/Splatoon 3/Splatfest/Nintendo)
•Marie (Splatoon/Splatoon 3/Splatfest/Nintendo)
•Nina caliente (ts4/ts4cc/Sims 4/Sims4/the Sims 4/Simblr/Sims4cc/s4cc/Sims/The sims 2/The sims)
•Cassandra Goth (ts4/ts4cc/Sims 4/Sims4/the Sims 4/Simblr/Sims4cc/s4cc/Sims/The sims 2/The sims)
•Eddie Riaz (911 abc/911 lone star/Ryan Guzman)
•Evan Buckley (911 abc/911 lone star/Oliver Stark)
•Aziraphale (Good Omens)
•Hiccup (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Astrid (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Ruffnut (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Tuffnut (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Snotlout (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Fishlegs (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Stoick the Vast (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Valka (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Gobber the Belch (Httyd/How to train your Dragon)
•Luz (Toh/The owl house)
•Amity (Toh/The owl house)
•Izutsumi (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Marcille Donato (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Laios Touden (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Falin Touden (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Chilchuck Tims (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Senshi (Dnd/Dungeon and Dragons)
•Riddle Rosehearts (Twisted Wonderland)
•The adventurer (Ffxiv/Final Fantasy xiv)
•Elisabeth Woolridge Grant (Laba del rey)
•Sakura (le sserafim)
•Kim Chaewon (le sserafim)
•Huh Yunjin (le sserafim)
•Kazuha (le sserafim)
•Hong Eunchae (le sserafim)
•Hyunjin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Felix (Skz/Stray kids)
•Bang Chan (Skz/Stray kids)
•Lee know (Skz/Stray kids)
•I.N (Skz/Stray kids)
•Han (Skz/Stray kids)
•Seungmin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Changbin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Kim Woojin (Skz/Stray kids)
•Daniel Howell/Dan howell (Dan and phil/mcr/amazingphil/terrible influence tour)
•Phil Lester (Dan and phil/mcr/amazingphil/terrible influence tour)
•Caitlin Clark (wnba)
•Hello Kitty (Sanrio)
•Till (Alien Stage)
•Ivan (Alien Stage)
•Luka (Alien Stage)
•Mizi (Alien Stage)
•Sua (Alien Stage)
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 9 months
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More About You | How To Train Your Dragon X Male Reader
The description is down below. This is also on my Wattpad and Quotev! Enjoy!
Description: Fly High Dragon King More about you: More about you | (You are here) Prologue: New Home From Across the Sea Chapter 1: Old Friends from the Starry Sky |TBW Chapter 2: The Chieftain's Decision | TBW Chapter 3: My Good Friend and Maybe Yours | TBW Chapter 4: Understanding This Way of Life | TBW Chapter 5: Convincing Her of Sky Bound Beauty | TBW Chapter 6: Lifelong Friends Over War | TBW Chapter 7: The Queen Faces the King | TBW
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Name: Y/n
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 16
Height: 5'7
Appearance: H/L H/C hair, Shiny E/C eyes, S/T skin, sharp canines, scales on his fingertips and back but only when emotionally or environmentally triggered.
Personality :Protective, Goofy, Oblivious, Curious, Caring, Understanding, Leader, Teacher
Other notes: Y/n was raised by dragons which caused his body to adapt to be just like them. Y/n hates cooked fish and prefers it raw and loves cooked mutton. Y/n can't stand baths and doesn't understand how they work. Y/n loves to fly on dragons, preferably without the saddle but can manage. He loves to help Hiccup and teaching him about dragons, weaponry and all the other information he's learned. Hiccup helps Y/n with viking customs the best he can. Gobber is Y/n's best friend and is the only one who knows about Y/n's history. Stoick considers Y/n family and loves him to death, but can get irritated with him easily.
Likes: Ice cold water, raw fish, dragons, Hiccup, weaponry, building, dragon riding, fishing with dragons, taking care of dragons.
Dislikes: Hurting dragons, seeing people hurt dragons, not being able to protect Hiccup, people talking down to Hiccup, cooked fish, itchy clothes, being judged, being feared, bathing
Love interests:
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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trashlama · 1 year
Hi would it be alright if I ask what wips are you working on ?
just wanna make sure I don’t in a request that someone else already sent in XD
hope your doing ok :)
Thank you for your concern! My carpal tunnel has been approving somewhat these last few weeks! Hopefully I'll be able to find some free time this weekend while I'm off to knock down some of this list.
Also if you do happen to send in an idea similar to someone else's; don't worry too much about it because I don't mind, I like the challenge~ Duplicates give me the opportunity to try out different ideas that I may have for a single plot/theme.
Btw sorry about not really posting anything these last few weeks... I kinda forgot to pay my wifi bill so I didn't really have internet for awhile until I got paid again... Anyways—
Here we are!
P.S. I might add more later on.
Future Yandere Turtle Series: Leo, Donnie Raph, Mikey
Another future Yan Donatello x Reader short fic I got planned
ROTTMNT Yandere Adults Series: Draxum, Big Mama, Lou Jitsu/Splinter
Yan Raph x Reader Zombie AU
Yan ROTTMNT Spiderverse AU! x Reader headcanons/drabble
Yan ROTTMNT x Spiderverse Reader headcanons/drabbles
Yan Donatello x Reader Jack the Ripper AU!
Fluffy Yan Platonic Future Leon/Preteen reader
Witch Reader x Yan Post movie Mikey
Time Mistress Reader x Yan Post movie Leo
Yan Leo x mutated rabbit S/o
Platonic Yan Hamato Clan x Reader
Yan Leo x Chubby s/o
Yan Donatello x Trans Woman s/o
Yan Future Mikey x stubborn Reader
Yan TMNT 2k12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader
Platonic Yan Jealous Older Brother Donatello with Little sibling Reader
Yan Raph vs Donnie x Salamander!Mutant!Reader
Self-Aware Yan Mad Dogs x Real World Reader
TMNT 2k3
Yan Turtle's reactions to s/o being mutated in front of them
TMNT 2k12
Song req (Random Turtle) x Reader
Yan Mikey x Human Bff Headcanons
Yan TMNT 2K12 vs Yan ROTTMNT x Reader Headcanons
Raph Vs Leo x Purple Dragon Thief Reader
Yan Casey Vs Yan Donnie Vs Yan Mikey x April's friend Reader
Yan Not the Mayor x Tang apprentice Reader
Yan MK x Ex-possed LBD Reader
Fluffy Red Son x Reader sketches
Yan Red Son x Macaque's assistant Reader x Yan Mei
Yan Macaque x Reader chase scene
Yan Platonic Azure Lion vs Sun Wukong x Reader
Yan Spider Queen/Spider Gang x Moth Demon reader
Yan Snotlout x Gobber's apprentice Reader x Yan Eret
Yan Snotlout vs Yan Eret x Reader
Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Fluffy Yan Snotlout x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x isekaied Reader
Yan Hiccup x Dragon Rider Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader
Yan Hiccup x Reader who is scared of dragons
Yan Hiccup x fellow Night fury rider Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Viking Reader
Yan Hybrid Toothless x Hybrid Night Fury Reader
Dead by Daylight
Leon Vs Steve x Survivor Reader
Yan Dr Flug x Reader headcanons
Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Yan Winston vs Yan Edred x Reader
Yan Winston x Reader
Yan Edred x Reader
Record of Ragnarok
Shy/Meek Reader x Yan Buddha
Spiderverse ATSV and ITSV
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Dimension Jumper reader
Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader headcanons
Addiction: Yan Miguel O'Hara x Reader fic
Yan Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Fluffy Peter B Parker x Reader headcanons
Yan Peter B Parker x Single Mom reader headcanons
Fluffy Yan Platonic Miguel O'Hara and Platonic Yan Jessica Drew wirh Homeless Teen Reader
Yan Miles Morales x Venom!Reader
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rian-rain0 · 1 year
“From one generation to the other.”
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Hiccup x male reader
Male reader proposes to Hiccup by singing his parents song.
Y/n was pacing around the room trying to calm his nerves. He decided to propose to Hiccup with his parents song but was nervous that Hiccup will get mad if he does that. He sighs and decides that it’s now or never and walks towards where Hiccup is supposed to be.
****************************** .
I silently enter the blacksmith shop where Hiccups was working on toothless’ tail. I take a few breath and start softly humming the song. Hiccup stops what he is doing and look slowly at me with shocked eyes and smiles softly. I slowly walk closer to him with begin to sing.” I’ll swim and sail on savage seas, With never a fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life if you will marry me.” I sang softly before stopping in front of him with a soft nervous smile.” No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me on my journey. If you will promise me your heat and love me for eternity.” I put my hand on his cheek softly while looking him directly into his eyes.
” My dearest one, my darling dear.” He sang back softly.” Your mighty words astound me. But I’ve no need for mighty deeds, when I feel your arms around me.” His face lights up with a bright smile, I smile back with just as bright of a smile. We begin to dance
”But I would bring you rings of gold! I’d even sing you poetry!” I sang, going on one knee and twirling him around me.
”Oh, would you?”
I replied chuckling.” And I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me!” As we dance we look into each others eyes and smile brightly.” I have no use for rings of gold. I care not for your poetry. I only want your hand to hold.” He sang while leaning into me.
” I only want you near me.” I sang while twirling us around. ”To love and kiss to sweetly hold! For the dancing and the dreaming! Through all life’s sorrows and delights! I’ll keep your laugh inside me! To swim and sail the savage seas, with never a fear of drowning! I’d gladly ride the waves so white! If you will marry me!” We sang together while twirling. I pick him up by the last line and hug him tightly.
We begin laughing before I put him down.” Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, will you marry me?” I asked softly with a bright smile.” Of course I will you dork.” He replied giving me a gentle kiss.” Wohoo! Yeah!” We heard from behind us. We turn around and see the rest of the group together with Hiccups mother and Gobber.
We blush softly as Hiccups mother walks closer to us. She smiles at us and hugs us tightly.” Thank you.” She whispered softly. We smile and hug her back. . ******************************So I had a idea and I did it. Please if you are better at writing fanfic, you can rewrite this and tag me. I’m not good at this type of things so I would love to see it being done better.
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clovermarigold · 1 year
Daggers & Daffodils Chap.24
Dagur x Reader
WARNING: Alrighty readers, trigger warning. I know this probably wasn't what you expected from this cringey fic, but we have some depictions of violence coming up. Don't worry, nothing is too graphic, but it is still very apparent what is happening. You have been warned.
Rage. All Dagur could feel was rage. In a matter of minutes, he had managed to lose both his Dragon eye, his treasure, and his, well... you. Fear plagued the crew as they watched their chief walk across the wooden deck wordlessly. By now Dagur would have screamed or thrown someone over the side of the ship. But it was his silence that left the ship quiet and shaking. Dagur suddenly stopped walking, his eyes never once leaving the floor. "B-boss" one of the berserkers asked taking a step too close. In a swift movement, Dagur wrapped a hand around his neck throwing him onto his back, fingers still wrapped tightly around his windpipe restricting air. 
The audience of berserker soldiers could only wince and look away doing nothing as Dagur let loose his anger on the poor man. After a few minutes Dagur stilled, panting heavily in exhaustion, fists stained red, and eyes bloodshot. This was his breaking point. Hiccup Haddock had stolen from him for the last time. Now, he would pay. He would pay for taking you from him, for not letting him make things better between the two of you after your argument, for getting in the way of your engagement, for everything. Meddling in the affairs of others would have a price, one that would be paid for in blood. 
Your bed felt heavenly upon your arrival home. Though, a nagging part in the back of your brain would point out how much softer Dagur's had been. It would do, you were too exhausted to complain. The salt from the sea water had dried in your hair, crusting it and leaving small grains. You would need to wash before you fell asleep. Maybe things would get better soon. They had to; you weren't sure how much more of this you could take. You sighed, "Why is everything ten times more difficult than it needs to be" you asked, looking up above you where Silver Tongue hung upside down. Letting out a snort and puff of steam, he covered himself in his wings, clearly fed up with you. "...Scabbard, you're my new favorite" the larger dragon's reclusiveness shed like a snake's skin as he unraveled his wings with a sharp and upset screech. You laughed, yeah. Things were going to get better.
Your supply run to Berk was a nice break from the swarms of Fireworms, Rumblehorns, and Quakens you were forced to deal with the past few weeks. Your father certainly enjoyed it, not so subtly hinting at needing their village dragon healer back home. You were tempted to stay, but the others needed you, and besides, Gothi was doing just fine taking care of the village ailments, even if she didn't specialize in creatures with four legs. 
"Okay gang, remember; were only taking absolute necessities to Dragon's Edge" Hiccup explained only to be met with laughter from Snotlout. "I guess we're leaving you behind, Fishlegs". "Come on. You're better than that, Snotlout. Oh, wait. No, you're not" Fishlegs said loading backs of rocks onto Meatlug. "Don't mind him, Fishlegs. He's just coping with the fact that his dad didn't want to say hi when we got here" you said with a smile as you tied down your last basket of herbs onto Silver Tongue's saddle. "Hey" Snotlout let out an offended whine crossing his arms. 
A loud ringing sounded from the twins as Ruff slammed a mace into Tuff's head, bouncing it off of his helmet with a thud, "Not bad. That's a two. Do it again". "Ow, yeah, three. I still think we could do better". 
"Which one of the usual suspects was out sinking boats on their dragon this morning" your father along with Gobber, Bucket, and Mulch walked towards you. "Sinking boats?", "Bucket and Mulch saw the whole thing." your dad said, "And don't try convincing me that there's anyone else in the archipelago who could pull something like this off!".
You all exchanged looks wordlessly, before Tuff came up from his concussed state to yammer, "It was me, Chief! I couldn't control myself. I had to do it. What's wrong with me? Why do I do things like this? Why doesn't anybody do anything to stop me? Cand you all see that it's a desperate cry for help" he broke into sobs. "What are you talking about? None of that happened" Ruff walked up to him. "I know that. I just always wanted to confess to something. How'd it play? I didn't overdo it, did I?" you rolled your eyes. "Yeah, I mean overall, you seemed grounded, but still it was a little hard to believe" Ruff said, earning an irritated sound from your father.
"Dad, we've been together all morning. It couldn't have been one of us" Hiccup explained ignoring the two imbeciles. "Well, if it wasn't one of you. We have a much more serious problem on our hands". 
"Rogue dragon rider?" Astrid asked. "Not good, not good at all" said Fishlegs. "No, it isn't. And we need to find out who it is" Hiccup said calling everyone to mount up. 
"Ok, gang, let's spread out" Hiccup called as you all landed on the beaten-up ship of Bucket and Mulch. 
"I've been thinking about this rogue dragon rider" Astrid said. "Dagur" you and Hiccup said in unison. "It makes sense. If Dagur has a dragon and is attacking ships, then who's to say we won't be next?".
"Hiccup, you got to see this" Fish legs called, directing your attention to a number of large and deep gashes ripped into the side of the ship. "Those are some deep gashes. Any idea what it could be?". "This dragon is extremely powerful. It has the slashing attack of a Speed Stinger yet from the depth of the strikes it appears to be as strong as a Typhoomerang" Fishlegs explained. "Well, any dragon that strong definitely shouldn't be anywhere near Dagur" Hiccup nodded in agreement circling back to the others, "You guys, you find anything else?". "This ship has been stripped of everything valuable" Astrid kicked an empty cargo bucket to prove her point. 
The twins meanwhile loudly fought over something large and silver. "Nothing over here. Right, sis?" Tuff attempted to lie horribly, realizing the groups eyes were on the two of them, "Nope, no-thing". 
"Zilch. Not a thing in front, behind, or to either side of us". "Oh, for Thor's sake, we can see it behind you two" you groaned. "Alright, but we get to keep it. Yeah, finders' keepers" the twins bargained Hiccup taking it from them. "A barb?" Fishlegs exclaimed. "That looks like one of Stormfly's" Astrid pointed out. 
"Which means the dragon could belong to the Sharp Class. You hear that,                                                                                                            Silver Tongue? We might have another sharp class friend" Silver Tongue huffed steam out of his nostrils, a low grumble emanating from his chest. "This. This is why Scabbard is your only friend, and she doesn't exactly have high standards".
"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Hiccup asked. "Ooh ooh, good game, Hiccup! You think of something, we'll try to guess what it is. And if we do, we get a prize" Tuff put his two index fingers to either side of his head as he thought hard, Ruff soon doing the same. "Hmm, let me see. I'm thinking you two are muttonheads" Snotlout shakes his head in irritation and disbelief. "Yes! I win" Tuff jumps up with a fist in the air.
"I'm thinking, if we find the dragon, we find the rider. And I have a pretty good idea of how we can find the dragon" Hiccup said holding up the silver spine. 
After using Mulch to get an identifying drawing Stormfly activated the dragon eye to search for more information. "That's it, the Razorwhip". "Okay, Fishlegs, do your thing" walking up to the dragon eye he took a moment to decipher the runes cast on the wall, "Okay, Razorwhip. Sharp class dragon. Long, spiny, barbed tail. Very aggressive. Very dangerous. This symbol indicates it can use its tail to wrap around a victim and literally squeeze the life out of them. Unless it's in a hurry, then it just slices you in half". "Fishlegs, is there anything about this dragon that won't kill us" Astrid asks.
"It's eyeballs?" Ruff asks, "nope, poisonous tears". "Poison, I love it" Tuff cheers. "Poisons fantastic. Fishlegs, is there anything that might help us locate it" Hiccup holds his hand out to quiet the twins.  
"Let's see, huh, mmm no not that, oral hygiene, feeding habits--", "whoa whoa whoa. Go back to that one. If we can figure out what this thing eats, then we might figure out where it eats" Hiccup reasoned. 
"Sea slugs! It eats sea slugs". Tuff gaged "Slugs? I hate those slimy monsters. They're just snails without homes. Giant homeless snails!". Hiccup ignored him, "We've come across a few islands that are crawling with sea slugs. Hopefully. our Razorwhip's hungry". "And hungry for sea slugs, not Vikings" you add on, making Snotlout gulp. 
"I have a good feeling about this island" Fishlegs smiles. "That's what you said about the last five island!" Snotlout yelled at him. "Lighten up, Snotlout. He's just being positive" Snotlout rolled his eyes at you. "Well, excuse me if I'm not exactly positive to be chasing after a dragon that could cut us in half!". "Or strangle us to death" Fishlegs adds earning a laugh from you and a glare from Snotlout.
"Hey, has anyone considered what we'll do if we actually find this Razorwhip?" Astrid rasied a valid point. "You can marry it" Tuff said lacing his fingers together, idolizing the deadly dragon. "What if Dagur's riding it?"she asked. "Well, then, Ruffnut can have him. I admit, it will be complicated. But I will one day come to love him as my own" "um, Tuffnut--", "Like a little babe, a child that I carry in my arms. But he's too heavy". The group became awkwardly silent at that. "...Yeah, that's never gonna happen" Snotlout breaks the quiet. "And why's that!?" Ruff counters. "Uh, duh. Because the only type Dagur has starts with Y and ends with N" Tuff thought for a moment. "...Yarn woman!" you face palmed. "No! Y/N" Snotlout guffawed at Tuffs answer. 
"Guys, look! Smoke!" Hiccup called, "A campfire". Landing, you found a campground, the fire freshly drenched. Astrid looked at the number of crates around the site, "Could be the loot from the ship". "These gashes look familiar too," you pointed to a number of large deep scrapes along a large rock. 
"Alright, gang, let's split up, and search the island for our rogue rider and his Razorwhip. He can't be far away. Fishlegs, you and Meatlug stay, signal if they come back" Hiccup ordered, the group going off into different directions. 
Circling a section of the island with tall trees you were met with nothing. "Scabbard, seek" the small green dragon dove off the left of Silver Tongue towards the tree line only to be intercepted and caught in the mouth of a silver blur, "Scabbard!".
In a heartbeat Silver Tongue dove downwards, chasing after the cloaked rider on top of the Razorwhip. If this was in fact Dagur, you were going to kill him. Unfortunately, though Silver Tongue's four wings and massive wingspan did give him large control in the air, it also slowed him down. Thankfully to your luck Hiccup zoomed past you, chasing the rogue rider into the cliffs. "Thor, please let her be ok" your breathing though erratic and near the edge of a panic attack was able to fend it off long enough to catch up to where you saw your brother aiding the rogue rider. 
"Hiccup! Is it Dagur? Is Scabbard o--", "Heather!" the group exclaimed in shock and anger. "You rolled me into a river" Snotlout yelled. "You trapped me in a cave" Astrid had her hands on her hips. "You left me dangling in a tree" Fishlegs said with a squeak. "Your dragon tried to eat mine!" you yelled cradling the drool covered Scabbard to your chest. "And I have to admit, the chicken move? That brought back some memories".
"Well, guys, I'm sure she has a really good reason for doing what she did. Right?" Hiccup asked. "Look, I've been living out here on my own for years and I've made more than a few enemies. I didn't want you guys to be involved. I needed to send you back to Berk". "You couldn't have just, I don't know, said that?!" Snotlout said offended. "Would you have listened?" she countered.
"She has a point. We're stubborn" Astrid agreed. "Heather, whatever problems you have, whatever enemies you've made, we can help. You don't have to be out here alone anymore" Hiccup reasoned gesturing to the group. "Hiccup, please, just let this go" Heather asked. "We have a base not far from here. Come back with us. Nothing permanent. We'll get you some provisions and catch up. You can see how you like it".
"Woah, Razorwhip. This is the best dream ever" said a dizzy Tuff, as Heather's dragon inspected him closely. "It's like I can reach out and tough it" a pet and a nuzzle from the dragon confirmed Tuff's query, "I can reach out and touch it! Cold, scaly. I Tuffnut Thorston, take thee, Razorwhip, whatever your last name is, insert it here, to be my-- Oh, hey Heather. What are you doing in my dream? At my wedding. I didn't put you on the list".
"You're not dreaming Tuff" Heather smiled lightly in amusement. "Oh... huh. In that case, Razorwhip attack! Run!" Tuff scrambled back over to the rest of the group. "I see nothing has changed" Hiccup shrugged, "Yeah, same story, different year. Let's head over to dragon's edge". Heather quirked a brow at your brother, "Not gonna give up, are you?". "Not likely" Heather gave in, "Okay, Dragon's edge it is".
Thank you everyone for reading! had to end it here because if not this chapter was going to go on for ages. 
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floufli · 1 year
Admit It
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Chapter 3: Abduction (4.5k)
Before the whole "multiverse collapsing" thing, everything was going pretty smoothly for you. As Spider-woman, you saved people, beat up villains and lived an calm and uneventful civilian life. But everything seemed to have changed the moment one boy was bitten by some radioactive spider. Now, the villains you faced have become more active, and always seemed to disappear before you could deliver them to the police. One day, you manage to finally catch the trail of the ones that kept stealing your catches, only to be left to discover another facet of your life waiting for you.
Will this end well for you? You could only hope so. But you are perfectly okay with risking it all, after all, that "Miguel" got one hell of an ass to make up for it.
Miguel o'hara x fem!reader, violence, mature language and reference, Reader has the same arms thingies as Miguel, WILL BECOME MINOR NON FRIENDLY QUICK SO HOP HOP GET OUT OF HERE,trauma, rape mentioned, future tags,
Chap: (1) (2)
Author notes:
Okay so first of all sorry for the loongggg ass pause, my brain just dropped the Miguel hyperfixation all of a sudden. And to add salt to the wound this has been ready for almost 2 weeks but the moment I said I was gonna post it my Internet said “haha no❤️”. So no Internet for me for at least a few months (;=;)👍.
Anyway hope you enjoy the chap if you’re still reading this, I was trying something but I cringed so hard I had to rewrite the chap a few times.
Don't copy to another site or I'm gonna be big mad >:C and don't feed to AI obviously
"Situation?" Miguel talked through his gobber, Jessica's hologram staring back at him. He didn't like the fact that he wasn't there when new recruits were brought in, but his duties as this dimension's Spider-Man had been left unattended for too long, and now it came back to bite him in his ass.
He was now heading to the HQ, swinging and climbing on the building while still remaining focused on the hologram of his subordinate.
"It went pretty well if you asked me." The woman said, her pose visibly relaxed." We did the usual explanation thingy just without you present but she assimilate everything pretty quickly I think. She didn't ask many questions either." She noted, at this point, she knew she was just telling him things without any real importance, as she knew he would verify himself everything that she said.
"Good." He responded coldly. that day of work had completely drained him, and he only wanted one thing: to take a shower and sleep until sunrise.
But he knew he couldn't, he just brought those fucking villains to the police and still had a lot of work left at the HQ, he didn't even know if he would be able to leave for the night.
"And you Miguel, everything's alright? You said you would be out for a few hours but half a day isn't typically your definition of 'a few hours'?" Her question was legitimate, he almost never left for this amount of time without saying explicitly for how many hours or days he would be gone. But this time he had gotten surprised by the amount of work he had to do in the city in order to keep everything going.
"Everything's okay Jessica, you can go back now, I'll handle the rest." He said looking away from her as he stepped inside the HQ's building. He stepped inside the main hall at ease, it was like his second home after all the time he had spent here. As he made his way toward the main elevator, he noticed the lack of the usual buzz signaling him the end of the discussion. He pulled his fist back up and unsurprisingly was met by Jessica’s silent stare, looking at him like a disappointed mother.
“Do you have something more to add Jess?” He asked unbothered by her attitude, she would sometimes act like this on purpose, keeping what she had in mind to herself and making him near beg to get some info about what was bugging her.
"Take a break, Miguel, you know you need to. You're gonna go far if you continue like that. We can't lose you."
And just like that, the call ended, with him still staring blankly at his wrist while he ascended to the higher floors. A frown slowly took over his features as his arms came back to his side. A break? It's not like he purposefully avoided any kind of breaks he just simply have the time to. Taking a break for him wasn't like any other Spider taking one, no, he had the responsibility of both his dimension and the multiverse along with the lives of thousands of Spiders.
He would take a break when his own responsibilities would allow him to.
Letting out yet another heavy breath, he quickly made his way out of the elevator as it finally reached its designed floor. Knowing the entire layout of the building like the back of his own hand, he made his way quickly across the Spiders still present, even considering the darkness started to grow outside. Multiple dimensions automatically meant various time-zone for each, given the exact same place it could be just the morning in one while late afternoon in the other. This caused the building to almost never be left empty, which helped any concern about the security of said building if he was absent.
He was now only a few minutes away from his 'office' if he could call it so since it didn't bear the traditional aspect of one. His mind was still full of today's work he would have to spend the night to finish due to his incapacity to catch some low-cost thugs quickly. He walked by Margo's desk, greeting her briefly as he could easily see she was already occupied doing multiple things at once in this dimension as well as her own, like always.
He ignored the nasty looks he got from the prisoners in their narrow cells, sigh remaining focused ahead as he walked. The image of his ‘work home’ grew larger in the distance and with it the until-then-postponed stress that always made its way to him, no matter how often he repeated the same things over and over.
Except this time was a bit different, as he walked into the comfortably lit place just enough for others to see easily but dark enough not to damage his retinas, soft led allowing a light glow into the space, he felt something odd. His eye focused on every item in sight, trying to find something to explain the weird feeling that came over him.
Even after letting his gaze wander around for a few seconds, he hadn’t spotted anything out of the ordinary. Deciding to brush off the feeling, thinking it was once again caused by his lack of recent sleep, he took a deep breath and tried to compose himself before going to work.
Except this seemed to have the completely opposite effect on him. Instead of cooling himself down in the familiar scent of his place, he was met by an even if weak, sweet scent that short-circuited his line of thought. His breath hitched at the fragrance, unused to such a scent entering his system by now. He couldn’t put a finger on a word to define it, it wasn’t like anything he had ever encountered before. No, this seemed sweetly addictive, just powerful enough despite its obvious fading.Leaving him craving for more.
Too caught up in the sudden smell, trying to process it while discovering its source, he missed the way his own breathing slowly became heavy, panting being the now proper term to describe his current self. If he could see himself in a mirror he would probably be embarrassed by the state he was in, mouth slightly open as if to actually taste the air he was surrounded by, pupils dilated, totally engulfing the natural red tint of his irises. He could even feel his fangs starting to grow, their tips gently tickling his lips.
His back was tense, as the rest of his frozen body, seemingly lost deeply into the fragrance, enough that he simply stop walking and stop in the middle of his office, breathing deeply.
"MIGGY YOU'RE BACKKKKKKK~~~!!!" His AI assistant suddenly yelled into his face, merely inches away. He jumped at the way he was abruptly forced to come back to reality. Eyes quickly blinking at the bright face in front of his own, he tried to calm himself and remain composed. What had happened to him to have this kind of reaction? He didn't know but he was mostly sure it wasn't something a night of sleep couldn't cure. Too bad he would most likely not get any sleep today.
"Hi, Layla." He replied with a sharpness to his voice as he slid his hand over his face, to both wake himself up and try to get the scent off of him. It helped, at least for now, and he quickly focused his attention back on his assistant.
"So, how was today?" He asked with uninterested eyes, already used to the boring reports he was met with every day now.
"Oh, you know the usual, a few anomalies here and there, today has been quite a furnish day." He only groaned in acknowledgment while he made his way to his station, his eyes already searching through the holograms depicted to find any important information.
"And the new recruit, you know the one from that dimension? Yeah well, she came with Gwen and Jess like you said, and my my~~~" He brought his eyes back to her blinking form just to hear about that new member of their society, but almost regretted it immediately judging by the eyes she was giving him.
"What?" He said unamused, his body still facing the holograms whilst only his head faced her, eyebrows raised in confusion.His arms fell back onto his sides as he glared at her. He could feel the amusement practically oozing from her form.
"Well, you could have told me she was basically the opposed gender version of you Miggy~~" She teased, and his eyes almost rolled back into his head at her absurdness.
"She got the fangs and everything~" She flickered to his right. " A perfect carbon copy."
He almost wanted to rip that grin from her face, but he couldn't. He should've made her a solid form for this kind of occasion.
"Your point?" He said, gaze going back to the displays. it seemed this conversation was already doomed before it even started. She must have had a stupid idea and convinced her that teasing him about it for who knows how much longer would make her day. The headache that left him just moments prior seemed to come back full force at her nonsense.
"My point..." She waited for him to look at her once more, but when he simply ignored her, she chose to continue her plan.
" Is that she would be a perfect match.<3"
His entire frame looked rock solid from the moment the words escaped her, tension rising immediately around the two. She could see the way he tried to maintain his claw and fangs retracted while attempting to calm himself down. Just enough to shut her down she was sure.
Too soon it seems…
When their eyes met again, her brown eyes faced the dangerous tint of blood-red iris, if she could shudder she most likely would have. But since she couldn’t she just floated there, smiling kindly at her boss, as if she didn't just sign her death warrant. The only noise around was the snaping of the railing that bore the display's projectors, causing them to flicker for an instant. With a quick glance she saw her boss’s hand almost ripping the whole thing off while he tried to stay calm.
"You should get out before I lose my temper, Lyla." He warned, his fangs shining brightly into the dim lighting, furthering his intimidating tone.
But she knew he couldn't do anything to her, even in those kinds of moments when his DNA seemed to take over him.
So she held his glare for a few more seconds before backing down, as if nothing had happened. Closing her eyes, she flickered away to give him time to calm himself before coming back to the real subject of today.
"She seems strong enough to enter the rank if you asked me, as well as both Jess and Gwen, without her it would've been way messier to bring those anomalies back to where they belonged after all." The sound of slowly calming breathing was the only thing she was met by.
"Like you asked she got her Gizmo and went through 'the explaining thing'" She paused for a moment before murmuring to herself in a fond voice. " I almost thought she was going to bawl her eyes out in front of everybody when she learned what happened."
His back tensed again, okay maybe that wasn't the best thing to say.
"Anyhow, she took it all like a champ and went back to her dimension. We told her to keep the Gizmo on at all times and that we will contact her soon enough." She finished going back next to Miguel when she noticed his lack of agitation.
"But you must already know all that from Jess so I'm just repeating."
She acted like she was looking at her nails while she subtly eyed the screen he was facing, even if she already knew what he was gazing so fondly at. It was the only thing that seemed to effectively calm him down after all.
His lack of response was enough for her to know what to do next. She had tried her luck enough for the day, retreating now was the best decision to make for both their sake.
"I'm just gonna head out if you don't need me~~," She said as she quickly flickered off, leaving him with the all too well-known images of that young girl.
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It was now well into the night, but that didn't prevent the IA assistant from suddenly appearing before the frame of her boss, deep into a soudless slumber. Her holograms hovered silently over the body of her creator, a neutral expression painted on her two-dimensional face, unlike her usual cheerful smile despite some serious situations.
Her eyes landed on the tired bags below his own, the traces of stress and worry still very much visible on his sleeping complexion. It was easy to spot the tension on his jaw as he clenched it tight, still unable to fully relax even in his sleep. His brows formed a small frow that she almost thought to be cute before remembering what the man was surely going through right now.
Bad dreams for him since that event had become normality, a simple fact that would happen no matter what he tried to get rid of them, and as his digital assistant, there wasn't so much she could do to help besides advising him. Which he most of the time chose to ignore, deciding to once again overload himself with work.
She closed all the tabs currently opened with a swing of her hand, after making sure that the work had been correctly saved. He would kill her if she mistakenly deleted his night's worth of work.
The place was now much darker, except for the background neon and its soft glow.
Looking back at him, she almost regretted not having a physical body, as she wasn't able to so much as put a blanket to keep him warm in this cold-ass room. Quickly dismissing the silly thought, she turned away from him to let him rest. He will definitely scold her after realizing she let him sleep through work but she knew he would nonetheless appreciate the sleep.
As she traveled into the building network to find tasks yet to be completed by other Spiders, she thought back to the woman they had just welcomed into their rank and her boss.
He can say everything he wants but from what I saw when they both entered this room they did seem ready to fuck each other on the spot if they could've. I wonder if it's because of both their modified genes, no other Spiders reacted this strongly to the scent of strangers... They usually do that with a partner...
How much effort would it take to make them fall for each other? I will talk to Jess and Peter when they come back. Hihi~~ They will be as exacted as me on this I'm sure~~
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You tried to break free, you really did, but your strength seemed comparable to an ant fighting against a bear against the grip the tall man had on your forearm. Water quickly gathered in your eyes, stinging and making you go slowly blind as your whole body attempted to break free from the deadly hold.
"LET ME GO!!" You yelled from just above the ground, feet scrapping the floor in an attempt to slow your progress down. The sound of the heavy steps of the man, your first sobs, and your worn shoes dragging along the floor echoed dreadfully in your ears. You had tried to bite, scratch, punch your way out but nothing had worked. The arm that had you trapped was now bloody and bruised and despite that, the man didn't seem to mind in the slightest. Determined to bring you to wherever you were both indubitably heading, against your best efforts.
The world around you was small as you walked through seemingly never-ending corridors, only lit by blinking and old light every few meters. The humidity of the alley left no doubts in your mind that this place had been abandoned for years now and nobody would find you if something were to happen today.
"Just let me.." You struggled with all the strength you had left against his grip, making your entire frame shake for the desperate movements. "let ME GO- I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!DAMNIT!"
Your free hand desperately punched and tried to free your other from him, but to no avail, and you almost went completely numb as the situation finally downed onto you. You gasped as you tries to get free slowly came to a halt, your body stopping completely, as your eyes grew wide and you stumbled on your feet, still being carried away.
You had no way out, you could do anything to make as much as make him look your way went your tried to break free. You were like a child being forced to follow their parent along a predestined path, unable to break the hold despite your many tries. Only following blindly like a boneless doll.
A new emotion took over your mind immediately after the realization- numbness. Acceptation. You wouldn't get out of here, so why bother struggling anyway? Whatever you would try or not, you didn't compete with the pure mass of muscles the man holding you was…if you were lucky he was just going to kill you.
Your body fell down, unable to stand without the will on your part. If it wasn't for your arms still firmly held, you would have fallen face-first into the dirty concrete floor. Your knees hurt as you were dragged along the never-ending path by the man. You could hear the fabrics of your pant slowing giving away because of the never stopping scrapping. But you couldn't bring yourself to care enough. Why would you care about some pants? Knowing your luck they would most likely be torn off in no time the moment you would reach your destination.
Your other, free hand twitched as it was too dragged along the rhythmic steps of the man, but you could gather the strength to keep it off the floor. Even as you felt your irritated skin starting to break away because of the dragging, your mind didn't let you feel the sting of pain that should follow. Blocking every reason that would pull you out of your protective trance.
"Ahh finally~~ I thought you got lost in the tunnels~~ Did you bring the one I specifically asked for??" A feminine voice squealed as your body entered a brightly lit room. With eyes still looking blankly at the floor, your face didn't show the slightest discomfort at the sudden change of lightning, completely disconnected from you.
The man didn't respond to what should certainly be a woman, and for a fraction of a second, you were grateful, at least that reduced the chance of being raped.
Keyword: reduced.
Your body was suddenly lifted up, dangling lifelessly a few centimeters from the ground thanks to the stature of the man. Your mouth only let out a small whine at the harshness of the movement, leaving a distant burn engraved into your wrist.
Your head was low, facing away from each individual, trying desperately to escape the situation, and if not physically at least psychologically.
But your 'peace' was quickly interrupted as you felt the disgustingly dry pulp of fingers gripping firmly your chin, forcing a wave of repulsion to go across your entire body. Making you shiver in the slightest.
Your head was yanked up without as difficulty as you thought there would be, for you thought you had put quite a resistance. But once more your strength seemed like one of a mere infant compared to those two. Unable to do much more than cry for mercy or put up the most inefficient of fights.
You hated the feeling of those fingers squishing so hard on your cheeks, along with the constant, now more persistent burn in your hand, reminding you of your current posture.
"Look at this Beauty~~~," The woman said in pure delight, and despite your instincts screaming you not to, you could stop your heavy-lidded eyes as they slowly rose up to meet the ones of that woman.
A sensation of dread fill you near the spot as your eyes met those wicked ones. Even in your state, your mind could still recognize danger when it saw it, and the mere eye contact between the two of you was enough for your brain to function, even if for just a moment.
Full of adrenaline, you tried once more to free yourself. But this time not from the man, no, he was a mere threat in comparison to what that woman was. He only seemed to obey her orders, didn't look like he was doing that for his own wicked nature but for some other surely more important reason.
But that woman, from the simple look you got of that slight glint in her eyes, the most unperceivable grin upward as she finally got to land her eyes on her next captives... Who were you fooling? Captive? No, against this woman you bore no such title, it would imply that you were captured and had some chance to actually escape your current situation, alive or not.
But in those eyes, you saw exactly what you were considered to be for her- a mere object here to satisfy her curiosity, her appetite for whatever sickened things and experiences she had planned to make you go through.
You were not even human to her, not a person, not a being. You were nothing more than a clump of cells that happened to be sentient and from her own specie that she would gladly take pride in exploring each and every facet.
You were just like a fly already caught in the spider webs, slowly being enveloped in silk before being put away to be eaten later on. You were nothing more than a prey she would relish in devouring.
And your struggle against her grip, even with just one arm intensified, along with your uneven cries and whines for help, while you could see her pleased composure growing more savage and wicked with each one of your calls.
"She will be perfect! Perfect as one could ever be!" The woman almost spits in your face in a newfound excitement, pushing your face away and instead turning back to something you didn't try to see previously.
In front of you were spread hundred of laboratory materials, enough to humble any common laboratory you could think of, the shining glassware and technology contrasting heavily with their decrepit surroundings. And only now did you take in the way the woman dressed, all in white, a lab blouse, protective glasses, gloves everything a real scientist would need.
But you didn't need to be a genius to know that whatever that woman was, a scientist would never be the proper term to define it.
"Now can you bring her to the table? Strap her really tight unlike the last one." She said as she walked a few meters away to grab you know what from a pile undisguisable from any other, all the while you were dragged once more and roughly locked into some kind of retraining table.
"Do you know how much products I spent on that last girl only for her restraints to go loose at the most crucial point??? That solution took me months to make, and she pushed it off the table as she ran away! Completely ruined!"
"Not like she went very far.." You could hear the man mumble as he fastened the last of your restraints before putting some space between you and him.
"Any way you can go now, your payment is in the wallet next to the backdoor, with a little present from my part for all your hard work~~" She pressed him out, that grin never leaving her lips, widening as the sound of steps fading always let you know you were now both alone.
"Now dear, I'm sorry but we'll have to skip the presentation and head straight for the funny part! I know it's not your fault that you don't want to be here and all the usual bullshit but I got things to do right? And you wouldn't mind helping me out a bit wouldn't you?"
She slowly approached your table, and only the vague sound of metal echoing through your ears let you know you were actually trying to get away from her.
"Now, that isn't very polite of you. But don't worry, you'll get used to everything after a few months or so."
"But firstly got a tiny little question to ask you. Be happy, you'll get to know a little more about why you're here! Isn't it exciting?"
She paused, her back facing you as she grabbed something from behind a row of beaker and other utensils. Before her wicked eyes turned slowly back to you.
"You like spiders, don't you?"
.. What?
A pause. That's it, by now you were sure this woman had definitely lost it long ago.But the revelation didn't bring any peace to your mind, still very much in distress form her very presence.
"If you don't, worry not . I'm sure you'll like them as much as I do by the time I'm finished with you." She was now stepping away towards yet another door leading to who-knows where, a few metallic noises echoing through the silence before she reappeared, now armed with a slim but sturdy want that she quickly put on a trail not to far from where you laid.
"But first I'll need to get you all prepped up for the big deal."
Your eyes grew wide once more, your entire body jerking against the restrains. The dryness of your throat now preventing you from begging for mercy.
Her eyes, those wicked orbs that had left you free from their grip were now back on you. But now filled with a madness you only hoped to be your imagination.
In her hand was a small filled with a transparent liquid serynge, wich dripped a few drops as she made sure all the airways out.
Gulping hard, you could only stare,silent despite your screaming mind , as the first of many syringes pierced through your skin and allowed an unknown liquid to course throw your veins. Paralyzed, the only sign of your tourment was the tears that's pearled down your cheeks.
From then on, all you could remember was pain.
Tag list (tell me if you want to be added/deleted):
@stany0url0calwh0res111 @mira-dystopiancore @smotheredinlighterfluid @vvitcxen @st4rrlighttt @mstozierr @maxi-ride @miguelsmainb @autismsupermusicalassassin @bluevenus19 @jenniferdixon05207 @candlewitch-cryptic @ahoeformyself @rxionv
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